The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 23, 1903, Image 4

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AH :Aoat taa Buttet Tkat Tu T
Sotobx at low Fair.
From bis heme at Strawberry Foist,
la, P. XL Kieffer writes as follows to
Uje Creamery Journal:
The tub of batter that I exhibited at
the Iowa state fair was made of milk
received on the Wednesday before state
fair week. It was an ideal morning
for good milk because Tuesday after
toon we had a bard shower which laid
the dust and purified the air. Tuesday
tight was Quite cool for an August
bight On Wednesday morning It was
cloudy and damp, Just the kind of
Weather for good milk.
I put thirty gallons of starter which
contained 40 degrees acidity (liana's
tesQ Into a 400 gallon Boyd vat, to
which I added twenty gallons of fine
flavored morning's milk. I then
skimmed 150 gallons of cream which
contained about 83 per cent fat into
the Tat. As soon as I commenced run
ning cream into the rat I started the
- s. H. KXEF7EB.
rat colls In motion and ran water
through them until the cream was
cooled down to. 60 degrees, at which
temperature it was held until It
reached S3 degrees acidity. Then It
was cooled down to 80 degrees and
held there for three and a half hours,
after which It was churned. It took
forty -five minutes to churn. I drew
off the buttermilk and washed butter
once, temperature of the water being
49 degrees. Then I drew this water off
quickly, salted the butter In the churn
and gave the churn four revolutions
Without the rollers In motion. Then 1
put the rollers in motion and revolved
the churn twelve times, which finished
Forking. I filled a twenty pound tub
out of this churning, on ice,
packed ice all around it and left It in
this condition until Friday, when It
was expressed to the state fair grounds
Grass and milk contain pound for
pound the same identical digestible
constituents, says Dairy and Creamery.
A hundred pounds of good pasture
grass or freshly cut good green food
contain about the same anlmnl nour
ishment as 100 pounds of mfifc, bo that
If a mUk cow consumes 100 pounds of
pasture grass, giving good flow of
milk of, say, twenty-five pounds, she
is practically taking into her stomach
daily, the essential elements of 100
pounds of milk In order to give through
her odder twenty-five pouhds of milk.
Of the 100 pounds pasture grass eaten
daSy seventy-five pounds are used for
her own support and twenty-five
pounds for product These seventy
five pounds used for support are not;
however, wasted; we get It back again
In the form of manure, which, applied
to the same land whence came the
grass eaten, will In course of time re
produce Itself In an equal weight of
amlterstra stack Feeaa.
The New Jersey experiment station
has found two things that are being
used to adulterate stock feeds. The
bard, flinty hulls of the rice kernel
are sold as "rice meal,'' and the Inner
hulls of the coSee berry are known as
"coraaline." When some fraud mixes
this "coraaline' with good corn and
oats and sells it as horse feed, be Is not
trying to give the horse a cup of coffee
he Is just trying to palm off worth
less stuff for the horse' b ribs and the
owner's purse alike to grow thin on.
What a shame that the food frauds
can't let even the dumb brutes alone!
Rural New Yorker.
Vutt at FooAsrtmffa. -
Ferhaps the most stupendous waste
occurring on the American farm today
Is that of the corn fodder crop. Some
thing like 90,000,000 tons of fodder are
annually produced on the 80,000,000 to
80,000,000 acres normally planted to
corn in the United States. In the corn
belt In the middle west where about
75 per cent of an the corn of the coun
try is grown, there Is a prodigious and
profligate waste of foodstuffs. In this
same region valuable land is annually
used for the production of timothy hay
on every farm to be used for rough
ness, while acres of corn fodder are
allowed to go to waste. Exchange.
Feed Calve Drr Grala.
The best way to feed grain to calves
Is to give it to them dry. Grain put
into the pall with milk and gulped
down does not serve the purpose as
.well as If the calf took It dry, moisten
ing It as It goes along with saliva. That
aids digestion and adds pounds to the
nrelght of the calf.
Fowls In confinement to do well need
a variety of food.
Breeding birds should be kept In
thrifty condition, neither too fat nor
too lean.
' Hens require grain and something
else as welL They should not be sur
feited with one kind and deprived of
the others.
When the comb of a fowl Is large
and bright colored, showing it to be
full of blood, and It shakes with every
movement of the body, it shows It is in
a healthy condition.
Geese are very hardy, easily raised,
require much less care and expensive
food than any other fowl, but they re
quire good pasturage and plenty ef
Mildew Stain.
Mildew stains may easily be removed
by wetting and soaping the spot cov
ering it with powdered chalk and then
putting It in the sun to bleach. Damp
It from time to time as it dries and
then wash It In the usual manner with
eosp and water. If necessary, repeat
the process.
f mart Coetamee la Oae Color Greea
ana Black Combinations,
The old fashioned notion of the light
blouse with the dark coat and skirt
Is only permissible for purely practical
purposes. Even then It Is better to
have some sort of connection between
the waist and the skirt For Instance,
If you have a dark blue Russian blouse
coat and skirt it is better taste to wear
under It a waist of Borne blue ma
terial or white material figured In
The erase this autumn among smart
women Is to dress entirely In one color
from headgear down. This can be car
ried out particularly well In the browns
and dark reds.
Bed bats, red dresses and red cos
tumes of all sorts are very styhsh.
school ntocs.
Gowns of red veiling are made up over
glace silk and liberty satins of a darker
or lighter shade In order to give a
changeable effect
A touch of green Is both smart and
pretty on an all black costume. One
of the most recent Parisian imports'
ttons Is a black velvet princess dress,
whose Jet ornaments are mingled with
grass green embroidery.
The child's frock In the Illustration
Is very useful for school and everyday
wear. The material Is rough goods of
an old rose shade. The waist is laid In
clusters of three tucks, and the full
ness Is confined into a band of white
silk worked with black French knots.
Bands of this also trim the skirt and
the wide collar of old rose tucked silk.
Tka Sew Ketallie Wwti Pill af
Reas Felt.
All kinds of lace still retain their
popularity, particularly Irish points
and guipures.
Velvets win be worn as much as last
season. The metallic velvets are the
newest and are particularly effective
In black and gray. Velvet hats win be
somewhat supplanted by those of rough
felt but these will be trimmed and
eyen faced with velvet Burnt orange
U very smart, especially when com
bined with white or pearl gray. - There
is a most becoming shape In felt knows
as the Marie Stuart This has a low.
broad crown, and the brim falls Into a
round point In front showing the hair
perfectly. It then rises into very much
arched sides and fits close to the hair
In the tack.
Many smart hats are made of Elbe
line, especially In the dull red shades,
and the hat Is then trimmed with pop
ples In all shades of velvet
The Illustration shows a carriage
cloak of putty colored cloth. It has the
wide sleeves now so fashionable and a
V shaped yoke and high collar of fur.
The smart hat is of the same color of
felt trimmed with orange velvet and a
hlaV taafham TTTTMr" rTXfT T CP
A Femaaaeat Road.
A permanent road is one that is well
laid out upon the best available grade.
that has a foundation and drainage for
all time, bo that everything on wheels
of all sizes, kinds and weights in use
at the present day can be accommo
dated in a creditable and satisfactory
manner, says Good Roads Magazine.
The surface of a permanent road
should be put In the best condition
practicable for wear, but so long as
horses wear metal 6hoes or havo hoofs
and wagons havo metal tires, many of
which should be wider, some work
must be done at short Intervals on
their surfaces. But that Is the only
part of the roadbed of a permanent
road that should require the expendi
ture of money or labor. As the man
ner of constructing permanent roads
must vary considerably under varying
conditions they should be classified
and defined. Mall routes should be
along permanent roads. . As many of
the schoolhouses as practicable should
be on them. Culverts can be durable,
Sleea Talkers.
Persons who talk In their Bleep will
frequently answer questions If spoken
to softly.
The Rotation of Cnsti.
Everybody who takes an Interest In
astronomy is aware that the two outer
most planets of the solar system, Ura
nus and Neptune, are believed to rotate
backward; that is. In a direction con
trary to the rotation of all the other
members of the system. But the evi
dence that they do thus rotate Is Indi
rect; such, for instance, as the fact that
their satellites revolve backward In
their orbits. Recently, however, Henri
Deslandres of the Meudon observatory
has applied a method of determining
the direction of rotation by spectro
scopic observation, which gives direct
evidence that in the case of Uranus at
least the, rotation is really backward.
The method is based on the Inclination
of the Hues In the spectrum of a ro
tating body, and resembles that by
which a fow years ago Professor Hee
ler demonstrated the motions of Bat
urn's rings. It Is to be applied next to
Taa Seleaea at ftoltlatT.
According to Consul General Mason,
at Berlin, the trailing clouds of black
smoke from mill and factory that hang
over bo many American cities, darken
ing the atmosphere and befouling the
buildings, could be eliminated if the
scientific methods of constructing chim
neys and stoking furnaces that prevail
In Germany were adopted here. "It la
not every strapping laborer who can
shovel coal who is permitted to stoke
a boiler furnace in Germany,' says Mr.
Mason. "The stoker In that country
must learn the theory and practice of
economical firing, whereby the coal Is
so distributed over the grate surface as
to secure the most perfect combustion.
The use of fuel briquettes for domestic
purposes In Berlin also tends largely to
the prevention of smoke.'
White Tailed Eaclea.
Although the golden eagle has disap
peared from Wales, white tailed eagles
are still to be found in north Wales
and Shropshire.
A WMk Ftalakw
A newspaper thus describes the ef
fects of a hurricane: It shattered
mountains, tore up oaks by the roots,
dismantled churches, laid villages
waste and overturned a haystack.1
A FUaias Tip.
It Is a belief of fishermen that the
finny denizens of the deep are hun
griest and bite most freely during the
four or five days following the moon's
first quarter.
Administrators .Notice.
In the matter of the buu of Jennie X. Clem
ents, deceased.
Koiire la herehv riven br the Cnderslgnea
Administrator of t&e Estate of Jennie X. elem
ent, dereand, that he wi culv appointed Ad
mloistralorof the said Estate by the order of
the Probate Court of Donglaa County, Oregon,
made and entered of record upon the Lilh day
Oi January,
AU persons harlnr clalma against thetald
Estate shall present the same with the aemu
sary proof within six months frron the date
of this notice to the undersigned Administrator
vi Aaeeoarg, uregon.
bated at Rose bo rg, Oregon, this the 22nd
am j oi January, uu.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Conn of the State of Oregon
tor voogiaa county.
J.W. Krevson 1
flatctiS I
C. GT. McSeel and Bessie sfeXeel, I
his wife, and Thomas Hancock, ad-1
miDlstrator of toe estate at rhUi-'
tua McKeel, deceased I
Defendants J
Notice Is hereby risen that by virtue of an
execuKoa and order of sale Issued out oi
the above named eourt and cause on the list
day of January, 114, upon a Judgment and de
cree duly rendered and entered in said court
and cause, on the 19th day of January, 1903, by
foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of the above
named Plaintiff and against the shore named
Defendants end against the hereinafter men
tioned and deocriaed mortgaged property for
the sum of TS6 25 with interest thereon at the
rale of t per cent per annum from the 19th day
of January, 19u8asd for the further cum of (TO
special attorney fees, and lo 20 eosta and dis
bursements. Soa therefore I will on
Saturdav, the 7th day of March 1903
at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at eourt house
front door, in Box burg, Doagiaa county, Ore
gon, sell at pnbhc auction to the highest bid
der, for cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest, which the said Defendants, or eitner
of them bad on the XSrd day of July, ti,
or at any time thereafter la or to the following
lescrlbed premises, to-wlt
Lots number three, tour, five and twelve In
section two and lot number eight In section
three all In township twenty-two, south of
range eight west of the Willamette Meridian,
containing in the aggregate 410.12 acres, more or
less together with all and singular the tenements
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in anywise appertaining and wilt
apply the proceeis of such sale, first to the costs
oi such sale, and the costs and disbursements
herein taxed at (18.23 and the sum
of fTD special attorneys fees end to the
p yment of the ran of due the
plaintiff with interest thereon at the
rate of is per cent per annum from the 19th day
of January, liMJ, and the over plus, if any there
be, I will psy Into court, under the order of
this court, to be paid as the said eourt may
hereinafter direct as by order of said court in
said execution to me directed and delivered,
commanding me to sell ssid above mentioned
and described real property in the manner pro
vided by law.
Dated Koseborg Febrnarr Srd, 1901.
Sheriff of Douglas eountv, Oregon
Notice of Guardian's Sale.
Kotice is hereby given that by virtue and
in pursuance of an order and license of th
County Court for Douglas county, Oren,
dulv made and entered therein on the 17tn
dayoi January, 1W3, in the matter of the
guardianship oi the person and estate of Lo
rane Toussaint a minor, the undersigned, the
duly appointed, qualified and acting guardian
of said minor, will on
Saturday the 28 day of February, 1903,
at the front door of the court house. In Kose
borg, Douglas county, Oregon, at the hour of
1 o clock p. m. of said day, offer for sale and
sell at public auci ion to the highest and bvst
bidder lor cash in band, all of the right, title
and Interest of said minor, Lorade Tousaaint.
the same being an undivided one-half inter
est of, in and to the following described prop
erty, to-wit: 14 oi the Donation land
ClHim oi Franeia Archambeaa and wife, being
claim No, 68 in sections f and 6, township Z7
south of range west of tne Willamette Meri
dian, in Douglas county, ifretron, as surveyed
and platted by the County enrvcyor of said
county In a suit for petition hsd In the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Donslas county
and in which Mrs M J Cameron, J M Cameron,
her husband, Lorane Toussalnt, F A Arch
ambeau, Lee Art ham beau, W H Archambeao,
Constant Tonsasint. W L Archambeao, Charles
La Puint. L F Lane end L Langhary, partners
as Lane A Laughary and Asher Marks as ad
ministrator of the estate of S Marks A Com
pany, B L Bradley and 8 Hamilton were dv
femisnts. And in pursuance of a decree of
said court duly rendered and entered in said
rauiieon the9ih day of April, A. D. 1X97, in
Volume 12 of the Circuit Court Journal psge
if.-2;8 thereof and which said plat of land is
duly recorded in Volume V page S57 Douglas
county, Oregon, Records are hereby referred to
and made a part of this description, and which
said lot f is particularly described In said de
cree snd as thuwn on said plat as follow:
Commencing at the northwest corner ol lot 1
as shown on said put, thence running north
4.W4 chains, to a white Oak post, from which a
black Osk 10 inches in diameter bears b. 21'4
degrees E. 41 links distant, a white Osk 8 inch
es in diameter U-ars N. b8 degrees E 63 links
dUtant; thence N b9 degrees 46 mlnutas K
psrsllrl to the North boundary of Lot No 1,
&.75chsins to the Eat boundary of ra'd Do
nation Land Claim No. &8 mark an Ash b inches
in diameter for Uie corner of lota 2 and 8 from
which a maple 14 inches in diameter bears B.
f6 degrees Du minutes E 60 links distant and
Ash 20 Inches in diameter bears south 77 degrees
west 71. links distant; tnenre running south
t minute? E 4.93U i hsini to the southeast cor
ner of lot No. 1 ; thence 8 89 degrees ift minutes
west M chains to the place of beginning, con
taining 2r 4i acres be the same more or less and
known as Lot No. 1 on the plat of survey above
referred to.
Also the undivided one-half interest of, in
and to Lot No. 9 as the same Is shown by said
plat ol said survey sbove referred to and the
name being a portion of the Donation Land
Claim of said Francis Arcbambeau and wife,
and being knoan as Claim No. 65 In sections 81
snd 2 in township 26 south of range 6 west of
the Willamette Meridian In Douglas county,
Oregon, and said lot being particularly de
scribed in the stid decree above referred to as
follows: Beginning at the northwest comer of
Lot No. 8 In said plat and running north 9 60
chains to the north line of said Donation Land
Claim No 6ft to a post from which the south
west corner of the Douglas County Poor Farm
benrs east 8 ehsins distant, thence east parallel
with the line of said Poor Farm 87.74 chains to
the nortbesst comer of Claim No. 66; thence
south 8; xo mlnu es wpst 11..X) chains to
the northeast corner of lot No. 8 and thence
west 32 chains to the plsce of beginning, ssid
tract containing 81.93 acres and known as lot
No. V on theaaid plat of surrey heretofore re
ferred io
Dated this 14th day of Junnniy, iwi
Guardian of the person and estate to Lorane
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office
Eoseburg, Oregon, Oot 1, ivo'
Notice la hereby given that in oomnlianM
with the provisions of the act of Congress oi
June 8, 1878, entitled "An Aot for the sale of
Timber Lands in the Rtatua of California, Ore-
giju, p,rwi biju ntuingion lemiory, as
extended to all the Public Land Stales by act
of August 4. imn,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, slate of
Oregon, has this day Hied In this office her
sworn statement No 8M6 for the purchase of
una a, i, v buu o, oi seo H, ip n B., a x west
and wiu offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
elstra before the Keglstar and Kooelvei of this
afiice of Koseburg. Oregon.
ou Tuesday, the luih dav of March, 190. She
namcsas Kltnciwes: M Buchanan, Anna
Tsrpendorff, Krlk Wlk, of Portland, Oregon,
and C W Jackson, of Canyonville, Oregon.
any ana an permits claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in thit olllce on or before said loth day
01 March, llWJ. J.T.BRIDGI8,
vxt Register
Notice for Publication.
RoslBoao. Oregon. Den 111. iwis
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the rtroviifona of the act of ivwna ni
June 8, 18.8, entitled, "An act for the sale of
Din oer lanas in tne mates oi California Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terriiorr." imu,i.
ed to all the Public Land Stales by act of Aug.
of Rush City, county of ChlKsmo. state of Win,
neaola, has this day filed lu this office his
sworn statement No. 41tf for the purchase of
me n oi n oi eec rn, i-p. a B. K west
and wiu offer proof to show that the land sought
Is mora valuable for lu timber or atone than
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish hie
elsim before the Register and Receiver of thla
cilice of Ross burg, Oregon.
on Friday the lttth day of March. 1903. He
mh'i as witnesses: William Johnson and C.
1-ouls Carbon, of Rush City, Minn., John
Thorn and Charles Thorn, of Rose burg. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 16th
aay ot March isua. 4 T. BRllXfEo,
lip Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land,
- - Au.b , ..... mm
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act ol Congress oi
June J, 1,8, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands lu the Stales ef California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extend
ed to all the Public Land 8 la lee by act ot Aug
ust s, uas,
of Center City, eountv of Chicago, state of
Minn., has this day filed In this otto his sworn
statement No. 4ii0, for the purchase of the
'.4 oi oee. aj, I p. 8, k 7 w, ana will of
fer proof to shoe that the land sought is more
valuable for lu timber or stone than for agri
cultural puriKwes. and to established his claim
before W 8 Brlti. L" s CommUaiooer. at Riddle,
Oregon, on Monday, the 2td day ot March. 19CO.
He names as witnvaMe: o. i. hunks, of
Bend. Iowa, C. A. Fay, of Anpleton, Minn.
Peter Durch, and Albert Dorch, of Koseburg
Auy and all persons claiming adversely the
above descnbxl lands are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before said td day ot
juuca, ixw. j i siuixin,
lUp Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roeebars. Oregon. Sent. 29. 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June 8, Us, entitled "ATI art for the sale of
timber lands in the Mates o? California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," aaextend
ed to all the PubUc Land States by act of Aug
ust , utu,
of Koseburg, county of Douglas, state of Ore
gon, has this dsy fifed In this office his sworn
statement No 1V0, for the purrhaaeof the M
J4".!l st "t,4 Bee I'W
and will offer proof to show that the land soegbt
Is more vsluable for Ita Umber or etone thsa
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver sal thla
office of Ross burg, Oregon.
on Wednesday, the 6th day of March, 1B. lie
names as witnesses: Oliver P Cosbow, Kose
burg, Ore, tteorge Turner. H it O si man and F
M Kelly, of Myrtle l reek. Ore
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
shore described lands are reqaeaied to file
weir claims in mis omceoa or oeiore aii alb
day of March, I9ul. i T BRIDGES,
A3 Register
.Notice for Publication.
Csrrxn Statcs Lin Omca.
RoseMrg. Oregon, 8eptZ, UXL
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the art ot Congress of
June 1st, entitled "An Act tor the sleof
Umber lands In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to ail the Public Land laics by act of Ang
asi 4. li,
of Salem, county of Marion, state of Oregon,
has thtadsv filed la this office her saorn state
ment No i-. for the purchase of the NEVf of
section 26. Tp to ith, Range 3 west WlL Mer.
and wlU offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable lor its Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hie
glstm before the Register and Receiver of thai
dice ot Rose barg , Oregon,
on Tuesday the &ih day of March, I" 8b
names as witnesses: 8 Leanre Kav, Emma I
Coshow, Robtrt Coshow, of Mem, Ore-, B. M.
Oatman. of Myrtle Creek. Ore.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to bis their
claims in this olece on or beiore said Mh day
Of Mare .IMS. JTBtlDUEs,
ti-'p h Regular.
Notice for Publication.
fnlted Elates Land Office
Roseburg, Oregon. Dec 37. 1902.
Notice la hereby given that ta eampHeoea
with the previsions of the act ot Congress of
June t, DCS, entitle! "An ei for the sale ot
timber lanes In the 9iet California. Oregon
Nsvadaasd Was&lngtoa Territory," assxtand
ed to all the nubile land states by act of Augaat
of Appleton, county of Bwift. state ot Minn.,
has this dsy filed In thlsoffiee hie surn state
ment No. 4J07, for the parrhase of the hH of
NWW.8W4ot SV NK of o( see-
tloa il. to nshlp sooth, rsnge 8 H , and will
offer proof to show that tne land sought is more
valuable lor its timber or stone than for agn
rullural purposes, ana to establish his claim
beiore W 8 Britt, U 8 Commissioner, at Riddl.
Oregon, on Mondsy the 2Jd dsy of March 1SWL
He names as witnesses: Peter A. Durch, of
Roseburg. Ore-, Isaac Wlnninzhara, and Doug
las Winnlngliara. oi Olaila, Ore., W. sL Young,
of Connell, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are rwj uesled to fi le theit
claims in this office on or before said lid day
ot March, 1903 J. T. BRUXiKd.
J lip Register.
V. 8. Land Office Roseburg. Ore.,
February , 1'JOX
Notice is hereby given that James a. 1. Yo
cum. whose postoffice address Is Riddle. Doug
las county, Oregon, bss this day made and
filed bis application for a patent to the follow
ingdesrrtbed placer mining groend. in txcei
sior Mining District, Douglas county, Oregon,
The east half of the south east quarter of the
southwest quarter of section nineteen in town
ship thirty south of range five west of the Will
amette meridian, In Douglas county, Oregon,
containing twenty acres. In the district of
land subject to sale at the land Office at Rose
burg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming
edrerselr the foregoing described land, or any
portion thereof are hereby notified to file in
thlsoffiee such adverse claim within sixty dsvs
from the first publication ot thia application
for patent, and falling to do so, any and all
adverse claims to said placer mining ground,
or any part thereof will be barred bv the pro
visions of law, J. T. BRIDGES,
wp Register.
First publication February I.190S. .
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon, Kept. 27, 1902.
Notiee Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Cong ess of
JuneS. 1878. entitled, "An Act lorthesale of
timber lauds In the states of California, Oregon,
Neve is, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land slates by act ol August
4, Vxrt.
ofBalera, county of Marion, niata of Oregon,
has this dsy flli d In this office ber sworn state
ment No XM4, for the purchase ol the SK1; of
section 26, townsbl p 29 8 , R 8 West WlL Iter,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for Ita timber or stone thsu
for agricultural purposes, ruid to establish his
elsim before the Register and Receiver ot thia
olllce of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the 5th dav of March, 1903 Bhe
names as witnesses: Kertha Ksy. Robert Co
show, Mrs Km ma 1 Coshow of Salem, Ore- H M
Oatman, of Myrtle Creek, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aboviydescri bed lauds are requested to filethelr
claims In thlsoffiee on or beiore the said bth
day of March 1908. J. T. Bsitogs, . ,
d22P- Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Btates Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon Oct 11. 1902
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cougress of
Juue 8, J8.8. entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the Btates of California, Oregon
Nevada, and H ashington Territory," assxtend
ed to ail the pubUe land stalea by act of August
ol Rouebnrg, cuxity of Douglas. State of Oie
gon, has this dsy tiled in this office ber sworn
statement No for the purchase of the K'i
NK'and lot 1, section 4, Tp 27 .,
range No west snd will oiler proof to show
thai the land sought in more vsluable for its
timber or stone thee for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land before
the Register and Kenelverof this office at Rose
burg. Oregon, on Tuesday the Slat day of
March, li3. Khe names as witnesses: J J
Frost, Jessie Bosnian, E W Scanlatt, J H Barton
all of Hotiebnrg, Ore.
Aqyandall person claiming adversely tht)
slwivu described lands are requested to file
tnoir riBiniH tn mis olllce on or before said 81st
day of March, 1904.
J. T. RKllKitS.
Notice for Publication.
UKiTgD 8tatss Land Orncg,
. . Roeebarg, Oregon, Jan. 6, 19o3.
Notice Is hereby given that In imnii.n
with the provisions of the aot of Congress of
Junes, lb7B. entitled "An Act for th ..i. ,
limber Lands in the R tales of Cal.
ifornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Terri
tory," aa extended to all Uie Public Land Status
by act of A ngust 4, Lw,
of Two If arbors, county of Lake, Blate of Minn.,
has thlsdav filed in this office bis sworu state
ment No. 42&5, for the purchase of the NK',
f ractfoual of see, 4, Ip. 2w 8, R 8 W and will our
prwn to snow mat tue laud sought Is more vsl
uable for lis timber or sbme than for arrlnnl.
tural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before W 8 Britt, D 8 Commissioner,
at nmuie, urcgon, on Saturday, the 21sl day of
March, 19U3. lie names aa witnesses: J. M.
Weath-iby, of Rosobure. Ore . Martin Mnth. of
Two Harbors, Minn., . L. Martin, and John
ruinri, ui cvuseourg, wregon.
A ay and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
ineir ciaims in mis oince on or before said 21st
day of March 190a, . I. T. BRIDOEa
J8p Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office
Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. 6; 1903.
Notice la hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 8, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the stale of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asaxtend
ed to all the public land stale by ad of Augaat
of Two Harbors, county of Lake, state of Minn.,
naa mis uay nieo in mis omce his sworn state
ment No. i2M. lor the DUrchase uf the f- ot, andSW of eK4 and BE of BWJ of
eec. 14, Tp, 29 8, R I west and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before W 8 Britt, U 8 Commissioner at
Riddle, Oregon, on balurday the 21st day of
March, lAH. He names as witnesses: I). L.
Martin, of Roaebarg.Ore-.MaurlreA. Uennessy.
oi Tuo Barbors, Mina., J. M, Wealberby, and
John Farmer, of Roseburg, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lsnds are requested to file their
claims in thla office an or beiore ssid 21st day of
March, 1908. J. T. BRIIXiEa,
JP Register.
SoItty iUtings.
AF. 4 A. H. Laurel Lodge Ko. 13.
llalda retralar meeting on econa
and f ortb Wedneedayi ol each
month. E. J. Stkqcd, W. M.
N. T. JawiTT, Secretary.
AO. U. W.-l
Meet the i
days of ear
In the I. O. O.
Roeeborg Lodge No. 18.
pecond and foorth Moo-
each month at 7 :30 d. to
O. F. Hall. Member in
food itandiaa ire invited to attend.
F. M. Tozita M. W.
. U. Lxxox Recorder.
D. JB Wgrr, Financier.
BP. O. ELKS, Roseburf Lodge No.
328. iloldi regular eommanica
" tiona at I. O. O. F. Hall on second
and foarth Tbarsdajg of each month.
All member reqneeted to attend retra
larlv and all risking brother are cordi
ally invited to attend.
W. H. Jamirsok, E. R.
V C. Loiox, Secretary.
. N. J , meeta at Armory Hall every
xnurtday eyenieg , at 8 a dock.
F. B. Usnii. Cat.
n EG REE OF PONOR.MjetIc Lodge
No. IS. Uaeu 2nd and 4th Tbota-
" day eveniH of each month ia Sa
tire Born HaJl. Viaiting member! cor
dially Uittad to attend.
Mas. Miarr West, & ol H.
. H. Lexxox, Rec
fOF A. Coort Douglas No. 32, For
tertera of America. Meeta every
B Tuesday evening ta Kafir Song
Ball. Visiting brothers aJ we. yg welcome.
S. YV.VaxZiui C. R.
E. LL Lx5oi, R. 8.
E. V. Hoorxa. Physician.
O. O. F. Fblletarlan Lodge No. 8.
aleett In Odd xeiiowtr Temple, cor
ner Jackeoa and Caaa streeia, on
Saturday evening oi each week. Mem
ber ol the order in good giandiog are
in riled to attend.
U.B.Grjjjrrrx, N. Q.
N.T. Jgwrrr, Secretary.
Ko! r. Alpha Lodge Ko. 47. Meet
every Wednesday, la I. O. O. F.
Hall at 7:30 p. m. Member In
good Bfa&dine are invited to attend.
S.V. Ramf K. R. 8.
KO.T. M. Protection Tent No. 15.
Hold ita regular Reviews the
first and third Friday of each
month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting
members in good Ftanding are invited to
attend. F. F. pArrgaaox, Com.
E. E. Rlodgitt, Record Keeper.
LILAC CIRCLE. No.. 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meeta on firat and third
Tburadayi oi each month at th Xa
Uv 8ons, lialL Viaiticg member ia
rood standing are invited to attend.
Iaxtha Bzulbrkdx .Goardiao Neighbor.
Mixsia Orr, Pecy
LO. T. M. Rom barf Hive Ko. 11.
Hold ita regular re vie npon the
second and foarth Friday ere.
of each month in the Native 900 Hall.
Sister of other Hives visiting in the city
are cordially invited to attend oar. re
view. Jgssts Rapt, L. Com.
Maco E. McClallrx. R. JC
W. OF A. Myrtle Camp No. 6330.
Meet first and third Vv edneadayg
1 each month at Native Sons' HalL
Go. Br box, Clerk.
OE. 8. Roeebarg Chapter No, 8
Hold their regular meeting on th
first and third Thursday in each
nonth. Viaiting member . in good
rtandiog are respectfully invited to at
tend. Mas. Xaxxib Spbaoce V. M.,
Mauds Rat Secretary.
RF.BEtlAHS. Roseburg Re be kail
Lodge No. 41. 1. 0. O. F meela in
Odd Fellows' Temple every Tofeday
evening. Visiting lister and brethren
Invited to attend.
Dxlla Bbowh, N. G.
Cora Wimderlt. R. 6.
sembly No. 105 meets every Satur
dav evening, at 8 o'clock in Native
Son Ilall. Viaiting Artisans conlially
invited to attend.
Rgv. 8 A. Docolas, M. A.
Miss. Lela Brciwx, Secretary.
Camp No. 125. Meet at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Roeebarg, every
first and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors alwaya welcome.
Jas. E. Sawyers, C, C.
J. A. BrcHAH ax, Clerk.
Odd Fellow's Temple. Meets first
and third Thursday evenings each
month. Viaitors conlially invited.
J. B. Hamilton, C. P.
J. C. TwrrcHBLL, Scribe.
Professional Cards.
OfBce op pnelte
slocum's Hall ROSRBtlRft ORX
Traits, Candles, Cakes, Pics,
Doughnuts and fresh Bread Daily
Portland Journal Agency.
I. j.
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Temporary OfBce Mc'lelln House
Examination Fiea. OfBce boars t to H e. an.
2 to 6 p. a. Oradsate BUU College of Osteopathy
Phone Main 21
' Attorney-at-Law,
Physician, Surgeon.
Office orer P. O. Roaaxrao,
'Phone Main 59L Oaaoox.
Physcian Sc. Surgeon.
0&oe Review Bid.
i-aooa. Mala SI
RosBBtraa Orxooi
SpecUl attention given te Diseases t the If oa
as4 Tnroet.
Office-Mala ftv.oeaocor aoaUof City Ball
rnona, Mala Ml
Renew Balldlng.
Talepnoae So. 4.
aosiaraa oaiaox
Attorney at Law,
Roosu 11. Kamera Blda EOSXBCRa, OR
fTS-lutneasbloretaeO LaadOOcaaad
eases a speaaii j.
Lata Beret ver C. 8. Land Ostea
Roaxarao, Oaaooa.
BoslBcas before U.S. Land OOoaana Irobat
nastixss) a specially.
OfBo Abrahags Rniidlng.
WU' nrncUe la all the state and Federal Ooaru
OStos ta Marks' Bki Roseborg. Oregoo.
Attorney and Connaellor at Iaw.
Mining Law and Water Right mad
a specialty.
a.'Strra Bid R08KBCR3, OREGON
Attorney-at-Law. .
ess 1 and 1
srvtow Building. ROBEBCRb, ORXlrUM
JJL BUCHANAN, Notary Fnblie.
Collections a Specialty.,
Rants S
Maietera BaiUllng.
Attorney at Law.
Tslnr A Wiiaoo ftlorb RosBBOBO. OtB
rrsrtlce In all ol the enorts of Uie ta a, ale
before Ue U. a. Land department.
Tailor A A lison Block,
Kntarv Public In oQca
Thons Main ZA . ROSKBC RO, ORB
Clffl fl REUEF m
Head Office, McMlnnville, Oregon
AmLol insuranceinforce,ll,000,KX).00
Net pain in one year, 2,(528,787.00
Paring ita member 1 yr., 80,5S1.60
J amber separate risks, 22,300
A. J. Buchanan,
Roeebarg, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co.
Yoncalla Real . Estate
Timber lands located and tor sale. Good bar
gains in farm praperty. Loans msde on eaav
terms in sums from fMi to any amount at 3, 4,
A aud per com.
i i
Hendrlck's Block, Opp. Depot !1
N0RHAN & Co. Props
Is bringing splendid results for the T, K.
Richardson Music Store. Eight Pianos
and Organs sold in January and two al
ready for February and prospects loom
ing up. Inquiries from all directions for
the high grade NEEDHAH pianos. None
better or few as good. They will sUn
the most rigid inspection : : : : :
1 f The Best Always the Cheapest
For Sale by
KA-x-r vT'-v. vt-v: vi v: vi v: vuv -
I If you want to buy a fann
I if .rrt irqnf fl rrs J Cri r1 TrViTTttt
1 J wkA v.o.1.
If you vt-ant to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
If you want to build a house
If you want to move a house
U voadttilc tisyPat
all oa or addre ...
F F. pati2?a
Of everv dessrriTtion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Vsliirist,n and
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Colli 05
H. Little, jj
.. DENTIST. ..
Oakland. ... Oregon.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared lor Cling on Govern
ment Land.
Bine Prints of Township Maps showing
all vacant Lands.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in new Rank Bnilding. 'Phone 415
The New-York Ltre-
Flftjr-asrvets years old.
Asaeta over eo,ooo,ooo.
Income ta 190s over
Insarsace fig force ov;r S1.363,
Mew luttarance paid for la loot
over aoa.000,000.
Paid PotlcT-Holdera ta 1001,
over 7,000,000.
Paid Pollcy-Holders tn tsars.
over 340,000,000.
W. J. at o on, A K'nt.
Rosebarg ore
Through Salt Lake City,
Dpriugs ana uenver, ana the Famous Rocky
" . Mountain Scenery by daylight
TO -AJLiXj points east
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep
ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.
Fur rat. folders and other -
information, aJress
Leading Grocers
xtx - rA" v:.v.vivls. vivus
s .ti , r.a
all & iaT . 1
IJUHJ 11 li
All Sal-dr
IEI9a &t94 Cs
I Go to :.
For aPronspt and Flm-clasa
Share or Llair-cnt. Compe
tent "Workmen, Clean Tow
els. Tools always, in shape.
Baths in Connection.
Shop on Jackson St. Z
Crd a M a4c
Homes from 5250 to $5000
WriM or TLone
VUxnm LI, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Vallej.
. soqU vest ot Kosefcore
is rrepared to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with a fall and corns, lete
stock of
All fresh and of the Tery beet
qiialitr. Tea aad coffees are
epeciaitiea. Yonr patronage
Trw lr-vt rm psrvr r-f the Sorts.
pt. lt.liih-l wk:T at Salom. Ore
eon. K ;:le.l bv t!n fsrmrrs of the
Nor.hveM. rwnij lev l.iustrateJ.
J Pspsrs KxtiM. Lass tkraa act eack
FuMw-ation bt-an Mr-h 1. 1-Xrt. Nov
to- sutwritwrv l'tnfU"nicni grosi'd
is to ita being tho larta fitt fxib-
oo:iesteaD jlnd n.urLU.L2
$2.75 A YEAB.
Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
W. C. McBRIDE. OenM Arrnt.
ti4 Third Street. Portland, Ore.
05 Jackson St.. Rsseburg