The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 23, 1903, Image 3

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    We Want to Save You Honey
So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook "the PEOPLES' STORE as we- haver the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
LiidiCS) We have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock "can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts are the
most complete line in town ranging in prices from '$1.50 ajid
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
Gentlemen, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted W. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-to-date line in town.
I The People's Store 1
One Door South of P. O.
NeW BooRs
Capt. Macklin Dari
Oliver Horn Arnold
Love and the Soul Hunters, HooUt
My Xj dy Peggy Goes to Town,
The Needle's Eye . Kingtley
Hope Lorin ...Beli
The Crimson "Wing Taylor
The Stroller ham
The Iong Straight Road, Barton
Rosalynde's Lovers Thompton
Confessions of WiTe Adams
Janet "Waxde Songster
The Maid at Arms Chamber
Bockhaven .iftmn
The Leopard's fipots Dixon
Barbara Ladi Eobertt
Franoezka StavaU
Dona van Pasha Parttr
Moth and Bust ....... CltoltnundeUg
The Fighting Bishop Hoplita
T Fifth tring Soua
The Virginian. WUtr
A Bpockeled Bird . Erant
and many others.
Price $1.15; Mailing price $1.27
"We rent them for 25 cents.
Eev. Father G. D. Doyte visited Wolf
Cntk last week.
J. F. Matlock, of Engene, was in this
city on business last week.
- M. E. Potts, of Eugene, was transact
ing business in Oiis city last week.
See the Title Guarantee 4 Loan 0.
for bine prinU and filing papers, tf
Louis XI. Snplee, bookkeeper of the
Leona Mills Lnmber Co., was in this
city on business last week.
Dressmaking and all plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls oppoeie the City Hall.
Get yoar abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. lie has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
If yon want to go to Coos County
points, take the Koeeborg,- Marsh field
route. Spring hacks leave Boeeburg
every day at 6, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. . tf.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fiie insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a genera
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. tf.
Men wanted to cut S00 tier Of wood
Inquire of Henry Ocnn, Koseburg, Ore
Ron. If you have headaches have Dr. Lowe
test yonr eyes for glasses, as 90 per cent
of all beadacl is caused by eye strain
and properly fitted glasses will cure it.
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the only silver steel saws. None bet
ter made. You will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woolleys.
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
Dy an expert cook, at Railroad Eating
House, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. Call on Cneadle & Johnson for up-to.
date dental work. Dr. Johnson, late of
Portland will have charge of the crown
and bridge work department. Prices
Miss Eva Long, who for the past few
months has been employed in the T. K.
Richardson Music House in this city,
has resigned her position here and left
Friday for Portland to enter the employ
of the Eilers' Piano House.
W. C. Conner, late of the Plaixdsalkr
accompanied by his wife and little son,
Clare, left ttiis city Friday morning for
Cottage Grove, where they will reside,
Mr. Conner having purchased the Lane
County Leader.
Mrs. W. H. Jamieson and son, Harry,
of this city, accompanied by Mrs. W.
H. Drennan, of Portland, who has been
visiting here, went to Salem Friday to
witness the election of U. S. Senator
The Northern Pacific railroad has
filed in the records of Douglas coanty a
patent to several trscts of timber land
amounting in total to 8236 acres. The
patent is said to cover exceeding rich
timber lands.
Dr. ILL. Studley, osteopath, of Min
neapolis, has opened an office in the
McClallen House, Roseburg, where he
may be tound an J, consulted. Osteo
pathy has received special recogni
tion from the legislatures of eighteen
states, and is meeting with a degree of
favor at the hands of the general public
never before equalled by any method of
healing in so short a time. It has re
ceived the endorsement of the most in
telligent classes U the communities
where it has been properly introduced.
One of the neatest and most unique
designs iu the shape of photo mount is
the "Standford Folders." It a is new
style and up to date, and when a beau
tiful Platinum print is placed thereon,
produces the richest and daintet effect.
Leave vour order for one or more when
baring your photo takenat the 8nn
beam Photo Parlor. Work guaranteed.
Don't forget the piece, one block from
6. P. Freight depot. tf25.
You Have Learned
to expect frequent
exceptional offerings
in this department at
To have them here
at the right time, just
when you want them
is good fortune doubly
amplified : : :
The Patterns are
the best of the sea
son, the variety
most broad and
satisfying prices
Lower than usual
We will also shoAV a
splendid assortment
of Valencennes and
The Underpriced Store
r ii Hi. 1 1 i.i ii. i ii m.i Tni nf tri arirnf -yi nil r n I iit in n m 11 w
'" mil " ' " .i i in'Iii .i .iii.ujiiTl M I ' '' ""' linn' 111 "
Miss Echo Gaddis is visiting in Eu
Frank Kennedy ' spent Friday and
Saturday in Sulem.
Mrs. C B. Baker is visiting relatives
at Cottage Grove.
A marriage license was issued on Fri
day to O. V. Heater and Ollie Brosi.
You should see that Bean power spray
outfit, at Churchill and Woolleys. .
Major L. D. Kinney has returned
from a business trip to Portland.
Misses Anna and Robin Conn are vis
iting friends at Drain and Yoncalla.
Sam Josephson left Sunday morning
for a six weeks trip to San Francisco.
J. P. Johnson and little daughter, of
Myrtle Creek, spent Saturday in tbtj
Mrs M. Josephson returned last even
ing from a brief business trip to Port
land. Miss Clayte Barrow spent a few days
in Salem, and returned home Sunday :
M iss Bertha Rice, of Myrtle Creek, is
the guest of her brothr, M. F. Rice of
this city.
John Wood left this city Saturday for
Cottage Grove, where he will work in
the mills.
Rev. Father Doyle spent Sunday in
Cottage Grove where he conducted
Mrs. L. B. Homes, of Port Townseod,
Wash., who has been visiting her pa
rents in this city, returned home Satur
day morning.
You can do more garden work with a
Planet Jr. Seeder than you can with a
dozen hoes. X'h archill and Wool ley
sell them.
Mrs. W. H. Dree nan who has been
visiting with Mrs. Jameison in this city,
left for her home in Portland, r riday
George Csrpy, an oil resiJento
this city, returned this morning on a
business trip and will visit with relatives
and old time friends.
We learn that J. L. Dewey, well
known in this city, is in Eagle City,
Alaska, engaged in extending a tel
egraph line there.
Chickens the most profitable animal
on the farm. Buy a Petal oma Incuba
tor and gv a start in the chicken busi
ness, Churchill and Woolley sell tliem.
Mrs. Willis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek,
passed through this city Friday on her
way to Salom to join her husband and
see the last struggle of the legislature.
Dr. Studley and family will occupy
the R. B. Houston residence after the
lit. Mrs. Studley and children are ex
pected to arrive from Minneapolis this
Miss Eva Long, who has been con
nected with the T. K. Richardson Music
bouse, left for Portland Friday morning
where ehe has a position with the Eilers
Piano House.
L. R. Fields, superintendent of the
S. P. lines in Oregon, passed through
this city Saturday returning to Portland
from Dunsmure, where he has been on
official business.
Mrs. D. Y, Allison went to Cottage
Grove Saturday to visit relatives and
friends. Mr. Allison is at present con
ductor on the tie train and as his head
quarters are near Cottage Grove his
family will make that city their tem
porary home until his change.
"MiBS Laura Spalding, who has been a
compositor on the Plafndealeb for the
past throe years, left Friday morning
for Drain to visit her parents. Later
she will go to Cottage Grove, where she
has accepted a position on the Lane
County Leader. v
Rogue River Camp, No. 55, Woodmen
of the World, ol Grants Pass, are laying
plans for a grand street fair and carnival
in Grants Pass from Jnne 10 to 20, in
clusive. This will be the first street fair
the ciV has ever had, and Is to be an
event of great importance.
As Lilac Circle has made such an in
crease in membership, it has become
necessary for them to have larger quar
ters, so they will move from their pre
sent location in the Native Hons' Hall to
the Odd Fellows Hall, where they wil
meet on the second and fourth Friday's
of each month. Besides thirty new
applicant theie were eight new membew
initiated and six more ready, for initia
tion. "
The plate glasi for the front of the
new Rice & Rice building arrived in this
city Saturday and was placed in position
by the J. G. Flook Co. Rice & Rice
have begun unpacking their new goods
and placing them on display in their
new store room. This is now the
larger house furnishing establishment
in Southern Oregon. Their front op
Cass nreet now measures 85 feet witn
five large sbow windows and three larjje
entrances. The depth of 'the building
is 80 feet. Each store room has a gal
lery, which is conveniently arranged to
show the largo stock of houseiurnishing
goods carried by this popular firm.
X s?wr4 -., V
( V
h J
Miss Virginia Drew Trescott's remark
able performance of tho character of
'Lady Vavasour" in Verna Wood's im
mouse dramatic version of Ouida's fa
mous novel "Strathmore" is said to be
so subtle that a new delight is found in
every fresh view of it. She more-over
shows such swift changes of passion and
rapid transitions from one mood to
another, thst her creation must be seen
several times before it can be sppreciat
ed. The norel of "Strathmore" is con
co-led by the litorsry reviewers to be
Ouida's strongest effort, abounding with
metaphors and literary gems which has
astounded the critics. The" production
with its entire New York stage effects,
under the management of David Traitel
is announced for the 21th inet., by
Manager Strong, of this city.
Additional Local.
This month completes our 25th year in the Dry Goods hucinccs
in Roseburg. For a quarter of a century wo have catered to the
wants of thousand of cu tomerc, from the little store establish
ed in '78 to the present mammoth establishment which we occu
py. Ourrcrcatest advertisement is that many who dealt with us
at the start nrc in 1003 still honoring us with their patronage.
In remembrance of this event we have instituted this sale, which
for unapproachable values, cczcell anything heretofore offered.
Miss Laura Mullen is vkitidg friend
at Riddle.
Mark C. Muiecn went to Eugene Sat
urday morning, on business.
Mrs. E. H. Billings, of Ashland, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Sharkey.
First lesson in Electric Shorthand will
be on Thursday evening at 7 :30.
Dexter Rice and little Ca pi tola Willis
returned from Salem Saturday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. K. L. Miller returned
last evening from a brief visit to Salem.
Mrs. S. D. Willis has returned from a
visit with relatives at Junction City.
Grants Pass citizens are preparing to
hold a big street fair and carnival in that
city next June.
Fred L. Voso, has resigned his posi
tion with the W. A. Burr music house.
and accepted a position with CoutractorJ
Frank Clemsnts.
Mrs. Bertha Holmes, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr . and Mrs. P.
Thompson, left for Tacoma Saturday
All Native Daughters ate requested to
be present at their meeting tonight as
business of importance is to be trans
acted, and aLo to make arrangements
for their annual ball the 1st of May.
W. F. Davis, of Camas Valley, was a
Roseburg business visitor last week
He reports the roads almost impassable
and thinks that Douglas county should
improve the Camas road this year.
W. J. Plymale, who has been at Sa
lem during the season of the Legislature,
came up Sunday evening and stopped
over in this city Kj visit his sisters, Mrs.
Ziyler and Mrs. Autenrieth before re
turning to his home in Jacksonville.
Misses Veil and Ilattie Barker enter
tained a party of friends at luncheon
Sunday. The gnets were Misses Lillian-
Stanton, Gertrude Rast, E'hel
Brookes, Kate Fnllerton, Lillian Critxer,
Zelia Zeigler and Mrs. Jones.
Several new members were initiated
into the Eastern Star on Saturday night.
Among those taken in were: Mrs. J. A.
Bui-lianan. Mrs. Jones Mrs. Terry, Mrs.
Josephine Risley. Mrs. Nellie Haney;
Messrs Sam Josephson and Walter Gray.
As we were going up the street Satur
day evening, we were met by ten or a
dozen little girls each with some kind t4
"musical" mouthpiece. On inquiring
we found that Mies SybH Gibson had
been entertaining her little friends at a
birthday " party, her fith anniversary.
Bach little guest had been presented
with some souvenir. Dainty refresh
ments were served, and all voted Miss
Sybil a delightful little hostess. ,
At the last meeting of the 'S5 Mental
Culture Club, Mmes. Child and Willis
were appointed a committee to look a-
bout for suitable land for the establish
ment of a park. This is a worthy move
ment upon the part of the club women, 1
and one which should receive all possi
ble encouragemeut and support, as a
park is badly needed. Nothing can give
such pleasure and recreation to so many
people as a well improved park which is
hat the club has under consideration.
The Bridge Whist Club were very
charmingly entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. I. Wollenburg on Friday
evening. lue to tlie lac that so many
of the members were out of town the
attendance was rather small, but the
evening was no less delightfully spent.
A dainty lunch of cheese sandwiches,
lettuce sandwiches, pickles, olives, salted
almonds, cake, coffee and choclate was
served by Misses Wollenburg and Her
bert. Those present were: Mmes.
Willis, Child and Hamilton; Misses
Simmons, Wimbcrly, Herbert, Rast,
Brookes, Willis and Wollenburg ; Messrs
G. W. Kimball, Sam Josephson, Date
Schmidt and Stanley Kidder.
The Basket Ball game at the Theater
last Friday night between the Maroons
and Co. "E" O. N. O. was hotly contest
ed. Early in the first half, the militiamen
piled op a score of several baskets and it
looked very much as if the Maroons
were doomed to their usual defeat, but
fortunately pulled themselves together
and by excellent playing the first half
ended 10 to 9 in favor of the Maroons .
In the second half the Maroons showed
their sujrior twm work by several fine
playR. Ryan, Bradley, Moore and Doyle
did excellent playing and were all cred
itod with baskets as wffs also Davidson
McCull and Ritzman did the . most
effective work for the soldiers. Next
Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 25 and
20. the team from Companv "G" of
Albany, will play with these two teams
here, and as the Albany boys have al
ready won several games, and are credit
ed with having art excollent team
these will, with no doubt, be tho best
games ever witnessed in this city.
Dress Gouds Department.
200 yards colored sating, mostly blues nj-r
and reds, regular 50c values, Secial. . JjC
50 yards Scotch washable waiting flan- .
nels, very dtwirable cqlors, wortli Soc, jr
special a jC
7 pieces woolen plaids, linht and rt odium .
shades, easily worth 4l)c, special I v
300 yards fancy mixed suitings, mostly
all wool, val. 30c to 50c, special ")t
500 yards Chambray ginghams, one pat-. .
tern, regular specid mi
tlonse furnishing Depsrtm&t
A small ot Marseilles spreads, 10-4 size,
regnlai 5c kind, now
Another lot Marseilles epreadf, 11-4 si!e, -
good valneat 1.00, now 0C
25 dosen pure linen damask rwels.
fancy fast color borders, 35c to 50c jrr
regular. Special.....
Hosiery Department
Lot 1. Ladies' fine cotton fancy sie ir
Lisle finish hose, 35c kind. Special.. IJC
Lot 2. 5 doz. ladies' all wool black cash
mere h xte; size 9 only: 5fc regular. -Special
Lot 3. 5 doz. ladies' fine black Lisle ,n
hose ; good values at 50e. Special SuC
Let 4, Ladies' fancy stripe, pore Linle
hose, 50c quality. Now ZjC
Corset Department
We are clneing out our entire stock of
Royal Worceter W. C. C. corsets at
the following attractive nrices :
3.75 corsets while they lat for...
2.25 )
1 10
Shoe Department
About 200 pairs mens fine black shoes,
lace and congress, call and kid, which
regularly sold for $2.50 to $4.00. To
clean up the old lines we hare mark-
althera 1.50 to 2.10
Any mens tan shoe In the house .
for L5U
This includes vici kid, cloth top, and
calf. Values from $3 to $4.
Mens furnishes Department.
Aliont 5 drzen nns silk and woo! negli
gje shirts, broken lines, all sizes, val- . , -ues
fl.SOto $1.75, while thy lart .... Llj
60 dozen mens home-made Luck."kia
gloves, all lirst quality, fcag gauntlet.
regular 75c SpecLU SC
- Mail Orders
Promptly Filled
The Big
II. C. Galey spent Snnday with
friends in Ashland.
Dr. I-owe does not go fioin house to
house, no first class optician ever does.
The Hon. Binger Hermann will tt is
smid be in Roseburg on Thursday or
Friday of this week.
Dr. Lowe, Eugene's well knowooculo
opUcian, is now at the McClallen House
to remam till Wednesday night. .
Have Dr. Lowe relieve your headcl
by removing the c auBe with a pair of
his superior glasses.
On account of yesterday being Wash
ington's birthday, the public school stu
dents were given a half-holiday today.
If you value your don't fail
to have Dr. Lowe Ut your eyes for
glasses. He leaves Wednesday night.
Dr. Lowe the optician has been com
ing to Roseburg Ibr over 10 years. He
is now in Room I at the McClallen, see
Senator Booth's logging biil, after a
score of amendments arid general recoa
struction, was lft on the hands of ths
committee to whose patient and tender
der mercies it bad been consigned.
The Douglas Connty bank moved into
the new and elegant bank building early
this morning and it is said to be the
best equipjd and appointed in th
Stat of Oregon outride of Portland, and
as wsid before, the building is not
only a credit to Koseburg ; it is also a
credit to the great state of Oregon.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the resi
dence of Mrs. Edith riank on Friday
afternoon, Feb, 27th, at 2 :30 o'clock.
All are invited. By order of the secre
They are Proving Satisfactory.
The Supplemental Chamber Co.,
BosKBrva, Ore.
Gentlemen : Please send me via ex
press, one dozen Gillette's Supplement
al Chambers; fitted for 32 S, W.
Short and Browning Automatic Smoke
less caitridg. The brass Chamber or
dered some time ago having prove! sat
isfactory I can do bueineea with thm
when the spring season opens.
Yoors truly, H. J. Siillman, Gun
smith, Pentlieton, Ore. Jan. 9th, 1903.
Toeoxto, Jan. 13th, 1903.
The S. C. Co., Roseburg, Ore.
Dear Sirs : I beg to thank you for
sample brass chamber and the informa
tion concerning same. Have delayed
answering your letters in order that I
Mjight test the chamber for my own sat
isfaction and knowledge. I find same
works perfect satisfactory and now wih
to apply for the sole telling agency for
the Dominion of Canada.
Yours wry truly,
F16 A. II. Fexx., Mfgs. Ager.tJ
Needhsm pianos are coming to the
front so rapidly, that musical people,
like the DeMose family, and others,
want to know in advance, if they can be
supplied with a Seedliam piano and
make statement, that, "they seldom
have the pleasure of ning snch a fine
Piano." Prof. Frazier, also endorws
the 5ecdliam Piano. Therefore the
Necdhm is proving itself to be one of
the best pianos manufactured. For cat
alogue and prices, address T. K. Rich-,
ardson, Roseburg, Oregon. tf.
TheO. A.C basketball team were
dofsated by the Chemawa Indian girts
last Wednesday, the score being 6 to P.
This leaves the Chemawa campion of
the state as far as known.
Fred Wrhrht, after three years service
in the Plaixdsaleb office, has concluded j
to change his aspirations in life and the j
Plainxfaler wishes him success in any
thing he may undertake.
L Batallion of tho 14th Infantry of
Korth Dakota, consisting of 250 enlisted
men and 13 officers under Major Mc-
Clure, passed through this city tn-s
morning on their way to San Francisco
from which place they will go to the
There are several cases of settlers or
squatters claims being jumped by new
comers, and today several men Vft
Roseburg with shot guns and rifles de
termined to protect their rights, and
there may be serious trouble over the
affair, There is room for all without
doing the detestable act of jumping a
man's claim.
Thecelestfal who runs the cooking
department at the SolJiers Home was
in Roseburg last night and as he is an
adept in playing fan tan it was supposed
that he had cleaned up the other China
men in action, and as he was wending
his way on the north side of Mt. Kebo
two barbarian white men attempted to
hold him up, but the Chinaman broke
away from thoni and his legs carried
him to the Home in safety.
Trof. I. E. Richardson will give the
first lesson in shorthand, on Friday
evening, at 7 :30, in the abstract office
of Frank Alley. All those who wish to
eiiter the class should bo there at that
time, as no one can enter the class after
the first lesson is given. The mto for
the complete Course in shorthand is $15,
paid in advance, for 10 weeks. Any apt
person can become a good stenographer
iu this time. Those who wish lessens
in typewriting will see him at the Mc
Clol'.an House, on Friday forenoon.
Thos. Cannon of this city who is a
breeder and raiser of the famous white
Langshan chickens, "greatest ol winter
layers," is making a special o3er to
those wishing eggs for hatching eggs
for $1.50.- Tho wishing eggs should
write him at once. ni4
Little Ranch for Sale.
A good little home for sale ; 17 acres
adjoining fair grounds, l mLee east of
Roseburg. Good buildings, 150 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cultiva
tion. Price $12-5. For particulars in
jnire at Milikin's shoe store, Roseburg
Would you take Rockefeller's millions
and his health? He would gladly give
eery million he owns for the ability to
cat and sleep and enjoy, that is the good
fortune of the common laborer.
Smith Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp opon one applica
tion, threo to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. Price 50c
For sale by Marsters Drug Co. icltf
Notice for Publication.
Land Ol Set at Birber. OT-na.
Jnnvr, 1. Hut.
tmd l!f Urn 8WJ eo'loe of h:a lnteo'uoa
to m fiaal nmauuiut proof i tuTort ol
ha ebklia aa4 llui mil jror( wul t b
kw'.iitlmLrr mad JiiTer C f. lo-l ..rf;oi
Koarburf . orr-, on Kr.Jj tcnrr 27, iij
of T1IW. Orrs,oa H E No ti4 for :h
St1 M A 30. if A B 1 .t w. M. lie
tura Ut fcHlAwiD himci to nrort hi
m-tUad.TU: rtwju Mcioiw. Peter iulif.
Ntcbuuu Moore, ol fcoortrarc. Or-, A Thump.
Mt M. - WW VroCK. ' 'TWO.
Sow U ywar opporanitr to gr a cboio
UmbrrcJum or kiwiiMl. W cab U
"' r am the bcx nrtam piae lr
b fe4. Cnwn krpl cooaataiiy m
!Ti. U V oo;b nr Us,
ctvip, It. CJ o or AdiUM
Stewart fi Greaccn
nosf ciiiQ (Moo:i
Notice of Final Settlement
In thm Cimorv Canrt nf tK w. t mj rm
lfT i'ountr of Ooor:& f
la the natter ot Uxa ertate)
K.B. Johnna. 4craHL J
X!c h b-ervbj r'.rru that D. 8. T. Writ. d
miotxrakv ol Uk eti ol LB. Jchctoa. de
onil. h repdrwl aa4 prevmel for rttle
mtot, oJ CleJ i nud cnart hi final armont
ol kia adsintnraiion o( m:1 rtaie; !! Mon
day. th 2r1 day ol Marrn. 1C. at 10 o circa a.
ta. ol aaid dar, at tis court room ot mi l court
at fU-biT. oreron. La brn !.vr tbaret
limratol ai4 naa.' araxsnt. aod lor hrarm
aay otijiSioa taat nay tM ml tn ih mm
J2P AdmiQitrtUr of Mid Kitaie.
Albatros Market
J. M. BRIER, Prop.
Cash paid
Dealer in
and Oysters
Opposite S. P. Depot Fletcher BaTg
Ring rtf
If yoa hare a ring that Is
broken or a set kt oot, or
Ofssitly yoa hare a ring that
is just a little to small era
little to large, perhar yoa
have one that ne,! streegth
ening or la badly bent. I am
prepared to do all kinds ol
ring rermiring. I not only
gnanbitee my work, bat I
guarantee you will be well
pleased with the job : i :
R. F. YilNSlOTf ,eJr
Drpirtmrnt of tha Interior.
I'diumI S(wa Land 'or.
Roneburv, Or., Ftb. IS,
Not1c 1 hereby gtveu that iba approred
PLATS ol tnrycy ol
TON WSH I P SI 8. R 10 weU
TUWNUir SI 9, It t wet.
hare bann rerrtrrd from tho Surveyor General
lr Oregon, and on
FKIDAY, Mairh 77, 19TS, atto'elork, A. M.
the Mid plala will be Tiled in thU offlre, and
the land einbrao therein will be aubjvet to
entry on and aiter that dale.
J.T. B HI IX! Recister,
J. II. BiKiTK. Reoeirer.
In Coanty Court of Douglas county. Slate ol
la the natter ol eitate
Kfsrtha Woodruff deoeaapd
N'otue li hereby atvon that the andenlsned
hu bi br tha Countr Court ol Douxlaa I oun
tv. Oreiron. anoolnted executor of the estate ol
Jiiarth VVooJrotr deoeaned. Whvreou all per
sons Indebted to the Mid estate are hrreby
noiifled to make lmine.'.:t payment to the
uudetviKned al their ivnuleoce In Coiet Valley
prwlnet, Iouifls county, Oreiron. and all per
sona having uialma s10!t u smUI entate will
present me reritied as by iaw requirea who
in six monttis from date ol this notice.
lated Kosuburg, Orugon, Feo. Uth, mi.
R. A. Wixioacrr,
(U6p.) K. T. Woonal'rr.
Notice of Final
in and
For Sal.
Small saw mill
particulars addrefs.
and timber. For
Livingsto.n Pros,
Peel, Ore.
In Connty Court ol 8tato ot Oregon
lor DmiKlas eoiintv.
I-i the matter ol the estate ol I
GfdfroY Kfcrm. tleceaMvd . t
riotleets hereby given tnat ine nnnenugnea
executor ol the shove entitled estate bu tiled
in the abore nsro court Ins aevount in fiuat
settlement ol Mid eatale and the court by or
der duiv mle and entered on the Journal
thereof flxe-1 Monday Msrch nl, 1J lot hear.
eg objections, aoy, to sm nnai account ami
ne wi ueiueill Ol saui esiaw.
Dated this Hh day ( February, 19U.
ftp UUUl'KifP, KxeeutOf.
- Si lard ware
tlanHets! Blanllets!
seh our yiumnvi
We can give some of the be$talaes in
BlanKets ever shown in the city. We can
ive yoa a full size all wool BlanKet foe
A Kiied one for
82. so
Cotton Blankets from 50 vut pair to two dollars and fiifty cocts.
Vi'OLLEf.BERQ BROS., Phone 801