The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 19, 1903, Image 3

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    J Win 4- O w rr V
YYciiiL lu ouvc you i loney
So while you arc looking arouud the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the rEOPLKS STORE as we have the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
LadieS, have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
L.oug Coats, i length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts are tlie
most complete line in town ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
Gentlemen, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted I. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-tc-date line in town.
The People's Store '
One Door South of P. O.
Capt. JCacklia 1 . . Paris
Oliver Eor a AmoU
Love and the Soul Hunter, 7ooto
My L dy Peggy Goes to Town,
; ilathru$
The Needle" Eye Kingthy
Hope Loring ... EcJ
The Crimson Win gr Taylor
The Strcner : Ifham
The Long Straight Bo ad, Horton
Rosaljxde's Lover Thompson
Confessions of a Wife Adam
Janet Warde . i . . '. -. . Sa a gt'er
The Maid at Aai Viiambert
Rockhaven JTunn
The Leonard's Spots .Lixvn
Barbara Ladi XvtrU
Franceka Sa trail
Dona van Pasha Parker
Moth and Bust . ..VholmuhdeUy
The Fighting Bishop Hopliin
T e Fifth tring. .. .Souta
The Virginian Witter
A Speckeled Bird Erant
and many others.
Price $1. 15 ; THailing price $1.27
We rent them for 25 cents.
Pr. Lowe'e glaeses are good glae8.
M cn wanted to cut S00 tier of wood
Inquire of Henry Oonn, Roseburg, Ore
The family of E. V. Buckingham, the
procer, have arrived in this city to re
You got the best results with Fetalu-
nia Incubators. Churchill and Wool
leys. See them.
The Pnvbrterian Y. P. S. C. E. will
hold a handkerchief bazaar in this city
sometime in the earlv Bummer.
If you have headaches have Dr. Lowe
j test your eyes for glastea, as 90 per cent
Of Local Interest.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue prints and filing papers, tf
; Yon should eee that Little Giant tree
pruner at Churchill and Woolleys.
'. You will find something entirely new
ia Ladies Shoes, at Flints Shoe Parlors
Children's patent Kid Shoes with
white tops, at Flints, for only $1.50 per
pair. -
Cturcliill and Woolley are having a
fine sale on Bean's Xew Torrent Spray
. .Dressmaking and .all plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls oppoei'e the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He Las the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
ol.r and reliable fiie insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a genera
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at tlie City Hall. tf.
Go tell Aunt Khody, her favorite hen
is dead. But had she been fed Prussian
Food, she'd now be well instead.
Churchill and Woolley sejl Prussian
Poultry, and stock food.
of all headache is caused by eve strain
and properly fitted glasses will cure it
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the onlv silver steel saws. None bet
ter made. You will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woolleys.
Mrs. J. W. Pardee and Miss Bartley,
of Canyonville, were transacting busi
Less in Rost-burg, Saturday, and favored
this office with a pleasant call
If you are interested in learning short
hand and typewriting see Professor
Richardson on Thursday or Friday
evening in Frank Alley's office.
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
or an expert cook, at Railroad Eating
House, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
We Lave for sale the 2 best business
buildings in the city. No. 1 on corner
of Cass and Pine streets ; No. 2 on cor
ner of Cass and Sheridan. Johx Kixg
& Behest, Agents. jl9-lm.
Call on Cheadle k Johnson for up-to-date
dental work. Dr. Johnson, late of
Portland will have cliarge of the crown
and bridge work department. Prices
Next week for three days, Monday'
Tuesday and Wednesday, February 23d,
24th and 2th, Dr. Lowe the well known
oculo-ODtician will be in Roseburg at
the McClallen House. Don't fail to
have him test your eyes for glaeses.
Frank Lowry, who lias just returned
from Medford, has accepted a position
with the i shland Meat Co. Will Storm
whose place he takes, resigned and will
go back to Roseburg and resume his for
mer position with the Kohlhagen Meat
Co. Ashland Tidings.
Dr. H.L. Studley, osteopath, of Min
neapolis, has opened an office in the
McClallen House, Roseburg, where he
may be found and consulted. Osteo
pathy has received special recogni
tiou from the legislatures of eighteen
states, and is meeting with a degree of
favor at the bands of the general public
never before equalled by any method of
healing in so short a time. It has re
ceived the endorsement of the most in
telligent classes in the communities
where it has been properly introduced.
School Shoes
We have studied and perfected these goods, stand
ing behind iiTall troubles, setting aside mistakes
of the head by a largeness of the heart. Now we
have children's school shoos that win for us each
day fresh laurels.
. We have studied these goods in detail
and the indulgent customer recogniz
- ing our ambition have helped us to
' r climb to the bights of superiority. . .
Childs' 6 to 8 grain
.Misses' 0 to 12 "
"... 13 to 2 "
liutton or Lace $1 OO
1 25
" 1 SO
shoes at 1.25, $1.00,
and SI .75. Uone better
for the money.
The Underpriced Store
E. E. Wells, of Olatla, visited this city
on business Monday.
Mrs. Dr. E. Dutas is confined to her
room with a sevei e cold.
Miss Maud Miller left Wednesday for
Salem to visit friends.
Dr. Page, of Oakland, was in this city
en business Wednesday.
bean two cylinder spray pump at
Churchill and Woolleys.
ir. Lowe puts the cream of 16 years
experience into his glasses. .
J. H. Iiersune. of Olalla, was trans
acting business in Rjoseburg this week
Frank S. Bunch, of Coos County, was
in this city on business this week.
aira. einion t,aro and tnudren are
visiting friends in Salem this week.
Volney Dixon bas returned from a few
days visit with friends at Oakland.
Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede has returned
from a week'svisit with relatives at
Mrs. J. A. Heins, of Mulioo, is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Benebrake
of this city.
Roy Sloper who has been visiting at
Harrisburg and other points north, has
returned Lome.
J. A. Black, the prominent Drain
postmaster and merchant, was in this
city on business this week.
Mrs. McCallister, of Drain, who has
been visiting her daagbter, Mrs. F. L.
Kenny in this city, has returned home.
Miss Dollie Hety mo experienced
"typo" from Drain, has accepted a
position in the compositing room of the
W. W. Kent, of Drain, prominent
among the merchants of North Douglas,
was looking after business matter in
this city this week.
Dan Langenberg, the express mes
senger who is working out of Dunsmer,
Calif., spent Wednesday with his par
ents in this city.
Call in and see for yourself that we
carry the most complete line of ladies.
gents children and baby's shoes, Flint's
Popular Shoe Parlors.
W. A. Webber, of Riddle, was ia this
city this week visiting his daughter,
Mrs. B. F. Lrhr, one of the proprietors
of the railroad eating house.
Mrs. Dr. K. L. Miller and two daugh
ters, have returned from Portland where
they have been the guest of Mrs. Miller's
father, Hon. Binger Hermann.
Mrs. J. H. Pennington who has been
visiting relatives in this county, left
Wednesday morning for Portland, on
her return to her home at Seattle.
Mrs. R. B. Ilous'on left Tuesday
morning for Salem to join her husband
at that place and arrange for moving
their household fitures to their new
home. I
C8pt. F. B. Hamlin, Lieuta. F. W.
Haynes and H. C. Slocu:n, are in Salem
this week to look after the interest of
Company "E" in the re-organization of
the National Guard.
The hen of the farm, properly treated,
gives a ere it profit, pro rata, than a cow.
You will give them the right treatment
if yon use Prussian Hen Food to make
hen's lay. Churchill and Woolley.
For three days only, Feb. the 23, 24,
and 25, Dr. Lowe the well known oculo
optician will again be in Roseburg.
Make a note of this on your calendar if
you desire to him about yours eyes.
Frank Carlisle and wife, of Geyser-
ville, Calif., who have been visiting
Mrs. Carlisle parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
M. Parrott, of this city, returned to
California on Tuesday evening's local.
Geo. Jones a hobo eighteen years old
pleaded guilty to the larceny of a pair of
trousers from the depot hotel, and was
sentenced to two month in the county
jail by Justice Buchanan, Monday.
Rev. Dawson, rector of the Roseburg
Episcopal church, returned to his home
this afternoon after spending the past
week in Eugene. He preached in St.
Mary's Episcopal church here Sifiday.
Eugene Guard. - -
At a recent election held in Riddle.
Or., the following city officials were
chosen. Councilmen. Will Q. Brown.
J. W. Beckley, J. W. Hall : Recorder.
I. B. Riddle; Treasurer, C. F. Stauffer,
Marshal, Aaron Sackett ; Street Com
missioner, Geo. Cutsforth.
Prof. I. E. Richardson will meet those
interested in shorthand and typewriting
on Thurs lay and Friday evening in
the Abstract Office of Frank Alley.
Those wishing a class at 4 :S0 on Friday
afternoon will meot him at the Mc
Clallen House on Friday at 4 :30.
One of the neatest and most unique
designs in the shape of a photo mount is
the "Standford Folders." It a is new
style and up to date, and when a beau
tiful Platinum print is placed thereon,
produces the richest and daintest effect.
Leave your order for one' or more when
having your photo takenat the Sun
beam Photo Parlor. Work guaranteed
Don't forget the piece, one block from ! tames
fc. P. Freight depot. tf20. 'goods,
O. L. Sutherlin visited Oakland on
( business this week.
N. LaRnut, of Garden Valley, was a
Roseburg visitor this week.
Mrs. R. B. Houston, is expected to re
turn from Salem tomorrow.
Mrs. J. F. Peebler, has returned from
a visit with relatives near Eugene.
Marriage license have been issued to
A, T. Steiner and Hazel K. Perry.
Hon. C. A. Sehlbredo is anions the
Roseburgers at Palem this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright have re
turned from a pleasure visit in Califor
Your hens will lay if yon will feed them
Prussian Egz Food Churchill and Wool
ley sell it.
If you want your chickens to lay, feed
them Prussian Egg Food Churchill and
Woolley sell it.
The Bridite Whist Club will meet to
morrow, Friday nfcrit with Mr. and
Mrs. I. Wollenburg.
Howard Carter is in this city from
Lees creek. Ho reports mining work in
that section on the boom.
D. C. Bobbins, of Portland, has ac
cepted a position ia the general mer
chandise store of H. Marks & Co.
Mrs. A. J. A Jams, of this city, left for
Eugene this morning to visit with her
daughter, Mrs. J. II. Dick.
Miss Nannie Boone, who has been the
guest A friends in this city will leave
Monday for her home in Oakland.
The rate for the full course in short
hand will be $15 ; in typewriting 5. All
work will be thoroughly done.
Thos. Graham, of San Francisco,
Calif., arrived in this city today to visit
his sister, Mrs. Curry, of Riversdale.
Lydia Caldwell, of Albany, who has
been ' visiting her sister, Mrs. John
Kantz, of this city has returned home
S. C. Bartrum, superintendent of for
est rangers, left this city Wednesday to
look after land matters in Southern Ore
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bolter and little
daughter, Capitola Willis, left Monday
night for Salem and Portland to visit
relatives and friends.
Mrs. F. II. Applehoff who has been
visiting for the past month with friends
and relatives in Portland, returned to
this city on Wednesday evening's local.
Mrs. H oh field, of Drain, is keeping
house for her daughter, Mrs. J. T.
Bridges, of this city, during the latter's
absence, visiting friends at Salem and
Hon. O. P. Coshow and daughter,
Miss Bessie, returned Tuesday evening
from Salem where Mis Bessie v:sited
relatives and Mr. Coshow was attending
to business matters. j
Mrs. M. Joseplieon returned from San
Francisco on last night's overland.
Sam Josephson will leave for ''Frisco",
on his vacation, Sunday morning.
Remember that Friday night, Feb.
20th, there will be a Backet Bali game
between the Roseburg Maroons and
Company E, at the Boeeburg Theater.
Admission 25 cents. Come everybody.
Remember that Friday night, Feb.
20th, there will be a Basket Ball game
between tlie Roeeburg Maroons and
Company E, at the Kooburg Theater.
Admission 25 cents. Come everybody.
Gilbert Kennedy and wife, of Eugene,
arrived ia this city on last evening's
local to visit with the family of Frank
Kennedy in this city. It is probable
that Mr. Kennedy and wife will take up
their residence in thii city.
W. P. Johnson, of Myrtle Creek, met
his wife at Portland Tuesday, upon her
return from a vuit to Richmond, Ya.
She was accompanied by her niece.
Miss Elizabeth Johnson, of Erie, Pa.,
who will visit for a time with her father,
Curtis Juhcsou, of Gkndale. .
Mr. and Mrs. (rank Hamilton and
Mrs. Dement, mother of Mrs. Hamil
ton, who have been visiting relatives
here for several weeks, left for their
home in Astoria, yesterday morning.
Wheat only pays on an average of 5
per acre. If necessary 500 hens can be
kept on an acre, and they can readily be
made to pay an annual net profit ef
of $1 apiece, or 5.00 You can hatch the
Eggs on a Petaluma Incubator.
Miss Kate Plymale, who has been
visiting relatives and friends for the
past few weeks, went to Salem, Monday
night and will visit relatives in the
Willamette valley towns before return
ing home. '
Miss Louise E. Hollister, National
Organizer, W. C. T. U. spoke last even
ing at the M. E. Clinrch, to a very at
tentive audience. The Subject was the
"Queens of Society." It was full of
good counsel, brilliant epigram, wit and
humor. Those unable to hear her miss
ed a rare treat.
Dr. K. L. Miller, Hon. Geo. M.
Brown, Hon. J. C. Fullerton, Hon. D.
S. K. Buick, J. II. Booth, Thos. Sheri
dan, Eugene Pairott, Misses Agnes
Pitchford, Lillie Collier Elizabeth Cur
ry and Mrs. K. L. Miller were among
those who left on thie morning's local to
witness the last struggle of the legisla
tuie. Mrs. J. C. Aiken gave a delightful
card party at her home on Main street
Wednesday afternoon. "Hearts" was
the main feature of the amusements, in
which Mrs. G. R. Child carried off the
konors, and Mrs. Dexter Rice the con
solation prize. Delicious refreshments
were served by Misses Elva Wiinbei ly,
Maude. Rast and Esther Simmons, who
assisted Mrs. Aiken in entertaining her
F. W. Riley, of Cleveland, Ohio, is
creating considerable interest on the
street with his wheel chair, drawn bv
his large mastiff blood hound ' Carlo,
Mr. Riley, who was a grocer in Cleve
land, injured his spine by lifting, and on
able to use his lower limbs and there
fore used a wheel chair an a mode of
travel, which is hauled by his large well
trained dog. Mr. Riley is on his way to
California, where he hopes the climate
will benefit his health.
Mrs.-Win. Currier and little daughter
tiuin, leu mis city xuesday morning
for Lebanon. .Miss Ruth will remain
with' relatives, at that place and Mrs
Currier returped to Albany and joinod
her husband who; was called to Tort-
land as a witness on the case of Wack
Bros. vs. Allen & Lewis, a suit in which
one company claims that the other are
infringing on their right by duplicating
tables on an inferior quality of canned
This month completes our 25th year in the Dry Goods business
in Roseburg. For a quarter of a century we have catered to the
wants of thousand of cu to mere, from the little store establish
ed in '78 to the present mammoth establishment which we occu
py. Our'crcatest advertisement is that many who dealt with us
at the start are in 1903 still honoring us with their patronage.
In remembrance of this event we have instituted this sale, which
for unapproachable values, excell anything heretofore offered.
Dress Goods Department.
200 yards colored satins, mostly blues (
and reds, regular 50c values, njwcfal. . JJt
50 yards Scotch washable waisting flan
nels, very desirable colors, worth 35c,
special fcJv
7 pieces woolen plaids, light and medium j.
shades, easily worth 40c, special tit
300 yards fancy mixed suitings, mostly
all wool, val. 30c to 50c, special
600 yards Chambray ginghams, one pat-. .
tern, regular 8, spetxd
House famishing Department
Hosiery Department.
. Lot 1. Ladies' fine cotton fancy stripe
Lisle finish hose, 35c kind. Special. .
Lot 2. 5 doi. ladies' all wool black cash
mere hose ; size 8$ only : 50c regular.
Lot 3. 5 do, ladies' fine black Lisle
hose ; good values at 50c. Special
Lot 4, Ladies' fancy stripe, pure Lude
hose, 50c quality. Now
A small ot Marseilles spreads, 10-4 size,
'.reguhu 75c kind, now
Another lot Marseilles spreads, 11-4 size,
good value at l.O0, bow
25 dozen pure linen damask towels,
fancr fast oolor borders, 35c to 50c
regular. Special
Corset Department.
w e are closing out onr entire stork of
Royal Worcester W. C. C. corsets at
the following attractive prices :
f3.75.ooneU while they laat for ; 13
.70C i
.55c I
$2.00 f
Shoe Department.
About 200 pairs mens fine black shoes,
lace and confess, calf and kid, which
regularly sold for $2.50 to $4.00. To
clean up the odd lines we have mark-
e,itLem 1.50 to
Any mens tan shoe in the
This includes rici kid, cloth
calf. Values from $3 to $4.
top, and
Mens Furnishings Department.
About 5 doren mens silk and wool ce!i
jree shir?", brokfti lin, all s its, val- .
ues $1.50 to $1.75, while they lart 1.13
50 doc-n mens home-made buckskin
gloves, all first quality, long gauntlet,
regular 75c. Special..
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled
K. of P. Anniversary.
Last evening, at Castle Hall, from
8 -0 to 12 o'clock , the Roseburg Knights
of Pythias, received their ladies fair and
few friends, in celebration of the S'tn
anniversary of the order, Dr. E. Houok
opening the evening's entertainment
with a very apt address of welcome. Dr.
Houck referred to the inception of the
order which sprang into distance hi the
city of Washington in '64, just at the
cloee of the civil war when even kins
men were estranged by the terrible and
bloody conflict through which oor na
tion had come, and coming at such time
as it did, tlie need of jot such an order
being felt by all, the roll grew rapidly
and now numbers a half a millhai mem
bers. The order ia founded upon that
signal friendship between men, the love
and faith of Damon ad Pythias, and be
the story true or legendary, the true
hearted loyalty of the knights of eld, a
principle so pure and noble, is that
which the modern Knights of Pylhiaa
emulates. Following Dr. Houck s ad
dress several numbers, interspersed
with orchestra rekctionj? were rendered.
Messrs Dal e Strange, Will Van Lewin
and Wilbur Boss sang. Miss NeiU Ka-
batt performed a piano selection, Mr.
Fiee Johnson read, and Mr. M. F.
Wright recited, Geo. W. Kimball con
cluding the program with an impromtu
speech. Each number on the program
was moie than well rendered and was
greeted with enthusiastic applause.
Following the program, the guests spent
a half ball hour or so at "hearts' after
which lunch was served, the menu of
hich comprised all the declec tabic
known to culinary art. The floor was
then cleared for an informal dance and
ot till the clock struck the witching
hour did the merry makers disperse,
going then with the 8jirfl of Kip Van
Winkles famous toast in their minds if
not on their lipe for the KnighU
Here's to your good health and your
familier, good health ; may yon all live
long and prosper."
Cleveland Store Burned.
Manager Wanted.
Trustworthy, either sex, by Whole
sale Merchandise Company of solid
financial standing, to manage Local
Representative who will organize club
among consumers. 40 per cent eavd
fur our customers. Business no ex
periment but a proven sacoese. Salary
$13.00 a week, expenses advanced.
Kxpericnce unnconsarv. AJdress D.
8. Clarkaon, Mgr., 334" Dearborn St.,
Chicago, IIL (JSF12)
They are lYovrng Satisfactory.
The Supplemental Chamber Co.,
Rosaarso, hr.
Gentlemen : Please send me via ex
press, one d.afu Gillette's Supplement
al Chambers; fitted for 32 S. & W.
Short and Browning Automatic Smoke
less cartridge. The brace Chamber or
dered some time ago having proved sat
isfactory I can ' do business with them
when the spring season opens.
Yours truly, H. J. Stillman, Gun
smith, Pendleton, Ore. Jan. 9th, 1903.
Toboxto, Jan. 13&, 1903.
The S. C. Co., Roseburg, Ore.
Dear Sirs : I leg to thank yon fur
sample brass chamber and the informa
tion concerning same. Have delayed
answering your letters in order tlatt I
might test the chamber for my own sat
isfaction and knowledge. I find same
works perfect satisfactory and now wiyh
to apply for the sole selling agency fur
the Dominion of Canada.
Yours very truly ,
FI6 A. H. Fws., Mfgs. Agent.
Notice of Final Settlement
In Um CoootT Conrt af Out of nmm,
lor Cuaty A Dooci.
IB u tuiicrol Htm MUti 1
Of V
B.B.JobBoa, ieeetd. j
NoOc to bervbr wt-rrn tht D. &. T. Vnl f
BUnUtralorof thetmiof &. B. JotaaniL de-
CtM4. hJ rendered and pmlc4 (.
Dcokud fikMl in aa-r enart his Sn! mst
ol bw adiBinMlrmlion of Mid ; Tb.t U -a-dr-
lh ted Sj of Mmrrh, U'R. st 10 o rlnrt a.
m. of nM djj . t the mn room ot coon
Rmrbarc. omron. djm brva tin) Kir tb ft-
Omeat of u-l final arcoont. .a.i fur h-arm.
ay obclioaa that ar b ni4e to t game.
D. . T. rr.
J2SP admlnisirator of Mid tate.
Albatros Market..
J. M. BRIER, Prop.
Last Saturday evening, during the
absence of W. M. Fraken and family,
the Cleveland merchant, his combined
store and residence was totally destroy
ed by fire. The loss is estimated atbout
$12,000, with only $200, insurance. All
store and household goods and clothing
were lost.
Plugged Up.
A wild report comes to the Plaixdkal-
aafromMjrtle Oreek. It is claimed
that the well was plugged last fall and
that the "insiders" have made a des
perate effort to purchase all the stock
owned by the ."outsiders. ow we
give this item for what it is worth with
out rellection on anybody, but we once
had a little stock in an oil well and the
'insiders" plugged the well to let the
fact leak out and then unload their
stock on the "outsiders." So you can
not always tell which way the cat will
jump even in an Oregon oil well.
Needhn pianos are coming to the
front so tapidly, that musical people,
like the DeMoss family, and others,
want to know in advance, if they can be
supplied with a Needham piano and
make statement, that, "they seldom
have the pleasure of using such a fine
Fiano." Prof. Fraxier, also endorses
the Xeedham Piano. Therefore the
Xeedhm is proving itself to be one of
the best pianos manufactured. For cat
alogue and prices, address T. K. Rich
ardson, Roseburg, Oregon. tf.
Thos. Cannon of this city who is a
breeder and raiser of the famous white
Langshan chickens, "greatest of winter
avers," is making a special offer to
those wishing eggs for hatching 15 eggs
for $1.50. Those wishing eggs should
write him at once. m4
Cash paid
FISHER. In Salem, Jan. 20, 1002, to
Dr.and Mrs. C. V. Fisher, a daughter
airs, fisiier ana little daughter ar
rived here from Salem Monday evening
Citizens Meeting.
Little Ranch for Sale.
A good little home for sale ; 17 acres
adjoining fair grounds, l east of
Roseburg. Good buildings, 150 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in culuva
tion. Price $1225. For particulars in
quire at Milikin's shoe store, Roseburg
Smith Dandauff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applica
tion. three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. Price bOc,
For sale by Marsters Drug Co. mltf
The citizens of Roseburg are requested
to attend a public meeting to be held in
the Rosoburg Lumber Company's office,
in the Douglas County Bank Building
on Saturday evening, Feb. 21, at 8
o'clock for 'the purpose of re-orjanuing
the Board of Trado and transacting such
other business as may come before the
; Pres. R. B. of T.
Roseburg, Ore, Feb. 18, 1U03.
In County Court et DousUt county. 8tal ot
Ia to matter of ettaw
of f
Martha Wnodrulf dCMwlI
holic U hereby given that tha un1erln)
bu bwD bv tha Countv Court o( Douclaa Coun
ty. Oregon, annolntvd riecutora of the eatate of
Martha Woodruff dvceaatHt. Wheraon all per
sona Indebted to tha aald en lata are tun-by
nailfleil to make ImnnMiata payment to tha
nwlcralRned. at their rvaidtiDoain Colea ValU-y
p-rwlnct, Dot) la county, Oregon, and ail per
aunt having aiaima against tha said eatata will
present stma Termed aa by law required wim
in six months from data of this noUv.
Dated atosebtirg, Oregon, Fen. Hlh, 1.
K. A. ooDtr,
(flfip) .T. WooDBvrr.
Notice of Final
ia and
In County Court ot State ot Oregon
lor Douglas county.
In the matter of tha estate ol
God treY Kaon, deeeaxed I
Notice is hereby given that tha undersigned
eiecntor ol the above entitled estate haa filed
In the above named court his account In tiuai
settlement of said estate and the court by or
der tluiv mails and entered on tha Journal
thereof ttxel Monday March lrd, 1.03 lor hear
ng objections. It any, to sid final account and
be seitlemunt o( said estate.
Dated tuii 9lb Oar ot February, 1903.
Op LCUla 1 Hirf, txecutor.
Notice ta Laundry Patron.
After February 1st all laundry turned
out by the Roseburg Steam Laundry
will be on a strictly cash baia.
FISp. O. C. EaiEn, Tropr.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Koaehanr. Oravn.
January, 1. 13.
Notice la kebr girea that ia fc.l.nw r
named settler taa Sled BoUev of h inu-a'-da
to make Unal commutation proof La support at
his claim and liiat said proof wul be cia-ia ba
loiiiru44T a 1.4 JteertTer V. f . Land Of.ce at
koaeoarv. Ortcaa, oa Friday, reorurr ZJ. I"a
of Tiller. O-i-ron.on if K No UM for the ',
SK of r . T ft 1 west W. 11.
name la loilnwinc ariiaesare to pro re hi
eoatinuoos residence opon and cultivation ef
aai'i tana, via: i nomas Koiu ire. Peter rU lit
k-oom Xonrcof Knapbarr. Una. A Thomn.
mrm. mt V rcca. Tecra.
' KsUUGES. tVajiater.
Dealer in
and Oysters
Opposite S. P. Depot-Fletcher Bu'Vg
Sow la yoarorlrvtaB!y t r-t a ehea
Urzber cUia or koscevesd. We eaa l
eat yon oa tha bra oryne pis or arta
be bad. iKlan sept constantly aia
P yrd. Ii yoa are lor a We.
ci asp, Suit 1L. Caul ca or aA-irmm
Stewart & Greacen
Ital Eslit: rzi Tester Sukrs
nosEBtKG omm
If yoa have a ring that is
broken or a set kt out, or
roLLly yoa have a riug that
is just a little to small or a
little to large, rrhae yoa
Lave one that needs strength
ening or ia badly bent. I am
pr pared to do all kind of
ring repairing. I not only
guarantee my work, but I
guaranty yon will be well
pkased with the job : : :
' Shelf
anKets I Blankets!
see ouri OTirJPQTT
We can give some of the best Talues in
BlanKets ever shown in the city. We ccn
give you a full size all wool BlanKet for
A Mixed one for
Cotton Blankets front 50 ceut pair to two dollars and fifty cen ta.