The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 12, 1903, Image 2

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    Ti Twca-e-Vaek
RoscSorg PlainScaler
n"T-" Srfri cod t!mte)
pevci and tay w-irs p.rwaret fi.r ;
f.r.-.n'a a.r. anit net rtH.V wert
thev cetrvs-.i bat bQ wa fcaated I v T carnally Staair
mi sasratwwl to er:m? tiem to Cr.b-aae Primary electa bul aad
. .-. .. r f w "-. th.'.r are aiaay ri feataresia
Editor aad Far2nUer.
LJs(Btivs "met.
TwtoaTatfc PTawwiralrr. aer year. SZM
faxa Tkht, City Editor. Solicitor.
T. G. Ears. Foremaa
Catered at the fast Oica ia,ai
Orew as seexuvd class nail s&atser.
Adsertisias; Eases os A piOTUinm.
Dia Eartoa: la ywr !at iasrte yws
nay, "Regar-iiag the thervioffural aspect
of the dnrtrise ;tf laiti hea.;, w have
aothiag to say." That aspect deserves
y'iur iTVr.rir.n . Tie faith Leatr aea
ieeta thia aepeet of the aebjeet, keaee tia
avtffaVe For this rsaar-n ae ii-li to
acts the fact, that auraciea were
wroogivt ia both Old aad 5ew Teta
scea Cases, ! a eoaaee&oa with
eertaia soperkaaiaa powers, calld
-rir-ltial jr-fta" ty Paal 1 Cor. XII,
For this reasca the Sairte Lesr fita to
saderstaad tie words ei CT.r-jt ia sev
eral places ia the 5iw Tettea.,
where he practises power to remeve
taooataiaa, trees, aad do all ap
ply oc.iy to those who have received ap
propriate tpiritaal gift firm God- For
this reason the la-Hi healer Jail to ecm-! th
prehead tiat the feraala. "TiLaioever
ye tLa3 k ia Ky uc," as.1 " iotU
a-," bat tbeEe that y receive e
the (-.msl tor aai&g Rprh3sa2 gif.
aad ia aot the torrr.s'a for the see ci
prayer, proper- For tti rsac ta
Uith Lear fa to that Le taisct
kcaUy pout to the Kiraeie raerjrril
ia Seriptsre a pros the trxih of L-
theory ef prayer, trace thy all ctxsmsi
ia eccaeetiuB with am&e fjiritaal git.
or jsie one h possessed oee. For
thie reaaoa the Jaah healer t-a to aee
that the era aad cower rroeiaed by
Christ, at IL mthwb, beiocz-d eel;
to the aonCea aad those wbo beTSerd
their issaaeai preaehizs. Thoee lin
eeaaed wllh the apoetcoSe era. T&ey
o eertaiaJy otaeed tf it, were h act Ijt
the Khle we woold xever kacw,
aay eveaSa today, that a withered arzu
a Ui&d eye, a leprrsai body, or a dead
Baaa bad eer beem reatored rrr Trf. '.-X-Ij
aad rlshiy ty saracie. Eeasae of
thiaaegectof the theokieal a5ets
of the Bi;ct, the Uith bea doea to
ksowthewxia of Jaaea eoaceriiig
ie2ag reser ot-'y to the eoa-fena of
the apoeta ia that era. & be iscr
aatly apEea them to biateeJ.
The faith healer tsr&a away fnaa the
thc&tcigkal tepeeu of the isbeet, be&er
be thiaka aviracie wcrkira; bad 1ae h
object the nef of bsmaa tcSerrs, aad
bekefs to all cex.tsxiea. He doea act
see that sraoiei hare beea wrocLt tc
proxe the aetsal deiiy ci Jehc-ni, tb
riae origia cf Eia kwi, the diviae
asperity aad cideioc of Ela choeea aer
veste, sad later the real derty of Cbnec
TLia is abowa ia the worii of Xoaea aad
Joehaa, ia their v.'.tc,s, aad ia Zljr
)ah'i woHa to (he prcpheta of Eoal,
Ca3 yoa ob the use of yocr god,
aad I wiZ ea2 oa the use of the Lcri :
aad the God that aaswereth by re,
bint be God." Chriat'a words prw
the uat thisg, when at the tkjp.t. U
faxtrsa, be decUred, that they say be
Eerethatthoa baet aett Be." The
faiifciealerbyaegieetiathe theoJcgi
eai aepecta of thl tub jeet UZm to aee the
cae of gwdv-iae, aad tMT.i abrade oa-
It it tended fir hava rcL Hefcr-
gsta Paal took Lake, the pbyticfaa, a
hk trare-c eoapaaioa, aad alao
iaed Tiavxhy to aae a Ete wiae (at
Bed-dne) fc tie 'ofoea rairaaitiea.T'
Vby d be preaoibe medirfae aad aot to Tissothy? ecaaae sii
ra aot tor that pcrpoee, tot ae a proof
of Christ'a drnaity.
If turj'XJt today poaaeeeea the rpiritoal
rliu of ELah, or tcaoi, or Chrjt, or
Paal be n?y clala the proisea aad ia-
troctiOM erjceeraiEi aoch siita ia the
KbJe, aad aay do the work of those
Claetrieca eharaden. Est if they lack
those rpirh&al f-ie, they Jnay pray tm
doo!&day aad faS atteriy. Their fail
are bowew, to beal the tick or rake
the dead does aot prove the biblkal
doetriae of prayer false, it only prerrea
thrir theory of prayer, TLtj bare
aegVeted the theoSogkai aepecta of the
aebjeet, aad have ctcifceadfd the doe
triae of prayer, proper, with the doe
triae ci miracles.
Too aay, "one of the earsea of U.
world today ia theedocated Btiaistry."
I am sorry yia place s preaiiam epoa
aoraaee ia scy pro&aeioa or boaiaeee.
Ksch s aeatloeat ia eavorthy sa editor
ia thia ealigbteaed ee&tary,
Toor erpIaaatioQ of the word
ger" ii rfiaraeterietie. Eeryoae ia tbia
ealiiteaed eocttry kaowi, that the
term nig?er" is s terra z&& ia the
Sooth to express eoatespt lor all ae
groee, wbether ci pare or c&xxed biood.
re-cai-s ia ta f."v cr.iiacry
the hiatiry ci I'aaiiii, bi trUu aad enn
detnaaxioa hfcr tar:'.i at EaJjv.a. ;
If that tu a base cr.ns; ira!y aid pi.t :
prra5e aati oppr fr.r evawi3iffe ;
jae, thia Wrtoti'aiira pi.,t i far Ef.r
to be er.-o,ititna i. TIin Pijiritii.2a
ed.vr u at Wowiiaru, a tra.a.-.r ia
a fcraa-ips Ltai aad atwr j:.:cs!si V
httar aaytiii of the frsecntii.Q wu.
Re U.S ao cart ia it pr cr er.a but
heari .t of comaieiit, but it Sia.ii
a ilea aa kapreiika oa hiai lit hs
wrote ahnict the niAtu-r ibich i;pearai
ia a Ch-iri d-Lly a ftvilr.-ri :
I aa ' "-f to bet ar.y ta i.Uxr
tita! Parama hat. Hi oct a.
ajaiidt the tcitit cf ten
uiu chorda aa a am
ci moesrck reijr.r.a wrapped
S7 ia a mact ci eir.i!r.toc!is3 oai
the attach frr,ei it aaar.ed tw arjwi
W b:i btrara. Tbij s.b-r-fa-; fcr.t
a, the prsachrf- w-.uM t: 'S.aie
lay, -ciewrr, -.tx-cr.nw
Whea the bill w iatrviii-; Ltto t. s
LfcipaUtor aad fraaiei by the lM .
leader or s:in.it4r cf oce fi the Wood- .
bnra charches, the Pxaar&C-oaa trati
it ia a ridleaioc, aawca--w; n i-r. i
The 1 diet! "s'bona."' We ksew aV i
J. P. Joaea, traTilaj pedaeaer ajwnt
cf the Snothera Tiaic Co., esccrSed s ecaipnuiaf 37 wealthy
tie tui it is so tju ot r.gajnarrne aati ! gaa peiipie cer tae ijraspa orsaca ci
ti!jta9 s pease. t.t the tax patera that i tae Sinthera Facidt: thia week. Slope
x W nid be a bir iea api.a the Kate at J were made at several important tcwaa
lorz. ! ak.a the Ihte, the special ear ia. which
A pr-iary eieirtioa la.wh.oaId be pa- ! the compaiiy trawied beiag side-tracked
d by tae state ci Ureicna cat taen a law j at iuatetctry taree tf fpauf
h-nid act meaa aacther araft aprji tie : the Kichiioaders a good apportoaity to
tax ar should the proviuiiaa of ; U-.k over our tr.wa snl aarrooadlag
Hnui a bill w irk a barhihip ap:a the ccaatry, sad they expmaed theaiaelTea
; 2eiabers. of sty politicai party. Sow aa beia delighted with cur cF7nata aad
; irhile the PtJt r,ra ia a staunch re- j c&oatry zeaerally. Each aiember of
ptbiVaa paper aid ia s repabiicaa the r arty filed oa timber eLuaia while
er.uaty, wh a saie repabiicaa m.a.r.rx; i ia thia ecaaty ca a former vimt aad are
' If the fdctioaa w;ll iuiid feather) yt j well pleased with their iaTestmeat.
to pai a praary . h.i-7-jzj yim. oiaue caal proof oa their
- FOR far moet -
baa aaaouaced Bsfmovtm Krs. Fair fC4r Caf
to ELrtafcav
. Go. Caam berlala
that be will set call a tnr.?at.zju eirtr-tar;-a
ia thie district ooril aAer the eiee'
lftr the s -ssLoa, ia the eveac cf tnre i Fsa, f-A. c "7's
W the UjyjUtare to choose s aeoatr- fy: nia,J s? r" 7 ,
-i Seaahv Xaikey baa) a&ecKed La j-1
Sag s bill throagh: the seaase, which, if ,
at beenmea s law, will pmcihts the pnh-1
Ccatiiia sail aal ci Trar7 bocks'' a.o-i .
ether Eteraxare ei that eiiMa ia tiLt
tfjet, to 'An.
Jte J-rtf' Cemeaw
m rc5aei to
-jr tie recuhiicaa
e:ctiiji ti f..rci3 the deaiocrata to ! eiaaia ia the U. S. larnf office of thia
pay taxsa r tie aomiaatioa of rspahii- ; city. The einipaay ball fro&i YptnTafiti,
heirr of If. Chariea L Fair Bt-
ff to awpt the tiiey ir:im. her ette, aid that there n .fvUi
he art sw-ad eco-vae wt the ff -i-i t-"-t
mX.t r, t f - fr e f she h i
a auit b4 biea iwia li ir--1
rival ia piisilrf ia5eret the iaunona iP'
aal cmibiC e-er the Fa." i- -Jfrs.
Fair' resales cia to K -
r.Itr .iif n ' -n r. h." i Sf 1
tie yvii
ter ktwfcead as iwt 51 aiitea - ''T
that eaaaed
h -irca -aia would be aa ia-wtice aad thia ia j Jf xhipui
what CroLtaa'a bill crapoeea to do ao.1 j aaderataad Waehiat"4t
; v-..:e versa- estate eoiapaaiea aad boarie cf trade
What w certi ia more pairiiitieta aad , ir aeathag oat areata to Eaatiagtoa.
o maa n boctiety aad lees aaaderir ci , xsA other pmmiaeet Weatera poiata to
tie tax paysra aiocey. Ia framing a j iatereept immigrants sad snpp iy them
bill to strut all the rw-,-iira:niiara of a j w-ith Waahiajtca Eterature aad srge
prucaxy eiectoa to select aomtaeea by t theai to uvea te ia that state, atatiag
dtier poutuau party ia aereaary.
the advaata'ia ap there are far bet-1
state. The bCX ia awepiatr ia thia previa-1
Bta sad plaeea aader s baa act idy
ae&asdcaal bocka bet all papers ausde
sp of cruaiasl oews and poiiite reporta,
sad obaceae pictarea sa weiL
Senator 5teiwerra bill fior the reappr.r-
BoaawaiMr-aiMseaaiai.1. . Vot
wpreeeatative i;-trict ' thea--iuia, -
a2et say bat "ahoestrla diutrcti.
The eeaa.iea of these diatricte are to be
groaped ia s store compact fcra which
will gi all parte of them s won er;ial
r gpreecnSatiiyii
i The total cf the appr-;prlatira aiade
by the Jlst aeaioa of the Wai.tatr?e s-
biyO301J was tlIJTS-r. It ie
W'-J a'ETTX-'W
bntseM. '
aCTiriay to r;t wa
5,;. -r. Sai-'-a, ni the Cr..Ta ;
Llf.t H an, aaie i? frnm tivaX piae -iaec
T.;kf to aei eae iir araad' ,
..r, if re- WT ti.4 vut i-
First : E?ery aiaa who wait to be a j tr Stn ia Ctyia for bcaieeeekera sad
fa,-.. Slate vjt aay oce ia the iift ci the j tile enterprise oa the part of oar eiater
people shall aaaocace hie eaadtdacy ' Kate, it ie said, ia taralaa; maeh baavi-tir-'Ci'i
the odtxs of a aewspaper or fratia to WaahiaiTtoa whichs wonii
icierw--!eT aai shall seeare the si-xaa- have otherwiee ease to Cna- Theie
urea ci it leat 3 per eeat of the party it seeats, if Orespa woaLd receire
siiiateiy aothiag TzxrLnz tie aiti,r-
i v..te ii he aaaf-uacea aa a party staa or
ship ci the bU a-r tie parses &:r wh-Ma 5 per ceat of the i Xal vote poue.i at the
iatetdrid to cocvrt bv Law frota t -t prex ejecto-a
! which he aao tree to i-1 vt be ie aa av
-i-t.eaieat caiiUciare. iwcr.aii : It ha
:t wae
ice theo(. jgisal doetriae
aad practi-e to aicu:er ;
eb S.r iravr.ltt.:
the tu. ai l .ieairii
Ia our iue ef Fb. 2, the Eev. jeor?e
of at.i
f;t e a
r"ti.c ia
it d-frtatiL
BeaaeU puhii-thed a Wtr
bill; aad ia.iirct!y ch
:it ;
be tie .Ii.-y cf tie ciairaiaa of aay poti
tital ar liiepeoitiat party to call a pub
ic saeeta of the excative cntaxittee
to Siett at lea. -50 iars before aay gea-
r era. fcjtctioa to place tie aaaea oc aw
carrier of Sr ch-ld.-a cv ra,n of P--7 caa.iia-ea uj
"iiioroice aa,i faaaticW f -e ; pr.ry eiecti.a at 5est
pareau" at Ws.htr-, w x drpetuii ieka the gierai eerti.ia ia
npoa faith la tie bealiai ?cr cf Vi Thirl: tie fcra of the haJot fc.r
iiata.i ci pld, b be iii a,t stale the ! f -7 a- nuaat. p arpoeea aLaJ be the
caaae of the .ieata of tea:v other chU-1 I" w-1 b7 fti
irear-pceiaxiathe eeer wbft bad ! cethci of bolila priaary eied-oce
beea doped. Vir posu saadtoS I
let every ataa ea;rr ia all it rtlltras the ulcers aa.i cleria ci eccoae Sia
the spirit of bia ' p'rofewed rt;ir-a be ; ".thet pay aaI they stay ad
that nilicoc Jwii, 5i,La-..-r.riaa or i avlater the oath to aay aaa who oirft
CLrjtiaa ; for s rA M '. taniiii -.r ' V'-'-e nwiii the qoalcaii-.a of
Jw ieafar br can tiaa a had j Fourth: The retaraa cf all
o'taty aad by bisi with the aa-
waa scecsipuahea ; aai r-z..- .--7
switcLiai off fr-.Ei the certs tad efVct j
of the bill to faith, bea-ers we do aot i
crcwee to be si.ietracked. If the rv- ichairavaa aa.i exeirctive
ereaed ptatataa cart to tr iato a u-1
casavia of the stroa he prsaci 1 ia i
the Uethoii-teharch La.t Sdafii:. ;
tiitaiee of tie Cacrteoasaiiasjacers a
va.I aa i the retina eertiled to the
cosEJiitte of
the party. All expeaes twtdlax the
primary electijo, priariaz baHxa, etc,
-tc shall be as-ed asx the
- . I. t . -
. . ... aa at wt-w wrvi r 3 n .x.
J te wi. retieat it ia a,, its rt-tesa aii ;
iera.1 at a rmhilc d-raiott la tie 1 f Fd &a tie
Opera house, we wli pay all ex :-.
sad give him the opeaiiz ail ei.-.e;i;.
bet we do aot cars to force
Vath rate theoi--zical ha;
: rijLrj balit. A-fsr the re-u.t of tie
f triaary eiectixi baa beea derlared the
;,, r.f rat. tales rereiTtiz lie tiei caza-
c rc-a ocr i "ar f r r--ts 11 prittary electka shall
i be declared to be the
-c varliXia partiea ca wi
noEiaees of the
lee tickets they
the daddv of that mallci-xts, perecatli2 f St tA'9 f
Tie rpL-U dL-plaTI fcy these who i 'f ti.!iC rrtri u
W---f tk , ?n ! tae p.ic-e expeaae ; t.i & za
of persctal life, ia walk a,i cr.cvra- f1 -3
i&a at VdhcrB, their ceekae ea. ao lm act resve.1 u aaa-urw
derthelaea was wvrd aai aU j eadorteaett of 5 per ceat of the Wal
aa-I ilk Sail bejr hj eocre-rlos yc,i i at lie -rt,oa i-r ay
.. . . - . ut.ii.-7 wiica ae atav a?&ire v a
e J - i- - -j- .-a.' a a a w i
breathiaaj t tirateairr aad
ter assLaat the disci t9 of tie
weat sato the L:zh tr-t. aa.i derei 1 cta4 wiT
f him letters to Iiaiaeaa to the rvxa- , ""' J
ita share of iataixratjca this fpsriaaT tie
various boar ia ci trade sad iaiaii5S
tica bcreaaa atnst wake sp mmd get rep-
reeeatativea or aata ia
atee sad cos pete with the
ajata aad set torth the asaa ruorosa
ei -rta to direct the stteasxa ef the
hoate seekers to Orear-a. It wooU be,s
pyod pUa to selrset one represeatative
from the E-Te river valley ; aacther the Ua:pjM; others froaa tie
if Zlsaette valy( etc sad theee n
sperrive districts eoold weu sZori the
srral expeaae thus iactrreti by their
partiralar a-nt ia salary sad tn veils?
expeasea. The Ptarsar unt thiata this
a very irnpertast matter aad eae that
hcnld receive the iaatediate atte&tice
ci Wesjfjra OrgMi boar la of trade
aad reata.e orraaiaaticss.
The editor ci thia paper personally
acTj-saiated with the above facta, the ea
terpi ide of Wahiajvi sa related ia the
for-,r.iir haviaz eotae aa.ler bia direct
jceervatioa wbUe travelioa; ower the
We?ra braachea of the Oregon Short
Llae ; the Great 5orthra, the O. 2. A
5. aa! other rjadtt.
s? aad get rep-t" ."T- "
, , , f Coraeljaa, Kiwaaxs, Ma-rto
x the aeui to-- . '
he Xaehiatoa t,!fcln
aii vt t
S?scb a bill as the above ia fair to a-
t .x i ! parties cr il cormpcoo exLvt eb aay or
Ilaee. It i aav
fa-f sty of this;'-1 1-" tre jcr asa
whether tier wre
ttiea or woita he cizit hrit? tieta
boaad cato Jmales-. Arts 9. I-.
goznea, that, if be
way, (Christ-la ,-,;
i secret poiltisal or dark laatera axa
' tlta aid tie ae of boodle to seesre
eoctiaatiot? or the pirciae cf dela-
-.i - .
Pv.. x.--.. . i .v. t. , , .... i tCS a CVjce awav w.ta. ever a eta.
sad thai look iato the glaea to see .-at! : ty tie throat by tie poiitiI
the perrsecctoT, ?al the loarae-i then- rX i Oreeon aa-i ia the
ioexal etodeat freab L-ota the ft cf : of a at pr-iaary e'-setioa law sZ
ataaliel, aad ttay the Zstt ci theii prtiaaiii:p ia doa sway
wrrA ,wn o v-w? u it dawr,i i sad the per.p?e st iarze or the asa-
oa rssTa ; tr brother we are eoaviaced ; rl
. -n- ? v. 1 vzjexrjt tbe.r owa esa.
r ')a m uc a m . aa at a ;
c a . , . . x
"Thoa Shalt tot bar filse wit- i to reve aoee a u-
. , ' - - . 2 . 1. . 1
It -rrt aea aa2 t aa is f cue wc
e e-iitor?
The H. eorahle WHliaaa Jeaatag?
Erraa savit! to s deajo
cratic kwe fee- ia 5ew York City by
the L-jqacia Cab- There were protas-
aeat descents rtch sa Grower Of
laad. D. E. Ell aad s senre of otier,
bnt Williaiv, Sweet KUliaa ccoil sot
xS- jr-i to eieet with Grower Oeveiaai sa
the beatty ci Cevelaa.! a goU be
wiajs wrild taraieh the raster ei the
silver pp. so be deelaed the iavitatios
aa-i jet Orover rt away with the cake.
5eaat.jr Umien bill to bar s3 atea
satescei to death ia the state exetrsted
ia the peaheatiary ia s aol BMsasre
aloae that should be prrpt!y psased.
The tcblic execatioa of awarders &nt
a..t have a teadecey to deter cat) froaa
sr. crier lit it dies s-aie atea sad
woccea who witceneea such aighta, hard
aaf ealloa at rr.'er-zz sd psia sad
idrt: the laer aeasibilltiea cf our
hsasaa r. Afire.
aetiaiatetl that the satouat this yar
will alavMt reach tZJXC jOOO exriaatv of
the appmriatioa of TaXXiW S.r tie
Lewis A Clark Fair.
ar: t rassxa st sots sCxa.
E B 13T, by Hen&aaa Ta fix eertaa
salaries iat Coa ceoaty.
The iXowiaj charter billa : Aixxe.
Lexiagtoa, Coai., Esadoc, Aahlai.i,
taytoa, Eaeae,
a. E. 3Z, ty Croteaji Ta r-rute
Lvestock La Sfarja Cocaty.
6. B- I3ff , by Carter T refilate ex
peaaea Jaduca Cocaty ScivU ?aperia-teadeat-'
S, B. ITT, by Erewaell F-i apperaie
bosrd of Coc&sJasfattiera ia CLav'kasaa.
S. B. ITi, by Erowaell T ix salary
of Clackaaiaa Coaaty Jadfe.
B. B.2, by EdJy T lireaee d..taetie
aad forexfa eiyrporatio&a.
H. B. 9, by Pbeipe Eeiative to Sa
east of tie Cascades,
H. E. I-i, by Eiiila Eeytlatirj tta
ef iasnrsac esirpsaiee.
H. B. 40, by Cobb Ts rsu.'ilre street
ears to be provided with feaders.
H.B.Aby Karisrkey Titax gifu,
iegadea sad i&hexitaaees.
.. E. B- 42. by Eaaks Eelairve to ex
eat ptica cf wares froca garalehaieat.
: H- E. 4c. by Kay To aiiicrae tate
Laad Ecrl to iavt aurpio faada. Eay Vakiax state of
cera ai eiapkyea tab;ert to faraisb
xeat, "H. B. 43. by Eaaks BeLitlrg to ex-
scatica ef der da ia trira r.-citr- Hale To fix salaries cf
JoaepLiae Cocaty officers.
H.B. S2, ty J:eea of Liacda To
Coeaty Cocrts to aecure --t-'
actes ci surreys.
H. B. . fcY EcrieiEh rce U
eouaty eoart ut Waows aad liaraey
H. B. T5, by Eddy To preveat sta.ta
fr.:..-w rr-.--t aolaat state.
EL B. SO, by Pbelr Ta stake Serai ci
If it ie tn thea hi eaclr eatase
paeaed to her sai torirh. her to h
bxi rtati".aa-
. ruatawa have bea serf apca Krs.
W2iaai K. Vaaieri;i.S, ir Xra.
axaafe!rich aa.f tie exeratora of the
.. . , c .
eeta-v tie .ate ctar" - ' -1
u.t trour.; ia Sew T-ri ay the re-a- j
C"a of Mrs- Fa.r to rir tie n;. ..r.a
alsr?i V. have ba left by the itfad
aiiotiajw wil to hi wie, sa4 by the
codiv-.t Saw of iaieritaice to her xock
r aid siaters.
ine 2aJer, Fta- : v. B- 2vkwsy j suka imji
i if leae. aaw7 ci Swla, 2s it
her bed sbi week, wih rhenaiatjiai. f vXk Q --a-Yrn
Z.l.X'MtiMi, X ILtrr'jtbnrf Via briifaj was
t-j vviic! frea.J aad waatcta? -Jr ,
Xr. T- i. S2- haw las saJ es
went to Aaiwf , w vrwl,
her -wr, Sfrs. . . . -
Cac vairy saw ewrag 0 n
i . .- r
3!iair a x-"aa ta-
Seac w hMCS -i-w ei thw rser.
Tie mat ari. wates- sa)
ahi iaaais to rxrimriM si feateias
'"rraadais i-fsea, wa aae '
Ck Sr aay aviti-s as the hr.oie of I.
St. Iuieiy, aeaar Aalaaf, jed (
I aioraiair,
CoaufO' Cemetery, aaday, Ft- 4-
fc tiooaii Souti es Wiie w-r
ir-et ia s t-ial wa ve
i?iaai. SaLiy-
36 xt af Sm ymwsjs
im i -T-5
wae barf ia ; " -v-'
aa fsi wswj jmiiiii r
work sepeiriasj wstab esna saf m&cJir
juf bridarw-
Xr. Z&aara. inrt kls iorX betly sneaw
iase ajri, tes i shie S waJa was scaua.
we firs eaimd to ary.
aahi Xra. 2. C Alexair ei
: was vaetiaa? wslk i fasauly
if G-a. Ze-jki, tie pset t
OtaUX Vv.
s tr-?
, F. Wi ret-tnf fmai
Pvrtaf ti-J week-
tr. J. i. Dy iefc S P arijaa-f
wfk Sr aa i3-iiaix caus.
2,,,U are tise aisif y si thoaa.
auula tr.aie aa.f gr reytlariy.
The !a-r saw bees hart c tra
y-zL$h a kv have beea r?pwvi.
sr -
Xr. 2. J. "'eat went aAer s
devKi 1 - fci atr
wi;h r-iail-ra.
W i
. vmf sbc A. C XcCsHoe-x'saaad w. a
vaa au? aauS-sbfns ia xusd aad
2ms saw a fid.;ig Ssalt with:
!-. ue et- '.i r-m r j-, . .
acwT T.awger, -a; ;
to daae.
ty their ewa vote
The cse of the term ie aabeeotaiag a
Cbrk-tlaa editor.
Eiacerely yours,
Gsosgx H. BXXSSTT.
The trotLer La attempted to cLaa?e
bk position by so taacy tactics that we
har l.'y koow where he ia si, sod doubt
if be knows except that he ia Laatiag for
s bole to creep ia sad fervectly praying
for the power to p3 ia the bole after
be baa bid hi in self ia "the theologies
Perhaps it will aot be oat ci place to
glaace at the facta ia thia diacaeeioB
sad coafiae ourselves to the direct iss-oe,
if iue there be. A email body of pro
fecead followers of the Christ st ood
born bare for the peet year or so been
most viciously sad aliciocily perse
cated by other pro'eesed Cbri-tiaaa aad
the chief aiogula ia the churches, be
canse they believed ia fervent prayer to
God to eonfer tfeatporal bleeesaga and
to beal the bodies sa well sa tbe souls of
the believer! sad their cbildrea. At
Woodborn foar children, whose psreata
were soembers of this cult, died and
twenty or rwre children, whose par
eata believed in naedkiae, Lave alio
died. We do not know tbe exact num
ber. 5 ow the members ci this band ci
illness or whatever they are, are J'jOT
asyt: "xtoa tts-t aot
aeea arainet thy neizhVr.'
zirea false witaess sgair't
Tea say be said : Oae of the rtrses ci
today is the edacatod nitistry. Tos
stop there writing oaly oae-balf, thus
avaktsg it to be s falsehood ia effect.
What w said was : "Oae of the ct.t--
of the world today ia tie eitateii
ktry, edocattd with the view of inter
pretation of weeds, but destitute of the
-pirit of Chriit. Woul ti.e 5aaariae !
have writtea oce-Lalf of the word to
w&vey a Ee? Wool i be cat short the
qualifyiaz clauae? I believe ia aa el3
cated auaiatry ; bat Siy aialster with
bis bead full of book aid des
titute ci the Spirit of Cirlrt ia a rtirse to
the wjrld saf this yoa dare rsA cVmy.
And Bri-Ahar, juet oae word : Do not
bother yoar Lead or heart aiut the be
lief ci others serviE? the saate Christ
bet preach Hiss aad H:m crv lie5 ; this
is what the world needs today aid not
laws to eoatpel naen aad woioea t etal
tify themselves beSvre their God. Aad
brother, do not write Leadliiea to con
vey the iBT-prefsion that your opponent
revels in the bli of tbeokica! or otler
iznoratce for aotaetime yoa may slip Bp
oo your calcalatioa- The oil sage ia
wisdom ears ia substance :
lie wb knows and kr.a tiat be
knows is wise. Follow Lim.
Ee who knows not aal knows that be
kno-v-s not ia simple. Teach him.
He who knows and kaows not that b
knows t aeleep. Awake Lim.
He who knows not and k;.o- to',
that Le knows not ia a tx!. 5-hcn bim.
Brother, wbb of the above beals &
yoa come under?
leered to vote f-ve aa.d support blather
skite poihiaaaa aad dishoeeet reea or
see their party go down to defeat
through tl-e autchaaatkias of riaz rule or
If satisfactory las against tmsU are
not parsed at this session of Conzress,
President Roosevelt will eall an extra
session oa March h. He LaJ? this
positive announcerr:eit.
Hie determiBation ia increised by ef
forts f John D. Kkefeller to defeat
any such lei.Iatif.n.
Rockefeller televraj-he!! to at !ea.t six
Senators, eayir.?: "We are opved to
anyantltrost legialation. Onr conns I.
Mr. , will see yoa. It most be
When the counsel railed on the Sena
tors be trot seurt reception, an 1 left in
a harry. The Standard Oil Comfjany
has been particularly buy in epposicz
the puclicity feature of antitrust legislation.
The State ci Ore? -n baa trobabiy
more special laws aad spedal legislation
tiaa any ftat ia the Unioa if we may
l&ie by the scores ci special billa ia
tfAstxd in the Legislature. Tbe trjcble
with all thia special business ia that
there is a graft behind every bill and
while it may appear on the surface that
j the welfare of the state is being sought
I to be expixted tine times out ci tea it
is Yft for the indirkloa! aad 1 mill for
the state.
There is ore bill peesed which baa
robbed the citiaena of the State of their
right to rop rty sad ia the sspposed
exploiting ci the state retourcea it w
be toend that it baa put s mistons s-
rrond t!e neck ci iadividaai effort snd
eaterprLse snd baa by law built cp s
moaop-!y which has the state by the
thro it. The franchises ender that lae
couid be placed upon the market in
Sew York snd soli for to0,000,f, sad
guarantee 10 per cent on the investment
for the text fifty years. Being practical
ly s newcomer to the state we naturally
do not want to push forward our views
bet our eves and ears are open, and we
ear with all candor, if there is a state in
the Un needing !earesa newspapers
to expse systems of boll robbery aad
jobbery it is in Oregon. We Lave in-
vvted thousan.ia of dollars in Oregon
ard our interest are thoroughly identi
fied with the citizens inter erta and when
we see a bill pa.s which puts at leas
10,OX,0 acres ci the best timber land
in Oregon into the power aad control of
a moaorj?y and baa for ita object the
entire control ci every foot ci valuable
timber in Oregon by putting on it s tax
of over tyj0r0O0,fX for the exploiters
benefit aal virtaally crashing out every
timber .claim owner in the state by
forcing them to sell out to the combine
it is time that every newspaper in the
state demanded tbe repeal of that law.
5ext to I a.-.e. Drcgfaa cocaty Laa
ma!e the zra:est
valuatica of trocerty over laet yssr cf
aay e&uaty ia Oregon. 5esr!y one
mUlioo dollar has beea siied to tbe
wealth cf Docflae orsaty doriag' Isat
aimect vesr. Only Maltaofnah.
Lane aa4 Liaa exceetia Docgfaa eowatv
ia wea.ta. peecau ia tneresae. sad
toarta ta wealth, ta the record of car
county for 1XS! Coa temp Latin tbe
won.brrfsJ stride made aiace the last
aeseaemeet ta lamberiez eeterenaer.
raiae 'A pcrcLasi timber sad sgricsl
tsral lands, improvesosata ia Landings,
expsasioa ia bas&esa, sad the kand-
reda who Lave come tsto the cocaty
th capital, energy sad skill, esa
not reaocsb!.y expect the suwsssatest
roll of Ijc;!xs for 1X3 to give as s total
valuation ci about VJXQJXQ sgaiaat
s5,iy,G-4 or lXj2?-5ews fGadsle.
Earthquakes were refyrted Sunday
from pointa in Missouri, Kentccky and
Stock rtolfers' Meeting.
a meeting of the Stock Holders of the
Urnpqus Valley Prune Association will
be held at the Court lionise in Roseborg,
Donlas County, Oregon, on ?aturday.
March 7th. st 1 o'clock. P. M. for the
purpose of electing s board of directors
and tratearting such other business that
may come before the meeting.
R. C. Esowjr,
f. A. McCaix, Chairman of meeting.
Yoaax Pleads Oaltty.
Xrw Yoax, Feb. 9. William Hooper
Tousg, oa trial for the morder of Mrs.
Anas Pal. tier, pleaded gailty to murder
ia the aeco&d degree sa-i was sentenced
to life ia prlaoement. He b said to be s
distant relative of .the Mormon leader.
Brihsm Yonng.
Cars wfTaaaks.
We wish to speak oar most sincere
thanks to all our friends sad neighbors,
also the members of th boaebarg Lodge
W. O. W. for the comfort snd seaattsacw
given aa ia our time of p ief st the death
ci our beloved Loabaad and father.
The many seta of kiadnesa on tbe part
of our friends will ever be held ia grate
ful remembersace.
Mas. Etxui Jons sad
Roeeburg, Feb. 10, X3 Tmix.t.
KZltU ta Camp at Salt Lake Cttj.
Tbe recent pas?se by Congress of tbe
Dick bill for tbe rc-orgaaiastioa of tbe
5ational Guar! of tbe United States, ia
of no little local sign inea nee, for it mesas
that the members of Oregon National
Guard, will go into camp with their regi
ment at Salt Lake City next summer
Under the provisions of the newly pass
ed law the appropriation for tbe annual
encampments of tbe state organizations
are made by the national government
instead of tie states separately. So in
stead of aa encampment in tbe state sa
usual, the entire guard will go to Fait
Lake City, to Fort Douglas, in Septem
ber for ten days. It ia expected that
there will be 23,000 troops encamped
there st that time. Beeidea the regulars
and the National Guards of Oregon
Washington, Liaho, Montana, Wyomin
Colorado, Utah, California and Nevada,
there will be five regiments of infantry,
one of cavalry, and four light batteries.
There sre about 1000 seres of ground in
the Fort Douglas reserve which willle
used i'Jt the encampment.
Idaho Legislators wUl probably pass
bill for a railroad commissioner with
lare powers.
E9oiaa of Pariaerjfci-
, . i This jj.fle-i3"aa t
C'ouatyof Ia Jja
That tie partaerh:p beret.-. e-f-
Tie tiei ia hai a 1
terth wlstr aad 1
water S ra.
l.Bg Vt-ea H- K. Erkca aa-f - C.
Ee la ta Ux ta sa
C- 1Tiaasseaw"exfS f
ta w-ii s trrt, H there as aa
rxa K v; sars eaans axJ jx za. am aeL
i waaruLe ci s . sswam sow mad. tLaX taa. 7W
f I-Hari tlav party rsasltei is sracer-
Xr. I-'e aaf fa.n.Ty iswe avswed
2.-aeicrg where ae w. taae a
to ?. ?. B. E-
rj i F. rviuixa ntc
Cs--ar.T , i -.t-T. (JrTtU
day djHVd If a-.ttaI erc-eat b tSe
sajl W. C Cinaer seCiasr to E. H
Br'Ae all rs-l, t.t aa.! m'-er ia
sail PLarvtsutss FaiIiiiX 0--ifery
fc-jeier wirh all serwars It saf
Pva3xatzx Paioihiri Getpaay r
W. C- Crar for ad
, . cr antai eia iai u
tf H P.T-k sec-as ai .t- ar 1 isitei:t-taess cte
Piam;ti:rs Pa'iilir C-Etaay.
H- E. EafjBXXS,
W. C Cnn.
Bspebcr?, Orr-. Jaa. Zt,
A2 rerw.aa, firms or ecrp.ratts
b-r tie laie firs ef
Ctereaee & Brxaer C-ecer, i 5a-
anii, Waea-, sea '4 2. G- Gi.ser,
ila ! -i thia plarfe, are viiasf rxtiies aad
brxztia after aa aieeaee Sar years.
ia the small ?t.
' riers lij aside i the
S saj her i ei-liirea exoswi,
skv 3rw that has tias rgai
las Wa
iasiiz aoxaara i
Br ..kea A O aaer are w,-itBl to
tJjem La aaI they wH be pei.1.
H. II- Ear sis,
Fec-rtary Z, I'-fiZ-
A axe little lix3 at Mrr-e Crees
kaowa a the Caaiy Kiatiea, saciadlrg
ectireticaery. bakery sad a.Jtltssa.
Protah-"e busiaese bet party rat r
tiie oa sexseat of S health . Price
reasocaiie. A pr-iy to Eat M. Caatrca
Mvrtle Ccees, oreraal - iFl;
Boad Esperviaors begia Jaauary L
E. B. 83, by Galoway Aathorixiag s
library tax iaeisea.
H. B. 115, by Hale To reimburse W. ;
H. Eaaptoa te achori laal p'srchaM.
B. B. by Both For relocatiCi .ci
eccnty seat of Coiambia.
TLB. 114, by Hstohiaaco-To smea.1
the barber law.
H. B. L5, ty ElJyTj chaaze tie
ci fixlrj tax levies.
H.B. 141. by Ecth Fixing salary of
Cciambia County Jad-e at 11X0.
H-. B. 154, by Eeed Relative to prov-
inx of ooal reeor ie ta k.rea eoca-
H. B. 17, by Tavey Makirg
of assistant renitostiary Wardea 1 1510
H.B. I, by Hay lea Authorizing
Sataea oa cocaty roads.
- locorporatioo acts : Octario, Euee-
fcerjr. North Powder, New Astoria, Unia
rViaevile, Baker City, Caaby.
raosio st rss oowxsioa.
H B I by Malar key To appropriate
VaW) for the Lewis sad Clark Fair.
H B 53, by Ftaher Foe s firebost st
8 B 4, by Xsrsters To create irre-
dacibte school fund for Douglas cocaty.
H B 77, by Cornett Aathoriaicg roa-
itroctioa of free ferry at Earraburg. Eeed Portland charter
H B 108, by Gill To levy tax ia Malt
Botnah county tr support of library.
Charter bills for Cci-railis, A.arao aad
The Dalles.
H. B. 73, by Wbesldoo To ssthceize
Dalies City to iaeae new water bonds.
wTraocT eovtaa s stosavTss.
lacorprestioa seta: Eugene, Salem,
A lama, Myrtle Creek, lone.
Dttscr rtimiT sot astwrsEMatra.
-SaLxa, Feb. IX Alter tbe met
spirited fight of the seesioa the seaste
reconsidered the vote by which the
Croiaan Direct Primary bill was Icet
Friday, aad by s decisive vote sect it to
the jodidsry committee,' where the op
posentaofthe measure sre to
, The opposition lanter aveiopei
J S. t tutc
Jtajr Urw. '
a. at ii? tat
sri r -( Frtrurv. a,iw ri'ifw
3.i 'r.: 22 &rw 1 i-
tii;ssi.- t. ia arar Li-
Crw 4-4b a r:i J- a.
C;jiMtt ""3 a Ufia S -r
f-is-. r uji u 4T iaxar.
(Wk. aa.i 'a ru a4 ia wr.i.
I 1J
itSLT i
as ?wmC.
to it
Ci J. li. Eav we t to i
-ea i3iafpJieri i-r s.ot cay taotsa j
juiy be is imp-ii. Ee has beea
irt-r extea.av sajprwcs&eata sa his i
Ware aZ vf Vx- regariig Sey!
tiv-e prneeedirars. paay aa r-xart
il-rt.n f C. L zainr. Aiixee to s
c. ,1 f', , V.
lst Erxa-T ste tato t:
Cr-, Fea. . Iwa i
br-iafit ta taia er ya
Vciay sy tie ;-i-iBTwca kenchert. Th
eaaa wesa iZed ea tie fa-aiaka scad.
Ow-iz to so avica cww is tie aoaa
a'na tae deer aai wHi
, irr drrvea was. grig tie aca ryr-
saea ;esry si laa tBerrig gasa.
C;ty i-or- Ivwa-.t. - 'Wtwa. o
nV acrA W Ihi. m asni m ai tf ?r.
tuu nu.s ort at Sisn.ia I
rt : !- wats J tr&xm a-
iu i d- a Knaa aMr x
t.n.i(.t.. mJ rari n Haul ta
ms' -r.. nrnrt. M t iciJ l
. .1 r: -.. 1 la u ' r
:2 !a eru' . f-tu ortisT w-;i a.: aae
ui tunia I w-ji a
rata'riav tielth day ef March. 13.
t cioea s sv ci ! 4r eoart amw
!ct w 13 S-woerr. Iwa - rv Or-
rna. w urK tor C fl m
ta 'a r Jti1. Ui titan
nr . B?Ty. r guy rt
V. R. BucM
I fsscaessT to
5.e Areata l r
C h a s e
I '
TT. I Ccih. K-a. ;3e4.-t cid ,
Extend a cordial
invitation to the
public and the
many friends of
tht old firm to call
and examinetheir
new line of Staple
and Fancy Grocer
ies, Queens
ware, Etc : : :
Brlnj Us Your
Entter, airless, ES.
Eitt. Cue .
k i ra.rrT.
IbtciSal ixm:tm eavaiy. Ona
Hp I
I, tk fm Caart kr XwsrTaB Cwatv
Sx a 4-by cltvs lbz fcy ertev tie
4a; W ia-iwrr la uw wata
viMa baa mi caa 't vta o.
j Are yoa aware tiat Spring will soon be here j:J
12.11 oTROXG, TIIE i-USlXTTURS MAX, IS pDir to h
show yoa the fntSt Lilt it CiTpttS b AJ3 chits S
i ' crcr shown ia Southern Oregon acl sexne of S
thea. have already arrived? ALso
Cevaiy Cn
Administrator's Notice.
Kaa taa C'saatv Conn, M Dt
tj :a: ef fr'.i. o y r?as e kia:i
have a j r t-
1 S-i pfwosi aa-rta riaraia
laa cwaM. Kt i imvi wiLkia aa aaoaLaa
The Largest Lfte of MaUfcjjs, n
Our store i well filled with desirable roods and 2
i mere are arriving daily. g
v KtiitMiibK, we carrv a full Use cf I ISlNITlIf. V
j CASPtTS,V1AUPAPt2, ST0tS, ard aU yon need to I
k U-aatify your heme. If you cau"t ccrze to see ns 1
their poeiUca by eaakias it clear that t u iaia o ta
thev iateaJ to force a vote oo Um Ixxrk- ( i, uj. t
wood bTJ, that now applies ealy to AiiBimMW taS. itc!
Ualtaocnah coaaty, aad extend Ciat , crmi-
systenj, ii they caa, to the cities ci .tic
state over 1X0 popcuaUoo.
Tae bd ass bad to Cr.t its way
aaiast sa oasaimooaly al verse report
of the eieetiocs committee ci the seas
Uarstersssad Moo-lay that tie com- j
mittee had agreed to favor the limited j
Lockwood system. The judiciary com- j
mittee has several members favorable
to the Croisaa bill aad i t will at Ileast
come back to the senate with s minority
The SBOtioa to reconsider was pot to
the senate sad carried by s vote of H to
11, with five abeent, sad the bill was
referred to the jadiciery committee.
xo change ia senatorial vote.
Host Delightful Way to
Cross the Continent.
ameaU VTltt ns goods are not as represeuted yon need S
4f?i not keep them whether bought personally or by h
B. W. STRO.NQ, i
A Day ii tic City if Ike Silzts
A Woederfut Isveatiee.
A Moontain-walled Track Thnxia Coi
orIo, sad the OraivJest Scenery
on the Ansericsa Gsatinecl,
j Topnlar rersonally Cotul acted Toarit
' Excnrins to all Eastera Points.
Losdojt, Feb. 10. The liaer Minnea
polis, srrivel here thia morniaj: from
5ew York.
The officers sod passenytrs report
that the ship was ia receipt of a Mar-j.
eoaigram every day daring the voyage For laVraitiot m rata, aas uiassatol
pvins the news of the world. " j aaarea
It formed agreeable diversion to the j y Q flcBRIOE,
T'tT117 relieTiD8 1 W Sto-t. rOHTLASD, ORB
ony the trip.
OPERA Saturday Evening j A
HOUSE February t : :
Willis ColUnVXaughing Success
The Man From Meidco
By IL A. DU S0UCHET& author of
Mv Friend From India
An established laughing success from East to West. A
Cast of superior merit. Seats on sale Thursday morn
ing at Strong's Furniture Store. Lower cor o i'l
75, Gallery 25 and 35. -