The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 09, 1903, Image 2

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    Th Twiee-a-Veek
Rosebarg Plalndealer
FubUchad It on da yi ul Thursday.
be n
Editor and Publisher.
Twice-Tcek Plaindealer. vet year, $2X0
Feed Wright, City Editor, Solicitor.
T. G Kcth, Foreman
Entered at the Poet Office in Rosebarg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
January o. 1903.
Dkab Editob : "The doctrine of
prayer, and healing by faith are
questions of Biblical interpretation."
But you deny this. Now notice : All
Biblical doctrines, of necessity, rest upon
the interpretation of those portions of
Scripture which refer to them. The
Bible must first be interpreted before
Biblical doctrines can be formulated.
This is true of atonement, regeneration,
sanctincation, prayer, and miracle work
ing, as Biblical doctrines. But this is
not denying that miracles were wrought
just as the Bible Bays they were.
Belief in modern healing by faith may
be an article in your religion, and not
in mine, but we both base our belief up
on our own interpretations of Scripture
on that subject. It is not a question of
honesty or holiness on your part, or
mine ; it is only a matter of judgment.
In connection with Jacob's statement,
"I will not let thee go, except thou bless
me," when he received the withered leg,
you say, "with the injury came the
blessing." That is what I hoped you
would say. The blessing was spiritual.
It suggests prayer as a means of obtain,
ing spiritual blesangs. This is,, in .my
judgment, the purpose of prayer. But
it does not suggest prayer as a means of
preserving health. "With the injury
came, the blessing" to Jacob. Did it
come to the four children in Wood burn
at the cost of death? Perhaps so. They
surely are now with Christ. But injury
to Jacob, and death to the four children
as consequence of prayer if they were
does not recommend prayer to us as a
remedy for injury, or a means of avert
ing death.
Your remark about the nigger (negro,
you probably mean) and the linotype
machine, in which you say, "when our
linotype machine arrives, we will give
him place to tell what he don't know
about Christ is Spirit preaching to sin
ners before the flood," remind me of the
two urchins who. met in combat one
day. They fought long and hard, when
one was overpowered, but as they sepa
rated, he shouted back: . "Just wait till
my big brother catches you !"
Cordially yours,
Gkorge H. Bkxsett.
both spiritual and temporal. You will
doubtless know that at the time of
his wrestling match he had thirteen
sons, and those thirteen eons in about
two hundred years' time counted up into
the hundreds of thousands ; and if that
leg had not been withered there would
have been no place on earth today for
the gentile nations.
Regarding the four children at Wood
burn who died without medicine, tho
Reverend Brother says: "Surely they
are now with Christ." Allah be praised.
Why does not the Brother state that the
other children who died having taken
big pills, little pills, bone rubbing, and
the scientific - interpretations - by the
Woodburn divine aie in glory land also?
With profound ignorance as regards
the true meaning of the words "niggar"
and "negro" we state: A negro is
either a native of Africa or a pureblood
of African stock. A "niggar" is a pro
duction between the low whites and the
negro race a curse upon the American
citizenship and the cause of all the
hatred and deviltry in the South. Such
a being is not a white man nor is he a
negro ; but he is of that brand that
many men fold to their bosom and seud
up a howl to heaven after some pure,
good, noble Southern lady has been
assaulted by the brute and he has as
cended in smoke.
The Editor is sincerely sorry that tne
good brother has referred to our big
brother, after the flesh, for if he was
caught by the one who avenges the
wrongs done to us he would be hung up
to dry for about seven years in the place
where there is no snow and this would
be preparatory.'to the burning because
he is so green.
W. W. Withers Shot while Attempting to Arrest Horse-
thief Lyons on Siuslaw-Lyons Captured.
ErcBXE, Feb. 6. The. startling News held an autopsy and extracted the bul
came to Eugene this morning that Sher- let which is now in possession of L. T,
iff W. W. Withers had been shot at Harris, prosecuting attorney. The bul
Walton last evening by Ellis Lyons who let was a 38 and badly flattened. The
was wanted in Jacksonville, Jack- autosy revealed the fact that the bullet
sou county, for" stealing a "horse." eht through the treachae and aesophe
Tlia sheriff went out yesterday in gus, through the body of the cervical
company with Constable Jack Smith to vertebrae, through the membranes and
make the arrest and was met by a re- spinal cord and embedded itself at the
;ti,r, of Lvons and shot root of the spinous proccjsof the seventh
in his tracks.
Lyons was a former field deputy ol
Sheriff Johnson's and was sent to the
penitentiary for the embeizlement of
Mintv fimds. for one vear. He is a
bad man.
Tlln ncsnccin escaiKxi. and upon the
cervical vertebrae.
The bullet ranged downwards.
The physicians state that it
markable that he lived as long
A l.olf 1. l.Af w ......
iuui uuui ui-iure ir. vt liners ar
receipt of the news at the sheriff's office rived Sheriff Withers stated in the pres
at 9 o'clock thiB morning leruty urown ence oi vr. l ame, Ooorge Fisher, and
immediately left for the scene ot the George Bowlsby he had Lyons ar
tragedy, intending to organize a posse rested, mat nehM his hands on him
on the road and run the desperado to wnen ljo" wife grabbed him (With-
earth. The posse will not hesitate to ers) by the arms and that Lyons father
shoot Lyons if he shows the slightest ana motner also interfered and Withers
0. W. Bfishford Has Sold His Flna
Jackson County Farm.
G. W. Bashford this week sold his
farm property on Griffin creek to J. C.
Smith, of Fort Jones, Calif. The tract
comfirises 150 acres of good farmine
land. The consideration was in the
neighborhood of f 10,000, and is consider
ed a very reasonable figure for the quali
ty of land. Mr. Smith has been look
ing over property in this . vicinity for
some time before making a purchase.
and during his stay in Me Iford made a
whole lot of friends, who are wishing
him nothing but the best of success in
whatever he undertakes among us. Mr.
Bashford says be will probably go to
Koseburg for a tinw to assist his son,
Elmer, but is not bo sure that the attrac
tions of the Rogue River valley will not
prove too great for him to withstand,
and he is likely to come back just like
everyone does who- has lived in this
country long enough to realize just how
well off he is. Medford Mail.
Lane Gets a Slice of Douglas.
Our job department has for the past
three months been crowded to such an
extend that we have been compelled to
put in a new Gordon jobber and as the
Review has not received a new job press
we presume that it will satisfy the pub
lic by telling in their next issue that
their office cat has a litter of kittens
and the Plain dealer received another
pile of junk. The pre arrived - from
the East on Saturday morning and is
now doing excellent work. Come and
see it.
was shot by Lyons without expecting it.
Dr. Paine said Withers never suffered
any particular pain and that he
died as he lived, a brave man.
J . it., l ittiers, Ir.thcr of ex-Sheriff
Withers, has offered an additional 1500
for the apprehension of Elliott Lyons,
dead or alive. This makes the total
award fl, 000. An organized body of
men will start on a svRiemnt;,. t...
J - au U
Lyons, and he will no doubt be cantunvl
or Kiuea.
The .uneral of W. W. Withers will h
held Monday (today) at 2 d. m. at th
Christian church, Rev. J. S. McCalinm
has been keeping close watch for opiating and interment will take place
in this vicinitv., A few 'r --"-"ery unaer the direc-
The bullet entered the throat of the
sheriff and lodged against the spinal
cord. Young Chastine broujht word at
nVl.v-k this lnornin? from Hale, and
nr. F. M. Dav is now ou the scene
The wound is fatal.
According to information at the sher-
ifTa nffiee. Withers had been for some
time keeping a close lookout for Lyons'
who was wanted for horse stealing
in Josephine county. He is a desperate
man and had made his escape from
officers in Southern Oregon by the use
of a cun. He has .been known to say
that he would not be taken alive.
relatives livinii about 30
miles west of Eugene and Sheriff With
aim kj vl .-- - - . . , . ,
j . ,. Wt him man about the wnicn He was
unioa. .- - . iniomW Tl.-f 1 .
- ""mil wui aiso oe at-
Statb HorsK, Salem, Feb. 6. The bill
introduced by Senator Kuykendall an
nexicg that part of county
along tidewater of the ciuslaw river to
Lane, passed the senate this morning
by a unanimous vote, the Douglas coun
ty members making no opposition.
' Admiral Wildes is Dead.
Passengers and Trainmen Overcome
With Oases.
Tacoma. Feb. 6. A f pedal to the
Evening News from Wenatchee, Wash.
states that the east-bound Great North-1
ern train, due there at 3:30 this morn
ing, was stuck in the tunnel for nearly
two hours. The engineer and rest ofl
the train crew and a number of passen
gers became unconscious from the gases
of the tunnel.
A passeuger named Abbott made his
way to the engine released the air brakes I
and let the train make a gravity ran out.
nen the train readied Vi enatcltce ai t
o'clock the conductor, brakemen and
two women passengers were still uncon-1
Dairying Pays In TiUamoak.
The cheese factories throughout the
county are about all shut down now,
and the pist season has been the most
profitable one the Tillamook dairymen
have ever experienced, says the Tilla
mook Independent. As a result of thuir
prosperity they are clearing more land,
increasing their beards, improving their
premises, buying better furniture, pre
senting their families with pianos, mov
ing their families to town to give their
sons and daughters better school privi
leges, taking pleasure trips to their old
homes in the East or to California, and
some of them retiring from business.
Ob, it pays to own a dairy farm in Tilla
mook County.
The Poetry of the Orange
eecona continent r,f m
vesterdav went out
there to arrest him. Last evening, hav
ing located his quarry and being satis
fy thai he was in the house. Withers
on torn) to arrest him.
As soon as the family saw what was The
up two or three of the women seized turned their prisoner over to Constable
the sheriff and held him so he could not Jack Smith who at once took her before
make a strong defense, while young justice w mtermeier. A
. . - 1 I 1 I a tfrry n f Y .
Lvons arew ms pibioi auu vtuc i lwus as "an arrour
shot him. The bullet struck Withers to a felony" in hampering an offir in
in the neck and it is feared lodged the discharge of his dntv and ai.linr
i uic imci in auciua ijri4- I ... . - a -"
allv was Conductor Houston's candidacv gsi me spinai co.uu.u, ,u. naa oeen made out
his recovery is conswereu imjo6ute. i nuri ueienaant previous to the
The young man who came for a doctor death of Withers. The charge, -since his
says the sheriff is completely paraiyzea, aeatn, wui in all probability be "mur
wh:ch the doctors call a bad indication, aer in me second degree.
As soon as it was seen wnav uau uwu wuityj to appreciate keenly hex
done, Elliot Lyons took flight, while the position and frequently gave way to
tuer mem uri o iw ,o ... ..j Wo e m iaj, rauier an
ther could for the victim and summoned guiar woman, aged about 35 years. She
The appointment of Chas.,
of Raker City, as superintendent of the
State Penitentiary, by Governor Cham
berlain, came as a great surprise to tie
Democratic politicians and to the people
generally. Ex-Sheriff Durbin, of Salem
and David Houston, the popular S. P.
railroad conductor, were both supposed
to be stronger candidates for the posi
tion than the Baker Citv man. Especi
FaASCtsco, Feb. 7. Rear-Ad-
trank Wildes, of the United
States Xary.died suddenly on board the
steamer China yesterday morning. He
was on his way home from China on
sick leave when death overtook htm.
Admiral Wildes had charge of the fleet
in Manila and about the Philippines.
He had been on the station since June
1902. From the first the trying climate
seemed to be too much for the officer.
Under the strain of the continued heat
and excessive humidity he constantly
lost strength until finally the Naval
Tvrftfil nf Rnrrm tonrwl in mnA tha
a member. The funeral will .i k ... i j .
tended by the Knight f Pfi,... I n. v:. " .
t --e ' j wtt.o, i uuAKio w uu ii La uuiv, uiu wu urucrcu
vwmru o. tne orid and Maccabees, home to recuperate.
" "; uwges iie tieid membership.
Dissolution of Partnership.
State of Oregon,
County of Duu das.
Death of Mrs. Palmer.
Regarding the theological aspect of
the doctrine of etc., we have nothing to
say ; but we do reiterate the previous
statement that the recorded accounts of
looked upon as the most likely to receive
the favorable consideration of the gov
ernor from the fact that it was prin
cipally through the influence and dili
gent work of this gentleman that Mr.
Chamberlain . received, . ch au ret.
whelming railroad employe vote, and it
would have been just recognition of
these valuable service rendered, had the
govornor favorably considered the appli
cation of the genial conductor. Under
these conditions the railroad boys have
just grounds for feeling 6orely disap
j pointed in not receiving substantia re
cognition at the hands of the new gov
ernor. However it seems a Democratic
Wither was nerfectly dear in his
mind"and told what doctors to summon.
A messenger made all possible haste,
but it was necessarily slow because of
heaw snow and the very bad condition
ot the roads.
An effort is now bein made to cap-
nu nil n r iipoajn.1 l . .
i .- wu ueura tne ap
pearance of having toiled hard durin
hjrlife. '
"You are charged in this complaint,"
Justice Wintertneier was sneaking
accessory to a felony. This complaint
wasarawn up previous to Mr. WilW.
deatn. fcmce his dvath -:n
miraculous or Divine healing and the principle to give professional politicians ture Lront be,ore he makes, his escape charged with a graver offense. I will
direct answer by lnvmity to prayer are
either true or false. The record of
Christ healing the sick, giving sight to
the blind, the raising of the dead,-the
giving back to the servant his ear when
cut off by Peter, the feeding of the mul
titude ; and by the apostles as recorded in
the Acts ; and in olden times the record
ed miricles by Moses, Joshua, Elijah,
Elisha, and a score of other cases as
direct answer to prayer are either abeo
lutely true or false. If the answer to
prayer came as the Bible sayB it did
and if miricles were "wrought just as
the Bible says they v were" then there
needs no interpretation for "he who
runs msy read" and a fool could not
misunderstand. Therefore there is no
need of any man to interpret, and
Brother, one of the curses of the world
today is the educated ministry, educated
with the view of interpretation of wordj
but destitute of the Spirit of Christ.
"Belief in modern healing by faith"
has a place in this discussion ; and be
lief in the healing performed by Christ
and the Apostles has a place because if
the accounts of miricles were true then ;
if the power given to Christ and trans
mitted to the Apostles, and by Christ's
promise to be transmitted by the church
through all ages was an absolute fact
then that fact exists today. It may be
latent ; but as truly as the glory of God
rested between the wings of the Cheru
bim in the holy of holies in the taberna
cle, in the wilderness, during the time of
the Judges and.afterwards in Solomon's
temple in the Jewish church, so the
glory of the Christian church "greater
worke than these shall ye do because I
go to my Father;" "and whatsoever ye
shall ask in My name I will do it be
cause I go to my Father," "and lo I am
with you always even to the end of the
world," exists among devout Christians
today. Brother, these are the promises
made by the founder of the Christian
faith. There must be a burned out fuse
somewhere for the light of Christianity
shines very dimly in our days when the
words "stretch forth '.thy arm" "young
man I say unto thee arise," and a hun-
the preference over
and deserving men.
competent, honest
from the county. A posse ot six men I nor: rvmand you to the custody of the
was at once made up in Eujne, headed officer until Monday when you will be
by Deputy Sheriff Brown, and lelt lor arraigned on a different charjj."
The railroad boys and all other advo
cates of the fellow-servant bill are not a
little indebted to Senator A. C. Mars
ters tor the passage of the bill in the
Senate. When it was proposed to kill
the measure by having it referred to the
the scene and will try to biing Lyons in
dead or alive.
Lyons is about 35 years of age.
Sheriff Withers is beinc brought in
and will arrive this evening.
uwcer Mimn advanced to the
prisoner sl,e began to ween and r.le.,1
For "God's sake don't put me in iail "
she shrieked. She was led of! moaning
uu wringing ner nands and weeninit.
Sheriff Withers is an exceedingly pop-1 The prisoner occupies the woman's cell
railroad committee, Senator Marstes olar officer, and made a record last year in the county jail. Register.
vigorously urged immediate action on
the bill, and in the face of strong opposi
tion brought about its final passage at
the close of one of the hotest debates of
the session. A brief account of the final
passage of this bill will be found on
another pae.
The Southern Pacific R. R. has recent
ly issued a folder map of Oregon ; on the
back of the map is to be found
the essense of information regard
ing climate, transportation, education
and agriculture7Th"e U uiameleTTnip
qua and Rogue river valleys are given a
valuable write up and dairying is given
especial mention. We advise all of the
outside readers who want information
about Oregon to send to W. E. Coman,
G. P. A. Portland, Ore., for a copy.
hv tracking throuah three states and
j a -
finally capturing BertHeaton, who mur
dered Ben Tracy, a Junction City saloon
keeper about one year ago. Ilea ton is
now serving a life sentence in the State
Penitentiary. Although a liberal re
ward had been offered lr the arrest of
Heaton, Withers laid no claim to it,
savinir his work was onlv in the line of
his duty.
Upon deliberation of the county court,
Judge Kincaid decided to offer a reward
of t-500 for the capture of Lyons, dead or
alive. This offer is now standing. It1
Lyons Captured This Morning.
twiExs, teb. 9. Special to Plaib-
dealer. Lyons, the murderer of Sher
iff Withers, w as apprehended and cap
tured at Creswell, Lane County, this
morning while attempting to board a
south-lmund freight train. He remained
unuer cover until the train started to
leave the station when he was taken
completely unaware while attempting
to Doard a car, by a powe composed
of the following well known citizens:
4. Poland. J. M. Shauh. YVm Rno
. II. .Miller, Jan. Law and Edgar Par
Mary S locum Palmer, wife of Hon. P,
P. Palmer, died Fridar at 6:45 r. m
Feb. 6, 1903. at her late residence. m
Willamette street, Eugene, Oregon.
She was born Jin Louisville, Kentucky,
isTosseu tne plains in io3 and took up
her residence w ith her parents in Dong -
las county, Oregon. She was married
to P. P. Palmer March , lS5fi. at Wil
bur, Oregon. They passed the greater
part of their lives in Scott burg, Doug
las county. Two and a half years ago
they moved to Eugene where they have
since resided. There were eleven child
ren bom to them, eight of whom are
living, as follows: Mrs. Alcvone
Hill and Mrs. F. A. Perry, San Fran
Cisco, Cal ; E'xie E. Palmer, M anvil
Cal ; Elmer C. Palmer, Ashland, Ore;
Albert C Palmer, Alaska; Mrs. L. F.
Earl, Gardiner, Ore; Mrs. W. L. Ches
hire, Eugene and Mrs. Frank Schlegel,
Portland, Oregon.
Deceased was the eldest daughter of
the late Wm. and Sarah S locum of
Rose burg, Oregon. The surviving sis
ters and brothers are: Mrs. W. II
Byars, Salem, Ore ; Mrs. C. L. Hadley,
II. C. Slocuni, Koseburg, Ore; and Ed
Slocum, Dayton, Wash.
t uneral services will be conducted at
the residence, 69ft Willamette street,
Sunday. February 8, at 3 :30 p. m. In
terment in the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Douglas county and Dayton, Washing
ton papers please copy. Eugene Regis
Holmes Thompson Nuptials.
This memorandum
of agreement w it-
I hat the partnership beretolore ex
isting between H. H. Brookes and W. C.
Conner, doing business under the firm
name of the Piaindealer Publishing I
Company of Rosoburg, Oregon, is this!
day dissolved by mutual consent bv the
said W. C. Conner selling to II. H.
Brookes all right, title and interest in
said Plaixdealer Publishing Company
together with all accounts due said
I'laindealeb rublishing Company or I
W. C. Conner for advertising, job work
subscriptions or legal notices and the
(aid II. II. Brookes assumes all obliga
tions and indebtedness due by the said
Plaisdeales Publishing Company.
11. H. Brookes,
W. C. Coxser.
Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. 31, 1903.
AH persons, firms or corporations
having accounts due bv th late firm of 1
Brookes & Conner are requested to send
them in and they will be paid.
II. U. Brookes,
Fclruary 2, I'm.
A Business Opening.
was useless to offer the reward to induce I sons. TLyons was almost completely ex
mends ot the eherm to lollow the assas-1 iiamaed from exposure and hunger. He
Marsters memorial or resolution, bo
fore the legislature, calling upon con
gress to amend the lieu land laws, so as
to protect this state from the lieu land
graft business, should meet with the ap
proval of every citizen. Glendale News.
Judge Lowell has been rewarded for
his treachery to the Republican party.
The democratic governor has appointed
him a fair commissioner. Republican.
Funeral of Hon. J. D. Burnett.
The funeral of the late Hon. James D
Burnett was conducted at the M. E.
Church, South, in this city last Friday.
The remains were brought from Ruckles
Station on No. 12 and were met at the
depot by Laurel Lodge, No. 13, Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons and escorted
to the church. The services there were
sin as ltners lias tioets ol mends w no
are willing to go. However it was a
wise tiling to do and perfectly proper.
brave sheriff passes away.
fcCGESE, ieb. 8. bhenn withers is
, dead and his friends, who are leeion.
mourn. He made his last stand in the ana nuld UP br "mall posse, but
performance of duty and now he lies
cold in death from a ballet at the hands
of a thief who murdered him in cold
blood ; a murder that will be avenged if
justice overtakes Lyons.
conducted by Rev. Stephen. A. Douglas,
dred more accounts in the simplest of U'e BaptiBt C,mrch' the Rev. Hyatt,, although he
words of the English language needs in
terpretation. The narrative; the facts
all stated in words so simple
that they let the grandeur of
the miracle and the answer to prayer
shine as an arc light on a dark and
4rmv nipht. But manv of ttiA mi'n!i.
try claiming to be scientific interpreters Cemetery north of tow n w here
M thM simple narratives camu "-iu j bums
pastor of the M. E. Church being de
tained at his home in Oakland by sick-"
ness. The funeral services w ere well at
tended by the pioneer citizens of this !
city. At the close of the services the
Masons again took charge of the remains
and escorted them to the beautiful Ma-
Excitement over the shooting of
Sheriff Withers retched the climax last
evening when O. A, Campbell, bis
brother-in-law, reached Eugene at 4 :50
p. m. and brought the sad news that Mr.
VI uners was dead, Having passed away
at 11 :22 a. m. yesterday.
O. A. Campbell proceeded to the
Register office and gave out the follow
ing information: He said that Mrs.
Withers reached Hale's at about 5 p. m
Her husband seemed to recognizo her
was in a semi-conscious
Mr. Al Holmes, of Port Towns?nd,
Washington, and Miss Bertha Thomp
son, of Roseburg, were marrieo Satur
day, Feb. 7, 1903, in Tacoma, Washing
ton. They will arrive here on Wednes
day local to visit with the bnds parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Press Thompson. At the
conclusion of their visit they w ill re
turn to Tacoma where they will make
their future borne. Their many friends
join us in wishing them a long an d
happy wedded life.
Doings by the Legislature.
Salem, Ore., Feb. 6. Miles bill, pre-
viding for the improvement of unnai-
gaUe streams for the floating, transport
ing and booming of logs and timber, and
providing for the condemnation of lands
and the granting of exclusive rights
under the supervision of the County
Court, passed the House, having been
made a special order of business.
"I believe," said Mr. Miles, "that
every man in the Assembly should vote
for this bill. Farmers in the neighbor
hood of logging camps receive as much
as in the open market. It will interest
the laboring men and the farmers as
well. It is barely possible if this bill
passes there will be some litigation, so
B.M l..A 1 t , . ... ....
tuai ne mm qui wunout shelter or
food in the mountains two nights in the
snow, and on Sunday night slept in a tie
pile Dy the side of the Southern Pacific
railroad at Gochen . He stated further
that prior to this he was apprehended
ceeded in eluding his captors by con
criiig un tnem in an Irish Drogue, a
trick he attempted at Creswell thin
morning, but which failed to deceive his
He was given his breakfast after which
he conversed freely in regard to the kill
ing of Sheriff Withers, and broke dow n
completely, stating that he did not an
ticipato such a dastardly and murderous
outcome in his combat with the sheriff
that he knew not what he was doing,
He was taken to Eugene quietly and
turned over to the officers by Messrs. F,
H. Yeatch, J. M. Shaub and Edgar Par- the attorneys can be interested. Atth
A nice little business at MyrUe Creek
known as the Candy Kitchen, including
confectionery, bakery and notions.
Profitable business but party mutt re
tire on account of ill health. Price
reasonable. Apply to Kate M. Cameron
Myrtle Crtvk. Oregon. (F12)
SberifiTs Sale.
In the Circuit Coon of U SUtie of Oncon.
lot m-uf :j county.
J. A. falser 1
La! a My Ur. (
Soli- to km' rv vinw of o
eia-unon dulT bt4 oat ol vxt anJcr th
ml of th bT e&ut:l cnart. I tb above
emit 1 ratue. to ow 4uiy diirctrd mjk daiard
tbe Ia-1 riar ol Yrvramrj, vji, opon a Jo KtErnt
rvo'l- rrU atraentrn-d is mm court on u. ltti
Ur ol January. l'AJ. la la Tor ol Lulu Mai
Darrov. de'rodanu aa4 afalaat 1. A. ral-
r. pianui, rt ine Kim 01 cou ana
dtbarrnn'tiu with lDUrtt Ihrtroa at S M
rot per annua from th loin day of January.
I'.i.aniimiuni acu upon mi writ,
I dkl on the 4th day of February. 1R. I
ia'.T leTT uroo the lo!lolr. dmcr bed
real prort-r'T. to-wlt: roramenrtn at toe
juBct on of looc !a and Brewery ttreeta in tne
. tit 01 Kaeovnc, nraiit. iTcan. on
tuft nortn sioe 01 iturih ana iw m nww-
err irwt runcicc Uiencenortb S drwreea K
ako the eat ide of B'VwerT reet otw hm-
dml (!'') feel Ibenea aoath i decree E n.ntr-
!TfD fSC) leet thence toatn dvcrert w oae
hundred (bO) fe-t tn lioortM autvt. thoore
north 6J di7ve W alnnc I he north aide of
OouclM urvct niielT-aeT,o eel lo niacj ol
twa'.oiDC ail 01 mki pmnuea are aloa:4 in
BU Ls in the town of Kmeburr. l ut
ranntT Orecon. arenrdiiK to the official Dial
n( tatd t:t(T. ol record In the t le'lt cove ol
Kioriaacountr.oretnn, locetherwitB ail and
tneuiar the tenement, hereditament and ap-
purtenancea thereunto oc:ontin or lo intirw
arprrtainint. Now therefore, by vino of
aid execution I ;U on
Saturday the 7th dav of March. 1903.
t one o'ciork p. m. of aaid dav at court bob I
frontdoor, in Roai-bnnr. Mtu county. Ore-
eon. aeil at public auction. ub)t to relemp-
t on, to the hichot bidder, for I'. 9. cnid coin,
rath in hand, ail the ri(h. till and interval o(
the withm named platnitaln and lo th a tore
described real property, or any part tberaol. to
miimt aaid eieCiiuon. inirmi ara accruing
Datd Rooafcant. Oreeon. Feb. 4, V9
Sheriff of Itooglai ccumy. Oreroa.
In the County Court for Dootlas Coonly
State of Orrtoo.
In the matter of the change of name of Gusuf
Notice it hcvbe rlren that by order of the
ab.ire named court duly made and entered on
the 6th dayoi January l'.W. the tuiooi t.uslal
liuitalaon haa been changed to Ou.Uve u.
Atfcst. D. R.8HAM3ROOK.
MSp) County Clerk.
Administrator's Notice.
'It appeals to you when the fruit hangs ripc and
eweet on the tree in February or early in Maroh
Then the blossoma break out, and the trees are yellow
with golden globes, and white" with brango flowers.
It may be that a flurry of snow ha whitened the
mountain tops, and then you have an 'artistic, ' back
ground for a tropical forest. The air is full of HUn
chine, and heavy with fragrance as night cornea on,
and then, if the moon oe tmining, you may near i
midnight through open windows, the song of the
" mocking-bird in the scented grove, and it nevcfX
scemfaJ so melodious before. An exjrience like this
is possible any winter, and it if worth- 'a journey a
thousand miles while you have it, by taking the scenic
Shasta Route through the grand and picturesque Sis
kiyou and Shasta mountains to Southern California.
Complete information about the trip, and descrip
tive matter, telling about California, maybe had from
any Southern Pacific Agent or W. E. COMAN,
Gen'l Paes Agent. S. P. Co. Lines in Oregon,
- - Portland, Ore.
These prices are good till March i, 1903 :
Heavy Concord team harness with breecheif $26.75
Heavy team harness with breechen 22.00
Single bnggy harness nickle trimmed collar
and haraes. 960
Hack harness ..r 22.75
30 saddles cut to .....' .;. :.-27.00
Ladies side saddlesrtucedlonTTt
Pack eaJdlea, double rig comj.lete , 4.75
Lap covers 1.50
Saddle blankets, 50c and 75c; Lap robes- ......1.00 " -
Ruling Bridles 65c; Riatas I.-.lOca toot
Waterproof ehapa .!$3.00
Team bridles per pair o-
R4uced Prices oa Men's Shit. .
Largest StocK of Harness South of Portland.
- Brfl, Near Perot- p LQXQ & SOSS.
y, R. BucMngliaffl,
(5ucceor !o T. L, Cobb; Mrt-TUore oM tin 1
Extend a cordial
invitation to the
public a n d the
many friends , 'oi
thtold firm to call
and exaTn ine their
new line of Staple
and Fancy Grocer;
ies, Queens
ware, Etc.
Chas e
& -Sanborn's
C of fees
B r.I.o z II Y-oui f
Butter, Ctl'ckeas, fcjs.
here and
going to
lights to barn dimmer and dimmer and
the light in the minietry of the church
being "darkness bow great is that dark,
If the reputed miracles are true there
is no need of interpretation. If the
records are false Christianity is a delu.
sion and a fcnare ; but there are a mul
titude of men who want to hold both
ends of the rope on the "pull Baker,
pull Devil" order. These men make a
profession of interpreting the Bible. It
is the blind leading the blind" into the
muddy ditch and the slough of deepond
and the Christ is obscured by reason of
the mud in the preacher's and his con
gregation's eye.
Brother the blessing Jacob was the
jftaans of bestowing on the world wa
of his
beloved wife who was laid to ret there
in 1879. The services at the grave were
the impressive and beautiful burial ser
vices of the Masonic fraternity.
The pall bearers were: S. J. Cawl
field, F. W. Woolley, Sam'l Davis, J. H.
Hathaway and J. H. Robinett, all mem
bers of Laurel Lodge. Freeman John
son had charge of the procession, and
the remains of the hospitable pioneer,
honorable citizen, upright man, faithful
Christian and just Mason were orderl
laid to final rest. May he rest in jeace.
Ita Tuesday Night.
That iniation of the A. D. K's is a
"sure thing." All members are request
ed to be present as there will sure be a
'hot time." Sam Josei-hson, I. II. P.
condition. From that on he began to
sink until death ended all. The doctors
said Withers did not suffer nor realize
his condition after the shooting occurred
When the end came he was surround
ed by bis wife and son Frank, O. A
Campbell and wife, the physicians
and others. The end came without a
Arrangements were at once made and
Frank Stewart started to Eugene with
the body about 1 :30 p. m. arriving at
9:15 p. m.
sheriff's body arrives.
At 9:30 ;he carriage containing the
corpse of Mr. Withers passed up Wil
lamette street. Crowds of sorrowing
friends surged up the street in the wake
of tho vehicle. The driver halted in
Iront ot tne uoraon under-taking par
lors, i Reverently tho body was lifted
by willing hands and conveyed to the
undertaker's slab.
After Sheriff Withers' body arrived
and was taken to W. T. Gordon's un
dertaking parlors Drs. Paine and Day
sons. hen he was locked in iail he
told the officers that he never intended
to be taken alive insinuating, as had
teen expected, he intended to fight to
the bitter end. H ence. tho posse were
very fortunate in capturing him without
the loss of a single man or a bloody en
Excitement is running high at Eugene
since it has become known that the
murderer of Sheriff Withers is locked in
the county jail and many threats tf
lynching are heard. The officers, how
ever, are taking every precaution
against such a proceeding, and expect
as soon as the excitement subsides, quiet
ana goon order will be lully restored at
the county seat aud that Lyons will be
given a speedy trial and justice.
present time there is no law by which
people can go on small streams and im
prove them for logging purposes. Wa
have a Urge crop of timber at the head
waters of every little stream in Oregon,
and we should make it possible for eo-
ple to go on these streams and bring out
the logs. We believe we have guarded
against speculators who might attempt
to secure possession of streams to sell at
some future time."
There is no changed whatever in the
Senatorial Situation today, the vote re
maining practically the same.
are hrety requlre-l lo ireaert Ih aamedaly
verifirJ. to the UQhrairol at Roaabarg, IVing.
las count , Hlatarf Orron aix montb
from I he dale ol this entire.
Dated at Koaeburg, Oregon thti JMth day ot
January. l'AJ.
Administrator of the ratal of klccta Me-
Clalltn. deceased
Are you aware that bpnng will soon be
tuat bTRON'G, THE t URX1TURB M.N is
show vou the finest Unc of r.arnftc in All
- , r . . rut uiauu
ever shown in boathern Oregon and some of
them have already arrived? Also
The Largest Line ol Mattings,
Our store is well filled with desirable goods and'
more are arriving daily.
j REMEMBER, we carry a full line of tlEMTL'SE. J
anu an ou neea to
can't come to see ns
as represented von nprl !
y not keep tnem whether bought personally or bv k
Notice la herety irtTea lhat the nn1erlirne.l I 1 " - a-rv, i,jf
haabeaa by theConnty Court.e-t DotuHaa eoxn-1 J hpailtlfv vOlir hnmo Tf vnn
tyeUteoOreon.dulyapr-liita1 tbaa.ltatnia-1 J Utauiuy juur UOfflU II OU
ir.oroi m. o. a.. .,cvuu.,,- write us and it goods are not
; letter
Orders of Probate Court.
Stock Holder' Meeting.
A meeting of the Stock Holders of the
Umpqua Valley Prune Association will
be held at the Court House in Roseburg,
Douglas County, Oregon, on Saturday.
March 7th, at 1 o'clock, P. M. for the
purpose of electing a board of directors
and transacting such other business that
may come before the meeting.
R. C. Bnowi.
f. A. McCall, Chairman of meeting.
In the matter of the estate of K. T.
Grubbe, deceased, the sale of real prop
erty to tho amount of 1589. by the ad
ministrator, G. W. Grubbe to Lucy A.
Miller and D. T. Lull haa been confirm
II. G. Sonnomann, administrator of
the partnership estate of H. G. Sonne
mann and Paul Kingele, the latter de
ceased, has Clod his final account, and
the court has set Monday, March 4, 190.1
at 10 oclock a. ni., as day and time
for hearing objection, if any, to orders
of publication and settlement.
Host Delightful Way to JJQUSE
V1U33 LUC VUIliallCall.
A Day la the City if the Saints
A Mountain-walled Track Through Col-
oiado, anil tho Grandest Scenery
on the American Continent
Popular Terminally Conducted Tourist
Excursions to all Eastern Foints.
For Information at to rata, and lllnatraied
booklet", aildren
124 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE I
Saturday Evenin g A
February : : : 1
Willis Collin's Laughing Success , '' '
6U SOUCIIETS, author of
My Friend Prom India ,
An estalhshcd laughing success from East to West
Last of superior merit. - Seats on sale Thursday morn-
By H. A
ing at Strong's Furniture Store.
75, Oallery 25 ami 35.
Lower P.oor 50 and