TVICE-A-H : : s I dvertising J ob Printing Is a very important factor in bnsiness. Poor trintine re-- la busy seasons brings yoa yoor share of trade; advertisine in doll sea tlecis no credit on a gcx d business hoose. Let ns do yonr Job Priritirjfj we cnartntee it to be in sons brings yoa your share, and also tbat of the merchant who "can't af ford" to advertise. Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. very way satisfactory. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY. FUBRUARY 9. 1903. No. 9 Vol. XXXIV. hn 1 f, 2331 0 oooooooooooooooooooo . BENSON, A.C.MsYRSTERS. u.v.w-nt j- F.W. President, Vice PreiidenL Douglas County Bank, Established I883. incorponup. Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. W. BENSON, R. A.. BOOTH J. 11. B JOT II, J. T. BRIDGES J.1MCRLLV. A.C. MARSTKR8 K. L MILLER. a tiitinr hnainRKH tranactod. and customers given every accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. X Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. ooooooooooooooooooooooo JOHN KING. D. n. BEMENT JOHN KING BEMENT. Farm and Timber Lands List your Property with Us Office Opposite S. P. Depot vovovovovoo 0V5VCVVVA0 oooooooooooooooooo Buy your Watches and ClOCkS at SALZttAiTS ATJD BE OIM TIME i Buy your Jeweley and Silverware at SALZFlAfi'S A 1MB CUT oooooooooooooooooooooooo A srxiiuE Bring Us Your ... CHICKENS. EGGS, BUTTER. v4 FOR CASH OR TRADE J. F. BARKER & CO Drain - Gardiner COOS BHY STKCE ROUTE Commencing with Monday, January 20. 02, we will charge 7.50 for thefare from Drain to Coos Bay. Baggage allowance with each fall fare 50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they have 300 pound or more. All excess baggage, 3 eta. per pound, and no al lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE. For further information address J. R Sanyors, Proprietor, Drain, Oregon Don't Torture Your Feet' ONE MILLION IS PROVIDED. Money Roady for Columbia Bar Soon as the Board Makes Report. Oother Coast Appropriations. Washington, Feb. 8. The sundry civil bill, reported to the House today, carried a number of Pacific Coast items most important among them being $1, 000,000 to be available after July 1 for the work on the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia River, in accordance with the authorization contained in the last river and harbor bill. There is a dis tinct advantage in having a lump ap propriation, as it enables the Chief of Engineers to make more advantagious contracts at the onset. This money will be available in time for commencing work when the prsent available bal ance has been nsed and the special board report is made and approved. Other Coast appropriations are: En largement and remodeling the ;Portland Postofnce and court buildings, (175,000, with $25,000 additional for rent of tern, porary quarters for postoffice and courts mhile repairs are being made; eight Alaska lighthouses, (200.000, continued improvements of Crater Lake National Park, (2000; reindeer for Alaska, (25,000 improvements Tacoma harbor (100,000, purchase of site for military poet. Skeg way. Alaska, $5oO; coutinueing mineral examinations in Alaska by geological survey (00,000. The regular appropriations are made for the protection of the seal and salmon fisheries of Alaska, surveys of the Paci fic, Alaskan and Hawaiian coast, Gov ernment fish stations in Oregon and Washington, food and clothing for na tives on St. George Island, Alaska, etc. A significant appropriation is (500,000 for the exclusion of Chinese, (300,000 more than was appropriated for the pur pose last year. The increase is authori sed because the committee provides for the adoption of the Bertillion system of identifying Chinese entering and leaving at all ports of entry, it being found this is the only sure method of identification. The appropriation for the protection of public lands against illegal and fraudu lent entry is increased from (130,000 to (185,000, the committee directing that more special agents be employed next year. There has also b:en an increase to (335,000 for administering forest re serves, (25,000 more than last year. The increase is made necessary jby the in creased area of reserves and the growing demand for forest reserve timber. The appropriation for examination of lands with a view to their inclusion in forest reserves is increased materially to $130,- 000, indicating future activity in this line. A MODEL POULTRY RANCH. A Modera Building and Other Equip ments. A Roscburg Attorney's Enterprise. ESCAPED CONVICT MEETS DEATH Wounded, He Ends His Own life Near Eddyville, Ore gonOfficers Exhonorated Albakv, Feb. 4. Sheriff Ross of Toledo, had a desperate encounter near Waldport with White, a recently escaped convict, on Sunday evening. White came down the Alsea and landed from a boat, soon after which Ross met him and ordered him to stop, but in stead he began firing and they ex changed shots several times, nothing taking effect and White escaped in the bushes. He is playing the Tracy art, holding up farmers for his provisions. The search is being continued. WHITS KILLED. Corvallis, Feb. 5. In a desperate encounter Ed White, the convict who recently escaped from the Oregon peni tentiary, was killed near Eddyville yes terday. After receiving a shot through the body from a Winchester rifle in the hands of Deputy Sheriff Robert War nock, White turned his 44-caliber Colt's revolver to his own forehead and sent a ball into his brain. He died five min utes afterward. The body passed through Corvallis today on the way to the penitentiary. White was discover ed moving along in the lane leading past Warnock's house. The house was only about 90 yards distant from the convict's last hiding place, and a horse was tied to the fence in front. War nock at once orderel the convict to halt and throw up his hands. White turned quickly and presented his revolver as if to shoot. Warnock at once leveled his Winchester, and without tiring Ms re volver, White turned and ran toward the house. Warnock opened fire, the first shots being for the purpose of in ducing the fugitive to halt. White, however, ran to the horsa and lost sev eral seconds in untying the animal. Then he attempted to mount, w hen a ball from the officer's rifle passed through his clothing. Then White, has tily changing his plan, left the horse Governor Names a Baker City Man for Superintendent of the Penitentiary NO woman can afford to ignore her shoes unless she hands in her resignation to polite society. Her shoes determine her walk, her walk determines her style, her carriage, her posture, her whole attitude and bearing as she moves about. A ladies' shoe shook' be light in weight and very flexible to the foot to enable her to walk in an easy, graceful manner. This is the especial charm that makes Qneen Quality shoes so popular. They are trim and neat in shape as so many other shoes are, Dut they go farther than this, farther than any shoe, in actcallt creating an elastic, graceful step. S. C FLINT & i i Trrii""i" 11 ..!! .-i-i-iiieggJi Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good (rtxh Groceries, and to get them promptly hen vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. iiniiil if i m EMPIRE- d LA , r II . . . r - . . i m 4 rait r.Phi nruru iino T&KQ tue ivubcuuir, .M.-." o- t 1 v prinjHAck leave Rowborg Ever Mornic at 6 o cioc. Liven! Feed and jSale Stable C. F. Babsam, Prop. Saddle Horses. Single and Double Rigs at a. I hour Transient 5tock gven very beat of care ,. . . Rates always reasonable tnr .11 noints on UOOS Uay. uuou Attorney Louis Barzee has just had completed on his Riverside home, what is, no doubt, one of the largest and most modern and up-to-date chicken bouses, ever built in this countv. A visit to this unique hennery will pay any person who is contemplating the construction of a first-class poultry house. Through the kindness of Mr. Barxee we glean the following points : The entire buildiug, built in shanty style, is 40x16, enclosed with rustic, and shinele roof, and has four distinct de partments, vis : roosting, brooding, lay ing and scratch shed. The roosting rooms are three in num ber, each being 8x6, and contains perch es for 108 hens, allowing 14 inches square lor each ben. The perches are hnged to the wall, and can be instantly raised and fastened when necessary to clean the rooms. The brooding room is 16x6. Each room has a sliding window facing the south, and all being connect ed by doors through slatted partitions, isext to the floor, through the partition between the rooms just described and the scratch shed, are 32 holes, each 8x7 inches, forming the entrance to as many laying boxes, which, in turn are 12 inch es square, inside measurement. These boxes are in the scratch shed and are divided into four sections of 8 boxes each, over wMch is a lid neatly balanced by weights and pulleys. Between each section is a passage way leading into the scratch shed, which latter is 17x10, en closed at each end by double slatted gates. The yard surrounding the build ing is 75 feet square. Mr. Barzee says that, while he has no intentions of launching extensively into poultry rais ing, he wants to keep a few good breeds and give them the best opportunity to do well. Tie has not yet stocked his hennery, not having fully decided upon the breeds and number with which begin. He states further that, in seek ing information from our local poultry' men and fanciers, no two agree concern' ing any material points connected with Doultrr raising, and, that he is now studying some books by eastern authors. There is no doubt that poultry raising can be made profitable in almost any locality, and, particularly in Douglas county, the Italy of Oregon. The trouble seems U be a lack of suitable bowsing, proper food and care. ' One would not expect to raise a fine garden on thin soil, or any other kind poorly prepared; and more particularly need he not expect good returns should he fail to care for the plants wh n once propogated. The same conditions, gen erally, apply to all soil products, and, this being true of all such, how much more it may apply to tcniier living creatures most be obvious to any jer son. There is an old adage which has lost none of its truth and worth because of its extreme age : "Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well." and started to run to the barn near the Warnock house. He had gone but a short distance when a ball from the Winchester stopped his flight. It en tered the small of the back, and White staggered and dropped to his knees. While in this position he placed the muzzle of his revolver against his fore head and pulled the trigger. Within a few minutes Sheriff Ross, who had also been in pursuit joined Warnock. When the officers reached him White was still alive, but he died five minutes afterwards. When reached he was lying on his face, his right hand with thumb on the trigger, grasped the handle, and his left held the muzzle of bis revolver, just as he clasped the wea pon when he took his own life. IDENTIFIED BT SrPKHI 3CTKN DBKT LKB. Albakt. Feb. 5. Today Slieriff Ross, of Lincoln Countv. brought the body of Ed White to Albany, where Superin tendent Lee, of the penitentiary, met Sheriff Ross and identified the remains as those of the escaped convict. The body was taken to Salem this afternoon WAS SBBVIXQ SKXTE.1CS FOB BCBOLABT. Salem, Feb. 5. Superintendent Lee, of the State Penitentiary, and Sheriff J. II. Roes, of Lincoln county, arrived in Salem this afternoon from Eddyville, Lincoln countv. with the body of J. White, the escaped convict. White was 26 years old and was re ceived at the prison from Coos county in 1839 under sentence of 15 years for burglary. He gained the confidence of the officials and was toon made a trusty. During the recent spell of typhoid fever at the institution. White served as hos pital steward, and it was while working in this capacity that he succeeded in evading the officers. Tha mother of the deceased man, who lives at Ban Jon, has been notified, and until she is heard from no disposition will be made of the body. MR, HERMANN HOME AQAIN. Arrived at Portlaod From Washing ton Friday Morning. HARLES W. JAMES WINS PRIZE Salem, Cr., Feb. 6 Governor Cham berlain this after noon solved the qoes tioaofthe appointment of a superin tendent of the State Penitentiary by naming for that position Charles W. James, of Baker City. The appoint ment is to Uke effect April 1. Mr. James is a well known Democrat, and took considerable interest and showed mnch activity during the last camgaign. Frank Durbin, of Salem, was a candi date for the position. The appoint ment is something of a surprise, particularly to the people of Salem. James served one term as County Re corder of Baker County, and at the last election was defeated for that position by the Republican candidate. He is well known Democratic politician, and was at one-time cashier of a Btker City bank. MCPEBSOX APTOISTED SSCOSD WABOEX. Salem, Or., Feb. 5. E. E. McPher- son, of Portland, was today appointed second warden at the Slate Penitentiary to succeed A. C. Dilley, whose suspen sion a few days ago was annoanced. The appointment is made by Superin tendent J. D. Lee, but it ia known to be satisfactory to Governor Chamberlain, and was nndoubtedly suggested by him. The appointment virtually means the removal of Dilley. "While I have not found Dilley guilty," said the Governor, "the cir cumstances are such that it is considered best to appoint another man." McPherson is well known in Portland, having been connected with the Mover Clothing Company. He has had experi ence in work at the Penitentiary, hav ing served as assistant warden under Clow, and also under Downing. Mc Pherson is a IVmocrat. Pobtlakd, Feb. 6. Hon. Binger Her mann arrived in Portland this morning direct from Washington and is at the Imperial. He will remain in the city a few days before going to his home at Roscburg, where he has decided to sta'y and practice law, he says. His family will not follow for a few days, as he de sires to have the home in readiness for their reception on their arrival. Several pointed questions were put to Mr. Hermann : Are yon a candidate for United States Senator? Do you consider yourself the dark horse in the present struggle? Are you going to run for lyongressc ny. am yoa resign your position as United States Commissioner of the General Land Office? Have yoa . . anyuung to say in regard to the reports ol frauds in Oregon timber land entries, etc fA .If I al w mn vi mege jir. nermann was non-committal and unperturbed. He had not been home kmg enough to size up the Senatorial situation and was not taking part in the struggle as the friend of any candidate. i am not a aara horse as I have not yet even looked up the situation," said he. "As for running for Congress, I am in the same position, not having had time to look about me. iraigutu m j poemon as commis sioner of the General Land Office purely of my own volition, and in pursuance of a resolution formed over a year ago. I icsijjuuu umuK iu uuues were too ar duous, having accumulated over foor times what tbey were when I first took me omce nve years ago. At that time the business amounted to 12,000,000 a year ; now it has increased to 9 ,000,000. Secretary Hitchcock and mvself dis. agreed on legal matters pertaining to the office, but that had nothing to do with my resignation. So far as the reports of land frauds in Oregon are concerned it is easier to make charges than to prove them. Mr. w agoner, chief clerk in the Surveyor- Generai's office in this state resigned of his own free will and there is nothing against his administration of the affairs of that office, so far as I know. I have seen nothing of the charges against Surveyor-General Meldrum and don't think there will be any charges. There was more in the papers out here in regard to the matter than there was baik in Washington, and I did not see much of what was published here." A number of Mr. nermann's friends kept crowding in on him as be stood speaking in the hotel office and some of them said: "Wearunet going to let yoa stay here in Oregon, Mr. Hermann ; we need yja back there." To this re mark Mr. Hermann replied in terms of appreciation and thanked his well- wishers heartily. Telegram. ?VVOOVV,i,i,r OVOVAOVAOVOVAOVOVOV . Are yon particula about your Coffee, Tea and Spices IF YOU ARE CALL AT CURRIER'S GROCERY AND ASK FOR MOMOPOLE BRArJB Price is no higher and every can guaranteed Rosebur ' Lead ng Currier's, Grocer OVOVVOVOVOVOVOVC OVAOOVOVAO,A,,0 REMOVAL NOTICE . ..HARDWARE. . . This is to inform old and new patrons that I have taken np my quarters in the Stanton brick buiMinz on Jack.on ftreet, next door to the Weils, Farjro & Co. Express office, the cliane reinsr made necessary to secure room to accommodate my constantly increasing stock. In connection with a general line of Hardware, I will also carry a large stock of : : . . . farm Implements, Wagons, Bzggles, Hacks, Etc . . . F. M. BEARD AH of California is rejoicing over the prospect of bounteous crops for the com- init harvest. The copious mid-winter r.iinsof last week were very general throuzhout the Golden State and in many portions of the extreme south came at a most opportune time. ABOUT FRUIT ASSOCIATIONS. The Various Principles of Such Or ganizations Discussed Result To Producers. Men wanted to cut 800 tier of wood inquire of Henry Oonn, Roseburg, Ore gon, Between the two propositions be fore the prune growers of Douglas coun ty there should be some ,rofound thought. The Douglas County Packing Co., proposes to do business on clear cut business principles, which is always satisfactory between buyer and seller and briefly stated is cash market price for the commodity. On this basis the grewer uses his ability without let or hindrance to sell his product or not. On the other hand, where organization has been effected on lines laid down by the Willamette Prune Association, the growers' hands are tied and he has no choice except at the will of the many The opportunity to take advantage of sudden, quick market cliangea which always occur during the seasonable sale of dried fruits is lost. An organization is maintained for the purpose of obtain ing a higher price than the market af fords, or there would be no incentive for such. These organizations are often ef fective where there is a demand the year through ; but where there is only a brief seasonable demand as are for dried frnits, the plan is a ruinous one. This is always the case where the market is steady or on a decline. For illustration let us ssy, the market is four cents and the organized company expect .04.', then according to all business principles Ihnnroduct held at .04 W is the last to sell and following the law of supply and demand, the demand is continually be ing satisfied at market rates until the season; for winter fruits has passed, and the higher priced goods remain un sold. It then requires a lower price than market to induce . even a specula tive demand. This has been the case with the strong prune growers associ tion of California, also of the raisin growers in that state, and this year without an association of any kind among the prune growers in California and with the largest crop ever harvest ed excepting one, the growers have ob tained higher prices than for three years past, or at any time during the life of A WARM DEBATE. Senator riarsters Championed Fellow-Servant Bui In the Senate. the their organization. It is estimated that the loss to erowers by organization cost them over 1 1,000,000 dollars, and today they are not free froai entangled legal complications. Do the growers of Doug. las county want to consign their product into the care of an organization where payment depends on sales which may bo made f i om time to time and then only on the installment plan. This, we understand, is the plan put forth by the Willamette association and who are asking us to join. When prunes are shipped to eastern purchasers they are not required to accept or j for them until they are received and accepted at point of destination and it not infre quently happens thatprices decline from a quarter to a half cent during the period of transit which requires some 15 or 21 days and 'ti said that nothing worse could happen to make fruit ap pear defective more than a declining market, and the purchaser finds some excuse to rcluse the car and as lor a corresponding reduction all of which the grower has to ttand, unless the money is paid here when the fruit is received. The plan contemplated by the Willam ette Prune Association has another fea ture which does not admit of the grower ever getting out whole when once in, and that is where his prunes are paid for on the installment plan ; one-third when prunes are shipped, one-third within 30 or 60 days following and the remaining one-third when all are ship ped, effectually ties up the last payment unless all the goods are moved out. The carry-overs, which are not infrequently held, lays the last payment over from year to year. of And But One Is Left of 1842. State House, Salem, Feb. 5. Hon. F. X. Matthlou of Gervais, Marion County, a survivor of tho convention which framed Oregon's provisional govern ment was a visitor on both Houses to day. F. X. Matthieu the remaining pio neer of 1842 was born in Montreal, Can ada, in 1818, of French parentage. He settled on the rich French Prairie near Gervai a the same yeas he came here nearly sixty-one years ago. Salem, Feb. 8. It was a warm de batethat in the Senate yesterday after noon, preceding the passage of the fel low servant bill, which was recorded in late dispatches. During the noon recess an impression had got abroad among the friends of t'.ie bill, rightly or wrong ly, that an effort would be made to ob struct the measure by getting it re ferred to the railroad committee and there letting it lie. Senators who fa vored referring the biJ were actively at work getting pledges of support for such a course, and the Senators who favored the immediate passage of the bill were equally active. When under special order at 2 o'clock the measure came up and Croisan moved that it be referred, the battle words began forthwith. "This bill," said Matstcrs, taking the floor, "has been before the Legislature for two weeks. It has been discussed pro and con from every standitoint and in every detail, both in committee and in the House. The House passed this morning without a dissenting vote Its provisions are known to every Sen ator on this floor. There can be no good reason why it should not be considered now. I trust the motion of the Senator from Marion will be defeated." I have no objection to this bin, so far as I understand it, said Croisan but I see no reason why it should bo shoved down our throats. That why I have moved its refcranca to the committee on railroads. I object to having it rushed through without prorer consideration." There is no possibility of the rail roading through of this measure," said Masters, "because, as I have stated, it has been thoroughly discussed already. Before the House committee on rail roads some of the best legal talent the railroad could command appeared and tated their views upon the measure. Every point and every feature of the bill was gone over. We need no time to digest this measure. We have al ready digested it. If any Senator is willina to vote for this bill at all. he should be willing to vote for it today. Two years ago a measure similar to this was held up. I believe an attempt is being made to hold np this measure now, and that this attempt to have it referred is sn attempt to obstruct its passage. Other states have laws simi lar to the one here proposed, and they are good laws. The railroad boys de mand this law, and it is also in the in terest of the tiaveling public. It should pass now." (It passed, without a dis senting vote. SOCOCOCOCOCWOrjorXXJ'- SXOOCCOOOOSjpsX000000COOOCCO J. T. BRYAN'S For Holiday Presents I have no famous bargains to pan oil old stock and out-of-date goods, I simply gire you honest goods at fair prices, and mark them in plain figures. Call and inspect my goods and piices before purchasing elsewhere. ROSEBURG, OEEGOX. J. T. Bryan booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc lp V--''-"v - ) Fountain of Health is found in rmd Floor now, as for centuries, the "staff of life." The kng tried : : : : : Pride of Douglas Floor If gnodKaiTtoWa upon, m nan? liouM! know to their benrfll. Wfey tfxMiia sot toa Inn of its Tain by er lnn a mm pic mck or twrrca from jwi groce:? ; : : : : ; : L V. Bastford & Son, Ptose L3. J. M. Weatherby T. A. Bury D. L. Marti Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List your proper ty with us. specialties. a. c. Marsters & Co. Fhysicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipe, Rubber Goods, Toilet Articles, Lime and Ce ment, Taints, Oils and Gla;, Perfumery, Truss es, Spon, Brushes Etc. Rambler Bicvcles and Drngs, MM Sundries, plies. School Snp- Stationery School Books P. S. DAY. JEWELER and WATCHMAKER All Workjdnaranteed for Reasonable Prices. Second Door north new Bank Building. KostBrsa, Ouaox Petaluma Incubators Out of nine hundred logs, valued at nearly ten thousand dollars, that escaied from a Portland sawmill during the freshet all but fifty have been recovered. v. ;.7. : , ; 7 Standard of the World... The Best con structed : : : MostEconoxn ical to Ope rateOldest and Most Successful Incubators in the World Made of California Redwood, Copper Radiators. You will start right in the chicken business if you buy o Petaluma. We pay the freight. CHURCHILL W00LEY.