I THREE-QUARTER EFFECTS. Oavta PrlMeaa Go was. The long throe-quartcr coat Trill be the style this rtntet for those -whose height 'will enable them to wear It These coati are made of velvet, riblxnl Bilk -and even of brocades and are usu ally worn over a walrt or drew which has a full fall of lace. Sometimes the effect of the long coat Is also carried out on the skirt In the shape of gored flounces at even distances. These are trimmed on the edges after the man ner of the coat. Loose coats of lace are very smart for theater wear and accompany skirts of pale colored broadcloth or crepe do chine. The princess dress will be seen a great deal this winter at smart fune- CO, l1 AFTEENOOS SBESS. tions, and robes of crepe de chine in crusted with renaissance lace will be ntilired for this purpose. White to all materials promises to be more popular than ever, and it is par- tlcularlr becoming to brunettes and women with auburn hair. The afternoon dress Illustrated comes from a well known French house. It Is of gray and white liberty silk trim med with guipure moussellne and rib bon velvet. The shirred skirt Is espe cially worthy of notice, as it illus trates the latest style. JTJDIC CHOLLET. TAILOR HINTS. Tie BaK Coat Comiag I Pedea- trlava Skirts. The basque coat is coming in with the shorter skirt much strapped and stitched. Collars and revere are once again braided, and new braids will be used as winter advances.' The lace cravat is a pretty finish to a tailor made frock, while the. eld fash toned jabot -must of necessity be in rogue with anything approaching the swallowtail or cutaway Jacket. There is no doubt that on all prac tical costumes the skirts will be much shorter, but the really short skirt to show the ankles should be kept exeiu- A TJSEFTJIi OOtnt. sJvely for country wear. For town wear the skirt Is cut to escape the ground barely all the way around. There Is no doubt that some women never look well without a wide collar consequently they must not be deluded br new fashions in this respect Some of the very latest coats are made with out the sailor collar and with the little upstanding military affair, but iu all such matters individuality must be considered. " A very useful gown Is the one shown in the cut It is of dark red rough mods trimmed with gold and white braid. - JCDIG CHOLLET, TarltMtam Court a hi p. In Turkestan every wedding engage ment begins with vthe payment of a substantial consideration to the girl's parents. If the girl Jilts her lover, the engagement giit has to be returned unless the parents have another daugh ter to gle as a substitute. Beet Smear. Beets yield 12 to 13 per cent of their .weight la sugar. Fine Farm for Sale. A goo&"800 acre (arm- for Bale $Ye 'inrles from Myrtle Creek, 00 acres . in cultivation, balance hill, pasture and timbered land. Small orchard, good house, barn and oUter improvements For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc Gee, Myrtle Cre;k, or D. S. K. Buick, Roseburg, Oregon. ' j!5tf If yon want to ge to Cooe Connty points, take the Rosebnrg, MarKhfielil route. Spring hacks leave Rosebnrg every day at 6, A. M. Inquire of C. P. , JJarhard, agent. tf. i SherifTs Sale. In the Circuit Court of (he Stale ol OrcRon (or Douglas-county. J. V. Kren-son 1 fUiiitiff I ni ( G. Mi-Nod Mid i,ele Xk'N'wl. , him tie. ami Thomas Hunt's k. ad minii'iraior ol the estate of l'hilt-, tus MtXwl, dei-uaned ... l leiidants ) N.ttioc is hereby cjven tnat by virtue of an cxcouiim mt or..T of sale is.vin.it out o: mr tiiivc named omri mu eau-i: m mi: oi-- .Ihv i f iHtiuarr, lit'S. uu limirnuiit nua no- iinlv r. n.iVivi unit euteieri ui f.ti'l foiirl aud aUC OHllKM.'ill OMV Ol J ttuuar , I.'. f.uecloMire of a morteaxv'in fRvor Oi the atmve namut FiHintiU' ami H'-'ainst the ittn-ive named j Defendant at.d aains. lite berviuifiet nu n- I u.med Bndci'-.i-rilx'd Motivate 1 prop-ity 1r I k . .. t-s... ".u it'n imt.t. m ihiT.'ou Hi tiu i T ar.lttllit iroiu in' l-.n'i .s Of Jauuaiv. l'.ioja'.id for il.v funliir nm of 0 tKiv.al aUoiuosicv. an i 20 oos;s and ti-buikcui-Uls. No - tiit'it'ioro 1 w.il on Sninr.l:iv. the 7th ilav 'f March V.'Oo at out oV.oi'-k p. m. of mpI day, a; t.url l.vmo imiii ,1m.r. in Kiwrimrk. Kmi:-1.:!-. rolll'.iy. Oio- cou. M'll ai vf.blie aucnon to iho Iukc i.r fitrfANh iu hand, ail the Tit-it, tlilC I tlii imiTot, which li.o o.-.i'l IK?i ndanU. or of iht'in had on the .'5'd dny of ju! ..r Mt anT time iherva" 'r -,o or to toe fo ci . tu r r, i;.at, 'wioj; Jew;: bed vremiwa, iv-wif Lots uumlier three. I.'tir, live nl twe;ve in sev'tion two ant lot e.i:h!k r e-jht in wfllon three a!i in lowns-hiu t n.y-'.wo. fomti ol ransf eicht om oi te Vi'..a..tette ;en1iau, ...ntiiiinv in the HCr-eQali' .''.'. 2 f'Tt'. Hlo.C it U-s ipselherw vh ait and siucularthv ' Uitne'iU I nmeaiumiemsaitdaiTurivMiam-.s uie.Ti:nto he- I loncit-s or in aiyiKe ap( n -a-;, and n, apply ine proeee oi un a tale, ti'i to the eos oi m'ch Mile, and the c ists a'id .t:bn!H-atent a...,n 1 ded at Il2-J and the si:m ni I7J uncial aito-iuys Ice and t the r. inent ol the s l-a of f M" duo J ne latntiff with mt.n.-t thcv-oi at .lie ie of per cent per annum inuu ire j o o-.. of January, r.tu. anil me over .u, ii any lotir be. 1 pav ini court, tir. nT ia or u r oi ihi court, t be paid a the -f-aia cnmi may humin.flrtlmVl Ik l OMtf 1 I iail O..TI .Tl aid uieouuou to me flinrted and cle.'.ver-.l i eoniu.aini'nc me to o'l M.id aivve isieutioned and deer.b 1 reai proe'iy ia th-- manner p.o- ided by law. lted Kj.-H.'burc rePrnary m. ivt. K. 1-. I'tBl.lH 1 , She ritfol lvuias eonntv, Orecnn Administrators Notice. In the ma'tcr of the Fstate of Jennie E. Citni- ents.deceie.1. Kotice id hereT civen nv m t naeriirr.p Administrator of the Estate of Jennie If . I n m- ents. d-eisvt. tliat he w duly aprxdnicd A.l minMrjtor of the said tiate ry uie orncr oi the Froba:e Court of Ooucian County. Orce in. made and entered o! recoid upon the i .ia iiy of January. IV -!: Alipernotis bavinc ciiintf aatnat ii.t ; Eflat: (.hail pet lit the fame itn the rife, aarv prool within ii momhs fr m the a!e ol this noti-e to the undersigned A luiitraior t Rosebnrg, Otejen. Dated at K.wehnre. tirecon. tr.is tae u'i dav of January. Iiti'i. ji! J. F. C1.FMF.VT3. Acin.nisiraier. Notice for Publication. CNITKD STATES LAND OFFICE, i Eusesubj, Obsoon, Oct 17, 1 oi. Kotice li hereby riven leal In compliance with the provikii u o! the act OI coiircsn o. June. In7. euiirlel "Aa act for the aalo of itnber landu in th state ol laiKomia. oreca Nevada and V astineton TerriMry," as extend ed to aithe Public Land Stales by acl of Aug ust 4, )SS!, ROY M HICKS of Wpolbnrn, county of Marn.n. t-.ate of Ore ton, ha thu day filed in thin oce his i.wo?n taleincnt No 37 if f.w the pn;vhe of the .S VV oi seciion S2. township ;1 south ranee S s and will offer rroof toahow that ihe land aovjtr.t la mora Taluahle for li tic.ber or si T.e ti.an for atrlculiural rurpoae, a-id to eflabl.ah tin claim beiure tL Kef if ter aad Keoeivtr ol Uua oitiot of lioaeburg. uregon. oo Tnenlav. the 7th day of Ap-.l. 1 - 1-e tia'nea a witcte: ii'.nad. H w y.-in'. B M Arraitaee. Jinues tn.i'i oi .i rt:r i Crevk, Oregon. Anvandall pemnra claimin? aclverw'.y the above decribed lands are re-iucsied to tie tre'.r iairr.s m Uii otficeon or Wiore i-.l 7th day o !ni. J.T Bii'Hit-. Notice for Publication United Plate-" land Off.ee. KoFeburs. Oresun, .tct 1?. hi.t Kntira i -.- r.wn ti.t In corr.r'.ianc with the provLic fia of the act of Contin - cf Jnn S, ) s. niitled "An a t f- r the f a'.J of Umber lands in ihe flaws. d California, o;eevn tsTad and Waahinirton Ternioir.'" ex'.end- d to ail th public land ilatea by act oi Augat HAR1.E5CCAT.I.MACK. . of tVoodbnru. wnnty of Mar.- n. state of -zin baa thi dv riiest in tms cfrn e n s saorn a.a mtnt No S719 f.ir '.he purchase of the 'A '4 of aeccioni, ts,nsli;p i2 aou'.b, rai.pc b Wet and will offer proof tc ahow that th land aorght is mors Ta.'jaLle lor Its unir or aier.e i:.n for airricul-.ural nurtrisea. and to eJta'ei.ah hia claim before tr.e Kectaier and fceceivcr ol Uua liie of Eoaeburg, oie$on. on Thursday the Sell iiay cf April. 'iWS. He names as siiuisti: ii r ! tmni, 11 a 5ti..er. B M Arrcita.e and Jaiae boi.ork, e l ol viyr lie Creek, Oregon. Ant and all peraora e:simlne a'verst-.y the i n above 0eiriiw4 lnd are n-?-:c-sted lo t.e their ti ni in thin orhee on or tinre dar ol Apr. T 3. said ".on ;2Cp- i- T. BS:LlC-l-i Kesif'er. Nptice for Publication. United States Land 0-5ee. Enaebari Oregon. Jau it. 1' 3 Notice it hereby aiTen that In eomp'.ianoe with the provisietii oi the aet ci C"r.irri sa of June . '. ci titied "An a-t 1- r the f&'.a of timber lands in lb ritauraef Caafornia.i .eyon Nevada ad Wafhinion Terri .ry," aati'ed ed to ail lbe public land :' ty act of Auf uat 4, 12. CLORGE W KRl'.-E of Fosefiore. oi::it of L-o-mlas, state of Cnsoii j bas liiis eav Cieii in itiis office ii;sworn slate i ment N'4 -U for tbe j.nrs bae of ir e si:1; of aeeiion 4 , toansbip south. rauKt west, and wiil oiler prrad to sbow tLat the iat.d aiiucht is more va'insM f.r its tiwbe-r o- f-or.e than for acriciitara! i'ii-T.es, and to estab lish h r elnirn to said land before Z L Li.inniiek 1" 8 Comniissioui-r. at Oak.fn', Cr'ein, en Wednestav, the :b day of At ri!. T".t. He names aa witn-:as.s: On-s A Ili-user, Oakland, ore.. W A tiinmoudF. f r.vkti-i v. Ore , W e. Threikeld, Tyee, Ore., M Ft ailaLatj. Warden Ortpon. Any and all peranna r iatmine adversely the above-deaenueo landaais? ieq':eled to fi e their claima in tbia o3.ee on ur belore said fr h daj ofApr.lsKB. J. T. BKlDi-r .-s. j2f-p Keriner. Notice for Publication. Cm'ted FUt-s lnd OfT.r-e, Eoueburg, Orezon, Jan 16. 1J0S. Notice la hereby girsn that in con,i:'.!anc 1tn the proviaiotm r.Ml.e a t of Conereaa ot June S, )..P. entitled "An a t fi r ti e sain of limber landi in i!. etatea of raliiornfa.Oreifoa Nerada .and ashmr'-oii Territory," ajeJttei.d ad to ail trie public laud sia ei by act uf Auguat CHIES A Hor.SER o! Oakland, encnty of Lontia-s. 'ate cf Orrren haa thsa day M'.-il In -tnia oSi hia awim Biateiiiint No 4-11. for liie purchase of ihe fciA '4 of rstction. 4, Township M tvMith, banner iveat and will ofTtr r.ns.f to show t,nt the is rid aouetit la more valuable for its tin t er or stone than for aer.cnltutal t'lirra w, p.n to i-staii'Msh bis claim U said laLd bclore L. JiimtiutE, (.'. B. Commissiomr at tiakiand, Ore.on, on tVeiinesiia ibe Sth day of April, n-l He names as witnesses: iji-ors'e W Krus... of R'.s. bure. Ore , W A i-imrnouda. of Hro' knav, ire.. W f Threlki id, of Tyee, Oregon. M F Callahan, of Wrd-ori. Ore. Any and aii persons- claimine adversely the above described lands are ri'iesied t- fve their eiaiind in this oriice en or iiefore said eth day of Apr. lirj. J.T. DRIDiiKS. j2i',p Keiiister. Notice ior Publicttion. Tnited States Land Ortice, Rosebnrg, Orecn. J n. le. 1 01. Kotice ia here' y Riven tliat In coinp'.iunca with tea provisions of the aet of (onxna of June 16, . entitled "An a -t for the sale of timber lands in the staler of California, ireyon Nevada .and W ashin?ton Terri ujry," fcsextei.d d to all lue public land atalea by aid oi Auituat 4, lsxi. WILLIAM A SJMMOND . of Jinx kway, coi.nty of Lfiiigias slate of Orecon haa this, day bb-d In lliia oiii, e bl.- saorti stnle meiit No 4.;iti lor lbe iiureuiise of On- i-V:4 be ItiK !ot6and 7 K'j SW ', Sec 6. T 2-liiiutu, b Nob W and will oiler pioof to shew tiiat Ihe land aouai't is more vtiinable for La timlK-r or stone than ffr aifr-.eii!t'irhl )oirpose-v, and to es tablish Lis claim to said Jai.d i-efo-e L Diin-mlc-k L' r Commissioner, at Oai: imi'l. On-non, on Wtdi:e-daF, the ih ilav of April. T.ibS. He nsmes aa wltnes -a : Genre Knise, Ros -biirt. re.. On A Houser. uakiaiid, Ore., NV f; 'I nrelkeld, Tyee, Oie., M K laiiabmi, Wurdloti, Ori.'in. Any and all perwins cl.-iimiiiR advcrsily ibe ai.ve-desi'riU?d lands are reiUektel to riie their elaiuif in lb in ollice on or before said nil day of Apr. 1:3. J. T. BKIliKti, J20p Re inter. Notice for Publication. United Stubs !-and Ofliee, Roei)ure, on-Kon Jan, It., 1133. Notice la berety plvcn that In compliance with the provis! ns of the aet ol empress of June 8, )b7X, entitled "An act for the. sale of timber lands in the States of California, ororna Nevada, and Washington I'errii.-ry," asexlond ed to all the public land nates by aet of August 4, lb'22. W ALTER R Tfl I! KLK ELD of Tyee. coiuity of li.mias, stal-i ot Ori-iron haa this day hied in this ollice in sworn s'.ate ment No 4.115 for Uie T'Uieliase of liie hE'.4 of section No. i-low nsliip No 2'i south, ruugc h weat W. M. and will ofler proof to show tiiat the land souelil la more valuable for its, timiier or s'.on" tiian for asruuhural pu r ta--aes, and to estiiblisn Ms claim tosaid land Peiore Z L Dimmit's-, U H Commtssioiier. at Oakland. Oregon, on Weilnis-lay the Mti day of April l'.MH. 11 names as w it iesses: sjisorne W Kruse, Itosebtirir, Ore, W A Himmnn .m, K-a.WHy. Or ., Oie A Hou'er. Oakland, Ore., M T ca.iahan, Wardton, O i-oe. Any and al. persons ciaiuiitift adversely the above deeenbea lands are requested to file their cialma in thiseilice on or before aaid bill day of Apr. 190H, j2tip J. T. BRIDGES, Reenter. Notice for Publication. IKITn PTATKS LAND OFFICE, K.iskiu ki, Ore., Oct. 1.'., liar.!, vitico Is hprot-y Kiv'u that iu onipliuttor wnh tin t"Ovis!uiis ol the. tu't of 'itru:r'ss of Juno, 1S, etilit'eil '"An ai-1. for th- sn'c of timt.i'r lanon iu t!w statm ol rahfoniia, OrriMti . Nevada mi'i W ashiniiuin Tvtriii'ry,'' as i-iii'inl-p.1 to nil I tie j'U'ilic land sUUs bT aet ol AiiKii.st i. Kfi, MA KY A CAVNflS, of Rii'U'-. roinn v of 1.ivc!hs. Mate of Ore aou loiR thia li.y tili-'l In tins off.rc her swum ptMi'ln'T.t No N-.TT J.ir the .tlh I fis, nf ltn NK'4 Sl-:lioetion IN towufrhip 27 uth, R 3 win; U'i offrr rroof tnshow thn! the land snvfrr.t llunmnta-'iriui u uiiiL. i su wn-i.u iuuu lor avrit -i.ltural purposes, and in esiaMisb hla clnitu t-'.e tt.e Kerister and liei-eiver of this aliiee of KosHDurg, Ores- on. ".i t"i !- Uk '. .lav oi April, inn. !-(ie tir.me b-. v f n.'fs: rant mui: U-ioti , ! ar .-inir!''ton iiHi mu mm j. l, .aunu fii vii juif.L:ui(i. l:i'C.,u Any.idMivri)n r'.ftinrn; a.lvo's'ly tha ah vv. o-iibt d latidi art- rtt nested to liie tiieir cla'tns in ti.n. o.lieeon or hclvire it 1 ;:rJdfty oi April. 1'... .22 J. T. BRIDGE. Renter Notice for Publication. rclte.l S!a-es 1-r.tld Office. P.owhunc. Oreeoll. i'ec. 27, 1 2. Notioa ti hereby plvpn th-it In enmpltanoa with I provifinim oi the at I of fongrei-a ol Juno J. iS,S. er.t-t'.cd "An art for the Mil of 11:1111 lnm'.s in tl.e Siatc ! CaH'onda. Oregon Nevui'a .and 'o u?-V.m'Kn i erri ii.ry.'' anexiend ed to all the public land 1a;e by act of Auut KtV.KNK F. YeUS!!. of ArT leton, county of Fwni, Mite of M:Mn., h;. It ;. .hi v I ii d in tlii.si.ih. e 1j i. .worn t.tic ni nl No. On, ,.t tue pur hi.w ol the Uii f and 7. tr .' ot Vi i . of mt. ti. i n. .kis, K 7 w , a. d m ill ,r.T iti .i t ,i sii.vw tl t tiie Uuid iiiii. Vii i more aim.' e lor it- nui! r or itoue than f"r acricul'iiial puit-ox'. md to e-liihli'-ii hit c a'ui to..iJ lnd let re W. s. Hriti, f . H 0ti iiii.i5 . r at K'.' ''le, Or .. on M u.'.ay. ti e 211 i!hv i, Mhk h, i''.i. lie lamer- is NNi'iufM': Is.,.-o Wiuiiit.p am. and -::ii W'int.-i.cbaip. ol iiia'ia. i. re.. 1'eter A. iimi-h. of h'-.t-c ,ti'f. Ore'uu, Vliu. K. Younij.ii! I'oitliv'.i. rt-;l. Acv Hipi nil l-ers t annine a-lvt 'y th.e j ahovi- cicM'r.t'e 1 Uud are reqiiej. Cii to hie the r j i U'uis in t:i o3icc oil or 0c:o:e t:ii 1 nay Ol .Mil fell, !'... I BMimrr. Xotice for Publication. fnitc 1 Ma es I..-.-.I i dtice. P.-i Jl'.ei:.'. Ore.'.'ll, S.-pt V, 1".' Not'. e is he-vtv e.vtn i:;at iu ''it'viinii witu the t-r.vi tons ol H e a I oi ' ongre-i J'.i'ie S. lsTs, cn'.'h .1 'All Act In- the sale i f Timber Lands in ihe Stale of falifornla. Ore on, Net.iaatid N a-h:icton T rit.iry' a ex letidiil to ad tte fublie La.J Suite hy act ot AUCUst 1. .s'.J.V MRS ELI- I JENNIE of Koeb:ir, cotitry ol P ii.'h. ra'e of Ore jt. n, hs th T:ay tileii in th .s o' Tlee her nvorn -Mtenn :it N.' ;ti.it. .or t.ie pun-ha-e . me N1, W. J4. and W. i, V.. 4 S.-c. 7cT' S..K 3 and wili offer pn-of tohow thai the land iijM ts more valuat-'.e for i: ti::ib.-r cr hton tl.an f.r airriciiUural punc. and to cui'l sh f.it cisua U1 re tl.c'Kecis er guI Keccier cf thia cluce of Koieburg, uregon. en Weo:ua ;hv. me i1 in .!ai o! Fehrna-y 1.' . liC u-l:tes v. iLiCSSis: Ktl.ic'. s, el li-HJl ! n. Ore.. I'.'!,'. ii Ji nine. Kiar.k tCuy.u ai. l Harry ii..t:u i i. oi ki.frL ;--.rc. i 'ri .-'U. Any a'ld ah ?'rs.t a ca'm'tie f.-i-t.. !y t:'.e a'H'e -iivrirJ n'.ros are rv ji I'V-,: : t: e 1 heir cV'uis in t!'i i2ce o' or t-:or- eiJ U-U 'iai of i'etrua:v, ii :. J. T. Lb.il t,a, 'd.;. ' K- k'is'.i Contest Notice. rt.f.e ! i:a;ea land Of.ca. Kosv i.rit Ori i: -ii. Jan. 12, J'-.i A f !T.c'e-.t e.'Ulc-t ail.-.avis l.ava.4 t b ili l ills i;li; i v KA N0M LOCK KR11Y. conT"-snt. ca list -..ri-S iK I i nt-v Nn i - I rr a.ie iei er.:'r.er Is-, ror !4 pei: oa Toiru-bip s . hane . v.-st, by V. i L.LI AM J ol' Y onit'sve.in w iieh it n ',i i that sa'.d cn tryrna'i is oia 1, bavnu -.1 :.-. tlaii i-'ie yearao. that h- was '.i"!..s.:ri--! alel th.it there is n p rson in me on it:r iniel or cisiin- 1 - s ih. i . I 's si.-ar: ::, : .-".-1 i-j j-t-a. h iiir sa- i a-':-.--n-i 2t. i'."l. l of the I n.ud i el. -r.l.l rar ..- a e I cr-' v ii.t !i-r t- idvuee i-u-,. l.s-- a. tit. on y. s . r aril hi e-.ver r!-.tid n::- ! cac.-n at i i-ire tee Rrj j I-.n-i si V -in. .:i-s'r:il i ai .i..-. i , I r I '. 1 .'. .at a".iT !::" d.i le v.-.-c ca.i rot a: d :-..-'..'! i: ji- a;, i i-r.-per n: J T 1-- J 11 Ii."'T:l. I i.-ecop. r-.r'-r r.-:i ilav.i. t lei I": M.-L show ti Sf rvte of tr.is hti: i y i-rd'-re r-e p:i en by Q et 1 1 .'-nee ie le.a :-.t s".c L.iicai p.-rs, a si '. , i: ! ii cciicc n. -. K. s-i-iv Isi-i l ive: Notice for Publication. fnile-! ?-atr Lard Cf? e. R s. ' u-. Ors-r n. 2r, 1 . 2. Notice !s 1 erer y riven li.at ia eompt atier i:h Ihe pTov:s:ou ,.f the a-t of C.:;r"s-s ot J'-.n 3, Is's. enmiiii "an Aet l-ir liie s.e ...f Ti-:iler La:. l lu 'he !a o: nio-uia, ore e,.n. Nvs :a an 1 Yv f.hiet:'on Ti rriter." as n -i: iei! t ai' tiie Public Land ?a- I t ael of Ai:iul , i-.i. K'lHERT H (f sHT.V, of Salin. em:ii:v oi Mr.o-:. -f.te of Crtrn, 1-a.s in;, -lay f-'i i in this ii! bis fio-n sta in.ut N .'st-'i, ior The pi.r, i,a.se oi 'ii ,e i4 ij seef.on tis, fp . S.1JT,;,, R 5 at-: .1. Mer. an i w.l: o:fer rr.sr.f toshew ti at ihe !a-iU s. .: ?i t is no-re vaiiial ii-for lis '.:::.ls-r or ?:..r-e ti.nn i f--r irii'.i::iri ra-p i r.,i t.) e"ai l.?h h-.a c'aitn V- -.iie t..e Keir.svr aud Leceiver ol thia o.:n-e of issiisibsirg.orebi'n. on I ues-iaT. tt e ,t i dv of Vareh. J?"t. Tie -r.i'-i a u.!' ii-- Mis i. i:.a 1 l is1 r. ssfc- r-h K.v. Mis i ti.i re Kav, of r.-.'.t-ro. re., 1! K Oa'.r-.ian, ol Nfyrt e Cin.il, Ore. M Anv aud a., trs-in r.anniei: a-lve- a's e dvM.1 eiaiins in Mair-h. L. dit -.r-1"! a!ids a-e n-i'ies', h: i ftieeon or Ke're J. r 1 to l.ir tli -ir ii. i e:r. dav oi J-.Ki I'!.!-.:, Ki-.isler. Notice for Pub'icatiou Cn.ud sta"e !..-r l Oi'i v. KI-I)'!1J. ll.ee -L j Notice ishrri-l-y u.veti tnat I -i'h t .e t'M :ii'!!i ol li e a- t j Jnue s. 1F t-n'itieit "An Art I t:m!er iaii-isin t,e stati-s rd t e.' V. i in e-jii.riiiaiice 1 -i i"--t.ir:ess o. i for ti;e sa'e of i ierlla. Ort-s'o i. rv,-' a ex tend-1 J Nevada, aid vs. ushh i:t'n ed lo a" I the pu land s ales by act of Aug usi I, if 2. WALTER B I'd EI.:. of Toriiand. co'iniy of M'.i-an-.nib. sinte ol On-con, has tins -lay hied in 'lus oilin. Irs i- .rn stsp-roijlt No sl for ihe n-ir- h-se of i.its .1. 4. ,isi:l s. r.ftuii;'.'. iDWteMTi. smih, K . vs aun w:iio::i rpr-Kd tvsr..-n : .'.at t.-.e Ian ts e-arl.t Is more vaiiiiibi-; ior lis tin.r-er or sieiie ti.sa f.-T acriita-.nrai p !ri;s.-s, a;-i to e:ai '.ih Ma Ctaitii U-e.ra t.-.e Ketister aud Keceiver of tia auiea ol Roseburg, Oregon. on f-iituriiav. ti.e H'h sy of Feiir'ia-e T 2. U- dhtiih i'i:m-..ii: M Hiie.ana:!, v.-s r.i A Fairi-! :ld. ol f.-rt an 1. i-e . .'as 1! .-iiCi k'D. W'ij Wriabt. Mri!e nes-.O-e. 'is i Any and aiiprsun ciai:u:nir a-lierciy the; above i!er-iiH d -Hets are r-.Uc:ed Pi ft e tlieir j ciairr sia tl-.-s i-fiic on or b.-f,-re sr.:d litii day o: ! ret.riiaiy, i . i. 1. tlAiliiits. dip R-Kiter. Notice for Publication. Culled Plates 1 an I OfV" Rosebunr. On-tMn, A,.?. 2i, !'2. Notice is here' y f,n?n .hat in rimiliiince with the p"o-.l:,l 4-a a"i ol t i-nare's of June i, if-, -i. eii'.:'is ' .a.-, a 1 for the fxl" of I tiinlier lanrfa In tbc tal s "f Ca'.i'orn'.a. ' 'reron Nevaiia a:.d t asMnifion Tcrntry."aaextend- ! ed to all ti.e public laua dates by act of Aui-ust I 4.L-W2. FRF.liKRICK A KRIP-, of W frvins st . f'orilaiid, county of Mu'tno-I mac, stale of On-e.ri. has H la d.iy f.led in this ofiice his sworn staiemenl No ,'s', fvir the J"ir-. i nasi-oi ii.e 'i cec i, j p 2ti souta, k. 9 . ., and will offer y-roof to shew that t.a laid sMipV.t Is irrtirw VH'ualiic for Its lin.per or stone i..n for arrrirullural purisms, nhd to e'-aidish hit claim bef.ire u.e riefc:s:er and Leceiver of tli.s Oliicx ol Koseburg, Oregon. on Tuesiloy ti,e .i:d day of rebrnarr, 11' t He names a-wli.nefs.-j,; Albert K i-'-avi-.ti, ! 1 roie, ore , haibs Thorn, lie.i MoMuiien, of Ros. bii.-e Ore., John Ti om. ol Cleveiaiid. tin Any and all persiitis i liniiiiff ae.vers. 'iy tl;e alicjve ii-scribe I lau 's are reoni-s'ed to fiii-, tiiir cihims in tb a oilice on or iie..re said .-Jvi ilayol li bnia:-. I'.s.n. J I 15 1: t fx-K-t. ullp Ken.s'er. Notice for Publication I'nited Hiatea Land iitfice. Rosel tirir, iiieon, Dec. In, l-e'i. Notlee is l.ere:.y jiiven thai In compliance with t.:e n.visi .i.s of the act of Coti:n -s of June :i, il.H. ent.iied "An a. t for the sale of timber lane." ti e -'cti so! ( aliiornia.i ire;r,n Nevada .and asidnirton TVrrlii.rv."aa.'ittciid edto ail the public land states by act of August CHAP.l.E- T) CIlt'KCIf, of Mill-.vood. county of Doiieiiis, state of Orcrnn has ibis ilav hied in this office Ids sworn stm.-. mem No 4112 in liie piirebn of tlie lots 1, 2. .1 slid 4 nf Si e. 2, towoship 2ii M'nth, b'aiiee a w. st aud ail! offer proof tusiio-a tl at the land sotiffht Is more valunhlo for its timlrr or stone than for a-rieiiliurai juri.ses, and to establish Ida claiii. laiiorc the I-ivlster and Receiver of this Ofttce of Koseburg, Oregon. ou .-aturdav Uie l-lili dnr of February, l.Oil He iiHtni s as wiito-ssi-s: Tld Von I e-sl, tred K !e mnii, ol Welr.isi-, ore., John T liom, Charles Tlioiii, RoseiiurK, Ore. f n y and all persoLS ila'iiiintr adversely the above ileserib. d laui's are re.i'iesled t liie their ol aims in this oi'iei-on or tvfore said lUh day of Februury, l,3. T BRiriCiI'3, dllp Reaister. Notice for Publication. United S'ate Land Ofliee, Rose bu re, On-con, So id 11, P.'2 Notice is here!, y nlwn that In com pi I mica with the proi isiof.s oi ti.e act of Congress of June H, entitled "An aet for thn fnbi of tln.lr lands In the .-states of Cf.liiornia.Otcron Nevada .and t osldneti n 'lerrluiry," asexten-.l-ed to ail tbe public laud slates by' act nf August 4, li2. F.MMONi- nf'KLL of f'orilatid, couaiy of M ulttioniah, sia'e of Oregon, baa this iiay filed in tins ollice Ins sw'i' u statement No 3 Ml f ir liie purchase f the NEi tec 2.H, Towiishiii 2ti s. mill, "KC west and will offer proof toshow that the land st'ghl la more vatuai.'e for its tlmlier or stonn o.nn for airrlciilmrnl pnrpoves, and to establish bis cbiKn liefore tiie I't-k-lster and Receiver of this office ol Koseburg, UreK'm. on Saturday, tbe ltii day of February. L'!. He nanus as wiinesses: M Iluchniinu, Waller Hueil of Poriiand, Oiciron, Win Wright, r.nd H M i atiuan of Myrtle Creek. Ore. Any and all persons clHimilitt adversely the alioe described InU'ls are re-iio-sled lo liie Iheir claims-iu this office ou or before said I4t'i day of February, wot. J. T.BKlDiiES, dip Register Notice for rublication I'liited Htateii Land Offioo, KiNichtint, Un-imu.Si'pt 27, 1'.02. Notice U hen'hy civen that lu coinpllatice with Hie proviMoim d the act of CotiKresa of Junes. 1S7K, entitled 'An art for the talo of limber hi n N In the fiaK i. of Cnliforn'a. Orenon, Nevmln and Vahinttton terrluiry," iisel'eud cdt.iaU the puiilic land mates by act of Aug ust I, ls'iJ VMM A I COSIIOW of .Vi-n, ciuiiuy of Marion, date of Oreiriin, lias iliis due tiled In I His ollice her nivorn state, nieiit o '-v-.t't lor the p.irehase of he NWi;, of Msctioti 2i", To. 2;i Miiilh, lanne 3 weal W 11. Mer , and will offer proof to show that Ilia lanrlaoiif ht Is more vriltinl.iu lor Ua iiuilur or I'.ntifl man for aerii uliural puipotea, and to etahlnh hla claim U -tore the Kemsier and Kecelvef of tbil oiute of Uoseburit.oreitoa. u Tue lav the 'in nay i f Man. Ml nime as mint Ksei' lin's i t 11 t'lisho. Mina h'er'.lm Kav. M isa ii I.i nnre Kay, ol Salem, Ore., and II M Outiinm, oi Myr.le i ieok. Ore. Anv and all pi rsons e.'.liniu adversely the ahove-descri 'n a laud', are requested to tile their claims in this othev on or be i ore nald 5lh day of March, l'..':!. J. T. Bkhvoeii, dj'p K..i'ilHr. Notice ior Publication. fulled fiintea Lamiomce, R iselm k, iirciion. Nov. . l'J02. N.i'iee is h. re!'.v nien thl in i-onitdiance with liie t-r.n isi-'iis id the ai l of t'onreaa of June :i. Is,-, eiii'lit "An Act for the n o of 1 inthrr Lull-is i:i t'te ;atc of I'aliforma. Ore cr.ii, Nevada an I -hniL:tou Terrltoiy," a ex temh'd tn all l.ii i'uiiiic Land tiiatcs by act of AuH'ist 1, .II L1A A l'K' K of XH", NH o'.lt-t Ave M 'uni np.illa, county of iie-i- orin. slate ! Miniies.ia, has liiia day til. d In tnt oili-e her sworn n'.atemetit No i".'t for ti-,e pun 1 e of 'be lot 4, NlVJ-i, bM'4, see 4. lp 2. .-.null Kani;e 7 west and .1! offer rrmd to shear that the land aotiRhl Is liien-vc.hiahle lor V tiiuls-r or 6tone than fer av-rieuiiuial purpoM1. and to rtatLh hla Clat.u he' re ti e hecister and Keceiver of Una ollice ol LuMiburi;, Oregon. i. n luis-iay uie i.ui oai of February, lf'8. he n '? s ms u ;tv, Lt'i F'ankloi'ic and K t- ard enL. sj of Oeve'an-i, Oieoti. chatieff : Thotu iiii.l to .u i li,mi wt tiusi biirK, tri. I Anv ni.d ail p'.-r-.ii claiiuiiiK adversely the abiive descr.!" ! laip'.s are re.jiie.ted to tile I iiie;r cm, ms in this (,:hee on or lu iore said 17 lb I rtv ,, Kei.raaij 3- T. llKII't.K.'s, 1 r-s.. " R.-fc".st-r Notice for Publication. r J'.oe In Notice 1 Li ie y wilh the previ-i' : ! June i s7s, enc.'.h ti-ei-er lar;ii in t- : iied S'ates Ijiud Ofliee. i!. Ori'KOU, 1im'. 21., Iva'i. iicenihat In co:np!!auc ni ti.o ai l of Cotton s of "An a t f.-r the ael of atr sef California. Utetron Neva :a .and ne.iii;, u ferriu.ry,'" aaextend j ed to ail the public taiid tia'.ei by act ol Auguat 4. L-i-2. COK I. LF.Ai ENiiOOD. ! of I'sl'.as, ri.iinty ni l..lc. ot Or.con. ha i this. .a ri-d in l ;ns .tii.ee '.: saom staiemenl N . ,( r ir-.e l tin nase id lbe N', ol l-c tl"ll 4. t.ir.s ,'l M . K 2 W. and a ill oriel i pn -f to sh.vv ii-"U the land smiitut is more vai ' i;a . e f -r iu tiiuu r or t"tie tnau for afc-ricul ' f.:i'Ki ni-p s. a'- l : i i a -i's.i his cia-m to i t : ti:-i l.il: 1 L- ler. V H-ill.l S ( iimislssloniT, -at M ii.i . o T. "U T'tiu :-.!ar. the J2in day ol i Mann, i'.s'i lie f.rii s as wf'tir-: J. W. i Bivk rv aud 3. li. Kiddie, i f Kidd e. tin iron. ie. and 1. vt';!,..n. ut Cai.yonvi..e, .'re,:.ii.. Ai.y s.-.. a", ah .e n c .i: ni- i :i ". h . s Of i' ."."v .-!. 1-l-J T-'r-ii c'liimfnir adversely the i4i:- are re-i'i.sted to l:le their i fi .ieou or t f'i'e s:-1 l2ih day J.T. ball". ES K. c.ster. Notice for Publication. j l ir-i.il States Land OfTee, J I'.omI U'v, Or,vn.Jan 5,1 i! Norei here-y p.vea that In eiimpilanc ' ; '.:h I'.e !:.. . : s tr.e act ol Conervsa of I Ju: o e:.::t.-d "An a t I t the la'.a of li::. v r lai: 's t. -:au--..f t aii:om:a.t.i:e2oa N? a '.s. acd vv a.s'.'.ii.--.,.n 'ierrm-ry," asexteud e 1 lo a.: :x.t p.i,..: laud s'.a'.ea ty a'l of Auguat 4. 1--2. H I ILK? P. BIRNARD. if R i. h,:r, t-,u W- v of I.i:;.as. atafe of Ore .iu i.a ui.s dav n.,,.J In th: i.ftice hla so'n -,--.t S,'. . N s : i ir i..e p:m-'iase cf the u x-c. VI. I p- 2 r. K V -f t" sh.iw thai the I N W ' "".-I I': .ill ' s-.uc'.l ts !: : than ! )i ;r a - h il s . ! i .i .k. t ( ! M - '..v tt. pillj!! Ps1 vai-ah. !i" lis i::.titHrir ftone 'il.umi p-'--'sv alii to es ab t . s.cd lrd N-'ore Z. I I'ltn-:ie::s.io!-i-r. Oas.arid. Oreeroi. on 't-i i-- o( Ma-i-h. I.' -l. He name J -hn w ver.s. K.sset'iry. Orvpio. M. 'i-i. I't.i.n. Mom ar i v- I L.ira. ! A -y aVue i: i-iai-ns i of !a i-urt. it. J4rriv Brist.iir, Roae- e.- 11 l ai; p.--s e-aimin? a!vers-'y the sir.-- I 'aids are n-j ;.-ted to t le their .' th. oil; :e on or Virions ssd lt'.h day ihi.- i. J T BKsLijK.'s, K'-.i r Nctice for Publication. Cnitol .-rate Ind OTi.-e. 1: . isei ur. Ore.. Oi l. 2, lmi.. srt-.:-c -. r.e.-e-i :vru i.'.u la con. piianoe th the i roiis. :. i ! tr.e a.-t of Cenitra of ne tr:: :-l "An aet f r the aaie of J-: t :? : N.i ed . . 1- 's :e. I e M&ies-d i a.; emia. iireson R-: l a-..:-.,-;. r "ierrl-i ry,"aeji-.e-id-tr.e i'iu:i 'tae.J nate by ast ol Acguat Ti:of A3 W f.AP.KIN. Ros.' e.-. , .,ji,iy of L- .'ic.a. Ta!e of Ore iu!.o'!.:',:ii h.-dlnthis orT.re hia fworn s'cr'-ni N. . "(. !.ir the purehase ol the m, SA'.i.'hi ll.Ti-! p.. K. a 1 , '-r prisof tcihow thai the land aofsht isi'ia', lor lis umisv-r er at.ine Iiid .i:-al f I'T-n'i. a: i to ,-taM.i hia an I -.;. is i:- I f.-r a, B-- r'.'. :i t- re ti.a i.eiis-er aad Letx-lver ot Una o:::ce oi i;osest2 v.n;,on. on . n-.'-.-.sy .nvi.'in! f Marrh. H r.i-:e s '.i.-.s s. David L Mania. U iiliarn H ii ,ut.T. ill-ssin J Ls'.der and Jocpb M .-a it, rl'V, oi K s-'iut. re. Ai y aii-1 a i r-e.-s ks eisaiiiluc adversely the aU-. e tit-M r.i-e 1 '.rirv are rvsiiietsi u file fere a'x in th1 o&c ! or fr aal-t 12;b dsv f Marrb, l.S'i. J 1 SHIiSifs, - . t Ki-iVr Notice for Publication. I n-ted Statea Ind Office. Riis s-.nH. Or-iio, S.-pU iv. I'A'2 Nr.ti.e n r.c-e! y riven that in enmpllanca with t:e pr.. v. -is ! e aet of Con grew) of Jr.sn is". ir.i.'isl-'Aaat tor the sate of j t;.T r lanes in tie -'an s d Caii !orntai irejen : .and Has. :r-.-t. n ierr.u rr,' asexicnd a.l ihe p iel.c land states by act of August t-i 1 . l" I I "? S- F R A N K KA-HK. K.xe'iur.-. c-,.i:,tv of limiadas. state of Ore .. 1 a ti.. da r-d in this office bi worn sta'e : en! n. ..-.) for the pnrchae ofthes i -4 "e :i. touasinp sw fsnith. lamre S inl ! an sril'.of'er vf"! t-hc-w that the land tor ght I Is re. h tuim'i,. lor ii timber or si.me iban j 1, r a. -iciii-.iiral p-.irp. -. ard to eatal-lish tli ! ciann -' re t: e lo-i ster and lu;celver ti thia i oiuce ol i..rti:bIirg.,.io.s'ii. ii: i'.iiiM:v.iiw.f.h dee of Febtuarr Ifrw 1 i li n -no s us at i re... : i nrtu Y hund v, Hd- linii't. A lit link, of h).o.-btirK. tinston. al'.'l W; AOV I am ii Wnitbl of Myriie l';-ek. Ore. .I a:i -frf-rsonsciaiinipit adversely Ihe '-r.-il ia-i'is a-e rfsiie-tei totl.e ibeir :ii-s o!iee on or before said 2'lb day of aitr in :ii : ruarv. 1 tr I 1 J.T. libit. K"J. KeflstPr. Notice for Publication. Cnited states Ind Office Re-si'-urg. trv--on iK t.1T, RiOJ, Notice is herei y piTen that tn compliance with the provM-maof tha act of Ci-Pjiresa of J'n.c is. s. entitled "An act f-r the sale of tui.tsT l.-inds in the Statu if California. Oregon Nei n.'a a'i-1 as;ini.-t.-n Territory, " aaeatend- 1 to a.l me p .l l-.c land states by act of August 4. ls-.ij. FRANK E COVFLL. nf -I I.'imli-r h i-1-a'liee, MintieajsiHs, county id Ifenii' t-m. s'.nteof Minni-sota, haa this day I1..-1 li 11 is c'lii-e bis sworn statetni-nt No -ee No andu'li 1 l i Tp No. 2fi . oi R No. Ii west o(u r proof toshow that the land sonftbt is -.Hon- vr.iijs.'.le l"r its timfur or stone tann f t a.riei.i:ural purj..sps, and lo establish hia clr-.i ii H lore ti.e Recisn-r and Receiver of thia oitii e of Koseburg, Oregon. ou MomUy, u,c m:i .lav of April If1!. He reime. a vi it in : Francis A. Raker, ard .l,i!:i. s W. Loiserty. of Minticap lis, Miun , Jol D Tbo:u, ani i'has. Thorn, of Rimrbure, Oregon Any nn I all isirsins ciaimiiK adversely the above oe-eriiied iands are renu -st -d bv file tlndr claims iu thia o: uie 0:1 or 1 ..lore said iiih day 01 Apr:1, 1 -.it. j. t. nRiraiEs, ti1"n H-eister Notice foi Publication. United States Ijind Office. Rosel unr, Oregon Jau. 12, IW3. N I'icc Is hen l.y ;ivcn that in compliance with the p- vl-i n of tbe act ol Connnsa ol lime .1, iKs", entitled " An act for the le of t!'n'"r I .re! In iheStalea of California. Oreaon, Ni va I- and W ashtnifton rerriiorv" aaexieudtsd to all the public land states by act of August 4. l.EOl'OLl) I FF., of Iist I'nst Ofliee. 1 o'iuiv sf Red I aVe. state of Jli'ii'i s ta. has ihls day ll ed In Ibis office his s 11 n ststeiueut No. 42V7, for tbt 1-tircliase of the sh'i of a c'.loii 6, townsiilp 29 K, R 8 neat, and will offer proof to shew that the land otia;ht fs more valuable for Ita timber or stone than lor eKrlriiUurttl purposes, and to establish Ma claim before tl.e Register aud Receiver ol thla ollica of Koseburg, Oregon. on Weonesday. the 2t!i day rf March, 1W Heliums s n lincssea: W. H. Wright and w id-am Imr'h, ol Mvrt'e Cieek Or. iron, A. I ( I 11k. of kofeijure. Oregon, t. G Suiraasil, of Lust r iri and, Oreuou. A n and ail persons clal ninir a iversely the nboie des. -tilled lainls are requested lo file their el urns in this ofliee on or lielore said 2'dh dav ol March, I'.sjil. J T liKHaiLrt, J12p R. sister. Notice for Publication. Cnlteii States 1 and Office, Pnsebiiv, Oregon, Iseo. 27, I!l2 Notlce Is hereby t-lvr n that In compliant with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7H, entitled "An a'-t for the sale of tin. her lands In the States of California, Oregon Nevada .and ashlngton Terrliory,"aseitend edto ail the public land stales by act of Auguat 0SM VX D RANK8, ol l est Hend, c iiinty ol Palo Al'o, state of loua, has this nay. filed In thlsolliee his sworn stale mm Nn. 42oS. lor the piindinso ol tha n ot ncc. 2(1. 1 p. :) s, K 7 w, and will of i.-r piooi tu show thai the land soiiKlit is more vcluiibie for lis limber or stone than for Bgil niliur I purposes, and lo establish bis caini to s.id intiii 1 1 lore W S Bri It, 1' H Coniiulssinuer h l Riddle. Ore.'on, oa Mondav the 21 day ot March, Its ii He pamej as tVitneasea; C. A. l"av, of Api letoti. Minn , A. C. C ulson, of Cen ter (itv, Mmn., Peter Diirch, and Albert Durch, of Roseljiirir. ores-oil. Any niil all p'-rsona cliilmlnif adversely the above desrrilail lands are rciiutsttd to file their t laims in i hia office ou or before said 2 1 day of Muich. I;. J.T.BRIIR.KS ji-p . RegUter, Notice for Publication. Imlted Btale Land Office, Roaabunr, Oreiion, Jan , lyoS. Notice ii hereby glren that In ompliana with th nroTUioni of th act of Conareaa f Junes, 1H7H. entitled "An act for h a) at timber landi In th Stateaof California, Oro4 Kevaila .and Waahlnirton Tarrltory'aaaitanil d to all th publla land llat by act tl Ansa , Ib'Ji. JOHN I1TNI8. nf Roaebnrtr. con my of Uouglaa, tat of Cayin ha tniadat tlleil In thiaoHlve htiaworn tata ini nt No. 4272 for the purcbaae ol lb N'4 of hw'tlon 82. township 29 aoutn. raiiK I want and will offer proof Wahow that th laud aoutnt la more valuable for lu timber or aton ttia for aKriculiural purpum, anil t tabliah hl claim befor the KeKiatr and Baoalrar ol tan tlld of Koatbnrg, Oraaoa. oil l ues.lay the iltn ilay of March, 1903. K'i namea aa wunuaea: ueorve lurnar. Jofin Farmer, of Kim. burn. Ore.. H W Miller. Mr rile t reek, Ore., and Oeorife Nimock, ol Eugen. Ore. Any and all persona cialmlDK adveraely th above attainDeii lauds are rentieated to Ble their claima in this o of March, 1UC3. claima in this ofllce on or before aaid 2tth day J.T. BRICGIB, Reg later. Jl!p Notice for Publication f nlted Statea Land Office. RoaeburK, Oreicon, Oct . l'J02. i Notice ta beret. r nlveu thai la couiDllaug l with the provUlona of th act of Congrea o( Junes, Is.H.cuUtled "An ai t for lha aaU of timber landa In th tdateaof California. Urafoa Nevada .and W aahtnitlou Territory," aaexind d to all the public land atai by act of Augae 4, 1.HT2. THOMAS CLVEIt of Hrand Forka, County of Orand Forks, Plat of North Iakoia. haa thia day filed In thla oflic his sworn aiateinent No. 2A1.V for the Dttrehaae ol the lota it nd 4Sfc'4 KH'i 81 '4 of riectlon , Townsiip .10 South, of RanKO , w. and will of- ler proof Ui show thai ihe land aougbt la mm ralunoie for ita tiuii-r or lut.e Uiao for am cultural purposes, and loeatabllih hi claim to said land bef .ra W tj Hrttt. U. b. CommlssPiner at Kiddle, Ort-pon, i n Friday, ibe 27ih Oar ol March. If) si lie name aa wr.neaaea: W If. Boo n, H. C. Roreti. Harry Leaberr aud John Lenherr of Camaa Vahey. ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the absivedeacritjed laoda are leuueaied to liie ihelr c.ainn in thla ofhee on or before the 27ih day of Karen, iv 4. J. T. BRIDGES. f 20p Reiater. Soalety JVletlng. A.' F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13, HjKIb regular melioRS oo aecona and ( nrth WednMklaTl ol earb month. E. J. tBoro. W. M. N.T.Jkwk fiecretarj. AO. U. W. kotteborg Lodge No. 16. Meet, the pevood aod fourth Mon- A mm m sf ta r ... is I K - 7 .Ofl n M in tint I. 0. O. F. Hall. Members in food atandinft ar inTitfd to attend. H. T. McClallm, M. W. E. Ii. Lenox Kecorder. D. .S Weht, finaocier. 6. P. O. ELKS. Kowburg Lodge No. 326. ilolda rognlar cummaaica tions at I O. O. F. Hall oo second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend rega-itrW-aDd all rieiting brothers are cordi a'.lr invited to attend. W. H. Jamiisou, V., R. V C. Losoos, Secretary. 0 E, FOURTH REGIMENT. 0. N. U., meets at Armor; Hail ever Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. F. B. Havux, Cape D EGKKE OF HONOR. Mystic Lodge No. 13. Mu 2nd and 4th Tl.ors day eveniKgn of each rnonlh in Na tive Rune' Uafl. Vieiting members cor dially anted to attend. Mrs. Miut Wmt, C. of U. E. II. Lk.vxox, Rec. fOF A. Coort Dona-! No. 32, For eetert ol America. Meeta every Toessiay Tetiii.t ta Native So&a' Hall. Vieiuna brotheraalwaTi welcome. f. W.VanZih C. R. E. II. Lenox. R. t. E. V. Hootm, FbTBidao. I.' 0. O. F. Phlietarian Lodee No. 8. Meta in Old Feliowa' Temple, cor ner Jack fon nd Cast atresia, on Saturday eTeoing ot each wee. Mem ber a ol th order Id good naoiling re ioviied to atteDd. H.B.Giu.arrrt, S. G. N.T. JlwaTT, rsecrttary. K." of 1'. Alpha LoiJirs No. 47. Mw trtrj Wedneoday, in I. O. 0. F. Hall '. 7:30 p. tn. Members tn t'XS tf andirjg ar invitmi to attend. G. W". Km ball, C. C. C. E. Robeht. K- R. 8. K.i T. M. Protx-tion Tent No. 15. Ilolils its regular Reviews the first and third FruUv cf ch month in the I. . O. hall. Vifiting nie-mN'rs in p al ptamlinn are invited o attend. F. F. Pattkksox, Com. E. E. DLODc.rrr, Record Keeper. L ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women af Woodcraft. Meeta on first and t birsi Tborsdara of each month at tha Na tive Kiob, Hail. Vieiting member aa rood itaoding are Invited to attend. I.sVtua Pkiilbredi .Guardian Neighbor. Vitsia- Orar, rscj;. L0. T. M. Roeeborf HiTe No, 11. Holda ita regular review cpson tbe second and foorth Friday era. of each month in tbe Native JSona' Hall. Sister of other Hives vimting in (be city are cordially invited to attend onr re view. Jksjib Kafp, L. Com. Matdb E. McClali ex, R. K. W. OF A. Myrtle Camp No. 6330. Meeta brtand third Wedneeday each mouth at Native Sona Hall. Gbo Bybox, Clerk. 0.' E. . Koee)Qrir Chapter No. I Holile their reainiar meetina; on tbe first and third Thursday in each nnn'h. Viaitir(t nierohere in rond itandirR are reepect folly invited to at-en-1. Mrs. Calu Rkaro, W. M., Mil. LiBBia Coeuow, Secretary. aEBEKAHtJ. Rosehnra Rebekah Lodsre No. 41. 1. 0. 0. F., meeta in Odd Fellows' Temple every Toeoday eveciritr. Viei tins Bisters and brethren invited to attend. Della P.rows, N. G. Cora Wimbkrlt, R. S. u NITED ARTISANS. Cmpqua As- fjenilily No. 105 meets every Satur day eveninp, at 8 o'clock in Native Son9 Hall. Viriting Artisans cordiallj invited to attend. Mrs. M. Jones, M. A. Mrs. F. B. Hamlin, tM-cretary. OODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak Carun No. 125. Meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Roeebarg. every first end third Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors alway" welcome. Jas. E. Sawyers, C. C. J. A. Brc it a nab, Clerk. IJ XION EXCAMrMENT, I. O. O. F. Odd lellow h Temple. Meuts first ami third Thursday evenings each month. Visitors cordially invited. J. U. Hamilton, C. T. J. C. Twitch kll, Scribe. Professional Cards. B.M. CHEADLE, DENTIST. Office op pnaite Slocum's Hull ROMKBD R(l OBt & NO P n A ISI C,' rca mt comectionery I f roits, Candies, C&es, Pies, Doughnuts and fresh Bread Dally fj Portland Journal Agency. Hendricks Block, Opp. Depot fjj I.J.NORilANa:Co. Props imfmimtimmmnmmmimmHmimmii Is bringing splendid results for the T. K. EUchardson Mtisic Store. Eight Pianos and Organs sold in January and two al ready for February, and prospects loom ing up. Inquiries from all directions for the high grade NEEDHAM pianos. None better or few as good. They will stand the most rigid inspection : : : : : T. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE g Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon. z EORGE II. BtOWS, Attorney-at-Law, Court Bona. Dowaiaira. EOPEBrRO.ORK c V FISHER, M. D, Phy6ician, Surgeon. Office over P. 0. Rosucbg, 'Phone Main 69 L, Oasoox. Q R.GEO. E. H0UCK, Pbyscian & Surgeon. OfBoa Review fltl. fbona. Main H ORElrOS J1LMER V. HOOVER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hoar cm Okkgos Special atteniloo rveo to Dtae ot the Koe ana -iaroai. Office-Main PL, dm door aoaiaof niotsa. Mala ML itr ti p W HATNES, DENTIST, tarta Buildlrat, Talepboa ko. . S. CRAWF02J), Attorney at Law, RoOBSl A 1. Mamers B!d( ROBEBCKQ. UK raBualDeaabciorttaaU 8 Land O Sea and saftiux eaaea a specialty. Lata EaeatTat 0. 8. Land Oatca JOHN H. EDUrE, ATT0RNE V-AT-LA W, Rose cao, Oaaeon. Bnataeas belora C. 8. Land Office and Probai bualitesa a specialty. Office Abraham BaiidiiUL J C. FCLLERTON Attorney-at-Law. Will psacUo ta all the 8tala and Federal Coorta OBca la Marks' Bid., Roaebant. Oresroa. Q0MM0DORE S. JACKSON, Attorney and Connsellor at Law. alining Law and Water Right Dtade a epwialty. kamera Bid ROetTBCRQ. ORKGOS P W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. sou l and t vtew Bulldlnc. B.06KBCR(t. ORKUOlt J A. BUCHANAN, NoUry Public, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room Marstera Balldin. ROSKBrRI. O H. J. RORINETT, Attorney at Law. Room 11. Taylor A uaon Btoea RoaastCRO. O a a. a.caaT, c. A. EiRLsatoa gEHLBREDE A GRAY, LAWYERS rraetlce In all ol theeiarts nf the ta e, also be lore the U. 8. Land depart meaL Tailor 4 llaon Block, Xotarr Pnblic In office Fbona Main ROPKBCRQ, ORB -INSURE IN TUE- II IN5URANCE AT C05T. Head OCIce, McMinarllle, Orcfoa Atnt.of insurance in force, $11,000,000.00 Net train in one rear. 2,628,787.00 Saving it members 1 jr., Number separata risks, 80,59 l.tiO 22.3(H) See Aa Ja Buchanan, Rosebnrg, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co Yoncalla Real Estate TIMBER and LOAN BROKER ..FIRE IN'SURANCK.. Timber lands locatwt an t tor aalu. Qond bar ItKiiialQ (arm praprrtr. Loa ja roarle oa rasv turms In hnms Iroin A0 to any amount at 3, 4, Sand ( percent.. A. F . APPLEQATE, YONClIXa,. ORB n 1 s 1 s 1 i t. 1 f YRTLE CREEK FLOUR V I The Best Always the Cheapest For Sale by (-V-v:vr If If want to buy a want furnished want to buy a farm rooms house you you you you you you If If If If want to want to want to rent a house build a house move a house If Toad9atkiPAT all oo or avlireee . . . F F. pal.sr&a N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVERNMENT LANDS Of everv deec rivtion. Farms and Min- eral IjukU. M inneota. Oregon, ashinpton anJ OAKLAND, OEEGON BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. ! THE NEW ! Dill I Cor. Washington !' and Main Streets ! Mrs. Belle Collins H. Little, .. DENTIST. .. Oakland. . - Orejon. Abstract of TiUa to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land. Bine P'vata of Township Maps showing all "ax-ant Lands. E. ALLEY, Architect Abstracter Plans and Estimates for ail Build Ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in new Bank Building. Thone 415 ROSEBURO. OREGON A GREAT COHPANY The Xew-Tork l.tf nrtsrseven years old. Asiet over aaoo.ooo.ooo. Income in iooi ovtrr, 9 7 0,000,000 laaurance in force over J6s Mew Iuanrance paid for In loot over i6i,aoo,ooo. Paid Pollcjr-Koldera ta iooi, over 117,000,000. Paid Poltcy-Moldera In 37 re art, over j 19,000,000. W. J. Moon, Asreat. Roatebnrsx ore THE PVCIFIC HOMESTEAD Thp iSrateat Farm Farr of the Sorth Wsst. Tiililishtsl wct-alT at 8alem. Ore Kun. KilKi.il by Ihe Farmer ol ihe Northwest, Twrntr I'aea, lllusirateit. A WESTERN PAPER FOR WESTERN PEOPLE S Ppr tar ti oo. Laaa taa acta aach Puhlieation beran March I, lSsU Now haa Q.aoo slitiacrtbera. rhenoineual crowth ii due to Ita being tho bent (arm paper pub lished. YOU SHNULD READ IT HOMESTEAD AN3 FIA1.VDL4LER 52.75 A YEAR. Trespass Notice. AU person are herely warntnl not to tre!-piii';, hnnt, fish or camp on the land of thti Curry Katate, I'ersuMi doinir j will be prosHx-utevl to the full extent cf tho law. Estate of N.Ctrrt, (55tf.) Uiversiiale Farm ft 1 1 . A Leading Grocers Coatracur as Saiitfer Reeebnrf Orecoa. Go to . :. 5 BA SOBER SHOP, For a Prorap and Firrt-clasw Shave or Hair-cut. Compe tent Workman, Clean Tow e'.a. Tool alway ia ahape. Baths In Connection. i Shop on Jackson St. a ) Homes from $350 to $5000 Write or 'Phoce Vim. LI, Porter, Real EsUte A rent and NoUry Timber and Homestead Locator Packer and Guide Camas Valley, Oregon S miica math van of KeaFbura- m nn isi rnviTnw ia rreparea to wait npon old T anil ssMirfAi.M....i j J sc wsiisri - .uu irwiHja with a full and complete stock of GROCERIES All f reeh and ol the very beet quality. Teaa aad caSees are epeciaiuee. lour patronage solicited. is J 905 Jackson St., ED T. HAGHEL RESIDENT Best References. All Work Guaranteed Leave order at Burr's MusicS to 'OOOOOGOOOtOOOOOOOO CllfTTt'S SnpDlinental Cfcanier For Shooting pirtol rartrid im riie a rtcnt corer U. S. and Canada fare M to 75 per eeat oa cost of a m munition. Made for 30-30, M0, S03, S2-40, sjM-cial and S ram iiantilicher. .23 Maileit for 11.00 ta auy addresw. Onler freia Tbe S. C. Company, Roteburj, Ore. Title (Juarantee&Loan Co. j. 0. Haarttoa, rteatdaot D C. slaWIiTna, eaei. aasl Tnaa Offlcsala th Coort Hon. Kara thaeaiTeom biei art ol ahairaet b.U ta Duf iaa I'ounij A hai.raota and I em ia ot T.tla taralahad to IsTMtt.aa roomy land an.t salami alatna. Mar aim a complete sec oi Treiaa o ail IowbiMh piata ta tha Roaebor. Orexoo. C. ti. Las.l ti-.a-ru i. Wk.l ma ttia prtut copiaa oi aar t" a tblp iu IP If Mini mm 3