The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 05, 1903, Image 3

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K wr 117 a. a- r t ri (r
we want to zsave you i loney
?So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we havo the largest and
most complete' line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
LcldiCS, We have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts are the
most complete line in town ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
(jGntlGmCn, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted W. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-todate line in town.
t The Peonle's Store
One Door South of P. O.
Earl Gates Thought His Cousin Cbas.
dates Was a "Cougar and Firea."
Ckow, Feb. 2. While out hunting
Sunday, in company with several others,
Karl Gates mistook his cou.sin, Charles
Gates, for a "cougar" which hud been
sighted, hikI fired, the shot pussing
through the muscles of his left arm.
The wounded man was taken to the
home of his father, Henry Gate, near
Crow, and medical aid summoned. The
wound wan very painful, but all the. in
terest d parties are to be congratulated
that the accident was not even more
serious than it was.
Worst Blizzard In Yeaas.
New BooKs
Capt. Macklia lari$
Oliver Horn .inioM
Love and the Soul Hunters, Hoot
My L dy Peggy Goes to Town,
The Sfeedle's Eye Kingsley
Hope Loring Bell
The Crimson Winff Taylor
The Strollers Iiham
The Long Straight Road, Horton
Rosalycde's Lovers Thompson
Confessions of a Wife Adams
Janet Warde Sangt'er
The Maid at Aims. Chambers
Rockhaven Uunn
The Leopard's Spots Iij ou
Barbara Ladi Robert
Francezka St a trail
Dona van Pasha Parker
Moth and Rust . .C'WnjwnfW7.v
The Fighting Bishop . . . V. Hopl int
T Fifth triasf Scuta
The Virginian Witter
A Speckeled Bird Erant
and many others.
Price $1.15; Wailing price $1.27
"We rent them for 25 cents.
V. II. Jamicson has returned from a
business trip to Salem.
Mrs. John Strader is reported ill at
her hoa.e in this city.
II. L. Engels of Peel, was in this city
on business this week.
Pee the Title Guarantee A Loan Co.
for blue print and filing papers. tf
You should see that Little Giant tree
pruuer at Churchill and Woolleys.
C hurchill and oollev are having a
fiue sale on Bean's New Torrent Spray
Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood
Inquire of Henry Conn, Rof-eburg, Orc-
For Sale Household goods, cooking
utensils, canned and jared fruits. Call
ou X. E. Richards at Woodards Harness
Mrs. Jarley's Waxwork Show will be
given at the Opera House, Feb. 10,
Attorney A. A. Abraham is in Salem
on but-ines.
Marriage license has been issued t W
F. Minard and Mrs. M. Harden, of
Misses Addie and Ella Schmidt arc
visiting at Salem with Mrs. F. A. Eriek
son. Mrs. Fannie Hill, who has been visit
ing friends and relatives in this city, ha Heppner, Ore.
Western Union line Superiiitendant
F. O. Plotner, of San" Fiancisco, was a
passenger on this morning's northbound
overland .
The Roseburg Water A Light Compa
ny now have their new steam pump at
work and the city has an abundance of
Rev. X.J: Haibit will preach next
Sunday at the Cleveland M. E. church
at 11 a. m., and Coles valler church at
Chicago, Feb. 4. Chicago for hours
this morning was cut off from news of
outside. No quotations have been re
ceived from New York up to 11:30.
Nearly a fi;ot of snow fell yesterday and
last n'ght a rain and sleet t-torm accom
panied by a gale of wind the worst bliz
zard in years.
Street-car trsflic is demoralized and all
incoming trains are leporled late. The
storm continued today, ham; ering the
work of the repair crews sent oi. t in tv
ery direction. Two lives were lo t ar.d
numeu'tis accidents have occurred.
Additional Local
General Fred Funstoii, of Philippine
war fame has been ordered to take com
mand of the department of the Colum
bia with headquarters at Vancouver,
not Inter than April.
Paul Adams plead guilty to the crime
of laiceny in Justice liuchanan's court
Wednesday i:fternooii and was sentenc
ed to two months in the city jail.
Adams stole a lap rolw from C. P. I'.ar-
nard's stable, opposite the Central Ho
tel, Sunday afternoon, and then took it
to Mr. I'urnard's other store, on Maine
Street, and sold it to the man in charge.
The stolen article was recognize! soon
after the transaction, w ith the result
that Adams was (juicily apprehended
and landed in jail. He is a hobo, about ?i
years of ao, and gives his home as
Pomeroy, Wash.
This month: completes our 25th year in the Dry Goods business
in Roseburg. For a quarter of a century wo have entered to the
wants of thousand of customers, from the little store establish
ed in '78 to the present mammoth establishment which wo'occu
py. Our greatest advertisement is that many who dealt withlus
at the start are in 1903 still honoring us with their patronage,
In remembrance of this event we havo instituted this sale, which
for unapproachable values, excell anything heretofore offered.
Dress Goods Department.
200 yards colored satins, mostly blues
ami reus, regular ouc values, sccial..
50 yards Scotch washable, waiting flan
nels, very desirable colors, worth 85c,
7 pioves woolen plaids, lii'ht and t edium
i....i... .lu.;i i. iil.
300 rards fancy mixed suitings, mostlr ....
alf wool, val. 30c to 50c, special ". L)
600 yards Chambray ginghams, one pat- .
Vrn, regular 81,, 4 -L
House furnishing Department
A small lot Marseilles fpreads, 10-4 size,
regular Toe kind, now
Another lot Marseilles spreads, 11-4 size,
good value at fl.OO, now
Hosiery Department.
I 1. Lalies' fine cotton fancy stripe ir
Lislo finish Lose, 35c kind. Special.. I5C
Lot 2. 5 dor. ladies' all wool black cash
mere hrwe; siic H only: 50c regular.
Special 25C
Lot 3. 5.doz. ladies fine black Lisle
hose : good values at 50c. Special JOC
Lot 4, I-adiee fancy stripe, pure Lisle
hose, 60c juality. Now 2 DC
Admission Reserved seats 35 cts. F.ats j 2 :3t) P- n
g Of Local Interest.
Graves the Photographer is back at
bis place of business once more, (tf)
R. A. Woodruff, of Me'rose, was in
this city on busiuess last week.
Furnished rooms for rent enquire
at old Abraham property foot of Wash
ington street. tf
Dressmaking and all plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls opposite the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
Fresb oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eatirg
House, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. II. D. Graves has been posting him
self and gathering new ideas during his
vacation and feels he is better preptred
than ever to give his customers the
ery latest Etyles. (tf)
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fiie insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a genera
fire insurince business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. tf.
35 and children 15 cts. (flO)
Ilenrv L. Howe, a siecial clerk, who
has recently been employed in the U. S.
land office at Burns, Harney county, is
now an employee of the land office in
this city.
We Lave for sale the 2 best business
buildings in the city. Xo. 1 on corner
of Cass and Pine streets ; Xo. S on cor
ner of Cass and Sheridan. Joh.v King
& Bement, Agents. jl9-lm.
John T. Richardson and wife of Bohe
mia, who have been visiting relatives in
this city left Tuesday for Oakland where
they will visit Mrs. Richardson's
parents, after which they will return
S. D. Evans of Umpqua Ferry, was in
this city this week on business pertain
ing to the improvement of his city prop
erty here, Mr. Evans made this office
a pleasant call and was presented w ith
one of our beautiful maps and a receipt
for advance subscription.
One of the neatest and most unique
Extra passenger brakemen S. Starmer,
X. G. Boyd and Harry Lohr have been
assigned regular runs between Ashland
and Dunsmnir.
Miss Minnie Sauvain, who has teen
visiting her brother, A. E. Sauvain, of
this city, returned to her home at Salem
this morning.
Mrs. Minnie Oter and Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Shupe went to Oakland today .to
attend the funeral of Miss Clara Jones,
who died at that place ytterday
Mrs. William Carroll has gone to
Winchester, where her husband is in
charge of the pumping station of the
Roseburg Water & Light Company.
Call on Cheadle & Johnson for up-to-date
dental work. Dr. Johnson, late of
Portland will have charge of the crown
and bridae work dejiartmeut. Prices
Rev. G. A. Doyle has returned from
his old home at Philadelphia. Pa , w here
he was called several wet-ks ago by the
serious illness of his mother. He in-
designs in the shape of a photo mount is J forms as his mother has completely
the "Standford iolders. It a is new
style and up to date, and when a beau
tiful Platinum print is placed thereon,
produces the richest and daintest effect.
Leave your order for one or more when
having your plioto takenat the Sun
beam Photo Parlor. Work guaranteed.
Eon't forget the piece, one block from
S. P. Freight depot. Cf..
The room facing Jackson street in the
new Douglas county bank building is
now occupied by the Roseburg Real
Estate Company, John T. Shannon,
manager, and C. S. Wbileomb, secretary,
being in charge. Besides conducting a
general lumber business the .comjrany
have charge of the Kinney addition and
the purcnasers of property in that addi
tion will be guaranteed lumber for
building purposes if they wish to pnr
, chase.
i" dozen pure linen damask towels,
fancy fast color lrdera, 3.1c to 50c
ri-gii'lar. Spevial t.DC
Corset Department.
W are closing out oar entire sKrk of
Royal Worcester W. C. C. corsets at
the following attractive prices:
13.75 corsets while they laet for J
- I
$2.00.1 "
$1.50 "
$1.25 " '
$1.00 " " '
311 i
.70c i
.55c j
Sfcoe Departoeat 1
About 200 pairs mens line black eboea,
lace and congresc, call and kid, which
regularly gold for $2.-50 to $4.00. To
clean up tne eld lines we have mark-
e,Jthem 1.50 to 2.10
Any mens tan shoe In the boose
Thla includes via kid, cloth Ijj,
Mens fcralsmsgs Dcpsrtnent.
About 5 dozen mens silk and wool negli
gee shirts, broken lines, all -ee. al- .
nee $1.50 to $1.75, while they la . . . Lb
50 .dozen mens bome-maUe buckekia
gloes, all first qoaJitr, ionr irwctia.
regnlar 75c. Special.". 50C
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled j
BL'KXKTT. At the residence of his ton
near Heckles, Ore., February 4th,
l'.Hij, James I. Iiurnett, agil ,S0 years,
10 months and 22 days.
The deceased was one of the l't
known pioneers of tiiis county, having
leen Ijora in I'.hi-t c-unty, Tenn., March
12, IS22. and eRi!!n to the caat in
lsi, at the a.e ol - ymrs, Uratiug at j
!-a!em. tre. In ls2 lie moved to
liound Prairie, Douglas co-.inty, where
he lucate-l an d i-urchasoi a lare farm
adding to i utit.l he possH-d 120Aacnt
ofUu-1, ai.d becanieoi:e of the mot
prorninet.t farn.ers and stockmen in
Southern Oregon.
Mr. I'.urr.eU was n.arried in Trimes
to Margaret Ia-w who came aes-t i:h
him. Fio;n this ocivn there were six
children. Martha, Frai.cis, Mary. Lydia,
Virginia and The-s. B. all of whom are
dead except Thos. B. who ret-ides on the
old home place, Mrs Burnett having died
several years .ifa. The funeral servios
will lo col-.'iilctetl un.'.er the aui-pice of
laiural IL-e Xo. 13. A. F. & A. M. of
whuh order he was an honored mem
ber, tomorrow imi:iediaU-ly after the ar
rival of the l.val fn m the sonth. Inter
ment at the Masonic Cemeterv.
The Big
City Council Proceedings.
A Few
Broken Lots
Of Ladies' and ChUdren's
Knit Underwear
and Union Suits
Wc shall offer the en
tire line at COST for
the Remainder of the
Season. . .......
Malle a Rush
I The Popular Store.
I - E
The Eridgu Whist Club will not meet
at the home of Mrs. Wollenberg Friday
night as was arranged at their last Bievt
m(i, she having been called tj Portland
on account of the sickness of her eon,
Ralph. The meeting is postponed two
Rev. G. 11. Bennett, pastor of the M.
E. church, will occupy his pulpit as
usual on Sunday. Subject of the even
in? sermon will be: The Error of the
Faith Healer. Tliis will be the first of a
series of evening Krmons on that sub
ject. All are invited.
U. S. Commissioner W. S. Britt, of
Riddle, favored this office with a pleas
ant call, while tranaeting business in
Roseburg Wednesday. He sav tie
South Douglas prune growers will foil
organize for the purpose of erecting a
packing house and marketing to a better
advantage their large prune crops.
Brethren ofjjthe Masonic fraternity
will meet at their lodge room at 10 a. m.
tomorrow and from thence march to the
depot and from the dejot on the arrival
of the train to the Southern Methodist
church. This chance was ordered made
by Worshipful Master Coshow after the
annoucements and funeral notices lind
leen eent out.
The people of Roseburg have lieeu
particularly fortunate this reason in
the number and quality of the attrac
tions presented by Manager Strong at
the opera bouse, and music loving citi
zens w ill be glad to learn that they are
to have the pleasure of spending an
evening with the famous PeMoss family
on Wednesday, Feb. 11.
Master Fish Warden Van Dusen
filed his Jannary monthly report w ith
the state fishcommissioners this week,
in which we find the following reference
to the 1 nipqua hatchery : At the Ump
qua hatchery the eggs have all hatched
out and the work of planting the young
fry has been going on since January 23.
Itjwill probably beja couplo ol weeks b
fore the entire batch is planted and the
station is closed down for the season,
The following from the Wallowa
Chieftain published at Enterprise, Ore.,
will be read with regret by the many
friends of the gentleman referred to, in
this county: Key. Edward Blair met
with a serioun accident Monday morn
iug. While riding his saddle horse the
animal fell, and Mr. Blair's leg was
caught beneath the horse, breaking both
oones aoove me aiiKie, nr. Auit re
duced the fracture and reports his pa
tient as resting easy.
The city dads at a meeting last Mon
day night attempted to take snap judg
ment on the citizens of West Roseburg
in attempting to force them into the
city by epecial act of the Legislature.
There was not a singlo citizen of West
Roseburg desiring to be incorporated
and on Tuesday everyone signed a re
monstrance at sucn ingii Handed pro
ceedings and sent it to Salem, when the
amendment to the charter was prompt
ly killed.
There will 1 aa entertainment at
the Edeu!.er sthud hunse on Friday
evening, Feb. C. A pleasing literary at d
musical program will be rendered after
w hich tuppcr w ill be served. A good
time is asturcd. Everyliody cordially
invited ti attend.
Won His Case.
A deci.-ion has been reached by the
R'isebnrg land office in the contested
homestead ca-e wherein Arthur C'om
egys was contestant agaiust George F.
Warner. Attorneys Charles Kissinger
and L. E. Bean ap-arod fwr Comcgys.
Mr. Warner Ioncs the claim, quite valu
able, through r.ot complying with the
residence n j uirenienta. Eagene G Hard.
Drain News.
Born to the wife of Bert Ross, Fet.,
2, a daughter.
Mr. Whelden is quite ill w ith Bion-
chitis, Jbut i; somewhat improved at
Mrs. Estes and daughter Bertha left
Tuesday for a brief visit in Roseburg
lH-fore leaving for San Francisco.
The concert given by the Ie Mo s
family last Wednesday night was attend
ed by a large and appreciative audience.
They may truly be called the Lyric
Bards of America.
The Coos Bay stage is again in operat
ion, End by transferring at the bridge in
boats with a few other inconveniences
the trip to Seottsburg is made in two
Mrs. Kobt. Carey who has been visit
ing her parents in Ias Angeles fjr tlie
past two months ; topjedoiTfrom Thurs
day until Saturday to visit w ith friends
in town before returning to her home
at Woodburn.
Y. il.C. A. entertainment given at
Normal.'chapel Saturday night was anov
el mid plea.-ing affair. The Association
is doing some good work and should be
commended for its energy.
V. 11.
Lndcavorcrs' District Convention.
At the regular meeting f the city
council last Monday evening, a full
board was present except Counuimcn
Koldhagen and Norman. The bill of
the F.osvburg Water A Light Co., Lr
water for January was presented for
payment, and on motion of Councilmeo
Wui!enlrg the fame was ordured paid.
Mayor Hoover in the meantime Lad
mode a strong plea to deduct a certain
amrunt from the bill for the time the
city has been without fire protection.
Chi.f Engineer Sykc of the fire .lert
ment was prent and stat d that the
city had not Un without fire protection
since the accident, as the Water Co.,
had clsl the gate, keeping a revoir
in case of fire, which could be turned on
at any moment. After considerable
wrangling between the mayor and coun
cil, a vote was called w ith the above re
sult. Councilman Aiken voting '"no."
A petition signed by over 100 business
men was presented by a committee from
the fire department, asking the city to
allow f 2.50 to the first teamster who, in
case of fire, appeared at the hose house
and drew the cart to the scene of the
fire. ThisJ was asked to be allowed
only during the time of year when the
mud in the streets would prevent the
firemen from drawing the hose carts
with any degree of rapidity. The maj
or objected to granting the petition on
the grounds of economy, holding that
the city L too much in cebt to expend
any sum, no matter how small, uecdlees-
ly. The council disregarded the may
or's objection, and granted the titi n.
fixing Oct. 15 to April 15 as the time in
hich this (2.50 allowance shall hold
Cpou report of a committee the jieti-
tion for a sidewalk on Pitzer street waa
denied. It was reported upon investi
gation that the w alk woula benefit only
one person, w ime a number ox omers
remonstrated against its construction.
Saloon bond of G. R. Linser approved
and license ordered issued.
Projiositious to furnish the city with
pipe were submitted by Beard fc Culver
Churchill iV Woollev and Carroll A
Sykes. Action deferred pending con
sideration. The petition of Board & Culver, ask
ing permission to erect an iron roofed
shisl back of their place of business was
referred to the committee on fire and
The proposed entrance of North Rose
burg into the city proper, caused an
amendment to be offered the proposition
to extend the city limits to West Roee
burg also. This extension will include
practically all residents between the
river bridge and the east lino of the Sol
diers Home grounds, but leaving out the
big bridge. It is almost needless to say
Unit the amendment was promptly
adopted by the council.
School Tax Levy.
The following is the tax levy for the
year in the various districts thtoughoot
the county.
Iist. No. AbL of Levy.
" 1 10 MilU.
" 4 8 -
" 6 .JS "
" 8 5
" 9 5 "
" 11 S "
' 20 .3 "
21 6 "
" 23 15 "
2 ....8 '
32 i
" 33 JSH "
" U 4 "
61 b "
' H. 7 "
" 70 5 "
" 77 10 "
. ' SH t '
" S IS "
" 111 3 "
120 .50 "
" USA 1 J. D. 15 "
" SAJ. P 1 "
City of Roseburg 5 "
City of Yoncalla 5 "
Basket Baft Team. Tour.
Yesterday morning the two basket
ball teams composed of the Roseburg
High School girls, left on their tonr of
the Wiliamette valley to play Albany,
Corvallis and Salem teams. There were,
twelve girls in all, under the manage
ment of Thoe. Townsend and cEaperoned
by Mrs. Rast, with Vernon Ramp ac
general utility man. Following is the
list of players alter which are those who
went along for a general good time.
Wyllitha Reed, C. ; Ella Black, R. F. ;
Vivian Jewett, L. F. ; Edna Parsley, L.
G.; Gertie Rast, R. G. Net Kabatt,
Veil Barker, Kale Fuilerton, Lillian
Stanton, Beesie Kidder, Hazel Jewett
Elsie Benedict.
The game which was played at Al
bany last evening resulted in the defeat
of the Roseburg girls, the score being
6 to 8 in favor of Albany.
pOR SALE. At a bargain, a country
A store with dwelling department in
the rear and nptairs Blacksmith shop
and building?; 12 acrea of land; good
bnsinese point for a blacksmith or thoe
maker, with trade which jnstiS. carry
ing a fair stock of general merchandise.
Address W. Faacaa, Cleveland, Ore
gon. 12f
.Manager Wasted.
Trustworthy, either sex. by Whole
sale Merchandise Corupaay " of solid
financial standice, to manage laxai
liepreseniaUv. who will organize rhal
among cousomevs. 40 per cent svd
for our customers. Business no e
pericient t-at a jprcven success. Salary
tlS-Oo a week, exprasea advanced.
Einj-rvucw onnewrisanr. AJJre D.
B. OarksoB, iigr., 3i'lrtom fv,
Chicago. El. tJiFlJ.
X- tice for Publication.
Laa4 diet at KMbarc. urn.
I fcrbr giva that lh tcMfm-z
daibmI artt:r b 8M Ddor of fc.-s lnaC3a
to bi t! BBtiDa rarf in tnveon of
hW tWia aal that mil pnW b e:'. tw
Kwb 1W Rcertm C. P. Ld OCt
of TUr Orrrri.o H So for h ?V;
SE- or sc Ju. I JO A. E 1 vest W. JL til
dum ta loUcwiaf laiw to prove kl
oonUaooa ralraca vfon sod mJ'.frmtioa ol
MV1 Uad. via: Tlmmu Mcuulrs. Ftttr Bt:f.
SicboUt Jloom. of Rowwri, Ore., A T&aiap
n. o( Xjrut Crre. trema.
ti9 t T BiUIX:!. EwSer.
K 1 jmi onenniK f cfeoiee
timber t'im cr Bon4 Wt tA i.
r ow the keat i-nrm Ttw or trim
b h-l. CrtMn try irUi;,
pioywl. ll yr u KoiB k-w t
champ, wt fca it. caU a or ml-lnm
Stewart Greacea
RijJ Estate saf fisikr Dukrs
Notice of Final Settlement
In trve Coanty Court ot the Stale of Orrfoo
for Coaatr of Ixtoaloa.
la U Btiiw of ntiUl
R. B. Jotxaaoo. decrwatd. j
Xotlee to berebr firm tbal D. Sl T. Th(, -4
BUnutrator of ta NUle of R. B. Jotiinoa. da
wird. h miimd and prrowatrd for wtvi
meaf. and 8d la M' j enart hi. floal araoont
of hi. admrn-jaration ot raid ta!: Th.t ktoa
day. U itxl day ol Utrrh. ISO, at W o clock a.
m. of aaid dar. at tha eoort room ot aaM ooart
at Boabanr. Onwon. ha. tMn Szod for thet
Umntof wld flaai aceonst, aad for hrin
any objection, that mr be mad to iV waa.
l&P AdminUtrator of iaM Eataie.
Cord ot Thanks.
Kev. C. E. Kberman, Field Secretary
for the United Society of Christian En
deavor, will arrive in Oregon the lirt of
March. District conventions havo been
so arranged that Mr. Kberman can visit
each consecutively. The Western Di'
tnct, consisting of Lane and Douglas
counties, will convene in Roseburg,
March 7-9 inclusive. It is hoiied that
each society will respond readily to the
call of the district secretary and that a
goodly delegation may be prjsent.
Entertainment will bo furnished all
representatives bearing credentials.
Ixit U4 make thin the best convention in
the slate by cupjHirting it with our pres
ence. Mr. Kberman comes highly recom
mended, which, with other features of
the meeting make it.'prolitablo that each
society thould ms repreKented. I'rof, A.
K. Bmeetser, of the U. of O, Eugene
will als give us a stirring address.
Mark C. Mlnsox, Pres.
Fannie McCalixm, Secy.
l'ilkington Bros, blacksmithing. . .$ C 75
Carroll & Sykes, sewer work 67 00
FM Beard, hardware.. 11 45
Beard .V Culver 4 00
K M & L Co, water for Jan 37 00
Bice A Rice, padlocks 2 70
D S Stockwell, street work 17 00
B F Fage, street work 18 50
I'Parzoo, street work 28 65
L B Woodruff, street work 3 75
Leona Mills Co, lumber 49 42
Umiqiiu Hose Co. allowance 49 42
Rose Hose Co, allowance 30 00
D J Jarvis, marshal salary 62 83
II C Klocuni, treasurer's salary... 10 05
I) S West, recorder's salary 2ti 75
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
We desire to express our sincere and
heartfelt thanks to our many kind
friends and neighbors who so greatly as
sisted and befriended us during the late
illness and death of our beloved mother
The many acta of kindness on the part
of our friends will ever be held in grate
ful remembrance.
Mae. E. J. Bxidlir,
Iaa Cox.tsR.
Mr. J. I. Morgan drew a check the
other day for 122,500,000 and it was good
for tiie whole amount, too, which would
not have been the case with most of us.
' Notke to Laundry Patrons.
After February 1st all laundry turned
out by the Boeeborg Steam Laundrr
will be on a etrictlv cash basis.
F18p. O. C. Baem, Propr.
Ring E?nf
if too have a ricg Bhat ie
broken or a set & out, or
poently roa have a rmg that
U jost a little to snail or a
little to large, perLapa you
hare one that seeds siroagth
ejiing ex is badjy bent. I am
prepaid to do all kiadaof
ring repairing. I at eajy
guarantee mj work, bat I
guarantee yon will be veil
pleased with tSa job t t ?
A Musical Treat.
SSS Hardware
Stops itching walp upon one applica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. 1'rieo 60c.
For sale by Marsters Drug Co. ndtf
The celebrated Pe Moss family, the
famous musical entertainers of America,
who are now making their thirty-first an
nual tour, have just made arrangements
to appear at the Opera House in this
city on Wednesday evening, Feb. 11,
ami render their program of vocal and
instrumental selections. A great num
ber of the older residents of Douglaa
county have heard this celebrated family
on some of their former tours, but tho
improvement made by them in the last
few years is so great that they are juatly
entitled to the title bestowed upon them
in recognition of their efficient work at
Chicago World's Fair that of "Lyric
Bards of America. Reserved seats will
be on sale at B. W. Strong's on Satur
day, Feb. 7, to accomodate thow whe
wish to secure their seat in advance, as
these verasastile musicians have been
greeted with crowded houses at all of
their engagements on this tour.
ilanltets! BlanKets!
ses our rjinroow
We can give some of best values in
BlanKets ever shown in the city. We can
give you a fall size all wool Elanlfct far
A Mixed one for
Cotton Blankets from 50 cents a jvair to two dollars and fijfty cents.