The Twic-rTttk Roseburg Plalndealcr Published Monday and Thnndaya. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. r H. II. BROOKES, Editor and Publisher, Twtee-a-Wk Plaindtakr. tier year, $2.00 Fbd Weight, City Editor, Solicitor, T. G. Ruth, Foreman Entered at the Poet Office in Roseburg, Ore., as second class mail matter, Advertising Rates on Application. JANUARY 5, 1903. COMPULSORY MEDICAL AID TO CHILDREN. i' To Thi Editor: In your editorial on the qnefetton of compulsory medical aid to children, in your last issue, I am glad to note you are not opposed to Senator Marsters' bill. The measure is sup ported by the same coirect principles ' which underlie compulsory education of -children which prevents cruelty to anl mala, and criminal negligence generally The bill in no way impugns the love of parents for their children, though it xnav discredit their intelligence -for re- - fusing medical aid, which the enlighten ed world recognizes as affective in 'most cases for relieving suffering and pro longing life. It in no way interferes with their religious freedom. They may believe as they choose, only their religi ous liberty must not be the pretext for denying others the right of medical' aid in sickness. The sick, are entitled to relief from "whatever source it may come. Parents may resort to praver to reduce a broken limb if they wish, but they must resort to surgery, which the -en lightened world has found to be effective in most cases. They may give the cred it for recovery to prayer or surgery as they choose.. Surgery is above miracle in these times, for surgery is within reach tf most of us in most cases, while miracle is not. This is false to the theo ry of the faith-healer, but it is true ' t fact and experience. Facts are what we want. The doctrine of prayer, and heal ing by faith, are questions of biblical in' terpretation which can hardly -be dis cussed in a brief communication. Your quotation of Jacob's words, "I will not let .tnee co, except tnou bless me. is unfortunate in this connection. You should remember Jacob came out of that struggle with a withered leg. tWith reference to the "ostracism that a fw devout, faithful Christian men and women were subjected to," in Wooiburn, allow me to say, they were in so sense "ostracised" however some o! them were quarantined. They cere in no way persecuted, but were provided with provisions at public expense, n hue they tnauzQt themselves mvr- tyrs, an intelligent public regarded them with commiseration. Fraternally yours, George H. Bexxett. We publish the above for all that . it is worth: but so far as the statement made that "the doctrine of praver, and healing by faith, are questions of biblic al interpretation." this the Plaik. dealer denies. There is no interpreta tion possible for the records of miracles are either true or false. The statements of prayer being made bv man and ans wered by God are either true or false. There is no interpretation to be put up on such "recorded events for interpreta tion in such affairs is nothing mere nor less than apology in the interpreter for his own lack of faith or direct infidelity, and Brother, there are thousands o! men in the Christian ministry today w ho know nothing absolutely nothing" of the first principle of Christianity, men who mak6 preaching to be a profession trying'to conform their outward life to fit the garment, the color, texture and beauty of which they are absolutely un able to see because they continually ook at self and self ideals and self inter pretation and deny the "Thus saith the Lord." . And now, Brother, is it not a fact that you, like Paul in his. days of unbelief and before the scales fell from his eyes assisted in the persecution of members of the Church of God or they who professed to. be your brethern in Christ? Months ago .when a stranger in Oregon',1 dropped off at a village aud the first thing I beard was a discussion along the above lines fchd I think you were the person mentioned -as one of the persecutors of a number of men and women whose Christian lives were pure. I know not whether' you are or not, but you know and God knows and I would infer by your communication that -yon had some knowledge of the facts in the case. It is a lamentable fact that the wrst persecutors on earth of the high er principles of faith in individuals spring from people, who take the name of Christian and never take a further step and I state this after twenty-five years of active newspaper work and ex perience with professional men of all kinds. In that time I have received scores of communications from profess ed Christians but whenever I struck one whose life conformed to the hidden life of faith in God they never were found persecuting the brethern nor defending interpret Allow of faith because they lived in it, breathed in it and many have died in it. But I cannot pass by that withered leg statement wnnoat making this re- maik: Jacob may have "been the first man who got a withered leg but with the injury came the- blessing ; and it would be a blessing to many men if their leg was withered also. MERE IS THE TRUTH. . The Observer is generally correct in its diagnosis of men and things. From hignest to lowest tiie newspapers have none of them printed the truth about the resignation of Binger Hermann. We have the Straight Goods. To be plain about it, Mr. Hermann stood in the way of railroad land grabbers (and Congress, , to some extent). - His opposition to wholesale forest reservations antago nized the subsidized railway magnates who are using the forest reservations as convenient means for relieving them selves of worthless remnants of their land grabs which were unsalable. They were left open, however, in FOR MINING AND RAILROADING $6,000,089 Corporation Organized in Portland to 0pe rate in Douglas Connty. Portland, Feb. 3. Incorporation ar tid8 of the United States Mining, Se curities & Tnis. Company were filed in the office of the County Clerk yesterday by A. Rowley, R. J. Ilendrie and J. E. Wright. The objects announced are: To mine for precious metals, coal, stone, marble, etc. ; also to build and operate a railroad at a point near certain copper quartz locations near the corners of townships I and 2 west Willamette meri dian, 31 and 32 south ; thence by a northerly course to the valley or river to the towns of Riddle and Myrtle Creek, all in Douglas County. The amount of capital stock is 16,000,000. This is a developement enterprise in heavy deals, and under the lieu lands act secured valuable lands instead. It will be remembered that Mr. Moody checked a deal of this kind for 1,500,000 acres. These operations were a source of imn ense profit to the land grabbers. The Northern Pacific Railway Company is said to have swiped 17,500,000 by this system in one exchange. When it was proposed to repeal the timber and stone law, Mr. Hermann said no, "repeal the lieu-land law and amend the timber and stone law." Mr. Hermann was right, and the people see what a great mistake will ensue from following lines dictated by his superior "in office." Mr. Her mann has been verv consistent in his reports on lieu-laud script for years, aud if his representations had been honestly considered and acted upon, Hitchcock's muddle in land matters could have lieen avoided. President McKmley investi gated this matter and pronounced Mr, Hermann a pure man and nothing has since occurred to alter that opinion. Grant's Pass Observer. The bill of Senator Steiwer, of Gilliam Grant, Sherman, Wasco, Wheeler and Morrow Counties, to provide for redis tncting the state into Senatorial and Representative districts, which passed the Senate Monday, provides for no changes affecting counties other than some of those of Eastern and Central Ore gon, and the changes provided are mere ly in the matter of apportionment. Under the measure, the total number of Senators and Representatives from all the counties affected would be the same as at present. Under the present law, Wasco and Sherman Counties compose one benatoml district, and have one Senator; Gilliam, Grant, Sherman, Wasco and Wheeler compose one, and have one Senator, and Crook, Klamath, Lake and Wasco, still another, with one Senator. Under the Steiwer bill, Was co County would constitute one district, with one Senator; Klamath, Lake, irooK ana urant anotner, witii one - i i . ... Senator, and Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler another, with one Senator. Under the present law, one Representa Uve district is composed of Gilliam, Grant, Sherman, Wasco and Wheeler, with three Representatives ; and another of Crook, Klamath, Lake and Wasco, with three Representatives. The Stei wer bill proposes that Wasco alone con- stitu'es one Representative district, with two Representatives; that Sherman, Gilliam and Wheeler compose another, with two Representatives, and that Crook, Klamath, Lake and Grant com pose still another, with two Representa tives. Referring to the Reverend Bennett's communication in Monday's issue which crept in without our knowledge, all we desire to sav is this : Down in Texas a nigger went down into the water and came np out of the water of the Brazos river and looking upon the vast arrav of admiring friends on the bank said: Brethren and Sistern, If thei'se one of you who don't think that I'm a Chris tian I want to 'spute. Sometime when our Linotype machine arrives we will give him place to tell what he don't know about Christ in the Spirit preaching to the sinners before the flood. Senator Mulkey's bill relating to the public ition of obscene or indecent liter ature passed the Senate Friday. Its purpose is to prohibit the publication of accounts of the deeds of criminals or an exhibition of a play representing the deeds of criminals. . The bill is aimed particularly at books or plays setting forth the deeds of persons who have been convicted of crimes in this state. b be more explicit, it is aimed at the sensational Tracy books, which have been put upon the market in Oregon, and whi;h are not tending to elevate the ideals of Oregon boys. It was reported, according to the Seat tle Times, that after the Mayor of Walla Walla had visited Olympia during the late Senatorial contest, he said on are riving home that any man who could have a chance to beat Mr Ankenv would have to "put up" not less than 250,000. Now did the Walla Walla Mayor slander the Washington Legisla ture or anybody? The following going the rounds was composed by a student in Harvard Col ege: "Dirty days hath September April June and November. From Jan uary up to May the rain it raineth every day. All the rest have thirty-one with out a blessed gleam of sun and if any of em had two and thirty they'd be just as wet and twice as dirty." The thousands of pamphlets about Oregon that are beingdistributed by the Harnman rail-oads will certainly be beneficial to the state, and we shall see good results before the year is out. Hon. Binger Hermann has not yet may be appeared on the scene, bat he expected soon now. Possibly by the last of the week. There are to be no 'dull" months in Oregon this year. Terhaps the next generation will hear Patti on her sure enough farewell tour. which the Humasons and the IVknnis are interested. The railroad mentioned in the incorporation articles will start at a mining property w.ll up in the Caw cade range and pass northerly and west erly down Elk Creek to the South Unip qua, thence to a junction with the Southern Pacific at Riddle or Myrtle Creek. The distance is about 40 miles It is presumed that the capitalization of the corporation is placed high in order to allow for all possible expansion with out the necessity for filling supplement al articles which might involve consider able payments to the state if the corporation tax bill shall become law. LEGISLATIVE NOTES. Hume Did Not Cast His First Vote for Fulton Other News. Fulton Geer Wood Mills Scattering'. . ...34 ..16 ...17 ...12 ... 9 Absent 2 The only developments in Wednes day's vote on the Senatorial question was that Hume, of Curry, who has Ix-cu ill and who has just arrived at Salem cast his initial vote for Speaker Harris, instead oi lor Mr. Milton as was gener ally expected he would. It now devel ops that Fulton will gain no strength from Curry county. a 1 i . rxjiungnam s mil providing that no eison within the state shall kill or catch or have in his or her josession, living or dead, any wild bird other than a gamebird, passed the House just be foie the adjournment Wednesday fore noon. Senator McGinn has introduced a bill to provide for raising the age limit at which minors may be committed to the State Reform School from 1C vears to 18 years. w heaiuon has introduced a bill to provide for an annual appropriati m of foOO for five years to the Oregon State Poultry Association for the purpose of encouraging the poultry industrv, the money to be used in paying premiums at me annual exniouion ana lor no other purpose. Most important of all the bills passed by the House at the session vesterdav afternoon was the measure commonlv known as the inheritance tax law, in trod need by Malarkey of Multnomah. There was no opposition to it that was manifested, and if the bill is passed bv me senate ana signea oy tne governor, it will mean that the state will be the gainer to the tune of thousands of dollars. Considerable discussion was evoked in the House yesterday afternoon, over the bill fathered by Galloway, of Yamhill, to prohibit the importation and sale of adulterated illuminating oils. The bill provides a penalty for the sale of such oils and also provides a test for their use, and Banks wanted to insert the words, "a willful knowledge ," in order to show the intent of the seller of the oils. It was evident, however, from the trend of the argument, that the Repre sentatives believed the retail merchants should be held resposible and find out for themselves whether the oil was aduL terated, before offering it for sale. It was in its original form that the bill passed, despite the protest offered by Mr. Banks. The vote today (Thursday) on U. S Senator remains the same as Wednes day's vote, the long looked for change in the situation having not yet material ized. Joint Representative J. M. Hans brongh's fellow-servant bill has passed both houses and is now np to the gov ernor. Will Print an Ideal Paper. New Yorx, Feb. 3. Dr. Charles Paik hurst declares that he is meeting with the support of millionaires in a project to provide an ideal daily newspaper for the public, to be issued in New York City. How far he has gone with the de tails of the scheme he refuses to say, but he asserts that there is every prospect for success. I have no idea of publishing a reli gious daily," said Dr. Parkhurst, in talking of his plan. "The people want news clean, wholesome news that will educate and elevate them, not degrade. My idea is to print facts without elabor ation oremblishment, and to print them for just what they are worth, if they are printable. The point of senastionalism to which the news of the day is exploit ed in some newspapers is simply dis gusting and degrading." Minister Bewen's Ultimatum. . Washington, Feb. 3. Minister Bow en has eent en ultimatum to the allies, in which he refuses to give theal.ies any preference over the peace powers in he settlement of their claims against Venezuela. He asks them to stand by what they have already agreed on, and offers to submit the joint in dispute to the arbi tration of The Hague tribunal. The note came in reply to one from the British Ambassador, that the 30 per cent of the customs of Venezuella be ap plied to the settlement of the claims be divided into two parts, two-thirds to go to the allies, and one-third to the peace powers. Mr. Bowen rejects this pro position as offensive to modern civiliza tion. It in reported tha't Ceo. R. Hammer sley, one of the Democratic war horses of Jackson county, is slated for appoint ment under Governor Chamberlain's administration to the superintendency of the Oregon Soldiers Home at Rose burg. State Treasure Moore has received from the national fund for disabled sold iers the sum of $1700, being Oregon's share for the quarter ending December 31st, last. This money is placed in the fund for the support and maintenance of the Oregon soldiers' home at Roseburg. BROKE INTO JAIL. Horsethlef Returns to Bastlle throcgh Same Hole He Crawled Out of. Jonx Day City, Or., Feb. 3. k true tale that reads like some of the unique Arizona stories in the Eastern papers has just conio to light in Canyon City, a Grant County borsctbici cutting his way through the stono wall of the jail, and after three days of roughing ,it among the rugged mountains returning at uight to crawl through the same hole through which ho made his escape. The depuly sheriff found him next fore noon clamoring for dinner. The prisoner was l-'inniett Kimberlinp, who with Tom Hill, another alleged horse rustler of the interior, was incar cerated in the county jail at Canyon, where Kimberling was awaiting sen tence after conviction, and Hill was awaiting trial. With a bar of iron pro cured in some way they broke off the lock of their cell and got into the out side corridor. Thence tliev worked their way through the wall with the as- sixtiineo ot the iron and made off for the Eagle Creek country. Three days of strenuous life among the hills of the interior, where at this season traveling, even under more auspicious conditions, is no snap, made Kimberling long for the old-time fare in Canyon's jail again, and he decided to turn back, lie says Hill came back with him, though that worthy has not yet shown up. Kimberling got to the jail at night. The hole was still there, and he crawled through it and went to bed. In the morning the deputy heard a tapping, tapping in the corridor. He went in an t there was KimU-rling wanting a meal. Kimberling says he and his partner got nearly to Day vi lie In-fore they de cided to turn back. He cays Hill planned the getaway. Kitulerling es cajied once lx'fore from the Grant jail and was recaptured in Portland. Dissolution of Partnership. State of Oregon. )Tli? n' Countv of Dowlas, i o '" I r.eeth : That the partnership 1 eretofoie ex isting between H. H. Brookes and W. C. Conner, doing business under the liim name of the I Publishing Company of Roseburg, Oregon, in this day dissolved by mutual consent bv the said W. C. Conner selling to H. H. Brookes ail right, title and interest, in said Publishing Con.pany together with all accounts due said Pl.mmieai eh Publishing Company or W. C. Conner for advertising, job work subscriptions or legal notices and the said H. H. Brookes assumes all fthliga tions and indebtedness due by the said Plainsealer Publishing Company. 11. II . Bkookes, W. C. Cox X EE Roseburg, Oregon, Jaj. 31, l'.J3. All irsons, firms or corporations having accounts due bv the late firm of Brookes & Conner are requested to send them in and they will be paid. II. 11. Brookes, February 2, 1103. Birb F. Wells and Stanley L. Kidder. Wednesday's Portland Telegram con tained good pictures of B:irb F. Wells and Stanley L Kidder, two well known Don . I as county loys, which was accom panied w ith the following sketch : Rosebi i. Or , Feb. 2. The accom panying photograph, taken in Manila. P. I., gives the likeness of Burb F. Wells and Stanley L. Kidder, of Douglas county, who have served with honor in the United Sta'es postal s. rvice in Ma nila. Mr. Kidder. w? has been in the Islands for the iat three years, just recently returned to this city very much broken in health, but it is thought that with a few weeks' rest he will entirely recover. Mr. Weils returned from the Island in December, l'.X'l, after IS months' service in the military (ostofiice at Ma nila, having left this state for the Isl ands in April, IX. He was again ap pointed to service in the Philippine Isl ands on thc22d day of Decern U-r, 1:0J, and will leave San Francisco for Manila on March I, of this year. Mr. Perkins Explains. In last Thursday's Review Mr. W. A. Perkins, of Drain, explains that during the past eighteen months he lias con tribute! fl2 or flS to this piper in the form of a check on the first National Bank and thus lie brands as false our statement that his subscription and printing patronage has always lieen placed elsewhere. Now, for a little further "explanation." Some eighteen months ago the Plainoealf.r solicitor visited Mr. Perkins' logging camp and secured some ten or twelve row sub scriptions from his timbermcn, each of whom gave our solicitor an order on Mr. Perkins for $1.60 the amount of a years subscription at that time. When these orders were presented to Mr. Per kins he immediately issued a check to the Pi. a i. deal ku covering the entire amount ami charged the same np to his men pro rata. Later, w hen the late editor placed an order with Mr. Perkins for a bill of lumber to use in the con struction of his residence in this city amounting to over f 100, a small ad was placed in the paer but abruptly discontinued in a few weeks on the grounds that more orders were being re ceived than could bo filled at the mill, ( showing the excellent work of an ad in the Plaixdkalkk.) We simply mention these facts to show up Mr. Perkins boasted liberality toward this paper and the childish nature of the controversy he desires to burden our columns with. His latest effusion having found our waste basket, he now seeks and receives space vry liberally and graciously iu the sheet over the way, whose columns are less valui.ble being, devoted freely to patent medicine ads, disj lay heads and solemn advertisements. Two Women Hanged. London, Feb. 3. A most unusual in cident in English criminal history oc curred at Halloway today. Two women were hanged on the fame scaffold and almost at the same instant. The crime for which they suffered death was the killing of babies placed in their care on the Halloway baby farm. PRINT ERS ENGAGE IN A FIGHT. T. J. Boyd as Handy With the Mlts as Sticking Type. Okkoon City, Feb. 1 matter in the local Typographical Un ion, the ollico of the Courier came near leing turned into a fistic arena lately. The partiiipunts were President Drey fus, of the local union, and Boyd. How ell, and other members. The stir which . i. i . i . ... . in me cnu aiiioiinien to little was caused by Boyd, who is a new addition io mo courier pruning o lice, BIKl in a short time w ill be the foreman succeed ing Howell. As usual Thursday at 0 o'clock the employes' of t lie local ncwspaiwr odice started for their homes, leaving the estovers to finish running off the pa per and look after the mailing. Shortly after 7 o'clock Boyd leisurely i trilled in to the office, took an easy chair und lit his corncob pie. Seeing Mr. West over's little son busy at work wrapping papers, he concluded to help him out for pastime. Incidentally Foreman Howell dropped in, and seeing Boyd at work, told him to stop, but as Boyd said he was not workinir, he went on wrap ping papers for the Iwy. Howell in the mcantimu went out and got President rw . f,. i i v .t t i - .. fir. iu.-, nun int-H uoiu rusjien into the ollice and demands! that Boyd stop work immediately. Boyd again repeat ed the statement that he was not work ing. The trio had some words, w hich grew warmer and warmer. "I am from Texas," said Iu.vj, "aud I don't want you to trille with me." But the others did, and finally IV.yd started in to work in a different way, and the other printers U-gan to make themselves scarce. So quickly did they leave that they forgot to lake their hats and belongings. In the meantime Dick Hull, ua old-time printer, had taken a hand in the fracas, and w hile Boyd was standing off Howell and Dreyfus, he grabbed Boyd by the throat. Boyd paid little attention to him until Dreyfus and llo'Aell had made good their disappear ance, when he made one swing with his right. That was enough, for it caught the old-time printer above the eyes and he was la.t seen dancing a two-step down Seventh street. When Dreyfus left the ollice he went to Justice of the Peace Stipp, and swore out a warrant tor Boyd's arrest. The f fine was paid by Mr. Westover. This morning the president had a conference with Mr. Westover, and the matter was agreeably adjusted. Boyd, who has Uvn a printer for 21 years, has never to-longed to a union, but lias always U-en in synithy with unions. An effort will I made to lake him iuto the local union. T. J. Boyd, the printer, is pretty well known in R seburg, where he held a position in the Plainhealfr j..b com posing rooms for some time.; Suunydale Items. Snow enough for sleighing. Mrs. E. (i. Buchanan has been on the sick list during the jost week. Willie Davis, the boy who was acci dentally shot a short time ago, H again able to attend school. Notwithstanding the inclement weath er, the experiments in Automobile have proven a success thus far. Howard South has rented the Black ford ranch, an 1 i ie-eding several hea l of stock calves thereon. Mr. Ge. Hedrick, find plenty of ex ercise nowadays in the way of replacing fences taken away by the high water. Mis (iertie Hedrick, who was rilled home to attend the illnersof her nivther has returned an-1 taken up tier studies again. Dr. C. E. Wade, of Drain, was called to attend the illness of Grandpa Putnan last Monday, who is suffering with pleurisy. Mr. Geo. I lend rick, expects t work a hardship on Wiiiow sprouts during the coming summer. He having purchased ten head of Mow-liair pnxlucers'. The Davis Bros., who have been trap ping near the head waters of Indian Creek, during the past two months, re cently succeeded in catching one chicken hawk. Uncle Joe Francis has tiecn complain ing considerable of late days about the disagreeable weather preventing him from scouring his new H inch Oliver chilled plow. Mr. J . L. Smith, has recently driven his cattle from the Blackford place, to Yoncalla, where heexject. to fee 1 them until spring, when they will be driven to Eastern Oregon. .The Suspension bridge, connecting nortk and south Tin Pot, was swept away by the late high water. Its al sence causes great inconvenience. Johnathan Jack.on,has not Uvn able to cross to and fro for some time. During the recent high water, Mr Loyd Wise, hid the misfortune to lose his valuable shepherd dog in one of the streams. Mr. Wise and a friend narrow ly cscaiKhl drowning th.'inselves; and horses at the same time. It was reported that there was to be a camp-meeting held bore in this vicinity last Sunday on some unselected spot, but w hen the time arrived, it apears that the hearts of the promoters failed them, and the Tgreat (?) "to tie" was a thing of the past. Among the relics secim-d by some of onr citizens of this vicinity, of the pack horse which was drowned at "the Devil's Washboard during the recent freshet, are the following articles- one roan horse with lx-ll on ; one pack-sad-ale; one pair blankets; one double bit ax; two quilts; several ropes; and one blue print mip. AlITEMl'S. Masenlc Alretlng. All members of Laurel Lodge No. 13, A. F. and A. M. and visiting brethren in good standing in their lli:e are re itteHted to meet nt tbe Masonic Hall nt 10 a. m. on Vriday moriiing, Feb. t), to attend the funeral of our departed brother, James P. Ihirnett. O. P. Comiow, W. M. ' Wni. P.ybee sa)'8 Eogue river W fl hiilll- oi- tl.ia ...nann tl.,... ut nne linio foe tt, past 21 years. Ho lost 0:1 bond of coats. 8 head of cnttlo ami two miles of fencing and e8tmi:iti'8 ins loa hi y.iuuu. Teachers Examinations. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Douglas county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state and county papers at Roseburg, as follows: FOR STATU PATERS. Commencing Wednesday, February II, at nine o'clock, A. M., and continu ing until Saturday, February 14, at four o'clock. Wednesday Penmanship, hi.-tory, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, . ljook-l.t i in;;, t hysics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, comjiosition, physical geogra- by. Saturday ISotany plane geometry, g nernl history, English literature, psychology. FOB CofXTY PATEHM. Commencing Wednesday, February II, at nine o'clock A. M., and continu ing until Friday February 13, ut four o'clock. FIRST, S1X-OXO, Tlllltn OKAIlE CKUTim'ATEM. Wedtit silay Penmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic, physiology, civil government. PRIMARY ttUTIFICATES. We Uifcsday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading, arithmetic. Thursday Art of Questionii.g, theory of teaching, method, phvsir.locy. F. B. Hamlin (.. Supt. submitted to two other concerns, one at Hamburg, Germany, and the other at New York City. Tne Portland facto ries are particularly fortunate in having an unliiiiittd supply of Oregon pine, the wood specified in this bid, at their d'irs. A Business A idee little business at Myrtie Creek known as the Candy Kitchen, inc'.tding conf.Ttionery. bakery and notions. Profitable business but rtr niu-t re tile on account of ill health. Price reasonable. Apply to Kate M. CaTueron Myrtle Creek, Oregon. (112; Sheriff's Sale. In the "irerciK'oort of tisr Svtp of ttifn. f.r Is.uriiw county. J A. I.lmcr -x Ptaintiff " l-ola MJ l)iri, I Iv!rn4nt ) Si.tiiY ! ben-r.r !TrD iliAl tir irta of aa exi-n! in d-r.T ici.1 nk of o-l nnlr lti? ol in tfeive end: 1 wirt. in lj bv cn'ikf.1 cQie. HDeouivdrKlM ah1 da'.t--i the -Mi l tT ol F-rurT,Vi. atn ;i !mMtt r n 1- rv-i nl ra:-Tt-.l Id eourtn IL !? of Jiawn . ifS, in favor ol I.uin Vy Duw. d etsOi.!. awl atlot J. A. Pl ni'T. ( 1 n:;?. lor (ft u.-a ol I'.j J,M K-ai-tu istkh at jr r. n: jw tatinu Imn l.'e hta car of Ja&oarr. Itjv an 5 I j-k.ift "f aci oj ri ifcia writ, I an ihe 4)h !jr of Kebrsarjr. l'sut. :l(i!T ler uroa ihc lollmrii. livxrr -J n-l fnt.riT Wvail .!i at the ;'in-j on ol aoi brvary ntl in tae i il of r"eta:-K. I; arua:r. t..!i no Ifce nftrfh !..! !'.:; I rl ti l ol K;eir rrt f.rrtt riamnt ihrtic O'Wll ! iltrm E U.r . ft fai i'Jt ,( -rrl one h ip- ilrv! i lr! iwv .n:a I! -i-frr E n i,it-i-n yrj f-t tt!it o'.ub s "lvi.--k w not hnn1r-.l (t'k'i !-rt U Lufffts .r-rt. ikmtr tor ts fri f-W iSni ih retr'h r.-t ? boi:c: ..- ! C Drtr arv. n y) f- o p. are tv-c:R:r,jr : a I 1 tal ienn- arv iui'-l la Hi'H Kl.. ia toan ol RnwhOfT. l tir-.aa coun'Y Or jt, arciirtiar In li oXd' "I a .1 ri:r. ol rwvri la tte C:-k o of I tue':aywjn:r . Onsoo. rmt iher w th a-i atwl tiitt.jkr the tiTfwsu, ber-?1i?.m'0 aatf a Horumov trit-Tnio nr.oraiac r to inriN at-p--a-n!!!-. Vw bj Y;r.ue of M ptrtxi cn 1 a l.I on atur iay the 7th day of March. liVtt. Hor.Ki'fiwkp, id rf Mi l 3ar at rourt h-- 9v ln-nt !'Vr Im fe-bGrc, lk-ttci yw.T. cn, 'l t pr.b.ic a j.-:;.-n. ut'.-i !o rr.ltnr ; n. lot! hu.i.-t t Mtr. f-r t S toll c'ia. ra tn hana. ail tle rrhv tlkie a-o interval he wi'&'si iiool ;.:!i.::J In au l lo the a.:T .!crlJ a; I'sr-rfy. or lit jrt ibr!. to tat!!; ek'tiii?, sau-re; ar 1 azcrutK co: . I'auJ EoM-tuif. Oesoo. FK I. JiS E l PAEKOIT. Shrn'Iol i)oula ccudij. Orrro". Notice for Publication rsrritD stitis L! rrru . Kowbunr, Cpi-cho. FeK i, 1 aA Kotlrt ta te-e!'T trlrea tha In enmj-t'.aaw art:h the f.roTi: n nl th a j of CrngrTa; of Juna s. T. fcti'.ied " Ka art !t the rai of titular lan'. in tl-e ."!ate.M rali'cmia.orarn MYa.:a a:ii w Ur.ct n lrnorT."ai!eal ! to ail ih puthc Us4 f.ataa by'ac of aufuat a. lari havii m nr.srKSsK. f Spokane, eooutr of Sj.fcanr, aic ' ah IntuiD. la to. i!t ti.e-1 in Ui! once h; orn faumrut No 4 i for the purrhve of 10 il. 1J, L. ami It sc U. Tp 2oaUi K a w an 1 offvr piwf lotliew tr-at the land .rf V t in more Tal-iai ".e for la timber or ir-e to f',r a;riot:i: wral nriy.. and to wiMjd hit c:;m lei. r t .a Krnrra:iil hec:ver ol lh:t o.'nca ol Kueet-nnr, Oregon. ou Mou4aT. the a-Lli : of April IWl He nme a w: nee. eorKe T tnif r, lioiKlmr. ". W hv.l rr'ain. Iv Cnrt. Ore.. W ;n 11 Wrisst.anJ H W M.llt r Mrr-.le rwk.Ore. Anr an1 a 1 peruana rialminc a xtr-: ifje avre defer! oel Sanaa are re-jae:.! to Ho'tl e;r ca-D-. in ihu i.ftice oa or St.or a-i 3'tn itaj of Apr. If t 1. T. Bit: !., Notice. In the Connty Conrt far Done 'a County siioe of Orvci'ii In the maiu r ot the chance of name of Gnsla' ki;af.ort. Notice l he-rhe eiven tht bv ootcr of the alaire nm,vl conrt .ImIt tna-io and emered on the Mh day of Jannary lit. the Bameoi k.uft'af outtjtltou h been chanv'e-1 to tui.taw u Evtn-ll. Altral.P. R. SHAMnKOOK. (JS) County Clerk. Aduiiuistrator's Notice. ?toilre la hcrehy K'ren that the nndrrniirne.1 J ha. bee a I.t the Counir Court, of fone;a eaia j ty Sla'e of Orvson. duly ai f'lniejl the adm n a- Iru'erol the e'ate of kieria lalien, le teael. Al! )rn hrin r'aima acalt at aaid eta! are heret y roouirrt lo i reve? t th an.edn'tT verit!-.l. to the nu-!erlcne.l at Roetnra. IVuj !aa count. Klala f O'emin wul.iu aix nonth lr-m the date of thi noiit-e. iHiied at Kocburg, Orajoa tbia :i!hda;al Januarr. H.T aftH'I.AI t.F.X. Adml'iUtralor ol lUt ealattt of h,ieeta Mc Clnllatl, dei-v used. Host Delishtfu! Way to Cro5s the Continent. A Oiy ia the City f the Saints j A Mountain-walled Track Through Col orado, and the (irandect Scenery on the American Continent ' RATES THE LOWEST and SERVICE THE BEST Popular Personally Conducted Tourist Kxctirsions to all F.astern Toint.a. Kor m'ormatlon a to ralea, and lIluaitnttHl , b-l. ' w. c. ncBRion, j., -rbirJ Street l'OKTLAXD, ORE The Oakland, Cal., "Tribune" says: "Although it has not been officially an nounced it is known generally that the Southern Pacific Company will nut grant the conductors and brakemen on its lines the demand for a twenty per ceDt increase in wages." Market Day. The ladies of tbe Christian cbiirch w ill hold another .ile of borne cooking on Satii'day, Feb. 7, at the Knc. ry store of Kruse fc New laud'n. Hot tamales, a!t rising bread, cuke, pie, baked bcai.ji, d and other home cooking. Pat:o; a'c Holicitcil. The Poetry of the Orange "It appeals to yu when the fruit hang.- rijn; and sweet on the tree in February or early in March Then the blosm break out, and the trees are yellow with gulden 'ol, and white with orange flowers. It may he that a Hurry of snow has whitcncl the mountain tops, and then you have an artistic back ground for a tropical fortst. Tl. air full of fnn ehirie, and heavy with fragrance as; nigfit conie on, and then, if the moon Le shining, you may hear at midnight through open windows, the wmg of the inocking-hird in the scented grove, and it never wenied v) melodious l An exjtrierice like this is possible an- winter, and it if worth a journey a thousand miles while you have it, by taking the sfcenic Sha.-ta Houte through the grand and picturesque .Sis kiyou and Shahta mountain to Southern California. Complete information about the trij', and descrip tive matter, telling alout California, may te liad from any Southern raeitic Agent or W. E. C OMAN", Genl Pu. Ag'-nt. S. I. Co. Line-? in Oregon, Portland, Ore. .i CM Cm S3 CM HARNESS These prices are good till March i, 1903 : Heavy Concord teatu harness with breethen $26.75 Heavy tea:a harness with breechen 22.00 Single buggy harness nickle trimmed collar and haraes. 9.60 Hack harness 22.75 30 saddles cut to 27.00 Ladies side saddles reduced from $15 to 12.25 Pack Fad lies, iloo'oie rig coin piete 7 I-a; ever i..v Saddle blankets, 50c and 75c; Lap rot X0O K'..i;n F.riiU-s i.V : P.':;tt-i ific a foot Waterp-rirf tiar-s fLOj Team bridie per pair ..2 25 Reduced Prices on .Men's 5bes. Largest StocH of Harness South of Portland. KIHsnTs Bdlilax. Near Scyt p QQ & JQN'S. K. . DUCKM Su.wfc.r to W. L., Mr, i Port's old stan 1 1 -n. ...fv.l? Agents fr... Chase & Sanborn's Coffees V.VA'V i fURNITllRE We want to inform our people that we have the N best line of Furniture and Rugs we have ever shown tv-T juu to M-'ieci iiom. Our Children's department has many useful articles for the little folks, among them beiug Boy's Express Wagon. Doll Carriages anrT Doll Go Carts. Rocki ug Horses aud Shoo Flys. Hlackbi ards. Rockers and Chairs. Bureaus and Sideboards. Red Tables and many other attieles that we havcu't room to nieution. oia STose is mi cr i;b. 4 J. T. BRYAN': For Holiday Presents I have no famous bargains to pan oil old stock aud out-of-date poods, I simply give you honest goods at fair vrices, -and mark them in plain figures. Call and inspect ray goods aud piiccs before purchasing elsewhere. iJosKP.rius. ORKtJOX. Stock Holder' Mectlnz. A meeting of the Stock Holders of the Urnpfjna Valley Prune Asyciation will b; held at the Court !loue in Koweburjj, DouIad Oiinty, Oregon, on Saturday, March 7th, at 1 o'clock, P. M. for the ptirxj!; of electing a lard of ilirectors and transac ting snch other busine that may eorne t)-forc the meeting. R. C. I'uijwt, Y. A. McCaLL, Chairman of lueetin. Secretary. A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker of the only tilv?r steel as. None bet ter mad". You will find a complete line at Churchill and WoolleyH. lvv'5 Vs VS gham, Extend a cordial invitation to the public and the many friends of tht old firm to call and examinetheir new line of Staple and Fancv Grocer ies, Queens ware, Etc. : : : Brln t Us Your Butter, Chickens, fgs. AND RUGS I ft i i m llst r ttRHii:o. w., THE FLRMll'RE PA ' occooaoaK?roioo cwcc oeocx J. T. Bryan