The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 02, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. XXXIV. .
No. 7
List your
Property with Us
Office ODDOsite S. P. Deoot
Buy your Watches
and Clocks at
Buy your Jeweley
and Silverware at
a itfB
Douglas County Bank,
Established I883.
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
A peneral banking business tranacted, and customers given every
accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking.
Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three.
00000000000000000000000 000000000000000000
Bring Us Your ...
Dram uarcuner
Commencing with Monday, January 20. '02, we will charge $7.50 for
tbefare from Drain to Coos Bay. Baggage allowance with each full fare
50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they
have 303 pounds or more. All excess baggage, 3 eta. per pound, and no al
lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE.
For further information address
J. R. Sawyers,
' J- !JT'mm'T"
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries and to get them promptly
when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181,
for good goods and good service.
C. W.
1 lllllliUltV M
"""" t
. r 5 Double Riga at all hours
i Transient Stock jrven
! very be of care
-Ti , ,i' , 2 Rates always reasonable
Take the Boaeburg, Marshfisld Stage j.ino for all points on Coos Bay. Good
SprlngHack leaves Eoseburg Every Morning at 6 o'clock.
Farm and
Timber Lands
cut a smrjE
Incorporates! 1901
Proprietor, Drain, Oregon
NO woman can afford to ignore her shoes unless
she hands in her resignation to polite society.
IIer shoes determine her walk, Jier walk determines
her style, her carriage, her posture, her whole
attitude and bearing as she moves about.
A ladies' shoe should be light in weight and very
flexible to the foot to enable her to walk in an easy,
graceful manner. This is the especial charm that
makes Queen Quality shoes so popular.
They are trim and neat in shape as so many other
shoes are, out they go farther than this, farther than
any shoe, in actually creating an elastic, graceful
i 1 1 STILES
LiVeflJ, Feed and 5ale SfaMea
C. P. Barnard, Prop.
Saddle Horses, Single and
Identity of Interests of These Two
Nations la Venezuela flay Lead
to Joint Action.
Washington, Jan. 31. There is row-
son to believe that tke French Govern
ment already has sounded the United
States Government to learn how much
in common there may be between their
interests in Veneiuela. It is said that
there is a strong resemblance between
the claims of the two nations ; perhaps
enough to link them together in resist
ance to any policy on the part of the
alMes which would tend to destroy or
impair those interests. For instance,
the United States, through a regular
tribunal, the Venezuelan Claims Com
mission, has secured judgment against
Venezuela for a considerable sum of
money which Venezuela has been pay'
ing in installments. Recently these
payments have been delayed, and as the
money comes in large part from the
Venezuelan customs the United States
may have very good legal right to pro
test against any conduct on the part of
the allies which will prevent its debtor
from meeting its obligations to the
United State,
France, by treaty and negotiations,
has secured what amounts to a judg
ment against Venezuela, and the claims
that her debtor must not be destroyed
or Venezuela's means of meeting her
payments to France impaired, as was
the case by the adoption of the prefer
ent Lai treatment demanded by the allies.
These considerations are tending to
draw France and the United States to
gether in a policy that is likely to take
issue with that of the allies.
All the members of the Cabinet were
present at the meeting today, Secretary
Moody having returned from his brief
Bad Man Qets Punctured.
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 30. Charles
Hill lies dead at Davenport, Wash., as
the result of a tracas ib which he at
tempted to kill Joseph FJoy, by firing
two bullets into his body and threaten
ing to slay William Sullivan, the pro
prietor of the Wonder saloon, of that
Marshal Jack O'Farrell and Deputy
Marshal Epperty came on the scene
when Hill was nmping bullets into
Hoy, and with two shots they laid Hill
out. One bullet struck him in the
breast, while the other struck him be
tween the eyes. He died a few minutes
Hoy, whose life was saved only by the
timely arrival of the officials, will prob
ably recover.
Hill was known as "Swede Charlie."
He came to Davenport from the ranch
of Charles Turner, who lives south of
Davenport. It is not known whether
he has any relatives. .
Cuba To Collaot tran Americans on
Um Isle of ").
Havana, Jan. SO, General Xunea,
governor of the Province of Havana, in
which the Isle of Pines is included
says that the government has directed
the municipal officials in the Isles of
Pines to collect the taxas which the
American residents there decline to pay
In default of payment, the officials will
have reourse to the courts. Goveror
Nunez attributes the memorial on the
subject, recently sent to Washington by
the American residents, solely to land
speculators, who, he alleges, misin
formed the buyers to the effect that the
island was bound to belong to the
United States.
Rumor That Chile Has Sold Us Two
Vessels Now Bel rg Built. .
Nsw York, Jan. 31. La Tarde, the
Liberal party newspaper of Santiago,
asserts that negotiations are in progress
for the sale to the United States of the
two Chilean warships now being built
in England, says a Herald dispatch
from Valparaiso, Chile. The paper adds
that Chile and Argentina are discussing
the advisability of following a joint in
ternational policy.
Music Lovers
Music lovers will have a rare enter
tainmentby simply calling at Burr's
Popular Music House and inspecting
our splendid array of musieal instru
ments. Our display of pianos are sim
ply niagnificient. Here are found the
world renowned Chickering, the won
derful toned Kimball, the many toned
Crown Orchestrical and the beautiful
toned colonial style Victor. We have
others like the Singer, Kingsbury and
Needham. Then here is our mammoth
stock of small goods, such as 8. S.
Stewart and Washburn mandolins, gui
tars, banjos. Our immense line of vio
lins range in price from 12.50 to $50.
We are sole agent for the Columbia
graphapbone and supplys. Remember
we are running no concert hall with 50
cents admission, but our doors are al
ways open to the public.
For Ssie.
; Small saw mill and timber. For
particulars address.
Livisostom Bros,
(Aprl) reel, Ore.
Notice of Stock Holders Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Douglas
County Agricultural Association will be
held at V. C. London's office in Rose'
burg, on Monday Feb. 2nd 1903, at 1
o'clock p. rri. for the purpose of electing
seven directors for the ensuing year and
ransacting any other business that may
come before the meeting.
F. A. McCall, Sec.
Measure to Give Land Agent Patronage-'Scheme of
Democratic Origin.
Salem, Or., Jan. 29. The Senate re
versed itseif this morning. After there
had been passed under suspension of
the rules a bill introduced by Senator
Pierce, Democrat, by request, which os
tensibly was merely to define more
clearly the law relating to the office of
state land agent of a deputy at a salary
of fl200 a year. There is no such pro
vision in the present law. This discov
ery was made by Senator McGinn, who
quickly called it to the attention of the
Senate, and moved the reconsideration
of the vote by which the bill had been
Pierce quickly seconded this motion,
and explained that he had no idea when
he presented the bill by request that it
contained such a provision as this. The
bill had been handed to him, he said,
and he had not even read it. After the
Bill Introduced In the House to Pay
Him $100,000 a Year.
Washington, Jan. 29 Representative
Bristow, of New York, today introduced
a bill increasing the salary of the Presi
dent of the United States to $100,000 a
When the House met today it was
agreed that at tomorrow's session bills
from the committee on claims should be
considered, and that recognition should
be accorded to members alternately on
each side of the political aisle to call up
bills on the calendar. The House then
resumed consideration ef the Indian ap
propriation bill.
Lacey (la.) offered an amendment to
authorize 50 children of native Porto
Kicans to be admitted to the Carlisle In
dian School.
The appropriation of $10,000 for the
warehouse at St. Louis was restored.
and without further substantial amend
ment the bill was passed.
The House then took np the consider
ation of the postoffice appropriation bill,
and Patterson (Tenn.) took the floor un
der the latitude of general debate to dis
cuss the subject of anti-trust legislation.
To Stop the Lieu Land Oraft
The following bill has been introduced
by Senator Markers ; and of all the bills
introduced we "regard it as the best for
the true interest of the state :
WheseaS the -Conro nf tha Unit)
States has heretofore enacted certain
laws whereby certain persons and cor
porations have been enabled to select
and have patented to them by the gov
ernment of the United States large
tracts of the best timber lands at the
State of Oregon, selecting tham in lieu
of lands claimed to hava been lost to
the iersons or corporations so select
ing in other states; and whereas
under certain laws of congress hereto
fore passed such persons and corpora
tions SO Selecting suck timber land
were given the right and privilege to
select nnsunreyed lands ; and whereas
they were thus enabled to select the
best timber lands in the state for lands
in lien of almost worthless lands loet
in other states, to the detriment and
injury of the State of Oregon ; there
fore, Be it retolred by the LegiiUuire Atttmbly
of the State of Onion:
That in justice to the people of said state
all laws and parts of laws authorizing
any person or association of persons,
corporation or corporations, to select
lands within the limits of the State of
Oregon in lien of lands lost to such
selecting party outside of said state
should be repealed.
Bt it further retolred.
That the Congress of the United States
should pass such laws that any lands
selected as idemnity for lands lost to the
selecting party or corporation, or any
other person or persons whomsoever,
within the limits of the State of Oregon,
must be in lieu of lands lost to such
selectinir nrtv within thn limits nf aniil t
state and no base allowed or accepted in
lieu of land desired to be selected, ex
cept such as is furnished from land lost
to the selecting party within the State
of Oregon, and congress is hereby re
quested to enact such laws that the peo
ple of the State of Oregon, will be pro
tected in its lands in this respect.
Be it further reiolced,
That this memorial be telegraphed to
the Secretary of the Interior and to our
senators and representatives in congress,
and that duly certified copies thereof be
forwarded to the presiding officers of the
Senate and House of Representatives of
the United States.
Governor Chamberlain Names Men
to Attend Coming Meeting
at Detroit.
Salem, Or., Jan. 29. Governor Cham
berlain has appointed the following dele
gates to attend the International Good
Roads convention to be held at Detroit,
February 13-14 next : J. J. Whitney, Al
bany; W. E. Grace, Baker; P. H.
D'Arcy, Salem ; J. R. Neill, Sumpter;
Ira Campbell, Eugene; E. L. Smith,
Hood River; John H. Scott, Salem; G.
W. Bridewell, Bridewell Station ; II. V.
Gates, Hillsboro; J. H. Settlemler,
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. Price 50c.
For sale by Marsters Drug Co. mltf
Sneate had voted to reconsider the bill
it was referred to the committee on ju
diciary, again by motion of Pierce.
As a Democrat has just been appoint
ed state land agent, the railroading of
this bill through the Senate looked like
a deliberate attempt to give the land
a;ent more patronage by steal, but to
this scheme, if such it was, Pierce em
phatically disclaimed being a party. In
presenting the bill he stated to the Sen
ate that the measure was intended sim
ply Vv define the existing law more
clearfj; but he after ard explained that
he had made this statement upon the
representations of the parties by whose
request the bill had been presented.
Asked afterward who these parties were
Senator Pierce said he could not remem
ber. The bill had been handed to him,
and that was all he knew about it.
William Zelgler Backs Captain Edwin
Qoffio and Signs Only Americans.
Ageitown, Mass., Jan. 30. Captain
William Coffin, of Agertown, Martha's
Vinjard, a veteran whaler, says he is to
command the William Zeilar Arctic ex
pedition, which will start from Trorasoe
Norway, in June, and make another ef
fort to reach the North Pole. Mr. Zeig-
ier has placed no limit on the expenses.
"One thing I shall insist upon", says
Captain Coffin, "is the selecting of men.
I shall have every man on board a Van
kee, and I shall pick them from the
most experienced ice sailors of this
Captain Coffin purpos to provision
the America for about three years.
There will be about 200 Arctic dogs to
draw the sledge party. He will push
directly from Franz Jnsefs Land and
then work up in the Arctic floes as far
as the ice conditions will permit.
California Legislature.
The loot of the state treasurv of Cali
fornia by its Legislature goes merril von.
The expenses for employes, attaches, as
sistants .and junketing tours, heretofore
scandalously high, are now far greater
than ever before. The Republicans, be
ing in a majority in the Legislature, are
cliiefly responsible for this outrageous
raid on the people's money,, but thev
have been assisted by many Democrat
and by all but t wo of the Union Labor
party-members. The parties are all tar
red "with the same stick. California
Legislatures have become a synonym for
wholesale loot.
The San Francisco Chronicle says:
Nothing more shameless was ever
done by any legislative body in America
ave only the Southern colored Legis-
aturee of the res tract ion period-than has
been done by the present Legislature of
California in the matter of attaches and
junketing. When we read the retort.
of their proceedings we recognize V s
horrible irony of the concluding words
of the Republican state platform, which
read as follows :
"We pledge the nominees of this con
vention to economical administration of
the affairs of the state."
We do not quote the foregoing to in
timate that Republicans are worse than
Democrats, for they are not. The dis
tinction is between those who wish to
loot and those who do not wish to or are
afraid to, and that distinction does not
run along party lines. But the Repub
licans are directly pledged toecouomy
and have control of the Legislature.
This plunder of the public treasury
has now become to open that the only
coarse for self-respecting communities
to take is to call indignation meetings
and hold up to public exeration in their
own homes the wretched beings who
mis-represent the people by voting them
selves a share of the loot from the treas
ury which they are sworn to protect.
Again may it be remarked, with satis
faction, that while the Oregon Legisla
ture may not be quite as economical in
some respects as it should be, no such
accusation can be made against it as this
and the voice of the Chronicle is
echoed by the whole press of California.
Eight Qrade Examination; .
Eighth grade final examinations will
beheklon Jan. 28,29, and SO; April ,
9, and 10; May 20, 21, and 22; and June
17, 18, and 19. All teachers having
classes for the January examination
please notify me at once naming the
pupils and certifying they have finished
the work of the 8th grade, and are in
your opinion prepared to take the final
examination. F. B. Hamlin,
County Supt.
State Socialists' Organ at Albany
Suspends Publication,
Albany, Or., Jan. 31 The Feople's
Tress, the Socialist organ published in
Albany, has gone out of business. To
day's issue ended the existence of the
sheet. Editor A. D. Hale published a
valedictory in which he attribute? the
death of the paper to his incapacitation
for work on account of failing pyesight.
Saturday, January 24, a number of
Socialists met in Portland and formed a
Stock company known as the Co-Cpera
tive Publishing Company, having for its
object the publication of the Liberator,
which will sacceed the People's Press as
the Socialist organ of the Jtate.
Call in and soe for yourself that we
carry the most complete line of ladies,
gonts children and baby's shoes, Flint's
Popular Shoo Parlors.
Woman Convict Figures in the Case.
Files Charges Against Deputy
Warden Dliley.
Salem, Or., Jan. 30. On the volun
tary testimony of Mrs. Rose Carlisle,
one of the two female convicts at the
State Penitentiary, and who says she is
in a delecate condition, Second Warden
A. C. Dilley and Druggist Gordon Hull
have been suspended by Governor
Chamberlain and Superintendent J. D.
Lee, pending a full investigation which
is to be made into the facts of the cae.
Mrs. Carlisle accu.ei Dilley of being re
sponsible for her condition, and Hull is
held because he has been aware of the
facts in the case and has failed to report
them to the proper authorities.
Rumors of tho impending trouble were
freely discussed about Salem last nijtht,
and at 8 o'clock this morning Governor
Cian.btnVifl", who bad been interne!
concerning the matter, went to the pen
iteutiary to make an examination. He
was absent four hours, and when he re
turned to his office in the State House,
announced mhat had been done regard
ing the suspension of these two men.
Mrs. Rose Carlisle was sentenced
from Jackson county to serve nine years
for the crime of arson, and she has al
ready served 21 years of that time
Now that the matter is being investigat
ed she talked freely to the Governor
and told him ehe had been in a delicate
condition for four months. Another
man than Dilley had access to the cells
01 the women, Convict White, a trustr
who acted as prison nurse, and who,
will be remembered, made his escape
some 10 days ago. There was some dis
position to throw the blame on him, but
according to Governor Chamberlain,
the woman makes her charge against
Dilley. The latter is a Salem man. be
ing a widower with one child. Second
Warden Dilley received bis appoint
ment from Governor Geer. He is well
known in this locality, having been
Chief of Police in Salem.
Hull, the suspended druggist, is from
Nehamah. It is charged that he has
been acquainted with the facts in the
case, and was acquainted with them be
fore White made Lis etcape, but made
no report. Governor Chamberlain de
clares he will probe the case to the bot
torn. Dilley, of "course, disavows the
charge made.
Govern ar Signs Bills.
Sale. Or., Jan. 29. Governor Cham
berlain has signed the follow ing local
measures: To authorize Linn County to
construct tjrA-JtuhiUiu a ferry; to
authorize Itik-s Cl.v to issue additional
w ater bonds; to amend the charter of
Southern Pacific Company Will Issue
Permits In Future.
The Southern Facific lines in Oregon
will hereafter issue time permits fcf
passengers to ride on regular freight
trains on East Side main line south of
Albany, and all branch lin.
By signing a release for the extra
hazard of riding on freight trains, a time
permit can be secured w hich, when pre
sented in connection with regular trans
portation, will authorire conductors of
freight trains to allow the holder to ride
on same. This action is taken princi
pally to accommodate the commercial
travelers, who will now be enabled to
get over the territory covered by the
Southern Prciflc lines in Oregon with
less delay.
Applications for these permits can be
made to thesupcrintendent direct, or
through ant -agent or traffic represents
tive of the compacv.
S" t
Walla Walhv Banker Chosen Senator
by Jofi Assembly at Olympla.
OirxnvWash., Jan. 29. Levy An
keny, of WwOn Walla, w as elected United
States S'Y'yr lday itiljomt session of
the LegisliAire in accordance with a
caucus helif last night. Following is
the vote : .' .
Levi Ankehy'.1, 99
HaroldPresVn 9
John L. WUtn. 2
W. L. Jones'. 1
George Tnrnor (democrat) 23
Medford Has a Kick
The Success of Jan 27th says : Med
ford appears to be in hard lines on the
butter and cream propositions. Most
of the butter now used in this city comes
from Klamath county and California,
consumers here paving the price of butter
in those markets plus the freight to
Medford and two or three intermediate
profits. To make this burden more
galling there is now being shipped from
Medford to the Roseburg creamery the
cream from 230 cows, which the dairy
men sell at the Roseburg price, minus
the freight of the 132 mile haul from
Medford to Roseburg. And with all this
balance of trade against the community
the Roseburg creamcryman has the ef
frontry to tell us that there is no busi
ness at Medford for a creamery, and
this in the face of the fact that the
dairymen say that with the opening of
spring and a creamery here in Medford
that they can swpply cream from over
500 cows, all on farms within easy dis
tance of this city. But will Medford
always sell cream and buy butter and
pay the freight both ways, together with
three or four dealers' profits.
Little Ranch for Sale.
A good little home for sale ; 17 acres
adjoining fair grounds, 1 east of
Roseburg. Good buildings, 150 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cultiva
tion. Price $1225. For particulars in
quire at Milikin's shoe store, Roseburg
. Um UAAiLJ f-fj" ' fbotoOallerr nd -io u ell wmr M
x teatln to a a a
yew Style Up-lo-Vale
They individualize a picture and place it in a class by it
selfan artistic clasg that has only to be seen to be ap
preciated. Their popularity is increasing because it i
ba?ea on quality :: . :; .. :;
WeArc Always Clad to Welcome Visitors to Oct Studio
. ... HARDWARE . : .
This is to inform oi l and new patrons that I have taken up my quarters
in the Stanton brick buildica: on Jacluon street, next door to the Wells,
largo A Co. Expre-s otfice, the change being made necessary to secure
room to accommodate my constantly increasing stock. In connection
with a general line of Hardware, I wiJ also carry a large stock of : :
. . . farm Implements, Wagons, Bnggles, Hacks, Etc . . .
Are you parti cu la
about your
Price is no higher and
-gsg-StS& t, -JJ
J. M. Weatherby
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List yonr proper
ty xrith ns.
Physicians Prescriptions
and Family Recipee,
Rubber Goods, Toilet
Articles, Lime and Ce
ment, Paints, Oils and
Gla, Perfumery, Truss
es, Sponges, Brushes Etc.
Rambler Bicycles and
Sundries. School Sup
plies. A.
F. S.
AH NjorkaOnaranteed for Reasonable Prices.
Second Door north new Bank Building, EosxBtrta, O&sgox
They've gone andjdone it again
Done away with the dark-room in
developing. A little machine to de
velope film negatives in daylight
witnout going to a darkroom Any
child can operate it. See this won
derful invention at our store.
Coffee, Tea and Spices
every can guaranteed '
Rosebur a .
Lead n?
of Health
is found in cool Flour now, as for
centuries, the "staS of life." The
long tried : : ; , i
Pride of 23 quoins
Uxxaala know to ihrar btwli. M at
uoi4 not to feara j iu Ta,M t
dena a Mapa mcM. or barrel tnm too
STOffetr : ; ; - - - .
L V. Baslfsri & Soa, Rxss 13.
A. Bury
D. L. Marti
C. Marsters & Co.
Drags, Ktiilcigts, cteclcali.
Stationery School Books