The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 29, 1903, Image 3

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    We Want to Save You Honey
. So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have the largest and
. most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
- LtldiCS, We have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
' - . Long Coats, length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts are the
most complete line in town ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
OentlemCrt, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
. ' 1
Our Shoes, the noted W. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-tt-date line in town.
Thf Pantile's f ore VrK1
One Door South of P. O. '
Capt. Kacklia Darit
Oliver Horn Arnold
Love and the Soul Hunters, Hoolt
My Li dy Peggy Goo to Town,
" ilatheu$
The Jfeedle's Eye . . . .Kingfhy
Hope Lorimr BtQ
The Crimson "Willi Taylor
he Stroll en Itham
The Long Straight load, Sorton
Rosalyxde'a Lovers Tkompton
Confessions Of a Wife Adamt
Janet Wirde. , : Sangt'er
The Maid at Aimm . . Ohambtrt
Rockhaven. Munn
The Leopard's BpotS) IXto
Barbara Ladi HoberU
Franoezs!a Sea itaU
Don&van Pasta. .Parker
Moth and Rust OioimundfUy
The Fighting Xiahop Eoplint
T eFifth triaff ..... Sca
The Virginian Witter
A Speckeled Bird tram
and many ethers.
Price $1.15 ; Mailing price $1.87
"We rent them for 25 cent.
Get your dental work at Dr. Chea
dle's. Painless extraction of teeth. n29
Craves the Photographer is back at
his place of business once more, (tf)
,Furnv-hed rooms for rent 'enquire
at old Abraham property foot of Wash
ington street. tf
. Dressmaking and all plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls opposite the City Hall.
Get yonr abstracts oi title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county. . tf
Fresh oysters all styles. Tan, fancy
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eating
Ilottee, "MesdamcB Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. H.D.Graves has been posting him
self and gathering new ideas during his
vacation and feels he is better prepired
than ever to give his customers the
ery latest styles. (tf)
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable file insurancj compa
nies, is now prepared to do a- genera
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City HalL tf.
Repairing neatly and promptly
at Flint's Popular Shoe Parlors.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan
for blue prinU and filing papers.
Mrs. Mary Wood, of Glendale, is
iting friends in this city this week.
fine new line of boyv and mens
fancy sweaters Just received at Hilde
brand's. Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood
Inquire of Henry Conn, Roeeburg, Ore
A. L. ood has sold his interest in
the Kandy Kitchen to his partner, Mr.
Bell, who will conduct the business
Foa Bali Household goods, cooking
utensils, canned and jared fruit. Call
on 5. E. Richards at-VVoodards Harness
Mrs. Jarley's Waxwork Show will be
given at the Opera House, Feb. 10
Admission Reserved seats S5 eta. Flats
and children 15 cts. (flO)
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the only silver steel sawa. Nose bet
ter made. You will find a conplete
line at Churchill and Woolleys.
Here is a bargain One practically
new, latest improved Blickensderfer
typewriter, with fine leather case, for
sale cheap. Inquire at this office. tf
We have for sale the 1 best business
buildings in the city. 5e. 1 on corner
of Cass and Pise streets ; Ko. 3 on cor
ner of Cass and Ihartdaa. Jon Iise
A Bsaawr, Agents. jl9-lm.
It is said that Murderer Tillmas shed
tears when he heard of his victim dsa th
fhii is the way with all cowardly
thugs they shed tears when they face
the fallows or the penitentiary.
The body of Mrs. C. C. Terrell, who
died last week of consumption, arrived
here Tuesday morning from Ontario,
Calif., accompanied by Mr. Terrell.
The funeral took place yesterday after
noon from the undertaking parlors of P.
Benedick, the body being laid to rest in
the Masonic cemetery.
Next Saturday evening the citizens ef
Roseburg will have an opportunity to
see a most interesting game of basket
ball between the Roseburg High School
and the Roeeburg Maroons. This wil'
be the second game of a series of three
to be played by these teams, the High
School winning the first game which
was closely contested.
W. F. Davis, cf Camas Valley, was in
our office Tuesday. He reports that the
recent heavy rains have done great dam
age to roads, bridges and culverts. He
also states that more laud will be put
n cultivation in the Camas Vahey this
year than ever before and that the far
mers are getting their eyes , openel to
the fact that Scientific farming pays
'atroiis Tel
I Us
That one great reason tbey lilie to trade
at Hildebrand's is because they can always
depend upon the quality of merchandise.
One policy does not govern today,
another tomorrow, but the entire
institution is governed by results
of years of successful storeKeeping
Goods bought here are
always as advertised
By small profits and quicK sale methods
we Ksep cur prices constantly at the very ,
lowest limit The pc-Qpb appreciate this
and it contributes in no little measure to
our success : : : : :
1 Our Anniversary Sale is Still on and
I Prices reduced from 10 to 50 per
cent throughout the house : : :
Dry Goods, Clothing',
Millinery. Shoes : : : ?
i :
The Kuf Ced Store
E. L. Bashford visited Oakland on
business, Tuesday.
Charles Thom went to Oakland on
business, Tuesday.
See that new Bean Power spray pump
at Church.ll and Woolleys.
I. L,. Ady and wile oi ugget were in
this city Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Churchill, of French Settlement
is visiting friends in Harrisburg.
Mrs. H. Kadderly and little daughter
are visiting friends in Ashland.
A mairiage license was issued Mon
day to B. G. Booth and Effie May Mer
rill of this county.
P. G. Turner of Los Angeles, Califor
nia, was in this city Tuesday, making
final proof on his timber claim.
Mrs. J. II. Hansbrough left Tuesday
morng for Salem to visit with her
husband. Representative Hnsbrongh
F. W. Wegner, of Seattle, one of the
incorporators of the stre -t railroad to be
built in Rt seburg, is at the McClallen.
Mrs. S. D. Willis, left this morning
for Junction to visit her hu.-band, who
is temporal- acting as "hostler" in the
vards at that station.
Mrs. A. C. Marsters and Mrs. J. T.
Bridges, left on Tuesday morning's local
for Salem, to visit friends and watch the
progress of the law-makers.
Dexter Rice and wife, left Tuesday for
Salem, where Mr. Rice will be a mem
ber of the third house." Mrs. Kice will
visit friends in Portland before return
ing home.
The infant child of W. F. Lindaey of
Edenbower, Las been qnite skk with
grippe, is reported much better and is
eonsidered by the attending physician
entirely out of danger.
Assessor Staler has just received some
new and much needed furniture in his
office, a large table, and a tier of sched-
nale pigeon holes. He and hisiaasist-
ance, F. II. Bodgers are bard at work
on the new roles.
The Roeeburg delegation to the third
House is growing steadily, this morn-
kicig's contributions werer F. W. Ben
son, J. D. Hamilton and A. A.Abraham, j
k looks as if Roeeburg has an ax te
grind at the state copitol this week.
Lilac Circle So. 49, Women of Wood
craft, will give a Soveltv Box Social at
the Odd Fellows Hall, Monday evening
Feb. 2. All are invited to attend, the
ladies bringing boxes. Three prizee will
befiven for the most artistic and unique
designs in boxes. !
Last Sunday night the Methodis
Minister of Roeeburg told his congrega
tion about Christ preaching to the anti-
deluvians before the flood as he certainly
could not preach to them afterwards.
Did the Brother want it to be uuder
stood that ihe Sazariue practiced the
doctrine of transmigration of souls?
Three hobo chickens arrived in this
city Monday evening, on the south
bound delayed train. It is needless to
say that Officer French was on the alert
and placed the culprits under arrest, but
Recorder West says there has not been
any charge preferedr against them and
that be has been unable to find them in
the city jail. Is it possible that the of
ficer let them escape?
Two well known" beer brewers of Al
bany and Roeeburg bought property in
Ashland this week. Wm. Faber, of Al
bany has purchased the Wing Block on
Corner of A and 4th street for f WOO and
Max Weiss, of Roseburg, has bought the
property on the opposite corner facing
A fctreet of J. H. Haun. This comprises
the brick grocery store established by
1. 1. Loomis and which he sold to
Haun. It is reported Weiss paid f8000
for the property. Town Talk.
One of the neatest and moet unique
designs in the shape of a photo mount is
the "SUndford Folders." It a is new
style and up to date, and when a beau
tiful Platinum print is placed thereon,
produces the richest and daintcst effect.
Leave your order for one or more when
having your photo takenat the Sun
beam Photo Parlor. Work guaranteed.
Don't forget the piece, one block from
8. P. Freight depot. f20.
C. B. Cannon has returned home from
me i enuieion snoot, ciauae reports a
"hot time" in that city socially but says
the wcatner was about the coldest he
has ever experienced. Although Claude
did not win any large prize, he won
enough to pay his expenses, his average
beug 23-3 out of .a possible 330 birds.
Howe of Portland, had the top score
287 ; Abraham of Portland scored 264. '
t . rrr , . .
jast xuesuay evening ttie Arabs or
A. D. K.'s met en regular session at the
Firemcns' hall and the following officers
were elected for the ensuing term : IJ,
DaMotta, I. H. P;C. W. Wharton, G.
W . ; M. F. Rapp, G. M. ; M. F. Wright,
P. of K. ; J. II. Sykes, O. G. ; 8. Rast
and W. McWilliams, regulators ; E.
Wimberly, G. I. 8. ; F. E. Alley, G. B. ;
Roy McClallen, K. of C. ; Carl Schnour
stein, procurer. After the election the
doors were thrown open to the friends
of the Arabs who enjoyed themscves
until a late hour.
Mrs. T. K. Sheridan left oa this Morn
ing's local for Portland and Salem to
visit friends.
Call in and see for yourself that we
carry tho most complete line of ladies,
gents children and baby's shoes, .Flint's
Popular Shoe Parlors.
John Richardson and wife, of Boho
nil's, are viniting the family of his
brother. "T. K." in this city.
E. B. Duffy, traveling freight agent of
the Denver and Rio Grande and Rie
Grande Western railroads was a caller
at our office this morning. He is look
ing for great development of the rail
road situation in Southwest Oregon dur
ing the present year. "
China New Year was ushered in Tues
day evening, with great pomp and the
aoisa of exploding firecrackers by the
handful of Chinese in this city. The
celebraion will last as long as the
worty contributors pocket books hold
eut, after which they will again drop
back into the old ways of the American
Sew Year.
Geo. Kohlhagen returned yesterday
frm Montague, California, with a car
load of fine beef cattle. While in Cali
fornia Mr. Kohlhagen purchased 75
head of cattle which will be shipped
here as soon as the railroad -track is
cleared. At the present time there are
not any desirable beef cattle in this
county and we are now feeling the effect
ef the large sale of two-year-olds a f
years ago. "
Major L, D. Kinney returned from
Portland last night where he has
een in consultation with the direc-
raof the Great Central Kiilrovl
o. Mr. Kinney is roach elated over
the fact that be has won a msjoiity
of the directors oyer to his way of
thinking that Roseburg is the only
ideal point fur the Ureal Central to
connect with the S. P. The direo
tore have received a very fluttering
offer of a $100,000 bonne from the
citizens of Eugene and it is altogeth
er possible that a like amount will be
expected of the citizens of this coun
ty after the road is completed into
this city, bat oot until then" eays
Mr. Kinney, "willjtbe ccmpany at-k
jne cent of the Deonle of Don j? las
and Coos county." Mr. Kinney eays
that there will be no action whatever
taken in building a road east of this
point, and that as tooa as weather
permits construction will commence
on the local road between this point
and Coos Bay and after this road is
completed, the eastern road will be
constructed as soon as the Eastern
directors see ft to come west Mr.
Kinney is today engaged with Mr.
Alexander and oilers of the Great
Central to wnsite company in adjust
ing the affairs of the company.
LAMB LEWIS At the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
lewis, at Cottage Grove, Oregon. San
day evening, January i5. 1933, Mr.
Fred E. Lamb and Miss Cleo Lewis,
Rev. Geo. II. Feese, pastor of the M.
E. church, officiating, assisted by Rev.
Beck, of the Presbyterian church. -This
was one of the prettiest home
weddings which lias occurred at .Cottage
Grove during the present winter "season
and was itneased by a large number of
relatives and intimate friends of both
the bride and groom. The parlors were
profusely and appropriately decorated
for the occasion with ivy rnd white
chrysanthemums, a bank of ivy in one
corner of the main parlor markiaz the
position to be taken up by the bridal
party directly beneath a large evergreen
and floral wreath. Promptly at 10
o'clock the high contraction parties
were ushered into the presence of the
officiating clergymen and guests, Mrs.
Beck presiding at the piano, rendering
Mendelssohn's wedding march and dur
ing the ceremony played softly, "The
Flower Bong." The bridal party was
preceded by little Lela Lewis and Anna
Steel Beck, ho strewed flowers along
the way leading to the parlors. Next
came the beet man and bridesmaid, Mr.
Leeton L. Lewis and Miss Antoniette
Bardick, brother and step-sister of the
bride. Then came the bride and groom ,
the parties taking np their position at
the appointed place where they were
met by Bev. Feese, who in his usual
pleasing manner conducted the simple
and impressive ritualistic ceremony of
the Methodist Episcopal church. The
bride carried a boquet of white roses
and looked charming in a beautiful
gown of white taffeta, trimmed in- chif
fon and applique. The groom wore
the conventional black, while the at
tendants were also appropriately
gowned. After the ceremony hearty
congratulations were extended and a
dainty wedding luncheon was served.
The cutting of the bride's cake by the
guests afforded much merriment, the
bride's maid securing the ring ; Horace
Uarmes the dime and Mr. Glass of Eu
gene, the needle.
The biide, a daughter of one of Cot
tage Grove's leading merchants, J. B.
Lewis, is a very charming, accomplished
and winsome you ng lady, who has
grown from childhood at Cottage Grove
where she is held in the highest esteem
by all who know her. The groom S a
young man of a genial disposition and a
very exemplary charactei and has for a
long time been a trustworthy clerk in E.
H. Ingham's (Ax Billy's) merchantile
establishment at Eugene, in which city
after a brief wedding tour to Northern
Willamette valley points, the happy
couple will make their home. Mr. and
Mrs. Lamb were the recipients of many
elegant and useful presents including
the following list :
Set of decorated plates, Misses Ger
trude and Antoniette Burdick ; silver
berry dish, Mr. and Mrs. Lamb; silvc
cake basket, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jud-
kins; silk sofa pillow, Mrs. J. 8. Ben
son ; silver spoon tray, C. W. Jackson ;
sot of dbilies, Mary Curren ; Brussels
rug, Annie an Riper; mantel clock,
Lestoo L. Lewis; cold meat fork, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Conner; fish fcrk, Ira
Conner ; picture Pharoah's horses, Neva
Perkins; silver pickel castor, Mr and
Mrs. J. A. Barret; gold watch and
chsin, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lewis; silver
brsad tray, Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Henry ;
silver water service, Mr. and Mrs. J. I
wones; cnina sugar dowi ana creamer,
Oliver eatch ; nut crack, Dr. Macey ;
book, Mrs. L. D. Beck ; silver cake bas
ket, F. B. Philippg ; china tea set, Chas.
Cochrane decorated Dlato. Mr. and Mrs
Babcock ; china suaar bowl and creamer.
Mrs. Frank Wheeler; linen pillowcases
ana poini iace collar, ttiiei Knowlton
set of decorated plates, Mrs. Frederick
son and daughter, Miss Lena; photo
paper weight, Anestine Beck; water set
This month completes our 25th year In tho "Dirj Goo da business
in RoBoburg. For a quarter of a century vjo have oatcrod to the
T?anti of thousand of customers, from tho littlo storo establish
ed in '7Q to the present mammoth establishment -which ctooccu
py. Our Greatest advertisement is that many rrho dealt Tilth us
at the titart are in lOOO still honoring us with their patronage,
In remembrance of this event vjc have instituted thia sale, rjhich
for unapproachable values, ex cell anything heretofore offered.
Dress Goods Department.
200 yards colored satins, mostly blues
and reds, regular 50c values, secial..
60 yards Scotch washable waii-tinti flan
nels, very desirable colors, worth 30c,
special ." jC
7 pieces woolen plaids, lictit and a odium
shades, easily worth 40e, special IC
300 vards fancy mixed suitings, mostly
all wool, val. 30c to 50c, special i A'
600 yards Chamhray ginghams, one Pat"4 i
tern, regular S.1, tpecid 4
Rouse furnishing Department
A small lot Marseilles spreads, l!)-4 sue, rr
regular 73c kind, now trv
Another lot Marseilles spreads, 11-4 size, -
good value at 1.U), now t 0C
25 doaen pure linen damask towcle,
fancv fakt color borders, 35c to 50e
regular. Special t3C
Hosiery Department.
Lot 1. I-adies' fine cotton fancy' stripe
Little finish hoe, 35c kind. Special.. OC
Lot 2. 5 doz. ladies' all wool bkwk cash
mere hose; size only : 50c regular. .
Sp.'cial J5C
Lot 3. 5 doz. ladies' fine black Liele -n
hose ; good values at 50c. Sjcial jUC
Lot 4, Ladies' fancy stripe, pare Liale
hce, 50c quality. "Now Z5C
Corset Department.
We are closing out our entire stork of
Royal Worcester W; C. C. ror-ta at
the following attractive irin-
13.75 corsets while they Uu-t for. ..
1225 1
2.00 y " ' "
l.b0 " '" "
1 05 -
tl.00 " " ' "
Sfcoe Departceat.
About 200 pairs mens fine black shoes,
lace and congress, calf and kid, which
regniarfy sold for 2.50 to 4.00. To
clean up trie odd lines we have mark-
edtLem 1.50 to 2.10
Any mens tan shoe in the hone
This includes vici kid, cloth "top," and
calf. Values from )3 to f4.
Mens famishing Department.
About 5 dozen mens silk and wool netcli
ge shirts, broken lins, all rr-s, val- .
ues fl.50 to 1.75, while thev Ut . . . LI ?
50 dozen mens home-made" buckskin
gloves, all first quality, loo g gauntlets,
reiUr75c. Special..... . . SOC
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled j
and '
Mr. Laa.b: ufcture. Messrs. Glass and ; DOL'QLAS CtH-MTY- PACKTSd CO
Riddell: silver berrv spocn. Mr.
Mrs. E. C. Conner ; silver cream
Mr. and Mrs. W. E.v Lundy, Myrtle
Point; butter knife and sugar shell.
Mrs. C. S. Harris, Havana, Kansas.
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
1,e 1 r r i lion. tlit to Six removes
Site IKnited At Kose&erg. ' and nil: stop f:iinZ
The Docglaa Countv Fruit Packing
I; sir.
For sale by Marsters Drug
all dandruff
Price 50e
Co. mitf
FORD. In Baker City, Ore., Saturday,
Jan. 24, 1903, at the home of her
brother, Tho. Grisdale, Mrs. Mary
Ford, relict of the late Timothy Ford,
aged 52 years and 5 months.
The deceased was well and favorably
known in this city where she resided for
many years, her husband being marha'
of this city for some time. The deceased
was an annl of Mrs. J. M. Fletcher of the .t, t,f tlii large pacing
Company was recently incorporated at
Springfield, Illinois capital stock 25,
000. The incorporators and officers an-,
C. B. Denim?, Pre?,; C. W. InJerrie
do, Yk-e Pres. ; V. Pet rich, Sec.; W.
T. Gould, Treas. ; Clarence Gazley,
Manager. A site has been docatl for
the packing houe in the Kinney addi
tion to Roseburg bnt bas rot yet been
accepted. The builditrj will be a ihre
rtory structure with a capacity of five
mul.on pt'Unds of prnnes. As soon a a
site is selected, a contract will be let tor
Roseburg. She leaves a daughter Ev
aged about IS years.
UEBARD.-At Glendale. Jan. , 1!)03,
of grip, Bcautrill Hsbard, aged 5
The body was sent to P. BeneJick,
undertaker in this city, who embalmed
it and will ship the corpse from here to
Chicago, III., where it is to be buried.
Real Estate Transfers.
Maurice Abraham et a's, to School
Dist. No. 77, II ; parcel of land 50x300
feet adjoining lot 12, in block 18, Glen
Nick Kelson to Geo. Qaayle, agree-'
man t Jane 1, 190312,000 S' of nw
and bH ol swf of sec 20, tp 24 s, r 2
O. A C. B. R. Co., to Wm HelliaeU,
$120; Bwtof seof sec 32, tp 22 r, r5
R B McCalley et 43 x. to Henry
Pchrenk, bond-Mar. 19, 19071420; 10
acres in sec 80 tp 27 s r 5 wtt.
Mrs. F. E. Lathrop to A. J. Buchan
an, 220 ; lots 2 and 3, in block 87, third
Southern Additien to Roseburg.
L. A. Paugherty et ux, to J F Puh-
erty. 26 ; S of s H ' wt 20 in block 2,
Devore's Addition to Yoncalla.
Wm. Cannutt to Hamilton Smith,
$300; lots 2, S, 4,5 and B, and s of bt
7 in block 3, Old Oakland.
Carl Schnuerstein et ur, lo Frank L.
and W. A. Harvey, $100; 75.51 acres in
. Sheriff to E. G. Carver, $500 ; sw4 of
nej, eet-i of nwH'i nl4 ofsw.nd nw
ii of eeJi oi sec 28, tp 22, r 5 west.
W. F. Baker et nx, to II. Wollenberg
and E. L. and C. W. rarrott, $t.5;
lot . 8 of sec. 18, tp 26 s, r 4
west, cyntaining 9.89 acres.
G. W. KirobalUo R. D. Harvey, $500 ;
200 acres in sees 1, 11 and 12, tp 24 s, r
5 west.
T. J.Fordaey to Wm. J. Kelleber,
$100; 10 acres in se of sec 2, tp 22 8
r 6 west.
hou.e, which ia season a ill employ fiom
40 to SO people.
Additional Local
G. R. liner Saturday opened his new
iesort"The. Commerce" which is un-
doubt'.y the neatest little place in the
The recnt heavy rains carried away
the foundation of the suspension foot
brid across the Umpqua at Dillard,
the damage is not great and the bridge
anil be repaired as won cs weather pre
mita. At present the enterprising
meichant, L. E..Mi!bge is conducting
free boat ferry across the river at that
Ed. T. Naghel of this city yesterday
received word that his father Edward Q.
Naghel, died January 25, at his home in
Sacramento, of heart trouble. Mr.
Xaghel was 76 years old and was a
pioneer resident of Sacramento having
practiced dentistry in that city for 30
years. The body was cremated in San
Francisco, January 2.
The case of Frank Smith was tried be
fore Justice Bui-hinan Tuesday and
Smith was sentenced to confinement in
th county jail for three months. The
charg was that of larceny in the saloon
of Charles Harmon in company with G.
L. Roads. By Smith turning state's
evidence the district attorney was en
abled to convict Roads and thereby al
lowed Smith fcc answer to the charge of
of larceny.
ma a
Notice for Publication.
Co:d .: c la4 OKr.
EowbuiT. brrfjo, box. ,
t'T im IUl ta wpu
wsa u Wj1-,m at ta vi mt Cusnm wt lssis iu IP :;rw.4' li.oraULO.--
"Ti M-t M:ltu- .-r.MT,"Huin4.
llJ u p Aii4 b Ml t4 i ni
I o( Ra.h Citv. tc3r of Osuui, of Kla-
Dtu b ta- rf.T S1 ta isi of. hi
j uroru tuvaivbl N I.s, for the pirrbue (
j Ihe ?S S l . 1. Tjl 31 S. fc m
nmeht la tsv ttajK, for iu Vmtrt r vnti
thu ifr rrvru:tnri parymtrt taj w nub.ih
Socials lonid itui bciorc i. L. Z:am:rt, r.
S. con.ntiorer. Ci:nl. Orwa. on teiar
iT.UiM;JiiT cf JwjtTT. 13. B ns
xwuacffv IianC H M.i:ca, aal C. Lncn
i. n, Knli V :t. M pb.. Ja. a. stt Uad,
Po.. Mj on.. Joha loom, iuwbarr. CTeon.
Ay rn.ll mom c.:m.a mdrrr.j lie
bote Jrn-,4 r teuwud to fi.e
itrfi:ici la Uifa oeeoa or b; ire ! 1 4 oi
Ja I i. I. ii. LK,Ki
5ow ' yrru oprwirtastrr to f-K cVir
tlmtrcjj or koawMi. w.
rnwi o tb bMiroa pine r Crto
Db&4. C relwn krpi enoMui: a
pjr. It jo an. trtW
caeaft. we tr it. CaJ a cr airua
Stewart C Orescen
lid Eslats tsi Tsskr tulers
Notice for Publicaticn.
. Land Of St at Soffear. O?.o9.
. . . Jaaarr. u. i.
NatfeeU fcrebv reo t.-.e
lunupd m':r but Sird snUoe of h t IntroUoo
to mk f.nJ eJRmn:iug pmrf 13 oprrt of
h:ri2n tni iht 1 1 proof wi.l be ir' h
& c( T KoH.tft C. ?. IadA ftTW.l
&Biarj, Orrgua, oa Tnlmj. FeOrurr r, 148
Tl!r. Ovevn.oB H E No for th V
SF.',n(!fi TfSWi 1 re,t w. M. Ue
Mim-i la foilowEit tlincn to rOT hl
ci'!i,,.( ealt-.rmlioa of
tx'.i i.rl, Thom. Mxiu!rR. peaw EUf
SK!ot 3vrf. f RKirr. CK-. a Taomsw
w. of Ujnlt Creek, om.-o.
'jVp ilB SZWiE?. BoclJter.
FOR SALE. At a bargain, a country
store with dwelling department in
the rear and upstairs Blacksmith shop
and buildings ; 12 acres of land ; good
business point for a blacksmith or shoe
maker, with trade which justiSa carry
ing a fair stock of general merchandise.
Address Wm. Fsakeb, Cleveland, .Ore
gon, i-i
For Sale.
COBB. Sear Roseburg, Jan. 25, 1903,
to the wife of G. A. Cobb, a daughter.
K of P Attention.
All members are requested to be pres
ent at the next regular meeting VTednes
day, Jan. 28, 1903. Work in two ranks
and installation of officers.
G. W. Kimball, C. C.
Notice of Final Settlement
In tbeConntj Court of Slie Suve oi Oregon
for ConBtT of OUK&.
Id ibe aatur the esutel
of v
R B. Johiwoa. dereanrxl. )
N!-e L beT cirea thut D II WMt, ,4
tnitmtmvwof (ieeta;eot R.B. Johaopo Je
rl. h Ti.iored and rmri;M for ?
and 6 ed in Mid court hit tnl arcron;
OI hit lminWrmtion of ld muv; Tht Uoq
iiT. the rnd dj of Mirrb. t. at 10 rioca a.
tn. nf raid dr. at the con.n room of aai i rt
I R.bnr, I 'rveoo. ba. been 6.ied fortaeeri
ilemeat ef nid bnal acr-vnni, and for htariac
"J ot jretioa that maj be niMe u iba at.
D.-. T. HT.
Administrator of Mid Kire.
If yoa have a ring that is
broken or a set kt out, or
ptvfeiily you hare a'riag that
is just a little to small cr a
little to large, perhaps yoa
have one that needs strength
ening or is bad!y bent. I am
prepared to do all kin-Is of
ring repairing. I not only
guarantee my work, but I
g'iaractee you will be well
pleaded with the job : : :
Notice to Laundry Patrons. .
After February 1st all laundry turned
out by tho Roeeburg Steam Laundry
will be on a strictly cash basis. -
FISp. . O. C. Bar t:it, Pror:
Si'aSf. Hardware
1 cyphers No. 2, 220 egg size i ncuba-
tor and 1 Stockton 199 chick size Brooder
Both machines practically new and in
first class order. I offer both for 127.50
Address, E. T ruff, Cleveland, Or
Manager Wanted.
Trustworthy, either box. bv Whole
sale Merchandise Company of solid
financial standing, to manage Local
Representatives who will organize clubs
among consumers. 40 per cent naved
for our customers. BiiHinexs no ex
periment but a proven success. Salary
118.00 a week, expenses advancinf.
Kxperienco uniioceisnry. Addre.-s D.
B. Clarkson, Mgr., 834" Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111. (J8F12;
In the County Court for Dotiflat Count;
Slnle of Orein.
In the niaiwr ot the rbtnge oi name ot Gu.ut
Notice is hereby (riven that by order ol the
aliOT iiKined court duly mule and entered on
the 6th daynl January i',u, tlra name ol liuitat
liiiktafwn bas beta chBgvd to .U4tave U.
ETert-tt. -
Attet, D. B.Sn.VMBRWK.
(JSp) County Clerk.
Administrators Notice.
In the mn'hT ol tlie KutaU ot Jounle K. Clem
ruts. ilt'Oetsed.
Kotii-e ts b4rvhv liven hr the Cndorelsr ed
t dininllratirof the K.Jate of Venule K. Cli m
rnts, dot-eased, that he wt duly iolnUtl .d
nitiiltriittr tl the si 1 Kilo by llio order of
tlio fn b: Court o( lJoui?:as County, C"eipu,
made and vutt-red ol recoi l upon the ljib day
ol January, lH-Ht-
Allpt'rut bavtuif rialms aicsiii't tho said
F.statc shall p rwnt the unio ith the ntt'tn.
sary pnxil within six months lrm the date
ol this notice to the uuilerxiguud Aduiiulxtralur
at Ktwburif, O't-t-n.
Da'ed at koavbunf. Orcein, this the 2jud
day ut January, I'.J-,
J:2) Administrator.
from January 1st to February 1st, 1503
Sale j Sale Sale
20 Per Cent I 10 Per Cent !
HMHMnnMn mrntmmBammammmmamma
i , 0a JACKtTS CN 012 L-
cAPts,riss - , mt stcgx ;
Wc Want to Clear onr Stock for Inventory