The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 29, 1903, Image 2

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    The Tric--Tetk
Roseburg Plalndealer
Published Monday! and Thuradaya.
Editors and Publishers
Twic--Teek Plaindeakr. per year, $2.00
Vutm W right. Citv Editor, Solicitor.
T. G. Ruth. Foreman
Douglas County Senator Introduces
an Allopathic Bill.
Our Senator Marsters evidently has a
lack of faith in the snpernatural and a
faith core to him is an unknown element
of strength in the finite's frailty being
grasped in the hand of Divinity and
made whole. He has introduced a bill
into the Senate of which .the following
are the salient points :
"It shall be the duty of parents or
gnardians to give minors or other per
sons dpnflndpnt nnon them, in case Oi
sickness or injury, the prompt .care, aid
and attention of a physician or surgeon
competent to practice medicine or sur
gery in the State of Oregon.
"If in any case parents or guardians
refuse to give minors or persons depend
ent upon them prompt and competent
medical or surgical care, aiu and attend
ance, as provided in section 1 of this act,
tliev shall be guilty of criminal negli
eence, and shall be punishable by a fine
nf nnt l.-s than tlO or more than I10J"
The United States Supreme Court has in.nrisoijmeiit in the Coantv Jail not
again passed on me vaiiany ox aiTorv , 1Q or more thau w JayB
granted m South Dakota to nonresi-1. both in the discretion cf the court.'
denU. The case was that ol Annie An-1 Th , - ;n this respect
drewsvsKate H. Andrews, and t a does not define who shall be couaid-
question at issue as to who is entitled to ered a pt r.hvsician or surgeon.
Wednesday's Vote.
Balim, Or., Jan. 23. Fulton, of Clat
sop, gained a vote on today's joint bal
lot. It was that of Squire Farrar. Sena
tor from Marlon County, who, after
completion of the roll-call, on which he
voted as u.ual ft r Qecr, arose and ad
dressed the joint assembly, announcing
his reasons for shifting his allegiance.
"Gentlemen," he said, "this Lcgisla
Entered at the Post Office in Roaeburg,
. Ore., as second class mall matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
JANUARY 29, 1903.
City Council W ill Extend the City's
Boundary Lin.
On Tuesday evening the City Council
assembled in special soea:on to consider
the matter of extending the city's in
corporate limits to include both north
and south Kosoburg, whlcn also oom-
prises the new Kinner and Waite'addi
ture has assembled here for the purpose t5ong to R08eburg. It was decided "to
oi penonuuig curiam auues; among petition the legislature at the Dresent
.... i .
session to extond the boundaries as
herein set forth. The petition was pres
ented, read and adopted by the council,
administer upon the estate of Charles
S. Andrews, whom both women claimed
as husband. The record showed that
Mrs. Kate Andrews was -the first wife
and that her husband secured a divorce
in South Dakota alter remaining there
ix months, the time reouired by the
atute of that state. The Massachu
setts courts held that the decree had
been fraudulently secured,' and, refus
ing tn rwwxrnise it. reeounized the first
n p
wife as the legal widow of the deceased
Mr. Andrews. That was the holding ol
the supreme judicial court of Massa
chusetts, and the opinion, which was
delivered by Justice . White, affirmed
that holding. He said that Andrews'
residence in the state of South Dakota
did not constitute legal domicile. The
case arose out of the fact that Mr. An
drews' father, Charles H. Andrews, be
queathed certain property to "the wife
of my eon, Chas 8. Andrews.'-' Justices
Brewer," Shiras and Peckham dissented.
In passing oa the case, Justice White
discussed at some length the question
whether the federal constitution is in
volved in any way in the case. He held
hat could not be, for the reason that
the general government never had any
power to delegate control over marriages
such power always having bee a vested
in the states and never parted with by
them. Hence, tEere is no power that
Congress could exercise to regulate or
nrohibit divorces, and it must follow
that, unless the several states were per
mitted to control the subject of divorce
among their own -citizens, the subject
would be entirely uncontrolled, in
which case the absolute destruction of
society must be the result. As Mr. An
drews had been a citisen of Massachu
setts, the courts of that ttate had juris
diction, and not the courts of another
state. It was evident, he went on, that
Andrews'six months' residence in South
Dakota has been taken up for the sole
purpose of securing a divorce ; that tem
porary change of residence did not
amount to domicile, nor to a change of
citizenship. For this reason, he held
that the South Dakota court was with
out jurisdiction in the divores proceed'
incs: and its decree wholly void. Nor
did it matter if there had been a com
promise with the first Mrs. Andrews,
and if she had been induced to consent
for a money consideration, as had been
alleged. The fact was that the case was
one lor Massachusetts courts and not for
" the South Dakota courts, and they
could not be deprived of their power by
this means. Jcetice Holmes took no
part in this decision, for the reason
that, as chief justice of the state of Mas
sachusetts, he had delivered the decision
declaring the Dakota decree invalid.
The allopathic doetors say that the
homeopathic doctors are-quacks, and the
homeopathic doctors say, that the
allopathic doctors are ignorant sharks,
and the osteopath iets say that
the little pill men as well as the big I ill
nen know nothing whatever about the
diseases and disorders of the human
body, and yet all have vast followinga
notwithstanding their w-r on each
other. According to the Flaixdsalb s
view of the various sects, cults and so
called science cures together with the
big and little'pill warfare this fact is ap
parent : if the Naxarine had power by
faith To heal the sick and diseased ; if
positive miracles were performed by
faith, and if that faith is still to be found
on earth a person professing that faith
is an alien to or an apostate from the
true principles of the Christian faith i:
dependence is placed in either the slip
bone or the little or big pill cure
We suppose that Senator Marsters has
introduced the bill by request and does
not father it in any particular for he
must remember the joke about the sour
kraut curing the Dutchman of cholera
and killine the Irishman who was
soaked full of "Erin go braugh."
these duties is to elect a United States
Senator. We have met bore daily for
more than a week and voted for the
man of our choice. In this joint as
sembly there are 73 Republican mem
bers. We can, if we will, unite upon a
candidate and elect a Senator. We
ought by all means to do this. The
time has now come when we should lay
our personal preferences aside and stop
voting for men whom we very well know
have no chance for election. The mi
nority ought to join the majority, and,
if not by caucus, then in open session,
choose a Senator. ,
"I am willing to sacrafice my personal
preference in the matter, to the end
that a Senator be chosen," and turning
to the restrum, "I ask you, Mr. Presi
dent, to order my vote changed and re
corded for Charles W. Fulton."
A storm of applause from the Fulton
supporters greeted Farrar's announce
ment, which continued for several niin-
uUs, and Farrar looked well pleased
with himself and everybody. If his
peech was calcinated to start a
slide in the direction of the Senator
from Clatsop, however, it failed of its ef
fect. The Geer men, the Democrats
and the Multnomah men were apparent
ly unmoved, and nobody arose to follow
in the footsteps of the Senator from
Marion. There were no other unusual
features attendant upon today's ballot.
Gill, of Multnomah, voted for C. f. S.
Wood again, and the other Multnomah
men cast their customary boquets at
the feet of their respective favorites.
The vote follows :
Fulton . S3
Geer ;. ..16
Wood 17
Scattering 20
Gleaned by our Corps of Special Cor
respondents,- Social, Personal
and In'ustiial.
Mrs. Harford thinks our fair land
will yet be free from the course of In
temperance, as Prohibition is every
year gaining new territory.
A drug store where whiskey is sold,
regardless of the law, is a disgrace to the
druggist and the people who allow the
thing to exist, but a saloon in our little
town would be a calamity. Every man
who in any way would help to bring
such a shame upon us ought to blush to
look an honest man in the face.'
Mr. S. B. Carr, a pioneer of Scotts
Valley has sold his farm we venture to
The common council of' the city of ?7 th Pi"'"-the wutaty,
Mr. Carr will not leave us as he thinks
this part of the world good enough
The work of his farm was too much for
a man of his sge, and be has arned a
few years of leisure.'
Mrs. Helen D. Harford state President
without a dissenting vote as follows:
Mayor E. V. Hoover, cour.cilmon, C. W,
Parks, N. Rice, I. J. Norman, W. C
Hildebrand. Absent, H. Wollei.berg,
Geo. Kohlhagon, E. L. Bashford, J. C.
" Dlllsrd Notes. ,
The bridge being out will prevent Mr.
Gage's children from .attending school
the remainder of the term.
The river was out of its banks here,
running over the'dyko, across fields and
through yards. , A large piece of drift
caugiit the suspension foot-bridge and
carried it down, stripping all the plank
ing from tho' cables. The cables are
still left, however, one on each bank
hanging by one end.
Among the Dillard people who wen
to Ro. eburg to see Uncle Tom's Cabin
were: Misses Bar Howard, Millie How
ard and Mr. and Mrs. J.' E. Millcdiie
Messrs. Epgers, Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
II. E. Pickens, Mrs. H. H. Wardrip,
and Miss Millie Howard were held
in town from Saturday to Sunday even
ing waiting for trains.
Today neither of the water compa
nies are able to furnish water to their
patrons. This has been caused by the
high waters in the North and South
Umpqua rivers which has caused a vast
amount of damage and loss to each of
the systems. We hear many complaints
and the management of both the sys
tems are denounced by many unthought
ful men. Each of the managements are
doing the utmost in their power to sup-:
ply water and lights, and neither labor,
trouble or expense has been saved. To
laake a fight on the companies now that
they are in a crippled condition and do
ing the best they can to repair the dam
age done by the flood of w ater is not ex
actly according to Hoyle. We advise
our citizens to be patient, to speak kind
ly of Mr. Cochran's and Mr. Walker'
efforts to supply water, and to encour.
age them in the difficulties which they
havs to contend with. Don't knock but
give the glad hand. The sunshine of
1 optimism accomplishes much good while
the pessimism of those whose liver is
out of fix is a curse to themselves and to
the rest of mankind.
The Fulndralkb in times past has
tried to save the' tax payers from grafts
and steals of public money under vari
ous guisis said to be for the public
good, and in exposing such intended
steals has clashed against many pro
positions, but'if we put all of the torn
binations and conspiracies to rob the
people into one pile and weighed -the
acireeation in the scales against the
Portland steal they would be light
the balance. '
And this gigantic steal is in no way
to be regarded as a political party stea
for every democrat in the house
representatives as well as in the senate
voted for the graft ; and Portland's soap
liad been so well rubbed in, that not
single pop or democrat had gumption
enough to rat up and as a party meas
ure demand that the graft be referred
to the people according to the referen
dam amendment. II ever the dem
ocrats exposed theirars and sang the
soft melodious notes of the animule on
any subject they have done so in this
matter ; and as is well known to repub
licans, representative democrats always
make asses of themselves when they
have a chance to pose as patriots in
stead of proving that they are a lot
belly-busting swag gorgera.
To such an extent has this direct
robbery ef the taxes been carried, that
our legislature, not content with foisting
a system of exhorbitant taxation on the
living, but they propose to tax the dead
in order to allow Portland to plunder
the State treasury. They know that the
living will utter a cry of anguish at the
increased bondage of taxation but that
a corpse cannot utter a cry or make a
kick; and after taxing a man for all
that he is worth while living like a lot
of vultures the Multnomah Portland
boodlers propose to feat upon the car
cass of the dead.
The people of Oregon should awake to
the true inwardness of this gigantic
steal which has been imposed upon
the state by a non-partisan, non-politi"
cial vote and should remember that sach
outbursts of enthusiasm by all classes
of politicians to press npon the tax pay
ers such a burden of taxation proves
that every member of the jury turning
the teif confessed thief loose upon the
public that they had all eaten of the
flesh of the stolen ho;.
Roseburg, Douglas ccunty Oregon, in
sptcial session assemble 1 uuani mously
resolved as follows:
That the boundaries of the city of
Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, be
enlarged, and that the citv charter be
amended so as to conform w ith the fol
lowing description, to-wit:
Commencing at the southwest corner
of the Aaron Rose donation land claim
(being claim No. CO in tp No. 27 8, of
r jo. 6 west, and claim No. 39, in tp
No. 27 s, of r No. 6 west) ; thence along
the south boundary of the said claim to
I the se corner of claim No. 30, inVp No.
an " 26 8, of r No. 5 w ; thence nort lia'o lg tl e
east boundary of the said claim Mhe
sec line between sees 19 and 30 in tp No.
27 s, of r No. 5 west ; thence east on the
said sec line to the se corner of the Ter
race Park Addition to the City of Rose
burg ; thence north on the eatliue of
said Terrace Park Addition to the south
line of the Thomas Stephens donation
land claim (being claim No. 40 in tp
No. 27 s, of r No. 5 w) ; thence west on
the south line of the said claim to the
aw corner of the said claim No. 40;
thence north on the west line of the said
claim to the nw comer of te said claim
No. 40; thence in an easterly direction
along the county road to a point s. 1.23
degrees e. from the se corner of lot 18 in
New System Wanted.
ADsent u..L li kA v";nnn riot
Total 90 1 1 t,ie City of Roseburg, Oregon ; thence
along the east boundary of the said Kin-
tbb tots today. nPV'i Imi.roved Plat of the City of Rose-
(Thursdav) remains the same as ves-1 burn. Oregon, to the north line cf the
- - -i
There is a great large box-seat reserv
ed at the fop of the ladder of . fame for
the man who can. evolve a brand of
prosperity that will work both ways st
once. A system ot prosierity tuai
brings the farmer a big price for his
raw products, his raw beef, raw onions
raw potatoes, whole wheat and corn,
prunes and bops, but at the same
time compels the consumer in
the big manufacturing centers to pay
high figures for the products ready
for the cook is not a model of the
thing called prosperity. What we need
and need badly, is an economic scheme
that will wipe out the liabilities .f the
farmer, give him high prices for the
uroducts of his fields, and at the same
time guarantee to the consuming world
the fat of the farmer's toil at low down
Drices. The svstem of pwpwitT that
f m
boosts the prices of cattle, hogs, sheep,
Accompanied by my esteemed mother- j corn, wheet, potatoes, etc., from twenty
in-law, Mrs. Mary Wood, I took the five to fifty per cent, with a correspond
ivening train for Roseburg on the 21st I ing elevation in the selling value of the
inst. e reached that populous city I finished products and holJs the bcying
ai midnight and registered at Scothem j capacity of the consuming world down
Oregon's most popular hotel. Mrs. I to not more than ten per cent, of pros-
Wood went on Wednesday to the home ptrity is not an equal dispensation of
of her dauehter. Mrs. W. J. WatkLns. of I thine economic. We have seen it
Roseburg, where she will visit for some l demonstrated within the lost fe
time and I most comfortablvensomsed 1 months that what is needed is a system
st the McClalleo, awaiting a summons I that can cut cheap meat out of nigh
at the court house, w.rere I was held as I priced cattle and hogs and make chea
a witness in the case of J. D. HuU-hin-1 bread out of high priced corn and wheat
son vs Maurice Abraham. Amonz-t I W a need an economic revolution. We
of the w . C. T. U. delivered one of her
interesting, and instructive ltfctures st
the M. E. Church last Friday evening
Owing to a heavy rain the audience was
small, but those present enjoved the
treat. Mrs. Harford showed beyond the
snaaow oi a uouut tnat a saloon in our
town would help no one but the saloon
keeper. Those who care to investigate
can learn that - for every dollar license
money a town receives, the people have
to pay several dollars because of the
crimes for which the licensed saloon is
Ulendale News.
Farn and
List your
Property with Us
Office Opposite S. P. Depot
Timber amis
(Successor to W. L. Cobb, Mrs. (Boyu's old stand)
...Sole Agents for...
Extend a cordial
invitation to the
public and the
many friends of
the old firm to call
and examine their
new line of Staple
and Fancy Grocer
ies, Queens
ware, Etc. : : :
Bring Us Your
Butter, Chickens, Eggs.
terday, there being no change in the
Senatorial situation.
PruM Grower's Msetinr.
Saturday was a very important day
in the history of the prune business in
this district. A meet Ing was held in
the court room in this city, when the
representative prune growers decided to
free themselves from bondage or depen
dence upon the Speculative Prune buy
er, and to open up and operate for them
selves aa ap-to-daU "Packing Plant."
It is pioposed to organise at once, a cor
poration on the same lines as the Will
amette Valley Prune Association of
Salem, which has been la operation
several years and has from the very
first been a wonderful success. Mr. H.
S. Gile, secretary and manager of the
William T. Perry donation land claim
(being claim No. SS, in tp No. 27 s, of r
No. 5 west) thence west on the north
line of the said claim No. 33 to the nw
corner of the said claim No. S3 ; thence
w, to the west bounlary of the county
road : thence -along the west side
of the county road to" the north-west
corner ol lot No. 14, in block. No.
4. North Fark Addition to the City of
Roseburg ; th 'nee in a southeasterly
direction to the southwest corner cf the
said lot No. 14, thence west along the
north boundary of said North Tark
Addition to a point on the east line of
the Jeremiah Huntley donation claim
.being claim No. 56, in township No.
south, of range Ho. 6 westj directly west
of the northwest corner of the William
T. Perry donation claim ; thence south
along the east boundary of the Jeremiah
Huntlev donation land claim to a point
the hotel guests we -found ' many old
acquaintances from other parts of the
counts and state, vie: John Hall and
son, of Myrtle Creek, Mrs E. J. Galla-
want an epoch of miratles. e sigh
for the coming of some man or combina
tion of men who can guarantee high
I prices at one end and low prices at the
ghrI Portland, Mrs J. H. Grobbe, of other. An aggregation that can make
Wilbur, Mrs. Serena Adams of . Deer I cattle and hogs sell at prices correspond-
Crc k, and Hon. Willis Kramer and I ing with the cost of produeVon and at
wiie of Myrtle Creek, our astute legi-la- I the same tiae furnish consumers with
tor. was aiso'cal'ed to Roseburs as a Ichesstneat. is wbat is wanted. A sys-
Aseociation and Mr. L M. - Gilbert, a
prominent prmne grower of Salem, were I on the east bank of the South Umpqua
presentio offer encouragement and ad- river; thence by the meanders ol the
vice. Mr. Gilbert's words to the prune said river to the place of beginning,
growers of this district, should leave no And the common council of the city of
one in doubt as to the wisdom of asso- Roseburg, hereby respectfully petition
ciating himself with the movement, and request the II on. A.'. C. Marsters,
The Salem Association has already I state senator for Dougias county, to
' It is announced that Boston Corbett,
the man who was supposed to have sliot
and killed Joln Wilkes Booth in a burn
ing Virginia barn after the assaesi nation
of President Lincoln, has been sum
moned from Old Mexico to identify, if
possible, the remains of D. E. George,
. the man who committed suicide at Enid,
Okla., and announced just prier to his
death that he was John Wilkes Booth
It is also stated secret service men have
been eummoned from Washington, D
v., ior me same, purpose, ana the re
mains are being held in the morgue
pending identification. One thing of
interest connected with the alxjve is the
fact that Corbett is alleged to be a fugi
tive from justice, having escaped from
an asylum in Kansas. George E. Smith
who came from Colfax, la., left Enid for
home Monday without making any dis
position of the remains. He visited
both Enid and El Reno in looking into
the property interests left by the suicide.
Relative to George being Booth, Smith
stated he was in possession of no secrets
and knew only of George s own state
ment in that matter.
The American Navy should be pushed
until England, - France and Germany
combined would tremble at the fear of
war with the- United States. If the
boabardment of the Venezuelan forts
is not a menace of war to this country
we want some copper -head to tell us
what is meant by it.
Briefly stated : Fendal Satherlin was
a mier and buried 10,000 in his gar
den. Before he died he took" his daugh
ter Kate into the garden and showed
her where he had buried the money and
told her the amount and also that he
presented it to her for her own use.
After the man's death his daughter dug
up over f 9,000. The administrator, F.
B. Waite as administrator, brought suit
in the district court to recover the
money to the estate and Judge Hamilton-so
ordered giving as his reason that
the money was not delivered.
Nobody but the daughter, Mrs. Kate
Gribb knew about the money being
buried and she gave in the case informa
tion to the administrator. The money
not being in the actual possession of her
father at the time could not have been
delivered by him and the whole business
partakes of the nature of a quit claim
and it does seem to the Plaikds&lsb
that if there is any justice, and law is
not always justice, that the Suprrme
court will award the money to her even
though it has to revers eitself . A case
cited in a previous decision. ' ,
earned a reputation for their fancy
"Pheasant Brand" prunes that is worth
a fabulous sum to then. Their goods
are known the world over and are asked
for because the standard of quality is
always high and always uniform, be
cause of this they are able to get the
highest market price for ail their goods,
many of-their 30-19 prunes have been
sold this year at 6 cents in 251b boxes
and some for even more, and all their
goods are sold f. o. b. the cars at their
own warehouse door. The safent busi
ness methods are adopted and that 130
cars of prunes have been sold and do-1
livered this season without - a dissatis
fied enstoroer speaks volumes for their
Dougias county produces as good prunes
as any other portion of the state and
heee gentlemen from Salem emphatically
state that an Association can be formed
here that may start off npon a career of
eucceen from the very beginning, and to
that end they will co-operate with this
organisation They affirm that it is as
mack to their interest that a successful
association be formed here as it is to
the grower of this community, if the
growers lose control of their product in
this district they immediately feel the
influence of It npon the markets where
they have to sell their goods.
Senator H. C. Hanebroogh has been
re-elected U. 8. Senator from N. I).
He is a brother of our Representative
A Moslcsl Treat.
What sin has the Plaixdem.ik com
mitted that it should be forced to take
out of the postoffice fourteen copies o
the Congressional Record in one day?
Our transgressions may require a little
nanre and we think that to take out
more than one copy a day is an unmer
ciful sentence even by justice.
The Venezuelan gunners were better
marksman than the Sourkrouters for
they laid the Fanther up for repairs.
The celebrated De Moss family, the
famous musical entertainers of America,
who are now making their thirty-first an
nual tour, have just made arrangements
to appear at the Opera House In this
city .on Wednesday evening, Feb. 11,
and reader their program of vocal and
instrumental selections. A great num
ber of the older residents of DougUs
county have heard this celebrated family
on some of their former tours, tut the portion of the city.
introduced a bill in the Oregon state
legislature at its present session, to a
mend said city charter to conform as
aforesaid, and to use every honorable
means to have the same passod during
the- present session.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed by the mayor and council
men present.1
State of Oreeon, 1
County of Douglas, ss
City of Koseburg, J
I, D. S. Wect. recorder of the city of
Roseburg. hereby certify the foregoing
resolution and petition was duly adopt ed
by the common council of the city of
Roseburg, Oregon, in special session
held on the 27th day oi January, 1903,
and that the foregoing is the same rcs
t'ution and petition introduced and
adopted by the said common council of
the city of Roseburg.
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this 37th
day of January, 1903. ' '
D. S. Wst,
City Recorder.
There being no further business the
meeting then adjourned.
Since the council has finally resolved
to take action on s matter so long un
der discussion .it seems somewhat un
fortunate that the propol new bound
ary or incoi porate limits were not ex
tended so ss to include West Roseburg
also, which has become a populous
suburb and one not likely to incur much
expense to the city owning to its favor
able and sightly location. e are not'
appraised as to . the sentiments of the
citizens of that part pf town on this
matter, but it is not likely that it would
meet with any more opposition from'
that source than from any other part of
The result of the 1900 census in which
Roseburg with its 3000 enterprising and
progressive citizens in given a popula
tions rating of but 1690 owing to its very
limited corporation bounds should tend
to awaken our citizens to the importance
of extending th city's boundary to in
clude tho residence as well as business
The growth, im-
witness, and we met Him the same gen
lal gentleman ol lormcr years, end our
respect for his fitness for the high posi
i on he holds in the legislature halls of
our state was only equalled by our ad
miration for bis judgment and good
taste in his selection of his life cvmpan
ion, who is a lady of rare intelligence
We acknowledge from cherished old
time friends most cordial invitations to
their homes which our brief stav rej-
dered impossible for us to accept. Our
duties to our Glendale patrons compell
ed our speedy return. However, we
thank you all, and shall make it possi
ble to accept your hospital ity at some
future time. As we walked about the
city, we gazed on familiar surroundings,
the hills and vales, the sturdy oaks. th?
limpid waters of Deer creek, called back
to as the dear ones of long sgo. We seen
again the city as an oak grove with only
three log honses, and the little store
of Sol Abraham, where we were sent by
our parents to purchase the usual boqse
hold articles that cost a sum that seems
fabulous todsy. Later, we remember
scenes in the Indian war which was so
ureal and indistinct to us. We saw
again the signal fires of the warriors
on the hill tops tnat pleased our child
ish fancy.. Also how terribly were those
scenes to our dear parents and other
pioneers, and the thought occurred to
us, how very tardy our government, has
been in adjusting the claims of their ex
penses and losses, while only God knew
there trials sod heartaches, disappoint
ed and a'weary. "The majority of the
brave old pioneers have crossed the silent
river. As I gazed about me on such
evidences of prosperity and beauty, I
dropped a tear to their m:n ries that
is.enshrined in so many hearts. Verily
yon shall have your reward in the treas
ure laid up. A4 I gascd upon the nat
ural beauties of Edcnbower, ths words
of the poet filled my heart, as I uttered
"Gone are the friends of my chilihood,
Gone are the playmates of youth ; -
Hudhed are the notes in ths nildwood,
And the deep voice of nature is mute."
tern that can cut ten cwt sirloin steak
out of seven cent cattle is what an army
of wise old journalists in ths country
are clamering for. V e have had a year
of hi-h-priced cattle, coupled with
high price beef, and the journalistic
pains under the be'.t have been
something awful to contemplate.
t Chickens are chk-kct.a these days, the
PtUluraa hatches thf in. . If interested
see Churchili aai Walloy.
Buy your Watches
and Clocks at
Buy your Jeweley
and Silverware at
Music Lovers
improvement made by them in the last
few years is so great that they are justly
entitled to the title bestowed upon them
In recognition of their efficient work at
Chicago World's Fair that of "Lyric
Bards of America. Reserved seats will
be on sale at B. W. Strong's on Satur
day, Feb. 7, to accomodate those who
wish to secure their seat in advance, as
these verasastile musicians have been
greeted with crowded houses at all of
their engagements on this tour.
portance and advancement of the city in
the past few years, and which will be far
greater in the coming years, renders thh
action on the part of the city council
aln ost imperative.
Novelty Box Sbclel.
The ladles of Lilae Circle
Women of Woodcraft, will give
ty box social at the Odd
Monday evening, Feb.
Ho. 49,
a novel'
Fellows' Hall,
3. Everybody
Probate Conrt Orders.
In the matter of the estate of Elector
L. McClallcn deceased, it has been or
dered that H. T. McClallon be appointed
administrator of the estate, which con
sists cf real and personal property to
the probable amount of $1,500, upon the
filing of bonds in the sum of five thous
and dollars as required by law. It mas
further ordered that G. W. Dimmick,
lea Rice snd C. W. Parks be appointed
appraisers of said, estate.
invited to attend, ladies to bring boxes'
Prises will be given for the first, second
and third most artistic and unique de
signs in boxes, Toung girls' boxes wi;i
bo announced and sold separately
Boxes received after 4 o'clock, and sold
at 9. Come and have a good time.
Sunday at the Methodist Church.
Ths pastor Geo. II. Bennett wil occupy
the pulpit morning and evening. The
subject of tho morning sermon will bo,
"Fair-Weather Souls," In the evening
the thenio will be, "Suffering in God's
World." All aro invited to theso services.
Normal Notes.
Robert and Bessie Hatfield,
Dalrymple, Fannie Colvin and
Hefty visited the school recently.
The high water last Saturday pre
vented the T. W. C. A. from giving
their entertainment at the College
Chapel. The program will be given as
advertised on Saturday, Jan. 31st.
A much needed drill in Parliamen
tary practice will be given the members
of the Zamzamian Literary Society.
Pres. Wilfred Brown has appointed
Prof. A. N. Orcutt to take charge of an
introductory drill In this work.
The record of attendance has shown a
steady increase since September and tl s
mid winter term opens with a full en
rollment. Among the new students are
Geo. Neuner, W. McLaughlin Fau!
Johnson, Ben Huntington and Mrs. Ja
cob Johns.
The students at the boarding hall had
a good time last Saturday evening in
spite of the flood. Mrs. Bond of Cot
tage Grovo, the gtient of Mr. and Mrs.
0. C. Brown recited several selections
which wore much appreciated as well as
the Indian club performance by Trof.
Light Grade Examination.
Eighth grade final examinations will
bo ht-kl on Jan. 28, 2, and 30; April 8,
9, and 10 ; May 20, 21, and 22 ; and June
17, 18, and 19. All toucher having
classes for tho January examination
please notify me at once naming the
pupils and certifying they have finished
the work of the 8th grade, and are in
your opinion prepared to take the Jtinal
examination. F. 11. Hamlin, .
County Supt. ,
Music lovers will have a rare enter
tainment by simply calling at Burr's
Popular Music H iase anl inspecting
our splendid array of mot-Lai instru
ments. Our display oi pianos are sim
ply mafuiaoient. Here are found the
world renowned Chickerir.g, the won
derful toned Kimball, the many toned
Crown Orehestrical and. the beautiful
toned colonial style Motor. , We have
others like the Si.iger, Kinbury and
Needham.' Then here is our mammoth
stock cf small goods, such as S. S.
Stewart and Washburn mandolins, gni-
tars. bar.ios. Our immense line oi vio
lins range in price from 12.50 to t-W.
We ars sole agent for the Columbia
graphaphone and supply. Remember
we are running no concert hall with 0
cents admisMon, but our doors are al
ways open to the public
Wool Wanted.
Scaled bids to furnish 131 tiers of oak,
and 20 tiers of old fir, 20 inch wood to be
delivered at tlw school honse in Rtso
burg on or before Oct. 1st, 1903. Will
be received by the under-signed until
12 o'clock noon, of Jan. 20th, 1903.
A bond conditional to the faithful per
formance of the contract to furnish said
wood must accompany each bid.
The loard reserves the right to reject
all bid. By order boarJ of directors,
Diet. No. 4. Rosehur Ore., Jan. 10,
1903 Claba Dillabd, Clerk.
$ We want to inform oar people that we have the S
best line of Furnitur and Rues we have ever shown S
for yon to select from.
Oar Children's department has many useful
articles for the little folks, among them being
Boy's Express Wagon.
Doll Carriages and Doll Go Carts.
Rocking Horses and Shoo Fly s.
Rockers and Chairs.
Bureaus and Sideboards.
Red Tables and many other articles that
we haven't room to mention.
Little Ranch fir Sale.
' A good little home for sale ; 1? acres
adjoining fair grounds, I if east of
Roseburg. Good buildings, 150 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cultiva
tion. Price 1225. For particulars in
quire at Milikin's shoe store, Koeeburj
. altf
Administrator's Notice.
Not'r In berphy R'vrn tht th nnittT'lin.!
tins tr ihc Oonnt Ctmrl. ol Dpi; ro-in-ly
hut of Ornnn, duly anytime1!
tm'orot Uie e'le ol iwrlt M-.Clallvn. do
Ail ya-iwion hutoi rllm ''t idtto
ro hrrei y ivqulrci ! imw I th wini duly
Trillrl. to th UDit'ifliMil l R.setnr. Pom
1 count'. Stttr t Orriron wiil.ta (ix months
frm ih dte ol this not tar.
Ixtvi i Ki bmg, Oregon 1M 24thdyol
January. 19t3.
Aditilnl-tra'nr ot Hie mints oltiocln, Mc
Clallrn, drevawd.
Host Delightful Way to
Cross the Continent.
A Day ia the City cf the Saints
A Mountain-walled Track Through Col
orado, and the Grandest Scenery
on tho American Continent
Toixilar IVrsunally Conducted Tourist
Excursions to all Eastern Points.
Fr tn'ormatioa ( 10 rales, and ll!atrated
t9jkltU, a.ddrcm ' . - - -
; , y; c: ncBRIDE,
124 Third Street.' ' PORTLAND, ODE
For Holidaj Presents
I-hive no famous bargains to pan off old
stock aud out-of-dAtc poods, I simply give
you houet goods at fair prices, and mark
th'cm iu plain figures. Call and inspect toy
goods aud puces before purchasing elsewhere. -
3 Oregon. J. i. Kryan
:xfi,i to ant-, tincv i
ti'.a rtiot.M.
tea' ion to a
l i v i.r !! hr Da rrcuuK-i
ai.rry an-t a l rii voar al-
Style lp-!o-D:
Thy uulivuluaKo a picture and j l ico it in a cUs br it
selfsin artistioclass tint has ot;!y to W skxn to bo ap-ITi-ciatiil.
Tlnir i'ilarity is inorvatn; taeause it is
baivd on ju.i'ity :: :; .- ..
We Are Always C!3l U Welcome Visiters to Oar Stsils
. HARDWARE . . '.
? J? I V. . J ?"llny Vew I1'" t'-t I hav taken op mr onartm
r-l t 7" bnddiiu on Jackson strwt, next door to iba Well.
. " hxI,rtol!'' clianiro Ivias mad. nm.irrl secure
n to cd.ninuxlate i.v ctuiu:,r;v Incrvasiix stock. In connection
...... (,mui mm m n.iri:ire, J wal
a;so carry a biva stock i
farm Implements, Wayscs. B:;;!cs, Slacks, tie