The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 29, 1903, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
ob Printing
Iq busy seasons brings J
yon yoor share of trade;
Is a Teryimporlaijt factcr ia
business. Poor Lr:ctiD? re
. advertising 10 daw sea- X
- i w
flects no credit on a good
business Let ns do yonr Job
Printing we guarantee it to be in
every way satisfactory.
sons orinps yoa your snare, ana aiso
af- f-
tbal of the merchant who "can't
frd" to advertise.
Published on Mondays and Thursdays
Established 1868.
No. 6
'IT .. f : Ik. .
5 J-
1 -
1 13
hipt k w 4Tr"rA
Services Will . id in
Northern Pacific
Washington, Jan. 27. The funeral
iartv which accompanied the body of
the late Representative Tougue to Hills
boro reached Washington yesterday.
Arrangements will be made in a few
days for holding memorial services in
the House in honor of Mr. Tongue. It
is expected that the exercises will be
held ime Sunday in February, accord
ing to the new policy of the House.
Representative Moody, Chairman Bur
ton and other members of the rivers
and harbois "committee, and of the
committee on irrigation, will deliver ad
dresses. Washington, Jan. 27. Land Commis
sioner Hermann said today that he will
go home as soon as he is relieved from
his duties here. He said also that he
has not seriously considered beiug a
candidate for Congress in the First Dis
trict to succeed Mr. Tongue.-'
Northern Pacific Land Grant.
The United States Supreme Court on
Monday, rendered through Justice Har
lan an opinion affectinj the Northern
ro.i.nt Vice
Douglas County Bank,
Established I883. . Incorporatert 1901
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
r. w. bexsox. a. a. booth j. h. h joth. j. t
?.K seneral banking bnsir.ess tranacted, and customers given every
accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking.
2 Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three.
Bring Us Your ...
I Drain Gardiner
Commencing with Monday, January 20. '02, we will charge f 7.50 for
thefare from Drir.t) C)3 Biy. Baggage allowance with each full fare
50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they
have 3J0 poundi or more. All excess baggage, 3 eta. per pound, and no al
lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE.
tor farther information address
$ J. R. Sawyers, .
Js ' ' Proprietor, Drain, Oregon
O woman can
she hands
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in
fresh Groceries,
when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. i8i,
for gord goods and good service.
- -AND-
Take the Roseburg, Marshfield btage
EpringHack leaves Roseburg Every Morning at 6 o'clock.
House - Hermann's Plans
Land Crant.
Pacific laud grant. The case was that
of Peter and Henry Nelson, who located
upon unsurveycd land within the
Northern Pacific grant in the then Ter
ritory of Washington in 18S1. This was
after the railroad company had filed its
general map showing that its projosed
line, but before it had filed its map of
definite location. In the opinion hand
ed down today it was held that the title
of the settlers was better than that of
the railroad company, and that until
the definite map was filed Congress had
contro of the lands w ithin the grant regardless-of
the general map.
In a dissenting opinion Justice Brewer
said the opinion, reserves the judgement
of the court of 20 years ago, by w hich
the Interior Department had ever since
been controlled in dealing with disputes
between the railroad company and set
tlers like the Nelsons.
Seattle is a tough proposition but
the toughest part of the neck steak is
the fact that the Japanese have organiz
ed a band of murderes and many
of the mysterious offenses, it is 6aid.
has been traced directly to the band.
President. l.snier
afford to iznore her shoes unless
in hef resignation to polite society.
Her-ehoes determine her walk, her walk determines
her style, her carriage, her posture, her whole"
attitude and Ifesring as she moves about.
A ladies' shoe should be light in weight and rery
flexible to the foot to enable her to walk in an easy,
graceful manner. This is the especial charm that
makes Queen Quality shoes so popular.
They are trim and neat in shape as so many other
shoes are, out they go farther than this, farther than
any shoe, in actually creating an elastic, graceful
good cooking, is to have good
and to get them promptly
1 1 SIS
LiVerj, Feed and Sale fables
C. P. Babnabo, Prop.
Saddle Horses, Single and
Double Rig at a I hours
Transient Stock gvea
very bes n1 ca-e
Rates always reasonable
r,jno for all points on Coos Bay. Good
Extent of the Arid Lands, to be
Washington, D. C, Jan. 29, 1903.
Special to tbe Plaindkauib.
The acceptance by Congress of the
principal of federal aid in the construe
tion of irrigation works in the " western
states has given a great.impetus to every
industry in that section of the country.
The people of the eastern states are just
beginning to realize the opportunties of
fered in the territory to be opened up.
As the proposition develop, a tide of
immigration will inevitably set in and
this region will become one of the most
populous and prosperous in the country.
With large areas of reclaimable land
and plenty of available water, Oregon
especially will be benefited by the
The actual work of surreying, locating
and constructing reeerroira and other
iirigation works will be done by the
Geological Surrey. In order to obtain
a better understanding of the present
extent of irrigation, the location of tbe
areas irrigated, and to gain other in
formation usetul in this work, the Fifty-
seventh Congress authorized the Direct
or of the Census to bring down to date
the irrigation statistic obtained in 1900
by that office. Letters of inquiry and
schedules are now being sent out t
secure the necessary Information. All
interested in irrigation shooJd.answer as
fully and as promptly as possible any
inquires they may .receive so that the
merits of the various sections of the
country mar become known. Irrigators
who do not receive blanks within a
reasonable time should notify tbe Cen
sus Office st Washington and they will
be supplied.
It is interesting to note in this con
nection bow much it will mean to the
country at large to have tbe arid lands
of the West reclaimed. '
According to tbe census of 1900 the
total improved farm area of tbe United
States was 114,860,000 acres. It is con
servatively estimated that the reclaim
able area is not lees than 50,000,000
acres. 1 ts reclamation, therefore, will
aad nearly one-eight to tbe actual crop
producing area of the country and will
exceed by a liberal margin tbe tillable
land of all tbe states, excepting New
York, on the Atlantic Coast from Maine
to Ilordia. Allowing 40 acres, the
average size of irrigated farm, this area
will make 1,250,000 farms or a little lest
than one-fourth tbe number in the
United States in 1900. Tbe occupants
of these farms will add directly to tbe
population 6,250,000,' and indrectly, in
the accompanying mercantile profes
sional, manufacturing and industrial
classes at least S,125,000 more, a total
increase in the population of the United
States of 9,375,000, or nearly twelve and
one-half per cent.
Tbe total value of all tbe farms in 1900
including all improvements except
buildings, was 113,115,000,000. At 42.
50 per acre, the average value of ir
rigated land, tbe 50,000,000 acres to be
reclaimed will add to tbe value of farm
land $1,250,000,000. If buildings are
included, tbe value will be increased
775,000,000, while tbe augmented
wealth through railroads, cities, mills
and factories, is beyond estimation.
The annual value of all the farm pro
ducts in 1900 was 14,379,000,000. Tbe
average value per acre f products of ir
rigated lands was $14.82. At this rate
the area to be reclaimed will add pro
ducts worth (740,500,000 an addition'of
nearly one-sixth of the life sustaining
powers of the country.
The number of irrigating ditches and
canals in operation in tbe United States
exceeds 20,000, and their combined
length is not less that 50,000 miles. If
joined end to end they would reach
twice around the world. Formed into
one they would constitute a navigable
canal, such as tbe Erie, thirty feet wide
and five feet deep, extending from San
Francisco to New York, a distance of
over 3,000 miles.
The figures of the last census show
that the works required to irrigate 7.2G3,
203 acres cost $64,289,601, an average of
iS.85 per acre. At this rate the expendi
ture reqnired to required to reclaim the
area proposed would be at least (450,
000,000. After tbe Government has per
formed its part there will be no delay by
the farmers in carrying on tbe work.
While the initial expense ia enormous,
it is not comparable . with the value of
the crops which will be grown on the
lands reclaimed. The total cost of all
the irrigation works in use in the coun
try is only three-fourths the value of
the crops produced each year on irriga
tion lands.
Stock That Pays.'
Thirty years ago a Canadian farmer
invested in a good bnt not fashionably
bred Shorthorn cow. He bred her and
her descendants to good bulls. This
year he sold his herd, all bred by him-
elf except the herd bull and all de
scended from the original cow. They
numbered 60 head and brooght, excla
sive of the. bull, (10,145. No doubt this
herd had more than paid its way ever
since it was founded, otherwise the
breeder would not have kept it up. It
would be interesting to know what the
old cow brought this breeder, but cer
tainly she proved a good investment.
Another example of success from an
humble beginning. . A man does not
need to be wealthy to make a start in
breeding live stock. If he has the abil
ity and is willing to give the business
the attention it requires he can build np
a good herd that will some day make
him independent. National Stockman
and Farmer.
Former Secretary of State, W. R.
Day, baa been tendered by rresideni rrontabie business but party must re
Roosevelt the armointment of Assoriatn ' tire on account of ill benlth. Price
Justice of tbe United States Supreme
court and accepted the same.
Lieutenant Governor Tillman, Cowardly,- Cold Blooded
Murderer of Editor Gonzales, Resigns. '
The Coast Mail of Marshtield is op
posed to the (500,000 Portland steal. In
a recent issue it says '
"Owning to their situtation, Coos and
Curry counties are practically out of it,
compared with the rest of the ntate so
far as reaping proportionate benefits
from the fair are concerned, and to afck
this county to contribute ! 10.000 seems
somewhat out of reason.
However, if the powers that 1e ci u
find no way of ignoring the referendum
provision of the constitution the jhm. It-
will have a chance to vote on w hatever
appropriation be made, and if it carry
by popular vote we will simply have to
stand it."
Let every paper in Oregon believing
in the pure principles of republicanism
or democracy join hands in urging the
referendum to settle the is-me. The
graft has been made a a nmi political
steal and as citiieus and not jtoliticiaus we
should demand that the voice of the
people be beard and not stifled by the
dough thrust down the unwilling throats
of our public servants.
Portland financiers and boodlers on
Sundav caused several la)r and social
istic meetings to endorse the Ix-wis and
Public School Building Destroyed
Fire on Last Saturday
The public school building , at Jack
sonville, a large frame two story struc
ture, was entirely destroyed by fire at
an early hour, Saturday morning, in
volving a total loss of (3,000, upon
which there is held an insurance -f
(3,000, or covering no more' thau half
the direct loss.
The fire was discover! first at Z:'.V
o'clock and burst out in great flames
from tbe lower and central part of the
building and soon enveloped the whole
Structure, which burned very rapidly,
and no efforts to stay the prrvgrrss of the
Are fiend could avail, tbe building being
in ashes in a remarkablv short time.
There bad been no fires in the build-
int since Friday, when it had been oc
cupied as usual in the regular school
work. Saturday some carpenter work
was done ia tbe building bat no fire was
Tbe public school building was a large
frame two story structure and occupied
a rightly location in the southeastern
part of town. Tbe main part of the
building was quite old, having been
built about 45 years ago, but it was kept
in good repair and w as well preserved,
A wing was added to the main building
in later years.
The lose proves to 1 very di.-Mlrou
to the people of Jacksonville an I t t lie
patrons of the school as it is in the mid
dle of the school year, and other build
ings in the town in w i.ich cfKns of
tbe school can be held are ratlu r scarce,
and the season of the year renders ii
next to impossible to wenre supplies for
tbe construction of a new building.
Trial for Treason.
The Lord Chief Justice of England
after a trial by jury who found Colonel
Lynch guilty of high treason has sen
tenced him to suffer t.'ie death penalty.
The sentence will, undoubtedly, be com
muted to a jail sentence by King Kd
ward. Tbe offence charged against Col-
Lynch is treason in fighting agaiiift the
British forces while tie was a Pritich
subject. Lynch was born in ' Australia.
While in that enlightened colony he had
been continually in tumults and bis
hatred of England led him, after war
had been proclaimed in South Africa, to
go there and join the Boer forces. This
is considered treason by any country.
But he did not stop' at this but forced
others, among whom was an American
citizen, to fight againnt the P.riti:di army.
When the war was nearly at a close
Colonel Lynch was elected to a seat in
the British house of commons by admir
ing friends in Ireland and he went to
England to take his seat in Parliament
as a British subject, was arret ted and
brought to trial. The British govern
ment would never have troubled him
had he not added insult to injury and
insolence to crime. The country had to
protect its own honor; and in Colonel
Lyncn s actions we nave the case ol a
man ignorant of .the finer lnHtinct
which make up true muuhood and citi
zenship, wlio- was determined as an
Irishman to tw iet the lion's tail as a
Eoer, until tbe animal sued for peace.
In other words the fool ventured to do
that which a powerful nation w hotild
have been afraid to 'undertake. The
only redeeming trait about the man is
the size of bis gall.
Notice of Stock Hold ;rs Meeting.
The annual meeting of the louglits
Jounty Agricultural Association will be
held at V. C. London's office in Rose
burg, on Monday Feb. 2nd 190.1, at
o'clock p. n. for the purpose of electing
seven directors for the ensuing year and
ransacting any other business that may
come before the meeting.
F. A. MiCall, Sec.
A Business Opening.
A nice little business at Myrtie Creek
known as the Candy Kitchen, including
confectionery, bakery an.t notions.
1 reasonable. Apply to Knte M. Cameron
Myrtle Creek, Oregon. (F12)
$509,000 STEAL
Clarke steal and to vote against the re
ferendum proposition. Boodle among
the headers ef such organizations, too
often i-teal away the liberty of the jeo
ple and make dupes of the honest mem
bers of such organizations.
"Tbe uniouized Workingnien of Ore
gon are in favor of the Lewis and Clark
Kx position, and opposed to invoking tho
referendum on the law, and most of the
ret of lite people agrre with them. The
enterprise should not now be delareri
by a ;-opular votebut if it is. the law
will be sustained by an overwhelming
maj- hty. Portland Telegram.
- ,5i-nnion meeting of laboring men
in the state has been held outside of
Portland and even there the boodlers
bad to get in their work to help along
the steal.
Tillman Resigns
Columbia, south Carolina, Jn. 27.
Lieutenant Govenor Tillman, the mur
derer of Kdi tor (ion talc, has tendered
his resignation to the outh Carolina
legislature, which was formally accept
ed and his successor will oon be named
and Tillman was just ready to euter on
a second term w hen he tendered hi
He Will Be Chosen Senator From
Washington Before the End
of the Week.
Olvsima, Wacb., Jan. 27. Harold
Preston bas been notified . by memlers
of his own delegation, King county, that
they will not stay out of a senatorial
caucus longer than Katnrday night, and
have asked to be relieved sooner. All
sides are conceding the election of Levi
Ankeny by the close of the preseut
wet k.
Doings in the Legislature.
Rocst aornvx.
Salim, Or., Jan. 27. Speaker Harri
called the House to order at 10 o'clock.
Prayer was rvffered by F.ev. W. R. Win
ans, of Salem.
A communication was received from
the Senate that Hone bill 77, to author
ize the County Court of Linn to erfal
lieb a free ferry ; House bi'l 144, to !. -corporate
Adams, and the Senate bills
relating to amending section 1SU1 of the
criminal code, regarding the running of j
stock at large, regulatiug the number of;
teaching months allows! echool dut-j
trkts, relating to Sniiday closing, and
al.o Hone bills to incorporate Lexing-j
ton, the Senate joint memorial in regard
to the direct election of United States
Senators, and tbe House concurrent res
olution (.roviding for a joint committee
to examine icto the state water and
mipply and lighting, had passed the
The biil to inccrporat' the town of
Myrtle Crwk has lieen r p -rte-1 on fa
vorably by the committee on cities and
Siaker Harris announce.! that he
had signed House bill Xo. 1. The Lewis
and Clark hi!!.
Kramer's bill, defining bribery and
fixing the penalty, was taken up, but
re-referred to the judiciary committee.
Phelps' House bill Xo. 80, to chrnge
the beginning of the term of Road Su
icrvisors from June to January, was
Phelps' bill to regulate the salary of
Pistrict Attorneys and their deputies,
the only change being in the sixth dis
trict, passed.
Riddle's bill relating to insurance
companies establishing ageuries, an
amendment to tbe pre-ent law was also
Senate joint resolution, providing for
a change of election from June to Xo-
vember was reported unfavorably by
the committee on resolutions on the
grounds of constitutionality, and was
on motion of Phelps, male a special or
der of business for Wednesdav afternoon
at 2 ocl.xk.
Senate joint memorial .calling upon
Congress to call a convention that
United States Senators might be elected
by direct vote was adopted, (fault and
Jones of Multnomah, voting no.
Sale, Or.,
Jan. 27. Oovernor
Chamberlain signed the bill giving the
i. ity oi I'oriiami permission to levy a
tax of )i mills for a fire boat at 4:10
o'clock yesterday afternoon, almost im
mediately upon its receipt from the
Legislature, thus making it a law.
The Governor also signed the
creating an irreducible school fund
Douglas county.
The fine steel bridge over the Wil
lamette river at Albanv lost two
spans by the "high water on Sunday
morning. The river rose 31.5 feet in a
few hours.
Ashland has ' recently licensed
saloons which pay a city license of (H00
per year. A high license and what w e
think to be a high license is a city tax"
of from (2,000 to (),000 per year would
do more to promote temiieranee and
good citizenship than all measures now
talked about.
One million five hundred thousand
converts have been made by the Metho
dist Episcopal church during the four
years of the twentieth century tliiink
offering movement. This is the spirit
ual accomplishment to be placed in
church annals alongside of the (2,000 ,-
, 000 for benevolences ruised
throuL'h the
j same movement
Justice .Writes a Letter Citing the
Good He Has Done.
Among the people w ho have dug the
stumps and broken the sod of Oregon
there is no name which i--sjioken w ith
more heartfelt regard than that of Rin
ger Hermann, says a correspondent to
the Eugene Register. During all hi
long service as congressman from thin
state he was fought by u certain cla- of
the politicians w ho, year after year, give
out a thouiMiid good and snnVu-tit po
litical reasons for his retirement and
after each lection found themselves
buried in the ruins of their elu. orate
plaiiH, liecause, all the time, the
great warm heart of the peopie
refused to forget, that, daring the
year when the world presn-d down the
hardest iijmiii them, when they were in
the bitterest of that tremendous ftrtig
gle which every n-w ttate is c '-ied to
pa,s through ; the stri;!e to sublue
ami direct the powers of nature into
channels where thoce tremendous force
shall minii-fer to the welfare of mankind ;
Binger Hermann was never found want
ing w henever called upon, by even the
humblest or xreft of them, for any
af-ii-tance which was in his "power.
He wa? of the eop!e more thoroughly
than any man that hrs ever walked the
floors of coigrr The Wst interests of
the state which he io well represented,
were always appealing to him and Li
heart wa always o-en to bear the de
sires and to relieve, if r-ible. the needs
of the people of Oregon, .in the heart
breaking strnggle to win for themselves,
anl lor tbeir cbiMren, home ; a strug
gle in which he has fought with them,
ide by ide, and every hardship of
which he knew so well. Oregon hae
reason to 1 verv proud of .that lit f
names which repre?nts her record in
the affairs of the nation; In the lit of
recent one-, Io!ph, Mitchell, Hermann,
Moody and Tongue he lo-- nothing of
the glory which she had won through
thoe who had preceded . them.
Amongst them all no name call up a
warmer feeling of heartfelt gratitude
and affection in the breast of tho-e who
are building homes uprn the moantalns
and in the valleys of our Ute, than
that of Dinger Hem;ann. While in
congress, tho measures which would
make for the be-t interest" of the farm
er and working men, the expire buil'l
ers r-f the state were firrt in bis atten
tion.' In the Ver.era! Land of5ie he hst
taken that mi-crabi jnmb'e tal'ei
"land law Which never did ar.d never
can Et snch s ronntry a this U. ard
knowing the necessities and mssf'-rtunc-s
of the people of the state, has tried t"
administer them with therommon sene
idea ol giving to the poor an 1 strr.g
gjtcg f.-raaers of Oregon. t;i sai;;e ad
vantages that were obtained by tl.e
great railroad which has, r.nder the
same ruling, been abie to o'tain alo-
lute ies:on of over a half a million
acre or the cboi--t limber 1jtv?s ol tbe
tate, and winch is now saiJ to be oe-
ma:-ding that every law by which a xr
man can get a pirn' of land shall be re
pealed and thus doable or treb!e thCjVil
ue of tl e timber whicn it lias thus de
tained. Orog"n nee.! Cinder Hermann
in congress now. If the pe-p!e of the
state can have a chance to expre-s their
lefires in the matter he will go there.
Drain News.
Fred Sandeis of l;oelnirj. was a Drain
vif itor the first of the week.
Mr. tieo. Xeu.ier, of Dy Crwk, ar
rived lat Fiidav to enter tbe XvrmaS.
Mr. F.laiu Wi!sn who bus It-en si-fc
for the psst months iii much worse at
present w riling.
Miss Leona Mathews who has been
attending the Normal, leit Monday for
her home on North Deer Crevk. :- t
Milton St John i? in town n.arn, from
Mrs Inla Bradley Roud, of C:t.ije
t J rove, came over on- Saiurhiv loosi
returning Sunday.
The Y. M. C. A. entertainment, whi.
was announced for hi.-t Saturday night
was postponed on account -f the l.iii
water , until Jan. ol. ,
Mr. Robert Hatfield aud sister, Mi
Bessie, of Dixonvilie, were the guests tf
heir cousin, Mus Kadie Hatfield, fiem
Friday till Monday.
Mr. Kal to Drain, who bas been at
tending the Portland Business College
came home Sunday .juite sick,
Rallo has a case of blood poison caused
bv vaccination.
The high water caused considerable
damae to fences and sidewalks in tlie
southern jmrt of town. The approach
of the bridge leading to the Xoruitft was
slightly damaged, so that it is unsafe
for the crossing of teams.
The stage between Drain and F.lktmi
is laid off this week owning to the
damage done to the road and bridges
bv the high water. In the meantime
the mail is leing carried on horseback.
An epidemic of distemper is kiilii (j
many horses around .McMiiiuville.
Smelt which are smelt are so plentiful
in Portland that they sell at 2'seent per
Hops are hops these days and choice
Oregon bops are selliti): in Now York at
32 cents per pound.
Grants 1'asn hasuno.her mining bo
nani.i. .This time it is cold bearing
quart, of hich grade in sight of tow n.
Then should be a strict quarantine
enforced against San Francisc.) as tbe
bubonic plague is epidemic there. IV
causo it is a city and a seaport that is
no reason why the diseao 'should be al
lowed ti5 spread nil over the United
: States.
Proposes to 'Abolish Boards
. tutionsFuIton
Saikm, Or, Jan.- 27. Senator Kny
keiidall, of Lane, introduced in the
Senate this morning two tr.ea-uree
which t -get her are calculated to keep
the salaries of Governor, Secretary of
State and the State Treason r strictly
within tl.e rovisions of the constitution
and yet provide them with sufficiently
liU-ral compensation for their erices.
ThefirM it tle-se n,.;iM re provides
for aboli-hn.ent of the board of trustee
of the State Reform School, tl.e Biin.l
hool, the Deaf-Mute S. and the
creation of a state toard of control c m-
p'ised of the- ;ovem-r, Secretary of
State and S-ate Treasurer, which shall
govern and control the Mate Insane Asy
lum, the Penitentiary, the Reform
School, the Blind School, the Deaf-Mute
School and the Soldiers' Home, aud this
board of control shall exerci.-e all the
functions- and fulfill all the duties of the
various UianU and otficers now govern
ing tb..vm institutions. An annrml ap
propriation of f 10,0) is proi ided to com
pensate the board of control f.jr its ser
vices. The seeci,d bill provides that the Gov
Areyoa particuL
about your
Price is no higher and
J. M. Weatherbv
y 4 mj
Roseburp; Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Noa-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your pioper
tv with us. :
I Vh;
'hxsicians' Pnscn;-iions
and Family Recipe.
f Ruhln-r ixl.," Toilet .
j Articles, I ime arnl Cc-
j .meat. Paints, Oi's and
' tila.s. Perfumery, Truss- :
es, Spon-jo, P.rushes Etc.
Ra iil'ier P.icycies and"
Sundries. S-lKxd Sup-
; plin!.
F. S.
All Work JO na ran teed
Second Door north new Bitak Baildin,
They've gone anddone it again
Done away with the dark-room in
developing. A little machine to de-
velope film negatives in daylight
without going to a darkroom Any
iiji j i -
cnim can opsraie m. ee tms won
derful invention at our store.
Chiircliill & Woolley.
of Trustees of State hstb
Short U Votes.
ernor, Secretary of State and State
Treasurer shall receive annual salaries
of ( 00, :0o0arid (-viO, respectively,
these being their constitutional salaries,
and that they nhall receive no fe-
whatever in addition thereto.
Should the two bills pas, the toUl in-"
come of the Governor from the state
would I about (.j0, that of the Secre
tary of State the same, and that of r-t.iti-Treasurer
aljout a year. It is pro-
pse.l that the new order of thirds .taki
effect at the entry bj ;!". e of the of.cer
to be elected in
Salex, Jan. 27. TLe l.aiit of t
joint convention oi tl.e Oregon iehrU
ture lor L'riited States senator at noon
today resulted as follow:
Fulton Z2
"Cod 7
S-attering 24
Senator Teiler ha be-n r-;ected U.
S. Senator from Colorado. The election
is claimed was a farce and will be con
tested in the I'nited States Court.
Coffee, Tea and Spices
every can guaranteed
Lead nsr
of Health
is found in e.l FlHrir now, as f-r
cen-.uri., the "u2 of life." The
k-ng triei : : : : :
Pride of Dourrla
r.-ji'l iioi roc of li t br r-
ien - i'jf or fcwrrel ina tdki
fairer? : ; : : : : :
G. Bashfori 4 Fbca.-loL
A. l!cry
D. L. Mirti
C. filarstcrs & Co.
Medicines, Chemicals.
School Bocks
for Reasonable Prices.