COL. LYNCH SENTENCED TO DEATH Sentence Will Be Commuted, Most Likely by King Edward. Lo.vdo.v, Jan. 23. TLe trial of Col onel Lynch, member of parliament for Galwav. for desertion from the British army to the Boers, was brought to n end today with a verdict of "guilty." Sentence of death was passed on Col onel Lynch immediately after the ver dict was rendered to the court. It is almost certain that King Edward will commute the death sentence to im prison ment for a long term of years. New Rifles for the Guards. Adit. Gen. Gantenbein of the Oregon National Guard has been notified by the federal authorities at Washington that upon his requisition the new army mag azine rifle of the most improved type will be forwarded in sufficient quanti ties to arm' the Guard of the state. little Ranch tor Sale. A good little home for sale ; 17 acres adjoining fair grounds, 1 east of Koseburg. Good buildings, 150 good bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cultiva tion. Price 1225. For particulars in quire at Milikin's shoe store, Koseburg altf Notice ior Publication. United State' LandOffice. Roseburv, Oreeon. Nov. 26 1902 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of ' JuueS, U7K. entitled "An Act for the sa e of Timber Lands in the States of California. Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territoi y," as ex tended to all to Public Land Stales by act of Aagust 4. lbSti, JCLIA A FECK of SOtS Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, county ol Hentepin. state of Minnesota,, has this day 61d tn tow office her sworn statement No 2I for the purctase of the lot 4. N W. VY.4 Bl4, sec 4, Tp 26 Sooth Range 7 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber -or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver of thja flic of Roseburg. Oregon, on Tuesday the 17 Ih day of February, 19 She names as witnesses: Frank Loug and E-l- ward YonPessl of Cleveland. Oregon. Charles Thorn and John Thom of Roaebure. Ore. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to rile- ' their claims in this office on or beiore said 17th day of February lsui. J. T. BRIPoLS. Register. Contest Notice. rnited States Land Office, Koaeburc. Oreeon. Jan. 12. WiiS A safBHe'.t couie.t affidavit having been bled in mis omce tv RANSOM LOCKERBT. contestant, against homestead entry No SM5. made lecember5. left), for Section 20, Township 3j 8 . Ranee 8 west, bv WILLIAM J Gl Y contestee, in which it is alleged that said en tryman is dead, having died more than one year ago, that he was nnmarried and that there is no person living on the land or claim ing title thereto and that said land is abandon ed. 6aid parties are hereby nob tied to appear, respond and offer evidence tont-hing said alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on March 24. 19H, be fore the Recistor and Receiver of the United Elates Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Tbe said contestant having, in a proper tffi davit, bled December 10, l-. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice ue given by due aud proper publication. J T BklfOES. Register, jl9 J U BOOTH. Receiver Notice for Publication. Tnited States Land Office. Roseburg. Oreeon, Sew 2, UUi. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane S, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in. the Statee of California. Orexon Nevada .and Washington Tern lory,' aa extend ed to all the public land states by act of August 4.1SW. MART L DIXON, of Oso. errant? of Snohomish, sta'e of Wash lnirton, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No f jt the pnrchsse of the N w 54 of bection 20, Tp 27 6 , R. S west and will offer proof to show that the land sou ght is more valuable ior its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Kesister and Receiver of this office of Roseburg, Oregon, n Friday the Oth day of January. 1901. She names as witnesses: Benjamin H Dixon, Oso. Wash , B F Shields. HoagHn, Wash , Frank Kinvon. Harry Hatfiel d of Rosebnrt. Or gon Any and all parsons claiming adversely the above described- lands are requested to tile theirclaims in this office on or beiore said 30th oay of Jan, 1962. J. T. BKIlMiKS, niOp Register. Notice for Publica'ion. United. Sta es Land CfSce. Roseburg, Oregon, feept , li ouce ts hereby given that in compliance with tbe provisions of tbe a;t of Congress of June , 18T8, entitled "An Act for the saie of Timber Lands in the Sta'es of California. Ore gon, Nevada and a--bingion Te nuirj as ex tended to ail the rubiic Land states by a--t of AUgUSI 4, MRS ELI5A JEN.VIX ofBosebor. county of Douglas. State of Ore gon, nas mis oay tiiei in this oihce her sworn statement .o. ui. lor the purchse of the N!-i 6 W. yA, and W. b. E. J See. 2t Tp 27 S..R 3 and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for it timber or stone than ior agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver of this cilice of Roseburg, Oregon. on Wednesday, the 11th dsy ot February 19H3 rinensmes as witnesses: B F Shields, of Hoag tin, ore.. Kodolph Jennie, Fiank Kinyoa and narry uineja. ol Roseburg. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advert, ly the above described lands are requested to fiie meir niras m thi "ffioe o- orbeicrcmid Uib day of February, 1903. -J. T. BRIDGES, dip Register Notice for Publication. - United BUtes Land Office. Boseburz. Oregon, Dec. T, l2. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1.16T8, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lands in the States of California, Oreron Nevada And Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the public land states by act of August 4, - OSMiX D. RANKS, of West Bend, coutitr of Palo Al'o, state ol Iowa, has this darkled in this office his sworn ttsteuent No. 42U8. for the purchase of th Wi of Sec. 20, Tp. 30 8, R 7 W. and will of fer 'proof to show that the land sonsht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agrl CultT J purposes, an to establish his clsim to said Und iiore S Britt. L' 8 Commissioner at Riddle. Oregon, oi Moidsr the 25 day of March, 1903. He names as Witnesses: C. A. Fay, of appleton. Minn , A. C. C ulson. of Cen ter kxv, .Minn., reter Durch, and Albert Durcn. of Roseburg, Oregon. Any and all Demons claimfnr rt vsraeir th above described lands are ren nested to file their t-iainuiuimsomceonorbeloresaid 2Md dsvof March, 190a. J. T. BRIDGES JP Register. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Roseburg, Ore., Iiec. 27, 1902. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, )878 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands tn the Stales of California, Oregon Nevada And Washington Territory," asextend a fSJr1 lh Puhlic land state by act of August CLABE.VCJ A. FAT, of Appleton, county of SwHt, stale of Minn, has this day filed in this oflice hi. .worn n.i ment No. 4211, for thepuichaseof the NE'i ol """.'P.'. m w., and will offer proof to show that the land nought is more valuable for in-uuiuer or none tnitu lor agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land " ennti. l o om tsaione- at Riddle Oregon, on Mouday, the 23 1 dav of Maich, I9W ne names as wltn-e : O. D. Ranks, of Went cuu, mil. j. v. uarison, of Center "ity, Minn., Peter Durcb, and Albert Duicn, of Rose burg, Oregon. Any and sli persons claiming adverser the above-described Itndsare requested to file their . .. . umuv uu or neiore said Tia dt Of Msrf h. 1SS..3. 312P A. Jin- II ,rH, Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Dee. 27, 19H2. Notiea U hereby given that ta compliance , tn Yf JCroTlion ' the of Congress of June 1,18.8. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe States of California. Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," asexiend d to ail the public land slates by act of August 4, X8V2, EUGENE P. TOUKQ. nf Appleton, county of Ewllt, stale of Minn bas this dsy tilled in this office bis sworn stale ment No. 4209, for tbe purchHse of the lots and 7,SE!1fof SWJof Sec. 6, Tp. 30 S, R 7 w. and will oner proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its Umber or stoue than for , agricultural purposes, and to exublisb his ciaim to said land beiore w . . Britt. V. 8 Com missioner at Riodle, Ore., on Mondsv, tne 2.d day of March, l'Mi. He raraes as Witnesses: Isaac Winning am. and Douglas Winningham, of Olalla, Ore., Peter A. Dutch, of Roseourg, Oregon, Wm R. Young of Connell, Wash Any snd ell persons claiming adversely the above described land are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 2Hd day Ol March, 1903. ' J T BRIDGES, JlP - Kegister. Ifvouwant to go to Coos County points, take the Koseburg, iuarpiineiu route. Spring hacks leave KoseDurg every day at ti, A. M. Inquire of C. 1 . Barnard, agent. ti. Fine Farm for Sals. mvul 800 acre farm for sal five - f- miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres jn cultivation, balance hill, pasture and timbered land. Small orchard, good house, barn and other improvements For price and terms apply to 1 T. Me Gee, Myrtle deck, or D. S. K. Buick, Koseburg, Oregon. jltf Notice for Publication. roi-4 Ptatos LanJ Office Roneburjt. Oreeou, Ja". &. Notice is fcerr.y friventhat In compliant wilh the provisions of the act of Congress of June S. 1ST!, enmled "An ot for the ' ' timber land in the Slates of California. Oregon Nevada and ehin-ton Territory, aextend i to all the public land statei by act of Augurf l-r-- . ,.rtv m r'-rll t . rV A.,' thin for agrical r" , .,,.1.o estabtish hi clanu t-l Si.d land before W 8 Briit. V S Cominissioiier at Kiddle. Oregon, ou 8turoy the 21st d l vrch 1A He nsmcs as witnesses. l. I. ssarcn. ,.,.,, Hennessv 5 Two B.7b7r"r Miun. J. M. Weati.cby. and v . i 1- D.uiuiilirsF (Maf 11. Any aud all persons claiming adversely the -v.-"! ...,iJ.l l-n,Ure to hie their claims in this office on or before sid list lay ol M.r,-hlB. " RTgisPer. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LANDOFFICE, Rnminio. Oreeon. Dec 18, 1'. Notice is herebv given that in compliance ,i .ir i iho m,-i of t'onfresaol June eoutied. "An act the sa.eof timber lauds in vne uiaiesoi liui K.rf. and Washington Territory ascxtenl ed to ail the Public Land eiaiee oy aci oi U8t4'l!B2- .,VSC MKALES. oi RrshCitv. -ountyof Chisago, state of Min ncsota. has"th.s clay flleJ in this oflice b-t sw.rn statement No. 4L" ior tne pun-usse the N, of N', of See e. Tp. wes. and wiU offer proof to show that the land aouf hi Is more valuable for its timber or stone man for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim before the Register and Receiver ol this ajftM oi Rose burs. Oreeon. on Friday the 1Mb dv of March. 1XW. He namtsas wituesses: William Johnson and C Louis Carlson, ol Rush City. M-on.. John xi.,. .n.t i-i.Arta Th.,m. nf Kiseburtf. Ore. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the sbove descntK-d lands are requested to file their cliiims in this office on or before ssid ltith dav of March 1AU. i.tMina.-, jlp Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office Roseburg, Oreg.Mi, Oct 1, 1902 Notice is hereby given that in compliant srith the nrovis .na of the art of Congress oi June 3. 1S.T8. entitled - An Act for the saie ol Timber Lands in the Slates of California, Ore gon, Nevada acd Washirgton Territory." extended to all the Public Land stales by of August 4. 12. MARTHA CASE. of Portland, countv of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No S.V for the purchase of lots S, 4. 5 and ti of sec S4, Tp f9 R 3 west and will offer proof tot hew that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim before the Register and Receiver of this aiiice of Ruaeburc. Oresun. on Tuesdav. tne loth dav of March. 19i). She Harness witnesses: M Buchanan, Anra Tappendorff. Erik Wik, ot Portland. Oregon and c w Jackson, of Canvonv Hie. Oregon. ADvandall perins claiming adverse'y the above described lands are requested to rile their claims in this omce on or betore ssto hhu aa) 01 31 arch, 1901.- J. T. UKIL-Ol S. Dxo Register Notice for Publication. United Elates Land Office Roseburg, Oregon. Dec. 27. 19u2 Notice ta hereby given that In compliance) with the provisions of the act of Coogresa of June 3, )87s entitled "An e for the sale ol timber lands in the 9.aieg' California. Oregna Nevada .and VVasninrton Terniorv."asextend- d to all the public land sutes by act oi August , ira. WM. H. YOCNG. of Appleton. countv of Swilt. state of Minn has this day filed in this ( Sice his sworn state ment No. 4i7, for the purchtae of the oi J4. 6-,ol of of sec tion li. township 3o south. ranee8 W, a d will offer proof to s&o that tbe laud sooght is more valuable for its timber or stoue thac i r arri culturai pmwes. aud to establish his claim beiore W S Bntt U 8 Commissioner, ar Rid lle. "n-gon, on Monday the Uii dy oi March 1U. He name a Witnesses: Peter A. Durch of Roseburg. Ore 1-aac Wmninsbam, and Doug las Winningham of Olaiia. Ore., W. R. Youug of Connell. Vt ash. Any and all persons c'aiming adrerwely tbe above dec-ribed 'auds are requested to file theit claims in thiaofficeon or beiore sa. day oi .i ven, isiJ. j.i BjuiKiac. JLip R-gister, Notice for Publication. UsiTgn States Lajcd Orrtcg. Roseouif Oreeon. Sept.27. irOi. Notice is hereby given that in comtili-nce wiih the provisions of the act of Congress ' June 3. UT8, entitled "A Act for the s.leof timber lands in tbe staU of California. Oree-.u Nevada, and Washington Terrilo'-y," extend ed to ail the Public Landitale by act of Aug est 4, 12, BERTHA KAY, of Salem, county of Marion, state of Oregon bas ih s day filed in this office her saorn sta'e ment No for the purchase of the NE! of section 26. Tp 29 loiih. Range 3 west ttii.ifer. , snd will offer proof tosbcw that tbe land sought la more valuable for 11 timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his llaiin before the Register and Receiver ol lhu filce of Roseburg, Oregon. on luesiaf ihsih dav of Mar, h, IP -3. She names as iritnesses: b Lenore Kav. Emma I Co.uo. Ro!rt Coshow.of tMtlem. Ore., H. M. Oataan. of Myrtle Creek. Ore. Any and a.l person claiming adver!y the above described Uns a"e requr-sted lof ie tleir csiins in ibis oflice on oriitiore said 6th day of March, llsii. JIB IDuES. d22p Register. - Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Roseburg. Oregou, Sepi. 27. 19fr2. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Cong ess of June I LS78 entitled, "An Act lor tie sale of timber lai ds in the states oi ( a.tforma, Oregon, Neva a, snd Washington Territory." as extend ed to all the public laud states by "act of August t, UW2. LENORE KAY, iflaVrn. county of Marion, Slate of Oregon bas this day fil d in this oflice her sirorn state ment No VrU, for the purchase of the i-K1, ol ection 26, township 2 8 , R west WiL Mer. and will offer proof to show that the land sor ght is more valuable for lu Umber or stone trmn for agricultural purposes, mid to establish his cleim before the Register and Receiver oi this oliice of Roseburg, Oregon, -m Tuesday, the .rih day of Mrch 19T3 She names as witnesses: heitha Ksjr Robert Co show. Mrs Emma I Cesfiow of Salem, Ore.. II M Oatman, of Mjrtle Creek, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in thisoffice on or befo-e the said 6th day of March 1903. J. T. Bnib.,, d22p. Register. Notice for Publication. United Ftates Land Officsj, Roseburg, Oregon, Bept 2. 1X12. Notice is hereby given tbt in compllne with the provisions of the ct of Congress of June 3, )87H. entitled "An a't for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon Nevada and W&shlngiou Territory," as el ten ti ed to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892. BENJAMIN H DIXON, -f Oso, county of Snohomish, state of Wash -ingt-n. lies this day riied in this office his sworn statement No 3i7:t, for the i-un-liase ol the NE'4 of section 'Ai, Tp 27 8 , Range 3 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before tbe Register and Receiver of this office of Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday the :nh day of Janatry, 1903. He mi ss wi.nesses: ,ry i, Dixon of O,o Wah., h F Shieds, of Higlln, Wash., frank Klnyon, Harry Hatht-ld o' Kosc-burg, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming adversely ths tiiove desciibed lands are requested t fi'e tbeir cNmis in thisoffice on or beiore ssid :totb day of Ian. lisjJ. J.T. BRIDGES, nlop Register of Two Harbors, county or Ijke. state oi Minn., bas this dnv tiled in this r-ftn-e his sworn ele ment No. fr the pun-base i.f the IS SF'i, and SWJ of SK'4 aud SC of S W j, of Set 14 Tp. h S. R 8 west aud will offer r.f in show that the land so'ichl is more vai- Notice for Publication. Unitxd Status LANbOrriti. Roskbiiko, Ore., Sept 2, 1J02. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of (xngress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sa'e ol Timber Lands in the States of California Ore gof Nevada and Washington Territory,' as ex tended to all tne Public Lacd Stale by act oi August 4, 1XU2, M Hb ELLEN A FAIRCHII.D. of Portland, county of M ultnomah Stale of Ore gon, bas this dny fi ed in this oflice her sworn statement No for I lie purcha-e of the lots 1. 2 7 and 8 of Sec W, Tp TI south, rang.t west and will offer proof toshowthat the land song hi . is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purrioses, and to establish hit claim before trie Register and Receiver of this ayf lice of Roseburg, Oregon. on Saturday the Hth dav of February, KKU sne names as witnesses : M Rcclisnan. Walter K Kuell. Hortland, Ore . Jas 11 Skiil'iitgion sod Wm Wright ot Myrtle Creek, Ore. Any snd all persons claiming adversely the above descriistai lands are re.UeUd 'o file their claims in this olllee on or before snld 14th day of February im J.T. Bripuss, J dtp Register. Notice for Publication. United Btate Land Office, Roaeburfr, Orctron, Deo. 27, 1901. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the provision! of tbe act nl Oongreca of June 1, 1m.8, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lands In the Stale of California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" aa extend ed to all the Land mates by act of Aug ust 4, lS9f. AXEL L. CARLSON. of Center City, county of Chisago, stats of Minn., lias this day tiled in this office bis sworn statement No. 4410, for the purchase of the BVYVt of Sec. 2l. Tp.Sti 8, R 7 W, and will Of fer p -ool to shoa that the land sought Is more vnluble for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and lo established his claim before W 6 HrituU 8 tiooimlliner, at Klddlo, Oreiron, on Monday, tbe 2.V1 day of March, 1908, He names as witnesses: O. D. Ranks, of West Kend, Iowa, C. A. Fay, of Appleton, Minn., Peter Durt-h, and Albert Daren, of Roscburg, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above deeribjd lands are reuueeled to file their claims in this oflice on or before said 23d day of March. 1'JOS. J T BRIDm. jl2p Register. Notice for Publication. Isolated Tract. PUBLIC LA ND SALE. U. s Land Office. Roaeburs. Ore. Netice is hereby given that in pursuauoe of nstructious from tbe Commissioner of the it-neial lAnd Oihce, nnder authoiity vested . 1 : , l 1 1 ' i O U. ' t amended by the act of Congress approved Fen ruarv 26. 1895. we will nrocet-d to offer at pub ic saie ou tne join nay oi January, next, ai his office, the folio in tract of land, to-wit: The NK'i 8WW Sec. 2. Tn 26 8. Range ( weat Any and all persons claiming adversely the ab.ive described lauds are advised to file their isims in this offlee on or before tbe day above designated for the commencement oi said sale otherwise their rights will be forfeited. j. t . BtiuxiK. svegisier, . J. U. BOOTH, Receiver. November 102. n24 , Notice for Publication. United Bute Land Office, Roeeourg. Oregon. Oct , 1902. Kotic is herebv arlven that In compliance with the provisions of the act ol congress inn. x 1K78. entitled "An act tor the sale ii..l.ti in tha Htataaof California. Oregon K..T..I. and Waahinsrton Tsrrllorv."asxtend- ed to all the public land slate by act of August 4, 18S?i . rKKt 11ALU II HMla. f Lot Aneelea countv of Los Angeles, st ate of California, has this day H'el li tbla omce his sworo statement Ko asl for the purchase oi the SE1 NW;. E' SW, NWStol eruoo No. lowusnm ott aouiu, ruin and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural namo. and to establish hi claim beiore tne Kegtsur ana Kaceiver ot uui flic oi nnsahnrs- irrrmn on Moudav the A-ih day of January. 1903. H nams a witnesses: Burt injrg. niuiam w 'right. Sieohn Douglas and Archie Clink, all of Rosebnrff. Oreeon Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requeetrd to hie their claims fn this office on or before aii 7m h dsy OI Jan, 1904. J.T. BKlUbKS, N.ip Register. Notice for Publication. ' United Bute Land Office, Roseburg. Ore.. Oct. 2. 1VUJ. rot1ce is Berery given that ta com pi lane wiin tne provisions of the act of Congress ol June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sal of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend d to all the public land states by act of August a, uv. THOMAS W LARK INS. of Rosehnrg. county of Douglas, state of Ore gon has this dav filed In this office bis sworo statenn-nt No 3o74, for the purchase ol the W1, H s' n;oi sec I4.TP a ta. esi and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than for agricultural parpoae. and to establish hi claim before the Register and Receiver of oiiKW ol Roseburg, Oregon. on I bursdav the 12th d y of March. 190t. He name witnesse: David L Martin, William H Hunter. William J Lander and Joseph sTeatherby. of Roseburg. Ore. Any and all per n claiming adversely the bo re described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th dav ol March, law. J I BRI DOES, . dj p Register Notice for Publication. United Bute Land QfBce Roseburg. Oregon Jan &. 1S Notice is hereby given that to coco pi lance wi:n in provisions of in art ol Cong is June 3. Is. 8. entitled "An act for lb sai timber land in the Stales of California, Oregmi Nevada And W ashington Territory." axteod- d to all the public land states by act ol August , 1BKC CHA5LE3 P. BARNARD. of Roseburg. county of Draglaa, state ol Ore gon has this day filed in this office his sworn s-atement No. 42.3 for the purchase ot the WU N N' 6wi. tJ Sec- II, Tp. 26 8. R t et. and wlil ofler proof to show that I be land sought is more valr able for its timber or stone than lor agricultural purpose and to e ab li-h his c alm to said lad before Z. 1 Dim ink k, U. S. Commissioner. Oakland. Oregon, on jsnny ine into oy oi aiarcn, two. He name as witnesses: jonn otven. Koeebnrg, Oregon, frank Ort-ult. Melrose. Oregon, Melvln Mur- phy, Rn eburg, Oregon, JaJOea Brlstow, Boee burg. Oregon Aiy and all prcao.n claiming alrerse'T the shore described lands are requested to file their claim to this office on or beiore mid ith day oi Jiarcn inn. J 1 BKllAio, J iip Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon, Dec as 1902. Notice is hereby given that In eompliani with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congrea June 3. 1878. entitled "Aa act for lb aaia , timber lands in the State of California, Oregon Nevada And Washington Territory," atexteud ed to ail the public land states by act of August COE I. LEAVENUOOD. of Dallas, county ef poik, state of Oregon, has inis oay BIkI in this omce his sworn statement No. 4196. for tbe purchase of the KW i of uon 4, township 31 Ml W. and aill offer prool lo show thai the land snog hi is more val uable lor it timber or stone than for agrieul turai purpose, and to establish hi claim to said land before W 8 Britt. V 8 Commissioner. at Riddle. Oregon, on Thursday, the Ltlh day ol jia-cn. itaji tie names as witnusn: i. Beck cy and J. B. Riddle, oi Riddle, Oregon W. H. D.Tjre, and T. Wilton, of Caoyonvillc, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are reqn.ated to file their claim- in this office on or befo-e said 12th day Ul anvil, isu. J. l.lSIISilli, n Register. Notice for Publication - United Stale Land Office. Roseburg. On-rooSert 27. 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of In ne 3. 1878, entitled "An act for ihesale ol limber lands In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," a extend -M t" all tbe public land slates by act of Aug ust 4, 192 EMMA ICOSHOW of Sa'e e, eonnty of Marion, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn stalo. ment So toll ior the purchase ol the -NW 'i of sertion 26. Tp. 29 south, ranges west WIL Mer and w ill offer proof to show that the lead sought Is more valuable for tta Umber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hie claim before the Register and Receive of this iUce ol Ros burg. Oregoa. n Tuesday the 5th day nf March. 19TJS. She names as witnesses: Robert it Coshow, Mist Bertha Kay, Miss 8 Lcnore Kay. of Salem, Ore.. and H M Oatman. ol Myrtle Creek, Ore. Any snd all persons claiming adversely the above-described I audi are requested te tiletbeli claims in this office on or beiore said 6th day of March, 1903. J. T. BatPoaa, d22n Register. Notice for Publication. United Steles Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Sept 27, 1902. Notice I J ereby given that In compl'enee with the provision of the act of Congrea ol Junes, 1878. entitled "an Act for tbe aale of limber Lands in the State of California, Ore gon. Nevada and W ashtugton Territery," aa ex tended to all the Public Land Stale by act of August 4, I8i. ROBERT HC08HOW, of Salem, count j of Marion, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office hi sworn s ta tern-nt No &M.S, for the purchase of ih SWW of section 36, f p 9 south, R t west Wil. Mer. snd will offer proof to show that the land son ght is more valuable for lu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before tbe Register and Receiver oi this office of Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Mb day of March, 1903. He names as witnes e: Mrs E uma I Coshow, Miss Bertha Kay, Miss Ignore Kay, nf Salem, Ore., U M Oatman, of Myrtle Creek, Ore. Any and all persona claiming adversely the aoove described lands are requestel to file ttnir claim In this oflice on or before said Mb day ol March, 1903. J. T. BRIDOEd, di2p . Register. Notice for Publication. United State Land Office. Roaebtirg, Oregou, Hept 2, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with tne provisions of the act of Congrea ot June 3,1878 entitled "An Act forth sale of ti mber lands In the stste of California, Orego i, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extend ed to all i he public land state by act of Aug ust 4, 1892, " WALTER B BUKI.t. of Portland, county of Multanomah, state ol uregnn, nas tins day filed In this oflice bis sworn statement No 3.IHI, tor the purchase of lot 3, 4, A and A, section 22, township 29 south, R t W and will oiler proof to snow that the land sought Is more valuable for lu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim before tbe Register and Receiver ol thl fiie of Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 14th dav of February 1902. He liases as miesaes: n Diicnanan, Mrs Ell n A FalrchPd, of Portland. Ore.. Ja H Hklfllna. lop. Win Wriaht. MvrlleCis-ek. Ore. Any and all person claiming adversely the above described laeds are requested to fi e their clalmsln this oflice on or before said Hth day of Febrnaty, 1903. J.T. BRJDUKS, dtp Register. Notice for Publication. United States Lan 1 Office. Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. 28, 1902. Notice ts hereby given that In compliance with the previsions ol tttt act of Congress of June 1, 1878, entiti4 ''An act tor the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon Nevada .and W aahlngton Territory," asextend d to all the publio land slates by act of August 4, lWi. FREDERICK A KRIBS. of 795 Irving St., Portland, county of Multno mah, stale of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No SSM for the pur Cbaseoi tne nw4 secsi, ip xDsoutn, at. w and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more vaiuame ior its umoer or stone tnan for agricultural ruruoae. and to establish his claim before tne Register aud Receiver nf this Uio of Roseburg, Oregon. on Tuesday the 3rd day of February, 1903. He names aa wituesses: A i Deri fc uiayton, Mel rose, Ore.. Charles Thorn, Ben McMullen, of Roseburg Ore.. John Thorn, of Cleveland, Oie. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are requested to Hie (heir claims in tbi office on or before said 3rd day of Febiuary. 1903. J T BRI Wilts, mp aegiaivr. Notice for Publication. United State Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Sept 11, 1902. Notice 1 hereby given that In compliance with tne provisions oi tne act oi congress oi Junes, 187 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In th8tateaof California, Oregon Nevada .and W ashington Territory." asextend- ed to all the publio land stales by act of August a, uhu. EMMONS BUELL of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office bis sworn statement No 3141 for the purchase of the NE54 oeo 28, Townsntp 29 soutn, range 3 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor it umber or stone man for agricultural nurnoses. and to establish his claim before tbe Register and Receiver ol this oiilce ol Roaeonrg, Oregon. on Saturday, the 14th day of February. 1903. He name as witnesses: at nucnanan, waiter Bueil of Portland, Oregon. Wm Wright, and H M "atmau ol Myrtle Creek, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described land are requested lo file their claims in this office on or beiore said 14th day ol reoniary, lvsjv. j. x.tmiuuaai. dtp uegisier Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Roseburg, Oregon. Sept. 29, 1902 Notice I hereby given that in compliance with tbe Provisions of the act ol Congrea ol June 3. lirft. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extend ed to all the Public lAnd Slate by act of Aug ust 4, USB. AMA'A M SANDERS ol Rneebnrg, county of Douglas, state ol Ore gon. ns wis oay Died in tn is omce bis sworn statement No 3VO, for ihe purchase of the NK H"""!! BtH N t'i PeC 24. 1 p , K and will offer proof to show that th land sou ght ts mo.w valuable for lu Umber or stone than lor agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim before tbe Kcgutar and Receiver nt If lee of Roseburg. Oiwa-on. on Wedaesdsy. tbeSth day of Wreh 1903. He names aa wlimi-a: Oliver P Coshow, Roae btirg, Ore-. Leorge Turner. H M Oatman and ,h. M Kelly, of Myrtle reek. ore. Anv and all tseraons claiming adversely above described land are reowes ed to file their claim to thi office oa or before said Mb day nl March, 19U3. J T BRIDOES, 423 Register Notice for Publication. Tnited Stale Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon, Nut. lb, 1902. Motle 1 bererry gtvvn that In Compliant) wit lb provisions of Lbs act of Congress of Jouu 3, isTAanUtHsl "An act for lb sai of llmbtr lands la lb State of Cllfornla.lron rvada.and Washington Tarrttory," asextoad d to all tn publle land state by act of August TH EODORE. THOM AS JOS FJ of llaaitosriic. eoaniy ot Manitosroe. stat of Wbvonsla has this day Sled In Ibis oflice bis sworn statement No. r lor tb parch as of tbSWU ol re W.TpWo JO 8-, Rancrrsl and will offer proof tosbov that to land sought Is ssor valuabi tor lu timber or sum thaa for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim belor in Regtstar and Haoclver ol Utla Wo oi tun burg, Oragnsw ooTbnrsdas ilv&Ui day rl Febrnarv, 19QS H sum a wltntssts: William r-orur. obi Lehnberr. ol 4 'am a Valley. Or-. Ja.a li Veaasen. John Parmer, of atoMbarg, Ompin. Any and all persons claiming a!rrsiy tbe bov deaer:bM laud arc requested lo file their eiam la mis oaioa oror pcjorr saia mi oay ol t rbruary, if a. t T skimiU, vT.p Kejrster Notice for - Publication. Chit an srar Lxo Omn, Roar burr. Oreron. Jan. a, 103. Katie Is hereby given that in compliance run tne provisooos ol in act oj voogrea e June), lt;g,nUUed "Aa Act for the sal of timiier IjuhIs In the etaic ol Cal ilomia. Oreron. Keva4a and Washington Te n lory," a cziended to all the Public Land Bute by act ol A ornat f . lJ-J, MAI KICK A. HCSNfU!SY. of Two Harbors, erxinly ot IaH. Klal of Vlnn., hss thtsdav filed la this office bis swnrn st sta men t So. tJj lor the parch of the SK1. irsriiossi Ol srt . ip. m o, st w na will oa. I proof to show I hat the land sought I more vsl nabi for lu umber or C than for aarrsrul oral parposea, and tp ' livh hi claim to aid land briar W 8 BrU V riximl loner. at Sad-lie, Orrgoa. on 6Mrday, theSlsi day of arco, i-s-ii. ue name a wiin ast-s: j. u wealh iby.of Roseborg, Or , Martin Moth, ot Two Harbors. Minn.. V L. Maxim, and Juste rararr. ol voeoiirg. urrgon. Any and all persnas claiming a4erly th above deerrlbed lands are requested fo Si tbeir claims In tbi otbceoo or ts-fore aaldZlsl day ol March 11. I. T. BKIiiOta SP RegUirr. Notice for Publication. Vnlled Bute Land Offi,--Rose bu nr. Onwon rpt iwl "otlreta brty glva that In com pi I with ths provisions of th act ol Congrcae Jun g. 1S7S. nUtld "An an lor lis aala timber lands tn tb State of California. Oregon Kvada jmd Washlngvm Territory," as ex tend ed to ail th public land stale by Set of Angus a, sova, HOWAEI E. WILMO.1 nf Melrose, roamy of Doug!, stale of Oregon, baa this dsy Bled la this office his sworn .taiement n mis, 1 the pu-chaae of th SW)t arc Ko 20. Ip NO Js south, range west aad will offer proof to snow that the land sought I more valuable lor lu timber or ton thaa for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi c aiia oetore tne strginer ana Mcelver ol tm omce of MoMborg.Uregon. on Tnedv In dy of febroary. lw.1 He name wiiisease: lharleaThom. RiM-bor-, Ore John Thom, Frank L--cg. of CieveOand, ire.,ena Albert Clayton, Melruae. Ore. Any and all person claiming adversely Kit twve described lands are reooested lo fil thel claim la this office on or before said Srd da) oi reornary isui. j j imilMiK.. Hl7p Kegtster. Notice for Publication. ' l ulled Stale Land Office. Eoaebu Ore. Au. at. 1902 fotle u hereby given that In compllauc With th provisions of th act of Congrea of Jnn, liA anUtWd "An act tor the sale of timber lands In ths State of California. Or coo Nevada. and Washington Territory," asaxiend d to all the public Und stale by act of August ALBERT K CLATTOS, of Melrose, county of Douglas. State of Oregon ha this dav filed in this oflice his sworn s ale metit Ne Af7 lor the purchase, o! tbe "E'i of section 14, township 2a South, rang west. and will olfr proof to a bow that th land sought is mor vaiuauie ior im umoer or ton tnan for arieuliural rumoae. and to vatabllah bis claim before th Register and Becelver ol this owe of Koaebarf, Oregon. on TuettUy, th Jrd day of February. 1905 fr name ai witnesses: Fredencg A hrih. Port land, Ore.. harlea Thom and Ben Mi-Mollen, wjaeourg, vire., jonn 1 nom, t wreiaua. ure. Any aud all persons claiming aureme'y h. above lecribed lands are requested to flic taeir Claims lu ibis office on or before ld fid oay oi rebrnary, l. Jl rlKllM.g4, nl7p Register Notice for Publication ' United states Ind Office. Koseburg, Oiegon, lied, in, 1W2. -.i.h .? nary gyrm that In oompllanc with th provisions of th act of Congress of June S. lta entitled "An art for the sale of timber lands in th Stale of C.llfornla.iiregon Kvad .and Washington Trrtiory,"asetorid- u w aii w puuiie land state by act of August , 1SVJ. CH ARf.tfl d cHnnrH ol Millwood, county of Uonglas, stale of Oregon hss this dsy filed In thl off ic bis sworn state ment No 1112 for tbe purchase ol the lots I. 2 $ a ,,i wx. , townsiiip soutn, HailK-e wsi and will offer proof to show that the land sou ght . Twuiuit ior lu, umoer or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hit claim before tb Kgtstar and Becelver ol this office of Roseburg, Oregon. on Halnniay the Ulh dav nf February, 190.1 Hf nanH-saswitnwes: Ed Von fessl, Kred Bale man, of Melrose, Ore., John Thom, Charles Thom, Koseburg, Ore. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above rtenerltxd lands are rex, nested to file nn-ir ciniuis vh vum omos on or beiore said llth day of February, lu3. IT BRIDGES. a"P Kc.lster. Notice for Publication. . Cnlted Bute Und OITlee. Roseburg Oregon, Aug 2A, VMU. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with th provisions of tbe act of Congress of June I, ins . entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Stales of California, Oregon Nevada ,and aahlngbm Territory," as extend ed to all th public land state by act of August 4, 11W2. JOSEPH F NIEPERMEYRR, of Portland, connty of Multnomah, stale ol Oregon, ha this rtsy ftle.1 In this otllce his worn abatement no. xku ior me pnn-liaa ol tbeNof Nofsoc2N Tp 30 b K. 8 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before tb KeglsUr and Receiver ol thi office of Koseburg. Oregon, on lueailajf Uie JSih day of fannary, 1W. lie names s wltnessea: itryen, Win Porter. Wir lisvis, Wm Murray, all ol Can. a- Valley, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands sre reu nested lo II 'e their claims in Ibis otliue on of before said 27th day of Jan. 103. J, T. BRI DHLS, nlOp Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. DeO 27, 1002. Notice is hereby given that In compliance With the provisions of the act nf Congress of June I, )878. entitled "An act fur the sal ol timber lands In tbe States of California, Oregon Nevada And W ashingtun Territory," aaextond ed to all the publio land states by act of August 4, 192. WM. RALPH YOUSO. of Connell, county of Frankllu, state of Wash., haa tbia oav men in mis omce nis sworn state ment No, 4f06, for the purchase of the N of NKi.'. SE'4 of NK'. Kit1', ol SK'i. 01 section 12. township 3d south, rsuge 8 west, and will offer proof to show that tne land sought s more vsl uania ior us iimuer or suiue inau mr agricui' tural nurnoses. ami to establish bis claim to said land before W S Britt. V 8 Commissioner, at Riddle. Oregon, on Monday, tne 2.1,1 day ol March, 11KH. tie names as witnesses: reier A Durcb. of Roseburg, Oregon, ' lsssc Winning ham, and Douglas WlnntOKham of Olalla, Ore., V, m. 11. loung, Appleton. Minn. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested lo file their claims in this office or or Is-fore said 23d day of March, 1903. . i. T. BRIDGES. JUp Register, Notico for Publication. United States I And Office, Roseburg. Oregon Oct 11,1902. Notice is hereby given that In compliance i with the provisions of act of Congr of Jon S. 1878 entitled "a act for th sale ol timber lands in the Stale of California. Oregon Nevada .and w aahlngton Territory," asextend- ed to all the public land state by act of August t, UVa. MRS EVA FROST. of Roseburg. county of Douglas. State of Ore gon, baa th is day filed in this office her sworn statement No :1639, for the purchase of the Sltii. SEU NK1 and lot 1, section 4, Tp 27 n.. range no s west and win oner prool to snow that the land ouht Is more valuable for lie timber or stone than for agriculttnal purposes, and to establish ber claim In said land before the Register and Receiver of tins naice at Rose burg. Oregrn, on Tuesday tbe 8 1st day of MascB, 19o3. She names as witnesses: J J Fi est, Jessie Scanlan. t W Vanlsn, J 11 Burton aa ef Roseburg. Ore. Av and all person claiming adversely, the abeve described lands are requested In file theirclaims In this office on or before said 3 1st day of March, 1903. J. T. BRIDGES. o?up Kegisicr Soity Mtings. A.' F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. ilalds reeolar meeting on second tod f firth Wedoeexlayg of eacb month. b. J. hTBot'D. W. M. N. T. Jgw Secretary. AO. U. W. Koeebnrg Lodge Ko. 16. Maeta the rvcoDd and fourth Mod a it... nl ph n.nnl I. .1 7.tUl m in th I. O. O. F. Hall. Mem berg in good atanJit'ir are invited to attend. H. T. McClau kx, U. W. E. II. Lrsox Recorder. D. .8 WgT, Financier. B.P. O. ELKS. RoMborg Lodge No. 336. llolds regular eommanicav- tiooa at I O. O. F. Hall oa second and (oartb ThnrgJaj-g of each month, all member reqrtected to attend regn-!arl- aod all viaitiog broth erg are cordi ally invited to attend. W. H. jAMitao. K. U. V C. Lou dos, Swcrelary. ) E, FOURTH REGIMENT. O. N. U., maeu at Armor Hall everj Tbarada eyeoing, at 8 o'clock. F. B. IlAJUJaT, UapC D EG REE OF HONOR. Mystic Lodge No. 13. lvU 2nd and 4th Tbo ra dar TniKa!J of ecb mon'h in Na ive Bona' Hall. Viaiting members eoi lially iiued to attend. MM.MaRrr Wasr, C.of U. E. FI. LgHHOX, ReC. f. OF A. Coort Donglaa No. 32. For es U-rt ol America. Meets every Trwwday evening in NaUr Sons' Visu ting brother aiwavs welcome. W.VasZilk C. R. Ball E. II. Lcsox. R.8. V. HoortK, Physician. O. F. PbileUrian Lodgw No. 8. Meeu in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackson and Cass streets, on Saturday evening ol eexb week. Mem bers of the order in food standing are tented to attend. H.B.Gtiajms, K. G. 5.T. Jawa-TT. Secretary. Kol P. Alpha every Wedi Hall st 7:3 .Alpha Lodge Ko. 47. Meets I. O. O. F. ;30 p. in. Members la good 0 anding are invited to attend. G. W. KlMBsLL.C.C. C. E. Rosurrs, K R. 8. Vi T. M. Protection Tent No. 15. Holds its retmlar Reviews the first and third Fridav of each month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting members in g:l standing: are invited to attend. t. t. Pattekhox, Com. E. E. ELODGrrr, Record Keoer. I ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of I Wooderait, Meets on first and third Thursdays ol each month at the N rite Sons, 1111. Vasiting members in ood standing are Invited to attend. Iastua Sshlbrids , Guardian Neigbbor, Missut Orsr, Secy. 10. T. M. Roseborg Hive No. 11. Holds its regnlar reviews upon lbs second and loorth Friday eve. of each month in the Native &ns' Hall. Sisters of other Hives visiting in ths city tre cordially invited to attend oar re views. . Jcss'ib KAPr, L.Com Micog E. McClaluis, R. K. W. OF A. Myrtle Camp No. 6330. Meets Drat and third VVedoewday. each mouth at Native Bone' Hall. Geo Bybox, Clerk. o; E. 8. Rowhorg Chapter No. 8 Holds their regnlar meeting on ths first and third Thorsdavs To eacb nonth. Visiting members in good aanamg are reepectlolly invited to at end. Mas. Calub Bsabo, W. M., Mas. Libbib Cohbow, Secretary. aRBEKAHS. Roseborg Rebeksb Lodge No. 41. 1.0. O. F mettle in Odd Fellows' Temple every Taesday venint. Visiting sisters snd brethren uvited to sttend. Dull Brows, N. G. COBA WlMBBRLT, R. S. UNITED ARTISANS.-Umpqua Aa Kembly No. 105 meets every Satur day evening:, at 8 o'clock in Native Sons llall. Visiting Artisans cordial! invited to attend. Mrs. M. Jones, M. A. .'.Mbs. F. B. IIamlis, Secretary. OODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak Caron No. 125. Meets st the Odd Fallows' Hall, in Roseborg. every 1rat snd third Monday evening. Vleit ng neighbors always welcome. Jas. E. Sawyers, C. C. J. A. BrcHAHAit, Clerk. u NION ENCAMPMENT, I. O. O. IF. Odd Fellow s Teni'ile. Meets hrst and third Thnrwlar evvnines each month. Visitors cortlially invitetl. J. B. Hamilton, C. P. J. C. TwiTCiiBLL, Scribe. Professional Cards. B.M. CHEADLE, DENTIST, Office opposite Tlocum's Uall KOHKBDKU OKI Mf. DPI A JVC IMUjKi 1 AiMO C5t Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, Doughnuts and fresh Bread Daily Portland Journal Ajcncy. Hendrlck'i Block, Opp. Depot I. J. NORflAN eS: Co. Props 1 BETTER LATE , 1 ' . . . THAM NEVER . . . W But pood goods never come too late, and owing to the delay in the Eastern g freights, our shipment of small goods did not arrive until today and now ZH that the holidays are over we are willing to make a great sacrifice on these goods in order to make room for another shipment that is to follow shortly Tj g T. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE 3 St: Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon, rl, auauiauiaiuaiauiiiai.i.iiaiiiiaiiuiiai FX) RGB VI. BROWN. Attorney-at-Law, Court Hons Dowb stain. KOSEBIBO.OEE 1 V FISHER. M.D, Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. O. Rosbbtbq, 'Phone Main 691. Oasoox. QR.GEO.E. UOCCK, Physcian Sl Surgeon. QtC4 Review B;1. rhooat. Main n KOeKBritrt ORJUrOS E LMER V. UOOVKR, PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. . Ros sac so Okbqos Special alleaUoa give ta Din si ai el the tto and Throat. Offtew-atals 8t..ooedoo aootaaf In li f-aooe. Mala Ml. W niYSES, DENTIST, Wtsbw BolMIng, Tiphc Mo. , KOSISraUJ OKBOOP K. CEAWTCUD, Attorney &t Law, IAS. Manter Side, K06JL3CE9. Ok nscBuainea befcre th D Land OBce aaa evibJEg case a specialty. Lat Kwcetvav 0. . Lead Oftlee J0US B. EEUFE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RoSBsrBS, " Oatoo. Bojdnea. tefore 0. 8. Land Ofirv aad frooal bwslisr a fclalty. Of&c Abrabaai BaOdlaa. J C. FCLLERTOS Attorney-at-Law. WU pcactlo In all ta mat and raOeral CaarV OBce la Marks' Mo, Koeebarg. Otwgoa. Q0MM0D0RE S. JACKSON, At torn v and (Vmnanllor at Law. Mining Law ami Water Rights mad a specialty. I BUS KObEBCKQ. ORKGOK F. W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. landf wvlew Building. KOSIBtsUs.OUUOM J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Boom I Maiatcr B jisllng. K0RXBUB1. O He J. ROBIN ETT, Attorney at Law. ll. Taj lor as Wiiaoa Block RmbbOBO. Os B a. . ar. c a. BcHLaasna IEIILBREDE A GRAY, LAWYERS frartloe tn all ol th rrxi-ts o' tb bclor tne 0. S. Land departBaeaL ta a, alts, Tailor t llsoa Block, Notary Public In o&lce Tbon Main r BWtBCKQ.ORB -INSURE INSURANCE AT COST. Head .Office, McMlnnvtllr, Oregoa Amt. of insurance in force, 111,000,000.00 Net Rain in one year, - 2,628,787.00 Saving its members I yr., 80,691.60 Number separate risks, 22,360 As T. Buchanan, Roeoburg, Oregon. Agt. (or Douglas Co. Yoncalla Real Estate TIMBER and LOAN BROKER ..FIRE INSURANCE.. . Timber lands located and for sale. Good bar. gains in farm nraperiy. Loan niaile on tmty term In sums from I AO to any amount at S, 4, 6 aud t per cul. A. P. APPLEQATE, YONCALLA. ORB FOR FINE COMFFCTIOMRY anfj ice CREAM PARLORS r.-s in r4 IN THE OREGON fi mi mi Needhams Pianos and we Keedhatn becaane mnsiciang Xeedham and Biuet have them, aud everyone who wants a good piano, a swet toned piano, an artistic piano, a durable piano, find it under the name Keedham. Arthur Frazer aaya the Need ham Las aa good action aa he has ever used ; and Mr. Page, the baritone aolouit, says that the tone is exquisite, and has placed an order with as (or one to be delivered at his home in Philadelphia. In (act the Needbam has no rival, and that is why we have just shipiied a carload from the factory, and oar Lust lot are beauties of new and artwtic design : : : : : VDTIC nncci nniiD a I III LL U1LLU TLUUn. u 1th The Best Always the Cheapest ! For Sale by If you want f you want If you want If you want If you want If you want to bay a farm furnished rooms to bay a house to rent a house to build a house to move a house UrM lM't tafPVr all oa or aJJresa .. . F F. pllzmx N. A. FOSTER S: CO., OOTEEXilZXr LANDS Of ewry dcrivtkn. Farms aad Min eral Land. Oregon, Wastungtoa and Minnesota. (j23) OAKLA5D, OREGON BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 35 CENTS. THE NEW HI Cor. Washinctoo and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Col lias H. Little, DENTIST. Oakland, - - Oregoa. Abstract of Titls to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Go Tern ment Land. Bias Prints of Township Maps showing ai mcant Lands. FRANK t. ALLEY, - Architect Abstracter Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in new Hank Bail J in jr. Toons 413 ROSEBURG. OREGON A GREAT C0ilPANY The New-York Mfe FlfUrHrcvet year alt. Asmscm over a,Mo,oo. Iaetne in tool orr laiaranc 1st force evtr S(j6s, Mew Iwasirsiaice Btl4 for 1st loot over raltt PelkpHMer la loot svvr f 7,ooo,. Paid ollcs-Molderi 1st 57 jr ara, over j ,oo,o. W.J. Moon, Aa-e-ni. aaosscbssriir Ore THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD .. ; -i .... .. - The Greatml Farm Paper of th North is rsU Published weralv l Xailrni. O re run Edited by the Farmers of the Northwrst, Twenty !(. Illustratnt. A WESTERN PAPER FOR WESTERN PEOPLE : 1 1 Papars for Si o. Las thaa acts c Publication began March I. W0. Now haa ,soo sutwrilirrs. I'lirnnmenal f rtwth Is tlue to It bviii( I ho best farm paper pub lished. YOU SHNULD READ IT BOSLSTEAD AND FLAINDEALE8 $2.75 A YEAK. Trespass Notice. AU persons are hereby warned not to tresiiaxa, hunt, finli or ramp on the lani of tho Curry KsUte. lVixns doing x will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Polil. nf k fv-. 9 I- Leading Grocers Osttnctsr aa4 tm'eVr Rosebarx Orscoa. mti Oo to fJ-SIllff BARBER SHOP.' For a Prvmpt and Flrst-das Soar or H air-en t Compe tent Workmen. Cleavn Terr la. Tools alvajs in ahapex. Baths in Coatstxllotu f bop on Jackson St. Homes from $250 to $5000 Write or 'Phone Win. 1, Porter, Real Estate Agent and Notary Timber and Homestead Locator Packer and Quide Camas Valley, Oregon SaaOessoaLk weat sf eavbsua i MRS. H. EASTON is prepared to wait apoa old X and newenstomers and friends ' with a fall and eompiste stock of "GROCERIES' All fresh and of the very beet qnality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patratxar) solicited. 3 Jackson St-, Rsscbsirs ED T. r.AQIIEL RESIDENT Best References. AllWork Guaranteel Leave orders at Burr's Mask S to 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GILLETTTS Supplimcatal Cfcarn&cr For Shotting pistol cartridges in rifles Fatents cover U. S. and Canada Saves 65 to 75 per cent on cost of am munition. Maxtor 30-30, 30-40, 303, S2-40, J3 spt-oial and 8 mm Mannlioher. AlailtM for tI J to any aum-ee. Orlir front The S. C Company, Roseburf. Orf. Title Uuarantee&Loan C. K06KBCKO, 0KB60K. J. D. Bawimit, D C. Hltl-Trv, tssej. a&4 Tra OOc I th Crmrt Hon. Hav thly esa picssBvl of allmct books la Onosla Cooaiy Abstracts ul Ueniflcasva ol Title aralh4 a ii..iiaiaa Aiuintv latsj and ulol a r cllmw Kav aiao a oomplrlu mH ul Traa-luir of m l towosl'p rut ta Ih suwehur. umroa. "- - tsi sw n.-t. W i.l aiak blue pnul cop.e U aa saw a lira ill hip I1- Ij. 4l4,4,4.4,4.i444i (55tf.) liiversdale Farm