The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 26, 1903, Image 3

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    I We Want to Save You Honey
So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have the largest and
most complete line of fall goods ths.t has ever been shown in the town. v
LfldiCS, We have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, 5 length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts are the
most complete line in town ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
Gentlemen, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted W. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-to-date line in town.
J .m.M,Tr u. vs&r v- jl 4kr w Ji ''
One Door South of P. O.
Capt. Macklin . . . . . .-. Daiu
Oliver Horn ..Arnold
Love and the Soul Hanter,77oof
MyL dy Peggy Goea to Town,
. . Matheut
Th Needle'i Ey ...... .KingJey
Hop JjOT'-ig ; Bell
I he Crimson Wing . - -' " Taylor
he Stroller Itham
The Long Straight Road, H or ton
Rosalycde'e Lovers Thompfon
Confessions of a Wifa Adams
Janet Warde .", Sangt'er
The Maid at A;ms . .Chamber
Rockhaven . . ; ifun
The Leopard's Spots Lixon
Barbara Ladi EvUrU
Fraccezka Sea rail
Donavan asha Parker
Moth and Rust. ChalmvndeUy
The Fighting Bishop lloj-kint
T e Fifth String. , Sovta
The Virginian Witter
A. Speckeled Bird Eran
.4- and many others.
Price $1.15; Mailing price $1.27
"Wo rent them for 25 cents.
8 Of Local Interest.
Get your dental work at Dr. Che
die's. Painless extraction of teeth. nCO
Graves the Photographer is backat
his place of business once more, (tf)
Famished rooms for ' rent enquire
-lit old Abraham property loot of Wafch-
- ington street. .. ' tf
Dressmaking and all plain sewing
neatly done to . order. Call on Mrs.
Walle oppoeie the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Uaniilion. He has the only complete
' wt of abstract books in the county, tf
Fresb ovsters all styles. Pan,' fancy
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eating
H oe, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. H. D. Graves has been posting him
self and gathering new ideas daring his
vacation and feels he is better prepired
than ever to give bis customers the
ery latest styles. (tf)
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fiie insurance conipn
nies, is now prepared to do a genera
fire insarjnee business. Insure with
him. Office t the City Hall. tf.
Repairing neatly and promptly done
at Flint's Popular Shoe Parlors.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue prinU and filing jiapera. tf
Fine new line of boyi and men's
fancv sweaters kirft received at llilde-
Men wanted to ubt 303 tier of wood
l-iuire of Henrj Oonn, Roseburg, Ore-gon
- The organization of a company of the
Oregon National Guard at Milord is
being considered.
Chickens an chickens these dart, the
Pstalnma hatches them. If interested
a?s Churchil 1 and Woolley.
Mrs. Helen D Harford, stat lecturer
of the W. C. T. U.f will lecture at the
Methodist church at 7 o'clock tonight
T. C. Conner, associate editor of the
Pi.AixDiil.K8, accompanied by bis wife
and child, went to Cottage Grove yester
day for a few days' business trip.
Fob Sale Household soods, cooking
utensils, canned and jared fruits. Call
on X. E. Richards at Woodards Harness
Mrs. Jarley'a Waxwork Show will be
given at the Ojiera House, Feb. I i
Admission Reserved seats S5 cts. Hits
25 and children 15 cts. (flO)
The Glendale News rays: Qnite a
number of emigrants are expected in a
few days from Duluth, Minn., who ex
pect to make their homes in and around
Glendale. Let the good work go on.
Here is a bargain One practically
new, latest improred Blickensderfer
typewriter, with fine leather. case, for
sale cheap. Inquire at this'bffice. tf
The celebrated DeMoss family will
give concerts in the valley this month,
and it will again . be a pleasure and a
privilege to hear "Oregon, Sweet Ore
gon sung.
The Salem Women' Club will enter
tain tlie rraions clab women of Oregon
Dxt Wednesday and Thurday and a
number of Roseburg club women ex
pect to attend. They will be enter
tained at a swell reception Wednesday
night and at a lecture Thursday night.
Mmes. Child, Willis, Benson, Bartram,
Thackerah and Marsters are the dele
gates from the '95 Mental Culture Clab
of this city.
Mis. S. A. Sanford was .the unfortu
nate victim of a very distressing acci
dent which occurred at about nine
o'clock Saturday night. Mrs. Pan ford
dropped a china plaje on thefloor break
ing it, and a small particle of tbe broken
dish struck her eye, cutting the halt in
the papil. Dr. Fisher was summoned
and dressed and bandaged the eye, but
reports it to lie in a very serious condi
tion and the sight likely to be impaired,
but Mrs. Sanford's many friends are
hopeful of the entire recovery of her eye.
Patrons Tell -Us--
That one great reason they liKe to trade
at Eildebrand's is because they can always
depend upon the quality of merchandise.
One policy does not govern today,
another tomorrow, but the entire
institution is governed by results
of years of successful storeKeeping
Goods bought here are
always as advertised
-By small profits and quicK sale methods
we Keep our prices constantly at the very
lowest limit. The people appreciate this
and it contributes in no little measure to
our success : : : : : . :
Our Anniversary Sale is Still on and
' Prices reduced from 10 to 50 per
cent throughout the . house : : : :
Dry Goo'ds, Clothing',
Millinery, Shoes : : :
The Nuf Ced Store
See that new Bean Tower spray pump
at Church.ll and Woolleys.
Geo. H. Pitts is reported ill at his
rooms at the McClallen House.
Call in and see for yourself that we
carry the most complete line of ladtes,
gents children and haby's shoes, Flint's
Popular Shoe Tartars.
A rchool tax levy of eight mills, the
same as that of last year, was voted at
the school meeting in this city last
Saturday afternoon.
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of t'ne only silver steel saws. None bet
ter made. You will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woolleys.
About three inches of snow fell daring
last night, and the hills about here are
very beantiful, but the streets of Rose
burg are very slappy underfoot.
Wni. Holliwell, a prominent fruit
grower of Yoncalla, was in attendance
at the fruit growers, meeting in Rote
burg Saturday. This office was favored
with a pleasant call and kind favors.
Lilac Circle Xo. 49, Women of Wood-
craft, will give a Xoveltr Box Social at
the Odd Fellows Hall, Monday evening
Feb. 2. All are invited to attend, the
ladies bringing boxes. Three prizes wiil
I'ejiriven for the most artistic and unique
designs in boxes.
The two basket ball games between
the four High school trams were played
at the Roseburg Theater last Saturday
night. The exhibition was witnessed by
a large' crowd of interested spectators
who generously applauded the good
playing. The first game between the
boys' teams was won by Ramp's side by
a good score. The game between the
girls was deu'ed a tie. Next Saturday
the boys of the High school will play a
game with the Maroons.
One of the neatest and most unique
designs in the shape of a photo mount is
the "SUndford Folders." It a is new
style am up to date, and when a beau
tiful Platinum print is placed thereon;
product tbe richest and daintest effect.
Leave your order for one or more when
having your photo takenat the Sun
beam Thoto Tarlor. Work guaranteed.
Don't forget the piece, one block from
S. T. Freight depot. tX.
Roseburg is at preasent almost cut off
from the rest of the world by high water
there are glides in the Cow Crwk Can
yon south of here and washouts on the
railroads north of us. The south bound
local Xo. 11 that should have arrived
here last Saturday evening did not ar
rive till late Sunday while Saturday
morning's overland arrived in this city
eight hours late. The stub local which
left here Sunday morning is at Harris
burg delayed by high water as are sever
al other trains. A train will arrive from
the south this afternoon, being the first
in from that direction since Saturdav
The initial meeting of the Bridge
Whist Club was held at the home of
Judge and Mrs. Willis o.i Friday even
ing. Due to the inclement weather the
attendance was not as large as had been
expected.'but those who attended spent
a most delightful evening. A lunch of
sandwiches, olives, almonds, coffee and
assorted cake was served informally.
Those present were: Judge and Mrs.
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bridges, Mr.
and Mrs. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Wollen-
berg, Mr. and Mrs. Child ; Misses Maud
Rast, Elva Wimberly, Mary Brookes;
Messrs. Schmidt, Brookes and Kimball.
The club will meet fortnightly, and gives
promise of being a great success. Mra
Wollenberg will be hostess at the next
meeting on Friday night of next week.
On Saturday morning the South Ump
qua river commenced to rise at a rapid
rate and at about three o'clock Sunday
morning it was on a regular rampage,
being higher than it has teen known to
be since 18'.X). Much valuable land was
overflowed and many persons living in
the bottom were forced to leave for
higher land. .Fences were swept away
and sheds destroyed. It was stated that
early Sunday morning several head of
dead cattle were seen flouting down the
river, but with all the light before us
we think the actual loss will be light
and that no lives were lost. The North
Cmpquaalso went wild, the rise at
Winchester being 25 feet. There was
great damage done at the Roseburg Wa
ter and Light Company's power house
as the mjghty rush of water forced its
way through and tore away the founda
tion of the pumping plant, doing dum
age to the amount of 5,000. Mr.
Cochran, the manager, has ordered a
30-horne power steam pump and will
have it In operation in a few days, and
in the meantime the Plaindkalkb would
remind its Roseburg readers that "we
never miss the water 'till the well ru-rs
dry." The South Umpqua, we learn,
has doi.e considerable damage by flood
ing the light ana pewer plant and on
Saturday and Sunday nights there was
durkness in many homes in Roseburg.
However, Mr, Walker, the manager,
hopes to have the plant in full jura
tion by to;i orrow.
9 Mrs. Geo. W. Terry, is visiting rola
Uvea at Junction and Albany,
W. P. Johnson and wife of Mvrtle
Creek were Roseburg visitors last week.
E. L. Baehford of the Douglas county
mills visited Cottage Greve on business
last week.
Mrs. Chas. II. Fisher has roturned to
Boise, Idaho, after a visit with relatives
in this citv.
Miss Grace ChurchiU. who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. B. Baker in
this city has returned to lie- homo in
Cottage Grove.
Mrs. C. P. Merrill of Oswego, who
with her two children, has been visitine
here with hor sister, Mrs. Win. Moore,
has returned home.
Henry Teater and little son of Dixon-
ville haa returned home. Mrs. Teater
remaining in Salem for medical treat
A slide at Wall Creek in the Siskivou
mountains delayed Friday morning's
local six hours. A "stub" left here on
schedul tinie.o
J. A. Eggers, of Dillard was transact
ing bluiness in Roseburg, Saturday and
repotted the streams and rivers greatly
swoollen out in his vicinity by the late
heavy rains.
C. B. Cannon and S. K. Sykes left
this city Friday night for Pendleton,
where they will participate in the big
hoot to by given by the Pendleton Gun
Club Jan 2fth-27th
Mrs. Helen D. Harford will deliver a
lectnreatthe M. E. Church tonight.
Subject. "The kind of a Man "and '
man the Time Demands." All are in
vited to attend.
II. II. Wardrip, the genial young peda
gogue of the Dillard public school, was
transacting biwiness in Roseburg Satur
day and favored this office with a pleas
ant call. Ho reports anjinteresting and
pleasant school at Dillard.
Mr. Fessenden will soon leave for Los
Angeles, Calif., where he will join bis
wife and two neices and make that
ctry their future home. They resided in
Roseburg for the past three years rnd
are considered most estimable people
whose departure fs regretted by a large
circle of friends.
C A Mcfiee, of Stephens pad
through this city Friday on his return
from Myrtle Creek and Ri Idle, where
he has been with others viewing pro
pose.! roads. Mr. McGee made thi of
fice a plsesant call and renewed bis
nWription to Southern Oregon's nvt
popular and reliable newspaper the
The Episcopalians and Southern
M'thodit-ts were tlte only churches at
which services were conducted last
night. All others were enable to hold
sen-ices as they were without lights, the
Donglaa County Electric Company who
furnish light for all other churches
were unab'e to furnished lights on ac
count of the high water, and their en
gine being out of order.
The appraisers, Frank Waite, Tlin
Cooler and O. L Willis met Friday lo
aes damages on the cewly proposed
Upper Olalla ami Kent Gulch wagon
road, and reported unanimously that no
damages whatever be allowed on this
road as it will be of great and equal
benefit to all property owners along the
route. We are informed that only two
parties through whose property the
road was located, applied for damages.
R. B. Houston, who for the part fif
teen years has been freight agent in
this city, has been appointed agent at
Salem. Mr. Houston was called to
Portland br Col. Coman last Friday
night and was there notified of his pro
motion. Mr. Houston is known as one
of the most truktml and coniptent men
in the S. T. sevice and his many friends
are pleased that his faithful and efficcot
services have been recognized.
Senator A. C. Marsters and represen
tatives Hansbrongh and Kramer came
ftp from Salem Saturday lo spend Sun
day with their families but were forced
to return on the first available train on
ott account of the increasi ng h igh water.
Mr. Kramer mho was willing to tike
more clftnccs that his colleagues, went
to Myrtle Creek expecting to return
this morning, but as there will not be a
train through till late this evening it is
probable that he he combing his Ward
and waiting in dis pair.
Circuit Cow t.
The case of Geo. L. Roads and Frank
Smith for bnrgulary occupied the court
Friday afternoon. Jones turned states
evidence and was the clref witness for !
the prosecution. He told how he with
Roads climbed the fence behind Charles
Harmons saloon, how Roads broke open
the window and crawled through, an 1
claimed that Roads did everything first
and took all the money and after leaving
the saloon they decided to make a sec
ond visit which they did, and on that
visit broke open the slot machine,
Dexter Rice appeared for the defendant
and he and District Attorney Brown
had quite a personal controversy during
the trial, much to the amusement of
he jury and spectators.
After Roads wns arrested here by
Marshal Jarvis and Sheriff Tarrott, a
disoription of him was forwarded to the
chief of Tolice of Portland who sent the
officers here a picture from the Rogues
gallery at that place which was imme
diately recognized as Roads -or rather
Fred L Jones, alais Bill Jones, alaia Red
Morris, a "dope fiend" who as was
stated in the chief's letter, attempted
anything from "petty larceny to high
way robbery." Ho was considered ono
of the smoothest criminals on this coast
and through his cunning had several
times escaped from the courts of Seattle,
Portland and San Francisco. The jury
was only out a few minutes and return
ed a vemict of guilty, and Judge Hamil
ton on Saturday morning sentenced him
to two yeara in the penitentiary.
rhe officers of this city and county
should be commended npon their good
work in their conviction of these bad
characters a when the men were ar
rested, it was wholly on suspicion andlall
evidence whs discovered by hard work.
hud Morris" seemed very much pleas
ed at receiving so light a sentenced and
remarked to Ditdrict Attorney Rronn
that ho (Brown) had' succeed in doing
that the best prosecutors on the eosst
hud failed in.
U. A F Brown, pi iff., V8 L D Love,
per t. ; action to recover money ; O P
This month complctec our 25th year in the Dry Goods business
in Roseburg. For a quarter of a century we have catered to the
wants of thousands of customers, from the little store establish
ed m '78 to the present mammoth establishment which we occu
py. Our greatest advertisement is that many who dealt with us
at the start re in 19QS nfill ft
, . m.-xi7 patronage.
in remembrance of this event we have instituted this sale, which
for unapproachable values, cxcell anything heretofore offered.
Dress Goods Department.
200 yards colored satins, mostly blues
and reds, regular 50c values, special . .
60 yards Scotch washable waisting flan
nels, vry desirable colors, worth 3-k-,
7 pieces woolen plaids, lijrht and 'i ediuui
shades, easily worth 40c, siit-rial
300 yards fancy mixed uitiii, nioctlv
all wool, val. 3oc to 5e, special '. &L)
jOO yards Chambray ginghtins, one pat-. ,
Uirn. retfular 8'g, fjieeid. ,.: 4 1-4.
House furnishing Department
A small lt Marseilles spreads, l-)-4 size,
regular 75c kind, now
Another lot Marseilles spreads, 11-4 ize,
good value at 1 1.01, now
25 dozen pure linen damask towel,
fancy fast odor borders, 3oc to 50v
regular. Sjecial
Hosiery Department.
Lot 1. I .a. lies' fine cotton fancy stnpe
LiMe finish hose, 35c kind. Special..
Lot 2. 5 doz. ladies' all wool black cash
mere Inte; size H'' only: 5-X- regular.
Sjiecial "
Lot .'J. 5 doz. ladies' fine black Lisle
hone ; good values at 50c. Sjiecial
Ix.t 4, Ladies' fancy stripe, pure Lisle
how, 50c quality. Now
. Corset Department.
We are clo.injr out our entire sto"k of
lioyal Worivster V. C. C. cornets at
the follftirirvT at trnt'i it-o .ri.M. .
$3.75 consets while they lat for
12.25 ) .
2.00 " " " "
fl.50 " " '
J. 25
fl'iOO " .
140 I
eoc I
.70c j
.55c i
Shoe Department
Aboct 200 pairs mens fine black shoes,
lace and congress, calf and kid, which
' regu.'arly sold for 12.50 to $4.00. To
clean up trie ld lines we have mark-
e,lthem -; 1.50 to 2.10
Any mens tan shoe in the houe .
for 1.50
This includes vici ki' i'cloth' "iop"and
ca.f. , alues from $; to 4.
Mens furnishings Department.
About b dizen mens silk and wool negli
gee shirts, broken lines, all rzes, val- .
ues !.) to 11.75. hile ther hvt . . . I.b
50 dozen mens homemade ba-kkin
g.oves, all first quai-ty, long gauntlets,
regular 75c. Special " 5OC
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled
The Big
Coshow, atty. for 4'ff. Continued.
S. John BoUber, phff., vs Willis L
ITuil. deft. : actio n at law. A M Craw
ford, atty for pi ft., and T T I'arker and
J T !ng,etty. for dvfu Continued.
13. Annie C Warner, phi!., vs Jat
II Ward et al. ; action at law. J C Fuller-ton,
atty. f-r pltff. Contiuued.
21 Wiil E Taton vt Francis C Taton,
ait for divorce. Iecrc g-a.ite.1.
S. Chas. O. White, plif... vs Cha.
Strong, et al.; defts. ; partition suit. A
M Crawford, atty, for pltff. Continue.!.
The race of Ann Compton vs. I F
Rice, adror. of estate Aaron Hose was
argued and submitted this morning af
ter which Judge Hamilton adjourned
the court nntil May 15, 1J03.
P. Wm. M La Id, adm., iJtff., vs. W
L B Mills deft. ; suit. O P Chow,
atty. for pltff., and T s Osment and
Dexter Rice, attys. for defts. Argued
and submitted.
M. X Conn, pltff., vs Geo. Conn et
al., defts. ; suit for partition. Pexter
Rice, atty. for pltff.. and F. W. Beuon,
atty. for Vergil and Mary Conn, ftnd L
F Conn, atty. for J. C. Conn. Decree
Jas. flail vs Albert Abraham. Ver
dict for f 1 ,200 and costs.
I B Hutchinson vs Maurice Abraham,
admr. of the estate of Sl Abraham.
Verdict for defendant with costs under
instructions of the court.
State vs II P Brookhart. Peace hond
fixe. I by court at f 1,000.
J F Clements vs P W Tooley. judg
ment for 100 and cost. C R Potts vs
X Sclig. Motion to net aside judgment
argued. .
L D Carle vs Mrs. Emma Cardwell, et
al, suit in equity. Defendant allowed
to withdraw demurrer and file answer.
Notice to Laundry Patrons.
After February l.-t all laundry turned
out by the Roseltur i'leairi foundry
ill l on a strictly cash biu.
FISp. 6. C. Bjisra, Tropr.
K cf P. Attention.
All member are requested to be pre
cnt at the next regular meeting Wel-i
day, Jan. 2S, !'.03. Work In two ranks
and installation of olTkvrs.
5. W. Kimball, C. C.
For Sal:.
. Small saw mill and timber. For
particulars addrefs.
LivixiisTos Bros,
(Aprl; Tee!, Ore.
Tatlob. After a severe illness of long
duration, Mr. John II. Taylor, died at
the family residence in Cottage litove,
Jan. 15, U03.
Mr. Taylor was born Feb. 3. Ii3, and
was the oldest son of Joseph Taylor, of
Coast Fork, Lane Co. He was married
in the fall of to Miss Ella M.
Brown, and leaves three children, Hugh,
Myron and Gladys, besides two brothers,,
three sisters, a father and mother to
mourn his early demise. The striken
family have the sympathy of the eotir
FOR SALE. At a bargain, a country
store with dwelling department in
the rear and upstairs Blacksmith shop
and buildings; 12 acres of land; good
business point for a blacksmith or shoe
maker, with trade which justifies carry
ing a fair stock of general merchandise.
Address Wm. Fkaker, Cleveland, Ore
gon. 12f
For Sale.
1 cyphers No. 2, 220 egg size incuba
tor and 1 Stockton 1OT chick sizo Brooder
Both machines practically new and in
first class order. I offer both for f 27.50
Address, E. T ruff, Cleveland, Or
Manager Wanted.
Trustworthy, "either sex, by Whole
sale Merchandise Company of solid
financial standing, to manage Ival
Representatives who will organize clubs
among consumers. 40 er cunt saved
for our customers. Business no ex
periment but a proven success. Salary
18.00 a week, expenses advanced.
Experience tinnecetwiry. Address 1).
B. Clarkfon, Mgr., 334" Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111. (JSF12)
A Business Opening;.
1 Notice of Guardian's Sale.
Notirp ( b bf rlTf a lht by rl..ue and
In pormmr.ol ni r;tt n-l ijreor of iht
i'cHiiilr court ir I-oriA toaclr, ifrvrn.
jul on e u.en rrM ibe e;r. ou ti? Km
ittol J.nun-;. la Ihe mtr.rr ot Ihr
KUMii .aA. tl lb ( at1 vt: 01 Lo
rne Toj'ial m;n.r. itMf riidrrs1ii.l, V-t
iuiT i innil. ou:i5-l 44 ::is juari:u
luiiicrr, Till on
Saturday the ISday of February. 1503,
t; ihpmi'ni lonro tucfonn hou-. "ia Km
Kirr.'an-.jr, on-run, ti ifce hncr ot
lfi ot a.l liT, otfer fnr aie ti
11 l p'lbl'e aur Ion to ii r i.i.hoi ml b "I
b d.ter lor ruh Iti band, m I a :h rixut, r.t:e
B'l ln-fti o: mM minor, Lnrmo loo-MinU
lbMirn? bci i o luviwuird o-h! niirr
mt of. in Ani to the loi name VTibt prtv
cr.T. in-wit: L t i M 11. e lnnlia Lmaa
I .-via ot tmnrl. Airr'sniS.'Si w.J wit. bcia
in uitj aoi . town-h'p
cam i rn. ol la luaraette Her.
d.iD. in I .!- i r.rt.r. r.t:"0. a mrtfv
aihi pilU.I I jr rt,c Ci ur, It etTrnr of tMt-1
OauOIf D u:t U; f .U u I 1 lu l.'xt I liti 11
t' art of the ?.jatr o( Urtfia for IkkisiAa eounty
oJ la bicti Sin K J I smrnm. J M l imcnn,
brr hnlD.l. Lxrmue Tj.iiii. F K Arrh
ambeau. I Arrrjajtiixiiu. W li Arcaimtx-ati.
i'(.DvantTo fsaidt M L ArrhamtkCMU, inarva
La e tut. L FLasamI L luharr, f anner
a LajM A Lauharj a'.it Aslier Marlt as a4
ln.n.lrl 01 the :1 o( s Maraa t tVm-l-anr.
B i, BraJT an I S tiu'ii.lon wrra Oe
irn.iania Anl in r"i-nii of a -KMrve of
rourl iluiT rvn.Kr-i an 1 et't-ml in
nwoai'tShaii ol AtT.l. A 1 1ST. in
Vi.1an 1- ol the CirC'iit t oirt Jarul p-i e
2f-2 a tharrol m. wi.lca nn-l ( Lit of m i is
dulc rr"il m Volume i a r S.7 loiKima
co.inT. rv..n. KvXMru an? pe-bj tvfrrrtNi to
ani nia.1 a part ol Ihi.of crip;ia. aci a hl- h
aii il f U t-ariu-u;atlT dtwriNl in M:1 de
r'uda. li.a on wtlil flat at loilo:
t npitnt-m iuc at the norifaaem curnt-r oi lot 1
mm yJiowu ou Nut puit. tacbrv ruunln? north
chains lo a anile tfak tn', Irrra ahii h a
Mars O.K i' 'urmn iu uixoirUT bear . i: t
Cwee K. l links dixanl. a a lt $ Incu-
d In diatncirr bear N. ,x ik-grv U link
dUtant; thenc S 3 dvcrtv 4& minntt K
ii al..l to tine North boun.'anr of Lot X 1,
LVjohainii . lb Ka't boun(!rT of a1 Do
nation Ln I t'laim No ma k an A'b i inrim
iu iliatccur lor llir rornr of !! i anil 3 fiotn
wblrb a iimr-:e 1 4 incl.n In ii;rret. r K-n s.
6 irt Ai mnuM EM link eH ml an.t
Ah ."' mrhra in diainctvr bear aouih itozre
wi-t Jl. link distant: tht ui a munina Muth
mia'ite-E 4.W,'biin t. the ou:li.t cor-nt-r
ol lot No. I ; vtcner o X drgrwa 4" miLUie
wt M rha'.n; lo the p'.aoe of boKiauinii, cun
taininu Jn -1 . eorrt be the same niorv or U-i and
kn iwn a Lot No. 2 on tbe pUt of turvrf Hurt
tvienvd to.
Al.o lh nndlrUlcd one-half InWrvst of. In
and t J Lof No. a the same i nhoan be aaid
pial ol aald murvjr almve rt-ferrei to and the
mine beinx a iwii.-n of Uie Don&ilon LaDd
Cltiiro of Hld Kranci Arctambeati an I wn'e
and being kuoan a Claim N.i. i. in e.'tiins 3
and !tl In tovrrt.hlp i xiuib ol ranire A w l of
the Wiramelte Meridiaa tn Douelan county,
Oreaon, and aid lot beiui; pariieulariT d'e-wtb.-.!
In the a ud decree ab, e relerrvd to
follows: at tbe nouhweet corner of
L i N". in nald pint Ld rtmninc north t SO
chain In the north line nf aaid liouatton Land
l . aim No u.s to a poet from ab rb the oqih
et iwner of the Wusla t'otinty Piwr 'arm
bctni eas: :t chain dm'anl. tlien-e eavt pnrailvl
alia th line of aald fix.r Farm tT 7 chain to
the northuot eorucr of t'laiiu No. CA; xhem-e
m.aili iiilecMixo mlnu oi mil ll.:ochiii to
the norihcast corner of lot S". 8 and thunce
ast tl chain to the place of bcKtutitnir. ld
trai'l contaiainic 8J. 9.1 acrv and known a lot
No on the said plat of uxvy hervtufore n
fcrcd p.
latd this Slth dar of jannnir,
(inardlan ot the pi'reou and eaiaw to Lorane
In the fount Court for Douglas County
State of Orcfrnu.
In the matter of the change ot name of Uusiaf
Notice I hereby trlven tht by onler of the
almve named court dale made and eiuenvl on
the Mb day of January l!Ui, the name ol Ouataf
t.inin(on bas been 'changed to litislave i.
Attet, D. R. 8H AMTiROOg.
(ISf) fonntv t'Urk.
Smith Dandruff Pomade
Stops i-cLing s-alp Cp..n one apjica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop faUinjj hiir. Price Me.
For sale by Slariters braz Co. mhf
Notice for Publication.
fn:t.i iate Land 0r.
Koebarr. t.rec-n. Ja a, !,.
rtr'S kr' T lTn that la enrl:aii(
i""1-,"" ;.n-W-ntrt for the 3
"r.4n 'if ffmn.irai
Z, f .- incu T-.: rT."ax:eod-
dau u pabiie iaad Sale by'act of Aout
"mt eonn-yoi ti o (trema I
h-liudaT f..xi .0 ui oftce b rorn u-
ra. nt So. i ci to. , v- . . ;
t vt K,.ir w t Of
srrnon i toachip rn mn
".'r "' thai the laad soeibt
to more M.ati- for i uwber or tune IrLa
t.a.a tr.e fce)raad Kecivtr u tSi
on T3!t,y the ih day u! Karrh. rwil Be
ram k wim-- i . -r .
- 11 i 'i-irr. jrtna
Fr-irr. of Ea trarr. (. . H IT r t .
t'rk. ere(in j bvo mvk "A. 'c
rv " ' -t
aboie d.TSbed lt.d are xq ietd to t -"ee
r. m :a lb o.'Soe oa or before taid2K dar
of Marrb. lsi. 1
Notice tor Publication.
Land Of See at Knutharc. r ton.
S-t.f I hereby rren tai t . fol.oiririi
pawl baa .t4 no.ioe V h teotioa
rc.jerinalertnain-aiion rwf ia ?arwt of
bi ci-um an-l thai a.4 rrf wui be Ne
WR rw-j and reiver C s. Land orTire.r ,
Ko anr. Orrg n, oa Friday. Fvb-aary 27, !.u
ofTiler. oeon.n H KNo l.tC4 fo, rhe V,
r-.ofw. TrJ R 1 ct W M He
asi tb lollnainc n pro it hi.
enntiauott. Wneeoon and en'i-.raon of
mi. ll-ni. T-. Tj..m M.ti4ir. Peter bI.
Nicbo... Krxxe.of, yPe A Tborao.
ton. of Mjt-.; Creek, o-etron
IV JT bAll-,T9. Krr'.ter.
Kow I yixxooortoairy to g- aenoie t la-eaa f e Caa m
cat y.m on Ibe beat Tecoa se or rto
baj. rslim kept cooManiiy es
pioyed. Ii Toa a, look. a tnc a bffrue.
caeap. we ka iu tau oa or ad lrea
Stewart S Greacen
Rial Estate sai ribcr Dealers
Notice of Final Settltrmrnt
U 'heConntr Codrtoftb SlMo of Orecoa
for t onnt or Iv.ol.
Is the natter of the e!al
of )
R B. Johnson. deceard. ;
Xw!e (s hereby riren that P ! T Km -4
r,rV"r0' 'nc of R. H Jobnion. de-cea-cd.
ha. rt drn1 and P-e n:ei for it:-.
u.,.1 ia .! court hi anal imanl
t 5: o.rcinH7a;ion offaid eatale: Tht Hon
ay toe -11I day ol Marrh. l.3. at 10 ocl-vk a.
!"o L. .r- ' ,!" coar "to of aji Clort
t KoavMir (irwiii Km. i. . . . . 1 .
A nice little liiFineta at Myrtie Creek
known an the Candy Kitchen, including
confectionery, bakery and notions.
Profitable LuKincstj but party must re
tire on account of ill health. Price
reasonable. Apply to Kate M. Caieron
Myrtle Creek, Oregon. (F12)
In'ii! "U, t 'ai arena m. and lor heanni
any o-ction that may ba tna l- tn the n
U. . T. w T.
A IroiniTiorof Mild Ku:e.
Ring z?
If you bare a ring that is
broken or a set kt out, or
possi-ly yon hare a ring that
is jnst a little to crrml! or a
little to large, perhaps you
have one that needs strength
ening or u badly bent. I am
prepared to do all kinds of
rir.g repairing. I not only
guarantee my work, bat I
guarantee you will be well
pleaied with the job : : :
- - Oiaaa
slfeif Hardware
Administrators Notice.
In the matter of the Entaiaet Jonnlo t. VWm
cnts,4leceiNl. Notice 1 hewhy ilvcn by the ftiidorsicned of the tsixle ol Jennie . t U-m-cnta.
dfceasvd, that ho w. rluly appointed Ad
niinmtra'or ol the said KtMie b ihe order of
the FrolMto t ourt of Douitlaa County, Orvirnn,
made and entered ol record upon the I.'ilb da
of January, l'l.-S: '
All nemo ii havfne claim i7int oa
Estate shall pteeni Hie ume a im the nee. a.
ary proof within ix mouth fr ni tho date
cf this noti:-e to the undunlKued Aduiiuisirator
at Koscburir, tlrejon.
Paled at KowhiirK. Ong-jn, this tho 2-nd
uay ui jm mary, iwij,
Wl AdutiuUlralor.
; from January 1st to febrnary 1st, 1903 i
; Sale ! Sale ".Sale
20 Per Cent i 10 Per Cent
I reduction
Wc Want to Clear our Stock for Inventory"