rirtaric.il Society Oregon UsUn tivertising ob Printing la basy seasons brings 5 yoor yoor share of trade; tvrtisinir ia dall sea- 1 Is a very importaLt factor in bnaiinpss. Poor rrintine re- a fleets do credit on a srood ! ! sons brings yoo yoar share, and also . I tbat of the merchant who "can't af- J j frd" to ad wtise. - business Loose. Let ns do your Job ! I nnung we guarantee it to be id Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. every way satiBiactory. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY. JANUARY 26. 1903. Vol. XXXIV. No. 5 nri r. SCHEME TO MAKE QEER SENATOR Wood May Bo Induced to Withdraw In Favor ot Oeer Scheme Not Apt To Materialize. Sale. Jan. 22. Ont of the multitude of interests are born many strange vaga ries, and not the least mysterious of all is a great general political swap to make Geer senator, and carry the party split iato the coming congressional election in this district. The first step in this direction ia to get C E. S. Wood out of the way and give the democrats in the legislature an easy way to walkinto the Geer camp, as some of them were walked over to Mitchell in 1901. WOOD FOR GEER. The Portland Oregonian recently had this: -. "So little stir was created among the democrats today by receipt ot a letter addressed to Representative Galloway, from C. K. S. Wood, democratic candi date for senator, advising democrats to vote for ex-Governor Geer. The con tents of the letter have not been gener ally divulged but it is known that Mr. Wood takba the position that under the Maya act the people of the state last June declared themselves against him and for Geer. His argument is that it is thus mandatory upon the entire legis lature to cast a united ballot for Geer." AKOTHER TRADE PLAN. A nrominent democrat at Salem has K to vote for Geer, and in return have the Geer men in this congressional district assist in the election of a democrat congressman to succeed Tongue next spring. They argue tht such a trade was virtually made in the interest of Chamberlain without Governor Geer himself becoming a party to it, although not discouraging it. They could con sistently make the same kind of a trade if it would ensure them an anti-adminis tration ronuressmin from the first dis trict. Of course, there is no authority for the proposition, and at present the nl.n rst in the. minds of a few man- Hcers. who will no doubt assiduously cultivate the trade microbe. Journal. AT THE SOLDIERS HOME. Many Prominent and Interesting Characters Found Among its In-, mates. Comrade E J Lamson. Senatorial Elections. States Senators were elected last week in several states as follows : Pennsylvania Boies Penrose. Missouri W J Stone. Indiana Chas W Fairbanks, lllinoise A J Hopkins. Arkansas James P Clarke. New York Thomas C Piatt. Connecticut O II Tlatt. Utah Reed Suioot. New Hampshire Jacob II Gallingcr South Dakota A II Kittridge, Michigan Russell A Alger. North Dakota -II C llanshrough. The result of the first ballot in Wash ington Tuesday was as follows : Lvvi Ankney, 48; Harold Preston, 41 ; JoLn L Wilson. 12: George Turner (D), 23; scatter ne. 10. Orejron, Washington divulged a plan to get all the democrats and Colorado have deadlocks. 000XCX r W. BKS30S. Praaidenl. ce "esiaeni. Cashier Douglas County Bank, Incorporated 1901 Established I883 Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS r.W.BE.NS0S.B.A,P0OTH 4- II. 1IJOTTI, J. T BRIDGES J..EEU.Y.A.C.MAJt3TER3 K.L MILLER. Ajteneral banking business tranacted, and customers given every accommodation consistent with safe and conservative hanking. tu-v nnnii fmm nine to twelve and from one to three. O00000000000 i 1 iua onacson fvfr-friiirs-"-T' --g-T"53 Bring Us Your ... CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. M- FOR CASH OR TRADE 0 o J. F. BARKER & CO. I Drain Gardiner i COOS BHY STKCE ROUTE Commencing with Monday, January 20. '02, we will charge $7.50 for thefare from Drain G-toi Bit. Baggage allowance with eacn lull iare 60 pounds.. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they have 300 pound or more. All excess baggage, 3cts. per pound, and no al lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE. ( ". ' For further information address J. R. Sawyers, Proprietor, Drain, Oregon ' - 1 - - TlniVt AS I Torture Your Feet NO woman can afford to ignore her eiioes unless she hands in her resicnation to polite society. Her shoes determine her walk, her walk determines her style, her carriage, her posture, her whole attitude and bearing as she moves about. A ladies' shoe should be light in weight and very r ... " . . . Ill 1 L - K flexible to tlie loot to enanie ner w wain iu u cm;, graceful manner. This is the especial charm that makes Queen Quality shoes so popular. They are trim and neat in shape as so many other shoes are, out they go farther than this, farther than any shoe, in actually ceeatiso an elastic, graceful step. t S.C.FLIWTS&. If the lives and achievements of many of the old comrades at the Oregon Sol diers Home at this place were written and published in a book it would re quire a volume of considerable size t relate the many stirring chapters in the career of these grand old veteransi inci dent to the thrilling scenes enacted dur ing the Ci-il and Indian Wars. In this connection we quote the following from the Chicago Inter Ocean, regard ing a thrilling incident in the life of E J Lamnson. a veteran of the Civil war and now an inmate of the Homo. Cant. Lucas, the old commander of E J Larrrson 's company having been akcd hv the publisher of a war book entitled "The bravest deeds of thewar" to write an incident for publication, re sponded with the following : "The coolest bravery I witnessed dur ing my term of service was at Leesburg Mo. General Tom Ewing, with a bat talion of the Fouiteenth Iowa Veteran Inf.ntry, numbering 106 men and two or three hundred Missouri state militia, was forced to evacuate Pilot Knob by the advance of Marmaduka's and She! hy's commands, said to number- three or four thousand troops. Ewing at tempted to reach Rolla w hen he evacu ated Pilot Knob. After a running fight of twenty-four hours, his tired and hun gry lilt'e command, being pressed in Hunk and rear, took refuge in a deep cut of the railroad, at the village of Leesburg, at dark. The lines of the enemy were drawn well about the beleagured little com mand. The commands of the enemv were plaiuly heard while adjusting their lines for, as General Ewing be lieved, a night attack. In front of the beleagured forces and inside of the ad vance lines of the enemv was a large barn with several haystacks surround ing it. General Ewing called for a vol unteer from the trenches to steal inside and through the enemy's lines and set tire to the barn and haystacks, in order to light up the field in front of the be leagured little band and about the lines of the enemv. Earl J. Lamson, a cor poral of Company B, Fourteenth Iowa, offered himself as the desired incen diary. I warned him of the imminent danger of such an undertaking and the few chances of escape from capture or death. He replied : ! fullv compre hend the danger but General Ewing be lieved it necessary for the safety of this command that the barn be fired and 1 can t do mv country a better service than to attempt to preform the service." He stripped himself, stole over the banks of the railroad cut, and was soon out of sight. As we waited with baited breath for the result minutes seemed hours. Soon, however, a commotion was discovered among the enemy s troops, and about the same time a twinkling light was discovered in the upper part f the barn through a gable window. About the same time shots innumerable were heard and the noise of trampling men was carried to ns on the night air. In the midst of the noise and excitement Lamson came bounding towards the railroad cut with the speed of a race horse. As he leaped over the barricade that bad been hastily erected on the brink of the cut, he drew a long breath and said : "She's well fired, bovs." By the time he reached his comrades the fire was going in full force. and the whole grounds surrounding the railroad cut were lighted np so that with onr mnskets and two Parrot guns we had with us we were soon able to beat Marniaduke back out of range The hay horned nearly all night, and maintained a hunt so tne garrison was saved from capture. Daylight came and the enemy keit at bay until Col onel Beveridge arrived from Rolla with reinforcements, and Ewing conducted his brave little band safely to Rolla. Earl J. Lamson is alive and is an in mate of the Soldiers Home at Roseburg. He is hale and hearty and one of the most genial and jovial old comrades at .he Home. Senator Marster's Valiant Fight Against the Big Fair Graft How the Bill was Railroaded through the Senate-Only Three Senators Opposed It. Salem, Jan. 2.1. Opposition in the "This is not a Multnomah county Senate to final passage yesterday of the project, and Multnomah is no more in Lewis and Chirk Exposition appropria- terested than any other county in. its tion bill was confined to President success. This $500,000 Is a large amount Brownell and Miller of Linn, and their s of money, and the people want it ?ient were the only nay votes recorded, right, but they are willing that it should A Mountain of Gold. atBE3C3l Hints to Housewives. Dr. Martin Damourette, one of the in corporators and stockholders of t' e com pany owning what is known as the Whale mine, west of Ashland, has just returned to Portland from Alaska. To a press correspondent he tell the story of an island near Juneau where there is mountain 4,500 feet high simply seamed with gold, both placer and quartz. Damourette will not give the location of the place and is endeavoring to keep it secret until he can return there in the spring. He brings spec! mcng of the rock which are verv rich Mareters of Douglas, who had opposed two amendments which were generally icgarded as Wing intended to obstruct, declined to vote, saying that he could not consistently vote for the bill, aud he did not wish to go on record as opposing the wishes and opinions of so great a majority of his colleagues: So the vote on final passage of the Lewis and Clark Exposition appropriation hill was 27 ayes; two noes and one not voting. Proceeding all thh, though, there was warm discussion of the measure. It be gan as soon as the bill was called up, Marsters, of Douglas, called up his anw ml men t, presented at the morning session, and providing that the tair as sociation must raise an amount equal to that w hich it was decided to appropriate before the appropriation should le available, and moved its adoption. hunt orroscs amendment. Hunt arose to oppose the amendment. "This bill," said he, "his been very carefully prepared and drawn by men in every way competent to prepare and draw such a measure. When it was be fore the House several amendments were offered. They were all regarded filibustering measures, and were voted down. I cannot regard this proton! amendment as other than of a similar nature. "Of the $500,000 appropriation which this bill calls for, $50,000 is to be used for the erection of a rmanent Lewi and Clark memorial building. Another $50,000 is to be used for the purpose of sending an exhibit to the St. Louis Ex position. This reduces the uni which it is proosed to expend on the I'JOo fair to $400,000. On the best of authority make the statement that a sum equal to this has already been subscribed to the fair fund being raised in Multnomah County. These subscriptions will be paid. I know a prominent Portland banker who stands ready to pay iu his subscription in full as soon as this bill shall have been passed an J approved. I know a prominent Portand manufactur er who will do similarly. 'Now as to my authority for the state ment that this sum of moiiev has been subscribed: It in the Lewis and Clark Exp sition Commission. This commis sion is comiosed ot some oi tlie most honored and prominent citizens of the state. Their word that this mouev has been raised is enough. No evidence i needed that such an amount w ill be raised. The amendment proposed by the Senate from Douglas is sujrfluous. We do not need it." MAKSTERS WAXES WlKM. I am surprised," said Marsters, tak ing the floor again, "that any Senator should object to this emendment. Iia sum is raised and in bank equal to the sum it is proposed to appropriate, what is the harm in adopting the amend ment? It is not my purjiose to appear here as a filibuster, but 1 do wish to see that in passing this bill we take proper precautions and exercise proper judge ment. Why should objection be made to requiring a guarantee that the Fair Association will raise the amount it says it will raise? The amendment 1 have offered is in the interest ot this fair, If the Senator from Multnomah (Hunt) really desires to see the fair made a success, he will support the amendment Mr. President and fellow Senators, we cannot go back to our people and say to them. We have given $500,000 to the Fair Commission, and we have placed no obligation upon them and exacted no guarantee from them. This measure is a most unusual one. This is the first time the state has ever been called upon to appropriate so large an amount for so unusual a purpose." be siient. Thev"' are free to spend money. . All counties will stand togeth er in this matterMtilinomah w ill do .its snare. Other counties will contri bute their respective shares." MAESTK&S' BEPLV. " The Senator from Clatsop has mis understood or misinterpreted me," said Marsters, getting the Moor again. "I did not mean to say that this was a Multnomah county measure entirely. The Exjiosition Commission is nut com nosed oi .Multnomah county people ex clusively, and what I am asking is that this Commission simply be required to do w hat it has agreed to do. The Sena tor from Clatsop desires no nio.-e than do I the success of this exposition. I would have the association comeI!ed to make it a success. He says the people are free to Sieud their money. Yes; sometimes when people become intoxi cated, whether with enthusiasm or otherwise, thev are free to sin-nd their money. And it seems clear to me that just now we are thoroughly intoxi cated. A LITTLE DIVERSION. Marsters spoke with apparent heat, and there sevmed some danger that the debate might become acrimonious when Mvers of Multnomah suddenly sprang to his feet wita a motion that O F Paxton, who were without the rail, be extended courtesies of the Senate. The diversion was so sudden and un locked k-r that an audible smile went round. Myera- example was followed by other Senators, w ho aked similar courtesies for their friends, and by the time all the motions were di!-ed of everybody was in a good humor. A vote on Marsters' amendment was then ordered, and it -was defeated. whereuion Marsters promptly offered another amendment, providing that a FELLOW-EMPLOYE BILL. Herman Naval Attack. To Be Discussed In Committee Aton- . dsy Night The Bill as Intro duced by Hansbroujh'a Salem, Or., Jan. 23. One of the most nuxrtai)t measures that will be dis- cuseed at the meeting of the railway and transportation committee, when meets next Monday night, will be the bill introduced by Hansbrouah, the La Gcatea, Venezuela, Jan 22. The German warships made a concerted at tack on Fort Ban Carlos yesterday. The fort was silenced by the heavv bombardment, then the Germans steamed past and entered Lake Maia caibo. The, Venezuelan gunboat Miran- jt da surrendered without firing a shot. 1 he defenders of Fort Carlos fought desperately till the fire from the fleet I A A I t Al chairman of this comittee, known as the u"" u,eia "om lneir uns fellow-em plove bill. It was drawn np by the railway employes and is said to wonder of Wireless Telegraphy havA tw-n from the law of Ikfinnp. sola. And it is further claimed bv la- '"rami: inose wno wit- bor people that this is the strongest neMed ch between opponents m(i..iir nf it. kin.l .rir intrmWo,! in I uu lwu ean sieameri on the broad I L.. .t ll a.l . , this 6tate. I u"ou,u ",e Auanuc ny wireless teleg- The meeting of the Railway Commis- Uie otl,er daT n'u bave thought sion Monday night w ill be given over to "m lwo wsew. the lMiadelphia a complete discussion of the bill and at-101 Lucam, got into communication torneys representing both the railroad "1 'r,ua-T nu cnauenge was hastily companies and the employes have signi- t7nmlt,ed by th Lncania. Chess fiisl tl.-ir intention of in trnl- l"J"s on me j niiadejpiua accepted The feature of this bill is as follows ; mau WM a n progress. Jloves "That every corporation operating a nasnea toaod Iroand the greatest railroad in this state, whether such cor- re prevaneu. i he players were nnrstinn ho rr(M! nn.ter the law of "uuui 7 me passengers and as thin Bta or of hri. ahall he liable in the members of the Lucania team won KILLED O.N A TRESTLE. The Coquille City Creamery paid off at 28 cents per pound for December on the 15th. It ia announced to the dairymen ploved bv 'such corporation tb1 ,l wil1 W 28 cents per pound for i or January ana teoruary. damages for any and all injury suatainel by any employe of such corpoiation as follow s : When such injury results from the wrongful act, neglect or default of an agent or officer of such corporation superior to the emidove injured, or of a trson em having the right to control or direct the services of such employe injured, or the servii-es of the employe by whom he is imured : and also when sucb injury re sults from the wrongful act, neglect or default of a co-employe engaged in an other department of labor from tbat of the employe injured, or of a co-employ-on another train of cars, or ot a co-eme ploye who has charge of any switch, sig nal point, or locomot ve entrine. or who is charged with dispatching trains or transmitting Ulegraphk or telephonic orJers. Knowledge bv an employe in jured of the defective or unsafe charac ter or condition of any machinery, ways. appliances or structures of such corpora tion shall not of itself be a bar to recov ery for anv injury or death caused there by." the game, cheer after cheer resounded i for Morconi and his invention. butter fat also. Friday Afternoon's Train Causes Death of a Man Near Oak. land, Oregon. Oakland, Ore., Jan. 23. A man by the name ef Martin was knocked from a trestle north of here this afternoon ty the north-bound stub train and killed. The above brief dixpateh tells the story of a sad snuffing out of a human life. The conductor on the special train told how the accident happened. The man was walking across the trastle, w hich isuite a long one, and was about midway w hen he heard the northbound train coming. He calmly climbed down to one of the extended braces as all bridge carpenters are accustomed to do ing w hen a train approaches, and was apparently in a safe position. He was an acquaintance oi trie engineer and as the engine rushed past he looked up at his friend and recognized him. He waved his band at the engineer and leaned too far back and waa struck by the hanging steps of tlie day coach. Ha fell to the water and lite train wai stopped. After some difficulty he was dragged out nd the train put back for Oakland at great speed. He died about the time the train reached that place and nothing could be done for him. The remains were left in Oakland. Coquille City is soon to hare a steam laundry numbered among its numerous other local enterprises. ovwovcvovvcvcs OVOVOVOV5VOVVOVSCVV Are yon partial la about your Coffee, Tea and Spices AT CURRIER'S GROCERY IF YOU ABE CALL AT Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. AND- 1 lillIILLllU bllblll II IE 8115 EMPIRE- Livefj, Feed and Sale Stable C. P. Barhakd, Prop. Saddle Horses Single and Double Rigs at a A hours Transfers Soc' ijven very bes care Rates always reasonable Take the Rosoburg, Marshfield BtagaXmo for all points on Coos Bay. Good I SpringHack leaves Rosoburg Every Morning at 6 o'clock. t'.nction. Buffalo Bill's Daughter to Wed. It was announced recently that Irma Cody, daughter of "Buffalo Bill" Cody is soon to marry Lieutenant Clarence Arm Strong Stott, of the Tenth Calvary, U S. A., Colonel Cody's old regiment Lieutenant Scott earned his commission in the Phillippincs, where he served as a private. In the Philippines he was made first Sergeant, and when he re turned to the tnited stales was given a commission as Second Lieutenant. At a dinner which celebrated the open ing ot his hotel at iouy, vvyo recently, Coloned Cody announced the engagement of his daughter to Lieutenant Stott, and proposed a toast to th3 yonng couple. The wedding will take place at Cody, and hundreds of cowboys, frontiersmen, scouts, and In dians w ill help make the event pictur esq tie. Miss Cody wrs born on her father's ranch at Nort.i Platte, Neb., and educa ted in Denver and New York. Lieuten ant Stott is a son of Colonel W. W. Stott who served in the Civil War with dis- FCLTOS S TELLING 8PEKCH. Fulton of Clatsop arose to opiiose the amendent. 'I have every confidence," he said, 'in the judgment and the sincerity of the Senator from Douglas (Marsters) but I am compelled to disagree with him on this proiosition. This Lewis and Clarke Exposition project is not a project alone for tho people of Multno mah county ; it is not even a project alone for the people of the State of Ore gon ; it is a project for the wholo North west. I trust it is a project which w ill result in great good for the whole North west. I believe it to be such. The cele' bration proposed is a celebration of the anniversary which gave to the United States a domain equal in all respects to an empire. Had Lewis and Clark never undertaken their expedition ; had they never braved the dangers and suffered the hardships of that expedition, then the flag of great Britain would be wav ing where now waves the Stars and Stripes, and Mounts Hood and Rainier would be standing, silent sentinels of British instead of American domain. "It seem to mo that regard for senti merit in this matter rather than mere regard for commercialism is the proper spirit. I believe that the people of Ore gon are actuated to a greater extent by sentiment than by desire for gain in this matter. We have said to the world at largo already that wo are going to hold a great exposition to commemo rate the centinnial anniversary of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Wo have already given this notice to tho world. special election be held within IO days from the passage of the bill, to submit the bill to the will of the people under nitiative and referendum law. This amendment also was lost. With trepidation and "miygiviligs I an.-, sam Hunt ot Multnomah, to move the final passage of this bill. But while I do this w ith trepidation and mis givings, I am fully conscious that I do it w ith the support of the people." , Pierce of Umatilla arose to say that he believed the sentiment of the state w as unanimously for the fair. It was not so a year ago, but it was so now ; thanks to the campaign oi education waged by the press of the state. Pierce was doubtful as to the expediency of the project, but people wanted the fair. So be it. He would vote for it. Here Marsters got the floor again. "The Senator from Umatilla f Pierce) saves his troubled conscience', he said, by recomuieuJing that the Legislature go down in the pockets of the people. and bv added taxation replenish tlie depleted treasury." ao, caid Pierce, "i did not mean that. I meant to enact corporation and inheritance taxes." That's right," said Marsters, "tax the dead; they can't kick," and the discussion closed amid a general laugh. Booth announced that he would vote for the bill, although he was not in sympathy with the objects and beliefs of the promoters of the fair. He did not beleive the sentiment of the people was unanimously iu favor of the project, and he though' that a campaign of education should be carried on in the rural districts to unify sentiment there, The bill was then placed on final pas sage, with the following result: Ayes Booth, Carter Croisan, Daly, Dimmick, Farrar, Fulton, llobson, Hoi man, Howe, Hunt; Johnston, Kuyken dall, Mays, McGinn, Mulbey, Myers, Pierce, Rand, Smith of Multnomah, Smith of Umatilla, Smith of Yamhill, Steiwer, Sweek, Wade, Wehrung, Will iamson. Nose Miller, Mr. President. Not voting Marsters. AND ASK I OR OMOrJOFOtsE BRAND - Price is no higher and every can guaranteed Rosebur s Legislative Notes. Currier's, Lead Grocer VOVCVVVVOVOVCVCOA.C' introduced a bill state lands from Oregon Flax Finds a Market. Senator Mulkev has withdrawing all the sale. Senator Carter is the author of a bill relative to foreclosure of mortgages by the State Laud Board. Bills for amending tlie charter of Ash land have been introduced in the senate by Carter and in the house by Hans-1 brough. The Legislatures ef Oregon and Wash ington are so far "deadlocked, but they are not having one-tenth the fun, or ex.itement, tbat is being had by the Colorado legislature. At last a "flat salary" bill baa been introduced, but it may have quite a rocky road before it gets through both hou -e and into the Governor's hands for his signature. Burleigh of Wallowa introduced a bill to prohibit sheep from grazing in East ern Oregon within a mile of dwellings. It also provides that sheep, horses and cattle shall not graxe on unoccupied lands of the state without permission of the county court. The Me iford Success says that both Chas. Nickel and Horace Mann, news paper publishers of Medford, want to be colonels on the staS of Governor Cham berlain and that thej have been study ing military tactics ever since Cbamber Iain's election in preparation cf the oveted rank. Bills have been introduced in the house to create a' State Tax Commission, to supplement tne initiative and refer endum, to create an agricultural society in each county, relating to the election and compensation of prosecuting attor neys, to define riparian rights; to amend code as to injuries to fruit trees and fences. It is doubtful if the bill providing for a iustrict Attorney ior eacn ujani; ought to pass, unless in the small or sparsley populated counties the salary is made very small. In some counties there is scarcely any business for a Dis trict Attorney to do the year through. It is possible that the number of Dis trict Attorneys should be increased, but outside of Multnomah and possibly two or three other coon lies there is not enough business for one to Justify such an officer, unlets his salary be kept down to correspond with the work he will necessarily have to do for the public. --- ; rri t- ,.-, ) e Fountain of Health is found in eond Flour now, as for centuries, the "staff of life." The long tried : : : : : Pride of Douglas F".Mir U a rood tau Ina opoa. a but lhn.andi kaow la ihv.r b9?Si. Way ioobM aot Toa lrra of lta ii m br or drnoc a wnp.e aaca ot barrel iron tout front' : : : ; : : : d V. Basliari i Son, Ptone 131. J. M. Weatherby T. A. Burr D. L. Marti Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber "iiaiiSBBlSBBBBBBBBSBSSMBBMBBSBlilBBBBBSHSBWBSBBBBBSSBBBa Estimates a Specialty. List yoar proper- siiiiiiisa"""issssasssiss"sssssBissiBMSssMSssssississsssBBBsss4sHBB ty with ns. SPECIALTIES. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes, Rubber Goods, Toilet Articles, Lime and Ce meat. Paints, Oils and Glac-s, Perfumery, Truss es, Pponges, Brushes Etc. Rambler Bicycles and Sundries. School Supplies. A. C. Marsters & Co. Drngs, .Medicines, Chemicals. D 815 Stationery School Books F. S, DAY, The efforts made for some years by Mrs. Lord, wife of the former governor, to have the Oregon flax made up into different articles, has at last been suc cessful. A firm iu Oakland, Cnl., is using the flax for, the manufacture of linen toweling and tablS linen. A merchandise house in Portland has just received the first consignment of the toweling and table linen and has placed it on their counters. This firm has been endeavoring to get these goods for some time and it was only after re peated efforts that they secured a ship ment. All goods manufactured by the Oakland firm find a ready market in the East and very few reach this market. California Qolden Harvest. Los Asoelks, oCal.. Jan. 2. Rail road officials say that thcro will be be Ueon 22,000 and f 3,000 crrloads of oranges shipped from Southern Cull forniathis year and that the lrvit is the best ever grown here. It promises to be the banner year; as the most perfect fruit which ever left the state is going out now, and the highest price ever offered for oranges is being paid in the East. Unless some unforeseen disaster comes, it is safe to calcuhit s that at least 15,000,000 will bo put into circulation in Southern J iluornia. JEWELER and WATCHMAKER All Work'Qnaraateed for Reasonable Prices. Germany Blasters. Second Door north new Bank Baildiog KosiBmrt, Oregos Eeblin, Jan. 23. Public sentiment has become jinjoistic in reference to the complications with the United States through happenings in enezuelan waters. Tho imperial government does not at tempt to conceal its vexation at the at titude the United States has taken as a quasi protector of Venezuela, aad its as sertion of the Monroe doctrine as an entity in the settlement of differences between . the European governments and the South American republic. It is certain that the German govern ment would take umbrage at any de mand from Secretary Hay for an ex planation of the Fort San Carlos bom bard men t. The press today is almost unanimous in upholding tho home government and astertinn that any interference by the United States is unwarranted. It is said a man who squeezes a dollar never squeezes his wife. In looking over our accounts we note that some awful good women we know are not get ting the pressure they deserve. KODAKS! They've gone and done it again Done away with the dark-room in developing. A little machine to de velope film negatives in daylight without going to a darkroom Any child can operate it. See this won derful invention at our store. Churchilll Woolley.