The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 19, 1903, Image 3

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    . VI 'Rans, brown
We Want to Save You Honey
So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town. &
Lei d ICS We have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, 3 leiicth, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts arr the
most complete line in town ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
CjCntlcmCn, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted W. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-tcKlate line in town. .
& Ona Door South of P. O.
The People's Store
We take this occa-
sion to gratefully ac
knowledge the favors
and liberal patronage
accorded us during the
closing year, and to
wish you all a merry
Christmas and a pros
perous and happy new
Yonra very trnlr,
M(1 Stationery
See Liquid Air boil on ice Wednesday
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co,
for blue printi and filing papers. t(
Liquid Air Wednesday night 312
degrees lielow lero.
Fine new line'f buy' and men's
fancy sweater Jnit received at I Hide
brand's. Several of our subscribers paid ar
rearages, and others renewed their sub
scriptions during lastweek.
Another dew of Manila itch is sweejw
I ing through the state, and nearly every
place lias one or two cases. Ashland re
ports five.
Here is a lwrgain One practically
new, latest improved r.lickensderfer
typewriter, with line leather case, f.r
sale cheap. Inquire at this office. tf
The celebrated DeMoss family will
give concerts in the valley this month,
and it will again be a , pleasure and a
privilege to hear "Oregon, Sweet Ore
gon" sung.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a genera
fir insurance business. IiiKure with
him. Office at the City Hall. tf.
Coming, Stetson's famous "Uncle
Tom's Cabin Company" with its famous
Colored Ladies b and, cart of 50 people
and pack of Siberian bloodhounds. At
the Opera House Jan. 23. See ad.
The Rt. Rev. B. W. Morris, D. !., the
Liquid Air at Opera House Wednes
day evening.
II A 'venerable Bishop of Oregon will visit St.
V; Jan. 20th mid administer the Rite of
Confirmation. Services will be at . :.T0.
Everybody welcome. t2.
Ion'i fail to see the wonderful Liquid
Air demonstration at the 0era House
Graves the Photographer is back at Wednesday evening. This very inter
im place of business once more, (tf) eating and marvelous exhibition will be
Furnished rooms for rent enquire ' given nnder the auspices of the High
at old Abraham property foot of Wash- j School.
ington street. tf H. E. Huntington last week shipped
Dressmaking and all plain sewing a coop of fine silver combed Brown Leg
,M.. Anna in. nr,1pr Tj.11 on Mm. ! horn pullets to E. C. Short, of Walla
Walls opposi'e the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
T1 . -l . . . TT 1 . 1 . 1 .
namuion. ue uas iuc uuij i-umpirM; standard
set of abstract books in the county, tf
Pan, fancy c;. . linnml n Im-nnil mips-
tion the finest lot of canines of that
strain ever found in this country. They
are somewhat larger than Mr Rocky
Mountain lions and much more strongly
built, but when aroused or on a trail
they have all the tieeinesw and activity
of these animals. These famous hounds
are touring with Stetson's "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" Co. this season, and will appear
at the Roseburg Theater on Friday
evening, January 20, when this crcat or
ganization plavs here. Watch for the
A labor Saver, that Automatic wringe
at Churchill & Woolley.
Mrs. Willis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek
is in this city today.
So easy to wring with that Automatic
wringer sold by Churchill & Woolley.
Marvelous Liquid air exhibition at the
Opera House Wednesday evening.
Get your dental work at Dr. Vhea
(lie s. rainless extraction of teeth. n20
Mrs. F. V. Renson is entertaining
Mrs. Dudley Holland of Boise City.
Airs, r . II. ApplehofT is the guest of
her son Arthur Johnson, in Portland.
XI f t - r. - . . .
-I.-. ..i. .. .noma, 01 loise, lualio,
who has been visiting friends in this
city has returned home.
Mrs. II. c. Bickett returned Fridav
from a visit to her sister Mrs. Edith
Abeene, in Eugene .
Get an early start in the chicken busi-
ness, use the Petalnma Incubator.
Churchill & Woolley. See tbenj.
Geo. D. Goodhue, of Salem, who is
connected with the creamery at that
place, was in this city on business last
The long distance Bean Spray Nozzle
will save your mixture and kill the
vermin and scale. Chnrchill & Woolley.
See them.
W. W. Miller and family, went to
Wilbur on this morning local to visit
the family of Prof. J. E. Reason at that
T. U. will serve baked
bread with salad sand
wiches and coffee, also will have a win
dow sale of home cooking, on Saturday,
January 24th, place will be announced
Editor O. L. Williams, of the newsy
Gardiner Gazette, was transacting busi
ness at the county seat Friday. He fav
ored this office with a pleasant call and
reported very muddy roadi from Drain
to Scottslmrg, as well as elsewhere
throughout the country.
Our esteemed contemporary, it is ob
served, has dropped onto the Plaindkai.
kr'b newsy and attractive display heads
and is following its example inannounc
ing iniortant news items. "Imitation
is the sincerest flattery"
It is observed that the Hon. Geo. W.
Kiddle has returned to Douglas county
after an arduous week's work at Salem
where, it is understood, he has lieen
lobbj ing for the fMO.OOO Iwis & Clark
exposition appropriation.
Mrs. Helen D. Harford, State Presi
dent of the W. C. T. U. will hold ser
vices at 11 A. M. Sunday at the M. K.
inurcn and hi the evening at tlie
Christian Church. All are cordially
invited. She has just returned from tl
Last where she has ltecn in attendance
at the National Convention.
C. D. Drain, a prominent citizeu
the city bearing his nnme was a Itosu
burg visitor today and favored the
I' with a pleasant s
call. He was very favorably impressed
with our fine new press and gasolene
engine as well as our building improv
On Saturday afternoon Mrs. S. i
Sanford very delightfully entertained
few friends complimentary to her sister
Miss Nellie Litchfield of Portland. Scar
let carnations, fern.; and smilax placed
in tall vases and Indian baskets were
the floral decorations. The Jeature
the afteruion was "The Romance
Eugene (city) and Jow-phiia' (county)
told in verse, blanks being left to be
filled with the various Oregon geograph
icai names, ."s-verai provej clever in
the contest, but in drawing for the prize,
a Haviland china di-sert (plate. Mrs. T
R. Sheridan was successful. Mrs. R. II,
Houston assisted at lunch which con
sisted of chicken salad, bread sand
wiches, olives, almonds, coffee, lemon
ice aud cake. Among the guests mere
Mmes. Willis, Thackerah, Sehlbrede, T.
R. and J. S. Sheridan, Wright, Cheadle,
Barker, Houston, Brookes, Douglas
Haynes and Beltils. Misses Minnie ami
Grace Sheridan, Jeannie and Kate
Buick, Lulu Willis, Rose and Winnie
Bitzer, Mary Brookes and Clayte Bur
E. L. Bashford has returned from
Portland where he was in attendance at
the organization of the Northwest Mill
er Association.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Flint left this citv
last Saturday morning on an extended
tour and pleasure trip throughout the
Un ited States.
U. O. Lewis, the photographer, who
has been in charge of Graves Gallery,
left this morning for Albany where he
will reside.
Mrs. Jarley's Waxwork Show will l ,
given at the Opera House, Feb. 10.
Admission Reserved seats 35 cts. Flat
(flO) ,
Un J-aturday afternoon little Miss
This month completes our 25th year in the Dry Goods business
in Roseburg. For a quarter of a century we have catered to the
wants of thousands of customers, from the little store establish
ed in '78 to the present mammoth establishment which wo occu
py. Our greatest advertisement is that many who dealt with us
at the start are in 1S03 still honoring us with their patronage!
In remembrance of this event we have instituted this sale, which
for unapproachable values, exccll anything heretofore offered.
Pleasantly Entertained.
Fresh oysters all styles.
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
by an expert cook, at Railroad Eating
House, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. H. D. Graves has been posting him
self and gathering new ideas daring his
vacation and feels he is better prepired
than ever to give his customers the
ery latest styles. (tf)
For Sale Household go ods, cooking
utensils, canned and jared fruits. Call
on N. E. Richards at Woodards Harness
big street parade at noon Friday.
Patrons Tell Us
That one great reason they liKe to trade
at Hildebrand's is because they can always
depend upon the quality of merchandise.
One policy does not govern today,
another tomorrow, but the entire
institution is governed by results
of years of successful storeHeeping
Goods bought here are
always as advertised
By small profits and quicK sale methods
we Keep our prices constantly at the very
lowest limit The people appreciate this
and it contributes in no little measure to
our success
Walla. Wash. Douglas Co., poultry is ' an,i 15 ...
' 1 I 1 .1 t I
DeCOining Known aunm'i, " uni (
'. r Mr Huntington is ft:llv no to I
" J - 1 ! . . ....
; . ii v uintnis enieriainea a large party
' of little people in celebration of her
ninth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. V T Wright left Thurs
day for a visit to San Francisco and
other California points, to be gone for a
month or longer.
J. F. Clements has sld bis home in
West Roseburg and on the first will
move to ii is farm one mile Wvoud the
Soldiers Home.
Mrs. P. C. Reams, whe lias len in
Meadows, Ilia ho, for the past two years,
has returned to Roseburg, much to the
gratification of many friends she has
Dont you wih yon had taken Church
ill & Woolley advice and bought a
Petaluma Incubator last winter at this
time, and be selling eggs and chickens
at presen t prices.
The Young Peoples Societies of Chris
tian Endeavor will 1 entertained by the
Presbyterian young people at the home
of Misses Regina, Maude and Gertrude
Rast, 'on Thursday evening.
Miss Blanche Riddle a teacher in the
Roseburg schools, who has been visiting
h-r parents at Riddle, reports that her
brother, Claude Riddle, who has . been
juite seriously ill at home is much im
Mrs. W. H. Carroll Jr. quite
serriously ill at her home in this city
with blood loison. Her mother, Mrs.
Mary E. Holcomb an brother, Charles
M. Williamson, of Salem have leen at
her ledide this week.
R. P. Ormston, of Olalla, Mas in this
city on business today. This office re
ceived a pleasant business call, ami was
congratulated upon our efforts in giving
the ieople of Douglas County the news,
fresh and up-to-date.
Misslnua Clements entertained about
thirty of her little friends at her home,
Saturday afternoon, January 17. The
time was spent pleasantly in playing
games nntil 3:30 when adelicions lunch
was served. Anions the prvsent were:
Florence and Greta Kohlhageii, Dorothy
Dagas. Gladys Strtuij:, Leland Brown,
Madge Miller, Malel Rryan, Veva Buick
Jene Houston, Ruth Hathawav, Clif-
ford Barker, Dale how, Harold Bel
lows, Inez McDaniel, Ella Miarp, Edna
and Helen 1-auif.ii, Irma Wollenberg,
Helen Wollenlierg, Harry Campbell
Jennie Wharton, Pearl Davis, Woodly
Stephenson, Eva A Frank Batey, Vera
Perry, Margie Clements, Earl Douglas,
Lucy Bron, Fannie Campbell, Floy
Houston, Edith, Mabel and Irma Clem
A Cold Wave is Coming.
Our Anniversary Sale is Still on and
"Prices reducedfrom 10 to 50 per
cent throughout the house : : : :
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Millinery, Shoes
The Nuf Ced Stote
Three fine prizes were given away by
the Clara Mathes Theatrical Co. to
those holding cupons in the audience
Saturday night. The prizes were: one
maple writing desk, one fine rocking
chair and a corner chair or settee: Mr.
A. D. Clink heHihe number that drew
first prize, Mrs. Jas. Young the second
ami Robert RnWrtson the third.
W. II. Jamieson and wife are just in
receipt of an invitation to attend the
inaugural ball in honor of Governor S.
W. T. Lanham, of Texas, Jan. 20, 100.3,
at Austin, the state capitol. "Baldy"
says if be had a little more time he
would certainly attend, and says he re
grets to thus disapj oint the governor.
Last Meek some cowardly sneak, out
of pure cussed ness, dropped a piece .f
poisoned meat in the door yard of A.
Morningstar, a peaceful farmer residing
near Drain, and his little grand-child
playing about the yard barely escaped
death at the hands of the vile scoundrel.
Had uuy fatality resulted, the party,
who it is said is well known, would
have had to answer to charge of murder.
A temjeratiire of 30 degrees below
aero is preuy coii weainer, imt even
ti ? - ...
coiner is promisea in tins city soon.
More than ten limes 30 U'low aero will
be the temperature at one place on the
Opera House stage nest Wednesday
night, where the tank of Liquid Air is
1 laced for the score of intensely inter
esting experiments that will be given by
the lecturer and demonstrator engaged.
A supply of this wonderful fluid, 312
degrees lclow xero, Is guaranteed, and
extensive laboratory apparatus is
bronght w ith which to show its many
jiecnliar and startling qualities. The
demand for seats indicates great in
terest, and many are expected . from
near-by towns.
Present experiments with Liquid Air
are simply voyages of exploration into
the strange country of hitherto unknow n
temperatures. What the heat of a fire
is to water in generating steam, so is
the heat of the atmosphere to Liquid
Air, which is so inconceivably cold that
a kettle of it will boil away" fiercely eveu
ujioii a cake of ice; alcohol is frosen and
quicksilver is made as hard as iron,
while the air'a chemical proerties per
mit of many paradoxical and interest
ing feats.
To tho average public the great charm
of a Liquid Air entertainment centers in
the wonderful experiments. To the
scientist there is a "goinj; In-hind the
scenes," the experiment to him is a
small thing, the principle involved in it,
and the possibilities it indicates, are
full of thought that is new and startling.
To the man who has done but little
work along scientific lines, and given
little thought to scientific subjects, the
professor's brilliant excrimcnts seem
like tricks of legerdemain, dazzling by
the rapid suceEsion of things amazing
and at first incxplainable. There is
enjoyment and instruction for all classes.
Auspices of the High School.
MOORE.-In Rcsebnrg, Jan. 17,1903,
to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Moore.a sou.
B0YLES At the Soldiers' Home,
Friday, Jan. 1(1, 1!K)3, David R. Boyles
aed 73 years.
The deceased was lato a member of
Co F, First Oregon cavalry, and entered
the Home at Roseburg on July 1, 1894.
He leaves two married daughters, one
living at Iceland, Ore., and the other at
Gardiner, Ore. The funeral was held
at the Heme cemetery Saturday after
noon. WOODR U FF At Cleveland, Or , Jan.
19. 1903, Mrs. Martha Woodruff, of
complications attendant to old age.
. In May of this year she Mould have
baen 89 years of age. Three sons, R. A.,
E. T. and Geo. and one daughter, Mrs
Cyrus Smith survive her. She Mas a
a pioneer of 8T4. Obituary in next
Dress Goods Department.
200 yard colored satins, mostly Miles
and reds, regular 50c values, special..
50 yards Scotch washable waitintr iLiu-
i i . ii. i .i ...
mis, very ueniraiue colon, worm .,
7 pieces woolen plaids, liirht and n-ediuin
shades, easily worth 40c, sjiccial
30O yards fancy mixed suitings, moMly
all wool, val. 30e to 5V, special ". - -
to0 yards Chambray 'tnli.ims, one pat
tern, regular h1, pwi a.
4 12
Hosiery Dep3rtment.
LoM. Ladies' fine cotton fancy stripe
Liele finish hose, rj."c kind. Special..
Lot 2. 5 doz. ladies' all wr.x,! black cah
i:wre h se; si,. h'4 only: 50c regular.
Njieeial "
Lot 3. 5 doz. ladies tine black Lisle
hose g.jod valiif. at 50c. Special
I-ot 4, I -idles' fancy stripe, pure LWe
hose, 50e quality. Now
House furnisning Department.
A small lot Marseilles spreads, liM size,
regular 75c kind, now
Another lot Marseilles spreads, U-4 size,
good value at fL0, now
25 dozen pure linen damask towel,
fancy fast color borders, 35c to 50c
nlar. Sr
Corset Department.
We are closing out our -n!;re sto-k of
j.uai nonesier t . c L. cotfets at
the 'following' attractive price:
3.75 corvets while thev la.-t for. . .
12-25 j
IJ.tKt . " "
1.75 I
fl..V) "
Shoe Department.
About 200 pairs mens fine black shoes,
lace and eon grew, calf and kill, which
regularly sold for 2.50 to 4.00. To
clean up the odd lmes we have mark-
e,,tLem 1.50 to 2.13
Any mens tan sho
This includes vici kid, cloth
.calf. Value from l to f J.
in the hone
lop, and
Mens rarnishings Department.
i i A wut o dozen mens silk and wool nrt'i-
S2 b tl-W to 11.75, while they last . .. Uj
i -km uozen mens home-made
glove, all first quality, lone gauntlet,
regular 75c. Soecial... .
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled
! . .
Wedded in San Francisco
AMii.AMt, Ore., Jan. 15. Capt
Edward Thorntuu, one of the very popu-
ar and prominent young business n.en
of this citv and a veteran of the late
An In'tian Iv .iveJ an expre tram !
, J with 250 paru.ers from gotaj through j
a irc!-ue on i:ie M-.ore r-a.i, near
J Bufl.ilo. The toy's name was not even
mentioitiHl in the dispatches.
Spanbdi Amrrican war, ho servel
with dLtiuct:ou with the Second Orejon
YoIanteT, and Mis Ii Dnmau,
laughter of Mrs. J. B. Stmdard, of this
city, and one of the mot luvely and ac-
complikheil young ladi of Aahbnd
Mere united in marriage, Lv.t evening
at i -.30 o clock, at the home of the
bride's sister Mr. Wincheh, 420 Spruce
street, San Franrim-o. The wedding was
very qui-t affair. The newly weddrd
pair will iq.-nd a ru:iple of weeks i.-t
California, after which they will retnrn
to Ashland and take up their rei-idcm-e
on Oak street. The couple have Lots
1 friends who will wifh them long life
and all manner of hapinesa and
Notice for Publication.
rui!d S:ai- tnd fl!.
I T f rru ttal la e-nrr,isow
; J-aa J. ' "au ;ar
j lat:li;di 11 r;i'orn. najon
1 :; im p joiie Usd r: br'aet o? Anna
j of rBa"P. vwid;t rmi.; n tl W.
I K -h-. t. t.fl ia h:to L b .i-l
r-ni.v.vt' l.-r ih t-ircr. of 't- of
kuownasthe Candy Kitchen, inclulirg j , wcji. jac s wt.Vfc j w.ii nt
Protitab!e bu-ines I at jany mut re
tiie on avjT:ct of ill Lcjlth. Price
rc,rr .--ir.o. i-r Wilier.
.Myrtie I re. k. vrtvon. ,U " . r.
A Business Oenin;.
A cice little bi.iue- at ilyrlie Creek '.
Cf a. 1 La.'l I. ...i.n .
t.-. p;;rrw. a l I.. r:. ;.3 bi r sua o
k.l!.fAwi3.s Soniir, it- JT , j
Mu?ic Lnvcr
M asic lovers will have a rare inter;
tainiuent by sif.iriy c.i!!iiis at I'.urr'a ;
Popular Mu-ic Ib-ase and ir.jiectinjt ;
pns- 1 our spiviidid army of m' iuftru-!
ments. Our di-pLy ot pians are sim-j
ply luagnificicnt. Here are f i:!d the?
-"f n--ri..: Uc
lb:r r;;ta ia t il. nr -r
l?"fUnra, J. y
'..rr .i.f 2il ;
Sow U twit ofsoftag::7 ri a ch. :r
iira!f ti.B ut o.Kn.i. wef.D;.,
ri on the pine r i.rto
t3TL It ja an tvkim Ijrm fcome
Stewart & Greacen
fid Estate aaJ Hater D.zlirs
Notice tor Publication.
I'n.'.iM S:.t- LttC't
Eo!)anr. nrvf 11, 'i
Nn!!t u lrt t firm tA: la frr.aatw i-nsru:, rt i i;.e txt of "ocrr rA
Jca J. U. E;i;i-.l "Aa met l.-r ia r; ot
UaUtr UJ n tt i'tc( Caii.'ontiA.urr.cvw
SrrLm. m." .-i iVii'-.i-pia Trr.!orT.-x-c-J
mA tn . I m, I,' A . . -j . .
Mr. L. I Ramsey was bora Aug. 1, jderful tonc-l;!, ti e many tone! ( . J. "
ISW in the state of Tennessee, and died 1 Crown Or. '.etncal sn,l ti e ant:lul,'f o.tar? enntr f'iW.i.' tit, 5(f.
Jan. 18, Y.m, in West Roseburg. Oregon, i toned colonial tyle Victor. We have 1 V -l iL'll
From Tennessee he move.1 to Arkansas' others like the :rtr. Kir.:hury and ,S1,. ts', .d iuion 4. Vst'
i,.. n .... i . . , , ..- i .rv wi .iu ocer rrooi o tAow
icj-tln.jni icujmI" cwr TaiW for lu
lnutrr or .u.n t4a f t uncaii i.jl nrwiK.
. ..... I -.; s . : ,1. .L.. ; ..' "w "
..i.'-ni n.oa I3UH live li nf
here be remained nntil 1K5), wiien he
crossed the plains to California. Afir
pending some years in California, he
came to Oregon making ins home in
Coqnille, Cjo Connty, where he was
married to Mrs. Clariaa Breshears on
August K, lS7ft. Two years after he
moved to Coles Valley, Douglas County,
here he remained until he moved to
Roseburg in (A t. 1W0.
Mr. Ramsy leaves to mourn their lots
wife and several children. He was an
obliging neighbor, a loving husband and
kind father.
He was buried at Cleveland, Saturday
Jan. 17. Services were canducted at
le grave by Rev. E. M. Marsters of
Roseburg- The children are: Mrs. lien
Fisher, Mrs. F. M. Tozier, Roseburg,
Mrs. A. Ottinger, Wilbur, Missee Lizzie,
Martha, Rosa, Viola, Masters Lafayette,
Marion, Calvin.
OR SALE. At a bargain, a country
store with dwelling department in
the rear and upstairs. Blacksmith shop
and buildings ; 12 acres of land ; good
business point for a blacksmith or shoe
maker, with trade which justili-s carry
ing a fair stock of general merchandise.
Address Wu. Fsaseb, Cleveland, Ore
gon. I2f
Manager Wanted.
Trustworthy, either sex. by Whole
sale Merchandise Company of solid
financial standing, to manage Local
Representatives who will organize clubs
niong consumers. 40 per cent saved
r our customers. Business no ex-:
world renowned Chickering, the won-
Needham. Then here ionr mammoth:
stock of small c-v.b, ;!!i-h a S. S. '
.i vi caf. Of.
tars, banjos. Our imn;ci.M' line of vio
lins rane in price fnun f2.50 to
e are soie aeni lor n.e vo.uniL'ia i "raii:i rrvn riia:ciadTTrv;, th?
graphaphoneand sttpjly. Renumber fr'f, JXfV.
we are runnim; no concert liai witn ao. j "7 j.i.bkuu..
cents adnii.-ion, but our door are al
way open to the j nblic.
RiTf r
(Notice ot Pinal bettlemeat
In lb Coaatr Conn of th st. i o
forCoantrnf Woo..
Wood Wanted ,B lt t ine cute
of V
R B. Jiihiuon, JMi. j
Sealel bids to furnish 13J tiers of oak, Notice is hx.y tira thst D. 3. T. wet, .i
and 20 tiers of old fir, 20 inch wood to be j e?h.T
delivered at the school l,oUFe in Rj3V,V:M.
burgon or lforo 0-t. 1st. IW3. Will hr ;r..i .'t i v-rh. lyij, t .vrira
12 o'clock noon, of Jan. 20ti, 11C5.
A bond conditional to the faithful per
ftirmaiux of the contract to furnish said
wood must accompany each bid. 1
The board reserve the rijjht to reject !
all bids. By order board of directors, '
Diet. No, 4. Roseburg Ore., Jan. 10, j
V.m. Clara I'ih aro, Clerk.
i.tnn. ha. f... . K .
I l:i:i.H ( u:d n! c n1 lorbHr.n.
n otjvl.vus Ih4t mr b l n h txa.
. , U.LT lr.
A-1mia:.trtiro( rt E-U'e.
Box Social.
Don't forget to remember the Box
Social at the M. I". Church Friday even
ing. Ladies bring boxes, tientlemen
bring cash and a large appetite. Good
time a.isured.
In thf f'onstx Court ior Douglw County
Smio ol Orrtmn.
In Ihr nisttvr ot tlicrhange of Dine of Gu.Ul
erunent hut a proven success. Salary store nnul vort tltilv rolv sad ruierol on
118.00 a week, expenses advancel. t,,e 8" iy' Janunry iww. tiie dimd! t".mi(
irnr mih:cnr.. 4,1. Tl ""iin '"u tii.uSri it "U.nn v.
hi.., " ." ...'., -, .:... arereii.
larkKon. Mar..
Chicago, 111.
Dearlnirn SW.,
Attctt, D. R. tH AMUROOK.
County Clcri.
lurrah for Uncle Sam and Hurrah for Uncle Tom
...Original Big Double Spectacular...
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Under the management of LEON W. WAS1IBUKN, the Burnum of all. More
Grand Novelties than ever. George ma Scenery. Mochunical Effects Prof
Derr'8 Military Band. Creole Ladies Bras Bund. I!1rxI Mounds. lVuutiful
Chariots and lablemix. Wagons drawn by handsome Shetland Ponies. Outline
Cake Walkers. Buck and Wing Dancers. ' Male and Female ijmirtettcs. Jubilee
Singers. Grand Vision and Transformation Scenes. Eva and her Golden Char
iot. Watch for the big parade It beats a Circus
Reserved Seats and 5OC Xow on sale at Strrmg's Furniture Store.
of our business is
honesty and fair
treatment to ever-
one. If onr
goods don't please
you, return them
at once, and if we
can't make it sat
isfactory, your
money will be
cheerfullv refund-
fiA'o,rer t
do Vrnrr rr-anc
- - - Opticas
? slieif Hsrdwsfc
from January 1st to retary 1st, 1S03
Sale i Sale Sale
20 Per Cent
10 Per Cent
o ota t.
Wc Want to Clear our Stock for Inventor)'