The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 19, 1903, Image 1

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pb Printing
In busy wagons brines
I a erj ire port er.t facUrio
business. Poor trinticar re
yonr your share of trade;
KilvArtisintr in dull sea-
flects do credit on a gocd
i.asiness tons. o do yonr Job
Print lr.fv ur A a n .. . . .
z sons brings yoa yoar share, and also
f tbat of the merchant who "can't af-
I frd" to advertise.
Published on Mondays and Thursdays- Established 1868.
- - "B " o Kuiuiuira lt 1U us ID
every way satisfitctory. .
No. 3
Henry Meyer the Victim Either Robbery or Revenge
the MotiveWonnd May Prove Fatal.. ri
Qleaned by our Corps of Special Cor
respondent?.. Social, Personal
' and In ustrlal.
Portland, Jan
saloon-keener at
16. Henrv Meyer, dressed, but looked, he said, like long
and j sh
oremen. He did not know them.
ti .tp .1 the Good Pa- They ordered the drinks and before he
maritan Hospital hovering between life knew what had happened he felt hiiu
and death from a pistol shot wound in- self falling and even thing tnrnuig black,
flicted over the heart bv throe unknown The wife heard the shot and rushed out
men who entered the saloon about 1
o'clock this morning, presumably for
the purpose of robbery.
The perpetrators immediately fled and
their identity 16 unknown to the police.
T. A. Edwards, of Salem, and E. II.
Trice, a barber, were arrested about 3
a. m. today on suspicion. They were
found in the vicinity of the criiu in an
intoxicated condition. This morning
detectives accompanied the suspects to
the hospital for identification bv the
victim. Their innocence was estab
lished com pletely by Mr. Meyer, who
rallied sufficiently to promptly inform
the officers that "they had the wrong
men." Detectives Day, Weiner, Kerri
gan and Snow are working on the case.
According to the statement of Meyer,
three men were concerned in the shoot
ing. They were strangers, rather well
and found her husband lying In-hind the
bar. Seeing no wound at first ele
thought he had LUlon in a fit.: ; She
gave the alarm and Officer Harmon,
who has that boat, rushed in and tele
phoned headquarters. The officer had
passed the place 20 minutes before the
shooting took place and the day bar
tender had left the saloon 10 minutes
before, at 1 o'clock, leaving the proprie
tor counting his cash. - :
The doctors cannot hold out any.hjpe
that Mever w ill live. The bullet passed
to the right of the heart and ranged to
ward the left. The patient may lite
through the day, but cannot last very
long, according to all established prece
dents in such cases. Doctors Teuton
and Zan are in attendance and the in-
inred man's w ife has been at his side
since the shooting.
Farmers are busy putting
tW. II. Ollivant moved into
house Monday. ........
. Rev. Mr. Reese of Ten Mile preached
to a good house, here Sunday.
'The Sunday School has leen reorgan
ised with the old o liners at the head of
affairs, and is progressing nicely w ith a
large membership.
Mr. Stokes is not well yet, but is slow
ly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Williams and
Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh and win,
Arthur, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Spaugh Sunday. -
Sorry to state that Dug Kincade is not
improving. Dug is a good man and
vorks hard when he is able, and he has
the symiathyof the entire community
in his misfortune.
J. T. Spaugh has purchased a 10-inch
cofferdam wheel and placed it in his
grist mill. It will grind chilled plow
lays to perfection
Thomas Chun-hill and family of Ten
Mile passed through here last week on a
visit to Cleveland. Cora.
Fires a Bullet Through the Body of Editor Gonzales
At Columbia, S. C.A Cowardly Act.
r a, r- w a liSTFRS
YS ST IK K 1 -. 1 I V v. -
Vire rrestdent.
Douglas County Bank,
Eatabllshed 1S83- Incorporated .90.
Capital Stock. $50,000.00.
A general banking business tranacted, and customers given every
accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking.
twelve and from one to three.
0 Brine; Us Your
Drain Gardiner
Commencing with Monday. January 20. '02i we will charge 1 7 50 for
thefare from Drain t 0 Biy. Baggage allowance with each full fare
M ounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they
EE SM 1 ' or nor,. All excess Jjj. p nd A
lowance will be made for round trip. DAIL
For farther information address - -
J. R. Sawyers,
Proprietor," Drain, Oregon
-Ask to see our-
No. 621, with Mat Kid
nnner. natent Kid ramp
and extension sole for I
All other styles $3. For
sale only by :: :: ::
S.C. Flint
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No
for go r goods and good service.
Edeob'-wcr News.
School progresses nicely with a fair
The acreage of strawlH'rrit's continue
to increase.
Fruit growers are pruning trees and
cultivating lands.
Many of our market gardeners con-
inue to supply the Rost-burg market
ith eod things fresh from the garden.
Edenbower is a veritable garden spot.
and the scicne. of vegetable gardening
is constantly receiving more attention
among the producers here.
ling. h--gs and chickens did you say?
f Charlie Edwards.
dJ- Bros. 4rntiaue to haul big loads
t milk and cream to the city from the
airy. ,
The walk from Cyrus Powell's corner
od the city has been raised and other
wise improvetl bv contribution of our
J. K. Buckmaster is improving the
propertv rseentlv purohasmt frt.m J. I'.
and Chas. lUmilton, and he w ill itoon
have a comfortable home.
Cyrus Powell our gni! and efficient
road sopervieor knows how to mak
good roads, and cues jnst as far as the
county rope will permit.
Attorney Barzee has had a telephone
put in his residence. He is aleo build
ing one of the largest and most complete
chickens houses in the oontv.
Messrs Ranee. Shelhrede, Clayton
Conn and Gray are preparing to fence
and otherwise improve their block?
Several new houses will le built next
Mr. C. E. McMnllen has con ph t'-d
and moved iuto his new residence.
Finitvale folks will be gardening in a
short time if good weather continues.
e would like very well to have s-me
person pnt in a stock ot general mer
chandise in- this surburhan adjunct of
the city. We would patronize the enter
prise, and believe it would pay.
Callccs IIbnc.
P. S. C L to Increase Ten
- Cent In the Next Six
Coixhria, S. O., Jan. 15. Hon. X.
tionzales, editor of the Columbia State
mi l one of the most pr minent politi
cians in the Ptiito, was shot down in the
street here today at 1 o'clock by Lieutenant-Governor
Janus II Tillman.
Editor Gonzales was on his way home
to dinner from his office when he met
Mr. Til man, who was accompanied by
two State Senators.
It is taid that not a word was spoken
as the editor and Lieutenant-Governor
met. Tillman in-tantlv d ;ew a revolvwi
a;id placing it close to the body of Gon-
iles fired. Gonzales staggered and
then catching his balance turned to
wards the nmn who had shot him.
Tillman had the smoking revolver in
i hand with the m'i..le pointing at
lie wounded man.
"Coward," shouted Gonzales, a he
was caught by partes who had rushed
o his net-i-tam-e.
Lieutenant Governor Tillman was im
mediately placed under ' arrest and Mr.
iouzalcs was hurriedly carried to the
ffice of the Columbia State, where
medical aid wa summoned.
In the city the wildest excitnient pre
vailed and thousands congregated at the
new spa per office. .
Mr. Gonzale at this hour (3 P. M.) is
till in hi office. He is perfectly ration
al and declars he has given no recent
offt-iie fur the shooting.
Arrangements are now being made to
carrv him to the hospital, were the
wound iil le proled. It is not known
as vet whether the h'dlct entered the
ntestines and the aWominal cavity.
From a hurril examination, however,
the wound in regarded as very serions.
The bullet entcrid the rient side and
came from toe lejt, entirely
through the body. Eye witnesses de
cl rs th it Gonzales was taken entire! v
by surprise.
The eaiiiH; of the thootinz is supprxied
to dto ba-k to the recent camna'Cn
when Gonzalez rr.adea bard fight tgatnt
Though de$iratclv woundel, tlon-
zales displaced wonderful nerve. When j
he reached his oificw he inquired a Wit
some busine matters and declared he
hal licen sh- t without provox-ation. He!
has leen ir.formel that the nature oi
hi wonnd i v-ry M-rion, but he is
chet-rful and encourages those about him
tr hope for the bet.
Ti'.linan decline tn make any ttate-
ment at this time for publication.
Phys c:..Di report that the wound may
pr ve fatal.
The ill-feeiing between Tillman and
Editor GonuW ha been brewing for
S)mc time and ML' wed a severe denun-
ciation of Tillman, which (ionza es
made in the columns of his paper, and
on the stump throughout the state. The
trouble between the two men, however,
first grew out of a tight between Senator
B. It. Tillman and Senator rin on
the floor of the United States Senate
Major Micah Jenkins, who had served
with Roosevelt's Rough Riders, in Cuba,
an 1 who had won a record for bravery
aad merit, was to have been presented
with a sword by the people of South
Carolina. The presentation was to have
been made by Lieutenant-Governor-elect
Tillman. When President Roosevelt
withdrew hit invitation to a state dinner
in Washington which he had sent Sena
tor Tillman becanne of the fight the
latter bad in the United States Senate,
Lieutenant-Governor Tillman refused to
present the sword to Lieutenant Jenkiim
Mr. Goiizales took up the matter
through the columns of his aper, the
Daily State, and bitterly denounced
l.ieuienant-uovernor unman. lie re
peated the denunciations on many dif
ferent occasions, and even dared Till
man to deny the charges which he had
made. The charges Gonzales made
were spread ail over the South, and
made a deep sensation, many uncom
plimentary remarks being made La the
preMof the countrr because Tillman
did not resent the charges.
The feeling between the two men was
very deep and bitter, and although they
had never before had a personal en
counter, the trouble was expected.
Both iionzales and Tillman hare hots
of fr.ends, and more trouble may fellow
t.cnzaies comes irom a family cotevl in
litis section oi the country lor courage
and nerre. He went to Cuba before the
Spanish-American War and enlisted a
a scout with General Gomez, doin
notable work lor tne insurgent irmr.
He is an able writer.
Atlanta. Ga., Jan. 15. A special to
the Journal from Columbia says the
I wildest excitement prevails there at this
boor, 4 p. m. Open threats are made
to lynch Tillman. Gonzales is said to
he dving at the hofpitil. It is under
stood ha friends are rallvinz there in
the street.. Tillman, who is hel l
the police larracks under a heavy guard.
still declines to make auv statement
till mas a fieri n Brrrca.
Columbia, S. C.. Jan. 16. Editor
(icnza!es, who was shot by Lieutenant
Governor Tillman Teeterdar, i much
improved this morning.
The attending physicians say he will
mover unles nnforeseen complications
Why Hon. George H. Williams, May
or or Portland is Not Now on
the Supreme Bench.
A correspondent of the Charlotte, S.
C, "Daily Observer" has the following
to state regarding the reason Hon. Geo.
H. Williams, of Portland, ex-senator of
Oregon and now mayor of the metropo
lis of the state, failed of confirmation
to the position President Grant appo.nt
ed him. It will serve to recall the inci
dent to many old residents of Oregon
ana be read w ith interest ov new ones:
Your Washington correspondent in
is "Notes," published in today's paper,
peaks of the appointment by President
Grant of George H. Williams an "As
ciate Justice" of the Supreme Court,
which nomination the senate refined to
confirm. It is a very small matter,
(erhaps, but when a statement is pre
pared for publication it is just as well
to hare it accurate; otherwise why go
to the trouble of making it at all?
Mr. Williams, who at trat time was
Attoroev General, was named for the
position of Chief Justice, vice Chase, de
ceased. Prior to his entering Grant's
Cabinet Mr. Williams was a prominent
member of the L nitcd States Senate
during the stormy days of Johnson's
administration He was th' author of
he reconstruction legislation by which
the seceded states were permitted to re
enter the Union.
The Senate's failure to confirm Wil-
iams was dne to a woman's quarrel.
The wile ot Ju.lge Williams was a wo
man of great ability, as well as the pos
sessor of remarkable personal charms
n her day she exerted a powerful influ
ence in ashington. Jealous oi her
prominence and power the other women
of the high official diss combined for
her overthrow, and this opportunity
came when Williams was named for
Chief Justice. The fight was long and
vigorous, anl tlur oppomion at one
stage w as nearly rooted ; but in the end
succeeded in preventing the con firm a
tion. And this i why Vt ill mm a is cot
now Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of the Unite.! States.
Mrs. Williams alandoned society and
thereafter until ber death a tew years
ato devoted herself to religion. She
became so austere in the oliservanee of
hat she considered hei religious duties
that slid frequently endangered her life
by prolonged fastings. Her death it
said to have U-en due to one cf thw
oerKls of abstinence wherein she dt-
prived herself of fod for several weeks.
Slie was lorn to rule; nature lavished
upon her with a prodigal hand a wea'tl
of charms and mental endow merits of
the first order.
Charlotte, S. C., Dec. 51.
Rumor that George Gould, the Railroad Magnate, is
Behind the Enterprise Gains Ground
Salt Lak, Jan. H The building of assembling their ootfits at different
the so-called Moffat Raiiro.'d between points along the surreved riht-nf-wav.
George Estes, Founder of the Order, Lies a Very Sick
Man at the Perkins Hotel.
Portland, Jan. 16.
president and founder of
hood of United Railwv
leorge Estes,
the Brother-
I There are about 100 lodges ordivisions
( ot the U. B. R. E , and there are 25.1
The headquarters of the or-
Emplovee of members.
America, arrived in Portland this morn- der is located in San Francisco, the only
ing a sick man. He was put to bed im- national organization f railroad men
mcdiatclv upon his arriv;.T at the Per- which has its head in the far West. Be-
kins Hotel, and Mrs. Estes. who is vis-1 aides the president there ire 41 organ
iting at Drain, has lieen sent for. It is , uers and other field men working
Rev. Francis E. Clark, thi founder
of the Christian Endeavor movement
is sending circulars to the state officer
asking them to take part in a great for
ward movement for 1903. An effort is
(O lie made to increase the nuinlier of
societies in the state by ten per cent.
and to add ten per cent, to the roll of
each society. The state making the
required increase wiil be presented with
a banner at the International Conven
tion in Denver, and the successful
societies will be placed on the roll of
There arc no restrictions: Members
may be active, associate or honorary ;
and the societies, senior, intermediate
or junior. Each district will be assigned
its Share of the' work.
The plan, as announced, is to make
the last week of January "Increase
Week," when the strongest effort is to
be made. The first Sunday in Feb
ruary. "Endeavor's Birthday," a day
for adding new members.
With a definite object, a ten per cent,
increase, and a definite time, from
January first to the Denver Convention
in June, Oregon will doubtless claim a
banner for state work, and many socie
ties be on the roll of honor.
believed that Mr. Estes condition is
serious, hut not necessarily dangerous.
It is said ttiat he is suffering from can
cer of the stomach. He was met at the
train by Secretary Apperson, of the
1 cal order of the brotherhood.
President Estes' visit to Portland has
l)oen anticipated for some time by mem
bers of the organization in this state.
There are several hundred of them, all
having gone into the ranks w ithin two
years. Mr. Estes is about to make
another tour of ihe state for the purpose
of increasing the strength of the organi
zation. He arrived here from Tacoma,
his last stopping place, and has com
pleted a tour which took in various
cities from Houston, Tex., to Vancou
ver and Victoria, B. C. A big diviaion
f the order was founded a few days ago
at Tacoma and South Tacoma among
workmen of the railroad and in the
shops. -
One of the most important pieces of
work which President Estes was called
upon to look after within the past few
weeks was a threatened strike at Van
couver which he assisted in bringing to
an end through the offices of arbitration.
Denver and Salt Lake ojrii an endless
amount of conjecture regarding its ac
tual ownership. "David H. . M ,ffat. a
Denver banker, u the ostensible promot
er of the elite: pi i-e, but rumor sav
others are behind .ho road.
The Mofftt road will n- Jubt be
It if well known in Wall street that
Gould rnn-t soon eek an outlet to the
Pacific Coat if he w ishes to maintain
the integritr of his great system. He
n.ust a!o reach the coast by the most
direct route in order to move traffic at
the least cost. With the Moffat road
constructed, as tear!)- 2.G00 men are now i completed the shortest distance to the
at work ou '.S. miles of grade ear;Co-t is directly to Coos Bar. There
uer.Ver. i lie roa l as surveveJ I al- i are no ludii-a'.ioo t th
hat the M Tat roa-1
west ot Salt Lake.
present time
U to be extended
Coal Tariff Reba.e Bill Law.
most an air line between the two cities,
and will be about -ViO miles in length.
The shortest distance bv rail between1
Denver an. I Salt Ij.k i nr.m- i.-fi
by of the Union Pacific. It will there-j Wasbukstos, Jan. 1 The bill pro
fore reult in a saving of 170 miles of , vided for a rebate of coal duties tem
trave! ami form a direct mens of ' porarilr ieigned to relieve the distress
communication in the carrying of trans- throughout the east on account of the
continental traffic. t coal famine, whi. h rwod th Hon
For the cost of constructing the Mof- vesterdav bv a vote of 254 to 5. and
fat road the sum of i:,00,Cs) has been ! later ied tb Senate with a lew
raised. Active work began at da light J amendments, was this morning signed
on the first day oi the vear. and there I bv President Roosevelt and is now in
is no iaiinisii- that there will be any j full fmce and effect. It is hoped that it
cessation, as various contractors are , will meet the existing numran.
o c J
Coffee, Tea and Spices
Price is no higher and every can guaranteed
Rosebur s
Lead ng
the inUreets of railway employes. T
society embraces, besides prjtection
fraternal benefits and accident benefits
I he order is a strong factor in lettering
the condition of railroad emploves and
securing to them improved hours and
Mr. Estes is a yonng Oregonian. H
was formerlv in the enirlov of the
Southern Pacific Railroad, and is well
known as the agent for the company
one time at Roseburg. for a long time
his home was at Drain.
He is accompanied on bis trip by J. F.
Massey, second vice president of the or
der, and R. C. Dodge, organizer.
Mr. Estes said he was unable to talk
in detail of the work of the order in the
Northwest or the status of the present
wage differences here and elsewhere.
He said that he had been in such acute
pain that he had not been able to get a
wink of sleep or to eat a bite of food since
M ndty night, when he too' a turn for
the worse." - He has placed himself un
der the care of a doctor and a trained
nurse has been engaged to keep every
body out of bis room at the hotel in or-
, der to allow him perfect quiet and rest.
-AND .
r w
Unti Fed End Sale table
O. P. Barnard, Prop.
Saddle Hore Single and
Double Kig a I hours .
Transle St even
very be --
Rates always reasonable
Take the Roseburg, Mirh3el l S:a?s J ine for all points on Coos Bay. Good
Spring Hack leaves Roseburg Every Morning at 6 o'clock.
Detroit's Qreat Coal Scheme
'Detroit, Jan. 15. The city authori
ties oiiened the coal yard provided for by
the city council today.
The coal is sold at a figure just su
fficient to cover the cost, six dollars a
ton, and but a limited nmonnt in sold to
any one person.
The rush to get the cheap coal was so
great that a big squad of special police
men were sworn in to preserve order.
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good 800 acre Mrm for sale five
miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in
cultivation, balance hill, pasture and
timlercd land. Small orchard, good
bouse, barn and other improvements
For price and terms apply to P. T. Me-
Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Ruick,
l Roseburg, Oregon. jl5tf
Was Sentenced to Fivj Years From
Douglas County Served
Three Yesrs.
Salem. Jan. 111. Hugh Patterson was
released from the state penitentiary to
day UKn pardon, the first one under
Gov. Chamberlain's administration.
Patterson was sent up from Douglas
county three j.'ars ngo to serve a sen
tence of five years for rape, the victim
being a Cottage Grove girl by the name
of Thorn. Friends have leen working
persixtontly for some time to obtain Pat
terson's release. As soon as it was ac
complished, he left for his old home at
Albnnv. Patterson was an S. P. trake-
man. Another brakeman, B. F. liar
ve . was charged with sharing in Pat
terson's crime, but a trial in the circuit
court failed to convict him. ''
Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood.
Inquire of llenr Conn, Roseburg, Oregon.
Official Report of Damage Done
Recent Earthquakes in Rus
sian Turkestin.
St. Pktsrmucro, Jan. If). The official
figures are that 47H persons lost their
lives and 33,112 houses were destroyed
as s result of the recent earthquakes at
Andijnn, Russian Turkestan.
Fatal Shooting Accident.
Ashland, Jan. It5 The news of
another case of accidental shooting, this
time with fatal results, was received
here. The deplorable accident occurred
in Climax precinct Sunday afternoon,
when a little girl aged 3 years, was shot
and instantly killed by the discharge of
a Winchester rifle in the hands of her
brother. Samuel Doron. From the ro-
nort of the affair it seems tlrnt tne
The Roecbwrg Lumber Company the
Purchaers Alexander & Camp
bell c4 Cettsge Grove At the
Head of ths Company.
A large real estate transaction was
consummated in Koseourg laie iai wees
in the transfer of the title to the Great
Central townsite property to the Rose
burg Lumber Co , by Major Kinney for
a stated consideration of flO.Ot.O.
That portion of Rusher's addition in
Weet Roseburg embodied in Kinney's
Improved Plat of the City of Roseburg.
together with about 6ti acres of adjoin
ing pasture land was incimbd in the
transaction. Alexander A Campbell,
the well known lumbermen of Cottage
Grove, are at the bead of the purchasing
company, being represented here by Mr.
C S Whitcouib, who consummated the
deal with Chief Engineer Kinney, of the
Great Central Railroad Co.
The transfer of this proirty to other
hands in no wise changes the character
as a building site, nor will it in any way
interfere with the Salt IjikeCoo Bay
project ; neither d-es it mean that Mr.
Kinney u to sever connection witn I. is
business interests here, but quite to the
contrary. Major Kinnev, of tle Great
Central railroad project, simply made
the transfer because he felt that the
building up and general welfare of the
new addition would be hastened by its
passing into ether hands, as there has
been showu a deposition on the part of
the local knockers and the skeptical ones
to block every step of advancement that
might be attempted by the Great Cen
tral people in this enterprise. It is good
propertv and a more sightly locat:on for
homes or business property would be
hard to find anywhere about R -seburg
There is said to be outstanding against
the townsite company debts aggregating
a total of about ,000, of which some
12,000 was due to the Roseburg Lumber
Co. This company, perceiving the value
of tbn nronertv. came forward in the
" - w -
emergency and took it off of Mr. Kin
nev'a hands. Thev will carry on the
sale of lots, improve the property, erect
residences, and, in general, carry out
the work outlined by Mr. Kinney.
All accounts against the property
which arose under Mr. Kinney's man
agement will be paid by the new com
pany just as soon as the necessary mom y
is acquired from the sale of lots therecn
Mr. Kinnev will now be in a position
to devote his entire time and attention
to the Great Central Railroad and
its kindred enterprises at Coos Bay, and
will endeavor to get matters in shape
for active operations this spring and
summer. After the affairs of bis former
townsite holdings are all settled up, the
Major will visit Eastern points to look
after important business pertaining to
the construction of the Great Central
of Health
is found in gond Fioar now. as for
cen ur..--. the "sta3 of life." The
long tried : : : : :
Pride of Douglas
ru-wr U znnd v:T to cpnn. but
tbcuaz!4s ka Uietr brwet. W fey
&oa4i tow ietra cf its ra o bv r
!cr;a nipt tmek or barret lima you
ffer :::::::
(L 1. BoiWori & Sos, Ptess 13.
J. M. Wmiherbr
T. A. Very
D. I Marti
Roseburg: Real Estate Co.
Faiiu and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List yonr proper
tv with us.
Physicians' Prescriptions
and Family Recipes,
Rubber Good, Toilet
Articles, Lime and Ce
ment, Paints, Oils and
til. s, Perfumery, truss
es, Sjonges, Brushes Etc.
Rambler Bicycles and
Sundries. School Sap-plies.
A. C. Marsters S Co.
Medicines, Cfccnluls.
School Books
All Werk Gnaranteed for Reasonable Prices.
Secoa.l Dir north nw Bck Bildia.
KosEBrxa, O&xcos
Little Ranch for Sale.
A good little home for sale ; 17 acres
adjoining fair grounds, ll east of
Roseburg. Good buildings, 150 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cultiva
tion. Price 1225. For particu.nrs m
vnnnir man u-ho tn 1Q vnAra oM. was trv
ing to extract a cartridge from his rifle, quire at Milikin's shoo storo, Roseburg
when it cxphxled, with the result stated. Or.
al tf
They've gone and done it again
Done away with the dark-room in
developing. A little machine to dc
velope film negatives in daylight
without going to a darkroom Any
child can operate it. See this won
derful invention at our store.
lurchill & Woo