The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 15, 1903, Image 2

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    The Twice-a-Veek
Rose burg Plaindealcr
Published Mondays and Thursdays.
Editors and Publishers
Twice-a-Teek Pliinckaler, per year, 52.00
Fred Wright, City Editor, Solicitor,
T. C. Rrrn. Foreman
. Entered at the Post Office in Roselmrg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
January 15, bm.
Press Biiiltier of the American Type
Founder Company of Portland,
Seattle and Spokane-
To show the utter disregard iu which
the truth is held by our esteemed con'
temporary, the Roseburg Review, and
the falseness of its recent statements re-
jr.irding the Flaixdealee's new press
that it had been oierated for years in
the basement of the A. T. t. Cos. aux
iliary priut house at Seattle, etc., we de
sire to call attention to the following
interview with Mr. A. D. Smith, press
builder of the American Type Founders'
Company, of whom we purchased our
press :
Q. How long has your company had
a Seattle House. Mr. Smith?
A. We have carried a stock at Seattle
ouly since Sept. 1, 1902.
Q. How long have you had a ready
Irint house in Seattle?
A. Since September 1, 1901.
Q. . When did you buy the press that
was recently sold to the Puuxdealeh?
A. June 19, 1902.
Q. 'When did you begin operating
this press in your Seattle House?
A. August 20, 1902.
Q. How long was it in service there?
A. -From August. 20, 1902, to Nov 1,
- Q. Why did yon operate it in your
Seattle service?
A. For the purpose of testing its
steed and general working qualities.
Q. How fast could the press be oper
ated and what was its general service?
A. We operated the press at a con
tinuous maintained speed of a little
more than 1S00 impressions per hour, or
taster than any other press of that site
in Seattle at that time, and the w.rk
turned out by the press was highly satis
factory to our ready print customers in
that section and ourselves.
Q. Was the press removed from your
Seattle House for the purpose of putting
in a new press?
' A. So, we have not put in. a new
press in our Seattlj House, but a see-end-haud
press, that was obtained from
a Chicago dealer,
Q. How do you know all of these
facts? '
- A. Because they Lave been given me
1-y John S. Pinney, manager of our
branches in Seattle, Portland and Spo
kane. It will therefore be observed that the
Plaixdealer'8 press is a NEW press
Laving only been given a practical work
ing test covering a period of a little
more than two months. The senior
-liu-r visited the Sect tie House, saw
the press in operation in 'ctober, and
was so well pleased with it that it was
Liuiiediately purchased, but as we stated
last week, it could not be installed in
our office until the new brick was com
pleted which was delayed by inclement
weather and scarcity of material until
Jan. 1. It is now in order for the Re
view to crawl into a hole and pull the
aperature in behind it.
Can it be that Governor Geer is a
candidate not onlv for senator but the
place m the lower house of congress
made vacant by the death of Mr.
Tongue, as rejKirted in the Portland
Telegram ! . We annot believe that our
ex-governor is such a miscellaneous can
didate. Ex.
The records of the Second Oregon,
Spanish, American War Veterans, have
recently been compiled ' and issued in
book form in. a single volume of 700
pages, bound in law library style aud
handsomely illustrated with 'full iage
pictures of the officers, various comjia
uies and Philippine war scenes. This
very interesting and valuable volume
was compiled and issued by Adjutant
General G- W. Uantenbein, aud is a
very creditable work which will" lie of
inestimable value to members 'if the
famous Second Oregon and to the stale.
Forther notice will be seen iu another
column over the signatu re of the adju
ant general.
Ve confidently expect the present
session of the Legislature to give the
State some neccessary laws nrou the
subject of rJad making. Bad roads are
expensive, unsightly, dangerous to life
and projerty, show a lack of thrift in a
community, retard- its development,
prevent the sale of its projicrty, produce
Jilth and disease and are a diseiiiinator
of bad morals, as they provoke profanity
in those who "jse them. We shall have
done a splendid work if we lictter the
condition of the public pads of our
la connection with the duty of the
present congress to elect a new -nker,
some interesting statistics have come
out. Mr. Henderson was the first
tjeaker to bechosen from the territory
west of the Mississippi. The oldest sur
viving speaker is Galusha A. Grow, who
was speaker from 18til to 1803. Another
surviving speaker, Johu G. Carlisle, Is
n-jw a resident of Xew York. The last
democratic s)aker, Charles F. Crisp,
was a native of England. . The state of
yew York has not furnished a speaker
since 1S27.
The H'.cial street car that w ill run
-''ery ten minutes for the benefit of the
legislators has ''Mate house" on one end
uiid "state: prioii"on the other. Salem
Journal. Don't 'get that ear turned
around, Salem. A quorum night be
Jir.r 1 to rind ot the fa pi to.
Inaugurated Wednesday AfternoonAddresses Made by
Both the New and
Salkm, Jan. 14. In the presence of
the members of the Oregon legislature,
the state judiciary, state officials, a large
number of distinguished citizens, and an
assembly, of people which filled every
nook and cranny of Representative Hall,
George E. Chamberlain, democrat, of
Portland, was this afternoon inaugurat
ed Governor of Oregon. The oath of
office was administered by Chief Jiisti.v
F. A. Moore of the Oregon Supieme
Court. It was fouud impossible to com
plete the c invass of the vote in time fur
the inauguration to Iks carried out this
morning as had lieen intended. The
joint session tlif rvre was declared ad
journed at 11:30 to await the result of
the canvass. Upon its re-assembling at
2 p. m., the ceremony was carried out
with dispatch and according to program.
Governor Jeer delivered his farewell
message to the legislature before retir
ing, and cautioned the lawmakers not to
indulge in too much legislation. He ad
vocated special revenue measures to pro
vide for the Lewis and Clark Exposition
approriatioiifcand said we have had too
many changes in the state land Jaws;
that the state land office records should
be investigated. Of course in conclu
sion he could but endeavor to eloquent
ly impress upon the legislators the duty
devolved npon them to elect him United
States Senator, and in this connection
he called especial attention to the law
on the Senatorship.
After his inauguration, Gov. Cham
berlain delivered his inaugural address,
To the Little Chieftain Mining and Investment Company
of Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
Gentlemen : During the time of our j condition of the roads on the South Myr
existence as a Mining and Investment ; tie Creek over heavy loads of ore
Co., 1 have been present at every meet- j from the mines, had to lie hauled over
iug and used my best endeavors to ad- at an expense ot $7 50 r ton, where
vance the best interests of the company, ' f2..r0 would he the cost on fairly good
in organization, directing work and geu- j roads. Thus checking not only the
eral management in developing of the i mining industry from getting their pro
property. - duct out to a market hut actually stag-
I congratulate the company in havingj nating the operations at the iuin from
made so good a selection of directors for j the hauling in of supplies to carry on
the first term of its existence inasmuch even develojeiiieut as it should be done.
ns harmony in all discussions have been
the ruling nature of their business meet
ings throughout, and the large amount
of work and improvements have been
done iu the short time of three months.
for the money expended is enough to in-1
spire confidence in the ability and tact
of the management. In looking over in
review of wliat has been accomplished
under the tryihg times of winter at the
begining of operations, I take pleasure
in stating that there is not an undertak
ing of this kind on the continent carry
ing with it the same degree of f nccess
even with decidedly more favorable con
ditions of weather and finances.
Since Oct. 4, you will find -by the
Secietary's report we have every obli
gation paid to Jan. 1, 1903, ss well as i
an preliminary expenses, iuu irom
the Tresurer's reivrt Vou will se '.
ii i: i t
f l,at ll-.rL: on l.:in.l lo eon tin ue ,
developement work day aud night until,
the roads are in condition to hanl ore to
tlie Southern Pacific at this point, for
shipment. By that time the manage
ment is confident it will have ar-.iin lot
of 16 cars ready for the smcltvr making
best bids for same. '
The return from Selby Smelting and
Lead Co., of a mill test, you can see be
fore you was $99.5o jer ton of 2000 lbs.,
and the settlement check as re)orted by
the secretary and treasurer, of the car
,oad of 14 t0"8 phow J'M an ""'"S ol
n AO jer ton of all matter between
walls of 5 feet to 8 inches to C feet in
width. Those are undisputable facts
and knowing aa the miners retort that
a considerable of the shipment was of
coarse formation and should have been
left on the dump for mill and consen-
trate treatment at the miucs. We as a
company may well feel that we have a
property to be highly pleased with and
worthy of zealously guarding as a divi
dend payer ot no small proportions.
While I am proud of our progress and
ability at anv time to command the
placing of reduction mills, Concentra'
tors and smelting aparatus, I would ad
vise the more conservative mode for at
least the coming year, viz. To consult
the S. P. authorities in regard to spicial
rates for ore' shipments, also the various
smelting establishments as far castas
Denver, north to Everett and south to
Valejo Junction for lower treatment
terms. As our ore has sjiocial ipialities
that is of material value to smelting
works handling large "luantitics of varied
ores. Another jioiut ot value I would
draw your attention to is the frightful
Senator A. C. Marsters' of Douglas,
w ill propose that the half a million ap
propriation asked for the I-ewis and
Clark fair be referred to a referendum
vote of the jieople of the state. Of
course Portland knows what that would
mean and does not approve the suggest
ion. Eugene Guard.
Lane county is honored iu the selec
tion of a native son to the second high
er positioir in the Btate legislature
that of Speaker of the House. Mr. Har
ri will fill the position with credit ami
Mrs. Tingley, of Point Lonn, the
"purple mother," has won her libel
suit against the Los Angeles Times aud
has lieen awarded damages iu the sum
of f7500.
State Printer Whitney has appointed
his late opjioneut, E. J. Godfrey, fore
man of the state printing office. A very
graceful act on the jrart of the republi
can official, ' '
Flags oil ull public buildings in Kose
burg have been flying at half mast this
w eek out of respect to the iiietno of
Congressman Tongue.
Retiring Governors
in which he urged the passage of a law
taxing corporations and legacies; favored
a liberal appropriation for the Iewis
and Clark reposition; presented the
needs of an open river from the upper
Columbia to the sea ; wants a law to
abate the snilor boarding house niii
anoe, and he would revise the state
official salaries. The -messages of both
the new and the retiring governors were
very extended, occupying nlxmt two
pages each in the Oregoniau.
governor chamberlain's statement
"My ambition is to give an honest
and au economical admistration of "the
affairs of state ; protection of the public
lands ami safeguarding the funds which
have been realized therefrom, for the
support of schools and colleges. I do
not mean to say that the preceding ad
ministration has not been economical or
Hell managed: I simply slate what is to
be my policy.
"I am goin:; into office not as a parti
san, with the view to building np a ma
chine in tiie interest of anybody, but as
a servant, to do the will of the people
and faithfully execute the laws as I con
st ruo thtmi.
"My relations with the Secretary of
State and State Treasurer are of the
pleasantest character, and I have no
doubt but that they will continue to I
such during my whole term. If we dis
agree it will be on questions of policy
rather than on account of diverging po
litical views."
Georok K. Chamiieri.aiv.
The lumber trale is completely para
lizei on account of the vendition of the
roads and farmers actually have to take
the ntamt.-aries out by pack animals or
in hand. No doubt the supervisors
have done all that could lie doiio and
had much work donated, but it seems
reasonable that the County Commission
ers attention should be called to the
state of this road and a remedy providi-d
for same and I urge that a petition 1
sent then. lasting their assistance.
I thank you for the honor and cour
tesT shown me during mv short term as
President and General Manacer anil by
the Roard of Directors -and tlllicers and
normal me new management to oe j
seiectea touay may carry with them the ;
same suptiort and eonfideuee of the re-1
i . i . x .
'" in .uiw.
' Be.-peetfullv,
'.-WHrrc. I'rei.iei.t.
T.., .- .t a,J i, vf.i. u.,,!,,,,,,,
mere were present at trie annual
siocK-noitiers meeiioz tiie loilowirn;
stock-holders in rrson and irti.-s. C.
buhl, E. L. Wonacott. J. A. Kiev, G.
W. Stevenson, L. I. Owens, N. Sclig,
W. J. Armiuiw. J'.hn Hall, W. B.
Strong, Dr. II mck, A. O. Bose, E. E.
Wilder, W. D. Kusscl, G. W. Fawcett
and others representing three fourths of
the capital stock. The meeting then
adjourned with directors to meet and
elect officers
Directors elected at stockholders
meeting areas follows: B. M. Armitago,
Frank Stevenson, C. O. White, P. A.
Lugenhuhl, and E. L. Wonacott. All
directors being president w ith C. ).
White in the chair, B. M. Armitage sec
retary. Nominations were oS'iiel ami the
ballot declared in the matter following :
C. O. White, president and treasurer, B.
M. Armitage, vice-president and secre
tary ; Frank Stevenson, su,erintcndent.
N After an hour of consultation and dis
cussion it was unanimously conceded
and ordered that 'developenient work
ami improvements should continue as
directed bv the last Bmrd. A few re-
marks of confidence and itongratiUatiom
were evprcsscd by new meiiilKsrs of the
nie-tingaiid a motion to adjourn, closed
a very sat isf actory gathering of deter
mined mining men of Douglas County.
B. M. Armitaoe, SeTetary.
Resolution or Condolence.
Wirr.RKAS, our neighbor John W
Moore lias bv the hand of death le-ii
removed from our midst to the Supreme
Camp on high, and. this camp desires to
express and record a fitting tribute to
his memory aiid virtues, therefore be it
Jienoheil, By Oak Camp No. l'.'o of the
, Pacific Jurisdiction Woodman of The
World, that while we acknowledge and
bow to the will of the Supreme Ruler of
tho universe, we nevertheless feci the
loss of our resected neighbor and ever
hold his many virtues in grateful re
membrance.. i:'K"lcril, That in thu death of John
W. Moore, this camp, as well as this
community, bus suffered an irreparable
loss, and we extend our Irate 'nal love
and sympathy to his family who have
lost a devoted husband ami affectionate
Itetohcil, That a copy of these resolu
tions ite spread upon the minutes, and a
copy be given to each of the Rcseburg
papers for publication, and a copy le
sent to ids family.
Jou.s T. Bono
M. Fkki.k'
O. White president and treasure- It - . i i ,!cfi'.vo1 UellHiger scoile ami copies f : ii-i i w Maima i iifraia.iir(iia
v. mint, j'resMieui ami inasure , . j App ropriate ceremonies will be observed I . ,. . . , ' , k-va-la a?4 a.bni(t Trmtvnr."axiad-
JI.Armiuge,scrrer-andsurinU-ud-;olltIlis(Vrasi.,nt ie USIla, (rt.uilliiti the Hons,. and S, i.aie jnurnaU of lis.l . o.a.ub.u-.e land . by tpiA
ent ; Frank Stexenson, IX F. Judk-ns. j b . the rvcrnor, . J" f" ac ?' N"6t"r " J riaHKNrE , V I AV.
directors ; J. J. ( hadwiefc, P. A . Luge.,- ,,,, t. ie,.r.' I5""' ' ' lK'"?,iW m"v"' a " ZtTL'ZX ZXli ."b'i. XZZL tfc
Woolgrowers No Longer Control the
Allotment of Grazing on
Forest Reserves.
The applications for the privilege of
grazing sheep on foi est reserves lias been
handled in two ways :
(a) Where a woolgrowers" associa
tion exists which includes a majority of
the Krsons who aro interested in the
use of the reserve, the association may
allot the range and sheep among the ap
plication' "(o) wnere such an as
sociation dot-snot exist, or does not
care to assume the responsibility, all ap
plications are mode to the Supervisor
direct, who aet.-i noii and forwards the
same to the ('cmmissJoner of the Geuer
al Land Office, with his approval or
other recommendation." .The said rules
were established Lv the Honorable Sec
retary of the Interior's order of Febrn
ary 8, 1902. Rut on Octolx-r 21, 1902,
the Honorable Secretary of the Interior
decided that in the future the "Wool
growers" associations will lw eliminated
from the matter of allotment or other
control, and that the grazing In' placed
diivctly in the hands of the supervisors.
under existing rules, and that all penal
ties ami obligations innxipos by Depart
ment order of February 8, 1902, remain
iu force against all permit holders."
All applications should le submitted,rv;s,r direct. And also for'0"-" to""itUf i'rcd to rej-.rt
privileges of grazing horses, and cattle
in fori -st reserves, applications should 1
submitted to the Sujiervisor direct, and
applicants will be required to state in
their applications, the brands on their
stock, that the stock may be identified
by forest officers anil rangers. 1
Continued from first page,
ganied and was ready for business.
Myers presented a eoin-urrent resolu
tion providing for an investigation of
the affairs of the State I-and Department,
which was referred to a s)ecial commit
tee coiiiosn1 of Myers, Mulkey, Daly,
Smith of Union, and Steiwc-r.
Smith introduced a concurrent resolu
tion providing for of the
penitentiary, hich was referred to a
special oonmillee composed of Kuykeu
dall, Smith of Multnomah, and Sweet,
to which also were referred similar reso
lutions to inestigJU the Reioin School
and the Insane Asylum.' Resolutions
also were presented providing for hives-tigaUon-of
the' offices of Secretary of.
State aud State Treanu re r.
A resolution wa presented providing
for a committer to investigate the Co-'
lumbia river fishing industry in con
junction with a similar committe from
A resolution was adopted extending
the courtesies of the Senate to the press
of the state.
Salkm, J.-n. 1.1. The work of the
twenty-second biennial session of the
Oregon legislature is now launched.
One of the first meaures introduced in
the senate was a bid appropriating
f VKUU) for th Levi and Clark exposi
tion, in Portland, in Iftatt. Opposition
is materializing toau appropriation of
thin magnitude for such a purMse.
During a brief discussion, Marsters, of
IhHiglas, moved that the matter he sub
mitted lo tho people uii-l-r the rt-feren
(nH law.- No actiou was takeu, but
tj,i8 0,.Jr( U),v Vet 1 adotHe-I. in case i
is t vin 1 tl'cre i not s'.rerath ei;ouh to
i.nt tin-n,---'.--tlin-u -ri
I?. l.res t
, v ..r . .Ti. v . r.v, "'
j lliaJe tJ(i
ay, and Hon. fo. h.
r i-u;.. - in i.. i.,.....ii
I . ,.. w;..f ,v,.,,.
'Amon.the iio-e imprrtant of the
ssj of bills now being Introtlueeil are
those for a new primary law, a measure
providing flat salaries for st.ite ollicers,
one for a canal and locks on the Colum
bia river, and others tit leerr general
The fiht on the It. S. seiialorbhip is
a leading topic, and there are many c-m,
jex'tures- as to the outcome of the first
ballot next Tuesday. The chosing rd a
succi-ssor to the late Congressman Thos.
II. Tongue may noon Invome au imjxirt
ant feature iu the senatorial fight, as it
is exHH'tii deals w ill lie made lictwcen
the followers of prominent aspirants
for the two jxisitions.
The list of officers. ehctcd by the two
houses, follows:
President G W Brownell.
Chief Clerk S L
Journal Clerk D II Jackson. -!
Heading Clerk Frank Motler. -
Calendar Clcrtr-F C Middleton.
Sgt-at-arms T C Gowan.
Mailing Clerk Win Smith.
Doorkc cier I. L. Calbreath.
S(;aker L T Harris.
Chief Clerk A C Jennings.
Joutiml Clerk Fred Drager.
Beading Clerk C A Murphy.
Calendar Clerk F A Northrop.
Sgt-at-arms W B Bishop.
Mailing ClerU-T W Wain.
Doorkeeper A M Pierce. .
Fulton, McBrlde, Ger, He.-mann,
Biurne, Moody and a host of other
senatorial candidates, avowed or other
wise, have wire-pullers at work, yet
(here in no probability that more than
three will ocnly enter the race at first.
The first article to be presented for
adoption in the house was a resolution
relatives to the death of Congressman
Tongue, 'and upon its adoption the
hoiii-o adjourned until tomorrow at
l.M o'clock out of respect to the de
ceased statesman.
A House concurrent resolution was
preseuted providing for the preparing of
u suitable tribute to the memory of the
lute Congressman Tongue.
Bills were presented and rem! as fol
lows :
To amend the law relating to social
road tax ; to prescrilie the manner of ex
ecution of the death jiemilty; to repeal
Ihe.Vmill school tax und substitute a
tax of f75 per district or $7 per pupil.
By Myers To authorise establishment
by the City of Portland of a free ferry Rt
Sell wood ; to amend the quarentine law,
by S week ; to enact a law to govern fil
ing of supplementary articles of incor
By Marsters To liave constitutional
amendments submitted to the voters at
an election.
By Wehrung To re-establish the
lioandary of Washington county. '
By Stenvcr Governing the matter of
transjiorting sheep on railroads.
By Johnston For construction of a
portage road at The Dalle rapids,
i J'.y Croisan To incorporate the City
olj Salem'. ,
By Sweek To amend 'the. Code relat
ing to shipping horses ami bicycles
By Hnnt To appropriate $500,000 for
the I-ewi and Clark Fair, and to an
Jhorijie that celebration.
Ity Pierce To abolish the office nf Bc-
corder of Union county.
I'.y Smith, of Umatilla To alx.lish
the office of Recorder of that county
r By Pierce To amend the law relating
to labor lien against railroads.
By .Miller To centralize c!iools,
By Hunt To regulate trusts.
By riereo To provide the manner of
election of pniset uting attonu-vs.
By Miller To fix and regulate salaries
of state officers
By Croisan A hill to amend the pri
mary law,
, !.:... . ' i ..- , ....
a j'uni resolution ny .Mm key was
adopted providing that the ways an I
tho appropriation bills not later than
five days before the do of the -escion
Stvtk Ilorsir, Salem, Jan. 14. A min
ister was on hand lo open the Senate
Willi prayer tins morning. lie vas Bev.
Mr. Kantner, of tho Giigres-ional
church of this fily. AH the senators
fcbjod witn bared heads while he prayed.
Senate redut ion No. ', in regard to
the handling and disposal of committee
clerkshij, was adopted. A re...luti..u
was adopted that the Senate adjourn at
11 a, in., to the liouso, to witness the
canvassing of the. vols fur Governor and
the inauguration. A communication
wasrecehe.l from the House- Mating
that body would be ready at 11 o'clock
t proceed with the can vacs of the votes
for Governor.
House bill No. 1, the Portland charter
bill, was then introduced ; on motion it
was placed under suspension of rules on
first, second and third readings, and
fiual'y pasx-d nil within thf sj-aee d
about five minute. Bills were intro
duced as o!iow:
Bv Sweek. to amend tho rt-Urlro
to tie handling of nuh of decease.
r ""1'J
By Manteis, to an mud the servant law.
By Smith, of Multnomah, providing
t,(...ii,.ici.. i . r ,'
, , - J C""',jr n"ar'L'
iy UouKon, to incoqiorate the town of
By Mulkey, providing fur taxation of
jcxpres, telephone, telegraph and oil
j companies.
j By Cr-4san, to regulate the runuing al
large of stock iu Marioo county.
By Swevk, n-garlir.g pro..f of public
By Mulkey, certain cede ainei.lnn-nts.
By Sweek, to tax foreign corpijratioi..
By Mulkey. to ti.e exhibit i. n
anl sale of ol,-eiie p'ulnnu'.
, . ". .. .
a. mm, n-ganjiuj; pnHs 4 lreign
A iilit memorial lo t'oi:crea w s
i , , . .
presvutcil by Mays, praving the passage
of eiiutor Mi .-!,!.! i'j l.'l i..r f . f il
Oi euMIor MI.k lieil S lor rellt l l lUe
settlers .f hherm.m county. .
A little ripple was- cnits over tlrf-
: teaMer .rf i i r..i..! .. .i. v.
: . V ' " . '
n llli .-..t.e-s ol l lliii-.-r s rt"le.
A re-ltti.,n t.. t. , t,.,-i t ii.. toe
A ri.ltie,n t.. tli.
, rt,ur' "' 1 xu' l"' '"'"' ". 'hi was
. ., . :
letter .'iii'u i .liuiinoman
I mtro.Iuc.xl a n-.liition pn.xi.lmg that a
melil mat llue ls-unn-nts in; supplied
'everv S4-eonl nit iuImt Tl, iiu.ti..n a
,er socoiKi mi mix r. I ii" iiioiiiin was
J voted, on and a tie resulted, whereat
j there was considerable merriment. The
! original motion was then carried on an
ave awl no vote.
ii . hi. me .-come aojouriieu lo
the House.
asi tub liorsE wobkeo. !
Sai um, Jan. 14. The House settled j
down to work w ith a vim yesterday.
After the call to otdcr, Speaker Harris
announced that the clerkships had lieen
apMirtioucd as follows:
Marion One assistant chief clerk,
Fred Drager; one reading clerk, C. A.
Murphy; one page, renryhn S. Kantner
Linn-One chief clerk engrossing com
mittee, F.M. Powell; one committee
clerk, Sum Wotnl. .
Lone Hue sjeaker's clerk ; one chief
clerk, A. C. Jennings.
Ilouglas Chief clerk of judiciary com
mittee, C. S. Jackson.
Coos-Jackson-Douglas-Three commit
tee clerks,' Jani cs Stew art, Charles T.
Curry, eott Morris,
JotH'jihino One committee clerk,J Bo.
Iiert Virtue.
Beutou ine committee clerk,. Julia
Polk One doorkeeper,. T. W. Wann;
one lige, Ixw Davis.
Lincoln-Polk One comuiitti-e clerk,
D. Ham man.
Yamhill Ono stenographer, Jliss
Myrtle MclKinjel.
Tillainook-Vanihill One coinmitti-e
clerk, S. II. Hock.
Washington One stenographer, Ik-ii-lon
; Clackamas One committee clerk, J.
McNuulty; 01m chief clerk ways aud
means committee, J. V. Camplicll.
Clackamas-Multminiah Stenograph
er, Charlotte Ohle.
Multnoriiali Six committee clerks,
Ora Smith. Thomas Cole, Im Harlow,
Thos. Newstead, Carrie Willi:, May
Clatsop Two committee clerks, Frail;
cjs I. Ellis, Christine Birth.
Columbia One -committee clerk, Ed
. Crook Klamath - Lake Wasco Cue
Stenographer, Gertrtido Bashoe ; me
committee clerk, C. I. RoU-rts.
Morrow - I'matilla O n e committee
clerk, S. A. Heiinick.
Umatilla Orte steiiogrujther, Mi.-s
Flora llallack.
Union- Wallowa One com mitU-e clerk
Miss Ma Funk.
Union One committee clerk, Mi.-s
Mals-I Creighton.
Baker Ono committet clerk, - Miss
Harney-Malheur Onecommitteclerk,
Sam Mothershed. '' ' -
Grant-Sherman-Wasco-Wheeier One
chief clerk enrolling commltttee, E. II.
Mummy r'one committee clerk, J, T.
Jacobie. .
.The usual resolutions providing com
mittees for inspection of the affairs of
state institutions ' ami officflin were
passed. A motion was passed that a
committee be amiointed to wait uoon
the Governor and inform him that the
House was organized and ready to re
vive any communication which he
might wish to make. A motion was
adopted that the courtesies of the House
be extended to the press of the state,
Malarkey of Multnomah moved tho sua-
jiension of tho rules and that bills pre
sents Uf read by title.
A nV d of bilU followed, 44 in all U-
ing presented. The Portland charter
bill i as then pasee-l.
The senatorial situation is in the spec
ulative stage only. It is claimed that
Fulton will have SO vote on the first
ballot and Geer 20, Wood (dera) 17.
Mrs. T, R. Sheridan Receives.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. T. R
Sheridan, assisted by Mines. J. S. Sheri
dan aud S. A. San ford entertained at an
"at hoiiie", alx.ut ninety ludie:! being
guests. The floral decoration were
most artistic and pleaning, l-ing vniire-
ly of scarlet carnations s-t off by smilax
and ferns, while rope of evergreen were
lrg-l iu graceful linen over drs and
alsiiit pictures. In the parlor nd Ml
tiug room the mantle were banked with
ferns and carnations, w hicb also appear
ed in the hall. In the dining room the
color seheme was carried out br count
ies wax tajrf-rs wiilrred ihads, 40d en
the tablp the iloral center piece was of
carnations and smilax in a high cut
glass vase standing on a French mirror
heavily liound in silver. TheluDch con
sisting of ham iidwichV, lettuce sand
wiches, pickle, olives, Milted almooda.
tea, cakes and ices, w as served by Misses
Minnie and Grac Sliendau, daughters
of the hostess assistel by Mis Maude
r "
County Court.
In the matter of the 1ition of lw;n
Weaver ami others asking for county
iad fnm Myrtle Creek to the northeast
corner of WhiMcd donatiou claim, be it
ordered that S. i Bartrum, A. J. lHar
and Chax. M-4,e be apiointed viewers
to meet witli tlw nmntv nrvvr at
Myrtle Creek January 21, l'.i3, awl pro
: cee.1 to view en id nd
T,f JSln,r rtk ' rr ?f
! punted to view a countr rood 40 feet
j wi,je frofu j,jjie to ntrrectioa tf the
jCounty road nt a point named between
!Canyonvi!! i and Bxeburjt. They will
! loeel with the countr snrveror on Jan.
J"' -nJ P"" to view said road.
j It wasordere.1 that $- ir be
t pai't to J- . Jiun, a paralytic
The draw iuz of iuron for the rear X'jdCX
has Leva OQipleted.
Notice for Publication.
railod fu Ln4 (r.rx.
Kuarbtirc. Umrat, litt. J. 2.
with Uf prariuoc ot l met ot Coamrrf mi
JoceS.r, DUt'ivd "Aa art tor U m al
tinbrr Uod !a l kit. mot Ci)!ori.Oro
KffclKi Wabinrfn lrmiorf."aJtxtB4
d to ail lb public lmad kwum by act ol aacwat
4,1W. .
Kt .K kk r. Yrjio.
r.( Aip'iton.maoiT of Fri(l. ii ni Mian.
h ih: dv h:W-l in LhienaVe bi nra al&-
i:.s.',olW'4olS- . Tp.a,K T
i uuar im( to tow iht utUM aaucat to
1 ""'" IU llmUior tu,tu inaa tat
t trrirulturti
n pnrp.r. aat U eublUh bM
1 r oaiJ jaud Urh.r W. s. f.rtii. . h. Oom-
m.ojonrr al Ki-Ulu-. I'rroa MoaJar hr 1J
; i.t l Man-b. I!. 11- Man a w !&:
' !iP.4 v,i., WlBClsabaai.
, oialia. "nr.. Irtr A. Dnirb. f IOs-mrg.
I . - Yoanf.ot CowueU. u.
, v,N 1.94 ai .u "t i Ss- iwr
!' in xh S;.- on ..r : di-! :H H
.-1 Mat. b. If 0. J T HiltlWti.
Jl ifvvl-r.
Notice for Publication.
. , Bwior. ore it.j:, mui.
-.-Mi-a i r.rrvt.T jitsu that la rooulaiica
3. ".s.n,uii.t Auari f.r Iba oi
; mmi o. -l. ..r H;e pun htMal iu KK ol
f - S, R I W . anj will o broof to
. tttam .k.. ui..i m..i.i i. ..i.i.i.L. i
i oioberorsiour ih.n d atrncalmral air-
b.-ton- w s unu. r 8 - iionr at Riwir.
1 1 limrlV.'L'ZLi.' n'?.""-?." irS
"' ma. a. n.i, of iater 'lty.
miuu.. inim.imi tiMi inarvB, or Huar
turn, orsroa
Aii n.l all prve rlaimln a.tTrwl iba
a..v.l.- nlittl lands r rrHKt4 lo ei Him,
ci ma iu ihi oSi- on or bcifm tM ilat
. i i ... . ....... . . j
)- ttfxutcr.
Notiee for Publication.
rnliol Stain Land OSr.
BobiiH, Orrcon, I"ec 17, UOi.
Nolle is beraby r'Tta lha la eonpiiane
with lha provisinm l tlx aft of roofma af
Jim? S, s;niit!rl "An art for tba ai ot
ttmhrrlanili In tba S:atruf allfornia,Oraoa
NTala.anil Ua..bni(Un territory," aaaxtand
J to all tba public laiitlauici by actelAaattsI
4, ISfi.
nl Wm Eeml. iwamr ol I'aio Alio, siai f
loua. nu mis aN;aii in una air bit oro
el-fiiI No. jie. lor lh Mirr-ha f th
to1 Sec. '.xi, Ta S. R 7 W, and will of.
(or tnsl to siiow mat llie Med viiithl ia nor
raluublc lor tl. Ilinlvr c un. Hian for afil-
t-'iourai t'ihimw,, HQ. u miiDOn ma riaiai lo
said lan.f t-rinn- W S Brill. I' S CuinnO inner
I Kllllr. odtoii. on Ma.iT tha ilar ol
Mirh, li. ti ntuica aa nitnewa: C. A
Kav, ol AtM'W-ton. Minn . A. C. ariaon, ol tn
tcr City, Minn., Peter lmp h, bad Albert Dun-h,
oi nnH'uuiv. urchin.
Any and all nermiia rlaimlne ailversrlr ih
above ill rnU'il I ami, are rriutiinl to bW Ibeir
riaini in inwoiTK-e on or heiore raid 1 ha ilav ol
Man h. lil, J. 1'. UhlDObH
Jl-P KejIHer.
Notice foi Publicatiou.
Cntted SUtea Und Offirc.
Roaebunr. Or.Ton Jan. U. l--s.
Nn'tro la hereby civen Ibat In romidiane
won inc provinona oi ina ai l il I oiixma ol
June 3, isrs.culitleit ' An art lof lh aale ol
tonliar Umh Iu the Slates ol t 'aliliuuia, Oreatin.
Nevaila and VaalilnKb:n rTllor ax exlcuded
to all tlie pulilic lawd alalMi by act "I August 4,
t Ust Pot l)iri-e. rnumy ol R.-d Ijike, vial ol
M innes l, Oils day lilcl in Una onice hia
Munimuli-mi'nt i. jT7. Iir lb pnrcliaM ol
Ihc sK1 , .( au-Ui ii, lnwinlitp 'J H. K J ei.
and will offer prool tochow that lha land anight
Is iiick raluabla ht Ha timber or ptona than
ln'r autlouluiral pnr.-, ami lo esiablub hla
ilaim bnfnra tba KrKiileraud Iteerlvar ol tbia
Olile ot lUxoburx, Urauu.
nn Hhi-.liv, tha ?tli dav ol Man Ii. l'tl
lli'imnu. . wlliiwna.- W. 11. Wriirhl and
Himin Hiircn. ol Mrrile I reek Onon. A. 1. KoM-bnnr. Orvcun, K. li htoraasll, ot
r.HM i jriiunii, urt viiii.
Any and all irum. clal.ninir adyervely tlie
alxive dewrHwil lainl are miietrd lo lilr
lie: r olnims in thi ortire on "r tn-inre nald .'"iih
day ol March, 1 j T liUIIx.ts.
Jli Hegilor.
Notice for Publication.
1'nileJ Ktatea Land Itftirc,
RiVH-bllw, UlVKtin, Jmi". i7. IfOi.
Notice i heo-by giyi-n Ibal In comtdiauro
Willi lln pmviiinnii il me art ol Cougma ol
Juuo i, 1., onlillwl "An art (or llie sale (
tlniiicr la; id in the Stales ol t'aliloruia, liregmt
Nevada and al)ingUid Territory aa ex und
!, In nil the l'lOi'ln l.aud Maloa by aot ot Aug
ust I,
AXt!. I. t AKLsON.
ot (VnliT ally, eiinnty ol I hl-avo, stab ol
Minn., lia. Una day bled in this uSiva his swera
iHlcini ut Ho. IJiii. Inr llie pmebak oi tlie
HM'uolriee. '.M, Tp. i S, K 7 W, and will ol
ler proof lo show thai Iba laud aontflii is mora
vnlnal!e Inr it lunlier or sioue ILan luf axrl
eniloral fiurpoats. and lo eMi!ilild hts elaim
iirinii' tl mm, i h i omiiiinioiier, al niddio
Orv-nin. on Monday, the J .1 dav ol Morvli. nu.:.
He ninea aa wiVuef": 1. Kanks, ol Vett
liend, luwn, C A. Kay, ol Ap..nm, Minn,
Pi lor Imn'b, and AlU it Dun h, ol Koaclmig,
Any aud all persons claiutiuir adversely the
above di-x-rihl lauds are rviisli-l to lllo their
ciuiina in nil. nniiv on or lH.-1'irv hm -i nay ol
.Man-ii, vm-i, j i ciuixif
R. Buckingham,
(Successor to W. L. Cobb,
...fIe Agents for...
C h a s e
Buy your Watches
and Clocks at
Buy your Jeweley i
knd Silverware at .
1 Arm cut a sling i
mnnmt and
5 We want to inform oar people that we have the 5
best line of Furniture and Rurrs we have ever shown ?.
f for you to select from.
Our Children's department has manj- useful
articles for the little folks, amoug them beinj;
Boy's Express Wagon.
Doll Carriages and Doll Go Carts.
Rocking Horse? and Shoo Fly?.
Rockers aud Chairs.
bureaus aud Sideboards.
Red Tables and ruauy articles that
vre haven't room to meution.
o 1
For Holida' Presents
I have no famous, bargains to pan oft old
stock and out-of-date goods, I simplj-give
you honest goods at fair prices, aud nark
them in plain figures. Call and inspect my
goods and piices before purchasing elsewhere.
KiKfKBUnti. I T T
Hn HDIVrC w,,' toantKinn.-e i ipu,-i;- ict
A K K TO BE rl Nil IX i- K
.V e is- S I vie I pJaihFt
Tliey imUvHlualizc a jfoi nr' arl j.Licc it i;i ;i tlns B- it
M'lf an artistic class liustmlv to In" svn to U'ajw
pnvi.ititl. Tlu-ir opi!:irity i in r.;isiii;' Wr:ui' it i
luisrtl on iility :: :: ;; :; ;: ..
We Are Always Glad to Welcome isitors to Our Studio
... HARDWARE . . .
This i;) to inform niil and new iatrrns tlit I Ir.ivu taken tip my rjitsu tt-m
iu th Stanton tiru k lmillin nu Jarksuu strvt't, iiost tKr t ilie We!U,
rrj;o C. Kxirs olliif, Ino i-!iiuii; iinij iiunle n.-tt- .-;ry to svnre
ronu t aitMiiiiinoliitr' mv iiin.iantlv hicn-ii.-in suck, 1 tt i-nuoctt u
with jjonoral hno of l!r'lian, I w j!t ;ili. curry 4 lir-' vt.'k i : :
. .-. farm ImpSements, Wagons, Eirges, Slacks, lie . . .
f;m"bea rd
Mrs. UUy ,'a oil stand)
Extend a cordial
invitation to the
public and the
many, friends of
the old firm to call
and examine their
new line of Staple
and Fancy Grocer
ies, Queens
ware, Etc. :. : :
B r i n g Us Your
Batter, Chickens, Eggs.
J. la L1 J UU
bo ha -iin;.
to cai Tour al-