HiaLorlcal Society dvertising ob Printing 0 a Iq busy seasons brings A -3 Wf" Is a very important factor in business. Toor f rintiny re- n tr I vmue; advertising ia dall oa- $ iiBCU do credit on a good ? business boose. Let na do yotir Job Printing we guarantee it to be in sous brinjrs yon yoor share, and also tbat of the merchant who "tan't af- J t f rd" to advertise. f Published on Mondays and Thursdays" Established 1868. 0 e?ery way satisfactory. . w umm slBiil4ft4at A sTi flfc Ai1fca JfcAA - rvavvTVfTWTVVvTVTVVTVfVfwV Vol. XXXIV. A rjrvoTJTirmr nnnrT ac fnnwTV OT? Ffinn TTTHPQnAV. TATJTTAR V 1c Tnm THE FRUIT GROWERS WILL MEET To Establish a County Association and . Provide for the Erection of a Packing House aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai A ,,Un! otU.etn.it jrowen I Itaualu County, .ill te l.eU l.t 11.. Court sublisbing pwtinit house ana r ran u - - S. P. Ltaxs, W. E. Davexport, F. A. McCail. Democrats Want Jobs. Held to Answer. Notwithstanding the Governor-elect I, as but few appointments which be alone wakes, Linn coenty is comming In for its share. T. L. Dugger is out an J working hard to be appointed command ant at the Soldiers' Home at Fvoseburg, and he-seems to think he has the inn le track in the race. L. H. Montanye is an applicant for L. B. Geer's place as slate land agent. B. S. Martini, of Brownsville, is also out for land agent. Both he and Mr. Montanye have re--ceived numerous endorsements. Linn county is the old home of Mr. Chamber lain, and is usually Democratic, so the Linn county men feel as though they bave a long pull with the Governor. Albany Herald. Morris and Smith, the two men broueht back from Rosebnrg last week by Sheriff Rider, were given a prelimin ary hearing on the charge of horse steal- ins:, before Justice of the Peace rnrUin at Medford Thursday. They were held to answer to the Circuit Court, and their bonds fixed at $500 each, in default of which they were committed to the couu ty jail. The impression that one of the accused men was the notorious and much wanted Ed Lyons is pronounced incorrect bv Sheriff Rider, who knows Lyons. Evidence points strongly to the two men in custody as members of the horse-stealing gang which has been oncratine in Southern Oregon. Ashland j Tidings. NEWS OF THE COUNTY. Qleaned by our Corps of Special Cor respondents, Social, Personal and Industrial. rPPKH MYRTLE CKREK ITEMS. Farmers are busy putting in theii fall and winter grain. Our mail-carrier, Albert Akers is making his trips all O. K. on time. Messrs. Clark & Curtin is still banter ing away on their mine the " olver- ine." Our Postmasters Sanders has moved into his new house on Jame Kiee s place. Mr. Armitage, clerk of the Little Chieftain, was in our cominnuity a few days returning to Myrtle Creek yes terday. Ncrr, Ore., Jan. 0, 1903. Mr. Audy Sherman and crew finished the dam at this place, and the Fotts Mill is running today, sawing out lum ber for V. P. Johnson's reservoir alwve here. The developement work on the "Lit tle Chieftain" mines is progressing nicelv with Mr. L. Owens as foreman Thev will soon have a new blacksmith shop completed. Mr. Stewart, the proprietor of the "Continental mines," formerly owned by G. V. Crews, was in our midst this week. Messrs. Bates and Jameson are working for him. CONCERNING MR. TONGUE'S DEATH AN INTERESTING LETTER. Q r.W.BEKSOX. .t.KAKSTEFS Vis Prwi4rU H.C. GALEY , Douglas County Bank, Incorporated reoi BstaUli&taed I883. 0 Capital btocK, 550,000.00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS , - .rv!.! B OTlI J.H.B30TH.J.T.BRID6ES J. F. K.U.Y. A- C. .MABJSTERS K. U MILLER. A seneral banking business traaacted, "d cjtomers given every Q accommodation consistent with sale aaa eTOu O , , trplr and from one to three. Bring Us Your CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. FOR CASH OR TRADE J. F. BARKER & CO 0 . . .wl-.w.-..W.V.'.V.W.W.'.V.W.V j .Vi'iWrtWrmm j tDrain - Gardiner COOS BKY STHUfc vw 1 -11 . . r rt Mr. J. John, turned home. Looking Glass Items of Oklahoma, has Commenciag with Meaday, January 20. 'tr-', we wu cnarge , j m . . c . .ilnince witli each full fare 5 from Dram ww?,. "'ir" 3. . 1 men are allowea ia pouaua va All excess baggage, 3cts. per pound, and no al Vm' tbefare 50 pounds. Travelling 4 i nn n jl a nr more ""'"i"'' . . , .. v -ri Al lowance will be made for round inp. -".r. . " For farther information address J. R. Sawyer o, Proprietor, Drain, Ore:r.ii Miss Pearl Simmons is visiting at Mel rose. J. T. Goodman, of Rosehurg, was in our valley Wednesday. Grandpa Stokes is slowly improving but is 6till confined to his room. Rev. Thornton, of Pillard, preached a very interesting sermon here iast Snn- dav. Mrs. Fred Beard, of Rosbarg, was vu-iting relatives and friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Buell and family were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spangh last Sunday. Geo. Martin, of Coquille City, passed through our valley one day hist week on his way to Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Williams are thinking of taking a trip to St. Paul. We w ish them a pleasant and safe, jour ney. . Our Sunday School is progressing nicely we are glad to say. There is quite an interest being taken now, mnch more so thn in the past. Mr. Ivan Johnson, of Alaska, who has !een visiting his sister, Mrs. Strand, has returned to Portland. He was not cer tain when he left whether be would re main in Portland all winter or retnrn to his Art-tic home. Our school begun last Monday itl; the nso.ll number of pupils enrolled The roads are quite muddy for some of the little folks to reach the school hor H but they manage to 1 on time eve, I morning: Hurrah, for our fine weather. Wr.t state can boast of such kne weatner in acuary. Farmers are busy plowing, and sowing, while in the eastern states they are having snow : torms and bli zards and m inr jeiple are being froxen to death. Drain Normal School Notes. Died From Paralysis of the Heart Due to Acute Indi gestion and Overwork. WAsnii;To, Jan. 12. Representative Thomas II. Tongue, of Oregon, died suddenly in this city at 1 o 'clock yesterday afternoon, the cauxe of death was. paralysis of the heart, due to acute indigestion and overwork. Only his daughter, Miss Bertha, and his secretary. Miss Runne, of Hillaboro, Ore., wene preseut when he was stricken. Thomas H. Tongue, Jr., his on, who ocoupie apartments in another s -eiion'of the city, did not arrive until after the death of bin father. j When Mr. Tongue retired late Saturday nihl he left direct ions to xt allowed to sleep late, as he was worn out with a week of hard work. He did not ari yes terday morning until after 11 o'clock, and ate a simple brenkia-t. He then talked with Mr. Gilfrev and Mr. Dodge, two Oregonians. who called, alter wlm-h he joined his daughter and Miss Rnane in the ittiug-room of their airtmenU. About noon he complained ol indigestion, l which he was subject, ana asked Ins daughter to get him a simple remedy wl.TdiTit- had at hand. She urged him to allow her to send for a physician, but he would not consent, vt itlnn a lew min utes he liegau to breathe in a lalored way, and then physicians were telephoned for. Dr. Roveo was not at home, but other doctors came and did all they could to relieve the atieut, but their efforts were unavailing and Mr. Tongue expired an hour after he was Grst attacked. Iinmc1iatelv after Mr. Tongue's demise, Speaker Hendersoa was notified and fie in turn directed Sergeant-atArnis Caswm, of the House, to take charge of the funeral arrangements, Mr. Casnou engaged a private car to convey the funeral part v, consisting of Mr. Tongue, Jr., Miw Bertha Tongue and Miss Ruans and members of the committee of the House and Senate to the Representative's lale home at Hillsboro. The car will le attache.! to the regular train leaving here over thu Pennsylvania Railroad at 7 :! U night. Within half an hour Representative Moody, Senators Mitchell and Simon and Ioind Commissioner Hermann called 'at the house ami left messages of sympathy, aud during the afternoon many of the late Representative's colleagues also called upon hearing the flKicking news. REMAINS TO BR INTERRED AT HIIXSROtO srNDAV. The Iwdv of Representative Tongue left Washington Monday night and will arrive in Portland Saturday morning or afternoon. It is accouipauied by Mr. Teucne's familv and bv a committee from each house oi congress, including Rep resentative Moody. The funeral wi.l be lield on Sunday at Hillsboro, and will be arranged by Mrs. Tongue. Resolutions of regret at Mr. Tonjne's death were uassed bv each house of congress Monday, and bth adjourned i t reiect to his memory. Washin-gtwc, Jan. 12. In the House tlay Mr. Grveiior, of Ohm, from tlie committee on rules called up a resolution asking for an investigation by the com mittee on merchant marineand fisheries into thecoal situation aud it was adopted without debate. ' The House then adjourned nt of resct to the late Representa tive Tongue, of Oregon, who died yesterday. A Flaindesler Reader Writes Enter tainingly Regarding Pennsylvania ' and the Town of Franklin. KILLED A LARGE MOUNTAIN LION OREGON LEGISLATURE ORGANIZED SSBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBaBaa Brownell President of the Senate, Harris Speaker of the HouseH6t Contests in the Re publican Caucuses , i I -'I' -1C -Ask to see enr- UEENl UALITY No. 621, witli Mat Kid upper, patent Kid ramp and extension sole for Q3.50. All other styles $3. For sale only by :: . :: :: S. C.Flint Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to bave good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No for gof-r goods and good service. 181 C. W. PARKS & CO. 1,K II. 1 - -AND- J EMPIRE- i-1 j pis! Ta'w tlie Rosohurg, Mamhlield Siage I.Jna Eprins Hack leaves Ro3eburg Every Momieffat 6 o'clock, V3J, FsjI ail fables C. 1 . liABKABD, Prop. Saddle Horses. Single and. Double Rigs at all hours Transient Stock gven very be care . , . . d Rates always reasonable for nil points 011 Coos llav. Good Some iniiiortant subjects in the study f American literature were reviewed by the following .ers by members of the class: "Tlie Character of 1 oe," Lthel Sneed;. "Masque of the Red Death, M vrtle Johnson ; "Brrant's Reverence," erla Tracy, "Lowell's Versatility,' Ella Dickerson: "Slavery poems of Incfellow and Whittier," Frank Hill; Quality of Longfellow's Poetry," Vera Northey. The roll of the training department was inci eased by the following pupils: Pearl and Bessie Bartlett and Jack Hen lerer. This week the facultv has charge of the literary part of the Chapel hour. Following this week each student will l required to give a short talk before the school at Chapel hour on some cur rent topic. An important measure was aed at last. Friday's meeting 01 Ihe Literary Society, providing for closed sessions of the Society, save on the fifth and last Friday of each term, when the doors will Imj tl rown open to visitors and resi dents of Drain. It is believed that this provision will place the work of the So cietyon a more stable and efficient basis. and at the same time make i of greater interest and benefit to the community by these "open meetings." The training department is having its semi-annual examinations this week Captain B. D. Boswell addressed the students of the Xormal and the residents of Drain last Friday evening in the col lego cbai!. The subject of Capt. Bos well's address was "Sheridan and the Shenandoah." He sketched the scenes wiLh the vividness of a participator in the campaign, and those present will not H0011 forget the lecture. Judge Lyons of Drain and Represen talive Kramer of Myrtle Creek visited the school last Friday afternoon. The chemistry class has demonstrated Ixjyond doubt that manufactured cigar- etts con tn in arsenic. We are glad to welcome back two of last year's students May Endicott uud Cynthia Applegate, Other new stu dents are Mildred and Malx?l Hayncs, and Max Lvonn. alem. Jan. 12. Harris was elected Speaker M the House; Brownell frcsi dent of SeLate, lSth ballot. alkm, nr. Jan. 12. A red-hot content for control the organixation in uom branches was the feature of the opening of the Legislature today, and in each the outcome was much involved in doubt. At 1 o'clock the House caucus adjourned for one hour, having liecn nnabie 10 agree nm a Speaker, Eddy, Harris and Davevall running a neck-and-neca race. -.a. S The Senate caucus had adjonrnea ai 1 1 o'clock to 2 P. M., having been nnable to choose a President after seven lllots. on each of which Smith of Multnomah and Brownell of Clackamas received 11 votes. The Senate canens went to work early, in fact, within a few minutes after the Senate session had opened it was real ized by all that the vote for President would 1 cla, but eath taction was claiming a lare majority of the votes. After a few minutes the word came orth from the commiitea-rooni that Smith and Brownell were tied. Th caucus resumed its deliberations, and remained behind closed doors until t,.iri 11 nVlock. Then it was an nounced that seven ballots had been taken and that the result had been the same in each: if mith 11, Brownell 11; Brownell, Smith, Miller, Pierce, Sweek, iv.l n,l WVhrune not voting. The caucus then adjourned nntil 1 :45 P! M The vote in caucus is said to have been - f.,itn-s tliroiiphont : For Smith Farrar. Croisan, Daly, Hobson, Holmau Hunt. Mays , McGinn, Mnlkey, Meyers, Band II. For Brownell Booth, t.r ter, Diinmick, Fulton, Howe, Johnson, Kuykendali, Marstcrs, Smith ol 1 am- hill, Steiwer, Williamson 11. Sslem. Or.. Jan. 12. The House can. cits on oreanization took nine uauois, three candidates, Davey, Ldily anu Harris not votine. The vote was about even for each candidates, and adjourn ment was taken until 2 p. in. Stats Houkk. Salem, Jan. 12. The Senate was called to order at 10 a. in by Senator C. W. Fulton, who was President of the lastsessioh. Senator J. I). Daly, of Benton, was elected tem- rary President, and S. L. Mooreliean temnorarv chief clerk. A committee on ' . . ... credentials was appointed as loiiows Booth of Ii ne, Wade of Union, Hobson of Marion, Mulkey of Multnomah, and Hunt of Multnomah. The Senate then adioumed to 11 a. in. to await the re port of the credentials committee. I'lKin the reconvening of the Senate at 11 a. in. the reiiort of the credentials committee was presented and adopted and upon motion of Fulton of Clatsoj the Senate then adjourned to 3 p. m. as follows: Jnd l of Marion, BiiyeU of Linn, Hawkins of Polk, Fed of Multno mah, and Miles of Yamhill. The Hon- then adjourned nntil 2 P. M., on motion of Kay of Marion. Tlie Hons caucus did not go to work nntill after II o'chek. As soon as it was safely closeted, balloting for speaker U-gan. On the first lallot Davey led with IS votes. Eddy had 15, and Har ris 14. On the second, one of Eddy's votes went to Harris, and the result was EddyH, Harris 15, Davey IS. From that time on, up to adjournment at 1 o'clock, the results varied, first one and then another candidate making slight gams. On the final ballot hkly re ceived 12, Harris 19, and Davey 10 votes and there the contest rested. A feature of this contest .was the d eloiment by Davey of unexpected strength. For days past the prophets bad been according to ths Marion County mau third place. They are surprised to dav at the showing he has made. Fnnklfn, Pa., Jan. . VJn. Editor Pi.aixdrai.er: I arrived here the day after Thanksgiving and found the air quite sharp and cold, in great contrast to the balmy, pleasant climate of Oregon. Snow has been on the ground continuously since I have been here, and the barren hills and scarei'y of anything green brings a vivid appreciation of the green hills and pastures 1 It ft behind me in the land of the setting sun. The timber here is M-ruhhy and small and I have seen tiiein making lumber froni timber that we would not ue for lock-logs in an Oregon fireplace, though I niii't admit they handle the lg4 rapid and while they are hand-sawed thev t'irti out niw a liit of. lumber, which finls a readv market at a remunerative price. The principal field crops are oats and buckwheat, and not much of eitlter at that. The fields are full of great pile of stones which have been gathered np and heape.1 together, while the ground is yet full of larger one too heavy to be handled, aud I know from experience that it is quite tryiug on one's patience and religion to follow the meandering of a plow and s jalll in theril s by the plow -handles, as is the case here. The apples of this region are of very poor quality, bla-k and dirty, and not to be coinjjored to our Oregon apples. It was ten In-low zero here on the Iat day of the old year and fcr several days thereafter, and the fleihing has been good moftol the time since I have been here, which reminds methat if in Oregon I would n: people wailing the streets ia great rubi?r loots instead. Provisions here are somen hat higher tli:n out there, thongh the price of country prhice is alxxit the same. Sutter is 30c, eyraOc,frei.h pork 10c, .n He, potatoes 75c jt bushel, and flour 1 to f 1.50 per sack. The fl.ar is put up in paper sacks and is shipped in frrm the western stau, principally from Minnesota. Rural mail delivery is in vsne here and thosK who live in lite connlry find it a great convenience to have their mail brought right np to their frou'. dxr. The oil wells throughout the country furnitdi euiplovment It a great manv people. Tlie prevailing price of lalxtr is f 1.75 per day, while a man and team gt t M- The oil well are fcui 500 to 1C.) l-et deep and if tlicy o-oiluceone-qnarler to half a lrrrl a Lir I hey ay to I oi-raUfii. uaiiine ens-toes aie nseJ Ut jiumping purposes and ono engine saf lice f'r tliirj- to Lrty wells. Franklin l a ton of a little more than 7,0J population aud is kept up by niannfacturing-concrrus, ot which the tamlard Oil Co's. refinery is the largest, and furnishes employment to about -KU men. The ftreet are tved with brick. while the snlewalks re made of large flat stones. The olue look sharply after drnaks aud anyone appearing on the streets in condition nnable to walk straight. is promptly taken charge of and put out of thewav until he is able to navigate a chalk line. I cannot stay away from old Douglas very long ami expect to return in the spring. O. W. M. The Animal Had For Some Time hen Preying Upon a Flock of Goats Near GlenJale. Gle.vdalk, Jan. 13. To tl.e Plaixokaler. B. W. S. Folk, of the Highland" Angora Goat Farm near Glei.dale, iatt week shot snd killed near his ranch a full grown male mountain lion in a fir where Lis dog had brought it to bay. The animal was a perfect speimen of its kind, measuring eight feet six inches, and weighing in the neighborhood of two -hundred pound, and was very fat. This makes the second lion killed in the vicinity within a short time. Mr. Folk has recently Lutt six high grade kids from his herd. Fell to his Death. A fatal accident occurred Saturday morning at the Fall Creek trestle on the KlrtiiiHtit River Kailroad, row omler construction east from Laird., whereby Diamonds In Ore zoo. The fulfillment of the prophecy itaJe 30 years ago by Professor Clayton, a geologist in the employ of the United States, that diamond mines wocjl be William Vung, a bridge carpenter, and found in Oregon, is at Land. The mice resident of Ashland, met iiuiUnt death, j is in the Bice. Mountain raBge, 40 miles Mr. Young, who has been in the employ of the company for the pat thre? or four month, wa working on the top of the long structure crowing Fall Creek, and at the time of the accident was en gaged in moving the scaffold upon which he worked, when in some unaccountable manner he missed hss footing sod plung ed headlong to the rocks beneath. A terrible gash was cut in the back of his head acd the unfortunate man's neck was Woken. ' from Burns, the seat of Harney coonty. There is no question of the quality and quantity of the precious gems, but there ia a question as to their eommtrcial value. The stones thus far discovered are generally too srrisll for the trade. They are no larger than a small pin head. A few have been found that wocld sell ia from to $300, Dot they are so few in number as to leave the profitable working of the mine ia some docbt. . 0CVCVOVC-VVCVO COVOVAOVOVOKVOOVOV Are you partienla about your Coffee, Tea and Spices rrir x mrs ix fcll control, The nit Important" feature of the . . a . kf session was the introduction u? nam 01 Multnomah of the Lewis and Clark EX' position appropriation bill. This meas ure was passed t its second rsadinir aud IF YOU ARE CALL AT CURRIER'S GROCERY AND ASK IOP. Price is no higher and every can guaranteed Rosebur 's Currier's, Lead Grocer Records of the Spanish XVsr Veterans. Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood. Inquire of Ilonry Conn, RoHchnrg, Ore gon. , Statu IIochr, Saloni, Jan. 12. A.C Jennings, w ho was chief clerk at the last schhIoii called the House to order at 11 :22. Emniett of Klamath, was chosen temporary Speaker by acclamation, 011 motion of healdon l i asco. A. v Jennings was nominated by Eddy for temiorary chief clork aud was elected. A conimittee 011 credentials was ap pointed, 011 motion of Shelly of Lane, as follows: Nottingham "of Multnonmh, Burgess of Klamath, Hale of Josephine, Clayton of Ijiiio, ami Shelly of Lane. A committee on organizati m was up- noiuted on motion oi JuJd, of Marion, ordered printed, under suspension of the rules. In the House this measure is in charge of Malarkey of Multnomah who proposes to present it this afternoon as soon as the presentation of bills is reached in the regnlar order. There is a strong determination upon the part of the Multnomah delegation to expedite action on this bill, and liltle prospect of oposition has developed so far. The Senate today pssd the House concurrent resolution providing for the preparation of a suitable testimonial of trilHitc to the memory of the late Con gressman Tongue. Myers of Multno mah introduced a bill providing for a free ferry at Sellwood. A large number of the measures presented and read were of minor importance. , The victory of the Fulton forces in the matter of the organization has leen ac cepted in the best of spirit by the van quished, and to all outward nppearauces harmony prevails throughout the repub lican ranks. Both President Brownell and Speaker Harris have already dem onstrated that they are well qualified for their resjiective positions, and there is every prospect that the work of the session will proceed expeditiously from now on. The Lewis and Clark Exposition bill was presented in the House by Malarkey of Multnomah this afternoon. The bill was paused under suspension of the rules to the second reading and ordered printed. SF.XATK ROUTINE. Salem, Jan. 13. The Senate was call ed to ordor at' 10 a. in. No Salem min inter had availed himself of the invita tion extended yesterday and there was 110 prayer." Mays of Multnomah introduced a joint memorial to Congress urging the prompt construction f a caml and locks at The Dalles rapids A motion by Knykendall was adopted that the Secretary of State le instructed to furnish members with copies of the Senate rules. A communication was received notify ing the Senate that the. House' had or- rorlland, Ore., Jan 10, 1903. To the Editor: I would respectinlly request that yon published tlie following information for the lenefit of those concerned : The law authorizing the publication of the records of the Oregon Volunteers in the Spanish. War and Philippine Insurrection prescribes that the copies shall lie distributed in such manner as the Governor mar direct. Of the fire hundred copies provided for in the act Governor Geer has directed that one copy le presented to each of the 334 officers, sergeants and corporals of the Second OreKn Volunteer Infantry and of Batteries "A" and" "B," Oregon Volunteer Light Artillery, and to the wife, father or mother of each of the (4 memlwrs of the Second Oregon, who lost their lives while in the service, pro vided they apply to the Adjutant Gen eral before May 1, liHXI. Copies not delivered in person will be forwarded to applicants entitcd to them, express charge.! to be collected on delivery The method of distribution of such vol umes as may remain on hand May 1 190.1, will be announced at that time Kespeetfully, C. W. Ga.vtexbiv Admtant General Q - .- " Vie Fountain of Health S5 TrTlr, J , Zir'm i- F J found in g'oJ Flour now, as for cetraries-, tbe "staS of life." The l"ug trifel r : : . : : Pride of Oouglss r.oor U t---i i!,J ieaa upoa. M m IhouAad ksaw la ibr-r tDtt. Wi.ir aoc.a b-h Ta tn tl iiiTtwkT cr Ae'vzjt s MLzp.c r or barret zrura "your gr? ::::::: L . Bislu'arl S Son, Ptccs 13. J. M. Weatherby T. A. Bnry D. L. Mani Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Noa-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List yoar proper ty with ns. I SPECIALTIES. Physicians' Prescriptions" and Family Recipes, Rubber Goods, Toilet Articles, Lime and Ce ment, Paints, Oils and G!a-a, Perfumery, Iruss-. es, Sponges, Brushes Etc. Rambler Bicycles ' aud Sundries. School Supplies.. A. C. Marstcrs & Co. urngs, KerJIci: cs, Cfcecica.s. puiion i Stationery School Books P. S. DAY. Concluded on second poge, Eugene Getting Cityfied. The City of Eugene has set an exam pie it might be well for other valley towns of like size to follow to the bene fit of the traveling public, in keeping Wfers away for incoming aud depart ing trains. The Guard of that city says Owing to the crush at the daily trains the railroad authorities have deckled to enforce the city ordinance which has so long been a dead letter, giving them the authority to exclude all but bona fide passengers from the depot platform at train time. When askcil about the subject this af ternoon Agent Adair bent his 25 years of railroad experience ou tlie reporter and paid solemnly : "We will put up a barricade, a fence, and it will have a gate in it. It will be opened to jn'oplc who want to do busi ness with the railroad and if the Lord Mayor of Eugene himself gets on this platform without a jermit he will get the heavy hand of the law and be cinch ed like a street arnb. m It is the only way out of the difficulty. A comfortable place will be arranged outside the gates to kiss all friends goodbye and wait for arriving relatives. Eugene isbeeoming more citified every day, ' JEWELER and WATCHMAKER All WorkJQaaranteed lor Reasonable Prices. Seooa 1 Door north new Bank Baildiag, - Kosescsg, Osiscs KODAKS! They'v.e gone and done - it again Done away with the dark-room in developing. A little machine to de velop o film negatives in daylight without going to a darkroom Any child can, operate it. Ssethis won derful invention at our store. ft Wnn uiiirdiil! Hey,