The iMan With the "Load." Bowed by weight of fiery stuff, he leans Against the hitching post and gaze 'round! Besottc.t emptiness is in his taee. He bears a load that still may get him down, Who made him dull to shame and dead to pride, A thing that cares not and that never thinks, Filthy, profane, a consort for the pis Who loosened and let down that stubbly jaw? Whence came the scum adhering to those lips? What was it clotreed and burned away his brain Is this the thing the Lord God made and gave To have dominion over sea and land ; And feel the passion of Kternity? Is this the dream Be dreamed who thaped the suns And pillared the blue firmament with light? Down all the stretch of Bell to its Inst gulf There is no shape more hideous than this More tongued with proof that Darwin didn't know For where in all the world of brutish beasts Isonefiom which this monster might have come' Bis blood Hows in the frail, disfigured babe O'er which the pale, heartbroken mother bends But what to him are those hot tears she sheds, . What cares he for the taunts his children bear, Tbehuncry cries they raise; their twisted limbs? Through this dreal shape the devil boldly looks, And in that reeling presence mocks the world! Through this dread shape humanity is shamed. Trofuned, outraged, drafted down and brought to scorn Made to inhale fumes from the slime he spews And hear him jest at Irtue and at God. O masters, lords and rulers in our land, Husi this foul solecism still Be toleratce in an age when men Grasp power from the circumambient air And speak through space across the roaring guiis: Most this Tile thing be lea to wed at will And propagate his idiotic spawn, A shame upon the age in which we live, A eu:se on generations to be born O masters, lords ani rnlers In our lead. How may ye hope to reckon with this "man" How get along without the vote he casts When there are public offices to fill? How will it be with candidates when he Ko longer hangs upon the reeking bar Prepared to fight, to slab, to murder and To vote for him who fu mishes his drinks?- Ex. Cheap Excursion Kates to Southwest Oregon. It has been decided to place in effect February 15th, 1903, continuing until April, 30th, inclusive, the same one way Becond class Settlers, rates to all Oregon Lines points, Ashland and north, as were in effect during months of Septem ber and October last, viz : $25,00 from Missouri River points- Sioux City, to Kansas City inclusive. $30.00 from St Louis. 131.00 from Peoria. $33.00 from Chicago. Kates to" be no higher from intermediate stations. The rates will apply via all routes through Tortland, but will not apply via Sacramento. Tickets routed via Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, O. R & X. to Portland, will be allowed stop overs not to exceed ten days, at all points west of Pocatello, and in order to enable intending settlers to look over the Willamette Valley arid Western Oregon thoroughly this Company will allow as many stop-overs as desired at stations intermediated to final destina tion of the tieket, each stop not to ex' ceei ten days. . Thfx announcement is of especial im portance as it insures the necessary """cheap rates and arrangements to bring a large imuiigratkn to Western Oregon . next Spring. As no doubt a great many of our people who have already moved to Oregon from the middle' states and the east will advise their friends and relatives who will take advantage of the low rates to visit Oregon, .and all the subscribers and readers of the Plaix dealer who have friends in the State East of the Rocky Mountains will do well to send this paper to them and if other. copies are desired they .will be furnished free at this office. The news of the Hawaiian Islanders will now be fresh, the line to the is lands having been completed Jan. 2, 1902. 'Giving the People a Good Paper." We are just in receipt of the following card lrom Fprengle & Spaulding, real estate brokers and timberland dealers of Seattle : "Please change the Plaix dealeb to our address at Arcade Bldg., room 339, Seattle. You are giving the people a good paper. We very much approved of your editorial on "Cruelty to Poultry," in a recent issue. Fight will Be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their, ears against the continual recommends tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, if not end ed earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beal, Miss.,' has to say : '-Last fall my wife had every symp tom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after eveything else had faiied. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guaranteed by A. C. Mareters, Drug cist. Price 50c, aud f 1.00. Trial bot tles free. Smith' Dandruff Pomade Stops ilchin pcalp upon one applies lion, three to ix removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair. Price 50c, For sale by Mareters Drug Co. mlti County Treasurer's Notice ' Notice is hereby jriven to all iartu;s lioldini county warrants endorsed prior to'and including March 10th 1900, are re- qneeted to present the same at the county treasurer's office iV r jarmcnta interest will cease thereon alter the slate of this notice. Dated Nov. 17, 1V02. Geo. Dim mick, County frpjisnrer. $100 Reward $100. The readers 'of this paper will he 'pleaded to learn that there tt at least one dreaded disease that sience has been . able to cure in all its etages. and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure in the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beinp.a constitu tiorjil disease, r-iujres a constitutional trettnient. Hali'eCatarrh Cure in taken internally, :n-Ljrifr directly upon the blood and tuucouf Kiirfaces of the system tliereiiy destroying the foundation of the diw-nse, and giving the patient Etrcnjrtli by huildintr ua t)ie constitution nd assihtini; nature in doing it work. The iiro'irietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred jjollars for any case that it fails lo cure. Send for list of testimoni- Address F. 1. CnEsry Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Ilrujiuisls, 75c. Jlaile i'ani ily Pills are the best, . ' General News. A dressed turkey, which weighed 58' Z pounds, was one of the unusual Eights in a market at Portland, Oregon, one day last week. The Marshfield authorities are pro hibiting the assembling of children on account of the prevalence of scarlet fe ver at that place. Bremvrton, Wash., has leen con demned by the government as an im moral ulace, and no more shins are to be sent there novf. J. W. Powell, of Buffalo, N. Y., makes it a business to raise church debts. His record for the past year is $250,000. He is now raising the debt of a Portland church. The work is a good one, for the weight of a church debt is elephan- iue. The sales of stamps at the Chicago poBtoftice for two weeks prior to Christ mas averaged $30,000 a day. There was an increase in the money order depart ment, over a like period last year of 33 per cent, and iu total receipts of 25 per cent. Other large cities report a like increase in the holiday postoScc busi ness, showing that the people are tin precedentedly prosperous. In a crosscut in one of the LeRoy tun nels in Bohemia where they are oper ating with a compressed air drill the workmen uncovered a 35 foot ledgo of galena. If LeRoy has such a ledge as this the mine will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollais to the owners and will start Bohemia on the biggest boom it has ever had. Salem is suffering from an accumula tion of thugs and shady characters w ho have been driven out of Portland and the cities of the sound and have taken advantage of the rather lax regulations of Salem to make that city in abiding place. Salem has made no attempt to enforce the ordinances against gambling and the keeping of drinking places open at unseasonable times and is now suffering the unhappy results of this axity. Another Asiatic Earthquake. St. Pktersbtbg, Dec. 29. Advices from Audijan, Central Asia, are to the effect that another violent earthquake occurred last night. It completed the destruction of hundreds of homes that had partially withstood the last earth quake. Better Than a Plaster. - A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Fain Balm and bound on the affected parts, is better than a plas ter for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest. Pain Balm has no 6upe rior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated, muscular and rheumatic pains For sale bv A. C. Maisters. Barley Wanted. The Koseburg Brewery wants 2000 lbs of gcol barley, and trill iy a cent and a quater per pound for it, Address Roseburg Brewing Co.. Roseburge.Ore Notice for Publication. CKITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Boseburg, Oregon, Sept. ; 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance trim ice troviiois oi me act oi ingrvs oi June , 16:8, entitled "An art for the sale ol timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, rseradaana w as b melon Territory, asextena. ed to all toe Iublic lud b tales by act of Aug ust 4, 132. AM.VCA M SANDERS of Kosebnrg, county of Douglas, state of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office bis sworn statement So .'iVjo, for the purchase of the NE . N W. BtJ4 N Eli Sec 24. Tp 28 8, K S ;w and will offer proof toshowthatthelendsorght is mora valuable fur lu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hie claim before the Imisier and Keceivcr f Una office of Boseburg, Oregon. on Wednesday, lue 6th day of March; 19 He names as witnesses: Oliver r Co how. Knee burg. Ore., Georf e Turner. H H Oatman and F It Kelly, ol Myrtle reek, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested lo file their claims in In is office on or before said nth day of March, !--. J I BRUXE, d25 Register Notice for Publication. Lani Office at Rosebnrg, Oregon. De:einberis liu2. Notice Is herebv riven that the following named settler haa filed notice of hit inieulioo lo make final proof in support oi his claim, and tnat said jproof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Rosebnrg, Oregon, on January 19, 1S83, Tlx: OLORfit; W.HULLOWAT, on H. E. No. M for the lots 7 and 8, section 22. Tp. 2S sooth, range 4 west, lie names the tolluwing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, vis: Thomas Strode, vt llliam He Claiu, Oeorge Hall and John Wrieht. all o Myrtle Creek, Oregon. J. T. BUIW.ES, dll Register. Notice of Final Settlement, Kotice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of Ibe estate of Elizabeth Oarri ton deeeaaed, has filed his final aecouut in said estate wilh the County Clerk of Douglas coun ty, Oregon; that Muuaay, January Sib, 19U, at 10 o'elo k a. m. has been act by the Hon. N. I). Thompson, county judge of said coauty, for hearing oojeeUoos, if any. to ssd final account and for the final setilement of the same. H.J. WIL-ON, Admlnislratorof the estate of Elizabeth Garri son, deceased dl Notice for Publication. United State Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 6, IKK. Notice Is hereby given that the followin named seitlrr bas fibi noticeof his Intention to make final proof in suppsrtnf his claim, and thai aaid proof wiil be made before the Rt-sis ler and Receiver, V. 8. Land office at Koseburg Oregon on Mondav Iecember rn. 19oi. Tix BKNJAMIN F SIIIEI.DH, on If E. No 114-'. for the blf'i- E'i WV. and lots S and 4, Hec. i, Tp 6 , R 2 west, lie names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous lesidence upon and cultivation of said Und.vir: Oeorge West, T. Kelly, J U lihupe and J A Conly, all of iloaglin, Oreenn. i. T.RRJO!iE3, B17 Register Notice for Publication. ' " Cnitcd Hlales Lsnd Office. Roaeburg, Oregon, tct. l-l. lis if. Kotice is hereby given that the following named stUer has filed notice of his inteniion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wiil be made b fore the Regis ter aod Receiver, at Roseburg. Oregon, on November, lM)f. viz: JAMES H. PORTER, on H. E. Ko. 8K7z for the Mj Nfc'.i section S. townrbio 58 soulh, range 7 west, lie names the following wiinesses to prove bis continuous residence opon and cultivation of said land, viz: J 11 Howard, O f Swill, T M Olivent and L T Hendricks, all of Ten M i le. Ore. 16p . J T BRIOU KOi Register. Notice for Publication United States Land Office, Rosebnrg, Oregon, Oot 9. lWr2. notice is hereby given that In compliance wilh the proviniens of the ai I of Cougress of June a, )S7S. entitled "An a l for the sale of timber lands !u the glatesof Californiit.Oregnn Nevada .and vt ahlm!ton Terriior7,"aae(leiid ed to ail the public laud states by act of August 4, lwri . ' THOMAS UI.VES of Grand Forks, County of tirand Fjrks, Hlale of North Oakols, has this dsy fiiel in this odice his sworn slateineut Ko. Biln, for tie purchase ol the lolsilsiid tt'4 SVi'i iSW4 of Section 6. Township .'i Si nub. 01 Kanno M, w, and will ol fer proof lo show that Ihe land sought is uioie valuable for its linitrcrorstoi Oisu for agri cultural purposes, aod toesiaMrsh hisclsitn to suid"land before IV d Erllt, ft. U. Comuiiwdoner, at Rosebuig, Opgou, on Friday, ili ;i7ili dav of !an:h, I'Ji'S He names as wiiiitssesi W fl. Bonn, H. C. Boren, Harry Iuherr and John Leuberr of Camas Valley, Ore. Any and all persons claiming dversely the above described lauds are le'iuested to (lie their e emu in ibisnlhue ou or beiore the .Hit day of Jyeceiaber, J?-2. J.T. BRIIXiES, cWp Register. Notice for Publication. United State Land Ofllcp, Roseburg. Oregon , Sept 11, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, )8i8, entitled "An art for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory," asezteud ed to all the public laud states by act of August 4, lS9i EMMONS M' ELL of Portland, county of Miilliimnah, state of On'umi, lias this day filed in this ortice his sworn statement No Km for the purchase of the NEViSeca, Towuship'jy south, range 1 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or slnne than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register aud Koceiver of th.s of lice of Koseburg, Oregon. on Saturday, the 14th day of February, He names as vltneses: M Huehanau, Walter Bnell of Portland, On-gon, Wm Wright, and 11 M Oilman of Mrrtle Creek. Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above leTitd lands are requested to rile their claims in this office on or before said 14th day of Febnrv, ISO'!. J. l.bKiubis. . d4p Kr-gtsier Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Roseburg, Cregon, Nov 10. laui. Notice Is hereby giveu that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Coiigreaa of JuneS, 17S, entitled "An art tor the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the 1'ubl-e Laud Slates by act of Aug ust 4, lb'.ti, JOHN PACf-SON, of Grand Forks, county ol lira ml Forks, state o North Dakota, has this day riled in this office his sworn statement No. i:!C for the purchase of the N', SWV;, S'4 N1; ol Section No 1-, township No JO south, KangeSW.. and will olfer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for iu tinioer or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before WsltcrS Brill, at Kiddle, Ore. go n, on Saturday, the 24th day of January, l'JOJ He names as witnesses: Hale Boren, John Lehnherr. of Cauias Vallev, Henna Lasscjard 1-angor, Minu , Andrew bijern, of II rand Forks N. D. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to lile their claims in this oftiee on or beiore said :Mlh day of Jan, 1S0.1. J. T. bridges UlS Kcgisier. Notice for Publication. United State Land Oftiee. Koseburg, Oregon, Aug 12. l!rJ Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June J, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oieon Nevada And Washington Territory," as ex lead ed to all the public land stales by act of August 4, IBM. t.lUKI.K J. I1ISLRS, of 911 London Road, Dultith, county of St Lo.iifa State of Minnesota, has this day hied in Ill's oftiee bis sworn statement No M9T fr the pur chase of the SF'i NK'4', N'i Sfc;. N r.l SW1-; of section No 22. township 31 south, rauge 6 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim before the Register and Receiver of tbi ofiioa ol Roaeburg, Oregon, on Thursday the 8lh day of January, 12. He names as witnesses: Thomas lirnu. Riddle, Ore., li illlrtop, Thomas K l.awson, Ulen da'e. Ore., W A Abbrtt, liulutb, Minncoota. Anv and all persons claiming sdrersely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this oftiee on or before aaid Mh day of Jan., PJ03. J. T. BRIDGES. o2Tp Register. Notice for Publication. United States 1 an 1 Offcce. Rosebunr, Oregon, Aug. 2, !W2. Notice is hereby given that in compliance wilh the provisions ol -? a act of Congress of JuneS. JSTS.enii'.'iei rAa act tor the sale of timber lands in the stairs of California. Orecon Nevada ar.d W ashmfton Territory," asextend ed to all the public iana slates by act of August 4, lsai FREHERtrJK A KRIRS. of TSu Irving St., Portland, county of Hultno mab, state ol Oreeon, l.a this ly filed In this oftiee his sworn statement No isi6 for the pur chase of the Ntt'Ji Serif, Tp sou to. R. Vt., and will offer proof toshow that the land sought is more valuable lor lis litnorr or stone than for agricultural purpritea. and lo establish Ma claim before toe Register and Receiver of Uui flice of Roaeburg, Oregon. on Tneaday the 3rd day ol February. 19TU. He names as witnesses: Albert E Ci avion. Hel rose, Ore., Charles Thom, Ben Moll u lien, of Roseburg Ore., John Thom. rf Cleveland. 4ic. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are reqoeared lo hie their claims in Ibis office on or beiore said 3rd day of February. lvi. J T BRI IX-Ed. nlTp . Registvr. Notice for Publication I'nited Stales Land Office. Rosebnrg, Oregonept 27. Notice is hereby given that In compliance wilh the provisions of the act of Congress of JuneS. 1st, entitled "An a-t for the sale ol timber lands in the states ol California. Oreaon, .Nevada and vamnrtn territory, as exenO edtoall the public land states bract of Aug- Bl4,l-&! EMMA I COsHOiV of Sa'e-e, coonty of Marlon, state of Op-gon, has this dav tiled In this office her sworn stale ment fo 351.': ior the parr haw of !he NW, of section 26, Tp. 2 south, ranges west Wil. Mer . and will offer proof toshow thai the land songht is more valuable lor iia umoer or stone Uisn for agricultural purpoaea, aud to hit claim before the Reg-.sier and Receiver of this eiXioe of Roauburg, Oregua, an Tuesday the 'th day of March. Vac. sH-.e name as witnesM: l:olevt H oshow. Mist Bertha Kay. Misa S Lenore Sa'.em, Ore. and H M tiatman. oi Myrtle Cn-ek. Ore. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-dearrioed land', are requested to Ale their claims in this office on or before said 4th day ol March, WCO. J. T. Bumis, di'p Readier. Notice for Publication. United Slates Ln4 Offlr-e, Roaeburg, Oregon. Scpl X, 1W'2. Notice is 1 ereby given tiiat in compl'ance with the provision of ihe act of Congress of Junek,lS7S. eiuillnl "an Act for the sale ot Timber Lands in the Stales of California, Ore gon. Nevada and Washington Territerv," as ex tended lo all the Public Land eta lea by act of August I, InSi ROBERT II COSHOW, of Salem, county ol Marion, stale of Oregon, has this day filed in this office bis sworn staie m.nt No 3.V lor Ibe purchase of 'h of section 16, Tp x9 sonth, R 3 west VH. Mcr and will offer proof toshow that the land songht is more valuable for iu limber or stone loan for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim before the Register and Receiver of this ollica of Rosebnrg, Oregon. on Tuesday, the 6th day of March, 19t:. Be namesas wimes es: Mrs K-ma I C'os-ow, Miie Bertha Kav. Miss I enore Kay, of salcm. Ore., 11 M Oatman, 01 Myrt'e Creek, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aDove described lands are reuuestet to hie th?lr claims in this office on or before said 5th day of March, YAii. J. T. BRIIXiEd, dap Register. Motice for Publication. CxirgD Ststbi Lawn Omct. Roseourg Oregon, Hept.27, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol Junes, 187H, entitled "A Act for the S'leof timber lauds in the slates of Calitornla. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Laud Stales by act of Aug ust 4, laW, BERTHA KAY. of Salem, county ot Marlon, state of Orcgnn, bas tbs day filed In this office ber saorn slate ment No 11, for the purchase of the NE,' of section 26. Tp 29 lonh. Range 8 west W il. Mer. and will lifer proof toshow that the land songht is more valuable for its timber or stnne tbau for agricultural purposes, and to establish till tlaim before the Register and Receiver ot thia fiios of hose burg, Oregon, on Tuesday the. "Hli day of March, Rhe names a witnesses: B Lenore Kav, Kmina I, Rola-rt f. 'oshow, ol Salem, ore., H. M. (1st man, ol Mvrtle Creek, Ore. I Any and all pe-sons claiming adversely the a bove described lands are re:iuesled tuliia their ciaims in this odice on or beiore said rth day of March, mi. JTB-IDOKH, &Stp Register. Notice for Publication. Isolated Tract. PUBLIC LA KT SALE. U. K Land Office. Rosebnrg. tire. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of Instructions from the ommiioner 01 me Ocneial Lend Olhce. under aulhoilty vested in him by section at-'A V. 8. Rev. Htat., as Binend-1 bv the act of Cougress approved Feb ruary '6, lftii-'i, we will proceed to offer at pub lic sale on the loth day of January, next, at this office, the following tract of laud, Uvwit : n. N vj. SVk . Sec. 2. To. ;' 8. Rsime 0 went An and all oersons claiming adversely the a bjvc described lands are advised to tile their claims in ihls ctliee on or neiore me asy eoovc designated for the coinmeneemeiii 01 saiu saie otherwise their rights will lie forfolled. J.T. BRH1OK-1. Register, J. 11. BOOTH, Receiver. Novemberi) 1902. nit Notice for Publication. On! led State Lund Office, Rimoburv. Oretron. acid. Ti. ll2. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Cong ess 01 June 3. 1"7X, entitled, "An Act lor the sale of timber laiids In the amirs ol California, Oregon, Neva :a, and Washington Teriitory," as extend ed to all the public land states by act Of August 4, lltu. LKNORK rZAY, of Salem, county of Mario's Htiito of Oregon haatbimliiv (Hid in this r Heo her sworn sta e ment No3M4. for the purchaM ol the fK'i of sectioii ', township 'Jl R west Wit. Mcr, and will olfer proof toshowthatthelandsoughl Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ftiid to establish hla claim liefore the Register aud Receiver of thia ofiice of Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the iih day of roh. 19&J. flic name as witness: licrtha Ksy. Rola rt ;o show, Mrs Kmma I Coshow of nalem. Ore., II M Oatman, of Myrlic f reek. Ore. Aiij end all persons claiming adversely the alsive-desoribed lauds are requested U tile Ihelr claims in Ibis oilice on ot beioie the said blt day ol March HMD. J. T. Hnu.css, d;jp, Rcghiur. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State o( Oregon, for Douglas county. K W Tuomaaon 1 1'laiulifT i . vs I Lulu B Thoinason ) Deft udmit. I To Lulu B. Tuoiuasou, the above named de fendant. IN THE NAME OF THE BTATK OF OREGON, yon are hereby reoulred to appear acd answer the complaint iilnl against you In the above entitled court and caue liefore the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, to-wit: TneLUn day of January, A. !. l.Ui, aud if you fail to appear and answer or plead to said complaint, as hereby required, plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the rcliel demanded In his complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is served upon the defendant herein, by publication tliereol, under aud pur suant to an order of the Hon. J W Hamilton, Judge of l he above entitled Court, dated the 'ifth day of November, A. l 1902, aud directs that the service of the summons in this suit be made upon the defendant. Lulu U Thomason, by publication thete( not less limes than once a week for a period of six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication tbeieot. The date ol me nrst publication of this sum mous la the tiistdey ( December. A D Wmi C S JACKSON, . dl-j!2 Attorney for PlaintiT Notice for Publication. I'nited States Land Office. Host burg, Oregon Oct 11, 1902. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congress of June J, 16. , entitled "An art for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California. Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory," asextend ed to all the public land stales by act of August a, ursi. MRS EVA FROSP. of Roseburg, county of Imuglas. State of Ore gon, has this day liltd in lhiom-e her sworn statement Ko S6i. for the purchase of the E', Sh'4.t;E'4NKUaiid lot 1, section 4, Tp 27 S.. rauiie No s wei slid will oiler proof lo show that the laud sought is more valuable for lu limber or stone than for agrirultutal purposes, and to ustahliah her claim to said land before the Register and Kecciverof this office at Rose burg. uregru, on Tuesday the 3bt day . of March. Utl. She names as wltuexes: J Frost, Jo.-ie Pcanlan, E W Scaulan, J U Burton all of Koseburg, Ore. Any and all eruii claiming adversely the above described lauds are reouesteil lo file their claims in this ollire on or before said 3lat day of March, li i. T, BKIIHjKS. c20 Register Notice for Publication. I'nited St tea Land Office. Koseburg, Oregon. Aug 14. 1'Xri. Notice is hereby given that In compliance witn ice provisions ot the act ot tongresa ot Junes, )s:s.enlitle-i"Aa art for the sale of timber lands In theliatesof Callfornia.Oregoa Nevada .and W ashincton Terntory."asextend- ed to all the public land states by act of August LAFAYETTK BSl'MBlCGH. of Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas, stale Of Oregon, has Ibis day filed in this office hi sworn statement N 32TV for the purchase of Lots 1, 2, 8 and o!i, Tp 2 J .. R 3 wesl and will olfer proof toshow that the land tonght is more valuable ior lis umber or stone tnaa for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim before the Register aud Receiver oi this oilice of Roaeburg. Oregon. on Wednesday, the Hth day of January, VXC He names as iues.e: K A Mv.ti V Cham herlain, A L Ady, CLSly, all of Myrtle Creek Oregon. - Any and all persons claiming adversely the aliote des-rilanl lands are re,Miested t file Ihelr claims In this office on or before ld 11th day of January ISoJ. J. T. BRI Ix.FS, ' np Register. Notice for Publication. I'nited States Land Office. K.vsf burg. On-gon. Nov, I 1'2 Notice is hereby given that in compliance si:b the pr ishtis ot ibe act ol longrera oi JuheS. )!C8. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Califonita.Uregoa Nevada and Wahlnrton Territory.' asextend- ed to all ihe public land slate by act of August 4, ixr JOHN HERRING of Rush City, county of Chicago, s'.ate of Minn. bas this asy bl-4 in tnisoibcc bis swore state Dent, No :-2. for the purchase ol the lof 4 and 7 and the i Nk'i See 2, Tp 26 bonth ranee No. s west and w ill ofit-r tmnf to show that Ihe land inugut is more valuable for iti umla-ror sune than for agricultural por pose, and to establish his claim to aaid land before L Dimmlck, V S t'osmissioner. Oakland Oregon, on Fridsy the rd day of January, li' He name as witnesses: John Tnom and Charles Thnm of Roseburg. Oregon John C Carlson. of Until City, Miaa., and John Dab 1. of Lindstoin, Minn. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above desrribed lands are reutiMled to tile tneir claims in 11. is office or or beiore sai'l2M c f Jan l'A-J. J. T. BRllXi rii, nl'.o Regftt-r. Notice for Publication. United Stales Land Office Rose bu rg. Oreron . e pt I .l. Notice is herety given that In compliance with ihe provisions nf the act of Congreae of June 3. C. enuiled "An act for the sale of timbrr lauds iu the states of Calllornia. Oregon Nevada .and W ahtneton Terrliory," asextesd ed to a.1 the pubiie laud si&'.es by act of August t, iKf- H'iWARI' E WILoS of Ve'.roae. county of Ixmgla. staieof Oregon, has tins, dar filed in ih s office bis saorn stalcment No !4U, f-r the pci-ehas of tber-'A'.tec No JO. in NdKsouib. range west and w'.li offer proof to sbovr lhat tec land sorght is more vsluaMe :r its Umber or stone tbsn for agricultural purj,es. and lo establish his elstra br-forr ice iieeiner and Receiver i thia o! : ice of Rose bu rg. Oregon. on 1 uesdav the 3 day of Fcbrtiarr, He navo-s as Itns-ses: Chariealbom. Roscbonr. e.. J din Thorn, Frank L" n. of t leveuuid. Ure., and Albert Clayton, Melrose, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely tie above described lauds are requested to Pie their claims In this office 00 or before said 5rd day ol i-Vbrttary 11I. J T KRlDoi-. ni.p Krglsb-T. Notice for Publication. United Mate Land Off) re. R.i-ebu Ore, Aug. fc, 1W2. Notice is herer.y given thai in compliance with tbe provisions of Ihe art of Cungresa s4 June s. 1V7H, enuiled "An ar t for the sale ol timber lands In tf.e !iaU- of California. orejon Nevada and ahington Territory," at exteud ed to ail the public land stales by act of August 4, l.M'JL ALBKRT F. CLAYTOJf, of Melrose, county of Ooug las. State of Oregon, bas Hits iia- H im in tnts otiire His sworn s ale men t Ne ."; or the purrns'.' of ihe nt'j of section II, township J Sjiiih, rar-ge e-t. and w ill ot fer prool to show lhat the land son gbt Is more valuable lor Its limber or stone than for agricultural purpows, and to establish hil claim beiore ibe iK:ier and Receiver of thia oilice oi Roaeburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 3rd dsv of February. 19CJ He names as w itm-w-s: Frederiek A Kriljs. Port land, tire., harlesTbora and Ben McMnllen, UostLurg. Ors , Johu Thom. Cleveland. Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aoore fii-rtbed lands are requested lo file their claims in thisofhee on or twfore said iid Jay of February. 1. J T BRUM.., nlTp Register. Notice for Publication. CnltMl Htati Land Office. Roaeburg Oregon, Aug 20, 1'.Vi Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 8. lTs, entitled "An art for the sale of tiinlr lauds in the States of Caltfornia,Oregon Nevada. and Washington Terriury,"asexiend ed to ail the public land states by act ot August 4, IsVi JOSEPH V N1EDERMF.YER, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale nf On goo, has ttil day Tiled in thia odice his sworn statement No. itliu for Ibe pnrcbasa ot Ihe N.' of N); of sec is, Tp 30 R. west and will offer proof to show that the land songht Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Jris claim beiore the Register and Receiver of Uus oinee 01 uoseourtr. vreirua, 1 on luesday the iVlli day of Jaooitry, ItOt. He names a witne.ea: 1 Rrycn, Wm Porter. Wm l'aris, nra Miirrsv, all of Cainas allt-v. Ore. Any and ail persons claiming advorely the aSove iwscribcd lands arc requested to tPe their ninjiiin ill IUI9 OIIIUV oil III II tun? Paitl ,111 uai olJan.lttH. J. T. BRIO 'KK. nlOp . Register. Notice for Publication. United Plate Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon. Oct 2.1, lrj. Notice is hereby given that In Compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1ST, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lauds In the Slates of California. Oregon Nevada. and Washington Territory," asexteud ed to all the public land states by act of August ZIBE W. MOR3K of Rii-bland, eounlyof Baker, state ot Oregon, has 1 bin day filed In this his sworn state ment No :i7.!i;, for Hie purchase of the NK'j ofsei'linii :ui township ill south, lance 8 west and will ofler proof lo show that the land song hi Is more valmble for its timber or stone than f ir arli-tiltum! pnrposes and to es ab- liuli his claim neiore W H Brill, U 8 Commis sioner at Rldille, Ore. 011. on Thnradar thn nth da of January. UIH. Henam' as witnesses: I N HsmilUiu, W F Mlnard, If W Miller, ot Myrne t rei K, ungonana 01 las roagctlof Rich land, Oregon. Any ami all claiming alverselv the above deMTlled lands are requested lo file their ciaims 111 tins omce oh or oeiore sain mh day 01 January i.'.. J 1 oniutiKM, otip Register. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of tho Hlalc of Oregon lor County of Douglas. Id the mailer of Iliu c.ilatel ot V Kinlline Oavls, deceased. ) PHer Ilwklcy, the administrator of the cv'eto of l.miliiifl ilavls, decesed, having rendered aud prcstntcd ior sctlleineul, and liled in this l imit hi final accuunt ol his silminlstra'iorj of ssld tislale; It is onb-reil UihI the flth day of Janu ary, VM14 being a day of said court, lo-wlt: of Hie January tnrin thereof A. D. at 10 o'clock a iu ol said day ba appointed lor the sett'emi'iit of said account, and that notice of said setlreniciit be publlKhed in the lion-burg i'laindialer. a paper published In Ihe ft ly oi Ilost biirg, Douglai county, Oregon, as niton as nin e a week for four couscculive weeks prior thereto. Haled at Hosoburg, Oregon, this .ird dav of litftinlXT, UKM. M h THOM I'HOlrf, dtj r -ounty J uilgo. Notice for Publication. . United Stales Laud Office, Boseburg, Oregon, Oct 1, I'M. Notice fa hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Couxress of June 3, 1ST8, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore gon. Nevada and Waxhlngton Territory." ax extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. IKK. HAKTHA UASK, of Portland, county nf-'Multnomah, stste of Oregon, has this day tiled In this oilice her sworn statement No SSrti for the purchase of lots 8, 4, 6 and , of sec 31, Tp rj H., It 3 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought is inure valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purwiwu. and lo establish his claim before the lU'Klster aud Kecclver of this elf ice of Koseburg, O rerun. on Tuesday, Ibe uih dav of .March. She namesas witnesnes: M Buchanan, Anna E TapiiendnrfT, Krlk Wlk, of Portland. Oregon, ana Jacsson, ol uanyonviue, "rt'Kon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above descrlled lands are rfutn-itd to file their cianns in misouiceou or Deiore i"i yin nay oi -Man n, i'JU. j. 1. eiuimii , li2. Register Notice for Publication. . rnlted States lp.d Oftiee. Rosebnrg. Ore., 0:t, 2, VAtl rotlce is nerebv civen lhat In eniiii.lianrs with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, laTH, entitled "An art fcr the sale of timber lands in the States of Call.'ornia,Oiegon Nevada .and Washington Terrliory," arexieud ed to all the public laud states by act of August 4, lsvi. THOMAS W f.ARK'INS. of Roseburg. ouinty of Douglas, mate of Ore gon haa Ibis dav filed In this office his sworn statement No SAT I, lor Ihe inn bae ol the W U KVt. S'iNW Iiof tecll.Tp r.. R. Wel and will otter proof toshow that the land sought is more valuable for Its tlti.UT or stone than fur agricultural purM,ses, and to eatablish hla claim before the Register aud Receiver of thia ofiice of Roseburg, Oregon. on I bursday the I2tb d y of March, l.ot. He namesas witnesses: uavi-i I, Martin, William H lluulcr. William J Lsnder aud Jostph M Wealherby. of Roseburg, t)ra. Any and all pcra ids claiming adverwly the above desr-ribed lands are requested to lile their claims in this odlce on or behirenti l I 'At day of March, 19b i. JTBUiDOKS, "-P Register Notice for Publication. Culled States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, cl 9, 1-.ii. Notice is hereby given that in compliance wilh the provifldiis of tr.e art of Cuugre of June S, )&., e milled "An ai t for the sale of timber lands in Ihe Stales of California.' reeon Nevada .and tt anhingtcn lern'ory," asexieud ed to all the public land stales by act of August PERCIVALU Tt'RSER. oi ioe Angeie couuiy o una .sngwes, iate oi i l'altrr..t,iu h.a IhU I. t,.t. ..lit,. Kl. sworn la'i-menr No .1S (or the pme-ae of' Ihe HK'i NU- ft hW, NW'frEoi Section No. 21. losoioi). No'i south, range 3 weal' and will offer proof toshow that the land sought If more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim before the Register and Receivar of Uus ff ice of Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday the ul day ot January. Inn. lie oamra as wilnraae: Burt lurlc, William Wright, feianh.n Dou!aa and Archie Clink, ail of Roseburg. Oregon. Any and all perxms claiming adrert-ly the above dtwribed Unria are rvqueaUd lo hie their claims In this office on or before sld day Of Jan. 1SW. J. T. BR11X.ES tSp segiiter. Notice for Publication t ailed States Land Offlc. Roseburg, Oreenn, Aug. It, Notice la hereby given that in compliance with thil nmriinitt n( lh nf t'or.rrv of JoneJ, isTS.eTitiiled "An aet for the sale of i Umber lauds in the Stales of Cahforri!a.o-eson Nevada nd Washington Territory." eextod- ad to all the public land stales by act of August 4lejl. WILLI A V A. ABHETT ,1 hnlnlh rnn.irijkl'lnni. kill. t,l V I nn- sola, has this dav 6K-d mtliia other b: trn ! stau-m,t,tNoXl-. (..r the hase of I be N ' . Ni;.S,Ki.SWi ei; r-. tb.n No. U Towoihip No -1 .-ulb, Ksafr 6 west and will of ferproof toshow that the land ec fht is more valuable for its limber or stone tbaa for agricultural purpfe. and 10 hla claim beiore tbe Reauter and Receiver ol XhiM elilca of Rosebarg, Oregon. on Thursday tbe Slh day of January. 3a Re names as witnsres: 1 hixuas Laason, Riddie, tre , U Lbertiun. Thomas h laws n. ol Oien bale, Ore-.ittorge J Powers, of lnil ith. Minn. Any and all persoas claiming advenvly the above describe.! lands are requested lo file tbeir claims in this office on or beiore said iih dayol Jan. l. i CTp J. T BRIDGET Register. Notice fcr Publicttion. Tnlted ?uw Land OSce, Roaeburg, Oreon. Nov t. Notice la te rely given In cm(Jiance with lee provinjons of Ihe art of Congrv-a of June a, ).. eut;;'.ed "An art fr the saie of limber lauds In ir e t-":etesvf Ce!t; Nevada .and tVa.v.'.:ictn Tern-.ry,"extend-ed to aii ihe puOUe laud siatca by act of Auguat Jt'HX HAUL, ol Lin-lstrom, e .ni ly ot Chi-ato.s'ate of Minne sota, has ihis dsy ri ci In Ihu oaiee his sworn sutlcufnl No a. ffr the p'jrehac-f the NE of ti n 2V Towe.bip 21'h. Ranges west aud'Wul 0C1 r i-r-Hif u show tnat the land soughl is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for vnculturei turpi w.M to efablh hiciaim 13 said laud beiorr- I. Hmmiek, C. r. Commmiohir si iraktand. nwo. on Fri day, the day of Janus'y, 11. He names as witnesses: 1 j uom ami jonn inna. 01 RnM-burg. Oregon. John H'rnuc ai.4 I'rUr Corrier.of Rush ity. Minnnota. A ay aod ail persons rlaiming alversely the above described lands are requested Ut eie iheir claims in this oil ice on rr bWotr- said 2rd day of January, J. T. BHI lKr nUp K-g'aler. Notice for Publication. Csmm friTts LAfoOrrica. Roaauad. Ore., f-pi I, IJCJ. Notice Is bersby given that in compliance with tbe provisions of the ar-t of congress ot Junet, 1ST, sntilied Asi act lor ihe se e of TimN-r Inds In ihe Stau-s ot Ca'Tornte. Ore gin, Nevada and Washington Terrilnry," as ex tended to all the Public Lazd Ma tea by act of August 4. I"-. MRS ELLEN A FAIRTI' D. Of Portland, county of Multnomah State of Ore gon, haa this dav li ed In Ibis odice hrr w m atalement No JNi, lor the purcha'e ef ihe lola 1. 2. 7 and of rice SV, Tp sou'h. range S west and will olfer proof tosnow that lut uuidscght Is more valuable lor it tlrrber or slope than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish hla claim before ihe Register and Receiver ol thia wfiice ol Roseburg .Oregon. on Saturday the Uth dar of Fehiuary, I'M! She names aa wltnevca: M Burl.aiisn. Waller B Bueil. Portland. Ore.. Jss 11 .-im-yljn and Wm W'llghtot Myrtle Creek. r. Any and all persons claimlug adverarly Uie a'mve d-ciire"i lands are requited 'o file their claims In this oil ice on or belrre said Uth day of February lvul. J. T. Ban use, dip Register. Notice for Publication. United States I and Offio, Roseburg, Ore.nn . Bepi 1 1". Notice is hereby given that in compliance wtlh the provisions of the, act of Congresa of Junes. ?,. entitled "An art for Ifte sale of timber lauds In ti e s'tatcaof t aiifornia. Oregon ! Nevada .and Vt auington Terrliory, asextend ed to all the public land states by act ot Auguat 4, lSiC BENJAMIN H DIXON, of Os, county of HoohorolMh, state of W"a.h lngt"0. has this day tiled in thia oH'ue bis sworn statement No till, for the purchase nf the NK1 1 of section 2J, Tp i; 8., Range a west and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought la more valuable lor Ha timber or alone than tor agricultural purposes, and to es' hla claim before the Register and Receiver ot thia oilice of Roseburg, Oregon, on Kriday ine :Vih day of January, 190.1. Ho eamet as wl.nese: Mary L lilxon of Os, V.h.. II F hied, of Hoaelin. Wash.. Frti Klnynn, Harry Hallield of Rosebnnt. Oregon. Aiiy aud aU'pertons claiming aovcrsely the altove deacribed lands are requested M tile their claims in thil oilice on or beiore said Hblh dsy nf Jan. W0.I. J.T. BKIbOKd. nlOp Register A HOT THING. That new HOT SODA FOUNTAIN at the KANDY KITCHEN You can have the flavors to suit. Comtiinir Mr Hot Chocolate, Hot Tomato, Hot Roof Extract, JOmeinini, lew 1Uit c,.laryi IIot Clnm iUlMni uot Chicken Belli Give it a trial. You'll like it. They all do. he Pries l The Same 5c. U Mr. on A isj c? rosi mt confectionery jj lNUKi and ICE CREM PARLORS I fruits, Candies, Cafics, Pies, I Doughnuts and fresh Bread Daily VA Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot Kl I. J. NORflAN & Co. Props a-M -i4 ai m ii4 a-ie 4rW e-i BETTER . . THAi liEVER . . But good goods never come too late, and owing to the delay in the Eastern freights, our shipment of email goods did not arrive until today and now that the holidays are over we are willing to make a great sacrifice on these goods in order to make room for another shipment that is to follow shortly E T. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE g : Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon. w ANT TO EORBOW 11000 to prove tip ou two timber claims H mile eat of Bnbn rjr, Or. that will cut 10,000,000 of No. 1 fir lumber. AddreM (NiOp) (so, Wah. Notice for Publication. I'nited Stales Land Offioa. Roseburg. Orpoa, mv4 IriXll. ' Not. re is herrby given that ia cnmpliane with tf.e provuuotit u( the act Coagiwa of June 3. lTi fn'iLed "An Art for the aaleof ttaiber lands In the stales of Laltiurnla. Orego I, Nevada, aod Waahlpgton Territory," as extend- cd to s i the public land states by art ot Arjg- .,, .,.. i . , " ALTER B HtELL of Portland, county of Multanomab. slate of ' Oreson, hss this day filed in this ofiice hlssworn ' slao-ment No xasl. iot Ibe pun-baaa of lota J. 4, I S Dd C. t km 22. tOWUh IP SOU IB. R 5W ana wuiot'er prool tosilow UiatliaadaoogM M more vaiuawe ior iu umoer or sum. man 'V. '""" 1 purposes, and to eotabliah hai claim before the Register and Receiver ot tlua Uiee of Roaeburg, uregou. on Satunlav, ihe Uih day of February WnL He nans as witn n: M Rucbanan. Mra tU-n A Fain-hi'd.of Portland. re.. Jaa 11 sHiug loa, Wm Wrivhl. Myrtle Creek, lire. Any and ail person claiming adversely the above described lacoa are reoucslad to e Ibeir claims ia ihlsoflice oa or before. said 14th day of j February, 13. J.T. BgllKiLS. otp . Register. Notice of Final Settlement Int he County Court ot Use late ol Oregon ior t-oug a eouniy. In tbe matter ol the estate of Kbeo Baatley, minor. Notive lstwreby given that Margaret a Noah, nardiaa ol ihe ab-ive nanwU ward, haa lied IS 1 court, her final acrmiai ol ber proeeedinga ia th admiBrstrottwa of aaid estate, and that Monday. Ue Mb day of Novemrw. lo3 at M 0 cio k a. m. at ihe cooaty court cnoai, in the court honte 4 said county baa bu act by tbe Hon. M. IV Thompson, cooo'y judre of aaud CJUBty. as the time of bearing obterlioaa if any. 10 said final account and to the final set- 1 riO'OI of IKe same. l-atd at Hoaruoir. Oregon, thlsirth day ol November, IXji. MARoARtT A NOAH Gnardiaa ol t nen Hanlarr First tublicalioo laceber U1.1JU!. dip SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the Stale ot Oregon, lor .Xiuxla rouutv. W innilred P. Vsckers 1 plaintiff . v ilarry W arren Vlekers. i Oe fend ant. ) To Harry Warn a Vrcsera, the above named ik'leiidanl IS THE NAME OFTHE tTATl Of ORIfSOS. yoa are hereoy required to appear and answer ihe co cpia'.nu n eJ against you in the above enuiled suit aod court on T before the Sth dav of Jaonrry torn and if yon fail i appear and an. wer said complaint against yon. as hereby rcomred. and witnin said lime, plaintiff will apply lo ihe court lor the relief demanded in b r em plaint, town: For a daerae dissolving the marriaae contract, now cxUllog between plainiiff and dcleadant. - This summons s published by order ot tbe Hon. J. w. Hamilton, judge of above named eoort, which order is datvd November Ufa 1-.'. and tbe lime prescribed in said order for ubiii-ailon of this summons, is ouce n week r sii connective weeks, prrscee ling aaid tin day of January, 1U. aod the dale ot the Irs! j pu,HcaUou bereot ia the lTih dav of November. ir LOCIn II IRZEE nlTp Attorney lor plaintiff. -INSURE IN Till lULUUil IH INSURANCE AT COST. Head Otr.ce, McMlnnYllle, Oregon A nit. of insurance in force, f 1 1 ,000,000.00 Net eain in one vear. 2,tS,7S7.00 80,5!il.f50 22r0 Kavinij its meniben 1 yr., Number separatw rinks, See A. J. Buchanan. Roseliutn, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co. Yoncalla Real Estate TIMBER and LOAN BROKER ..FIRE INSURANCE..' Timber lands located and for sale. Qood bar gains in farm praperty. Loans niade on easy' terms In sums from IA0 to any amount at 3, 4, ,1 and per cent. A. P. APPLEUATE, YONCALLA. ORB WOOD & BELL, Props u a S ' a LflT Needhams Pianos and we Nee-Hitm becaa:ie magicians NeeJliam and mnei hare them, and everyone who wanta a jwxl piano, a eweet toned piano, an artistic piano, a durable piano, find it nnder the name Needham. Arthur Frazer caya the Xr-e-lliam has & good action as he lias ever nsed; anl Mr. Page, the baritone oloirit, tayri that the tone is eztjuiiiUe, and has placed an order with ns for one to be dtlirzred at his home in Philadelphia. In fact the Xeedliam has no rival, aud that is why we have just shipped a carload from the factory, and oar last lot are beauties of new and artistic design : : : : : JKKir.v: :.x:?e: ; : vt sr. YRTLE GREEK FLOUR 8 j V fl The Best Always the Cheapest For Sale by xt r vt viiv:x' sr. v. v If If If If If to buy a farm furnished rooms to buy a house you you you you want want want want . want want to to to rent a house build a house move a house you If you rr M .l-m't i ns PI f F II oa or asMr N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVEUXilENT LANDS Of aTrrT sleccriytiou. Farms an.1 II in ral IjibJ. Orrfon, Washington and Minnetot. (j23) - OAKiAXD, OREGON BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW BEIII Cor. Wahiceton and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Collins. H. Little, DENTIST. Oakland, . Oregon. Abetract of TiU to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for Iicg on Govern, stent Land. Blue Prints of Township Maps showLcg all 'vacant Lands. fRANK C. ALLEY, Architect ilbstractcr Plans and Estimates for all Buird ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415 ROSEBURG, OREGON A GREAT COn PAN Y The TSew-Tork 1.1 fe- Klttr-irets year old. Ais;tis over f 140,000,000. Income tit 1901 over . Insurance lu force orer tut, 000,000. Sew I uh a ranee patd for la 1901 ercr 1161,000,000. Falsi folic T-Iioldern to loot, over Paid Policy-Holders In 57 yearn, over S 140,000,000. W. J. Moon, Ascnt. Rescbarg Ore THE PAFIC HOMESTEAD Thr liraaicst Farm l"srcr of trie North wet. Pnblilie'l wckl ai Salvia. Ora ru. KiliiC'l lc the Fanners of the . Nnrlhwest. Tweiilj IVitcs. lllu-iraiol. A WESTERN PAPER FOR WESTERN PEOPLE 3 1 Papers lor Si oo. Lavs than acts eecn Publicalion lsn March 1, 19"0. Now has e.aoo suhscrilMTS. Phenomenal cn ih ia due In Its being I ho best larni paper Hib lishot. YOU SHNULD READ IT NOJIESTEAD AND PLALNDEA1ER ; $2.75 A YEAR. Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby warned not to trsMpas, hunt, fish or rump on the land of the Curry Kstate. I'efsyus dc-inj; io will be proeecuteil to the (u!l extent of thu law. Ute of X. Cvkkt. (55tf,) Uivorsdalo Farm v ?lin;n: x- v A A H A fl Leading Grocers 1 XiS?, x-v: x-xix .x : x x x :x aaj tta.idor Orecon. Go to .... 5 f. i. wm BARBER SHOP. For a anJ Firvt-elue EhsTe or Uairct. Cornr-e-tnt Workmen, Clean Tow els, Tools always in shape. Baths in Connection. Shop on Jackson St. Homes from $250 to $5000 Write or I hone Wm.IiT, Porter, Real Estate Agent and Notary Umber and Homestead Locator Packer and Guide Camas Valley, Urejroa S nuaaoata vest ol Rosebars 5 MRS. H. EASTON is prepared to wait open oid and new customers and friends with a full and complete stock of -GROCERIES- All fresh and of the rery best quality. Teas aad coSfees are specialtiae. Your patronage i solicited. 5 m aoc Jackson St.. Daohii oooooooooooooooooooqoc t-t 0 ED T. NAGIIEL RESIDENT Best References. All Work Guaranteed Leave orders t Snrr'sMnsicS to ;oooooooooooooooooo GllLETTrS Supplimeatai Chamber For'Shootir.g pistol rartridee in rides. r.itonts eviver U. J. and Canada Saves t to 75 Hr cent on oust of am munition. .Made for SiKW, :?CM0. :W, 3i-40, ,S2 spii'ial and 8 mm Mannlieher. . MaiUsl for l.t"0 to any add re-, Onler fnun The S. C. Company, Roseburg, Ore. Title (Juarantee&Loan Co. ROSKBCR'J. OREGON. J. D. HanTLTon, D C. llaaiLTon, l'reaitnt Mvcj. and Titias OfUce In lbs Court House. Have taconlreoaa pttfleacl ol ahalraci bts in Uiu'.as louniy. Atwtrat-ts an-t C'cruricatcs ol Til.e lurniiCCil Diu:aa county lauJ ami toinia cla ms. Have also a cotupicle sl ol Traciuss c( ail loTnh'.r p. a : iu 1'ie Kosebiirij, Ormcou, I', S. Lanl lt. Hid. WiU aise tiuc inn njioHtir to 1 PIT uM a if. Try f Ik- 1