The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 05, 1903, Image 3

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    r r u. r it-... Tvt e
vr, vvmiL cu ave- y ou i loney
So while you afe looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
LcldiCSf We have all the latent weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, 3 length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality uud prices. Our walking skirts are the
most ciplcte line n town ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor a-".: irom $7.50 and upwards.
Gentlemen, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as "our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted W. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, alirays the latest and most up-to-date line in town.
. Proprietor.
One Door South of P. O. X
1 yy&S
The People's Store
Pensioning Old Employes.
Mr. E. II. Hurrimaii, l'rexulent f the
Hiirriinaii Railway Liueu, lmn inaugu
rated a plan fur nHRning employes
grown old in the service.
"Employes who have attained the iige
of feventy and !xen in tlm service
twenty years or over are to receive ien
nion 011 1 lie basis of oni! per cent jir
annum of the average eulary received
for ten years provionn to wiiHioiiing for
each year of service. For lindane, an
employe whose pay averages $1,000
per annum for ten years prior to re
tirement a ul has beeu in the service of
the Company thirty years, would re
ceived a pension equal to thirty jer
cent of $1,000, or fllOO, per annum.
Between the ages of sixty-one and
seventy, employes incapacitated for
further work may be retired by a per
sion board selected front the department
officers of the Company, provided they
shall have been in the wrvittw- twenty
years or more.
The employes make no contributions
to the fund, ensiouH Insing paid by the
Company in full and without any con
dition, the employe beina at lil)erty to
engmfo in other business after lieing pen'
sioned should they see fit." .
An exchange remarks that the Ore
gon rain falls on the just and the unjust,
Jnst the same as if they were all just, if
they just hapien to te be out w ithont
an umbrella.
We take this occa
sion to gratefully ac
knowledge the favors
and liberal patronage
accorded ns during the
closing year, and to
wish you all a merry
Christmas and a pros
perous and happy new
Yours very truly,
Md Stationery
i Store.
Ut Local interest.
lira. Willis Moffit is visiting relatives
at Oregon City.
Senator J. D. Daly, of Benton conatr,
was in this city Monday.
F. G. Micelli and irife, have retnrned
from a visit in Portland.
Leslie Mil'er, of Drain, was in Roee
burg Saturday on business.
s Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H. High have
returned from Loj Angles, Calif.
Four yearling bulls for sale. Inquire
of Henry Conn, Roseburg, Oregon.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co
or blue prinU and filing papers. . tf
Benton Myers a pioneer resident of
Drain was in thia city on business last
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Thackrah have
returned irom a short visit at Cottage
II. A. JUson and John Miller, of Rid
dle, were in Reseburrf on business, Sal
Men wanted to cut 800 tier of wood,
inquire of Henry Conn, Rose bo rg, Ore
gon. ,
' Chas. A. Pierce and David G. Good
of Cleveland, were county seat visitors
Fine new line of boys' and men's
fancy sweaters just received at Hilde
brand's. ,
W. S. Baer, of Myrtle Creek, passed
through this city Saturday, on hia way
te Portland.
Famished rooms for rent enquire
at old Abraham projierty foot of Wash
ington street. , tf
Mrs. E. L. Bashford and son, left Sat
urday, for Eujene to visit friends and
Get your abstracts of title from J. D
Hamilton. He hac the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
C. L. Reed and wife, lutve returned
fnin a visit to Portland and other
Willamette valley points.
Mrs. Lester Huntly, of Eugene, who
lias been visiting Mrs. Geo. Noah, of
this city, returned home Saturday
Conductors' M. C. Gregory, Al Veach
and II. C. Bickett, left last Saturday
evening iot San Francisco on a busiitess
and pleasure trip.
Mrs. Geo. Hall and little child of Oak
land, were passengers on Saturday
morning's local returning borne from a
six weeks visit in San Francisco and
( If you want to go to Coos County
points, take the Roseburg, Marshfield
- route. Spring hacks leave Rosebnrg
every day at 0, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. tf.
Newest novelties at Salxman's jewelry
Miss Helena DeVaney returned to the
Mount Angel College, Saturday evening.
Get yeur deutal work at Dr. Chea
dle's. Painless extrction of teeth. nlH)
Graves the Photographer is back at
his place of business once more, (tf) --
Miss Ellena Reed, returned Thursday
veiling from a visit with fnemls in
W. A. Burr & Co's. guarantee on al
goods sold by them makes yonr pnrchaee
as safe as a government Ixmd. -
Clarence L. Galey, of Ashland, is
visitiag his brother, H. C. Galey, of the
Douglas County luuik..
Mrs. R. B. Howard has returned lo her
heme at Junction City, after a weeks
visit with her daughter, Mrs. I. L. I-ee.
Architect and Contractor, Dan Fisher
ha just finished a ueat two story
resideuce for W. H. Ollivant at Looking
TV. Hunt, P. G. Ric and W. P. John
son, ot Myrtle Creek, were transacting
business in this city hist week.
Sibyl Elliott, of Eugene, who has leen
vieitinjt Mrs. R. B. Houston, of this city
returneJ home Saturday morning.
The young people of West Roseburg
were very pleasantly entertained- by
Mr. R. B. Houston at a taffy pulling
Friday e Yen in g.
Mrs. J. H. Wagonblast and sister,
Miss Gertrude Johnson returned Thurs
day from visit with relatives at
Jefferson. .
Mrs. Inla Bradley Bond,: of ,Eugen
lornterlv a teacher in the public schools
of this city has been visiting Miss Ella
Crabtre bf this city.
. C. L. Clevenger and wiie, of Grants
Pass, arrived in this city Wednesday
niaht and are the guest, of Mrs. Cleven
ger parentn. E. Wimlierly of this city.
Fresh oysters all styles.- Pan, fancy
and pepper roais a specialty. Served
by an expert cook, at Railroad Eatirg
House, Mefldames Ldir'A" sl, proprietor.
H. D. Graves has been lxting hiui-H
self and gathering new ideas during his
vacation and feels he is better pn-ptred
than ever to nve bis customers the
very latest styles. ' ' ' ' i '. 'tf)
Wasted A girl to do general house
work and light washing for respectable
family in Ashland. Wage $15 r
month. For pirticnlars, write r cn
uireattlte Railroad Eating House.
Miss Fannie Fulton, who with her
sister Miss Francis Fulton, hss been
visiting friends in this city,' left Friday
evening for Oakknd Calif. Miss Fulton
will remain here a few weeks longer.
D. S. T. West, having ai-cepted several
old and reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a genera
fire insurance business. Insure v. ith
him. Office at the City Hall. tf.
Le Cannon, who . has been spending
the holidays with his parents at Lurley,
left Friday morning for Wilbur to visit
for a day with friends before again re-
sumine his studies at the Drain Nor
mal school.
H. J. Wilson came down Friday from
Canyonville on business and will remain
here for several diys. His daughter,
Miss Bessie, accompanied l.iui. She
left Sunday for Corvallis to resume her
studies at the Agricultural College. .
Because of a disappointment in t-ivur-ing
suitable quarters, the proposed law
iiartnersbin between Louis Bantee and
John T. Long will not be perfected at
this tiiae, each remaining in his present
quarters. Friends and clients will
please take notice of this. ' '
The basket ball game lx-tween the
Roseburg High School' and the "Ma
roons" at the Theater Thursday evening
was won by the former, the score leing
19 to II. The jams was exciting and
hotly contested, a large crowd enjoyed
the rport. After the game a social nTtx:e
was indulged in.
In Justice J. A. Buchanan's court Fri
day morning the following case was
heard: Bertha M. Wilson vs. B. F.
Wilkes, suit to recover proierty or value
thereof to the amount of $1)2. The con
testing parties are residents of Lake
precinct. Justice Buchanan awarded
judgment for the plaintiff.
B. W. Stewart of Portland Purchases the Continental
on South Myrtle Creek.
This month completes our 25th year in the Dry Goods business
in Roseburg. For a quarter of a century we have catered to the
wants of thousands of customers, from the little store establish
ed in '78 to the present mammoth establishment which weoccu
py. Our greatest advertisement is that many who dealt with us
at the start mre in 1903 still honoring us with their patronage.
In remembrance of this event we have instituted this sale, which
' for unapproachable values, cxcell anything heretofore offered.
R. W. Stewart, of Portland, today
purchased the fine quartz wine f G. W.
Crew s ou South Myrtle Creek know n a
the Continental, tonsideration 120,000.
This mine joins the Little Chieftian
mine, from which a car load of ore was
recently bhipped to the San Francisco
smelter and netted the owners of the
mine over $100 to the ton. ' Consider
able development work has been done
on the Continental and it shows up fully
as well as the little Chieftian. Mr.
Steward announce that lie will pro.
ceed to developing and operating his
mine on a rather extensive scale and he
ia satisfied, as is every one familiar with
the new Myrtle Creek iniuing district,
that he has secured very valuable pro
erty. Since capital is begining to take
hold of properly in this new camp we
may expect it to forge ahead and deveL
op rapidly into one of the richest and
most important mining districts in the
Beautiful, bright, sunny days and
frosty nights.
L. E. Milledge, the genial Diilard mer
chant, is transacting business in Rose
burg today.
Mrs. L. Shea and Mrs. M. Elliff, of
( tlendale, are in this city today.
Geo. A. Knoblauch and wile of Ash
land, are registered at the McClallen..
Miss Mai tie Perry returned Wednes
day evening from a visit with friends in
R. F. Winslow, the jewelry, left Sat
urday evening for Newburg to spend a
week visiting relatives and friends.
B.' J. Bovington, J. W. Jones and Furn
Adams, of Oakland, were among the
Roseburg visitors last week.
For Sale Household goods, cooking
utensils, canned and ja red fruits. Call
on X. E. Richards atWoodards Harness
shop, -v :
Hop. A. F. Bnrwn, of Oakland, made
the Plainoealek a pleasant business
call Sat unlay while visiting the' county
seat. ,
. Irie .Thompkins, the genial Grants
rass barber, is a Roseburg visitor today,
the guest n his cousin Mrs. W. C. '.Con
Harry Brookes, son of II. II. Brookes
of the Pi.aisdealer, arrived Saturday
morning from Amarillo, Texas, to make
his home w ith his parents here,
Hon. L. T. Harris, ofEngene, Central
and Southern Oregon's choice for speak
er of the house at the coming session of
the Legif-latnre, sjent Sunday in Rose
burg. The sliotgun given away by L. E.
Milledge at Diilard was drawn by num
lier 50 which was held by W. W.
Copley. A '"lair shake" was given and
entire satisfaction prevailed.
Rev. Geo. II. Bennett a.tor of the
M. E. Church is confined to his room
with a severe attack of lagrippe, and as
a result, was unalde to conduct either
morning or evening services at his
church Sunday.
L. B. Whelden, formerly a composi
tor on the Drain Nonpariel, was in the
city on business Saturday. Mr. Whel
don is soon to enter the employ of the
S. P. Co.. as oerator, a position -that
he has. formerl held. This office re
ceived a pleasant business call.
A. S. Miller, of Wedderburn, and
Thos. Lane, of Tort Orford, arrived here
Friday in charge of Sterling 15. Gibljs,
an insane person committed to the asy
lum from Curry Co., whom thej took to
Snlem. This is Gibhs second commit t
ment, having been confined in the
Vl.ingtoii Mate asylum, from which
he di-x'harged alioist a month ago.
"The Princess Chic" which will 1
seen hre Saturday evening, is a ltesuti
ful ojiera comique, the universal success
of which must Im; somewhat ac
credited to the four clever coiumedians,
MironIIuff, Muhar and Bailey. These
singers without any slap-stick or horse
play, bring out in the most laughable
fashion the fun which Kirke La Shelle
has written in his libretto. Vera
Michelena is the prima donna of the
company, and the shapely and colorful
chorus adds much to the attractiveness
of the piece.
The Myrtle Point Enterprise says:
The sad news was received here this
week of the death of Rome Black, eldest
son of Hon. A. II. Black, which orcured
at Pocntello, Idaho, Dec. 2, 1902. He
had bcuii suffering from typhoid fever
for altout a month and about two wcels
ag" pneumonia Bel in. However, he
had nlxmrecovered from this last at
tack, and the attending physician was
most sanguine of his recovery, when he
was seized with heart failure which ter
minated his life. The deceased was
formerly enpagpd in business nt this
place, and about a year ago went to
Illinois and later located in Idaho. In
wns an industrious up right citizen and
his death will catiKO universal grief
wherever he is known. A loving wife
and two small children, liemdeR other
relatives, are left to inonrn their lrre
plural de loss. The deceased was nlout
5 years of age,
These Springs re reeommeniW br the leading livtir.inn lor tlic rure of Itlictinis
tiMn, Catarrh, bioraai li, Kidney u'l I.iver troutili a. ' k:mi1 n Southern I'ariiie rail
road, ''fchabta Rome," between Han Kraucikco ud Portland, 34 miles north of Jioi-ehnrx.
Constantly open for the reeeption of gueMx. I'oreelain IjhIH tulw. I'oMolBi e, erpn -d
and puhlie telephone on )iremisen. Kroin fit) per week tip, liii linitiii; Iwthi. Train
Mop in front of hotel. Junty percent of KheiiuiaticcaeK cured aii helped :: ::.:;
PutaKsiiim Chloride, 5IC er.
Sodium Chloride. 211 rr.
Calcium Cartmnfile, .ly gr.
Potuhtlum Hromide, .",7 ft.
MiiKne ilim Chloride. HI r.
Potawitnn I-xlide, ..'ilr.
t ali iiiiii Chloriile, H:jc sr.
CAPT. BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprietor.
On Kew Years night Senator Maroters
and wife entertained in a most royal
manner, Attorney General Crawford
and wife. V. S. Land Register Bridges
and wife. Editor Brookes and wife.
Senator N Bailey and County Clerk
Shambrook. After a most elegant and
sumptuous dinner, the evening was
lassed in conversation and rrokinole
and all the guests heartily w ish Senator
Marstcni and his estimable wife many
returns of New Year in the cycle of
Miss Edna Flovd w ho has won much
praise for her work in the aoiibrette
role of "Estelle" in "The Princess Chic
this season, is a Btton girl who liaahad
but three years eipt-rienoe cm the staie.
After an apprenticeship with the Boe
tonians, she stKceeded Allele R it-be in
the title role in the " (iirl." She
reccivtsl her vocal training nndor ClarsV'
Mttuger, who was the teacher of Emma"
Fames. Don.t fail to see this famous
tympany comiosel of sixty artists at
the Roex'bnrg Theater Saturday evening.
James Hutchinson, of Oakland, Dong
las county, who has Iteen on the ly for
a week or to visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Bonnds, of Marshficld came over to th-e!
place yesienlay to attend the A. O. I.
W. blow-out yesterday evening. We ac
knowledge a pleasant and entertaining
call by this intelligent .and enterprising
pioneer of Douglas. He is exceedingly
well pleased with hia trip to Cooe coun
ty, and is quirk to see our numerous re
sources and advantages, and the great
help the (ireal Central would be in the
development of this section as well as
leing a remunerative railroad proposi
tion. Coiitiille Herald.
Cbas. Cheney, of I'pper Cow Creek,
was a Rosebnrg visitor Saturday and
made the Plainoealer a pleasant busi
ness call. He reports that the Johnson
Bros, have completed their logging rail
road survey nearly to his place and thia
snrvey when completed will traverse
about 1 miles of the Upper Cow Creek
country, starting at (ilemlale. Mr.
Cheney has one of the largest body's of
timber on the creek about 800 acres.
He says the Johnson Bros, will un
doubtedly erect some large saw mill
plants near Glendale in the spring and
construct their projosed railroad up
Cow Creek at the same time.
Dress Goods Department.
200 yards colored satins, inoHtly blues
and reds, regular 50o values, s-cial..
60 yards Scotch washable waisting flan
nels, very desirable colors, worth '.i-'ic,
7 pieces woolen plaids, light and n edium
shades, easily worth 40c, Siecial
300 yards fancy mixed suitings, mostly
all wool, val. IV)c to ftOr, sta-cial
.VW yards Chatubray ginghams, one pat- . -y
tern, regular S'i, sjcirl 4 -L
House furnishing Department.
A small lot Marseilles spreads, 10-4 size,
regular tac kind, now
Another lot Marseilles spreads, 11-4 size,
good value at I LOO, now Ob
25 dozen pure linen daaaask towels,
fancy fast color borders, X'k to 50c
regular. Special
Hosiery Department.
.Lot I. Ijtdich' Que cotton fancy itrie
" Lisle finish hose, XTc kind. Special.. IjC
Lot .' 5 doz. ladies' all wool black cash
in. r luse; size S1 only: 50c regular.
Si.-ciiil ZdC
IjM 3. H doz. ladies fine black Lisle nZ
hose; good values at 50c. Sjiecial.'. . . JllC
It 4, Inlit' fancy strijie, pure Lisle
hoe, oOctjuality. .Now ' ZjC
Corset Department.
We are closing out our entire stork of
Royal Worcester W. C. C. corsets at
the following attractive prices :
13.75 corsets while they last for.
2.25 i
2.oo ." - "
L75 )
1.50 ' " " "
15 " " " '
1.00 " " " "
.75 " "
Shoe Department.
About 200 pairs mens fine b!a:k shoes,
lace and congress, calf and kid, which
regularly sold for 2.50 to .OO. To
clean up the rld lines we have mark-
"ltbem 1.50 to 2.10
Any wens tan shoe in the house
This include vici kid, cloth lop" and
calf. Values from S to !. .
Mens fcrnishiags Departmest.
About 5 dozen mens silk and wool negli
gee shirts, Lroken lines, all sizes, val- .
ues 1.50 to 1.75, while they last . . . 1.13
50 dozen mens home-made buck kin '
gloves, all first quality, long gauntlets,
regular 75c. Special 50C
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled
The Big
Resolutions of Condolence.
WhVksas, It has pleased Almighty
God to remove from our midst our beloved-brother,
Charles T. Safley, and
Whkrkas, We are deeply grieved on
account of our loss, and of the loss to
the bereaved widow and parents of our
brother. Therefore, be it
V.Vitocif, Thnt we Iww our heads in
liumlile suiimisHion to the will of our
Heavenly Father.
That the sincere sympathy of our
i-lodge be extended to the bereaved
widow, parents and brothers and sisters
of onr beloved brother.
That our lodge charter lie draped in
mourning for t hirty days, and
That a copy of these resolutions be
sent to each the w idow and the parents
of our deceased brother, and a copy be
published in the Drain Nonpareil, Rose
burg Review and Rosebnrg IVainokalkr
and a copy spread on the minutes of our
lodge. Respectfully submitted
Ira Vimrkri.y,
I'.. A. JonxsoN,
J. F. Yocmans,
Drain Lodge, No. 2, A. O. II. W.
Market Day,
The ladies of the Christian church
will have a market day at Currier's
grocery store, Saturday, Jan, 10. Salt
rising bread, cakes, salads, etc. Those
donating are requested to liavo donation
one hand by ! a, m,
Attention Maccabees.
All Knights and Lady Maccabees are
requested to be present at their joint
installation at their hall next Friday
evening. Knights bring your wives,
Ladies bring your husband. Refresh
nintn will be served.
. Thos. Shram, w ho died at his home
near Glide, Dec. 25, 102, was a well
known citizen of Douglas connly, and an
early pioneer of Oregon. He was a na
tive of Lincoln Coouty, Missouri, and
wa born Dec. , 1S27 ; residing on hi
fathers farm nntil the spring of 1S4;.
In April of that year, accompanied by
h' father, mother, three sisters, and
five brothers, started with ox-team
"acrs the plains" to the far wet.
After six mouths of traveling, and many
hardships, they arrived in this Mite,
and made their lirst stopping place tive
miles east of Salem, where they located
on a farm. There Mr. Shrnm remaim-.
until the gdd discovery in California,
when he with one hrollier . hastened to
the new LI Dorado, ar.d followed mining
in different parts of the state, until 1S52.
He tlen returned home near Salem and
r.-sidod there until 154. Having con
cluded to locate a farm for himslf he
selected Douglas Co., ' for his fuittre
hoMte, and at that time purchased l'
acres one mile north 4 the present
home. In ISM, he pnn-hased the pres
ent homestead of K0 acres on which he
still resided at the time his death. He
w as married in Marion Co.. Oct. 2"., 157
to Miss Cassandra Kerns, a native of
Indiana. Seven children were born
from this union, one of w horn, Aurilla,
and also his loving wife, proceeded him
to the llter land. Those living are
Mrs. Gurney, and Stephen Shrnm, of
Acme, Ore., Mrs. L. L. Mathews, of
Deer Creek, Mrs. Will Ingram, of Wil-
de. ville, Or , Mrs. F. S. Blakely, anl
George Shrum, of Glide. He leaves also
three brothers, A. J. Shrum, of Grade,
Cook Co., Or , Nichols Shrum, who is
now in the Willamette valley, and T.J.
Shrum, of Southern Cal. Two sisters,
Mrs. Samuel Miller, of Creswell, Or.,
and Mrs Enphamia Kdmonsou, of Fast
em Oregon, also survive hiui.
Mr. Shrum was a veteran of the Cay-
use Indian War of 14S, also of the
Indian Wars of l55-5fi.
Thus passes away another of Oregon's
pioneers, one who will be sadly missed
by alLof his wide circle of friends.
"We bid adieu to our old time friend,
of yore,
Whose spirit has departed, fromenr
earthly ahore, .
We'll keep thy menioy ereen until our
lives are done,
Knowing a crown of glory thou above
have surely won.
To thy lamenting kin, we true svuipathy
i Hoping to God's w ill, they'll submis
sive bend,
Then all to meet w ith our esteemed
friend above
In close communion, and everlasting
love." A Friend.
Death of J. D. B. Lee.
J. D. R. Lee, the subject of this sketch
was born Dec. II, 1S32, near jriketon,
l'iko county, Ohio, and dir-d.athis home
near this city Deo. 24, 1!02, at the ago
of 70 years and 13d ays. He was married
June 8, l&irt, to Marilla Huntley and
three children was the result of the
union Silva C, Al via and M, R.
Mr. Lee was a pioneer of Oregon ami
assisted, materially in developing the
country. He crossed the plains with ox
team in 1852, and has since resided in
Oregon continually. He first located in
Looking Glass vallev and from there
moved to Wilbur, later to Myrtle Creek
and to Coos county in If 73.
The deceased has been a sufferer from
stomach trouble for some timo and his
death was not unexKcted. Funeru
service were conducted last Friday and
the remains Interred in the Myrtle
Point ccnictary. Myrtlu I'oint Enterprise,
ROBERTS KAY. At the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Thos. Kay, in
Salem, Wednesday evenin;. Die. 31,
l')2, Mr. C. T. Roberts, of I'ortlaud,
and Miss lienor Kay, tf Saltan, Rev.
T. W. Cliffc, of the Baptist church
The w eilding was a ycry brilliant one,
the decorations being profuse and beau
tiful, and the cervmony was witceseed
by a nnmlrr of relatives and intimate
friends. The bride is a general favorite
with a charm of manner that endears
her to all. She i a sister of Mr. O. P.
Cof lKtw , of KoHetMirg, a' nd
lavofiiMv known Siere. The groom is
the manager of the Salem Woolen Mills
turvat Portland and is a very exeni-
lary young man.
.Musk Lover
Music lovers will l ave a rare enter
Uinmcnt by s-imply calling at Burr's
Popular Music House and inspecting
onr splendid array of moi:al instru
ments. Our display ot pianos are t-ini-ply
magninVieut. Here are ioftud the
world renowned C'hickering, the won
derful toued Kirn1a'l, the many toned
Crown On-hestrical and ihe latitifu!
toned oimial style Victor. We have
others like the Singer, Kiugshiiry and
Nceilham. Then here is our mammoth
stock of small gvls. such as S. S.
Stewart and Washburn mandolins, gui
tars, Iwnjos. Our immense line of vio
lins range in jn-ice from 1'2M to 50.
We are sole agent for the tolur.ibia
graphaphone ami supj jys. Reineinher
w e are running no concert hall with 50
cents admission, but our doors are al
waysfpon t the public.
Dat.r Postponed.
Of All Kinds
fy r r ttx
v s js
S. K 5YKE5' I
Rice Si Rice
The House Furnishers
Absolutely the Most Ambitious Sale of Use Season
On account of the death of I'ncle
Thomas Shrnm, the dance that was to
eve has beeu )ostNined nntil Jan. tuh.j
All are invitetl. -M. A. I.ivix;stox. I
Notice lor Publication.
rnittvl stp tJnnlOIIice.
RiKebure. Oretvin. Nut. as. 1 Xi
Notice U herehy given tht in rotnpliaftre
willt the prarininn ol the rl 'l tumsrem pi
June 1, 1. entille. "An Act tor the m c uf
Timber Ijmh in the Stle nt t'.liforni. Ore
ion, NctsiIs in I Vliinxlou TerritoiT," s ex-
UMiaeU to all tin rul, lie Laiul stat-s I'y act ol
AtlRuH 4, lf-,
ot :KMS Nlroltet Ave. M'ii"m(ili, cntutjr ol
Hrnreptn. male ol Mtnnewta, na lhi
flletl 111 lnl ollire her nirorn ststemenl Xo
ii tor the pure! a.- of "hn Im 4, Ml'1, SW
W . !)W';. see 4, Tp ; tiotli Rar 7 wi-t
as J will offer proot lo show t hat the land (ought
It more valuable for iu tonlx-r or atene tnaa
for arictiliural purpii'vs, and to establish hla
claim before the Krciter and lietier ot Una
UK oi Koaaburg, Oregon.
nn Tunalar the ITtb lav of KebrttarT. 1M.
Hlie n.mes a inee: Prank Long and K-t-ard
VonlVtwl of t'levcla'iil, tltxnon, (.'batten
Tbom and John Ytaom l hoelmnc. Ore.
Anv and all "-rin eialming adversely tiie
atmve ilwrilxti laud are reiiuened t" tile
tlielrrlaimii in tin office on or fieiore said Hth
kvoI Kebruary J- T. UKllx.r..-.
dVu Kcgi.ter.
It means remarkable values for all classes of Holiday
offerings. This sale pretends to everything that be- '
longs iu the house, as well as all things appropriate for
the Holidays u -
1 Nice !roa Jki as hv as $15,' "
Rk'Ps n?t Swwr at II M
$175 and SLIi Eaci.
There is nothing nicer
Car Ihi of Fascj CouJies a:J
Loi3ss frca 57J3 tj S25.C3
Our Special Eidasivs Lias RacS
ers.5125 to $15.
Our Special Exclusive Urn ti
lairs, .Vx in $153 Each.
Jlend our jnnny now ads,
11 -X! f
1 W I: m I
k . - w m . T - J .
50c. to ?6.oo pair.
53.75 to 6.oo
of our busiucsslis
honesty and fair
treatment to ev
ery one. If our
goods don't please
you, return them
at onco, aud if wo
ean't make it sat
isfactory, your
money will be
cheerfully rcfund-
I Wearealaoprcpaieit t
- do jewelry rcpaM:!!; ::
- upuwiau
20 Dozen pairs L'tca Curtains
All Wool Oregou Blaukets
Heaters $2.25 to $14.50.
Send us your mail orders, we can fill them for anythirg
in the line. Wholesale or Retailers
RICE & RICE, House Furnishers
From January 1st to febraary Is!, 1903
Sale Sale
20 Per Cent
iO Per Cent
ON 013 E
Ve Want to Clear our Stock tor Inventory