The T -id--Vedc Roseburg Plairidealer Published Mondari and Thuitdari. -PLAINDEALER PUBLISHINQ CO. BROOKES & CONNER, Editors and Publishers Twice-a-Teck Plaindcalcr. per year, $2.00 Fred Weight, City Editor, Solicitor. T. O. Ruth. Foreman Entered at the Poet Office in Roseburg, Ore., aa second class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. JANUARY 5, 1)3. THE OREQOMAN S SCULDUGGERY. It lias been well known for six months past that Land Commissioner Hermann would resign his position in Washing ton and leconie a candidate for United States Senator. This fact was known to Editor Scott of the Oregonian, who is also a candidate for the same office. Be fore Scott went to Europe on a trip, he left instructions with his tools in Port land to assail Mr. Hermann on all occa sions and especially to make it appear that nermann was persona vnon gratia at Washington, and therefore not a suit able man to be returned to Washington as United States Senator. In carrying out the plan of Nullification and abuse, the Oregonian invented the various screeds which have from time-to -time appeared in that paper, and tried to make it appear that Secretary Hitchcock and Scott were cheek-by-jo wel patriots of the first ater; that Hermann was trying to turn over the public domain to monopolies and com bines while they were 'projecting the settlor's interests. Such has been the course of the Oregonian in its efforts to defeat Hermann's political aspirations and to bnild ip Scott in the estimation of the citizens of Oregon. The whole effort has been one of misrepresentation and direct falsehood and such has been Scott's inordinate desire to be Uuited States Senator and political boss of the state that he has lost all sense of shame and his villainous articles teeming with Titnperation and abuse, yet presuming to be for the public welfare have all been on the "top thief order, while Scott, Hitchcock, Richards, et aL have tried to turn all the' government - land over to monopolies. - - The new (to be commissioner of the government land office, Richards of Wyoming, is the tool of the western cat tle barons and monoiolies. The writer heard him make an address several years ago at Denver when he advocated the leasing of all the public lands to syndi cates; and it is Hitchcock's syuajiathy with that vast combine of wealth and power centering in Denver that lias held up the public land from settlement and made possible the scenes of bloodshed and vandalism when a settler -sought to go on the public domain and make a home. Scott, the poor imbecile, thinks that by boosting np Richards and Hitch cock and the monopolies controlling the public domain that the Oregon legisla ture can be whipped into line and that his brains will warm a seat in the United States Senate, because he can show the state senators and representa tives that he will be the boss of the pie counter. " Bat who is this man Scott? Ia he a republican, democrat or mugwump? If we may judge from his writing for . the past twenty years, he is an Ishmaelite to all political parties and a copperhead when a man sliouKl show the traits of true patriotism and genuine manhood. His assaults or. every man in omce are well known, and so well known that bis friendship is more to be dreaded than his ' enmity. In party politics there is not a single principle to which he will ascribe ; not a plank in the republican platform on which he will stand. There is not a citizen of Oregon in office whom he will endorse and every man in Oregon who is ia office and will not pander to Scott is assailed. Take for instance Senator Simon; until Mitchell was made sena tor, Scott had two and three articles every day in the Oregonian endorsing him. When Mitchell was elected sena tor, Scott saw that his only hope was to succeed Simon, and at once the col umns of the Oregonian began to reek with abuse with the hope of killing him as a caudidate to succeed Limeelf. Take the case of all the other aspi. lants for the office except one old politi cal hack in Portland whose support comes from the tenderloin district and the gamblers, thugs and bum element f Ahat town ; all beside this man, accord ing to Scott's estimation are dishonest and unworthy men, and thus by making good men to appear to be dishonest and catering to the slum element and cover ing np infamy in Portland, Scott hopes to go to Washington aa United States Senator. But the Plaisdealeb believes that when the citizens of Oregon 'awake to the knowledge of Scott's double deal ing the infamy he has attempted to practice, the assaults he has made on Hermann and this with a view of build ing himself up on another man's down fall that Scott will not amount to an In dia rubber duck on Portland's pnddle. Hermann has been sacrificed, slaugh tered r principle and attempted to be disgraced Ly a most damnable, political - combine because he lias stood in the way of thieves and to use the words of the old Cornish ballad, "Ai d shall Tre lawney die? And shall Trt-I iwney die? Then twice ten thousand Cornish men will know the reason why?" After a memorable struggle against wind and wave, an enterprise has been finished which brings the Hawaiian Islands 2000 miles nearer the parent continent, puts an imortant but hith erto isolated community in communica tion with the entire world, and suscept ible to all the industrial impetus which follows ready accessibility. The filial splicing of the ends in the waters, which for days had rendeied cable work im Ipossible, marked the firnt stage of the undertaking to span the vastest ocean w ith a line of electric communication, the need of which has long teen ac knowledged by the entire world, and the advocacy of which has often claimed the attention of the highest councils, tical and financial, of America. WHERE THECHICKEN QOT THE AX "Our local contemporary has just re ceived a new ( ?) cylinder press, follow ing the lead made by the Review last October. As "imitation is the sincerest flattery," this action is gratifying to all concerned." Roswburg Review. The Review makes a mistake in this matter. J lie 1jl.indkllk on the sec ond day ol Oetolier anuomiced that a new press would be purchased and after wards the Review went Ui a juuk hea) at iaconia and obtained a worn out ma chine, one not as good as the old press they swapped it for ; and as for "imita tion" lieing "flattery" just come around to this office and see the difference in the machines. The Plaindeai.ek's press is a first class machine while the Review's press is a wreck and this is the cause of the failure of that paper to issue the Christmas edition before the middle of this mouth. If the iav who wrote the Review article will only take a peer inside the Plain-dealer's press room he will have a puckered expression on his face as he whistles to keep his courage "P. BINGER HERMANN'S RESIGNATION In its usual fair minded way, the San Francisco Chronicle in discussing Mr. Hermann's resignation says: "Friction between him and some officers of the department is assigned as a reason for the resignation. Their disagreements are said to be Ung standing. There are indications, however, that Influences outside of the department co-operated with the unfriendly ones inside to force the Commissioner to resign. Mr. Her mann was opposed to the wholesale for ests reserving of the public lands, and his opposition did not please the man agers of the subsidized railroads. These used to forest reserves as convenient agents to relieve themselves of worthless remnants of their land grant which were unsalable . They were absorbed, however, in the reserves and valuable lands selected elsewhere. The opera tion was a valuable one to them. The Northern Pacific Railwav is said to have made $7,500,000 by this system of ex change. ANYBODY BUT H. W SCOTT, Among other utterances the Oregon ian says : '.'Hon. Binger Hermann is not the highest type of statesman ; he is not tlie sort of a' man Oregon should be proud to send to the senate." It is pre sumed the editor of the big daily in his own estimation, is the mau for the people, the toiling masses, -especially. It is generally conce led Mr. Scott will "show his hand" when the legislature meets. If so let his guns be silenced. If Mr. Fulton cannot win the prize any body but H. W. Scott, perhaps the most discordant element in the Republican party. Oakland Owl. HITOHOOC SATISFIED. Binger Hermann has resigned as com missioner of th gener' hind office. We suppose Hitchcock is now satisfied, as he has forced out the man he has for years wished to be rid of. ' Oregon has a warm spot for Mr. Hermann, and it woidd not surprise us, as has been stated in the Review liefore, if Hitch cock's fight would yet make Hermann L.c. Senator iroin Oregon. In case there should be a deadlock in the legis lature and Fulton could not secure the prize, Hermann to our mind would be the most available man for all to settl upon. Hermann like Fulton is for Ore gon, first, last and all the iine. Prine- ville Review. - - KIND WORDS Ft IE IIIRMAXX. The differences- between Secretary Uitciico.k and' Land Commissioner Hermann has resulted ' in Mr. Her mann's resignation. The Secretary has long held a grudge against Hermann and this is the main reason, probably, of Mr. Hermann retiring. The former Land Commissioner will come to Oregon and may become an active candidate for the Senatorship. He has many sup porters in the state and might make the situation interesting. Myrtle Point Enterprise. HITCHCOCK COCLD SOT C8E HERMANN. Hon. Binger Hermann has sent his resignation to the . president, to take place February 1st. It appears that he ! and Secretary Hitchcock have not lieen speaking to each other as they passed by for several months, and hence the resignation of Mr. Hermann. Secretary Hitchcock charges the land commission er with dereliction of duty, and yet President Roosevelt would appoint him to another first-class office if he would accept. It matters not what the secre tary has aaid or will say the iople of this district whom he has often and faitfully served know Mr. Hermann, respect and honor him, and thev will think the secretary is simply talking through his hat against a man he can not use and who is measurably his superior. Springfield Nonpariel. Among tbe measures to be considered by the next legislature are five pro posed amendments to the Constitution, which have already been approved by one legislative assembly. They are: That the legislature shall provide for the election of a state printer and fix his compensation. For the incorpora tion of cities and towns under a home rule plan, without special acts of the legislature. That general elections shall be held on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. Permitting a state insane asylum and the state edu cational institution to be located away from the capitol. The abrogation of the anti-negro clause of the Constitution. ' Lumber Prices Advanced The Booth-Kelly Lumber Oimpany on the first of the year advan-d the price of all grades of lumber'. The average advance per thousand is $1. The various grades of dressed and un dressed lumber advance according to the original market price. This price effects all the wholesale shippings of the big Booth-Kelly Lum ber Company, the biggest single lumber operators in the world. One of the incidents in "The Princess Chic" Jhe romantic and tuneful opera in which we are to see the Kirko La Shelle Opera Company at the Loseburg Theater Saturday evening is a clash between Louis XI, King of France and Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, which ends In the latter openingly de fying the king and declaring war npon TT F7TT Yl rrZZTTTS n n n r "- 5 -i II f o n M I i1 L-A. I A .,, J I A W I 1 A I r " ; " I! - - - - All Calicoes Reduced to 5c Per Yard 25 Percent Discount On All Ladies' Waists . 25 Per Cent Discount Stand Covers and Lace Curtains Mackintoshes, ladies and Misses Jackets At Half Price Liberal Reductions on. Ladies and misses Shoes Buy Here NUF The state press, aye, the Pacific coa.'t press, with the single exception of the Portland Oregonian, is almost unani mous in the endorsement of Mr. Her mann's administration of government land office affairs, so far as the Pacific coast is concerned especially, and all, with the almve exception, pay hij:h tril nte to his official integrity and efficiency. The Oregonian Wars the odium of figur ing practically alone in the foul conspir acy to olitical!y a.-sainate Hon. Bin ger Hermann, and its nnenviahle atti tude toward the commissioner is prompted solely hy enmity an 1 political rivalry. The-Oregonian editor's great ambition to liecomo Unted States ficna tor has been so lon cherished that it has developed into an almost in-ane de sire, and naturally, anyone appearing to stand in the nay of the consummation of this cherished ambition must meet with the vigorous ojjsition f Mr. Scott's newspaper, the Oregonian, and judging from the scirrulous, unfounded and libelous attacks of that paper on Mr. Hermann, its ediur must consider the commissioner one of his most for midable rivals for senatorial honors. However, Mr. Scott's conspiracy is too transparent -to- selfish and mercenary, to enlist co-ojwration on the part of the state press, hence the Oregonian niut continue its ignominious tight single handed and alone. This story is told of the late Thomas B. Reed: An important party measure was about to be voted on by the 51st Congress, and the Republicans needed every vote. "Come at once," Speaker Reed telegraphed to Congressman Lans ing, of the W'atertown, N. Y., district. "Impossible," the congressman wired back; "washout on line," Reed'u reply to this mas promptly -wired as follows: "Xever mind a little thing like that ; buy shirt and come on." Annual Meeting; of Poultry Ass'n. All members of D. C. P. A. are here by requested to mc3t at the office of the secretary, Tuesday evening, Jan. 6, 1!K)3, at 7:30, p. in., for the purjxjse of elect ing officers for the entiling year,- and transacting such other business as may be properly presented. Any breeder or fancier desiring to become a member is cordially invited to attend. F. L. Cai.kinh, Pres. FasfBusiness Transfers. Last Friday W. L. Cobb sold his gro cery store on the corner of Jackson and Cass streets to J. C, Davis of Portland, and A. D. Clink of this city, and within 48 hours after the new proprietors took charge of the establishment, Mr. Clink sold his interest to J. P. Atkinson of I.n Grande, and the firm is now known as Davis & Atkinson., Mr. Davis was formerly a railroad bridge carpenter, having worked on the O. R. & N. and S. P. Co's. lines. Mr. Atkinson is well known in Lantern Oregon as a fmit grower and dealer. For a short time at least Jas. Cobb will remain in the store until Messrs. Davis and Atkhn son become acquainted with, their customers and 8'irroundingn. W. L. Cobb will remain hi this city and lKk after his r?al estate Mid other business here. Mr. Clink wishes to an nounce that he i'still in the real estate business at the Corner of Jackson and Douglas Streets. The New Year number of the Oregon ian is at hand, and a very creditable paper it is, indeed, replete with valuable and interesting information and brim full of artistic illustration. j itself tence and Now if .... t CED , Roseburg Saturday NIGHT i 7 ( . t;. 'v. VERA M1CHELENA, John P. Slocum Presents The Kirk La Shelle Comic Opera Co. In the Famous The p nncess Book by Kirk La Shello Music by Julian Edwards Staged by Julian Mitchell The Pewitching and - Brilliant Artist Vera Hichelena An the Pilncts CM J America's CireatoBt Basso-Conirdian Joseph C. Minon And the (rmtest sincinu can In Auierlo 60 People 60 425,030 PRODUCTION The Tbincebs Cmc PRICES: We celebrate our 12th anniversary in Eose burg. The sentiment of our anniversary may not appeal to you, but the great money-saving which our offerings provide should bring scores upon scores of people from every corner of this territory. The offerings made for J anuary have never been equaled in this country. : : i : The specials arranged herein tell a story in ev ery line, each of which might well deserve for a page. You will contained herein i ; i i ; i j " ! - ! ' I " - 1 ' you Would Secure the Best mm. i p . ,!ftl"U .."! rtrmm Theater . JAN. ioth Prima Donna Soprano. Operatic Success . . rr-. ' I ' I fl j ... ' v. . ) tiy- J ! Edxa Floy ii, Smibrette Chic Flat, 75c; Rows 10, 11, 15, 16 ami 17, $1; Rows, 12, 13 and 14, $1.50; Front Row in Gailcry, 7.JC; Balance of Gallery, 50c. 9 ANNIVERSARY " "Y m m ".it imi m ' i pi Hi hi juj gMiwam ii u mi .nil .. hi ij j." i iil i j t-ibi and not want to miss a : : : Society Meeting. F. A A. M. Laurel Lodre No. IX L II jlds mralir meetiofs on Mcgod ' " and f orth Wedneedavi ol eeob month. - E. J.Nraorn. W. M. N.T.Jcws Net-rrtary. AO. U. W. Kobar,c LodtNo,16. Meets th tecood and fortb Moo- m th I. O. O. F. Hal!. Membera ia food Uodinie are mvitett to attend. H. r. Mclal- i, U. W. E. II. LjcVos Reoorder. D. .8 WasT, Tinaocier. BP. O. ELKS. Rosebnrg Lodge No. X. Holds regnlar eommoniea- t:ot.a at I. O. O. K. Hall no second iid funrth Thorvdayt cf each moctb. All member reqaested to a'teod retra :rlr and a!l Ttsiiins tmnhers ere cordi ally invited to attend. W. II. Jamiesom, K. R. V. C LosDOjt, Kecreiary. O. K, FOL'KTU REGUfUXT. O. N. U , meots at Armory Hall erery rtiorlay erenioe, et 8 'clock. F. B. Hikui, Capt. DF.tJREK OF POXOR. .MyiUe Lodge N-. 13. Mteu Sad end 4th Tbare day eT-nii,s of each month in Re tire Sods' Hall. Visiting ccembera cor dially iued to atteort. Mas. Msarr West, C. of II. E. II. Lasxox.Rec. OF A.-Conrt Donalae Xo. 33. For- ew-rs ol America, Meete ever; Tfnttat ereninK in Native Sana' Hall. Visiting brother el waya welcome. T. B. Caxxox, C. R. E. II. Lesoi, R. 8. E. V. Hooykk, Physician. O. u. F. PhileUrian Ixtdgti No. 8. 3 M?ts in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackeoo end Case itreete, oa Saturday evening of each week. Mem horn of the order in good standing err invited to attend. H. B. GiLLrrrt. X. G. 4- N.T. Jkwett. ScrtarT. ' k: of P. Alpha Lodse No. 47. Meeta ewry Wettnesday, in I. O. O. F. Hall at 7 :30 p. m. Mem ben in good al anding era invited to attend. a. W. Kimball. C C. (?. E. Roberts, K- R. 8. K.'! T. M. Protection Tent No. 15. Holds its regular Reviews the first and thinl Fridav of each month in the I. O. O. hail. Visiting men.liers in good standing are invited to attend. F. F. I'attkrox, Com. E. E. PuwiL-rr, Reconl K-qer. L ILAC CIRCLE. No. 4, Women ol Woodcraft. Meeta on first and third Tlmrtklava m each month at the Na- iKoSone, IUI1. Visiting members in ootl standing are invited to eitnnd. Iantha Skmi.hkkoe .Unardian Neighbor. .ViNNiK Otey, Secy, LO. T. M. Roeeborg Hive No. 11. I IoM iLi regular re vie wa a poo-the second end fourth Friday eve. ol each month in the Native Son' Hall. Sietetg of other Hives visiting in the city re mrdially invited to ettend oar re- Vtrwe. Jehsir Rapp, L. Com. M.xtng K. McOlallex, R. K. 1 1 W. OK A.-Myitle Camp No. 6330. l Meeta firtand third WndnemUyt III! egGn uullt, at Native Sons' Hall. Geo. Byron, Clerk. OB. S. Uose'iarg Chapter No. 8 , Holds their regular meeting on th first and third Thorvdaya To eacb 1MIMI1 Visi.'ing members in good txndii.g ar resrMctfully invitod to at eiid. Mrs. Cai.i.ib Hkakd, W. M., Mr.B. I.iEuiB Comiow, Srlry. R' KREKAHS. Koaalmrg Rebekah LoiIkh No. 41, l.O. O. F., uieeta in Odd Fellows' Teraj.le ewsry Til(Uy fveiiiiiit. iPiting sisters and Invited to atloml. Pown, N. (.. . ColiA WlMUKKLY, li. S. NITKD ARTISANS. Umpqna As sembly No. llV nuH!s every Satnr- d:iv evening, lit 8 o'clock ia Native Sous ifalrrVisiting Artisans cordially invited to attend. Mas. M. Jonks, M, A. Mrs. F. B. IIamux, Secretary. Clearance Mens $3.50 Mens $2.50 Mens $3.54 Mens and A T Good Dress Shirts 35c - BgHHBaa Every thiug reduced in like propor tion throughout the store; an cf, re member, we are not offering you a lot of old out-of-date stuff, but good, seasonable,rnerrtorious merchandise sen : : -Bargains of UttDERPRICED 5 Ufa DM EN OF THE WORLD. Oek Cemn No. 125. Mmlm at Lha Odd i Frllowi' Hall, ia Eoeebtuc. every inn eeif hbore always eelcotne. Ja. E. sawyer.. C.C. S. A. BrcHAA, Cierk. -j NION ENC.VMPMENT. I. O. O.IF.!.Iwu H SHCPE. oil - np i.. it ... and third Thursday evenings each month. Visitors cordiailv invited. J. B. Hajultox, C. P. J. C. Twttcitml. S'ribe. Professional Cards. QiORGE U. BROWS, Attomey-at-Lavr, " Court Boat DvwaBtain. ROSEBlRG.O Q V FISHES, M. D, Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. O. Bcxsui bo, 'Phone Main 59L Oxbgos. QR.GEO. .E, HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. oetc Kw lie. reoMwMaun JLWER V. HOOVER, rHTSICIAX AND SURGE0 Roencea Origos pedal ettcauoa giwe to DImm ol U Ko aoe TknMt. Oaee-Mkla SL &omr soaU of t tyS nta, Mala Ml. p W HAYNES, DENTIST, EarKw tuiMlac, ftQ6XBtl3- OKKSOX E.M. CHEADLE, DENTIST, OSctvpal! ROSEBCRQ ORB H ii liDlVXC ",,hr,"nn;'n,' ! -; h h rwum.l 11. U. UiH T LhJ " ckantt- ni hia THE RICHEST. DAINTIEST EFFECTS IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS ARK TO BE For N U IN ii I" R .V u- Style I'p-lo-Valc ARISTO PL ATI NO PRINTS WITH POLDER COVERS Tlicy indivkhulixe a picture ami j lace it in a class It it self an artistic class that has only to W ocn to ho aj prciiatl. Their pnjiuhirity is incivasin lKoaust it is basetl on quality :: " :; :: ;; .. VYe Are Always Clad to Welcome Visitors to Our Studio REMOVAL NOTICE . . HARDWARE . . . This is to inform oKlaixl new atrons taat I have taken ; iu- nmrteru in the Stanton brick buildirur mi J uksm tiet, iift d.vr to tin Welis. Earg)!t Co. Express olfn-e, the ehaii-e tinsr made iHH--arv to w.--nre room to amnnmodato mv roustantlv inrrt-asiiii; sto k, lin-omut tion with a general line of Hardware, I al. carry a lar-. stot-k i : : farm Implements, Wsgons, Baggies, Hack, Uc . . . F. M. BEARD Sale Kip Boots Now S3 Double Sol; Boots $2 Fine Shoes Now $3 Boys Clothing COST the Season TORE 23t i A St. CSAWTORD. Attorney at Law, JL- fs't' LfiJfef?!1- &OaX2ri3. OK 4 La40Soaare Lu ilwtw u." a lsj 0 ATTORXEY-AT-LAW. RoeEHCRQ, Osuwoji. Btuiacvt bekm r.a. LaiJ o;-cbJ Frtt J C. FCLLERT05 Attorn ej--at-Law. U vacuo t mil li- ?:tr xod Federal Orjra 03k la BIok-. QOJIMODORE S. JACKSON, Attorney end Connse!lor at Lew. iliaieg Lew and Water Rihte siede e specialty. IBiJ EOs(HtRS.OII&OS "W. BSNSON, Attorneyat-Law. oau 1 and 1 wrlew Baiidlar. B.OSIira!. 0!iOS JA. BUCHANAN, KoUry Fabiie. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Reosi 1 lUntwo aniiHae. KOaXBCBS. O J. ROEINETTT Attorney at Law. E 17. Taylor M iuoa Z'Mck Rooeecbs. Orb - c. a. Snutoi EHLEREPE & GRAY, LAWYERS rret vt Ii .l l.e roortt of tha ta e, wrort u-. l . Lan4 der-aruuenc. Tailor A WUma Block. Notary Pubiie In oS Jfa a A B0KBrKS. ORS 1'lioto oaUery anj aira lo rail Tour j-