.1 0 dvertising ob Printing In busy seasons brings yon yoor share of trade; Is a very important factcr in business. Poor ririntiBi? re- advertising m doll sea sons brings yon yoor share, and also tbat ot the merchant who "can't af ford'' to advertise. fleets no credit on a good bnsmees hoose. Let cs do yonr Job Printing we Rnarantee it to be ia ; 0 every way satisfactory. 2 Published on Mondays and Thursdays -Established 1868. Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 5. 1903.. No. 103 A- I I, 1 1 9 30 1 oocoooooooooooooooooooococooooooooo 00000 F. W. BENSON', A.C.MIRTKRS - - --H.C.GALEY, J President, Vice I'miidu.. ' Cashier q Douglas County Bank, Established I883. Incorporated 1901 , Capital Stock, BOARD OF D1RBCTOR3 T. W. BElON, tt. A. BOOTH J. I'. !J30TH, J. T. BRIDGES J.F.KELLY,A.C.MaRSTERS K. Li KILLER. A general banking bnsiness trauacted, and customers given every accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. 2 "Bank oixii from nine to twelve and ooeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo XftlAS IS M AT HAND v J And we want to inform our people that we have the S b Koci- f Piirnitnrp and Rnors wehave ever -shown 3 . - e- for vou to select Xmas presents from. Our Children's department has many useiui articles for the little folks, among them being Boy's Express Wagon. - Doll Carriages and Doll Go Carts. Rocking Horses and Shoo Flys. Blackboards. Rockers and Chairs. Bureaus and Sideboards. Red Tables and many other articles that we haven't room to mention. OL'B STORE IS fill Of TEE J B. W. STRONG, 6 r w Kmcpiin 'w ySjKirwrAr j ihit Bring Us Your ... CHICKENS. '.. EGGS. BUTTER. FOR CASH J F. BARKER & CO ooooooooooooooooooooooooooockooooooooooooo NEW YEARS IS COMING And everybody mho sees our Holiday' display of Holiday attractions is glad of it . COME TO HEADQUARTERS For popular preasents at o popular pnccs ui vuaiuuuuy g . Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware and novelties in es- 8 elusive designs at - .'" ' : I SRLZMAN'S I OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hints to Housewives, w,lf tV,e battle in fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. IBS' 111. 1 1. 1 SMS AND r' ' A S-.:. J Ua the Rosebur, Marshfield Stage j jne fa ajj pojnt.B on Coos Bay- iooJ tj rifli Hack leaves Roseburg Every Morning at 6 o'tlqck' $50,000.00. from one to three. BEST Of EVERYIHIXG. THE FURNITURE flAN ' OR TRADE -Ask to see ear. UE E N UAL IT Y No. 621, with Mat Kid upper, patent Kid ramp and extension sole for 03.50. All other styles $3 . For sale "only by :: :: - . C. Flint i cood cooking, is to have good EMPIRE- Fs3l aii $hn C. P. Babnaed, Prop. Saddle Horses. "Sinde and Double Rigs at ail hours Transient Stoc'c gven very be'f care". ... . Rates always reasonable THE PRESIDENT'S NEW YEAR. He Opened the Executive Mansion to Rkh and Poor. Washington, Jan. 1. President Roosevelt's Sew Year reception was one of the most brilliant events in Washing ton society history. All callers were af forded the opportunity of greeting the President and MreT Roosevelt and ex changing with them the compliments of the new year. No distinctions were made except Mich as wera rendered nec essary in preservation of order. Today the general pnlilie for the first time had an opportunity to see the widely heralded improvements in the White House improvements which when completed will have cost alxmt f t00,000. In addition to a desire person ally to wif-li the President and Mrs. Roosevelt a Happy New Year, hundreds wire attracted by a wish to see the White Honne in ita new and handsome interior finish and furnishing." To many who were familiar with the interior of the mansion as' it was a year ago th . changes made were a revelation. While in a general way the form of the-interior has been retained in beauty and effec tiveness, it is w holly diffeient. Just 102 'years ago today President John Adams and his wife opened the White House with a New Yemr's recep tion to their friends and to the public generally. The dawn of the first fete day within the walls since become his toric, was accompanied by the noise of saw aiid hammer, as was this day. On account of the unfinished condition of the lower floor, President and Mrs. Adams received their guests in the room on the aecond floor now occupied by President Koosevelt as a library. While the improvements now are more nearly completed than was the mansion itself at that time, it will be several months before the workmen will have finished their task. Elop:d With Her Son-in.Law Monday train brought Mr. F. XL Stewait, a well-to-do farmer from near Eugene, Or. tie was in search of his erring wife and little boy. The woman for whom he. was looking' had stopped several days at the Ashland House, having registered under the name of Mrs. Era Thompson. Site claimed to be waiting' for her husband, who would arrive by team from the, north. When the supposed husband arrived (who has since turned out to be one Goodpastnie they started immediately for Klamath county, but for some reason left the wman'a two trunks in the express of fice. These trunks had been ordered sent to Klamath Falls but two days lie fore the arrival of the wronged right husband. From this story it apars that she had compiled their daughter to marry this Goodpasture, bnt after a few months forced a separation, and the girl got a divorce with alimony, she be ing but sixteen. The mother had her self apjHtinted guardian and with 300 of this money and f 400 of her husband's tlie skipped oot, to be joined here by her son-in-law. Mr. Stewart says he don't care about tlie money or the woman, but his little boy he will have at all hazards. Ashland Town Talk. Woes of a Bachelor Governor. Governor-Elect Bailey, of Kansas, is a bachelor. The state of Kansas recently built an expensive residence for the gov eruor. Governor-Elect Bailey dea not want itcan't ua; it. A Jot of Kansas people have lieen insisting that he marry, so as to iiavc a mistress ol tlie gubernatorial mainin. He says lie won't." The stte paer took the mat ter up and advised all marriageable women ho thought themselves fit to be mistress of the governor's modest palace to propose to him. In conse quence he has received" somewhat Icfs than a million proposals, moetly accom panied by photographs, and many of them telling him in words intended to barn and thoughts to breathe, that they were sure they loved him. But the governor-elect is olxlurate. Or perha among so many he cannot choose, fie savs that on his nomination nor before election he made no promise to parry. If the people who voted for hi in did not know or remembar that he was a bache lor, that was not his fault. He refuses to marry nnless he chooses, er until he gets ready, and perhaps not at ail- To make matters worse, and to accentu ate the Kansas crisis, the lieutenant-governor-elect is alto a bachelor, and even he won't marry and make the gov ernor's residence a social center. This is indeed a shame, when 10,000 beauti ful women ot that state, all the way from Mrs. Nation and Mrs. Leasa down to blushing schoolgirls, besides a million from other states would jump at the chance to be a governor's or even a lieutenant-governor's wife. So it is re ported that the governor ami lieutenant-governor-elect have prepared a circular reply to the thousands of applications, they are receiving, about as follows : Topeka. Kan., Jan. 1, 1903. Dear Madam (or Miss) : Yonr kind favor of recent date, with inclosurcB, duly re ceived, and contents noted. We abso lutely refuse to marry, until we get ready. When we do, if you are to be taken into consideration we will let you know. Please consider that this ends the correspondence. Any future letters, unless in answer to ours, will be re turned unopened. We hand you here with your photograph, column of society newB, lock of hair and original poem. Yours truly, . This is not altogether burlesque. It is stated as a fact tbat the new governor of Kansas haw received literally bushels of letters from women proposing mar. riage to him. Perhaps he sighs: "O, to be the Sultan of Sulu, instead of the governor of Kansas." Med ford enjoys a distinction nhared by very few, if any, towns of its size on the coust, that is, that there is not a : single Chinese residing within the city limit!!. CABLE COMPLETED TO HIWAII. A New Year CifHFirst Dole lo President Roosevelt ' Sas Francisco, Jan. 1. The patience of the watchers of the Postal Telegraph C mpany was rewarded at H :01 o'clock tonight, when the instrument at the au Francisco end of the Pacific cable indicated that connections with Hono lulu had at last been made and that a message was coming through. The first words that the ticker denoted on the tape were: "You are reversed," meaning that the Honolulu operator was getting the San Francisco signals backwards. The local difficulty was quickly adjusted by a readjustment of the batteries here and then came the first formal communication froni Uncle Sam's jiossessions across the Pacific cable. It nan fitting that such message should le from the chief of the fair Pa cific Isles to the head of the United States, and so the ticker read a message of congratulation and good will from Governor Dole to President Roostvelt Then came a cablegram from the cable ollicials at Honolulu to Clarence Mackey, president of the Coiiimer.ial Cable Com pany. Comjany message followed rapidly. THE srl.KE MADE. On Thursday, the first day of the new year, scarcely a breeze tirrel the wa ters of the harbor, and advice came to the ship from Diamond Head lighthouse that the channel was quite calm, with only a moderate swell running. A few minutes after 4 o'clock in the morning the Siivertown heaved anchor and made a start down the lay. Prospects of the cable connection on the first day of the new year created intense interest in the city, where the enthusiasm had been somewhat dulled by the long delay. At daylight the Siivertown arrived off Koko Head, where the shore end had been buoyed since Monday. With little difficulty the line from the bottom was spliced opon deck and passed over tlie stern sheaves and a start was made for the outer buoy. The cable was paid out at the rate of seven knots an hour. Shortly afUr I o'clock in the afternoon the Siivertown reached the point where the San Francisco end was buoyed. The sea was not rongh, but the swell rolled tlie vessel considerably. Great care was taken in handling her while taking up the buoy. It wax finally accomplished at 3:44 o'clock without untoward inci dents. The connection with the testing room was quickly male, atxl San Fran cisco rescinded promptly to the ca!L Congratulations and components of the season jia.-'sedf between the ship and the shore. Connection was then made, at 4 :40, between the two lines and Hono luln by ship. There was joy on board the Silver town when the extraordinary strain which had rested uj-in the entire staff for 19 days came to an end. Mr. Benest the engineer in charge of the expedi tion, expressed much relief that the task had been completed without acci dent. The proverbial luck of the Sii MRS. W. A. CLARKE JR. DEAD. Heir to Senator Clark's Millions to Now Motherless Babe. ErTTE, Mont., Jan. 1 Mrs. W. A. Clark, Jr., died at 4:30 this morning. Mabel Foster Clark was born 23 years ago, near Pitt.burg, Pa., the daughter of John II. Foster, who came to Butte nearly 17 years ago. On Jnne 19, 1901, she was wedded to William A. Clark, Jr.,yonngest son of Senator W. A. Clark. Her liaby boy for w hom she gave her life, was born December 2. Mrs. Clark was a young woman of rare grace and qualities of mind and character, which endeared her to a legion of friends. A son born to Mrs. Clark oa De cemlier 2, won the $1,000,000 price which Senator Clark offered to the first grand son presented -to him. Mrs. Clark, has not been well since the birth of her son. Willamette Poultry Show. The Linn county Poultry Show held in Albany, proved to be one of the most successful exhibitions of blooded poul try ever held in the state. The show was in session four days closing Satur day evening. There were 38 1 birds on exhibition, including many different var. ieties of chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and guinea fowls and there were exhi bitors from Benton, Lane, Linn, Marion, and Yamhill counties. The show proved to be a success in every respect. George W. Downs, of Port land, judged the birds and made the awards. In addition to the regular prizes customarily granted at poultry shows, a special list of prizes were given by Albany's business men. Must Settle Up. Notice is hereby given that all ac counts and bills due me amT and re maining unpaid after December 20, 1902 'rill lie placed in an attorney's hands for collection. Prior to this date bills may be settled by calling at C. B. Can non's news and book store. Cost of col lection will be added after Doc, 20, 1902. d20p Mrs. N, Eotd. Fine Farm for Sale. A good 800 aero farm for sale five miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in cultivation, balance hill, pasture and timbered land. Small orchard, good house, barn and other improvements For price and terms npplv to P. T, Mc- Gco, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Bu'u k, Rotioburg, Oregon. - jlGtf Message Sent by Governor vertown carried her safely through 2000 miles in as rough weather as ever cable was laid. Therefore, the celebration of New Year's on lxmnl the ship had a double iguiticawHt and was doubly wel come. Four hours were spent in testing and allowing the recently laid line to ac quire. th temperature of the ocean depths. At 8:40 p. in., Honolulu time, came the first call from San Francisco. . . MES8AOK TO PRUSIOKNT. Waiisihgtox, Jan. 2. The following .rfblegraiu wan received at the White House at 2:30 this morning, dated Hon olulu, January 1, 9:33 p. m: "The President, Washington : The eopIe of the territory of Hawaii send their greetings to you, and express their gratification at the inauguration of tele graphic communication with the main htud. We all believe that the removal of the disadvantage of isolation will prove the str ng factor in the upbuild ing of a patriotic anil progressive Ameri can commonwealth in these islands. 'Henv E. Coopkr, "Secretary of Hawaii." tub pbemdevt's eplt. . Washington', Jan. 2. The following is the reply of the president to the message of Secretary Cooper: "White Hon, Waobingtou, Jau. . Hon. Henry K. Cooper, Secretary, Hawaii, Honolulu: The president sends to you, to Governor Dole, and the peo ple of Hawaii, his hearty congratula tions upon the opening of the cable. He believes that U will tend to make the people of Hawaii more closely knit than ever to their fellow citizens of the mainland, and will b for the great ad vantage of all our people. "Georok II. CoKTEi.ver, "STetary to the President." MACKSY 0SUR4TrLATED New Yobc, Jan. 2. Mr. Clarence H. Mackey, president . of the Postal Tele graph k Cable Com lany and tie Com mercial CaMe Cuiony, lias received the following from Honolulu and the Pacific Coast relative to the succersiul landing of the cable at Honolulu and its connection at tan Francisco with the ovtrhind line of the Postal and Cable Company. The first is from the secre tary of Hawaii, and was fent by him during the absence of President IoIe: Honolulu, Jan. 2, Mr. Clirence II. Mackey, President Commercial Pa cific Cable Company: We cnd this token of our appreciation nf the comple tion of the great enterprise undertaken by your company of laying a tele graphic cable from the coast of Califor nia to the islands. Mingled with our joy there is a feeling of dee,) regret that John V. Mackey did not live to see the completion of his project, and we as sure you that bis name will ever be cherished in fond remembrance bv our people. Hkmt E.Cooper, "Secretary ef Hawaii." KLAMATH RAILROAD. Grade Was Completed to Summit of Range. Over 600 Laborers Employed. Asiila.no, Or., Jan. 2. The grading ol the Klamath Lake Railroad has been completed to a point on the summit of the Cascade Range 18 miles out from Lairds on the Southern Pacific Road. There are no heavy grades on the re mainder of the route. Cars are running now to Fall Creek, 12 miles from Lairds, snd work is being pimhed on two trestles one of 800 feet over Fall Creek, and another of 250 feet over a gnlch. As soon as these are completed, track lay ing will le resumed, and it Is expected the road will be completed to the 13 niile station on the plateau by February 1. The company plans to have th road built to Pokegama iu ' Klamath County near the Jackson line within three months a distance of about 28 miles. A petition has been made for a Post otlice at Lairds. Over (MX) men are now employed in the construction of this road, and additional men are being put on daily. These la borere are chiefly Greeks, Italians,1 Chi. ncsc, Turks, Hungarians and a few Mex icans, 1 he bridge crew alone is com posed of Anrericans, numbering 40 men. The Chinese are paid $1.3.) per day, the Italians and Americans $2, and the Greeks and other aliens fl.50 per day. They pay the company $18 per month for board. At Fall Creek the Electric Power Com pany has 70 men at work on its ditch and power plant, which are well forward toward completion. The company has a fall of 700 feet from Fall Creek to the plant, sufficient to develop 2300 horse power, and will be able to run a great amount of mill machinery for mines and sawmills. This enterprise is not con nected with the railroad. 8o far the weather 1ms been favorable Jor the work on both. Unwelcome Christmas Present. At the dance at Waltcrville, Ijine county, recently a lady who war. broken out with the smallpox was" present and participated in the festivities of the evening. She did not know what tlie malady was, nor did anyone else, but a short time Hfter the dance casea of smallpox apH'arcd all up and down the McKenue and now they all know. However the cases have nil lieen of the lightest form, very few even U'ing con fined to their bcds.-Eugenw Register. SERMON'S FOR THE NEW YEAR. What Two Prominent Oregonians Think the Peopl? Should Do. When we epc.ak of turning over a new leaf w ith the Ne Year, we generally mean that onr own course of conduct in so to be changed an to affect us er sonally, and no one else. This view is welfinh and narrow, and I would suggest two thonghts to be olwerved in turning over a new leaf with the beginning of the year First, let oirr resolution in this regard have referent e to our neigh Ixir as well as ourselves ; an !; second, to the state as well as our home. We are so much addicted to the habitl of criticising the faults of onr neighbors that we fail t commend their virtues and kindly acts. Let us reverse this rule with the New Year. Who of at has not at one time or another seen some poor fellow bedecked in tatters and rags do a commendable and oft times heroic act without a single word of praise fr. ni any one? Incentive to loftier aims and ambitions in such a one might be stimulated by an approv ing word or smile, whilst silence tends to deaden and destroy his, generous im pulse. How easy to encourage suth a man to still further noble actions f How easy to brighten the atmosphere in w hich we move by words of kind nes insiead of cruel aud unju.;t criticism ! I.et us commend our neighbor's virtues and w rite his faults upon the sand for the New Year. Who ever a-ri-t-l in upbuilding a city or state by unfavorable comparh!ro with others? Let us put awny our ham mers for the next year. Oregon bas the loveliest climate, the richest soil, the moet U-autilul mountains and the grandest forests on the globe. Port laud has everything in her midst to in vite imputation and wealth. Her men and women are the mis of honor Sun-crowned, and live altove the Urg, Iu public duty aud in private thinking. In turning over a new leaf, let us tell everybody about it. Let us correct ex- b-ting abuses, if any exUt ; but let ns not spend time in finding fault. - If these suggestions be writ on the new IMf aud honestly live. I up to duiing the coming year, we will find we baTe grown better ourselves by assisting to nwke our neighbors happier and better; that we have niade our home brighter because we have jnade onr city and onr state appear w hat they really are, the best and most prosi-rous of them all. GEORGE CHAMBERLAIN, Governor of Oregon. "Revived, That commencing with tne New tear, 1 will star away trom clulis, sahj-ns and othr places of pnblij report aud spend niy evening at home with my family." IjH every father write t llA resolu tion and fasten it inside t f the hat he wears so that lie nisy see and read it every day of his life. I a:u fully per suaded that every man in Portland with a family who will adopt and adhere this resolution will do more to improve the morals erf onr city and promote the hap piness of others thau can be done in any other wav. Some, and too many, men think that they mu5t go into some Id'artou com pany away from home to find a pleas ant evening, but thus is a mere matter of habit, and any man who will faith fully carry out the -above resolution through the year 1903 will form a habit which will make hitu contented and happy to stay at home and spend bis evenings with his family. I know there are some incorrigibles children, but in a great majority of cases 'the fall of boys and girls into loose and vicious prac tices is due to the culpable neglect and carelessness of parents, and especially the father. Oftentimes while he is away with his boon companions bis children are allowed, to roam the streets at night and run thoughtlessly into the hell holes of dissipation and ruin. Let the father when the dark ness and danger of the niht come on keep his children at home with him by kind words and gentle means if he can, bnt if not, let him to that end exer cise a mott rigid parental authority. The pitfalls of the night are full of perils for the young. Parents in a multitude of ways can make their household so at tractive that their children will turn away from the blandishment of the out side world and fee! and say: "Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home." GeokokII. Williams, Mayor of Portland. Passes for Railroad Employes. The following circular has been issued to the division superintendents of the S. P. R. R. CIRCCLAR NO. S99. Superintendents, Gentleman i As a reward to deserv ing employes of the maintanence of the way department, who are consigned to dutica which take them away from their homes, passea will lo given allow ing them to visit their families on Sun day. When located where the time of trains la such:hey can leave after work ing hours on Saturday aud get back be fore time for commencing work on Monday, they may have passes once a week. When the time of trains does not per mit the trip being made outside of work ing hours, passes will-be given less fre quently, but at least onco a month. Time lost in such cases will not be al lowed, aud this privilodge will only te granted when employes can le spared without detriment to the work in hand. Little Ranch for Sale. A good littlerhome for sale ; 17 acres adioining fair grounds, 1'4' mites east of Roseburg. Goxt buildings, 150 good ! bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cultlva tioii. Price $1225. For particulars in quire at Milikin's shoe store, lCoseburg Or. al tf Are yon particular about your IF YOU ARE CALL AT CURRIER'S GROCERY AND A.SK:OR MOrjOPOIE BRAND Price is no higher and every can guaranteed Currier's, J. M. Weatherby T. Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber' Estimates a Specialty. List your proper ty with us. SPECHLTIES. Physicians'' Precrijiiions and Family Recipes, Robber tXfcl, Toilet Articles, Lime- and Ce ment, Paiuts, Oils and (tlx a, Perfnnic rr, Imfa es, Sjwnges, Brushes Etc. Rambler Bicycles . and Sundries. School Sup plies. - .. A. Stationery Drain Gardiner I COOS BHY STHGE ROUTE f Commencing with Monday, January . '02, we will charee 7.50 for S tliefar from Drin t Cm Bay. Baggie allowance with each fall fare ? 50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds barrage when tier f hav3Mpooniior mow. All excess baga-, 3 eta. perponn d, and no 'al lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE. For farther information address 5 i J F. S, JEWELER and All Work Qnaranteed Second Door north new Bank B vl Mag, KODAKS! They've gone and done it again Done away with the dark-room in developing. A little machine "to de velope film negatives in daylight without going to a darkroom Any child can operate it. See this won derful invention at our store. Churchill SPooooocxxooocrac aa J. T. BRYAN'Sr For Holiday Presents I have no famous stock aud out-of-date you honest goods at ' them in plain figures. goods and piices before X OREGON. 9XQOXX)OCXXXXXX:OQQOO(XX)QOOOO Coffee, Tea and Spices Roseburg's Lead Grocer The Fountain of Health is found in eood Flonr now, as for centuries, the "staff of life." The long tried ; : ; . . Pride of Bouglas Ftocr is crod ta T to :-a opoa, m siasy IMmjeada know to ihrr bncau Vn noo.d nH y.ia lerrj of lt Ia 6T or anii s ymi-ie mc or barrel Jrom toot fnxn' 6. V. Bashfori & Son, Pirns 13. A. Bury D. L. 3Iarti C. Marsters S Co. Dress. MeSicisfS, Cbcsfci!;. " 'PIIUU 1 1 School Books J. R, Sawyers, 5j Proprietor, Drain, Oregon J DAY, WATCHMAKER for Reasonable Prices. llosEBcao, Okigos k bargains to pun otf poods, I simply give fair prices, and mark Call and inspect my purchasing cUewhere. J. T. Bryan woolley. y