The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 01, 1903, Image 2

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    RoseburgTTaindealer ALL FORMER RECORDS BROKEN.
Published Monday! and Thursdays.
Editors and Publishers
Twice--Veek PUintkalcr. per year, $2.00 1
Feed "Wright. City Editor, Solicitor.
T. C. Rrrn. Foreman
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
JANUARY 1, 1903.
The Last Two Weeks Show The Largest List of New
- Subscribers in the Plaindealer's History.
Notwithstanding the fact that the jxjople of this County, during the past two
weeks have been absorbed in the season's holiday festivities, the Twiee-a-week
Plain dealer has not been forgotten, but lias been more kindly remembered than
ever before on such an occasion. As a "Compliment of the Season," through our
hustling and enterprising solicitor, F. S. Minshall, and. otherwise, a list of over
112 new subscribers to the Plain-dealer for the ensuing year, waa Imd on our
table this week, a list which has been secured in the past two weeki or since the
publication of the last long list of new subscribers a little more than two weeks
ago. 1 nis 8ieaay ana rapiu increase hi uie cm inuun uu nuvcmsuin
of the Plaixdealkk is placing it solidly to the front, and considerably in the lead
of anv other Southern Oregon newspaper. It has become the recognized leader in
its clais, an enviable position which it means to maintain. The splendid pat
ronage which the paper continues to enjoy will enable us to materially improve
the plant and paper from time to time, the first step in this direction having just
been taken in the purchase of a fine Cottiell, two-revolution news and job press,
which has just arrived after considerable delay and winch is being installed in our
and much iu ist of
The announcement of the resignation
rf linn. Hinder Hermann as commission
.v,A t ,. as a snrorise to the new brick building by Mr. A. D. Smith, the expert prvsvman
inanv friends of this distinguished the American Type Founders Co., of Portland, of whom the press was purchased,
timan in this citr and countv. as and who was sent here by the company to install this fine inachiue and put it iu
Mr - Hermann has for some time been first-class working order. This press was billed to us at 17,000 pounds and the
contemplating resigning early this year, freight alone on the machine from Portland to Roseburg aggregated 125. It re
For a vear or more, it has been pretty quires four horse power to operate the machine, has a capacity of 2,000 papers ier
generally known that Secretary Hitoh- hour and is by far the largest and best printing press in the state outside of Port
cock has long nourished a grudge, or laud. As soon as this press is installed in our office and iu god running order,
B,vm ,Wrw. of ioalonslv and enmitv to- some marked improvements will be made in the pr, which will be announced
ward the eenial and popular commie- soon. The following list of names have been added to our subscription book in a
sioner, and a very systematic effort has little more than two weeks ending December 31 :
been put torth to bring about tbe resig- chas. F. Haywood.Graud Rapids, Mich. C. Cappock, Barton, Ore,
nation or removal of Mr. Hermann G. L. Spangler, Puluth, Minn. W. C. McBride, Tortland, Ore
bv Secretary Hitchcock. With a long L. B. Woodruff, Roseburg, Ore, . L. B.-Gorham, Portland, Ore.
line of emploves in the general land J. a. Baker, Minneapolis, Minn. ' X. Lewis, Yoncalla, Ore,
land office who may have been more or I H. Monson, Scottsburg, Cre. Will Hedi ick, Drain, Ore.
lest influenced by this status of affaire, Geo. Daugherty, Roseburg, Ore. ' L. Schuffenhauer, Elbe, Wash
Mr. Hermann's position for some
time last has been anything but a
pleasant and enviable one, and
Le preferred to resign rather than con
tinue to serve under these unpleasant
conditions. As far as any irregularities
in his office is concerned, this talk
is all Oregonian bosh, as Mr. Hitch
cock himself does not make any such
charges. The strict integrity and official
exactness which has always characteriz
ed Mr. Hermann's -official career, six
-rears of which has been spent in the gen
eral land office, dispellseven the slightest
suspicion of any irregularities on the
-.part of the commissioner. Whether he
Wnme an active candidate for
Senator from Oregon, as some suppose,
is not known by the Plaixdkaler, and
is not considered probable. He has had
for some years many supporters in the
Legislature,. Mr. Hermann being re
membered as one of the ablestrepresen-
tatives Oregon has ever had in Congress.
Owen Atterbury.
John Alexander.
W. W. McMillan.
T. T. Kelly.
Chas W Rice
FG Buell
C F Fisher
S W Bavless
W J Gallup
Leslie Lilley. J. O. Williams.
"P. V. Dreckmann. Nellie Rooney.
Jas. II. Shape. Geo. West.
A G Wright C H Macklin
Frank Burket.
J. A. Gober.
Assessor H. B. Gillette Is Succeeded
By Geo. W. Staley of Yoncalla.
Today, Jan. 1, 100:1, Mr. U. B.Gillette
turned tho. Douglas county assessor's
office over to his successor, Geo. W.
Staley, of Youcaila, who was elected to
this office at the regular June election,
and while the other county officials were
inducted into office in July following the
election, Assessor Gillette's term did not
expire uutil the advent of the new year,
hence the change at this . time. Mr.
Gillette, the retiring official, Tins just
completed a second term, ami was one
of the two, successful democratic eandl
dates in this count, two years ago, and
he has proven a competent and obliging
officer. Mr. Staley, the newly installed
republican assessor, is a genial, romp.
tent and obliging gentleman. - He has
had considerable experience- in this
office having been one of Assessor Britt's
right-hand men during this gciiteman's
incuml)ency in office. Mr. Staley is
business man, a good judge of the . value
oi property ot all kinds and will no
doubt make the county a mosl efficient
assessor. For his first deputy or chief
clerk he has chosen a most worthy man,
a thoroughly practical business mau,
who has had a great deal of.oiHce and
clerical experience and will uio doubt
prove himtelf most useful ami proficient
in the assessor's office. The young man
to whom we refer, is Frank II. Rogers,
late of Gardiner, but noi of Drain
The families of both gcnllerrten will take
up their residence in this city early in
the spring and we1 join in' extending
them a hearty welcome.
Tiiere remains now but one; democrat
in office in this conuty,' as far as the
county and legislative office are con
cerned, and this somewhat lonesome,
but genial and justly popular gentleman
is none other than Representative Wil
lis Kramer, the Myrtle Creek miller and
mining man. ' $
Center of Population in Kansas
Will Have a Capacity of 109.689 Feet
Per Day.
G W Bennett
W B Hearst
S E Brewer
W A Powell
11 Hughes
I B Wjrdrip
C G Neet
Jas Lane
Damage to the extent of 35,003, heroic
work on the part of the fire department
and a thrilling rescue of an inmate of
th burnine structure were the results
and features of a fire in the Sherlock
Building, Portland, early Sunday morn, j
ing. The principal damage was caused
to the building itself, the Salem Woolen
Mills store and the Mover Clothing
Company, on the ground floor, whose
loss is from the deluge of water tliat
poured on the stock of goods for hours
while the firemen were fighting hard to
the entire DropMy from destruc
tion. All of the heavy lesses are cover
ed bv insurance.
M J Stock
D W Wight
J H Baldwin
X E Bailey
L R Riwell
O II Beyers
G W Mastler
F O Pierce
Mrs Mary Levins
F M Hopkins
W Cardwell
Mrs Mary Lady
Annie Ponle
M F Colvig
L C Zimmerman
L M Roush
Geo W Reese
E Gil more
M B Adams
S C Sumner
Mary J Kitzmiller
A Albro
David Albro
J W Woods
C S Glasgow
It seems from a recent report from
Australia that government ownership of
railways does not work there as smooth-
lv as som people have supposed. The
government, finding K necessary to re
duce expenses in order to avoid a deficit
in the revenues of the roads, undertook
to reduce the wages of railway employes,
Which precipitated a strike, in retalia
tion for which the Ministry proposes to
detrive the workmen of the right of
.r,ffCT and a "crisis" is imminent in
Wm Cattauach
Nelson Jooes
L W Jones, Jt
A G Hamilton
M M Tolson
J Aiher
J 1) Harper
S A Taggard
X B Winters
Walter Yersteg
M C Ravmond
Andrew Poole
J W Poole
C E McXeal (Drew postoffice)
II S Stephens A F Sackett
Lewis Yaughan Hill & Mallory .
Arthur Kelly G E Moulton
J W Carter Wilburn Wilcox
J W Stevenson J D Nelson
W i LitUn August Iarsen
G G Shelley A K Siwdgrass
W B Dillard E Underwood
A M Beaty
S M Folaa " II C Tison
Mrs M Bassler
W II Raymond
J F Reals
II. Bennett
R M Moore
ML Reed
D X Snyder
Wm Ridderbusch
J C Dodsou
G rover Moore
FT Revnolds
J E Zachary
Mrs II Sales
Phoebe Bovle
A. Martin Co., of Portland at the
Head of the EnterpriseTak
ing Timber Options
John W. Gardner, a Roseburg real
estate- broker, has been luloriiir for
sometime to interest capital in th'i es
tablishment of a large saw mill at Win
Chester. Mr. J. A. Martin, of the J. A.
Martin Co., manufacturers of hU, door
and builders' material, nt Portland, has
been in RoM-burg, and with Mr. ' iard
ner has looked over the field. Mr.
Martin is favorably impresse i with the'
prohibition, and is now tilling options
ii timber tributary to the North I'uip-
qua. .Mr. Martin will put in a mm a
laily capacity of 100,000 feet, tojrether
with a iah and door factory, Ik th of
which will be in oeration befo'e the
close of the new year, The opcni.ig up
of the North 1'mixiua country, and the
establishment of logging operations on
that stream w ill mean much new busi
ness for Rosubiirg.
Assassinated out of office? That is
.t.-fQ.f Knwr Hermann, commis-
sioner of the general land office. Had
McKinley lived there yould have been
no chance. The retirement comes at an
Will be Succeeded as Commissioner of the General Land
Office by W. A. Richards of Wyoming
Washington, Dec. 29. Land Com
missioner Binger Hermann has tendered
- 4: - f . Ttormflnn An With
?r:rrwk7n securing official his resignation to the president, to take
preferment he should find no difficulty
in landing the senatorship in January.
Eugene Guard.
effect the 1st of February or 1st of
March. He will be succeeded by pres
ent Deputy Commissioner Richards, of
Wyoming. In confirming the announce
ment, Mr. Hermann said :
"I have wanted to return to Roseburg
to resume the practice of my profession,
and have contemplated resigning for a
vear or more. I have held this office
The case of the County of Lake vs A
J. Neilon, ex sheriff of Lake county and
his bondsmen, on trial at Jacksonville,
on a change of venue, before Judge H.
K. Hanna, occupied the attention of the longer than any of my predeces9ors.ex-
Uircuit uourt inursaay, jrnuay ana
Saturday. After some deliberation the
jury brought in a verdict Saturday
night in favor of the plaintiff for f 6430
and interest.
ceptwo, since the office was created in
1812, baring entered upon my duties
soon after the firft inauguration of the
late President McKinley, nearly six
years ago. - I have endeavored to ad
minister the affairs of Uie office so as to
do injustice to no one, whether he be
homesteader or corporation. "
Mr. Hermann would not say whether
he would enter the senatorial race in
Oregon, nor would he say that he would
allow the use of his name in connection
with the senatorship. ' , ,
We note that a Lane county judge
instead of sentencing evil doers who
come before him to a term in jail, ban
ishes them to Jackson connty. is
too much !
At the Creamerj Fair held at Hillsboro, Or., Dec. 16 and 17, by the Oregon
Dairy Associate m the lollowing scores were received in the competitive exhibits:
A monument placed last AVedneaday
iu a lonely field between WLjg's Station
and Lhzabethtown, seven miles souH
east ofiColumbuK, lad., markes the cen
ter ot population of the United States
proper at the end of the 19th century
It also commemorates the folly of those.
who, at the century's beginning thought
it impossibble that seaboard civilization
would ever pass beyond the Alleghanies,
Our center of population, including
Alaska, Porto Rico and the Philippines
is somewhere in Kansas exactly where
is unknown, as we have no census of
the FiliiJnvs.
In 100 years the center traveled west
ward 478 miles, or aboat three feet per
hour. The line made by its progress
was drawn to its southern most oint in
18:50 by the development of Kentucky
Teunese and the lower Mississippi
region, wavered north until 1883, and
northward again in ISO. Its longett
jump was 81 miles letween 1S.T0 and
1H00 because oC the Califoruij gold fever
the shortest was from 11 to 1H00,
when, because of the growth of the eas
ern cities it traveled hot 14 miles west
aiid when the development of Texas
which gains as many congressmen in tl
new apportionment as New York, and
of Oklahoma and the Indian Territory
deflected it three mile .south. At the
end of tho centurv it is very nearh due
wet of where it Marled.
Ythere will the center lie iu A. I
20? Eastern prophets see it crawling
slowly into Illinois, and there pausing
Far Western men say that it will con
tinue to go rapidly westward. Systema
tic irrigation with its small farms and
compact civilization, thev say, isc-nl
beginning the transformation of tl
West into plains as rich and populou
as Babylon's of old ; and thev may n
be dreaming. If the center were to
move westward in this century just as
it did in the last, the( year 2000 would
And it in Missouri a little southeast of
Leavenworth, Kan., where it would
still be considerably east. of the geogra
phical center. For this is indeed a very
big country !
Niece of Mrs. McKinley Weds
Caxto.v, O., Dec SO. Miss Mary Dar
ber, niece o( Mrs. McKinley, was mar
ried at G o'clock this evening to Ralph
Hartzell, a young attorney of Denver.
Mr. Ilartzcll is the son of one of Uie
oldest Canton families, and was the
schoolmate of the bride. Miss Barber is
the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.
C. Barber and sjient much time with
Mrs. McKinley in the White House and
on the extended trips made by the Presi
dential parties. AlKiut I'M guests were
invited, mostly relatives ' and cloc
friends. Mrs. McKinley' was present.
Her present to the bride was a magnifi
cent silver table service.
The 1 jLArNDEALEB wishes its many
readers, patrc r.s and friends a Happy
and Prosjterons New Year.
The Oregon State Legislature will con
vene at Salem the second Monday iu
Don't forget to write it 1903.
Flavor Body Color Salt Finish Totsl
L. W. Atkins, Newberg M 24'i 15 ft4' 5 87
E. F. Rice, Albany K 25 15 10 5 ls'
Millard Stevens, Lyons..: 35 25 15 9 - 5 90
M.McCrosky, Albany.... ....41s' 25 15 10 5 W,
C. A. Gardner, Roseburg ...41 25 15 9 6 ar
Hazelwood Cream Co., Portland 372 25 15 ! 5 02
A.Skyles, Astoria 35 24 15 10 . 5 89'.;
Capital City Creamery. Salem 33 25 15 10 6 88
D. Kauffanan, Hubbard: 31 25 15 9 5 90
J.J.Hartley, Banks SH 25 15 8' 5 92
Farmington Creamery, Farmington. 41 25 15 10 5 9(5
Alltert Reutten, Centerville 40 25 15 10 5 . 95
Munroe in Demand.
Butte. Mont.. Dec. 30. Jack Munroe
the Butte miner, who w.m given a de-
cision over Champion J. Jeffries
in a four-round go in this city a week
ago, has received a telcc'rm from thei
manager of the Walden Tlie:uer, Boston,
offering him f500 a week for ten weeks.
After finishing his engagement he will
return to Butte and train to meet either
f-harkey or McCoy in this city.
.Munroe is a typical miner of the big
copper camp. Munroe came to Butte
about two months ago from Ph oenix,
B.C. He is at piesent emplojed in the
Anaconda co;er mine, one of the
largest producers of tlje Amalgamated
Coper Ci-mpany, aDd works a machine
Until alxmt ten days before his con
test with Jeffries, Munroe has not had
on a $ air of boxing gloves in two years.
"Doc" Flyun, a California lightweight,
"discovered Munroe in a variety theater,
'and it w as at Flynn's solicitation that
the big miner was induced to go against
f.he champion. ,
I No,
A.H.Nichols, Corvallis
A. C. Miller, -Albany
Ed. T. Judd, Turner
F. Chalmers, Centerville
Jertey Creamery, Corvallis.. 91
Flavor Body Color Salt Finish Total
05 - 25 15 10 5
32 25 15 10 5
38 ,25 15 5
., 32 25 15 18 5
1 F. A. Schubinge, Salem 94
2 A. Guerber 90
It will be noticed that the Roseburg creamery takes the third place iu the
State, and is above E. F. Rice, of Albany, who won the g dd medal last year.
This is certainly a fine showing for a new creamery.
Popular Couple Married.
Kcgexe, Dec. 30 The marriage of A.
J. Gillette, the popular assistant mana
ger and day operator at the S. P. depot
in this city, was married to Miss Nettie
Willoughby, also of Eugene, at the Im
perial Hotel in Portland yesterday, Rev.
W. S. Gilbert officiating.
The happy couple arrived in Eugene
on this afternoon's train and, have been
receiving the congratulations of their
friends. . .
Subscribe for the Plaisdealeb.
Profitable Poultry.
The Portland Telegram siiys: Severa
dressed turkeys, each marked "f7. 50,"
were displayed in front of a Third-street
market, Christmas, and "were comment
ed on by many passers-by. The birds
were huge, each weighing 30 pounds,
which at the ruling price of 25 cents a
pound to f7.50. Many even larger
turkeys than the ones mentioned alwye
were in evidence in the Roseburg mar
kets last Wednesday, this county being
the "home of the turkey,"
Athland Makes Poor Shool.
The shoot of Co. B. of Ashland, Mon
day resulted in an exceedingly 1w score.
The company made only 35 out 125 com
pared with Co. A'a 97 and Co. C's C3
made at Eugcue on Christmaii day
The best individual score mate i t Ash
land waa 20, by sergeant Jas. K;eacer.
The poor record was largely due to a
dense cold fo-r which prevailed at the
Fullerton, J. B. Part of Don.
CI. 52. T p. 30, K.5 .So
Furlong, Wm, E. NW.J4,
VV. y, NE, J4, Sec, 12, Tp.
23, R. .30
Gentry, Geo. A. Lot 2, SE. M
SE. 4, Sec. 17, Tp. 21, R. Jl;
lots 8, 9. 10 and 12, E. 'j
VK l. WW I K37 l. Kr
20, Tp. 21, R. 11; W. ys NW. 7
Va, Sec. 21, Tp. 21, K. 11; ,
W. yi NW. 4, Sec. 10, Tp.
19, R. 11 ; E. NE. H,Vt.
9,Tp. 19. R. 11 21.83
Graham, R. S. Lots 1 to 4, and
10 to 13, block C, Flint's Ad- .
dition to Roseburg S.85
Graham, R. S. and Nellie Lots .
7 and 8, block 3, lots 1 tm
8. block 4, North Park Addi
tion to Roseburg 23.35
Grant, C. M. Lot 1, Sec. 10,
Tp. 19. R. 13 75
Gurney. Margaret E. V, SW.
.Sec. 21. To. 28. K. 8 ... 2.35
Giisiaphfn & Evanoff NE. V
XL. Vs, Sec. 19. To. 23. K. 9 1.15
Hanna. J. S.. Heirs SW. V SE.
bee. 15. Tp. 23. R. 4 ... J.50
Hansen. J. A. Bee. at a point
on the E. side of the rigid of
way of i he O. & C. R. K., in
Wilbur, where the N. line ef
the A. J. Chapman land
crosses the R. K. right of
way. thence easterly 122 feet
along the said .Chapman
land, thence northerly 2G4
feet, thence westerly 122 feet
to the R. R. right of way,
thence southerly to begin
mng in Wilbur, containing 1
acre : 4.28
Hartiield, Win. Lots 5, 4, 5 and
C. Sec. 14. Td. 23. R. 7 10.20
-NW. V SW.
R. 5.
Notice of Salef Real Property for
Taxes for the Year 1901;
Notice is hercbv given that by virtue
if a Warrant issued out of the County
Court of the State of Oreson, lor the
Countv of Iong!as, on the istli day of
Novemiier, J'.HC, commanding me to
advertise and sell the iroiTtv of the
Iietinniient Taxi vers for and in the
aid lXiiirlas Countv, for the ver 1901,
as extended inthe "lolinuent Clumn"
in the Tax Rolls of Douglas Cour ty, for
said year, to satisfy the taxes oharged
against said Lax payers lortiie said ye;ir,
Wat her with all i'iialties, inter-d, and
ct for the collection of the Mini.
The following m a correct traivmjt of
the dehnonent property i the mmi
whoe names are set otHifito each tract
las the came appears assessed on the
saul Rolls and extended in the Delin
quent Column of the same, and dfwribed
as lollows, to-wit:
Aassren, Edw. E. NW. U of
Sec. 14. Tp. 27, R. 8 .$10
P. Adams W. i of NW.
li of Sec. 22. Tp. 2, R. 7. . 2
Alexander. Tho. Lot 20 n
First Brooksidc Addition 1.0
. Roseburg
Amos, Milton Lots 3 and 4,
6. CO
block 2, Krewson's Addition
Antilo American Nickel Mis
ing Co.-W. Vs SE. Vs. E. Vs
' SW. Sec. IS. Tp. 30, R. 18.03
Bacon, dlcnry N. SE. ., E.
!i SW. !i. SW. Vs SW. Vs.
Sec. S; SW. Vs NW. Ji. lot 1.
NW. Vs NW. Vs. Sec. 17; SE.
Vs NE. V. lots 1 and 2. S4.
1: I- !i SE. !i..-SW. Vs
SE. Is, hds 9. m, 11. 12. S.
Vi NE. li. lots 3 and 8. Sec.
7; all in Tp. 26, R. 6. except
from the above 208 actes
sold to G. B. Winniford ... 14.CS
Banning. R. R. S. Vs NW
NE. Vs NW.
'31. R. 1 3.5
Barton. John A.
30. Tp. 31. R. 3 10.6
Supreme Court Decisions.
Salem, Dec. 29. The supreme court
today handed down the following de
cisions: 1 . v' .
F.i H. Winchester and Charles Main,
respondents, vs. Hnldah E.i Hoover, et
al., apellaiitB; from Jackson county
H. K. Hanna, judge; reversed; opinion
by Justice Bean. ''
F. B. Waile, executor of 'the will of
Ftndal Siitherlin, resixmdent.'vs. W. R.
Willis, apiellant; appeal from Douglas
county, J. V. Hamilton, judge ; af
firmed ; opinion by Justice Wolverton.
This is an action to recover from Wil
lis $334.05 w hich had been paid to him
for the use and benefit of Waite as ex
ecutor. Willis, in the lower court, set
up the defense that he had lioen en
gaged by Waite, as attorney to settle
up the estate, and that the money in
question came into his hands as such at
torney ; tliat the time for final settle
ment has not yet arrived, and that he
was entitled to retain the money until
such settlement or until his fees could
be paid in full. A demurrer to this
answer was sustained and judgment was
rendered against him for the full
Mrs. J. II. Messier is now located in
the rooms formerly occupied by F. E.
Alley in the Marks building and is pre
pared lo do fashionablo dressmaking.
Mrs. Messier has secured a competent
cutter, fitter and seamstress from Port
laud and will guarantee satisfaction.
Party, wedding dresses and tailor made
suits a specialty.
' Mi;s J. If,,
s. Sec. 16. Tp.
Bates. Arthur NE. Vs. Sec. II.
Tp. 32. R. 6
Bates. Phillip NE. Vs. NE. li
NW. Vs. Sec. 16. Tp. 31. R. 5
Batty. Alice A. Ixs 3 and 4,
block 5, Old Oakland
Barzee, Louis Lot 8. block M,
lots 1 and 2, block 32, S.
Benson. Berent NE.
1 4, Tp. 27, R. 8
Benson. W.- W. SE.
36, Tp. 21. R. 7
Bolton, M. D. SE. li
Tp. 30. R. 1
Bolton. Frances SE.
Sec. 32,
li. Sec. 31. Tp. 21, R. 4 ...
Brown, Chas. L. W. J-J SE. Vs.
Sec. 36, Tp. 24. R. 4
Campbell, R. C Lots t to 19,
Cannon & Chandler's Addi
tion to W. Roseburg
Carlisle, K. N. N. V, NE. M,
Sec. 25, Tp.25, R. 5... .2
Carpy, Geo. Und. 1-3 of bl)ck
22, S. Drain 1
Carpy, Susan R. Lot 5 in CJo-
verdale, j acre. Tp. 27, IL 5 .55
Lassidy, aran St. is sv. is,
' lot 3, Sec. 3. Tp. 21. R. 11
Chase. Elmer P. S. Vs NW Vs
SW. li. Sec. 36. Tp. 22, R. 13
Cheshire. Mrs. Robert Lot 30.
Drain's Addition to Dnin.
Cole & Roadman Und. 1-10 of
W. i SE.
6; I'nd.
21, Tp. 25, R.
of NW,
s, .see. ii, 111. -., n.
Und. 1-6 of SE. ll SW.
W. Vs HE.
SW. li SE. li, lot 9, Ike.
18. Tp. 23, R. 6
Collins, E. W. Fart of W Vs
NE. li, and part of S. y't of
NW. li, lying on left bank
of Siuslaw river, Sec. 24, Tp.
19, It. 8
Crane. S. W. Lot 5, bloc'c 2,
Old Oakland
Crothcrs, Eva Lot .1, Sec. 1,
TP. 24, R. 4
Davidson. John W. NE.
'A SW.
NW. V4, S.
10, Tp. 24.
Deitrick, Georgian
's, Sec. 3fi, T. 22,
27. R. 6
R. 13
Dernier, John
Sec. 27, Tp,
Dewey. J. L. V. 33 feet o
3. block 1. GlcnHale; SE.
SE. Vs. Sec. 33. Tp. 311. IL
S. Vs NE. Vs. SE. Vs NW
NE. li SW. Vs, Sec. 6. Tp.
21, R. 6; beginning 19.53 Chs.
S. and 7 Chs. E. from the
NE. corner of the Aaron
Rose Don. CI. thence E. 2tS
feet, to S, boundary line of
llassell AHcy, thence SW,
along said line to a point
5. of the place of begini ing,
thence N. 3 Chs. to place of
beginning; also 10 feet off
the west side of lot now
owned by S. I. Thornton and
wife in Hasscll's Add.tion
to Roseburg
Duftield, Lester Lot 5. Hock
23, Riverside Addition to
F-astleman, V. G.-SE. H SE.
V, Sec. 7, Tp. 28, R. 4 ...
F.khlom, Mrs. Christian 'Lots
- 8 and 9, block 15, Garciner
Fisher, Jacfih Lots 2 to 5, Sec.
6, Tp. 30, R. 7
5 10
' 1
NE. M,
Hindman, E. NE,
Sec. 13. Tp. 21. R. 5
II olden. I lolden S W.
li. Sec. 22, Tp. 31. R. 5..
Hopkins. G. B. S. V, NE. Vi,
lots 1 and 2, Sec. 4, Tp. 29,
R. 9 13.44
Hunter. Mrs. Mary A. The
south Vs of the following
to-wit: Beg. at the li corner
on the N. boundary, of Sec.
33. Tp. 30. R. 5. thence E.
S Chs., thence S. 13 Chs- to
county road, leading to Can
yonville. thence S. 41J5, W.
7.31 Chs.. on angle of connty
road, thence N. 5.50 Chs.,
thence W. 3.71 Ch. to E.
boundary line of D. Bolen
battgh laud, thence N. on
said boundary -15 Chs. to
place of beginning, contain
ing 13.33 acres; also beg. at
a point 15 Chs. S. of li ox
ner on the N. boundary f
Sec. 23. Tp. 30. R. 5, thence
E. 3.17 Chs.. thence S. 5.50
Chs. to county road, thence
S. 52 Vs Deg.. W. 3.45 Chs.
along county road, thence
north 7.53 Chs.. to place of
beginning, containing 1.26
acres 1.40
Hurley. Edward-E. Vs SW. V.
lots 3 and 4 Sec. 3. Tp. 31,
R. 3
Sec. 36, Tp. 30, R. 7; lots 4
and 5. Sec. 23. Tp. 30. R. . 14.
Rticker. John W
Vs, Sec. 38, Tp. 29,
Rowley. J. M. E. Vs
Etc. 24. Tp. 27. R. 4
Russell. J. T. SW. M NE Vs.
MVV. Vs SE. Vs. Sec. 33, Tp.
21, R. 4 1-30
Schiller, Edward SW. V. Sec
24, Tp. 24, R. 2 10.02
Shellock, Max Lot C, block 30,
S. Drain 50
Shuller, Andrew W. Vs SE. Vs
SW. Vs, Sec. 36, lp. 2'J,
R.5.... 120
Smith, Mrs. A. F. Lot 50x100
feet, adjoining S. Drain, in
tract adjoining block 10, E.
Drain 4.55
Sterling, Mrs. M. E. I.ots 1, 2
and 3, part of lot 6, Gardi
ner's plat of ,NW. Vs NW.
Vs, Sec. 17, Tp. 22, R. 5 15.03
Stoll. Joseph Lot 2. S. Vs NE.
Vs, SE. Vs NW. li. Sec. 30,
Tp. 23. R. 0.50
Talbot, David SE. Vs, Sec. 0
Tp. 20, R. 9 10.62
Tapp, R. J.-NE. Vs. NW. Vs.
Sec. 22. Tp. 24, R. 6; lots 1
and 2, NW. Vs SW. U, Sec.
0, Tp. 25, R. 5; tract of 29
acres, N. and W. of Pink-
stone estate, Sec. 4, Tp. 25,
R. 5 28.40
Tapp, R. II. Lot 4, block 11,
Old Oakland .40
Tenant, Mrs. Phoebe SE. Vs.
Sec. 10. Tp. 32. R. 6 5.90
Tolbert. N. All block J, Has-
- sell's Addition to. Roseburg 1.73
TwayXathariue E. Vs NW. Vs.
N. V, NE. li. Sec. 30, Tp.
21, R. 5; W. V NW. Vs. Sec
29, 1 p. 21, R. 5 9.73
Vinuin VmV l. 'W K
Sec. 15. Tp. 26. R. 6
Wade, F. M. Lot 8. block 20,
Riverside Addition to Rose
burg Whipple. IL Lot 1, block 13,
Wiles. J. IL Lots 4 and 5 of
the partition of W. J. Alex
ander Estaie, Sec 3, Tp. 28.
R. 6
Williams. R. P. N. Vs NW. li.
4 ...
10. Tp. 23. R.
Johnson. Mrs. M. SE. li NE.
5. Sec. 35. Tp. 22, R. 4 ..
Karschner. Gererd F. SW. '4.
Sec. 4. Tp. 29. R. 9
Kellev. L. XL Lot 3, block 5,
Old Oakland
Kellogg. L. I, Estate Lot 1,
block 2. Old Oakland
Kellette. Maria M. NE. li
Sec. 16, Tp.
Jacob Lot
R. 8
li SW.
30, Tp. 23, R.
Laird. John A. Eeg. at a point
in center tt county foad.
I. 40 Chs-.W.'-J Chs.. N.
70 Deg. 31 Min. W. of corner
stone at SE. intersection. I
corner of claim 63. thence N.
70 Dtg. 21 Min. W. 3.33 Vs
Ch.. t hence N. 13.18 Ch..
thence S. 70 Deg. 30 Min. E.
3 .32 Chs, thence S. 13.1IJ4
Chs.. to place of beginning,
Containing 5 acres. Tp. 27,
R. 6
Laird, Mrs. C V. Lots 10 and
U. block 2. Thomas sab
division r.f Frnitvale. lot 5,
bWk 2. Riverside Addition
to Rostburg
Laird. John A. SW. U NE.
Is. l"ts 1 and 2, Sec. 4, Tp.
31. R. 6
Lenox and Rasor Lots 1 and 2,
bWk 2, lots to 10, block
II. lots 9 to 10. block 12, Ter
race Park Addition to Rose
burg Lerwell. W. B. SW. Va Sec 18,
Tp. 30v R. l .
Leke!a. Jacob Lots 1, 2 and 3,
NW. li NW. li. Sec 6, Tp.
32. It. 3
Lilja. Peter XL N J S. JJ Sec
24, Tp. 23, R. 7
Lindquist, Xfagnuti NE. H Sec
8. Tp. 24. R. 2
Lowe, I rank S. Vs SE. U, NE.
li. Sec. 19, Tp. 27, R. 6 ....
Marjory, Mrs. Jennie Lots 13
and 18. block 79. 2d South
ern Addition to Roseburg .
XIauliews. Mrs. B A SE. '1.
S. H of NE.
2s, K.J
MtK, :. n. . y j ov. 54,
Sec. 29, Tp. 21. R. 5; NW.
li, less 2 acres, Sec 32,
Tp. 21, R. 5
McLalUn, D. J. N. Vs NW. H,
Sec 3, Tp. 22, R. 6
Morrison. J. D. Und. 1-7 of
S. V NW. li, lot 1, Sec 19,
Murry, Mrs. E. One acre out
of the NW. Vs of Q. 42, Sec
19, Tp. 29, R. 8
Nelson. Thos. Lots 3. 9, 10 and
17, Sec. 14, Tp. 23. R. 7
Nesbitt Wm. T. SW. i. Sec.
Tn R
m , A f. , IX. .............
Norman. F. IL NE. li of NE.
Is, Sec 5, Tp. 24. R. 7
Noltn, Geo. S. Vs SW. li. NW.
li NE U, NE. U NW. U,
Sec. 32, Tp. 23, R. 4
Palmer, Heirs of Nora 100x100
feet in N E. corner of Doug
las and Brewery streets, in
block 13, . Roseburg
Tark. Miss Carrie Blocks 13
and 14, except lots 1 to 4 in
each block in Wilbur
Farks, Mrs. Lots C, 7 and 8,
block 1. Crow's Addition to
Patterson. Andrew P. SE. H,
Sec J4, Tp. 24, R. 8
Panton. A. C S. Ji S. Jj, Sec.
10. Tp. 22. R. 4; SW. U SW.
11. Sec. 36, Tp. 29. R. 5
j-4. ec. A, a p.
I', SW. ;
R. 7; SE.
Tp. 23,
Patton. John XL NW.
Vi. Sec. 36. Tp. 2:
's SW. H, Sec.
R. 5
Phelan. Daniel NW. JJ. Sec.
rhillips, ciia's. NE' ii SE." ii.
Sec. 36, Tp. 25, R. 9
Reidt, Wm. S. Vs N. s, Sec
16. Tp. 31, R. 7
Rice. Mary E. Lot 4, block 25,
Riverside Addition to Rose
burg RidiardTn, V. R. Beg. 33.61
Chs. E. and 20.26'S Chs. N.
f li Sec. corner between
Sees. 17 and 18, Tp. 27. R. 5,
thence on E. side of lane
leading from Deer Creek N.
7.23J-J Chs. to a Make N. 89
Deg. 53 Min., E. 7.03 Chs., S.
7.2::;S Chs.. S. SO Deg. 55
Min.. W. 7.02 Cits, to be
ginning, containing Z'j acres
Rickers. John W. NW. i SW.
li. Sec. 36, Tp. 20, R. 5
. SE.
9. SO
6. S3
10. 62
8. S3
2. 63
li. Sec.
Wilson. II
SE. U. Sec. 14, Tp. 26, R. 7
Wedeen, Nils A. S. NW.
li. lots 3 and 4, Sec. 4, Tp.
24 2
Wood. A. J. NE. H NE. li.
Sec. Tp. 23, R. 5
Cnknowa Owner Lot 3. pt. lot :
block 5, Old Oakland
I'nknown Owntr T h a t p a r
of CI. 28 lying W. of county
road and adjoining land of
W. D. Sapley on the ,
containing 6 acres. In Tp. 22,
R. 5
.. .:
Henderson J. NE. Vs NE. Vs.
Sec. 1'i, Tp. 21, H. 10 1 74
Henderson, I.. D. E. Vs NE.
Vt. Sec. 16, lp. 21. K. 7 ... 2.93
Henry. L. Y..V.. Vs SE. Vs. Sec.
36, Tp. 22, it. 7 2.95
KeKogg, Ada M. Lot 14, t ,
16 and J7. Sec. 26, Tp. 23,
R. 7 .10.30
Lander, W. J. N. Vs of N. Vs
of lot 7, block H. Rostbnrg 2.95
Lane. J. G. SW. Vs SE. li. Sec
30. Tp. 21. R. 5 1.35
Lulkins, Carrie P. NW.
NW. li. Sec. 36,- Tp. 22,
K. 12 : 1.17
MiHer, John SE. Vs SW. Vs.
Sec 13. Tp. 2S, R. 4 2.25
Miller. J. K- Fraction E. V, of
E. Vs. being lots 9 and 16,
Sec. 2, Tp. 23, R. 7 2.55
Nicoll, B. II. NE. Vi NE. Vs,
Sec. 36, Tp. 23, R. 10 2.33
Pallett, Grace C SE. SE. Vs,
Sec. 16. Tp.' 22, R. 4 1.47
Perkins, F. NE. Vs NW. Vs.
Sec 36, Tp. 20, R. il 1.43
Price, A. IL E. Vi NW. li,
SW. Vs NE. li. Sec 16, Tp.
30, R. 4 4.40
Smith. Jas. B. Lots 5, 6. 7 and
8, block 6, Crow's Addition
to Oakland .60
Shrphard, If. V. W. Vs. Sec
36. Tp. 23, R. 7 21.25
Smith, A. XI., Jr. SW. Vx NW.
Vs. NW. li SW. Vs. Sec 15,
. Tp. 30, R. 4 2.93
Smith, James Lot 4, Sec 8, Tp.
23 R. 5 2 25
Thomas.' S. e! .' SE.' li
and NE. Vs SE. Vs. Sec. 27, -
Tp. 22. R. 4 7.45
Tra'k, Wm. W. Vs NW. Vs.
Sec 21, Tp. 26, R. 4 2.93
Ward, XI rs. .Mary Parr ci CI
37, Sees. 19 and 0, Tp. 21,
R. 4; SW. li SE. 'A. Sec 13,
Tp. 21, R. 4; 6 acres..... 2.17
Watkins. E. S. '2 SE. Vs. SE.
li SW. Vs, Sec 17, Tp. 22,
4 -6.65
Weaver. James Lot in NW.
corner block 3, 60x100 feet,
probably lots 6 and 7. b'ock
. Crow's Addition to Oak
land 30
Wcliord. Fred E. Vs SW. Vs.
lots 6 and 7, Sec 6, T. 27,
t - .' 10.60
Wise, Elizabeth Lots I and ".
. S. Vs NE. li. Sec. !, Tp. 33.
Wilson, XL J. Lots 5, 8, 7 and
8. block 3. CroVs Add iion
to Oakland ..' 60
Yale, G. B Lots 1 and 2,
block ?. Cro-A s Ad iiiion tr
(JakLand 31)
?ng. Jas W. V NE. H.
Sec. 2o, Tp. 1'. R. 4 3.70
and I will ,a Sainrday ti e 3rd day of
January, VOn, at the Lr-ir of 1 o'clock
Sheriff's Assessment, 1901.
Augc. Mike SE. Vs. Sec 34. Tp.
23. R. 3 W $10.62
Baldwin. Geo. N. V, of NE.
i.SE. n of ne. SE. li -
of SE. Is. W. 's 'SO acres.
Sec. 16, Tp. 32, S. of R. 8;
SE. li 164 acres. Sec 36,
Tp. 30. S. of R. 7 42.4?
Byar, Wm. I L Lots 3 and 4,
block 3, Crow's Addition lo
(Oakland .30
Butler, S. F. SW. Vs. Sec. 26.
Tp. 23. R. 10.62
Butler, Mary A. N. Vs Sec 16,
Tp. 26. R. 2; SE. Vs. Sec. 16.
Tp. 27. R. 3 17.7
Collnm. James G. NW. '1 r.f
NW. Vs. Sec. 36. Tp. 22. K. 13 1 .23
Colvin, Hanna B. Lots 1. 2. 3
and 4, block 2, Crow's Addi
tion to Oak'and 1.20
Clevinger. A. C SE. li SE. li.
Sec. 16, Tp. 24. R. 7 1.47
Crawford. A. XL Lot "A",
block 6. North Park Addi
tion to Roseburg .40
Estes Geo. Lots 3 to 7. block
23, Riverside Addition te
in the ahenvifn n n-ii-1 diy ia front of
tlGjirt H -n-, in Eoreimrs, IjJ!g!as
Countv, Or-TTon. i;i c's-di.-nce to eaid
marrftit st-Y, at Public Anrti- n, to the
person who cfTt-r to 4ty all the taxes,
interest, inahies arw zTTur.z cw-ts
llireon.and tale a certificate at the
lowest rate of intrert, f.r cash ia hand
on tho day of the eale,
-LeriS and Tax e-n.ector for IocgLia
County, Ore-.n.
: Notice Jot Publication.
ro:wi S;: Lsjhl tSr
Ketnri, it. m, Oct 1".
Notif H hrvr r.-rtm :ati ih foilcvm
uwl iriSw Ut it UHn.i4 but iitunuoa
mat irMj w..; im p. u. b fnre tb Ecti
'er kr. al ttvt,ori;. Otco, ftm
Normal brr. Tii :
a 8. W. 5o. -Tj tlx V, mm:ob K.
i.i wash, itsf 1 t. Hi- sucn lite
ioi:owi!i( w::c.'- b prrt rB:iai-M
r;Sen' nfa and r.i,tirMa rf sj ! iasd.
. I - life I. . n4 W ,. T U Ti . a
IL T P.cuJncu, aii ot Te ' t
JP 1 T Z ai i . FS. Be:er.
Elliott. Wm. S. SE. li NW.
li. Sec. 36, Tp. 20. R. 11 ...
GaUigher, Eliza J. Lots 7 and
8, block 4. Crow Addition
to Oakland
Harlon, John SW. . Sec 26,
Tp. 22. R. 5
If A ,
uuwira. j. ana rinnic 3.
of SE.
R. 4 .
Hill. J. B. SW. li SW. U.
Sec. 29. Tp. 29. R. 8
Haack, W. E- W. Vs NW: H,
Sec. 33. Tl. 21. R. 7
JJIandfacker, Samuel SW. H
NW. V. NW. li SW. li. S.
NE. Ii" SE. i. Sec
Notice for Publication
and Fanni SW. i
li. Sec 15. Tp. :
rciil ? lsa.J ttffre.
R--t'ar. Ttn, Itrl 13C2.
JSoiy CrtT rTQ tat ta cBT4:aae
wi-Jl U i'utsi.KTo tM act of Ccrre ol
Jnite S. I5T. -Aa a t for tta ta of
urutTianiH ".a tt a! S Caii:orcia.f.-?
NeraJa aaU 'A aiiiinr-.i a T?tn't.rr .-..'riusii.
I'aLi Uie futc ,asJ iu!al actoi Asraat
THOMi- rivix
j M XurtA Dctta. taao ifii .iitlfl jn -,h- .xfiee
, l tjx iot J cJ ij!. i ; fti -rrnn a.
IToDh: J'.'t:itj. oi Uanrv . . a.l will ot
Jer iohow lhai lut a4 r:t!t ia mate
raioab lor ita Umbrr ortioc isu lor am
' ', rn.tura. purr. n, ami oa,. jia hiaeia:m to
I Mt ianj brtott W 6 Bnu. I". S. l.Bniooer.
I at I'. ,Tm.t Sl . , H fmi 11 l" .;u r-, k. .4
! t March. V: B urn u A:mw: W. IL.
i Bonra. U. C. Borrn. Harry Lroam aa J Jcaa
2.9J ! lnlerT of Camas V;t. rr.
any aai a.1 ?cn.iaa riaima adrerly taa
i abate l-w-ntii uuxb are rea-i L c . iber
I eibima ia U oiaca oa as before me jut day al
38, Tp. 23, R. 3
10.30 : C2"p
Hf COIV17C w,Jf' 10 "o"ince to ih p;o,i- tfct &.. ?rr.ra-l
. li. uKAlCJ eharee ol ala PnotooaUery and ajo w eaij ttmr as
a va teau.'B to a a a ' a
,Vr Style Vp-lo-Vzlt
They individualize a picture and jlace it in a class hr it-wlf--an
artistic class that has only to W swn to be ap
preciated. Their popularity 3 ir.cre:uing lwcau it is on quality :: :: :: ;: ;; ;:
We Art Always 6!ad to Welcome Visiters ta Car Stsdia
The irin!' are nream.ii'l! lyr Ihlrol .ne pliy.rin fur the euro of Rhena-tt-m,
raiarrh, (oma.-li, Ki.lnry an.1 Ijvrr imnlil.'. i.watNl "ii Soisi'wu l"i-;in- raii
roa.l. -Sha'ta KiMjie," Iwlvern a KraiM-isaml I'orUaixl. .u aii n.Tih f f Ko-lr.
ntaiiily open lor Hie !weUn ii 'iei ISn-)an lih mix. I'.vm, rti( v, rxtna
anl ulil' trleplione m f-rruiir. r rm ?;o t.'r w. t wj. invhi.faie Ntthv lram
lp in tnnl l boiel. Xmlr rreul KlK-iiiiiati-srs rur-. -ail hcil :: ;: ::
IVtasiu;n l.wlSlo. .Mfr.
I ;. ium 'h:rule. 1J" sr.
l'..tvUni rhtorWe. .VK rr.
St.huia hlrile, -ill nr.
i alriuia l arbonale, .19 (r.
Macnn luia . lilirile.l' nr.
CAPT. BEN D. BQSWELL, Proprietor.
G. W. NE. Vs NE. li.
NE. V. SE. H
NW. i SW. li. Sec.
no. R. 6: 3-5 of W.
H, all SW. J4 SW. U
oocooooooooooooooo oooc-oooooooooooooc oooooo
And everybody who sees
. our Holiday display of
Holiday attractions is
glad of it
For popular prcasents at
popular prices in Watches,
Clocks. Jcxvclry, Silvcr-
j vyarc and lUovcltlcs in cs- ?
elusive designs at