The Twkc-ft-Vttk Kuaijuuiy ridiiiuediei Published Mondtyi and Thursdays. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. BROOKES & COSSER, Editors and Publishers Twicer-Week PLundcaler. oer year, $2.00 Feed Y right, City Editor, Solicitor, T. C, Rent. Foreman Entered at the Post Office in Rosehorg, Ore., as second class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. DECEMBER 25, 1902 "llieoooreKoosevelt, as a man, is greater than the Government he repre sents. While the Government ot the United States was unable to restore peace fn the anthracite region, Roose velt not as President, but as a man suggested a rational way to settle the trouble. The man triumphed, and the problem was solved." Thus spoke San nel M. (Golden Rule) Jones, Mayor of Toledo, O., before the Chicago Peace Societr. He sought to show that force of arms was futile, that war was inex cusable, and that killing iu battle was murder. Mayor Jones declared, hew' ever, that lie was an optimist, and in spite of recent wars, he said, the world was better off than it was 100 years ago, and was continually improving. Unless the unexpected occurs, the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, of Eu- rene, Ore., will cut in 1903 about one hundred and fifty million feet of lum box at their mills. This will beat the world's record of the output of any one company. If this company should cut one hundred million feet annually for ninety-nine years, they would still own enough timber to keep them running another year. People who call the Ort gonians mosebacks will have to apolo gize. Lumberman. 1st Hen, W S Norman 94 G. Marconi, the inventor of wireless telegraphy, has succeeded in telegraph ing across the Atlantic Ocean, from Cape Briton, Canada, to Cornwall, Eng land, and the system is pronounced a complete success. It is a great achievement. President Roosevelt is being strongly urged by the press and many senator and congressmen, to decline to act as arbitrator in the Venezulean contro versy. He will probably yield to the flood of protests. Terrible snow storms are raging in the Middle Western states. Trains are blocked everywhere. How different here in mild and placid Oregon. The Platxdkalek wishes its readers all a merry and happy Christmastide. THE PESKY HOUSE FLY. A Medium Through Which Contagion is Commonly Transmitted. A well knowa Bc.seberp tihvsician contributes the following interesting ar ticle to the Platsdealek: I at once began a series of experi ments, which, added to" observations this seasoii", has convinced me that the common house fly is the medium through which typhoid fever and .other diseases are transmuted more frequent ly than through water. I will briefly etate my plan of procedure. . Securing an assistant, flour and water was mixed to the consistency of cream, and the myriads of flies around the closet were i-prinkled "and sprayed with it. As soon as this dried every fly was marked that was struck by a particle. The vault, or box, was then covered with lime and fresh earth, for two purposes ; first, to drive the flies away, and destroy all the odor possible. While this was being done, several sheets of fly ' paper was placed about the house, especially in the sick rooms. These were now watched, and in twenty-seven minutes several flies thus marked were strug gling on the paper. A little later the number increased, and they were seen crawling over the cups and glasses used by the patients, and also on the face of one of them. Fly paper and card board containing molasses was now placed in the home of my typhoid patients and two other families living within a radius of half a mile. These were examined from time to time during the day; out no marked ones we?e notice , but on opening the doors and windows the next morning quite a number were seen th rough the house and on the piper, and on the second day they were ob served in the window of a farm Iiouee nearly a mile away, where no paper had been used to catch them. None were observed in the two homes wheare bait had been left for them, but these jeo ple were well-to-do and cleanly, and there was tut little, if any, filth around to draw them. This experiment was followed by oth ers this summer. In alittle villaee of twenty families, offal of salt lish was placed in an out-building, and within three hours it was black with flies, and swarms were around it. These were again marked, but by a little different process. The offal was buried, and baits were put out in each home. 'With in six hours marked flies were seen in eight homes, and in forty-eight hours tbey were observed in foi:;tm homes. Some fish offal had been carried lack to town, in a field, and they made their appearance there in grejit number in a very short time. - On another occasion we had" lime scattered over some filth, some distance from the house, and in a comparatively 6hort time flies were seen on the table with particles of lime clinging to their feet. From thRe observations I abi fully convinced that these little scavengers are the conveyers of many kinds of filth, alive with disease-producing germs. Go where you will and you find flies, in their season. There is no cesspool or vault too filthy for Mr. Fly to explore; in fact, the filthier it is the better he likes it. They move from place to place with wonderful agility. They may be delving into the filthiest material, and five minutes later be parading across your dinner plate; or using your glass ui milk for a swimming pool. ATTRACTIONS A T H. MARKS d Cos. Attractions here are so numerous, and everything so reasonable that you find everything right there, either for your own needs, or for Holiday Gifts Dress Goods and Trimmings, Fancy Goods of all kinds; Christmas Novel ties in great variety. Elegant Um brellas, Furs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Silk and Wool Waists, and Skirts of all kinds. Special great Reduction on -Cloaks 5d Jackets. These are the newest goods of the season, and you get this benefit just at the time you need it. Assortment yel complete, so hurry and make your selections. Leather goods, Celluloid goods, Fancy Cases, nice, large assortment of Handkerchiefs and Gloves, and hundreds of other new things to se lect from. . A nice lot of GENTS GLOVES Hats and Caps Try our Tilts Shoes and you will always want them. Nice line of Sweaters, Ties, and a specially large, fine line of'Undtr wear to select from. .- ' ' Everything new and fresh in GROCERIES Candies, nuts and Fruits Oranges, Bananas, figs, dates and all fancy and staple canned goods. Come and. see our special Christ mas displays. 05 1?4 2d Hen, 3rd Hen, . " 1st Pullet, Mrs J II Short , Id Pullet. " SrdTullot, . " ROUE COMB BLACK MINORCA. 1st Cal., J W Mullen 1st Pullet. " .... ...... OOLDEX POLISH. 1st Cock, Kdd Marsters M4 91 I Ckl., " st Hen, " . d Hen, " 3rd Hen, " LIGHT BRAI1M1. 3rd Cock, W S Norman rt lstCkl.,.J W Mullen 1st Hen, - " - , tlfFF COCIIISC. 2d -Cork, V L Itysinger .......... 8S?4' 2d Ckl., " 8S'4' 1st Pullet, " 9 2d Pullet, 89 WHITE I.AXOXIf AN. 1st Ckl., TOni Cannon 61?.' , BLACK LAXcMlAX 1st Ckl., F.L Calkins 2d " ' H MARKS & Co. FREE DELIVERY PHONE 671 KILLED IN BOHEMIA MINE. Well Known Character Lost His Life by Carles soess. Cottage Gcoyc, Dec. 23. The harrow ing newt comes down ftom the Bohemia mines that John Xlansfield yesterday afternoon, while working at hlaating in Ch Whale, Clay & Gilbert property, wa blown into an unrecognizable mass by the discharge of a blast which he wat ot expecting. Threw men were working together and two left Mausfield to touch off the blast while they went to supper. There were three charges and but two were ex pected. Thinking that the other fuse had missed fire, Mansfield walked into the tunnel only to be killed by the explosion of the thirjl. He was a well known character in Eugene and Cottage Grove. He went by the sobriquet of "Mineral John." He owned some valuable claims' in the Blue River district. In Memoriam. Lines written to commemorate the death of Mrs. D. C. McClellan, who died at Rof-eburg, Douglas County, Ore gon, on the"13th day of December, 1902. Farewell, Mother, and sincere kind friend, . Your children now miss your loving voice. And on your friendship could depend. But God marked you as his dear choice, He hag taken you from this "Vale of Tears", And relieved you from pains' keen smart. The sorrow and bereavement your kin folk bear, As the pangs of anguish pierce the heart, On our Maker's goodness we ever re! v, And for his mercy we mortals lowly crave. Feeling 'tis naught for mankind to die, For there is happiness beyond the giave. So, farewell, Mother, and our sister dear! Cntil we meet in Heaven's good land, Though weed i of mourning we now wear, , . In realms" above we will clasp your hand. (Respectfully dedicated by H. II. Woodward, Jloseburg, Ore.) ' Looking Glass Entertainment On Friday evening, Dvc. 19th. the people of Looking Glass gathered at the hall for an entertainment and box supper. Every number on the program was well rendered and all participants deserve equal )raise'. Mr. Howard, Will Simmons and Mr. Buell were ajc pointed a committee to decide upon the most artistic lox and while they were discussing th pton and cons, Miss Bes sie Morgan and Paul Simmons delight ed the audience with some very fine in strumental music. AH of the boxes were artistic-productions, but the com mittee finally decided that the lox of Miss Mae Simmons deserved the prize. Everyone enjoyed a pleasant, social time and went away well pleased ; but it npear to me that one certain recita tion, though it. might have suited a crowd of bowery toughs, was not exact ly the thing for a school entertainment. XX The Printers' Lament. Old Santa Claus is near at hand, He always comes iu winter, Bringing joy to old and young, To all except the printer. The kids will hang their stockings up, For a portion of his stocks, So would we if we only could, But, alas, we have no socks. -This trouble caut-es us great pain, And calls for a prescription, In this case you can itlay M. P., By paying your subscription. Oxjuille Bulletin. Barley Wanted. The PvOseburg Brewery wants 2000 lis. of good barley, and Mill pay a cent and a Tjuater per pound for it, Address Rosehurg Brewing Co. Jlosclmrg Ore. Pithy and Pointed. The "fill stocking will now have ita inning. The most interesting things that come into a newspaper otllce are not printed. The brightest and happiest Christmas days will com to thn who try to make other happy. Two women in Chicago took arsenic wafers for their complexion, and they are now both white and cold. The woman who has found out how to flirt with her husliand after the hon eymoon need not be afraid of old age. The average woman may not be able to tell a joke, but she can tell the went of cloves at any hour of the day or night. , Why is the newiarrival always railed "a bouncing boy?' Because he makes you bounce mt of bed like a rublier ball at 2 a. m. Rosehnrg lias a real, live maslNV that is thrusting his attention npun the ladies of that city. and the Plaindttaler wants tlie dude thiashod. Marshfield Sun. There is little danger that either t ier many or Great Britiau will attempt to look into tha muzzle of the Monroe doctrine. They know it is loaded. The bottle manufacturer's trust has raised the price of bottles. It is not so much the cost of the bottle thought as what they put in it that causes trouble. It is announced that the Shah of Per sia has reduced his harem from 1100 to CO women. It is very likely that the eld fellow desires to escape a number of Christmas presents. ' When the housewife at this season forbids her husband to look into some particnlar closet, he is at loss to know whether she is hiding his Christmas present or the bills he must pay. A young lady who is looking forth to 1034, wants to know whether in pro posing the girls should get on their knees? It was referred to the courting editor, and he says the question is not sufficiently clear. He wants to know whose knees? A country editor writing on trusts says that the country newsjiaper com bine is the biggest trust on earth. It trusts everybody, gets cuseed for trust ing, mistrusted for cussing, and if it busts for trusting, gets cussed for bust ing. . A horrible tale conies from Drain about a young lady who unthoughtcdly jerked her head back to keep from be ing kissed and dislocated her neck, and didn't get kissel either. It is a terrible warning to girls not to jerk. Iu fact 'twould be Itetter to lean over a little. An editor in an eastern town an nounced that he would write an article on "Hell, and who would be there." Soon he received letters from one mer chant, one preacher, two bankers, four lawyers, three physicians, four druggist, five saloon men, three undertakers and the postmaster, threatening that if he mentioned their names they would stop heir paier and sue him for slander. A story of a pathetic i ncident comes by Marconi telegraph from Oakland. On Monday morning, a young man who had been away to school arrived at his home town aud hastened from the train to the residence of his star of hope. I ler mother answered his nervous ring and invited ltiin in. Yes, Jenny was at home, up stairs. She would call her. Stepping to the foot of the stairs she called, "Jenny, Will is here and wants to see you." A voice from above an swered, "I can't come down, mother; I m just taking a bath." I lie young man was impatient, and, stepping to the foot of the stairs, he called, "I must see you just a minute, Jennie. Slip on anything and come down." She slipped on the top fetcp and came down and he saw her, but for niueh leys than a piinute. THE POULTRY SHOW. Complete List of Prize Winners the Score. and The following list comprises the prise winners at the annual exhibition of the IVwiglaa County Poultry Association whic h closed a four davs exhibit in this city last Saturday evening, and hicl proved a gn-al success finaiiciallv and otherwise. Oakland, Fruitvalle and Santa Cruz, Calif, had exhibit in this show and are represented in tle follow ingiist. AH the others were Oregon exhihits and those opposite whose names aipear no tostotnce ar- of Rost burg and vicinity. L. X. Cabbie click of Oakland, Calif., acted in the capacity of judge and scored the exhib it as follows : B tRKKI I'LYUor Til HOC KS. 1st Cock, B Hamlin )' 31 U'k, .1 W Mnllen ttl 3rd Cork, E A Krns SS 1st t kl.f 1 II Art. Santa Cruz.. 2d Ckl.. V. A Kruse 91 3r.I Ckl., II Ar. Santa Cru... 901,' 1st Hen, " " 2? 2d Hen, " - .. 91 J 3rd 1 leu, E A Km-.', . . . . 91 1st Pullet, W H Arps, Santa Cruz. &3" 2d Pullet, Mrs S G Long, Yoncalla 93 :5nS milet. U II Arps Santa Cruz. 93 WHITE PLVVOCTH ROCKS. 1st Cock, F L Calkins 92 2d Cock, F II Hamlin. - .77 91 K lt Ckl., F L Calkins 9.5' 2d Ckl., " M?. 3rd Ckl., , ,92 1st Hen. F L Calkins 94?4' 2d Hen, F B Hamlin WW 3rd Hen, F LCalkin 94 HCFF PLVM.HTII ROC. - 1st Ckl., H E Huntington 934 2d Ckl., Mrs. J H Short 89?. 3rd Ckl.. E J Butterick S74 1st Hen. H E Huntington , 93l 1st Pullet, " 93 2d Pullet, " 924 3rd Pullet, E J Butterick 92 WIIITI WTAXDOTTES. 1st Cock, W a Hill, Wilbur.;.. . 2d Cock, J G Ballerweg. . ........ 1st Ckl., " . 1st Hen, Ol'Coshow 2d Hen, W G Hill, Wilbur.. . 3rd Hen, J G Ballerweg......... 1st Pullet, " 2d Pullet, ... . ".,. . .... 3rd Pnllet, WG Hill, Wilbur.... 94 - 92J. u89 .88.! 021 917 MI.VKR l.VCKI) WTAXDOTTi. 1st Ckl., MrsSG Ioilg'.... !)2 1st Pullet, 92' SIXOI.E COMB DltOHX LMmoHV. 1st Cock, W II Ars, Santa Cruz.; 93 2d Cock, illiams Bros. Fruitvale 91s. 3rd Cock, E A Kruse Hli.1 1st Ckl., Williams Bros. Fruitvale 93' 2d Ckl.. W II Arps Santa Cruz. . . 93 3rd Ckl., Williams Bros. Fruitvale 91 1st Hen, " ' 94s 2d Hen, " " 94 3rd Hen, W H Arps Santa Cruz. . 93 1st Pullet, William Bros Fruitvale 94 2.1 Pullet, W H Arps Santa Cruz. . 9334 3rd Pullet, illmm Bros Fruitvale 93 BCKF LKOHOIINS. 1st Ckl., LG Mathews 88' 2d Ckl., 1st Pullet, 2d Pullet, 3rd Pullet, verdale. i acre. To. 27. R. S Cassidy, Sarah SE. '4 SE VA, lot 3. Sec. 3. To. 21. R. 11 Chase, Elmer P. S. Vj NW. 4 SW. y4, Sec. 36, Tp. 22, R. 13 Cheshire, Mrs. Robert Lot 30, Drain's Addition to Drain. Cole & Roadman kind. 1-10 of W. i SE. U, .E. l SW. X' Sec. 21, Tp. 23, R. 6; Und. , 1-0 of NW. yA, W. y, NE.- M, Sec. 21 Tp. 25, R. C; Und. 1-0 of SE. 11 SW. A. .55 2.3 1.10 4.30 2.0: 83,'i 93'4' X 94 91 92 90 3rd " 1 1st Pullet, ' 2.1 Pallet, " 3'rdVullet, COKMSH INDIAN CAME. lstCkl.,vW L Dyingcr.......... isflfeir. 2d Hen, PIT GAME. 1st Cock, Jay Woodruff latCkl., J K Parker... 2d Ckl., J. K. Parker TTBIEYB. 1st Old Geo. Jones 2d Old C W Hattield, Melrose,... 1st Young Alfred Cloak 2d Young Alfred Cloak Best Pair, 1st, E A Kruse Best Pair, 2d, F B Hamlin IfCKS. Best Pair, Pekins, Ja. Hague, Oakland, Cal Best Tair, Pekins, F G Leonard. . Befit Pair, Rouens, Jas Hague, Oakland Cal Befjt Pair, Black Cayngas, Jaa Hague, Oakland Cal Rett Pair, Indian Runner. J as Hague, " Oakland Cal Best Pair, Alcsbury, Jas Hague Oakland Cal .. Beet Pair, Gray Calls, Jas Hague, Oakland Cal C.r.ESE. Beet Pair, E A Kruse Best Display China Pheasants, W ' L'Dyunger .' -r Bert Display Silver Pheasants, W L Dysinger Best Display, Pigeons, W L Pya-1 inger .. Best Display, Canaries, Mrs A Melds t The pens have not yet been calculated ; 3.12 bird were entered, and present n the show rooms. wniTi LECnOAXS. 2d Ckl., L G Mathews. 1st Hen, " 1st Pullet, " .' 2d Pullet, ' " 3rd Pullet, " WHITE M1XORCAS. 1st Pullet, W C Duiicau.Turner,., 2d Pnllet, ' "... BLAC K MIXOHC.W 3rd Cock, Geo. Jones. ltCkl Chns. Whortou 2d Ckl., Mrs J H Short. 8l 93' 92 91 j4' 88?4 02 02?4' 02,4' 91.. mi SW. y4 SE. '4, lot 9, Sec. 10, Tp. 25, R. 8 Collins, K. W. Part of W. ' NE. '4, and part of S. 4 of - NW. '4, lying on left bank of Siuslaw river, Sec. 24, Tp. 10, R. 8 Crane. S. W. Lot 5, block 2, Uld Oakland 20 Crothers, Eva Lot 3, Sec. 10, 1 p. 24, R. 4 30 UavicHon, John W. NE. 'A SW. '4, SE. NW. , S. SW. '4, Sec. 10, To. 24. i 10 Davis, Edgar C. SW. li SE. '4. Sec. 23, Tp. 26, R. 7 1.47 Deitnck, Georgian SW. Ji SE. H. Sec. 30, I p. 22. K. 13 ... 1.35 Uemler. John S. yt NE. bee. 27, I p. 27, R. 6 7.67 Uewey, J. L. W. 33 feet of lot 3, block 1, Glendale; SE. '4 SE. M. Sec. 35, Tp. 33, R. 7; S. NE. '4, SE. '4 NW. '4, NE. '4 SW. 4. See. . Tp. 21, R. fi; beginning 10.53 Clis. S. and 7 Chs. E. from the NE. corner of the Aaron Rose Don. CI., thence E. 249 feet, to S. boundary Jine r . . Hassell Alley, thence SW. along said line to a point S. of the place of beeinnine. thence N. 3 Chs. to place of vbeginningv-also 10 feet off the west side of lot now owned by S. I. Thornton and wife in Hassell's Addition to Roscburg 84. tO Dutheld. Lester Lot 5, block 25, Riverside Addition to Koseburjf 40 Uowcll, J. W. Beg. at the NE. corner of lot 7 in Sec. 19, Tp. 27, R. 5; thence S. on E. line of said lot 7, 4.80 Chs thence W. along said N. line of Und deeded to Susannah Bowen. deed for which is of record in Vol. K, pages 510 and 511 of state deeds. 7.83 Chs.. thence N. to the S. line r-f the W. T. Perry Don. CI, thence easterly along the S. line of the Wm. T. Perry Don. CI. 7.83 Chs. to place of beginning, containing 3.55 acres, all in Sec. 19, Tp. 27, K. 5 4.83 Ea-tlemau, W. G. SE. 11 SE. Prize Winners At Poultry Sbow. ,The follow in numbers drew the prizes at the l C. Poultry Show: 51, 32, 3i, l:t, l and 279. Auy person lidding one of the alsve uumbtrs should Vresent it to th e secretary it once and claim his birds. If not callid ptf within two weeks they will revert to their original owners. An Eastern Oregon farmer advertised fr a wife and seenred one with six latge ons all the help he neeIs. And ' yet there are eople who say advertising doesn't pay. i SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice of Sale of Real Property for , . Taxes for the Year 1901. Notice is hereby given that by if a Warrant issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Itooela. on the 18th day of November, r.c)2, commanding me to advertise and sell the property of the Delinouent Taxuavers for and i:i the said Douglas Count v, for the year KOI, as extended in the "lelinouent Colun.ii" In the Tax Rolls of Dousrlas County, for said year, to satisfy the taxes charged agninst said tax l;. era for the said year, togather with all pcnallie, interest, und owt for the collection of the same. ' The following is a correct transcript of the delinquent property of the persons whoee names are set opoeite each fc-aet as the same apears assessed on the said Rolls and extended in the Delin quent Column of the same, and described as follows, to-w it : Aassren. Edw. E. NW. 11 of v Sec. 14. T. 27. R. 8. II. P. Adams W. '4 of NW. f '4 ni Sec 22, Tp. 2C, R. 7.. Alexander, Thos. Lot 20 in v First Brooksidc Addition to . - - Roscburg Amos, Milton Lots 3 and 4, block 2, Krewson's Addition to Drain -Anglo American Nickel Min- t' ing Co. w. y, se. iu e. y, o S-W..JX. Sec. 18, Tp. 30, R. 0 H.05 I'.acc.n, Henry N. SE. M, E. $ SW. 'i. SW. 4 SW. 4, i! I- Sec. 8; SW. ;l NW. 4, lot 1, NW. IS NW. 4. Sec. 17; SE. 11 NE. 4. lots 1 and 2. Sec. .$1(1.62 S.36 (i.GO .1.82 is; E. ys, SE. 4, iW. SE. li. lots 9. 10, 11, 12, N. NE. U, lots 3 and 8, Sec. 7; all in Tp. 2fi, R. 6, except from the above 2()S acres sold to G. B. Winnifnrd 11.C5 NW. 4 , Sec. 1C, Tp. -NE. 3.54 io. o: 7. OS 7. OS Banning, R. R. NE. 4 NW. 31, R. 1 Barton. John A 30, Tp. 31, R. 3 Bates. Arthur NE. 4, Sec. 14, Tp. 32. R. 6 .-. Bates. Phillip NE. 4, NE. 4 NW. 4, Sec. 10. Tp. 31, R. 5 Batty, Alice A. Lots 3 and 4, block 5, Old Oakland .35 Barzce, LouiLot 8. block 20, lots 1 and 2, block 32, S. . Drain 1.30 Bclden, Gertrude Part of CI. 45, Tp. 27, R. 5 Benson. Jierent NE. 4 Sec. 14, Tp. 27, R. 8 Benson. W. W. SE. Sec. 30, Tp. 21. R. 7 r- Bolton, M. D. SE. 4 Sec. 33, Tp. 30, R. 1 Bolton. Frances SE. 4 NW. 4, Sec. 31, Tp. 21, R. 4 ... Urown, L-nas. v. yt oc. J4, 11.25 5 0.02 470 4.70 1.45 ' Sec. 21, Sec. :i0, Tp. 24, K. Butler, Wm. F. SE. Tp. 27, is. 8 Campbell. R. C Lots 1 to 10. Cannon & Chandler's Addi tion to W. Roscburg Carlisle, K. N. N. NE. !4. Sec:. 25, Tp. 25, It. 5 Carpy, Geo. Und. 1-3 of block 2:1, S. Drain Carpy, Susan U, Lot 5 in Clo- 2.35 10.02 5.85 .2.30 i ;'8s Si-- 7 In V A . - Ekbioin. Mrs. ' Christian Lots s and 9. block 15. Gardiner Fisher. Jacob Lots 2 to 5, Sec C Tp. 30, R. 7 Fullerfon. J. B. Part of Don. CI.52.Tp. 30, U. Furb.n. Win. E. 11 NW. 11. W. y. NE. 4, Sec. 12. Tp. .. 1.5 Gardiner, Mrs. S. E. Lots 4 to 9 of subdivision of NAY. 4 NW. 4. Sec 17. Tp. 22. R. 5 Gentry, Geo. A. Iot 2, SE. 4 SE. 4, Sec. 17,Tp.21. R. 11; bus 8. 9. io and 12, E. J4 NE. 4. NW. 4 NE. 4, Sc 20. Tp. 20. R. li; W. y, NW 4. See. 21, Tp. 21, R. 11; W. 't NW. 4. Sec 10, Tp. 14. R. li; E 't NE. Ji. Sec.; t. Tp. 14. R. 11 Graham, R. S. Lots 1 to 4, aod 10 to 13. block C Flint Ad dition to Roscburg Graham, R. S. and Nellie Lots 7 and 8, block 3. lots 1 to . block 4. North Park Addi tion to Roscburg Grant. C. M. Lot 1, Sec. 10, Tp. 19. R. 12 Gnmey. Margaret E. 4 SW. 4. Sec. 2!, Tp. 2. R. ... Gustaphen & Evaaff NE. 4 NE. 4. Sec. 19, Tp. 23, R. t Ilanna. J. S.. Heirs-SW. 4 SE. 4. Sec. 15. Tp. 23, R. 4 ... Hansen. J. A. Beg. at a point cn the E. side of the right of way of the Q.&CR.R, in Wilbur, w here the N. line nf the A. J. Chapman land crosses' the R. R. right of way. thence easterly 123 feet along the said Chapman land, thence northerly 264 feet, thence westerly 122 feet to the R. R. right of way, thence southerly to begin ning in Wilbur, containing 1 acre Hartfield, Wm. Lots 2. 4, 5 and 6, Sec 14. Tp. 23, R. 7 Haverly. Edith E. 'A, Sec S6. Tp. 27. R. 4 Haverly. J. K. W. 'A Sec 36. To 7 R 4 Hilborn. J. W.-Beg. at SW. corner of SE. 4 of Sec . Tp. 22. R. 5. thence east 80 rods, N. 54 rods. W. 80 rods, S. 54 rods to place of begin ning, containing 27 acres 4.70 13.38 ..JL5 6.30 3.4 1.92 9.80 4.05 division of Fruitvale, lot 5, block 2, Riverside Addition to Rosebtir Laird, John A SW. 4 NE. 4, lots 1 and 2, Sec. 4, Tp. 31. k. 6 . Lenox and Rasor Lots 1 and 2, oiocu 2, lots ft to 10, block 11, hM 9 to 18, block 12, Ter race Park Addition to Rose-burr Lcrwell, W. B. SW. 4 Sec. 18, Tp. 30, R. 1 10.62 Leskela, Jacob Lots 1, 2 and 3, rW. y4 NW. 4, Sec. 6, Tp. 82. R. 3 10.75 Lilja. Peter M. N. y, S. y, Sec. 24, Tp. "23, R. 7 10.62 Lindqtust, Magnus NE. 4 Sec. 8, I p. 24. R. 2 10.62 Lowe, Frank S. A SE. 4, NE. 4, Sec. 19, Tp. 27, R. 6 .... Marjory, Mrs. Jennie Lots 15 and 16. block 79, 2d South-'-em Addition to Rosebure . Matthews, Mrs. B. A. SE. 4, S. 't f NE. 4, Sec. 1, Tp. 2i, R. I Mack, Mrs. A. W. 4 SW. 4, Sec. 29, Tp. 21, R. 5;XW. 4, less iyt acres, Sec. 32, Tp. 21. R. 5 McLallen, D. J. N. JJ NW. 4, Sec. 3, Tp. 22, K. Meadowcroft, Edwin SW. 4t Sec. 24, Tp. 27. R. Morrison. J. D. Und. 1-7 of S. y, NW. 4, lot 1, Sec. 19, Murry. Mrs. EI One acre out of the NW. 4 of CI. 42, bee 19. Tp. 29a iRa 9 Nelson. Thos. Lots 3. 9, 10 and 17. Sec. 14. Tp. 23, R. 7 Nesbitt Wm. T. SW. 4, Sec. 2, Tp. 24, R. 2 Norman, F. H. NE. 4 of NE- 1.55 7.20 8.85 4.75 2.47 10.62 1.82 10.30 10.6: R. 5 4.70 Collum. James G. NW. 4 of .N W. 'A. bcc. .:., 1 f. 22. K. 13 1.35 Colvin, Ilanna I!. Lois 1, 2. 3 and 4, block 2, Crow's Addi tion to Oakktnd 1.20 Clevingcr, A. C.-SE. 4 SE. 4, Sec. 10, Tp. 21.- R. 7 1.47 Crawford, A. M. I-ot "A", block; 6, North Park Addi tion to Roscburz 40 Estes Geo. Lots 3 to 7. block 25, Riverside Addition to RoseburK it Elliott. Wm. S. SE. 11 NW. 4. Sec 3r. To. 20. R. ii ... 1.47 Galligher, Eliza J. Lot 7 and 8, block 4, Crows Addition to Oakland CO irlon, John SW. 4, Sec. 2C, Tp. 22. R. 5 5.90 Howard, J. and Fannie SW. 'A of SE. 4. Sec. 15, Tp. 23, R- 4 1.05 Hill. J. li. SW. 4 SW. 'A. Sec. 29, Tp. 29, K. 8 1.20 Haack. W. E. W. 4 NW. 4; Sec 30, Tp. 21. R. 7 2.53 Handsacifr, Samuel SW. 4 NW. 4. NW. 4 SW. 4. hr 'A S. 4. NE. 4 SE. 4, Sec 36, Tp. 23, K. 3 10.30 Henderson J. NE. 4 NE. 4, Sec. V-,, Tp. 21, R. 10 1.47 Henderson, L, D. E. 4 NE. 4. Sec 16, Tp. 2i. R. 7 ... 2.95 Henry, L. B. E. '4 SE. 4, Sec 30, Tp. 22. R. 7 2.93 Kellogg, Aca M. I.ts 14, 15. 10 and 17, Sec. 20. To. 23. R. 7 Lander. W. J. X. 4 f X. of lot 7. bhx-k IS. Rosebur "Lane. J. G SW. 4 SE. 4, Sec 30. Tp. 21, R. 5 Lntkins. Carrie P. NW. 4 4, Sec 5, Tp. 24. R. 7 1.10 NE 4, NE. 4 NW. Sc 32. Tp. 25, R. 4 Palmer. Heirs of Nora looxioo feet in NE. corner of Doug las and Brewery streets, in block 13, Roscburg 8 Park, Miss Carrie Blocks 13 and 14, except lots 1 to 4 in each block in Wilbur Parks, Mrs. Lots , 7 and 8, - block 1, Crow's Addition to Oakland Hansaker, S. K. Lot 5, Sc. 19, Tp. 29, R. 3 Patterson, Andrew P. SE. 4. Sec. 14, Tp. 24. R. 2 Panton. A. C S. lA S. 4, Sec 8.85 10 30 .60 1.15 10.62 bee , Tp. 2i, 1, Sec. 10.30 2.95 1.35 1.47 .75 2.25 2.95 l, Tp. 82. R. 4; SW. SW. 4'. Sec 3. Tp. 29. R. 5 Patton. Jchn M. NW. 4 SW. 4. Sec. 3 Tp. 22. R. 7; SE. 4 SW. 4. Sec 38. Tp. 28, R. Phelan. Daniel XW. 4, Sec 24, Tp. 27, R. 8 Phillips, Chas. XF, 4 SE. 4, bee :C, lp. 25. K. 8 . 2.: 19. C2 X. Sec 21.13 5.S5 23.35 .75 2.33 1.15 1.50 4.28 10.30 81.23 81.25 E. XE. NE. 4. Hindman, Sec. 13. Tp. 21, R. 5 Ilolden. Holden SW. 4 NE. 4, Sec 22. Tp. 31. R. 5 Hopkins G. B. S. Ji NE. 4, lots 1 and 2, Sec. 4. Tp. 29. R. 9 ,. Hunter. Mrs. Mary A. The south 'i ot the following to-w it: Beg. at the 4 corner on the X. boundaryi (jf Sec 33. Tp. 30, R. 5, thence E. 8 Clis.. thence S. 13 Ch. to county road, leading to Can yonville, thence S. 41JJ, W. 7.31 Chs., on angle of county road, thence N. 5.50 Chs., thence W. 3.71 Chs. to E. boundary hue of D. Bolen baugh lanfl, thence N. on - said boundary 15 Chs. to place of beginning, contain ing 13.33 acres; also beg. at a point 15 Chs. S. of 4 cor ner on the N. boundary of Sec. 33. Tp. 30. R. 5, thence E. 3.17 Chs., thence S. 5.50 Chs. to county road, thence S. 52; i Deg., W. 3.45 Chs. along county road, thence north 7.55 Chs., to place of beginning, containing 1.24 acres Hurley, Edward E. i SW. 4, lots 3 and 4 Sec 3D, Tp. 31, R 3 , Johnson. mYs." M. S M ' NEL 4. Sec. 35. Tp. 22, R. 4 .. Karschner. Gcrerd F. SW. Jit Sec. 4, Tp. 29, R. 9 Kclley, I M. Lot 5, block 5, Old Oakland Kellogg, L. L., Estate Lot 7, block 2, Old Oakland Kellette, Marza M. NE. 4 NE. 4. Sec. 16, Tp. 22. R. 8 Klabuscar, Jacob Lot 3. NE. 12.62 1.15 1.45 13.44 SW. 4. N. 4 SE. 4. Sec. :io. Tp. 23, R. 6 Laird, John A. Beg. at a point in center of county road, 1.40 Chs.. W. 9.S0!i Clis.. N. 70 Deg. 31 Min. W. of corner stone at SE. intersection, L. corner of claim 63, thence N. 70 Deg. 31 Min. W. 3.33 J J Chs., thence N. 15.18 Chs.. thence S. 70 Deg. 30 Min. E. 3.32J-1 Chs., thence S. 13.11JS Chs., to place of beginning, containing 5 acres, Tp. 27, Jl. 6 Laird. B. II. SW 4 NW. '1, NW. 4 NW. 4, Sec. 13, f p. 23, R. 10 Laird, Mrs. C. V. Lots io and U, block 2, Thomas sub- 1.40 11.80 1.47 .13 .13 1.15 10.63 8.20 0.43 Reidt, Win.- 16, Tp. 31, JL 7 Rice. Mary F Lot 4, block 25, Riverside Addition to Rose burg Richardson, F. R. Beg. 33.61 Chs. E. and 20.26' S Chs. N. of 4 Sec comer between Sees. 17 and 18, Tp. 27. R. 5. thence on E. side of lane leading from Deer Creek X. 7.23! i Chs. to a stake X. M Deg. 63 Min.. E. 7.62 Chs, S. 7.j J J Chs S. 89 Deg. 53 Min.. W. 7.62 Chs. to be ginning, containing Z 'j acres Rickers, John W. N W. 4 SW. 4. Sec 35. Tp. 29, R. 3 Riddie. G. W. NE. 4 NE. 4, SW. 4 XE. 4. SE. 4 XW. 4. XW. 4 SW. 4, Sec. 19. Tp. 3, R, : 3-5 of W. i SE. 4. aM SW. 4 SW. 4, Sec 36, tp. 30. R. 7; lots 4 and 5. Sec 23, Tp. 30. R. 6. Rucker. John W. XW. 4 SW. 4, Sec. 30, Tp. 29. R. 5 Rowley. J. M. E. 4 SE. 4. Hoc 24, Tp. 27. R. 4 Russell, J. T. SW. 4 XE. 4. XW. 4 SE. 4. Sec 33, Tp. 21. R. 4 t Schiller. Edward SW; 4. Sec 24, Tp. 24, R. 2 Shellock. Max Lot 6, block 30, 5. Drain Shuller, Andrew W. Ji SE. 4 SW. 4, Sec 35, Tp. 29, R. 5 Smith. Mrs. A. F. Lot 50x100 feet, adjoining S. Drain, in tract adjoining block 10, E. Drain Sterling, Mrs. M. E. Lots J, 2 and 3, part of lot 6, Gardi ner's plat of XW. 4 XW. li. Sec. 17, Tp. 22, R. 5 .... -Stoll. Joseph Lot 2, S. lA XE. 4, SE. 4 NW. 4. Sec 30, Tp. 23, R. C Talbot, David SE. 4, Sec 6 Tp. 26, K. t Tapp, R. J.XE. XW. 4, Sec 22, Tp. 54, R. 6; lots 1 and 2, XW. 4 SW. H, Sec 9, Tp. 23, R. 5: tract f 29 acres, X. and W. of rink stone estate, Sec 4, Tp. 25, R. 5 Tapp. R. IL Lot 4, block 11, Old Oakland Tenant, Mrs. Phoebe SE. 4, Sec 10. Tp. 32. R. 6 Tibketts, F. M. Lot 1. part 2, block 5. Old Oakland Tolbert. N. All block J. Has sell's Addition to Roseburg Tway, Catharine E. i XW. !i, N. 4 X E. 4, Sec. 30, Tp. 1.C3 5.90 .40 5.60 14. 1.20 ..4 43 1.90 10.62 .50 1.20 4.53 15.93 9.50 10.62 k1 Tp 5: W. 4 XW. 4, Sec P. 21. K. 5 Vinson, Wm: W. 4 XW. 4, Sec. 13, Tp. 26, R. 6 Wade, F. M. Lot 8, blocV 20, Riverside Addition to Rose burg .. Ward, C L. Beg. 21 Chs. W. of 4 Sec. corner bet. Sees. 8 and 9. thence S. 10.37 Chs. W. 24.77 Chs. N. 10.37 Chs. ' E. 24.77 Chs., to beginning, containing 26 acres Tp. 27, - R. 3 Whipple, IL Lot 1, block 13, Riddle Wiles, J. II. Lots 4 and 5 of the partition of W. J. Alex ander Estate, Sec 3, Tp. 2S, R. 6 Williams R. P. X. 'J NW. 'i. SE. 4 NW. 4, NE. 4 SW. 4. Sec. Irt. Tp. 23, R. 6 ... Wilson. II. A. E. 4 SW. li :o.40 .40 5.90 .40 1.73 9.73 .40 3.90 16.64 6.50 3.33 SE. 4. Sec. 14. Tp. 26, R. 7 1.03 4. Wcdeen. Nils A. S. 4 NW !i. lots 3 and 4. Sec 4, Tp 24, K. 3 Wood, A. JL NE."iiNE Sec. 5. Tp. 23. R. 3 Unknown Ouner Lot 3. pt. ht bloc k .VOld Oak land Unknown (tuner T hat par of CI." 31 lyipg W. of county road aud adjoining land of W. D. Sapley on the W containing 6 acres, in Tp. 22, K. 3 . 10.90 1.20 .40 .40 Sheriffs Assessment, 1901. Auge. Mike SE. 4, Sec. 34, Tp. 23. R. 3 W $10.62 Baldwin. Geo. X. J J of NE. 4. SE. m of NE. 4. SE. 4 - of SE. 4- W. 4 4H0 acre?. Sec. 16. Tp. 32, S. of R. $; .ill. Vx ioo acres, bee. : Tp. 30. S. of R. 7 isyars, tu. II. Lots 3 and 4. block 3. Crow's Addition to Oakland Butler, S. F. SW. 4, Sec. so, Tp. 23. R. 6 Butler, Mary A. N. 4 Sec. 16. 43.43 .30 10.63 Tp. 20, R. 3 Tp. 27, R. 3 Baker, D. rey S. SE. 4, Sec. irt. and wii? N. 1.47 1.45 4.40 .60 .. 21.25 16. NW. Mead, Horace J. Lot 5. Tp. 20. R. 10 .... Mi:!er, John SE. 4 SW. 4, Sec. 13. Tp. 2.-. R. 4 Miller. J. K. Fraction E. 4 of iE. 4. being lots 9 and 15, . Sec. 2, Tp. 2Z. R. 7 x;cr,n. b. h. NE. 4 xe. Sec 2. Tp.'23, R. 10 Pa!:ett, Grace C. SE. 4 SC. 4. Sec. JO. Tp. 22, R. I Perkins F. NE. 4 NW. 4, Sec. 30. To. 20. K li Price. A. M E. NW. . SW. 4 XE. 4. Sec. 16, Tp. 30, R. 4 Smith. Jas. B Loss 3. 6. 7 an-l 8, block 6. Crow's Addition to Oakland Shcphard. H. V. W. Sec -10. Tp. 21. R. 7 . . . . Sm;:h, A. M, Jr. SW. 4 NW. .nw. yt mv. 4. sc 1 P. 30. R. 4 Smith. Jaises It 4. Sec 8. T 3, R. 5 Thomas S. E W. SE i an! XE. 4 SE. 4, Sec 27, Tp. 22. R. 4 Trask. Wm. W. y2 XW. Sec. 20, Tp. 25. R. 4 War.. Mrs. Mary Part :f CL 37, Sees. 19 and 20. Tp. 21. R- 4; SW. 4 SE. 4. Sec 19, Tp.21, R.4:l acres Watk;n. E. S. 4 SE. 4. SE. 4 SW. 4. Sc 17. Tp. 22. . -4 " Weaver, Jamc Lots in XW. corner bhk S. 60x1 00 feet, prcbah'.y loii 6 in4 7. block ?, Crows Add::i.n to Oak land Weltord. Fred E. 4 SW. J. Kits 6 and 7. Sec. 6, Tn. R. 2 ie, t;izabeth Ixits 1 and 2 --C 6 .. Wilson. M. J. Lots 5, 6. 7 and S. block 3, Crow's Addition to Oakland Vale. G. B. Cots 1 and 2. block S. Crow's Addition to Oakland Vorp. Jas. W. ; F 1; Sec. 20, Tp. 23, R. 4 3.70 and I wiil on Sainr.lay tl e 3nl day of January, iv.1. at the Lour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day in front of the Court House, in nosebnrg, Docglas Countr, Oron. i.i ,l:ieice to said arrent seli at Pub'.ic Auction, to the person who oilers to pay all the taxes, interest, penalties and accruing costs thereon, and take a certificate at the lowest rate of interest, f.-r cah' ia Land on the day of the sale. E.L. PARP.OTT Sheriff and Tax collector f.-,r Douglas Cotinty, Oregon. !.93 2.25 7.45 2.95 ll7 6.63 .3-J 10.63 At. 11. i-c. 9. Tn. 33. T.ii .CO .30 Notice for Publication. Voiil W lia l oar. " Robarr. Omroa. Xo- S ifi Kotic u bcrbcr gira Uimt la tvmp;aa wsca lb inTisii4it ot hm rt ot C-r.r. ot Job J. nin.r-1 "An -t for U s.t ot babrr luls m tb ft of c' lnl liiiumn Trmtofr." asfztrBd Jmil lo pub.ic iMotl Males bj'tet of Aarort JSX ASIQVrUAXD. f 7 Pbormix Hrtr..r.i i-ul. .va.tT of Kjn. ciof bu l::iii!r eiJ in Uii oILce hi om ti!rrirnt .!. tir tfc urrbM ot tii KV, 1, of See. 3c T i t-la. nan 7 wrl aal wiil oAr proc( to f bom iht the land ouhi i ntre .ul; tor l tit dff at i:oa lhu tor atncoiinrmi por !?. an t to escabitsa hi c!nia tonud tui bviora I L Lrimmtck. C S ConmuMioaer. at oakUodjOraaton. wi iratunlay um U:a dirot January. iO. li unia as wilntw; J.Wrii Lar-y. Minn,-apoi. Hinn.. IJmant WHw ' Paul. Minn.. Aoc--" Krirr. aiuh CUT Minn.. Cnarie Ton. Koalir. Orr. Any ant ail rM tlaioiu dr!T Ih Wkwitert laatU are tt to tiitb-ir eiaina io thu c-e oo or U-iore taaJ Car OiJan. lati. i. T. BRIDGES. btIti. 17.70 ii NW. 4, Sec. 5, Tp. 25, Notice for Publication. Roaebo nr. Ore'-a, r 1. 1 t ?. .Notice i hrrohy (tivca loat 12m tn,:o ac maai oMUer l notic ot h imenuon W Bit anat in import of h.c'aa). ana that mil pro.. will b tra.te b i,w th Kecia. tor HTiir, at kor-vbnrx. Oiwon. oa JVMKS H. POSTFR. mH.r. No.;fi.,i s, SEl. wXion j, U)w.hiiih, tanir7l. fa Baa tba tunovinc vitnesna w, nrov his vntina.-oa op.iu and r;iiiiva-.Kn of ilttj l"i:nJ l ,l,,w',l.' rxwut. TM01;fnt and L T F eaarick. ait of T?n . c re. Notice for Publication. rnite,! -laWa Lni Office. Riwlwrt, Orvaroa, Nor. 4, . Nolioo 1 h.-iv'-y ttvn that lh tui'.owia naar.S m-u Ivr Iim ( UM u.xi -eol hi IniroUon to ma" liual wl in iupirc of hi rlaim aa4 that fai't nt wiil bo na'! N-inr th E.i. in and Kiwiior, f. S. oic at KUwrburx OnKoa oa V.ti iT Ivr-rtiN-. l-1 rim Htxj VMiS F f-!!IK.I on H E. So !) hr tin- s. ec- si and lou I an.l . Src. si t . K J wL tia namri Ihf h.iirin a top-Y to frov ha lluauua ir.)rnr uroa and cultivation a;d lam), U: c;,-n.- t.T. V Kelly, J 11 shuoa and J A 1'ftnlr, all ot Unajlin. cp-b. i.T.Eiurx;j. Roseburg Theatre Satueday, Dec. 37. TheBig JIeIoDraniatic Feast A Br and au-k-rn i,;r rY ta Urn nmri ronianui' tnl.v V!x rmNKlvini .'i;.i!b-iint IVatxrt alt.) SitiiaitKii. t JtilniN Slilrrrl . nvar , rxfioit- n tin- n.v. iliri;lin-i ha-'ti u. lii!tNl m (T Ih. v taiuuiM brhrr ;: The Great 'JJIue Cut" Train Robbery act-iattv vwrrv. s, t.t 7. )., T(..-iu.-i nniural train vit.i I vrr frvitu. d A innrxcl Ik '- io si.k-ii-l r an.l m nivriii'ko. tv.-rv - 1 .n, rt.)f monntvi. A r-t .i t, rlaiit aoitU :: :; ;, Fries izi CossJ Chvsrljf Qd,