" m v w w t . . a r rvw we want to bave you i ioney So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have ( the largest and most cqmplete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town. LadieS, Ve have all the latest .weaves aud colorings in tailor suitings, Long Coats, length, .Tickets and Capes. Our stock can't be beat for style, quality ..;id prices. Our walking skirts are the most complete line initown ranging in prices from $1.50 and upwards. Taylor fultt from $7.50 and upwards. Gentlemen Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods, and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction. Our Shoe, the noted V. L. Douglas shoes speak for them?elves. Neck Wear, always the latest aud most up-to-date line in town. ci LP el Co Co 6 CO I. ABRAHAH Proprietor. The People's Store One P 4 '''VSySoS One Door South of P. O. ) (O CHRISTfiAS EBOKEX (WK PVTTnr.M Is AI.MT BKRK. I" TOC 1IATK PBF.-.KSTS TO MULE Sl.LKCT EARLY BVrOKE STM'KS AUK AWAY VSTIL CAl LtB FOR). tBLI.F Holiday Goods IS TEBY COMPLETE AS KW4CM. TtSS THAT ABE B-AIVTY AXtl rsEKrL Books Of evry description from the children's i linens up. Pudciml Lmthsr Foots White Horn Cook Hooks. All the late roprrnrbov. $1 M 1 m 1 U Bifgest aiark ia Fibles. Dirlutnaries etc. sultifTn Oregon. Fountain Pint. We handle the celebrate Wauexnaa, bert ia the world. Price rnn fram 11. IS ! txm, either it the plain r fi MUbte4. Fancy Ooods. Of all titvls. Albnm. Toilet Cases. Wort Bores, Collar and ruff Boxes. Handkemhiel Boxes. Basts, rellulmd Onnds, etr: Lwet lo;ble prices. Lowney's Candies Arer Fiiperior quality. The Xaa tares are verv attpoet're ane WHOM aae aa arrepf- ab pilt for vonr sister. . . prioes range from 10c H.W a box. Fin Stationery la Fano Boxes from to S.0a lx tea tip exfrewly for Holiday presents. - Leather Goods ladies and Of tk bettar quality for both fentlamea. lartiesCota Porsaa from Wrlit Boas and Chatelains. . : Oentlemrn'a Bill Booka Nataiac aiare. suitable for presents. Tree Ornaments , A lew-eea w "pent in this direction will make your tree aiuck more attractive. Try it. Dolto We are headquarters for 11! and aim Jo earry the best a-wnrunent in the rity. Our third nuipajent a ill arrive in afe dav.i. We hae balh the dreoxed anl the kid lly dolls in all frades raniOn in prirv imm 2" to $1 . You had bettor look them over, it a ill -ay you RnbeT 1V11 Poll Heads, elf. In addition to th abve v curry au assortment of GAJLE, GAME BOARD?, TOY:, etc., and a linr of Framed I'ietures that are really works of art. Better call and see them; it is a pleasure t. show goods and it will he Ftranse indeed if vou cannot find something in fur More that will please you. - ' i CAWO.VS Book and Stationery store. ft e - m B! I I- I 1 eitaoApf T'.I.t- wi lvUwUi iuiuuu ftl : . . .. io:i t tail i "T Cat. W tent, of Oakland, was trans- T" .. . r . .1 4 T.. aCUIIg IMIeulew at liiv niumjr i-iti, i un- Dr. Lowe's gl? set- are good iflaMW. Xewest noveltirs at Salzman't jewelry store. Vetch eeel as Churchill anal W'oul ley. Get your dental work at Dr. Chea dle's. Painlei extrction of teeth. 20 The rarest rattern in ladies' and gentlemen's watches and chains at Salz nian's. Pyrography easily learned, o:itfit, and things to burn at Churchill & Wool leys, i Unfurnished rooms for rent enjnire at old Abraham protierty fot of Warr ington street. . tf If you want fo go to Coos County poigts:, take the Roseborg, Harsbfield route. Spring hacks leava JRoseburj even- day at 0, A. XI. Inquire of C. V. BarnarJ, agent. ' tf. Ik) yon know that Strong has th best wtveted stock of furniture ever seen In j-i-;slas county and what is more ap-jii-opriate tlian a nice rocker, t-ideboard or couch for a Xoias present. XI. O. Warner, the wall known and reliable piano tuner, will make Bose burg bis regular protessiorial visit in a few days and will le pltase l to meet bis many old natrons aud render them Lis services in ptitiine their pianos or or gans in first class shape at the nsual verv' inod.Tutelv price. Eeserve -our work fur him. ' "If this trip be back Ir. Ixwe alx.ut Timr eve. He wut ajaiu f r 4 HiOUthx. Ir. Ive, KtigrnK well known opti cian i at Thr XlcClallen. -He goes WncTtt-slay night. 1-or Sale ! head .f he?p tall ewes) aixl 3( Iw-ad af Angora goats tall doef ). I A. Mabtecs, Cleveland, O. Talk alut strl ranges, the dealers in RoM-bnrx can sell tiieni cheapi r than they can lar pe.1.111. . l-"k .vrr their stock before yon buy. TU. lUaiii, of Coos coitnty. wb- af: traWn-i visit .with reUtive aliotit RoM-btirg, ll fall, went to Mi oiiri t sjiend the winter a itiarrie ! a short time ago to a lady of that state. The fight against gambling is eliil on in Portland. Itaiding of joints ami ar rest of inmates i booming a frefjnent The Portland officers m--hi to mean business. II V. Jndkins. on wlto- ranch the Little Chieftain mine is l.-.ne.l aWve Mjrtl Creek, in transacting bukines in' Roeburg Vlay. He favored this office with a pleasaut ai and rejif.rts the prospects bright for a very lively xason int be Myrtle Creek n;,,c?; The Pi-aixpealkb lias jnst iwueii frm its job department the catalogue for the Third Annual Exhibition of the Lotighn Countv Poultry Association,' which wHI be held in Roseburg, Dec. 1", 18, 19, and 20th. The catalogues contain 40 pages and can be bad by applying to Secre tary F. B. Hamlin. o o o o o o o a o . n o a o o o o n c n o o n o a o o n O e OO lO O 9 WWW www - - - o o o a o O O O CI o poo While our line of Holiday Goods is very complete, it must diminish very rapidly as Christmas approaches : : : Our latest novelties and choic est bargains will be first to go, and while we shall use every effort to meet all demands for duplicates, we cannot expect g to secure them in many instan ces during the holiday rush Mr. and XIrs. Chas. ernll are visit ing friends in Oakland. .Mrs. S. W. 'Vanzile ho. has lieen fpaite ill is rejiorted much improved. , See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co. fori due prints and filing papers, tf. John Kent, of Elkton, who has leen j in this city on business, has returned jhoine. f.,. Judge II. L. Benson, of Klamath Falls, ia in this city, the guertofhi brother, Attorney F. W. IVnaoii. C. !. Durland, of the Calapouia s' to Vailey, is feeding 40 head of three-year--Tjj; J JJ i old steers for the early spring market. Get your abs tracts of title from J. I) Hamilton. He has the only complete set of abstract books Fu the county, tf "Williani Burrow returned Itome Tuesday, from XlcXIinnville Colhge, to spend Christmas with bis mother in this city. Xlitis Nellie Hay, of Harrislsirg, who has lx?en visiting the family, of Dr. K. DuGas, in this city, relumed home Wednesday. The activity n the streets arnl among tlte shoppers in the stres daily increases as Christmas time draws closer. The V. C. T. C. will meet Fri.lay tlie 19th at the Lome of XIrs. Wtn. Moore. The subject it, "Child Confidence." All are invited. A Butte, Montana, editor ltas fatally shot a physician. Perhaps the physi cian didn't take bis ier. Now ia the time to subscribe. The first snow of the season fell at Portland Xlonday. Southern Oregon, exce t on the lofty mountain peak", lias nad no snow lall yet tint season Do not forget the Grand Christina Ball to lie given at the Roseburg Theater Christmas Eve. The U. B. R. E. mill certainly give you a good timr. tf. Remember that Flint has the swcllest and best wearing shoe in the city, alch r.it customers faces and fe-t ami you a in know they trade at Flints. f Frvsb ovsters all styles. Pan, fancy and pepper roasts a specialty. Served l.y an rxjicrt cook, at Railroad Eating House, XlesJames Lohr & Gegaz, pro prietors. Engineer A. A. Lindsley and photo graph.r II. II. Draper, of the Great t Vntral R. II. Co., Xlssdames Lindslev and lrajer left for Portlaihl Wednelay morning on business. Ore man has 1m fn killetl and another prrdwldy fatally injared by an electrical hxk over a telephone ia California. The 'hello" girls could testify to other hocking thing going over the wires. I). S. T. West, having accepted severs out ana renaitie me insurance com na mes, is now prejiared to do a genera tire instirtnce businrsa. Iusure with im. Office at the City Hall. tf. The late heavy rains has had the eff ct of causing a long bait in. the farming business. There Hill be a arger acreage of spring sown grain than ever was known in the history of the county, it is said. XIrs. W. C. Conner and son, have i turned home, from an enjoyable visit with relatives at Cottage tJrove. XIr, ann.Mrs. tt. r.. i.unnv, me latter a sister of XIrs. Conner, have eone to Xljrtle Point to Siend the Holiday's it It Mr. Lundy's tmrtiil anl friends. Rev. tieo. H. Bennett will preach in me M. j.. cnnrcii on Miimay morning at 11 o'clock on the subject, "The Ser- ent Rruisvl." The evening services will lB of Sxci;il interest, consisting if a t .i.risimas sermon, anl stiecml music for lhe occiisjoii. All a e juviled. Xlessrs Frazcr aiid Page oC the I'nlt versiiy or iirtM'on gave a high t.las mu- eical re-ital at T. K. Richardson 'a music store Tncsdav I'venins. Xlr. Fraxer's wonderful skill displayed at the piano and the splendid baritone vocal solos by XIr. Pago were 'vociferously applauded and greatly appreciated by their inusii loving audience. Thin with their Miss XIabel Boone of Oakland was in tbia city Monday. A. C. Zacharv was down from Can- yonvilleon business Thursday. II. J. Wilson came down from Cat. yonville Xlonday on business. Misses Jean Clark ami Ora Walfred, of Glendale wire in Roseburg Tuesday. J. W. Sandhagen, of Glendale, wan transacting business in town lnasday. An exiert engraver at J. T. Bryan's jewelry store until after the holiday. XIrs. Burt Stratton, of Seattle, is visit ing her sister Mrs. S. K. Sykea, of this city. XIrs. Walter Dreuuau and daughter, left this morning to spend Christmas in Portland. A. L. Thornton, who has been attend ing the O. A. C. at Corvallis, is home on a vacation. Our store from this date (Dec. 18) until Christmas will 1n open eveuings, B. W. Stro. Regular meeting and iimtallation of officers of the Eastern Star Chapter tonight. Charles E. Icatheruian and C. H( Ellison, of Wilbur, were in Roseburg on business Thuisday. Col. J.G.I av and W. (. Wells, of Olalla were iu this city Thursday, the former leing on business lie fore the I S. land office. XIrs. N. N. Chapman left this city Thursday for Geysei ville, Calif., to visit her brother, J. W. Parrot t, MLd sister, XIrs. Ethel Carlisle, of that place. , Harry .lamicaou, acconiauieI by hit mother and brother I-aurenoe, left this morning for Portland to visit his grand mother Mrs. Haperett. Xliss Jot Orth of Jacksonville, a sis ter of .Mrs. Harry XlcClallen, who came here to attend the funeral of XIrs. D. C XlcClallen returned .home Wedne-d.tj evening. Xlarriage licenses have Iwen issued to Charles H. Daugherty anil Gertrude Helen I-amb; and II. L. Cooke-and XIaggie Wilson, all of Youcalla. In the matter of the estate of Jane ! Patterson, deceased, John II. Shape has been appointed administrator, with D. W. Stearns, Z. L. Dimmick and J. E Young as opptaisers. XIr. and XIr. W. E. Jacobs and daughters, Georgia aud Trixie, left last Xlonday for Pnyallup, Wash., where they will again take np tlieir home after a residence"of over ftHir yeajs in R burg. The departure of these estimable I people from ettr city is much regretted by their many friends. XIrs. X. C. Potter and daughter, Gertrude, left for Salem Wednesday, after a short visit with XIr. and XIrs. C. A. Sehlbrede in Roselsirg, where they stopd off while enroute borne to the eapi to! city after a three months tour of tlie eastern cities. L. E. IWau went to Roseliurg this afternoon to apear before the land olliee on lxi iitess crmnected with a contest tiiiilvr caae. lie is attorney for a Xlr. Olson tut is cm tested by a XIr. Kelley. L. T. Harris is attorney for XIr. K n o a o a The store displays a splendid O array of suitable gift things, choice things that will be pick ed out early, and which will not be duplicated later on a o P D o a u o A CalajsNiia correspondent says: section of the county is infesUvl the stoiTrange fakers. . They sell THE ANNUAL POULTRY SH0W. A Fine Exhibit. Many from the Out ide. lhe Attendance Is Large aa Usual. ' The Third Annual Exhibition of tlie iXmglas County Poultry Association which oiiened in the new DomH&a-e l ollllty liatlk Buildimr Welns,l:iv .a now iii full progress. The display is the best that has ever been seen in the County, there being a large nuu.l-r of good birds, and some very fine ones. As we go to' press Judge Cobbledick. of Oakland. Calif., is at work scoring the Single Comb Brown Iuhorns. The Barred Plymouth It. !. scored yesterday, but the winners have not yet been announced. B. F. Keener. of UoBheii, Ore, aud Win. II. Arps, of San t. Cms, Cal., are in attendance. Amoog tiio entries from outside the County are : m Bros, of FriiiUale, Cal., S. C. Brown, leghorns; Win. II. Arps, of Santa Cruz, Calif., Brown leghorns aud Barred Plymouth Rocks; Jas. Hogtie, of Oakland, Calif., pair of dn-ks ; W. C Duncan, of Turner, Ore., White Minorca. There are W entries in the S. C. Brown Leghorns, and about Ts) in Barred Plymouth Rocis, 2 pairs of geese, 12 turkeys, and alsmt 20 dui ks areenterol. Calkins While Plym-a th Rocks are ctiuspiciotis as usual.' Iv- singer has a cage of Chiue-.e Pheasants, one of Silver Pheasants, and several coops of Pigroas. Jtxko, the imuikeyt is also in evidence aud raues mi:-h ambsement among thecliillr.n. ljie prizes of two pairs of fowls wer woij Jat mht by nugibers 12 ami ftl, it is not yt know u who holds ' lhe lucky number. Four more airt will lie given away. Drawing at v p.m. etch evening. .The attendance is excellent. You'll miss it, if you fail to attend this show. Secretary Hamlin is 000 of the iMisiest meu.iii tow n, his time liemg compleNMy occnpieil m Itstkiiig alter the businmt ami fiiiMix-ial end of the exhibition; answering .(iiestions, showing visitors slsitil an.l explaining the merits of the various fowls. One thing that serves to stimulate the energy of the t-inl'rv raisers toward the improvement of ti eir fowls, is the appreciation aud approval they received from the people n general and in this tes-evt the asMM-iaiiou has every cause to feel nicooragwl from the fact that the people 4 Roselmrg and Douglas C-ottnty are liecotning more interest-l aud enthusiastic in regard to otillry raising each ncce-ding y-ar, and the work of this association, litis year as ou former vasiiuis theexhiltit speaks for itself and it is the duty of everyone in H osbur g aiwl vicinity to patronize the show aixl lurtlier en courage the m-ritoiiou work of the assficiatinn. TIm show close Saturday ereniug, Iec. 20, aol will le open each day and evening until that date. ngeat 72 on two years time with in terest at six er cent, while just as good an articln can l pttrchasl at any of our towns for one-half this pi ice and on easy terms. Not a single Kile has liceii effected iu this neighlsirhoiNl, but Mill- Wood was wottsl in a finish, fonr Siiles having I een made. UnderPricecJ 5tore Bob Braden, the well known stage ilriver 011 th Roseburg-Xfyrtle Point route, who fr the past tljree years has been ptosjiectiiig, mining ami Secula- ting in the lliunuer .Mountain iiitning district of Idaho, arrived in Roseburg from ('oiincil, Idaho, Monday. He sold one of his mines recently and cleared np a neat sum in the transaction. He thinks the camp is alright, and will re- 1 turn alsmt February 1st, after enjoying la visit iu the meantime with relatives . "m-zJ H tiind friends at Xlvrtle Point, for which . rNUr wLU Q place he V.k his departure Wednesday cl ley anl leaves lonigm lor i;weiurg. Tnertlay Eugene Gt&rd. Xliss Xlavbelle Hermann, votingt-st laughter of Commissioner and Mrs. Ilin.er Hermauu, was marrieil to At!r ney llouarl ' 1 'rescott aiiey, in tlie church id tlie Ascension, Washington, D.C. Welne-lay, Dec. 17, IS02. A more extended wedding notice will s- ear later. A. W. Martin returnel fnrni the a creek placer mines Xlomlay aifl report everything moving fine there. There is now more water for milling' than for several j-eara ast at thia reason of tKe ear. XIr. Martin reiorts the prostieHs for a big clean up, better than ever lie-fore. Eriik lolljertson, of tdeinlale, was transacting business in town Wednes day and made this office a pleasant call adding his name to our subscription lit. lie left the same evening . for his old home at Winona, .Minn., his finilr having preceeded him there some lime ago. t. unijertson will return to Douglas Co. next summer. A good start, 38 pianos in 05 days. We sold the last piano we had in stock. just two hours 1m-fore the arrival of a fine large Need ha in Colonial, which was nseJ at the Frawr Page concert Dec, the KUh, and is the only one we have on hand. This special piano is worthy of your inspection, T. K. Richardson. E. J. XlcClannahan, of Eugene is visiting his daughter XIrs. It. B. Hous ton, of this city. XIr. XlcClannahan is returning from a two weeks business visit to Southern California and reiorts a continues rain in that section. He says that when it rains in California, an Oregouian w ants to come home to dry his clothes. Attorney Ixttis F.arzee goes to .Marion county tomorrow to attend a family reunion at his parents home, and to celebrate bis mother's 0th Jnrthday There are 11 children, 2S grand-children anil 3 great grand-children. This will lie the first complete reunion 111 exactly 24 years. The eleven children arc all living on the Pacific Coast vix: Oregon, California and Washington. Mr. Bar xee will be absent about fonr days. The concert given at the T. K. Rich ardson Xltific House by XIr. Arthur uls Frazer pianist, ami XIr. II. P. Page, Baritone Soloist, was a decided success and highly appreciated by many of the Roseburg musicians and lovers of strictly high class music. While the at tendance was small, about 75 in numlier every 0110 expressed themselves as lieing well pleased. The piano selected by XIr. Frazer, was a Needhaiii, he without solicitation, expressed himself, saying, that piano has as good action as I have ever used." Dr. Oehme said that piano is a wonder. What make is it? When told it was a"Xecdham," lie said, well jt is a fine pianoforte. CHRISTMAS .GIFTS Never before have we beeu in as good a position to show such a varied asssort ment of articles suitable for Xmas gifts. From the most inexpensive to the most elaborate. Everything is priced with an eye to value. We suggest : : : ! Ladies fine embroidered Mens Padded Silk Ladies' Leather and ' ; Haudkerchie's, priced J Smoking Jackets Beaded Chatelaine Bags i; : f r o m : ; a n d P u r s e s ! 5c to $1.50 $0 25c to $3 i aud all gradt-s between ; Txjo styles of Mi3 Neck- !' A more useful present is ': ; Mens Silk or Linen; t ; a pair of fine Wool' ; Hdkfs and Mufflers w e a r a ;B 1 a n k e t s 25c to $1.50 !; 25c and 50c $3 to $7 ; Ladies' Ice Wool and ; Fiue Calf Dress Suit ;j For a more practical ; ;j Saxony circular shawls ; Cases and Alligator ; gift : : ::::: ,cr fn Traveling Bags are al- !; A S U I T ; lu V I; ways acceptable ::::: ;OV E R C O A Tj ;! Embroidered, pillows :! : : : Pair of Shoes : : : ! ! shams and center pieces : Ladk's' ?ur carfs and i H A T i ', Muffs, either in sets or ! f r tj ' 50C Up ;l s e p a r a t e 1 y ; or Dress Pattern JOS T H BIG Rfiiiember that although the pri-e is ker.t DOWX, our chief aim is to keep the ipiaHly I t', Mail orders filled promptly. S T O R E. Phoue, New Number, Main 911. WANTED ON CHARGE OF LARCENY VaVaW.VAWWWaV.VAV.V.V.VaVV.V Two Ba4 Characters Arrested at Oak- lanJ and Lodged in the County Jail. HOLIDAY Of Air Kinds Sheriff Partott and Constable Harry I Pinkstou brought John SmUh and Chas. Morris to this city from Oakland last night an I lotlgiil thctu in jail to answer) to the charge of larceny f a saddle from the lorn of si-lney Jakes, near tileii-lale 1st Miudav ni -ht. Mr. Jak. imme- diat Iv notificl Sheriff Parrott and he wa on the l-skoiit for tin thieves and on bearing of two men who l?sd passed Ja through Mvrtle Cre k on l.or eliack J Xloinlay night. XIr. Parrott lookel k-r'a theni to arrive here early Tue.layja looming, but ts itlias sim ls--n learned aj that thev onlv travel bv nL-bt the!? sheriff niis- l them h.-re, tnit as he had i VVVVVVVVA.AVV.VVV.VV. W.V.V.V.V.VA'AVJ 5. K SYKE5. 1 A New Law Firm in Roseburg. Attorneys' Ixuis liarzee ami John T. Imgwill become partner at "tin- l-e-yiuning of the new year ia a law finu to lie known aa Birr re ,V Ing. Mr. Rarwe is among the ls-t e-lnrjlel men iu Southern Oregon, and as an eibicator. Las held n any important and rrspoiisiUe itin in the state. He Iwvan the practice of law aliont axear ago iu this city, since which time he has risen steadily and rapidly in his pro fession. XIr'. I-ong is a graduate of the la"( de pitrtinent of Willamette I'liiversity. ainl haslieeuin active practice for a Unit four vrars, during w hich time h has Iriiili up not only a Urge, but a a'.Kcess ful law practice. Tlie nrni will (Hcupy the commodious iuarters, just.va-ated by Dr. J. C.Teitchell in tlie Tavlorl Wilson buildiug. Music Levers Musk lovers will have a rare enter tainment bv simnlr calling at Burr's Popular XInsic House and inscting our splendid array of inosiial instrn menta. Our disolay ot piauoe are sim- tJy mairuitiiient. Here are found the world renowned Chickerinit, the won' dcrful toned Kimball, tlie many toned Crow n On-liestrical and the lutifu1 tned colonial style Victor. We have others like the Singer, Kingsbury and Needham. Then here is our mammoth stock of small goods, such as S. S. Stewart and Washburn mandolins, gui tars, latnjoe. Our immense line cf vio lins range in price from 12 50 t foO. t.. am. aw.ttl fir I Iia t Vl n ltilu , , , . i I complain that the ladies waikir g appar- eranhaiJione and supi.lvs. Rercember 1 . . . . T - notitic'l Co:itabie I'itik-t.Hi of Oakland they were ra4ureJ at that flace late Tuesday nitfht and brought to this city. It svwi th at there criminals hal a failing f..r rhickeus Or- all along the route ! f llieir travels, the farmer have been j missing their rbirken. XIr. Parker, j whd Iies in Kden!wcr, heard a cm-! motion iu hi chicken yar.1 Tueslay j uiht and immt-liatelv went to tlie yard j and found his tine game PsJer wbivh j he wasnvpin for the m!trt thow.S mi-siiij. He started d.wu tin? mod ! toward Wiich-s-ratid overlook 'the thieves w!h wi-re Smith un I lli-rri j with the rster in a -k. Xlr. Parker! mle them surrender th-j r-ster an3 j returned home. Mr. Ja'.ii is iu toss I t.klay and has identite.--! il-e stolen al die and Sheriff Parrott luts coiim'ini Ciitcl with tise tirau's I'as aulh:ri;ies and CihIs tluit a saddle answering llie description of one in s-essijn of the pruooners Ls abo missing then;. It is a probalality that the lKr-s were . also stolen. r OOOOOOCXDOOOOCOCOOOOC ODOOCOyZOOOOOOOCGOOCOQOCCCXXiCCCi W flaVSk. taaa4a aWSaSaaaaa. m m Wmm m M aaaaai X J. I . BKYnNb, For Holida- Presents I have no famous bargains to pan off old stock and . out-of-date goods, I simply give you honest goods at fair prices, and mark them in plain . figures. Call and inspect my goods and piices before purchasing elsewhere. ROF.RlRt;, OREGON. J. T. Bryan xdckjcoccocxxdootoocxx oconcoexx. Pickings from Puck, It is not often that Roseburg com plains of the theatrical troupes showing in the city but occasionally a poor en tertiniiM'i:t is giwn ; and the one pre entcl last Xlonday night was a timet fearful and wuderful rformance there being only two redeeming points in the presentation. The one was the short ness of the play and lite other the length of the hirsute adornment of the jokes of a half century ago. The ballet daucets were a pretty fair set of girls but the lutld headed admirers of first rank, w e are runiiiuz no concert hall w it h 60 cents admission, but our doors tire al ways open to tlie public. W. A. Rurr &. Co's. guarantee on all goods sold by them makes your purchase as safe as a government bond. U. B. R. E Ball Supper. It is announced that a fine snp;ier will lie served for the V. R. R. K. Ball Christmas eve, IVc. 24, at Hosier's restaurant near the dcjot. A sjtfvial supper will le provided ana me tact that Xlosier is giving it, is a fullnrantee of its excellence. The price will be 50 cents r plate and she supir will 1 wonk-it, (D22.) - : : o Probate Court Notes. In the matter of the . estato of John E.nmitt, deceased, a petition of the ex rcutors praying for an order to distrib ute certain funds of the estate now their bunds. Granted. in Store Closed Saturdays. Business at the Cleveland store will I be HiiPM'tidcd on Saturdays, iMfip, Card of Thanks. atus when they attempted to show off to good advantage put them in mind oi two broom sticks set in a meal bag, and they went to their respective beds that night without experiencing any rebel for failing vision. It is not every day iu the year that a troupe like Fay Tem pletuii takes with her, can -visit the Peerless Princess of Southern Oregon and forour baldlieads to kick like they have done shows that there was some thing radically ions' either in the trouiie or iu the expectation of au ex acting public; and to show ours charity and gisslwill we w ill head a subscrip tion list with ten cenls to buy calico to piece down the sea iit dress skirts so as to give the manager a chauce to feed the calves with sawdust w ithout it be ing so apparent. ' , oitok Plaindkai.er, Dea Si: I desire tlirorgh Uie columns of your valuable paper, toj;x- tend thanks to the Kdcnbower uxiliary W. II. XI. R., and the ladies of Wilour for their kindness in sending me help since our disastrous forest fire. Rescclfully, XIss. S. K. Han-srs, Hockinson, Wash. Toy and Holiday Oootls. See if there is anything in tbja list you will-want : Game lwards, p ug jiong, toy wagons, swinging and rocking horses, do'.ls, doll cabs, go-carts, trunks, tool chests, books, drums, chairs, a'l kinds of stoves, horns, tops, iron toys of all kinds; sad irons, banks, air rifles, blocks, al bums, magic lanterns, toilet cases, carv ing sets, silverware, punching bags, fool balls, boxing gloves, doll beds, po.-ke knives, and many other things too nu merous to mention, at S. K. dykes' Tlte leading Store, Rice & Rice The House Furnishers Absolutely the Most AmBitious Sale of the Season It means remarkable values for all classes of Christ mas offerings. This sale pretends to everything that be longs iu the house, as well as all things appropriate for Christmas, A Nice Irca Ul zs k as 53iJ Kssal s Bist Sweeper it 5313, $3.75 and Lf ) UX There is nothing nicer Oar Lies of Faacj Coadus aai Locnjss itm JTi3 to 525.53 Our Special Eidnsir: Lias Faci 4 v ersS15 ta $15. I 'r ' -in j j H f ' 1 Our Special Eidisive Lire ef Ciaers, J5c to $153 Each. MARRIED 50c. to $6.00 pair. $375 t0 COOKK Wll-SON At the home of XIr. and Mr. John XIcU, in Rose burg, Wednesday evening, Pec. 17, 1! sr.', H. L. Cooke and Xliss XIagjie Wilson, Rev. J. X. I-ester, pastor of " the Christian church, olliciating. The bride ia a well known school teacher of this county while the groom was formerly of Youcalla, but for some time past has lieen conducting a dairy on the Pay farm on the Calapooia. Roth are highly esteemed young eople and have a wide circle ot friemls w lio join the PiAtsDKALKR in extending congratu lations and best wishes. They will re side on the Par larm seven miles west of Wilbur. 20 Dozen pairs Lace Curtains All Wool Oregon Blankets Heators $2.25 to $14.50. Send us your mail orders, we c&ofill them for anythicg in the line. Wholesale or Retailers RICE & RICE, House Furnishers OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCSCjOOCsOOOOCOO A. CHRISTMAS IS COMING Co. E. Attention. Barley Wanted. The Roseburg Rrewery warts 2000 lbs. of good barley, and will ay 11 cent and a tpiater per Kund for it, Address Roseburg Ttre wing Co. Roseburg Ore. Quarterly Insiectiou has been order e.1 for Dec. 31, VJ02. C1 Yoran will be present and conduct the inspection. The competative target shot will take place oil the afternoon of lVe. 31st aud will be conducted by Capt llauffman, inspsctor of rifle practice. F. R. Hamlin, Capt, .Co. K, And everybody who sees our Holiday display of Holiday attractions is glad of it COME TO HEADQUARTERS For popular preascxits at popular prices in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware and novelties in ex clusive designs at SRLZMAN'S X QOOOOO 0XKOOCCK30QOCK0 OOCOO vOOOOOOOOOOC-0