The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 15, 1902, Image 3

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S .J
We Want
So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
LuiliCS, We have all the latest weaves aud colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, length, Jackets aud Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts are the
tuost complete Hue iujtowu ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upward. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
GentlCMCn, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
aud in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes tun noted 1 Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always tho latest aud most up-to-date line in town
i ne People s tore p"-
Holiday Qood5 .
Of mrr vrm'.ia Iran lb abiklrraa e
jifM j
?5da Lealbfr :
Wbise Hoaa Owa.
A1' IbeJaweerymtase...
B;Kea. rnrtiooar:., at.
otilbr Owva.
i li
r1 etavk in
r ounlaia peat.
We taau'.a :a era;l W.ttaaa. et i Xathing nre suitable for presents,
ia the witrid. Frvse, raa frns SI a t j
either it is p;a r g oa:4. . j Tree Ornaments
FaUaCJT Qoods. A few rent spent in this diwtinv mae
f all tiai. Ti! Oim. k ! y" 1 Um-i'". Try it.
Ovlar a.-t Cet Bxa, Hiodkmliwl ' rvdla
Btt. teUaiw: tMj. . Lew! j uuus
a:K r-n-r. j w, r ijqna-ters f,ir iKd'.s and aim to
I -. !TT ill beat eortmeot in the ri;y, iwr
LOTCT S IIBIM . thirl 4hip!nrnt mTTtv a :V (?bv.I. e
Arf .aaUiv. Tfc Xaa -iiarr- both Itw drtu-1 and iheki.l luxly
? Trr atnr-t"T an anoaid mak an aevrpt- ; in a;l grade ranpir.f in prii frui 1 !
aV r-ft 'nr "J itrT-. ' Y-mi h.1 hpnr lok ibrm ocr. l a iil !" Iu
racf ir c M J a Wi. .T':t(r IvUi. lvU ef, .
Ia si-iitkra t tl. alvT caitt- xzi airtmnt of GA3IES, GAME
BOARD?, TOT?, ;-. b-1 a lin trf Franil I'icturpa that Are reallv worts of art.
Brttw call an-i fbVm : it i a j.Wnr to lhow pxi, and it willlte ftranp
indeed if yra cacnt fia-i aoowtking ia oir tir tint will jlea you.
MWOVS Book and Stationery store.
Of Local Interest.
Dr. LawVf (lasaea Are ; xi g!tsr.
Xarsat cTItie at ?Lrn.aa' jewelry
Vrtch rl ai ChcrjLEl and Woc-I-a
Get roar dental ork at Dr. CLea
3V". Paiaien extrction of teeth.- 20
Th rarest f-aiterts ia l.iiea' and
fEtI"men watctie and chains at a!
Bitn't. PyTograj-bT easilr leanseJ, ' outfits,
and things to burn at Cb archill & Wool
leys. UcfarnieLeJ room for reit en aire
at old Abraham property Jort of Wah
ingtraa tlreet. tl
If tm want V go to Coot Coonty
point, take tL Rosebarg, Maihfield
route. Spring Lack leave Eoeeborg
erery day at 6, A. M. Iojaire of C. P.
Sarcard, ageat. tf.
P. T. McG of Myrt Creek, w a
ltbirg rimtor Frvlay and farored the
PLALTeAi-i w;-Ji a j.!eaant bvine
call. He th-iikj U-tr in a fine future
for the Myrtle Crek laiuing II'.rkt
M. O. TTarr, ti well known and
rliaUpian ta;rr, i;l nak Bo;
barf hi rtniar pTtifrittal iit in a
fw day and mill 1 ;4tl to hi
aiany -l itrfi! fd r-uder them hi
te-rrir in pRt:inr their i;acos or r
fane ia '. tla hje at tl. ocal
err rKl'rtr!y j. Krv )'ur
work for tinn. tf
While our
Goods is very complete, it must
diminish very rapidly as
Christmas approaches : ; :
Our latest novelties and choic
est bargains will be first to go,
and while we shall use every
effort to meat all demands for
duplicates, we cannot expect
to secure them in many instan
ces during the holiday ruslv :
... .. ,,.0 w.rr.-..:
The-store displays a splendid
array of suitable gift .things,
choice thingfl that will be pick
ed out early, and which, will
not bo duplicated later on
B Jt 11 r fj n
linger I'rlccd M'r
to Save You
U almost berk. lr Yvv ii.vvK i'kkskvts
Fine Stationery
la Tan trvrn V to V('a lx. got-
ta up eiirsa!y tor Holiday preniut
Leathtr Goods
Of tit totter caalii;
ior loth
t Ia,iieCiin Fni" twin
$t vi I
joe to -
iMiun.!'. riu Rixiki
mt ytrtir re. lie w -nt l wk
again f -r 4 n.onth.
Dr. I-e, Eugene's well kiywn 'f t i
e!aa ia at The Jk-Cailen. lie g'e?
hon:eTuos-Jay tiighL
lor Ssli 1 head t f s!;ei ail ewes?
And 3o head of An"n s:wts tail
L. A. MaATERs, Cleveland, r.
XAk alut sieel ranges, the ilfaler in
Roscbnrj can sell them cltNr tian
ttieycan I peddl!. I--'k over their
rtock bef-jre y-.u hny-
Doyoa know that "ironj h:is th" 1 ;-t
selected Ftock of furniture ever urn in
Douglas county arnl what is n ore at
propriat than a nice rocker, cidi-Kard
r coach for a Xna pres-'iit.
Grandma Oiarchi'.l k-U hne tliis
week for Rovborg where ths ii:i live
ith her daughter, Mrs. Ally. The
oil folk have quit iKu-tepj-iu; -cwin
to their extreme ete and mill henceforth
live wit!, their children. Cottaje. ;rove
. regular n:eetiii2 f Cnin
Eurainpmcnt No. 0, I. O. . F
, the f..l-
ffifrA were electe-l :
II V. Gill-
-.t C. P.: L. i'- Moire. S
W.; D. S.
K. Kw-k, H. P. : i'r f i- Mi: perl',p ;
W.T. Wright, tr-?a.; J. C. 1wit-ln-:i,
J. W'.i L.B. M "re, tr.ite3.
The PLAixirUJi has ju-t i.ut-i fr-ini
it. job deirtrtn.ei.t the catal-cue ,V.r the
Third Annual Exhibition of the ion-la
Ctittt? Potiltrv Asso iation, which w ill
be hrM in P.oeehurg.DeC: 47, IS, 19, and
'nh. Tl catalogues contain 40 papes
ad can x had by applying to hecre
tary F. li. Hamiin.
Una nf TTolidav 3
One Door South of P. O.
I St-e tlie Titlo Guarantee A Ian d.
fori,uo prints 3ttl fitiii. naiern. tf.
.,, ,! f)f,., ga. l,as
aJvanctMl JO cents ir 100 iouu(ls.
l'rt'sivient Roosevelt expects to vifit
Ori"gin ami Washington next May.
It is ieMirtel that the widow of Gen.
1". S. Grant in leal at her Washington,
P. 0., home.
J. T. Kashor, inayorilect of Grants
l'a-s, is tlie Southern Pacific freight
clerk for that city.
Alfre-1 Weeks, helow MedfonI, sold
i iit acres of orchard to A. H. Lewi of
Portland for tl3,000.
7lr. A W. CVwns, of this ity, left
Friday niornins for Portland to received
medical treatment.
liose ami Frel Agee, left on Saturday
illuming local, for Salem to visit their
ir4er, Mrs. Korti.
Geo. Iingnberg, who its a forest, re
serve official in A rizona is visiting his
parents in this city.
Get your abstracts of title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
Plet of abstract books in the county, tf
Mrs. W. R. Willis, and little grand
daughter, CapiU la, went to Portland
this morning to visit with relatives.
R. Conglar, the Canyonville barber
was iu this city on business today.
This office received a pleasant call.
Mrs. Tho. Devens and little sop left
this city SattirJay . for Chicago, III.,
where they w ill remain during the- win
ter. "Pickings From Puck," which will
appear this Monday evening. Doc. 15lh,
is a bright ai;d cheerful and all-round
.Mrs. L. N. R oney, who has leen
ccjoying a to weeks visi with Re
bur friends, returned to her home rt
Eugene thU morning.
f . n..t forget the Grand Christmas
Call to le given at the RoseburgTlieater
Christmas Eve. The C B. K. E. will
e.rt.u!ily give yon a good time. tf.
Xn more . i ml try will bt; killeil or
dres.-i-1 "within the city limitA of Oak-
sti.!. i iit-l iinl l- out ol Iel)t anl lias
?1 107.5' in the treasury. Owl.
pi-iiijui'nT that Flint ha the ewellest
and i i-t wearing shoe ia the city, watch
Diit ;itoitiers hicefl and feet ami you
will know t'ey trade at Flint.
Kres-h o .t erf all styles. Pan, fancy
m l popper roa.-ta a eecialty. Served
by an -p"rr rot, at Railroad Eating
Ibme, McMl;!ine Lohr & Gegar, ro-Iri-1r-,
D. S. T. V I avn.2 arepted veral
oil and rem!..? fie insnrancs compa
nies, i" now. repaired to do a genera
tin; inur lire inifl.H. Insure with
him. lfi-e nt the ( is v Hall. tf.
Dr. Gen. E. IIo:nk ha -returned
from Y rtland w in re he !' Ie;n with
his wifr, ho has unilr.'one an oifra-
tion .'or appei.dicitis, w hich lis reports
w as very successful and Ftate that Mrs.
llouok will soon return to this city.'
AVIiil ; in Ros;'hnr with the football
team, Cii!r'.ie Evans took t'te initiarv
fctejis to m ur joint ih'hates lictween
the two school. Snt. Sawlers of the
Rosebar w h .ol expr.-sseI himself as
being hear; i!y in favor of the prosi-
tion and pr-imis.-d to use lit- best efforts
. . .
n getting o:it a te:im from his school..
Th ; E. II. S. debators will lake up the
matter next week and in all probability
team will lw defied soon. Mr. Evans
w ill probably go to Roscburg during the
iolid.iv vacation to make hnal arrange
ments tor trie joint iieoaw. Migene
Every n-cident of R-istdmrg ainl Ding-
m i-ounty is aware of I lie fact thiit
Soufln-rii Oregon is one of the greatest
rime growing districts, in the I'nited
Stales, vet n one were a;-keii now many
Hiiinds of prunrs were shipiied from this
(jiiuty dining the year, not one out of
en could correctly answer the. question
rune growing licing one of, our princi-
al industries, every citizen of this conn-
v should lie able to give the new arrivals
and prosjieclive settler soma idea of this
year's crop. Many w ill be surprised to
am that C. Gazley, w ho has leen buy
nig runes nere tills J'ear, lias pani in
.1. t !
casli $72,!K)1.5!t foi prune which were
sliif ihiI from this station and tho i-Uj
tioiis nortli of here. The aggregated
aiiio iiit of prunes hipied from this sta
tioii hy Mr. Gazley was 2,075,l"ii pounds
and the average price paid )ht pound
was XY.l',2 cents. Resides this amount
Mr. Gazley made large shipments from
stations fcuuth oj here, so one can see at
a glance that the prune growing indus
try cuts no small figure in the market
able products of this county.
A Veritable Fairyland. .
If you Muld delight the little oues
take them to f. K. Sykes hardware
store iind nslier them into his holiday
department a veritable .fairyland
TIiom- in iie.-!t of gifta for either old or
young ill save both time and money by
calling at Sykes hardware, where there
is siii-h aJargo variety nicely displayed
0 M.'lect from.
Mrs. C. B. Raker ia visiting friends
and relatives in Cottage Grove.
E. L. Ingrain, one of Glendale's opu
lar business men, was in this city on
business Friday.
lleniy Conn and daughter, Miss
Creoleo, of Melrose left Thursday even
ing for Grants Pass on a business t isit
We are informed that F. A, Adderton
is quite ill at his home in West Rose
burg, being threatened with Typhoid
Misses Minnie and Grace Sheridan re
turned lion e Friday morning afUtr a
three months' tour of the principal cities
throughout the United States.
OCapt. and Mrs. R. D. Roswcll, of
Boswcll Springs, attended the funeral
service and burial of Mrs. P. C. Mc
Clallen, at Roscburg Sunday.
Miss Bertha Kay wlio recently
graduated from Emerson, at Boston,
will give a recital at the Opera House,
Wednesday night, iVcemU'r l"tli.
Salem Statesman.
O. Barker, a prosjierous farmer, of
Oak Creek, made this office a plcasai.t
business cull w Idle transacting business
in Roseburg Saturday. He rejxirt,,
bail roads as usual at this se.son of the
Yoncalla News.
Mrs. Marv Ktrawn, started for her
home in Washington Mgnday morning.
Rev. Smith, the Oakland Presbyterian
minister, pn-arhed two interesting ser
mon here last Sunday.
Pr. Votip, of this place, started for
Eastern, Ore., last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Applegate, of
Scotts Valley, are the happy parents of
a wn, lxirn Iec. ii.
Rev. Moore, of the Christian chnrch,
visited Friday with friends on his way
home from (ast Forks, where he hr.s
been hoi. 1 Tug meeting.
Mr. Rogers delivered a lecture to the
A. O. I. W. Ihl? Wednesdav e.eniii2.
Miss Ruth Thiel returned Saturday,
from a visit with Oakland friend.
Mr. N. T. Ihiy, is here visiting with
lis daughter, Mrs. Yett.
Miss P.l.imhe Riddle Las handed in
icr resignation as PriuciI of the Yon-
calla School, in order to take a position
n the Roseburg Public School, which
necessitates the Pard securing a new
principal here.
How To Prevent Croup.
It will be good news to the mothers of
small children to learn that rroop can I
prevent d. The first gn of croup is
hoarseness. A day or two the at
tack the child liecomes hoarse This is
so in folKiweil by a icnliar rough rough.
Give Chamberlain's Cvusrh Remedv
frevly as soon as the child becomes
hoarse, or even rfter tjie rough cough
Appears, and it will dispel all symptoms
of croup. In this way all danger- and
anxietv may c avoided.' This remedy
is used by many tlMXisands of mothers
and has never licen kn iwii to fail. It
is, 11 fact, the only remely that cau al
ways U- drn,!e.l upon and that is
pleasant and safe bt take. For sale by
A. C Marsters. .
Entertainment and Box Social.
An entertainment and social will be
icl 1 in the M-hnol house at I stoking
ila.-s on Friday evening Iecember 19,
at S o'clock. The proceeds ami sale to
go toward purchasing an organ fr the
school and hall. A cash of $1 will be
awarded for the prettiest basket or lnx.
Everybly cordially invited lo attend.
Geo. RAOt.t.
Letter List.
Remaining uncalle.1 for at the Rose
burg oslotlice,
Buckbee, M Johnson, Swsn
Bly, Iax Imarr, W J
Douglas, Frank McGrath, J H
Hart, C II McKce, Jas F
IIum(hreys. W J 2 Mathema, J M
Harden, Mrs Jane Miskulin, Mile
Hampkamt, lieo. Scott William
Whvlerk W J
Persons calling for these letters will
please state the date on w hich they are
advertised, Dec. 15, 1!2.
The letters will be charged for at the
rate of one cent eaih.
, Wm. A. Fkater, P. M.
Little Ranch (or Sale.
A good little home for sale ; 17 acres
adjoining fair grounds, lt niiies east of
Roseburg. Good buildings, 150 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cnltiva
tion. Price $1225. For particulars in
quire at Mili kin's shoe store, Roseburg
Or. al tf
Card of Thanks.
We desiie to express our sincere "and
heartfelt thanks to the many kind
friends and the Woodmen of the World,
especially, for their kindness, sympathy
and assistance during the illness and
death of a loving husband and father, J,
W. Moore. Mrs. Moork and Famii.t.
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good 800 acre farm for sale five
miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in
cultivation, balance hill, pasture and
timbered land. Small 'orchard, good
house, barn and other improvements
For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc-
Gee, Mvrtle Creek, or I). S. K. Buick,
Roseburg, Oregon. jl5tf
Klamath Resvcration Lands
The land office is trying to settle the
cmest ion ns to whether ceded lands in
he Klamath reserve can lie opened to
homestead entry, or wheatherthey be-
lomr to the Etate of Orecon under the
sw amp grant. I no Kate Claims us
right applied liciore the reservation was
County Treasurer's Notice
Xotiee in herehy given to all parties
holding county warrants endornetl prior
to and iueluding March 10th 1!K)0, are re
quested to present tho sumo at the
county treasurer's office for payments
intereHt will cense thereon" alter the
ilnto of tit is notice.
Dntwl Nov. 17, 1!K)2.
County Treasurer.
Well Pleased With Work Accom
plished In Southern DlvUlon
ol Cascade Reserve.'
II. D. I-angille, forest insctor of
Washington, i. C, is spending a few
days in Uose.burj and Southern Oregon
inspecting the Southern Division of the
Cascade Range Forest Reaerve, w hich is
under the suptA-vision of S. C. Bartruni,
of lJoseburg Mr. I.ang'tll expressed
himm-lf as very much pleased with the
work being done in this division. !!
also state that Tie considered this on)
of the most important reserves in th-i
United States. Mr. Langille is thor
oughly ir formed in forest reserve mat
ters, and naturally takea a deep interest
in building up this very inipoitant and
great National project, which today is
the grandest forestry system ever in
Glcndale Happenings.
MissJuhst Slocum, of Portland, will
send Christina with her parents in
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jacpies, and
their children, made ns a plaasent vit-it
last week.
I). C. Tyrer, paiuter and decorater,
ia doing some very artistic work at the
Poet Oflira ldiilduig this week.
Mra. Jessie Clements, and daughter,
Marguerite, are visiting Mr. and Mrs
Dick Miller, at Carlo'a addition to this
Albert W'owd, of Boise City, Idaho,
who has been visiting hia mother and
other relatives iq this, valley, left for
his home on last Wednesday.
Josiah Jones, the drayman and tea -li
ster of our city, ia the busiest . man in
town. He has to supply the town with
wood, besides all the other work that
he do. Well Jo ia the man that
always succeed in -venr undertaking
J. W. Mack, of PorLand, sjn'iit two
days in our city last week, represent ng
the heir's of the late Sol Abraham.
He made: eeral sales of real estite
while here and was well pleased with
the marked evidence of pr)KTity he
noted in our ritv.
II. G. Ssnneniaiiii has on hand a line
lot of holiday gofals, also C. I Nail,
Bowers ix ami Iarby, have jnat receked
a fine supply of toilet article', Con l-s,
toys etc. M. T. Chase, has a large
stock of all kind of Christmas pree its,
so Santa Clause wont m-ed to iit our
rity thisypar.
P. F. Roberts, of the S. P. Co., Ash
land, came over to Gleudal for two
tlavs last week. While here he ant! his
b rot Iters, J. L. and P. II., pi are. I an
order for the material for a ten r torn
cottage, to l built upon the lots o ned
by their motlter, on Sonth Pacific Ave
nue, of which S. R. Miller is the chief
The ba nonet given by Aaalea Ledge,
No. 7H, I), of II., to Gk-ndale Ij.lg No.
m, A. O. U. V.f on the evening of the
13th, was the affair of the n-ason. Tlie
members tf both onlers and their trnesl
lrtook of a atimptuoiia ami ehgant
dinner at 11 p. iu. The Azalea Lidies
were the ret-ipients4 many com pi ii Dei it
nton their culinary akill, and ali a
Itt-in such gracrfuSaiMl genial vutettain-
Mn. W. II. Redtiidd, entertainol last
Thursday, in her usual generous tfylc,
jawing rart rags and Jeasant -acial
c inverse, ke4 th 12 hvlies wlto were
pr.sent very Imsy. I'ucle Cbarley
Anderson, wlio cante with hi go wife.
Lizxie, was the only gentleman pnoent,
ami as t'.e ikmiis issm on itis tini
countenance mtoiii! a look of rmigna-
ktu that recalled the history of K'.th
century martyrdom, ainl we concluded
he never would try to tell his friends
w hat the la-lies talked aliout. The rags,
of many cob, like Jtiseph historical
t, disapjteared aiid tlien reapiared
n great balls ready for the carpet loom.
At 12 iu. dinner was sertfxl, and time
would fail me to tell what an exiellent
dinner it was, saflie it to say h w as
enjoyed by all iresent. Those pre-ent
were Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Ins. C.
Nail, Mrs. Ed. ReJfield, Mr. Ed.
Boyd, Mrs. W. P. Wilcox, Mrs. L.
Johnson, Mrs. C Daugherty, XIrs. L.
R. Miller, Mrs. K. A. Wall, Mrs. L, E,
Shea, Mrs. Dick Miller and Mrs. Dr.
. .Mm-LIE.
I. A. Dean, of the big apple and prune
orchard near Riddles, came np Wednes
day and sold sixty boxes of Jonathan
apples to Mr. Sonnemaun. They are
beauties. Mr. IVan is a nephew to Mrs
Clements and Mrs. McCurdy ol Glen
dale. F. C. Ladd, of the firm of Ild &
Olaen of Roseburg, stopped, eft this
morning to look over our tow n, proba
ble with a view toward a business
proposition. NYe are glad to welcome
all such people to our thriving t w n.
Chas. Ijirsen, ait employee ot tlie
Glendale Lnmlwr Co., was struck on
the head w ith a timber w hich he was
trying to put upon piling at the flume
and rendered nncoiisci ons for an hour,
J. J. Faninar returned home this
morning after several weeks Uy iu the
Portland hospital. We are all glad to
welcome John hack, and pleased to see
him looking so well after having passed
through th e trying ordeal of having a
part of his foot amputated.
of the hride's parents. Mr. find Mrs
If. C. Floofc, in this city, Monday eve
niiiR Pec. 14, 1902, Mr. Fred II. West.
hrook and Mixs Henrietta K. Fluok,
Rev. tieo. II. llennett, iwstfir of the
M. E. church, officiating
The ceremony was witnessed only hy
the niemlMTS of the family after which
all present iiartofik of a spldidid wed'
ding feast. The hride is a well known j
and highly esteemed young lf dy of this
city w hile the groom is a pcpalar and
estimahle young man, a trusted em
ploye of the S. P. Coiniany.
Tho happy couple left on the mid
night train for Portland on a hrief wed
ding tour, and on Uieir return will take
up their residence in this city. A large
circle of friends join the PLiiNDKaLU iu
extending congratulations and hest
Never before have we been in as good a position to show such a varied asssort
ment of articles suitable for Xmas gifts. From the most inexpensive to the
most elaborate. Everything is priced with an eye to value. We suggest : : :
! Ladies Hue embroidered : Mens Padded Silk ': Ladies' Leather and'
! IIaudkcrchies, priced ;: Smoking Jackets Beaded Chatelaine Bags i
if r m ! & : a n d Purses!;
5c to $1.50 $6 25c to $3
; aud all grades between :! 5ooetyles of Mens Neck- ' A more useful present is
! Mens Silk or Linen , a pair of fine Wool!
; Hdkfs and Mufflers w e a r,a -Blankets!
25c to $1.50 !; 25c and 50c S3 to $7
! Ladies' Ice Wool and ; Fine Calf Dress Suit For a more practical ;!
; Saxony circular shawls ;. C a s e s and Alligator ; gift : : :::::;!
cr to Traveling Bags are al- ; A S U I T
; l Ij-wayg acceptable O V E R C O A T j
! Embroidered pillow ! ' ;! : : : Pair of Shoes :::;!
: shams and center pieces ;! Ladies' Fur Scarfs and j H A T .;
! ! Muffs, either in sets or I; t r jj x K i
Jl separately; oriDress Pattern
At Roy eburg Theatre To-Night
(iri-up afl'r grmip of merry ;
girls ailli their ijitat":c ut ir.-s, a-j
iarand join in the merrv Ping Pong!
dative in "the fatvi.-al musical f.iTerir.?, j
Pickings 1 run 1 iick, liii li will aii-j
s-ar at Ri:diirg theatre, Monday even-
inc. !). l.'i'.h. Tiie characters are comic ' a"
and the lin-s are amu-icg; in fact, a j
better vehicle fr a diplay of the com
ny"s talent couhl not ! supplie'.! any- a"
nhere. So nmrb fun is created in the Ja
farrethat it compels pi-ple to shriek:"
with laughter. The imnilier?;
ill be pii!ar Ijreanse they are ea-y to ; m
whi-lle. The sviifry an-I c?tumes areiaj
tiMt attractive to the eye. The show j,j
starts heroically ith a primitive jingle jC
an 1 rises to "inspirtrl nonsense." 3j
m. u;ii..i k.;n,m. -1.,, ii.. ..
for thn vears Vuirfoai comedUn
at the Casino Theatre in New York, and
for one year at the Shaftwbury Theatre,
Ixtndon, Knland. as the priiu i(a! come
dian Mipirtinr lliia May, aud U ably J
asj-istol by Miss Katharine lanyard,'
who - poieandconvini iog joal-.
ilies. Thee stars are fnportel by a
large and esce'Ient company. j
Revolu ion Imm nent.
A Hire cign c.f apprr.u hing revr-lt sod
serious tDHible in vonr svi-m is ncr- ;
vousno-s, sleepleitcs, or s .u:ach i:p-
sets." Electric Hi Iters mill qUM-kly di- i
ineiiilvr th Iroubl.-M.iiif cuires. It j
never fails to torn tl- rtomach, regu-l
Ute the Kidneys and Rowel, stimulate j
the laver, and clarify the b!.I. Run j
down systems benefit jattimLirly and j
all the usual attending a. hes vanish
nnder its searching and thorugh effect
iveness. Ehctric Ritters is only ctic,
ami that is returned ii it don't give it
fect satisfaction, (iuarautcel byA.C.
Marsters and Co., Druggist.
Must Settle I'p.
Notice is hereby given that all ao
! c Mints a nl bills due me. and and re
maining unpaid after Pecember 20, 1902
will le placol in an attorney's hands
for collection. . Prior ti this dat bills
may be settled by calling at C. B. Can
non's news and book store. Cfist of col
lection will 1h adde.1 after Pec. 20, P.02.
d20p Mrs. N, Ivn.
Store Closed Saturdays.
Business at the Cleveland store w ill
be suspended on Saturdays. ril'p.
Notice for Publication.
rnicM Siatp ljin. f'fli.T,
Rovlunc. Ostira. s p: it, 1;J.
Kotlreia bercf r ilvrn tbat tn rumpllanca
wllh th rmvtiii!i ol tbe art ol ) -mrra ot
Juna S. )STS. emttiinl "An art tir Iba r'm of
llmlxr lamis In U. S(!ro! ( eh!vrnia.Oreta
NcTada.antl Ha.hmeion Trriro.-T," ax:nJ
J lo ail Ibe puli:c l:iJ t:a!e tr X-'t ol August
, issi
ot Porllan.t. cohoiv ol Multnomah. !'e of
On fon. h till. iiy Sh-i l.i lliio o !(:- h
rnm ltimrnl No SMI l-r Ihc r "''""' "i
NK'i s-c .'s. Tiinuip r. vuu, rrcr 5 oi
anil will of frr prool lothcw that tnc land onRtil
U mora raluaule for IId Iiihut er ine man
fur arrirnltural MiroiK-a. anl t.) r:at'Ul Ina
Claim Ut!re tho KrxIMvr a:iJ Keciver of Ibn
elite ol lUaebu if, Oregon.
on SKlnntv, lb llh ily of F, liruarr. l''t He
Hnrli nt Cortlaml. iD'nn. w m r:;lil, an I tl
M atnmn of Mjrr'.lo i:nt k. tire.
Anv and all txTon t Uimfj a.tverD-lr th
ahor rtiKribed laml aw re-jurtl 1 to lilt- l!ier
rlalmii In thl ofliiw on or bi-iin il Mth ilay
ol February. 1901. J. T.BKltHiKS.
dtp betisier
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Rom-Iht. On roi.
Ix-msU-rti, ls2.
Notice i hereby stvcil that lh lollowint
named aettlcr ha flifl uolirr of bta lntntioo
to make htm! proof in Mrit of bin elolm,
and tbat aaid proof will bp tna.le tn-fore the
Kruiater -and l:-elver at Hobunf, Oregon,
on January if, vxxv. vlx ; -
on H. K. No. mni tor tit? lota 1 and S,cctioQ tl.
Tp. 2S ontb, rancr eU
lit nimri tbe fnlluwinff witne-e to pmva
blf ronllouoaii residcni-e tton and rulUvatmn
of aaid land, via: ThomanMnvJ. W tiiiain Sc
t lain, lleorgo Hall and Jolu Wrht. all o
Nyrtlet reck, Oregon. J. T. BKIlHiKS.
011 K-gister.
Notice for Tublication .
l'nile.1 Statm Land Omr,
Kowbunr. Unitou. ttt-t Kl. Wi-
Notlca 11 herel.y given tbat In roropllnca
with the tirovmiona ol ine an ot uinsmi m
June s, is:!t. entitled "An art for the of
timber land In tbe Stair ul Catlionila,trson
Nevada .and W ashliiKton Territory." anexicnd
ed to all the public land atate by act ol Auiurt
4, WVi.
of Rlchlaiiil.cimntyol llaker. llo of,
baa thi dav tiled lit tbi his sworn tte
ment No 3;jii. lor the uireliae ol tin St.'i
oiMi-iInn :t townnhipill touth, taiiRe wet
and will oner proof to khow that the land
ouebt ia mre valaible lonH timber or stone
than lor agru nitural li "!"'"" 1 mam
Huh hi claim hrlore W Hrllt, U 8 fouinns.
vloncr at Riddle, lre:on, ou Tliniwlay tho mid
dayof January. Wtl. Uannuic wltnee:
I S Hamilton, IV K MmaM, H W Miller, ot
Myrtle frees, Orcgonaud 6ila t'ojgett o( Riih
land, Oregon.
AnyandallperaoascUiinlng a.trers,ly the
above deacrtlwd lands arc rviueteil lo lilo their
claims in this otbee on or boiore said sth day
of January Wl, JXUKtPtlES.
o;ajp KegiMcr.
ReiiiemU'r that allhiiih the j,ri-e is kei t DOWN, oar chief
uiiu is t- keep the .fialily t'P. Mail orders fille.1 promptly.
Of All
5. K.
For Ho!ida3' Presents
I have no famous bargains to pan off old
stock aud out-of-date gocds, I simply give
3-ou houest goods at fair prices, and mark
them in plain figures. Call and inspect ray
goods aud piices before purchasing elsewhere- -
Rice c& Rice
The House Furnishers
Absolutely the iMost Ambitious Sale of t!ieSeason
It means remarkable values for all classes of Christ
mas offerings. This sale pretends to everything that be
longs iu the house, as well as all things appropriate for
T5! ?W MECSu
20 Dozen pairs Lace Curtains
All Wool Oregon Blankets
Heaters 5-2.25 to 514.50.
Send us your mail orders, we can fill them for anything
iu the line. Wholesale or Retailers
RICE & RICE, House Furnishers
x rtiniCTAiAC ic rmiitn
tlllilOIIUHO 10 LrU illliU
i And everybody who sees.
i our Holiday display of
j Holiday attractions is
I glad of it
b Por popular prcascnts at
5 popular prices in Watches.
0 Glochss, Jewelry. Silver-
1 uarb and PJovcltics in cs
j elusive designs at
New Number, Main 911.
J. T. Bryan
X MwS Iron Bi as kw as Ufi
KssiU s Bt Sweeper at
8.75 aad JU) EacL
There is nothing nicer
Oir Lias of Fancj Coccaes ani
Laches from WJJ to $25ii
OsrSpidal EidasiTC Li Racl
ers, 51 5 to 5:5.
Our Special EjdnsiTe Line ef
Diners, .75c to 5158 Eaca.
...50c. to $6.00 pair.
$3-75 t0 Skoo