The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 08, 1902, Image 2

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The Tarice-a-Teek
Rose burg Plaindealer
Published Monday ud TharadKyt.
Editors and Publisher
Twice-a-Vctk Plaindeakr. pet year. $2.00
Feed Weight, City Editor, Solicitor.
T. G. Errii. Foreman
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
The leading editoi ial in last Thurs
day's Oretuian ays :
"We have it from The Dalle and
Roseburg that the Oregoniati's charge
concerning public land abusses are base
less. Everything is all risrht. Every
thing is as it should be. These asser
tions made by persons in collusion with
the land office official? are financially
interested in perpetuation of tlie present
regime, pro-erd from Republican who
are nothing if not straight party men.
and as snch their attention may prop
erly be invited to this passage iu l'resi
deut Roosevelt's message :
In their actual oc the desert-land law. ttw
timber anl stons law an! the commutation
ilause of the lioaestead law havw bees o per
verted from the intention with whKh tnej
were enacted a? to permit the acquisition oi
larpc areas oi t he public domain or other thaa
actn&l "Cillers and the conseqnest preyrntioa
of settlement.
We shall not indicate lo the land office
officials who stand convicted of winking
at frauds in state land selections and
neglect of duty in facilitating the timber
and stone frauds, whether they ehoald
continue to declare the impeccability of
the public land regime or fall in with
the opinion of the President. They are
tinder obligation to do the latter; inas
much as tijey subscribe to the doctrine
of Presidential infallibility, so ably ex
emplified in the comment of oar mem
bers of congress on the President's
message. Everything in it is sound,
wise, lovely and" perfect. It is a wonder
how anybody could for a moment sup
pose such slavish adulation would pass
muster as intelligent criticism."
The Oregoniau, so far as Rose
burg is concerned, stands convicted of
direct falsehood and chicanery and from
its own admissions the boomerang it
threw at honest and capable public offi
cials returned and hit the editor of that
delectable sheet on the head. We are
fully aware that the Oregonian had no
personal fifht to make on the land office
officials at Roseburg. . The fight was on
Land Commissioner Hermann, who
seemed to stand in Scott's way as a can
didate for United States senator. If it
could be proved that the land officials
at Roseburg, The Dalles and LakeTiew
were what tlie Oregonian charged them
with being: Viz. boodlers and the
friends and associates of rfien who w ere
nothing more nor less than a set of cold
blooded perjurers and helped along the
perjurer's schemes to rob tlie govern
ment, then Hermann's forces would be
broken and he would be forced to leave
Washington a disgraced man. This was
the first move. The second was for
Secretary Hitchcock to send special
spies to investigate the bogus charges
with a hope that evidence of fraud
could be found ; and let it be here stated
the friendship between Hitchcock and
Hermann is of a very attenuated form,
as Hitchcock wants Hermann's office to
pay a friend for political fealty. Titer
were several investigators or special ex
aminers sent to Roseburg (and we only
write tor Roseburg; and after weeks of
patient toil and investigation, the reports
sent to Secretary Hitchcock fully exon
erates the officials and convicts the Ore
gonian of malicious falsehood ; and so
far as tlie Plaidea les is concerned it
stands br and sustains at all times hon
est republicans who are in office.
Regarding calling oor attention to tlie
extract from the President's message,
we admit frankly and freely and with
out mental reservation, that the passage
is correct in this particular. It is , a
well known fact that vast bodies of land
have been gobbled up by lieu scrip
men and combinations fostered and pro
tected in Washington. - And right here
we take this occasion to state, that all
the fuss and feathers being made about
timber l.nd being taken op by individu
als and then sold to capitalists is only
an effort to stop the sale of timlter land
to individuals in order to give the cor
porators and syndicates and public land
tlueves a chance to jcquire by vicious
legislation or schemes of plunder the
best timber lands on tlie Pacific elope.
The mental anguish displayed by Secre
tary Hitchcock in his cry of "Stop
thief' is only an effort being made to
divert public attention from the real
thieves who are now gathering their
forces in tlie Xational capitol.
Then there is another scheme under
all this liellabaloo of poor men taking
np timber land who cannot utilize it lie-
cause of joverty. Who under the bn:ad
canopy of heaven should have a" clmii.v
at the timber land except poor ilk h,
comparatively speaking. Sliall the rich
and affluent have it all? Shall Uncie
Sam's vast domain pass to millionaires
without a chance being given to an en'
terprising, though xr man, oltaining
some benefit of the country of which he
is a citizen? Shall the laws wfiich have
granted to hundreds of thousands of
men and w omen homes, and ha set'
tied up the country be repealed in order
to turn the last land over to vast corpora'
tions? Such ia the damnable scheme
and purjose of all this talk about fraud
and protection for public lands, lint
there is also another side to tlie part
played by the Delilah of thr Columbia
w ho wants to be United Stii'es Senator,
This old political rip has played her
charms pretty well in this particular.
Hermann is tied up i,i Ya -!ii:iton.
The land offices in Oregon are all under
charge of corruption, and it is said that
no appointments will be made until after
congress has acted ; and Scott, like the
devil tempting the Xazarine with the
glory and possession of the world, can say
to the swashbucklers in the state legis
lature: "Boys support and elect me to
the Unibsd States senate and then I
w ill put you all into the land offices and
let you fill up at the pie counter,"
But while the I'flilah ma- foist her
charms upon a gullable public, yet this
iact is apparent to every thinking man:
Scott is cot in sympathy w ith tlie repub
lican party. His sneering attack on
President R'iseelt and the Oregon del
egation in Washington proves Lim to be
a disgruntle 1 pMitician. The free trade
Lfresy and repeated violent attacks i
npon every republican administration.
and his sympathy with the Stuffed !
Prophet of Buzzard's Bay ami the black
period of democratic rule and ruin,
chiefly ruin, of 1S93 to 18517, ought to
convince any man who aspires to office
that Scott in Washington would be an
Ishmaelite to Hod, men, angels and
devils and the only leaning he had
would be towards a democratic flop.
The various screeds published by the
Oregonian on land office affairs in the
past two months has kept thousands of
persons from the central and eastern
states coining to this state and taking
np homesteads or timlter lands; and
that paprr lias put a stop to the efforts
of tlie railroads to bring into the state
new citizens and new enterprises, and
for all t his scnldtiggery comes be
fore the public and says : If. you want
prosperity and peace, send me to the
United States Senate.
There is a whole lot of fuss and
feathers being made at Charleston, S.
C. over the apixiintnient of a nigger as
collector of that port. The President
apjiointed him by petition and in
stead of - getting up a political ruens if
tliere had leen a non-political nhion
circulated, every republican of repute in
that state would have signed it with the
democrats asking that t-iie appointment
be set aside and we have no doubt but
that the Preadent would have acted
favorably. White Republicans from
the north go to the south for a few
months sympathize with their colored
brethren, but after two or three years
ot actual experience, the symjiathy is
lavished upon the white men who have
to bear the nigger burden. K This is not
good policy but it is actual experience
and the truth nevertheless.
Great Leader of- Congress Passed
Away Saturday.
Nation Mourns Man Whose Strong
Will and Sound Sense Reformed
Rules of Congress.
Washiwtox, Dec. o-Thonias Bracket!
Reed, ex-Speaker of tlie House of Rep
resentatives, and for many years promi
nent in public life, died here tonight at
12:10 o'clock in his apartments in the
Arlington. The iinnnsliate cause of
death was uraemia. A change for the
worse was noted in Mr. Reed's condi
tion early this morning. At 9:30 o'clock
he was given a subcutaneous saline
transinsion in order to stimulate the
kidneys, which were failing to perform
Iheir pmj er funviions. At 5 oYlork
this afternoon saline solution was again
administered, alxiut three tjuarts ot
fluid U'ing used. The heart lecanie
weaker, but the patient regained con
sciousness until 11 o'clock tonight, w hen
a complete coma came on.'
At the bedside, when he died were
Mrs. Reed and Miss Katheriue Reed,
Drs. tiardner, McDonald, Bishop and
Goodnow and the nurses. Dr. lioodno
who had been in consultation with the
local physicians Thursday, was again
summoned from Philadelphia this after
noon, and arrived at ! o'clock tonight.
Curtis Johnson to Reside in - Clenaale
and Have Charge of new "
Monday morning we were greeted
with a call from Wm. P. Johnson who
was dow n from Myrtle Creek, accompa
nied by his wife. Mr. Johnson says
their Myrtle Creek enterprise is pro
gressing right along, and that the saw.
mill started up this week. He Is also
pleased to state that their (ilendale un
dertaking is progressing favorably ; Uiat
the survey is well on above ialesvillo,
and that the settlers are manifesting a
kindly spirit towards the lienilieeut en
terpriser hich he and his brother are
ulsmt to build up.
His brother Curtis Johnson, left Erie,
Pa., on Tuesday of this week for Glen
dale where he will take lipid residence.
This is good news, and means much for
our grow ing little tow n and "the Cow
Creek country. Cilendale News'.
Notice of Sale of Real Property for
Taxes for the Year 1901.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
if a Warrant isstn.Nl out of the" County
Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Douglas, on the ISth day of
ovemlier, I:ii2, conirnamimg me to
advertise and sell the proja-rty of the
IvHnqnent Taxpayers for and in the
said Douglas County, for the- rear Lull,
aetciivled in Ihe "lH-)in!lrtit Giluum"
iu the Tax Rolls nf iMiglas tmnlyior
said year, to satisfy- the taxes charged
During the holidav season just com
ing on it is hoped that all the trading j
possmie wui be done in thts city. JV
not send to Portland for articles that
can be liad here. All the monev so
taken away does not come back. Pat
ronize home merchants in every way
you can. It iy.
?l.?iiii.t 1.1Y ti'ii'iTrf fi.r f Km fc.ii.l i-K ir
Mr. aeed's mind was in such a state uther with all M iiahies. interest; and
co't !r tlie collection of tlie same.
The following is a correct transrript ot
the delinquent p'perty of tlie jiersona
wtiove names are set oK-ite eacU-tract
as the sine ap-ar- a-s-ssd on the
said Roll and extended in the I 'el in
Barley Wanted.
Tlie Roseburg Brewery wants 2000 lbs.
of good barley, and will pay a cent and
a quater er pound for it. Address
Roseburg Brewing Co. Roseburg Ore.
during the dav that he did not reilize
the seriousness of his condition. He
was cheerful and conversed w ith those
about his bsdside. When it lvane
a pi -are nt that he would not survive his
illness, the wife and daughter were not:- j 'l!' "t Colnn.nof tiie same, and described
iied, and the v remained constantly at ! a!i "' "w1
lilM liedsitlp until th ,liti?i(ni
iatient breathed his last. Wilh only
Edw.' F XV. '
Sec. 14. Tp. 27. K. S
1 I P ,lr,.niVV 1". t VW
faint hojie of saving his life, oxygen was '." Sec 22 Ti' "6 r' 7
Alexander. Ths. Lot 21 iu
I'irt i'rookMde Addition lo
administered throughout the day
It was stated tonight that Mr. Beed
had been sjffering from Rright's dis
ease for some time. It reached the
acute stage today, and this furnished;
caused for additional alarm. Mr. Reed
passed away -jacefully and without
The Evidence of a Conspiracy is Clearly Apparant
Who Lied to Hitchcock, or Has Hitchcock and Scott Lied on Herman and the
Laad Officials at Rose burr. The Dalls and Lakeview.
A dispatch from Washington of Sat
urday's date says: Congressman
Tongue had a conference with S.cretary
Hitchcock to-lay, in which he discussed
at length tlie land situation in Oregon
and especially the situation as reflected
in the editorial of the fregouian of
November 2!. In saking of the con
ference, Mr. Tongue says:
"The secretary told hie that tliere are
no more attempted evasions of the laud
laws in Oregon than iu other states
where timber is becoming valuable;
that the violations of the timber and
stone act in that state are not beins
made by citizens of Oregon, but prin
cipally by persons who are comirfz iu
from other states.
"I was nnable to find tliat a single
officer of any land office in tlie First
Congressional. District, or any official
whose appointment I have recommend
ed, is nnder a suspicion of misconUict.
Sec. : SW. 'J XV. ii.-M 1.
XV. '4 XV. , Sec. 17; SE.
4 XE. M. h ts 1 and 2. Sec.
l: E. !i SE. !i. SW. 'i
SM. lot v. io. U. 12. X.
: i XE. h.t a and . Sec.
7; a"d in Tp. 2C. R. C. except
frr.m the above 20n acres
sold to . B. Winniford ...
Ball. Mr. Zctta Lots 4 and '
and S. lot G, block 1
Roseburg . .
if i . ii.. i . . .?.,-. . ' T : i rt . i . v- i .
li inert: are any, nit ucparmiem uei noes wiiui!. i. rv. i . -4
Rosibtirg fi.CO
AHrn. Harns!i.-Estate XE. '4 "
SW. XV. ?4' SE. 'i. SW.
i XE. li, SE. i XW. Ji.
Sec. Tp. 22, R. 6 , 5.00
Am-s. Mtlt'irr I.t 3 and -I,"
h! 2. Krcwii.n's Addition
to Dram : I.s2
Ai:a!o American Xickel Min
ing Co. W.
S ' . . s
SK : K t:
i. rcc. i. in. i. i is.Oj
Henry X. SE. 'a. F
SW. i SW. tj
to give me information tipn the sv,l-j
"I askeI the secretary that tt thc(
XE. i XW.
::i. R. 1 ....
Sec. 16. Tp,
I ISan.m. John .V X'E. '4. Sec.
:.. Tn. 21. K. 2
earliest iissibK moment he localise and j Hj'c-.. Arthur XII ii. Sec It.
Tp. r.2. H. 6
r.atr. phiihp-xi:. xe: 11
ecify his charge, pointing out loth t'..?
offenses and offeihlers, so that inh'-.Nr.t '
men can be frel fr jsi suspicious. The!
secretarv said he r cvni.iNl the justice
of that, find will comply with :r.y re- j
. -. .t... 1: ... .. . : . . .. . . 1
jifK'Mai me earnt-sL -ioitT iiMinei:i.
'I could learn of nothing that would i
place any memlx-r of the State Ijtnd j
Board under fnspicion, Secretary j
Hitchcock says tliere is nothing on;
record or in anyway know n to his de
partment that in the siight"st di-gree jn
volves any mcniU-r of the dehvati'iu in
conniving at or having any knowledge
of any misconduct or any int "n-l.-I eva
sion of the land laws, or ling in any
way negligent in the discharge of duties
in reference to them."
XW. ' i. Sec. K,, Tn. 21. R. S
Battv. A'acc A. Lots 3 and 4
brock 5. (:d .il.iand
Barzcc. I.o;:i I.t . b!x-k ?.
t.s 1 and 2. block 32. S.
B.a:-. W. H SE. V, Xl !;,
XE. ; SE. '1. SW. 'I SF-
xw. ;
1 B
The Canooa Kin 2 Gives a Daily Exhi
bition in Roseburs this Week.
Captain Holtum, the world's famous
"Cannon King," will give his novel phy
sical culture exhibition and lecture, in
tersjiersed with music and fun, in Rose
burg this week, in the Armory hall
every day at 3 o'clock p in.
Friday ereniug at 7 :30 p. m. For ladies
children and gentlemen.
1 Lectare in six languages.
2 Hundreds of exercises with 7-lb
2 Muscle and nerve exhibition.
4 Throw ing a dollar in a piece of
5 Soldier dogs, Bobby and Walla,
fi Champion cannon-ball act.
7 The human clock.
The Lion's grip.
Marching on ordinary beer bottles.
10 Tug-of-war.
11 Catching a real cannon ball, fired
from a genuine cannon by powder only.
' 12 Tableau, "Tlie Stars and Strijies. "
1100 KEWABD.
I w ill faithfully give die above to any
human being who can accomplish the
cannon feat. Send in your names, to
catch the ball. Admission 15 cents.
Dedicated to the Victims ef a Travel
ing Stove Peddler.
There w as a feller came to town to do
the farmers all up brow n. He will
drive out to your farm take you famil
iarly by the arm, and give you a hot air
talk until yon become alarmed.
He will tickle the babies under the
chin greet your wife and daughters with j
a grin ; lie will slap you on the lock, at j iiycr. Geo.
the same time think "what a snap" anil
E. '1, part .f XW. ; NW.
t. Sec. II. Up. -2. k. 5 ...
in. Gertrude Part -f CL
Jj. Tp. 27. K. j t
Bcheu, M.irgsrc: E. lots 7
ar:rl s. b'.-k jo. K. R. Addi-
- tiosi t i R.''.-cl!jr
I'.i-nson. Brrrrt XE. !,i Sec.
it. T;. 27. R. S
r-...o:i. w. w. se.
:'. Tp. 21. R. 7
: " v.. D.-SE. i
Tp. f. R. 1
Boiton. France SPl
i. Sec :u. Tp. 21,
Boren. W. JL Bee. at the XW.
f'TCr i. S. IY-pe land,
shrnce S. 2.i rods V. Z,n
roN !'., tic!. X. 2'J;i TiyU
E. 57 h feet to place of
b-gittring. coinaiiimg 10
acres, in rte S. 't S. i (i
CI. 4o. Tp. 29. P.. s
Brown. Chas. L. W. 't SE. i.
Sec. Tp. 21. R. 4
Butter. Win. F. SE. !i. Sec. 24,
J !. 27. K. H
li. Sec.
Sec. 32,.
K. 4 ..
2:. 30
give ym a hot air talk, that w ill make i
you hitch
the slack.
.c. 21. Tp. 23. R. 4; XW. U
SW. li. S. SW. 14, Sec.
you hitch up your suspenders to take nP j Caatphe II.'' R?' C It V V t VoV .
f Cannon A- Cliamr.rr' AHili
He will put the tam in the liarn, tion to W. R-cbi!rg
verv lollfllv iiniwn vnnr f irTii - I.. .ill ! liril'T. K. A. . I
feel fit vnn lit- ArHrwa rAii.inJiiw. viAti I "-Cl. i. . 1 p. K. J ...
your wife, you should please, and give j UrTin".'!". !."3 .?!
yon a hot air talk I hat will make von ! (-,..' s;,.in j; 1 ",,. 5" iA'rt.M
Fourth Regiment Shoot.
Iu the display w indow s of the M. R.
Janney jewelry store, arc .three very
handsome, artistic and costly prizes to
be awarded for excellence in marks
manship. One is a silver trophy cup
and the others are gold medals.
The cup and one medal are hung up
by the Fourth Regiment, O. X. G., for
coinany and individual prbK-s . respect
ively ;
Colonel Geo. O Yoran and Captain C.
C. Kaaffman, inspector of rifle ranges
have charge of the tournament and w ill
make a tour of the towns w here 4 th regi
ment companies are located. Tlie Col
onel will inspect equipage and the Caj
tain will conduct competitive target)
shooting. Tlie coiiqany making the
bigbrht collective score will be awarded
the trophy cup while the hi'4hest indi
vidual score will entitle the marksman
to the gold medal. Following is the
itinerary and the date on which each
competitive shoot occurs: Alhanv,
Dec. fOth ; H'oodburn, Dec. 22nd ; Sa
lem, Dec. 23d ; Eugene, Dec. 25th ; Ash
land, Dec. 20th ; Grants Pass, Dec. 30th ;
Reburg, Dec. 31st. Eugene Register.
Company E, of this city, has a num
ber of good shots, and will undoubtedly
make some good scores during this
ehoot, - '
weak in vonr knees.
He will tell you how he was rai.-ed
"down on the farm" to the toiiit he
will gently warm, while you shiver and
shake with fear, you'll bej;in to lial
your eyes and act queer, then he knows
it's time to give you a hot air talk that
w ill make you blind.
. He will give you a confidential talk
making it as smooth as chalk, probably
offer your wife a five if she to her neigh
bors will rejcat "some of his lies,"
while at the same time all around you
the hot air flies.
And before yon reaiize he has secured
a prize, yon take out your red hatidann
for your fare feels rather clammy, from
the effects of the hot air talk on your
Ashe is driving down the lane you
begin to wonder who's to blame; your
thoughts, in their natural flight ujion
your better-half do light, while under
the collar the hot air docs you begin to
The more to you, your own thoughts
do return, the more you liegin to twist
and squirm, until you finally do explode
th en you d 1 1 d id n't d id all caused
by the hot air the traveling tove
jieddler oured into you. S. K,
' acre.' Tp.
Is the direct cause of many unhealthy
conditions of the eyilem and yet in is
surprising that so mny suffer from ibis
disease before taking anything or it is
too late, as it is in fact very easy to cure
with S, B. Catarrh Cure, tlie only posi
tive internal cure forvca'arrh .on the
market that does all that is claimed fur
it. It is for sale by all the leading
druggists. One liottle shows results.
Be sure and accept no substitute. Book
orfcatarrh free. Address Smith Bros.,
Fresno, Cal.
R. 5
i .. . : 1.. 1- t. t t . . ' 1 " .
..iiaii iw- 4 1. ;4t
lot Sec. 3. Tp. 21, R. U
Chapman, Sieve Iits S. 6, Sec.
'.. Tp. 2.-.. R. 4; lot 1, Sec. lfi.
Tp. 25. R. 4
Chase, Elmer P. S. -i XW
SW. H. Sec. r.rt. Tp. 22. R. 13
Cheshire. Mrs. lohcrt Lot 30,
Drain's Addition to Drain.
Cluster. E. K. SE." li, Sec. 8,
Tp. 2'.t, R.
Coic & Roadman L'nd. 1-10 of
W. )i SE. i, E. ;4 SW. t4'
S.c.21, Tp. 25, R. li; End.
1-6 of XW. 14. W. li XE.
li. Sec. 21. Tp. 23. R. C;
l'nd. 1-rt of SE. H SW. li,
SW. H SE. H, lot 9, Sec.
lfi. Tp. 2". R. f, -
Coliins, E.-W. r.nrt r.f V. i
XE. li. and part of S. '4 of
XW. li. lying on left bank
of Siuslaw rivfr, Sec. 24, Tp.
lfi. R. X
Crane. S. W. Lot 5, block 2,
Old Oakland
Crothcrs. Eva Lot 3, Sec. 16,
Tp. 21, R. 4
Davidson. John W. XE. li
SW. 'i. SE. H XW. 4'. S.
Yt SW. H. Sec. io. Tp. 24,
Dais, Edgar C SW. 'i S
li. Sec. 2.!, Tp. 2t!, R. 7
Dcitri. k. Georgian SW. li SE.
li. Sec. ::r,, Tp. 22, R. l.i ...
Dernier. John S. j XE. H,
Sec. 27, Tp. 27, R. 6
Dewey. J. L. W. ::3 feet of lot
:i. block 1. Gleivlalc; SE. 'i
SE. H. Sec. 33. Tp. 83. R. 7;
S. i XE. li. SE. H XW. 4,
XE. 'a SW. li. Sec. fi. Tp.
21, R. beginning p.1.33 Chs.
S. and 7 Chs. E. from the
XE. corner of the Aaron
Rose Don. CI., thence E. 21S
feet, to ,S. boundary line of
Hascll Alley, thence SW.
along said line to a point
S. of the place of beginning,
thence X. 3 Chs. to place of
beginning; also 10 feet off
the west side nf lot now"
owned by S. 1. Thornton and
wife in HasscII's Addition
1 . s
5. so
to Roseburg 34.8o
Dohcrty. J. J. SE. j.j, Sec. C,
Tp 24 R. 2 ,0.62
Dufhcld, Lester Lot J, block
23, Riverside Addition to
Roseburg 4q
Dowel!, J. W. Beg. at the NE.
corner of lot 7 in Sec. 19,
Tp. 27, R. 5; thente S. on
E. line of said lot 7, 4..80 Chs.,
thence W. along said N. line
of land deeded to S.usannah
Bowcn, deed for which is of
record in Vol. K, pages 510
and 01 1 of state deeds, 7.S3
Chs., thenca N. to tha S. line
r t the W. T. Perry Don. CI.,
thence easterly alorg the S.
line of the Wm. T. Perry
. Don. CI. 7.83 Chs. to place
of beginning, containing 3.53
acres, all in Sec. 15, Tp. 27.
R. 5 . 4 83
Eastleinan. V. G.-SE. H SE.
li. Sec. 7. Tp. 2s, R. 4 ... 1.53
Ebbert. M. Belle Lf,t 8, block
8, Yoncalla 1.00
Ekhlom. Mrs. Christian Lots
S and t, block 13, Gardiner 4.70
l islicr. Jacob Lots 2 to 5, Sec.
6. Tp. 3f, R. 7 13.38
l ullerton, J. B. Part of Don.
Q. 32, Tp. 30. R. 5 6.55
1 nrlong, Wm. E. yt XW. 'A,
W. li XE. U, Sec. 12, Tp.
23. ! C.30
Galhghcr, I'. X. S. li XW. H,
X. H SW. i, Se. 20, Tp.
24, R. 6; XE. H SK li. Sec.
19. Tp. 24, R. C 7.0s
Gardiner, Mrs. S. E. Lou 4 to
9 of subdivision of XW. 'A
NW. H, Sec. 17, Tp. 22. R. 5 3.40
Gentry, Geo. A. Lot 2. SE. U
SE. Ji.Scc. 17, Tp. 21, R. 11;
lots S. 9. 10 and 12, E. ,
XE. H. XW. H SIL li. Sec.
50, Tp. 20, R. 11; W. XW.
li. Sec. 21. Tp. II. R. 11;
W. i XW. n. Sec 10, Tp.
H, R. llj E. X1-. li. Sec.
9. Tp. 14. R. 11 21.83
Graham, R. S. Lots 1 to 4. and
10 to 13, block C. Hint's Ad
dition to Roseburg
Graham. R. S. and Xliie Iits
7 and 8. block 3. lots 1 to
8. block 4, Xorth I'ark Addi
tion to Roseburg 23.35
Grant, C. M. Lot 1, Sec. 10
Tp. Hi, R. 12 .7j
Gray. I rancis Beg. 6.13 Chs
I- and 17.43 Chs. X. of the
li-niilc post, S. si le oi Sec.
34. Tp. 27, R. C, thence west
erly along the riv r bank to
beginning, also pat of lot 4
conveyed by Smith to J. M.
Eberline 5.50
Garney. Margaret I. SW.
li. Sec. 21. Tp. 2. R. t ... 2.33
Gutaphen tc Evanntf XE. J
XE. 4'. Sec. 19. Tp. 23. R9 1.13
Hanna. J. S.. Heirs-SAV. H SE.
li. Sec. 13. Tp. 2.-, R. 4 ... 1.S0
Han-tn. J. A. Bo, at a point
"tl the E. side .i ihe right r.f
ay of the O. & C. R. R in
Wilbur, where the X. line of
the A. J. Chapman land
erosic-; the R. j. right of
way, thence tasteily Vi2 feet
ahng the sii.l Chapman
land, thence northerly 2f4
feet, thence we-teiy 122 feet
t the R. R. rig'tt of way.
thence southerly to begin
ning in Wilbur, containing 1
acre 4.29
Hart field, Wm. Lola 2, 4. 5 and
6. Sec. 14. Tp. 22, R. 7 10.20
Hareriy, Edith E. '.. Sec. 38,
Tp. 27. R. 4 '. 21.23
Haver'y. J. K. W. ; j Sec. 35,
Tp. 27. R. 4 21.23
Hill. Mary E Lot? 5 and C.
block 21. S. Draij 1 03
Inborn, J. W.-Bg. at SW.
comer r.f SE. 'i of Sec 8.
Tp. 22. R. 3. thence east S3
r-Kli. X. 34 rod. W. so rods,
S. 54 rod in place of begia contain-rg :I7 acre ... 12.62
Hsn.Iman. E. XE. '4 XE. '4.
Sec. 13. Tp. 21. R. 5 1.15
HoMcn. I f olden S A", li XE.
i. Sec. 22. Tp. 31. R. S 1.45
Hopkins. G. B S. XE. H.
'. lots 1 and 2, Sen 4, Tp. 2t,
R- 9 13.44
lift. Oliver XE. U. Sec. 4,
Tp. 32. R. 4 7.63
Hunter. .Mr. Maty A. The .'j of thr f.inowinff
t--ttit: Beg. at t'le '4 corner
-n the X". -boundary, of Sec.
Tp. 31. R. 3. thence E.
Ois.. thence S. 15 Ch. tt
eoont read. leading So Can-y-.nviile,
thence S. 14, W.
7.31 Ch., on angle ef connty thence X. 5.50 Ch
thence W. 3.71 Ch. to E.
boundary line of 1). Rolen
l a-.;gh land, thence X. on
said boundary 15 Chs. to
place of beginning, contain
ing 13.33 acres; also beg. at
a point 13 Ch. 5. cf H cor
ner on the X. "oundary cf
Sec 33. Tp. 30. R. 5, thence
E. 3.17 Chs.. thrnce S. 5.50
Cits, to county road, thence
S. 52' j Dcg.. . 3.4S Ch.
along county toad, thence
north 7.55 Chs., to place of
beginning, con lining 1.26
acres 1.40
Hnrley. Edward li- 1 SW. i,
lots 3 and 4, SeL 30. Tp. 31,
R. 3 11. SO
Johnson. Mrs. M. SE. '4 XE.
'4. Sec 33. Tp. 22, R. 4 .. 1.47
Kar-chner. Gererd F. SW. 4.
Sec. 4. Tp. 2'. R. 9 ....... 13. SO
Kellcy. I- M Lo 3, lhk 5,
Old Oakland 15
Kellogg. L. 1. Estate Lot 7,
block 2. Old Oakland .15
Kennedy. Silas H.--SE. i. Sec.
30, Tp. 31, R. 3 10.62
Kclletic. Marza XL XE.
XE. U. Src. IB, Tp. 22. R. 8 1.15
Klabnscar. Jacob Lot 3, XE.
11 SW. li, X. y. SE. U, Sec.
3o. Tp. 23, R. S 10.62
I.aird. John A. Beg. at a point '
in center of county road,
1.40 Chs..W.'i Ois.. X.
70 Deg. 31 Min. W. of corner
stone at SE. intersection, 1
corner of claim 63. thence X.
70 Deg. 31 Mil. W. 3.r.3'J
Chs.. thence X. 13.1 s Chs,
thence S. 70 Dc?. 30 Min. E.
3.32,i J Chv. thence S. !3.U!i
Chs., to place of beginning,
containing 3 acres. Tp. 27,
K. 6 5.26
I-lird. B. If. SW 'i XW. 'J,
XW. !4' XW. !4. Sec. 13. Tp.
, 23. K. 10 O.43
Laird, Mrs. C. V.--Los 10 and
. 11, bliH-k 2. ""homas sub
' division of Emit vale, lot 5.'
block 2. Riverside Addition
to Roseburg 1.92
Laird, John A. SW. H XE.
'i h.ts 1 and Sec. 4. Tp.
31, K. n j o.mi
Lanuton. Af.Vil, I fcirs SE. li
SW. 14. lot 1, Sec. 4. Tp. 23,
R. 7 . 4.2s
Lenox and Rasor Lots t and 2.
block 2. lots 6 to in. block
1 1. lots 9 to in. block 12. Ter
race Park Addi.ion lo Rose
burg 4.03
r.erwcll. W. B.-SW. U Sec. IS,
Tp. 30, R. 1 .v 10. 62
Leskrla. Jacob Iits 1. 2 and 3.
XW. li XW. .(. Sec. 6, 7 p.
32, R. 3 10. C5
Lilj.i. Peter M.-X. li S. li Sec.
21. Tp. 2;:. R. 'f 10.62
UindqnNt, Magnii XE. H Sec.
S. Tp. 21. R. 3 10.62
Lockctt. F. M. S. tj lot 4,
block C, Yoncalla 5.83
Lowe, Frank S. ' SE. 14, XE.
li. Sec. 19. Tp. 27, R. 6 1.53
Marjory. Mrs. Jcrnir I.hH 15
and 13, block '.li, 2d South
ern Addition to Roseburg .
Tp. 27, R. 7; V. V, NW. 'a.
Sec. 33, Tp. 27, R. 7
Matthews, Mrs. B. A. SE. ,
S. i of NE. i, Sec. 1, Tp.
28, R. 8
McCurdy, L. W-SW Ji, SW.
. 'A. Sec 27. Tp. 20, R. 11;
XW. li NW. 'A, Sec 34,
Tp. 20, R. 11
Mack, Mrs. A. W. li SW. U,
Sec. 29, Tp. 21, R. 5; NW.
li, less ZH acres. Sec. 32,
Tp. 21. R.'S
McKee, B. L. SE. J SE. U,
Sec. 23, Tp. 21, R. 6; lot 9,
block s7, 2d Southern Addi
tion to Roseburg
McUllen, D. J. N. NW. U,
Sec. 3. Tp. 22. R. 6
McNeil, Roger X J S. ,, Sec.
8, Tp. 29, R.'.r..-
Meadowcroft, Edwin SW. H,
Sec. 24, Tp. 27, R. 8
Miller, D. IL, Estate S. yi XE.
li, W. H SE. li. Sec. 14, Tp.
30. R. 5
Morrison, J. D. Und. 1-7 of
S. li NW. 'A, lot 1, Sec. 19,
Tp. 29. R. 4
Mooney. Harry XE. 'A SE. 'A.
W. yi SE. li. SE. 'A oi
NE. Sec. 20, Tp. 21, R. 4
Murry, Mr. E. One acre out
nf the XW. H CL 42, Sec
19. Tp. 29, R. 8
Nelson. Thos. Lot 3. 9, 10 and
17, Sec. 14, Tp. 23. R. 7
Nebitt, -Wm. T. SW. H, Sec
2. Tp. 24. R. 2
Nichols. G. E. SE. li SW. H,
P.. i. SW. H SE. li. Sec. 34,
Tp. 30. R. 7; N. li NW. i,
XW. 'A SW. li. 5 acre. Sec
31. Tp. 20, R. 6; fraction of
SI1 H Sec. 16. Tp. 30. R.
Norman. F. IL NE. 'A oi XF
A, Sec. 5, Tp. 24, R. 7
X0I10, Geo S, li SW. H. NW.
M NE H, NE. li NW. H,
Sec. 32. 1. 25, R. 4
Oregon Cinnabar Mining Co.
Fraction of NW. H Sec. 10,
Tp. 25. R. 4
Palmer. Heirs of Nora 100x100
feet in NE. corner of Doug
las and Brewery streets, in
block 13, Roseburg
Park. Miss Carrie Blocks 13
and 14, except lot 1 to 4 in
each block in Wilbur
Parks, Mrs. Lots 6. 7 and 8,
block 1. Crow's Addition to
Hunfaker, S. K.lM 5, See. 19,
Tp. 29, R. 3
Patterson. A. C Lots 1 and 2,
block B, Elkton
Patterson. Andrew P. SE. 'A,
Sec. 14, Tp. 24. R. 2
Panton. A. C S. i S. 14, Sec.
16. Tp. 22. R. 4; SW. 'A SW.
U. Sec. US. Tp. 2. R. 5
Patton. John M XW. li NW.
'4. Sec 26. Tp. 22. R. 7; SE.
'.i SW. li. Sec 30, Ta. 28,
R. 5
Pierce. W. A X. '4 NW. 'J,
SW. U NW. U. Sec. 21, Tp.
Phelan. Daniel N i W." " ii," " Sec
21. Tp. 27, R. 8
Phillips, Chas.-XE. 'A SE. H,
Sec. 36. Tp. 23. R. 8
Po-.l. J. W X. pan h.t 1 and
part XW. li SE. li. Sec. 7,
Tp. 26. R. 3
Reidu Wm. S. H N. li. Sec
16. Tp. 31. R. 7
Rice. Mary E. I.t 4. block 25.
Riveridc Addition to Rose
burg Richardson. F. R. Beg. 33.l
Chs. E. and 20.26' Ch. N.
of H Sec comet between
Sec. 17 and 15, Tp. 27. R. 5.
thence on E. side of lane
leading from Deer Creek N.
7J3;.J Ch. to a Make N. H
Deg. 53 Min, E. 7.62 Ch, S.
.2-i'i Chs, S. 89 Deg. 53
.in.. W. 7.62 Chs. to be
ginning, containing 2y2 acre
Rickers. John W. XW. 'i SW.
'i. Sec. 36. Tp. 29. R. 3
Riddle. G. W NE. '4 XF '4'.
SW. i XE. i. SE. 'i XW.
5. XW. 4 SW. 14. Sec. 19.
Tp. 30. R. 6; 3-5 of W. 4
SE. 'i. all SW. '4 SW. H,
Sec. 26. Tp. 30. R. 7: lots 4
and S. Sec. 23. Tp. 3. R. 6.
Rocker. John W. XW. '4 SW.
!4. Sec. 3. Tp. 29. R. 5 Mrs. D. C Tract in
Crow's Add. tion to Old Oak
land Rowley. J. M.-E. H SE. 'A,
Sec. 24. Tp. 27. R 4
Russei!. j. t sw. xe.
XW. li SE. ; Sec 33, Tp.
21. R. 4
Schiller. Edward SWr. 'i. Sec
24. Tp. 24. R. 2
Sear. Mr. Chas. N. S XW.
''. lot 3. Sec 12, Tp. 27,
R. 4
Settle. Frank C. Lots 3 and 4,
block 24. S. Drain
ShellKk. Max Lot . block 30,
S. Drain
Soulier, Andrew W. Ji SE. 'A
SW. U. Sec. 36, Tp. 29,
R. 5
Smith. Mrs. A. F. Lot 50x100
feet, adiikiing S. Drain, in
tract adjoining block 10, E.
Smith, R. E. SE. H, Sec 4, TP.
29. R. 8
Sterling. Mrs. M. E. Lots 1. 3
and 3, part of lot . Gardi
ner plat of XW. 'A. NW.
li. Sec. 17. Tp. 22. R. 5
Stewart. F. M.-SE. U. Sec 18,
Tp. 21, R. 4 ...............
Stoil. Joseph Lot 2. S. 4 NE.
li. SE. '4 NW. Ii. Sec. 3.
Tp. 23. R. 6
Talbot, David SE. U, Sec. 6
Tp. 26, R.
Tapp. R. J XE. li. NW. U.
. Sec 22, Tp. 24, R. 6; lot 1
and 2. NW. U SW. U. Sec
. 9. Tp. 23, R. 5: tract of yt
acres, N. and W. of Tink
stone estate. Sec. 4, Tp. 23,
K. o .......v....
Tapp. R. IL Lot 4, block n.
Old Oakland
Tenant, Mr. Phoebe SE. 'i.
Sec. 10. Tp. 32. R. 6
Tihbeti, F. M. Lot 1, part 2.
block 5. Old Oakland
Tolbert. N. All block J. lias
sell's Addition -to Roseburg
Tway, Catharine E. 'i XW. '4
N. li NE. Sec. 30. Tp.
21. R. 3; W. ;i XW. !4. Sec
. 29. Tp. 21. R. 5
ai!. Chas. Lot 1 to a. block
1. Sterling's Addition lo Old
Vinson, Wm W. XW. J.
Sec. 15. Tp. 26, R. 6 ...
Wade. F. M. Lot 8. block 20.
Riverside Addition to Rose
burg ...I
Walker. Chas. M. SW. H SW.
li. Sec. 36. Tp. 20. R. 12 ..."
Ward. C I Beg. 21 Chs. W.
c-f li Sec. corner bet. Sees.
8 and 9. thence S. 10.37 Chs.
W. 2177 Chs. N. 10.37 Chs.
E, 24.77 Chs., to beginning,
containing 26 acres, Tp. 27.
R. 5
7. CO
4. SO
Whipple. H. Lot 1, b'ovk 13.
Wiles. H. Lot 4 and 3 of
the partition of W. J. Alex
ander Estate, Sec. 3, To. 2S.
R. 0
Williams,' R. P. X. '. NW. 'I
SE. NW. 4. NE. H SW.
14. Sec. 10. Tp. 23, R. 6 ...
Wilson, H. A. E. 'J SW. i
1-. ;4. sec. 14, lp. 26, R. 7
Wilson, J. G.-iots 1, 11 and 12.
oiock co:ton s Addition
to Drain
Wedcen, Nils A, S, J NW.
3. CO
'A, lot 3 and 4, Sec. 4, Tp.
24, R. 2 1
Wood, A. J. NE. 'A NE; 'A, .
Sec. 5, Tp. 23, R. 5
Wright, S. C Lot 7 and 8,
block 32, S. Drain 1
Zeiinsky, Hyman Ua H, block
i, lot , block. 1, Sterling's
Addition to Oakland
Unknown Owner Lot 3, part
lot 2, Old Oakland, that part
of. CI. 38 lying VV. of county
road and adjoining land of
W. D. Sapley on the V
containing 6 acre, in Tp. 22,
R. 5
Sheriff's Assessment. 1901.
Auge, Mike SE. H, Sec. 34. Tp.
23, R. 3 W V0
Baldwin. Geo. N. li of XE.
'A. SE. 4 of NE. li. SE. li
oi SE. 'A, W. li 4? acre.
Sec. 16. Tp. 32, S. of R. s;
SE. 'A 1 acres. Sec. 36.
Tp. 30. S. of R. 7 42
Bennett. J. NE. li. Sec. 32. Tp.
22, R. 4; also beginning at a
point 78.69 Chs. S.. Deg.
52 Min. and 6-11 Ch. S. of
NW. corner oi J. J. D. I- C,
running thence X. 9 Deg.
52 Min..W. 13.69 Ch. thence
S. 23.50 Ch.. thence E. 13.77
Chs. to the SW. corner of
the Nil li of Sec. 32. thence
X. to place oi beginning,
containing Zt.W acre 1
Erown. Jim Lt 5, block 7,
Byars, Wm. H. Lots 3 and 4.
block 3. Crow's Addition to
Butler, S. F. SW. U. Sec 26.
Tp. 23. R. 10
Butler, Mary A. X. l't Sec. 16.
Tp. 26, R. 2; SE. H. Sec. !.
Tp. 27. R. 3 17
Baker, Dv.rsey S. and wife X.
li NW. H, Sec 5, Tp. 23.
R. 3 4
Coilum. James G. XW. li oi
XW. li. Sec. 36. Tp. 22. R. 13 1
Colvin. C F. XE. 'A oi SE.
'A. Sec. 12. Tp. 22, R. 1
Colvw. Hanna B. Lot 1. 2. 3
and 4. block 2. Crow Addi
tion to Oakland 1
Clevinger. A. C SE. li SE. li.
Sec. IS. Tp. 24. R. 7 1
Crawford. A. M. Lot "A",
block . Xorth Park Addi
tion to Roseburg
Este Geo. Lots 3 to' 7. b !'.
25. Riverside Additn
Elliott. Wm. S. SE. '4 SW.
'. Sec. 36. Tp. 20. R. 1 1 . . . 1
Galhgher. Eliza J. Lvt 7 and
block 4. Crow's Addition
to Oakland
Harlon. John SW. li. Sec 26.
Tp. 22. R. 5 3
Howard. J. and Fannte SW. '4
oi SE. li. Sec. 13. Tp. 2.
R. 4 1
Hansi.n. Harnett M. L!s 4 t
. block 1. Sterling's Addi
tion lo Oakland .-.
Hepburn. J. A. E. I, of X"W.
li. W. Y, A XE. li. W. ii
of SE. A XF 14. Sec. 34,
Ta-. 27. R. 7 13
Herstine. J. li. S. y, SW. '4.
XW. i SW. li. SW. i f
XW. 'A. Sec. 14. Tp' 29.
R. 7 4
HiU J. B SW. 'i SW. '4.
Sec. 2. Tp. 2. R. 8 1
Haack. W. F W. y, XW.
Sec 36. Tp. 21. R. 7 2
Handsacker, Saraoel SW. J
NW. n, NW. n sw. s.
i & V. NE. SE. li. Sec
36. Tp. 23. TL 3 10
Henderson J. NE. A NE.
Sec 16. Tp. 20. R. 10 1
Henderson, L. D. E. J NE.
li. Sec 16. Tp. 28. R. 7 ... 2
Henry. L. E. E. li SE. '4. Sec.
36. Tp. 22. R. 7 2
Kellcgg. Ada M. Lots 14. iX.
16 and 17, Sec 26. Tp. 23.
R- " 10
Lander. W. J X. !i of N. li
oi lot 7, fclock 18. Roseburg 2
i-ane. j. u. M. bt li. Sec.
20. Tp. 21. R. 3 1
Lei kms. Carrie P. XW. i
XW. 'A. Sec. 36. Tp. 22.
R. !2 1
Mead. Horace J 1.: 1. Sec
5, Tp. 2. R. 10
Mi!ier. John SE. 'i SW. 'i.
Sec. 13. Tp. 2S. R. 4 2
Miller. J. K. Fraction F J of
E. 14. being bs 9 and IS.
Sec. 2. Tp. 23. R. 7 2
Murphy. William SE. ; NF
Sec 36. Tp. 19. R. 9 1
Xicoll. B. H NE. li NE. li.
Sec. 36. Tp. 23, R. 10 2
Tallett. Grace C SE. 'i SE. '4.
Sec. 16. Tp. 22. R. 4 1
Pinkhara. Jane Lets 2. 3, and
7. block 1, Sterling's Addi
tion to Oakland
PerVins, F.NE. ; NW. i.
Sec. 26. Tp. 20, R. 11 1
Price. A. M F i NW.
SW. '4 XF 14. Sec 16, Tp-
SO, R. 4 4
Ritchey. Jacrd-V. U XW.
of SE. 'A. Sec 31. Tp. 21,
K. i
Smith. Jas. B. Lots 3. . 7 and
8. block 6. Crow's Addit on
to Oakland
Snider, John Lt$ 6 and 7.
block 2. Crow's Additir.c to
" - v-a 8.. 1 2
SW. li. Sec 21, Tp. is,.
Shephard. II. V. W" eV
36. Tp. 23, R 7 ....:. st.
Shcx.k. Jasper Lot 2 and 2.
Sec. 21. Tp. 24. R.
Smith. A. M Jr. SW. 14 NW.
Tp. 30. R. 4 - ;
Smit h. James L.t 4. Sec. x. Tp"
25, R. 3 .
Thoma. S. E. W. SE.
and XE. 4 SE. 4 Sec
Tp. 22. R. 4 " ' -
Trak, Wm W. 'j XW 1:
Sec. 26. Td. 2. R a "
Taylor. G, A. Blocks 4. 8 lV - "
, 14. 18. 22. 26. 30. 34. 3. 42
and 46. Winchester .
Taylor. W. A. Lot 2 to" K
block 3. Oaklan.l A.t.l,,;..
Thornason.Wm. P.. Heir SW.
4 aw. '4. vc. IS. Tp. 31,
R- l: XW. 14 XW. .i"fW
19. Tp. 31. R. 1; SE. ; SE.
'4. Sec. 13. Tp. 31. R -NE.
4 NE. '4. Sec. 24, Tp
31. R. 2; NE. 4' SF 4 r
'i NE. 'J. Sec. 2, Tp 3f
1. Tn. 31. R
Ward. Mrs. MaryPari' of' CL
sees. 19 an.l 20, To "I
R- i sec l:
i'. -1. iv. 01 acres .
Weaver, Jarr.e Lot; i;i XW.
corner b'-k rjiy.vti f-e?,
probably Jot 6 and 7. h'.oclc
, Crow's Addition l- Oak-
lai'l io
Welt'ord. Frrd F 't SW. J,
lot 6 and 7, Sec. tl, Tp. 27,
K- 10
Wise, F.liahe'h Lots 1 and 2.
S. li XL. 'A. Sc. 9, lp. 33,
- 7.10
Wiiv.n. M. J.1sa 5, 6. 7 and
8, block 3. Crow's Addition
to Oakland
w;iv,n, s. j x. y, NE. li.
Sec. 12. Tp. 2-., R. 9; SW.
li. SW. H, Sec2. Tp. 2T,
R- 9 4.40
Wi'on, Th'i. I.t 1, Llo-fc 6.
Carrvonvtlle ,3.)
Ya. G. B 13 1 and 2,
biiK-k h. Crow' Addition to"
Oakland -i j.
Yonnz. Ja.-W. ', X E. 'A.
Sec. 20, Tp. 23. R. 4 ;.:,
and I nil! on SMcr lay the "r l dar ,,l
January, Y', at tlie L'-sr of 1 o'efotk
in the aftemorn of tai-1 day iir It-jzi rj
theOurt II--, in RV-burg, Dotius
County, On-gon, in ol-Irf-nce to aid
warrent H-ii at PalHe Aoctin to th
Irson wlo offer to pay all the tase,
interest, j-!sa!ti-s ari.' arr-j.'n r'st
tl.ereon, and take a o-rt.Jca'e at tie
lowest rate A inw-t, f-r ea-Ji la Laid
on the day of the ta,
Sheriff arI Tax rtrtcf-r U-r iVjnIa
Connty, rm.
Notice for PuViication.
r.rrin iTTt UiOrrvt.
K oi... "r-. -7 1. 12.
TCvKJcC im hrri ui la r--mV"C
wnk toe ?W!w "1 u - t t4 K;ma 4
Jim &. :o. ntii.4 "Aa ir lr
Tltttr-r L?1m m t- A . .4jrsi. or-
Strvwr.s r,i : ;irvi 7rrirt-r, ' ma ei
vmdi0i to a. . ' Y-u. t lX vj ct mi
aujTj.-. 4.
5tfc. r.ULh x 7:n e; v,
oi P'Ja1 cy.m-.r ut M i '4 ; 07.
rco. t; t. 'kr c4 ifA l.a. tt tr .ttx
rirtiwBt t.t:ar-ni ie mo,
I. X. I T fi w ' -'. I - tcz I mimt
ay M .jOt U"E-t Lai '.ZmilX-i
ta a'0- x r. r 1, i Lar ur us-? ta
tur imn.iri! t--i.-T--. aza.t l tji
ci. tniitr -;r i-'-i .-r a.4 Keee.vcr 4 tM
a -Salarfl.f t& If.h ia t Ft. ZMrf. Ta
-r . sn- m t : 3'. . . M hck.a. a .r
H r.if-.i. hriM . t . J- H ri:Jjr at
a annkltl Jlrrte rv-t
iejiuli. iM-rwrtt tU.a u tta;r a
dctiiMd . i arv nr- u.l o ? 4 unr
c aiiau iid.rr:'l ? car
4 f.ariarj tz i. T. tmn,
4p JtecjAc.
Nolice for I'uUication.
fj -4 ?Lair Lal Olf nat
t-irOT1. 'rK 2.52.
3iv t is t-r. ot uulI : rmav.aou
fi J t t?-i i.-ts 'I -icm a
tm : lv i r. .1 in Al cr l 2
e. ,0t im .:. m tt c- 1 a .ft3!. Cttx t,
a4 W -t-i m trTT;'.--. a. eiccst
r4 la a I be i--l .air aj art ( Asc-
vX 4. 1.
. SllTtSI fill.
H.:. airi o -i tir us- Mrsw i
a&. . Rfta t-svt p 1. R s w
aa4 m Uivi 'kt fra. m ? r mt 'Jb ..v.
1 ? ' i - i-r 11 l.: imr vg
elmim ir-'-m tat r.jtt..--rz aad t4.Tr xm
mtlMM U uacaors.o.fTsua.
B Sanrrt.. t "as 14 .A er ..f February TifL He
- a .-(: M Bvnns. Sl-a E":
a .ol Iwtai.i-. j a
M, tatriit. JtTr.r ...
Asravl aL.r-.noa fuBi;-T al.r-JT
Ibi('- a.a-- a. t iiy
r.aa ia uixixt or t-re -a. 1 4t J
Sheri5Ts Sale.
la '.5e ir-o it itK.n 01 tae Siaj j Ortd
tic Jr etB-T.
71 r. tti. Bajix oi Xtn
Oe-?a, a trpaemina, '
J L Dewy uJ FVvra. K I er f
St'ei hhT girrt ihl li T;,re aC as
ettiirta arJ cevr J tmt cs.V 1 .
iT la m, 04 la. i.'ri:( Cocr
I. I4 oTf f niwe. la m mai
itLl4 t-" I2t s -.TrKratr, 1 i. T.-tm
r&trmtt m.lPrd aasl r rr-4 a aj4 reii
e l,r ior- i - i : tr ti ls
til an 1 ara.aat to aa.
a-a-t aad a. s -t te t.
:rr a. t i.
la-Mw.-rtt.(,ifivta ,J ; wua,
iaiei"! imi 11 1 ;,), ai W xrrt 9tt
" 'r- tm i K .ii u t r. !-. ai4
t !nirri5i ( - i-b, t .j
(artl-r vea ei ITal oaJ ail jiMMiKiitia
atcr.Lly U.e 20th day U Iv.vnt!er
UW.TWtf.ii.rf aait U- at L3
!- e koa:-c-x. ItorM. flVHT.
Otos.,..! mi aw.,, a 1,, a:nrt
U.k.i.- for rv a i t.nt r.nt, I-.:- ms
lajirmtwHx fc ir aaj-t - rvla , nr'.tnl H,t w ir
'!'" lJr-?'.er. ;b lac :MjU'
Wl I t: f "l l):if i i I. ! H .
t.Tn' ln 1 'J r" : !- . M V t. St" .
a!i .'Wniit vt - aa j iiwm ts al k ti
- s-" Nt-"?,. s .otr;
rc ?. T. Is-.S.. us .. tfc wm:t-r
nsiit nxaprasac wi-t lion
Ttot.ai4 K.v&r t.akr. .irara
t oir.r.tT ;.. a. a j w a V kaa.
tfjr ov hi; wt w i-x m -
tjjp as-r je-r:t.l. A joia.-i
wmwd rem. prt-rv-riT. sn;v-c-, a; a u4at
o. aJ : c; K o( : t corpof
Aarua Kcr ktut,a cLaiaa . o sr. It x. i.
r: lira. E ir.:. tatuce i
v aoria bocitnarT of ar. Lara
faowMUrii a.s Mnl n.rt 1 b. c iarr lo
' eta. t.'.r ,J toTTuai . o a vi - p.,
Nlr-tclliw tr 1
T.ioa a4 . .Jr-r-r.i a Jas- Wa
auaiin i v: ra ,,4 r,
raw a4 N t wm oi An,a tu.r lu c a a
ii s 1. T r: S., g.i ri. r-T
ou east nmadarr of uom aanr.i to'
i T" br"n ,!! Boi Uct ,aai
b I to rt ru-ttr nd.
twiiHlr, M.-a;; . , d a-i i.a u Bor-.a
buuodarrra uaj naatst tr E J4 ---fc
ma iiact at uatal ir. . 1 ; .
jWf al ht:!!-.. , M.n,.. u, aJ ia
cthi-Mt. lrr.,r, t. . v . , . . , . :tvr- l--r-: .Lar-is awl is
1- iwt;i :.n.i wi i ,';, l aa
t ! ar,-t cii53 areia Lalr-i at
r...waaa itaia.KlsathTrT h-m. ao4 t
n iiiua, aiU lltrnt tr",xia at l ra rW
l-prrrit rttt3Mu !n-m th Uia d.r i
tohr. ISkv'. a. hr - , ltQrt u .j
-I-aO0 d.rr, t,st r-rac-. Bf id
aiaacrr .rovo,sl t. lav 0
isi. K. L. fiUk-i.T.
n- acri im twr'ja OaQa.Or.
Yoncalla Rea! Estate
Timber Ln. Ky-u-.) i;l GvWj
r.ta ra, waprtT U va.V eaT
iTrespass Notice.
I Ail lrons are hereby vraroeO not to
: tresjas. Innt, t"sa or catup on tL
laml ot the Owrrv EjMie. rN.-ns dwa
.- Wia bepros,vaiel to the full extent
h the law.
Estate of X.Ctkkt, -
f-:vwrsvlle Fa rot.
6. (
Watkin. E.-S. i SE. ' i. SF
f4 SW. .4. Sec. 17, 'lp. ii.
at the
You can have the flavors to suit.
Sometrilng New "ot cwtat. n.t n..i w Extract.
Hot Ce!arr, Hot Clam BuJlU-n, H .t Chicken Bt-JU
Give it a trial. You'll like if ti,,ii
. - - - illW call UU,
he Prlcab
The Same Sc. WOOll RPl I Dfa