The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 01, 1902, Image 2

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    The Twtee-.Vetk
Roseburg Plaindcalcr
Published Monday, and Thnradaya.
Editors end Publishers
Tjce--yk PUindcAltr. per year, $2.00
Fred Wright, City Editor, Solicitor.
T. G. Rent. Foreman
Entered at the Fost Office in Rosebnrg,
Ore., as eecond class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
DECEMBER 1, 1902
TION. Much has leen' printed lately about
the Lewis and Clark Exhibition to be
held at Portland, and it does seem to
the that that city is trying
to hog the state at large. The Multno
mah members of the state legislature
hold meetings and rwss resolutions and
frame laws to be enacted, and backed
np by the Oivjronian they rose as the
"poohbah" f Oregon. Now when the
wisdom of Solomon was being ground
out by the column at syndicate price, he
Mid : "There be three things which
are too wonderful for me, yea, four,
which I know not : The way of an eagle
in the air, the way of a serpent npon the
rock, the way of a ship in the midst of
the sea,' and the way of a man with a
maid." Had he Carried a little longer
on earth, he would have struck a more
wonderful mystery in the Multnomah
delegation and the political jinks the
members collectively cut np before the
State of Oregon at large.
Xow nobody can object to the meet
ings, but when they meet in advance of
the assembling of the legislature and
say what legislation shall or shall not be
transacted in the state legislature, they
act like a lot of revolutionists and trait
ors to the state by serving notice on the
outside representatives and saying by
their acts manifest in deeds : You moat
conform to Multnomah in all things and
vote with ns in everything or we will
block legislation of benefit to your part
of the state.
On a recent trip to Portland the
Plain-dealer gleaned the newi that the
apptopriation to be made for the Lewis
and Clark Exhibition is to be made the
great test case at Salem. That before
Portland will state to the citkens of Ore
gon what the business interests of that
city will do in the way of public con
tribution to the fund to be raised,
that the state must be pledged to
pay a specinea amount oi money, me
amount asked being 1500,000 or f LOO of
indebtedness for every man, woman and
child. Before coming before the State
with such a propiition,"would it not be
a srood plan for Portland to sav : We
will raise f 50.1,000 for the exhibition and
let a score of sound financial enterprises
jointly execute a bond to the state fur
that amount, conditioned, that not
single warrant be drawn from the state
treasure until one-half of the amount
had bo?n paid in by the Portland-Mult
' nomali combine.
The Plaixdealeb -is tired of the
methods employed by Portland joliti
cians and their schemes to advance the
citv at the expense of the state : and
while they sing lullaby songs and -like
vampire with wings fan their intended
victim into sleep before sacking blood,
we advise the combine to pnt on the
brakes or they are apt to have tlie con
nection broken.
We are not opposed the Lewis and
Clark exhibition. . We are not opposed
to the state appropriating $250,000 or
$500,000 to the enterprise ; but we are
opposed to the state at large paying for
what will be a 05 percent Portland en
terprise and Portland benefit while that
town will not even pledge iteelf to sup
port a matinee performance. If Port
land wants the exhibition bow much do
the citizens want it? And while the
promoters of the enterprise are giving
the state at lanre a chinook of hot air
on tlie proposition, wonld it hot be a
good idea for Portland to put up the
money, they say they are willing to sub
scribe, as an evidence of good faith. It
seems to ns, that the Mnltnomsh dele
gation and the Portland boomers are
like a nigar down South: who, when
approached lor a contribution to a
church building fund said: Brethren,
I will head the 'scription list with
two hundred dollah. The brethren
chipped in and paid most liberally and
the church was built ; but when the
brother was asked to pay in the -two
hundred dollar, he said : Brethren,
neber said I would pay two hundred
dollah, I only said I wonld head the
'scription list with two hundred dol
lah. We may as well now, as any other
time ojn-n our cyea to Portland's
'scription scheme.
At Xew Orleans, Federal Judge
Parker granted an injunction to restrain
strikers from cntting electric wires and
interfering with the street cars. Eleven
men were arrested for violating tlie in
junction and were found guilty and five
were discharged. The men found guilty
have been sentenced to long terms of im
prisonment. We did not know that it
was in the power of a court to enjoin the
commission of felony and then pnnish
the felon for felony under the difgnise of
contempt ofvourt. The men who were
discharge! were either informers -or
hirelings of the court.
In a sermon at Old Trii.ry, Bishop
Worthington, of Omaha, Scb., quoted
from (iibbon regarding the 'voluptuous
ness of Rome, and comparvd JVss voun
try's possibility of downfall with that
empire. "There is peril," he said, "in,
our prosperity, even in the blessings
which vc ask today as a nation. There
ia sin in our luxuriousnet and presump
tuous extravagance."
The Republicans gained three Con
gressmen in Nebraska. Bryan took an
active part in the campaign and again
demonstrated that he is a great man to
make Republican votes.
Some of the big papers do not have as
much readable matter as the email pa
pers. Tliey are simply padded with
It now looks as if it would take but
one more campaign in Idaho to make it
For several weeks past medical men
oi Portland were afraid that the dairy
cows supplying that city with milk were
diseased, and about ten days ago a herd
numbering 120 belonging, to John
Thomas, of Fairview, was insisted by
State Veterinarian William Mel-ean,
who found that V were atllictod with
tuberculosis. Four head wore in the
last stages of the disease and he ordered
them killed. Since the animals were
killed the owner has brought suit against
him, individually, for the supposed value
of the cows amounting to four or five
hundred -dollars.
That tuberculosis exists among the
dairy stock we have no doubt, but if the
percentage is as great as found in this
individual herd, the dairy busiuess is in
a dangerous condition, and the public
should be protected against the evil.
The press in Portland is doing all it
can to herald abroad the terrible state
of affairs existing; but underneath there
seems to be a desire to have created by
law a Slate Livestock Sanitary Board,
with almost unlimited power to con
demn, slaughter and iay for heliseased
cattle. The effort being made in advo
cating the measure and bringing before
the public "sknll and crossbone'' arti
cles smacks more of a desire to foint
upon the public a steal of gigantic pro
portions than protection of the public
at large.
Now the Plain-dealer is fully in sym
pathy with the creation oi a State Live
stock Sanitary Board and is in favor of
giving it great power in the condemna
tion of diseased cattle and the payment
of a moderate salary for , work actually
performed, but the livestock so exam
ined and passed npon should bear the
burden of tlie cost of inspection.
If it is found that tlie public welfare
demands the creation of such board
then the owners of the Pvestock doing
business with the public should bear
the expense of the commission for their
own protection. To make a direct ap
propriation of thousands of dollars for
such a board wonld be to tax the state
at large for the protection of individual
industries. Then again there is another
point. It if sought to have an appro
priation made to pay the owners of such
diseased cattle, if the state authorities
find the cattle diseased ; and here m the
rub. The good of the public demands
that milk, butter and cheese, the prod
uct of the living cow, shall be free from
diseased germs, and when the cow is
slaughtered for beef, that, that , beef
shail be free from disease microbes.
It should be made a felony to sell prod
nets from a known diseased animal, and
until tuberculosis is stamped out of the
dairy herds around Portland, every heed
should be inspected every three mouths
and a fee of 25 cents per head charged
for such inspection to pay the expenses
of the &auitary board. If an animal is
condemned it should be at the owner's
loss, for what right lias the state to pay
for'soinething that is a menace to the
welfare of the state. Being diseased
the cow has no value and tlie auimal
should be promptly killed and burned
up to prevent the spread "of the disease.
There wonld be just as much sense in
tlie itate laying a timber owner "for tlie
loss of timber by fire as there Mould 1
in putting a fictitious value- on a dis
eased cow, which in fact has no value,
and then paying tlie owner for ler tin
der the plea of equity and justice.
There being no actual value in the dis
eased cow, why should a value be placed
npou that which has no actual value
and is only a living, festei ing mass of
corruption and disease and a plague
producing carcass?
The state has wer to protect itself
against any kind of death producing
diseases and it has the jiower to create a
Livestock Sanitary Board; and. where
men own diseased herds it is the duty of
the state to condemn tlie same, not that
the owner can recover damages-nut to
keep the owner of the diseased cattle
from damaging the interests of the state
in the health and lives of the persons
who are buying the products from such
diseased cattle.
The Senatorship
A prominent Mitchell-Fulton follower
gives to the Journal these figures on the
make np of the Legislature on the
election of a senator :
Fulton 3!
eer . 12
Scott , 12
Bourne 8
Moody . 5
Total Republican members... 73
"This is giving the most liberal esti
mate to the following of the opponents
of Mr. Fulton," he said and, in reality,
Fulton will have more votes .than 36,
when the Legislature meets. I lielieve
he really has about 50 members of the
assembly who will stand by hiiu
through thick and thin.
"In assigning five votes to Malcolm A
Moody, I do so npon the theory that
there will be that many who would sup
port the congressman liefore anyone
else, I regard Moody as one of the j-ossi-bilities
when Fulton is eliminated.
That is to say, tliat were Fulton sul-
tracted from the problem, Moody comes
closely next as to possibilities.
"This is also dependent upon the
theory that Mr. Corbett does not
come a candidate.
"Fulton will receive all scattering
votes that will go to other candidates at
first, on the principle of the 'band
wagon.' He will lie elected senator,
probably on the first ballot, or, if not
then, at a very early date thereafter."
Portland Telegram.
A Timely Suggestion.
This is the season of tlie " year when
the prudent and careful housewife rc
plenishes her supply of Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy. It is certain to be
needed before the winter is over, and
results are much more prompt and sat
isfactory when it is kept at hand and
given as soon as the cold is contracted
and before it lias Itecoine settled in the
system. In almost every instance a
severe cold may be warded off by taking
this remedy freely as soon ' as the first
indication of theco!d appears. -There is
no danger in giving it to children for it
contains no harmful substance. It is
pleasant to take both adults and child
ren like it. Buy it and you will get the
liest. It always cures. For sale by A.
C. Martters.
Youngest Daughter of Hon. and Mrs.
Binger Hermann.
The Plaixdkaler is just in receipt of
the following wedding invitation from.
Commissioner and Mrs. Hermann of
Washington D. C.
"Mr. and Mrs Binger Hermann re
quest the honor of your presence at
the marriago of their daughter, May
Ih'1U. to Mr. Howard Present t liatley on
Wednesday, Dccemlier 17t1i, l'.KV, at S
o'clock at the church of the Ascension,
Washington, P. C."
Mr. Gatlcy is a prominent and well
known attorney of the National Capital
City, and is a young man of high moral
character as well as of high social and
professional standing. Miss Hermann
is the youngest daughter of Hon and
Mrs. Binger Hermann, a charming and
accomplished young lady, who enjoys
the high esteem of a host of admiriiig
friends at her old Roseburg home, as
well as throughout Southern Oregon,
where she is so well known. The wed
ding will lie a. very brilliant one and the
Plaimiealek joins with a host of ad
miring friends in extending the happy
couple hearty congratulations anil liest
wishes in advance.
News and Comment.
Good coal veins have been found in
the Blue mountains, 20 mile.; east of
Lieutenant Peary, in a lecture to the
National Geological Society, says the
north' ole can be won. Why not swi(ie
it and stop the "eternal bl::zou'' (as
Shakesere says) altout it.
The State Irrigation Convention has
done some good in that the government
officials, after reading the minutes of
the convention, have decided to com
mence surveying and clise siies for
irrigation enterprises in Eastern Oregon.
Well, Russia has to pay for the smart
Aleck trick in seising American sealing
ships abont ten vears ano. Professor
Assan of the Hucue, who acted as judge
between the United States and Russia
has awarded the shijiowners over $100,.
000 and interest at the late of f. per cent
His Naughtiness the Prince Royal of
Siam, snubited the civil and military
sycophants of the Columbia river city,
but he played smash with the hearts of
the ballet girls in the Gold Mine -r-formance
ar Baker's theater the same
afternoon. "
Poor old Oom Paul Krugor has jH ti
tioned the British Home Government to
lie permitted to go to the Transvaal
country t die ami m lmrird beside the
lxly of his wife. We hope his desire
will be gratified. He was and is a great
man although he was at the head of a
lost cause. '
The Gardiner Gazette has two title
heads and under both is braying at the
Plaindealir. If its editor would
mount one of those heads on his own
shoulders the Plain-dealer might con
descend to take some notice of him. A
fellow who will credit the "women tf
the confederacy" w ith leing the "moth
ers of the world's anarchy" is a pretty
small fry, and seemingly somewhat nar
row and partisan. Williams may grow
wiser with age and when he srcU over
being stuck on himself he will hud; kick
and wonder how he es-.ijed the fl
killer when he was ripe for the sacrifice.
The United States Bittleship Texas is
keeping np the record as the Jonah uf
the fleet. - The vessel has been in dock
at Norfolk, Va., for several months un
dergoing a thorough overhauling and
putting in new guns in the turret. n
Fri'lay af term ion gun practice was or
dered at the capes wheu t".toof the large
turret guns exploded and with great
difficulty the ship was raved from going
to the bottom. This vessel has alw avs
been the Jonah of the U. S. tleet and
has had more mishap than any ten
ships combined. It would save Uncle
Pam a pile of money if the old tub went
to the bottom of the ocean if all the men
aboard were saved.
Consul riilier Buys BloodeJ Sheep.
Grant's Pass, Nov. 2X. A number of
registered, high-bred sheep arrived here
from the East this, wi-ek for CVmsnl II.
B.Miller. They were taken out to the
Miller ranch, on the Applejrate. Con
sul Miller is setting an excellent ex
ample in the matter of fitst-class farm
ing. His Applegate farm and fruit or
chard is a model in every particular.
Ridiile, Ore. Nov. 25, 1!X)2.
For the jast sixteen months we have con
ducted a general merchandise business at
Riddle anil have lieen accorded a larj
and liberal patronage and very courte
ous treatment on the part of the public.
Our business relations with the people
of this section of the comity have been
pleasant in the extreme, and now hav
ing disposed of our int' the mer
chantile business to Mr. K. Underwood
of Xew York, we take this means of
thanking the public for the liberal pat
ronage and many kind favors extended,
and earnestly solicit the same generous
patronage and kind treatment for our
succe :sor,w bom we find assured w ill fully
merit tho same.
; Yours res iect fully
A. II. Mattoojj &. Co.
Insure In the New York Life.
Because, Its policies are uncontestible.
Because, It insures you all the time.
Because, Up to ' Nov. 1 , 1902, it has
secured 1.12 policy holders, amounting
to W3, 000,000 new business.
$ioo Reward $ioo.
The readers of this paper will lie
pieaseu to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that sience has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Halls, Catarrh Cure is the
only iositive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh lieing a constitu
tional disease, requires a- constitutional
treatment. Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of tlie system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, mid giving the patient
strength by building us the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
lis curative Kwers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni
als. '
Address I. J. Ciiesey aCo.,
Toledo. O.
Fold by Druggists, 75c. I
Halls Family Fills are the best,
Fire at Drain.
The house of Khun Wilson, "in , North
Drain, was Immed Tuesday night with'
La total loss of all his household effects.
Too lire occurred about 11 o'clock and
the family consisting only of tho two
elderly people had Iwen asleep for
some time, when Mr. Wilson was
awakened, probably by the smoke, and
roused his wife telling her the house
was on (ire. They only had. time to
reach tho outside when the ioof came
crashing in. The cause of tho fire, is
siipHised to have Ikmi a defective Hue.
This leaves these two worthy people in
very straightened circumstances as all
they had in cash was in the house and
was destroyed w ith theirothcr j rojiertv.
Tlie house w us not insured. Mr. Kreiv
son kindly took tho agnd couple - home
with him -and next day . circnlated..a
paper, w hi. h was generously rcsionded
to by our tow nspeople, to relieve tlioir.
immediate needs. They have the sym
pathy of tln entire community. Noli
paricl. Thanksgiving Day in Roseburg.
Thanksgiving day was a typical home
day ialloseburg. This was in aoc iidauce
with the usual custom and is as it
should be. The day was a bright,
balmy one, and with the wealth , of
blooming mvs ami other (lowers, which
were so conspicuous in many-of the
well-kept dooryards nlxmt town .a .pic
ture strongly contrasting with the cli
matic conditions of the east and middle
west was presented. The business
houses dosed their doors at an earlv
hour in the day, s.ue n owning at all
-during the entire d.iy. All business
was suspended, and most all employers
allowed their employee a holiday
w im li was sjieut at lioine bv the tire-
side. Save for tfio.-e who journeyed out
to enjoy the deli.'htful sunshine of the
afteni'Kin, the streets were practicallv
deserted and wore a distinctly "Sun
day" aj Iearaiice. .
From all apicarances everybody had
a pl dinner and enjoyed it hugely.
iiie)ur mm ikviv were not over
looked by the ).i'iii-rinis hearted one and
they too had so delightful a feast that
Thanksgiving day jut pat wiil be
ireasurcii in ineir Hearts . ami long re
membered. In this respect the school
children and the kind arents who filled
the many b.isket with good things and
i- . -i . . , . i . . .
uiMnouuM litem lo iiu ioor, Uc.H.rve
much credit and undoubtedly have the
heartfelt thanks of many who would
have otherwise passed Thanksgiving
day as frugally as any other.
. : t - .
-i union inans-givmg Service was
held in the morning at the Baptist
church and was largely attended.
Special liiu-ic wa preired and an
eli,pient sermon was preached by ' Rev.
Geo. 11. IVnnett, which was intere-t-ing,
instructive and appropriate. ' ' '
As is customary everywhere a Thanks
giving all was given ou Thnnk-gTving
eve. It was under auspices of the focal
Retail Clerk I'nion and wa a well at
tended and l.M liu.t affair: Being
blessed a individuals, state and nation
with iav, progress and plenty "only
those wanting in gratitude could - have
been otherwise than truly thankfal on
this day oLfcsstiiij and prayer.
Winston items.
Farmers are bu.-y plowing and sowing
grain although the wrather is very un
favorable. '
Mrs. ll P.. Ilriickway ' i recove"rTnj
fn.m her reo-nt attack of rhcutnalisim.
Mrs. W. C. Win-ton eiitcrtalned'a'fc'A
guests Saturday niht. V. Tayti.r ff
fil.illa, was aiii-i!! the giK--ts.''
There is to U a s-x-ial jiarty at the
ri-sith-nceof nln-rt ; recti - next Satur-
' '' ,"-'1't
Mr. and Mrs. tireen never
i do tIli"ii by halve so ad expect a ?'1
We don't understand the in-gtect in
regard to mini-'.ers Jailinir their apjaint
"incut - here. There wa a large congre
gation out Sundar to heir Kev. I'onnrd
and he tailed to n-ear so a few song
were suns and the disappointed congre
gation disbanded.
Cii ATTEanox. "
' Tlie profuse use of profane language
on the tongues of many men often leads
toemliarras-iiig situations, as the follow
ing little story rtlated by ex-tiov. Tay
lor, of Kentucky illustrates: A stranger
approached him recci.tly and extemling
his baud tuiid : " Vour face is familiar,
wherein h 1 did I meet yoa?" "I
don't know," replicl the governor
"what part of li 1 are you from"
Revolution Imminent.
A sere sin of approaching revolt and
serious iroiinie in your system ih ner
vousness, sWplessnes, or. stomach up
sets. Fleet ric Bitters w ill ijuiekly dis-
memlier th; troublesome causes. It
never fails to tone the stomach, regu
late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate
the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run
down systems lxmefit particularly and
all the usual attending nt'lte -vanish
under its searching and thorugh effect
iveh.s. Fleet ric -Bitters is only ftOc,
and that is returned if it don't give per
fect satisfaction, (inaruntoed by A. C.
Marstcrs and Co., DruggiVt.
Fine Turkeys for Salt.
A few choice Bronze turkey gobblers
for sale prize winners at the late dis
trict fair held nt Roseburg. They must
be sold by Nov. 20. Impure of
Mrs J. H. Short, Roseburg. Dip
Catarrh of the Stomach
I.eadH to dysjiepsia, causes indiges
tion, always results in sour ' stomach,
water brash and loss of npjielite; causes
you to iM'lch tiii gas; causes vour toncno
to liecomu coated ; causes you to bloat
up altercating; causes you to feel faint;
makes you feel as if you had lead in
your stomach ; causes belching wind
ami sor food, bad taste in mouth, of
fensive brca!h ; causes shooting pain
in Urn stomach, if neglected brim's on
inflamed or ulcerated stomach. -S. R
Catarrh Cure heuls and invigorates tho
stomach that have been weakened and
impaired by catarrh, restores icnso .of
of taste and smell and is a stirecurefor al
stomach troubles and loss of nppetite
when taken according to direct ions. For
sale by till druggists. BiKik on catarrl.l
free. Address Smith Bros., Fresno,
Yoncalla Items.
James Ambrose was visiting in Rose
burg Wednesday.
Miss Ida Ilamsleyjs on the sick list at
the present writing.-
Dr. Gilmoure, of Oakland, madu a
business call here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McCurdy, of Hay
hurst valley, was visiting in town last
of the week.
Capt. Ben Boswcll.of Boswell Springs,
was shaking hands with his friends here
Rev.' James Moote, of Drain, was
shaking hands with Iris friends here
Pen Huntington returnel home from
Portland, where he has taken a car load
of hogs. -
There was a grand Kill given in
Lamb's Hall Thanksgiving eve. Every
IhhIv reported of having a good time.
.Mr. and Mrs. A. A.Thiel, of Oakland,
spent several days Lust week visiting his
parcnts.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thicl.
. The Yoncalla Public School w ill close
Pec. 19, for a week vacation. There will
In? an entertainment in the evening.
John Boag returned home Wednesday
from Washington where he has l)een
spending several months visiting
W. V. Lewis departed Saturday for
his home at Los Angles, Calif., after
several weeks visit with his friends and
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. I)a-?gherty, left
Wednesday for Oakland, where they
intend to sjicnd some time visiting
their friends.
W. J. Kelliher and wile, returned
home Wednesxlay from Roseburg, where
they have been spending .several davs
visiting their friends and relatives.
Geo. Bull and sister, Mrs. M. f.
Strawn, in ted to leave last of the week
for her home at Napa. Wash, Geo. in
tend to spend the winter trapping and
Mr. O. F. Thiel left on Sunday's local
for Weiser City, Idaho, where he intends
b spend sometime looking after busi
ness matters, and visiting relatives and
friends. . .
Mon-teo.ciu.aj a boxes.
Ulendale Items.
AlaJi I.odgc now has a beautiful new
. J. C. Olinghouse, near Eiogr, last
week captured two bear by trapping
and got the foot of another in the iteel
The recent rise in Rigue river washed
away fifty feet of the new dam at Tolo,
and it U thought the entire dam w ill
S ont before spring.
Ceo. Eliff, the W. t T. lineman of
this place, has a boose full of furniture
pnreliased from Rice-A Rice the wide-awake
furniture men of Roaebnrg.
A snow storm set in this afternoon,
bnt here in the valley it melts away
about as fan as it falls. It is piling up
hi the mountains, and that means tiinrL
fur the njaeer miners.
Henry York, of Murphy precinct, ati
e-teemed resident and oae of the early
pioneers of this county, die. I at his homo
on A pplejrate on Friday hu-t. Fir n
iiuuilN-r ! years he has Iwen ia very
jr health and the end was not nnex-
A new schou! district m ! estab
Iiiul embrai'ing the jxij dilation in the
vicinity ol the Glendale Lnmber Co.'h
saw null. It will I cut off from di-trict-
Il9 and 77. Connty Sun'rinten
dent F. B. Hamlin ha ordeal tln
wrk of the O'ganization to pron-eil. A
meeting is called for December 4
Areide Wilsim was appoiutol temjorary
clerk. The new district w ill liave alout
20 s-hofil children.
Aiming our numerous callers this wealt
was W. S. Britt of Riddle, the pioneer
surveyor and present U. S. Itnd Com
missioner. Mr. Britt is a thorough
practical man in hi profession, haviiu
hal a long and wide experience. We
enjoyed his visit very much, and hit
store of information wa very impoc
tant tons, a stranger in strange land.
He belongs to the type of early day
business men and public servants who
are rapidly pa.-sing away. News.
Looking Glass Items.
The beautiful new residence of Wm.
Olfivant, is nearly completed.
Mr. Sjiaugh is doing a thriving busi
ness with his feed mill.
Chas. Williams and Cora Coodman,
were married by Justice Bud!, Thanks
giving evening.
I ver Johnson for 0 years a resident of
Circle City, Alaska, is a "visitor with tJ
family of his brother-in-law, Mr. Strand.
Mr. 'Johnson came by surprise ai,d
brought presi-nts for each a ember of
the family, among w hich were a beaut if jl
gold watch for Mrs. Strand and a valu
able gold pin for Mr. Strand.
, Dillard Notes.
I'urn, to the wife of Mr. Wm. Howard,
a d.uightiT. '
- i
I!orn, to the Vil'f of r. I'lani'liard. a
Mr. and Mr. Wardrip are visiting
their parents in Myrtle Creek.
Mr. Milled-e,' tho Pillurd mi rchant,
ppent a day in Portland la.-t week.
V.Mrs. Jaa, lKiward, nocompanied ry
htir daughters Misses Namhis and Elva
and little son, Clifton, left here Inst
week for Prineville, Ore., to join her
husband there.- They cxnrt to spend
the winter in Eastern Oreiron.
.Having leased my Laundry to (I. C.
llaker, of Sail Francisco, I t'tke this
ini'tlkod of thanking my patrniis i'or
tlieis past favors, hoping they will tx
teud satno to my successfir ns I am cim
ftdent that he will givo entire satisfac
tion. F. F. Pattkkson.
I'By Up.
All those knowing themsetveH 'n-
debtetl to F. F. Patterson for lanm'rv
work up to Nov. 1, l'.K)2, will ilease call
af the ollico of Attorney Frank i. Ili-
eelli, Review liuil'linj:, and n't tin at
once. . F. F, Patterson.
Pronunciation of Coqullle.
The Coos Bay News in a poetic strain,
(:ives the pronunciation of Coquille; as
The Spaniard first the river found, '
Where shells were scattered all around.
"Co-kee-ii, 'river of shells, " said he,
"Shall he its name in history."
Then a gallant Frehchman came tha
And saw the shells ; so straight away
He Bays "We'll Frenchify the name,"
And so "Co-keel" he called the same. .
But France and Spain were left behind,
When Missouri pioneers did find
This lovely river of the West,
With farming, lands and forests blest.
They wouldn't go to Fram e or Spain,
To hunt some hifalntin name,
They said, "IkiGofdi," now mark it well,
"We'll call the stream the old Co-quell.'
How blue, Missouri Jake would feel, '
If they wanted him to say Co-keel?
He'd swear he'd see them all in well
'Fore he'd go back on old Co-quell.
And so Coquell 'twill always be,
From fountain head to deep, blue sea ;
And even out on the ocean. swell,
The seal ions holler for old Co-quell.
In the Circuit Court ot the Kltlr of Qrrfua.
lor Ihinrlu t-onuljr.
& W Thoiauoa
v S
1 Lula B Ttiomuon
1 lH.-i--nu.Dt. J
i To Lula B. Thumuoa, tlie attore naaieU de-
; (Blant.
you are herW.y ro aired to appear act aa'rr
the complaint fiid again at you In tbe abova
cmitiei conn ana rau i-cfora tha eipliauon
ol ilx ! from Ilia laie I the flrt pabiica
imii of ttiiK tHirnmj!u, lo-wic: Tie 1-ttli day ol
laiiHarr, i. alio ll ) lall I., .peax
aul antwrr or plrad I" al! cm pi a tut, aj
hrvl,y rrnirel. plaintiff aill apply In the
t oon Kir inv relet Jt mand 1 to bi cmapialat.
lo-aril: for a lo:r- IHwolrins Ihn marriage
contract now mating between the plaintiff
an! k-fendan'..
Thia fmnmuna it errl npoo (he deiewiant
bcr.-in, ly piitHK-ation nixlrr aol por
uaal in aa onlrrof Hie Hon. J W IIbjpIIUiO,
Jii'igrof ihf abore cRtitiel IViart, detni the
'.ih ilayof November. A. D. ivii, ami flfrrrta
that tlie aenrk-e of tbe aummona In thl suit be upon the defen4aat, Lut B lltoaiaaon.
by puMicalion tbetmi not leas llmca than owl
a week for a peri"1 of lis nnuuvt aeek a
from the date oi the first pabiiraiLia tbcreoi.
The date- of toe firl publication of tbia aun
inona ia the Arotday "I Lfvcrnibrr. A It fi
U jt! Attorney J.r rlaiali
Notice for Publication.
I nlted Sutrt land oSW
RoMbun;. Ureoa. rx-pt 19UJ.
Notice hereby gtren that In' euaipllanca
with tbe proiimiauf tha art of ocigrrva f
June s. I!C. enuiled "Aa art lor tbe aeie of
tisberlandi In tbe Mate of 'all!ora:a,Ufgoa
Neva)a And W a.h i iiirwn 1 erri lory." aae iteod
ad to ail the public land Mate by art oi Auguat
of Wdroae. rouniT ol liour'aa. atate i f Oregon.
ha thia day ei-1 in thta o&ne hia awora
H:"'-nl So l :, fny the pu'ehaaa of
tbe s aer No . tp NS X loath, range weat
aad will offer proof toihot hat the land aooght
la more laloatile lr It. timber or atone than
lor arrirultu rml purpvan, and lo eaiabliah ate
eiaim before tbe I'.rgi.wr arid Jleretter 4 thia
litre of Kuee burg. Oregon.
onTutfiar the 1 day ol February, I4U. Ha,: harireTbora, Krbar-.
Ore John lt", Krauk Lane, of clerrlaiHl.
Ore . and A .lrt 'laloo, Ore.
Any and a'l pTne rlaining adrerwly rhe
aKre drnti l.nda are reianied la tic their
rlanni In thit office oa or brtnre aatd fr l day
ol rl.ruary u. J T r:R(bt,CJ.
B':P Kegiaver.
Notice for Publication.
t'oitrd Sla' Land OS6-e.
E-weburg. ire, Aug. 2s. afi.
otie ia r-T tlen thai la coeapHaao
with u.e r rntev of the art o i.m of
Junea. T,a.eiiinted "An art for Ire aa' l
t:inlrtand. tu i-e "a!r ..f i altbimia. (ttetoa
Nrala and Ma.'iingrtKii irmiurt,' aacileud
el u aa lU PUL. uid r.a'.ea by art vt Auguat
of M-'re. rounty ol Ikxii aa. Suieof Orrgoa,
baa I In. da Sird in thia fflire bia earorn alate N iiT lor the purrha of Lhr el' of
x-twa II. tovnh:p south, range et.
ant mill oiler rrool lofhowikattfceiaad Bought
l more Taiuable f.jr It. titabrr or than
for agricultural purpura, a ud h raiaUtah ta
c.aiui le-torr the KrrlKrr aud Kereiter u( tlua
OiUre of koaa burg. Oregon.
Tueaday. the rd -tar ot rrlTuarr. Iin lie
nai'ira a. ilu- : fmlerv-k A Kri). rnrl
land. tire.. l.erl.-, Th wu and ten MrMaliea,
U orr. ute-. John Thorn. lerr land. Ore.
An an I a.l prrwna eiaimios adrervel the
a'jore -..-rl'wl landa are rennratnt lo Sle
lltrir rl.ima in Ihirr.ftVv e brfore .aid Sol
day of Kctmary, l:t J. JTUHlf iS.
ni-l Brglatrr.
Notice for 1'uMication.
l'uilo.1 SUtra laa I Othrr.
Rocburg, Orrgua. Aug. A, IVXL
Xotlre lOitrrt.T gHra that In eoaaolianea
ith the prvtUiona o the art ol i anfma of
JuueS.!CK entitled "An art tor the aie of
timber land, lit !he Matea-.d calilornia.Orear.a
Nevatia and V. a.h in gum Terrtiory."aaextend-e-1
to ali the public land etatea by art of Auruet
, lafi
of Tln ln t l"oriaud. rounty of JlnltBO
inah. alate o ttmon. has ibia riar filed is lhia
oflice hta asrom .latemeai o is lor the pur
Chaaeol the NWJisrest, Ip Aaoutb, B. S -.
and will o.'fer proof toihuw that the land tonehl
la more TaluaHe fur it. timber or atone thaa
for agricultural purpuara, and to eaiabliah. hia
claim before I be Register and Kovelrtr of this
oiiice of Koaeburg, Oregon.
on TtH-siay the Sri day ol r'ebniarr, l$ul. He
nmc- ai Albert C Carton, htei-
nf-, Ore.,Ci,arh- Thoat. IV a lie Ma ilea, at
B -m tur Orr., John Tbnm, of Clrieland. Ore.
Any and all prraoita elaialne adretart tha
alKive ilna-rib. d land, are rraered lo Bie
li eirrlainia In I hi office on or brfnM aaid iM
day ot Fcbiuary . lvd. J T HI:! DOBS,
ni'P . Register.
Sheriff's Sale.
in the t irrait t'oart ol tna Staia ol nn
for Houeia county.
nr-t .National Bank of Boaeburr
Oregon, a corporation,
i I. Dewey and Flore ace H Hewer
Notice i hereby glren that be elrtnnt ol aa
exeruliou and onlrrnl aale duly ianed out Ol
aim uimer me arai oi uie atmre entitle.! ourt,
In the aboeeniitli-d can-.-, to me directed and
mini me i.-m iay ni Mireiuiier, npon a
jiKlKmrnt rendered and entered in aaid court
on the llth day ol October, lmj, Ia laior of the
above named plaintiff and against tha above
named defendant and againu the aere-
inaiu'r meuiionni ar.l tev nbed at
ucnet property, lor the urn of li;ii, milk
tnieroKi ihrrron arthe rale of to percent per
annum Imm the loth day nt Oriober, lr. anil
the liirthcr mini otliiu attoraer fee. an.1 the
fiutlK-r nm of t.-i.m rials and diaburteaieata
iw inereiore, witinii
Saturday the -t)th day of iVcember 102
at oueoVlork p. tu.of aaid day. at the eourt
nruw ironiuoor in Korcnurr. Hon g I an enunir
tlr-cnn, all at pnl.lic aui tion tu the higheai r for rah In hand, all tbe r!nl tin.
inlerrat abich the aaid deietidatita, nre'thrrof
ijieiii, nan ou me nm uay oi alar. 17.', or at
anytime thcnaliur. in ni ut the fcilloaing
lU'urritn-d premiMa. to (t:
tiW of .VW'.Hf ,Tp. H., R. C et; 33
(i-c I ou the wi-siMitr ol lot :t. In brock I, ol the
town ol Julia now (lendale: B'.of Nt:1., Sa"ii
ofNWi.aii.l NK4niSUiSer.a. Tp. 21 S.. R
Hwi-.t; sK';ofrK'tee.a.Tp..C:s.,lt. 7 weat
all the rlxhi, tine and intere.t In aud to the
following dewriL-d plnrer filuiue pmirte,
towlt: sSof NK'Jofxi;. W ol SW 14 ol s
'4. B' ol SK'.t o 8 "4 and Bw' ol Ntt ' . ol SK
1 i. Tp. :rj S., K. 7 wesi; alau lhi.- water
riKhla i-ompriking the water Irom ttm-e creek
or !iurhes. known aa Hooter oulrh, Siiilrn-i
oiil'-h and Courtney liiilt h, all of which hare
ilirrlieKniiv(yin waterto the placer mining
gr .iiinl atHive ilem'riheil. Alxi the following
ilinrrllie.1 ro 1 properly, rommenciug at a point
rh. S., and 7 clia. E ol Hie N-K eon:er of
A:iron Kom doiintton rlnlm in '.l, Tp. '? s
K : wet. running 1 hence K (eet, thence 8
to north boau'laiy of lluieil alley, thence
iuiulhwraterly along raid north boundary to a
point S'-uth ol plm col bcirinuinK. thouco north
.'ichs. to li'niH'ol iH'Kliml.iit: m a .trip ol land
10 feet oil the went ile ol land ow ned by 8 I
l lioriiton and ile ilescribed a. loilow.- begin
ning at a txiiut la VI iln mm lb and . ch
cai of NKrornerol Aaron ItOAedonaliou claim
in Sec I'J, Tp 27 H., R,.i weal, thence northerly
a'.oug eal lioun lary of land now owned by
Thua. Siniili I cine the neat line ol land owned
by 8 1 Thornton lu iK-er rreek rounty road,
lliciire rant in le I. thence aiuth parallel with
al.oe west lineol Thornton and wile tu north
bouiiifaryof lain! c must by K M Veatch. Iheuce
went aiimg nnrl!i lineol iM'wey's nald land t'i
lilare of lieKtuiniie, in KoM'burK. Oreirun. all la
IioiikIio county, (irexoit. toi;cihcr with all and
singular the teiieiui nla, liereilitameuLi aud ap
piuieiiancc ther.-uuiu belonKing or iu any
wise himx rtalnitn, and will a.ply the proceeda
ol such fale, lir.1 to the coiUk ol inch aale, and
the Costa and dinliuneuienla herein taxed at
f.miaiul the auin of Si atlnrncvi lce. and to
the I'Hvnient ol the mi in ol n'79.iu due the
tilaintill', with interent tlieieuu at the lata of
111 per cent ier milium (nun the llth day ol
Oi loler. H7. a by order uf aaid fonri In .i.l
eii. iitioii to me ilirecied, romniainllug uie lo
hcII lh aiMivoilcirribed real (iruperty In tlie
innmier provided by law. r
I'hIihI at Kiwohurg. thin isih ilay of Nr.venil.-r
MO.'. K. L. f AKKttlT,
uri oneriaoiuouKiMUouiitOr.
There will le a meeting of the stock
holder of the Umpijoa Valley Oil Co ,
held at the City Hall on Dec. 2d, MO.', at
2 o'clock p. ni. in Kotmburg Ore. for the
purpose of electing a board of directors
for the ensuing year, and for the trans
action of such other business as may
come before the meeting. It is earnest
ly desired that every stock holder will
be present at this meeting.
M. McCoy, Pres.
II. I.. Marsters, Sec. '
Notice of Final Settlement.
Koli ei hereby siren that the nndcraiffned
admlnlan-ator of the eatete of Elizabeth t.arri
aun deceaaed, ban filed hie final account ia aald
eatata wiib tbe t'ounty Clerk of Uougiaa eoun
ty, OifKon; that Monday, January Mb, 1j t. at
lu o'clock m. tu. hm been aet by the lion. M. D
Tbotnpaon, county Judge of aald eouuty. for
hearing objection. If any. to iid flnaJ arrconnl
and lor the linal wli lenient of the tame.
H. J.,
Aduinialratorof the euoe of fclixaijrih i.arrl
aon, decraaol dl
Professional Cards.
' Attorney-at-Law,
Court Hoaaa
Down Stain.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office orer P. O. Kosbbcm,
'Phone Main 591. Obuooh.
Pliyscian & Surgeon.
0ca Kelw Sid. fcOSIBTRU
rhoaavataiaO OkJWOM
RosKBCia Oaioox
t pedal allcattoa fieeo la Diaeaaea ol the 'ca
and Throat,
oaoa-lfais St., one door anntfcof t Ifli
rhono. Mala Ml
p W H YN'KS,
ki le Building,
raiepnoaa Ka. 4.
smtBrii. uxitiiO'i
Annim'i Hall
m. c&Awro&D,
Attorney at Law,
Bombs I At, Kantcra Bldau. EOUBBCBO. Ok
fSa-SualnaaabeloreUeD S LaadOttoaasS
i ni ns caeca a a pedal ty.
Late EecdTor 0. 8. Lacd OStee
Rossscaa, Ossgob.
Buaineaa before C. S. Land OSoaaad Fro bat
baaineaa a apeeiaity.
OlSee AWmhaja Baildlac
U' practice ta all the Bute and Federal Ccan
Ooa ia Marks- BkJ, . Boaehtux. Oereoa.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Mining Law and Water Rights mad
a specialty.
ewuaraBid. RObeBrSV6.OaEG.OS
aoau 1 and 1
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary Public,
Collections a Specialty.
Banaa 1
ataman Ba.ldiox.
Attorney at Law.
mat II.
Taylor Wiiaoa Block RoiEBCB'J, Obb
A. .BIT. C. A. EcatBBBSB
rraetioe la ail ol tha coarta ol th ta c. alau
before th V. 9. Land deparuaent.
Tailor A WUana Kir k.
Notary Fnblie In oKce
' t.L . . - -
ramavaa aUsIBtBU, OBK
Yoncalla Real Estate
IMkAW l.ul. - - - J , . . . ..
(aaaa lateral prapeny. Loana nade on eay
ternit ia asm frooi to any amount at A,--,
Saatt percent.-
To Ranchers, Farmers, Horsemen,
If you have a horse with Ringbone
As you can promptly do by using
Schnyder's Ringbone Cure.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Or Money Refunded.
Cost Cure $5.00 per horse
Address all communications to the sole manufactureres
Taylor's Specific Co.
Olalla, Douglas Co., Ore.
at the
You can have the flavors to suit.
Something: New "ol "to. h,.i T..uut... ik.i iw Extract
HotCelary, Hot Clam B!;Ui, U,t Chi. kon B..lli..
Give it a trial. You'll like it. They aill do
h Price la
TheS.n,e5c. VYUUU CC Kh J Prnnc
Smith' Dandruff Pomade .
StopM itching walp upon otn? appiii.-a-tion,
threw to six ri.Mnov-a all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. Price U)e.
Yor ale by Marsters Iriijf Co. ndtf
Society Meeting.
AF. & A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
ii Dlils rezolar meeting on secona
am! f nrth 'eunmnif rtl earh
month. E. J. tboi i, VV. M.
N. T.Jkwk fitfcretary.
AO. U. W. lioseburg Lryige No. 16.
Meets the recocd and fourth Mon-
days of each month at 7:30 p. m.,
in- the I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
good atandii R are invited to attend.
H. T. McC'lallm, M. W.
h. II. Lenox Kecorder.
D. .8 Wii-ST, I inancier.
BP. O. ELKS Kofieborj LodiceNo.
Z2ti, lbIds retiuiar erjiriminica-
tions at I O. O. i. Halt on hvaxA
and fourth Ttiarsiays of each month.
All members repieeted to attend retro
lariy and si! viiline brothers are cordi
ally inrited to attend.
VV. li. Jaxissox, E. R.
V. C. LosDO.f, Secretary.
N. U., meera at'Annory Hall erery
rharsday evenin, at 8 e'clock.
F. li. Hamloi, Cap.
EG REE OF HONOR, Mytie Lodge
No. 13. ft)eta 2nd and 4lh Ttora
day eanii.a of each month in Na
tire Bonn' Hail. Viaiimg member! cor-,
dially tted to attend.
Man. Mabit Wfiirr, C. ol II.
. . LI. Lbxsoi, Kec. .
fOF A. Court boRa-lae No. 32, For
eeWrs of America. Meet every
Tneeday eyeoicjt in Native Sons'
Hall. Viaiting brother alwave welcome.
T. B. Cavsox, C. R.
K. H.'l.Ktot. R.f.
E. V. Hoovsa, Phvsit iaa.
IO. O. F. PbilrUrian Lodxe No. g.
Moeft in Old Fellow Temple, par
oer Jackfon aod Caes .tee', on
Sator tar evening: ol each weeg. Ueta
ber of thf- nrtwr in rod an1it c ard
invited to atten-l. Oillcttb, N. G.
N.T. JgwaTr. Secretary.
Kof P. AlpLa LrUe No. 47. He
ever Wedni-dvt in 1. O O. F.
Hill i. to. Memtrr in
nod ef Anding an- iiienl to attend. -
C. K. HoBtirra. K K. P.
1 i.Jir. M. Prottvtion Trnt No. IS.
fa 1 1 . l l . :. . i i.. .-
aa ii-u-i-- it.i rrvi;ur i.r;tewts iiie
"" fir-t and thirl Fndjy .f f-ach
month in the I. . O. ha)!. Viriting
Iiemlrrx in ;'! irtan-iinz are invi:I to
attend. F. J. pATTEaMi.v, Omi.
K. E. PLOia,Err. I;ri.rl K-;er.
LILAC CIKCLF No. 43, Watcen of
Wootferai!. Meet on ttacl third
Tberys of each month at th Na
tive Sods, Hal!. Vteitin; member ia
good ctandins are invited to a'tnrl.
Iastiia SEitLntrne .Goanlian Neighbor.
Vis mb Orgir, iy.
LA 11 rS of theG. A. K., Abraham Lin
rrjlo Oircl No. 2. ni"s is at Natrr
ton'a Hail at 2o'cl3ck on the tte
ocd aod foartb r tiiltyg of each tnoo'b.
O. T." SL ljeeoorg Uive So. 11.
Hoi la its rtftlr reviw open the
aocond and focrtti Frid7 ere.
of tub month in tbe Naitre Soct' Had.
Si'te-i of other Hira Tinting in tee city
are cordially invited to attend oar re
view b.
JtSfin K r-p, I Co.
Uacdb E. ITcCj-aulbs. II. K.
W. OF A. ilyrt.e Can-.p Na. 6330.
Mata frt .r-.t Kiel U .-ln..4.
s.s. wjia.i a. rvtia 1 1 a. ' ,
Geo. Ctbos, Clerk.
OE. E. Eoeexir? Chapter No. 8
HoLfg their regn'ar Deet: ca th
firrt an i tbtr i Thoraday in each
noDth. . Vi-irint tr.m'T! in food
itandir-K are resrectfai'r invited Ut t
ind. Mb. Calus Bkabo. W. M..
Ubb. Libbib Cosuov. tseeretary.
KBEKAIIS. Rjiae'j-sre Iiebkh
Lode Na-tl. 1. U. O. F., meta ia
Odd Fe!loV Temple ever Taeeday
evening, uiung e;sr9 and brethrea
i:-.Tited to atteml.
Ih.l. Bk,w-x, X. G.
Cora Wijisejilt. II. .
UNITED ARTIAXS.-Cmprjn A-i-emlily
No. li3 n.-L eve-rv Sator
djy e-eniii2. at 3 uVLxk ia Natire
?'ns Hall. Visitinz Artisans cordially
iuvitcl to attcml.
Mes. M. Jovrs M. A.
Mr. F. B. IIahlis, Secn-urv.
Oamn No. 125. Meets at the Odd
Fellow' Had, ia Eoeebart:, every
6rt and third Monday evening. Viait
int: neighbor always welcome.
Jas." E. Sawveks, C. C
J. A. BrcHAXAJt, Clerk.
CVld rellow'a Temple. Meets first
and third Thnrsdar evt-ninvr each
month. Visitors conlully inrited.
T J- B. 1Iajuuux, C. P.
J. C. TwrrcHBtx, Scribe.