The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 01, 1902, Image 1

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    ftroeon Hietoricat Society
' 8f49
ob Printing
Id busy seasons brings
yon yonr share of trade;
r1 vart lalnrr in 3nll baa
Is a very important factor in
bosiness. Poor printing re-
sods brings yon yonr shara, and also Z
that of the merchant who "cau't af-
ord" to advertise.
0 uecis no credit on a good
S bosiness hoose. Let ns do yonr Job
Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868.
3 .i.uuuk-wb guarantee it to be in
every way satisfactory.
11 r, V- 3
Douglas County Hank,
Established 183J..
Capital Sli:l $50,000.00. g
F. W. BEXSOX, It. A. BOOTH, J if UOji'll ,. BRIDGES . ' V
J. F. KEULY.A.C. MARSTERS .1 I. .!. 9
A general banking business trans '-lo', i- I customers given every
accommoilation consistent with safe and consc. vs'tive banking. v
Bank open from nine to twelve and. from one to three. A
. ' $
It The place to find them is at 4 g
A complete line of Blankets and Comforts that
U are excellent in quality and reasonable in price.
' 'Just recieved a new line
8 from small up to9xi2 and in
S ' Our store is fV "f good
up j'our home complete and it
you buy of us.
Bring Us Your ...
I If You Pay More
Than we charge for repairing, yoa pay tfl3 mach.
If you pay less 3rou don't get jour wojk done I
right. We do our watch, clock and jewelry rc-
pairing as well as it can be done, and cur prices are
4 very low. Cleaning, $1.00, mainsprings, $1.00, aiul all if
J? other work equally low ft.
Wheri was your watch cleaned last? Better
"If have it examined now.
considerable expense later
1? Cass Street Near Depot
k fine assortment of Walk-Overs
in all leathers. When sight seeing
call in and inspect them. Ask to see
the York Toe Walk Overs. ' ; , .
'Opposite First National Bank
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when vou order them. Call up 'Phone"No. 181,
for gof rf goods arid good service.
C. W. PARKS &; CO.
Fill' II, 1 1 1 81
X? v..
g;- . - n
sfe- I
Ta'c t'n II ijl rg, Micil ;1 1 S'.ai .Litti'f r all points 0:1 C li.iy. ;) I
jiriiis Hack leaves Eoseburg Every Moruing at 6 o'clock.
Kits H.C.GALEY, 0
president. Cashier
Incorporated 1901
of rugs ranging in size . $
price from $1.25 to $30.
things and we can fit jjj
vill be up to date if
Remember the place
32g Jackson St.
You may save yourself,
. i.
R. F.WINSLOW,Je" and Optician
V3?J, Feed and ak'faljlea
C. P. Babnabo, Prop.
Saddle Horses, Single and
Double Rigs at all hours
Transient Stock gvCn
very best of care .....
Rates always reasonable
Crown Prince of Siatn Visited Port
land Last Saturday.
. Portlaxp, Nov. 20. Crown Prince
Vajirvutlhr, of Siain, arrived in Port
land today at 10 a. 111., on route to Van
Cinivor, P.. C. NoesHcial efforts were
made for the entortainmcnt of tlu
prince's suite while tarrying in Port
lajul. Ho wa9 met by a committee
headed by Charles F. Keele, chairman
of the entertainment committee of ihe
chanil)er of eommerce, President Mears,
t that lxdy and the mayor and w as
w elcomed to Oregon. There was a large
party of rcUinors traveling with the
prince. He left early 111 the afternoon
for Seattle. The prince ceased to be a
gnesft of the Nation at Boston some
weeks ago, and is now traveling uuolli
cially. He is bonnd home, havingMnt
several years in Kurojte securing a com
plete education. He is quite a pro(tr
young man, a tlucntlinguht and lecil
elly Eunii'aii in his tastes. Cnntraiy
to popular superstition, thi.s child of
Southern China Peninsula does not dine
on birds' nests, but lotes on burgundy
and sirloin and things like that, ju.-t
like any other healthy young man of 22.
The prince never talks for publication,
an 1 the only thing he has said to the
public on the coast was that be was not
engaged to marry a Japanese prim-ess as
"Tell the Mator I cannot see him "
This is the way His Highness turned
djwn Mayor Williams. The royal
mandate came trom a Euip)er-snapier
Prince w ho some day will reign over the
I ind of the Siamese Twins.
Then the Mayor smiled. A youngster
of 22 years bad snnbled one of the most
noted figures of the Nation a man who
once bad been Senator of the 1'nited
States, then Attorney-General of the
rnited Siates, and now Mayor of the
City of Portland. The Mayor only
smiled. The frosts of nearly 60 years
were ujon bis bead.
The snub was so neatly perpetrated
that the callers found themselves out
side the car before they realized they
had turned around. The Mayor
emerged from the royal precincts first.
He h id a grim look on his face, like
that of a man who has got the little end
of a horse trade. General Ecebe trailed
after, looking like a 30-ctiit bargain
counter, marked down to 2!) cents.
'"Did you shake bands with the
Prince?" a ked tlie reporter, eagerly.
I'isgust downed on the Mayoi's coun
te auce. '"Shake bands?" lie resjionded
dryly. "1 really don't know. I salntel
someljody, but I couldn't tell whether it
was the Prince or thecx)k. T.ut, there's
jio love lost letween ns," and the Mayor
ftarujicd Ms f.-t. 'l don't bitch np
with loyalty, anyhow," and lioarded
the train fr Seattle, where he en.
joy .i short visit.
Stvck Disease is Menacing Nation
W.iiii.ffi.ox, Nov. 2!. Secretary of
.'"ri'-iiMiire Wilson tlay issued a sweep-
mirr lirectel ti the managers and
a.'ou's o" railroads and transrtatioii!ii s of the United States, stock
.orji and ilers,' notifying them of the
estaoli.-liiue.-it ot a quarantine 011 cpttle,
,-!,ep cud oHits ruminants and .swine
in too New England fctates, nl pro
hil ii-lu t!.e e-Xx.rtation of snc-li animals
fro;;i the piirt vf I5oston nntil further
Pecoit investigations iu the I?art
nient of .jTicilture disclosed the fact
that what known a f x.t and moutli,
tliea-v existesl to an - alarming extent
in Ceiiiiciiictit, Ilhale Island, Massa
chusetts and Vermont. The exjert of
the deiflrtnient, Ir. Mohler;Dr. T.eon-jr-1
Pearsonkof the I'niversily of Penn- j
sylvania, and I'r. James Law, of
Cornell, iwvtigaiiHj the infected dis
c .M-s aii'l united in a recommendation
tha"; a 'pulrantine thould Ik? establishexl
S -n-!ary Wilfoii sai.l t'lay that this is
the most f-crions matter the depart
ment has had to handle for some time,
but that all the resources of t'.ie depart
ment would be employed in stamping
out the dimase. L'e declared that if It
sTif uld sj lead west of the Hudson River
it would be nothing abort of a National
Cdamity. .
Starts fcr H' New Iost.
Kkw York, Nov. 2S. Polx-rt N. Mc-
Cormick, Unite 1 S-tates Amftassador at
St. Peterjbur, will start toilay for the
continent, after a brief stay here, cables
the London correspondent f the Tri
bune, He is highly pleased with his
Wedd ng Party but no Groom.
Des Mo ;es, Nov. 28. Bert McNutt,
aged 2'i years, committed suicide last
night at his parents' residence by shoot
ing himself through the head. He was
to have lieen married yesterday to Miss
Maggie Guth. The wedding party as
sembled, but young McNutt did not ap
pear fr send any explanation for bis ab
sence. Mr. McNutt's parents remained
at the Guth home with the other guests.
W-hen they returned to their homo they
found their son's ltody. Young McNutt
left a note bidding farewell to bis affi
anced, hut giving no explanation "f bis
suicide. Friends believe his mind was
unbalanced. '
Thanksgiving Snow in Southland.
CiiATTASootiA, Tenn., Nov. 27. Snow
fell here early today. A fall of two
inches is reported on Lookout Mountain.
I'.iitKtNoiuM, Ala., Nov. 27. The first
snow of the season began falling here
early today. It is melting asrapldlvas
it falls.
J he diamond Tontine Company was
split all to pieces by Judge in
Portland. The Judgo can't see how
sane men can expwt to recyivo $100 on
$20 invest nu'iit,
Capt Nelson, of Schoonef Lily, Shot, Prabably Fatally,
Theo. Lungren of Another Vessel-
Plea, SelfDefense
A shooting serai occurred at Gardi
ner by which a sailor by the name of
Theodore Lundgreii, of Schooner IXira
Pluhn, was shot at 11 :30 p. 111. on Nov.
21, by ('apt. Nelson, of the Schooner Lily.
The wounded man is at present rest
ing easy but the bullet, which struck
him on the right side, range ! downward
and liackward, and has not yet leen lo
cated although an exploratory incision
was made Tor that purjose by lr. Pat
terson, who hail Hx-en called in attend
ance. The sailor had leen drinking some,
and it seems that Capt. Nelson, stand
ing oirtho wharf, had ordered him to
leave the Lily and go to bis own vessel.
Lundgrea seemed to 1 complying with
the order and was standing on the rail
with bis hands on the wharf trying to
get ashore.
Nelson swears that the sailor bad a
knife and was making threats and that
Goes Down Before toe C M As to
the Tune of Six t -en
to Nothing.
Thanksgiving was another gala day
for football enthusiasts in Cot tageG rove.
Tlte C M A team was too much for the
visitors who worked like Trojans, but
were successfully held for downs when
it was necesarv. The Cottagft Grove
g. -al was never in serious danger, the
13 yard line lein the nearest Roseburg
ever came of putting the ball over the
line. The field was a sloppy one ami
not in comlition for fast playing, yet
ome good end runs were made by Blair
and Jackson and fullback Hill went
over the heavy s gen-gat ion's lines for
gains every time be tried the kangano
jump. Roseburg made a de?er,Ue
ffort to score the firt half and suc
ceeded by their heavier weight in inak-
wz some gisl line plunges for yardage
and successfully made one twenty yard
run apiiin l the end on a fake punt, tmt
it w.v-of no nse and only caused the
C M A' to glue themselves to ground
and hold them b-r a bs of four yaYIs.
The home tain made a fumble early in
the game on a 11 attempted punt and
hist 30 yards, this pivbably only lessen
ed the sire however lor the ground was
soon regained and Blair was finally
fonvl thniigh the line for the 2nd
Mich dow n.
S-ore firt half
t otUige tirove 15, Knsebnrg 0.
Swoii'l bail
Cottaac Grove b, Hiweburg 0.
Total Cottag'j !rove RiseburgO.
TI.e ymmg jeople of Cottage Grove
gave an informal reception in honor of
the visit of the Rosehnrg High ocbool j
fo it ball team, in (he evening after the
Entertainment was over. The party 1
was a large one and a splendid sociil'i
time was had by the young folks. The
evenina waa nassoa away in Having
social games ami at a late hour lunch
was served. Many of our young folks
remained np until the overland arrived
and accompanied the visitors to the
de(ot. To nil apiicarances the gentle
manly young men from our sister city
were made to feel at ease and we hoje
they enjoyed the evening for their man
ly conduct n bile here won the rerpect
of all and made them a host of friends.
Cottage Grove Leader,
' Thanksgiving Football Scores.
. -.
.northwest. .
Multnomah 1; Oregon 0.
Washington It); Pullman 0.
O AC SI; Pacific 0.
Albany 22; McMinnvi'.le 0. -
Willamette 6; Monmouth 0.
Cottage Grove C M A lt!; RosebnrgO.
Astoria'?!; Columbia University 0.
Whitman 13; Idaho 0.
Ashland Normal 27; Oakland 0;
Brownsville High School 6; William-
ette Medics 5.
The Dalles 10; Northwest
College 0.
rendleton High School 11;
High School 0.
Pennsylvania 12; Cornell 11.
Carlislie 21 ; Georgetown 0.
Chicago 11 ; Wisconsin 0.
Kansas 17; Missouri (1.
Columbia (I; Syracuse 0. '
Micbignn23; Minnesota ft.
Stanford 3o; UtahJl.
Oregon's Prune Crop.
The prune crop of Oregon for the year
1!K)2, according to m.'n w hose business
requires them to know the sie of the
crop, w ill be in the neighborhood of 13,
0O0,OOJI pounds. It Is estimated that the
entire crop eold for an average of 3?4
cents per xuud, to the grower, or a to
tal of $4S7,500. In addition to this sum
paid the growers, alwnt 7,000,000 iounds
(if the prunes were packed in boxes, by
whicii means the price vas advanced
4&4C rKr lund, this process bringing
to the laborers in packing-houses some
$25,000 rri ore, making total proceeds of
the prnno crop about $"12,.r)00.
Price Silll Erupting.
St Thomas, D. W. I., Nov. 2rt. The
Royal Mail steamer Yare, which ar
rived here today, passed Mont Peine,
Island of Martinique, during Wcdiief .
day morning, and rejiorts that the vol
cano was then erupting violently,
he was compelled to fire in self dt fence,
at a distance ol ten feet.
A preliminary examination ws held
next morning and the Captain released
on bis own recgnixance. Details cd the
examinations are lacking.
Gakdinkr, Nov. 27. (Sc.ia to the
Plain Theo Lundgren.a sailor
n Keliooner Dora Hliihm was shot by
Capt. Nelson of the Schooner l ily at
midnight on the 2-1 innt. Capt. N'elw.n
returning to his ship found that Lund
grwi was aboard and ,ordered him to
leave. An altercation followed, result
ing as almve stated. The shot wan fire. I
from a revolver, the ball striki lg the
sailor in the I Kick at the floating rib,
ranging downward and inward, enter-
in the abdominal cavitv. It i a bad
woqiid bnt U'.t thought by Dr. Patter
son to lie dangerous. Th Captain
pleads self defense. S. M,
Grants Pass Man Dies from Trivial
Ailment Despite Efforts to
Relieve Him.
Grants Pas, Nov. 2S. The fut era! of
Riley Moore, aged 52 years, w a-f held
from bis home in thfs ritT veslerdav.
Mr. Moore's death was the result of
Mnifiii aiincc i iiKvuiigiis. . n war
seized with the attack but fom davs
prior to bis death, and iu pite of all
jslble iniHiical aid nothing could be
done to relieve bint. He is a r. it ar
rival here from Missouri, and lesives 1
w ife ami six children.
She's a Great State.
vregon is a great iai, arseli- poj
nbted. England (for the benefit of
comparison) baa 50.W7 square n iles of
territory, while Oregon has an area of
1i;,G0 square miles. Kngland has a
opuIalw of 27,O0i),0X) in et.-e. of
that of Oregon.
There are numerous cities a tlte
Unilet! States each of wbicb has a'jx.
ulation greater than this entire state.
The ople resitling in San Fr.inciso
ami I kuklaiul exceed in nundu r all the
resident of Oregon.
Three mountain ranges iutemvt the
state on northerly course, aud
transverse ranges further subdivide it.
A very large ior.ion of these mountains
liear mineral dcpit t4 value, rhiedy
cold. Tlie n iucral area alnc equals
that of several New Kngland states com
hinctl. In natural ami industrial resources
Ori-yin canni.t be aurraasetl. She can
put her 6leries, cereals, fruits, stock,
la iry and mineral jssihilities iu com-
Ietition with any country of equal
area any where, yet, by reason r.i her
sar oulation, she has but two
congrexsmen at the national capital to
represent the tremendous u'nde-Joted
aggregation of natural wealth in this
wonderful state. This widely Uu,rsed
scattere.1 little community of Oregon
lias worked wonders in its bumble way.
Oregonians need not 1 ashamed of
their worked or the results thereof. But
results thus far amount to no more than
a preface to the chapters in the nmrre
ous volume ( the future.
The Normal Football Squad Disband,
On Monday evening of last wek the
Normal team met and dislianded for the
rest of the season. Harry Kcrlestmi
was elected as student manager lor next
year. It is hoped that he will arrange
for games early in September and con
tinue them till after Tlianksgivir g.
The season has been quite successful
considering the fact that most of the
men were only initiated into lht game
this season. In all, five gatn were
played, one was won, two were ties, and
two were lost. This is more games than
the Normal team has played in the past
two or three years, hence is not com
lrahle to anything done in the past.
Onfy one game was missed U at was
really desirable and that waa tl e game
with the Ashland Normal. Th trouble
seems to have been due to the fact that
Ashland sent out ahead of her a rto-calleil
"lot of hot air" aud as soon nt t he had
digested this she was tjred a no. conse
quently declined to play the Normal and
Cottage Grovo on the dates that had
been prearranged. Ashland dfsired a
good rest rather than two more defeats.
Now that the football season is over
the boys are planning to begin basket
ball after the Thanksgiving vacation.
In this sjiort they will Ik1 joined by the
lair co-eds who should develop a good
team. Drain Noupariel.
A Frightened Horse.
Kunning like road down the street
dumping the occnjiants, or a hundred
other accidents, are every day occur
rences. It behr tves cvotybody to have a
reliable Salvo handy and there's none as
good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve Bums,
Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disap
pear quickly under its soothi )r effect
2oc, at A. C. Marsters ACc'sDrng
1 he supreme court has decided that
the shade trees lit front of a ins n's resl
deuce, although on public projierty lie
long to him. The case in which the
decision was rendered was one iu w hich
a proiHirty ow ner sued a telephone com
pany for cuttingoff the-limbs of his
trees. The decision Is of Inter'sl to all
projierty holders and corporatl'ns, F.x,
Gleaned by our Corps rf Special Cor
respondents, S c'tl, Personal,
and Industrial.
Barzee's now lukery is filling
a long
leit want in tins city.
Schuyler Cole, supt. of tha Gobi Bug
Mine, was a Glendale visitor on Monday.
Miss Nora Miser, of the" Glendale P.
O. will visit San Francisci soon.
William II. Neff, a s.pii!yr Glen.Ialo
farmer, has ls-eti I u y killing
turkeys for Thanksgiving.
A large building is under construction
in Gilliertson's addition to this city.
It is for a hotel and will be o.ened
alout Feb. 1st. '
Mrs Clarke is having material
hauled from the lumber yard for a large
addition to her commodious Hotel
building. Increasing custom makes this
The Proprietors of .r,r Hotel
served turkey to their numerous cus
tomers Thnrsday. Our city is just
proud of its well kept and popular
The Chapel Car '-Emmanuel"
has l'ii holding services at
Pass for a months is cordially
to make a long stay iu this city.
The S-Mithern Oregon Irrigation Co.
havc.their arrangements completed aud
ronslitictiiigditches wiil cn.iiie!i.'Sooi.
Ti. is will Is- ifiit useful to ad residents
living along the line of the ditches and
flumes, and will insure good. crops in
any season.
Mrs. Haniiiii and Mis IVerm, of our
District SliK.I, gave an entertain
ment at tlie Opera House on Thanks
giving evening. -The proceeds wers
ufed for purchasing alibiary f..rour
Sehool Dirtrut. The pupils - of the
schoitwere nssit-led by talent,
and the programme was a g.od one.
That it was a success a!!, admit, as
those jn.pular Lducators do not under
stand the word fail.
Wilbur Items.
Jtrs. .Mabel Smith and siter,
Ldna Darrow, from Portland are rlsit
ing relatives.
Mrs. Chapman, from Deer Creek, is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. G. W
The Thauks-jving exervi.s given by
the svJmh-I chil lren, were enjoyed bra
UHinlter of viitors.
Mies Mi 1. lite Ellison. el-l a very suc-
e--ul term of st lend at Glide lost week,
returning to !ime Sat.iriay.
Mr. Wa'ter l-un'o and Miss
D:ckiniii were iu holy bonds of
matrimony, jil irvlyi. Wash., on
Nov. 1'.. P.aii.
Mr. Williams, from Idaho lias bought
Mr. Ile&teiner'a farm. We are sorry Jto
part w ith such an e-.imal,le fa 111 fir sg
the latter have proven then-st-ire--. but
what is our b, w.ll 1 sonn-Wly's
Grantea Full Partlon.
Sai tu, Or., Nov. 25 Governor tieer
toilay grantol full inmlon to Erra Dur
and, wlio waa 'rving a sentence of
twelve years in the penitentiary ojon
conviction of forgery in Multnomah
county in 1S97 Dnrand was ahead of
the Durand Oregon Comjvany and bis
operations extenUM over the entire
John L. Is Bankrupt.
New York, Nov. 23. J. L. Sullivan,
former champion heivy-weight pugi
list of the world, filed a petition in bank
ruptcy iu the United States District
court todav. Ho said bis liabilities
were $2,tTS and bis assets $00 worth of
wearing appnrvl.
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very expen
sive. Occasionally lite is tlie
price of a mistake, but you'll never be
wrong if you take I)r. King's New Life
Pills foi Pypepsia, Dizziness, Headache,
Liver or Bwl troubles. They are
g ntle, yet thorough. 2V, at A. C.
Marsters A Co's Drug St.rc.
The human heart, that most wonderful
of engines, is scarcely larger than a man's
fist. Yet in each twenty-four hours the
dual heart moves approximately six tons
of blood, equivalent to about two barrels
of blood per hour. And this continues
without ceasing from the first breath of
infancy to tlie last sigh of age. Is it any
wonder that when continued extra strain
is put upon so delicate and busy an or
gan, it should break down? Is" it any
wonder that in this age of overwork
there should be an increasing number of
deaths attributed to heart fuilure ?
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the organs of digestion
and nutrition raid purities and enriches
the blood. One of the ingredients enter
ing iuto the " Discovery is one of the
best heart tonics known to medicine.
Thus while through the action of " Golden
Medical Discovery the body ia nom
ished iuto strength, the heart is also
strengthened and an adequate. blood sup
ply b pumped to the stomach and kid
neys thus improving the action of these
Siclt people, especldly ttose suffering
from chronic disease?, are iuvitid to con
suit Dr.. IHerce by letter , and so ob.
tain wiihout charge, the opinion of a
specialist oil '.heir ailments. All corres
pondence strictly confidential. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"I hrt bun trembled with catnrrh of th Mom
ch ami heart trouble." write Mr. W. I. Merch
ant, of Tvlersburit. Clarion Co.. !"enu. "Had
doettirt-tl for ome lime withoul relief, then I be
gan to lake llr. Pietve'a Guhlen Medical lriwv.
ery. I took arvrn bottles. Mcfbre 1 btKan to
tale it I weighed u ponnda, and now I weitsh
170. 1 am workiuii slcu.lilv and feel like a new
man. I tend you auy llmultv-
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the
bowels and stimulate the sluggish liver.
it J
Are yon particular
aoout your
Price is no i..tier and every can guaranteed
is 1 in 1 mi
J. M. Weatberby
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm aud Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Xoa-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your proper
ty with us.
Physicians Prescriptions
and Family Recipes.
(Rubber Goods. Toilet
Articles, Lime and Ce
ment, Paint, Oils aud
Gla.s, Perfumery, 1 russ
es, Sjionges, Brushes Etc.
Rambler Bicycles and
cn-Ines. S-h.j.J S
j .stationery
ijram uardiner I
...r.f ?U'"T'?g yid? Janar- -0- will chara I7.W fn.
a n ujo, Biy. Barag, allowance with each full
Wpountls. Travelling i.n . .11 . , . Iuii ,,rf .
have SX) pounds or more.
Ad excess
lowauce will be made for round trip.
t-or f arther information address
x They've gone and done it again
Done away with the dark-room in
developing. A little machine to de
velope film negatives in daylight
without going to- a darkroom Any
child can operate it. See this won
derful invention at our store. -
Cliur chill & WoolSey.
of a light or serious character will havo
an aeded barm if rendeml through the
medium of a Kir.iball piauo. Thesi in
slruments can be had only at Bjrr'a
Music Store. Call and see our superb
assortment. -
The Popular riusic House ol
W. A. BURR & CO.
tunee,ieaana spices
Rose burg's
Lead . rig
Grocer j
m in Hi 1 iii
Pride of Douglas
When yuti buy Pride of Doazlas flour
yoa are a-ureJ of naiforaiity the
same this "week, next week cr nxt
month as that y01 purchased awk,
month or year ago-un less, r-ossibly, it's
changed only to better its quality, for
we're always on the alert to improve
our product Anyway the Prile of
Douglas brand U always ia thaleaiof
gOOtl fliMR..
G. W.Bashford &Son
A. Biry
C. Marsters & Co.
Sleliclnns, CStaTcali.
School Books
i .
allowed 75 pounds ' J"
baggage, 3 eta. per pound, aad no si-
n. Sawyers, 5
Proprietor. Drain nr. i
We Da "IVilitcrashino" is, wa-h wia.e, anj j0 it ia th
most upto-date style. We launder
linen don't "manhandle" it, We'd
bke very much to have yoa give ns
fair trial on your own or voor family's
washing. We do not fear the outcome
of the test.
n sm in