The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 27, 1902, Image 4

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    Dosen't Respect Old Age. j
' It's shameful when youth fails to
show proper respect for old age, but just
the contrary in the case of Pr. King's
New Life Pills. They cut off maladies
no matter how severe and irrespective
of old ag. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever,
Constipation all yield to this perfect
rill. 25c, at A. C. Marsters Co. Dm
Store. '
Notice for Publication.
United States Lmi,1 Office.
Knsebii nr. Oregon, Oct. 13. lst.
Notice is hereby given that in eomplianee
irith the provisions of the aet of Cou-rsa of
June S..1S7S. entitled "An act for the tale of
timber land in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," sted
ed 10 all the public laud state by act of August
nf Vaneonver. count v of Clark. atAte of Wah-
irifton. has this day filed in this office lierf-
sworn statement No :173 for the rmrehase of the
VY'.SK' K'i SV 4Sc;a.Tp2sS., R, west
and will offer proof to show Uiat the land sortght
is more valuable for its timber or stone than ajrioril'iiral purposes, aud to establish hil
claim before the Register aud Ileoeiver of this
iiioe, of jioscburg, Oregon. -on
Friday, the 26th day of December, ltt. She
names as witnesses: 8 K Brisbin, of Olalla,
Or.. J V Mi' Felida. Wash., Daniel K
Baker and Sherman hyoM of Vancouver,
Any and nil persons claiating adversely the
above descrUcd lands are retiuenled to tile
their claims in this office on or before said 2Mb
day of Decern txTvl'.ti. J T BR1 1 G KS,
olp Kegister.
Notice for,. Publication.
rnfted States Land Office
Roseburg. Oregon, Aug H 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. )S7s. entitled "An aet for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Terniorv," asextend
cd to all the public land states by act of August
, IsM.
ofVanZsndt, county of Wha'eom, state o
Washington, has this dar filed in this office hi
sworn statement No 316, for the purchase of
the S Eii see No 12, tp NO 29 south, ranges west
and will offer proof to show that ths land sought
is more valuable for its timber or atone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Kegister and Keoeiver nf Uua
cince of Koeeburar, Oregon.
on Satardar. the 15day of November. 1902. Be
cameras witnesses: R W Phillips, of Ehrlich.
Vfnh, James II skifEncton, Williant Wright, of
Myrtle Creek. Ore., C D Cliuk of Roseburg. Ore.
Any and all person; claiming adversely the
aliove described lands are requested to file their
claims ir this office on of before said l "th day
of November 19U4. JTBKiDGEj, .
sip Kegister.
Notice for Publication.
rnited Plates Land Office,
Roeburg. Oregon, Aug 26, 190.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June i. )S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tlie States of California. Oregon
. Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, l9i
- ii inn ii pat,
of Dnluth.eocnty of St Louis, state of Minn
his this dav riled in this office his sworn state
ment No for the purchase of the N WJ NE
K "". S1, N E4 Sec 20, Tp 31 S,, R. W
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or rtone than
for acTicultural purposes, and to establish fail
claim before the Register and Receiver of thia
oiiice of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the 2oth day of January, 190:t. Re
names a. witnesses: Tho. Lawson of Riddle,
Oregon, G Gilbrtson. E ilbertaou, of Glendale
Oregon. Mrs I lls M Iay of Dnlnth. Minn.
Any and ail persons claLulng adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile tlieir
claims in this office oo or before said 20th day
of January lMiS. - J T BRIDGES,
" nlOp Register.
Notice for Publication. .
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon Nov, i, int.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of-Congress of
Jnne 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .andW'ashingtoc Territory," asextend
ed to all the public latid states by'act of August
, 1S92.
of Rush City, county of Chisago, state of Mir n.
bis this day tiled in this office his sworn state
meet No. 3f for the purchase of the r1,' Nw i,
N:i ."-W, section No. 2, Tp No. 26 South, range
No 8 W and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is taore valuable for iu timber or
stone than for airricnltnral purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before Z L Dim
mick U S Commissioner, at Oakland, Oregon, nn
Friday, the 2-rd day of Jannary, J.90X He
names s witness-s: Charles Thoin and John
Thorn of Roseborir. Oregon, John Herring and
Joseph Corrier, of Rush City, -Minn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely ibe
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims. in this office on or before said trd day ol
Jan. 19M. J. T. BRIDGES,
nl3p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Fnited States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov, S 1902
Notice is hereby gtrea that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, i
fevaas .ana ascington'ierntory," asextena
ed to all the public land states by aft of August
4, ISKi
of Rush City, counry of Cbissgo, s:ate ol Minn,
has this day filed in tbisoffice hil sworn state-,
ment. No .2, for the purchase of the lots a 6
and 7 and the SW! NKJi Sec 2, Tp 26 Sooth,
ranee No. 6 west and will offer proof to
chow that the land sought is more valuable for
it timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his Claim to said land
before Z L Dimmick. V S Commissioner, at
Oakland Oregon, on Friday the Zrd day of
January, .:;. He names as witnesses: John
Thom and Charles Thoin of Roseburg, Oregon,
John C Carlson, of Rush City, Mian., and John
Dan!, of Lindstom, Minn.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested lo file
tueir clai ma in this office or or before said 2 frd
Of Jan. 19W. J. T. BRIDGES,
nl-p Register.
Notice for Publication
Tnited States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 5, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 187. entitled "An act for the sale of
tinuier lands in the Stales of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4. 1892.
of Boseburg. counts of Don las. slate of Oregon
has this day iiled in this office hisssmrn state
ment No :."srvr the pnp'hase of the Vij . of
section So, townaiiip ifi south, range 7 west,
and will o.lcr proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its limber or atone
than for agricultural purTMMes, and to estab
lish hi claim to said laud before Z L Dimmick
C SCommiS'ioncr, at Oakland, Oregon, on !at
nidny tne 24th day of January, 190.1. He names
aswitoesc: Joseph E Lsgacy, Minueopolis,
Minn-August Meyer, Knsu Citv, Minn,, Jens A
Siqveland of-St Paul, Minn, John Tlioui, of
Roseturg. Ongon.
Any and all Trsons claiming adversely ie
bore dccrild lands are requested to 6;e li--r
:lnimsii this officc-on or belore said 24'.lidyof
Jan. 1J3. i. T. BKim;s,
uh.p Register.
Notice for Publication .
T'niU-d States Land Office, .
Rorifiiurg, Oregon, Nov 4,1902.
Notice is tcset.y given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congresa of
J utie )s.M, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands iu the Mates of California. Oregon
Nevada .and W asliingum Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, lt92.
of Rash City, couniy of chisjigo, stateof Minn ,
has this day Bled in thisorai;e bis sworn state
ment No. ;aw for the purchase oi the Eli nyi '
mi NWli SEUSec21.Tp. 2KB.. !! W
and will oiler proof to snow that (lie laud
sought is more valuable for H timber
than for agricultural purr-ose. and to establish
his claim lo suid land before 7. L D minick 1'
fkiniinisiioner, at Oakland, Oregon, on Satur
day the 2tth day of Januarv, lvoi. He names
. witnesses : Edward J Widvev and Jens A
fciqveland of St. Paul. Minn., J..'.-,h E Lagac y
of Minneapolis, Minn., Harry 1 1 . (son of Rose
burg, Oregon.
Any and all pe sons claiming adversely the
above described lands are teq f file their
claims in thi office on or btb r - i i inn d-i
ofJfcnl03. J. T. iiaiuoKs,
n"P . - Register,
Fine Shotgun Given Away.
With every cash purchase made at my store
amounting to $i.oo, from now until noon Jan. i,
1903, will be given a number in the . grand prize
drawing to take place at the above mentioned date.
Those owing on account must make settlement in
30 clays to eutitle them to a chance in the grand
drawing. Gun valued at $25.
Li E. MILLEDGE, Dfllard, Ore.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Boseburg, Oregon, tK-t 9, 1.H)2.
Notice is hereby gfven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of f'ongress of
June .1.187)1. entitled "An act tor the sale of
timber lands in the States of ralifomia.Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asexleud
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
4, MM.
percivam; tcrner,
of Los, Angeles comity of Los Angeles, st ate of
California, has this day filed in this ottlce his
sivorn sttementSo :k.16 for the purchase of
the SKfi MV;;. K'i SW'K, X Wi4 sF."'of Seetiou
No. 24, township SoW south, range 3 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ma
claim before the Kegister and Receiver of UHi
If ice ol Hoseburg, Oregon. k
on .Monday the Vuiu day of January, lint!, lie
names as witnesses: Hurt IWrk, William
Wright. Bierhn Douglas and Archie Clink, all
of Koseiwrg, on-son.
1 Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
aliove described lands are requested to tile their
claims fn this office on or before said LM'thdiiy
N:ip Ilegiste
Notice for Publication. .
united States Lnd Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, O ct , 1902.
Xntie is 1 erehy given that iu compl:ance
w ith Uie provision of the act of Congress of
June S, 1S78. entitled "in Act for the aale ol
Tim her Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada ana as lime ton i errtierv. as ex-
U'nded to all the Public Land Stales by act of
August 1, 1S92.
of Camas, county of Clark, Slate of Washing
ton. has this dav filed in this ortiee his swoin
statement No i for the purchase of the i-K'i
of section no t, township mo. b., k. no b w.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hil
claim before the Register and Receiver of thia
Ofiica of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Fridav. the luili dav of December, 1902. Ho
names aa witnesses: iicniamin L Buruette, J
W Mclrvin, J L .Marsh and M M Ranisk-r all of
ancouver, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descri bed lands are requested to tile their
claims lu this office on or before said 19th day
of Decern tier, 1902. f T BsllKiEH,
09p Kegister.
Notice for Publication.
United Stales Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, tm. 7. l'.H'i.
Notice ii hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, is;8, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the stales ol California, Oreeon,
Nevada, and Washington Territorv," as extend
ed to all Public Land Slates by act of August
4, l&rt.
of Looking Glass, countv of Douglas, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his
sworn statement No S177, for the purchase of
UieNW!4of see No 2D. tpNo 2o S., R 9 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuaiile for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim before the Register and Receiver of thia
tsfiice of Rowbura;, Oregon.
on Tuesday the-SSrd day of December, 1902, He
names aa witnesses: r rant Urea It of Melrose,
Or Charles Thorn, Roseburg. Or., John Becker
ana rrant irg.oi cieveiana, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descri tr-d lands are requested to file
their claims in this office oa or before said 3rd
day of Dec. 1902.
Notice for Publication.
rsincD Statis Lao Orncx,
Roseburg, Oregon. Sept 7, 1A2 .
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congresa of
Jane 2. 1K7S. entitled "An act for the sale of
Timb r Lands in the Slates ol California, Ore
gon Nevada and W'a.hington Territorv," as ex
tended lo all the Public Land Slates by Act of
August 4. 1.192.
of Roseburg, county of Hondas, sta or Ore
gon, fc this day bled In this office his sworn
s'a'era-.'nt No. :U79 for the purchase of the bS
section "22, towi stip a, south, range 1 west
and will offer proof to show that the land son ght
is more valuable for it timber or stone thsn
fur agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Row burg. Oregon,
on Tuesday, ihe '2uxl day of December. 1TO2. He
names as witnesses: A. D. ( link and J. M.
Skiffineton.of Roseburc. Or., II. M.Oatman
aud W m. H. Wrigbl. of MYrtie Creek. Oreroa.
Any and all persons Claiming a-iverseiy the
wvc ueMn-ioeij tanas are requesrea to n ic tncit
claims in this office on or beliire ssid2 .rd day of
Dec, lsuT. J T. BRIIH.ES.
o9p " Register.
Notice for Publication.
l nito.1 States Ind Oi'tice
Roseburg, Oregon, Not , l'.v2.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 'S78. entitled "An et for the sale of
timber lands in the Stales of California. Oregon
Nevada .aud w ahinrton Territorv,1' asexteud
ed to all the public laud states by'act of August
4, ISSi -
of 2t7 Phoenix Illdg., St Paul, coun i y of Ram
sey, state of Miunesoia. haa this dav filed in
tuis omce his sworn statement No .4 for the
purchase of the E1, E1. stUmi Jt, Tp jr. S.. R.
west and will oner proof to show that I .'ie land
sought is nx-re valuable for its llinlier or store
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish hisi laim to said land before Z L Dimmick.
US Commissioner, at Oakland. Op-gon, on
halnrday. tbeMtb day of January, lso.:. lie
names as witnesses: Jo-nn K Lasrscv. of
Minneapolis, i:cn., Harry Eiiefkon, and John
Thom. of Roseburg, Oregon, Jens A S.qVclau i,
of tt Paul, MinuesolA.
Any and all persons claiming advcrelv the
khove described lands are ieiieted to tile tlieir
ciaunsin mis om or or belore said vtti. day of
J T BRllx.KS.
hi;'P - Register.
Notice for Publication.
y Tnited States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Not 4, 1S02.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jnne 3. 1678. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Californta.Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territorv." asextend
ed to all the pnblic laud states by'act of August
4, 1892.
of Rush City, county of Chisago. State of Minn,
haa thi-day filed in this ofTn-e his sworn state
ment No :X'l for the purr base of the N'i 'i
section 22. township if, south, range 8. west
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for iu timber or stone
than trr agricultural purpose, and to establish
hut claim to sa'd land before Z L D.mmick. 0 8
Commiasioner, at Oakland, Oregon, on Satur
day, the 24th dav of Jannarv, 19at. He names
aswltnes-s: Edward J Widvey and Jens A
Siqveland of St Paul, Minn.. Joseph K Legacy.
Minneapolis, Minn., Harry EUeison, Boseuutg.
Ore-rou. . . s
Any and all persons claiming adverslv th
above described lands are requested to uie'thcir
claims in thia office otfVr before said 24tn dav
Of Jan. 190-J. . -
nl3P Reglsu:r.
Notice for Publication.
' rnltedHtateiLandOfDce, '
., . -Roseburg. Oregon, Nov 4,1902.
Notice ii hereby given that in compliance
i "'P'wwioni of the act of Congresa of
-Junes, 1S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lends in the Slates of California. Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asexteod
u tue public land states by act of August
of Rnsh City, county of Cnisago, state of Minn,
has this day filed in thia office his swoin staic
ment No J9j3 lor the purchase of the NW'
ol section No. 20. township 2fi south, range,
we.l, and will offer proof lo show that the land
sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establ'sh
bis cairn lo said laud before Z L Dimmick,
U 8 Commissioner at Oakland. Op-eon, on
Saturday the 14th day of January. lie
names as witnesses: Joseph Lagacy, Minne
apolis. Minn., Hiram Mealus, Rush City.MInn
Jens A Siqveland and Harry Ellclson of St.
Paul. Minnesota.
Anv and sli ricrsons clHiminp- tfi
aooteni-wnncil lamls are reoiii-stisl to tilt-
tlieir ( lain. In this office on or licfore .aid 211b
uay oi January, 1)J, J. T. BUI IMiS.
nl3p Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. l:i, i:tr.
Notice is herebv elven that th rollour.'nv
uamoj smier niea notice of Ins intention
to make Dnal proof in support of his claim, sud
that said prool will be made b fore Ihe Regis
ter and Receiver, at Roseburg Oregcn, on
isuvcwucr, 74 lyo. viz:
on H . E. No. S7r for the N " 4 , N E! ; section Sf
townsnip m south, range 1 west. ' He names the
following witness to nrovn Ms intln
residence npon and cultivation of said land.
" ""warn, n r ewitt, l M Olirent sui
L T Hendricks, ail of Ten Mile. Ore.
olf'P J X BRIDGES, Beglstcr.
jNotice for Publication.
Kosetiurg. Ori'fton, Oct. 6, l'KU.
Notice is hereby given that in oomullsiieo
with the provisions of the act of Cougressof
June S. 1)7, entitled "An Act for llio silo of
timber lands in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all Hie i'ublic Land States by act nf Aug
ust 4, lrJ.
of Vancouver, county of Clark, state ol Wash
ington, nas tins nay uioi in mis olln-e his sworn
aai mis j ami z of tne M-.'4 ol. section No. 2
township ro :m south, range Mi. a west
nd will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable (or its titular or stone than
for agricultural pur-ics, aiol to establish hil
claim befose the Kegister and Receiver of this
oifiee of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Friday, the l'.Uli day ol Iii-eeiuK-r. li2. He
uatiicg as witnesses: S. it. rlrisbin, of olalla. Or.
J. W. Mclrvin, J. I. Marsh. H. L. ISur
nette, of Vancouver, Wash.
Any aud all persons cluimlng adversely the
Hls-iMb-M-rilicd lauds arc rcqoesU'd to tile ibeir
claims iu this otbi-c on or bcioic the said lv:li
day of Jjeci-iabor WOi J. T. Unions.
o9p. Register.
Notice for Publication.
.United Sta es Ijind Office,
Rojbbuig.-Oregou, July 2i, 19U2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the a:t of Congress of
June S, 1S7S, entitled "An Act for the sate of
Timber ldnds in the Slates of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Tcrltory" as ex
tended to all the fubtic Land Slules by act fit
August 4, 192.
of West Fork, comity of iMiiglas, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this olliee his sworn
statement No. :nil2, for the purchase of the S. Wt
If N. K .-, X. W. 1' s. E. J; and K j S W. o
Si-c. No. 4, Tounslnp Ul S., RiingeK W., '. M.
and w ill offer proof to shew that t he lahd sought
Is more valuable for its timler or slono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish nil
claim before the KcKisteraud Receiver of this
oiiice of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Monday, the Mil day of lereniU r, 1S02
He names is itneses; U. ItilU'riin l tjlen
dal Ore., lien liuilfVic. of lioihan. On1. Mrs.
t athsrine S. Morgan and Mrs. Funny 11.
I iu-
lesi.oi Anoka, .Minn.
Any and all pen-ma claiming adversely the
alKive described lands arc requested .o tile
their claims in ibis oftice o or before said hill
dayof mcemocr, I'.Krj. J. T. BR! IKiKS,
s2"p Register
Notice for Publication
Uniteil Stales Land Office.
Roseburg, Orcg-in, Oct. i, 1902.
Notice is hcis-by given that in iiiuipiiauee
with the provisions of jhe act cf Coigress of
JuncS, 17S, entitled "An aet for the sale of
timber lands in IhestaU s of Califortra. Orvoni,
Nevada anil Washitn.-Uiu territory," as ex-ended
loall the public land states by ael of Aug
ust 4, 1.192.
t.f Vancouver, county o! Clark, slate of Wash
ington, has this day filetl in mis office his
sworn sta'ement No r.7. for the pnrcha-e ol
the E' xw;, sV.' KW';. s, sw ; of sec.
it, loanship No- ' soutli, range No. west
hd will offer proof to show t hat the land son ght
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hil
elanu before the Register and Receiver ol thia
filce of Ruseburg, Oregon.
ya Friiay, the Iviu day ol December IfoJ. He
names as wiln-sea: e il. Brivbin, of Otalia,
Or.. J. W. Mclrwin. W H. Meteaif. John L
Marsh, of Vaiu onvef. Wah.
Ant. m n ii all nnrtwa 1 . 1 in i r . ..1 rm..T I h '
above-described la:i-ls are requested to nlc
theirrla'ms in this office on or before sui-1 lib
day of Dec. 19U2. J.T. BRiiMi ti, r
09p Regu-le
Notice for Publication.
RosCBt'aii.Oregon, Nov 4. 1901
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congres ol
Janes, i7eutit ed "An a t for the sale of
timber lauds m Ihe States oi California. Oregon
Nevada .and W a-hinrun lerTUory'asexietHl
ed to all the public laud states bv act of August
I.Ktl'H K I u-.irv
of 418 Bryant Ave N , f inceapolia, t-innty of
Hennepiu, sla'c 11 i.luwll bas this dav I
Sicd in thisoffice his sworo statement No 2Ai j
fcr the purchase c! Ihe lots 1 ..I, and 1 Sec So. ;
township No t, S. ranee S" 7 wot!
and will oner prool 14) Ulnar t'jal the land sought
is more Taluaii!c for its I'mUr or st'ti than
for agricultural purposs-s. and to eslnbii.h his
claim to said land lielore Z L DimtnicU U s('a
luisioner. at Oakland or-gon, on Satnriav,
the 24th 4lay of January, He name as
witiiesacs: Harry tile. son. of R iseburg." Ore ,
Jens A s-iqveland and Edward J Widvev ot bt.
ra il, Minn., and Aui-u-t Meyer, of Rush
Auv and all persons claiming adversely the
above dscriiieJ lands are i-qute I to fi e their
claims in Una office on or belore sxi.l Jttli dsy of
Jan. 13t. J.T.BKllM.Ei.
nl;lp Register.'
Notice for Publication.
Unitil State luin-l onV.
Ros-.t.-jrg. treou. Nov. 4. .
June 3. )sr7s.ent:;lcd "An aet f..r the s of
tin: tsr lands In the State of t air.emia.orecon
Nevada And w asttiiKn-n Tenitorv." a ex re tid
ed to ail the public land states by'act ol August
4, 1SV2. ,
cf 2117 Phoenix R.dg . St i'a il. count v of Rac-ss-y,
state of Miiiix eUM. has this dsy lilrd in
this office his si-n s'.atem-sut No. ::.. for the
pun base of the K, W', of Sec :4.Tp. it". P--i:th,
ranite 7 west aud will offi-r proof m
show that the iaii.1 M.-gbl is nwire valuable for
its tlmoeror i'm- than hr eMnlnr.! m,n
pose, and toestaohsn his claim tosaid land I ,: I"'-, J '" J"';" f l "U-r
belore ZL luinmics, U r! t oraml.sioncr. at J e, ,tn.-M.w.
Oakland. Oregon, on Hatnrday the 2.H4 dayof i Br d ai. ,-r.n eiaiimng tt,t
l . .1 . n- it..: i: i.,, i.' ..i. - above c.ts :sl !:.; are i. n-icste.! t. t !e
lgmcy".Minm si-.!s Minn.. drt '
w. i.. i i:i- ir m a n",ciVv:;';'.'-.'
i i sill, Winn . Anenst Merer
Minn.. Chariejt Tbom. Roseburg. On
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described !an,B are rini-lel lo tile'their
claims In this r B it on or U-.'.ire said 211 ii dn
of Jan. 19C3.
nllp J T. ERIIHJES. Ketls'er.
Notice for Publication.
I'niUd States Land OffirN-.
Kassnurg, Oron, Nov 4, 1.CC2.
Notice ii tere.y given that in compliance i
sua tne provisi ns .-i tr.e art ol Congrcs ol
June 3. 1S7S, entnied "An art for the sale of
timber lands in t o .-Intesof Californ:a.ore- -n
Nevada .and Vt a'niriou 1rrri-ory."esexicnd-ed
to ail the public laud states by act of August
of Center Cily. e.utity f Cliisag i, state of
Minnesota. hi th'v fi!,-l in t:ibi oiiice li i
swoin statement So. 'Mi7 f-r the pii-chasi of
the W sec ion , Tp2l Soutfi, range 8 W
and will sffer p-oof to sh-w that tue land
sought is more vlusb'e for its timber or stone
than lor agricultural piirp-Ms-s. and to eslab
lish bis claim to raid land lie fore Z L Dimmick
I'D I'omroissiiin'-r, at OaMau, Un-eon, t-n
Saturday, the 24!it .lay nf'Jair.iarv, 19d. He
nsmea as miui-s.-s: John luhl. t l.indstnim.
Minn.. John Hurting, ol Rush City, Minn.,
John Thom and Chsiiei 1 bun of Rres hur, Or.
any and all iers4-,n claiming adv.TsiIy the
above dess-nbed lands are rcqueted ui liie
their claims in this office en or te'oi3 sas.iL'lili
dayof Jan. I9di. . J.T. HRIIXjES.
nl;!I Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 6, 1902 .
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the Provisions of the act of 4 ongrtus ol
June S. lSTh, entitled "An vt for tlie sjiie ol
timber lands in the States ilCaliiornia, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territorv," asextend
ed to all the Public Jnd hUles by aelof Aug
ust 4, 1892," s
of Vancoovc-r, county of Clark, state of Wash
ington, has this day Med in this office her
sworn Hsu-men t No. .'ivis lor the tiiircl.asc of
JhW;4NW'i, W'; SWLiof section No. 2H.
township No. S9 south, range N. it west
and willoffer ppjof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for it timber or stone thsn
for agricultural tiurtsises. and to establish hi.
claim before the Register aud Receiver oi this
oiiice of Roeeburg, Oregon.
on Friday, the 19th day of Decemlier, 112. She
names ss witnewes: J L Mirsn. Reriamiii L
Bttrnelte, M M Hamster, W U Met ail, all of
ancouver. Wash
Any and all ps-rs ins claiming adversely the
aUne described lands are requested to lib
their claims In this office on or U-loresald lih
dayof Decern her, 19U2. J 1 BRI IKIES,
,im R.-glsler
In the Circuit Court of the Stajtc of Oregon
for Douglas eoutily.
Winnilred 1'. ViV.-kers
vs S .
Harry Warren Viclsrs, )
D.-fendanl. ;
To Harry Warren Vickers, the above Damcd
you are nerei.y rqnlreJ to aparnd answer
itieconpiaiiils liltxl sgainst uu in the above
entitled suit aud court on or before the fitti dav
ol Janurry liiuil and if you fail t np ar aid
answer raid compliiiiit atraltist yon. as hcrcl-v
required, and ultUn saitl lime, plainilir will
apply to the court lor Ihe relief leuiudt-d Iu
her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving
the marriage contract, now existing between
plaintitt' and defendant.
1 his summons Is publishisd by order of the
non. j. v . Ham Itnii. Judge of above named
court, which order is iald November l iih
l'.C J. and the time prescribed in said order for
piihlicatioii ol this summons. Is once, a week
lor six eousective weeks, prcscce line said K b
day of January, . I'.KU. and the dale ol tho .first
publication hereof Is the 17th day of isoveinlic-r.
. , j.iiuira o.i K,r.r..
nl7p Attorney fur plaintiff,
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Rosi-bmg, Oregon,
Novemiier hi. ltnij.
Nolicc Is hen bv eiven that tho follou-in..
named settler lias Hied notice of his intention
lo make final orool In support of his claim, and
(hal said prool Mill be made ts fore Register and
Receiver U. K. l aud Ollice at Uo-ebur .. tin 'if i ni
on Tutsday, D ceinli-r 21. 1-.JI2. viz
on H. E. No. K'ii7, for the E' : Stu'. sivu kri;
pE'uNWU Kits U, Tp f B., R.' 7 we'at. lie
names the following witnesses to ptove his
continuous resilience upon aud cultivation ol
said laud, viz: I." S Nichols, B F Nichols Al
bert Tompkins of Riddle, ore., T F Fisher of
Olalli, Oregon.
nlOp T. BRIDGES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
, tTniled Slates Land Office,
Kiscburg, Oregon, Oct. 9, 1ju2,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the net of Congress of
June ft, 8, entitled "An act for thu sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada ,and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
4, 1192.
of Woodlmrii. county of .Marlon. Stale of Ore
gon. Iiiik this day lil.vl In thisolllce his suorn
KlateiiieMt Noi'.Wl for the purchase of tfieNW';
of section ::4 Tp al H.. range 8 west anil will fil
ter prooi to show that the land souglit Is ' more
valuable (or its Hinlicr or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and lo established his eliuin
before IV S ItrlMyV S CominUsloner, ni Riddle
Oregon, on .Monday, the -J-.MIi day ol December
l- o.-. no i ames as witnesses: W F Minard of
Myrtle in ek. Ore. Ma llrankey, EL Reming
ton and C K W liitinaii, of WiHalbiini. Oregon.
Any anil all persons claiming adversely the
shove Ian. Is are requested to lite their
claims iu this ollice on or belore said ."Jt h dur of
I 1.. ll.i-l t 'I .....
o2tip Riglatei,
Notice for Publication
I nihil State Land Oftice.
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug, 12, 19J2.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with tho provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, '.!. entitled "An ai t for the sale of
timber lands in the Slates of California, Oregon
Nevada .and W ashingtoti Territory," asexteud
ed to all the public laud states by act ol August
4, U92. .
ii I'uimh. coiiuly of tit Louis, s-taic .if Mlunc
soia. nas mis nav iiii-ii in tins ollii-o his sworn
statement'.i lor the purchase of the i
NWi;. S',. KiXi.4 s, ciion No.
loHUsiiip ..l Millii, K-tlle ti esl
and willofier proof to show that the land sought
is more valual.lo for its timber cr stone ttan
for agricultural n -cs. and to establish hia
claim before the Resisicr aud lceiver ol thia
U1114T Ol lWMJlUIg,UIl'4OU,
oilTliur-lay tl;- s;h dsv d January. 1501. He
n-iiiii-s as w iineses: 1 hontas jii-son, Ki.ldl
Ore,tl i.iltt.Tison. Thomas K I as -n, oi ijlu
dnhi. Ore .o orire J l'ui-rs, t l-iilntn. Minn.
Anv and ail r-ersons ctalinine 1 1
ait-nc ili'scii id inn-Is ate nsini siol to til
their claims in tins office un or l-chire said h'h
m oi Jan. U J
o27p J. T URIDcrl
Notice for Publication.'
United State Ijind Office.
Roseburg, Oregon. 4K-1.17, l'.1.
.lotire is r.crcby given t:.t In eemtlianre
with ll.e t ru.l-i ! ..f tl c 4.. t of 4o!igiei til
June 3. iK.-.entil An -t for tl.e sal of 1:1 i-1 ::,. ,,t al,;omia.oie7i0
Nevaila .and r:. i.-rriii.-v i
ed to all ll.e pul-l.e land slates by'act ot August
o! I'l-r'.laud, i-o:iii;y oi MuUnomah. s ale of
Oreron. h:i-t'n -l iy ii'e.l in th-s .ifli.v Ins
sworu s'.Hieineut ;.-r tlie purrbae of
lots jr. s. !,; and Is s. Tp. .' Stimh. rsree 1
est and v ill oiler prot.i u "li-nv that the lan
ontit is mor,. alu: i.- r lis iiml r or ston
tiian t-ir agricultural piirpa.i-. au-l t x'-'aLlisH
n'.k claim before I. Diuinin k, U rj C.mmu
M. nvr. at klj!i 1. in--on, on yj.ui: ay the .v.h
l v of January, l-.'ii lu-imui.-s a w';incsc:
W ,:i, am K Mo ris. Miniii.!e. tiro , M HiK han-a-i
or:!id, ore . B F niel-i. Hg!ln, Ore..
F I Kin; on Bus l-'irg. Ore
Any an 1 r.'ii ts r-iii- li.iK-.itie a lver ly the
alow .it'w riiM .l are risu.-Med t. hie
tlieirelaims in this ilo-e on or U lore said 5th
dayof Jan., J T. BUI ILK,
-ip Regist.-
Notice for Publication.
Unllcd States Land Office.
Rov.-b:irg. Ore., 0-u , lts2.
police is r.ere-y sni-n ih in compliance
with tl.e pruvi-i .i s the an ot "origri-s of
Junes. sTs.,-i,ii;;,., n .t (nr ,r ,mil u(
tin-her !an-ls iu it e yia'- of ( aliiornia.o:eon
Neva!a and aM:igt-u le:rio.rr,'.cx:eiid
ed to a.i the put .lie land :ac by' act of August
ol DCc:tver. rountv i f CUrk. state of Wh-
inttou. has tlusiiny r.lel in tn.s office ht suorn
slate i cnt No. :i ... f- r the rurc!.a-e e ihc .-i
: and 1-its
uti oi x t .-si! s. p ,v 1 1. , k. a wct
aa l wdi offer j.rvsjf toshow that J:e land sought
is more valuat-l? fir it timber or su-ne ton
for agricultural purposes, and to esiabiish Ma
claim before ! he l.ivi-ur and Receiver cf th.s
omce of Roseburg. oregcn.
on Fri-isT, ti e I'.-ti, dy ol nerciKbcr, l'v2. II
names as witnesses: M .M Banister, J 1. Mrh
ol Vancouver, W an.. II U lion-at, a m as.
Wash , s It Rr-toiu, ,f 0:iia. rfu.
Any an 1 ail pin u claiming a-lvere!y Ih
alove ii-i.ri;l lsia-'s are r..(ut-a'-d to tiic
liieir lauos in this '.Sice on Cr Ibin- al I 19 tt
i diy ol i'e.vni -r,
! 2. JTliUils.f. h
Notice for Publicttiou.
United States Laud Office,
Rosr-t-TB. o-t-ion. Nov I. 1.02.
Notice ts heret y ri'-.i ttat in compliance
with tte ..i tr.e art of -cgrv of
June x. '-. ct.!.;'. i "Aa a.t I. r tte m.e of
tnnier Isn-: in tl.e .a:e of California i iregon
Nevada au-i M e-'.-.i:igtou lerri:orv."asexte!id-
' JolIN DtliL,
I n! I.inilstrm, r nnty n' t'l.ia s'alc of Mlnnc
i sols, nss t!n dty :.t .1 n ti.'.s uSkv hi v.m
' s nieiio nt No iji a. for Die pirrbaseol i NE'i
of s.rte-n Tnuosi.ip 21 rs jii-h, Kanse
t .-st an-1 will oT-r pr-l t- sh- w that Ihe i.ud
, s iiiit is none vsiLiso; j,,r t:?nlK-r r sie
, f si f.r avr Ll-i-a: t !ir tni . -stab-..ri
j his claim It 'ai I Ul. 1 b i.m- l fiiaimick. C.
! S. i'or:iiii-i,.li, r i t .ii 1. orev-oi, vu Kri
! isy, the 'lav ..I Jsti'itty. 1 'i:. He ns-net as
... - -. mT .,.,,, KH., laotn, oi
'' '.!'" r r,.im " h! - " " -re. t.! V'tr-l
III iF.-s
H rtister.
Notice for Publication.
! Uiiit.iI !!!. Lard UHice.
j Ki-l.iir.lir.fiii,Jiiii z I".'.
, N '.tee is l.erel.y triven t.ikt in e in-.pliauee
;itble j n-vtsioo. ol liiea-t of C.-gre.s o:
( H c nut -.1 ".in A' t lor the sij'e of
! t nier ia'tds !n iv stt a of i a'ifornl. Ornri i,
! Ncvasv. a-.ii Ws-hl- cVm Terrttorv," as cxtend
i til lu I th? pub.p- iaii.1 s an-s lit act of Jut
us It, 1V2,
furiy of li'ii-i-s. siase cf 'r-g..D.
v flh-i) in th is t." i v his suorn si a-.c
j of X:. 1;- Is
j hss l!.i rf
j in--:(l S-i. -i
m-'I1!I n
I aii-tkiiiu
.... " r ii,-' lll til. 1
.0 town in p s;:'h. r'i;c ,s
s l
aii't is lit u:t,-r t'fv.-: t a..v i -la; tre iiri.l . .s.i i
n Mu.'.Kr. tn Mh i, a . -( Ipr m!Mi r, 0
n .in
it w y i i.Tof l:. l,urj:
oatin-l. ore..
Anya- 1 all
p r-on clsliuiog a-lver.eSy the 4
i,fOTr4 i n-. s are requested lo B o their
c!a:rr,s i j th'sofln-i oa or before said Mh dayof
D,i-i-niber, I- iji. J T. HRItKiFS.
f n-. s are rs.ijiiested lo B o the
Xoticc for Publication.
fnib-d S a es Land Office.
Si urg, On gi.u. Oct 6, VmiT
S'-U'ei here: y civen that In compliance
wilh ti e I rovi :t.s ,.f D.e ai t of Congress of
June r.. .:.. epi-i. d "An a-t f--r the sale of
tiir-i-r It::. I. ii no sft;i. Cail.'ornia. Oregon .a.:d i a- .ie -1. ,:i 1 ernttirv," as extend
ed lo ell toe public land states by'act ol August
4, lf '2.
ol jm-.nv. r, e...n,ty ol C ark. sta'e of Wash, h.s tins :av Klcil In this otfl.-e his sworn
aUtemei I No .'. . .'or Ihe pun.has!uf tte eW
! S.-I lion So ! I ,. S .. S i south, range No 8 w.-t
and will offer proof tosbow that the land sought
I mont vaiuaoie lor Its limber or stioie than
for agricuiiurai piiqrrse. and to establish his
claim before the Reg ltcr and Receiver ot thu
Of ilco ol Roseburg, Oregon.
on Friday, tne lutli dav of liecember, po-. He
nam.- a wiine.e.; .11 L Hiirneitc. M X Biiiiis
u . . M,clrvin.of Vaucouvcr, Wash., 8 E
Brlsbin, of olsila, Oregon.
Anynnd all rK-rtons claiming advemelr the
aoove cl.-serliH-d lauds are i.itielcd lo file
I heir claim in this Mot on or lHforesa:i 19th
day of December, l!Vi J x UR1 K.KS
Notice for Publication.
Uiiite-l Slates Land Offlns.
, . Rnsebnr?, Or-con, U-t. I I'(. .
Not eels hen-hy given !,.. In compifanc,
wiln the provisions of Inc ai't Congress ol t ls-.s entitled -An act f,, tho sale of
llmiscr lands n the Slates of California, (rrv.roii
Nevada ati.J;ton Territory - as cxl-ud-US--I
i ' " ' Siaiea by act of Aug.
of 1 ancouver countv of Clark, stain of Wash.
ltiglon, has this day filed iu thisolllce his sworn
sliiiein.-ni S-.. ::;u .or the i-tin has.. of lne K,
i ,'J rK' c'' M' if a s,""h- ft- No. S wi-st
and willoffer proof toshow that the landsoi ight
U more valuaf. .. for Its tlmla-r or sioi,rthn
for agricultural purpos,-s. and Pr establish hi,
claim Lahore Cue Retrister s,,.l if.i... .".?'!
oiiice of Roseburg.orcgon. - 'u'
tr.i... .. .i - ..... ,
.... .,...,, ,,. ,jui liny gi iH-cemlr, lfWi, Ho
......... .-, n orisuin ol Olalla, Or,
J L .Marsh, H I. HuriietW, M M Raiilster, ail ,.
n i in rs, cinm ing alvcr y tho
atMivi. Ill.lM.I lu..l I I. . 7
lnn.i.,1 .11 . ... .
". - .-s.. ...... ii, nj riqiiesicil to file
llicir claims In this office o-. or Ulore saldl9ih
"'" Register.
Notice for Publication. .
ITnited Klatw Ijonl OfB,.p
Itosel.jrg, Oregon, July j-j, r
Nolicc is hcrcl.y given that in conipllanl-e
with Ihe Provisions of ihe art of Congress of
June :t, ih.s cumied " f, the,ia o
tltr.lK-r lamls In the hlau-sof Cnliiornia.Oreiron
Nevada. and Uashiiigton Territory," asexteiid
4 169-" "' lttuJ 'lcs by sct ol August
ofi'amas nllej , totiiuv of Dointlas, slate of
Oregon has (his ilav filed in this i .itire hi. .. .
sniieinei.t No Ji.:;i lortnc pun-hnsonl lot 2 and
SsW .NK'i'.W'.SE'J sec No 22. tlftl V tf S'3
and will oit'vrpriMif toshow that, the land songht
Is more valuable for its timlx-r or stone than
for agrl'-iiliurtil purposes, and to establish hi,
clnliti licfore the Rcirister and Rcci-iviir n...
ollice of Ruseburg, Oreitou. ' '
on Weiliiesilny ihe 12tli ilriy of November, 1902
He Lium s as w itnesses: W II llnn-n lir.,.,i.'
Johu Met ail. ol Camas Valley, t,'regrt. Fred
Stewart, Heset.urg, Ore.-on. 1
Any aitd all p -rso is claiming adversa.y tho
above descri i-ed lands are ri-oiiestert in ills n,..i.
claims iu this office on or bu;oie said 12th dav
of November 19t'2, jXJlRiDt.-FS
"i Keglhk-r,-
Notice for Publication.
United Htato Ijind Office.
Roseburg. Oregon, July 21, 19A
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provh Ions of the. act of Congresa of
June H, cntitlud "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the SlaU-sof California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territorv." asexteud-
ed to all the public land slates by act of August
4, 1S92.
f Mrytlc Creek, county ol Douglaii, stale ol
eitou. has this day tiled iu this ollicn hia
sworn statement No :I020 for the purchase of the
lots 1 nn.l J.HK) MI'JJ, HWJi M -. . Iim No
i In township No. 2S soulli, raugo No. 4 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its tlmlier or stone than
for agricultural pqrpofes, and to establish hil
claim beiore the Register and Receiver of thu
ofiice ol Roseburg.Orcgoii.
on WolncHlay. the lutli day of DcccmlK-r, 1302.
He names as witnesses: L 1 Hobiiison Joe Dear
doiff, A L Robinson, cf Myrtle Creek, Ore., and
Finis Dillard ol Roseburg, Orcg'in. "
Anv and all persons claiml:ot adversIv the
above deserila-d lands are requested lo lilc- their
claims in this otiice on or belore said loth ilay
of Dccemlier, 19U2. J. T.RUIDSES.
Jld' Register
1 Notice for Publication.
United States Ijind (mice,
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct 9. Ksr2.
Notice ts hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act ef Congress of
June 3, )S7f. entitled "An aet for the sale of
timber lands in the Slates of California, Oreipm
Nevada, aud Washington Territory," a-extend-ed
to ail the public land slates by'act ul August
4, 192.
of W'nodburn. county of Marlon, state of Oregon
has this dav filed in this oil ice her sworn state
ment No liVi'il, for Ihe purchase of the HIVJ, of
fesr :il,Tp:tl S!. range Kiih sl and will offer
proof to -how that the land sought is more-vkl-liable
lor Its timhi-r or stone limn lor auricui
tnral piirpoM s. and to establish he r claim of
said land before W H lirilt. I , I oimu'sslciier,
at Rlildle, Or-gon. on Moudny, the .iih day 'of
iK-cember. I'."'! fhe nsmi-s as vllnes-s: Mis
Ida Rnnky. K I. Keinitigb n. C F hitman, oi
WcHHlbnrii, Or., tv K Mrnaid, Myrtle t'pi-k, ir.
Any and a'l H-rsoiis claiming adversely the
sImivi di-serilw-d lauds an il to tile
tbeirclnlms in thi.ollii eororla 2-.-ib
day of leccmber I-JU2L J. T. RI'.i l.F.
03 Kcg.slvr.
Nctice for Publication.
United SUM Land OIT.ce.
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug 9, l'2.
Nulic- is hcrcl-y givea that in complianot
with the provisions of the a"t of Congress o
June 3. I-.s, entitled 'An Act for the sale o
Timbefljinds fn the stat.-s of Callfirnia, Ote
gon, Nevada at.d Wa-htcgtn Territory." a
extended lo ail the Bubiic Ijtnd Hates by ac
ol August 4. Is9,
of Black Duck, conn'.y of Kaltiamia, tae o'
Vlnni-solo. has th's diiv tiled in this oflicc bti-
sworn statement Nn. Jp.i, I r the purrhase -t
the.-1., K'i. N'j vli of ss-ct-on So. Ii
lonn-nlp No. Ct Mouth. -range ho i wea:
and w ill offer pruof to show that the !an sought
is mure valuable for ila timber or st4ne thai
for agricultural pnrposes, au-l to estai l..h his
claim before the Reenter aud Receiver oi thin
ollkua ol Ruseburg, Oiegon,
Wednesday, tbt iit liiy ol December, r.s'2 H
rjxmv-sas witue.?s: Mililam Wright. W i.
Andrew, Js. H. SkiSington and F. M. Kel'.j,
all ol Myrtle t'r.rk. Oregon.
Any and ad j.-r-ns eiainiicg ailverse!y th;
ano.edesrrilcd lands are re-iieU;t bi Oie'lii-lr
claims in Ibis offic; on or belore said SIM day
Dcs-enlT, 19-Jti J. T. BRIIv.KS,
te-p Ri-gfV'.er.
Notice for Publication.
Rosi rc. Oivgon. Oct U, I a.2.
Notice Is hcret-y given last In coaip'.ianc f
with in- p-ovl-ions of the art of Conzresaid
June I. 1a. rntiutd. "A n act f g the n.etd
timber laids In the Stau-s of C!.Ior:i.a Or.fatl.
NcvaiJs, a- d Wasviicgton lemi'ry." ascites l
ed ti si, the Public Land atatee by act uf A j
nst 4. Iwi
of Olslia. eouiity ol siatA rf Otvt.iii,
has th s dav tiled In this u(1.m kit ttse-rn stet,..
niilNo:.;i lor the pnre'.ase of th-? SE.
of r4ctlna No 21. ti nthip ii range a vest
and ill o!.er proof to bow that the land aouf,! it
Is more valnable lor It imt-r or stone tuan
for agricultural purposes, sa l to e:Uh ha
claim before the Rerlster and Receiver of thai
Oiiice of MMeourg, Oregon,
on rn-lsy tii- i.ih day ol Kerabi-r. 1 2. lie
n"ies a. a i to. -.-- eh.-rm nJ l avnter a -d
D H Hakcr. ol Va-icnnvi-r. Was . H K Kri.Ua.
of Olalla l.-r , J W 2-rIrvIn ol Frlida. W ah.
Any n-l ail i.rsiis t-iaiming ailts-rs-iy I ir lands arv rsjti-st. io fw
fhelr risiires m thi rlice on or het.-re said 35 h
-'.ay of iH-ccnrbs-r l-s'i J T. Li-!l.r.
Ol'P Rlgister
Notice for Publication.
ls.a-xist.-cj. Ore., tfc-t ItJ. lii
N-itii-e i hen-hy gir--o thai In eutrpiiaitee
with trie provtsJor-.s ol tifp act of Congress ol
June i, IsTv efllit-ol An as l W the sa ol
liasii r ia:i.! !;i the nU- n,' t'a if r-i. Ustin
Sevatlaattd W a.'onrtnn T.rrimy," as cxler d
H l aU (till puM e land staUs by act of AugiM
j of Vaoccnv t-r. county ! ',.rk i"e nf Watb-
i ingt-vn bs !bls iiy itU-l -n Oil. otli. c ids
so.-n st:ement So -T2 P-r ,he f ir.-L of
the SF ssc No 21. Tp f ! . tarrc So w-s:
and w.llolter proof to show that the land socght
U cior . isUat ia lor lis tin ier or t"ne tu.m
f-r acriri-i;-.:rsl purp-ses. and to es:i.:..-h its
claltn W. jn the Register ul lx-iver ut Uji
ofiice of tsiseburs.Oie.-off. t
on Fridav. the 2s.:a -lay of ! !.i' r. lie
its me as annsses: s R Brts-in al .'vn,
II Miller, ol O ;n Or . J W lii Imn cf I, li.ia
W.a., Isan-.el It Kskcr. of Vim-mo r. H i i.
Any and all v--rsiiis th:c-irc kversiy l:e
a xi v e-d-sf-ri tyl Umi-. are re-i':-stel to file Ihel.
Cairn 111 thlsotl---c o.t uc bciorc said -'-ii. ;' ol
Kv, 1!2.
J. T. Eateries',
ol-.p H.-r-.-er.
Notice' fur Publicatiou
Urntcsl ritafes Ian I OJTie
Ros tmg. t:,-; IV. !
Netp-e ts tcre. y flr3 U.t in dmpliaiiee
with the proii..-ii f xf.c act ot f-nj.r-s .f
June;. ii. euti'led "An a t fT the sal of
tliali rlsn.) in tf e e-ate.vf Cali.'nrnta.viref nrt
Nevada .a-td llashincten Terrii-ry," tifxtvt d
ed to all Ibefiul lic land slates by'act oi A ug at
4, Lx'2.
of Rrif!iiir;.ci-.!ity if Im-itlo, s-te of On-) tin
ba.s lh;s t)4i 1;I,- ni rius oil!-- hrrsirin stolid
, ,n...,,
lor Ihe i.tirehss,. , I u-.. vi . i .
i " . V - u
ev; NW'ij i-s-c No-.iT.9 R 1 west i.u.1
ttisl toe ,snd s-:iht i.
limber ir limit- Ihivu ir
nsca. an-l to estatiiisii it-r
belore the Rej'ster and ie.
I cr;visp uf this ,ir..-r T UIM..l.... ....
i Fridav. the -.:U dav of Is. 1-,-tnlM-r I'. llli
names as wtt.iet.-s: s R, W i. Friend
c A Friend, -t olslU.Ore., Jain-.-s li Miller. d
Cspe Horn, Wss-li.
Any and ail iH-rsn claiming advcrs-lv Ihe
above lf ribcl laud an: rc.jiio.ted to tie t!ie.-r
claims in this nffiec c.u or ls-lsire sat-1 f .th .lay
Ol Decern bs-r, Pv2. .
o!hP Kccister.
Notice tor Publication.
L'nili-I st'.atsi Lin J.B
Rssi-tur, OAtton. Aug. a. 1 XI
Notice ia hereby given tnst in i-ompliaace
with lh provisions nf lne ait ef (jingres, r(
June .T, 1,1,-a. em. si.-1 mi Act f..r the sale oi
Timber Lamia in the" iu- of ( sll'orn a. Oro
gin, Nevada an.l W tsh.nguin Terntoiv," as ex. to all thi Mil lie I.tnd Slates by ai-l ol
August 4, 1V2,
C I VKf.s V L.M.Y.
of Merile Creek, e unlv of Imiis. isu t
iOregon, has lh-s day fiied In this officw his
sworn statement No lor the purchase of the
Lota 1, 1, 4 and 7 nf sec It), tp 2 -S, R. S vest
ana will offer proof toshow that the land s.,;iirhl
Is more valuable for Ha Umber or stone tl an
for agricultural purp-jses, and to establish hia
Claim before the Reeistcr and Receiver uf thia
fuel of Kneel urg, Oregon,
Monday the 2.nd day id IKi-embrr. 12 He
names as witnesses: 0. W. Chamberlain, l-aic
Rrumbanrh, L. Ady, and C. Sellers, all ot Jlvr
t e t reck. Oregon. . "
Any aud all persons claiming adversely th
atiov descri !asl lan Is are requested to hie I lei
C'aims In this otTn-e on or belore said 2Jnd day
of lieeetnber, IaC. J. T. RKIIh.KS.
09p Rtg istcr
Notice for Publication.
Unllcd Smie, j,j ofTe
RoseSmir, Orivon. o,-t a. l-.n'2.
Notice is hereby given that In enmpllaice
lib tho provisions of ti c act ol Congn-se of
Jutie.l. is.s. eniiii- d "An ai t for the sale of
timber lands iu tl.e :'tai. sf t alifrnl,Ore.,-on
Nevada .ami Wsshiinrion Territorv, "asexte id
ed to all the public laud stales by'act ol August
4, IS2.
of Wondhiini, c.iiuity ol Mnrimi. siate .f Ore.
gon. lias this ilav ll'i'd lu this i.rfin- his sserii
statetui lit S6 ;.., lor the pun-hase ol the ijwt
of nn-is, Tp ;;i i., range 7 t, an I ill mt.r
proif to sh. w th.t the hind sought is more val
uable f-ir its limla-r or stone than for agricul
tural purpoM-s. an! lo establish his chum lo
s!H lami Hi-lore v m I s c mniisiom r nt
Riddle, On-"on. on Moiiutiy the 29th day f h.
cemher, l-i. He nnnie as witnesses: C.ius.
t.lblts I J Mail, Frank Whitman, E L Reinlug
lon. all of Woi-lbtini, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe
alsove ilix ribed Uuils arc n-qtiesled lo tile t u ir
claims in this ollice on or before saH 29th da r oi
lH:eenilK.-r, 1-A2.
o.'i'p J. T. BRIIHiKS, Register
Notice for Publication.
riiitod States Lsnd Olliee
frwliurir, Ols-K'itl, Oi t. s, I'KiJ.
Notice is hereby Riven that In compliance
with the provisions ul tlio art of CotiRresi of
Juno u, iJiid. eniitU d "An a-1 fur the sal. of
timlier lands in the states of f allfornia, Ore fon
Nevada ,ad W'asl-.iueton Territory," asexteud
eJ to ail the public Is. ul slates by acloi Auiust
I.KW. V. ni KKAST,
ol Woiiilburti. ciiiinty of Mnrimi, Mute of Ore
Itmi, Ims tills dsy lliod in tli s 4illle) his sKnrti
st:lti-liieit No .1- l, for flic pllreiiase til lite NW
(l h.-c :'.. 'i'p t' S , rimiii- i wil, slid ill of.
i.T piimf lo show Ihsl tli liiiid Mitii-hl is tuore
YHlmiliio for lis timber or stone tluin lor i.iril
culturnl pin puses, mid to eslnbiisli hia u Ui i m lo
ssnl latiil i eiere vv e iirui. i' rs t oinniissu hit
st l.lilille. Unvon. nn Miimliiy thclMli day oi.
Iiiciinber. PsiJ. Hi nn lues as witnesses: C K
W liliniHii. II V l.iiiliy, K W Kinzcr, W K flrzer,
all of IViHidiiiitii, Orettnn.
Auv mid nil in-rMiim rlsinilurr adversely the
alcove iliiscriliesl lnutls are ri-iiutsttd to lilo their
claims in this office on or bcuire suid -".'Hi lsy of
LVcemlier, 1WJ. J. 1. BUID'H-J
0-tip Keglstiif.
Only a Few B
EE Roseburg and Cottage Qrove, Oregon. 3
ANT TO 1.0RnoW to
l-rove up 011 totiiiit-r cLiinm
U milcis eat f I.f-larir, Or.
it..,. .. Ill . 1A hVl.-i.i r - . .-
in.n .mi i",wVej I JO. 1 nri
i)iiU-r. Alilrit-K
M. L. Duov,
X2-p) Ow,'Vah.
Trespass Notice.
AU n-r,ns nre hereby warned not to
troj-ia.-, linnt, fifi or canio on the
larni of tho Ciirrv hUtu. Pei-rmnsdointr !
4j will 1e iwctuiol to the full extent
r.f tl.u
of tlie law.
Kstate of X. CrRitT,
Rivensdale tmrui.
Uead Office, SIcMicnTille, Oregon
A int. of insurance in force, f 1 1.001,000.00 j
Net ipiiii in one yearv 2,.-2S,787.0rt I
Saving iU lilelulx-rs f jrr., 80,fj91.W) i
.nmuer wpartt nskf", 22,3j
R)?-liarsf , Oregon. Agt. for Docglai Co.
Sheriffs Sale.
In tte ireuil Conrt of the
for iVsuclsis e.anle.
Stale of Oncftm
T T. i.iir. -e-uor. F. I.thialar.!
ss rv-jtry. ansi t.uss !s .w-Hire. tress
urer of tte xaie f orvt-m siel eon
stitutina; th; Mate lrel H-atrl
hi. hard I k mnA riaia Ono. his ;
wiie an-l iviar.iuout.nlr. u-rr. !
l-eleaoauis j
Siitiee isbcrVT eivru that .- since
eiccut on sud oeHt-r o! saw dutjr iau1
toe ats nainol erairt atxl eus oa Ihe rjth
iir I is l.itsrr. l.-i nin a i-etirment an4 tie-ers-e
diiij ral amt enierel In saet roart
ao-l i ause, tn tlie llih .1st i.f tsrlul-r. 1 fc.
f.Mi-r!s-ire of a ru.-ns-e in ias-orof toe .bore
r.amcsi fismriffs an.l tjit me shove uamtsl
Iiek-tnianu aa-l aaamst Ui bereiaaftet saen
tionesl ansi desrrilie! DimirstH property for
t.i-. im ol .-'l sv. nn ic-rest th.-rr-on at in
rate ol . per e-nt jr annam Irnsi the lit a dr
... I.HST, .- snu ne itiimrr subs ol F.. srse-
. .. .1 .i-i - in-s. .siiv uenTOir I Slil OS
Sattiribr, t lie Jnhiiar t.f NTciii!rr VM3&
st otien c -t p. w. of sni-l .far. at eonrt lsrsne ''.oar. In l.itselrtirf, lasueisw CKinty. Ure
4ii, sell at i uliircau rii..u to tlie bi(hes( bid.
I-r. Iirea) in hsn 1, aU the nglit, utic atvt
iut.-T-st, a ltis-h tne sail lseicvlauts, or eitner
-I llicia had on tne.'l.l tlsr of r-ei-Leinbrr. ss;.
-r st any time ther-wrl. r ia or to lne following
rlccibl real prtkperty, lo-wii:
1 lie sun thwcsl qustter of ss-ctinn l-i. and th
nortimesl qusrter ef aei'tiua i, all Is Itrai
shp -Nvm-.u ol rancr westol Ihe Will. Mer.,
l-'iiclss couaty. iirrrin. rontaininc XM acres
i! Un.l more or li-s, ni w iit apvly the pro-Ci-e-is
nt su' h sale first to the tssyment ol the
esi f such sale. an4 lne sum of fi, special
a'torncTs fc-s sn.l the sum of sc.'i jk. aue the
plslntitts with Inscn-st thrnoa at Ihe rate of (
l-errs n per soauta In.m the luh day of OcU
ber. Ivitjan.l tlieorer pins, if any there be. I
lil t-y To Tlie ck-.-k fsl the court, as fc or-lrr
ofsM ciurt in sail execution lu sse directed
and ik-liTer-Hl txromarxlius; me to sell awi4
a!re ilcseribesi real prepetiy In Ibe asaane
provMeil br law.
Dsl. si this th dayof October, 1M2..
K. LPARftorr.
Sheriff of lKiisias couutr, Oreroa
Notice for Publication.
- - TxnxD ststis LaSDOrno.
KoacauiUi, tne., July lsttt.
SDlicela betsby jitcr that ia eoapliance
with the provisions of Ihe act of f'onjtressi of
Junes. l;v nliUel "An act fcir the sa'e ol
Timber In the Staus of Caiifornia. Ore
roe, Nevada and W ashington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Laxtl Statea by act of
Ausust 4, 1WW,
of Myrtle ( reek, county of Umgla. state of
On-tun. has this day nlesl In Una oBice his
sworn tat m.-m .Nn. i. f,.rhe rnrrhase of
the r MM.. H!, Xf ,,f seetKH, x.
.11. lowii.lilp Nil. stmtli. ransre No. 4 wet
and willniier t-rvef toshow thai the land son r fit
Is more valuable for its timber or stone tfcaa
lr aeTicukural puTrse. and to establish bit
ciaun iM-iorv inc i.esisierand MCeiver of Una)
eAuce of Ksweburf, ureron.
oil Monday, I lie si a day of liecember, ltH lie
names ss wilnc-: ilreen llcam. J A W illis.
Nul-le And reus, aiil W I' Willis atil o Myrtle
Creek. Orcaon. v
Any and all persons elaimliuj adversely the
s'sncil.-sciihcl lamls are reuuealed o file Udr
claims in lh!s ollice on or belore said Mh day
ol Hecemtjer UHij. J. T. B si boss.
- Beisier.
Notice for Publication.
fnlleil States Land OSI.-e,
r.'MM'blint, Ore-ton, let 17, lri.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions id the act ol ingress of
June.t, )s,s. entitleii "An aet li.r the sale of
timber lands in the e'tatesot t aliiorula.Ore(vn
Nevada .and Washlusion Territurv,"asexieiid
edto all the public laud states by act of August,
of snnnyaldo. county t'lselianias. state of Ore.
ha. Hits day filed in this orti.-e hi suorn state
ment No, for the pun-hase of UiU ti, !."
an-l t Sec Tp 'J. mntli rante 1 w.-st, and
the NK'4 s-Ki , ip :, mmh. ra aire -J west
mid will oiler priw-l to show that the land
souhi is nunc valna' le fota timlier or stene
titan fiiratrrieu'lural piirMscs, aud lo establish)
Ills clmui lo ssid land licfore I. IXiiimiek. I
S t'om miss) oner, at Oakland, t'n-iro". on Vnn.
il iv. the .Mb day oi January, pat.1. Ha uanu-s as
wilti esses; Joseph Pnee, M Ttiiehansn. n( porl
Inud. Ore.. R K Knlelds. of lloaitliii, Oio., K l
kiny-iii, id Kost-bmit, trt-iton.
Auyaud ail ixirsons clauuins; alversely the
ive iicseriiHMl anils are .nested lo tile
inoir cisiins in tins orticeou or U-fnre said Sib
dayof Jail!J.l. J. T. BKIIXiES,
"-'M Reeistcr.
Notice for Publication.
I'nlteit States Ijiinl oftiee.
IliweburK. OreKmi, tK-t. , lytrj.
Notice is herei.y eiren that In eompllaiiee
with the iiruvisinns if the ai-t of 4'nigrvsa of
June .1. is:s, entitled "An aet fur Ihe sale of
t;tiil T lamls In ti e Slates ( sllfornia.Oreifon
eviula.aiid Vashiiii;tn lerniiirv,"aseseml-
isiy" '"' 1,110 'ud ,lie lor'" of August
IVNt. K. VIK7t R
nf W isslhiirn, eoiitity of Marion. Slate of 0re.,n
lias llus ilsty lilt d hi this olliiM) bis sworn s-ai...
ment No :ii- fur the r-urvliaso of tho beu of
..-ir :i, Tpiil 8 , ranv-o 7 es, ami ill offer
pirnl to show thai llu-laii.l uiii.-hil, inn r v.l.
I uahie in ttinlH-r or stone lliaii for avriMil.
I lurl vu'Ih.s. s. an-l I t fsiabllsh his claim In
t sahl liiml ts-fnro W 8 Pritl. 11 H ( oinliil.s.luiior.
M Itiilille, Orritoll. ou MiiulT. the tt'lh dav l, i-sy. Ho names si Itni-sscs: it W
Him-r. J J Hall, ( has uiblis. A f Branisar, all
ul u.lhiirn, Oregon.
Any ami all rn rwius claiming a!versely tbe
slmve iK-kerlbed lamls are rUf .tcsl to ll!e their
i-inlmsin this on ice oa or beio-e-ani istii day
0( iHveiufacr, 1KL:. J, T, BKHHiK-,
o-l' Rt-Kisior.
ar gains Lef
, Our last car of pianos and organs
is about exhausted and the remainder
will be sold out at greatly reduced
prices, as we have another car load
in transit. This next car will contain
a lot of the most beautiful pianos
ever shipped to Roseburg. To see
them will convince you.
' --- -4.' . 4-
Pig Skins
Basket Balls,
Shot Gun Shells.
Cartridges, .
Sporting Goods of all Kinds.
S. K. SYKES, Hardware.
6 I V. VI
16 Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks, '
Jewelry, Diamonds and Silverware 0
UL The Be5t
Fr Sale by
s.: v: x-x. s. : :x -
If you want to buy a
if you want furnished
If you" want to buy a
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If ? a Jxi't KdivPir
all oa or 4wtdrM ...
rent a house
build a house
move a house
F F. pattella.
Yoncalla Real Estate
Timber lands located and for aale. Good oar
(sins ia far as prapexty.
and Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins.
H. Little, o:
Title (juarantee& Loan Lo.
Haam.Tr-a-. O C.' lUntiTnsi,
. 1'resl lcnt - sr. ami Treaa
1. u.
OfBee In the Court House. Hare tho only com-
Sleleart ol al-slrsn bouts in Uoutlas Couuiy.
bstraeuaiid Crrliliisatea .i Title fiimisheil bs
UoualaaeoiiutT land and mliilne claims. H.r,
aisoacomluisetof Treeiutrs of ail township
plata in Ihe Koseburc, Oreiroii, V. 8. Land His
trlct. Will make blue i-nut eo)iUsol any low
Abstract of Title to Doeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Clue IVvnta 0f Township Maps stsowing
all vacant Lamls, On Dollar Each,
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. J
Special designs for Office Fixtures!
Office in Marks Building. Thone 415
U el-s U -?"'- U rUssts' ssf
aV -i--
T7 KA d fvT 0
n :: nin: v: nix .n. ."vt v
Always the Cheapest
Leading Grocers
: t
i x v. ; ; s ; ; -
d KiiM?r
Go to ..
f. i mm
For a Prompt aaJ Fir?t-c!avss
Shvor Hir-cjQt. Compe
tent Workmen, Clia Toir
ei9, Tools always ia shars.
Baths 4n Connection. $
1 - tt
J bLop on Jackson St. "
Homes from $250 to $5000
. Write or Thor.e -
Win. Trl, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley, Oregon
2Suiileasruth west nf Rosbure
RS. h. EASTorr?
is 1 rejarsj,l to w:it njon oid '
aiul PfWcnstotwervariJ frien.U W
with a ftsll and complete
sUn-k of
All fr-!-!i it-ui of tlie vry Ixtt
quality. Tons asd codecs are
epeciaitiea. Vonr patronage
a. 105 Jackson St., Raseburz
rV- rsJ
Best References.
All Work Guaranteed
Leave or Jera at Burr"s M -i-ic Sior