The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 24, 1902, Image 4

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    Notice for Publication.
I'nited Slates Land Office, "
Roseburg, Oregon, tct. 1.1. I'M.
Xotioe is hereby given that the following
named Be; ller l as filed notice of hi intention
t intake final proof in snnvio-t of fail claim, and
thai fjid proof will lie made Wore the Regis
ter and Keceiver, at Kosebtug, Oregon, on
Koveinber, ti 190r. via:
on H. E. Ko. S,"t .or ttie KE1; section a?.
township ?s south, range 1 went. He names the
following witnesses to prove bis continuous
le-dence nnon and cnltivation of said land.
vi.-: . D howard, t; F Swift, T M OUvent and
h T Renducks, all of Ten Miie. Ore.
olt.p J T BRIIHjKS, Register.
Contest .Notice.
P tilted States Land Office,
Roaeburg, Oregon, Oct. 24, leoi.
A sufficient conies', affidavit having been
f ltd in this oC'ee by
J.U. 1T.
contestant, atsinst home Head entry No 8030,
msde A pnl 17. INS4, lor sK.'i, e"6, Tp aitoutu,
ratine I vc.t, bv .
cintc-lce, in which it is aliesed Ihnt said cntiy
man has never est ibli .lied his icsideneeoH te
land nor improved orcnltivaled the same; and
tnt Ik- lis entirely altendoned the land, and
that mid r eed absence from the said land
was not dticio his employment in the Aimy,
Kavy or Murine roips of t nc I'nited Slate as a
privNte ii or, ofiicer, seaman or marine dnr
me the wr wnh SpVn or during any other
war in which the I nited Bl.itea may" be en
(a(; said pan ies are heieby noliiicd to i
pear, ie-p.'nd and otler evidence tonch'ng said
allcpa.iou al 10 o'clock m lK"cem'ier It's 11 A!,
belore the Register and Receivei, United Stales
Land Ofi'icsat Ros -oui. Oreiton.
Tliesmd rontectant hiving, in a piopcr affi
davit. Bled Oeuter ?:i tit, set lorlh facts
which show that aTler due dili-rence peistnal
serviced this noiicC ran Dot he made, it a
hereby oidcied and di.wted that Mich notice
le &.ven by due and proper pnblication.
i T ISKltX.KS. Itegister,
X 3 J H BOOTH. Receiver.
Notice for Publication.
Tnitcd Ftate 1 1 nd Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Sept 2, ls"0i
Notice is herebv fiven that In compliance
with the provisions of the act f Congress of
Junes. )sS. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
of Osn. c.inntv of Snohomish, slate of Wash
ington, has this dsv tiled in this office his
sworn statement No ST7:t, for the purchase of
the NK'i, of Section A), Tp 27 S , Range 8 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its Umber or alone than
for agricultural purpose, and to establish hia
claim before tha Register and Receiver of. Uua
oiiioa of Roaabnrr. Oregon.
on Friday the :ih dav of January, 1903. He
names as wi.nesse: Mary L 3lion of Oo,
V ash.. B F Shieds, of Koaclin, Wash., Frank
Kinvon. Har.v Hatfield o RoeebuK. Oregon.
Ativ and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims m this onice on or oeiore eaid juu
dav of Jan. 1' W. J.T. RRIIXiKS,
niOp Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon Oct 11.1W2.
Notlea is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ot the act ot congreea oi
for the sale of j
Jane S, 187K. entitled "An act
A: . i i. .k.c..,uf c.iifAHi. r.M
ed to ail the pnUic laud states by act of August
4,1892. !
of Roseburg, eojnty of Koiiglas. State of Ore
gon, has this day bled in this office her sworn
s'-aiement No i3, for the purchase of the E'j,
SE1. SE'NJi'i and lot 1, section 4, Tp 27 b..
range No 2 wis; and will oner proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for ita
timber or stone than lor agricultnrai ourpoaes,
and to establish her claim to said land belore
' tle Register and K'ceiverof this office at Rose-bu.-g,
Creg-n, on Tuesday the Slst day of
March, lnui. the names as . witnesses : J J
Krost, Jessie Scanlan, W Scanlan, J H Uurton
ail of Roscburg, Ore.
Any and all eison claiming adversely the
above desctibfi Hnds are remiesled to fiie
their c'aims in ' his ollice on or before said Hist
dav of March, 1901 J. T. BKIIXiES,
oijp Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Plates Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov In. 1B.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, leTS, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory," as expend
ed to all tbe Pubi;c Lc nd SUM by act of Aug.
nst 4, lfAr-
cf Grand Forks, coun.. ot tiraad Forks, state of
No-th D.ko , ha iht cis. tiled in this office
his swim a s',atnent . o. As for the pun-ba.e
of thi N'j SW.i, fc!; NA of Section No 12,
lowashNo -v wiuih, Kan-eSW- and will
offer proof n shew that Lie land sought is more
valuable Tor its timoer or suine than for agri
cultural purposes, and to es-ablish his claim to
said land before IV i.erS Bntt, at Riddle, Ore
gon, on r;urday. tbe 24!h ny of January, ivot.
He name as witnesses: Hale lwen, John
Lehnherr. of Camas Vallev. hennk Lass-garl.
Lar?or, Minn., Andrew Stem, of Orand Forts,
Any and a!Ipersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requejted to file their.
ilhifrn,niinrt.'l.i,l uiil Vilh dav 1
of Jan, 1X3. j.i. BEUHiss
Notice for Publication.
rnited States I snd Office.
Rosebur-. Oregon. Not. 10, liu2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congress of
June 3, )7S. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tbe States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory." asextend
ed to all the public land states by'act of A ugust
of Grand Forks, county of Grand Forks, state of
H. V. has tfcic day filed in tiiis office his swou
statement No fvoi lor tbe purchase of tha S'i
fc V' t rE 4A - ?i 4 A 'J.f lVj?ih; "?ht U more valuable lor its timber or stone
" e i,;1Wes, M offer ,oof to show that , uni put. nd w ,ablisH
the lanl sought is more valuable for iu timber ber claim to said land before W 8 Brut. 17
?r M?''U h?1 i'SI?OStSHr"f.'1 1 8 Commissioner, at Riddle, Oregon, on Non
ecb: -h his cairn to sa-d land be'ore Walter S.iM. fh. 1Qlh A' ,6 v. .,M
Bri.t. 17. S. Commissioner, Riddle, Oreron. on
Ealorday the 24th day rf January, lis.:!. He
name , s's wilnemes: John Lebnberr, Henry
Boreu of Cainas Valley, John Poulson.ol trrand
i-orl s, N. D. Henri? Laaseard of 1 wgor. Minn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
chore described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 24th
dsyofJaa., J. T. BRIDGES
nis Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 10,1912.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
t .. n i , . i s r '. .1 "in ..f fnr t h sale of
timber lands in tbe states of California. Oregon j
Nevada .and Washington Territory, asextena- j
ed to all tee publie land states by act of August
nwpir nasvirn
of Lan-jr count y of Beltrsml, atate of Minn.,
ment No..... for the purchase of the t'4 E'i of
section 28, townsb-p a s nge i west and
will offer proof to sbowthat the hfnd sought is
more val-iabfe tor ita timberor stone than for
afencultnral V"'co-es and to establish his claim
jienrv r.i,.ra whim vai'ej . we.. au..:c
cijCTn,j.o1u rouisn,onimiroriiB..i'.
Any and a.l p-rons claiming advert-y the
boi e de need lauds are requested to tile their
ciar ffi on or before sa.d 2jtb day
Notice for Publication.
t'nited Ftatea Land Office, ,
Row-bun;. Orun, Ang. 2fi, lyui
Notice is herei'y given that in eomplianos
with the provisimis of the act of Congress of
Junes. 1K78. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the stales of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
d to ail the public land states by act ol August
of Dulntb, cor.uty of K Louis, state of JMon.,
has this da tiled in this office her sworn state
ment. No. for the purchase of the E'4
' 20, Tp. 31 south. It 6 west
and will offer proof toshow that thcland sought
is more vaiuaoi? lor its tiiauer or Motie man
n bu.iu, ......-.r , piamua- and Octendant. .
. on Saturday the 2tth day of January . Tnl, 1B,m(,n, H published by orde
leuamnaswilm-sses.: John Lehn e r, I d w m..w ' irt. ,.,
claim before the'Regiter and Re. elver .rf this ! iVLt? IkL1!" "lftbl ls,h .5"
office of Roseburg, Oregon. eVm bfL'J tb lz,tler Heceiver of this
onZirn mm B1,.iotc.oiRoseburg.Oregon
names as witnes-es: Th . I . '. of Ki'dlle.
regon, O Gilbertson, KG- c o. ofGlendale,
on-iroii. I.avid H Imv f ii.i i i t , ..
Any audall ciaiml- .v the
above deac-i bed lauds are r iuel i u.tile their
claims in this office on or beio.c said 20th d,y
of Jannarv .19 x J T B&I IiGRfi.
Fine Shotgun Given Away.
wnn every cash
amounting to $1.00,
1903, will be given a number in tbe grand prize
drawiug to take place at the above mentioned date.
Those owing on account must make settlement in
30 days to entitle tbem to a chance in the grand
drawing. Gun valued at $25.
L. E. MILLEDQE, Dillard, Ore.
Koticc is hereby given that at the rcgnla
term of the County Court for Uouglas county.
Oregon, to be held in Roseburg, Oregon, on
.lanuaiy 4tb, ISO-'!, being the January term of
a'ld eonrt, held fur Ihe trnnmcling of civil and
nronaie business, application will be made !
oustaf Custafson, to have his limine changed
toGustaveU. Kveretfc That the hour of 10
o'el.iek a. m. of said day, Jan. i, 19ft", has been
set for the hearing of objections, if any there
be. to the change of said name.
This notice ii published by order of M. 1!
Thompson, judge of the above named cor.rl
lor the period of fonr weeks. The first publi
cation thereof shall bo made in the Issue of
Nov. 8, 1W2, last publication to bo on the 4th
day of Doc. Wl. 1'. R. SHAMBKOOK.
By J.
Notice for Publicatiou.
Uniteil States Land Office.
Roscburg, Oregon, ci tt.
Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JuueS. ):. entitled "An ai:t for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
4, isai
ot Worwlbtirn. county of Marion, slato of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in luis o.Tice lits sworn
siateuient No :suii for the purcliH- of the NK1,'
ot Cfc :, TpSlS., range 7 west and will otter
proof to know mil me iana sougni is nioro ;
liable for its tniircr or stone tliau for ai-'ricnlta-rol
puros', and to establish hs claim botpre
W S Brut V S Coinmissioner, at Kiddie. Oregon,
on Weilnenlay, the Slst day of Ikh ciuIkt, 19.U
Hcnsmcs as wiini'saes: t; K Whitman, K 1,
Remington, E W 1'inner, Wcodburn, Or, W K
Si.nani, of Myrtle Oregon.
Any and all f persons claiming adversely the
alve described lauds are reiiesied lr tile
Uicirr'aims in thisofllceon or l(ore stid Sl-t
day of lco. 1W2. J T
oiop : Rcsistit.
Notice for Publication.
United State Land Ofiice,
Rmebunt.On-gon. Aug 12, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisi ins of the act of Congress of
June S, 1.T7S, entitled "An act lor the sale of tim
ber lands in the states of California. On von.
Nevada, and Washington Territory" as extend
ed to all the public land slates bv act of Aug
ust 4, 1K
nf Portland. county of Multnomah, State of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this ofiice his
sworn statement No XJ12. for the purchase of
the W; and NE'i of SW'i of section No. 2,
township No. 29 south, range No 9. west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
forarrieullural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver oi thia
ofiice of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Monday the 29th day ot December, lfU2. He
names as witnesses: . If. Murray, John Ishn
herr Win. V. Porter, of Camas Valley , Ore., and
Leonard Vincent, of forllind. Oregon.
Any and all pe.tons claiming adversely the
the above described lands are requested to fiie
their claims in this office on or before said 2SLb
day of licccmbcr, l:ri J. T. BFI IKJK-t
09p Register.
Notice for Publication.
KosEBvao, Oaioos, Aug 11, V. 32.
Notice Is hereby riven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S. 'fcT. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon
newi iiiu niHurTwa lemwo.
ed all the PubUc Land Sbste. by act ol Aug.
of For .lan 1, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office bis
sworn tatetnen t No. 321L for tbe purchase ol
the N v of sec No. U. tp. 2S sonlb, R. a west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
ia mora valuable for its timber or stone lbs a
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before tha Register and Receiver of thia
fiioa of Rosaburg, Oregon,
on Mondsy, the 2vth day of December 1902." He
names as witnesses: J K Hardie of Portland.
Or., Wm. Porter, John Lehnharr and Wsa. Mur-
iaj, cf Camas Valley, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above describeo lands are requested U file their
'iiiui in Uiis offitef n or beiore said '.'.J.b day of
Decern be., 1902. J. T. Biix:i,
O'Jp Register.
Notice for Publication.
, United Sutcs utnd Office. j
R wcbnn:, Oresnn, Sept 2, 1302. j
Notice is hereby given that in compliance J
with the provisions of the act of Congress of ;
June S. isTK. entitled "An act tor tbe sala of j
timber latida in tbe States of Caiiionna. Oregon
Nevada .aud Washington Terriiory'.asexieud- i
ed to all tbe public land slates by actof August I
4.1SS2. .
of Oso, county of Saobonuh, s;i.!e:of Wh-i
inton, has this day fiie.1 in this office ber
sworn statement No. 374 f ;r tbe pcr-htsc of ',
the N1 i of Section 20, Tp B S , R. 3 west!
and will offer proof to show that the land sought ,
is more Tamable tor us umoer or stone tuan
for agricultural Durnosea. and to establish his i
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
ofiice of Rossburg, Oregon
on Friday the loth day of January. 1: H.
uaun as un'.-sses: JV-njaunn U Dix
wash , B r ten !.
lioagiin. Wa-h . Frank :
Vinrnn H., ll.K.M.I d.. l-n
Anv and all ta-rsons claiming adverse !v the
atave dscrii-i lands are leucMed to tile
v of v , j T BKI M. fc-s.
V r.ejlsier.
Notice for Publication.
Tnited States Lnd Office
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct 31,1'X'i.
Notice u hereby given that in eompliancsj
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. )K7f. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California, on-rim
Nevada .and W ashintrten Terrilorv,"a encod
ed to ail the public land states by'act of August
of Myrtle Creek, eonnty of Dong'as. slate of
Oregon, has this day rilsd in this office her
sworn statement No .vxi for the purchass of the
NUNW'4,Ni NE14'ec2,Tp 2S 8., R 4 west
and will offer proof to show that tbe land
as witnesses: Nathan Seiig. I N Hamilton,
Joe Miller, Mary Hamilton, all of Myrtle C.eck,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described landa a, e rcqneeted to file
their claims in this office on or belore said linn
day ot Jan. 133.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon,
for Douglas county.
Winnilred 1. Vickers 1
vs i
Harry Warren Vickers,
To Harry Warren Vickers, the above named
j yon are hereby rt quired to appear and answer
I the comprint filed against you in tbe above
, eiltiti, j ull .nd ,WIrt on r'before the Cth da?
olJanuny Inland if you tail t apw -,d
answer said eompiaint against yon. as hereby
retired, aud within said time, plaintiff will
.,,!, tn ihe omrt iih. ii,.i .1.... .i (
hef eompiaint, to-wit: For a dcciee dissolving
the marriage com raia, now existing between
order ot tbe
i cmrt, which order is dated Novemlx r Hth
i lr. and the time prescribed in said onier for
( publieation of UiK summons, is once a week
j ,r til . onscctuie weeks, presceeliug aald C.b
d ,,, jn0ary, n and the date of tbe first
Duuiieatiou ncreoi Is the 17th itav ol nromtr
Louis barzf.e.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
United SUtcs Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug 2b, I'.v.
Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of
June S. )K1, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the publie land slates by act of August
4, una. .
oi Portland, county of Jlultuomah, sla'.e of
Oregon, has this day liled iu this office his
sworn statement No. :;;iu for the purchase ol
the NJ of N'j of mat, Tp : S., Jt. w-st
and will of fer proof toshow that tbe land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
! on Tuesdsy the 27.h day of Jannsry, 1H. He
' Vi w,'I,e3,: B,ren, Wm Porter, Wm
. . m MurTSv, all of (-.aulas alley, Oie.
DJr ?n1 "u f", claiming adveiwly the
: .b?ve ribed Jstds are reoticsted t j file their
l P''-' "is office on or be-ore said 17th day
. LSBJuais,
purchase made at my store
from'now until noon Jan.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
- Rofebii-i, Oiegon, Aug HU
Notice is herel y given that In compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress of
June 8, )s.S. entitled "An art lor the sale of
timber lands in the States of Caliiort:ia, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asexiend
cJ to ail tho public laud stales by'act of August
4, 1SW2.
of Scattle.counly ol K ing, Male of Wasliingtoti,
has this day tiled in Uus otlico his sworn slate
tiicul No :tnS. for the iiitrciiase ot Ihe K'j N'
and lots 1 and 2, Sec SI. Tp in S., Itaugu t west
and will ofier proof to show that the land sought
is more VHluatile fur Its tinttier or stono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register aud Receiver of this
office of Roscburg, Oregon.
on Saturday, '.ho 17lh day of January If'.tt. He
names as wiluesses: Allen W ilson, William i!
Muirv, William lais, Wm M l'oiter uil of
Camas Valley. Oregon.
Any and all persons v. Mining adreisely the
alsivo dessrilaKl lands are re m. nil to tile their
claims in this ofhee on or be.oro n'd day
of Jan. I:! J. T. BHiiMiKs,
N.sp Kegiste
Notice for Publication,
Vnili d Siates I.snd Office.
R isel u, Orcron, Oot. :?, l'.kii.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with tha provisions of the act of Congress of
June S. lb. 8. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands iu the States of California.Ore5on
Nevada. and Washington Terriiorv,"asextcud
d to all the public land states by act of August
John f wi.'KiiiT,
of WooJb.l'n, cou.ity of Mai iou, s'a o." 0.;
gou, lis til d in this office his sworn s,a,eiiicut
No. ;1 '.it the purcha: oof the SW' of See.
S2 1 r'.lX S .. i in e c, and w ill oiler pnnf
to show that I bo 1 ind sought is more valuable
lor its ,'iuber or si oie U m ,'or a .riculiural
pupo-e.", and tocs.ablish bis claim hei'ore the
I S Coni'iiiisioner. W s hrlti, at Riddle, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 2'lrd ti.y oi Ivceinb",
1'2 He l imesai will csc : 1 N Hamilton.
II W Nu Her. W Miliard. Rdwaid I'olm all oi
Myr.'e Creek, Oie.ou.
Any and all peixnis claimirc adversely the
alave des'rilKMl lands are rc'inevted to tile
the'relahns in this ollice on o- Ikmocc said 2rd
day of lH-L-cmbcr 15M2. J. T. liKll.OKS,
ol:ip Kegisivr.
Notice foi Publication.
United SUtcs Lsud Ollice.
Roseburg, Oregon tHit. l.t, UU.
Not'co is hereby given that in compiiance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress ol
June 3. .'V8.eutilled "An act for Ihe saie of
timber Unds in IheS jiles of Calitoinia, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territofv' as extended
to all the public laud states by act of Aacust 4,
of Vaticoover. county of Clark. s!ato of Wkh..
lias this cay tiled ia ll ' oRice his swo'ii slate
ment NoibTO for the pureha-c of lav rW'4 of
section No 24, townsl.ip No 2; S., range n cl
and will offer proof to show that the lsnd son ght
is more valuable for its Umlrr or stono than
for agricultural purptsea, and to estaMisb hia
claim before the Register and Receiver of thia
Office oi Roseburg, Oregon,
on Friday tbe I-'-ih day of recember. ijrj nc
names a i itn sxes: 8 R itrivlon and J H Jlil
ler. of oialla. O.., sheiman J I'.iyubT oi Van
couver. W ash.. J W Klein, in of Fslida. W ash.
Any and all persons i-laimiu alversely ihe
above desciihed lands are reqneue l to die tbe r
claims in this office on or bc.'oie sal" thday
of lec. 12. I.T. BRIDtitS
oir.p . nebular.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Or., Ojt. . iwl.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
ith the provisions of tbe act of Congrv of
June X, ts;s, entitled "An act tbe sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Wa"hington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land states by'act of August
a. Woodburn, co-inty rf Mari a. sttie of )rr
g n has this day file 1 in this v his s s rn
statement No Vs-t, for tbe purchase of th BW'ii
ol Sec No ."i Tp M S.. ran ;e No s wct aud wilt
offer p.O"f to sh w th-t lire laud ooht is
mote fi. itst'mbcror stone than for purTx-ss, and to csttliMi bis
i claim before W S Briit. I" s Oimmissioner at
Riild'eOre Wedn'iday, the : l iter ol
Decemlx-r. 1' f. He nam? ss wilni s.i i: V K
KiDier. c K Wiii.imii. E L Lemiu,tn. 'Frank
l.:tby. ell ol Woodliurn Oregr.n.
Any and all persons claiming a'veriety the
aive-dernbed lands aro rciuexle)! to Si llieir
j claims in this office on or before said ''.-t day
: oi Dec lri J. T. BUtD .E.-s
I t2Cp Reenter.
- Notice for Publication.
United Stales land offic.
Roseb.irv. Oreeon, t e.. 9, 1"
Not ice is hereby given that la eompliancsj
with iff provisions of the act cl Congress of
June i. 78. entitled "An a-t for the saie of
timber lands in the States of t'alifornia.Orexon
Nevada .and W ahi!ifften Terriiory." asextcud
ed to all the public land states by'act of August
4, Veai.
of Woodhn'-n. comn of Slinon. tt; at ro
l,oii. hss this dsv tifi-i in l.iis office her sworn
s aicnient So. :4. for the Mirebs-e o( the K'
; ol SH'!,'. W' jol Nt"1 ., of re. 2. In Tp No.
;:as. range No. weM, irdwili Tt-r pioo,' f
snow mat tnc laim sirni i more va.i;aF,lo -r
.i,.,Mi,i - .M.i,...k... .
V" " ."" "ere to an lau.i
WIOPC V. Krl It. I om T l-sinn-T at Kl.ll
or., on Monday, tbe ; ta day of lST-ml-r, l'.s-'
She namei a ttn.--: Tomlmson. Linn
Tomiin. on. E W i laer. D Libfy. ail of W.ail
bu n.Or.
Any and all i- imh cisiuiiug alvc-" Iy th
aliove desriboi 's..d are rc.(ue.'ed to Me" their
c'a'ms in ti'ist lb e ou or before siid SHh dav
of iw mliw, 1AI2. JTBRIIm.KS,
OiOp R.'gi.ttT.
Notice for Publittition.
rnile-l Stttps lind OtEce.
Eo b irg, rev-on Au ;, is, pj.
Notlrs is hereby gtven that to eomplianew
with the provisii'in o; tLe act oi ongrts of
June i, )bT8. entitled "An a't fr the rale ot
timber lands tn t. j States of (V.ifcyna, Oregon
Nevada .and W tsf,inu,n lerri Tory." as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
of Mj rtlc Creek, cu'ity of Ikiu;'as, tts of
Oregon, has this ly li'ed in Ibis office hl
swm staiement No :.27a for the oi
Lots 1, f, 9 and 16, Sec i. Tp i' S.. range I w o-t
and will offer r)roof to show that tte land socght
is more valuable lor iu timber or atcr.e man
for agricultural pi. rposes, and tu eatatlish bis
claim before the i:e2is:er and Receiver oi this
ofiice of Roseburg, Oieguc
on W edne day. toe HUi day of January, l"t.
He names as witnesw-s: 1, iirniniiti. w
chamberlain, A I. A'ly and i: Si-lieis all ol
Nyrtle Creek, o.e.
Any and all ners-tns claiming alveticlT the
above described la id are .e-juteji to tile
their claims in th-s office o.i or ocf.ire ii I 1 lih
day of Jan. 1SC1. J. T. BRIDGES
KJp .
Notice for Publicatiou.
Usitcd triTt Lakd Orncii.
RoacbUiS, Oiegou, Uct 9, IJCL
Notice ia hereby given that In eompliaoce
with the jiroviion of th. act of OungruTa of
June 3, 78. entitled "An act fnr the aale ol
timber land in the Kate? of California. Orejoo
Kevaiia .and Terri!onrt"asexteud.
ed to ail tbe public land alatca br act ol Auguat
4, law.
ciiAs. film;?.
of Woodbutn countr of Marion. ta.e of Oie
Ron, has c'ny filed lit llii oOice hi awom
Rial -tt nt No. S i' for the pnrchaic of the cK1
Sec 7i, Tp SI H., rante 8 west, and will nfli-r
pro ii ti aboar that the !nd KOoi:bt la more val
uble for I.a t'mbcr or a one than inr a -ilcjl-tnial
pnrpOKCt. and to cHal.Usti his claim to
n.ild -ud t :fo- V S K.itt l b Coinmtrsioiicr nt
KidC'c. O e,on Wi-dPcwiar, the l.t dar of
I hiIkt. 12. lie name . ai witneca:, J J
Hm'I, A P liran, K L Kcminjloii, t' K WMl
n an of Wolburii. Oi'-Mon
Any and all pemon claimiti? advene); Die
alivc-dccrlled liudare ivijuetcl to file tl lr
cla'nm in lb ioflSr i on or lforc the il'n.rlay ol
Dec 1902. J.T. Brijoei.
o p ' . hckisicr.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited Stolen Lind OHicc.
ItOM.tmrj?, Orojjon, A115 It, i'aI.
Notice ia hereby (riven tbat in compliance
with the provif ions yi the act of n:repa of
JuueS, )8T8. entltid "An act fur the ta'e of
timber landii In the States of f'aiifomla.tlrejnn
Nevada nd Uaaliinirtoii 'lerritory,"acxt:id
ed to ail the public laud Haiti by act of Auuuat
of Myrtle Cn;"k, cuinty of notiirl i. niate of
Orcvon, bus this ilay lilcd iu tiiiH iillice In
urorn kt it-m-nt No :L7'. tlie jurch-u of
l-"tK 1, M anl See , Tp a I H R : wot
aud will offer proof toabow that the land aonirtt
l Biore valuable for Ita IhnU r or atone tnnn
for agricultural purposes, and to enUibiish hia
elalin before the iteirisler and Kecclver ol thia
ol lice ol Koseburg, Oregon.
on WednevHy, tbe Hlh day of Jatuia., ljjil.
Ho nmiiiii'l jm: M A h'v.i, w t'linra
lerlHiu, A L Aly, : LSly, a'l of jtj.l'e 4'rtck,
Oregon. 1
Any and all persons claiming adxciw'v tl-c
rlove ditH-iihcil lamls arc rcniic:i ;d 10 file
t .eir claims in lliis ollice on or liefore 1 ibl l uh
day ol Jai.uary I'.k.J. J. T. illiii um,
" il I:ct s -r.
Notice for Publication. -
United rltaU-s Lninl finice
Roncburg, Oicgoii, Oct 3, l'JOi
Notice is hereby given thet In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of f 'ongren of
June 3, J7R, entitled "An act for the Mile of
timber lands In the Ktatesof f'alifornla, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextoii'l
edto til th. public laud stales by act 4;! August
of Woodburn, county nf Marlon, slslo of Ore
gon, has thmlhv likl in tbia ollice her sworn
(lalemeut No :;. KI, for II10 .tiri linKC of tlie tK'i
of fcec 2, Tp IllH.. ranges we t. and will oile r
pro.if to show that tlio land sought Is more viil
uable for IU timber or slono than for uvrlcul
lunl puipoi-es, a-d to establish her clitim to
tan! land lelure S Unit, U H Tommi-si'Micr.
at Eiildlc, Oregon, on Tncfcilay, the 1 -ni dav of
Deccnilicr, l.Hi. Hhe nainei as wiliicuws: I N
Hamilton, W K -Mlnard, ll W Mi"er, Kdwuri)
Bohn, all of Myrtle Creek, Ore.
Any and all i.erniin clainilnir a.Woi civ thr
above dtacrilied latida are requested to tile their
claims la this nlh'je on or before
of Ix-eeniber lSirJ.
o.ap J, T. BaiDOEs, Butfliter.
Its Insidious Progress and
Sudden Termination.
Kot loni; sj;o a man ytlio had made '
sticcess ia business bought a country
place aud retired frotu active commercial
nfe. By all outward appearances he was
a healthy man. He entered upon the
life of his country home with great rest,
engaging himself in the culture and care
of flowers and enjoying the pleasures of
out door life to the full. One day they
found him unconscious on the lawn.
The family believed he must have been
the victiui of tramps. The doctor came
but could not rouse him from his stupor.
When the autopsy was mode it showed
that death was the result of kidney dis
ease long neglected.
This is a true story. The facts are
S"ven as the newspapers told them,
aly the names are suppressed. It is a
-1 ft jY" vc?f'
, ;
tlcrjr that in one way or another is being
repeated ev?ry day, the victims being
men and women who sutler from " kidney
trouble " and neglect it.
It is the office of Vidneys to falter the
blood and jemove ftotn it tho?e foretgn
matters which if retained in the blood
corrupt and poison it. The principles so
eliminated by the kidneys are constantly
being produced in the tissues of the body.
The kidneys are therefore ceaselessly
active snd care for an enormous quantity
of blood. When by reason of disease
the activity of the kidneys is impaired,
or when they are overtaxed .by being re
quired to eliminate from the blood an
undue quantity of corrupting substances,
thrown into the blood as a result of dis
ease of the stomach and other organs of
digestion and nutrition ; then it is that
the poisonous deposits first bei5n to col
lect in the blood, and breed deadly con
sequences. The accumulation of the
poison is slow, and tbe physical changes
which accompany the poisoning of the
system are tlox also, ana this rr.altes the
great danger of the disease. Many times
the victim of kidney disease does not
waken to dagger before the entire sys
tem is poisoned, aiyl the struggle for life
ib desperate and doubtful.
. Prompt action cannot be too strongly
urged upon those who have even the
slightest symptoms of "kidney trouble."
Tbe timely use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Jtfedical Discovery will save both suffer
rng and expense.
" For a long time I was suilericg and
was hardly abte to get abont," writes Mr.
Andrew J. Jennings, of Thomas, Tucker
Co.. V. Va., Px 194. Vas bothered
with kidney trouble and my whole sys
tem was out of order ; had no appetite.
A friend of mine told me to try Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I
did so and the first bottle restored mr
appetite. I lock six bottles of 'Golden
Medical lscovery ar.d some tf the
pleasant Pellets' and fl i:V:e a new
paiscn. Thi:k there is robferr-'i-cine
and I btan-.Ty n-c.111- -
Notice for Publication.
l'ic:Tr STrr? I.tstn Orr.t r.
Kr'.tib'j'e. Onr ;.. Ao r,
"tMe ;s he-cbv riv'n ttist In cocj,iirri.'e
wun me iM'r l luf act
J'lne;;. li",Muti:'l "An Ac,
oi riprc iet
,'.r the a ile 1
'limUr l-a:iN l-i ihe Sia;e ra'-
! iforuia. Oregon. c'!s Wrlnnxt -a Te-?-
j tory," as cx.e-ll to a. I u-.e I'ubtic Liut i, lies
I by act of Ariinjst I. 12,
j .KOi:'.K IV. ,1 MRKSI.IN.
j of Myrtle t rc, i-mitity of lJni--in, sta .
j irrio, h this mjiv t 'n-4 in tn: otts-e li
, ru itai -m '1. Ni. -It., lor hf vuichs ol
tor,-.h:p No. ; c.uji, No 3 w-t
ni a ill ol:er t rr'! t
.1 t.hovitifttit;claiiIftijiirat
1. mre ti';ki tf uir ii. xirr-r.-r or ti:: Itna
lor it-. tirKr or t:n' Itma
Mr-!H,ri:ri t:t..v, 10 cfiai Ia hi
Ciaitn I'-i-ir.; iwi:cr aui luceirer of thia
onice oi Kxbuiv,)rei;un.
. ii..).i!.ei.n...J,... .-.w .u. e I
"nil. i.wnr i,. U .-.v. I;a'Briin.baoilh.
M. A. .V-au4t.. -., a.i ol Myrtle tuck,,
, ., , , , . ...
jiiit Hr. i n 1 ' oni r'aini.u atjvvrieiv
a :jVc
c:aitn it: iLiao-t ;e on or ot !ir- .1 J i.'l'avof
J. T,
Notice for Publication.
I DiicI SUtes LmdOIce
r.i eb.trir, O-e.-oa. Oct- S. L
Notice ia beret y glv-n that In eompllanew
with Uie provi-:..;.. A tte act cf ty'iigrca of
June s, ):.". ent.'iel "An a t fir th sale of
timber lands in 1 tr S:atc.: arl'omta.Oregon
Nevada and;!"n Tcrrliory,"acxleud
el to all tbe public land states by actof Auguat
, 1'i
JAS J. II Al l
WoolLnrr coin yo, AU'iun. slate ol Oio
I. in. bai t'" 'av f . d n tn's t!ica hia aworn
atemeit No 1. ir tbe pn cii l of the 51 X
M of . ec IS, Tp:: K , . ;nc 7 f. and wl'I of
.i'. pre ! ti tmt iht tbe land u tight f niou
vrt'iat ? r i. I'r.iU r or than Z'tt ajr.
coltu'al i 1 r . tml to c a il! bis claim
tx i.irn It I'-iiM, V Commi-dinner, ai Itlddle,
Ore -on. on ilnn-liy 1 c i ".h lsy of Icc nte',
WJ H 'lia nci li c tr ! K Whitman
Dl Ll.H.WEHiwr, Lo.lie Tjmn.'iu, all
o." Aoj1t-u 11, OlC;OU.
Any ami ail rr?.-son li'aimiot a d vet -el y toe
above , lif e, 'Hiid.i ai. jnioMed o fi tte't
claiins in 'ils oU.e f n or lc!orj f'd 2"'ih day
oi l C.1S..2. J. T JJEtMiK'.
i2"p IU".:stoi.
Notice for Publication.
rsiTio Etatis Lud Ornrg,
Ko cbu-j. Oicgoa. Aug 11, 1'Ml
Notice la bereliy given that In compliance
with the provii'.in of tl.e act of Congresa of
June 3, )y;8. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the StHU -mf Callfornla,Oregnii
Nevada. and Washimrton Tcrritory'aiiextend
edo ail tho public land states by act of August
of Imlntli. con it n, St lo'iis, Suilo i.f Mlnnc.
sota, has ibis iiv tiled in ib.s oiflce his swom
stKiement No ::.'! lor toe l'n elme o' the
ofrciion 1, tovtusliip 21 S., tsn o & west
and will offer proof tosbewthat the land sorght
Is more valuable for its tiinL-r or stone lhn
for agricultural puri'ives, and tu establish hia
claim before iLe l.i -'inter and lieceiver of thia
office of i'-occuurg, uregfin,
on Thursilay the S'li lsv of luniinry l'il. He
iirtiiH-s a 1 wi;nec: KK Zitli-r of Dulu'ili.
M inn., t 'illiei ,.imi, Tom Lawnon, and C: ori;e
Towers of lileivl Oicjiin.
Any and all persons cUiiniug ndvcin-ly
aUivo CeM ribel lauds are re-iiete I to HI- till.'
clsinti In ibis o!l'cc on or beiore ssiid Ktn day
ofJnn.IU ii. J. T. RilMig.,
o7t . He cister
Aclniiuistratrix' Notice.
No-ire la hereby given that the iirilcrsivned
bn been by tho county court ol fi.iii -1hs conn
ly, Suite ol Ore on, hjummi, -d 's lmiiii.tririx
of (Ik; era e of t:nlvm ... N l.son, ilccea cd.
All per lis clHims avuima t ,I rs.ito
are hereby 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I n'nl iei"...l in prt. cnl the
rsine, du'y ve,ifl"d, at tliu In t Ice of F W
lit iM 'i.ln Ko elmrr, o.eion. or at the law of
fii e of A : Wootlcoek. iu Kii';cne, Orison, with -in
Six liiontl"! ;-mn kliediitool tills notice.
l):ile I ibis 2:inl day of Ociol c, V.wj.
Adin olslmlrix of toe cilnie ol t alviu U Wil
sou, deceased.
Notice of First Meeting of
In tho Iis,i let Court o,' tlie rniicd Stales tor
the Idstilct or Orcon. .
in ine mm .or of 1
- 11 W Jill l.K ;I" Bankruptcy.
I!.itkr,ll.,. 1
To the of II. W. Mille.' or Myrllo
t rei'k, in the ouu.y of liojglas, and ills, let
afoiu aid, a bunk nnl.
No.lee is hereby given thHt on Ihe i ,h dv of
Oct. A. 1. l''..',lliesnl. 11. w. Miller ns rfnlv
B(1Jii1icn,.(il bnukiuiit ; mi.l Hint the ft'it meet
ing of bis fidi'.iirs will bo held si tbe oil Ice ol
Albert Alunlmn, I 1 Ko'clmrg, Ore ton, on the
2lthdiyof Nov. A. D. lis.'.', ai 11 o'clock 111-the
'orcuoim, at which litre the said c.edilois may
attend, their claims, appoint a liunteo.
exHiuiiiH the bankrupt, sud transiu t such other
bushics as ui ly piop enmo befoM tjl j
inoiiliili. ALitEKT AfiKAHAM,
H-a-ittf In llauktuiilev.
rated Xov. ISta I3tu u'l7
-u-s.vt Jps, -' $ VjJV- v vs -
.r - . ts. a . ii 11
medicines to every one whose suffering
is of the nature that mine was."
The symptoms of kidney disease are
many and so variable that it is almost
impossible to describe them nil. In gen
eral the indications of kidney disease
are pain in the back and loins, change
iu the urinary excretion, a depressed
feeling with lassitude or weakness; ir
regular heart beat; hot and dry skin,
deranged digestion, variable appetite,
urinary incontinence, puffiness about
the eyes, swelling of the ankles or in
different parts of the body. These symp
toms will not be present in any one case,
probably, but any one of them is n
reason for a prompt attempt to cure its
don't Take chances.
The symptoms of kidney disease are
so variable and so liable to be mistaken
that it is no uncommon thing for the
inexperienced practitioner to treat tlTe
sufferer for the wrong disease. Such
was the case prolwbly with Mrs. Hayter.
whose letter is given below. "Several
different doctors treated her but none
did her any good," until she consulted
Dr. Pierce :
"I had lecn sick for
more' than a year with.
kidney trouble," writes
Mrs. Lucy Hayter, of
Jacksboro, Jack County,
Texas. r Several different
doctors treated me, but
none did me any good.
One doctor said I tiever
could be enrol, that I had
llright's disease. I suf
fered nearly death at
times ; had spells the doc
tor called 6pasms. Was
bed-fast most of the time
for six months. My
mother begged me to try
Dr. Pierce's Golden MeU
ical Discovery. With but
little hope I wrote to Dr.
Pierce and be said be
could cure me. I began
to take his Golden Med
ical Discovery, and a' Al
though I had given up to
die I began to improve from the start,
aud by tbe time I had taken twenty-two
bottles I was entirely cured. I thank,
God for the 'Golden Medical Discov
ery.' I weigh, more than ever liefore in
my life and I am entirely welL"
Dr. Pierce invites any person who suf
fers from disease in chronic form to con
sult him by letter, ftee. All correspond
ence is held as strictly private and
sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierre, Buffalo, N. Y. A great many
people, who. like Mrs. Hayter. have
written to Dr. Pierce "with but little
hope," have like her been perfectly and
permanently cured by his treatment.
An analysis of the urine will be made
' free of charge. This often determines
the nature of the disease when accom
panied with a full statement of symptoms.
Do not neglect this opportunity to obtain
a specialist's opinion on your condition
absolutely without fee or charge, together
with a free uninary analysis. If you are
sick consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, without
It is to be remembered that Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures
diseases of the stomach and other organs
of digestion and nutrition, cleanses the
blood of waste suljstances and so re
moves one of the causes which conduce
to the over-burdening and disease of tbe
Don't be fooled into trading a sub
stance for a shallow. Any substitute
offered as "just as good" as "Golden
Medical Discovery" is a shadow of that
medicine. There are cures behind every
claim made for the "Discovery" whica
po "just as good " medicine can show.
The best Medical Book fret. Dr.
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
vicr, containing more than a thousand
large pages and over 700 illustrations, ll
sent Jrct on receipt of stamps to paj
expense of mailing oTr. Send 31 one.
cent stamps fur the cloth-bound volume,
c-r only 21 stamps for the book ia paper
oveis. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Eut
' N. V.
Notice for Publication.
fnitei K.t lr.d Fa,ce.
Koi,n.;, uii'i 1. Oi l . !
Kol!rli tcrri.T nrr itjt in conusance
with ite
Jnoe 5. .. ent
ioii ( : ti.e an cf ".rrr-a v
1 "An a. 1 :t lit at
timher lan-l in thCM'..- l 1 r ;:a.i
,cvxla ,anl tt .hlt ru -1 T-rr;..ry." i.vl
i to ail the public lam) ! mt I oi Aufuat
of Vo3ilbnrn. coiiiiiv of r: n. tm'.r ol .'
eft!. Ja tiinv i.i-4 ia th.s Jtce cW ront
it-onl N-i "' lur the j..ur"lac oi the 'A 1 (
of section No f.V T;- :t m , rnic t. anJ w.11
off-rrtror to tMw :tit t,:e lnt koustit 1 i'iort I
1 viuao.c lor tit tjiMlr or iV-nr tnai lor a
at w-ijiwr.. in.) 11 cji..'t-h h claim
'. raid ind l H-rc t Bntt. I 1 oMci onct,
a l:MJV. im on. on U ii wlav. the - ll
j oi Iiccenvicr. 1 '.aj. lie tumn i wltnc-c: II
K. Libbv. A I i baa tiihU
Kc.iniu.n ail ol W-1l.oro. Or.
Au, and al p.ra. riauins id
anvl E i.
-!v IS?
Iixtc icj:tii-i
1 ,v,.j. .. 1. ., -. -. , ,
Notice for Prblication.
Tullel ?ilei I.tnl OTic.
Itn.jl.urif. cs IVt. 8. !'.
Notice is terel y given In cja.iisnoi
with the prov.ioTis ol tr.e aci ot t'engrca of
June a. .s;s. entitled "An a-t for tre sl of
in:lcr laudc In th s:a;c"f ' slli nua 1 tejtui
Nrtaiia .and ll atiingioii 1 rn' wry. "acx:ci.d -ed
to all tbe publie land siates by'act of August
of Wi n Ibirn. county of Msrion, Hlate of r'
gon haMbis day flcj iu this otlb-e hr-r .nia
linemen I So 0 for the purcho of the 1
of !rec 'i!. To tl 8 . rsugv wist ami will oftVr
pro f to shfrVv t!it the laud niift t is more vab
liable for Its limber or stone than lor a .-ricul-tmal
pm bo-n. and to e--tbh-h lu r claim 10
sid lain before Vi 9 I'ritt, 1' i oi inL doner,
at Kiddle, O-vgon on Moixlsy ihe i'.iih !sy ol
Iu. 1. i Sjc nairn s ni it';eses- I S Kamll
tr n of Wyrlle Cre-c .4 J J Hail, t hai t.ifcbs,
W K llnerof WooiUim. Orcio.
Any and a'l p-nmtis claiming adversely lie
alovivdc(criuel lands are rviuctci o file theif
claims In t'iis oihev iu or t .'loio said if'th diy
Of i'ec., IK'".
oAp J. T. BKIIMiK-t,
hc.'ist' r.
Notice for Publication
' t'DiteI S .tcs Ind Ofiice,
Ko-cbui Oievjn, Oct t. 11
Notice is berei.y given that In complianca
with tne provii'ion oi the act of CongreM f
June 3, )i. entitled "An art for the ssla if
timber lands In the States of Caiiionna. Oregoj
Nevada. and Vi ahlni:ion Terriiory,'' asexellc,.
d to ail tho public laud states by actof Auguit
ki';kne l RfvMistiroN,
of Wocdlmru. county of Maiio.i stiU of Ore
M'li, hsa th' day filed in this ortie. his swnin
at I' No 1, fr the 'iin' of tho N
of itTimn fl. Tp S . tange 8 ncit and w.ll 1
le tiMf in show thst tlio land sought is mo e
valuable for it 1 t'mbcr or hoi 1 ihtu tor s-.ii-enltiiisi
purpo.f s, a. id " c"abi'h 10
siil'l iand 1 eoro rl lit lit U.S. t'nininb do, r.
al K.'4'lli , Oi.ton, mi We liiesd iv, lie .list ei,v
of liieemlier. V. rj. llo ii.ime" a ii,n- ic:
t:h-is Inbli', K W nrer, t' K Wntunn A V
Lranbrara'! of Wiwsti'ii, 11 Ote.
Any and all reius c'ainiinir silvcl cly llic
alioveile .criiK'd lauds are ic me .b'd to rile iutir
Calms tn ill's ofiice on o ' be. o-e the ntldv oi
Ic-.-niUer, If. if.
t-20p ' " Iti-gisttr.
Notice for Publication.
Culled State.i Land Office,
Roscburg, Ori'gon, N.ov. 6. j,'i
Notice is hereby given that tl.o fnllow'ng
Iiamril iciiier luis tiled nollci' of Ins lnt.'imn
o make t'tii:;l pi oof iu upu irl of bis cUini. and
that said pro-if wi l be mace. In-Mrc Hie Keg a.
terand I'.eeeivcr, I'. K. Land office at Lnn"0iill,
Oregon on Mondav lK einlHr M. Ivrj. via
on II K. No lltfi f'ir the SW'i .;. I''; 8W'f,
and lots 3 and 4. ! ec. , Tp A H . It i wesl. U .
names ihe billowing witnesses to prove Ins eo 1
ttimovis lesldonco niKiii a'ld cultlval'on of aid
land, vtx: tieorge West, T. I' Kelly, J II tilitrie
and J A f'oiily, all 01 IIimrK'i, iiTecoii.
J. T.BUI UtiEs,
n!7 itegisier
Notice for Publication.
Isolate J
prune LANU S VLK. '
C. H. Lund Oilii'o, KuM'burg, Oie,
Notice !s liiM'ebv given Ihnt in pursuHiiec jf
liiMruellii'M Irom the ('iiiiiiilsioiicr of tlie
(ieneial Land Oilico, iiiub'i nuHioiity V'S.i-d
in li'i.i bv seeiioii -l i'i I'. S. Ib v. Slnl . s
amended bv the act of Onngiesa approved "e
ruary as, lSSi, we will ptm-eeil tooib r at pu
llc SKte 01 the loth dsy ol Jaiiuniy, liejl, it
lliigotticc, lite I'o'loivl'iS! trui t ol bind, lo-wlt:
The NL'4 8W4 Sen. 2, Tp. Sill 8. Itaugc wo t.
Any aud sll persons cle.iiiiing adversely tbe
Bb.ive desci ibed lands arc advised to lile the r
claims i 1 this otMue on or be font the 1ny abn'-e
designated lor tlie coinnieticcme it oi said sulj,
oihcrwir.e their rights will l forfeited.
J.T. BKUH.fcS. Keli.ter,
J. II, B00TU, Kucclvor.
Koyembet 20, Mi
Only a Few B
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
prove up ou twotiriiln-r rlaiu-K j
11 .:t.. ..t o 1 "1 - will rut lO.rtiO.Oiyi' of No. I fir
ilurtilx-r. Add res
M. L-Diiox,
(Nalj Ot),Va!i.
Trespass Notice.
All penniu a"t? hereby warded not to
trstla, hunt, lisli or camp on the
lan-.( of tlie Ciirry KsUts. Pe.nsdoins?
ft uiil lie prosecuted to the full extent
of the law.
Estate cf X. Ctkrt,
(Vjtf.) Ii.vcrcdaln F'ai.
fiW IE KUEF 181
iNii'DArvr.p at rnvr
Head Ofliee, MeVIiDorille. Orrfon
Amt.of insurance in forr,f ll.OCO.OOO.OO
Sattinj: its memljers 1 rr ' XO i
A. 7. Buchanan.;
Rowhurj, (Ircicoti. Afct. for DoaglAC Co. J
Notice for Publication.
United Star Land OSic
S.4ire i here! r rtvea that ta enaiJUiiiea
vri' b the .rov..i..r wf tt. art of l onere v4 i
Jui.e I. t-t. en:i:lJ "An act (t the f.i. oi
tiro tier lacl In tbe statr of 'aliltm.irefr,a
Se a-ia .a:4 w a.hinr.yi TerTiurr.'' ae xteod-e-l
to aJi It. pabi.e lmi.4 natea bv'at ol ACfnst
" fRAKK E- (UVtlJ,
of M Lumber L-r,aBe. MiDnearIla, c-jonty
i-( Ilv ni,. ;.:n. !,'.. eoi Vinnooia. baa thia day
MJ in thia oj.rn. hi aaora Mau-neat Xo.
Uir the fHii'-.''ae o4 the N'. of i? cu
tr. Xo. lo la Tp. .No. 'i rt, of K No. t Kf.l
anl .ITuf'er v-r.-f to!ur tta! the last! aooffct
lirji.ft va;uatie Inr Itn I:aibrr or than
l'ir arrlrutiural HirrM'k. aui tu -ptabl.tB hi.
r'.aiui bc:r ttie Kccier aiid Kecviver of Ihi.
ofiice ot Bx.cburi,trefua.
otl M m iv. the iti itir of April tC Tfe
same a i'oc.c: r rands A. Biker, and
.r,i( W. I.),v-tr.oi Mibdcio li. Minn .John
T&om.and t'haa. Thotn. of fcuarlxarg. tret9
Any jicrwi cia'"'1, adve'lr lie
al ve Jccilcl and atr n.jie. ! -o t'e telr
c'in in :h! o'feeoa or Ix o.v aald btb djv
i . A ', iMi.
1. 1 -i
SbcrifFs Sale.
In the t'irroit Conrtof the State of Orcgoa
for Iwiovlt" couuly.
i. 1 . g'nctior. r. 1. itnnnir.
wee! try. and t:ha 8 ifnore. tre a
urer of tte :ate of tregon.and con; the State I. iu-1 Bard
Rirhanl Cnr k and tiara Cook. I.ia
ile and iHxiglas eouMv. Ongnn.
Notice is nereny given 1 nai by virtoe of aa
exrcm ei and oritur n) sale duly iwued out of
the eie named court and cause on the 24th
day c i October, lC npon a Judgment and d
cre duly r. nderv! and entered in aajd court
aud utw, on the Uth dsyol October. IJCJ. by
lorccios ir of a mor'.taev In laroot the above
r.a:.-d I'lalnlids end against the above named
iJclendanis aed axs'usi ihe hervinaftet men
tinned and drvrijel monci -d property for
the s:m ol Vt 3n with interest thereon at the
rat" ol per ci-nt per annum from tbe 11th day
ol October, l. J and the timber sura of Ui ape
c al altorneis fcev Now theielorc I w.ll on
S:it tmlav, the Liniiilay oi NovcntU-r l'K)2
al one o Ciock p. m. of .i!d day, it court braise
frontdoor. In Kosetmrg. IMugle county. Ore
gon, sell at public auction to tbe highest bid
der. lor cah in hand, all the right, title and
interest, which the said liefcndants, or diner
of tlienihadon the4ltdayof September. IM7,
or al any time then-aite.' in or to the following
dcsrMbd real property, to-Vit:
The sonthwesiqusrt'ernf section In. and 'tbe
northwest quarter of st-ction :', all In tow n
h p south of rente a weslof the Will. Mer..
I inuglsa couuly. oreg,Mi, containing XHt acres
of laud more or less, snd will apply tbe pro
ceeds of such sale tint to the payment ot the
Coals of such sale, and the sum of 1.'"., special
a'li.meTi fees and the sum of -' due Ihe
plaintifla with iutertt tliennn at the rate of
percent per annum from Ihe Uth day of Octo
ber, I'.oi an.j the over plus. It any ihcrw be. I
a iil pay to the clerk ol the court, aa br order
of aid court in said execution to me llrectct
and delivered, commanding m. to acll said
above described real properly in the a: an no
providcl by law.
Ual.'d lUlillh davoftvtober, P.JI.
Ehcrifl ol loiilascoiintv, Oregon
Notice fOr Publicatiou.
I'nite I ti.alei Land omce,
Uoseburg, Oiegnn, Nov. 4, POi
Notice is heret y given that In complianc
with the otuvlsions ol tl.e act of t'ougre.'-a of
Junes, ;s,entuled "An ai t for th. sale of
timber lands in Ihe Stales of t ali oruta. Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territorv."aexiend
ed to all the public land s'.aies by'act of August
of Rush t'ity. county of liiss.o, state o: Min-Iies-iU
has tins ily tt t-1 iu thia office hl
swoin statement No, :I,'.K)ii, lor the p irehase o.
tiles', olh' of S.T. 10, Tp. 3i 8, K I wes;
and will oiler proof to show that the Isnd
sosght la more vsluiible for Ita Uinlsr or atone
than for agricultural purnosea and to establish
his claim 10 said laud be, ore Z. I.. Zl-nmick, l".
couiinlssloner, a':land, Orceon, on Satur
day, the Jith day of Jannarv, Uaii. He name
as itiivses llansC. II. Mahlen, and O. Louis
Carlson, Kuli t'uy, Minn., Jens. A. lve'atid.
bt Paul, Minn.; Joiin Thorn, Kom-burg, Oregon.
Any and a'l pcrsnns claliniug advemely tlio
aliove lieM-riltil lands aru utiih-st.d to file
their cUims III this ollice on or before ssid 24 of
'''! ; Kcilster.
Notice for Publication.
Tnilcd States Land Ofiice,
K.mrhuig, Oregon. Nov. II..P.HM.
Notli-e is herd y given that In complianc
with Ihe of tl.e act of t'engresa of
June :i, '...-, enlitli'd "An act lor the sale of
flintier lmids in the .latcsuf California. Oregon
Ne ndn.and Washington Terrliorv'asextend
cd to all the public laud slates by'act ol Aaguat
of KiMebiirg. county of slate of Oregon
has this day tileJ Iu llils oiliie his sworn stattv
ment No .:. lor Ihe puieliase of I ha NK'i N IV
'!'l,.VWi,',SW',SIC', sci'tioti No , town
ship No. J i, smith, range No 7 west and will of
Icr proof lo show that tlio I slid sought Is more
valuable fur Its timber 1'r stone than for agri
ruiiural purpves. and to cs'ablb-h his claim In
an id laud bcloro V. S. t'onimusloner, Z L Mm
iiiick, nt Os.klun.1, Oicgoii, on M.iurlsy tho 2Mh
day of January, I a. He names as witnesses:
riitirlca Thorn, John Thorn, Louis Wrolstad
Janus Krli-kwin, all of Roseburg, Oregon.
Any nud all persons claiminir ih.
above describist lands are requested to tlio their
claim In this offlcai ou or before said day
t January, l'jui. J T JJK1IM.KS,
Our last car of pianos and organs
is about exhausted and the remainder
will be sold out at greatly reduced
prices, as we have another car load
in transit. This next car will contain
a lot of the most beautiful pianos
ever shipped to Roseburg. To see
them will convince you.
'4- -- --
Pig Skins
Basket Balls,
Shot Gun Shells.
Sporting Goods of all Kinds.
S. K. SYKES, Hardware.
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Diamonds
: : n : n ; : n t
1 V j The Best Always the Cheapest
Fr Sale by
V. X'. ?et:Xtx: v.vnx ix . x r.x ; x vx.x ix t x - x . ,x ; x-.x :x :. v jx-si
If you want
if you want
If you want
If you want
If you want
If you want
to buy a farm
furnished rooms
to buy a bouse
rent a house
build a house
move a house
If liVt low PAX
all on or dtlrau . .
Yoncalla Real Estate
Timber tatda located and for sale. Good bar
gains in iarm praperty.
Cor. Washington
nj Main Strttts
Mrs. Belle Collins
H. Little, 55
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
1. D.
I real It it
D C. llAWttTOS,
ecy. and Timu
CJIcein thet ou-t House. Ha-re the only com-! '
Sines.-' oi ac-siraci oooaa in ixiugias t'ountr. ' i
bsliaeisaiid Certiticriesj o." Ti le furnished in '
lU';ias"iuiiiy Und and tniuing i.i :. Hive
aisoa comple.o set of T,-hciu;j oc ail iwnhiuS
plats iu the Koseiiunr, Oregi.i. I. H, I aud lie- j
.ric. Wi 1 mii ,ie pr .t i-ecies o' any t I
Abitract of Title to Doedod Land.
Papers prcparet for filing on Uovern
ment Laud.
Cine l'rtnts of Township Mnps showing
all vacant Lands, One Dollar Each. t ALLEY,
Plaus and Estimates for all Bull J-
Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office ia Mark BuUJing. Thone 415
-S-- '4. a..' -. 4. -i.-
ana Silvenvare
. x : x : : - .n x-v: x
?! -
Leading Grocers
iii Bai'Jer
For a Prompt and First-class
Shav or Hiir-cit. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, T00U aiwayi in shape.
Baths in Connection.
Sf hop on Jackson St.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or Thone
Win. m, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley,
2j miicsViriih w
t of Rosebnrs
ftw-rr. v VVsj4k
13 prviiare! to wait open old
anl new customers anl friends
with a ttitl aud complete
etrx k o(
AH frosii ami of tha very bett .
quality. Tea sad cofTws ar '
Jties. Your
1 . in Jsrlcnn Ct Dn,V.
m "-". WS., lUObVUl j
' V tyrW ssVs4
j 0
j $
llest References.
All Work Guaraateed
Sll Pill
Q to i. J
1 IeaveorUrsat Durr'sMuiicStor