The Twice-a-Vcck Roscburg Plaindealer Published Mondays tad Thursday. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. BROOKES & COXXEE, Editors mid PnMifhers Twice-a-Veek Plaindcakr. per year, $2.00 Feed "Wright, City Editor, Solicitor. T. G. Rcth. Foreman Entered at the Post Office in Roaebnrg, Ore., as second class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. XOVEMRER 24, 1902 THE STREET CAR FRANCHISE. During the ist week much criti cisui has been indulged iu regarding the merits of the time, or rather, two prop ositions submiited to the city for ac ceptance. Two of the propositions were substantially the same except a slight variation of the word tweedledee to tweedledum. The one wanUvl a valua ble franchise for boom purposes for nothing, the other proposed to y for it. The one idea is to sell real estate on the strength of the franchise, the other was a straight business enterprise. The one, it is claimed, is for immediate action and construction, the other was willing to pav a valuable consideration for time in which to commence opera tions and complete the work ; and re ferring to the article furnished to the Review and published as editorial mat ter, thus binding that sheet to stand by its supposed own utterances, we state We have no desire to stop the advance ment of the city's enterprises. We de sire only the city's good or what we hon estly believe to be the city's good, and the writer is willing that the city, either of the two companies wiH go to work and finish their enterprise in year, shall be awarded the franchise, conditioned, that they give a certified check from some solvent bank as a bond (for half the amount we offered) for the faithful performance of the con- tract. There is no sound business policy dis played in criticising the writer because he was willing to put his FAITH into the proposition and as a new-comer at tempt to put a little new life into public affairs and at the same time work in an jSlerprising yet conservative manner. j At the same jme we believe that if we ) push ahead our proposition that it would be met with bitter opposition and a struggle would ensue thai would not be exactly for the city's good ; and as a local sheet desires to place all the ob stacles it can in the way of the proposi tion we made, we will just as gracefully and gentlemanly as we know how, with draw our proposition from the council and will work with that paper to see that the company to whom the fran chise is awarded carries out its contract, and if the stock of such company is placed upon the market we will even subscribed for some to see how the affair jaiisout. The Plain-dealer will not place a single obstacle in the way of any legitimate enterprise, for the senior edi tor came here to make a new home for himself and family and wants to see the . city grow and prosper and the growth and prosperity of the city or the city's enterprise means permanent prosperity to the newspaper which be represents, THE IRRIGATION CONVENTION. f-,!!-1 week the editor attended the above convention which met at Portland and he found three hundred delegates in attendance from every part of the state. The meetings were very harmonious and were conducted in a strictly business manner and very little windjamming was indulged in. The chief business transacted at the association meeting was a set of resolu tions asking for National aid in irriga tion works for the arid portions of the state. The Plaindealer does not look upon the subject cf irrigation as a local enterprise, but for the general welfare of the state at large. Twelve years ago we saw an arid tract of land in the Pecos valley of New Mexico that was so poor that the cowboys could not raise h on it and afterwards 1,500 acres were placed under irrigation ditches and turned into aii apple orchard and this year it took one car load of Cs nails to make the boxes to ship the apple crop to market. That enterprise is not of a local nature and there are thousands of acres of land in Central and Eastern Oregon from which, under a system of irrigation, jast as good results could le obtained. While the Xational IrrigationConven tk:i8 are generally au irrigating affair, yet at the Oregon State Convention we -neref aw a man irrigate nor did we know of one doing so. It was the iiiiwt orderly and straightforward busiuei-w proportion of a convention we ever at tended, and the writer feels proud that his first insight into Oregon conven tions slfbuld have revealed the con scientious -rim-iples of true citizenship. At the uicetiug we met Governor Geer, Congressman Williamson and Senators Booth nud Fulton, the latter two l)eing rival candidates for the United States senate. Senator Booth, the dark horse, will have a large follow ing from Multnomah county and will be i-upjiorted by the business interests of Portland. Governor Geer, who is a candidate has, it is said, 17 votes .on "joint ballot. We know no'.hing about the candidates but from a casual con versation we had with Sen t-r Fultoii, we believe that he is a broad and liberal minded man, one who wj :U have the interest of the entire state at Ji-urt. Charley Fulton has secured head quarters at Salem for the session. Simon has not followed suit. There is something sweetly retributive in the fact that Siriiou is not even being con sidered as his own successor. 'He is another man who has betrayed every confidence that w as reposed in him. He has thrown down the state and his bast feiends lor his own telfish ends. Long may he be politically dead! Salem Sentinel. E. D. Hume, the Southwestern Ore gon canneryman, is to establish head quarters at Salem, and draw the net for a United States senatorship. His chances f ir success are about as good as p-, Geer'e, - THE OREQONIAN WILL BE HARD HIT. Several weeks ago the Oregonian in flaming headlines of the yellow journal tripe, stated that it had found a mare's nest in the affairs of the govern ment land offices at Rowbnrg, Oregon City and TIks Dalles, and Roseburg was made the center of the claimed crooked work. At this time old man Scott had powdered his face, trimmed his mus tache, laced up in stays and was un- bibing the sweet delights of absinthe fomettiii! the uast and dreaming sweet visions of future glory in the United States senate, as the fumes of the green demon liefnddled his brain in Paris, Before he left there was a caucus held in Portland, at which it was determined to get Land Commissioner Hermann out of the way, wid as 6si as Scott was crossing the Atlantic and heaving np Jonah over the rail of the Cnnarder, Man Friday Bross and three or four of his lieutenants whose strength lies in the tenderloin district and the solid backing of a certain church organization in Ore jon, commenced to work a politi cal scheme of a far reaching nature nermann, it was intended, was to le thrown out of the land office to prevent him from Wing a candidate; the United States timber lands held up from entry, forest reserves were to be created and worthless land from which the timber had been cut was to le included in the reserve and the speculators were to be allowed to make new entries on virgin timber land in lieu of the worthless laud surrendered to the. government, and Scott, poor Scott was to go to the senate as the high and mighty political boss of Oregon.- ' J' . Iresident Roosevelt was eoiiinmm cated with and a protest filed against timber claims being acted upou because of alleged fraud at the land offices. The President sent the communications of the Portland tailmashers to Secretary Hitchcock and he sent oat special agent to investigate the presumed frauds These agents have made rigid enquiry and examinations into hundreds of cases and have found nothing. One of them who was approached on tlie subject said that he had not a word to give to tne press nor would r.e give any in. froniation of any kind ; but we can posi- tively assert that the report, so far as Roseburg is concerned, made to the sec. retary of the interior will show that everything at Roseburg is in first class shape. This plan of villification and slander as adopted bv the combine si Portland will not win for Scott a seat in the sen ate ; nor will it make him friends man to Lt a successful polititian must build np on his own merit as a leader, not by tearing down other men ; and now after he has attempted to assas sinate politically every leader of imjort auce in Oregon, is it any wonder that now the old man wants the last desire of his heart piven to him, that the whole army of politicians in Oregon say nay? A man to have friends must lie a friend and a true friend ; a po litical Ishmaelite like Scott Jvith his hand against every man '.and every man's hand against him, is to court the combined force and influence of all po lit ical enemies. This last act of Scott in trying to do such a dirty piece of work to Herm ann and tle land officials in Oregon, should cause him to be laid aside and given over to the tender mercy of his own conscience as he contem plates in. eternal retirement .the fair character of the men he attempted to ruin and the base methods employed to boost himself into the U. S. senate. BRUTAL IS NO NAME FOR IT. Daring the past week we have watched the process of killing and picking tur keys as practiced in Roseburg and we presume that the same method is em ployed, in other parts of the state ; and to say that the system is brutal fails to impress the horrible process upon the mind. The turkeys are hung up by the legs and a knife is inserted into the throat and immediately the boys commence to pluck the feathers from the bird while it titters cries of pain at the torture. VTe have seen the turkeys plucked clean of every feather and still be alive and making cries of anguish at the suffering ; and in one case we went to the boys and told them if they did not immediately kill the turkey that we would have the last one of them arrested for cruelty to animals. We may look ujxjn such methods and condone the offense, but did we ever stop to consider what effect such acts, allowed to be executed lie cause of custom, has upon the boys en gaged in it and their future as citizens of the state. The act brutalizes all the finer sensibilities of the boys engaged in it. - It deadens their perception Of right and wrong and has a tendency to so lower their nature that pain and suffer ing has no sympathizing cord in their nature, and as a result such work prepares them for scenes of bloodshed and vandalism, ending too often if we may take other examples of bloodshed or torture like burning niggers at the stake in the Soutli in liting. the men for a life of crime and vagaliondage upon the public at large. Such scenes should be prohibited by law and the plucking of birds or the skinning of ani mals liefore life is extinct, should le made a felony if for no other purjHwe than protecting society from a class of men or boys by nature brutal and the futher dangerous process in having such brutal nature augmented and brutal ized by actual contact in inflicting un necessary pain and torture. We have seen many things and have many ex igences but the most horrible and damnable in all its bearing for present and future weal or woe to the individual or as regards the welfare of citizenship at large was the sight of six boys all in a row, covered with blood, sticking tur keys and plucking them alive and laughing at the oor birds outcries of pain. Such proceedings are a disgrace to our civilization ; a disgrace to our laws; a disgrace to those engaged in it aud a disgrace and a festering sore of corruption upon the state at large. These are our sentiments and we hope that the citizenship will awake and do away by law with such iniquitious tor ture. The Woodburn Independent is boom ing E. P. Morcum for circuit judse to pneceed Judge Boise in 100-1, FULLER'S BODY FOUND. A Big Southern Oregon Mine is Cap italizedOther News. Portland, Xov. 22. The lwdy of J. V. Fuller, the business man who disap peared from his residence here a month at:o, was found today in the un derbrush on the Canyon road near this citv with a bullet hole in the head and a revolver bv the' side of the body. Fuller ha9 been in ill health for some time, and it was thought he had wan dered away and perishod from exposure.- The theory of suicide had not lieen considered by his friends. Ul; MIXING DEAL. Medford, Oregon, Nov. 22. The Bowden gold mine and Braden mill have been transferred to a rororation capitalized at half a million dollars. The principal owners now are Los Angeles and Redlands California, capitalists among them F. T. Griffith and I. A. Hamilton, of Los Angeles, It is said that the purchase price was in the neighborhood of a hnndered and fifty thousand dollars. Ktsrrr dead Berlin', Xov. 22. llerr Krupp, the great gun maker, died of apoplexy this afternoon. (iOMI'KRS 1BEIIKXT Xkw Orleans, Xov. 22. Samel GomKrs was today re elected presi dent of the American Federation of Labor without opjositioii. KOI IX. R S'liARKEY DEAD. Lakeview, Xov. 15. "J. E. McGarrey, oue of the proprietor of the Lake Coun ty. Examiner, died last night from the effects of poison adininistere I by Fred Magilton, a morphine fiend. The poi son was given hypodermieally to cause sleep, without murderous intent. Mr. McGarrcy was one of the 'ablest newsn paper writers in this part of the state. salaries raised, Xiw Orleans, Nov. 21. The salary of president of the American Federation of Labor lias been increased from f 2100 jer annum to $3000 ar.d the salary of the secretary from 1S00 to f 2500. President Returned to Washington. WASHrxoTox. Xov. 21. President Roosevelt arrived home from his hunt ing trip in Mississippi at eight o'clock this morning. The President expresses himself as greatly pleased with his trip despite the chilly reception f the ieople of Memphis. JW is moVe determined than ever to hold a tight rein on the fedral official of the South. Oakland Narrow Guage flole Burnt. Oakland, Calif., Xov. 20. The South ern Pacific Railroad Company met a four hundred thousand dollar loss here this motning by the burning of the nar row gnage Oakland mole. Fifty pas-, en ger cars were destroyed. The Oakland side of San Francisco Bay is very shallow, requiring thclmiid ing of altont two miles of trestle to deep water, whereas nioleor depot facilities with a ferry landing were built to ac comodate the transfer of passenger and freight traffic to the San Francisco side of the lay. BREAKING THE NEWS GENTLY. Some six wei-ks as?o. when (irnnts Paw and Ros.-burS were in hih heat r-r t.;P ro;in.i .i.v....... tempt.J to col down th' hot air blasts of their newspa,H-rs by m-nlestly hintin- that (dendah; would head them I tot It off with a black horse railroad up Cow Creek. We knew at the time that neither town had a zhost of show for a new road, ax we were iiossessed with in formation they knew not of relating to a project, of which, even now, we hate not the liberty to reveal. Glcndale News. The Portland Daily Oregonian of last Tfiurs-lay cartooned some of the most prominent delegates at the Irrigation Convention whichjiiclnded Editor 11.11. Brooks, of the Plaixdhaleb, of whom the Oregonian said : "II. II. Brookes, of Douglas county, said that he was al most a stranger in a strange land He was a newcomer in Oregon, but Douglas County, hearing there was something in the wind, sent him to the convention. He gave many practical suggestions, on irrigation, drawn from his experi ence in Texas and New Mexico." Willis Kramer, Democratic represen tative from Douglas, is said to have the finest whiskers of any man in the legis lature. alcm Journal. Idaho imported itist enough Salem and Roseburg democrates. so that the state -went joyously republican, ierti nently remarks the Salem Sentinel. Profitable Fruit Growing. The best sale of apples in the Rogue River Valley this scanon, according to reliaile rejorts, was made by V. II. Norcross, a well known and successful orchardist of Central Point, who dis posed of a i-traight ten carloads at the fancy price of $1.50 jer box f. o. b. Cen tral Point. The shipment of the apples, which went direct to New York city, was completed a few days ago, and they are retried to be rs fine a lot of fruit as ever went out of the fclate absolutely free from any blemishes or jicsts, and as perfectly licantiful hs apples could le. There were oOOO boxes, in the lot of ten carloads sold at this price and which netted '.KXK), and Mr. Norcrosa produced them from 21 acres of orchard, a return of over $42-5 to the acre. This was an exceptional sale of exceptionally choice fruit, but it goes to show what careful work in the fruit business ia this valley will do. Many of the apple growers sold their crops at from f 1.15 tofl.:& per Ikix 1. o. b. Horticultural commissioner A. il. Carson of this district estimates that, the fiield of apples in this'A'alley for export for the two years V.tOl to 1!K)2 has amounted to 3'0,0:i0 lioxes or over 5j() carloads. This estimate he has caiefiil ly made for use in his forthcoming bien nial and official report. Tidings. To Rent A large unfurnished front room for light housekeeping, Address r, 0. Box 4ii", Roseburg, Or. n20l". MERCHANTILE BUSINESS SOLD. Mattoon & Co. of Riddle Sell to Mr. Underwood of New York. Simon Cam returned to Roseburg this morning from Riddle where ho has lxcn assisting in taking an invoice ol the ceneral merchandise stock of A. 1! Mattoon v Co., for several duvs past. This large and well known iirm.has jnst in . i . ? .... euecieti me saie oi us mercliunuie cs tahlishment to a Mr. Underwood o New York State, who is said to 1h j genial and thoroughly practical .business man, enterprising and wide-awake who will know doubt be able to not only retain the large and crowing trade of Hhe retiring and very successful firm but expand the business materially The stock we understand ' Hi voiced something over 17,000 and the new iirn has already assumed the management of the business. Mr. Mattoon, it understiiou win remain at Kiddle am seek some other profitable in vet-t men in that live little town or vicinity. Uoinj to-Latham. The extensive tie plant of the South ern Pacilie Company, that is' used to preserve the ties by the l-iiriii-tiy.inu pro cess, and that has been at work at iH-it Spur, in Siskiyou county i siiiiHl last July, has lieen closed f"r the winter at that point. It started north a day or two ago, and will go into winter qharter, at Latham, I ane omuty, where opera tions will lie resumed in u few d;tvs. General .News. Anew road 1ms been surveyed ! Supt. Arant, from the AshlandKlamath road to Cra'er Luke, giving a god uni form, easy gTade. This new road will probably Ojien to travel next season and will make this new Xatioiial Park even a more jMipular resort. . Tr.o total delinquent tax list of Ben ton count v contains onlv 35 names. One of them is a millionaire, another a government official, and another the great Oregon and California Railroad, which owes $1.20. The showing is really a remarkable one. Now that Molineux is free from the charge cf murder bis wife will sue for divorce. Having ; tai l by him till prov en innocent she ill claim her freedom in the South Dakota divorce courts. She says her reasons fur divorce are sur prising, but jn-rsoual. The filling 4 her pajiers will 1- a wailed with inter est by the curious. The first mows of the n-ason for Josephine county ap-ansl Tuesday The tops of the hills snrrouuding Grams Pass were covered with white. Report came in that there is already -a good dei. th of sn.iw in the mountains of Southern, Western aud Nnrtliern Jose phine county. These re:.rts are en - conra-'ins to the -"iMli-' -inirs it as- Biire5 a 'aj phoi-r sas-in. Il is fai-1 that the withdrawal of tim Ut lands from furt or public entry is in the inU-res of irrigation to protect tho wnrces of the streams, esf.vuily in Wllii-aiid !.-ali(!'s like those of Eatt-m .M...n U'i-iim;..i 1..K..V.. tl. ot V"u-t. cm Oreifon n.av ever l.l.k liiulK-r. The ... ... , , , asi'inisiiing n-piaimn i iorcs:s iy ( Nature stiaii'l w ln-re iitirnt clean I'V foiot tiix-s in ! he Casrade aii-l Ccist l.aiitf.' luoiimiiiiis in.i ti,a:iv vears a-.'O is convincing pro if. An tiniisnal case is rr'is'rt.-. from Tin- Ia:!.-s. Huh Hairan, a youn- man ol ! I,;""'r family of that city, robl.ed a I nirei-in-u.c-Moi marnine ..i boj-iv a j '''h" 1"ars in a . i-.r store ahot a I ar"' u" ""l"-1''''-"" "., trul in iii-r:rcuii cotiri jiin;ir i.r'is:i.iw ni-v struct! the jury that as the money wav roiifess,-,!Ivdei.-,i:.-l in a trambiiu d. v:ix-the j:;ry must tind that it was in ios'sfcioii of the repntol owner In-fore they roul-l convict. The jury failed to Bjjree. The def.-nse held that it was not utilaw ful to rob a gambling machiiic. The I-iril of Commissioner fof the sale of state lands has iuiTeaMiT the , price of lie hind to f 5 jkt ai re. This ap- plies to all lieu land ecUvicd up 'Ti ecUcd secliotiS heretofore adjud.cateii to be mineral in chijraeti-r fir ujon which ad judication pr-H-oedings have- already been commenced. The old price oLlieil Ian-Is was $2.50 -r acre. (.The order sdvam-ing the priije of lieu; lamb was made at a formal meeting of the board October 10th, and was mala matter of record, but was not announced to the public through the press that time. - I'robate Court Notes. In the matter of the ettat of Lura K. Burnell, deceased. AJ-M. Arrington was apointed administrator of said es tate ujon the liling of 1 sue Is (O tho amount of $400, with the county clerk. In the matter of the estate of Presley W.Tios-etl, deceased. The sale of the estate to N. P. H.Vvden, by the adminis trator, T. J. Ferguson for t'-"00, was confirmed and the administrator was onlered to p'v certain 'outstanding claims. The fifth day of January RHC,' rat 10 o'clwk a. m., at the office of the County Judge was named as the date and j dace of final settlement of said estate.. In the-mattor of the estate of Richard Owens, deceased, the executor Ahner Riddle w.i ordered to pay to tho name.) heirs the amount of 22:'.S.0). 1 Postponement. The Y. P. S. C. K. of the First Chris tian church have decided to postione the Colonial Basket Social until Friday night, Nov1. 23th, instead of Nov 21st as previously announced. On account of the unusual interest w hich is Itinjr manifested in tho affair, and tho large number of persons who have signified their desire to attend, it has lieen ile-J cided to jMistpoue it for one week,jto er able all who desire to attend, to prepare a colonial costume, and to -make ar rangements for additional features to be introduced. Don't forget the date and place, Nov. 2Sth, at the I. O. O. F. hall. Notice. Having leased my Laundry to O. C. Baker, of San Francisco, 1 t-ike this methfMl of .thanking my patron for their past favors, hoping they 'will ex tend fame tu my successor as I am con fident thai he will five entire satisfac tion. . ' F. F. Pattkhso.v, DISASTER ON ROQUE RIVER Tbo Steamer Rogue River m Total Wreck. Tho river steamer Rogue River is wrecked. In an 'attempt to reach tho CopHr mines with an outfit for a stamp mill, Captain Burns lost his vessel and the entire cargo, including boiler nnd engine, for the mines and several tons of freight for parties along tho river, While making the last rillle, and within one-half mile of their destination, the line with whieh they were caging parted, and the steamer, unable to control her self in the raging stream, struck a rock, damaging her wheel and disabling her rudder. Seeing that she was leaking badly, and drifting helplessly down the stream, the crew launched a lioat and pulled to shore, while Captain Burns and engineer Jensen remain! at their posts until there was no longer ."ny possibility of gaining control of their vessel, when they, too, deserted her In a short time she had struck a rock and turntsl over, part t'. the wood work tiuiring loose und floating down the river Before leaving the vessel the crew mad rej hated efforts to snub their lioat, but each time the line sii.ipjx-d ' like a whii cord Every means wrs resorted t io ciierK slier ''in the rushing torrcn proved vastly superior to the (towers ol the faithful crew. The mishap is another misfortune for Mr. Burns, but conn's as no great surprise to the old settlers of the country who bare spent years in learning the treachery of that rogneish stream. Port Orfoid Tribune. 'The Latest Railroad Project. The survey for Johnson Bro's railroad np Cow Creek, has been slowVn account of tho heavy rains, Since the abate ment of the stom the survey is making gool headway. The road is to be stand ard gnage, of heavy ra'ils adapted to locomotives of immense size. It is thought the building of this road has a deciier significance than Ix in im-relv L n.u;UK. ,,,ort ,- t,wt t wi built on eastward U-yond this water shed. Work of grading will begin as soon as Kissible. landowner along the line sre all In-ginning to more fully appreciate the advantages which the mad will be to them, and the complete richt of way promise well nigh assure 1. Xews. A Newspaper On Trial. i t . i ... . i-.t . . i t. i in- i-wiiiiiu-i r.ioo, M.mri ai t-in for the timber land business is to le IruM at I l.o I ', to e-talillsli the l.lrl t .i - . , . whether it is a real newaper with nr- CUlation or not. As the last number . contains the notices of 3CS prsilif, for whirl, il will r, ive i'MiSrt for t-n - week's service the question is a very serious one with the publisher off the ! paper. A. number of Albany people i have bee", requests! to state whether thev are real ul?rri!icrs or not. $ioo Reward $loo ... . j Tiie reaiers oi tins pait-r m ill lie pleased to Irani that th. re i at U-a.-t j n. ,iat ni.-nce has ln i able to curv ill all its Fl.1'-S and that is Catarrh. Haii.i Catarrh Cure is the . ... , ,. ...itnrmibtM !'."" P,f"erre mih to tor ni.Mi.iii i iraieriiiiv. Catarrh U iiil' a cont.i!n ional JIm-jisc. re.tiins a coustilatioiial . , , ., i treatment no sai.ii.u v io.- is uuii i intenwiiv, actini ihrpt-llv r.ixm ll.e 1 1,1. s.l .hik! iimroiis anrfji-.- ol tl.r st.-ln :, . , . . , , ..- , ; iiiiti-ov isi-sm.i in" tin- i.Mu.uau-.ii mi ! the .lis.-a-c, and viin) tho i:i.-iit by biii'diii); n tin constitution J . : fi'a.l Awitinrr int nr.a y ttiiim tint isvsirLr . Vi i .. .. "i. f..;,i. s ! ' it, cl!ra,jw ,M, that they offer One ; iinn.irrM Itoliars for anv case that it j fKs to ere. . ' ' ' A,,JrvM s.i..l f..riir ,f i.iii,,..,.;. F. J. ClIEVKV Co., -r,.t.-i.. it Sold by I'nijfji-ts, 7-V. "sim l-annlv I'liU are the U-st. Notice for Publication. Lr..l (0 at RowLiirw. Oren. ' NrneraM W. I'tol. Xo! cv ia hereUr k'tii that the loUowtn titraM aettie- haa Ctisl n-ilii-e l ht tuten!:in to make final .rotl in auprN-l ol bi clwiia. aa-1 that M proM mil trta-ie b"iore K'-Kin-.r atsl Eiv iv r I'. n. Ind Ofljee at Kn-rhnrj:, Urrjun, on Tu- wiay. Iwremoer l'r' vii: BKXJ AMIS B FISH I- K on II. K Ko. it-s7, for the K't N V i. NE';, sK'.PW'i See l.'.Tpllf.K i aest. Ho! contlnuon. ri.l. n,s. upon ar4 euitl.atioa 01 ... . ... ... . ....... . . , M f..;tna... u , . . . . V. . . i Hi'i laiui. vii : t s MrJioin. B M.-not i - lrt Timili infof Bid-lie. re.. T F Fisher of Olalla, urrgun. plop J.T. BRIIXiE. Rniter. Notice for Publication. I'SITED ITATKS I.ASD UFFH K Kciskhcvu. Ore. Nov W. lr2. Xotli-e ia hereliv flven that In 'compliance n llh the j.roviin of the art of t .nf rr ol June :t. i-.s, eiititle.l 'An a. I lor the wile of timber" in ihe s'tatfofi alU"rn)a.irejron Nevada .and tt .hiii:..n li-rrlfi.ry,"aexteiid. ed to all the public iaiid iaie by' art ol Auguat 4, 1-e.C HARI.K4 A HF.RCK. ol Cl-v-Und. cotni'y of liong'.aK. slate of Ore gon, has tills day ULsl in Una office h orn slatrinrnt No. a-VJ lor tho ptireha-e of the lot I, SK'i e).s',hK'S.f Klpri, tt w.-l and will l!er prool tohow that the Urnjarma-ht ia more valuable for iu timlwr or au.'ie tr.nn for airricul'.utal purpoars, and to eat.lh tin claiuiifor the Krwinerand Kecelrer ol thu. oifire of Koaeburg.urexun. on Monday tin- tun dy d Kilmiarr, I'.W. He nainm as uitnt-vt-s: Charlra Thom and John Thoin. ot Idm-hunr, ln-.. If n-l Bale m an and Chaiii-a Cliun-hill ol Mi-lroiu, lire Any and all persor.n rlniminir aivtr-ely tho alMivc devtriht-J - land are requeued to Iiie llieir claim' In tlii-ottico on or bt-lore nid 9tb day of February, 1-Xti. J.T. BU1LM.KH, ... iu!Jp Ki-iriMer. Notice for PublicatioiT. . Fnltr-d state Ijin.i orTiif. ' Kosi-bnnr, Orecuii, An-r. I, l-Xli. Not Ire In lirn-by ;;lven thai in compliance wlih tdr provisK.nK of the act ol CoiiK-aof Jiili.-:t. ll;s. cnlilU-d, "An Art lor tbo sale of .limber lamia in the nlutrs l Cain'oriiia, tllrrnm. Nrvaia,nnd WaKlunalon Tenilory,'' asexti-iid-el to all the public land Malm by acl ol AtiKilst i, WII.I.1H !. 1IKRN. of Myrttc I'n'-k.rotiuty of lionpUs. slalc .if ori'iJi. ii. Iihm Hits day tib-d In Ihtu ntin- hi 'urii stati-ini-nl o. Sir.i for lh.r pui-i-liH-e of the NWNW'J of M :n, Ip No jM.aniuh. K 4 V and will offer proof toahow that the land oi(ftil Ik more valuable tor tt lliiil-r or t.iie tlmn "7i.r afrnrultural p-.irK-s , and to eslal-lish nil tlmin Ix-fore t!.e UexiKier and Uereivur ol thta Uice of Kweburg.Oregon. on Fndav, lln-l:tli dnv oi Pii-rmbcr: It'.' lie !i;iiii.-a u itncsMn: Il F Willis, li Milli-r Nob'e Andn-wsand tiisirge Wiseman, all of 5Jyrtli; t'rei k. On-iton. Any and all lH-roii rtKlmlnn adversely tho Bbovv li-M-riled lamln ar rii' ted in tile their i lniiiu in Ihia nttlee oil or Ik Inn- tnid 1 'til iliiy ol iH-i-etnbcr, I'Ml. J. T. HKIIMil K, Hi'ip ' Kev.isler ' Notice for Publication. nutted SlnU-H l.ntid Oinre, lliimhiiiK, Onwiu, July JK, rjtr. . Notice is hereby Riveu tlmt til compliance lih the pioi lulons of the act id ConerCM of lunc S. IsTS, entitled "An act for llieialo of tint Iter lands In the atalen of California, Oregon, Novada. and W ablni;ion Territory," aa extend ed In ail the public laud klnlt-a by act of Aui; UhU, lsW, .1(111 N VKAASiiX, of lioeburit. eoiinlv of I'oiikUs, stale ol Ore poti. has llil" Ihv bled In Hits olHce tils, aworn Male lit No :iij, ior Un- Hir haM' of tbo 8', '4', V j m-c Ip J. J-ouili, raitfre H wot and will offer proof tosbow that the land nnrht la more valuable for lis limber or tnaii lor auriculturnl piirKM-.. and to establish hta Clfll 111 before tliu UenUler aud Keceiver of Ihia office ol liofobu rK, irenon. on Friday, Ihe.'itli day of I idem be r, l'.rj. He iiiiiiies as U ue-.te : .iHiuenM. Fiu loii, A 11 ilrew Johnson, lliuwS, Alldelsoll. of ItosvblirK, Ore., nud John TI10111 of i leveliind, iire. Any and al rx-nuiua ulutmiiiK adversely thu alsive descrilied lands are reiineslei In lite ihelr elnlmN iu this ollice on or in-fore hl Hi day of In rem tier, Mi. . J. T. liUllHihsi. hi'ip RcijUler. THE FLAQ ON POSTAGF STAMPS. It Will be Used on New Series for the f irst Time Since 1869. For th first time since lfW!) the Post ollice Department, with the issuance of the new series of stamps now in prepara tion, will make use of the American Hag in cne of its designs. This will be a part of the two-cent stamp, which, by the way, will lx-ar little resemblance to this one now current. The familiar jortrait of Washington will be succeed ed by a photograph taken from Gilbert Ktll-irl.'a fitllidlltj ,ltnt!,ir. litiat . ...... - .. ....... ..... !........ . .... v. Washington, go long , known to the stamp iidng public, was drawn from Houdoii's jirotiie cast. 'Let the public, then, w-on take its last view of the likeness of Washington, which is doubt less more than any other impressed up on the (opular mind. Stamp experts think that this new two-cent stamp, with its superb likeness of Washington, its' dratl flags, its wreath of laurel leaves in the lower corners, and the general balance of text and artistic effect," together with the remark lhle excellence of the mechanic al work, will make this the finest post age stamp ever prodnced. Every effort has from the start lieen made to have this scries a type of American achieve. inent in the engraving art. Sheriff's Sale. in tli 'in-uit court ol tne State of Orrfoa i'ir iiiufia- couaiy. Kirt ail..iil Bank ol Boaehurfl nun 1 itia, I vrcgun, a corporation. Plain v 1 H: cndanU-1 ..IK is nc-rcijy Klc u that by vlrlnre ol aa rxcculK-n aud onlt-r ! aate duly twued ont el n-l I he ami ol tli aljorr rnriilnl Court, In tltr iiriirfiililW nnw, la me llir-ied an1 latfl lie Uih -Urol November, II , upon judKiucMI rt-n-lered an l nlere.l In aaiil roart .n me I Ilia Jr of iwiofcer. Uul, In faor ol tn above BHH-.1 .laintl8 ana afiMAl In above Dainr.1 dcleii.laiil en4 aaia,l the bero- luaiu-r neuiMtncI mul rb-arrtoed al u hf .1 oropcrtT, lor Ue aum of IUTVki, vita inicmi ucmu at iiie rale ol iu par cent per annum irnzn toe iwn iat' 01 ur' oorr. ru. and the I u rt her aum ! H attorney hn an.! the lurihrr turn ol r.' roau aud dUbnnMnneau ow tnerelure. I wtil oil Saturday the 20th lay of December 1!HJ2 at one t-VIock p. in. of aaid dev. at lb roort hotiM.- t "i. til door In koarlKir-E. ljuogiaa euniv. On-xon aril at Diil.ile an- lion to the hlrbeiu t bi.t.l.-r -'or ren In band. a!l ts ricat. It Or and inu-mi wntrn ine ui.l Oc: iilania, nee'taerof I In-in, ra-l on IbeMa da ol Mar. I. or at anytime I lien alter. In nr to tne following d ribr-d premise. l.-ril: h 'f oLS,Tp. ?.s., K. aeal; 3S feel i-a Dai vest jide -4 lot .1. in blork 1, ol Ibc ot Julia now tilendtle: H,t4l ',, SK'i ol Jw;,.e!.l NE'..lstt'thrc..Tp .21 .. k.. -.; fK'i oi se -li. rp. iis.. a. 7 . all 'tie nbt. UI e ad interot in and to tbc ! r.r: "oowiniir tlw ai. r Irorn tbrre ereeka ! "f enttbo. knnaa aa iuolee .ui' h. Pnnirrrl I , ,.., a m)i , ourtne t.iil. a. all ol whlrh bare i "i'-ehe-emv lax alerio the plaeer tnimna i f i i-rrler re.J pfBrrly, e-Hamarins at a plai ; i?.-kici- a., ttio t c ja. a ol me aa. eornve e Aimo K.a,-don.iion ei.m s. .Tp!B u '" !. runnin ll-nreE Ml (ret. taenee ! r-Hih txiUD-ltrr of Uataril aUer, IbaBce oiitb-nerlT a-onc aaid Borth buoadarr U a t. ?LVJ'.fh. .Cl. UI' MTMI UniUniUf. 111 ftlUipailRm in l.s t otf thr meat l.le ol land i irl l n 1 ; nine a; a Point 19 a rl an-jib sn4 KS1 rl.t ' bes'"- f i w oi r. rtirnrT Ol Atnja nowiiiftiufifl Ciaii In see f. Tp T. R. i aeau tbaace B"rtorl -n,,S ru bonni"rT ol ian1 no owned Uj 11km. hnuih. brine U4 at hneol land onU , bv rt I to lrtt rreek eooaly roa4. ! Iheiice rail ! Ir-t. thence aoolh parallel mlh abne wet line of Thoraton and iie to aorta ; bounSurol land oened by B Ji Veatrh. tneare j a-t a on lite ol lww-i a -H laa-l lo p:arc ol tvc.nmue, iu K--wbuir. Umnn, ail to i e" cny. Crmon. tnx.-tber aiUt all and f "'t'Ji! c.2 "?lu LJf ' .e appertain inc. and atll ai.pir the nrmeeee I rn-1 hot to liir eoiof aurb aaie. and ; tr.M',ta. the na ol l-.aiiorr.rT, lea. and 'the rarmrnt .( tbe aum ol tlir- doe lLa ' Vth in,rTnt "" 1" Kr nt frt aniin Iron) I lie Uih dee ol . (fc ,(,,,.. Ivtt.. , lT order ol aaid Luirt la aaid ci.vii iranu.- dim w. rosamaixHne ae Ui , "f!iwaT,wq real iopenr ia trie ; niaait pro. i.ks1 be law. iU(t r,-lu- ihi. ls.h .la of Korlf I'.'Ji. K. I.. r .RkotT. if tusnt ol Itouslas I oonty. Or. Notice for Publication. rvlTKD KT&Ta K..a.ia.i. ore,, Ja!j li, not. nlirels hert,r e.Ten that ia eoaipliaM ! allh I he .niiitm ol the art or t'onfma of i-'Jnr:, is.s. tniitiw A i art h r toe aae ol TimljiT Ijinda in the suu-a ol California, oro i -. crada and Waxhinrtoo Territorr " aaez- k-ihK-iI to a.'i the I'ubi'c Lad suiaa by act of ', auruti a. iff.-. I HKNJAJIIV F. WIU.IS. . f Vr-tlel'm k.ronntT Ifcif!a, ;ate l : Oft n. hai Una day n)rd in ihia oBire hi mora ttif..-nt No am. lor the anrrhaw ol :i,liwa'b!ii Nii.! lonih. ranro Xo. 4 -et i an lj -.llcl rr pnwl toahuar that laelaadamf at ! 1 n re valuatie lor Iu timber or alone laaa i lor ai-riruliural purpmea. aa4 to eataMiah his ! rlatii. the hrnter ai.d tteeeieer of Ukm aAlioi'OtKoaetiurc.uregua. ! n Monday, the Mb clay of IV-einher, W4 He ! toiii-.m arnneswc lli-arn. J A Willi, i An.ln--s ami W V Willia all of Mynie Cm-l,iHrt"ii. An. and all perannt claiming adveraelT the a'lOvf drscol lan.ia are reuuied io fi.e laeir ; ci-'mi In ' on or betore aajd J-th day I nl latwinfulr IVJlt I P Bartu-aa - - J.T. BaiDots. Beiter. Notice for Publication. Vnlted State Land Ofltce. l;.ei.nrir, tirrifon, Oct 17,181:. Notice u kereby given that la compliance with the proviMon id tbe act of Cona-reae ef June J, i:s. entitled "An act for tae aaie ef tinibfrlandi la the Mate ol California, re(a KevaSa and ashlnjion lerriiorr," unttod ed to ail the public laud ( tatea by' act of Auruat 4. bsni. ' WUJJ AM E MORRIS, ol sn luyi.le. county idcjackamaa. Hate of Ore. ba litis day Clc-I in thia oftire but owora utate menl No. :C! lor the ptin-baae ol lou i, k. ). and I ! See :, Tp Zjaouih. ranfr 1 weal, and Ibc NF, SK', ist-e .l,Tp2'aouih. noire J west and ill o.Ter l.r.s.l to ihow that lha land soiikIiI ia more valuable ior its timber or atone tiiau lor acrlcnltiiml lumsnc-, and toctabluh hi c airn ioaid laud before I. DliiiatK-k. V S t'oMniiwiouer. at Oakland, trcj;oi, on Mon day, ' be Mh dav ol Januarv. )'iu. He name aa wltu'-ssea: Jnw-pli Price, Ni Riirfcanan. f l-ort-lioi.l, Ore . B F snleldn. ol If.iarlin, Ore., P i Kiny.iO.ol R.weborr. r-iroii. An; and ail peraonn elaitaiiijr a Iveraely the above descrilieil amla are reineiled to file Uieir datum in thil ofliceon or before raid &ib day of Jan l.i. J. T. BRIIXirS, Hip Rrglaler. Notice for Publication. I'niteil Slati-t land Ollice. . Roebiirsr, un-nm. Hot. , lii. Notice II hereby given that In enmpllanee with the provision ol the an ol Cougrr ol June .1. ;.-., entitled "An a t for the aaie of tln.ler lauda in the Stale ol ( alllorula. Oregon Nevi.ia .and tia.hincton Territory," aaezleud eJU all the public laud it a tea by act of Auguat W M. It. t lSZKR. of WVoilbnni, county of Marion. Male ol Oregon has t us day libsl In Ihia oflice hK aworn a ale menl No ;..2, for Ibc pundiase of the KK' ol Si-c Tpil H , laiwe 7 next, and will offer .ru: In show Dial I lie land Mioeht ia more ior in timber or alone tletn for agri ul Inral purHea, and 10 i--.lal.lish his claim 10 sat-l laud is lure W H Brill, U 8 I oiniiiis-loner. nt Ui Idle, Ort-von. on Monday, lite yttb day ol l-ee nls r, eiui. He nainea Itnoaea: k W Finn r. 4 J Hail, ( has Uibl... A f llranigar, all of W xslburn, Oreson. An 'and all penona claiming adversely the abov.' des-rlind latnln are rciiileil to lile their i-lniiici in thin oil ice on or befn-e uid t!9tb day ol lrcniDcr, 1.0-'. J. T. BBIiXiK-i, nWp Reglfter. Notice for Publication. Vnlled Stale ljin.1 (iffli-e, Uowbiiru, On-K.'ii. Aug 11, l'.W. NVIce it hereby given that In compliance with Hie pnivtid in of the act of ngrea ol Jutif .1, )h.s, entitled "An a-1 lor the aaie ef timber lauds in the Statu. of ( altlort la. Oregon Nevtda.and WashniKion Territory," aaextend eiHc all the public laud atatea by act ol Auguat t.F.olir.K J. 1N1WKRH, of'ii! U111.I011 Road, Uuliitb, eoiiutr of St Lonlj HtnU of Mlniie-ola, has litis day li ted 111 tills oltiit bisaworu .taleinent No for the bur-ehnM-of IhesK' NK1;, N'a Sh'4, NK'BW'iol etl m So -U, townnlup .11 aoulJi, ranee 6 went and will offer proof to show tbat the land (ought la m ire valuable for Ita timber or aione than for agricultural purpoaea, and to emabllth hla clntia bekire the Keglster and Keceiver ot tnt olli-: ol Koseburg, Oregon. oil T iiirsday the sth day ol January, 1!. He tmui'-n an nilucsses: Thoma Ijiw-oii, Kiddie, le., (i tillt-rio., Thoinaa K l awson, tilen- lak, Or-., W A Abln-tl, lUilutb. MiliiieMtla. Any and all peraoua claiming adveraely the alioto deM-ribetl landii are rciiui-aled In fi Io Ihelr t lainta iu ihia oltlce ou or before aaid Mh day of Jan., IW.I. J.T, BRII.HIW, o2?ji Keglster. l . Uiwina de-4 'ixl pia-r miniuc property, to-wit: ,of NKolttW4. W'.ofSW'iolSE I'jof Sfc!iobA ';adiW'iol S'ol SE ! '.. s,o Tu. 3. k. wtst; aian Ihire water NEXT SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE. 'Cannon Has 120 Members Pledged to Vote for Him for Speaker. Chicago, Nov. 21. Action by the Republican Congressional delegations of Ohio aud Michigan yesterday is Mieved to clinch the election of Congressman Cannon as the next Speaker of the lower House of Congress, as the successor of David B. Mender-ion, of Iowa. The nominee will require 104 votes to con trol the caucus. According to Congress man Mann, chairman of his campaign comaiittee. Mr. Cannon now has a total of 120 members pledged to him in utate caucuses and by er8onai letters. A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orncr, Franklin Grove, III. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield ing to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Rums, Scalds, Skin Eruptions ami Piles. 2.", at A. C. Marsters & Co. Drug Store. Mr. Turkey, beware .of the friend yon make for the next six week, as some cf your friends have purchased carving setx of .S. K. Sykea. Pfofeasional Cards. Q.EORGE M. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law, Coart Hotue Dowamaln. ROsEBt'Rfi.ORE Q V FISHEIt, M. D, Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. O. Roskbc an, 'Phone Main 591. Uaaoon. QK.tiEO. E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. OBej Kertew Bid. f bona, Maaa XI ECcEBCRy OkEoOB gLMER V. IIUOVKK, PUYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Rosaacao Ostoox Ipeeiai atteaOoa tieea to Diseases ol the He ajkd TbroaL OSkja-Mata BC.ooe door aotjth of I tf la Pbotie. Main Ml. p W HiYSE-S. DENTIST, Keetew Boildlac TeiapheM So. i. KOsBBCKi- UHE-O.t E.M.CHEADLg, DENTIST. RCHUBCRO ORf K. CHAWTOKD, Attorney at Law, fteeau 11. Htnun Bldf , Z06JUCK9, OB 1 u . iuujcmc : m ; m . aaaeelalty. 0. . Land OCce JOUS H. BHCPE, ATT0RXE Y-AT-LA W, BoasBCM, Oueon. taatBCM before P. 8. Lead OOteaaJ Ficbat botiaeae a aveciatty. OaVe Abrabaa. Boildiog. J C. FULLERTOS Attorney-at-Law. WT1 aeacUee la an Ike State and Federal Oxut Office In Maita' BUr, btaeborc. Oreeon. QOMM0LX)RK S. JACKSON, Attorner and Coonseilor at Law. Mining Lav and Water Right niaJe a rpecialt. aa.aUT Kd- KOfegBCRO. OBEGOU W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. aoau 1 and 2 wrlew BsJldlcg. aOJIBCEi.. OKJ1UOS JA. BUCHANAN, Xotary Fnblk. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Boob 1 Btaatera Baildlac BOSEBCRQ.O "H"t J. ROBINETT, Attorney at Law. loom U. Taylor Wiiaoa Block. RoetBcaa, Ota a. m. aaaT, c a. Siautaaea gEULBREPE & GRAY, LAWYERS rraetiee In all ol the eonrts of tbe la e, alio before the L'. 8. Laad dcparUnent. Tailor Wilaoa Block, N'otary Pnbtie la office Fbooe Main ija E06EBCKO, ORE NOTICE To Ranchers. Farmers, Horsemen, If you have a horse with Ringbone CURE IT. As you can promptly do by using Schnyder's Ringbone Cure. Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Money Refunded. Cost Cure $5.00 per horse Address all communications to the sole manufactureres Taylor's Specific Co. Olalla, Douglas Co., Ore. A HOT THING. That new HOT SODA FOUNTAIN at the 1 KANDY KITCHEN You can liave the flavors to suit. . Sumethinff New "tCli.wlate,IIol TuuK llt lv Extract, Uo CVlary.llot.eiainlUiHinn.ii.Vt CIA-ken rallioi,- Oive it a trial. You'll like it. They all do. hs Price la riril l-af-. Tht5a.ne5c. YV UUU CX DULL. FrOOS Smith' Dandruff Pomade Htops itching sealp upon one applica tion, three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair. Price 50c. For Kale by Marsters lrug Co. mltf Soeiety f.leetings. AF. 4 A. Haldol and f i 11. Laurel Lodge Xo. 13. reiriiar meetings on second urth WedoewiiTi ol ecb month. K. J. tyraot'u, W. M. N.T.Jkwk Secretary. A.: U. W. Roseburg LoJge Xo. 16. Meet the second and fourth Moo- days of each month at 7:30 p. m , in the I. O. O. F. Hal!. Members in rood standing are invited to attend. If. 1 McCi.ALr.Eii, 41. W. E. II. Lenox Recorder. D. Ji West, Financier. B. P. O. ELKS. Roseborg LxleXo. 32iJ. Holds regular corn men (na tions at I. O. O. F. Halt on second sod fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regu larly and all visiting brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. W. if. JAMIE305, K. K. V. C. Los ix) .x, f-'ecretary. CO. E, FOURTH REGIMENT. O. N. li., meets at Armory Hall every Thnralaw AvbnlnJ at ft flftVTwk. F. li. If ahum, Capt. D EG REE OF HONOR. Mystic Lode No. 13. MseU L'od a n-l 4th Thurs day 7enibs of each month in Na tive Sons' Hall. Visiting members cor dially it tied to attend. Mas. Mkkit Wekv, C. of U. . II. Lbxsox, Ree. f.C OF A. Court Donalas No. 32, For- eters of America. MeeU every Toesday eveoios; in Native Son' BalL Visiting brothers al wayt welcome. T. II. C txxox, C. R. E. II. Lexox K.S. E. V. II-xrxK, Physician. O. O. F. PLiIetsrisji JyvJe No. 8. M6ts in Odd Ffcllo-es Tr-mp'.e; cor ner Jackson and Cas slee'a, on Saturday evening; ot each we-k Mem bers ol the order in cry! t-anling are invited to attend. If. B. Gillette. X. O. U.T. Jewett. hcTt-Ury. - Kof P. Alphs LoAg No. 47. Mee-tS every WedBesday, ia I. O. O. F. Had 7 m. McmUri ia 50od s anding ar in vitt.1 to at Vend. li. YV. KlMBALt., C. C. C. E. RoBiars, K - R. S. f O.T. 51. Protection R Holds its rzniar 1 lirst and ti.ird IVi.: Tent No. 15. Reviews the lav .f each month in t!.e I. O. 1. hail. Visiting memlj-r in ?an-i;i)- are inviteil t) attend. F. F. Pattke.-.:', Com. E. E. RLf'W.ETT. Rororl Ktvp-r. LILAC CIRCLE No. 4?, Women of Woode.nft. Mets oo first sad third Thursdairs of each month at the Na tive Sons, I1JL Visitin member ia rood standing are invited o a.' tend. Iavtma Fr.-iLhkr.iiE ,Gtard:a Nei2hhor. I Mjxsie Ortr, Secy. ADIt.Ji of the li. A. k., JkUrabatn Lin- ix)' a Circle o. 2. rr.eU at Uy icn'i Lfall fct 2 o'clock on t:- aee- oni aed foerb Fridays of each con'b. LO. T. M. Rceor ilixe No. IL. Hol-is ita rrxniar retva cpn tha m second aud Imrt.'i FriJa? ere. of aach mon'it in tbe N:ive !od' Ha!!. Sisters of other Hives vlitir.g ia iba city are cordially inTitod to atteod 00 r re news. Jmme Haft, L. Cox. Macci E. McCLMxix, U. K. . OF A. Myrtle Camp No. 6530. M." ilistta firctacd ttird Wedaeadayc each nioaUi at Nat:o Soe' Hall. Uio. Bt-ao.t, Clerk. OE. S. Reseor? Ctpter No. 8 Ilol.ia their rej-3!ir a:fiicg on tha Srt and IliirJ Thar!ya ia each ninth ViaiMar trtcir..Vr in good itandint rm tajrcrfaJlr inv:td to al-r.-l. Mss. Ciiui i'gjtas. W M.. Maa. Libbii Conow, Ses-retarj-. ft' V.BEKAHS. Roscbara- EUkah Loda No. 41. I. O. O. F-, neia in O-JJ Fetlcwa'TsaifJd eTenrTaevda erenins. isiLn; titers snd brethren united to attend. Ieu r:aom-t, X. G. Coka WixscatT. R. s. ITED AF.TlAXS.-l-m:1ua Aa- seniblT No.- 105 nK-ets every arnr dav evenir--. at A i-.V1.-a-k in V.; i Sons llall. Yisiuuj Artisanji ct-nliallr invitisl lo attend. Mrs. M. Joxe. M. A. Mrs. F. R. Haxli.n. Sei-rtUrr. WOODMEN OF TIIE WORLD.-Oak Camp No. 125. Meela at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Roaeborc, erery first and third Monday evening. Yiait ing neighbor aiwayt welcome, Ji. E. AWT ESS, C. C. J. A. BccBASAie, Clerk. UNION ENCAMPMENT, I. O. O..F. Odd Fellow's Temj.le. Meets first and tlurl Thurs.idy ewnins each nioiith. VLsiU-rs cor I Lilly invited. J. B. IIasultox, C. P. J. C TwrrtHKH, Scribe. , - - - a