The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 20, 1902, Image 3

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We Want
So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
LcldlCS We have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts are the
most complete line injtown ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
Q6ntl6m6ny Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted W. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-to-date line in town.
The People's Store
Leatlicr Goods f
Just received to'.' fi
which we would
respectfully' call f,
your attention.
It embiaces everything: y
that is new and stylish In s
Wrist Baps s
Chatelaines i
Purses, Eta k
m eitner Flain bnver-
Mounted or Mexican
hand-Carved work.
They are better
than- the ordin- .
ary kind, and y
, are especially
suitable for nice '
Call and see them. It's a y
? pleasuie to show goods.
A.yr&zz&.z., rx :m i-vr; x x
S Of Local Interest.
See the Title Guaj-antee & Loan Co.
forblue prints anJ filing i.ajers. tf.
Two lota tor sale, centrally located,
price casb. AoMress I. O. lwx 265.
For Sale. A gool heavy team, har
ness and vragoa. Inquire of W. F
Inglehart, Boseburg.
Wanted. 100 to 200 ewes on shares,
good paAore, ranee, and plenty of feed.
Address "Step," Dillard, Or. . C.
Get your abstracts of title from J. D
rT niilton. lie has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts a special y. Served
by an expert cook, at Railroad Eating
House, Mesdamea Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. ' (
Mrs. Freeman xrwhes to announce
that she has purchased the interests of
Edward Jennings in the Utnpqua
bakery and will hereafter conduct the
business nnier her own name. tf
P. S, DAY,
All Work Gnaranteed for Reasonable Prices.
Secoa JT)oor north new Bank Building,
There is a time in the history of every life
when one is spurred to a supreme effort. This
time has come to us. While we have never been
a laggard, we arc now exerting ourselves to give
you greater value and more merchandise for your
money than ever. Get
36 inch Sheeting, 4 CtS. per yd.
cent Print, now 5 CtS per yd.
8'f cent Print, now 6 CtS. per yd.
10 cent Print, heavy, now Zx CtS.
cent Lining, 36 inch; now 10 CtS.
10 cent Lining, 36 inch, now 8.
p "X he Under Priced Store
to Save You
The farmers are now willing for it to
stop raining for a few day;,
Tho famous play, "Von Ymison" ic
billed for Saturday night at the ()jera
For harness, or anything in the har
ness line call on F. Long & Sons near
the depot. Repairing a specialty
We have a fine line of fur top slippers,
just w hat you want for these cool even
ings, from $ I up. At Flint.
Remember we have constancy on
hand a full line of the famous Bucking
ham and Hect rubbers, in all style at
Flint's shoe store.
R W. Winslow, an enterprising stork
man, of Alexandra, S. D., is spending a
few days in this city and county with a
view of investing and locating here.
If yon want to go to Coos County
points, take the Roseburg, MarshfieUl
route. Spring hacks leave Roseburg
every day at (5, A. M. Inquire of C. 1.
Barnard, agent.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fire insurancs compa
nies, is now prepared to do a ganera
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. if.
Fkee The fine "IVmxdealeb Map,"
Cregon oil one si'le, the map of the
world on the other, with the 1900 census
and other valuable information, free to
every neur cash subscriber to the Flais
nr.'.LKR. Mafk alone 50 cents.
Prjierty owners will get rid of fences
wltere they can do so without running
the risk of havingtheir lawns and shrub
bery trampled by driven bands of cattle
and slieep. Every such fence removed
adds to the beauty of the city.
El.a Lngsdon, accompanied by his
mother came down from Riddle Tuesday
a xl S('ut the day attending to business
matters in this city. Mr. Loglon has
been in the Alaska gold fields for over
two years pit, having returned from
Caj Nome on the steamer St. Paid,
II. W. Tooley lia-i ijeiied a aIiMtiiitf
eallery at the old stand north of F. E.
Hand's cigar store. Waiter is a g-od,
deserving young man and one with
whom we are all well acquainted, and a
he has been to consiuerable expens? in
fitting up a new -gallery, we lipe he
may bo well patroni1. '
Leonard Kabott, the Roseburg cigar
manufacturer, is placing a new 4-igar f
his own make on the market in this city
namely, the "Kabott Reflation." The
cigar is of chair Havana good" l,ut
up in alieat 1ox in the frin of a Imok ;
on the inside of the over is a neit laljel
and a looking g!a-K. Mr. Kabott, since
his residence in this city, has built up a
wonderful trade for his cigars by uing
only the best goods.
our prices nov ana
One Door South of P. O.
John Hall, Hie pioneer resident f
Myrtle Creek was in Roseburg on
business Tuesday.
Contractor Fred T. Blakely returned
on lust night's overland from an extend
ed visit in New York and other eastern
R.W. Windaer.of Alexandria, S. I
is visiting the family of F. R Orcutt, of
Melrose. Mr. Windser expects to 1
e.tte in this vicinitv.
R D. Cook, of Santa Maria, Calif.,
arrived iu this city Monday to visit with
his sister, Mrs. J. R. Kennedy, whom he
had not s-en for 47 veaia. i
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bolter came up
Wednesday morning to attend the wad
ding of their son, George, returning to
their home in Brook on thia morning's
Mrs. R. Rosendoru, who has len
visiting the family of her neice, 5Irs. H this city, left for her
home in San Francisco Monday evening-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Toner left Toeajay
morning for Yoncal!a after a short visit
here with the tatter's mother, Mrs. S. I.,
Smith. Mr. Toner has purchased a fine
farm in Scotts Valley and he and his
wife will take tip their permanent home
t here at once.
J. T. Bryan, the jewel man is the
proud 'jxisscsser of a new Irycicle. The
new machine was made in this city by
Mel Thompson and is a great deal light
er and more substantial than the ol d
one. John ran now be compared with
the little boy it U his first ir of red
top UkMs.
There will 1 a football game at the
Pine Street grounds Saturday, letwH-ii
the ScIhmJ team of Ashland, ami
the Roeeburg High School team. Ash
laud was beaten by the Eugene Hich
School teamv2fi to 0, and later played a
tie g;ime with the same team, ll is
doubtless if Roneburg should win as
their team is lnu-h lighter.
Edward Kohlh.igen, mho passe 1
thrimirh here from Dawson City to San
Francisco a week ago, arrived in Rosc-
hurg fr.iii tlie Bar city Monday night,
and will siiend the winter with his
brother. (Jeorge and Louis Kohlhagen,
of t '.as fit t. In the spring he wiU re
turn ti Alaska where he has mines
which will lU-maiid attention.
Willis KreiiMT.oi Myrtle Greek, and
one of the piou.inent mine owners of
this county, was in Grant Pa" last
-wh He U making extensive im
provements on his mining projierties.
He is about to. put in a four-stamp nail
on his quart mine on Whiskey creek in
thcMt. Beubert diftrii-t. Jle has re.
cetitly resumetl .-rnti..nsat flieGoHen
Wedge qnart miur at Galice. Courier.
The case of J Mieelli vs. S. P.Co.,
in a suit to recover 7o for a eow killel
by the cart", tried before a jury in justice
Bitchanan's court Moinlay afternoon,
the plaintiff was awarded f21.40 dam
ages together with costs amounting to
over f2 The jury valued the erw at
t V), but 23.i0 had leen realizel from
the U-ef of the animal which had not
been killed outright, only liaviug certain
U'lies broken Jieyond hope if rworery.
The case of Jas. Burton, chargral with
complicity with Fred Bateinan in the
crime of unlawfully killing deer, was
heard U fore the following four jurymen
Tuesday in JustUv" Buchanan' curt :
J. W. Wright, W.J. Kenfro, Chns. G.
Stanton and A. Fields. Mist. Atty.
tieo. M. Brwn"app,areil for the state
and Atty. J. C. FnlU-rloii for tlie d
The jurv n turne.1 a verdict of
not guilty.
Myrtle Point Enterprise: Engineer
A. A. Undsler, speaking of th tireat
Central survey over the Middle J-ork
route, says: "I was surprised to find
the easy grade that route affords for a
railroad, although the rocky siints and
hillsides will make the road a somewhat
expensive one to imiU!. liie nignesi
deration (at Camas Valley) is but alsmt
1,200 feet above sea level, while via the
old Q'xn bay wagon route the vjfva'io"
approximates 2,!KX) feet. Tlie engineers
are now within three miles of Remote
and exjHft to have the line located to
Camas Valley within thirty "days. The
engineering parly now includes 14 men,"
W. K, It)ndy and wife, nee Miss
Laura K. Jones, oivpl in Roseburg
Wednesitay evening from Han Francisco
to enjoy a brief vi' it wit h Mrs. Lmidy's
sister. Mr. W. C. Conner. Mr. l.nndy
has dispostd of his business interests in
San Francisco and contemplates engag
ing in business at some desirable )xnnt
in Oregon and is looking over Roseburg
uidi this object iu view. He has !een
engaged for several years iu the hard
ware, tinware and plumbing business
However, ls-fore locating ei'nianeiitly
iu this state Mr, ntid Mrs. Lundy will
visit relative at Cottage Grove and
Myrtle Point. They were well pleased
w ilh California but are inclined to fa
vor gt and old Oregon In wlifch to efi
fablisli a permanent Iioinc. I heir
mam: friends are .u to welcome them
Iwk lo webfoot land,
Mrs. W. P. Johnson, of Myrtle Creek,
was a Roseburg visitor Tuesday.
Liecense to marry have liccn is-sued
to J. T. Atkins and Ella I'.rowu.
Ren Smith, the Coos county stock-
man, is in this city on business.
Brakcman II M Wchlier is now run
ning between this city and Grants Pas.
Got your dental vork at Dr. Chea
lie's. Ihiinlesa extrction of teeth. n20,
W. S. Baer. the Myrtle Creek mining
mini was in Roseburg Tuesday, on busi
ness. Brakenu'ii' A I. Phillips, F R Evertou
and F W Miller are now running out of
this citv.
Hon. W. R. Willis and daughter, Miss
Lulu, are visiting with Mrs. C. W. Sher
man, of Portland.
Miss Virgi Ryrd, of Salem, is now
eniployed as stenographer in the 1. S.
Umd OHiee, iu this city.
I. B. Riddle and little son, Julius,
were in this city Tuesday on their re
turn home for a few days visit in Port
land. Mrs. F. H. Hoffman and children left
this morning for Portland, to visit Con
ductor Hoffman, who is working out of
that place.
On the -.Nth inst the tourist passenger
fare U-tneen Portland and San Francia
co will le increasod $2.W, making the
fare f lrt.5t. .
X. Selig, the Myrtle Creek merchant
was in this city on business Tuesday.
He reports busine.s at .Myrtle Creek
Mrs. W. F. lVnjau in, of thiscitv, wid
leave on Saturday morning s overland
for San Francisco, where shewill spend
the winter with her granddaughter,
Mrs. T. G. Outliers.
Report says a man in the east was
killed by the explosion of a lieer keg.
It -s not stated whether death was
caiwcd by eoneiis-ion, or by seeing so
much beer going to wast.'.
Mrs. II. Snyder and daughter, Miss
Pollv left on Tuesday's local for Sheilds,
Linn county, to visit Mrs. Snyder's
mother, later they w ill go to Portland
where they ex-nt t Jo t-nd the winter.
Tlie M. E. Church will conduct a sale
on IV-c. 3rd am - -4 li . in the new Isuik
building. Kitchen an.! fancy aprous,
sofa pillows, comforts, rusandall kinds
of fancy anil u-i nl article lot sale. A
line chance willle otTor-led Jo wlrct a
Christinas gift for a relative or friend.
S. K. Sykes has jut received a large
shipment of Toy and Christinas goods
which will soon 1 on display in his
large store. We understand that Sam
is directly c-.nuei led with Santa Clans
and that well known gentleman will
make his headquarters at S. K. Sykes
store, this year.
Bev.'G. II. Bennett, will preach Sun
day morning at eleven o'clock, at the
M. E. Church, on the eubievt, "Half
hearlcdness." The subject of the even
ingser n w ill 1-e, The Origin of Re
ligion." This i the -eeond .discourse
iu the M-rii s of -'tJinl, 11 i ExHeiM-e airl
Character." All are invito!.
A frei-l.t wreck vnrred alsut 11 :.T0
u. in. to.l y at Tm.nel in which two
cars weru completely overt nrne-l and
c-HisMerable track lorn up. TJie wreck
e.1 train wa- an ' extra north t.unl
freight, i:i charge of Conductor Grieves
The cause of the w rvk u at pr-s-iit un
known, but it is tiioiiuht that one or
both of the ears jni;i-l Uk' track. A
wrecking train left this city at not.n, and
it i- thought hat the track w ill soon 1
clear. Xo one was bur.
The tc'.egr.v,.her-. station agents aiid
train dii-pjitc'uers on the Pacilic system
of the Southern Pacific and the line iu
Oregon are ! receive an increas in pay
of about 1) 1- r nl. The wages of the
two systems nere regulated in accor
dance witli the clrti:giiig b;;.-iuess n'tna
tion at various iiits. The agicenient
was reached Saturday at d meeting held
with General Manager Krutlschnitt in
San Fraucisi-o. through the Internat
ional Order of Railroad Telegrapher
Anrtlu-r newspaper publisher has
gone the ronte of morphine ioiiing.
Will Itnswli of the firm of Russell Bros.,
publishers of the Farmer and Miner at
Fort Jones, California, died Tuesday
from an over l . j of morphine. A yet
it has not lrn decided whether or not
tin- drug was talien with suicidal intent.
A few months ago the Bus sell Brothers
founded their new spa per venture at Ft.
Jon'-'s, and since have Urn getting out a
good pniilicatiou ant Iroin the appear
ance of the sheet have leen doing well.
Deceased hud Ix-n ipiite ill for the just
several d.iv.
The Roseburg 0era House Xov. 22
will have lor its attraction "ion ion
son" which 'm such a departure from the
average dialect protluetions. It is a
Swedish dialect comedy with a plot well
worth listening to, and Mr. Xelse Erick-
on n-suiiie the part of aSweilejust
over, as the piay progresses, "ion,
shows eviiU'inxMif iNToming American-
ize.1 gradnallv. It is said since the
lealh of Heege no one has assumed the
character so pci-iccuy as .Mr. r.ncKson,
W ho orui ivat ei ilia pari in j-.ngiaiui.
The (day is jiromiswl to . 1 e staged w ith
new scenic equipment, all of the scenery
Ifcinjr appro.riate During each act a
niimls-r of reliiusl specialities will lie in
troduced, including the Luinl(eriiien'8
jitartctte. Among the other nieinliers
of the con-.pnnv are I'atti Rosa and
Florence Gear.
tUEEX HKLF.XA To the wife of th
King of Italy, Xov. 1!), PK)2, a daugh
ter. The new princess . w ill be named
"Mafaloa." The birlh of another Prin
cess instead of an heir to the throin is a
great public disappointment. United
States Ambassador Mever was the first
outsider to personally congratulate the
king. This is tin second daughter of
the king'and (uecn, tlie first, Princess
Yolande Margberita, Uaving Iswi Isirn
at Borne on June 1, HKtl.
of the county judge at the court house
in this city, Nov. IS, li02, August
ttullcmcr, age 70 years, to Agne
Scherer age .10 years, His honor Judgi
M. D. Thorn Ron ofliciating.
ADK.IXS BROWX At the oflice of
the Justice of the Pence i this city
Wednesday, Xov. Ill, T.I02, J.T Adkina
to I'lla L. Brown. J. A. Buchanan
Justice of the jx-nco odkintini
In Roseburg'g Social Realm.
The iH'autiful home of Mrs. M. Joseph-
son was tlie. scene ot a very brilliant
social gathering Wednesday evening,
the all'air lieing enjoyed alike by the
guests and the hostess. The decorations
were profuse and most lieautiful, being
arranged in a very artistic manner, red
and groeiJiredoininating. Mrs. Joseph
son was assisted in receiving the guests
by Mrs. T. R. Sheridan, and the princi
pal pastime of the evening was the game
of w hist. After the prizes were diutri-
buU'd the guests enjoyed the utual
pleasing luncheon which on this occas
ion was dainty and delicious. Mrs. W.
S. Hamilton succeeded in capturing the
first pi ie for ladies, and Mrs. I. Wol
lenlterg received the token which tells
f the fewest jsiint. C. T. Curry, was
awanieti me gents iiret l.riza. r. .
Strong carrying away the consolation
With g'Kwl cheer, sparkling w it ami
humor, the evening fleeted by all too
swiftly and Mis. Josephs. n, as usual
proved herself a most entertaining and
charming hostess. The invited guest
w ere :
Mr. and Mrs. S C Flint, J C Aiken,
F W Benson, W II Jamison. J T Bridges,
J C Sheridan, T U Sheridan, J II Booth,
A M Crawford, W .S Hamilton, J W
Hamilton. Ir. and Mr. G EJllom k, K
L Miller, F G (Mime, F W Ilarues,
Mr. and Mis. II C Stanton R B Houston,
S A Sanford, J F Barker, G W Child,
W W Thackrah, I Wollenberg, II
WoIleuUrg, E M Moore, B W,
W It'Willis.'J A Perry Geo. Kolhascn,
W T Wright, A, WollenUrg.
M sses Frances Howell, Jennie Buick,
Kate Buick, Belle Curry, Birdie Curry,
Flith Curry, Lulu Curry, Stella Hamil
ton, Begin Bast, Maude Rast, Lillian
Collier, Peters lull Ian WollenU-rg, Zela
Zigler, Rose Parrott, Ivy Van Bureit,
l.illie Moore, Lulu Willis.-
Mcskts C T Curry, X Curry, L Zigler,
S Zigler, W. McWilliams, A SaUman, II
Marks.JK Parrott, S Siebeuhuaer, G W
Kind II, S Jtifcphsou.
Mrs Juo Rat, S Zigler; X Curry,
Rosendom) Van Buren.
Mrs. Josephson will lease accept the
choicest thanks of the Plaindealb for a
Uitmtiful supply of excellent pastries.
Bar Asoclation Officer.
PoRTLAXn, Xov. l'.t. The f lio wg
named otlicem ere elected by the ix
i.'oii liar A-WM-iation for the ei.-uin'
yesir at the close of their convention t
Pn-s dent S. B. Hustoir, of Ilill-W.r .
Washington county.
Vice (resident, first judicial dL-trict
A. S. Hammond, f Jackson cunty.
Vice rcidciit, vaoUl I jildicjal district
K. It. Skipwitrlli, of I J4ie cvnuty.
Vice president, thiril judicial district
J. R. Weatherford, of I.iuu county.
Vice president, fourth judicial di.-trict
Jr G, (Jreen, of Multnomah i-ouuty.
Vice (resident, fifth jiidiv'ial di.trict
C. D l4iturrlte. of Clackamas county.
Vs-e president, sixth judicial ditrit t
T. i. Haley, of I'matilla county.
VU-e (resident, Mveuth judicial dis
trict S. A. D.Gurlcy, of Gilliam com. ty,
Vice president, eighth judii-ial ditricl
William Suiitb, of Iiaker county.
Ninth judicial district M. D. Cliff r..
of tirant county.
Secretary A K Ilctf el, of MiiUnou ;.h
Trvaurer C. J.S-hnaU-1, of Muhn.
mah county. '
Kxecutive c"iumiltee John'B. Cl
laml, .era Snow, William P. FciHon. i4
Mirltiioniah ounty ; E. P. McCormaek,
of Marion county; A. S. ileunctt, il
Wasco county ; B. I IMdr, Tillamook
Jude ( leiand, the presiding (ricr,
submitted to the association an set
which might be introduced in the lei
lature toave the way for uniform law s,
entitled an "Act to establish a hoard of
commissioner for the promotion of uni
formity of legislation In the United
The following lawyers were elected as
member of the association.
John Leiand Henderson, S. B. Bigeu,
C. I, tiantenlx'iu, F. W. M til Ley, Fn.nk
S.Grant, E. E. Wilson, and O. T.
CVighow, of Ibeb!ir.
The closing affa'r of the Bar Associa
tion will l held thia evening at Krue's
restaurant where the annual Iwnutiet is
to le held. A good feast for the ii.ner
man has lieen (reparel, w hile the a' tei
math toasts and sjieeche
will le ell
worth listening to.
Bolter-WHHs NuptUU.
A very ijuict, but happy werlding was
solemnized at the home of the bride's
mother, Mr. K. II. Autetireith, on
Jackson street in this city Wedneday
afternoon, Xov. lit, l'.H)2, at four 'dork,
Mr. G. T. Bolter and Mrs Snow Willis,
wing the high contracting )rtics.
Rev. C. A. Hyatt, pat..r of the , . E.
lurch, odicialcd and in his UMial
'leading manlier pronounced the fat-red
ords that bound forever two happy
icarts in the holy bonds of wi!lock.
Onlv a few relatives witnessetl .the
retty nnd impressive ceremony.
The bride is a very charming, nflable
and popular lady who enjoys the high
esteem of a host of admiring ffiends.
Tlie groom is a well known, geuhil and
opular Southern Pacitic railroad fire
man, with a run out of Grants Pass, and
host of friends join with the Plain-
healer iii wishing the happy couple a
nig wedded life blest with happiness
and pros(KTtty. X'u'J' left on thu south
smnu.iocai vtetinesuay evening on a
irief wedding tour, after whkh they
w ill be at homo to friends at Grants Pa
where they will reside.
Insure In the New York Life.
Because, Its olicics are utieoutestiblc.
Because, It insures you all the time.
Because, Vp to" Xov. 1, H02, it has
scpured 132 jxlicy holders, amounting
to 2(i3, 000,000 new business.
Fine Turkeys for Sale. .
& lew choice Bronze turke1 irobhlers
for sale prize winner' at tho lato dis
nct fair held at Roseburg. They must
bo pild by Xov, 20, Inquire of
Mra J, II. Short, Roseburg, Mp
To Rent A larj.1? unfurnished front
rsm for liht hougeki'eplr g, AldrcFs
I 0. llox 4C.'.), Hoselmrj.', Or, iv20t3
We are now showing a full line of the Celebrated
Kuppenhimer Guaranteed Clothing
Suits, $12.50 to $25 Overcoats, $10 to $18
In Furnishings We Mention
Neckwear in the new Coronation Silks. . .
English welt edge Collars and Cuffs.
Fiuo worsted Union Suits and Underwear for men.
Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes for men.
. McDonald's "Red Seal" Union made Overalls, Jumpers,! Cordu
roy Pants, Sateen and working shirts.
Some new swell chalk line stripes in heavy suitings.
Just the thing for Eainy day skirts and Tailor suits
Ail Dress goods purchased here only, shrunk free of charge. Owing to the
rush of business we will not shrink goods purchased ekewhere.
When you see it in our ad
Ashiand Boy's Defeated. '
The firt iTtine which toe Southern Or
e,n Xormal f.K.tball team played on
their nothern tour was at Eugene. Satur
diy, aikl whether fniiu tae fright or
not, they teem to have beeu dft.h-l!y
outplayed by the lioys of the Engine
I ifc'h school. The score stood 24 to 0 at
the end of the pa me against the visitor ;
l'-ntt'iie ciing 12 in each of the halves.
ViyA XT ED c0 Laborers, wa-a 2.50
(r Liy f.r fiit-clas men.
Pa.C. R. Rav,
Tolo, Ore.
Letter- List.
Ketnaiuin; uncalled fur at tlie Rose
burg (".stofrice,
Pcr-ms calling 'for there letters wil
j.i.-a-e state the date on which they are
advertised. Xov. 2i), P.CC.
BateheSder, John F M.riu , Mrs II
Cro. a!!. F i:
HaiiSou, ti W
Jennie, Mr. J GJ
King, Fnl C
I.t tiraii le
Mote, G.j
Marten, Jpli
0m!in.ja, Andr.-w
Swecnev, Arthur
Tavlor," Mrs Mmk -
Truax, J P
McMalron, John
The letters will be chsrrl Jo at
rate of one cent ea h'.
Wv. A. Fe-iter, P. M
For Sate.
Fir-t-clas home of one acre,
(Mvel. BjX irt, Rebirj. tf.
til im-
Coooty Treasurer's Nole
Xoiice i- hereby gien to ail parties
he). ling county warrant.- endor-ed iprk.r
toand including March bth Pa0, are re
itiestel to .i-nt -the value at the
i"mnty treasurer's o:Htv for (oymeut as
interest will cense- then-oil alter the
dale of tl.i notice.
Dated Xov. 17, P.xv.
Gi. DiMvirc,
Countv freasurer.
Notice of Bids Wanted.
iN-aled bids for o(viatii!gtl.e ( or farm
ferry for thr-e years will I receiveI by
the County Court at it regular terra in
January l'.OJ. Bids to be openel
Wedm-sday at 1 o'chek p. in.
M. D. Tnoursov,
nl" County Judge. -.
Suppiimental Chamber
'or Shooting pistol cart ride's in rifles.
'stents etiver IJ. and Canada
Saves fiT to "" (er cent on cost of am
Made for 3v:k. 30-10. :m, 32-10, .32
peciai and 8 mm Mannlichcr.
.Maile.1 for f no to any aldres.
Onler from
The S. C. Company,
Roseburg, Ore.
Ttic New York I.I re -I'Klyneven
yearn old.
AxsetaoTcr $190,000,000. '
laconic lat 1901 ovtr t70.000.000
Innuraiice In force over s)ij65.
New iMNurance paid for la 1901
oter 1161,000,000..
I'm id rollcy-Holder In 1001,
ocr $17,000,000.
PAld Iollcj -Holder In 57 yearn.
What Life Insurance Does.
It keep llC faintly tegether.
It cdiicmcN the children.
It taUeti care of the mother.
It the uiortKKe on the
it provides ready money to.keep
a huHluemi Hotveni.
It aupport the Inwared In his
old age,
It naven the respect . of the
family. v
It wave the credit ol the liiMured
It lavca money vhicit would
otherwise he lont.
It navCN the Injured from
anxiety n to the future of Ui
it naves the insured from
anxiety for IiIh ov n old aue. -
It Bttven tUe capital which I
locked up In human llic.
It deN the very thing vhlcrt
the inaured plann for, work lor.
prays for, la happy if he accnrci,
and uuhappy II he (alls to Ret. It
helps htm to make a success ol
life, takes up ins work when he
dies and carries It forward to
Canyon afford to be without It?
W. J, Moon, Agent.
1 HoactoiirK Ore
its so.
Pay Vp.
All tie kuoirin themselves in
debled to F. F. Patterson for laundry
work cp to Xov. I, Pj02, will please call
at the othce of Attorney Frank G. Mi
eelli, Review Ruildinp, and settle at
V. pATTERS.j.'r.
Owners of farms, st ock ra debts, tim'
ber lands fo' tale within ten uiiiea of
the pnr.poel line of ll.s (ireat Central
Railroa.1 to cirresjs.nd with
J. J. Walter,
Colooizati..u A;:t., Ko-jebur-.', Or. nlO
The Best kemeoy tor Croup.
This is the srason when the woman
who the Ui rentellef for croup
is in demand in everr le i-hlwrhood.
i One of the nt terrible tbiug- in the
j w.jrH i to hcaakcr.i in the middle i4
Xu n'':l ,,v a oop fr,m one of the
jcdsiMren. Tl cronp remedie are
I'-'"0' sure to be l, ia case of croup,
', as " "lver i. sure to be lost in ta-e of
- 1 ,,ur Ti,r l l " o!d-(aJ,.
i"c', r, n:,y t- cri:, ti,n a hive
1 ywp and hut ?ome nsdrrn moth-
er? .v t ii.ui.'jerUiU S t.V.tig!i (Uiit
edr U Ivtter. a. n,A c-. i.
I It tl. . ....... . '
...i.,-i,(,.iju.hi.i inmw up ll.e
. ( -4 , -...... a.ui
hotter time, t.ive thi rena
a the crimpy tth apiar j
prvvnit the attack. It
is pleasant 11 1 safe to take, for fjk by 1
Roseburg Tlieaer Saturday, Nov. 22.
m r
Lutobermeu's Oaartctte. New Ixsr Tam.
Luxurious Appoiutments
GET The Eternally Young
tT?VW TH The Ctnstintly Amusing
tvlA y IU The Truly Heroic
APPLAUD The Sincerely Human
at the
You cau have the flavors to suit.
" Something New '""I "rn.";? TTT' l? l TxiIt"'
Hot t. clary. Hot Clam Ihtlhou, Hot Chicken Bulliea
Give it a trial. You'll like It. They all do.
The Price Is 7nr.I - DPI I r
The Same 5c. V KJVJkJ UUUL,, rrOpS
Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pics,
Doughnuts anl Fresh Bra3 Daily
Portland Journal Agency. Mendrick's Block.Opp. Depot
I.J. NORHAN & Co. Props.
pnarantvl r,rort.4
- o - AViWJVUlU
Little Ranch far Sale.
A good Utile home for sale ; 17 acres
adjoining fair grounds, 1 mLes cart of
Roeeburg. Good buildings, 150 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cultira
tion. Price, 11225. For particulars ii
quire at Milikin's shoe store, Romberg
For a Bait Cold.
li you have a bad cold yoa ceed
ood reliable medicine like. Chamber
lain's Coah Remedy to loosen and re
lieve it, and to allay the irritation "and
inflammation of the throat and lapga
For tale by A. C. Marsters.
Notice for Sale of State Lmts.
X - - y .
.iniee w neretj given that the Ft
of the foi.owin deseribwt Stt t
Ito-wit: "
Tle north half of tU corth half and
d , I' 3 "a':1 of wrtinn 1S TbUSs
K I fc.. cuiitalning 3C.W re res.
Aj.plieiations to purchase awn be
twui on regular blanks u accordance
with the law for sal rJ K. .
Jandbe aeeorcparJidby cash or check
f-r one-t-fth ci the amoant bid for Cr-
I.hd will 1" ' " "W&t,
i Tt. ri n ,r.. . .....
w ie;ecs any ana til bi-is
. ls." M. L. Cgimn ir
35nl 1 Clerk of IWj4
Iated this ISth daT of Oct. pjOC
PKHRLESS. - PHKTfrrvi vr
, 1 an"-'soiiti .va be ad-
t . . : i... . .
nd u will,' Board. Saai. Orecoa" ,d mi-V
er fa:i andi Appiicition and bid to porchase i-uto
! I v If t 1