The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 10, 1902, Image 4

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    Traveling Medicine Fakers.
A member of a traveling medicine
company had a falling out with the
management and qnit the show at The
Dalles. He told a paper there the
following details of their manner ol
conducting business :
"The herbs they get from Woodard &
Clarkel at Portland, 7 per gross, and
sell them to the people for fl a package.
'"These herbs are composed of bitter
aloas and licorice root, some chopped
hay and old leaves.
JThe'oilof life' they .make them
selve. When they get to town they lmy
aJive-gallon can of gasoline and one
gross of bottles, and add a little wood
, alcohol, some camphor, red pepper and
turpentine to take away the gasoline
smell, and a little root to color it. This
they sell for 50 cents a bottle.
"The catarrh salts the comedian
mixed himself under the direction of
the doctor, and were composed of equal
parts of R. S. V. F. salt. Arm & Ilam-
mer brand of soda and borax ground to
gether, and run through a sieve. This
they sold for 50 cents a package.
"Their specially -prepared soap wa
sothing more than ordinarv castile
soap cut into small bars.
"Their salve was the ordinary car
bolic salve that can be brought in any
drug store.
"Those who came to their office for
treatment the doctores put through
special course, and gave them a tonic of
specially prepared herbs. This de
coction was mixed by the comedian
. The last batch was made last Monday,
at which time lie bought $1 worth of
sugar from Crown's grocery store, half
' filled 29 Id-ounce bottles with it, poured
in some water and let it dissolve until it
got clear, then added one-half drachm
phos. acid, two drachms of hydrstus
and one-half drachm of mux vomica
For the privilege of taking these special
courses the people pay from $50 to $100,
"Their plan of taking tapeworms
were the ordinary methods used ty
giving a dose of male fern and cascara
These methods generally remove most
of the tapeworm, but leaves the head, so
that the worm grows again. In-order
to make the heads they take a small
piece of the G' string of a banjo, chew
it up and brown it in a flame and drop
it in a bottle, and it cannot be told
from the real head."
Disastrous Wrecks,
Carelessness is responsible lor many
a railway wreck and the same causes
are making human wrecks of sufferers
from Throat and Lung trouble. But
since the advent of Dr. King's Xew
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, even the worst cases can be
cured and hopeless resignation is
longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Craggof
Dorchester, Mass. is one of many whose
life was saved by Dr. King's . Xew Dis
covery. This great remedy is guaran
teed for all Throat and Lung diseases by
A. C. Marsters & Co. Druggist. Price
50c, and f 1.00. Trial lot tie free.
Stepped Against a Hot Stove.
A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when
getting his usual Saturday night bath,
stepped back against a hot stove which
burned him severely. The child was in
great agony and his mother could do
nothing to pacify him. Remembering
that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm in the house, she tlwught
she would try it. In less than half an
hour after applying it the child was
quiet and asleep, and in les-t than
two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a
well known resident of Kellar, Va.
Pain Balm is an antiseptic liniment and
especially valuable for burns, cuts,
bruises and eprains. For sale by A. C.
Having leased my Laundry to O. C.
Baker, of San Francisco, I tike this
method of thanking my patrons for
their past favors, hoping they w fll ex
tend same to my successor aa I am con
fident that he will give entire satisfac
tion. F .,F. PATTEBSOJt.
A Runaway Bicycle.
Terminated with an uglv cut on the
leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111
It developed a stubborn nicer unyield
inj to doctors and 'remedies for four
years. Then Bucklcn's Arnica Salve
"cured. It's just as good for Burns,
Scalds, Fkiri Eruptions and Piles. 25c,
at A. C. Marsters & Co. Drug Store.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn tliat there is at least
one dreaded disease that sience has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is tire
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitnt'innal
treatment. Ilall'sCatarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly ujion the
blood and mucous surfaces of the svstetn
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and eivina the patient
strength by building us the constitution!
auu srau-uiig uaiure in uoing ns worK.
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni
als. Address . F. J. Cheney Co.f
Toledo, O.
fkild by Druggifts, 75c.
Halls Family Pills are the best.
Notice for Publication.
Unit ed Slates Land Offie.
Eostburg, OregoD, S pi Ifi Idtr.
Notice is hereby givea that the following
named settler haa filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of hia claim,
and that said proof will be j. n.le before the
Register and keceiver U. K Ijind Office at
Jtoseburg, Oregon, on October :;, jhuJ. vir:
JOHN Willi. Hr,
on H. E. No. 93 W, for the lot ; c 52.. tp :9 '
range 4 west. He names tlo f 1 ing w tuess.
es to proe bis continuous res d nca upon aud
cultivation of said land, viz: James Kreemau
Zaek Card well, Edward )ox, J. W. Holloway,
all of Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
618 , JTBUIlXiES.Kegister.
Fine Shotgun Given Away.
With every cash purchase made at ray .store
amounting to $1.00, from now until "noon Jan. i,
1903, will be given a number in the grand prize
drawing to take place at the above mentioned date.
Those owing on account must make settlement' in
30 days to entitle them to a chance in the grand
drawing. Gun valued at $25.
L. E. MILLEDGE. Dillard, Ore.
Smith DSndruff Pomade
Sto ps itching scalp upon one applica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. Trice 50c.
For sale by Marsters DrugJCo. mltf
Notice for Publication.
11 Roaeburg, Ore., Oct. 9.W02.
Notice it hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act ol.Otingresa of
Junes, 1878, entitled "An art for the ale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land Hates by act of Augurt
of Woodburn. county of Marim. ftate of Orc-
g.m liai mis day tiita in inn omu "is sworn
uieiiient No :.i'.'.. for tlie puri-hast of the SW'i
ofSec.Noail Tp::i S.,ran!H Nod wl and will
oner prool to snow mai ine lauu mmhiii ia
more valuable for its timber or sione than for
Cultural purpose, and to estalilikh li is
rlaiui bWorv 8 Britl. V 8 Commissioner at
Kiddle Oregon, on Wednesday, trio si nay 01
December, lutt. He names as witnesses: h
K Hirer, ' K Whitman. K 1. lteminglon, Frank
Libbv, all of Woodburn Orepon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-dewribed lauds are requested to file their
claims in thisottloeon or belorc said :tlst day
of Pee l. J.T.UKID.KS,
oa)p negisier
Notice for Publication.
Tniled States Land OMiee,
Roseburg, Oregon. Oct. . 12.
Nntlr is herebv eiven that In compliance
wlUi the provisions of the act ol Congress of
June 8, W.S, entitled "An act for the aale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territorv." as extend
ed to all the public land states by Act of A uguat
a, isyf. .
of Woodborn, county ol Marion, state of Ore
gon, has filed in this office his sworn-statement
No. 3r for the purchase of the SW'i of See
32, T 31 8.. range K west, and will oiler proof
to snow tnai tne lanu songui ut more ati.nuir
lor its timber or atone than for agricultural
nmrars. and to establish his claim before tne
: S Commissioner. W Britt. at Riddle, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 2Srd dy of December,
lMir' He iiamtsas wiiuesses: t n iiniiiuiou.
H W Miller. W F Miuard, Kdward lioliu all of
XI vrtle Creek. Oieeon.
Anv and all persons claiming aiver-iv tne
above des'ribel lauds are ft(inested to tile
theirelaima in thisolhce on or rsefore said 2:trd
ay of December lr2. JT. RKllK.hS.
oir.p . Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Ind Office
Roseburg, Oregon. Oct. 8, 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In eompliano
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June a, )8T, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
d to all the public land states by act of A uguat
4, 1S92.
of Woodburn. county ol Marion, slate of Ore
gon, has thisdav nted in icis omce nis sworn
statement No :49. for the purehaae of the N W
iof See 18. 8 , range 7 eat, and wiil of
fer proof to show that the lanl sought la more
valuable ! its lunbt-ror stone than for ari
cnttiml mirnoses. and to ealablish his claim
belorc W S P.ritt. I" 8 Commissioner, at Riddie.
Oregon, on Monday the 2sih dav of December.
IVtl. He names as witnesses: C F W hitman.
D K L bby. W E Finzer, Lottie Tomlinson, al
of WoodliD n. Oregon.
Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are rej nested to fi'.e their
claims In thiiofhceon or before said ytn day
Oi bee, 1902. J. T. BKllH.Ju,
o20p Register.
Notice for Publication.
. United States Ijind Offioe
Roseburg. Oregon. Ocu . 1902.
Notice la herebv given that tn eomplianoa
with the provisions of the act of Congre ol
June S. )ST. entitled "An act for the ta.a of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada And Washington Territorv," asexteud
d to all the public land stales by act ei AuguM
of Woodburn, county of Msion, stale o: Ore
gon, haa this day filed in thi officv his sworn
statement Ko for the purchase of tiie
ol Bee lb. Tp .11 range 7 vr t, and will oOVr )
prool toshow that the land sought is more val-
cable lor its timber or stone than for agrienl-
. i h ,.i,n.h. k; .i.o. ,
sild bind lfore W S Britt. U Smmi-sion-r at
Riddle, Oregon, on Monday t lie 2th day of le-
cember. 19iW. He name as witnesses: Cbaa.
Oibba J J Hall. Frank Whitman, K L Reming
ton, all of WiXKlburn, Oregon.
Anyand all persons claiming adversely the
above deacribed lauds are nsiuested to hie their
claims in this ofiice on or before said :9.h day oi
December, 19U2.
o2op i. T. BRIDGES. Register
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Boseburg, Oregdn, Oct. 0, 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 1. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
d to ad the public land states by act of Ang-cat
of Woodburn. county of Marion, mate of Ore
gon. hs this day filed in th-a offico his sworn
statement Nn fji. for tne purchase ol I lie N W
14 of Sec Tp SI S , range i wesi.andwill of
fer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable ior lis timber or none than for agrt
(.nltnral purposes, and to establish his cltffru to
said land before W S Britt, I' 8
at Riddle. Oregon, oa Monday the ith day of.
December, tvri He names as witnesses: y f
Whitman, D K Ubby, K W Kinjer, W K Finzer.
ail of Voodbarn, Oregon.
. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above dwribed lands are reotttd to hie their
claims In this office on or before said firi day of
December. lWi. J. T. BKIIfit.'
Mp ' Register
Notice for Publication.
United states Land Office,
Kosebarg, Oregon, Oct. 9, lr2.
Notlca is hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act of Congresa of
Jon 8, 1878. entitled "An act for toe saie of
timber lands In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," aseztend
ad to all the public land slates by act of Auguat
of Woodburn. county of .Marlon. State of Ore
gon, baa this day riled In tbi office his sworn
statement No 3oi3 for the purchase of the N WJ
of section 84 Tp 81 8., range 8 west and will oi
ler proof toshow that the land sought la mere
valuable lor its timber or sioue than for agri
cultural purposes, and to established his claim
before W 8 lirllt, U S CotnmikSioner, at Riddle,
Oregon, on Moaday. tbe 2th day of Iwrember.
Htrj. lie I ames as witnesses: WFMinard of
Myrtle Creek. Ore., Ida Brankey, t L Reining
ton and C f Whitman, of Woodburn. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above dewribd lands are requested to die tbeir
claims in this office OH or before said Zfth day of
iJecemper, vwi. 4 1 UBUsitu,
o2up Register.
Sheriflf's Sale.
In the Cirenlt Court of th2 Stats ol Oregon
ir jougiss county.
Coahow it Sheridan 1
Plaintiff )
Henry D Lsnghlln and Edward J
B Leigh, iielendarfu. J
Notice is hereby given that by virture of
execution and onier of sale dnly Issued out of
ana nnaer tne seal 01 toe above entitled Court
in the above entitled eaase. to mediwted and
dated tbe2ith dsy ol Mepteniber, 12, iiimu
jnagnent rendered and entered in said court
on the 17th day of Mav. lwl, in favor of the
above named plaintiff and against the above
named defendant Edward B. Leigh, and against
tne nerei natter mentioned gad descrioed at
tached property, for the aum of fs.ii, Willi
interest inereon at tne rate 01 6 ier cent per
annum irom tne 1. tn iav 01 av. ltsu, and the
further auiu of $.3 40 eosta and disbiirs menu
aud the cos's of aud upon this writ: Now
therefore, I will on
featrtnlav, the loth la vof November 1!K)2,
at one o'clock p. m. of amid day. at the court
honse front door In Rosebnrg, Douglas eountv.
Oregon, sell at public auction to the biehest
bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest wuicn tne sain ueo-ndani, hisard B
Lz-igb. had tbe 2lst day ol March, or at
any time tlien-aller, in or to the following
described propertv, lo-wit:
Tbatcerwin Mill-sue in the Bohemia Mining
usinci in lwugins county, wregon, known as
the Noonday Mill site and particularly de
scribe! aa being situated about three fourths of
a mile northeast of the Annie Mining claim,
about 40 mile a little south of east of Collage
urove, uuei ounvy, wregon, ana as commenc
ing at the location notice on a stake about
three-fourths of a mile northeast of said Annie
Claim and running in a northerly direction
ZUH-lo feet : thence easterly 478-', feet; thence
sou I tier I y 48-w; leet; thence westerly 47-:lB feet
and lhnce northeasterly J fet to the place
of beginning situated tn Douglas county, Ore
gon, con talniug five acres, with all tiie singu
lar, tne tenements, ncreaitamenis and appur-
tvuauues invieuuui ueiuoguig or in any- wise
To salisiy saii execution, order of gale, in
terest, costs and accruing costs.
Dated at Eoseburg. this 1 Ith day of October,
fenerlffof Douglai County, Or.
Notice for Publication
rutted states Ind Office,
ltoselmre, Oregon, Aug, li,
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act ol t'ongress of
Junes. 18TH. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Terri lory," asex tend
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
4, 1MU.
of niilulh, comity of St Louis, vinte of Minne
sota, lias this day filed in tins ollice his sworn
statement No :U'.i for the purchase of the N W ,
NW;, S't N W4, S W"i Pw'i sVoliou No.
Towuship No ;tl South', Range 6 west
and will offer proof toshowthatthclandsonght
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish, his
claim before the Register aud Receiver of lliia
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Thursday the Sth day of January, 1'aU. He
naiues as witnesses: 1 nonius tawsou, iiiddle,
lir,4i tdlbertson, Thomas K, oi llleti
dale, Ore-.tieorge J 1'owei.i, of IMilutli, Minn.
Any and all peiwas ciainilng adversely the
above described lands an requested to Hie
their claims in this ollice on or before said fib
dayol Jan. lis.':!.
OZ. D i.lniu"r.n
Notice for Publication.
United State Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 17, VJ02.
-Notice is teret'V given that- In compliance
with the provisions oi the act ot Congmss (4
Junes. entitled "An act for the T-ale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asoxtend-
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, 1S92.
JOSKril FRIcK. '
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state oi
Oregon, has Ibis day tiled in this office his
sworn statement No ! for the purchase ot
lots I. , u and Is Sec :, s. p. 2r Scut it. rar-go 1
west aud will oiler prool to show fiat lue tand
ought is more vhIuhHo for ba tiinb-r or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, an I loesiatinsu
his claim before 7. 1. bimmick, I' S C.untnls-
sioner.l Oaklan l, tlrerou, on Mon: ay the ."'. ti
dav of January, Hstl. He names witnesses:
llliam t .Mo-its, Minnvsioe7ire , ,m uui nau
an. Portland, Ore., B K Shields, Hoagiin, Oie..
K l Klnyon. useiiiirg,ure
Anv and all persons els i mini; aders'iy the
above desorilx-d lands are reqne-ierl to file
their claims in this oniec on or Ix-lor,. 51 u
day of Jan., WH J T. lSRIlH.K
t2:.p W'Vi'
Notice for Publication.
United 8:utes Land Ol!!, e,
Roseburg, Ore tou, ttct 17, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions of the aet of Congress of
Junes. 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and eshington Territory," asexteiid
d to all the public land slates by act of August
W 1 1. 1.1 A M K MtiRKP,
of Snnnyside. county of ciaeka:niis. state ofore.
has this day tiud in thlsotli. e his snor.i state
ment No, :7i2 for the purchase of I ia. i. l'i
and 16 Sec :1, Tp 2.'soutii. range 1 west, and
the XK'4 SK' sx-e 24, Tp2"soalh, ranges west
aud will offi.-r prool to show that tne lanl
sought is more valuable for its timber or s1 n?
than for acrii n'tural puTjrfwis, and to c-.taUish
his claim to said land 7. L Ui.nmirk. t
8 Commisioner,al Oakian 1, 'rego", on Mon
day, thenih day of January, lsit. Ha uames as
witnesses: Joseph Piu-e. M Buchanan, of I'ort-
land. Ore.. B F Shields, nf H.ugiin, Oie, F 1
Kinyon, of Roseburg, Oregon
A nyand all persous claiming alveoely tho
above described ands arc requested to file
Iheir claims in this office on or before said 5th
day of Jan lSKL J. T. JBRTlx.m,
o2!p Kegbter.
Notice for Publication.
United State Laud Ofiice.
Rfebnrg. On-iSn, Aug li, 19j2.
Notice is hereby given that tn compliance
with the protisiinsof the act of Congress of
Juue S, l.TTh, entitled "An act for the sale of tim
ber lands in the stales ot California. Ore 11
Nevada, and Wascington Ternury"aa exb nd
ed to all the public land state bv act of Aug
ust 4. 1sJ2
of Portland, r .unty of M lUuouiali. Tlalc ol
Oregon, has this ilty t;ij-l Id this oftic! his
snom statement No i2l ior the purchase of
the W', and Kt1, ol b), of section No. 2.
town&hip No. 23 south, range No 9. west
and w ill of fer proof to show t hat '.he land snnght
is more vaiuaoie ior us unttror than
I ?' f"'!""1' I'T"e.. ' eaal.lh his
j J'" b b-Tter and Recetver of tHu
otlieeol Roseburg. Oregon.
I Monday the tetb day of IJUf, He
nerr Wt. . Tiwter, ot Camas Valley . Ore, and
ieonard Vincent, of Forilsud, Oregon.
Am mil ail njk.mnft pluminf jt,-,.r.A!v Il.
the ale described lamls arc rvquesUrd la b e
their claims in this ofl ice on or be.'ore said Z- I
da o: lieccmber. lati. J. T. BKIlF.-t l
Ofp Keg'stcr.
Notice fof Publication.
Host si ai, uir..x, Angii, lrL
Notice is hrreby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe ai of (jicgnia rl
lunel,)e7B. entitled "An ac: for the raic of
timber lands in the Stales nf California. Oregon
Nevada and W nMnrmn Tciribwy," as evtin !
ed to all the 1'abiic Lend Slates bv act of Aug
ust 4, 1392,
of For. lanl, i-o-iniy of Multuon.ab, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this cifue his
sworn statement No. .'IL for the purchase ol
tbe S'i.j of see. No. SI tt. J aouili, R. s we
and will offer proof tosbow that tbe land sought
is more valuaLie for its timber or stone than
for agricultural pnrr-jses, and to tna
claim before tue Uegister and keceivcr of Una
office of Kosebu rg, Oregon.
on Monday, the w.h day of D c-m!-r 12 i!e
names as witness s: - J K Huie of l oiCtM.
Or., Wei. Poit'-r, John Ijehnhtrr and Wat. Mur
ray, of Camas Valley. Ore.
Any and all petsins claiming adversely lit.
above dtscriuesi lauds are ie'ies:e4 to i,!c u rir
riaiuis to Uiis oiVccon or b-.iore si i i'..;b !v ,
Decern tr, l'Xri. J. T Bir-.s,"
OOp Kegisicr
Contest Notice.
United stales Land Ofliee,
How-burg. Oregon, Oct. J4, l.'H.
A sufficient e,nt-t atTidav.l havi:ig bev-a
61? d in th s offii-e hr
i.ii. 1AV.
contestant, a alni hnmi sii-al entrv No ..' .'.
made April 17. s-., for !-K)4 .StMi,lp :vuh.
raage 7 west, be
lif OI'.'JE W KAKNFj.
conteslee, in which it is al c; M that "aid cntrj--man
has never established bis wsidence en th
land nor improved or-uitivat-l tiie; and
that he has enlirelv abaudonxl the land, aud
tliat said alleced afiseuee i.-nm the said laud
was not due 10 his employment In tho Atmy.
Navy or M ai i tie Cori of the United Males as a
private soldier, officer, seaman or marine dur
ing Uie war Willi Sou n or during any ciht-r
war in which th I'mb-d Sistes may be ro
gated: said jiartn-s are h -reby uoMliol to
pear, re .pon'i and .f!cr cvid' m-c toueM.iir s .1
allegation si lo o"c:o-k aiu Ixsernber P., j iat- ol i, iK-reelit p r avinuin Irom the Htli dav
t-lore the He - Isier and irec-ircr. I uit-.-d states "' tots r. l. a d tin; iutthir sum of .'." spe
Land HfTwea'. lios.-bat. iint'ii. e Kl atunuets lis .. , then-tore I will on
The said contrtaut LaiiDR. in a piopcr affi- Saturihiv, tin; Lilt In 1. tv of Nuvi'inU-r l'.MrJ
which show that alter due oihirciwe
service ol this notice rn not be roado. it
herebv orderol and directed thai softi noli
be given bydiie and proper publication.
J T HKIIx.f.s,
N 3
J H BOOTH, Kcetiv.r.
Notice for Publication.
United Mate Land liflie,-.
Roscburi.', On-gon. Aug 12. 1'.srj.
Notlca u hereby frlven that In compliance
with tbe provisions of the act of t'ongress of
Jnne 3, 187i). entitled "An ai t for the sale of
timber lands l:i the States of California, tirejon
Nevada ,aod VVashinKton Territory," asextend
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
lEOftt.E J. lfVKR3.
of 911 Indon Kom I, Iiuluth, county of hi Louis
Stale of .Minnesota, Ims Ibis day tiled in Ihts
otliee his sworn statement No .'u'j7 for the put
cfcaseof tbeSE'i NK'i, S 8K', N'K'4 SW; of
section No 22, township :t south, raiiKe 6 ntst
and will offer proof toshow that the land sottfrht
Is more valuable for its timber or stone thnn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hii
claim before the Ket;tster aud Receiver of thl
office of Koasburg, Oregon.
on Thursday the 8th day of January, pjo-i. He
names as witnessea: Tlumias iawoti, lliddle,
Ore., i (iillierlsoo, Thomas K l.swson, i.lep
dale, Ore., W A Imlnth. Uimiesota.
Any and all tiersons elaimiuK nlversniy the
alMive deserilied lands an- rec nested to Hlo their
claims in this ofiice on or la-fore said Hlh day
of Jan., l'.tu.
J. T. BRir.liES,
42P Kcister.
Notice for Publication.
United Htate.s Land Office,' eon.H pl. Hi. iwfj
Notice is hereby Kiven that the following
namen settler has filed notice of his inlentiou
ti make final commutation prool In support ol
his claim, and tint said proof wiil be made be
fore the Register and Keceiver of United
htatca Lnd Ofbce, Koseburg, Ongon, on Oc
tober 15, via:
on H. K. No. Saf.l, for the fcK;-4', 8-HW4'
see 211, tp St, K 9 west. He uaines the lollop
ing witnewics to prove hia continuous r si
dence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz:
James Conn, James Beasley, of Eoseburg Ore.,
Thomas oke, Arthur A rant, Marshlield, Ore.
Bl ip J. T. HKIMiES, Kegister.
Notice for Publication.
United Slates Land Office,
Kosi'burg, Oregon, Oct. U. HNi2.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress of
June", )8x, entitled "An act for the me of
timber lands in the Hlatesof California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory, "asextend
ed to all the public Imd states by act of August
1VM V. HIMkb -.
of Woodburn, county nf Marlon, (Main of (Jrcu'ou
nas tnis (lay tiled in tins ortlcc his snorn s le
ment No : i2. for the purchase of tho .Hi?u of
Ko:l, Tp'tl 8 , ramni 7 west, and will offer
prool to snow that the land nought is more val
uable for fls timber or stono than for nt:ri,ul
tural purposes, and lo establish Ms claim to
said land be lore W H Britl, V B Coiriiiiis'iouer,
at Kiddle, Oregon, on Monday, the 2'.nh diiy ol
Iiecemlu r, itK. He uames as wltne-ses: H W
Finzer. J J Hall, ( has bibb. A P ltrnniLiir. all
of Woodburn, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming' adversely the
above deserllied lands are requested toli!" their
claims in this ofiice on or belot! said sth dny
of Lvoeinber,l'.02. J. T. BKIIE-t.
0U)p . Uegister.
Notice for Publication.
I'nlted States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, July 12, 1902.
Notice is liereNy given that In compliance
with tne provisions of the act of Congress of
June :t, IS. S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextoud
el to ail tho public land states by act of August
4, mi.
of t'ainas Valle), county of Douglas, state of
Oregon tins this day tiled in thiaritlU his sworn
statement No 2 t.v) tor tho ninvliaso ol lot 2 and
SW, N E ,, YJ, KE'i fcec No 22, tp 30 H , K 9 W
and will otter proof toshow that the land sought
U more valuable lor lis timber or stono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim tieiorc the Register aud Receiver of this
of lire of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Wednesday tho l-'lli day of Kovcmlxir, 1902.
He r.ames as witnesses: W 11 ll'ireti, Al Crouch,
John Met. alt. of Camus Valley, Hreaou, JfrtMl
nirwnri, ivusi-uiirK, tin-mill.
Any ami all prso, is claiming atversnlv the
above described lands are ni'l-ted to lile their
claims in ims uincc on or ueiun aaui day
ui tovtriuuvr j 1 UKIlHiKS.
s'r KeirMer.
Administratrix' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
bus been by the county court ol i'.iniilss coun
ty, Sla.e id tiregnn, Hpio;iiled ailmiiu.trntrix
ot tne esluie 01 Cslvlu ,. ilson. deccaseil.
All ncrvons hnvinir rlalins n?a!nsi said file
are hereby nntiiied mid required to present the
sunn-, uun verilltM. at mo law onice ot r
Benson, ill Rosebtire. tlreeon. or at Hia lau- of.
lice of A C Wooileoek in Eugene. Oregon, with
iu six ninniiis irom tnediiteof I In not ice.
IiHled Ujis 2ird day ot Octolier. Yxtl,
O.'S ueki II A M WllJjOX,
AC mli.Utratrix of the estate of Calvin ti Wll
ton, deceased.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is lieicby niven that Hie nnderslgned
was, on the l itli ilav of Angiii. I'.nr2. bv the
t.ouniy co in ol Oouela. count. Oreion
duiy a; pointed executor of llieclato of Hetirv
i.noiucr nnm n, ins-eascii. All persons Having
eiaims aeatnsi ino siitit es'.Hle a-e hereby not
toil to present them, proper y vetifieJ, to me at
Elkton, D nig as cjuiity, orej.m. within six
nioutlis irom the linteof this notice, and ail
persons indebted to the cs'ate are hvn-by noli
liel to i t? Hie same t me.
I'atel Ansun l -th, Y.txl. Sint'll. H Baows.
Notice for Publication.
Unite.1 States Ijind OHi c.
Ko H ur,'. Oreiou, Aug 2-1, I'.i2
Notice is Jicrel y given that In conipllanca
with the ;.ro :i iis of tr.e act of t'ongresa of
June.". ) :.ent:il"d "An a-t for the sale of
tun be: l:;is in tl. Calilornia. Oregon
Neva.ln .arid aiiriKtun Terriiorv." asextend-
eJ to all the puLUc land times by" act of August
1 I TER Ml-; I. INS.
nl xa.l !e. eo'iTii .- ol a 1 uvr. tsle o! sat. I LCI n
tin llrs ii.iv BUd lu this O'li o his morn stt
ineht No for tin- mitihsi.1 the E't NW
and I 1 snd 2. S-.vj M i p is K irKe a west
an J w;ll oflir proof toshow tt-at lie laud sought
Is more ior us ;u:.ur or stone irjin
for agricr.l:T.Tai j.nris ,-es, and to es:ai lish Ma
claim lM"T? H e and Itcceivt r vt this
oiii- c of K.ebiir. Lirevi.Ti.
n t Aliiidav. the lTtn t'av of Junua. t 15 t He
nairea a a nne.e.: Al'cn M I'son, William II
Marry Witlum 'Pavis, '.Via M I'oiter ail ol
.una V, '.ev (i-cr .a.
Any and ll r rsons cla'n.iug a lvc u y tl
alsivc .esrl.d Umis an? re, uet'cd to t:le their
rlaiins in this otliceon or be.oie sa'd 17th day
of Jan. J. T. linttM.xs
N.. Keciater
Notice for Publication
USIT-t frTATgs I.lSD Orm g.
Ko ?burg. Oreg.n. Aug U. 1J
Notice is heret y given that In compllanr
wi.a ih provis:oi:s wi tr.e act of t ongnr of
June .",:.. cTit. tied "An art for tbe sale of
timber lar.ds iu t!,e States of COl!oni:a.Oreeon
Nevada .and Washington Terruory,'-arxteiid-ed
t all the pu bUe land states by'act of A uguat
KMll.K 1'1-rrKBSoV
of liiiliith. ,-o:rut- oi Si Uxus. S.ate .f Minne
s,a. iiax tuts ov r.:e.i in tins niuce b sworn
tstcmeiit .No ::. v r the purchase o' tbe SKV
01 hi touMship 31 S.. range 4 ret
and will o' -r prvs-f toshow tfcat the land sooght
is more riiat ie ii,r Its umber or sionc
lor acncv.r.ural purjs-e. and to estRtlish Ms
Claim tefon? it;e itc4..h-r aud Keceivcr of th
ollice of i:oelurg.r. iuu.
ou Tturslar the s'h day of January !:. He
tlHt ( ItOl'lK. Kb Tle;eT d lllllulil
M::ia .1, .i!t'-.soii. laswu, t?4 Ucoige
I owc-s ol t, endsle, O.i-con.
A:ii auii nl Krsjni c.sim ng alve. iv ti
te de rils-1 lands are re-iaev!ed to f.le the'
r'sur.s in oa or beor said th dav
of Jan. 19 a.
J. T. Brie gs,
. Notice for Publication.
x. l'uite-1 Stales Land tl.Sce
IbM'ttiig, Orefou, Aug K, l.s
Notice ts terey given that in eompliaac
r.n ;:.e rov:;i n;s ot tne art ot t ongrva of
June 3. is;s. er.ti'led "Au a. t for the saie of
tin: per lands n it-.e i-tatrs of ahfot jia.O:egon
Nevada And a.hlnpt.m 1 prri N.rr." assiTi.l-
ed to all the publ.e land states by'act oi August
!' M rrtl- fit -k. c hi ;it f Dnizlss. s'ate of
orej -ii. Ims l!.i d"J in ibis .ili.. bi
.m ut'-men". No H'i r -he patellars of
bii- I, i. ml ct 4. Ji S . K Z wet
andii! toston that the lsndso:ight
is more valuat le for It timber or fore tasn
for ariciiituial p'jrjsscs. and to csia! lh his
claim troretr.e Ur and Recover vf this
oau- of Koseburg.Oregun.
on W -.lne- iy. i he Hth day o' Januarv. tail.
II" lUTf-i' i'nr---- M A 'v j W 'Cfiaa'-l-
riam. A L Ady, c LSiy, all of Vyrlle Crcvs,
Any and s'l ht. lis . laiuin.' adrerss-ly Oie
s'..-.e .--n t I lands re r-.ui-itisl ut nv
im ,r - 1st ins in tin. ofll. c- on nr t lore vn
! "n
lay o January iv,ii J. T. ItKlla.KS.
" ;P Regis. e r.
.Sheriff's Sale.
Iu li e i in on Court of tbe 8ta'.e o! Oniron
f.-r fi-Miebi. cf.unty.
T. T. i.e. r. .. .? nor. F. I Iiuntr.'l
scietsry. and i hs S Mo'ire, :re-s- j
nr, r d ih: state : iftvi-n.and cwi- j
sttiut. tli-r iai- Ijtud H.r.l j
llsintiCs j
Km l.a;d I o, k nisi I lata r.s.k. hu i
ai e and lv.i;las c-untv. Ihi;(in. j
It-ie-idam j
Notice Is Iierv' y eiven that by virtue of au
ev. cut o.i sn-l orTer ol sk duly i.ued out of
loe alovc iisioed etoirl and etcs 4-n the 21th
n: r f f tietoiU-r, I'.'iJ, i.p-n a judgment a::d de
rr. e duly r.nd o-d and entcrvd In said court
and i atips!, o-i Ihc 11th dsv ol, VXH, by
unit Insure 11 a net 'sce 'ln favor ol Ihe above
named i'iain:!". and a.-ainsl the above named
IvleU'tuiits rt:i! m aiitst Ihe hcreinaftei men-
to ui-d aud -li -'i.bed nioitir'.e l proix-rtv lor
I Hi" nin nl -1 . w i ; li intenst theieou at Ihe
atoneo e,ek li. III. ol s.ild dnv. at eniirt hnmn
j f;on I do. .r, i n liosebnre, Itouelaa eountv. Oie-
gon. M-ll al public aiunon l-i I In- hijli'va bid
ii r. I.ors'h In hsnd, ail the ucl.t, tillo and
inu'rcsi, which Hie s.l'l lied ndaiits, or eitner
of lli' in Imd o.-i the.'lst day of September. IS!7,
or at any time thereafter id or to the lulioiiinK
dcoiioe.! ri-al propcity, to-ail :
The s.iiJtiiet ( m iter if section in. and the
nnrtliuesi otisrter of M-etiou is. all in Inan-
j sh p'.-iso mi nl rauL'eH westof Ihe Will. Mer,
l nivls county. On-uoii. conlaiuiPt SJU acrts
of Imi'l mere or ii,., iei win apply Ihe pro.
feeds o! tin h al' I rt to the payment of the
costs of such sale, and Ihe mm of aj-ial
a'lornevs fin-s and tbe sum ol ;jl .a, due Ihe
plsiutifjs with Inierest therton at literate ol C
p'reeni per annum Irom the lull day of Octo
iKr. lvo.' and the over rius. if any there be. I
lil py to the clerk of Ihe court, as by order
oi sain court in snid execution to me directed
and delivered, foniiiiaiidlnt; me to sell raid
ii'sove fiescriisd teal propeity in Ihe uaniie
provided by lfr.
Listed this th dav of October, 19)2.
Sherifl ol IKiualas eotiutv, Oregon
Notice for Publication.
United Ststes lnd 1(Hcc.
Koacburg, Oregon Aiiz, is, IDui.
' Notice la hereby given that In rompllanra
with tho prorp-i'iiia of the act of Congresa of
June K, s.s. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds In the States of California, Onsgon
Nevada .and Washington Territory, "asextend
d to all the public land states by act of August
4, lfe'J2.
of Myrtle Creek, roiling of iNniglaa, state of
Oreuou. has mis lsy IiIkI in lias office his
sworn statement No ::ith for Hie pnrchae of
Ils 1, and in, !i-c4,Tp2,.S.. raugo west
and will ofter proof toshow that the land sough!
Is mej-e valuable lor its timber or stone tiisn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the kegister aud llecciver of tliia
ollice of Roseburg, Oiegou.
on Wednesday, the llilidpy of Jsiiiinry, l'.lot.
He names as witnesses:- l, Bnimbaugh, (! W
chHiiibcrlaiu, A L Ady aud C beliefs all of
II j rile ' rcek, tire.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above described laud- aro requested p, nl0
iheirclaiins in this ollice on or iielore said Hlh
day of Jan. la J. r. uui Wi KS
'P licgistcr.
Notice for Publication.
UNiTn 8ttks Lakh Ornrg,
Kuscbiirg, Oiegou. Oct i, 1'jtlJ.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress of
June :t, )K7S, entitled "An act for the saio of
timlK-r lands iu the States of California tirexon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as'extend.
eJo oil tho public laud states by act of August
( II AS. 01 BBS,
M Wuodh urn, coiintr of .Marion, stale of tiro.
I'rfji, bus this dsv Hied In this ollice his sworn
-s'fii's-mtiit No. aii."i for Hie purchue oi Ihe HYli
fi c. 22. Tp :il K , niime 8 west, and will oiler
proof lo show that Ihe land sought la more val
liable lor lis llinliir or stonii Ihau sgrlcal
tnrnl piTrpoM-s, and to establish his -Ulm to
said land lnioretV K llritl V H tlominlssioiicr at
k ionic, vie , oi, eiinesiiav, tho :;isl diiy ol
lieeember. 1!J2. He names as wltnessi's: J J
Hull, A F Bran gar. K L Kcuilnglon, i: K Whit
man ol Woodbiiru. Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely flirt
alMive-rJescrinod Jsiuls arc r. i nested to file their
claims iu this ollice on or belorc tbe ;ilt day of
Icc, l'.V2. J.T.Binna,
o2Vp JU-gUwr.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office
Koscbjirg, Oiegou, Oct 3, l'.r2.
Notice is hereby given that fn compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congroa o'.
Juno 8, )H7K, entitled "An a-t for the salo of
timber lands in the States of California, Oiegon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," ascxteud-
ed to all the public laud slates by act of August
of Woodburn, county ol Marino, state of Ore
gon, has tblsjjity tiled In this bllb e her sworn
statement No S 1, for Hie purchase of the SK.1,
of fc'ec ;2, Tp 31 S., range 8 west, and will olli r
proni to show that me land sought is mora val
uable for Its timber or stone thau for agricul
tural nutpofos, and tn establish her claim 10
said land before W 8 llriu, I) H Commissioner.
at K11I. lie, Oregon, on luesday. tlie'2rd day ol
lieccinher. 19" '2. hho names as witnesses : I N
Hamilton, W K Mlnar.l. H W Miller, Klwafd
Bohn, all 01 Myrnc Creek, tire.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are rcUCKtcd to tile thtir
claims in this office on or before said 21 day
of lX'ceiulicr l'JuX
ol:tp J. T., Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Atntci. Land Oiric,
Roteburg, tingon, Oct . lso.
Notice is hereby riven thai In romt'limice
with the provisions of the act of Conuress of
Junes, is. s. entitled "An ad tor the sale of
timber lands in the Htatesof I'uhli ima.Die'iu
Nevaala .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all tbe public laud states by act of August
4, 1!W.
of Wooiltitirii. county ol Marion, slate of re-
gon, litis this iay iiu a in this ottice ins swum
staUmenl No .s''j lor the purchase f the N i,
of Sre .Hi, Tp UI S., range 7 weft and Kill 01b !
prool im snow tnsi tne lanl soiiglit is mote ' n:
unliie ior lis 11 inner or stone 1 lis 11 tor agrii-u Iu
ral purjows, and 10 oiiihlisii his claim Is 'ore
s Unit I 6 oinini-ni'lier. at Itld ile. Oregon,
on HiMiiesilay, tne .tut itay t m-cviuis-r, l.n
He names as witnesses: C r Whitman, f I.
KeiiiinKtou, E W Finwr, Woodburn. Or . W F
Mltinnl, of Myrtle Creek, ttreeuu.
Any and ail rrsons claiming adversely the
above descrilH-l lands are rcticicd to file
their r'ah.-.s in this ollice on or lieior said sii-t
davof lice. VA'i. 1 T Hit I lr..
oNip K'-gisti-r.
Notice for Publication.
United States Ijiii I Oiili e
Koscl.urg. (gi.u IM. It. 1M
Notice IS hereby (.-lveu that In compi is uce
wun tee provisions or tr.e act ol i,-ngrcni ol
JuneS. )7K. entitled "Au a-t for the fh- of
timber lands in tbe Mates. .f 1 ah'umia. rt n
Nevada tkI w ahi!inton lerriiorv. ' asext nd
ed to ail the public land states by art of Au put
of Vt iSslbMrn. eountv of Marlon. Hate of Ore
gun lias ims nay in tins oaii-e ti . r s roru
siatement No ior tae purthae o it e yi.
111 ihv ... 1 n ..i n , rsui: wtsi atti wi;i or
proof to show that tiie land sought is more ri
liable for lis titnbrr or stone tbnn for airiii-n
tnral purposes, and to e-lab!ib her ctala to
said land before n I'.rilt. t ti omt!'if.,te
al lii Idle, Oregon on Monday the ivili dsv -
lec. p2. She uarais as witnesses- I N H im;l
tou 01 Myrtle crei k. Mr., i J Ka'i.-l has t ta.
W fc Mnzerof Hoooburn ttreeu.
Any and all persons claimiug adverselj
above-described lauds are reutieatol ,0 file their
riaims In this othee on or be ore said Mh dsv
ol lec 1AU.
oA)p J. T. BliirKlK,
Notice for Publication.
Unite.! St.tei ljir.d (;r-te.
Roseburg. Oregon. Oct. V.
Notlre is hererv given that In emr.r-l'.anc
with the inn i.ims ..f il.e act ot .afro of
June S. (7s. entuK-d "An as I f. r the sale of
ltmbr lands in the .'tales. i blromia. ;,. n
Nevada arid t ashmgton lem-orv,"aextud-ed
to ail the public laud states L j aet ot August
of tVoodburn. county of Marion, state of rv
goo. ja tais'ls tii.d in tins ..sVc h sworn
tatement No :.' for the purchase of tbe .VA ' ,
of section No r.' Tp :.l S . rsnae west, a t d wil.
oBer proof to tmw mat the land ought it dots
valuab.e for tti timber or sione Iran lor in.
cultural pnrno -. and lie'al,:t.h hu rliin to
said land t-i. re s Hriit. I & tomm. -loner,
at Riddle. Oregon, on ttejm-nlay. iie .1(1 dr
of Ieeembcr. 1-s.c He nsno-a . in-: --: u
F. Ubby. A P Itranl-ar. I has :ib!s an.' E L
Krmington a 1 ol .Ksiieir;i. nr.
Any and all p ron claiuiin adersic y t';e
above described lau !s re re iue-icl b tr
theirelsims In IhnoJlce en or l.rfonr st J j:,:
dayol It. c lisi. J T isaifi'.ffs.
o-W? keg ster.
Notice for Publication.
Uuitcd States !? -.
K-seburf . Otvgosi, x pt s : ,i
Noti'-e i her'!y ti.en !.i". ih. I'd iismt
name.1 s.-i!i--r has f. -1 . f l..s n-t n'.oi
to r.Kike fjnsl pioid i-l -nprt ..f b's
and tHal said ru. i'l t ma.'- K-icr- ice
Ri-g.-ter and lui-eiie"-. I . s. bnl i i
K -i-uig. Oregon, o-j Nor- ms r 11. 1 j;j vu :
JnshC'l -. .. r.
rn II. K. No STi.". for the .-'A 1 1 yrl s.-. 1 1. ip
Si s , retire A a. --t. lie uare s i . f. .wjt-g
silOcs to p-ve his!,iiu"-i rv-'p-ii-e
Upon and villtusltotio! a.d Ssk1. vir: J. 1). i. - j.iiir.-. ami
TBi-k'-i Mitiiuais, all of i
J. T. !li:i!.r.s
l.e l , .
Notice ! r-eliy ti rer th st r tin 1. -s: -tf
wasouthe lli o.y of it td.r. I'l i, by t'e
t'ojnlt ',un ot 11..US eni-u'V. n t-.rt. d ;'v
aprs'int'-l a im;::i:-at. of tii- eta-. of Sr.'.
son i.-ay. iliss-a.-1. Ali rs-rso:is hiving rlaiir
calnst i ! said esta'e ate hnei.y rr.( U e I ti
present them w;ih the r. n hers w iih V
T Rlitltil, Ir.l.rt 1I H'M..I -.ic n.. ... I .
j un'ier'cn 1 -m'n,s-rst.r. a ne la 'if;ce oi
A. SI. traa:orJ in Kosct-urif. It js ts rooau
Itd at Roeburir. Orcpon. th's '.':h dar of
October, !C At KILf.
cju Ad'niniilratnr.
Notice for Publication.
I.4!t&4jTTtc T R"SstBt a ;. On. AnC S i. l-.ri
Notice is herrby given mat t'le fnlbming
named settler has tiie I rot. co of his 1 itea:i .i
to make final pmif iu -ip( i-t of ss cl ii:ii sn I
that snd prttil w:i ! raa :e :-'nse the Ee.::-r
and Kiceiver. U. S. Ln. al Ko ebjrg.
tjn-goti, on ijrto's-r 2, l if
ou H. E. No W , tor the eK'l few' ' fee. g Tp
2. S. k. 4 West.
He name the foiloaine witnees tn nw
his continuous r llenee upon and cultivstlca
ol said land vir: lieorge R: h. JeJT.-rsf n Wil-v,
John Brown aid Hcilj. .l -ni't.i all ot Mvit c
Clerk. Oregon a2p J T. Hairs as K rgieu r.
Notice for Publication.
UKtTrn r-fa Lxd Oitk
Kosehnne. 4:c;oii. Anc m-.1
Nol-ee Is hceby given l.isl in compliance
with the pro s!on oMhe aet ot I'mrgn-sa of
JnnrJ, L-ls.eulit'..-l -An Ac, f.,r ;h sale of
limlwr 1-an'ls in th S;a.c o. Cat
iiornia. Oregon, Sevals and Kxrunjlnn Teti
tory, ' asextemveil lo all 11, e Uul-tlc La Ml States
by act of Anrnst 4 1. ;.
of Mtflle Crrek. county id isouit'ai, sia t of
Oreaoa, has this day iilcd in llrs oftli-e Ms
s.irn stst -niei,! s ,, ,rs. (,,r lb. piuohaa ol
tho Lots 4. A, an I 12 of strti m No. In,
township X. l'i soiiih, laue No :t wed
and will offer pnf toshow thai the lai.d sought
Is more valuable for Its ti:i,isr or stone tnsn
Ior airricuitiiral purises, and to rsta l.a his
Claim l-cforv the fieisl-ier aud Keceiver of thu
oiace of Koscburg, ureguii,
on Monday, the nd wy;of i,xemhrr. l:J2. He
nami-s as a itnessw: t:. L. Sly, Ij'e B'ltmhaUKh.
M. A. siy and 4 M;.ltrs, all of Mine Creek.
Any ami a'l rs-rsons claiming adveisidv the
above descrlf I lands are reom-ste.! to tile their
claima in this ofiice on or beloie ."2d dayol
Uecemlier, irji. J. T. BRI Jt-Ks,
Ovp Beis!,-.-.
Notice for Publication
Unlleil Sit.-s Land Office .
Roseburg. 4irvgnn, 4:t 12.
Notico is beret y given that In cortipllauca
with tho pnivlsl'uisof t he ei t ol Co.ign-s of
June :t. is. s. entitled "An act f.r tho sain ol
timber lands Iu tie ststes of Ciillfornia.lireon
Nevada. and Yi a-'-i'iKU.ti Territory, "i sextend
el to all the publie land states by act li August
4, liW.
Kf'iKSK I. RKMlNtiTi'X,
of Woi-dbiirn. county of Miirion. sttbi of tne
goti. bus this day file t In this oitice I, is svo?u
.tatement No ,s. for tho pun-hioe ol Ihe NK',
o! sec-lion fl, Tp :tl S ,rane H west and ,il oi
ler proof to show that ilm laud Sfniih'. Is uio.e
valuable for ils linibT or stone than for agri
cultural purnots-s, and loestab! sh Iii-r.-lsiiu lo
snid land before W i Britt, I'. S. Com ni-doner.
St Kiddle. Ur;;o!i. i n W e lnesd y , ihe list dav
of Int'embcr. ItS'J. He names
('has (liblss. K W Klniter, c F Whitman, A 1'
Branigarall of Ore.
Any and all rernnis claiiuing adv erelv lh
above ilescrilied Linda an reiicstcl P hie their
claims In this ofiico dii or bemre the tl-t day o'
December, 19 2.
4.2P Kcgisler.
Notice for Publication
I'nilcl States Laml tiff.',
llosebuiv. tiri'iron. 1 ii-t 9.
Kotlra la hereby ctven that In impllance
with trvs rrovif.iiii ol tho aet of Ccnicrosa of
Junn.'t, I8.S entitleil "An aet for thj nilo of
timber Iftiiifs in the sitati of Calilorn a.Orccon
Nevada .arid a-ilitiii.'ton Territory," tisexte'ni
ed to all the public laud states by'act of A ucuat
4, 18W.
of WnihlLiirii, county of Marion. UK e ol Ore
(ton, has this dv tile. I In l.ils office her swnrn
s;!"iiicnl So. :ii.4, (or Hit imreliasc of I lie V.'i
of Klj. W'..of NK', ol Sec. No. j. i 1 N,,.
S. rHiice So. 8 west, ami 'Vill offer nroof tn
show lluil Ihe liiml s inirlit is mure viduuhlo for
ils timber or stone. IhHii for au-nciil iiml ittr-
iiom v, anil lo stiiblisli lier claim to sut laml
eloro W H ltrilt, II 8 I'omtni.-sioiior M Kiil'lle.
Or., on Mondiiy, tho Jith day of Hccc'iib-jr. l'.HW.
.Shu iiHines as nil nesscs: S Tom I ins m. I.iiie
Tniiilinson, K V Kinxer, 1 KLibt.y, a lot Visk1
bll'1l,4)r. Any mid all )ierson clHlininn alv rsely the
alwive descrltM'it Isnil arc reiiietcd to illu Iheir
i-Ihuiis in tints office oil or lieioie mid 'j iih day
of lieeember, WW, J X liHJ 1HIKS,
"Jli Hl'Kifcter,
Only a Few Barg
e o
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
ANT .TO lUnKOVY-Ittii0 to
prove tijioti two timber cbinn
H !nil-a t'Art of .s-bt:r2, t)r.
that will tut M.fKKi.OoO t.t No. 1 rir
biiiila-r. AiMrei
m. i.. rii..K,
N'3'lO Os.., Wash.
Notice foi Publication.
1'n le.l Unr Oiliei
Eosi leirv. 4reo.i ki. ) r.
N ire Is het-t.y e vn n comp'.:MJC:
ittl t'.e p--vi.iot;s d thet a.' rot,',ii l
Inne X, !sr..iuili!d " A:i ait te- the lie erf
i:iats Uo'Js ia I he Male of I'.i.'otuic Ore-ou
Nti ads aii4f W as.i'.n-jton Ter-io-t exteid-l
b all the public land stUs. by sc. o A'ls JH 4
hASiaB P.tKKK.
of Vane..iiier. pointy ol C)s-g. s(a . ,,f Wash.,
has this dsv til t in tt. oSce ti a swov.-f suk.
nu nt No 'U-.r i!.e pjr.-i.a ot itv e'4 of
s.ttlon No JI. t.. ii.hip No i 3.. r.'ne S e.t
and will offer proof lothowtbax the land sought
l more vaii :a'..':e f r Its or t.T.e ttsa
for a-irultural purs, and to sssiabijib hit
ejana be'ore tr.e Register axol lCelver cf Uiia
o:ace of Luaebarg, Oregon.
on KriJay the i".:h day o; IwjrniM. tyij e
r. ti silm it- till k'l.hin ,nl I 11 Si,-.
i ! -. ol nisa. .., s:iermn J I'stuter of V.n
I coavrr. W ash . J W M-in ia of tr.:da. Wash.
' Aav and all persona lamming a IvcrrWy t" -
awiveoesriioe'i tanns ans re-vieu-J ti b e t. r
riaim 11 this oa or belot tai. -.
oi lXi I. T. KiillXiKj
f Riddle Pharmacy.!
I. B. RIDDLE. Prop.
1r -
ALL KIN lift or
Fresh Drujs, Hedtcines, c
Toilet Articles, Paints, 0
Oils,' QJas SunJriesV
V i3Pr?i9cript:ons promptly filled
r'- , - . , - .
e. oj a competent umgjr'tu
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prparvs! for filing on Govern-
ment Laud.
B!ne P'int of Township Maps shoving
ail "scant Lan.ti, One LMl'lar Each.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. Special designs (cr Office Fixtures
Office in Marks BuiMitsg. Tbone 415
to kot'ji your mind clear and fresh for
the daily business prib!itis if you e?t
hre.nd Ixmglit ut tiie
Umpqua Bakery
Our lritl i.i maile from the
bt'st floor, and is always
Give ua a call.
jixu(;s & mmm
New Parlie BMjf., North Jackson Str.
Trespass Notice.
All per.soiis aro herehy warntnl not to
tres.ass, hunt, ti.-ti or camp oa the
land of the Curry Estate. lViNouajoin!;
w ill Ikj prasivutetl to the full extent
of. the law.
Estate of N. CrRRT,
( )5if.) . R:verlale Farm.
Head Office, McMlnnvlllo, Oregon
Amt. of insurance in force, f 1 1 ,000,(X:O.C0
Net ptin in one year, 2,(128,7S7.0()
SMtvinr; its memliers 1 j r., 80,.V.a.mi
NumU r Boparate rif ka, 22,3(k)
il. J. Buchanan.
P.o-A'h'.irc;, On't'Oii. At. ftir iKmglasCo.
Title (Juarantce&Loan Co.
J. U.
t'. Hahieton,
Ho-y. amt 1 rtaa
Offien h tlic t:otirt Huust. Have tlio only com
p'vlt'stt nf aKstrsi't Isaiks in lioimlas I uiimy.
Abslrwlaaiiit CVrliliratra of Tltlo fiirnlaiieil lo
liotiKlas nmnty lanl suit mluinu claims, llavo
alalia rnmplniesot 4if TrarlitKa nf ail tonnsiitp
lilats in tin Kosfbnra, (In-Kon, IT. 8. Ijiii.1 Dut.
Uivt. Wt.l uiaku lilut' piiia viiit'ii ol any tnwu
Our last car of pianos and organs
is about exhausted and the remainder
will be sold out at greatly reduced
prices, as we have another car load
in transit. This next car will contain
a lot of the most beautiful pianos
ever shipped to Eoseburg. To see
them will convince you.
4 4. -.
Pig Skins
Basket Bails.
Shot Gun Shells. . '
Sporting Goods of all Kinds.
S. K. SYKES, Hardware.
OOCOCXOOOOOOOOCOOC-(C coocooococococccccooo
Practical Watchmaker,
Carries a complete
Jewelry, Diamonds
ooooooo-r -VOO oo o oo o cooc o ooc o cooooooo ooooco
. n . : : n
1 f 1 The Best
Fr Sale by
V. . v. v: v N : ix- : x:xix
to buy a farm
furnished rooms
to buy a house
rent a house
build a house
"a house
If ottdia'tt iowPAr
11 oa or a.Mress
Yoncalla Real Estate
Timber land located aa l Ir sle. Gool bar
t;aiiii ia farm praperty.
Cor. Washington
anl Main Strot-ts
Mrs. Belle Collins
H. Little,
Oregon. 3
xcxi x v : x- x ; x x
X" X -
All work
t'XlVltlt-4) 'H'ili'v ;'lll,l
. t
Oflic nl Work U.ums iit-st
tltajr to Ktiwou's r.lacksutitli pimp.
Roseburg, Ore.
a i
Siuwssors to
Cass St. Market.
Let call, far your orders.
sins L611
-.T -..-
-m" . t-Jj
- v
tock of Watcues, Clocks,
aud Silverware s
Kl.f'"! 7
- x : - : v. x : : n . . :
mtti i
. 4
s. -
A -
Always the Cheapest
LeenSnd (
; x . x . x vs. - x .x : x x : x
fltmn mm
Mil, ir J
n . mi
i4 Kiii ir
'or a Trcnir t and Fir?t-'an
hiveor Iliixut. -Comp.
tent Workmen, Clostn Tow
e!, Tooi? al -rrays ia shape.
. Batlii in Connection.
SLop oa Jarkcn St.
Homes from $250 to 5000
Write or Thoue
tHTm, SI, Poricr,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and liomestead Locator
Packer and Guide
J in ; ' o s.x i ; h n rs :
! So
is rrt'jv.n- i t.
aiivl iewc;;st a ft:!i
Stt'K h. Hi"
trait rpon oM
Ail frwii a-iil of tiiftvt rr Wss
l'i;i!;!y. 'IV;'.. a.-J itiffeta are
sptviiilties. Your pt-.tnasrw
a 305 J-Krssc.n St
fc , Si . sav 5
V L -V - 1
Bct References.
All Vu.rk CuarsiutecJ
I f.ntoi-!t is at i'.urr'a Music -!.nv
mm a a a
o ocoaoooaooococ-ocso