The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 10, 1902, Image 3

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    ? r r r ir Tvt $
? vvci vvciiil iu zave you i loney
So while you are lookiug around the town doing your shopping you
dou't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown iu the town.
LcldlCS) W'e have all the latest weaves aud colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
. beat for style, quality aud prices. Our walking skirts are the
most complete line injtown ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
Gciltlenien, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted W. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest aud most up-to-date line iu town.
d he Peon I e $ Store proprietor.
One Door South of P. O.
Book and Stationeiy Store
Leather Goods
XW John Valentine, ui the SuMier Home Fun S a i.e. Good family milk cow
of tliis city, is visiting friemlp in the IJrosh. Wn 20, Roseburg Oreg.
Just received to
which we would
respectfully call
3'our atteutioa.
It embiaces ever-thing
that is new and stylish in
Wrist Bags
Purses, Etc.
in either Plain, Silver
Mounted or Mexican
hand-Carved work.
. They are better
than the ordiu
. ary kiud, and
are e specialty
suitable for nice
Call and see them
pleasure to show
Willamette, Valley.
Assaying W. G. Wright, Grants
rass, Oregon, goM ami silver 1,. cornier
$1, tin and electrolytic assays.
Farming Implements of all kinds,
Syiacuse Steel, and Chilled l'l.-ws and
Spring Tooth Harrow. See them before
ou buy. S. X. Sykcd, Hardware.
Mrs. L. M. Parrott, of this citv, who sot of ab.-tract Ihk.Us in the rutin tr. tf
has been visiting her daughter, 3liss
Cal., has
y. VVv- X'jv: X ; every day at !, A. M. ln-ioire of C. P.
j CarnarJ, sgei.t. tf.
As previously announced, the ladies
of f e M. E. Cl.nrch will hav a sale of
useful and farcy articles early in Ieeem
ber. Anyone wishing to purrha; Xmas
1 do t.cIi to jatronize till- Li-
Miners iu t he Mt l:eul-n tlistrict are
anxiously awititii g tlie completion of
the road that is mw beim constr.icuM
south that will give:n out vtto the dis
Etict, aud euabl. them to haul iu wine
fnachinery fur the iaiproveire.'it '? the
mines of tiie locality.
FrKE Tlie Sue "I'LAINliEALEK. M:'.p,'
Crejon en ne s-Me, th imp 'rf the
Fk Sale. A gocxl heavy team, har
ness and wagon. Iuijuire of W. F
Inudehart, Roseburg.
Churchill & Woolley have a fine dis
play oi Automatic wringers, the latest
and lest iu the wringer line.
Oct youf abstracts of title from J. I
Hamilton. He has the onlv. 'complete
Ethel Carlisle, of Geyservilh'
return ed home.
C. A. Fitch, editor of the 1-akeview
Herald, died Wednesday night from tm
overdose of marphine, taken with
suicidal intent.
Campbell and Ale xander, lumberdeal
ers, of Cottage Grove are contemplating
the establishment of a lurcher yard in
the Kinney addition to th is city.
-Well, Well, Well :" tiiey are here at
lost, those red felt Colonial are swell
and dor.t cost much either, yon can see
thern iu our window this week, Flints
Shoe Store.
; IJ. S. T. West, having accepted -severa
yjol.l and reliable fiie Insurano coin pa-
nies, is now prepared to do a gvnerel
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Otfce at the Citv Hall. tf.
S a
Of Local Interest. 21
i v i
See the Title Guarantee fc Ikiu Co
forblue prints and filing jpers. tf.
Attorney Louis Barzee, i a regularly
licecped auctioneer. See hiui at his
office. (X 15.)
Xo hot air tilk oa heatiug ttove at
Churchill & Woolley'. " They are too
busy gelling Bridge & Beach, the very
Yen are always welcome at Flints
shoe store whether you buy or not.
Make this your head quarters while
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
by an expert cook, at Railroad Eatii g
House, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. Bridge Contractor Jennie informs us
that the Xew South Umprjua bridge
above Perdue w ill be completed and
ready for travel this week. Tliis new
bndse Will Drove a rreat convenience to
the people of that section of the county.
Fok Salk A nice little home north of
Ilosebutg. For particulars enquire or
address 11. G. Bocxn, Ko.eburg, Or.
W. C. Conner attended the funeral
service over the remains of Robert Pil
lard at Cottage Grove Sunday, and vis
ited with home folks.
Lost Between this city aud Ed-n-liower,
on county road, a steel bead
chatelaine bag, the proerty of Mrs. S.
C. Flint. Finder please return to
flint's shoe store and receive reward.
The holiday goods are already on dis
play in some of our big stores. Iron
wagons, trains, toys, dolls and car loads
of other stuff to gladden the hearts of
the children are being placed on the
Representative J. M Hanshrough
and Hon. J. T. Bridges, of this city, left
on Friday niorning'ij local for Portland
where they w ill be joined by Sheriff W.
A. Story and spend a few days hunting
ducks on the Willamette and Columbia
Mrs. Geo. A. Trent, of San FranciWo,
is visiting friends in this city. Mrs.
Trent informs us that her husband, who
has nodving treatment in San
Francisco, is much improved and will
oou be able to take bin old freight run
out of Ashland.
Miss Gertrude Johnson and brother,
Hale, who have been visiting here with
their brother and sister. Fireman Ed.
.Johnson and Mis. J. II. Wagonblast,
left lor their home at Jefferson Fi iday
j morr.hig. Miss John on will return
i1:'!!! alnut Christmas.
Simonds crosscut saws are the best.
world oa the other, with the I'.mO -! i V.V handle all styles in two, three and
'If r v.t want to co to Coos Count v
y points take the Roseburg, Marshfield
y rjute. Spring hacks leave Rosebnrg
j&rA other valuable information, f
eTy ne cash su'i-rilHT to t ;c 1'..aiv
dsaler. Maj alone 5-) vnts.
"i ud" au'l Frnk Livingston returr.
el Tliurslay evening from Buffalo. X.
Y., where the former Las lieen rectiv
ine treatment for a severe mutaly for
the jiast two months at I'r. R V Pierce's j Su;i.!:iy fn in Ergenc
World's Medical Dispensary. The ef- ! hr.ldir.u the Xovem
fective treatment a dmii.istc-red to "K:i l" nuiiiiy circuit court.
was highly gucces-uil, and iio wwl ssjii
be his former fcelf. He s-iilrs in high
praise of the Buffalo meSL al institu
tion, and say? it has in
The lridg3 has a r20 foot span with oner" prominent nhvsicians from many part
50 and one GO foot approach.
of the world.
F. 'S, DAY,
All Work Guaranteed for Reasonable Prices.
Second Door north new Bank Building, Kosebcro, Oeegos.
tVe write it in indelible.
That's the word we are trying
to impress you with. Webster
defines it "true worth set' upon
a commodity." It's value, your
money's worth, we aim to give
you. Not on one article but
everything you purchase of us.
You can see it in our
Underwear, Shoes,
Jackets, Dress Goods.
Silks; Panne Velvets, Etc:
The Under Priced Store
four t th, in all lengths. Guarantee!
s-.M!i!' .ipy defects, and if not satisfac
tory oii can return them. Sim moods
ar-; t'ie l't by every test. Mail orders
promptly filled. S. K. Sykes, Roseburg
Oie' n.
Jn.ltT J. W. Hamilton returned home
in Lrene where he has been
her term of Lane
The Heaton mur-
liiTia.-euanii! uji for hearing at this
term of court and resulted ia a verdict
of murder iu the ft-cond decree impris
onment for lii'e, 1
This city was vis-ited i-contly by a
representative of the Sunset Telephone
Co.. who iul. rnied that extensive
improvements are lieinj made along the
entire system. The residence rate for
phones will be reduced from ?l..r0 lo
a month, and priva'e hne) from $2.50
tof'J a month - AIm, hereafter, there
uid 1 e fewci phones to ea. h party line.
A: bland Town Talk: .Mtorney Cray,
oft Li; lirm of Sehlhred A tiray, of
Rosebnrg, w ho is inter, hied in th
Whale limit; on Warner butte, came
down Tuesday to look over th". work
that has l-e-'n done on the projierty. A
new tunnel, 25 feet in length, hag just
lieen driven in on the lede anl shows
up well, the ore leiiiji Ite.ttcr than ever.
The promoters of the cntorprit-c exect
to have a mill put nji and r iif-hing ore
inside of three months.
Thomas Carlon, who tidiidid in the
L". S. Xavy from this place a few months
ou'o, i rrive 1 here this wek to viit with
his jiareiitf. At prewnt Tom is on sick
leave having pmdaiucd "a severe strain
while iii in the loading of ammu
nilio.i on the h ttleship Oregon at San
Framrisco. .He at present wearing the
uniform of a machinist of the second
class and has been stationed at the (r'oat
Island training school on the training1
ship Fersicolla.
I mprovements seem to Ik the order
of the day in Roseburg. Fusiness is ex
panding and improved methods are lie
in;; adopted in every branch of industry.
In this connection it is noted that F. H.
Woodruff, the barlter, lias recently re
ceived two fine, modern hydraulic
chairs. They are very heavy and 10m
pact and beinj upholstered in red plush
present a handsome npjiearaiiee. This
evidence of pros'-erity and progress on
the part of our business eoph is very
Thursday we had a very pleasant call
from 1. . Woolley, the rustling Presi
dent at the Roseburg Hoard of Trade.
Mr. Woolley, who came up on business
relating to his hardware trade, inciden
tally brought with him a few do-n coiv
ies cf that opular leaflet entitled "Ore
gon. Douglas County is its Choicest
Gem," wJ.ich he has left at the Xews
ollice for distribution among our readers
to 1. sent to their Eastern friends. The
Board of Trade has already caused to be
circulated in the East nearly 2K.000 of
the.-:e leaflets. Sent to our Eastern
tei'lerson application. tJlendale Xewa,
Mrs. II. C. Slocum, of Portland, is
visiting in this city.
II. W. Pratt, of Myrtle Creek, was a
Roseburg visitor Saturday.
Miss Dora McCalister, of Drain, is vis
iting Mrs. Frank Kinney, of this city.
Two lots for sale, centrally located,
price fspo cash. Address P. (. Ikix 2o.
" dip.
Dr. R, Dr Currow, of this city, is visit
ing his son Will, who is attending the
McMitinville College.
Miss Winnie Luellen, of Portland has
accepted a jwsition with Abstractor F.
K. Alley as stenographer.
II. K. Devens, of Camas Valley, left
this morning - for Portlan I where he
goes to receive treatment in a hospiU
in that city.
Mrs. Freeman wishes to anr.ounce
that she has purchased the interests of
Edward Jennings in the Unipqua
bakery and w ill hereafter conduct the
business under her own name. tf
The members of the Epworth League
ami all the young people w ho attend,
are requested to le present at a special
meeting Friday evening, at the M. E.
A grand Christmas ball will be given
by Roseburg Division, Xo. 1, 1'.B. R. E.,
Dee. 24th, at the Roseburg Opera House,
The best of music and a good time is
asured to all.
The I'nited P.rethern congregation of
this city, are huilding a neat new parson
age in town and have the work well
under way They feel very thankful for
the substantial outside assistance re
C. Schmidt, of the MeClallen hotel,
and Frank Waite have lcen apointcd
delegates to attend the iirst meeting of
the Oreon Irrigatien Association which
convenes in Portland Xov. IS and closes
Nov. 22nd.
Mrs. J. T. Bridges and son ami daugh
ter, Ralston and Audrey, spent several
days in Drain, returning home this
evening, aceompjiiied by Mrs. Bridges
mother, Mrs. Ilollyfield, who will visit a
short time with them.
Rev. J. Edward Blair, late of tJlen-
tlale, writes us as follows from Enter
prise, Oregon, under date of Xov. 4:
"I have exchanged a home in Douglas
county, for one away up here in the
laud of snow and sunshine, and would
lie pleased to have you send the Ilais
okai r.H to my present address. I will
fend the paper a letter in the near
The Roseburg Oj-era House Xov. 22,
will have for its attraction "Yon Yon
son' which is such a departure from the
average dialect productions. It is a
Swedish dialect comedy with a plot well
worth listening to, and Mr. Xclse Krirk
son assume the part of a Swede just
over. As tiie plav progresses, inn."
shows evidence of becoming American
wed gradually. It is said since the
death of Heege no one has assumed the
character so Tfectly as Mr. Erickson,
who originated the art in England.
The play is promise. I to I e staged with
new scenic equipment, all of the s-vnery
being appropriate During each acta
number of ret'med specialities will be in
troduced, including the Lumbermen's
quartette. Among the other meml-ers
of the com pan v are Patti Rosa and
Florence ( o-ir.
L'rskeman Griffiths Injured.
While hanging onto the hide ladder of
a Ikix car, awaiting signal from the en
gineer, Will f.rilfith, a young S. P.
freight brakeman, met with a severe
strident at Divide near the north Doug
las cotmty line, Thursday afternoon.
He collided wi;h a telegraph pole stand
ing to near with the result
that he was knocked from his poeitiou
tt the ground Indow iu such a manner
that his right arm was thrown under the
cars, the wheel assing over it between
the snoulder and elltow crushing it
badly. He was brought to Roseburg on
the evening local, on w hich Dr. llonck,
the S. P. Co's surgeon, hapcned to 1
passenger just returning from a busi
nes trip to Portland. Dr.ilouclc at once
took charge of the injured man and
made him as comfortable as possible.
Mr. (iritfith is unmarried but has a
mother, sister and brother in Portland.
He has been a brakeman but a short
time, having formerly leen a fireman.
Dr. I lout k has hoes that the arm can
be saved. Mr. Griffith was taken to the
hospital in Portland on Thursday night's
overland, and it is now'reported that he
is much improved and his arm will no
doubt be Favcd.
Ccunty Court Notes.
Ordered that the taxes of F. M. Frost,
of Yoncalla, Ik- remitted as said Frost is
at present reivivingaid from the county.
Ordered that Asher Ireland be ap
loifited road nnperrisor of road district
No. 11.
Ordeie l that Dr. E. DuGas !e a
pointed county physician under con
In the matter of the establishment - of
a logging road and chute or Uume over
and through the land of M. A. and K.
M. Tuller near (ilendale, continued tin
til next term of conrt. (
Petition of Jas. E. Perry asking to
extend roiinly road up Covs ("reek de
nied. In the mutter of the petition of Frank
Gjrre'I asking for damages for injuries
received by himself, wagon and team
falling through a county bridge, con
tinued until next term.
Court Adjourned to meet first Wed
nesday in Jan. I'tOU.
Wants $11,266.70 Damages.
At the recent term of County court
Frank Gorrell, through his attorney, O.
l CohIiow, tiled a claim for damaees
and excuses in the sum of $ll,2iif.70.
I his claim is sought in reparation for
injuries sustained in the collapse of a
ornige near .Millwood last July at which
time Mr. Jon-ell's team was killed, hit
wagon demolished, ho. himself narrnwlv
r .
escaping with his life. He considers
his expenses and damages hi the above
mentioned accident to be only covored
by the aljove 'jientioned sum. The
court has taken the matter under ad
visement until the next regular term
w hich will he held in January.
For Rest. 180 acres level land near
town, withbuildings etc., for one year.
Immediate possession. -
D.S. K.Bchk
Roseburg, Ore
Rice & Rice to Build.
Rice A Rfce, the house furnishers,
have just let a contract to F. F. Patter
son, of this city, for the erection of an
addition to their overcrowded, establish
ment. The new building which is to be
built on the lot recently purchased by
them between their store and Ramp
Bros.' meat market, on Cass street.
The lot has been for many years occu
pied by a small cottage, and is one of
Roseburg's old land marks, which Con
tractor Patterson is now tearing down.
The addition w''ll be a one-story brick
building, 43x80 feet, have two large
glass fronts and in a general way con
form to the style of the adjoining build
ing which tbey now occupy. An in
terior arch-way will be cut out to facili
tate the joint operation of both stores at
one. The contract calls for the comple
tion of the new building by Fab. 15, 1903,
The evolution of this popular house
urnishing firm, from an almost entirely
local patronage to one which now ex
tends all over Southern Oregon, is the
result of the close attention, courteous
treatment and liberal business methods
which have been employed by Messrs
Rice & Rice. A glance at the interior
of their store explains why an addition
is necessary. To meet the steady in
crease in the demands of their customers
they have been obliged to enlarge their
stock until now the occupancy of all
available space signifies that the limit of
mom has been readied ; hence the addi
tion. They have re-leased the rooms of
their present building for five years, in
dicating by this and by the proposed
new building, that Rice A Rice,' the
house furnishers, are not only here to
keep pace with the times but to enlarge
on a scale that will give Roeeburg a
business establishment, of which the
rily may well be proud.
Dath ol Mrs. L. Jones.
Mrs. !. JoueM died at her home at
Glenale Oct. 31, 1H02. Mrs. Jones,
w hom so many were pleased to call by
the endearing name "Grandma," was
b rn in Ixwdon, England, in 1SJ8, mak
ing her 74 vears old. the moved to
Australia w here he was married toA.G
Hamilton who died in 1SA8. Moved te
California the same year, where she was
married to Lafayette Jones! In 1871
they moved to IVmjlas county, Oregon,
having live I here nmlinouely since.
She leaves three children to mouru
her loss: Wm. A. Hamilton, A G.
Hamilton and Mrs. J. J. Kelleher, of
Drain. Glendale News.
F4ball Games Arranged.
The footUll team of the S. O. S. Nor
mal SclxtnJ have arranged the following
schedule of games for their northern
itinerary, w hich begins next week. The
Ashland boys w ill leave next Wednesday
morning, the 12th inst., and will play
the Roseburg high school te. in on tlie
afternoon of that day. The following
Saturday, the loth lust., they will play
the I'niversity of Oregon eleven a:
Euiene, ami either on Tuesday or Wed
nesday of the following week, a match
game will take place with the Albany
College boys. ThumUy of that week,
it is excted another game will
be played, definite arrangements for
which will be made later. On Saturday
the 22nd inst., a game ia scheduled with
the team of tlie Drain Normal School .
The Ashland Not mat boys have been
training faithfully, and will start oil
their nortliern tour with well grounded
confidence of w inning a majority of their
games. Athland Tkliogs.
TONER SMITH At the Methodiat
Episcopal parsonage la Roseburg,
Sunday, Nov. 9, 1902, Jas. Toner and
Miss Bertha Smith, Rev. G. II. Ben
nett officiating.
Tlie happy couple left on the niornini
train on a brief wedding tour.
K1RTLEY CAURCinLL At the resi
dence of Frank N. Brown in Roseburg,
Nov. 7, VJ02, Wm. Kirtley and Laura
Churchill, Justice J. A. Buchanan
HARVEY At his liome in Edenbower
Nov. 7, 1902, W. F. Harvey, age 81
years. Funeral was held at the M. .
Church in Edenbower Saturday after
noon. Interment at Masonic
. Mr. W. F. Harvey, one of the best
known and highly esteemed residents cf
Edenlxwer, died at his home there at
seven o'clock Friday, Nov. 7, 11K2, after
a brief illness. His wife, with whom he
was wedded oyer 68 years ago, had
passed away only t onlays b n.
owing to illness ami the infirmitie of age
the shock was more than he could bear.
She was but three months his senior ia
age, and they leave two sons, Frank an J
Will A. Harvey, several grandchildren
and a lepion of friends to mourn their
DAVIDSON At Salem Xov. 7, 1902,
David Davidson, aged CI years, 10
months and 9 days..
The deceased was a resident of this
city having resided here for the past 10
years. He leaves a wife, one son aid
one daughter to mourn their loss. The
funeral services were held from tit
family residence on Fowler street at 2 p.
m. today, interment in the I. O. 0. 1
WAGONBLAST -In this city Sunday,
Xov. 9, 1902, to the wife of Jami
Wagonblast a ten pound girl.
SINGLETON In this city Saturday,
Nov. 8, 1902, to the wife of Geor;e
Singleton, a boy.
Printing Press for Sal.
The Hoe Stop Cylinder press upt n
which the Plaindkalu is printed ia for
sale. It is suitable for a country office
with a circulation up to 1,600 or 2,0)0
but it is not large enough for our use.
It will print two pages of an eight col
umn folio. No reasonable offer wU
be refused. Now is the time to get a
genuine bargain. Address this office.
For Sale.
Horses, harness and wagon. Farm
for rent in Garden Valley. P. 0. id
dress, Wilbur, Or.
We are now showing a full line of the Celebrated
Kuppenhimer Guaranteed Clothing
Suits, $12.50 to $25 Overcoats, $10 to $18
In Furnishings We Mention
Neckwear in the new Coronation Silks.
English welt edge Collars and Cuffs.
Fine worsted Union Suits and Underwear for men.
Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes for men.
McDonald's "Red Seal" Uniorunade Overallsjumpers,! Cordt
roy 1 ants, Sateen and working shirts.
Some new swell chalk line stripes in heavy suitings,
Just the thing for Eainy day skirts and Tailor suits
Ail Dress goods purchased here oaly, shrunk free of charge. Owing to the
rush of business we will not shrink goods purchased elsewhere.
When you see it in our ad its so. Everything guaranteed as represented
YOU are invited to visit PORTLAND
Irrigation Week,
November 18 to 22
The Oregon Irrigation Association and the Oregon State Bar Association
meet in Pottland, Tucalar and WedneMay, November 1 aad 19. Reduced
Rates en All Railroads.
Special Entertainment for All Visitors Free tLeatre tickeU; a ball or eon
cert: a steamboat ride on tha Willamette and rvjun-.i.;-. . . i . .:
car ndeover tlie street railway; a runt to the Portland Crematorium, to the
II.000.UOU Custom House, to the Public Library, to the t),000 Citr Hall the
wheat hipc in the harbor, to the rooms of the' Oregon Historical Societv'aud
other places of interest.
As) Inspection of the Armory and Qua Drill by Battery A is to be one of the
ft-atures of entertainment of visitors. A cordial invitation is extended to all to
k ui umuu iu irrigation t ees.
For Sale.
First-class home f one acre, well im
proved. Box 3), K'tebnrg. tf.
Tbe Xew-Tark Ufe
Flftjr-seren years old- '
wtli over Sx
Income it iooi over
insurance tn force erer aijos.
1PSJl. Oo.n
A Serai-Military style
and most pleasing sack suit
ever shown.
It is made in that high
class individual merchant
tailored style so characteris
tic of every C K. & B.
The materials are of the
latest colorings and weave,
making it extremely popular
with young men who know
a thing or two about snappy
up-to-date styles.
Just the thing for early fall
Now on sale at
?ew IiMiraace Sald for la xoos
rer S6i.ooojoo.
"- roller-Holders 1st too,
vw Ss7.000.000.
Paid Policy -Holders la si years,
over aj 49000000.
What Life Insurance Does
It keeps the faasUy texetaer.
It edacatestae caildrea.
II takes care or tke caotker.
It pays tke nonsraare oa la
it provides ready aaoaey lo keep
a ttoslaes solyeal.
It sap ports tke laaarcd la kls
old ace.
It saves ike respect or tk
It saves tke credit 01 tke lasared
It oaves naoaey wktck wo aid
otkerwise te loot.
It saves tke lasared from
aoxlety as to tke fatare of kta
It saves tke lasared from
an xicty for kls ov a old ace.
It saves tke capital vrhlck is
locked ap la kamaa life.
It does toe very t aloes vtklck
tk e looared plaas for. works lor.
mv.wn fa. Am 1. I -
, -f wrv .- .-.".r
iad happy If be falls to tret- It
j helps him to make a saccess ot
j life, takes ap kls work wkea ke
idles aad carries It forward to
j Ca a y o a afford to be wit boot iti
j W. J. 3aooa. Axeau
Rascbars Ore
Fine Turkeys for Sale.
A few choice Bronze turkey gobblers
for sale prize winners at the late dis
trict fair held at I.owburg. Ther must
be sold br Nor. 20. Inonire of ;
Mrs J. II. i&ort, Koeeburg.
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the Kose
burj poctoffice,
Persons calling 'for tbeseMetters w ill
please state the date ou which they are
advertised. Xov. 10, l'.KE.
A A G McBee, D
Adams, Mrs Nellie
Maclean, Mrs Joeephine
Btddridge, Mrs Madison, C F
Croxall, F E Patrick, Mrs C M
Carey, Clarence Paterson, Guy
Chapman, Mitchell F
Forti, Willie II Perkins, Mrs R
Knapp, P Peak, L A
The letters will be charged for at the
rate of o ne cent each.
Wm. A.Fhateb, P.M.
Wanted to Trade.
Will trade lots in KanasCity, Kansas,
?r ranch or timber land in Southern
regii,, Address, Box 126.'
Zumbrota, Minn.
For a Bad Cold.
If yn nave a tad cold yon need a
good reliable medicine like Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to loo'n aud re
lieve it, and to allay the irritation and
inflammation of the throat and lunsrs
For sale by A. C. Marstens
WASTEDCO Lalorer.-, wsg:s l-'.oO
t-tr ilflv f.rfi retool c- lunn.
p1 f7 v u a..
PB.C. R,RaV,
Tolo, Ore.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice it hereby riven that ttio
wu on the It; I h d o( July. lr by tbe Couutr
Court o( Dnurla county. Oregon, duly ipnoint
edxlminlitretorof the cute of D. T.
decewed. All pereon hvlu 'laimi m.iuk(
tbe una ettaie are nereoy nounet to irvn t
them, properly rerliict, to me at Rntebunr,
Doualu county. Ore., within ix mnnibt Iroin
the date oi thl notice, aud all praona indehUM
lo the enute are hereby notiSed to pay the tame
to me.
KWETT, Adnilnl.lrator.
lMd Augutt ?.'u.l, ltt!.
-. T J
Supplimental Chamber
For Shooting pistol cartridges in rifles.
Patents cover U. S. and Canada
Saves t5 to 75 ier cent on com of am"
Made for 30-30, 30-40, :m, 32-50, 2
sp--ml and 8 mm Manulicher.
Maihnl for tl-OO to any address.
Order from
The S. C. Company,
Roseburg, Ore.
at the '
You can have the flavors to suit.
Somethino New 1Iot Cliooolate, Hot Tomato, Hvt IVx-f Extract,
Hot Celary, Hot CUni Bullion, Hot ChVken BuHion
Qive it a trial. You'll like iL They all do.
WOOD & BELL, Props
The Price Is
Tbe Same 5c.
- --r
Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies,
Doughnuts and fresh Bread Daily
Portland Journal Agency. Henjrick's Block, Opp. Depot
I. J. NORflAN & Co. Props.
J. M. Weatherby
T. A. Bury D. L. Martitj
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your proper- "
'ty with us.
Fisher & Bellows Co 1
ii 41 4.414 ii;.
. . .. .. i: tj
Boys' and Youths'