The Twice--Vek Roseburg Plaindealcr Published Monday and Thursdays. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. DROOKES & COXXER, Eilitors and rtiblifiliers Twice-a-Veek Pbindeakr, vet year, $2.00 Feed Wright, City Editor, Solicitor. T. G. Rcth, Foreman Entered at the Post Office in Rosebnrg, Ore., as Becond class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. NOVEMBER 10, 1902 GIVE THE GLAD HAND. During the ast three month several enterprises have started or proposed starting in this city ; and in every case the men engaged in the enterprises, or who proposed to start an enterprise, have been met with a spirit of ultra conservatism. Mavlte it would lie lxst to call it mossltackism. Xowweare aware that all the old settlers and business men, of Roseburg, are well fixed financially, and many are scourged with money or lands that they cain not enjoy ; and any man having more wealth than he can enjoy is scourged and is a scourge to the commnuity in wiucn ne lives necause tnat- man s mi serly, picaunish manner of dealing with public affairs reflects upon his own na ture and he is a dead man to all public enterprise and a millstone about the neck of men who would push forward the city's true interests. It costs but vry little to meet a stranger and speak kindly to him and make him feel that no pent np Utica conrtrols the town Then if he starts any enterprise that yon- are not familiar with or any busi ness that you know nothing about, do not discourage or censure him for so do ing, for if he should make a success in spite of all the cold water poured upon liim you will feel vonrself to be a fool if you are a man and not a dummy. Rotburg needs today men who will assist in pushing forward every enter prise having a tendency ta build up the city, and the talk that t tie tewn is bi enough, or that there are people enough, is the veriest kind of rot. If it was a cer tainty that the 'town liad attained its growth the value of real estate would tumble until tlmse three and fonr thou sand dollar lots would go begging at eo many hundreds. It is jeople constantly coming In and settling that enhances the value of real estata, and changes farm lands into town lots. Then there are otlier'ways to discour. age enterprise and settlement, and one its to attempt to graft every man who comes among ns. There are some in every town who would not know how to live if it was not by bleeding men who earned their money by honest lalwr, fanning them with soft words or a hot. blast jnst in order to suck blood a vampire when its victim is asleep. Insiead of such practices and discour aging features how much better it would be for Roseburg to organize a citizens' club, or resurrect the loard of trade or chamber of commerce and invite every stranger who conies to the city to the rooms of the organization and make him feel perfectly at home from the start and.extend to every worthy man the warm hand of American citizenship. It is now in order for Messrs Fisher, Sheridan and McBroom, of Idahi formerly Democratic politi cians of tbis county, to migrate to Missouri or Texas. A lata dispatch from Boise eays: The results of the Tuesday landslide coDtinne to come in. , It is now known that the ma jority for the Republican state ticket will reach close to 7000, while French, for Congress, may haye 8500. In the Legislature the Republicans wilj have at least 50 on joint ballot onl of a total of 67. It has been deter mined to hold a great Republican jubilee here oo Wednesday. Novem ber 12. The leading Republicans ol the state are expected to be present, There will be addresses in three halls A torch light parade will be a feature o! the evening. Special rates are hoped for on the railways. Ynderdate of Oct 28th, General Immigration Agent McKinney writes from Cbicsgo: "The Oregon Ex hibit which we had at the Peoria Corn Carnival is now in onr office, csmpoaed as joa are aware of agri cultural products and fruits from the Grande Ronde Valley, Linn and Washington counties, Oregon. , We have at ranged shelves along the Eoutn wan of oar omce. ana bive placed tbis last named exhibition thereou; the apples in the windo attract people into the office and when they get inside, they view the other exhibits. It would amply re pay the sender of these exhibits if they were here bnt one day, to hear the expressions t wonder and de light which the exhibits calls forth from the crowds now in, onr office.' Mr. Kelly had his redeeming qual i- tiea. The first of the week one of the town urchins entered the office and being asked what we could do for him said: "I want to. see Mr. Kelly." Upon being told that Mr. Kelly had sold and had left town, the little boy began to cry. Upon being further interrogated he le plied, "When Mr. Kelly was here he need to give me a bottle whenever I came in." Drain Nonpariel. The wMdford Success" is the latest candidate for public favor in the Southern Oregon newspaper field The liret number was issued last week and coo-i-ifs of six pages of four colotum e icb. . It is newsy and neat typographically and will be issued twite a week. May it prove all its name implies. Its a strange coincident that the 'irrigation" and "bar"' association should meet in Portland at one and Jbe eame time, Nov. 18 to 22- HEREFORD CATTLE FOR OREGON In conversation with County Commis sioner Xichols, who owns a ranch near Riddle, we learned that he has several head of purebred Hereford bulls on his ranch and that he has a far greater de mand for white-faced cattle than any grade or breed he has on the place; and he also said that whenever he sold cattle to purchasers to be shipped east ward lor fattening or feeding purposes, that the Hereford grade cattle were the very first selected. His experience is the experience of all cattle raisers on the grazing land of Texas, Xew Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado and Kansas; and as we are perfectly familiar- with the rattle business in that territory we state: Fifteen vears afro on every range except the J A and J J braiuTs, that the cattle were like Jacob's kine and were in appearance a job lot. When sent "to market for feeders they were sorted by the commission men at Kansas City, St. Ixmis and Chicago and sold on their color. About that time several-pi omi nent cattle' raisers commenced to intro duce into their herds purebred regis tered Hereford bulls from the herds of the prominent breeders in the Xorth, and in a few years the cattle going to market were grade Herefords, which were snapped up like hot cakes by the cattle feeders' of Kansas, Mis souri and Iowa. We know tlwt such cattle today in Kansas City and Chicago sell for a better price for feeding pur poses than any other breed of cattle ; and if our readers will pardon us for wandering from the direct point, we le sire to state: In England on the grass lands and meadows of Herefordshire on the banks of the Tay and Wye we have seen Hereford Lulls weighing from 3,000 to 3,250 itounds, and many cows weighing, from 2,250 to 2,500 pounds. In fact, at one time on our breeding ranch, near Amarillo, Texas, we had three imported cows each of which weighed, when shipped from England, over 2,300 pounds. They were registered under the names of Camilla, Mis. 1 1 art in g ton 3rd, and Bessie 3rd, and were from England's most noted breeders. Any one having the American Hereford As sociation books can readilv verifv the statement. We owned also a herd of purebred Shorthorn cattle, and know all the traits of the two breeds, and will here state, that for an all purpose cow, on a small farm, where the cow is ex pected to raise her calf and at the same time furnish the family with milk and butter, we think that the Shorthorn or Durham cow is the best; bnt for a purely beef breed of cattle to be raised on the range as an industry for profit, we believe that the Hereford cattle will give better result than any known breed. The great difference between Hereford and Shorthorn cattle on the range is: When feeding time comes, in winter, the Shorhorn cattle will not leave the barns', she is or feed lots and will almost starve to death in a shel tered spot rather than rnstfetfor food. On the contrary, Hereford cattle, jnst as soon as the feed in the lot is cleaned np, will go direct to the pasture ami rustle for themselves. In feeding from one to two hundred head of cows, through winter storms and blizzards for the past twelve years, we fonnd out that Short horn cattle reqnired three times as ninch feed as Hereford cattle during the winter months, and in spring when grass rose the Hereford cattle would be in" far better condition than the Short horns. With the Hereford breed there is a steady growth in the calves and rapid maturity. About five years ago, W. S. VanXatta and Sn, of Fowler, Indiana, purchased 2G car loads of long yearling Hereford steers from a breeder in the Texas Panhandle. Thvse steers were range bred and raisednever hav ing been in a pen except to be branded, up to the time of shipment. ' The writer accompanied the cattle to Fowler, Ind., and knew they were iarned on corn stubble and blue grass pastnre for the winter, and in spring they were run on blue grass where they continued until late summer or lall. wiien they were placed in the feed lots, and when shipped to Chicago to market they weighed from 1,500 to 1,50 each, and were then from 30 to 33 months old Every shipment to the Chicago market except the last four cars, topped the market in price for fat cattle and were bought for export. We could go on and give a score of just such instances. Xow we are willing to admit that Shorthorn cattle may be slightly larger in size, bnt the trouble is after they have once lost the calf fat they receive such backset that a Hereford steer at two or three years old, with the same care, is much more matured. For profit in the cattle business, early maturity must be taken into consideration and the cattle raiser who, in two years, can put a first class article of "baby beef" on the mar ket, is the man who will make money in the cattle business in the future. For early maturity, for rustling qnalities, for range purposes and foi every one of the essential 'qualities necessary to make rapid profits, Hereford cattle have been found to be the best on the plains and grazing lands east of the Rocky moun tains, and we believe, that the cattle raisers ot Oregon would find that Here ford cattle on onr ranges will develop the same sterling qualities as devested in the territory warned. - Nebraska seems to delight in rubbing it in on W. J. Bryan. His home precinct went solidly . repub lican at the last election along with the balance of the state. The Gazette, a new paper pub lished at Uardiner, this county, is at hand. It is published by 6. L Williams, formerly of the Drain Non pariel, and is qaite a newsy little paper.- Success to the Gazette. Big Red Apples, This office is in receipt of a box of fine large red apples from Geo. W. Staley, assessor-elect, of Yoncalia. These at pies are of the Baldwin variety, are er feet in color and flavor and entirely free of blemish beauties to lichnld. Mr. Staley is evidently an orchardist who' thoroughly . uaderstands his business and it has been practically demonstrated that there is no more profitable branch of this industry than winter apples raising for which this country is so well adapted. NEW BOHEMIA RAILROAD Two 'Trains' Are Running Dally to Bedrock Work Being . Pushed. Cottage Grove, Xov. 7. The new railroad to connect this city with the JxMiemia mining district, is slowly but surely pushing its way along. Two daily trains are regularly run to Red- rock, 10 miles distant. The passenger traffic is steadily increasing, and the freight bm iness is all that can bo ex pected. About six miles more of grade is nearly completed and tracklaying will le commenced Monday next and pnsiiea steuniiy lorwara until com pleted to the red bridge, a distance of 1(5 miles from town. A BRANCH 1.1 XK. A branch line is being built to Mosby creek into the lug limber district to connect the logging camps with Ixmg & Riiigham'fl sawmill here, and over a mile is now in ojeration, with train loads of logs arriving daily. The gen era! manager ol the new roail has gone East to arrange for more cars and pass enger oviches. A new detot is soon to be built at the intersection of the main line and the Moltsy Creek branch, to be known as Waldon Station, alwtit three miles from here. The second engine, which recently arrived, is actively at work on con st ruction and tills the requirement fully. The finishing touches are now l : . ii .i ucing i'ui upon tiie rouniinouse in me corporation yard for housing the en gines. .New and commodious quarters have leen fitted up and are now accn pied as the office of the company in the east end of the bi-j freight house on t-he terminal grounds. "Heavy Shipment of Hofs." ''Last Monday was day'' Medford, irt other words 75,000 .omuls of hogs were exchanged for coin of the realm at 5-,'4' cents a nund, prolwblv the biggest price ever paid for live jtorkers in Southern Oregon. They were weighed on Hubbard P.ros., scales and averaged ah ut 200 pounds each. J. W. Wiley, Gors it Wortiuan and C- C. Raesdale purchased them from the following parties: Adolph SchulU, 43 head ; S Van Dyke, 47 head; J. S. Ownes, 12 head; W. H. Stewart, 9 head ; J. Schafter, 44 head ; R.A.Clark IS head: W. R. Smith, lOj head; ui. A. Stewart, 3 head; F. Peil, 22 head ; J. W. Clark, 5 head : J. Patterson, 12 head : J. Roardmaii. 23 head; A. Weeks, K. head; O. Bursell, 17 head; Totals head. Faur thousand dollars were paid for them, a little more thau $10 a piece. They will be shipped to San Francisco and occupy eight cars. This is more evidence of the fact that nothing pavs better than raising swine. A Lane County Pioneer Dead. Robert Pillard, a well known and highly esteemed Jjuie county pioneer, died at his farm home two miles north of Cottage "Grove. Satnrdav. X&v. S.l'.W-i. agedC7 years, 3 months and days, He was a native of Misiuri, and crossed the plains with his father and mother in 1S53 ami located in Lane county where lie reniauW; until his death. He wis married Jnne 23, 1X7$, to Miss Mary England, who survives him. lie Bnitcd with the Pro-bvterian chureh in 170 and has been a prominent an 1 cum-nt-ent member .f the church ever since that tinie. His fault were not great faults, and withal he was a genial, gen erous hearted enth-inan, a good neigh lor, kind husband and a man who will le grvatly missed in toe conimuuity in which he has so long resided. He. was closely related to the Pill.irds for whom tle station eight -miles south of Ross burg Was' named, and was a cousin ol onr tow nsmen F.-L. and Finas Pillard. The funeral service a' held at tile Presbyterian church at Cottage Grove Sunday morning. Rev. L. I. li ck, pas tor of the chnreh, preaching the funeral sermon. At the conc'usion of, the ser vice the remains were taken to the Shieldscemetery for interment, followed by a large concourse of sorrow ing rela tives and friends. Klamathon is No More. The town of Klamathon on the South ern Pacific in Northern California w ill soon he num bered among the things that were. Recently the town was almost wiped out by a big fire. And now the Southern Pacific station at that place has been discontinued and the agent, J. W. Gilmour, his been ordered to ..move his office and Wells, Fargo & Co. 'a ex press office to Laird, a new station two miles this side of Klamathon, at the point from which a railroad is being ' built up the Klamath river into Klam ath county. Myrtle Creek Items. Mr, Alice Cotton is resting easier the past few days. Hon. Dexter Rice and wife, were visit ing friends here on Sunday." Development work is steadily pro ceedinx in the Little Chieftain Mine?. Everybody come out to the social Friday evening and have a good time, - Rev. Lro. Zimmerman, of Canyon ville, delivered a most able sermon here Sunday morning. Little Mildred Kramer is fast recover ing from the effects of her fractured arm. D. M. Armitago in on the sick list haying been kept in doors for the past week with an attack of pleurisy. CHCRCH SOCIAL AT MYBTLE CHEEK. .... t . An entertainment will he iven 111 "Weaver Hall" on F'riday evening, the 14th innt., by the Presbyterian church at Myrtle Creek.-- Admission ten cents, children free. Liuht refreshments will be served at an additional cost of ten cents. A good program is being pre pared and an enjoyable social time is ex pected. Wyck Easter Married. Wyck I-'aster, formerly of Ashland and well remembered as a star foitball layer i.tthe normal, but now a resident of New Pine creek. Lake county, was married Oct. 20, to Miss Belva Mulkey, of Willow Ranch, Modoc county. Ash land Record. Subscribe for the Plaimjealkk. Roseburg, 5 Drain )'."' Last Saturday afternoon "the 'football tenpia of the Roseburg High School and the Drain Xornwl School locked horns on the .Gridiron, at the Pino Street grounds," in the shappiestjgniue of foot ball ever seen in tins cuv, and not with standing that the High School hail the lighter team, they won the hard fought battle fairly and sqiiare'y, as a repres eiitaUvos of the Plain-dealer can swear to because ho w as where ho could .see, m fact ho was too i-loso, and ' during his cxcitinent was surrounded by the swarming warriors and was unmercifully trampled in me mud, nut all this time he kept his eye on the ball and "seen " ic Short carry it to the line where. when he was tackled and fell with the lill bandy across the line- w ith all the players piled on top of hini,a clean fair touch-down was made. . . The Pram team, were the first on the grounds and as the Rosclnirgcrs had worked all afternoon laying the ground they did not arrive there until about 15 minuter of three, and the Drain loys talked seriously of elaiiniug the game on lorieu ior ine. noij-arriVii oi their opponents, but they were joshed so lquch Iy the spectators that they decided to wait. mere was a lairiy large rn d .con sidering the miserable weather, all en joying the game. Of course there was a unual .display of "gum an I "oil"' coats. Among the weariers w ere. Nat Curry and Sam li-t w ho rcse-mtihsl m several details a pair of 'Vap'' section hands, ., "Iianey" Mathews who licver misses a game, raju or shiluvwlio resembled a lone lisher nmh Aj ith the exception of 'carrying i umbrella instead of a tNi jle, 'S(Hee' Kaiiip-kfUA there and carrwu j-h umm real estate on hi shoes than he will le able to pay tasns on, should ho nsll all tho Pork in Douglas county- ;' TIIKIiAMB. Promptly at three o'clock the referi;P whistle blew and Roeburg who held the north goal, sent the pig-skin rlyin into 'Drain's - territory where it was caught and quickley carried forward Altera run ol 20 vards the lialt was dow ned for the first line np and buck Here it was show n that the Orange and '.lack were to Ite daugerous cometitor8 fi r the days honors as they easily held their own, bnt on account-of the weight of the Red and White, the ' ball was gradually pnshed toward the north goal, Several tiin-s the baTl changed hands, each time being carried forward by fhe team, having the ball in-i-l.iv. It was plainly seen that Drain dei-ndI ' en tirely on, Whipple their bhj full back and I Iedgepath their left guard for all their plavs, in lact tune aiter litne Whipple would call their plays when quarter lack -Wiinlterly would make mistakes. After 20 minute play the ball was fare! within six vards of- the Orange and T.Iack gral it being! ball. Then Wimbe rly sent theball round Roebiira"s left cud in charge of .halfback Hcdgepath who had broken the line and was headed for the glial when Fraley the RoseburV cndp-f'pped him. Hedirepath fumblel the ball, and "Vie" Short was on it in a s-eond, saving the game with the IjciH within two yards of tin' Roselurg goal. After that Roseburg forced the lull Itjards from their line w hen time was called. Time of half 25 minutef.' , ' lu the .-second half' after twelve mil. lit of hard play, lloseburg sue reIfl in making their totu-h down, ami Ra in )i kicked f(Jr tlie C'.al. .Sitire Ki.sebiir-' 5 Drain" fl.:;The next ei'ht ininuti-s wa sjient in hard I day the lall leinfr-iiuiftly in iroscliiirj j territory, but neither er able to -tiro. ' F'llovin)j ii the line.tip ef the teTuis: Hii-hclexil Adalim Short Easii'.n Furjterson Townsend Tovtiis.-nd Fraley I'aiup Shf.rt Hanuati Wollenljerit N'ornraf ho4 - Irain ' He5j;ejath l!errii!)rt'.n . - c re H T t It r e le '1 r h b I n b f b Jiihirtn Hedgeith - Whipple Wimlrly llerriustoii Heh;epath Whipple R.-foree, Irvhij; tiilwon, Fnipire, Prof HiMard. Vollciiir. V. Short, Patnp and llanuari did most of the (.hiring for the Rebnri team and mav lie termed the stara of the Koisebiirjj team. In the evetiiiisr the Koscburff High Si-bool tendered a recci4ion to the Xor mal Schojl football team, and their friend,' at tin? residence of Mose, Parrot t. A general good time was' en joyed, there I K'i 11 1; alHut .100 students and their friends, in attendance.' Yoncalia Items. Fred Meinzer and son are erecting a fine new dwelling. C. E. Gad-lin, of Roseburg made a short business trip here last Saturday. Mr. Kruse oi the Yoncalia shingle mill ha leen sick the past few days, but is now rapidly improving. G. W. Staley hi shipping 100 Iioxcm of prime Baldwin apples to Marysville, Calif., for CP. Dev. .re. The output of ' prunes . for. Yoncalia this year will be alxnit 7 carloads, of ap ples about"-!' carloads, "tn ' addition' to tliesc a!xul 7 carloads of bay will be shipped. ' '- John Andrews, the'iiged pioneer, it is feared is slowly neariug the'end. With deep sorrow we regret 'to say' lie is not expected to live. Mr. Andrews is 81 years of age, came to Oregon n ISIS and has resided -near' Yoncalia since 1854. During the last 0 months many East em jieople have conio to Yoncalia to live. Never lefore in the history of the town have so many timler and home stead claims been taken. Wo are proud of out valley and believe it will : compare well with the very lest. in Oregon. . Pay Up. All those knowing IhcniEclves in debted to F. F. Patterson for laundry work up to Xov. 1, l'.W2, will please .call at the ollice ol Attorney Frank G. Mi- celli, Review R.iilding, and settle ut one. F. 1. Pattei'.son. For harness, or anything in the har ness line call on F. Ixmg & Sons near he depot. Repairing a specialty" v THANKSGIVING DAY. Governor Geer Issues His Proclama tion, Setting November 27, as the Time. . Salem, Xov. 7. Governor Geer issued his proclamation yesterday for tho ob servance of Thanksgiving day. In ac cordance with the proclamation of the President, Thursday, November 27, is the. appointed day. One paragraph, in which he refers to blessings of the pco pie of Oregon, says: "Tho eople of Oregon have many reasons to be thankiul. Tho recurring seasons have brought their abundant harvests; no epidemics have visited them ; labor has been employed in hlf lines of business at an advanced rate of remuneration ; tho state schools have been lilierally patronized and siipjiortcd, wnne intelligence nnn prosperity go hand in hand, rapidly pushing our coin mon wealth to tho forefront among the older states of the Knion." High School Notes. The football teams of Oakland and Roseburg high school met at Oakland and the high school was defeated by a score of 10 to 0 ; Isith touchdowns being made in the second half of the game During the first half the' high schoo proved itself much suicrior in team work as it was much the light' "i 01 rely managed to keep the ball entire Oakland's territory and the first half ended with the ball near Oakland's twenty-five yard liiie. In the second half Oakland, by a'scries of line bncks and end runs, forced the lull across' Roseburg's goal line for two touchdowns I lit failed to kirk the goal for the firs! and a punt out after the second touch down failed. Roseburg's boys could not stand the line pluugts of their heavy opponents for any length of time and were forced to take defeat. How ever, they are not discouraged and will play the following games on the dates mentioned: Ashland Xormal, Nov. 12 ;C M. A. of Cottage Grove, Xov. 27; Eu gene hi.di school, Xov. 2!l. Return games are to ) played with Ashland and Drain and as several more games are being negotiated for, the boys ex ect to I keep busy. The class of '03 met in " the school building Xov. 3, and the following of ficers were elected : President, Katha ryn Fnllerton ; vice pres. Tliomas Tow n send ; Sec. Floyd Ramp ; Treas. Ella I'lack. Senior class are "as follows: Ressie Kidder, Floyd Ramp. Katharyn Fnllerton, Gertrude Rust, Thomas Tow nscnd, Lillian Stanton, Ella P.lack. The high school now number forty eight stndents, the first year class be ing much the larger. Harry E. White, cuirinteiideiit f the whools of Iriiicctn, Minn , was a recent visitor. He was away from his work on leave of absence for ten days. . Meet of the iuilsj w ho have entered school diiritij! the last two or three week? are recently from other ttat-s. California, Washinctun, Idaho, Minne pota, Wisconsin, Michigan, F.wa. Ne braska and Oklohonia are rcpn-eiitl The per cent of attendance was lower- t el somewhat last inontli by the district fair. Exceiilina that one wt-k the at-i tendance was verv go.l. Uirwtum Wmdley and Stron,: visiuil wnne rKin i me no: mis eeK. B'BnrBi h hool Rrrsmr. Below i- a rvrt of the public si.-ho.jl for the month ending tVt. 31, Pr.'; - : 5 "2" - "". 1 . . , . i 5 '1 -t' Miss Burrow. . 4 44 Miss Hargrove' :W ?A r.7'". MisM Pa vers ' 4 4 N Mi-sMo'weryJ -V .Vt ? Miss Stewart.' 44 713 M is Simmon- 4S 47 7M' Miss Clark... 4t i;74 Miss Cook 57 ,V S-l Mi- Aldrieh.. 4i 4) 71'i Miss Iierstiue ; 4" 4'.l 7.' Hiiih irh..l... 4S 4S 7i :t ; Us . . !- 1 o I .1 is Total VJi ."iO.! !.2 !. 4tl The following were neither alisent ivr tanly and did not fall U-Iow ! in de triment, n-r SO in scholership: Min P.urrows r.m Nellie Hamlin. Florence Kohlhagen, P-arl Patrick. Mis.- Hargrove's r.w.m Charle Stan Un, James Wright, Gleu Carmony, Iuis Colvin, Thco Bomr, Vesta Kruse, Edna Jones, Velma " Lewis, Willie Holmes, Woodiey Stephenson, Jessie raid win. Miss Lever's Nora Corden, Ryan, Inns, Clemen's, Clarence tiilder. Rayce Jones, Johnnie Parks. Guy Clvin, Dale Cofihow, Clara Mur phy. M'ss Mowery's room John Mitchell, Virgil Hamlin, Jennie Wharton, Ressie Carlon, Ada Thomas, A ileen, Tow nsend, Dorothy DuGas, Czcrney, Hasting-i, Iran Woolley, Eva P.atey, Hazel Erix 011. Miss Stewart's room Grace DuGas, I.ela Dimmick, Adelaid Wollenberg, Eva P.ra, Percy Fletcher, He en Car.1 welli Andrew Mathews, Jiie Writrht. Miss Simmons' r-m Malnd t'lem- cuts. Helen Hamilton, Eva Thorn, Olive I-amson, llowitt, Kuther iu McDanial, Ruth Woolley, Elva Ratey, Ira Givrdinan, Mary IIols..u, Eva Lenox, Alice Martin, Elsie Norton, Manford McCulloch. Miss Clark's room Florence Kidd, Alvin Tipton, Hawd Carlon, (iny Cor don, Perry Seitier, Janus Porter, Fred Reed. Miss C.H.k'8 room Audrey Riidges, Christine Fraley, Ruth Rarzee, Waitie Joiies, Etta Dillard, Allic P.lack, Fnsl Champaiine, (Jeorge Wharton, Arlie 0Vns?ort Lirlt'y Waite, Hazel Patter son', Grace- Moore, Malinda Hess, Aline Norton, Mabel Norton, Fraukie P.rown, Ilszel Coshow, Delia McCarty, Florence Cannon, Jennie Sl.M-kwell, Ray I'.urton, Sylva Miss Aldrieh h room tred Dillai-.l, Ilrjss' 'Townsend, Alice Lnmson, Lucy Rridges, Rruce P.ri iges, Maude Cline. Miss llerstine's rooni-pHnlineTlioinp-son, Fre.1 Criteser, Rose Presehern, George Sheridan, John Rai-t, Jack Wharton, i race P.oj le, Edith Patter son, Walter Fisher, Walter Darxee, High Schivd Kate Fiillerton. (ier ttude Rast, Lillian Stanton, Hazel Jewett, Alice Malm, Hat tin Brown, MalK-1 lM.nard, Merta Rales, Iva Cur rier, Horton Huntington, Nellie Xegley, Vera Phipps, Olivia Risley, Harry Ty son, Birdie Tipton, , County Court Orders. Resignation of Geo. Eliff, road sujier- visor of road district Xo. 10, accepted. Petition received from II. Mooncy and others asking forappointment of viewers to locate a county road from a ioint neir the corner of sec 30, 1p2ls, r4 west, to a point 1 70 paces north of the bridge on tho county road at tho McGce place, near Anlauf. Court apointed J. II. Mum power, J. M. Burnett and J. W. Spaulding, all of Drain, as viewers to meet the county surveyor at Anlauf, Nov. 21, l!M)2, and locate' said road. Road from Riddle to lyrtle Creek asked for in jctilion of Edwin Weaver ai d others was reiiorted unfavorable by the viewers. Ordered that petitioners If y oncVftalf cost of viewing. Road from Riddle to a iut near cf rners of sees 5, fi, 7 and 8, tp 30 s, r 5 w.?st,as asked for in petition of J. I'. Riddle'und others, reported unfavorable by viewers. Ordered that jietitioners my one-naif cost of view ing. Petition received from Juo. Kggers and 2'i others asking fr apointnient of viewers tf locate a road, 40 feet wide, from the ne corner of M. F. Howard's p verty, in Dillard, to a point where the east and west dividing line, between ws .1) and 2, tp 2! s, i 7 west, inter- sift" the I'pjkt Olulla riKid. Court ap- j imiiikmj. r. .Mathews, John i Q1'1'' ' S' ''fr'" viewers to m surveyor at Dillanl, Xov. 21, l Piuted J. F. Mathews, John Spaugh meet the 02, and l-ate said road. Sum of ?H ordered reduce I from the assessment of taxes of Mrs. A. W. Cotton Myrtle Creek.. lewcr retried favorable on ti e trail from Dadd Cnrk, u -ar d-mlale, to Coos and l"iit:!a lii.c, and said t"ad was ordered cined. Petition of J. F. Tcinj liu and others asking f..r an allowance of f.j.fs) r month fr Young Sitm was graded after a a investigation ,y the court. Petition received from J. W. Hartin and 2J others, asking that the allowance of Douglas Kim-ai 1. of Looking Glass, te rai.s-d from to $ 15. Allowance ordered raised to f 10 er month. Will Investigate. A reiiiarkahle case c)m- to ii,:ht at lhizalth. W. Ya. An old man there by taiue of G. V. i:.derti 1 al long suffer ed with incurable cancer. F.verybly l-!ievii his cas hn-lii until he nI Llvtri Litter and ajj.!ied pJicklen's Arrn:ll- S:ltviv Tli lriiitmint l.irrk 4 completely. Xor rverylxaly ho iuo s tf it i investigating Electric Litters. It xert? a tuiirhty oer to cxid bi!Uus-!t-ssv Ki lney and Liver troubles ami it's n uixidt-rful tonie f.r run down ? vstems. ;Iontt f.til to trv it. Onlv -0c. I Satisfaction j'lararitc-d by A. C. j ter.t Co. Drtif.-ist. Mar- Wanted. ivi iiers of farms, stock ranche, ti j-'x-r lands if ale within ten mile of .he proposed line id tiie Great Central Railroad to ronvsjxtnd with J. J. H'altkb, i (."hinuation At., IIis"b:irf Or. nlO i No: fcc. j The !indv har!-r law i- U iuz vi. - j 'to! in this city, and I 1 ill Uke tW ; r" " j liiTvaiW. F. II. WoopBrrr. old iron is valuable. Save it. will j mv itSrUs A CiiTnjlL i ' Notice for Publication. T:i'IM M! Land Ctr.. j irx, m-fon.s-pt i, l.Oi. 1 1 wiin tir prT:o--n : lie a-t M uigrss vt j June "An a-i f-r l ) ol " Itti'i lui l. in tb- s 4 ir..:t. a." wot .V. y .aiia ar:J Tvrri aextrni - , 1 10 a.l the p iLi.c land t act oi Auctut '... ; . is,j. j'' i BRSJAUIS H HI XOV. s j t m. romiiT ol Su.n-'lnth. ol Wab- C7 j tntfa. hrt tin dar I ;d in ikii ofike bit " , liir Nh', oi si- tion Tp J7 S , Kang i WW "' ! ami :i ..".. ..Wl th.lrV.l.n.1 i io..rr (or ii liU-r ir ua tLai hr atriruitural poT. and lo nitUuk hit lai:a b-I'-rc u. KrcK'.rr aad Kvrrivcr oi Una t4 1 on t n.ljr tho -m iUj nl Jnn-T, ljt. iTc I rin. p. a I n Marr 1. l-xoo ol 1H., lih., II K. shift., ol'.iii. h, Fraua K iBu n. Il.ny ll::l-Mn' k.wbura. orre-'O. Ant ai1 ail pr. r irain adrtariy tha .rribrl ;ands an rr) anted v SI dy o( !. l-s J.T. 1$K Ileitis nU'p . itc(itrr. Notice for PuMication. rnliedsuun i.And Ofllr.. R M.'U7K Urwuu, sept . lMJi Notice Is hrrrl y nirm that In cnnpliaure wilh ih ) .-vii..!i of tho ot o( t i'Ogrii ol Jane 3. s.s.ntiTlrl "An art f r the alo l timlier lan.! in the Statrsi..! allioniia.Oreii and V ahii!gti.n TerntnrT.-a5.eii.-ml-ed to al xtt public laud ttaie bj art ol Auput 4. l.t'i SIARY L nlXOS, of Oo. count o( Soohoimh. sia'e of Wah- lnstnn. liKitiin taj tiled Id this o9ir her .worn slat.. nent N. -.4 ir the pt.r.hiie ol the N'4.f.-ertlu A. Tp IT S, K. 3 el and will o!:'er prwf to how that the land aorcicht U more vahiaule for It tlrotr or .! than fur aiirirtiltural piirpnwn, and to extahloh hia claim before the lcter aad Keceiver ol Uua oi;ic of KoMtuis,Oreron on Friday the flh day or ,'annair. !.. .she nain a nni-vw : llnjjima II Dixoa. H. tl.B F shi.-..t. H'M.i.-lin, Wa-h, Fra&k Kinyon, Harry ilatfirldof Kiuvhoiv. t'rrcon. Any and atl innn .-Uliiiiiif lver-!y tho alsive .Ii-mtiIm-.I Iim1 are mnieiel to t. if thoirrUims in tlu .flire .u r l'ion- ail X'th .Uyot Jan, l'.a J. T. BKllx.Ks, nlup KcsiMer. . Notice for Publication. I ti Hod 8:t. I and Odire Ucwtmrs, Un-un, h-t ;U, l. . Nolire is hcretiy Riven that In roniUanrei with the iro i-i. i. :f :l.e a.-t of '.'iiirr f June s. 7S. entttlrd "An a-l f.r tho al. of tiiuWrlaii.l. in the STatiol f-aiifom;a...rer.u Nevad and W ahut..ii l'rrl:..ry,"aexu ud ed to all the public land state bv act of Auaunt 4, l.V'i hkti:a keliq ot Myrtle frivk. .-.mniy of lNtimas. state of Oregon, lias this dny hi .1 in liiis oSiro h..'t .worn;nt Nt. :!vw for h pnrTha. of the S',N'1K'1Sh',..ri,lp.S S. U 4 wesl an. I i) I oIIit proof to slr.w that the laud oiiKht is men- for its tin' 1st or stom titan f. r auri. iiHuimI iiri4s.( and to establish her c'a!m l nid laud l .-foie W S Brut. V 4 'iiiiiniFSi.)t,(.r. at KM. tie. Oregon, on Mon day, I lie l!Mh dy of Jermary sli.' naiiiea a-witness's: Nathan im-IIk. I N Hsmi.lon, Jk? Mul.-r, SlHry Huiiution, U of Myrtle ('reek, r.'i;on. Any an.l all persons r!almjn sdvcrsely he als.vo .iowiiliel lsnds art iq tested to file ll otrrlaimsln t hi. ollU-c on or ttiore a:d Wih ilsy of Jsu. r ip J. T. UKIDiiEs. Keg later. Notice for Publication. . lnitisl siaios Ijiiid Office, Kosi burx lln-oon. Aim IW, I'.srJ Soii.T is bere itlveu that In eoniplianea niih the I'roviM.'im ( the sot of t'onttre. of June :t. isTs. eiititl. d " An act for the sala of tmilier lands in the stales ol California, O retjon . wvii .ami asnnmt..n lerriiorv, asexleud edto all the public land states by' act ol August .lOKKI'll K SI KI'KK V KYER, of I'url'Htid, Minili of .Multnomah, state of Oregon, has till .lay lib-il In tins oNuv his nm statement N.i. ::'( for lh rutx-haisa ol the N.'i of r f ru is, I p ') !-., K. Rest and will offer proof toshnw thai thcland sotiffht Is more vslnslle for its iimtxr or stone than for ai;riruUiiral pti.pors, ami lo establish hit claim before the i:esi.ter and Keceiver ol thia olilca of Hi.ieburu.Umgou on Tuesday the JTih day of launsry, p.m. He natn.a as lin-e: I' Hryen, W in Porter, Vw l"avis. Win Murray, all ot Cuius. Valley, Ore. Any sua nil icr-rs claiming adversely the s'sive d.werioed lauds in ux',u to.l to tilo their ciaitna in this rflii B ou or be'loro sa:d iih day ol Jan.lJOJ. J, T.liHIDUK. nlOp K.vgtttor, Society Meetings. A.1 F. A A. M. Laurel Lodg Xo. 13. miua regular meetings on second and f nrtb Wednesdays of each month. E. J. Kteocd, W. M. N. T. Jtwx Secretary. AO. U. W. MeeU the I days of e ItOBt'bnrx , Lodge Xo. 10. e recond and fourth Jlon- eacb month at 7:30 p. m.. in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in good standing are invited to attend. , II. T. McCl alt.kj, M. W. E. II. I.kxox Recorder. D. .8 Wjst, Financier. B. P. 0. ELK.SUoebiirg Lodge Xo. 320. . Holds regular communica tions at I. O. O. F. Hall on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members reouested to attend regu larly and all visiting brothers are cords ally invited to attend. W. If. J ami box, E. R. V. C. Losdojc, Secretary. CO. E, N.G , -i'boret FOURTH KEGIMEXT.-O. meets at Armor Hall ev-r harsday evemmr, at 8 e'cltck, F. B. Hamlim, Capt. D EGREE OF HOXOR. Mystic Lods Xo. 13. Mteta 2nd and 4'.b Thurs day evenikin oi each month io Xa live Bona' Hall. Visiting members cor- dially iwUl to attend. Mas. SI kbit Wist, C. f H. E. II. LbMHox, Rise. OF A. Conrt Dona!aa Xo. 32. For- eter of 'America. Meets every TuMdar even in it in Native Sona' flail. Visiting brothers always welccxne. ClIAS GfLVIS, C. U. A co. J. Kba.stz, H. P. E. Y. Hooveb, Physician. O. U. F. Philf-tariaa Lode Xo. 8. Meets in Old Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackson and Caaa streets, on Saturday evening of each week. Mem bers of the order in good etandiog are Invited to attend. 11. B. Gillette, X. G. X.T. JawhTr, S-.;rturv. Kol P. Alpha L every Wei net Hal! .7-JJ0 Lodge Xo. 4?s 31e r needay, in I. O. O. P. p. tn. Sleia:r m o! i Acding are invited to attend. G. W. Kivball, C. C. C. E. Robibts, K.K.6. 1 O. T. M. ProPs tiori Tent No. IV It Holds its regular Reviews tli first aul third Friday of each nioi'.in in tiie I. u. O. tuiii. yi-itmif u:euders in go stan-lin-.' are i.'iS:.-l V atteml. V. F. pATTtasos, Oni. E. V.. iiijm,ETT. lu-ortl Ke'jr. LILAC CIRCLE. Xo. 4, n'omtn oi Woodcraft. JIeeton firttun t ihtri Thnredays of each month at th" N tie toes. Hall. Vuitir ; mecibr -is. good standing are invited to a tentl. Iavtha,Gaar!ian Xe:h-. Vlxmb (rrsr, Si-cy. ADIKS of the G. A.K., Ahrt,arr l-ir- coin Cir. !e No. 2. u.eets at N.:;ie Cr m II .11 W ..... j mm -j - .ii . . i LfiAh i . i f r ona asi uara rnc:T of each rooa' LO. T. 51. hUmrbotg Hire 11. Holds it regolr review it,c second and fourth fruity vf . of eat h month ia tie Xtlive isoci' Ha i. Sisters el o.r:er UiTes v:t.Ucj ir .r.-s c:fy L in eora;iij mvite-1 to auamj ccr re views. J:mb rr. L. Con Macub E. McClalues. R. fv. MW.OF A. Mrt.o Carrr No. 633'. I Meets Cretan 1 third Wed.diji ; B " ). m..lS u V.I.-, w I I ! , 0: E. 8. Rose'mnr Chapter Xj. ft. Holds their regilar roev'.in c.s ths firt and third Thnrad ;vs i.. t jch ninth. Yiei:icg rr.ercSers ia ?ocl rtandicc are respc'dcllv invito! to at end. Mas. Calub Psabd. W 51., Mb. Libbii Cowboy. Secrft.irf. 1 -j(bnr Re!.-kh W odfM)ii!!A ever.inK. isiiioj i invited to afeod. - Il LLA Eaowx, N. G. Cuba Wibbeblt. R. S. . IP I NIT ED ARTI VNS. Cmi-ia As-' 1 1 setnbly N. l .t-l dav evenin-'. at Sons Wall. Vwtin, Ar.L'ar. eor-lialiv invitcl to attend. ' .'is. M. Joxe. M. A. Mks. F. R. Havii.v, St-retarv. '00 DM EX OF THE WORLD.-Ok t- amoNo. 125. M; t tfce O Id Feilows' Hall, in R.-hnr -w. first and third Monday evenine. Visit ok neighbora always wslconje. Jas.'K. Sawyers. C.C. J. A. BrcnAXAS, C.erk. If NION ENCAMPMENT. i. . a f. thld Fellow". Temi.'e. -Meets first an.i ii.inl i linrIav v.-nm.- ..-K month. Visitors cor-lu'llv invitc.I 1 - t J' C- P- J. t . Twitcwki i.. S.-r:K-. 4 b&itrh'blb ! 1' Which Shall it Be it .Si - . Ji" a Sa Having tried all other remedies, will you contin to suffer through false" pride ? Don't be foolish. Repeated Eye - Headaches sap one's vitality and nervous break down. Let us relieve your headache "i ave your eyes and uervious en ere v. R. F.WINS Cass Street Near Depot 4 NO To Ranchers, armcrc, Horsemen, If you have a horse with Ringbone CURE IT. As you can promptly do by using Schnvder's Rino-honA rrA Satisfaction Guaranteed Or money Refunded. Cost Cure $5.00 per horse Address all communications to the sle nuuufuctureres. Taylor's Specific Go. Olalla, Douglas Co,, Ore. Professional Cards. Q, EG RGB M. UO'.VN, Attoruey-at-Law, Court HotiM Lowu ruirn aray. c V ri.SUEK, Al. I). Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. O. Roskbcbo, 'Phone Main 591. Vzeaox. Qli. GEO. E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgecm? OSUm Eevlow Hil. ttuiue. Main 31 fco.-;i;!jr;x'i piLMEK V. IIOOVLK, PHYSICIAN AND SL'KGEOX. -Rok31'&u Oaeoo Special i'.U:ntloa nrn f CIkuci ol the Po St., on .l-jor (outtol CI tjHa F w IHYXES, iUT'.enr Bu l ling, IeU-.none No. 1. KOrSSrBvl OEK30i E.M. CtlBADLE, DENTIST, Office oit-o le a ii. caAwyoaD, Attorney at Law, Kcosu lit, KA.T.en Blit, K0-3r3CE'J, Oft L-e Eeceirer C. 8. Luj OSe JOHN U. SUCIE, ATTu K X E Y-A TLA W, K--Jknc3, . Oniw.if. tj- Atrt. tia aaii liD.". J C FULL LUZON Attorney-at-Law. ii (cti'X- iii &.! tLr t .t a : fc-1. :j t.T!UT Q.SIM. A'orneT and t.Vjn'sellvr at Ijiw. Slin D Uwtcl Water tsi'iU iuad A tt o ra ey-a t-La w. . 01 1 ct 1 2 . JA t'UCHA NAN, Ss-tj Fabiic. Attoriiey-at-Law. Collcctious a Specialty. Ks-3 H. j. i;o:'iF.rr, Attorney at Law. TTt r j" !:- : O BI'BT, C. A. iCM.XKXSa p. tin. gEHLLLLI''; Js (.KAV, LAWYERS Urivre U-e l". sj. taa 1 4- pj.-.atal. Tai m. : jo B.: k. V.i'arr Pt".: e !n oi e f zu;.v Hu K:iZ3l KG, ORE. N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVERNMENT - LANDS Of. F.trr.ii a-1 Mln- uiraiKsl Land-. Ure' n, Wal.iciton and !';. '" ' mil ivn r,-r, ov " OAKLAND, 0.EOON 1 1 o: . . ' 3Z,f- M V'lfl " S S!I 1 Q ( Tibaitdi I tlU 1 ttim I iLLO 9aT. t--. t. - Uartll. at I-.frSjt tow HIIHITIK1 C!.LtH la itr u .alt c--'.. -.r Uit-s. w .-. h bi rtavo. taUMMkrr. , i i .i il.u hiciaaara4iaiilaltM. fv. . vj v.rrn-., or f -J e. ta . -; . r ISartinlmr. T-MA- ! t rlr JJU l.MlJuaiu SOMtbT CSICHES-rSR CHEltlCAI. CO. MX I a Jk-amrv. mtLl a fWUaAaaUUUedtalaU U by removing the cause. LOW, Jeweler and Optician -- x. "$: ?L r TICE