7i Hi - I B 1 1 I f : : 94 dvertising ob Printing: 0 9 In bnsy seasons brings yon your share of trade; advertising: in doll sea Is a Tery important factor in business. Focr printing re- sons brings yon ybnr share, and also tbat of the merchant who "can't af ord" to advertise. iibcis no credit on a good easiness honse. Let cs do your Job Printing we guarantee it to be in every way satisfactory. ' Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. HHItHOIHK ; Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1902. No. 85 i II A ill i J I ;"????? J LIU a w r 1 1 r n r ! - coooooooooooooooooooooo 9 R. A. BOOTH, A.C.MARSTERS, . H.C.GALKY, $ Y President, . Vice President. Cashier - Douglas County BanI Established I883. Capital Stock, $50,000.00. LATE NEWS SUMMARIZED Important IV t Incorporated 1901. BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. V. BENSON, R. A. BOOTH, J. H. BOOTH, J. T. BRIDGES J. F. KELLY, A. C. SIARSTERS, K. L. MILLER. A fener.ll hnntinff linsinAca franc-iMI n1 fmctmnftra crivpn Arrrv O c ..., ........ j V accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. v q Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. $ eocxcocooocxcxoo Events of the Days. Past Few STATE, GENERAL AND FOREIGN. -r, y If V- HEATING STOVES The place to find them is at it STRONG'S FURHITIIRF STHRP 5 . g A complete line of Blankets and Comforts that are excellent in quality and reasonable in price. j$ v . . . r Just recieved a new line of rugs ranging in size from small up to 9xi2 and in price from $1.25 to $30. Our store is fv11 "r good things and we can fit S 1 T -1 j t. 1 . r 3 t up yuur uumc tuiupicic auu 11 win ue up 10 uaie 3 you buy ot us. Remember the nlarp - r & 15. W. MKUINU, 1 3 2g Jackson St. Bring Us Your CHICKENS. EGGS. V BUTTER. FOR CASH OR TRADE I F. BARKER & GO. IV .ruse First class Groceries... & Newland Our prices are always and stock complete ...Also a full line of... dever's UTresln. blend VpG-ardsn coffee - Seeds Highest price paid for Produce. Give 1 OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. Kr use & Newlan Cream of the Dispatches Dished Up in Condensed Form for the Busy Reader, A movement started to erect an Ore gon building at the St. Louis fair. The Idaho newspapers make one think there is an old fashioned camiai;;n on there. Malheur county is asking for enter prising capital to invest in creameries 111 tint section. A petition is lieing circulated in Mc Miuuullo for an ordinance prohibiting expectorating 011 the sidewalk. Portland has 40 square miles of terri tory within its incorporated limits. The second citv, Salem, in Oregon has harely two. The value of the hop crop in the state id estimated at $4,000,000. Of this siiK.unt 1,000,000 lias been exjended in labor. According to the Journal, .aiein is liable to have a trust in the saloon lmsi ness, one man owning five and trying t buy the rest. President Roosevelt was spared the humiliation of naming a day of Thanks. giving while the bin coal strike was on. It was a narrow escape, though. The two Grants Fass pine needle fac tories use about two tonH of needles daily, turning off about twelve hundred pounds of the finished product. General Uribe-Uribe, the Colombian rebel, has surrendered, with all his can nons, rides and ammunition. It is found that, despite. his double name, there is only one of him. The thirteen carloads of French prunes on their way to France from Sa lem, Oreim, are appropriately labeled. People along the route will know where they came from and whither they are bound. It is estimated by the railroad pL that 1 ,000 new people liave come into the Willamette valley within the pa.'t month. With the advei Using campaign of the Harriman people, this year's splendid results will be amazingly in creased next year, and for the years to fo 1 )w, for a long time. Perkins & DleJsoe, proprietors f l.e ona mills, have jntt cleaned out a!mt half a mile of Kilenlnirg creek, which 'gives themaeeesji to one of the finest bodies of timtwr in this part of the coun try. They have also cut out and made a pad to the ranch of W. B. !:?, who lives near the head of Kllenbiirg creek, and have almost completed a dam, by which they can float the los from both Mr. K-i-a' place and their adjoining property. Irain onjciriel. About as two big fools as a proprietor j of a "Fi)!"' show conld wish resided in New York the other ilay one of them s dead now. A medicine show had. a member who shot apples off eople'B bead.' t. at is when he could find a man who would stand Wforo his rifle. He tried it once too often Saturday night, killing his man. And the strange jttrt ot it wat that !tii shooter ami the ap- ple-hoMer leri,. 1 in their respective parts after the first two shots fired missed their mark. They would not take warning, with the result that one is dead while the other is held for man slaughter. FIFTY BILLION FEET OF LUA1BER Standing in the Cascade Forest Reserve According to the Latest Estimate of the Geological Survey. According to late and thorough exami nations made by representatives of the Geological Survey, the total stand of timber in the Cascade forest reserve slightly exceeds .W.OOO.OXt.OOO feet. The total area of the reserve, 4,383,58 acres, is classified as follows: Forested, 4, K1 ,704 acres; burnt, 377,171 acres; open, 2tn,74( acres ; logged, 6.5S0 acres ; cultivated, :50 acres; water surface, 27, 5iS acres ; glaciers and barren, 44,120 acres. The (juantity of timlx-r of rach variety in the reserve is given below:. Slavics Kcd fir Xoble fir Lovely lir.- . White lir Subalpine fir Spruce Yellow pine White pine Inlgvixile pine Sugar pine White b.irk pine . . lied cedar. . . .- Incense cellar Alaska cedar Merten hemlock.. Patton hemlock... Tamarack Junip?r Oak Cottonwood Feet, 15. M. 27,0sS,8!i2,0rt0 3 .'44.0:13.0(10 l',277,2.'i.'t,isXr1 l.Ool.OAi.OOO in;t,54 1,000 24J,9.ti,0CO 3,445.fC,7,0OO W!),74t',,0O0 t,a7,ooo IS.iTo.tWO :.ro,Oi) 91 l,.r)7S,ouO ::,4::,ooo 0,34i"i .'0 4,3'W,3'.tS,(HX) 5,ol2,W3,0,M) 11M,81H,CI 1.915.00J I4,0o0 2!i4,O00 CHECK FOR ONE CENT. A Roseburg Man Has Held, Check for that Amount for - a Number of Years. Pay Some Railroad Dates. WANTED AH Interested in SHOES To call at Flint's Shoe Store and try a pair of Walk-over or Queen Quality Shoes. .FLINTS POPULAR SHOE STORE. . Opposite First National Bank Hints to Housewives; Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. . C. W. PARKS & CO. Real Estate Transfers. J. li. I'i ft us to Adam Fischer, $j0; lots H 7 and , in block 1. Chad- wick's addition to liosebag. -.las. T. Biic iauau to A. li. Downs, !, 7 JO ; s'4 and u.'j. and vxi of sr. of sec 34 ; nw,1 of sw' of sec .-'A, all in tp 27 s, r 3 west. O. N. Benedick to A. li. Downs. $700; w,4 and seli of se,', and nej4' of hwJ of sec 2. tp 2S e, r 3 west. L. I). Kinney et m, to Mrs. K. A. Or- csUt, '.50; lots 24 and 2) of block 28 and lots 19 and 20 of block 7. Kinney' m proved Hat of Roseburg. L. D. Kinney et nx, to "Allen A. Yv' right, 5,000 ; 30 bts in Kinney's Im proved Plat of Roseburg. Volney Evin UrW. F. Reiner, fSOO; vJ4 of e.'j f sec 32, tp 21 e, r 8 west. lliland Rinehart et ux to Mrs. 1 1 at tie B.Cole, $103; lot 13 of block 3, Chad- wick's addition to Roseburg. R. A. Jones et ux. to Frank B. Smith, ; Co'-i acres on north boundary of sec 4, in tps 32 nud 33 e, r 6 west. The Southern Pac:ii", then the Ore gon and California. legaii building from Portland in 1'., g-'iing to New Era that year, and reaching Albany in lcc. ls70, reaching Ros ;burg in 1S73 and Ashland not until 1SS4. C'rvaIIi- as reacheil in IS70. The Lebanon branch was fin ished in 1SS0. The Oregonian rd was begun in lsSO, and Brownsville was reached in 1SS2 011 a narrow piage line. In ls!l tLe road to Natron wai made a standard gauge. From 1".3 to 1CQ0 the S. P. did uo railroad luilding at all iu Oregon. Twoytars ao the Wcndling branch was lcgun and buiit. .eft h. Vetch, Vetch. . Month after month, year alter year, since December, 1893, the auditing de partment of the Chicago, Barlington aud Quincy Railroad has carried on its book a credit in favor of George A. Trent for services as conductor on the St Louis division, says an exchange. The pay check has never been presented for set tlement and until it falls into the hands of the auditor the books must lie balanced by carrying the credk on from one mouth to another, otherwise the annual report to the stockholders would be at fault. Every new clerk v. ho takes a desk in the accounting deot hears the story of the 1 cent check, which at this lime has grown to the dimensions of a novelette,"i losing with the words, "and it is the only one cent pay check ever issncd by a railroad company."' Trent had been in the service of the St. l.ouis division for some time, and, in Peeeniember, 183, concluded that a vacation was due him that he might sjend the month with relatives at his old home in New England, ttinding up bin visit in time to rai h hi division point on the last 'ay of the year. The vacation was taken without pay, so, as soon as ho returned, he reported f-r duty that he might make tip for lott time. He was sent out in the afternoon, and made a rnn over the division which, at the regular rate of iay, with over time credited him with $4. M. The com pany furnisJres its employes with coupon meal books, that they may ob ain their meals at riduced rates at Ihe eating lumtes, and as Trent's had expired lie fore he went n l.i vacation be obtained another for his run, for which t2..V) was charged up against him. The company also maintains a hospital, through asses'-meids levied 011 its einpl ycs, and the monthly deduction made from the pay of conductors is 12.10. Thoe de ducti'i: s are made whet'.er an employe works a day or a month, hei ce, when Trent ueut to the jav car in January for his lectmber pay check lie signed the roll for 1 cent as payment in full for his services, and bore the check away as a cariosity. - Trent is now in the train ten ice of the Soutl f rn Pacific Company, with The value of vetches to the LW!:t l.etfd-quariers at Roeburg, Or, and ha? county farmer cannot be over estimated, i clung to the check rs a niasot, though Leave your order for veed at the IVug- ! he has been offered $23 for it by an Lis county Cr...ii:-.crv, aud thev will be ' o:Scial of the Burlington's disbursing promptly filled large or small. tf. department. SETTING A VERY LIVELY PACE REPUBLICANS FEE SAFE They Wfll Control tLs-Neit House Bj a'ficod Majority. - THE U. S. LAND OFFICE SENSATION Generally Looked Upon as a Scheme To Grab The Best Timber. Washington-, Oct. 31. With but ft few days remaining of the campaign, repub lican leaders feel considerably safer than they did a week ago. "We will carry at least 200 congres sional districts," "said Chairman Bab cock, of the Republican Congressional Committee, this morning. "That is -my most conservative estimate, and I believe we will carry 204 or 20. districts." The latter would give a majority of 20 in the 58th congress. Some Republican managers are claiming a majority of 30, The general belief in the rectitude, sincerity and courage of Presideuf Roosevelt is aiding the republicans much more than they will ever know. There is a pretty general feeling that the president is opijoeed to all ttiose things that the democratic party advo cates. This is helpfid to t!e republi cans now. Are you particular about your Coffee. Tea anriSn!r.p.s IF YOU ARE CALL AT 3 CURRIERS GROCERY " AXD ASK FOR Price is no higher and every can guaranteed Roseburg's Lead ng: Grocer Currier's, The Land Office Sensation. Albany, Oct. 30. The action of the secretary of the interior with regard to flings on timlier lands is looked upon by local timber men here m a scheme to "gobble" the best timber claims with scrip. The action stops all filing on timber claims nntil the pendiDg investi gation is settled. The investigation might be held up for nix months or, at anv rate, lonir enooeu for men who hold scrip to Lit it en the liest claims and in this way scoop the individual claimtakers out of their best i&lerests. This alleged sentiment may also prove to have twii installed with? a " view to diverting attention from the pendingjin- vestigation concerning mmored timlr frauds. Agents of the government are s-ion exiecteil here and -a good deal of iulerei-t s taken in the coming inquiry. Capt. S. B. Onnsby, snperinteudent of the forest rangers for the protection of Ort-g;n timber which is in the, gov ernment re erve, L in Altany, taking evidence on gvemmr.t laud claims. Prinit as Press fjr Sal. 4-'i 1 crn 1 . . "fall 11 1 f-S V i CO Pride of Douglas EXI F.RIMENTI.NG V. 1 . .. d'a't always pay, oaless you l.. m Pride of Dr,us.das axilla printed on the bag. It L always a guarantee cf white and delicious bread, fJu5y bicciU, and delicious cakes and pi-try. It give a ewex-I. nutty flavor to yonr bread that can't be obtalced from any other rkur milloL ai:d is whol.-s-.nieandnatriUjas. After once testing it yoa wia never os any otlit-r. G. W.Bashford & So n SIEVER'S BAKERY W ? : ' near Gas Jm WE ABE STILL IX TUE LEAD WITH OLE Fine Cream and Homemad Bread T . I . .'":Ia,.UJe i--ourg to star, and if we 2ct as H - ... iiuic u in nie past, e wi.i be lfr s : .- - Join in the procession of well pleasl cn-'-r- .:.., tinoa!! passing ia and oot of our eure. Another Large List of New Subscribers (o the Twice aWeek Plaindeal; ler. The Hoe Stop Cylinder press npnn which the PtjusDEALEB is printed ia for ale. It is suitable for a country office with 4 circulation Dp to 1,.V3 or 2,00 :' rut 1 ir.-p r'i "t f or owr -use. ril! print to Hges of an umn lolio. o reasonatiie lie refused tl..l C-.i- ffer will Now U the time to get a genuine bargaiu. Address this office. The Ix-st evidence of a newspapers i S J I'.iack, Winchester, Oregon. irrown; ip:i!ariy and prosperity h j Kd Mcvoaougli, H inston Ure. the isle at w!.f h lis snbscri prion list j Mrs K L fledirel'eth. Drain, Ore. increases. This, in fact, is an iudex to; Henry Ijiycock, Eau Claire, Wis. the stan ling cf a paper iu its immeliaU j Mrs Oeorge Brosi, Winston Ore. field, public opinion respectinz its priii-l Jas Davlin, Erockway, 3re. Iorse, harness ir rent in tiarlen dress, Wilbur, Or. tf - I 1 1 AND n El EMPIRE- T.ik-ithdBosj'nr, M.in!i!il 1 S'.t (?ruis Uack leaves Roseburg Every Moruing at 0 o'clo'k .LiYEPj, Feed and Sale faMes C. P. Barnard, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs at all hours Transient Stock gven very best care . ; . . . Rates always reasonable Line'ifor all p.iinti on Coos Bay. Good ciples and xIicies and the degree of con fidence and esU-em rejKiscd in the japer by the public generally. Especially is this true in respect to an old established newspaper like the Plaindeai.b, which unlike a new established paper, must win by its merits, independent of any temporary enthusiasm and local pride or interest, which any new enterprise inspires. 1 hcrofore, taking this as a key to puolic sentiment in relation to the Twiee-a-weck I'LAivnxALr.R, we have every cause to fel ' justly jiroud of the general appreciation of our fforts to give our town and county an able ex xincnt of their liest interests and the public a good newsy paper. As a procf of this assertion we again submit a long list of names of new'' subscribers, mauv of whom are unsolicited, which has lieen added to our snb.cription list, since the publication of the long list of over a hundred names onlv two weeks ago: F A Magill, Taenia, Wash. Mrs W S Howard, Petaluma, Calif. Dr C W Tower, Marshfield, Ore, W F Minard, Myrtle Creek, )re. L C Willi.nois. Clovis, Calif. f- Smith' Dandruff Pomade 8t3 ps itching scalp iijMin one applica tion, three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling hiir. Price !j0c. For sale by Marsters Drug Co. mltf Notice for Sale of State Lands. Notice is hereby niven that the Statt Land Board will receive sealed bids tin til Nov. 11, VM)-2, at 2 p. m., for the salt of the foll6wing des-ril)ol State Lauds, to-wit: Section 3(5 and south half of section 1(1 Tp33)s., It 14 W.of W. M. the north ball ot the north half and lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of section lrt, Tp 41 S., R 1 E,., containing 308.40 feres. Applications to purchase must be made on regular blanks in accordance with the law for sale of School Lands and be. aceonipunied by cash or check for one-lifth of the amount bid for Cer tihcate of Sale, or, 111 full piyment, (lecii will msue. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to "M. L. Chamlierlin, Clerk of Board, Salem, Orego"n," and marked "Application and bill to 'purchase State lands," M. L. Ciiamiikhi.in, ' o'J inll Clerk of Board. Dated this 18th day of Oct. BW2. B C Rol'erts, Oialla Ore. OAKLAND. II J Mahoncy Mrs II J Enssell Mrs M E Bass K Shannon Taylor S Southworth Orant Taj lor J A Hogan Hamillou Smith W L Deardoff . ; W AdaMs A B Disbrow F II Armstrong A T Bcstul Wm Burae RoF.nrR-.. D II Hunter F II Hoffman EC Smith Mrs Lore) U Brig M Howe FtlStewirt Frankieorge II II Drater wn.nrR. Rev Jas Conner Bertha A Iaib Rev N J liar bit Isaac Jarvis PILLARI). II II Wardrip W C rkkens RandoMh Rose C D Williams M F Howard W E Thtrnton S M Parker If any one has liecome a subscriber to the Pi.aindk w.r.r in the Inst two weeks whose name does not appear above they will confer a favor by notifvmg this ofiice at once. EUGENE rilOH SCHOOL WINS. Defeats Drain Normal School in an Easy Game Friday. EroENE, Oct. 31. The football game this afternoon iietween the' Drain Nor mal team and the Eugene High School was a fairly good exhibition of gridiron work. Being the first game of the year the High ScIkxJ evinced a little nervousness ut the outset. The field was not very muddy and tjie players were full of vim which made the game quite interesting. The rain did not bother. Good rooting was done by the High School and a few friends of the Normal did themselves glorious from the leather-lunged standpoint. The officials were Burgess Ford and Prof. Burden. The lineup was as follows : e. ii.s. o.c. x. s. Francis rel G.Sanders Holt rt 1 Johnson Evans rg 1 J Brookhart Booth (capo c m O Drain Hendershott I g r J Safley McCornack Itr V Hedgpeth M.5S1 FHeugpeth Kuykendall l F Whipple Grav r h 1 J Heuningtou Sard" I" W,,i''P,e Kestly f G Wimberly Subs, E H S, L Brook, A P.rbok, Davis Stevenson. THE GOVERNMENT REMITS. Soldiers Home Fund Replenished $1,500. Salem, Oct. SI. State Treasurer C. S Moore yesterday received a remittance from the Govern men t of (1,500 to, re plenish the National Fund for ti Soldiers, Home, for the quarter ending September 30, 1W2. . An Heir at Long Range. P. B. Whitney, the well-known S. P freight agent and ex councilman of the city of Ashland baa fallen heir to a legu cy of 110.74. He inherits this amount as the great-great-grandson of Robert Pat ten, a Yankee traderof the latter partot the 18th century. In 1?8 the schooner rOrauKe," which was plvi iir between the Connecticut coast and the Wes India Islands, was captured by a French privateer, ami some merchandise be loimins to Patten taken. Claims were mado to the French government, am now at the expiration of 104 years, the amount which has been allowed, will ls distributed to the 110 hei -s. Tidings Little Ranch for i-ale. THK SCORE. The first half resulted: Eugene 29 ; Drain 0. Second half Eugene 23. Drain 0, Total scoro Eugene 52. Drain 0, . A good little homo for salii; 17 acre adjoining fair grounds, 14 nii.es east of Rosebure. Good buildinin, 150 izood bcarina fruit trees. 10 acre! in cultiva lion. Price 1225. For particulars in Hiiire at Milikin'a shoe stori', Roseburg Or. altf Wheat l as an npwaul trend, more notches can lo ntood, Several For Sale. !t Pv 5-s ? f. oraio uarefmer COOS BHYSTHGE ROUTE 5 au-i wagon. Vallev. P. Farm O. a.l- C. D. Elt Fok Rest. 13 acres level land near town, withbuVidirgs etc., for one year. Immediate possession. D. S. K. Ecus (o3Ctf) Rosvburg, Ore. $100 Reward The readers of this $100. paer will be pleased to learn that there is at lea one dreaded disease that sience has been able to cure in ail its stages, and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Core is the only pnt-itive cure known-to the medical fraternitv. Catarrh being a conatitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall'sCalarrh Cure is Lit en nternallv, acting . directlv upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem therebv destrovinc the foundation of the disease, ami giving the patient strensrth bv building ns the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors, have so much faith in its curative powers, mat tuer oner un Hundred IMIars lor anv case thai it fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni als. Address F. J. Chexet Co., Toledo, 0. Sold bv Dnigeists, "5c. Halls ramilv 1 ills are the pest. IACKIN That word hacking is expressive to those who have experienced me acirra- vating constant cough, which is called a hacking cough. Sometimes it ia the rmlt of a cold, or of irrip, and some times it ia a consequence of catarrh, wuicn unchecked has gradually in volveu the lungs in disease. Such a cough finds its cure in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which cures bronchitis, obstinate coughs, lung disease, hem orrhage, anil con ditions which," if nejilected or ua skilfully treated. lead to consumption. " For twelve yrr I m a mfTercr from catarrh aoU in ltn. td by (M of lti lct phTkHo la the Siite of North Cumliiuk. who mil the trouble hwl reached my lnnp." write Mr. J M. rllo. 01 Ckrtho. IranMH-an'a to., N. C. '1 trrrw worse every day until I tried Dr, Werce'a medicine. WUl av l)r. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery with coe bMtle of Ir Satw'i Catarrh Kemedy cured roe. onu to-iay i am wen and hearty, and I will say mrtlier that my former physician. Dr. W. M. Lyilay, recom mend Dr.' Pierce' medicine to me aud to other. I am sure your medicine will cure any cute of catarrh tbat txista. I recommend them to mil. If you ask your dealer for "Golden Medical .Discovery because you have confidence in its cures, do not allow yourself to be switched off to a medicine 1' . JMt . !.!-- (5 claimed to be "lust as good," but which you did, not ask for and of which you know nothing Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medicul Adviser is sent frte on receipt of stamp to dv expense of maiiintr only. fmr 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered book, or stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y, ' THE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST i'. J ? J. SISTERS, Proprietor SejKClALTIES. Phy-iciar.s' rrefcriptioua an i Family Eecijjs, Rubber Goo Is, To-let Article, Lin and Ce ment, Paints, Oils and Gla., rerfamery, 1 rush es, ?rnges. Brashes Etc. Rambler Bicycles and Sundries. School Sap-plies. A. C. Marsters & Co DrcSs' sreiicI.iEs, CheoSiZ pnuauisi. Stationery School Kecks 7""' -on-.xar. janaanr M. "C2, w- will char ,7) for thefare roa, Ds, t, Cm Bay. Bae ai:33ee with each 50 pounds. Jravehmg men are flowed 75 rounds ba--.- vc have poj.1l. or more All exce. 3crs! dCaI lowance will be made for roani trip. DAILY STAGE. For farther information address Ja Ra Sawyers, Proprt.r, Drain. Orevon ir fmfy T- h fasS!3a3i!e Attire. 7 YourLvaaJrr iV-. efaspicooos f ja:aM ot yoar v-rl. Therefore re-1;,'r-ln)v "to.ija than other arti cles of wear. We'll do it np for yoa in a style tint II Voa nnf.ri ia the arr of :hr t Shirts. - . to pet to fiae uuea. p!es.ir. WVi ex?.-u x I 'T.n, aal work of the gral? a: bnMt ti'.n. an I cifj liaalerel Sijciil a.teat:-a glvia First diss service. miisifaiuiiii KODAKS They've gone and done it iu-:. Done away with the dark-room in developing. A little machine to de velope film negatives in daylight without going to a darkroom Any child can operate it. See this won derful invention at our store. Cliiirclii II k Woolley. Cause and Effect. . Responsive to the touch, and perfect in tone and artiou, the Yose piano has aeciired a hold on popular favor accorded to none other. It is a standard instru ment, of the highest grade. Unexcelled in n single feature of merit. ' No better piano made. Not hi-h priced, either. Sold at exceedingly low figures for ca.h, or on easy time .paymonts. Everyone warranted. W, A. BURR & CO. ,11.. "'I"'