The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 27, 1902, Image 4

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    Notice for Publication.
r lilted States lad Office
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 8,1902.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congress of
June S. )S7S. entitled "An art for the sal oi
timber landt in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," ascxtsnd
J to all the public iaud states by act of August
of Wood lrt to, county of Manou. state of Ore
iron, has this day tiled in this office hia morn
siatenivnt No for the purchase of the NW
'.of see lb. To :ll IS, ranee Tweet, and will of
fer proof to show that the land son it lit is more
valuable for its tinibcror stone than for agri
rnltural purposes, and to establish his rlaim
beiore n K Unit. I 8 Commissioner, at Riddle,
Oregon, on Monday the'th day. of December,
He names s witnesses: ; F Whitman
D F Libby. W K Finzer. Joitie Tonilinsou, all
ox woooita n, oreyou.
Anv and all persons claimine adversely the
above described lands are requested to tie theit
claims in this otlice ou or be lore said 2vtb day
OI lec, lWi J. T. rJKliH.KS,
o-Mp ' Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States Ijind Office '
Koseburg. tinsgon. 0't. K. 19ir.
Kotice is hereby given that 1b compliance
wnn lue provisions oi toe eel ot longress oi
Junes, entitled "An act for the sale o(
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington TerritorsVasextend
ed to all the public land Hates by act of August
of Wood burn, counivof Marion, state of Ore
gon. Iixs Ui is day tiled in this office his sworn
statement No for the purchase of thesw
of tec is, Tp XL st., range 7 west, and will ofl'er
priK)i to show that the land sought is more val
uable for its t'uibcr or sloue than for agricnl
tural purposes, jCHd to establish bis claim to
sato land lekre W 8 liritt, t s Commissioner at
Kiddle, Oregon, on Monday the J91U day of 1k-
:i,icr, jis. lie name as witnesses: mas.
t.ibos I J Hall. Frank Whitman, E L Kerning
um. ail of Wood hum, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above oesontstd lauds are requested to tile their
claims in this ofliccou or before said 19. h day of
.ivceiuDer, it-. '
oi-p J. T. BRIDGKS,Jiet"ster.
Notice for Publication.
United State Land Office,
"Rpseburs, Oreeon, Oct. , s2.
Notice li hereby given that la compliance
with, the provisions of the act of Congress of
.innea, is.p. enuueo An arr ior tne saie OI
timber lands in the States of California. Oresoa
Nevada .and Washington Terriiorv," aaexteod
ed to all the public land elates by' act of August
LEW. W. Dm RANT. -
of Woodbnrn. county of Marion, slate of Ore
gon, has ihis day Died in this office his sworn
statement No 5.M, tor te purchase of the NW
J- of Sec at, Tp SI .. range 7 west, and will of-
ter pro.-I to show that llir land sought is more
valuable for its umler or stone than for agri.
cultural purposes, aoi to establish his claim to
said land before W i- ISrilL I" 8 Commissioner
at Riddle, Oregon, oa Monday the2h dav of.
Heceniber. !. He names as witnesses: "' y
Whitman, D F Lihby. E W Fiozer, W E Finrer,
ail of Wood burn. Oregon.
Any and all persons Claiming adversely the
above described lands are requtsU-d to rile their
claims in this office on or before said itth dav of
iecemijer,lSs.ti. J. T. BRIDGES
o20p Reg ttter.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States Land Office,
Eoseburg, Oregon, Oct. 9, 1902,
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art oi Congress of
JuneS, )fc78. entitled "An act tor the sale ot
timber lands in the State of California. Oregon
NeTada And Washington Territory," aj extend
ed t all the public land states by'act oi August
of Woodbnrn. cutinty of Marion. State of Ore
gon, has this day riled in this office his sworn
statement No 3 jj." for the purchase of the N W
of section 34 Tp 31 8., range 8 wet and will of
fer proof io show that the lend sought is more
valuable tor its tint ber or stone than for agri
cultural purro6e.and to eslMilied his claim
before W S Brittle s Commissioner, at Kiddie,
Oregon, on Monday, the Sfth day of December,
If kU, He t aiiw a witnesses: W F Xinxrd of
Myrtle Creek, 're.. Ida Brsnkey. E L Rcming
icnand ( F Whitman, of Woodburn. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tiie
above descril 3d 'ands are requested to file their
claims in this odioe on or before said -in h day of
December, laui. i T BRIDGE.
o20p Register:
Notice for Publication.
Cnited Stale Land Office.
Rosebure, Oregon, Oct. 9. '.ui.
Notice beret'V given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress oi
June S. )s7,ent;:ied "An set for the rale oi
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory,'" a? extend
ed to ail the public land states by act of August
of Woodbnrn. county of Marion, etate of Oregon
has this day tik-d in tbis office his sworn rale
mem No :sto;2. for the purchase of the of
Sec :. Tp '1 S ,- ranee 7 et, and will offer
proof to show the land nought is more val
uable f-r its timber or stone than for agri'Ul
lural purpcsvs. and to establish bis claim to
said istid U lore W S Britf. U 8 ommLsioner.
et Riddie, Oregon, on Monday, the ih day f
l-ceiuln-r. t'-j. He names as witnesses: JC W
Finzer. J J Hal!. Cbas uibbs, A P branigar. all
oi Woodburn. OrecoD.
, Any and all persons ciaiming artveracly the
above descrited lands are roqusted to file tbeir
iinim in this ofliccou or beio-esaid 29tli day
oi December, If 02. J. T. BRIDGES,
oiOp ' Rt-gister.
Notice for Publication.
Cnjied States Land Office.
Boset.ure.Oregon.6cpt. lo. I9U2.
Notice is hereby riven that the following
named settler has fiit-d ctieeof his intention
to make final commutation proof in suppirt of
his Claim, and that said proof will le made be
fore the Ilecistcr and Receiver oi Cnited
staies Lied Oitec, Roturg, Oregon, on Oc
tober 15, vix:
on H. E. No. SbM, for the W ', fcE1. SX
sec Jl, tp ?s, R 9 went- He names the io!lo
ing witnesses to prove his continuous r si
sienoe upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
James Conn. Jac-.cs Beasley, of Roseborg Ore.,
Thomas Coke, Arthur A rant. Marshfield, Ore.
61?p . i. T. BRIDGES, Regisbf.
, Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct 9, l&ll.
Nonce is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act oi Congress oi
Junes, 178. entitled "An act for the saie of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and x astiington Territory," asextend.
ed to all the public land states by set of August
, issa.
ol Woodbnrn. county of Marion, slate of Ore
gon, has this dsr filed id tins office his sworn
statement No. itvl for the purchase of the SK'i
fcec 'XI. 'i p CI S ,iance west, and will fl-r
p-O'i to show that the land songht is more val
uable for its timber or atone than for agricul
tural purpaft'S, and Lo estaolish his claim to
id land fefore W S Britt V B Commissioner st
Kiddle, Oie , on Wednesday, the :;ist day of
le-em! t r. I'.'xi. He names as witnesses: J J
iiall, A P Bran gar, E L Remington, C F Whit
man cf Wood burn. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are mjnetaed to fiie their
claims i n this oflltd on or before the Hist day of
Dec, VAT.'. J.T. Br-does,
oa.-p Regikter.
Fine Shotgun Given
. 'ClusKaufaaii l I
-fM. If f
With every cash purchase made at my store
amounting to $1.00, from now until noon Jan. i,
1903, will be given a number in the grand prize
drawing to take place at the above mentioned date.
Those owing on account must make settlement in
. ... 1
30 clays to entitle them to a chance in the grand
drawing. Gun valued at $25.
U E. MILLEDGE, Dillard; OreJ
Notice for Publication
Cnited States Land Otlice,
Rom-burg, Oregon, Oct i, l'M'2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes. ibTs. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands iu the States of California, oiegnn
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
of Woodburn. county of Marion, stale of Ore
gon, has this day ithnl in this oflico his sworn
statement No for the purchase of the NK',
of section ?2, Tpiil S .range west and will of
fer proof to show thai Hie land sought Is moic
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural pnrTHises, and U establish his claim to
said land before W S Brltt, U. S.' Commissioner,
at Kiddle. Oregon, on Wednesday, ihe Mist day
of leccmber. lutri. lie namec as witnesses:
Cbas Uibbs. E W Flnrer. c F Whitman, A 1
Branigarall of Woodbuin, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
sbovedescribed lands are requested lo Die tbeir
claims in this oliice ou or before the Hist day of
December, l'.Ui.
oiOp Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Ore., Oct. 9, P.W2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June , is. S. eutitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands iu the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land stales by'act of August
4, issfi
of Woodbnrn, county of Marion, state of Ore
gon has ibis day tiled iu this otlice bis sworn
statement No for the purchase of the SW' :
of Sec No :w Tp :il S.. range No H west and uill
oflcr proof lo show thai the land sought is
more taluable for its limleror stone than for
agricultural pnrjioses, and to cslahlmh his
claim before W S Brill. C 8 Commissioner at
Riddle Orceon. on Wednesday. Ihe si dav of
DeceBibor. I?. He names as witnesses: W K
Finrcr, C F Whitman. E 1. Reuilugloii, Frank
Libby. all of Woodi'iirn Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ahove-deacribed lands are reoiiesled lo rile their
claims in this otlice on or before said :lHt day
of Dec lMtli. .J. T. BR1D JES,
oJOp Register.
Notice for Publication;.
United Stales Land Office,
Roseburg, Oreuon, Oct. 9, l'JUi
Notice is hereby given that la compliance
with tfc provisions of the act of Congress ol
June S.1S-S. entitled "An set (for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevads .and Washington Terriiorv," asextend
ed to all the public land stales by act oi August
,ls9i -IDA
oi Wool burn, oou my of Marion, stale of Ore
gon, has tills day tiled in tuis off ice her sworn
statement No. ;4. for the purchase of the E'
of NWU. W',of NK,.of s.- No. 2. in To. No.
H2 S. rauee No. 8 west, faod will offer proof lo
show that lbe land sought is more valuable for
lis iimberorsione than for sericiiltnral pur
poses, and lo establish her claim to said land
before Britt, I S ommissioner at Riddle,
Or on Monday, ilietii dav of lecember.
She names as wimesses: S Toiulinson. Louie
idiiilmsoii, E W linzer, D FLibby, ail ol Wood
burn, Or. '
Any and all persons claiming aiversdy the
above dcscrili land are retti.Ktel lo file their
Claims in in soniceon or beforesaid ?h day
of Ieeeml--, lssxi. J T BRI DG ES.
OShji Kexu-ter. .
Notice for Publication.
Vnited Stales I Oflic-;
. Roseburg, Oregon, Oot-S, 112.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JuDeS,)S7s, entitled "An set for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada ,and Washington Terriiory'asexteud
ed to all ths public land stales by act ot August
of Woodburn. eonnty of Marion, state of Ore
gon, has filed in this office his sworn statement
No. .1-k'i for the nurchaseof the SWJ oi Sec.
Si, T SI 8 . ransre 8 west, and will oiler nnmf
to how that tlie land sousbl is more valnahle
or us umoer or stone than for agricultural
ru poses, and tocstablish his claim before the
i b Commissioner. S Bnlt. at Riddie. Ore
gon, on Tuesday, Uie 2-lrd dav of December.
1:'2 Heuamesas witnesses: I N Hamilton.
H W Miller. W F Minard. Edward Bonn all of
Myrtle Creek. Otecon.
Any and all persons rlaiminr adverx lr th
above described lauds are rtsinc-tei io file
I beir claims in Ibis offict on or sni.l M
Uy of ikpcmberl'Ste. J. T. BRIla.ES.
"-f Kegisler.
Notice for Publication.
United Su'.es Land Office
Rncebnrg, Oiegon, Oct S, 1902.
Notice is hereby siren that in eomt.lianee
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, l7.entitiernAB art for the saie of
timber lands In the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .audWashinrton Terri!orr."esex;eiid
ed to ail ths public land states by'act of August
4, law. .
of Woodbnrn, county ot Marion.- state ot Ore
gon, has this day nted tn,this office her sworn
statement No a-Vit, for the pnrehase of the SK1.,
of See m, Tp 31 s. ranee 8 aest. and wfll offer
prooi io snow that lue land sought is more val
oable ior iuiiasberor atone tliau for agricul
tural pu i poses, and lo establish her claim lo
!! lanil beiore S Unit. t. 8 onimiwioner.
at Riddle. Oregon, on Tuesday, tlielilrd day oi
Decern tier, PJ02. !he names as witness s; I m
Hamilton, W F Minard. 11 W Miller,' Edward
holm. ai of Mvrile Creek, ie.
Any and all persons claiminr sdverselv the
above deaeriln-d lands are rcim-susl to lile their
claims in Ibis ofbc on or before said 21 day
of iH-cember 19U2.
o!"p J. T., Register,
Notice for Publieation.
Liyn Office t RostBrav:, Ork. Aug 2.1902.
ivouoe is berety given Uiat tbe followine-
named settler has Clod noticeot his intention
to make hnai pns-4 in support of bis elaim and
that said proof will be made hefore the Rcgisu-r
ana Receiver, i -. s. Lr.uii OHice si Roseburg
vrrgtiu, iki wwiwr z. i3u:. vu:
on H. E. No 96,9, for the SEU BW'i, Sec. 8, To.
2J. S. R. 4 West.
He names Ihe foilowine wimesMs to nrove
uis continuous r.sioence uconana cultivation
i saia land vu: tieorge Kiv h, Jefferson iiey.
John Brown and K.-ub-n smith, all of Mvriie
Creek. Oregon. sp J. T. BsiDeBfl Register.
Administrators Notice.
Notice Is berebv giver that the nndcmiencl
was on the lull day of October, 19)2. by the
CountT Court of Dour las countv. Orr-von. dnlv
appointed administrator of the estate of Ni l
son t.ray. deceased. Ail persons having cla:m
against Oie said estate sre ben by required to
pnieiu mem wnn ine proper voucners within
six months Irom tlie dale of this notice, to the
undersigned administrator, st the i-aw Office of
M.Crawford in Roseburg, Done lax countv
I'ateil at Roseburg, Oregon, tbis Sitli day of
ociooer, I9U2. At utu,
2U AdininUtrstor.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Eoseburg, Oregon, Sept. Jfi. VM.
Noticeis neretiy given that tbe foliomlne
namol settler baa file" I notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of bis elaim,
and that said pr-Hf will be made before the
Register and Receiver I . 8. Land Office at
Roselmrg, Oregon, on Ociober no, l'.sii. viz :
on a. j. o. sBt:. ior trie lot s. sec 72, tp 9 t
range 4 west. He names the following aitnets
es to prove bis continuous res deuce upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: James Freeman,
Zack Cardwell, Edward Cox, J. W. Uolloway,
all of Myrtle Creek, Ore. in.
ia J i jJKiDjrjj. Register.
The season's newest
creations, the extreme
. city styles, charac
teristic of the cele
brated C K. & B.
custom-tailored gar
ments. Unite ultra
- stylishness with du
rability and econom
ical prices, 4deal for
careful dressers who
want the best .
Ask to see them at
Wollenbers: Bros.
Notice for Publication.
ITniUM States LandOlllce,
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. K, 1'.02.
Nollce is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, 187K, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lauds iu the Stall's of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territoty," as ex
tended lo all the Public Land States by net ot
August 4, lx9-,
of Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas, slate ot
Oregon, has this day filed in this oSioo his
swot n statement Ko.lli'iT for the purchase of the
Lout 1, t, :l and 7 ol sec 10, 4p 29 S , K. 3 west
and will offer proof to show t hat the laud sought
Is mure valuable for lis timber or stone thsn
for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
Of (list of Roseburg, Oregon,
Monday the itid day of December, I'JOI He
names as witnesses: O. W. Chamberlain, Ijife
Brumbaugh, L. Ady, and C. Sellers, all of Myr
tle nvk, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
slove described lands are ro!io6lod lo tile their
claims iu this office on or beiore said 2.'nd day
of December, 1902. J. T. BK11X.KH.
Ol'p Register.
Notice for Publication.
rsiTtn STtTts Land office,
Rosebure, Orcgou, Aug a, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
wlm the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, lN.K.ciiltlled "An Act for the sale of
liniUr Lands in the Slates of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Tern
lory," as extended to all the Public Laud Slates
by act of August 4. laf!,
of Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas, slate of
Oregou, has Ibis day I. Km! in this otlice his
sworn statement No. llli.s, for I hi purchase of
Ihe Ixils 4, A. f and 12 of w-ctimi No. 10,
lounsliip No. i soulli, mttne No li west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timln-r or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
inn) of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Monday, the'yd dayof liecemlier. IW. He
names as witnesses: C. U Sly, Lale Bminbaugli,
M. A. Sly and c, sellers, all of Myrtle Creek,
Auy and all persons claiming adversely the
aliove described lands are requested to lile their
claims in this otlice on or beiore ssid '22d day of
December. I9J2. J.T. BKIDtiKS,
0:p Register.
Notice for Publication.
ROSEBl'RO, USE". O.N, Aug 1), 1902.
Notice is hereby siven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, IsTS, entitled "An set for the sale of
limber lands In the Stales of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of Aug
ust 4, list,
of PorJani, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this office hit
sworn statement No. U-'ll, for the purchase ol
the N Wi-i of sec. No. S4. Ip. 2M south, R. 8 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim before the Register aud Receive": oi this
of iice of Rueeburg, Oregou.
on Monday, the 2"Ui day of December 190?. He
names aa a i messes: J k Hardie of I'ortlaed
Or., Wm. i'orler, John Lehnhirr and Wm. Mur
ray, of Camas Vallev, Ore.
Any and all persons oiaiming adversely the
above described lands are reUcMcd lo hie their
riaims in on or beiore said Vlb day ol
urccmuer, j . 1.0B1IK.CS,
OVp Register.
' Notice for Publication.
United State Land Ofllce,
Kost-bnrg. Oregon, Ang 12, 1902.
Noibe is hereby given that in compliance
i mine pro Lsi ms ol me set ol CooKresa of
June s, l:.7 en tilled ".in act for the saleol tim
ber Isu.Ls in the stales of California,- Oregon,
Nevada, and Territory " as exh-nd
ed to all ihe public laud stab-a by act of Aug
ust 4, 1
ot roruand.couuiy of Multnomah, Htste of
urcgon, nas this .lay hied in this onioe his
swoin ststemeul No S-12, for Ihe purchase of
itie w.and NK'4of f-l:i of s.-ction No. 2.
township No. 29 south, rsuge No 9. west
and will offer proof tostou I cat the land sought
is more valuable for lis timU-r or stone than
for agricultural purposes, sud to establiih his
claim before the Reguier and Receiver ui this
ol f ice of Ruceburr. Oregon.
oa Monday loe in day oi Do-eraber, lwa. He
names as witnesses: w . s. Murrav, John Lelin
herr Wm. M. Porter, of Camas Valley , Ore,, and
ionard Vincent, of Portland, Oregon.
AnT and ail persons claiming a.lvi.rsAtv fK
lbe above described lan.lsare re4isrled to eie
their claims in this office on or Udon said -ith
day of December. li2. J.T. BRlIx.K-t
0"P Register.
Notice for Publication
Cnili-d Stales Land Office.
Rosebnrg, Oregon. Oct. . lrf.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ol the art of Congress ot
Junes. )srs. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Slates of California. Oregon
Nevada .and W ashington Territorv "aeit"ril-
ed to all the public land states by'act of August
of Woodbnrn. county of Marion, stale of Ore
gun. J as imsiiay tiled in this office hii sworn
statciiHiil No .". for tbe.rurchae of the sw .
of section No r2. 1 p ::i .. ranee s west, and a ill
om-rprooi io now mat the iand sought is mor
valuabh-for its timber or alone man for agri
cultural pnrnias. and tocs'bii-h his claim to
said land l-iore W S Brit I. C S
St Riddle. Onfon, on Wednesday. Ihe Ulst day
ui cnxrawr, r.;. lie ustnc as witnessi-s: D
F Libby. A V Branlgar. Cbas cibbs sud E L
Remington allot woodburn. or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aliove described lands are rcioosied tn tile
tli-ir claims fn tbnomcc on or brforevaid Jist
day of I ec 112. J T BRIlx-fCS,
OJp Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States Land OrTW.
Roseburg. tin-gen ih-t, a. pi.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June J. ).. entitled "An aH tor the sale of
timber lands in the S:atsof California. Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territorv.' asextend
ed to all the public land states bv'act of August
4, 1W2.
of t oodbnrn. cog nlv of Marion. State of r
gon has this day Bled In this office her swmfi
siaf-iD-nt NoiW for the purchase ot tbe NW-,
ofs' '22, Tp::i8., range a west and will olf- r
proof lo show that the land sought is more val
uable for its Umber ot stone iban ior asricnl
luml pnrjwes, an I to establish her claira lo
said lard before W 8 Sirilt, C ri Commissioner,
at Riddle, Oregon on Monday the Mh .lay ol
Isfc. 12. She names as witnesses: I N Hamll
lon of Myrtle Creek. Or.. J J Ball. Chks i.inbs.
W K f Iner of Wooilburn. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
shove-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this ofht on or before said 2.'.h day
ol Iwc., l'joi.
Notice for Publication.
Cnlteil Statu Land Oflice,
, Roseburg, irrgon, Oct . lrj.
Noticeis hereby given thst in compliance
with the provisions of Ihe act of Congress of
June S. litis, entitled "An st for the sale of
timber lauds In the Statesof California. Oregon
Nevada. and Washington lerritory,"aexterid
ed to all the public laud ststes by set of August
4, ISM. .
ol Woodbnrn. county of Marion, stale of ire
gon. nas mis iay nicd in this otlice his sworn
Maiemcui .o :m.2 lor t lie nnrchasc of the N
ot .-:-., j p. ii n., rsnge west ami will Oder
prooi io snow tnsi me land sought is more val
unble for ils tiinU-r or stone than fnrsgricnlta
rsl pnrposi-s. Slid tocstablish his claim before
w o orm i B i arninis-uoner. ai lil.lilie (imnn
on neuuesuay, me -nsi ciav oi iti-c'mlier. l'Si:
lie names as wiiiK'asQa: C. K W hitman, E L
ru-uiiugioii, B. h r Inzer, Wooilbnrn, Or., W K
Jllnar.l, ol Myrtle t reck, Oregon.
Any and all iersonsc aimiriE sdverselv the
sbove dcscrllxsl Jsinls are rciueated b file
their claims in thlsoniceon or lieiore said m.t
oay oi iec. jtsij. J 1 11 Rl IHi avt.
o?T . Register.
Registration of Land Title,
In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon
for the county of Douglas.
In the matter of Ihe applicntlon ol
KKfcDKltli K A. KklllS and UKNJA-
Usregisler tbe title to the land in raid
application descrilied as follows, lo-wit:
w ;,oi sw4' of SHoiion :ti. Tp. 20. s., k.;
west; St of Si.. SKU and W'i
ot W, SW! of Section '2.r
S'i of NW sud SU of SW
ii of Sec 2fi: X)iof hec:;i; Piof NE.
" end lots I, 2 and 3 of Sec Tp.J- No. S
c ts., it. 7 west; iJits l, 2 anu of rco 11
Ip. Z7S..K7west; lbelJ f. ot All
gustiu Foisey, being Not. No. and
claim No. 4s, in Sec. Tp. VNiS., K. 7 W
and claim No. 41 in S'ic. 1, Tn. 27 H,
west ail situated in Douglas county. Or.,
sirs r nsi
John Crane, W. c. VV llson and Mary Jane
Wilson ami all whom it may concern
lH.-lcn.lanU I
Take notice, that on theserondday of Octo
ber, A. D. l'Jfr2. au appl cstton was liled by said
Frederick A, K ribs and Dciijaniiue McMulleu
fn Ihe t irctiit Court of Douglas county, for Ini
tial registration ol the title lo flic laud almve
docriU'd. Now unless you appoar ou or beiore
ine iiiiu aav oi r.oveniter. a. u. vjiu ana snoir
cause why such appiicationshal! not Ix'granlol
the same will lie uiken as conlussed and a do
aroe will bcenterd Hci'ordiug to the prayer of
tbe applioat on and ynu will be forever barred
from disputing the same
ot it. k. hiiA.MtmiHiK.t lork,
o. l: COSHOiV, Apylicaul's Attorney.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the tinderslaned
was, ou the 1:1th day of August, 1)2, by the
County courl ol Douglas county, Oregon,
duly apiminted czwiutor of the estate of Henry
Gardner if rown, deceased. Allpeisons having
claims against the said estate are hereby noti
fied lo present tbem, properly verified, to me at
Elktou, Doug as couuty, Oregon, within six
mouths from the dnle of this notice, and ail
persons Indebted lo Ihe estate are- hereby noli
lied lo pay tbe same P me.
Dated August lith, IWi. Sakuci. H Brows,
Kxucu tor
Notice for Publication. '
li nlted states Land Ouiee,
v. Koscbttiy, Oregon, July 17, l'JO-2.
Notice s hereby given that 111 i-ouipliaiico
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3, lsTC, entitled "An act for the sale of
tlntlior lands In the Stales of California: Oregon
Nevada mid Washington Territory," as extend
ed lo all the I'libl'u Laud Stales by act ol Aug
list -I IMt
or Rosidmrg, coumy of Douglas, slate ot Oio
gon hns this day tiled in this office his sworn
statement No. jhi;, for Ihe pDrehaso of the N K'.i
of becllon No 12, Ip 28 south. R 4 W.. and will
olfer proof lo show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Ha tmioer or stono than for agri
cultural puriMMes.and to establish his claim to
saii land before the Register and Receiver of
Ihis oiliceat Itoscburg, Oregon, ou Thursday
iiivuin uaj- oi novemuar i'j02. He iiamca as
wumssos: itayeiiH Jackson, James Mc.Mtil
len, . A ( hnpiiiun. of Roseburg. Ore.. S W Bay
loss oi M yrtle Creek, Oie.
Any ami all pontons claiming adversely the
a hove described lands nre to lile their
viniuia 111 mis omcuou or beiore said lith day of
Severn ber ,1902. j.x. Bbux.ks
"I" Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon, Aug. 30, P02.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, s,8. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the Stales of California, Oregon
Nevada .and ashingtou Territory," asextend
eduj all the public laud slates by act of August
of Senttlo. (iu care ol Frederick Nelson), county
of King, slate of Washington has this dav tiled
In this oliice his sworn stntemeut No jMis, for
me purcnae oi ine ft', m.'j. jo, SK1; of sec
No a), tpNo:i)s-itilh,rango7westann will of-
vr mi kimi'iw me laini soughl la more
vaiiiiiiiie ior lis iimiM'r or stone than for agri
cultural purjioecs aim io c-ltilihh bis claim lo
sam nwo rs-iore nailers. Brill, h. 8. mmls
sionwr, Riddle, Orcirou, on Saturday llio K-lli
uay oi jHovomnor, lie names as witness
es: i-cier inircii. relet iturkhait, Rroeburg.
r , i Mini- iiiuniKiiam.uiaiia, w llliam II
Mercer,, Wash.
Anv and all persons elaimina imiMi. ii.
above desert ood lands are n nested to hie their
claims In this otln c ou or before mid IS day n
ivovemner, J902. JTBRfDGE.s,
"P Register.
Notice foi "Publication.
Cnited Slates land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon Oct, J3, lvt
Notice is hereby given that In romDliane
with the Provisions of the act of Crourm. ot
June 8, 17S. entitled "An act for tbe sale of
u tuner inis in mediates ol alitornis, tiregon
.vevsiis and w rem lor v" as extended
to ail the public land stales by act ot August 4,
ol Vanronver. conniy of (lark, state ot Oregon.
nas tins uy nisi in iMsorfccc nis sworn stale
nielli No ,.,o ior lln- purchase of Ihe tsW. of
s -cilou iso 21. lownsiup o i a., range 8 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuaLle for its Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register aud Rocelver of this
office oi Roseburg, Oregon.
on hrfdsy the 2Mh day of Pi-eember. He
names as a-iiiHswi: s K Mrlsbin and J II Mil
It-r. of olalla. or , Mierntan J I'aynier of Vsn-
eouvT. o ash., j w MclrWn ol Kelida. Wash.
Any aud ailpcranus claiming adversely the
aliovedesctilied lands are requested to file their
claims in this otbee on or before raid 2-.Ui day
wi ,11.. . uvfi. i. i. Da:isit.s,
"1"P Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cm Id Slates I .slid Oilier.
R.nt burg. irvon Oct H, ibc
Notice is hereby given that lo compliance.
wiia mi provisions ol me act Ol Congress of
Junes, JUTS. eutitled "An act for tbe aaie of
timber lands In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada. and Washington lerritory'ssextend
d to ail lbs public land stales by act of August
4, U&i.
MR KVA fliosr.
of Ko.'burg, county ol Itonglaa. state of Ore
gon, nas Ui.s nay ti. i In thi oin.-e her sworn
statement No :i.2. for the purchase of tba E1,
ek'j. Sh.', Nh'4 and lot I, section 4, Tp 27
ir jo i ri imi nil orj.-r proot to show
ths the land soogbt Is more valuable tor iu
iimeer or stone Uian lor agricultural pnrposes.
sua tseatablish bT rlaim to said land before
me k. cisut ana K.-o-ivvroi ihu aAce at Ko
D'irg. or.-srn.on lutlay the SIt day of
siarcn. i:';. r-rie caaies as witnesses: J J
t-'n-t. Jessie Scanlaa. t W banian. J II Burton
ail of Roseburg, Ore.
Any and ail Tvn elaiaalng a.lvere!v the
atsive tii-i-riINl lands re re-itM-sird lo file
their riaims tn this office on or said 31l
day of Man h. J. T. l:UII.l-.
t2)p Kt!'lcr.
Notice for Publication.
t'nlted SUlcs Land Oflice.
Roseburg. Orceon. Aug. I, lioi.
Noticeis rcr.-by given that tu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Con.m nl
June.!, ent.iisi "An art for the saij of
timlier lan-s In the stales ol Caiifoniia. Orv-rnn
Nevala, and Ws.litntrinu T'-mtorv, " a exiend
1 load fuulic Land Stales by act of August
ol liokine (,li, county of Dontlas, state ot
oreson has ihii rtsy filed in tats office Lis
swrn statement No ar.7. f r Ihe rur-hase of, ipM i t , k ar-1
and will offer p-.l tostow Ihe land aongbt
is more valuable for ft timbrr or stone tbaa
for aicrirultunil puns"", and u esubltsh his
Clsiiu l-!ore ti.e llecijtvr and Receiver ol tbs
Oliice ol Rueeirtuf .O. tgon.
n Tues.iy Ihe i'jd day of fveember, Vni. He
liim.:nv: i-rank Orrqit of Mlrae,
Or., baric Thorn. Roseotirg. Or.. John Bxker
ami irsnt itig, ol t lcvclan-i. On-son.
Any and all jsrrsnns claim inc adversely the
shore d-s-rii-.l lands are tviics4ed to file
inclrr.'aims m this office on or before said !Jrd
day of I'i'C, LJ.
Notice for Publicttion.
I'nllcd States Land Offiee.
Rom-b-j'g, Oi'Ton. Aog . IrVi.
Notice is fceret.y riven H at In compliance
wtrb the (ruviiions of the si t of Congress of
Jnne a, )S. entttinl "An art f,.r the sale of
tim;yr lands in ihe StaU-sof California, Oregon
Ne ada And Washlneton lerri,orr,"aexlend
d lo all the public land slates by act ol August
4, L-V2.
ot Snohomish, e mnty of Sn-ihoiMib, state I
Wash his iht. day L.ed in r.flioe his sworn
statement No k;,7 l-r the p in !s-o of the lot 2,
S W1;. St1, S'.V"4. s.r: :jp.-.l south, ranse
7 nest aud will oiT-r proof to slmw that ll land
iislit is toon- v.l'iable for Its liinlyr or stone
than for aifncnltii'a! I ilr scs. and to establish
bis claiiii ti sa,t, Hil beiore Wallers brill, U
Si'oniniis'ioii r, 111 Idle. Ore . on Saturday the
IVh d iy of Novemlicr. 12. lie names aa wit
nesses IVter D'in-h. i'el-r IPi'tliart, of
burg nr., I.asc inninitiara, Oiaiia, Or.,
m I N Itaiiks, -oalilc, Mah.
Any a-id a 1 -rci ciaimfug sdverelv the
clove .lescrilic! lau ts are r.-tl.ted to Die their
eiaims iu this o Hi on or beiotv said Tith day
ol November. Ur2. JTKKIDtiES.
tp Kegistcr.
Notice for Publication
l ni trd Stales I -and Office.
- Uosehilrg. tin on, Oct. 1, 12.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
wllh Hi-t-civ iions of the act ol Congress ol
lunes, ivg. ce:itlcl "Ana. I for the saie ot
1 i 1. 1 II-. lMn 1. in 'I. .lit... i i. .... ' f n
I Nevada and Wahuielon U-rriuirr," ascxi-nd
i d to all the public land slates by act of Aug
nst4, 1AV2.
of ancouvcr, county of Clark, slate of Wash
ingbm, bss this day tiled In tbis oflice bis
sworn statement No Kofi, for Ihe purchase of
theE'JNW'i.sW'NW'S.NW'iSW'i of Sec.
M. township No. K'i south, range No. 8 west
snd will offer proof to show thst the lsnd sought
is more valuable for Its timber or stone thsn
for agricultural puniscs, and lo establish hit
tlaim before the Keglster aud Kecelvcr of this
e-iUce of iUeburg, Oregon,
ou Fridsy, the P.'tli day of Ivcenber. IKi2. He
names a witnesses; n. if. Brisbin, of Olalla,
Or.. J. W. Mclrwin, W U. Wetcalf, John L.
Marsh, of ancouvcr. Wash.
Any and all persons rlaimlng adversely the
alHive-deserlhed lands ai-o requested to file
theircla'ms in this office on or beiore said 1th
dayotDec. r)2. J. T. UKlittiKS, r
o''p Begiste
Notice for Publication.
uNiTKD HTtTts Larrn Ornrg,
Kosebun!, Oregon, Sept 7, law .
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jnnen. 1H7H. euiilieii oau act for the sale of
Timb r l-ands in the Btales of alllorjla, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex-tendi-1
to all the Public Ijind hlates by Act of
August 4. Wil.
ol Koseburg, rtninty ol liouglan. sts'e ot Ore
gon, has this day liled In this nftioe his sworn
sta'enient No. ii79 lot the purchase f the HW'i
section 21, towns! ip si, south, rsugo i west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or. stone thsn
for airrlctilttiral Mirrsises. and lv, s,i.
tioiui uri.ire mo ivraisir ana iiecciver of tbis
office of Koseburg, Oregon,
on 1 iioslsy, the .trd dsy of December, P02. lie
names as nitn-sses; a. i. fling nd J. M
Saillingion.of Koseburg. Or., II. M . Oat man
au.i n in. ii. vt rini, oi Aiyruo i ro-s, Oregon
Any atio ail Jiersotis claliiiing adversely lite
soove nescrioeo lanns are renuesliil lo h il.i.
claims in Ibis oliice on ot beiore said 2 ird day ol
w ., t 1, SSIUUCB,
"'P ' Kegisur.
Notice for Publication for Lieu
Selection No. 3241.
United Mates Laud tidice.
Rosebuig. 1 in-iron, hem ' i-i
Notii-c. is ln-eby given that Kredenck A. Kribs,
wliose posiollice address Is rorllHinl, Oregon,
has made applieallon to select under tin. A.-i
of June I, 1M7, ( K)sints.,;it;), tlm following de
scribed trai-l :
List No. :!4l, all of 8eC. ID. Tp. J7 It. 9 west
Wilblii lbe next thirty days from ilale In-reof
protests or coiilests against ihe seli-ctlnn on
tlie ground that tin- land described. or nv nor.
linn thereof, is more valuable f,,r lis inlrierals
IliMii lor agricultural pnriisi. will l receivi-d
and Holed ior report to lbe 'nniiiii;sioner nf
Ihe i.encriil Land (iflit-e, JT BKIDtiKS '
tP Jtt'glsllfr,
Notice for Publication.
t'nlted Btstes Land Office,
Roseburg. On-gon, July 12, lr2.
Notice if hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions 61 the act of Congress ot
June H, 18, ss. entitled "An act for the saie of
timber lands In the Statesuf California, Ureiron
Nevada, and Washington Territory," aiexteud
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, 181)2.
of Csmsa Valley, county of Douglas, slate of
Oregon hss this day filed In thisoOico his sworn
sta'enient No 23.19 for Die purehasu ol lot '2 and
SWJ-i NE;4 Yili SE sec No 22. tp 30 K , R a W
nd will olfer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver uf this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Wcducsday tlm 12tli day of November, tS02.
Ho camcs as witnesses: W if Boren, Al Crouch,
John McCall.of Camas Valley, Oregon, Fred
Stewart, Roseburg. Oreson.
Any and all persons claiming dversly tho
above described lands are rcout-ed to lile Ihblr
clsims lo this office ou or beiore said I2ih day
of November 19u2. JTBRiDoKS,
" "'P Register.
Nctice for Publication.
United SlaU-s Land Office.
, , B"'"", Oregon, Aug t, pjoj.
Notice fa hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act ol Congress of
JnneS,il7S,eiitllled"An Act for the sale of
Timber Lauds in the Slates of California, Ore
gon, Nevada aud Washington Territory." as
extended to all the Public lnd Stales by set
of August 4. KJl,
of Black Duct, county of Bsltramla, .ta'.s of
Mlnuesola. hss this diiy filed iu ibis office bis
sworn statement No. :tlfiJ, Ut the purchase .t
thes', K!4f N'j SW; of section No. 12.
township No. South, rango No 3 west
and will offer proof toshow that the lam! sought
tsinorevslusblefor Us timber or Hone thsn
for agricultural purposes, snd to establish his
claim before the Register aud Receiver of this
oliice of Roseburg, Oregon.
Wcducsday, the 3lst dsv of December, 1'J02. He
names as witnesses: William W right. V L.
Andrews, Jaa.II. bkiffington aud V. it. Kelly,
all of Myrllc Creek, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
a note described lands are reo lies lei tool lb sir
claims tn this office on or before said 31st day o
December, llrai. J. T. BRlDiEi,
P Rcgisler.
Notice for Publication.
1 UnlUxl Stales Land Office.
, , . Bc'burg,Oregon,Augl4. lJut
Noticeis hereby given that In eomplteoce
with the provisions of Ihe act of Congress 1 1
Junes, IsTs, entitled "An set for the sale ci
timber lends In tbe States of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Terrttorv." aa extend
ed to all the Public Land Slates by act of Aug
ust 4, 18-J2,
of Ehrllrk, county of rkgti, sute of Washing
too. ha tliis day tiled in this oSlce Ms sirorn
siaiement o -u.: lor Ihe purchase of the St'
ol section No 12. tp No 29 south of range I wes
ne than
dish bis
r of this
and win offer proof toshow that tbe land
is more valuable lor its Umber or slon
lor agricultural purposes, and to estab
claim beiore the Register and Receiver
ojtice oi Kosehurg, Oregon,
on Saturday, the Uth 'day of Koremtor, IJ02.
He names as wituesae: Blaine Freeman of
Van Zandt, Wash., tames H skiCmslon. W lll
iam Wright of Myitis Creek, Ore.. C DClmi, of
Roseburg, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely she
alsive described lauds are requeated to ttlr
their claims in tbis oflice on or before said lith
day of Nov., 112. J. T. BRIDt.Eij
'P Resibvler.
Notice for Publication.
I'nilfd States land Ofii-e.
k':burg, Or-gn, Oct. U, l.r2.
Notice u hereby given that la compliance
with lbe provisions of Its act of Congress of
Jones, )T. entitled "An art for the sais of
timber lands in the Stales of rsiiforo!S,OTeg
Nevada .and t ashington Temiory," asexteud
ed to all the public land stales by set of August
4, IK2.
of Vancouver, county of Clark, Mate of Ws Il
lusion, has this day r.Ie.1 in tbis offi-r ber
sworn statement No 3ST for ihe purchase of ihe
r-:in 'tiw:ii, ip9, K, s es
snd will offer proof tosbow that the iand aonght
Is more valuable for Its tlrnr or stone tt..a
foragrienitural purpowa, and to establish Ms
Claim before the Kegistrr aud Keevi-nr sl lb.8
file of Hose burg, Oregon.
00 iriday, tbeKthdayof IVcemticr, 1'2. She
names as wiine-w-r S R Enbin. ot oialw
r . J W M. Irv.n.ct ieiida. W ash.. Dsnirl ft
tuker and Sherman 4 Payaicr of Vaaouver
H ashlngton.
Any and ail persons elaiJtlng adrrrlr lbe
above described lands are rvqucslcl 10 l:
thelr fUim ia Ibis nft.-r n or rwforc said Mli
day of DecemU?. lusts. J T UKIK.r.S
oH'-p It gi-tey.
Notice for Publication
I n: trd Sraus t-au-1 OfCee
K'txU'rt. Ongon.Os t. li. 1XJ2.
Notice ts terelTr tins at in
with the provisions ol tbe act ea Uniim of
Jnne j. s., cnt;iid ".n art foe tbe sals of
Umber lands m ihe Stales et f ali?msa.?rgTisi
Net ad a. aid Ma.hinrton Tem'irv.-aiterit-d
lo ail the public land stales by art of August
Jf tlKiK It itct
f Rnacbnrc-ofinty of lw-n!ti, On gon
has ibis d. filed Iu Ibis ol' lu-r srn?n t-ate.
BifOI No a.Ti fur tit p-irciiac id IIh- NS X-.
-Wi',i!crXoaiTp. . K 7 . .t ami
oflcr prooi iK.. u,,t ih land suabt i.
rr.irc valaalde It ii llmlvrnrsoae than lor
acriccltural tinrpa. and b csUbiish br
claim lo said bind before tbe ltet.ii-r snd Ke-e-verof
this oflice at Roseburg. Orwoo en
Friday, tbe iS'.h da T of IkDilm. li' She
Bsm.-s as wiinesu-s- s R lltisbio, W i. Kntnd.
A Friend, of 4, lit, ore.. Jaaea H Mlllr. of
ape Horn, Wash.
Any and ai! p-rsons claiming adverser tbe
above deas-rthed lands are resumed to Ble' their
claims In this office on or beiore said .h day
Ol December, L2,
&P Bcgistcr.
Notice for PubTfcation.
Koasat Sb. Ore Oct. 16, lSoi,
isouoe ts bereoy given ttat In compliance
us me pniTuiiini oi ine act oi congresaol
June t, ls, entitled -An act for Ihe sa:e of
tlnalrf-r iards in lbe atauw ol California, Orevon
Nevada and Hsshinsu.n Terriiry," aa extend
ed to all tbe public iand stairs by act ot August
4, lAJi,
of Vancouver, county ot (.'laik. state of Wash
ington has this day filed in tbis office bis
sworn stiem.-nl No J for the purchase of
Uie N K "i rsee No it, Tp S., range No a west
and will offer proof to snow that the land sought
is more valuable for Its timber or stone tbsa
for agricultural purposes, snd to establish bis
elaloi before the Kevtuer and iiecelvcr ol this
office ol Rosa burg, Oregon,
on Friday, tbe .tb dav or l crmbcr, VM'i. He
names as Biinessass: li R Hrisbln aud James,
H M illcr. of olalla. Or., J W Mclmn. of Fi hda
Wash., Oatiiel 11 l.ak. r. of sn.-u. r. Wsh.
Any snd all Persons ciaiming adversely Lbe
sbove-descrlb4 IsmK are mjiu-sicd u nie their
claims In Oils ollu-e on or beiore said J.iu dav of
1-oc, im.
J. T. Bat doss,
olfi" Kesisier.
Notice for Publication.
Kosaauso, Oregon, Oct. 1.1, l')i.
Noticeis hereby given that in compliance
wllh the provisions of the set of Congress o!
Junes, luTs, entitled. "An set for the saie of
limber lands In the HUtea of California Orceon,
Net ada. anal Washington Territory," asextcn i
ed to all the Public Laud Slate by set ot Aug
ust 4, law,
of Olsll. conniy of Iswglas. slate cf On-con.
has Ibis dav In this ofli.-e his sworn- slate
merit No atn for tho purchase of the bE'-t
of HecUonNo2i. township M 8.. range ir esf
snd will offer proof toshow that the land sons bt
isniorwvslttsbie for its timber or sums thsn
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish big
claim before the itegister and Ileceiver of Ibis
fiios of sUswburg, Oregon.
on rrldsy ibefi.ihdayol iS'mber. 19 2. He
names as aiinesses: hliertn n J Pavnter a'ld
l II linker, of Van-ouvrr. s ash h W u.i.i.i,.
of Olalla. Or . J W ifrlrvln of Kelida. Wash.
Any and all htsoiis claiming v the
above ilwriln-.! lands are ivpi.-.i.-.l ii, t,
lh.-ir i-Uiiii. in ibis onii on or Isi lorv said 3.1b
day of December 1!2. J T. iiltlls.K-i
0,6f" lt.-Kistir.
Notice ior Publication.
iicil Stati-s Ijind fiflice.
K bnr. tiregon, Julv 1J, ITU.
Noticeis hereby given that In romp! lanes
wllh tbe provisions ol lbe act of Congress of
June, 17 entitled "An act lor the ralo of
timber lands in lbe Mates of California. Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territory," asextend
Jdto all the public laud states by act of August
of Melrose, county ol Douglas, stale of Oregon
has this day lilcd In Ibis ollit-e ln-r sworn slate
ment No -j-srt, for lite purchase of iho h'i s-vt 1 :
section No 2i, biwnsbip So in south, range 9 v
and will offer proof toshow that ihe land sought
Is more valuable lor Its timlier or stone thsn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
cla'iu before ihe Kciiistcr and Ileceiver of this
oflice of lioseburg, Oregon,
on Fridsy the 111 h day of November, 1-.IU2 Hbc
names as witnesses: Mlllnrd t'allnlian. Ward
Ion. On?., James Hesslev. Koseburg Ore fed
Killer, Cleveland, ore , Mortimer Woodrtit!', of
Melrose. Ore.
Auy aud all persons claiming adversely llio
aliove descrlbeil lands are re.itiesled U tile their
clilmaln this oliice on or lieiore s.ild Hih day
ol Noveuiiier l.tli. . JT BKIDtiKS.
P Kegisier.
.Notice for Publication.
I'nited Fliilt-s f.siid (igit-v,
(sobnrg, Kri-goii, S"il. -J-'i, l-.srj.
Niitti-P Is litintliy giviin Dial llio lull.nunn
naiiinl si-ltli'r lias flkvl iint i-e uf Ms Ita.-iitlon
lo nuikc II us I pronf in sunt'OK if It's i-laini.
sltiil that salil proof will Im tiis'ln ht-furo Ilia
Hfglster ami Kfcttlvcr. I . 8. Land OfTicu al
rliisi'tililg, Orpgntl, nti Nnvt-nirter 11, I'.ljJ U:
JilflKPlI I'. ll.Mt.lir.
on If. K. tin. H7 22, for tho hV riK', Sep II, Tp
H.' H., ranse 6 U't-st. Ilu naint s tho following
witnesses lo prove Ills I'oiilltttiiitis rwlU ni f
lllotl ami I'lllllVHtloli of said bin, I. viz: J. II.
Jlrown.T. '. Johns, Josi-ph Mi-tiimilx, and
I tinmsi Mi'dlnuis, all ( (mU'svillo, (In-ir-m.
6.".p J. f. 13 Kl IKiKH, Ki'gUtiT,
glT T. K. Richardson
3 we are yet in the lead with high grade pianos, and with Fisher and Need
ham our line of high grade pianos can not be duplicated. We also have a few
bZZ medium pianos and some very good ones as low as $190. We defy cornpetitio j.
The following is our list of sales for the last month:
gI W. C. Johnson, a fine Colonial Needham Piano; Levi Geer, Piano; Sher
g: man Spong, Organ; N. E. Compton, Organ: A. P. Barson, Organ; Mrs. A. E.
g Couch, Organ; John Lehnhare, Organ; Bert Wells, Organ; S amuel D. Whitsett,
2 Organ; Jacob Brown, Organ; J. L. Chaney, Organ; Lettie Cooper, Organ; Ear
g: nest Dutchkey, Organ; Agnes Orms't'on4 Organ; Rem Fate, Piano; Mrs. Nena
g; Collins, Piano, another fine Colonial Needham; Miss Eva Long, Kimball
g; Piano; Mrs. Mary Taplin, Sidnow, Mich, Walworth Piano; Mr. Alttrbery, Or
glH ga; Miss Allington, Piano.
gH We may lose an agency but we do not lose the confidence
Jltr whea it comes right down to straight piano dealing.
f . .
1 A
I t; If Iir
If W J
I '
INT TO I-)KI:fW Ils, lo
rove up on two titnlwr claim
inilff east of R.s hiinf. Or.
that will cm lO.Ooo.ois) of So. 1 fir
ItTii1r. A.Mn-ss
M. I.. IIXiN,
O-o, Watch.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited State Land offlce
Boaeburg. Orrton. Aug 14 1J
Notuw u he.-ety given that in eoacpllanet)
With lije of !be act ol ogrr-si vi
.'ones, ivs.entiiird "An a-t for the sals of
timber lati.U l:i ite Ma;of Calttoru-.a. Oregon
evada .aud Uasblngn.n Terriiory'asextertd
tdlo ail lb petite laud r.ayrs by'arl of Aagnat
ULAtXE rEslA!(
etVsn.aaJt, county of Hht'tim. suite
t.'ashingl h, has th:dy filed tn this office bl
taom Maicmcnl So It A, for the pnebaae af
I se NE'sre Xo 12. ip a 29 soqtb. raxvge S srest
tad will offer proof toshow that tte Undwieght
is mr valnat.le for Ils limber or stnx taaa
torag-iciltural pinv-s-s. and to establb hia
tistio tt.e Krisirr and Leceiver d Una
c.Clce ot K..borg.' tregon.
n ."-slur-tar. lu li.isr nt November. 1.L Be,!. at n ran:: as. of Earllch. t
a-h., James H r-kifBnston. t:iiaaa Wrtgbt. M I
Myrtle Cnr. Ore., f U Clink of Kosebarg. ore.
Aoy and ad prsont c'ano.og sdverady ths i
time dcsrnbcsl lands are rmorstrsl la f tbsrir
cla.i. in this QfLceoo or te-fore sM 1Mb day
P iucister.
Riddle Pharmacy,
I. B. PIDDLE, Prop.
Fresh Druis, nedlclncs.
Toilet Articles, Paints,
Oils, Glass Sundries
J"X7"Preecriptioaa. promptly led
by a competent drngjiet.
Abstract xA Title to Deeded Land.
?pera prepum for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Biae Pr'vnfj of Township Map sbovIn
all vacant Lands, One Dollar Each.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
Ings. Special desi,jns for Offic FUtares
Office ia Marks Building. Thone 415
U ko p your minJ clear and fresb for
the daily business nrobKfii8 if you wt
bread bought at the
Umpqua Bakery
Our brtal is made front tlie
lKst flour, and is always
Give ua a call.
TroprictoM t
New Fartie RKlg., North Jackssm Str.
Trespass Notice.
All ln-nons are lu-rohy warntsl not to
trepa.-, hunt, lisli ur camp on the
land of the Curry K.stato. l'e.xmsdoitis;
win ikj prosit-UKM t., the full exton
of the law.
Ksttl0f N. Cl'BRT,
( '') Ilivemdale Farm.
Hoaif onico, McMlDurille, Orvgon
Amt. of insurance iu force, tll,0),OOO.0O
Net gum in one year, 2,ii2S,7S7.O0
frtviiiK na momiers 1 yr., SO.WU.
Numiier separate risks, 22,a
A. J. Buchanan.
Koseburjr, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co.
Title UuaraiiteeciLOsin Co.
J. D.
D C. Hamiltox,
Hvcy. and 1'reas
Office In ths Court House. Have ths only com
plete set of abstract books fn Douglas Conuly.
Abstract sud C'ertlrtcstes of Tills ftimlshsd to
Douglas couuty land and mlnluv claims.
also a romnlft st of Tracinirs of all
rilats In thn Kosobttrg, Omrou, 0. 8. lnd bis
rlct. Will uisko bluv print nopioa of any lowu.
has. just received the agency for these fine pianos
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon. "S
fUrUTUJiUUJUJt i tests e S-
Pig 'Skins
Basket Balis,
Shot Gun Shells.
Sporting Goods of all Kinds.
S. K. SYKES, Hardware.
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clicks,
jewelry, Diamonds
I LuL The Best
For Sale by
If you
if you
If you
If you
If you
If you
want to buy a farm
want funiislied rooms
want to bay a house
want, to rent a house
want to build a house
want to move a house
U oa doo'tkdigrPAT
F. paUsrao,
all oa or add
Yoncalla Real Estate
-Timber lands located snd for ae. Good bar
gains ia farm praperty.
Cor. Wash i nston
n. and Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins
H. Little, j8
.xz.- ;.v;.- s
All w..rk
ete-ms au.i
Oflice anl Work Ktxnir nost
iloor to Ikiwen'o Llucksinith sliop.
Roseburg, Ore.
y ;
Successors to
Cass St. Meat Market,!
Ui m call for yourordc rs.
cf the public
t . .- a-.a t . .
and bilvenvare
xxooocooooocc-ooo CO oooooo
: 1
- s
-.. I
Always the Cheapest
Leading Grocers
aaJ, b3;!jr
4SfS34sts9 s
Go to
For a Protcj t aad FiM'asa
Share or H air-cat.
teat Workcec, Clean Tow
els, Tools always ia Ehaj-e.
Baths In Connection.
5 Shop on Jacksvn Si. J
Homes from 5250 to $5000
Write or Thouo
Vim. LI, Fortcr,
Real Ostatt: Ajent and Notary
rim ber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Cam i
as alio
S Bit
s."l!ll v
of li
- is i tvptitvl i.v WlUt tuvn CH
ami oh v cits-foaier A;l J f rivr.da
ith a full and complete
Stock n(
AU fryii 8 lll of the verv lwv.t
quality. Teas su coffeed ar
ewv:iiita. lour
A 205 Jackson St.. Ok,,..
Best References, v
All Work Cttanmtcetl
Leave ordYra at Um "s Music