Particulars of (Jervais Fire. ' VK t. ti. Fire last niylit out tiie Iiiimih'ss rtioli of tior vais: two Mucks ;f lmsini3 lumst'B l iii".veit ly tlio flatm. "Tin? tire start ed shortly afU'rlO Vlvkainl oriirinatcl eithor in a caitiUvtioiiory stare in tho niiJillo tho l'Wk or in the alley a a I1HCK I oi Weils' furniture store Ail building were frame, with the except ion of the "1.1 lii i. k hank limMing. The only busines s left standing were M.S. lVchi'.erjs sieiieral merehanlise store a n.l Scott Taylor's harness shfip. The water tank also IiiiiiknI, sin.l Ht ' water could lie obtained with which' to li;;ht the tire. The city had n.' titv apparatus, ami the fit wildly excite.1, euulJ do litlh- but s;we s lue jmtso:i1 pro!H-tt , women and children material ly assi--ti!i- in Uie offort. Foliow inn is a list of los-s : F.. .V- Natlr.nan's hardware store, loss, s5-V'J ; ius'iniii'-e, lTtW. A'ltst Xibh-r's butcher shop, Man--,.i.rsiuir.IvvanVl..i.-, lo-v, ti'xiO; in snitaiieu, 17hi. I'oiifis ti' i'.'-i v ton. Ja.'uil W. i.-ioim-.- stor.- ai d uualer- .ii. I. nun stori ai.aniuaia-i ; taking i-stabll.iin-nt. McKinley M it. -heir.- iimnn ifci'!t titKce lacker's s-al .n. . 1'. H. l-itz-i-iald's drug st"iv. Salsuian'sjewi-lry stor-. M ui'iii-" aiMn. Weekiy.Mar j-rintitta olliee. Po-101'.iiW'. - Old brick bank bnildinir, occupiail ainiy by Dr. While's olliee. Riiiciiuitfs saloi-n. rir-s-'Tnan's l.siiii-honse Mus.diic Hall, n.' I by several 1'es. C catea t i mery s:ton'. Tanf'er's ireiieral l.iercb.uiilise store, lo li.ltisl. Two vareii'dis the ot iter eniidy me lilic uith ' ats Mc U.tii l.-al b Kiuley Micheil. flaiui Vs-L:.k-t's 1 1 l'lattetii's and Harry 5b'a!: 1 .bAeiliiig-tiousi-s. The pra..criii ixii.sumed were rm-stiy iusuraal, but- to uliat extent cannot now U' a-oert.iiiu-l. Amoiiv the losses were 17-i cords oi io-l K"ro!:illSI to Jacob Milh-r. The City HSA.-1 as a ivn:M.ran storer-xmi for '.;.- Hall i now iK-itiiT ,- j:st'-iilic' and c a of !.';. gis saved. Uiss Wli I Aa.-i:i.o , ti; $.Vb)0. A true 6Utt-!in'ut "I toe l-ss that from tin lire cannot "b made now, but tl.a' total .!:.ti..!itv will apj-roxi-uiate oOaI'IU. wi!l. 1 ui i'ttle insurai.uv. America's Famous Beauties Lixik ith 1 Elotfhes, sot. khi Eruptions. Thi-y al,u't one, who n-a-s It jrloriiies tiie Fil.t-nni v;:iiis'.! lips, chappeti lorri' S 1': r wi have them, e-.-r will any Bitckieu's Ari:i'-a aive fac?. l"c;:-nia or I jilt before it. It cures Sor liands.. cbiil .ains. iii!ai:i!.-!e for rues. t A t; iiarsters airo.; oit. Fortune Favors a Texan. "Ibiviiij .ii-tr.-si:i in L-:..L v,:ti.ont t.-s New an-i ! rti-. I 1 loach, and h i-iaii to u- 1 K ? Whit.-h.-ad. ; 1 f .!i feit like ie in st"iiifu h a l.:ic. It.";., i:!v i-V ii A C Ala ter? air::- jloa Reward $lco. isi'- IMS' paps-r v ,.r;j lii. U ti.a-r.- is a ba-:l.-t 1- OI a I C. :-! V i .:)-:.!.-' 'ilSa S:i jji-;. J, ;ts ii! aii it- stages, ai.d i? lst t'aiarth Ci:r- is the v cure t.::ov. v. to the u:eiia-al 0.i iai rti !.a-iii a i-jiij-rtitu-T: :i:':ti-s a emistit n li:i!'.'s f ;.t::r: h t'uicL- tat.-n aetli.f directly the :lT- i,!s -tiria' ''-1 Ol tl.a- sU-!ll -tin', ini; ti.a; foundation ...f aii t ?:vii; the patia-nt bcildiiJi v the ca-nstiti-.tion to ( Ul'a ill:. ! Oil: v J fr.;:.-r tion:-.! tr:: 1 i.:1. I t:.i: o:-v-". hir-i-.'-h bv and a-Nti:t Tii? it- c-u-.oiv.-H-tii-ire-1 1 fail- t i cnie. als. lati're nx a-iiii its v.-ii k. - iiave s-ijiiiti h faitii in (-.:.. t!ia.t they oiler .!. ;;irs lor any cast-that it a iid for ii.-t oi teti.'i;oiii- F. J. Cheni.v aC-o., Tolero, O. lin--:s;-, an.iiv Pills Jialls 1 tle I -est. Out of Death's Jaws. ai. :i sa a-:iii-.J va-rv liear troin tiiat ft. M.-'. I ha. J!n- re Stella suficr.-.! Ltir!ia!:i ii 1 iiva-r tiol.b': for vcars," writ.-? 1 N. V.. '-Ir. Kind's New Lif.- fi: feet t-av.d ii.y ll'i and jrae :h." J'.iist pilis on earlii ::t A C -Marsler- din store 1 r airier Carrol! in a Fpcviahy ol iiibi-a'r.te phiinlja r ti i ; point route cvi-r;. Far;.' :! to CO to (-S.S (.'a. i. !y ,. l:.K-, l,:iri', Marsiiii- ' 1 bucks h-ayi' IJo.-eb: A. M. In-iuireoi C. I; tf. Nctice frr I'ublicatioii. I :,.,, d s!.- Jjtlid tlfiic.-. it -'.Oe'-Roii, AiJ2 l'.iW. V i- 1 i t ill a-ocil-l.a'ii-e tri' .v:(.-ic:iil,""s i I'M- nit of Clisri-ss a.f J-o'.-. i -" -i-.:. - I ' x ri a'i for tta. Miia; A i -. .r-r if. ii :- .-i : s oi Ca.itnrti-.a. Oieon '.s im: I W3iviJiT-..o.iij T'-rriior; .'' a cub-ioir a-1 f..i t ae 1'iioiir: l-i::i.J .-i1i-fi by a.-l of Aut t.sLJ. la.-J, lifiltKkT W PlTit.Mps a- Khr'i' k. a-ouutv ail -csitit, KtHt.- oT Wa-tjitiR-to:i . hr- lu.s d r ti ,.-a in luis oflice lis sva.on h i. iio-nt, No:: ':l"i, it.r Ihe pup-Las., of SK:4 ... s. cOoti Sn ij. It- .N.t J9 siulti .it mni-iu." tii.'i .Ii ..iter t.Toa.'l to shoav that the land sought j- ri i-n- vh iiai.i..- fur its timber ar stone l..isn f r i 7r'r i.hmal purij. .ses. and to a-st!-'l;h j.Ia c'-:;..u t.'iO Kt .'i-tl'l aud llacl-.a.i a, I this :.'- oi ilv.-tljUljr.Uiegoli. Oli .-i-ll -i r : -:T, t to- l-'l ii ilaV of No-. -ab.-r, li.ii. K.j 1 .-;). Vii'i .-oi l: i -.-ii;bii I'l VJ' : iHiile II li. lie ( r-s k , p- : ., W . .; ii. n-iv-T'a-l . L O... F i! s-:s.i'i- rlMtulr'.r 1 ttifids. ire : i II I tlis Olloi! fall OT . l'...- J. 1 II i:..".h.s" U- s'i-la-r. Sll Notice for Publication I'Tllt'-d Sl-ab-s I.nnd ORice. I'.o-i b i r. On irnn, Juiy H, p.srf. So';' - is ba-o-i y (Tveii that In compliance wit. t:.e cr'.-. isi.Mrs toe ai t ol CailiKra-ss of .ii...--. . i-. e:!'.:-i-d "An act ,f'-r tlia-sa)e of t ' a-- 1.1 : jo.- in 1 1 a- .-iU.-M.I i nlii'a-rnia.a oeiron ? :i .a. ;d a-:: ce.n "t en i tory." as txieiol-e- :" ;i;i u e i.i;f.!.i. Tiiii l tlate-i Ly act oi August V.Ji.l.i.iM 1'. JOHNSON Ivilie Cr t, e-.i "iy of Iir.uelss. .(i.te of ':,.- ii- i i, t.-ii in iiiisolh'-a- iilssit,a,rn re lit N.i ,. for lilt Of cchhS'-a.f lai's.iarid lid - A v , hi N I sea-. 2. na n. 2a, K. U. i V.. ! "'i o:ier ! n.-.t to show that the laud sought u f.- :iii.i!.l? ler its ikniH-r or sta-Tie tiaaa ii; ncim o raii j-nr-oses, and to establish bis ti tn-'orc tic-- l.a-rtster and Jiccelver of this ol iloSebuTg.Oltv-l.u. ; .tit raj.--y, Hi.- inii d- of. Octil-er, !:.. 'ria-s - 1- i '.ti- rs, - John llnll.Sr,, .lohu , i'.. 1 N itiiii'tou slid C o White, a.l ol . I . . . J: . a i ; . :: ' i.' oris -J ail u i i iif adver-' ly tij . -ii-i .1 iHil-s ttie isiu,a.l(.d Ul fi!" tie i :ia ... ni-x ou or; said i;tn na , ..-o r, J.T EEjr-.l.s. tl . Jks'IMb Notice for Publication ' I'liita-al Slates laaml Oil'uv. R.. tiny, Ora-Ron, July 24, iwt. Notio js hereby alvr that in ciimplianc with the vrovisioits ol the it ot Congrrsa June x, is,.., euuti.-al "An ai t tor me sale timber lauals. in I fie stala-saif California. OreR'n Nevada .ami Ashiiifrtou Territory," asexteml ed to all Uie public laud stales by act ol August 4, I1KKM AN VKST.KE, ofMvrtla- t'mi. iiiintv of lHittitlas, state of urvitaan, lifts mis nay nun ins sworn Maii'im-m v- .-..iT -a,., ,ti,n'-hHi' of till. KK';.' aif nftioll -'4. in io nrlii iva.'ii:v-a-iKlii,samiii ranjret W. mud will offer rool to b how that the land sought is more valuable tor its limber or stone than for agricultural, and to establish Ma claim l-iore the Kegister and Keceiver of this oil n e of liosetiurg, Oregon, on Wcdiiehday. ilia, lain day of Oeiol'or, 1'-. lie Mania's as witnesses: Lottis Siaualai-liaT. ol Oakland. Oregon. Aina-I llatklaarth. Ira Mila-. Intl- id Mv rlie t'reek, Oregon, and K hi 1 olime oi o.ikiund I'n'SMi. - Any and ad .a.-rMiis a-laimiiK aKa-i.-ly Uie alnva' ala-scrlba-al lauds are lo lile their claims Iu tliis oliiivam or 1m lore Kiiid litli "lay of owolier, I'.Drj. . J.T. BBI1VIKS, alp Ki-isU-r. Notice foi Publication. UniliM SUICs Jllld Olliee. Kosebiinr. Urt-eou June 2u, Vxl, Notice is hereby Riven thai In compliance with the provisions of the ael id t'otiRrcH of June H, i:s. entilUd An a t for the wale tf timlier Und- in ilnsiait of California. Unvon, I Nevada uud W diliiiiRti'ii rerrilor ' sis extended to all Ihe public laud slates by art of AuriiM 4, ls'C. joHS W . HEX N KIT. j of Si'iiltle. Ptiuuly of Kilr.Tr Iwle oi IVashillRtoll. has ibis iliie bli-d in this olliee liis sw'otn siat j Mi nt No. itv.'. for i hi- purchas of the b'.,. Nil1, - and tots uud 4 oi sea-ipui No J Tp. JT, R wesl H'' ill. -tier proof Uisho the laud souglH js noK VB!at.1(. h,r or k,(,ne UlBn for airrieiiUurat punnse. aud to establish his claim le!'-re the Kcafisier aud Kecener of this olliee oi llosebuiR ora-R. hi. am Monday, i ne l.lth dny aii Oa-tol-r. l!fJ. He name- as w itu--sa-s: 1 jiurenre Hun:eariu-r. jl. I.. ts-iUiiiiiR. Seattle. Was-h.. Win. M. lorler, AiU-ii W ilson of t'ainas Valley, oreRou, Any and all ierso!is -laiimux adversely the above-dix ritx-d lamia are reqimtnl lo file" their claims in this olhee on or bclorts said Lilh alav of Oa-t., l'Jo;. J2tp J. T. BRIIKIE, ' KegiMer. Notice "for Publication. I'liiu-al SiaU-s Laud Office, llosa-br. l-R, Ora-ROn, Al,g 6, I'.WJ. Xic is hen -toy Riven that in conipliance Willi the provis-.ons of tlu- act of Coiirivss of lime s, lsT.s, eiiliita d "All acl for the sale of timber lauds in tin- Slan-s of fahiornia, Oreson, Nevada aud Wasliiuuioii T.-rritory," as (-xteiiai-al to all the !'ub;ie Ijnid Stales tiv a-l of AUR- nst I lJ. J HEM. JENKINS j of Uts-burR. county of liamlas, state of Oivon has I !1 is I V li ls1 Ol I liis .tlliA. In.r w,.m .i.tis meet No. .dMl. lor Ilia- inralisso ol Ilia. SKI. NK ! E'.SE'i Mi'. sh1. a.f sa-ciion No. 4 u.wuship No .a., . ranee N. west and wiil..i!cr i-r.x.l i-i show mat the land anuelu . is more va.usi.'e i-r n i-niU r a.r Mom; than lor sRri. miuoa. .iir.. and to a-stat.iish ba r i laiui I., said isn i b-i. iv . I, Diuimii k ir SConi , nussioii.-r. at Oakland "nruu, a.ii 1 hnrsJsy. i lie - .rai ua v oi a i- ; ,i.t. ii rJ. lta- nauia-s as w.',nes.-s ; ,;4 a. ,ii.-s, .hibll llocau, Jaibn llunoii, K-lttoi o!, ort-Ron. Any au-i all jh' son cmliciug adver--iy the a;w.e lic-s.-riis-i aids nn- n--"iii-st,-. t, ,,- ili,-:r 1':h;i1- III Mils a.dus' am air b lor.- :od iif.l aiay 111 Oa'l. 1A' J. T. llRlls.vs, H K.Rislcr. Notice for Publication. I'niied slates ljind Ortu-.-. flosa lir.rR.'Or.-s n Juue ju. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions uf the ael oi Cougrese of June?. )s:s. eautled "An a. t f.-r rhe sale ot tiu-.bcr lauds m the Stales of California. orearon Nevada. and W ashineton lern'.ory." asextend ed to all Uie public laud stales I j act of August 4, lri EKEI M. r VNE. . ;' No:;ji It- u t, a-..!i!." r of K:iir. 'nia oi Tl'.-i-h . iij.s t l;i- -i- v t I.-. I . n t ii is orllct- bis s ,,rn sl 'C iii. -nt No. i'TT'i. lor il.e eu.-iic oi rja- It J, N V N', sW'i of se Nu..'ii!il., I; ? and w ill oiler proof taishow that the laud sottght is uiatre valuable for .its umber wr stone luan f.r africUitural j.ur.-s. and to bts rttiui betore the Ke;sir aud l-ueiver uf Ibis oliioe of Kajcsebarg,l.rariion. a-n V.-!iv!ay. the 3. U!i .;:.-a-i i'a ioNt. He it!u-s ; l'.nr;j.-lt lr in of ri.o, Wasi... Wj. M. Pon.-r. Male Ih-r. u Aii. u Wil son a-! . t... Va'...-; iir. AliyaiciN-i .is'ull.; a.tvers y the s-w .ic. r:U.i ii,:: . r.ic i. -p.-b d i'. ! t i IU--C f :oi;- ;:i - .. or L- ; r- sr. ;-i i..: h lay ; di iuii- r. l-o J. T. I'-ill Is . l.s i:lip ltcRis'cr. Notice f( 'nblicatiou. i'lou-.i s-t 1 iid i -. it.-.-l er- o:.s' i!.,Jlini JT, o. Notta-e is Lerey ajiveu in compliance wi:h t-u provi.-i.-i.s ol tr.e act ot 'oiifcra-s i.f June Z. 7s. eut.ttar.l "An aa I lor ILe sale of ti'ii:. r la-.:. Is tn ;Le .-Tatars ,.-i a tli.orii:a.a:eR-iu Ne a-ia .ar.a A a.-; -ef-.i. i erii:ry.' aex:eiid ed to a., the pLliia; .and slale tv aa ; ot A ft uSt f ; K!:; i:. i a" 'l-.i ; j C ;at.- . ! ill-a- i;..-rt ;..r ; ...t-,,: -..i N' :sr:4 s.v -vr.-j. VP . :i V . ! s..;l.-r! N.i iu 1..., ;:-li':,. .'to - -.-.-ti. r;.li.- S yw: and a 1'. o:-r p-oof to show that the '.sndsova;ht i? re ittic :-jr ::- :i.;.l-r cr ft-T.e lin.0 fr a.-rl. a.:: irai ;..:r:- s-. p.t:-! to -s:a:-l:sh his cis : t--'i ra-iLe i.ev!s:a.r ti: 1 iieern er ct thu s . r : i;. V. it-cr. S:a. JI. t F 111 US R.l :.s i-.-- r.- v. -: xA- --.a- Ki-a : a - V: : A:r, Hi t r-.i l-nl-.Vi- C- -. r, I.- '". !:-. -rcj.-.ii..- rj ', itv- .f a;, i ,:,-r : . . n i. .". T. 1,1: 1 i rl; . Notice for Publication I uited -istcs !.it?i'l (tl..-sa, R iM-oa-e. ihhw. July u. 1 '.'. Notliets t.eret-y ftivu in con.pMauce with tiie proa is..t.s a.f the acl of C.iik.--s of June :. i7s. entit i "An act for the r.:e of tin". UT lnuais iu t'.e States of Caiilcni.a.a ':er"in NeaJa .a'.d '.'a al:i-irts-!i 'iern'.-ry." ate:- tid ed to &ii the p-jiiic land stiles by act ol August l.ot T-i si At iiAf i:i:r. 'if a k a"id, a oiin-r a.f l.-oi!''.aa, s'aie a-f l has this'sy !:.a-i in thisfiliin, los sworn suite-m-nt No 3i f ir the j.i:rnasr. i f th" sas i j of see t .-nf r-four. town-h:p tnvniyit;lit s. K. 4 JV.. end wHiotier proa-d lot boa that the land sot:f,ht is more valuable for its limber or atone man for aRriciiltursl-urr-ises, aioi lai etaLlish hia claim before ttte l.e-ister a:.d licet. ver ot tlue oluaje of kUsieuur.ores.U. otl W C-UlCsa'tiy lit-.- l .'n i)IT aif O -tnlr, lt.o II." 't.-iui.'s hs v-itri: ri''!:'iit Ye:i!kc. A. -l licrtaar'c, Ira V : e, uij nt M;.Ttl- l rrk,lirt u, a-iid Karl "bint. "I Caktand, OTetta-.n. Any atrl ell i..-r-'.mi a-.e. : m :jj : a,'! . cr-ajiy the slsi.ed.-scr.hed Uei- eja rcq'i.-std I-. h.e their claims in this oi ::- nn r i-toie lt:e 1..1 i ilsv of Oa Uirs-r, W 2. i. T. BKID'.F.?, alp i:..-i.ter. Notice for Publication. t"niia-i Stales I.tvd Of"c-, R..fbiii ., UriKor.Jiilj It, Nfit!ce s heri-hy glcn mat in a-ouipiisace Silh trie j.rovisti-ns of !i.e a'-l of t ot;i'n-s i.f lame :. L-tra, en'liiayi "An acl for Ihe faie of ti nber land- in the Sts'-i a.f California Oia u'on Nevattia h:i'1 V,'aoi!net'-:i Territory," as exo-toV ed to e!1 liie piibie ian-i .sls'.-s by a't ad Aiir r..-.t i. lt'.-t. AI.UERT .. K'jt'.niNS Of KaVad.llM. OIlRlV laj C-ail-o.a. sthta Of OlC cam has this dr.y r i.'l i-i ti ls his sworn r-Tat. -merit No. '-",, lor ibr pgn-ltas.. of lha- N l.1 oi" r-ct:on No U. IpjAboutu, K a) VY a-a v. iii o'fa-r pras.f to stiow tiie laud sn.ohi is rnorc VRlvjftl-ie f. r its :-iui-r or st-itiij tnuii la.r l' f.'irpa - and to establish a:aaiui i a s-tid land lciore the Register and fiaacciver of t.-iis oil;' e hi l:( Ors-L'on, - en '1 lnirsdnv ti.e 'ill' alay of Navenibrr l iUi. Jle lmnos a-witnet.--"-: - i.Hli-3'eiia Jio-ksnn, MyMnl-i-ii, (; A of ko.!iyti;, ore , S IV i;ay-lar-s of Mr' le Cr k, :e Any mid iiil i-r.-yiis ciniiMtuir Rdvcrsa-ly i.-e nls.Vi. alvM-ri.M-J ifili i;r- rc-jlla-yt.-d to I:!m tl:e;i cuiiins in this ollia-e u ar lja.-;'ora-said i. to d tj it Nov.--.iilH.r,i'Xl-'. J. X. HHO...I . sp li.jisuir. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court o I the fitstar of Otegoii, for ao.u-.iis a-oiilltv, W. A. lit If Ills and T. Jt liU-also. 1 pHrtners. doiTitr i-iislii'-.s under the lirirt lliiula- ail JVrLias a. Jiieaisf-a-, ( . l-Uiiitiffs. ' vs S. C "Mill, l J.M.Ik i. V. ' liorrsiKc, l'orti;..Tid .-H'-illirs Unlit.',! s ftoti-.i- iilnn, J.m H. Ha aid, Cam ) lite-A. Ileuid. J. T. Jiridm-s audi It.-lie K:i h; iuJ.M. - D' li. tidau la. I Dairr.iii. e. Ji. W. Ii irrnix-., portlit'id Snvlle-s I'.anis. lo I!. Ifecl dii.l a-d...!..,,, . i ilVMl.l, five ot the aUive ntitijiil it'-f.-n-iniiis' i i s 1 II K N A1 It or II K aTH Ola oKhOtiN', 1 yoj are hereby r- luin-al'io i.isr and ans.-.-r ihe i-uuiplaini a i ttie above iiKina d p slnlills in ti.t aUive ebi.ii eat Caiiii t. i.oi ou i.l.- in ii(e ad Ur" of tie-1 '.' ik ot siiid Camrr . on or u-:.iic iin l.ilh Cc.v ot Ocloin r, lli.'; and you are uoiiln-al thiil. ii win toil :o api-r aud ao-.or snid a-otn-plaiiil as h. i-by ie.,.,;ie.l, tin- i.lsniulls ,. piy lo H e Conn tor ti.e r.-iief dcninnd.-.i ji. liieirsiiel a-.o ii .; .i i u t , i - it ; Thai an error iu sni'1 plaiutifls title to the iollowiii'i raiiii j.i ;-rl j-, l-i-wit: K.-aiiiiiine: ai a point :l 7 feet east of ihe laairl!iwa-l a-orm-r ol llle fcolathiAesl ounl'ta-r a.f i the soul Invest afuaru-r of sa a iion M. loa n hip i'l , saiuth ol rHiiia- i, west, of U ill on. lie Metiiliuti, tin me a a-i oi , f.e: b (he we-t sld" of the ; riRlit ol si.) of ili.j Orcioii A ' uiiinrnlH mil- load, tha-nea; Mililli eT (leeri'.-s at'. I .'. nillltlta s . west alona saiat iishl-ol-Hay -t fea-l. thein-c . PoTtli l:a ateitr- e-and U lii'uiilcs i :;' (ih-i to 1 isa e of beirliiinn, iMaiitaliiitis; i-. io ri , ilie sjune Is iin in Iniiutl iseoutiij. Ori eon. he' cor rect, -at i.n-1 la-lolire-O, ari.1 a'oie. a-i -oetcii, 'J hat Ids i nt! its b-; ala'a-raH .1 no. r,,a lie, s-ti, o... ..I Raid preiuisa-s, lr;e from the claim ol dcien.iatil.s ! atei eaa n ail ina-m. This; Sllliilllifljs IS serva-d l y pu l.i i.'H lion iu the Hoscbure i'laiudeaia-r by older ol tin- Hon. M. il.3'hotups(K, CHiltJ. j.l.ite Of ll nmisS C-iUlltV, biffon. kajd nidi r b.-D'g i.isde on He- L'.i'.h day ol August, 1 "I-. J lieiti.te oi l,e MSI pulillea- oi tnis siiuiLn.iiis is Anmist -js, and liie of the last putilicat' ib her-of. js Oct. , i.O'.'ls hikZEE. Altorce)' Utf Bia,ntia, 1 Notice for Publication. I N1TKD STATES LAND OKFIUK KosKiiuau, Ore., Aug 6, I'M. Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with the provision of the act of (irmiirwa of Junes, 1K7S, entitled "An Ael for the sale of Timlier l-aiiais. In the Plates of California, Ore Ron. Nevada, and Washiniftoii Territory," as c lended to all the fublio Land Hlatoa by act of Aug ml 4, I!, 1. ('UKRAINE M. STKVKNS of RoRebnnf, county d Doitslas, Stato of Ore KOti, has thisday Hied In this olliee her sworn statement No, 317s, for the pun-haae of the SE'i ol aeelion No. 2, township a', south, ranee V west, aud will offer proof to show thai the land sought is mora- valuable fonts timlH-r or stone than for arricultuial pnrpocoa, and to establish her c aim to Kaidlnud b"fora I. L iMnuiuok, U 8 (UiinuiisMoiier at Oakland, OrctMU, on t Thursday, the -'3rd day of ocuilnr. UMi. Khe iiaiui as u niicsses : Ursula V. Mcvens, r.uwni, John Hiocknay, John Hog mi all of KoKciiur, resm. Any and all Tiersons claiuiinc adversely thoj above di-ai'rllicit lands are miueslcd lo file their claims in this olliee on or before said a of Oot l'.nrj. J. T. UKllHiKS. IVtp Kegisler, Notice for Publication. t'nited States Ijind Oltiis!.. ItoseburR, Oreaon, Aug 6, Wl. Notia-e is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Cougn-sa of Juue a, lhTS. entuliHl "An act for the sale of limber lands in the Slates ol California, Oregon, Nevada and WasbiiiRiou Territory," as extend eal tai all the fablic Laud Stiilea by act of Aug ust 4, l vj i, I' KSl' LA P. STEVENS ol Uiwcl.unr, -oiiuty of IhniRlas, Slate of OreRon has this .lay lilisl in this ollia-e her sworn siale men I No.:i;t lor Ihe nirchas4 ol the S'iSli', SK'4 K ', NE'i sVJi of .section So. U lowoshlp No. :M south, ranse Nil. ! wa-st and will oiler lo show that the land aoiiRht is more alual le lor ila tiuibor or sloueihaii lor rgricuitural iiirMisvs, and to establish heri laiin losaid land ts-lore Z L 1'im mick, I' S Commissioner, at Oakland, OreRon, on Tliursiiay. the rd d ay aif iK-loler, 19J. she nuinas as uittesas: Edwin Bawdiar, John Broa-kway. John lioRan, Loreraine M Stevens, allot KoseburR, Ora'Rou. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above desert had lauds are reUosUNi lo die their claims ii this ofhceou or belore said 2.ird day of ooL ISMi. J.T.BRiDa.a, dtp KiTiiiter. Notice for Publication. Tnitoal Hiutes Land Oilh-e, Kaisa-burR. OreRam, jiuk '.s, Va2. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, IS., entitled "An art for the sale 'of timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon Ne ada .and Washington Territory," as extend ed lo all Uie public bind states by act oi August 4, lJi . JOHN B. SHANNON, of IturliiiRton, roniity a.i SkaRll. slate of Wash- hiR'on. has this dar Iile.1 In this other liis sworn slala-melll K. n for lha- pun liasa- of ihe SE sca-lHiu Na. Is, lounsbip No. 6 , It No. 8 west Klu 0.;rr rruot OShow that the landsotight is more valuable lor Its limber or siame thsn f,.r egriculiu:al purases. and to establish his c;u, ben.rr the Kegi-ler and Keceivcr of this oiua-e of Raweburx.Oreron. cm ihe iin dar ol on Ttiaxlay, ihe 2lt day of octadier. line. He nanus as w iines-i-s: Mrs. Chariolte E. Hartley, Thomas E llanley. Mrs Flora M. Shannon of aturiiiiRion. Wash., Eralik Kin. art, Oakiand Ora-Rou. Any aud all p.-rsa.ns I'UiniiliR a-.lra-r ly the a1mio d.-s.-rilasi laud, are icatta-tc1 lo fila-tbi-ir claMns in this olh.-e or air la-iaira- said '-'isi av oi Oclnis-r. IjoJ. J T. BK.llia.ES. J-llp BeRistcr. Notice for Publication. fnitcd States Land 0;Tjee. RaburR. Ora-con, Aug. :!, Xotiais hetvl y (ruen that in a-oinj.llance with the provisions asi the act of Ccnx;rva of Junes, lots. eut:iie-l "An act for the sale of ttuilarr lands in li e Mates of California. tirefron .atidtasl utrton Territa.ry."aiaexieud ed to all me public land s'aies by act of August , lsi'J. bAlll tL N fUNKS, of Seattle, (in caro of Kra-sWrica Nelsor), countv ot K :(, state ad U asouiRUin has iW a.ay fi.evi in il.isafhax- h;s snroro stiiieineail No I tor ttic '..iirclia-eo! ihe j-1. KK'4. X'i SE'4 of sr; No . tp So 3D siulb, raiiRe 7 weat anal will o'-.-r pnvif toslnitr lha. Ihe land so mint is note valual.':e lair Us t.tnis r itf-st-me than lor n cult iral puriisa.'s and In establish h:s claim I said laad r-:.- Waller s. Brill. I". 8. t omniis Siou. r. Ki.ldie, OrtRon, on Salnnlay the loth day a.f Na.aa-oiha.-r. lur. He name as witness es; Ivo r I'lircli. peter Hutkharl. RnscburR. 'ir, itiu-r V inuiueham.Olalla, Ol., iilia-Jl ii Ma-r.-er, Suaitiotnisb, H as i. Any and all person ciaiminf adversMy ihe abova-da-sa-nm-i lands are rciuesU-d lo lile thtit a :;oiS in this a.fht-e on or belare said lt dav o' Noeu:ir, i'i. J T BRjlXihs", tp Kcs.Mci. Notice for Publication. t niv-l Slate Land Of5r. Hoscl.nrR. On-con. July Ii 19 !i. Notia I hereby poven that in compliance with ike provisions i f Ihe acl ol 'ongr-s of J-iTie.'. '-Ts. entiiied "An act f.-.r the sale of ttmija-r Jn i,r rta:a-af Catitaarnia. Orjrc-n eada a..d t asttiiiarton lerritary,' asexteud asl to a.l tte pji-lic laud states by'act of August ; ' 1SENKY J. FI.?I:HHArER - ot i seiiis :': . ct . a ; ri r of llonets. stale of ! ungimi bs ii I-.' iv i i"! in hiwrrn i-tai.-: i-it o a . . -or i,.c r:irc'ia- ol ia.l '2 an-i S.W4 N t',. s-.-c No -J, tpSj S , K9 w I and a iliotier i.ras.i toshow thai ike land sought j is nii-re valtiai e for it tiu.ber or stone luan : r agr.rintural J :: ! --. and to astr.ul:sh h'.j c-sttu before ti.e n:e.- end laxircr of la.s oi: .1-e a.f ila.seL.urR, a ti. a:Ii l . .iCC.,iV '. ;.'-ii a. ay f.! 7,.ff Tt.s, i' . H-. : am- ' as wttn.-'s-s: '.V M S -re:i, Ai Crou b. .'om !aa.:...f Cam Vai cy, a-'repom .stasart, -ti.inf tvr-.' .-ti. A y -. i a: a ;.i :u;nr tre-s-'y rh-; iv-.e .).-cr-lvl lari-i are ri:-..-s.ed to t.ti- th. :r l-'sims in ;r.i-Oi'-a. am rr Irf-'.'.f.-s;,l 1 I, ia- I of .'."r-'orr.U.-r lJ.l. J T Bitili-.KS. i-P ltUu.T. Notice for Publication. . Tnltol Mai,. Ijirtd !!-. RrKo-bur. o-a-e -n. Jaiv i. i-w. Nctia-e 19 Lerel.y pi veil thai in compliance wit!. :he provisions .J the act of Conrress of J ire i.-:s. e r.:::ie.I An a -t fa r tte sale of timber !a:o!s j,i ibe .-.'' s0: Ca'.itornia.Orejon Ne ads .a:id V. ah;:iirta.n it-rntory," asexiend-e-Mo a.i ti e p ibhc land state, by'aci of August MRS P i.r..!! f i r,ss a.( V-'r(i-.. o,' I'-i.ii-'iia, s'alt.- of Or-e.-n, has tl:'. dT f.:-d'in ti. -:'...-e ha-r swcrn s'ste merit No .'4-', for tins p".rsy.ic of the .-' , t s-a-l;oii No '4. township No 't, Sauth. ratine 9 'A and wtli offer proof tosneav thatths ler.d soup-it is more valual'le for l's tii.o-r or e-tis for agricultural j irt ;es. ti.d u rs-a: iith his c.aiui ba'l-re toe ilecis-er and Keci-iver ui this t;;ke oi Kssebjrst.or. v J'-i-an r'l iday t lii j ii it on v ad Xovem tie. lo2 nam.--, n a-iniesi: Vi.airt m'iiian. Wail, bin. I r . J-imes ilii-l.---. R'-scbtir, ore.. J"i Id ler. iveind. Ore . SloHinier Woo-lrJIf, o.' ye!ri--. a ire. Any n:,d ',1 ycrsona ctsUi!r:2 a 1. er-n ty t.'ic soae.e neaf.f-ii.:d Iki:;- ur raMtn-a-'ed in I. In ijia-ir c: -ims in tt.l? a-"li'-c o.i or b"ior-s.a i H:h alay of Xan-o-nUr lt-ni J T BKliXiK.-. ! Kesisier. Notice for l'ublication. I'niW SlataMi f.Htid Ot:i. Roseotiri, Orauon, July PS'.'. Notice is fceicl y a-iienthat Ja sonplianca with the ).ro isia i.s of the act of Congress of June j. i,ja. e:n:'ie,i An aa t la.r the sale of linilier lands iu the state-of Caliiomia, Oregon Nevada .and Washins-'.ou lerriton ," asexteud ed to a.l Ihe public land states by'aet ol August W IU.IAM II nnTFi:. a.l Ji:el;sonv;!le, a;aiiliiv a. I Jaek-ail,. slate ol ora-t-.oii. Iiks iiii. di-y :i,. this idha-e his sasnru siiau mei i jso. .1 Aa. lor ttie .un has.. ( n,,, luua .a, ai.aj aiii it) sec if. ip ::i range west and willolter proof toshim that the land sought is noire vaiuaoie lor rs iitnis-r or stair.e than tor ai-r,i ulturel and to establish his claim Hie llcnister and iiea.-eiver oi this oince oi iiosebiirg, Uitguti. ou i hurdiiy. the I'lid dnv of Octoln-r, psi2. rfc naina-s s Witnesses- William -Mesla-sn, Myrtle i n-a-K, ' ri'., r. i nai I i-.-Ii. J.o kson vi He. ire. N J Cumiuiiigs aud red l'a,..iet!e, ol, g, l -Ko.i. Any and all persons clatrnlns adversely the ulsive aiesa-rllied tiin.Js lire n-uuesU-al to lite their eisni)-in iins otni e t.n or beiore said ?nd day "i"Wi l. J. 1. Jill! J-'tp ilcgisler. Notice for Publication. I'uiUtd Ktatasj Land Oflice Rosebtirtr, Oregon, June 11, Nofi'T if hereby given that III ennipllaoce w itn the priivisioiis ol Ihe act of Congra-ss of June 11, 1S7k. cnmla-'l "A nd Act for the sale of tinilwr lands In the staiaVnl t.'Hiifornia, Ora-gon, raevH'ta aim Bsiiti!g'on icrritory, aa exienc si to ail Ilia? I'uhlltt Lttnd Hlalcs by aut of Aug list. 111). - WILLIAM M. rORTER, ajf ainns ulley, eouqty of Douglas, stale of lilcltou, Bus this rlny tiii-ci in thisolljce his sworn st.iu ini. tit NO. TI4, for Ihe jilir. ha-.-o tli SHU aif.ea tion No. '.'u in towii-hip No. ;s) 8 , rantu No. a west, and will oftcr praiaif to show thitt the Utial soii.'hl is more viilualilc lor lis titiilacr ajj -tone tliHU or acrictiltural pur(Hiscs, and lo c labiish his claim to said laud liefore :ho Ka?gis lor and Kocuiva r ol tins olfiee al Hosehurir, tiro, -nil, on 'i h'.iisalsy. the 'Jtli alay of Oolobcr, pu. lie names s WiiiiesK.-,: Hula) Horeti, William lisvls, Kiclisrd Jjiek anil Jesse Kirkenda'l, all of Camas Valley, OrcgoD. Any a' d all istkous cia'ming adversely Ihe abaive dcsa;ribeal latuls aie reijuesUrd t file tin ir claims iu this otlee oil or before said 9lh day of Octolier, Vjj , T. Bail) JK.S -3 Register. Administrator's Notice. Nolle is li'-ia-by giten that tho undersigned ;'" Ul" iM "7 of August. 1!J. bv tho County coirt of linuglai couii'y, Oregon, uuty appaniueo esea-uior 01 tne esiat'f 01 Henry i-awlner Brow n, di-ca asai. All ;ersmis having aialms iicaiust the siild estala: ate hereby noti. f"-d lo pri'sent them, proper y verified, to tne at l.lkton, Huug as coiiiity, Ora-gnn, within fix luotitbs from Ihe dnte of this notice, and all l eisons indebted to the estate are hereby noti tu d to nay the satno to m. Paled August 1410, iiCJ. eAML'EI. H Kkowh, - - E9l tot Notice for Publication. Vniled Slate Ijind Office. KoseburR, -Ora-Kon, July I, lUdJ. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June H, Ih.H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Stales of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the public laud stales by act of August OSCAR E. KOMI of RoscburR. cnunly of IduiRlas, stale of O.-c-roii. has lili-d In this olliee his sworn state inelit No. iN-ai for the purchase of the N'i H' of sec. No. 4 In township No. 1M south, It. 2 west and will offer proof to show that theland sought Is more valuable for its timber or Lino than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his claim before the Kegisler aud Receiver of thi otilve of Kosebu rg, Oregon, on Friday the J It h day of Oefols r, !'.(!. lie names as witnesses: John V. Cox, Mat lew L. : Wilson, of Itosa-burR. On-., tlraiil Tar lor ad Oak. j land, tire, and Kred Iloleomb of (.Hide, Oregon- Any and all )htsoiis claimtiiR adversely Ihe alaivtfileHcrllH.'al lands are ra-iUisiad lii tile their claims iu this oilice on or In-iore said '.'lib. day ol Oa-tober, !.'.' J T. llltl Imiks. lyl-J Register. Notice for Publication. t'nlli-al States ljind OlIlcC. Kosebiirg, Oregon, June lie,' Notice is hereby given that tn compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 3, )S.8. entitled "An ad for the rale of timber lauds In the States of Callfonila.Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory," as emend ed to all the public land states by act of August .U.YIN 1. WOOD, of Rosa-hurg. caiuniy of llnuKlas, stale of Ore gon, has ilns alay liU-al in this olliee his sworn statement No. -27s, for the pun-base ol the W1, MV',, NK'i NWJ4, VWij NKlj ol ss-a-tlon No! HI iu taiunsbip :l soutli aif range 1 west and w ill oiler pruaaf to show thai the land sought is more valuable for Ha limber or stuns than for agricultural purposes, and to establish nil claim before Ihe Register and Receiver of this olliee of Koeeburg, Oregop. on i-'ri.Uy, the 17lli alay aai Oa-tolcr, HUtt. He names as witnesses; Kreat Y. tjiiia-k, James I' Kervusa.n. Thomas J. Kergusoti, Johu lhibell ali ol RaHiebiirg. oivgon. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the alMive da-sa-riln-d lands are reqin-steal tai tile their claims iu this oflice on or la-fore said 17th day of iK laiUr, WU. J, T. J'.KIIalKS, hl liegfder. Notice for Publication. Cnited Stab's ljind Oflice. Ilov.-btirg, Or-gon, June Ai, Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions a-f the act of Congra s of JuneX. )s7S,enililisd "An aa-t lor the sale of timber lands in the States of Callforaia.aVircaron Nevada and Washington Territory," ascxter.d ed to all the public land stales by act of August PANIF.L MCNEIL, of Ros-l,nrg, caatiuiv of Itouirlas. state of Ore gon, has tins day fi Wat in this otlia-e his sworn Matcmcnl No. :!7M lor Ihe pnra-hase ol Ihe SW'J aaf sa-a tioii No :a, Pmnship No. . south it. 8 W . end will offer proof to show that ihe land sought, is more valuable for ila timber or stone than for axricultural purposes, and to establish his Claim before Ihe Register aud llecriver of this oil tee ol Koseburg.OregoQ. aau Thursalav. the lal aiay aai (V-taiba-r. lti He uania-s as witnesses : ' William 1'orter, liale Ka.rt-ii, M. Ktrscndall, Alva lirown ali of Camas Valley, Ora-arou. Any anal all -rsous claiming a.lveiK-ly the alMive ala-ss-rils-al lands are rasUastei la i.le their a-laims m this ortice on or In-ioce saial lutii alay a.f iH-taihcr I'AO. J. T. lilllla.Ks. jvllp Ra-glter. Notice for l'ublication Cnitid Stal4 Land Oftia-aS Raaseboiv. OPiton. July 3C. l-Ai. Notice is hereby given 11 in cumi-ltance with the provi-ior.e ol the act os Congress of Junel. )s,s. entiiia-l "An a.-t f. the sale of timber lauds in ihe states of Cali.'ornia, orearon Nevada .and U aahinrtun rerri!iarv."asexiend ed to aii the public land slates by actol August , JjKi KVYL'NK JOHNSON, a.t Myrtle Creek, cunty of fsoat'as slate of Ore gon. Las this day tied in tl-ts a.flia-e ber so n stAU-meni No : 1. iar the purchase o. lot one. of section iu boshtp a. rsnj.e S vest, and will offer proof to show that the land tonght is more valuable for ila timber or alone toan for agricultural purisvsr. and to fata claim beta-re the Keaister and Receiver ot this of iiaoe of aUaseburg, Oregon, nn Satunlay. the IHn day o' Oa-tiler, she names as Walna-er John Had. t r., Jo. u Kail Jr . 1 N Ham ltou, and C write, a'1 of M j .-tie Creek . Orenn. Any aud ail pervins c'aiininc dvcrely the above ilesa-.nsrai lands are reaiuarata-J 10 Bie" traefr claims in on cr Irlore salai lllh cay Of October, LaaO, i T BUI DUES. rP KirkJter. Notice for Publication. t'liited States Land Ofna-e, Cwebtirg. Ora-gon, Aug. 6, l: ji. Notia-e Is hereby given that in compliance with the paovinoi, ol the aa-t of Coni.vsa of June .1, Is,-, eautiard "An Act far the aal of timber lands tn the Mala 1 ol Calilo-nia. omoo Net ada and Wasbinrloa Territory.1' aa evlecaj eai 10 ali the fub.ic Laud Mates by act of August 4, is..'. JollV HiaitN ol Ro-.-l.unr. county of l.u j'as. slat j of Oregon has thisday hle.1 in IhisoCi.-e his sworn suic ment. So .ilsj fan- ihe pnirbasa- ol Ihe lo's 1, 2. and Sl. NE:4of asietiaiii No. s town hip Ctf as. ranri- 9 wasi snd wti! a.Uer prool t- show that the land souitht is more valuable lor iu llmbe. or stone titan fair ejrricaiiiural 011a jo-es. au't to ctablish his cia m 10 raid lav. Or.ore 1 1. Ida n'ii k, CSi Oakland. Oregon, on l.'.ursaiay ia-e i ni dav of Oculer. V. C He nama-s as wittia-sses : Ida C tiila, lie.l Jelikms, Jo in Huriou, E-lnin Bo nar ail of Lot-burg, Ora-gon. Any an 1 ai! persons claiming alvenstly ihe ahoto described anls are riua-stasl to tile tneir claims in this oiioe on or before sa'rt OA day of a IV.'.'. J. T. BR! IX. r 8, altp Ec-.'stcr. Notice for Publication. Cniled states Laxd OSlr. r.ose.o-g. Oresnn. Aw 6. I'.sU. Noiia-eis bcrcbg glva-n lhal In co;nplian ith aris'.ons of the ait of C'oiagrers of Jnne 3 Is s, "An act lor the sale of t:ml cr i. :..! in ih S-.atea of Caiilorn'a, Or and Washincton Territory.'' as is ten led to aU the fublic Lend ttale faj act Of AtlgQft t. Is'. IDAC. GILKiJ o! Koseivirg. county of fiotisias, State ot Oregon 1 as 1:1s dry tiled In this oriice ber ewom aiatas-ma.-n" No. iisi, lor the nnrchaaenf the E' NW W'l j Nff see. No. Jl, Tp. No . S. ratine No. 'J west and uiii off -r pnml 10 show 'hal tte land TiKfit is n-.ore velua'il law ita limber or stone fan foranricot'urai put once, and to establish nerr-iaini to saldlsud be ore Z L Idmmick. V & Commissioner, of Oakland, Ornron, on Tburt dsy, ir e ilrl day ol ocl.iter, l'."J. She names a witn.s-a-s: n il Jenkins John Hocan. Johu Iiotton, K !wln Baxtbar, ail of Roscburc. Oregon Any and all peivns claiming adversely the a!sve dex rioeai lands are requested to file their Claims in this olh.-e on or belore sstd 23rd day VIW.VAlt. J. T., AHji bej's jr. Notice for Publication. t'XITED STATE LA. VI) OFFICK. Roseburg. Orison, Aug . I:01 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the prajvisiaans a.f thi aci 0 Oongr e of June . I, ls.7. entitled "An a:-l the sale of limber lamts in n,c siat of Caliiornia Oraoji Nevada anal Washington laTrllorv." as eslenaf. ed to all the i'ubll'; Land fclatca by act of Aug. utt 4, 1. KliWIN IKIOBAR of R.asebutg. county ol lsiutlas. state of On ron has thia nay hied in this olliee hia sworn slatr rceui No :ilt lor f e ptirrhsse of the lots and 4,S'.. NWii of scclion Nut. township No 218., Kauxe No. S W. and Mill offer pnaol to show that ihe 'and sought Is more valuable for its limber or alone than for agricultural pm uses, and to e-slstilisfl his eiaim lo said land In-fore I. i'liiuiiii k, U I ominissioiier, at Oakland Orav'ain, 011 J relay, the Hiih alcy of Oa-tob -r 1:12. He names as w iturss 1: John llo-sn, fa'na-a burloii. John Hra.:kway, hi met In I. 1, all of Kosehtirg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming a lvenkdy the slsave alesajrlla-al la-aais are r.siU"ata-. vat hl Iheirelaims In II' s olhce on or is-loro said 2IUi day 01 ocl. r. u. J. T. it K I On EM ullp Kejisier. Notice for Publication. UNITED STALES LAKO OFFICE, KiisiiBiiBU.Oreuon, Ang U, isni. Aniice la tiereby given that In compliance atliotlie pi-l. 1SIOI1S 01 tne ai't oi icuigreasof June 3, ItiTN, entitle! "An acl for the sale of Umber lands in Ihe Slates ol California, Oregon, eiioviH, ami usniuirioii icrriiorv. aspstinii. el to ail the public land siaUs by act of August 1, inji, JAM K4 H. RCRTON of Roseli'ir, county of Douglas, slat of Ore-.-on has this day lile. I Iu Hits onice his s-.rorn stale nieui No ;Ub2 lor lha; purchasa. ol the Kh'i ol sc!- 11011 No. , In taiwnsliip No. Jo 8 oi llauee No V W and will oiler linsil lo show ihni n.n innu soiiKui is more vaiuame lor its timber or stone Ihan for asrictilturnl purposes, aud lo Uhlish his clsiin to said laud la-foru Z I. IHm. mlck V H Commissioner, at Oakland, Oregon, on Frilay the t(h day ol October, lU. Ho imineit as w i tm-ssei : John (logsn, Jnhn hrockway, Kdwin Roohar. Elmer Giles all of Rosel Oregon. t Any and all persons clelming ad very el . ,ht tlmve-alcscriliod lands are rciiuesled to m rheir claims in ibis olliee ouor belore said 'nli day of Otujm.i. J.T. BRIIKiEH. " 'P Register. NOTICE. Notice is herebv clven thst we. str.i..... r... tiert Hsniiluni and Catherine Allreda lUmllton being tho parents and Uwnil guard. ans ol Girire Alcisnder lUmilion. a minor, all ..1 ii. iinty of Dougliis, HUlo of Oreg ui, do this day, hy liimunl consent, and with the I.iil sniisiuiiio nn. 1 siiroa'ai an uti fmrttes coui'eni. ed, give and urant iinlo 1I10 said (len, . Alen an.ler Ilainlllam, his lull lime, with po'we.s t. act for himsa-lf in his business and other rela tions. Wo will not lie iessinsltile lor tho debts that nniy le oonl'aela-d by the aiild fia oniH Al exander Hamilton, nor shad we claim his earu inee limn Ihe dutc hereof. Signed, this Wlh dayol Ani,isl, Imj, at Uoso buig, Ort-gou. 6yunT HoBKkTliivaTo.N, fctfOp Catiikhim AbrggDA HAMiiaiuif, Notice for Publication. ' PNiTpn 8' a' is LNt) Orr.t s. fotcbti g, Ore.on, npi 7, VMi . Notice Is liceov f ven l.ial in civrpl aiice with tho provisions of the act of fmfiwa of Juno a. IM7. entiHa-d "An act for the salo of Tnnh .' Linda n the Ktiloa ol I iiM,.-:iln, Ora gou Nevada and Wsshln'jm Teuuirt," aset lainueii lo all tho Public Land hial-jj by Acl of Augu.sH. l;:2- KRANKI.IN HERMAN JONKS, ot Rosohurg, countv ol Jionclas. sia'e of Oro gon, hits Ibis alsy Hied in this o'liee his tirorn a a'emenl No. 3.171 lor the i.uichase ol the 6 i section 2J. .owi si Ip :"J, soulu, ran,e it west and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its limber or stone thsn for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before tho Kemsler aud Kcceiver of this office of Koscburg, Oregon, on Tiiciaa'ay, ihe ' 'd dsy o' ia-ceinbe', 1!?2. He tiatna-s as wlln-ascs; A. 1). Clink and J. M. Kkillington, of Kaisebura. Or, II. M . Oat man ml Wm. H. Wriht, ol Myrtle Cree'i, Otet. in. Any and ad per.-ocs cla alveoely the abaivv deseribe-i lands a e leaine.ii'.l 10 lile I'n lr claims In Ibis olliee oil or beeire ss 1 .'.'Iral day of Dec., 19.3. J. T. IlKIbliK", oJp Ueglslcr. Notice for Publication United SUtes Laud Olfice Roseburg, Ora-.on, oct, 2, IH.1-. Notice Is hereby given that- Iu a tunpllHUCe with the nrovlsln.ia of Ihe act of Camera's, oi June 3, 1s;h, entitled "An ai t fur the ' i.e of timber lands in the slates .' c iliforiiin. Ore ,0.1, Na-vada and Washington tvrriutrv," ascvend i dtoad Ihe public laud sU'.oji by act of AO', nst t, l:i. MILKS M. BANISTER, of Vancouver, couuly o' Clark, atate of Wi rh Ington, has this day fill in litis oliae his sorn stjieina-nt Na : .'.7s. f. r ih.; nurch.tso ol tne K! i N W '. '. i SVi'i, NW'i SW.' ol lie. '. I, townshiu No. Ht' soul, 1, r u.- No. 8 wt.d snd will offer proof to show that the laud tonght Is more valuable for its ilinU-r or stone than tor agricultural purpose, and to establish bit tlaim before the Register and lieceher of thia lllice of Roseburg, Oregon, nu Friday, Ihe p.'in dsy ol liea-e-v lta r 1' He names as wlipwes: s. M. Bm-I. u of oislla. Or.. J. W. Mclrwin. W H. llelciif, John L Marsh, of Vancouver. Wah. A ny anal all persons claiming lve-sely the ahovij-descri bed lauds are rc'iuesteal 10 tile tnetrela'ms in this office ou or ba-ioreal: ljth IsyotDcc. 1XU. i. T. ilKI iio Krl. r O'-'p Reg-sle Notice for Publicttion. ITnlteJ State-, Lacd CJice. Kosebme, Oaceon. Ang iri luei. Notice It hereby given that In compliant with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, ISTH, entitled "An art for the sale of timber lands in the S'atcsol Caliloruia.oregoa Nevada, aud Washington Terriiorv'asextend dto all ihe public Uud stales by act of August WILLIAM II. MERLE of Knohom'sh, c auniy of enohaimish, s'A'e o' Wash, has th'a day ftiel In U-fsonics1 f 's saorn No r- 4T f"r the pnrchase o. the la . 2. 'jNW'i NE'tSWi.s-cOlpOiouth. ranre 7 west anu will oir. r orajaif Ui s -ow thai tuc laud ughl ta more valuable for Its t'.i a.-r or stone than fora-ancn't'iral nf tv-ai. an t to e tsM.sli liis claim tisatd I tun beio'e WaiU-ra 11. til, U SCaimjiir loner. Riddle. Ola , oj lay ti e 1 a'li dy ol November. I'. Ji. Hi' nmiuet as wu nctsei: Kder H irjb, l"et-r Buakh ,i, of laarT. Or., l-sso w mnlut'nn, Oui'a, Or . Oi l N Hanks. Senile. Wa-h. Any atiai al pa-rro ia c:u'ui'r. ".Ivcr-etv the a'sive CassaT'i tied 1-an's are re-iua. . J 11 rle Hieir c airns :n t.ils eiTirc on or oe ai e sj.d I'.tli alev ol Norembea-, Jt. i JIb!llls.h-i itp lea-,lsr. Notice for Publication. tTnttcl States Land Om-e Rfiacburg.Oreyori. Aug. 7. l.S't, JaOlasjis ler-1. yen en thai In compliance with the provisiawis of the atrt of c.n;ra.--s of June J, Is a. entities' "An act for the sal oi t'mlTr iansln ihe stalei o' Calii j.niis, Oiemn, Nevada and Wa-lilnstoti TerneJiy, ' as e-tenJ-ed 10 all Jrnblic Laud Statam i y ai t rt Auvust 4, lisxi. WILLI tM J. JACKSON, of IjOaikitag tiisas, count.' !", s'a'c; of Orearoa has this day file.! in inis ojice his saorn ttalement No Si 77. fir the pnichs.; oi Uie Nw of sec No' I, ,p No '2, 6 . U cst and will offer proof to show thai theland sought is more valuable for t'.s Umlaer or st. ne thsn fair agrirvlturai pnrposrs, and lo establish t:s claim before tne lgister and Ramlver of Lhia tlU ol Rsacourg, Oregon, on Tuesday the ZM day of D-scem'ssr, p . ;e njno as wltneK cj: I rara't O.cutt 01 J!.-ii-sr. Or.. te.lei Tbots. Bosebjrj. Or- Jo .n aud I let, of cvrlsj l. t son. Any and ail persons c'aixina; alvers-Iy the above desert tsrU lauds aa lasjue.iard vi t their claims in this office on o; Pa.-'orj ta d . i day of l"ec, lJZ. OJp J T.BRIIfJE. rle: s . r. Notice for Publication. I'r -r 1 fi i,ea La -d OSlce. Ro'et.r g. O c-.-.n. Aug , 1. . Naittis is bcreby g.ven tuat li(nti.w with the provisms oliieac. Ca-t.,.e t JnneS. Isrs, enabled" An A-l fir ihs- a-a e a.l Tunisia Lands in lb- "un a; 1 r! i.rtt:s, Cn. gon, Nevada at-d As.iui io Te.i'twv." a extnaed to a'! ia fa'dic Laid csiaaby t : oi Auiisl . 1- 2. ".KOK'-E HORT.iV. ol Black Due. . iuuiv aif Rm'it n-i, sii-. of Jsinrnsoia. has inisdiy Mv I in lh'- cir.te his Ssrawr, sillrm -ot N. Si . -r ih palrcioj ri thes Ji;. N'i si- e; .-i ,.., s.j j;. lowusjilp No H .vanib. rsj e o i west and wilt of 'rr pnxd to show t tat Ihe lar.d sot-gr.t l me valuable for Ila tiicts-r or :..r: t:.u for Aijricullurai p'lrraasm, aud to atta' iish hit claim before the linster tad keceivcr f Uiu oiiice of Roac burg, Oregon. W cdrcsaiay. Ihe 31-1 itav a.f Ia-cr-iijar . p. naunv aa lluct-s: Wil.iau Waf'.t. w l J ndreiss. Jaa. II. S IT.D-.lcn and F. M. Ke 'y, !' of lfynle On n. Any aad ail p.-r mi claj ni' e Iversly he aoote descntae-i isti-'a era 1 ..ji'ri I tote.! -'r c'ims In this ofSco o.-jbe 1 tvssi.! ?!sj rltro Uea-exber, LaU. j. t. BHJlx.l's,' 0p ke:is;e-. Notice for Publication. rntte-i fstitet Lsnd 0re, Ross bit;, Oregon. Jnly. J. HJJ. Notice ia f-eret.y g.ven thst 111 coaip'taDcr wilh Ihe provisions ol ihe act of Cai-,.e t o June 2, l'7S. eelo.e-1 -Ao acl for tne sa e ol lands tn the suii-s ot 1 s 'lorj a. O.v-on, Nevada and Wssutugtoii Ter'i'av." as extend, el to all the Public Land oiAliis by act ci August i, L9. M ATIIEW L- VTJI ,oS of Roacbiirg county of IVantrias. st He or Ore gon, baa this day flleat In ih:t his sworn staiemeai No i .1 for me pa.rriae o.' the s', N', of secliou No. 4 toenship .., K. No 1 wrs end will offer proa.f to show itat ihelnnd sorgt.t is more valuable for it limls-r or stone ttsa for acrictiltural pn-r--s. an-l to taMish his Claim bet'ore tt.e lleeister aad Kecetver i f that e.'fiee of Kosebun, Or;on. on Friday, tbe .'r.ti div of rvtob-r. in t Ha tiiiraiii:iirse Jo' n V. Cos. o-. r N. Kalb ol Hoseburjr, Ore., Grant Tavlor, ol Oak land. Or. an-l Fra! oi i.lide. ti'egou. Any au-1 ail pcrso.s ciarnlr. a lveraely me above diiscitlaeal lands are n)iia-.tal i 6'e their cUut In this ofiiee on or before said 2l'a day ol Ov, ilAii JJlp- J. T BRI!iE' Register. Notice for Publication. V- i s' iHtitiJOUrs Roaebur.Or ru Aug 14 " .L Notice is herehy given that In compliance with the provl-l.aiis of the art of Ca.ngress of June sr. is:a. entitled "An act for the sai of titnlt lanals iu Ihe Slates of Caltfornta.Orein Nevaala .and asniiutou Territa.rv." Asexteud edail the public land stales by act of August lii. USE FitKEwAN of Van Z.-ndt. rotin.y o' Whanvw s.-' o Washinga 11, has ibis dsv fiianl in ,1 s oiBce h: sworn 'l.lea.11 nl Sa :: for ihu cli- e aif the NK'ii.-c No I Mil NJ Jsoj 1 .'j eS west and will offer proof to show lhat the land snnght Is more valtiai le ior its ti-i.ts-r or stone tusn for agriculiural p.inv scs. and to estat.i;.-!i hit claim la-fore ti e Kei istcr and Receiver thit olfice of Roscbtirg.Oicgon. pu .-avirdav. ihe I.Sd' a.f Nove nl-r. 1: 2. Ho liamesss an, i-sses: K W Piii:ll-a-. uf Elirrieli. Wash.. : H skittntto 1. W ilnain Wiu,ht. nt Myrtle Crai a. Ote ,C Delink 01 Uosehnrc. Oie. Any ami all pa-asoi-. r'alni'ng aalvetse.y t ie a'siveilesa rili.d tamla are .t i.ta-sb-1 lo tl'e their ciaiuis in iiiisomcv on or be aire said l.ith dav 0IN0ve.1ibcrr.sJ, J T UKilHiE'', '"P K .is r. Notice for Publication Vnlitd Sl-ilo land office, Ro ebuii, Oia-iioii, Julr, "I, PA . Notice is lie rely Mven that Iu conipliance with the provisions of the act ol longra-ss of June 3. ls7s, entitled "An act lor tho snlo of timlier lands In the Slates of California, Oiegnn, Nevaala .anal l ashlngum TerrtiiTv'asex tend ed to all the public land states by'aet of August 4, lh:?, AMEL IIAHKBARTII. of Myrlle Crai k, counlv of Hawaiian sfitoof Ora-con, has this dsv tiled In l li is. n ha-a. bis nvota slatetneiii N.a ll . . for tho onreliae of f ho NE'-i, sa-cllon il, laiwushlp' I, rulh ran e 4 W., and wfll aiffer proof to show that the land sought is mflre valuable for its tlmtwr or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish hit claim before the Register aud Receiver of Una vitavsa vi nosv uurg, oregoa. on Was! ne. lay that I.Mh dav of Ocioher pi)' Ha names as h'arl Ohme. of o.k. land, oraifoii. Ir Mile, lien., .a, w....i... . ol Mrllc Cras k, OickOu, mid lxi!s staml i.-he,-. of Oaklaud.tiieiOD, - Anv and all i-iutt clnlmln? tilveraa-lv iio de.-i.L. u l.uids ate in,iu-..ted to hi., their claims iu lira oillre on or bcioro said lilh dav ol OutoLcr, : J'.. J.T. BEILUKU, "P Register. Notice for Publication. I hIIi- I si.iti s liu i oniif, lttisi'l.ui T. (lll'nain, M.-,l 1'1,-J, Nnllca' Is liaira.iiv viva-ii taiai ll.i Inllaiu-inir nsnit-ilsa llli r luisflii'il iit 'f li's In', nli,... Ill lin.kc lllllll Pi Jlil lit Sllt.l ill at. lis a-lnun anal salai 1.111.111111 '.u lilttllal lii i.ira lha) lU'ftisUrr ami itiwlvor, t. S. Laml Hfno at KiiM-liuiKa Oi'K'ti. il Novrmm-r II. lll.J, vis : .His'Kl'lI r. II AliillT on II. E. Nn. X7I2. lair I lit' SW) 4 SK i, rVc II. 1 , M H., rsliyil A Wi'st. Ila Ila'lla s tin; filllnwill nillla'Saa-s la frovc his I mil Ultldlll ra's ill-na-a. ltMtl llllfl ttllltiVrtlillll Ol SMliI lilUi', vi: J. II. Hraitvn.T. I'. Jnhiis, .V'ci.iun , ami TlJiiiiiKS Mctiinuis, all Di 'l i'i-svi-lf. 'in- fcp J.X, liKilJUliS, UvgUlur. , Notice for Publication. LlND OFFICg AT ROSSBUKii, flltg. AUg.?, I'JDJ. Nollie la In rjhv iiven that the lollowliie- named settler has (ileal notice of his Intention to make Iliinl proof In support of his claim and lhat sa d pmol wi'l I made Is-fore ihe Ra-gisbar gild Receiver. U. ri. Land Olliee at Kotwbuig, Oregoo, 011 Oa-tols-r 2, l'SiO. viz: HENRY V. WEsT. on H. II. No S.;.'j (or the 8E!4 Boo, 8, Tp. ii. ti. 1 .. 4 West. Ho nanu s ihe following wltocsscs to prove Ids coutlntiotik r ahieiicc upon and cultivation of said laud viz: Oaxirgo Risen, Jefferson Wiley, John Ilrown and Ri-uben Snmli, all of Myrt'a Creek. Orczou. a2p J. T. (Utmost Ri-glster. Notice for Publication for Lieu Selection No. 3241. t'nited Steles I.-nd Office, Rosebu g. Ore ton, ecpi. 2J, I'.'ii. Not.isi is liera b givuu that Kra derieW A. K.alsi, who.l pusoi'lieo cat. al ss Is I'orlland, Or ;iu, has mt'e a,.n lc ia am 10 e!ea;t under liie A'-t o." I. lsv;, v:' ltiatt.,31), the io'lowiug de satrlU al t ee. : l.l No. ZUI, all of Ka-c. In, Tp. 17 1 , R. 9 wa-st W i.hiai ue a. ilnr.y dnys oo n dan; heieof proieaiaan-i-oua-sts sguinsi the ra- a-c.ion n Ibeg aiund mat iheland da-scr'ba-.'.a.r any por tiou tbceof Is uioraj valuaiiie for lis inlja-i us than iorrg cil'ia il pu jmim-s, will I ra.-a-elvcd a id llo.ed a'or ieii-t o tuv CoTri'lssonia-r of the eueral Laud Olliee. J T URI W. W o--' Ri-,s,er. Registration of Land Title. In he''iicu!tConttoilhe Htate of Oregon, (or 11 ea oumy of Iiouarirs. In Ihe ma. ler of the application oft at ".. r. a. ivnill.-i ami Ht.NJA- MIXB M:MI I.LE N lo re -lster the title to tLa land In ta d appl.calion da."":rlbr-al as follows, lo-if Wi,af rits'ofsax'tiousi Tn. 2fi. H , It sol: Nl-;4 of tH.x. SE'J and U ol JtW'i. bVt'A of tsotion le: .S'i Of .NW id s!; of SW -4 -a naru m , Ol rja"C o - , P j OI . r. ' t. V i, and lots 1, i snd 4 of Sec .a, Tp No. 3 i rt. it. i west : I ots t , 2 and a of sec 1 f rsec 2E: N' ; of seei'-; F'i of NE i p. .7 c, K j wf-t: in, i 0f An gus: n loisa y. lieing Not. No. i ;7 and tiaim No. 4s -n S;-c. .', Tp. ?" H.. H.'s'., and clalui No. 41 in S-sc. 1, Tp. V7 s., Ii 7 wesl ail s.liisied In Iouglas county, or., a ninss Joh I Crane, vv. c iwimki and MaryJaue l:sn au.l all whom it may cona-ern le(r ,i.jriU, I TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CoNl EK.; Ti to notlae, last on the sa-cond day of Ocbr.-!-r. A. ii. 1' . an appl cs'toa was hied bv said k A. Kribs and Ken;amiQ Mciful'tQ in I le in-uil Court of 1' iusias eatj itv, for ini tial relstrat'on ol the ilt'eio the land aoove da.-s ri'ia-d. Now unlesa you anpa-ar oa or befo.e Ihe Ij. i day of No a-moc, A. D. l.-'J anal s aow cause nv snch applicjtloasha'l not beg tnusj the lame will Is? taten as -oiifesre1 and a do ere- ui I t-af anterd aiordi-ig to the prjyer of the -u and y ao will be ioieraj- Larred Ir-ain oispuiins the same ot. 1'. K. sHaMBUimiK. Clerk, o. I'. ilOstui. Apyllcani s Atbimey. Notice for Publication. UNITED fiT AT Fj4 LAND OFFK K. Kisnai au, Ost'.us, Ang 11, l'JJl. Jotia-e Is hrrvby siieu lhat in Cjiiij.i.aiic with lh provii.ons of the act ot Cinema vl J:e:s 4. Ir'sv, eut.tied "An acl for the sale of ttn tsr lands In lue Slate of CaUfonia. Op-gon NeraJa and W Terrilory." at exteod-e-j i a l me l'ul.ilr Laud Sialet by acl of Aog ust (, 13, LEONARD VINCENT, of P.irJsnd, county of Multnomah, state of or T'.n, I at this .lay tiled In abis oihte ha sav rn "'aUrm-nt No. S.'ll, f.r the ptl'c!iae ol lha- N oi use. No. S4. ip. ao'itn, R. a west tn d will offer proof to show lhal the land sought Is more vtluanle tor lis tireher or stone Ibsa fn-agrtrnl'.ural purposes, and lo establish fan cl uia tss'ore the Register and Receiver oal th oi lc of Ruaeburg. Oregon. on Morday. ihe 1'th day of Isrc-mter. I9CJ. He Pano aa aa ittia-s-. s: J K liardle o! J-orUJid, Or., Wm. Porter, Lehnbciacd Km. Hot- a i. ol Camas Valley. Ore. tnyab'ltil y ?rs ins c.aim'rT sdvere!j: the ab-e da nbe I lands are re'i'ia-ated -o Cie their cV'uis in -iiisodOQonor belore sai 9.u dar of fcssW-. sr , J J2. J.T ttijots, O-.ip Rj surr Notice for Publication. C nitesl rtstc Lauid OSic Rfasibarg. Ones. Aug ii. Vi'si. S'oi'ee it hera-'.y ri-.en that la coiiiptiarce t .h .he proiisfmsof ihe acl of Concrtsss of Ji re Z. 1 C, entitled -An ft the sacol lia !viands inihssiala-s of Ca'ifoan a. Orejt-a. Nfvads tad Waas'iit'on'' at exirud ar.iialtae pobiic laud tuu-t by tart of Aug a d 4. 1 v'i Josfril H HARDIE. o.' K::rt!an4, cmtily of M I'tnomah, ft : of Ctvu-'U. has I. Us .".ay tilsi in ia:s o bee b a rw t :a:cnta-ni No .".'-i for the ycrefcta of Uie W U eni" NE'4 of s i, of i-econ Na- 2. town i.;.No. a sojih. r iare No . men to .-.I'er pros-f bi i',.,stU: the land tonight la uior sins- lair l's umber or st. ee thsn I jt axT'.'i.itural pon-rs, aaad to estatih hit tla-.rc t'';t. lift :r and Receiver of this Ctftae of Roseburg. urvgvn. ea Monday Uie .--a dsv ol vjiVr. He t str.a-s at iir.. .-. ss.l'.'ga) eav. John Le-n-lerr ri. M. I'.arirr. ol Cana Va.iev , " -pe , and i -anaid Vinrcnl, of i'ori! o,1, on ssio. Anv azid ali fac:oas flaiuiang tvlva-rHe.v Ihe thealiiecc-:.f-l are riia..l to B e laeir cainss 1 1 ihis on ice on or sr o-e a-.d viSi taj Ofsrcaib-r. LaJi. J. T. bR: laiEs Wi Re; tier. Notice for Publication. rtt:o.Tilt Uiu Orfin s R.sK-'.nrc. O'.-ota, Aaa s. N'art'ee brcby n-e I i.aat I i e i..e', s jce n Jl the rratvis'-.-os t4 she ea-t o; f'oogr? raa ."rns s, 1V7S eni'iied -An Ac. fw the sx'e of " .c:V - l.u .s In ije -saj,, . o j. I'o.oia. O.-t m.i. Nera.1 it-d 'a h otoa Te I- iy.' fc e-te-w d loai1 the Ititaat; Laud Stales liy s-t..' Ac? :jt 4 1 f. ..KOr...S W. a HAVPRRLA-Nt If N .1- rrek. roainly of Ijav.- , stile of re i, ha ilias d iy i icd ia t-iu. o'aice bis W'J'J Iltia-U'lll No. 31" , liir aba par.'.ia'e Si ijas I). - 4. S. aid 12 of src:i-.n No. 10, uwn-hii No. ' .oui-s. raa-e No i w. si and will i-ifa-r pr-xd to show thai ite land weight Is more valuat ie lor lis lirrlsT or svie ihsa foragr-.amitural purpoae. and to etardi!i hit C'.stm before t'.e ileii.sier and Receiver oi lh.t Olliee of Ross: burg .Oregon, n Mon.iav. me m l uay ol Pease "ntvr. IStii. He ns'nci as wiina. ar .: C. b. ly, La'e Bruaibao :a, M. A s.y and i . se ie'a, ail ol Mj-. e . rrek, U t MM. Anv an-l a'l prisons claJtniVT a-lT.-rns: the e'aove desc iu I lin lsa er.v,na-s!-l lo i'e their r a ji 1 1 ab s oJx; on or tsr.orc d -11 da' of JXxwju-', Ir2. J.T, BRHniSs." tv ri.sie.'. Notice for Publication. Tniteal starct Lan kill ce, R-ssi bnrg. Orceoa, Aac. . lk'-i. N'n'.lise is beiesy given last in cdmpUaiKW w.tU Ihe of ihe .'t of Cvj-rres of June i. Isrs. entitled "An Act for ll;e sal ol Ticjba-r Lands in lh Sta'.tt of Califaarnta. Ore gou Nevada and V'asluoarton Tcn-uoiy, " at ex tern ed to all tai Public Land fiusiej by ect of August t, laJ-', CHARLSY L.SLY, of JsyrtlcOrea-k, - nntv of lic'a state of O.Tvon, his ih's day file,! la ibis office his swivtj st iieinent No il'-T fair Ihe pun base of the Lois 1. 1. ; and I of use "0, tp S s , K. $ west and wiUofi'er proof loshow that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone thaa for agricultural purposes, and to erafclish hit claim before the i.ems'.er and Receiver of thit oluce of Uoscburg, Oregon. Monday the t.u i day ai Dieembc.', Iroi. Ho ni'i'osn witnesses: t:. W . Chamberlain, Hr.iinb.iugh. L. Ady, en 1 ;. tellers, ail of M jr t e ra.x-k, Ore.on. Anyarel aii ic-rsons claiming adverse' the lsive ale rili'd lsnals a j rasnn-ste.! to II e the'r ctmt in ih'sofr.ct on or beiore sa.di.nd da aji Dec-oanbrr, l'Al!. J. T. B RJ IK, hi. Ovp Rcg.s-r. KikNal Catai-rU q lickij jklua to umu cent by Ely's Crotuu litum, vbfch is grce f4y rainauc. It is received throagU ti coitnls, clekaics ami heala tho wbolo tut face ores vhiclt it diJagtw iiaeU. Trtipijigtr sell tha 0o. size; Trutl size l,y mu ;, ccnU. Test it and joa tsra iuto to ooctiso t e treatment. Announocraont. To twcomiDOalata tauso nho are Ttartiu to the n&o of atomizers, ia applying IiqoiJs into tho nasal passage for taiarrAal (, tUt, the propnetortt prorare Cream Llu!rr ir liq,uidfonu, which wiil be known m E.t-s Liqnid Cream E&Im. Itics Including th pr.ij-ing tubas ia 73 cent DrtjRsisU ot t iuaiL lha liquid form embodiou the tuetl is-JbaJ JXiHart.eai rrf th ssitial rra raraiMm OOCOOOOOCXDCXXX INVESTORS The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes a in-lit will be completely outdone by the uia-uit:ccnt oil uucoverca ana developed in Southern VAT.T.KV HTT rmiDivv.....t ., ... . vv.ui ait i cuuirois uie crtaui oil latu's. your orders to the aud Co. cvnro,. , r U mpa ua -L "L Society eatings. A.' F. 4 A. M. Laurel Lodae Xo. 13. II )l-l4 regular nioetinijfi on eeccr.a itnd t nrtb VVedr.eBilays rf escb mon'li. E. J. fc tboco, W. M. N. T.Jkwe fi-nrptary. A o. u. W. Koeeburg Lode No. 10. ti lloeia the fecood and focrtb Mua- ' "i days of each mor.ttt at 7:0 p.m., In -the 1. O. O. F, Hall. Mtmbors in good ritHDiJinz ara r,vitid to attend. 11. I '.IiClallew, M. V. K. II. I. hnox Recorder. D. .S WjtBT, 1 loiibcier. 6. P. O. ELKS-Hc.ebur3 Lodge Sa. 2'ltb. llol'ia rcjiiiar cottiiBunica tioDB at I. O. O. P. Hall on second and fourth Tl.aredaye of escb rtiontti. All members requeeu-.d to attend rcun- larlr and all rieitir-it Iirothcra ace cor.; ally iovitisd to attend. W. II. Jamilsok, K. Ii. V. C. Losoom, lucrastary. O. E, FOURTH P.KGIMEXT. . . N. 0., meeta at Armory Hail tvery Thursday e7enirjz, at 8 o'clock. F. B. IIayl.'S, Cept n1 EG REE OF PO-SOR. Mystic lx.i;9 i. VS. MteU .ed ar.d 4th lhnre- a . . . .... oay eTer)i.ap nt eacn tnon'ii 10 a tiva rifara' Hall. Vicitin me.iibcri cci dialiy inula"! to a'lenai. Mcs. HtBlT W'tiT, C. of II. . II. Lkn.xox, IUc. f OF A. Court Dajnvlas N i. Z1, For esters of America. Meets every Tneeda? evenirir in Nativ ronn' Ball. Visiting brothers always wrIconi. Cius Gtt.vm, C. h. Ava. J. Keastz, 11. . E. V. Hooter, Ptivsiciaa. I.' O. O. F. Phiiearian Lodzo No. 8. Majots in Old Fo1!ok' Tctiifi e, or tier Jackeon and Caes ntrteta. cn r-atairdar eveoinK of each mf.K. Uera lrs of the order in gaxad eiar.-licz are Inrited to attend. H. ll.(i;uini, J. ii. Ji.T. JkwaTT, hrctary. P. Alpha LoiJe No. ii 3!cts every Wednetday, ia I. O. O. F F. is Hall a7:3-. p. ra. -MernUrs food elanding are inri:ri to attend G. W". Kivsall, O. C. E. Kcju&rs, K- P. S. C. T. M. Prajttrtiajn T. nt No. 15. H il.ii it regular Rt.-vitws ti.e first and third Fri.Uv f etch month in the I. O. O. Lan'. Visitirg metnlaTg in gxi Ftanalins ara; invito! to att--rid. F. F. PtTTuKSi-jN, Oni. E. E. PuiwrETT, Ra.-s.i.rai Ki-t-fivr. L ILAC CIRCLE. So. 4, Women of Woodcraft, ileetaon fcrntavt ti.ird Thnrsdaye of each month at ti.- Na tive Hone, Hail. ViBitir.?'i in trood etanding are infiu-d to tvtni;. Iaxtha 5cfLCnB ,Gcardiao Xeii;i.jc'. Ml.vs.ia Orav, Xaxy. ADIF-S of tho G. A.K.. Abraham Lin coln Circ!e No. 2. meets at Nstive Son'a HaU t t o'cioclt on tria sec ond and fcorth Friiiavscf i-acfi m-n.-. LV. T. M. Koeetorg H:vi. 5. 11. Holds its iTjrs'ar review c'a Ite secocd aad lonrtri FriJa? ere. of each month in (he Native S-.r.' II. 1. Siitrra of other Hires rinticz in ir.e city ara cordially invited t- attend cur re- Jssi Kai p, L. Cox. M area McCiaitts. K. K. . OF A. Myrtle Camo No. sa3. Meets rt-tasd thiri Vedce.'avi each mottii at Ntiv Sor.' i! Ali. F. ii. Ri.itii, V. C. Gao. Btkox, Clerk. 0.' E- S. Rossr'jorn Cbatr No. S. Holds their rc-ctiiar met-::; ca the firet and lhJ ThucsJar in each nor.ih. Visisine tnemta-re in coed ttandii it are re'.'!u;iT invit--! to at tend. Mts. C tLLia Bcakd, W. M. Mas. Lxastg Cobjt, NrcreUry. iTKEir:K4HS. Eubnr4 Ibekat M Ui- No.4i. l.O. O. F citaiia in Odd Fi!cwa' Temple every To isdjy eveniotr. Visiting eitrs and brvthr'n invited to attend. Di-lla Eaows, X. G. COBA WjWJlERLT. R. UNITED ARTISANS.-Untrs"--! wuiti'.y No. l-5 niev; eva-rv at v.r dav evenirt;:. nt S oVkvfc iii Native Sons HaU. VL-iticg Ariiaus. ccrvLULiv invited to attend. xr r,, -"-M.Joes.M. A. Alas. F. B. Hamlix, "cKtarr. WOODMEN OF THE WOF.LD.-Oa Camn No. 125. Mee at the Odd Flows' Ua'I, So Roeahnr?. every Lrii! and third Motiday eveniBij.- 'it'.hore a!way weloome. J.vsi E. siWYElW. C.C. J. A. BrcHASAn, Cletk. IIXIOS ENCAMPMENT, 1. O. O. F. . t: si II WJieilWj Temple. Mesj. and thirl Thnrdav nionsh. Victors conliiiilv iuvitt.!. r J- e. iumilmx, c r. J. C. Twrrc-tsu., ccrib. ASK Druggist for IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. ' i 5 lllll.l e s s r6 I s S Eij'sCreaniBals -V V s - ! Jtaaa !MA at eac .' -rV - Jw.s Uieaa-p.j awn. L AVrw,, 1 It cntvs catarrh . .- s"- : ..4 awldrtT,w,Tas.cri J! AV fT 7 f T J J iutheHcaqccK it ti ja I .UVLit La ahsorbcaL llsi Prot-H-a the IJ. TrhrsT RMbxcs the S.. .rf .,. t sicir;i. F:J,Pt a.: Trial sw t c : ,i .ra!T?. ,f, h, na, JvLT bHOi iJEI.i. tW VV,-U -.uvj y If you waut to buy a farm f you waat furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If jTou want to Tent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house It von doa't kit i P l r p all on or al.livj ... f .V.?11 lcIds Uncovered VUill Rival Those of California cr Texas WILL REAP It you want some of the first lM,vr.t Secretary of the nftn Z V. " Valley Q-2wGe-3e.ii 1 Go to .. l ii. Ill C.RBER SHOP, 5 0 For a Prom j.t aud Firnt-claiis f;have i,t Hair-ctit. Coinr. tent Workmen, Ciena Tow eld, Too! a always in ehaas. Bath in Connection. ss 5 f-'Lop on Jackaaja St. 5 S wf 3 -ft 31 t 8 C Z 444j4afaf Homes from $250 to $5000 Write or 'Phone ITJni. SI, Porter, Rest Estate Agent and Notary Timber and Homestead Locator Packer and Guide Camas V it Oregon "iit- , west , Jloteburt fRidsllePiiarrnacy; I. C RIDDLE. Prop. ir - rt ik Ail. KlXZii or ij Fresh Drugs, riedicinrs, 4 Toilet Articles, Paints, at Sundries r 0 y Oils, Gloss ST"PrCT;r.t;ori promptly filled 9 3 by competent ArcgIgt. 3 ' as A . i KIDDLE, - - OREGON. 5 H. Little, DENTIST. Oakland, Oregon. . MRS. H. E ASTON f ? : ... . . a. tf iz t n-..-a a i w a., ntin oia an 1 r.!- Custatrsaoallrienda wtta x etoca of lull ar.l orcpieta Ail f.-cii and ol the ft-ry Let; q-ality. Tfea nn I cuSena are -sciaitie. Yoar r4.troaags) tolicitevl. . -nir Ii.-l tnn Ct DssSaas CAS?APJ k akLLLEY Paintres, Paper Hinders and Decorators Fr.rr.:t".re an.: t-r ii,-: PLiS' p.-i;-Lei. ria 's ar J lint Ei.fet.tora 'vi.'i:r. an-1 Ynjaa Work Ra;aairf. 411 Jf:c; ha.-ns Irev P.O. t-s. x 512. Rr H2URG. ORE. COOCOCXXCXXXXU3CCC03 ED T. fjAOiifl RESIDENT ijQsi Kciercnces. All Wcik Guorauteed i tAi, visual jJiill 3 viUNWClOiO O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ 13 EST !. THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW Cor. Wa.-Liii'rtoa ad Main Streets Mrs. Belie Collins I Absolutely PURE, and wi!IOLTVE.Ra!!other Ltat!. I'Tirl Kri'.c ;a a .s14 aiasalft S1.J tav is. tas?s aoi carry it joa vS:t V,'.P.ful!erCo. Portland, Crejon tl l!n;l.r Oregon. aTECSStSi' .CsXJO A HARVEST were wade in oil ileitis to lio i. THE UMrotJA t t , v-iVv f CI ! T St s "1UU ens, 1 aruo Oil I M I'M uountv. J - So, V ar t c 0 o 0 o o o 8 -i HrVTi,NirVSVVVVW tritlAst i U .u-.wvuvwsa.wvwvwajaasvvV s v WvV W JC -v-V-ica, sXcccoGccoccooccccccoa