O'-eecn UaUrital Society .PORTi.UND I a 84lf40a ! t dvertising : J ob Printing 5 la busy seasons brings you your share of tiade; . Is a very important factor in business. Poor Drintincr re- advertising: in dull sea- a 6ons brings yon your share, and also tbat of the merchant who "can't af- J l fleets no credit on a good business bonse. Let ns do yonr Job 5 Printing we Knarantee it to be ia 9 every way satisfactory. ord" to advertise. Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. M Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1902. No. 79 I A Sl S LC2w XT' . A (C0XKXC000000 XKXKXXOCKCCKDOC00000 R. A.. BOOTH, .' A. C. MARSTERS, H.C.GALEY, P . l'resideat. Douglas County Bank, Established IS8.3. . .Capital Stock, $50,000.00. .'(.' BOARD OF DIRECTORS 9 O F.W.BEXSOX.R. A. BOOTH, J. F. KELLY, "A. C. MAESTEKS, K. L. MILLER. O A general banking business transacted, and customers given every 0 acconniKKlation consistent with safe and conservative banking. X Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. oorxoooooxooexooooooox t- HEATING STOVES 1 'S The place to find them is at ' i STROrtG'S FURttlTURE STORE I S . ... . . . ft A complete line of Blankets and Comforts that $ are excellent iu quality and reasonable in f rice. k Just recieved a new line from small up to 9xi2 and in 0 "S Our store is fa M f eood s - up your home complete and you buy of us. S i Bring: Us Your ... 7i' FOR CASH J. F. BARKER & CO. Kruse & First class Groceries,.. ...Also a full line of... dever's UTresin. coffee 5"Sseds Higlre1 price paid for Produce. Give us a call OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. v Kruse & Newland - c- anJ Edwin Clapp Shoes for Men SOLD ONLY AT FLINT'S POPULAR SHOE STORE. Opposite First National Bank Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. nus II. -AND- Ta'c ; t'n Uisj ', Mfi'iif'l Line for all points on Coo.H Bay. Good Coring Ilack leaves Eosebnrg Every. Moruing at 6 o'tlock. Vic President. Cashier Incorporated 1901. V J. II. BOOTH, J. T. BRIDGES X 2 of rugs ranging in size 3 price from $1.25 to $30- 5 . things and we can fit - it will be up to date if W i Remember the place 8 3 B. W. STRONG. S -3-9 Jackson St. CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. OR TRADE Newland Our prices are always, right and stock complete ' For... Style ...and., Comfort ...buy the WALKOVER 1 1 IE IIS EtVSPIRE Live?, Feci find f5ale fables C. P. Babkabd, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs at all hours Transient Stoc'c gven very be- of care .... . Rates always reasonable PRQF. TRAVER IIKARD f ROM. Tbe Kortner Principal of Rolf baric's Public School. Ha. Inaugurated a KlKht for Better Ncuool at w Halem. Tbe Journal says: "City Superin tendent L. R. Traver lias taken up earuet-tly the work of rcoiganizing the Salem public schools. There is urgent noecessity for this, as Salem lias dropied sadly behind other towns in the state iu some features of public school work. For the jast two years some teachers have had a dozen or twenty children in their rooms, while others had fifty. Asa result tle children iu the crowded rooms could not make their grades, and many diopped out of tho schools. Under this system the larger boys and girls have abondoued the public schools before they could fairly read or write English. They have flocked to private schools, business college, law and medical college, many of them unable to spell, punctuate or capitalize. Trof. Traver'g earnest labors to put Salem public schools on a better footing will be appreciated by all who love the American free school." l e-rible Work of a Maniac riTTsiiCKC, Oct." 10. While laboring under meutal aberalion, the result of strain of perfecting an appliance for pateit on an airbrake which is now pending ia Washington, Charles Caw ley, 17 years of age, of Homestead, Pa., early today killed his mother and one sitter and fatally injured four other children. He also tried to kill his two older brothers, but was detected, over powered and turned over to the police. The weapon used was an ax, w ith w hich he crushid and hacked his victims be yond recognition. General News. Filipino women are forming women's clubs and evidently intend to do some benevolent assimilating' themselves. The Alaska Steamship Company's steamer Dolphin arrived at Seattle Sun day with alarge passenger list and f-o0. 000 in gold dast. Portland's city directory, just issued, shows tliat the city now has t000 more people this year than it bad last year. The population now is 113,7t5. Sir Thomas Lipton's third challenge for the America's enp is on the way across the AtlauticTlt is reported. Will it be "three times and out" in bis cae? A. E.Sims and Geo. X. Anderson have decided to erect a fine new modern equipped sawmill at -Ashland, with a capacity of 50,000 feet of lumber per day of ten hours. Hensil & Stinson, the fruit packers of Eugene, Lave bought and dried so far this season 200 tons of French and Italian prunes. They are now busily engaged in preparing the silver variety. State Treasurer Chas. S. Moore has re ceived a remittance of 12ol,(i0 from the Lowenberg-lioing Company in payment for convict labor in the Fenitentiary stove foundry for the month of August. Win. Coach, an Eastern capitalist, has purchased 5 000 acres of t.mber land on Lanipey creek, lower Coquiiie. It is not known whether the purchaser in tends to oirat, or whether the land was bought for sjiectdationr. Petitions are being circulated and liberally signed asking Governor Geer to ap(oint E. A. Dailey, of Wedderburn, as county judge, to fid the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Kiley. Mr. Bailey is qualified in every respect for the position in Curry county. A Chinman, who has leased the Sal mon Creek placer mines, near Baker City, discovered a gold nugget worth f 15 000. This is by far the largest nug get ever du-covered iii this state, and so far as knoa n the largest one ever found in the United Sta!es. Brigadier Gemral Frederick D (irant, new in the Philippines, has been or dered to return to the United States and assume command of the Department of Texas. He is expected to arrive in a short time, probably duriug the coming two weeks, and procacd directly to Lis new post. The Southern Pacific has announced a reduction of 25 cents per liundered in t!i? rate on apples from Portland and all Kiints south to the Missouri river and Texas. The new rate is 75 cents per hundred. The new rate to Chicago and St Jxjuis is 85 cents per hundred, a re duction of 15 cents. Ex-Governor Whiteaker's will was probated Saturday. "The total value of the estate is appraised at $26,375.17 ffiCOO is real property, and the remain der personal property. He bequeaths all the property to his wife, and after her death it shall be divided between liia four cbildren and six grand-children. The will w as executed Pecember 3, 1807. Tbe present visit of General William Booth, to the Salvation Army of the United States, is said to be for the pur rose of patching up the differences that have torn the Booth family apart and created trouble without end for the Army. General Booth was the founder of the Army, and has been accorded a place among the great organizers of the world. The hop market is getting better and several good lota have been eold within the past few days. M. Skaigo, of Silverr ton, has so'.d his lot of 173 bales at 23.' cen'.s, to ;. W. Hubbard, representing a New York house. T. A. I.ivesley & Co. have purchased the hops of M. B. Bal Ion, of Scio, at23,ri cents, and Wm. Brown & Co. have secured the crop of J. P. Hunt, of Whiteaker, 77 lwles, at ZA 4'ClltS. For harness, or anything iu the har ness line call on F. Long & Sons near the depot. Repairing a specialty GOOD ROADS OFFICIAL PROGRAM Convention to be Held at Portland Tuesday and Wednesday. Portland, Oct. 11. An excellent pro gram has Ih-cii arranged for the (iood Roads Convention w hich will be held hereon Tuesday and Wednesday under the direction of the office of l'uhlie Koa.l Inquiries, United StaUs lK-partinent of Agriculture. The convention will 1 held under the auspices of the Portland Chamber of Commerce in the rooms of the Oregon Mining Exchange, on tin second lioor of the Chandler of Com merce building. Tii will U- the. first Cood Roads convention ever held in Or egon. The following rogram has been ar ranged for the occasion : Tuesday, OctoU-r 14, Y.wi, 10 a. in. Call to order by the presiding officer, R. . Richardson, .Government Commis sioner. Invocation, Rev. Alexander Black, burn, pastor of First Baptist clinch, Portland. Address of welcome in behalf of the City of Portland, Hon. George II. Wil liams, Mayor. Address of welcome in lha!f of the State of Oregon, Hon. T. T. Geer, Gov ernor. Response, Hon. Martin Dodge, Direc tor of the office of PuMic Roads lu.juir ies, United States Department of Agri culture. General discussion. ApjKiintment of Committee uu Reso lutions. 2:30 p. in. iddre.-s, "Imty of the Federal Government for Highway Im provement," Hon. Thomas II. Tongue, Congressman from the First Oregon district. ADVANCE GUARD REACHES BANGOR Marshheld. Oct. 12. Five prairie schooners loaded with passengers and freight, arrived from Ida ho, via Rosebuig, Saturday. They were bound for the townsite cf Bangor, and are at present anchored in the vicinity of Pony Lagoon. It is said the teams $ will find work iu the construction of the Belt Line Road: Chas. H. Short, of the otypcrs, cf Portland, was iu town today en-route to Bangor. Mr. Short announces that a linotype machine and a large power pte?s will soon be put in and that he will publish the Bangor Kxchangc. Articles of incorporation were filetfwith the Sec- retary of State last weckrbv the Baneror Baukintr & Trust CompauN', Portlaud; John E. Aitchisou and John THE PRKSnVTKRI.tNS, Twtlftb Annual Session of Ore son Synod at Grants Iaa. Grants Pass, Oct. 10. The twelfth annual Jrssion of the Oregon Svnod of the Presbyterian Clmreli convened in this city yesterday, the first meeting of the K-ssion leing held at Bethany Church last night The Oregon synod is composed of the four presbytreieg of the state, and its membership is com jiosed of the ministers of the four pres byteries. Between tX) and 75 ministers will be in session till next Sunday even ing. Rev. F. L. Forbes, president of Pendleton Academy, of Pendleton, is moderator or presiding officer of the synod. Rev. Forbes calle I the meeting to order last evening' at 7 :30, and after the work of organization, a song service was held and the report of the commit tees on arrangements listened to. The synod is interesting and well attended. Goes Like Hot Cakes. "The fastest selling article I have in my store," writes druggist C T Smith, of Davis, Ivy., "is Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds, because it always cures. In mv six vears of sales it has never failed, f have known it to save sufferers from Throat and Lung diseases, who could get no help from doctors or any other remedy." Moth us rely on it, best phy sicians prescribe it, and A C Marstcrs guarantee satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles free. Reg. 6ues 50c and D. S. T. West, having accepted several old and reliable the insurancs compa nies, is now prepared to do a general fire insurance business. Insure with him. Office at the City Hall. tf. THE OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Construction Work to Begin Within Thirty Daysi at Grants Pass. Grants Pass, Oct. 11. An interesting bit of new s to the citixens of Grants Pass and all Josephine county was tho an nouncement yesterday that construction work on the Oregon & Pacific rail toad will begin within ,T0 days from the present time, and that within liO days workmen will be actively engaged in tfio building of the' bridge ucross Rogue river at Grants Pass for the new line. This means that Grants Pass and Cres Address " IU-lation of Ooxl Roads t our Ex4-t Trade," Frank 11. Hitch cock, Chiefjd the Section of Forcig'i Markets, United States Department efi Agriculture. Pai-rs and discussion on "Road Con- , lit ions in Oregon," to 1 opeiie l by lion. John If. Scott, County Judge i f Marion county. 8 p. in. Address, "Highways an 1 . their Construction," showing with' stereoptieon, the principal highways in Europe and America. James W. AV Isitt, Commissioner of the office of Pu -lie Road Inquiries, United States De partment of Agriculture, for the Rocky Mountain f Pacific Coast division. Immediately following the addresi there will be a smoker at Kruse's grill room, opposite the Chandler of Com merce. Menu Claret Punch, Chicken Salad, Crab Salad, Potato Salad, Sandw icln-s, Ta and Coffee, Cigars. . Wednesday, Oct. 15, PW2, 10 a. m Address, "The Railroads and the Wngon Roads," A. I- Craig, general pasein;er agent, O. R. & X. Co. Address, "Good Roads a Prerequisite to Rural Free" Pelivery Extention," J. W. Erwin, assistant sujierintendent of mail delivery, San Fr.uiciseo, Cal. Address, "Roads iu Chiua,'' Hon. II. B. Miller, United States Consul at Niuchwaug, China. General discus-ton. 2:0 p. m. Reorl of the committee on resolutions. Adj iuruineut. The S. P. Co. will give a one and oae third round trip fare over their Orei.-on lines to this big convention. firm of Moore & Short, lin- C ioo.ooo, George D. Hill, 0 K. Kollock, incorporators. 0 TETKKANS COHIMO WEST. Ci. A. K. r.acampmcnt to lie Held la 8au Fraaclnco In ioj. Washjsotox, Oct 10. The Grand Army of the Republic today decided, by a large vote, to hold itscncampiucLt in l!K)3 at San Francisco. PrJctically the only competitor was Atlantic City, but few votes being cast for Saratoga. The chances of the last mentioned place were destroyed by the decision of the New York delegation to support San Francisco, and when the solid vole of that delegation was cast today for the Pacific Coast city it was rccogniaed that Atlantic City's prospects also were very slim. General Shafter made the s;k-oc1i nominating San Francisco, while De partment Commander Hall, of New Jersey, named Atlantic City. The vot was: San Francisco, 573 ; Atlantic City, 178. The selection of San Francisco was then made unanimous. A SKW COMMANDER. The Grand Army got down to busi ness today and the encampment cf the order, besides hearing an address from Commander-in-Chief Torrence, and re ports from a number of offices and com mittees, elected a new head for the en suing year. The new eomniahcerdn chicf of the G. A. R. is General T. J. Stewart, of Pennsylvania, who van n candidate for the honor a year ago. Little Ranch for Sale. A good little home for sale : 17 ncn adjoining fair grounds, 14' nd.es east of Koseburg. t.ood buildings, 150 good bearing fruit trees, 10 acres iu cultiva tion. Price $1225. For particulars inT quire nt Miljkin'a shoe store, Rofeburg, Or- a I tf cent City will bo connected by rail w ith, in IS months. The Southern Pacific company are to begin, in n shoit time, the building of sidings and tricks to connect with the new line. Terminal grounds and yards have already been secured here on the outskirts of thecity, and at the upper end of tho present yards of the Southern Pacific Company. It is likely that there will he a union de. I pot for the acconiniodUon. of both roads OK.MSnv IS LF.T OCT, O trice Superintendent of Reserve Aboilshed-SnprrvUon In dcpeudeul Mow. Wasiiivotox, Oct. 9. P jrsuant to the general forettry olicy adopted by Sec retary Hitchcock, the office of SujK-rin-' tendent of the Cascade Reserve will be abolished Deeeuilwr 31, when S. B. Ornisby, of Salem, now siieriiitendent, will terminate his official career. From that time the Cascade reserve will Le in 'harge of the forest supei itors. Tlie de partment finds the oliiee of superinterd e..t si;erfliious and tending to ret'rd lie exelitioii of public business. Heretofore snjiervisors have bad . to act through the enieriiitendent: here after each will act indeicndcnt!y. It was first intended to discontinue the snperiiiteiidency at once, but as Ormsby is making several examinations, artic- ularlv with re-'ard to tlm i.rotawl rn Mountain reserve, a continuance was granted until the close of the year. In discontinuing his services, the de partment says there is nothing what ever aguiust Ormsby, a his leeord has been fairly elficient. CLARK BI V8 HIIORT LIME. Only One Sail Ukt l.oi Angeles LIbcWiii Be unlit. Los Ax.icr.ts, Cab, Oct. 10. It has len known here for several months that negotiations were progressing to ward a Settlement of the differences be tween the Oregon Short Line and the Salt Lake railroads that would leave one of them free to complete the road, but which it would lie bad not become known. The announcement that the Clark line L: to be the one does not sur prise T-ersoii in Lm Angeles who have kept clcse wa'ch on railroad develop ments. ROADS TO COMBINE. Salt Lake, Oct. 10. Tbe Deseret News says : "Toniglrt the action of tbe stockholders of tiie Oregon Short Lice held yesterday, whereby the charter of the company was amended, providing f-jr the engagios in business of operat ing steamship lines, is to l followed, by the consolidation of that system and the Oregon Railroad A. Navigation Com pany, also its steamship lines, w ith W. II. Bancroft, vice -president aud general manage r of the She rt Line, as general manager, and T. M. Schumacher, gener al traffic manager, to take effect Janu ary 1. Ten mile. We are having lieaiitiful Ijll weather J- n-.ihn?!I killed a eovote a few days ago. Our m-IiooI is prvrwirig jiice'y with Mr. Oilcs as tearber. ti. M. Prior, of Camas Valley was vis iting friends last Sunday. Sherwood and Long were buying cat tie in ' ur vicinity last week. Miss Belle New land is teaching tbe fall term of school at Reston. . O. H. Flook is making iwime sut s'an lial improvement on bis homestead. Walter Laird, of Siikum made a bni n ss trip to our valley one day last week. J. B. Howard and family have gene to Mrrtle Creek to visit relatives and friends Coyotes have been quite numerous, and very destructive on young pigs and poultry the past summer. Hy hurst Notes. Miss Fann;e Wilson oned the fall term of school here on the Cth. Miss Wilson is the first teacher to bold sclmol in our new school honse. Hay hurst people may feel proud of their new school building, which in the face of many discouragements, is now nearly completed. The new house has cost, including all work and cash do nated, about fMO.OO, and although not a very large building will accommodate not only all the school children, of Ilay liurst for many years to come, but will also give ample room for holding chnrch, Sunday school or other public ehter- bu'nmeuts. Next year we proposed to nuy new seats and a large bell. Our thanks are due to Supt. Hamlin for words of encouragement in regard to Hits enterprise. Cosmopolitan. Upton Will Try Again. London-, Oct. ".Sir Thomas Lipton'i third challenge for a series of races for the America's cup was signed this af ternoon at Belfast, Ireland, by the offi cials of the Royal Ulster Yacht Club. The Hon. Charles Russell represented Sir Thomas Lipton. The challenge was immediately j.osted. DoOood It Pays. A Chicago man has o1served that, "Good deeds are letter than real estate deeds gome of the latter are worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helping hand. You cannot possibly lose by it." Most men appre ciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help. There are, persons in this community who might truthfully say: "My good friend, chw up. A few doses of Chamlerlin's Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no danger w hatever from pnuemouia when you use that inodi uini). It always cures. I know it for it has heled me out nmnv a time." Sold hy A C Marsters, druggists. Vetch, Vetch, Vetch. The valuu of vetches to tho Douglas county farmer cannot lie over estimated Leave your orders for seed at the Doug las county Creamery, and thoy will be promptly tilled largo or siriall. tf. See the Title Guarantee & Lean Co, Or blud prints and tiling papers, tf. M Are you particular j aUiUtyour IF YOU ARE CALL AT AXD ASK Price is no higher and Currier's, STORE CLOSED I Saturday, Jewish Day of WOLLENBERG BROS. SPECIALTIES. A. ' Physicians' PreeriptioEa and Family Recij, Rubber Goods, Toilet , Article. Lime and Ce- i ment, Paints, ):!s and j j Gla. s, Perfumery, Trass- t I es, ."-nonges, Unisliea Etc. j Ran.bler Bicyv-ks and Sundries. Sc1kjI lies. Drain Gardiner I i COOS B7Y STHCE ROUTE 2 ..... 5 Coaimencmg ith Monday, .it i tMare fron Dram tC Rat. Ri Wounds. Traveling men are wil.wed 75 ,wa.I, ba wLen have 3W pound, or more. Ad excess ba. 3 c. per ponnd, and no Z lowance wdl be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE. For farther information address f t J f CpfeVY " KODAKS! They've gone and done it again Done away with developing. A little machine to de- velope film negatives in daylight without going to a darkroom, Any child can operate it. See this w on derful invention at our store. uiurciiiii & v Cause and Effect. Responsive to the touch, and perfect in tone and action, the Yose piano has secured .1 hold on popular favor accorded to none other. It is a standard instru ment, of the highest grade. Unexcelled in a single feature of merit. No better piano made. Not high priced, either. Sold at exceedingly low figures for cash, or on easy time payments. Everyone warranted. W, A. BURR & CO. Coffee, Tea ant! Spices FOR every can guaranteed Roseburg's Lead ng ln3 Grocer Oct. n, 1002 Attonement C. Marsters S Co. Drags, MffJlciaes, . Cfccnicals. Stationery School Books January 2n, '02 ve w v . c:iar IJI lor - .. -iu ;.i " . . .. . . . ? J. R. Sawyers, Proprietor, Draia, Oresoo lafashlaaaaie Attire. cnr laundry is the i:.ct .Mr.spicnoos feature or your a-parel. Therefore re quires more attention thaa other arti cles of wea . We'll do it up for yoa ia a styl that'll giv you comfort and pleasure. We're experts in the art of laundering, and uo work cf the 'highest gra te at lowest rates. Shirts, collars and cuffs laundered to perfection. Sl-ecul attention givea to liae linen. First cl iss service. BOSU Sill II! the dark-room in i r coney. 1; mm ,- r:.