MONEY SAVERS This Column Is Edited by our Mer chants and Business People. See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co or blue prints and filing papers, tf. Fruit drier work is a sjiecialiy of Svkes & Carroll, the np-Ur-date plumber - and repairers. u Get vour a!Ptra ts of title from J. D Hamilton. He has the only complete eet of abstract books in the county, it Assatixo W. G. Wricht, Grants Pass, Oregon, gold and silver $1, copper 1, tin and electrolytic assays. For harness, or anything in the har ness line call on V. Long & Sons near the depot. Kepairinga specialty. Don't monkey with that old tove, jret a new Wilson air tight at Sykes, tiiA i rk'ht and the stove is a hot one, that's all D. S. T. West, having accepted severa old and reliable iirs insurance companies is now prepared to do a general nre in surance business. Insure with him. Ollice at the City Hall. For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to be full and correct copies of all records oflVwtiinT l.iirt tit!. call on Frank E. Alley upstairs in the Marks building. His work is guaranteed correct, and prices are reasonable. On account of the irregular surveys of many of the townships in the Koseburg lm.i'.lwiri.-t it is almost impossible to locate section corners without a copy of the Government survey, rrank t.. Alley, Abstractor of this city, has a complete set of tracings of all surveyed townships, snd will furnish blue irints of same, showing all vacant lands. vw r.vJ u-sv time and money re- ,vi;rinT vonr old" harness when you can bnv a fine new set so cheaply of F. Long X- Snna at the new harness shop near the depot. If, however, you are in need of repairs Long & Sons will satisfy your --ts in short order and at reasonable r;.! Vvorvthinw in the harness and linckont constantlv on hand at prices in competition with the de partment stores. See their fine line of trunks and telescopes. Wood for Sale. Best of blo?k oak wood for sale, write to or enquire of Henry Coss at Conn's iu-ni, or P.O. Roseburg, Or. S3p Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICK. ROSKBCB, OBKuON, Aug 11, lSOi- Notice is hereby riven that in compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congreaa of Junes. IdTb. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in in Sta1- "f California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend eJ to all the Public Land Siatea by act ol Aug ust , LS2, LEuNAET VINCENT, of PorJani, eouniv of Moltnomah, state ol uregt-n. has this dy filed in thia office hia nrn statement No. SL'll. for the pnrchse of the WM.. ol ec. No. 34 in. 2S aonth. R. west and will offer proof toshow that the land sought Is more Taluable for its timber or atone man lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hie ciaim before the Register and Receiver of Una af iice of Roeabunr. Oregon. on Monday, the 2th dar of December 1902. He names as witnesses: J K Hardie of Portland. Or., Wm. Porter. John Lebnherr and W m. Mnr- vat- nf Camas Vailev. Ore. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their r iaims in tins office on or beiore saja i oay 01 December, 1902. . T. BaiDoas, Or-p - Ragisler. Notice for Publication.. United Stavte Land OSlce, Roocbnrg. Oregon. Aug li 1902. Notii-e if hereby given that in compliance with the pro isi ms of the act of Congress of June a,!:;:, entitled -An ael for toe sale ol tim ber lands in the stales ol California. Oregon, Nevada- and Wasnington Territory" as extend ed to all the puoiic land stales by act of Aug JOSEPH H HARDIE. of Portland, county of Maltnomah, Slate of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his suo'n statement No SJ12. for the purchase of the W'.andNE1. of SW, ol set-lion No- 2. losmshlo No. 23 fcoirth, range No . west and will offer proof toshow that the land sought ) more Taluable lor lis timber or stone man lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim before the Kecister and i'ceiver of thia of Roseburg, Oregon. n Monday the 2th day of December. 1M. He names as witnenses: W. K. Murray, Jobn Lehn iierr Wm. If. Porter, of Camas Valiey, tire., and j onard Vincent, of Portland, Oregon. Anv aud all persons claiming adversely the the above decribed landa are requested to file Uieir claims in this office on or before said 2!th iay of liecember. WW. J. T.BRIDtiKS Op Register. Notice for' Publication. rsrrro Ftatss Land Otfice. Rosebnrg. Oregon, Aog , 19a2. Notice is hereby given that in compliance wilh the provisions of the act ol Congress ol Junes, li-7S,entitled "An Act lor the sale of Timber Lands in the Biatca ol Cal ifornia, Oreeon. Nevada and Washington Te torv," as extended to all the Public Land Status bt act of A uirust 4. 1&2, GF.OK'jE W. CHAUBERLAIN, of Mvrtl" rt-ek, county of bouglaa, state of Ortgon, has thia day filed in thia office bis sworn statement No. 316x, for the purchase of the Lois 4. S. f and 12 of aeetem No. 10, township No. 29 south, range No 3 west and will offer proof toshow thai the land songht is more valuable tor its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim beiore the Register and Receiver of this office of Eoaebnrg, Oregon, on Mondav. tiie znd oay of fiecernber, 1902. He names as i llnesses: C. L. Sly, Late Brumbaugh. M. A. tily snd C. beiltra, all of Myrtle reek, Oregon. Any and a'1 persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their -:ums id this oSice on or beiore sid ZMdayof December, 1SSJ2. J.T. BRIiMiES, Oirp Resrisler. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Rosebnrg, Oregon. Ang. . 1X12. Noll" is hereby eiven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane S, 1&7. entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lends in the States of California. Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Terntoty," as ex tended to all tD Public Land Slates by act ol August 4, 1&92, CHARLEY L. SLY. of Mvrtle Creek, c-untv-of Douglas, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofhee his sworn statement No 31117 lor the purchase of the Lota 1. 1, 3 and 1 of sec 10, tp 29 H , li. 2 west end will offer proof toshow that the land sought is more valuable for iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver vf this office of lUtseburg, Oregon, wonoay toe i ndoay of December, 1:0. He Haines as wil'iesees: C W. Chamberlain, L-fe Brnmhtiuzii. L. Ady, and c. Sellers, all el -sf r t;e reek. t-eg;to. Any and n'l enmns claiming adversely artvf d nc iift-d lands are requested to rile then claims in tbisoOice on or beiore said 'Tid day of lecniber, lau2. J. T. BRilx.Ki. 0"p Register. Notice for Publication. rriTT.'i) Ptitis Lino Ornrt, R. wlm rg, Oregon, Sept 7. l'JJ . Notice is her-i.y t-iven lliat in compliance w ih Ibe provi'iiius ot the act ol Congreaa of J me 2. 1K74 .iii.t e-i -An act for the sale oi T iii b r l-ands in the -iies of t 'alilor:ita, Ore gon. Nevada aud Waiiingun Territory," aa ex tended to ail the 1'ublic Land h tales by Act of August 4. 1BV2. FRANKLIN HEHMAN JOXVS, of Roseburg, county of Douglas, sta'c of Ore gon. ba- this lsy filed in this orhtw hia sworn a ement No.3.;7 io' Ihe pnrciiase of Ibe SW1 necl.oii VI, lowistip south, raufe i wesl and will offer proof toshow thai the laud "ought i more valuable for its timber or stone tl.nn for agricultural purposes, and to rs:r: lisb I. is claim before the Kegister and Receiver oi this oitice of Roseburg, Oregon. on Tuevlay, ibe ilid day of Iiecctvi i r. 1!'J2. He i;ames as witn-sses: A. D. t'lln'- aud J. M. Saiirnigion, of Rfiseburic. Or , II M.Oaiman and Vm. U. w ngbt, ol My rile t r. t r, Or - on Any and all persons Claiming a ver-ly the i b oecri'ajJ lauos arc renio't ! to ih ir i'ms in this oftice on or befof - -' '"- '.. of Dec., 13. J.T. Bi. H OE", oJ; Register. Notice for Publication. I'nited States Land Office, Rosebnrg, Oregon, Oct. t. lMOi N. ticc Is ben-bv given that in 'JOmpliance with the T-rovjsiouH of the act of tongresa of Jtitie3, t-utitlcil 'An act lor the sale of liinb laud in tlicstab sof tililorn a, Oregon, Nevada and Wasiimguin lerritor," as extend ... I ia'l tlie puMic iaud slated by net of Aug ust 4, 18J. MII.M M. BANMTER, f Vancouver, t o'intv of ;lark, stale of Wash ington, ba lins dsy hiel in this fifTu-e bis hi oro slate ion' N :V.7", lor the p'lrcliase of Ch- EU Ml' ,. Stt 'm s',.N'!i WV ol Sec. i. , ton-hi? No. souiu, range Mi., west till v. ill ofler TT'u.1 U show tbat the laiidsongbt f;; riKire valuiii.le :or its tintbtr or stne than fur agricultural purts-ses, and to establish bis ctrn ie:"rethe iu-gister and Receiver of this eliii oi iioscburg, Oregon. t,. Kntlai. the tim dav ot Deceuoer. e rames s aiin"sxi-s: M., of Olalla, :r.. J W. Vclrwiu. W II. Melcalf, John L. v.aVi.of Vanenmvr. Wa-li. .icv and all persons claiming adversely the a !., o .'.:.. r bed lauds; are rco, lit sled lo ble i!:. irc"'n: :n 'hit offlce on or b fore said 1tij crv-i (,ec. Witt. J.T.tRIWiES. 4? JV-Kiaie 1 Little Ranch for Sale. A cood little home for sale ; 17 acre 8 adjoining fair grounds, 1 miles e.tst o Roseburg. Good ImiUlings, loO good with i. - t -4. in -w-ri.a iii rnlti- bearing fruit -trees, 10 aires 111 CUM ration. Price f 1225. lor particulars inquire at Miliken's shoe store, Rose- nnrff. w B Smith' Dandruff Pomade stops itching scalp upon one application three to six removes all dandruff and .;tt cr.i fsillhxr hair. Price 50e. For sale by Marstera Drug Co. MM Notice for Publicttiou. fulled Stales Land Office, Rosebnnr. Orenm. Aug. 1fJ Notice W hereby given that la compliance with the provisions ot the act of Cougi-esa oi Junes )STS. entitled "An act lor the kale of timber lands iu the State of California. Oregon iievada. and Washington Territory," asexte tid ed to all the public laud states by act of Auguat 4,lSSi WILLI AM H.MERCER t ai.ii.inkii ronntv of Snohomish, state of Wash, has tliis day mea in omre m "" statement No S7 lor me pnrcnc wic 7 rt and w ill otter i-roof to show that the land nought ifc more valuable for Ita timler or mine than loraarieiiiiiirai pin-. ,7 .. , hia claim to said land leiore Wallers Brut, U 8 Ootninisionr, Kiddle. Ore., on Saturday the l.Vhday ol Now-inner. tie uames s nessisv rvter unrvn, reier uuianari., m bnre. Or.. Isaac WinuiiiKliain, Olalla, Or., nel N lianks, Seattle, wash. Any and all persona claiming adverser me above clesenlasJ lands are requested to tile their claims m tins omee ou or ucnv of November, 1U. MP J T URIIHiltS. Uegisu-r. Notice for Publication. rin!u?d States Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon, Aug. 7. Iw2. Notice is rerebv pwn that iu compliance with the provisions ol me aetoi vougresn t.i June3,l(S.cntiiled -An act for the sala of limber lands in the stales ol t lifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all Public Land Slates by act of Angutt WILLIAM J. JACKSON, of Looking Glass, county of Douglas, state of Oregon, has thi day bled in tnia office his sworn statement So S1T7. for the purchase of iheNW'iof see No A. tpNo 8., R. 9 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim before the Register aud Receiver ol Uu Uiee ol Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the 21id day of December, 1W2. He -itnrws- Krank Ureutt of Melrose, o, Charle Thorn. Rosebnrg. Or., John Betker and Frank Long, of Cleveland, Oregon. iK.nriall nennns claiming adversely the above desert bd lands are ren nested to file their claims in this offlce on or before said iird day of Dee. lli. ,,,,., Kecidter. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Aug 9, WO. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol JnncS, leTS. entitled "An Act lor me sate oi Timber Lands in the SUtea of California, Ore gon, Nevada nd Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. ls2. -- of Black Duck, county of Baltramia, ta.e of Minnesota, has thia dav filed in this office his sworn sutement No. SIM. for the pnrehaae of theS'x Nl41 N'a sw;i oi secuon .-so. iz. townsbip No. 29 Sooth, range No west and will offer proof toshow that the land eonght Is more valuable for ita limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim before the Register and Receiver oi Una office ol Roseburg. Oregon. Wednesday, the 31st day of December. 1G. lie namveaa witnesses: William Wright. W- L. Andrews, Jaa. H. Skiffinglou and F. M. Kelly, ail of MvrUe Creek. Oregon. Any aud all persona claiming adversely the aoove described lands are requestel to file lhair claims in tbia ofBejon orpefore said Slst day o' Drtber. lisjci. Ji T.BBItXiKS, Wp Register. Notice for Publication. Cmted K:a-es Land Office. Rosebnrg, Oregon, Aug. iJ, l'Oi. Notice ts hereby given that in compliance with the provUious of the ael oi Congress of Junes. )STH. entitled 'Anct for the sale of timber land, in the State of California, Oregon. Nevada .and W ashington Territory," asextead ed to ail the public laud stale by set of August 4,1372. BAMCELN. BANK. of Seattle, (in care of Frederick Nelsosl, connty of King, state of Wasningion has this day bled in tills OUjrsr ill, jwicuivhi k-- -w-, i.-i the purchase of the Si. NE'. N', bE'4 of e No an. tp No 3U aoulli, range 7 west auo will of fer proof to show that the land sopght is more valuable ior ita tiuoer or stone than for agri cultural purr? and inotahtith hia claim to said lud iviore Walter S. Brltt. V. S. ommi sioner. Riiidle. Oreeon. oa Saturday the J,-th day of November, isni. He names as wittH- p: Peter Iiurrh. Peler r.urkbart. Roseburg. Or, Isaac W inninchsm, Olalla, Or William H Merctr. inohomiKti. Waal. abv and all rjersons claiming siversiy ine above deacrioed iands are requested to file their claims in Hits oOi-e on or beiore .aid n oay o November, mi. i T BKf DOES, a4p Reels ler. Notice for Publication. I'nited States Land Oflce. Rosebnrg. Oregon. July Li. 19ttl Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions oi the act of Congres of June S. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of Caliiornia.Oregnn Nevada .aud U ashington Terri:orv." asexlend ed to all the public land stales by act of August HENRT J. FLEISCHHACER of Camaa Valley. connty ol Doueias. state of Oregon has this day li led in this office his sworn statement No 2S 'or the purchase ol lot 2 and SWJi NEU. WJ sec No "i!. tp 30 S . R W and will offer proof toshow that the land sought la morevaluable for its timber or stone tbsn for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver of this office of Rosebnrg, Oregon. on Wedneadav the 12th day of November. ISO. He r.ames as wilm-iwes: W H B in-n. Al Crouch John McCall.ot Camas Valley, Oregon, Fred Stewart. Rosebnrg Orejon. Any and all persons claiming a tventety the above deacri bed lands arc miai-sted to die tb claims in this office on or beiore mid l'.'th day ol November lSUi J 1 ubi uor., alp - R-eisler. Notice for Publication. foiled States Lend office. Rosebnrr. Oregon, July 12. lri, Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jnnex, 878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Stales of California. Oregon Nevada .and Washinrtou Temtorv." anextend- ed to all the public land states by act of August , USfi. MRS. SARAH C. CONN of Melrose, county of Douglas, slate of Oregon Has tins oay moi in itiiaonice n-r sworn aiaie ment No 'JS4C. tor the Dnrchase ol ihe H'4 m section No 24, township No to sooth, range M and will of fer proof to show t hat the land sought lsmorevaluahlefor its timber or stone than for aaricultural iuriases. and to establish bia claim before the Register and Receiver uf this ofiice of Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday the 14th day of November. 1302- She Dames ss witneswes: Millar! Callahan. Ward ton. ore., James Beasler, Rosebnrr. tire., td Diller. Cleveland , Ore , Mortimer Woodruff', of Melrose. Ore, Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are reiUcsted tn lile their claims In ibis otbee on or beiore Mid 14th day of November I'Ml. J T BRI fMiKS, s4p Register. Notice for Publication. rnited Slates I -and Office. - Roseburg, Oregon, July 19, l'.sij. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. iTM. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the States oj Califoniia.Oregon Nevada.and Washington Territory," asextend ed to ail the public land stales by act of August 4,1. WILLIAM H BITTER, nf Jacksonville, connty of Jackson, state til Oregon, has tliisday tiled in thin otlice his sworn statement No. :ftsiA. for the purchase of the lol:f. 4,snd lusee lK, tp :il H., range It west snd will offer proof toshow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish hia claim before tlie Register aud Receiver of this office of Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 2nd day of October, I!i2. He names as wimennee: William il' Kesn, Mvrlle Creek, Ore., Nicholss Ix-is. li, Jacksonville. Ore, N i Cuinmmgs and Fred l'oUclte, of Roseburg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverselv the alxive described lands are n-q nested to lile their claims fn this office on or before said and day of October, 1!M2. J. T. BRIIM,EH, J-4p Register. Notice for Publication. t nited State Land Ofiice Roseburg, Oregon, June 14, i:v2. Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance wmi me provisions oi me act or tyOiigreas ol JuuuJ, 1H7H. entitled "And Act for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California. Oregon V I, - . . , 11' .. I. i .. f . I'O.'i, nii'i , asn iikm,ii icoiuir,, Ma exieilll- ed lo all Hie Public Laud Stales by act of Aug ust 4, l&'JJ, WILLIAM M. PORTER, of Cainav Valley, county of Douglas, stnlo of Oreitou. bas this day ri In til is oftice bis sworn statement No. 2714, forthepurcbaseof the SEJ DimTiiim i.i. iu iiinunuip i. ti. .77 n.t range So west, and will offer proof to show that the laud sooglil is more valuable for ils timber or stone til an -or agricultural purposes, aud to es tabiisli his claim lo said land liefore the Regis ter and Receiver of this office at Rosebnrg, Ore gon, ou Thursday, the atb day ol October, VMtt. He names as wtiiiesses: Hale Doreu. nuaui Davis, Richard Dick and JeshS Klrkeudall, all ol Camas Valley, orego". Any a' rt kii persons cawing adversely the above deo:ribed lauds ae requested to file their claims iu tliU otfi.'e cn or before said 9th day of October, vn J, T. BEIUSEl . ja - - Reglter. Notice for Publication l"nitcd Mate Land Oltlre. Rosibunt, Ortnon, July -IA, Wi Notice l. hereby f Iven that In compliance the provision, oi me ai-i n Junes, 1S.8, entitled "Au art tor me tale timber lands in the States of CaUIoniia.OreKon. urWasr,lnton Territory." ese.teiid- d to all tho public laud slates by act of Auguat . MUM. ' HERMAN VESTZKE. ot Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas, Mate of trcgon, has this day tiled hia sworn statement No Vac.7 for ihe iui base of Hie SK' of section .'I. In township twenty-clghl.aottih range . and will of ler prool to snow inmuc ...-. is more valuable lor Ha timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish h a claim before the Kegister and Receiver of thii of(i-eof Roaeburg.oregon. ,,,,, on Wednesday, me l'.m day of October. I-. He name, as witnesses- Loiiix f"1" 7; ' Oakland, Oregon. Amel Haikbarth. Ira Milts, bote of Mvrtlc Creek, Oregon. iid Karl Ohmo of Oakland Oregon. ,i,0 Any and all arsons claiming Ivem-lj the aliove decribcd lands are rviieted to tile their claims iu this ollice on or oeiore am i" ol October, M& jT.BRIIXiES, alp Register. Notice foi yubliGdtiou. rnilcd States 1-and Office. Roseburg, Oregon June 2u, 1902. No'ice is herehv given that In compliance .".i.. of the act of Coiikiresr. of Jnuc S. lhTS.eutitlol "An act for the sale of timlier Wnds in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington rerrllorV as extended to all Hie public lauu stales oy aci m auKii , lM' JOHNW. BENNETT. orscatile. eoiiuivof King, stale of Washington u-.. .1.;. ,d.- ii.l in this oTtiee his swoin state meiit No iTs.', for the purchase of the S' 2 NW and lots S and 4 of section No 2 Tp. 2. k west and will offer proof toshow : hat the land sought ni.le for lis timber or stone tnsn (or agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim before the Register aud Receiver ol thia on Monday, the l.iihdiiy of October. 112. He names as witnesses: i.aureuee Diiiiigarm-r. t. siuiiiidiuir. SMUle. Wnsli.. Wm. M. Porter. Allen Wilson ol Camas Valley. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this ortiee on or beiore said 11th day ol i(et. 112. Jiln J . T. BRIOliE, Register. Notice for Publication. Tnited Siatea Land OfHeo, r.osebnrg, Oregon. Ai.g 6, 1W. Notice ui hereby given that In compliance with the provisions oi me mm i nus lune S. 1ST!, eutilled "An acl for the sale of timlier lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." extend ed lo ail Hie Public 1-aud Siatea by act ol Aug ngt4 1$2. BEIX JENKINS of Roseburg. county of lkuglas. Slate of Oregon has this dav filed in this oftice her sworn state ment No.aiMi. for the purchnseol Ihe sK'4 NK ;-4. t.', SE'i NWJi SK', of sectioa No. 24 township No lis . range No. 9 west au! w ill offer proof to show mat the land sought is more valuable for its timber or none than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Z L Dimmick V sConi inirMoncr, at Oakland Oregon, on Thursday. ih. -Mrrl ,lsr ol ix-i iber. Ivt She names as wituetses: Ida C. tiiles. John Hocan. John Burton, Edwin Boohar. allf Rosebuig, Oregon. Aminil all le'Mini claiming: alvcrsy the above deacritied lands ar re'iestcl to flle Iheir ciaima in this office oa or bt tore said i'.r day ol x-t. 19112. J. T. P.R1DORN allp Register. Notice for Publication. 1'nited States Ijind Ofiice. Roseburg. Oregon June A. lti. Notice li hereby riven that In compliance with the provisions of the art of tongresa of Jnne S, 1.. entitled "An act for the saie of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon Kevada and ashinetun Territorv." asexteud- ed to all the public laud states by act of August 4, lffz. KREI M PAYNE. of North Rend, eoutitv of King, slate of nn.. has Ihtsdav libsl iu lliisoBiee hi sworn slaie- meni No. -.TT',. lor the pitrebase of the W, NW N' SWi4 ol sec .o. 2i in 1 1 o. :!. k. and will offer proof to snow teal me iana sougci Is more valuable for its Umber or sione than for agricultural rurposes. and to establish bia e.isiin before the IXisier and Receircr uf this otiiue of Roseburg, Oregon. on Motidav. the Litis day of iMi.ln r. P.r'. Jic namc a a nnes-e: llartleit Irwin.of M-attle, Wash.. Wm. M. Porier. Hale Bon n. Allen t il son of CuniK Valley. Or. Aiivanda!! p.r'11 claming tvcix-iy oic above describd lan-ls are nuert lo me t bier claims in this nll'n on or la-itre said l:ith dav of itt-toticr. . J. T. RRlls.ES. jyltp Kcgisler. Notice for Publication. Cnite.1 Slates Land Office. Ki.sct.nrg. Oreeon. June -T. lfl. Notice is berebv given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes. )&:. entitled "An set for the sale of tin.ber lands in the States of Califoniia.Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," as mend ed to all the public laud nates by act of August 4,ls6fi AF.P.ERT II. FEATIIERsTONE. of Walla-e. ittnutv of shslioue. slate tl Idaho has this riav tile-l in tins orhce his sworn siaic ment No. 2s .SI. for the l.urrhas.:,. N'.SPi.fU Nt1;. NE'j Nti4 of i-1'tmn o. ill township No. :tl .s.nth, range h west snd will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or atone tnaa for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim beiore Ibe Register and Receiver of thia since of Roseburg. Oregon. on Mondav the i..ih liav of rtrtoher 1J. ' He names as itnes-s-: A Hen Wibxr. Wm. .M po.tvr. Jessi. Kirkcndail and Wm. F. Ihivis all of t amss aliev. in-Kon. Any and a"l Ii:rs.n claiming adversely the above de-cribed land- are re,n.led lo hie tbir claims in tbisoftii-e or r ta-firc said lth day of CK tobvr I'Mi. i. T. BRI i.ES. 7 Register. Notice for Publication Vnlted Stales Ind 'ifiice. Roseburg, Oregon, July 4 19i'i Notice is neret y given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June a. is.!1, entitled "An art for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Orefna Nevada and Washington Territory." asexteod- ed to all the public land stales by act of August LoriS BTAI DACHKR. of Oaklsnd, county of Doul-'ss, state of Oiegon, has this day tiled in this ollice hi sworn state ment No (or the purchase of the SW '-i ol sre iwriuy lour, lonnsnip iwentyignt x. , and will oiier proof toshow tbat the land sought Is more valuable lor us limner or sione tnsa for aaricultural nuruoses. and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver of this flic ol kusiburg, Oregon, on Weilneadag tuu 1 ,lb day of OctolMM'. ltXr, lie names as witnesaes: Herman Ventrke. Amel Harkbarth, Ira Miles, all of Myrtle Creek, Ore gon, and Karl obine of Oakland. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely Ihe a Uve described lands are reiiuested to tile Iheir claims iu this oitice on or before the lit j day of ocloocr. i.i J. T. BR1TV;E!. S4p Register. . Notice for Publication. I'nited Slates I-aifd Ofiice, Roseburg, Oregon, July 17, 190i. Notice la hereby given tbat In compliance with Ibe provisions ol the act of Cougress of June:!. ls.7. entitled "An set lor the sale of tltr.ber lands in the Slate of California. Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory, as extend ed lo a I the Fubl'e Laud Stales by act of Aug USl 4, IKK, ALBERT 7.. ROWUNS of Roseburg, county of Douglas, slate of Oie eon has this day Biol In thia oftice his sworn sLatement No. Ltfvl, for the parebaae of the NK'j of Section No 12. tp JM south, R 4 W.. and will olfer proof to show lliat the land sought is more valuable for its lituoer or stone than for agri cultural purpose, aud to establish his claim to said land before Ihe Register aud Receiver of tins ofiice al Roseburg. Oregon, on Thursday the rth day ot .Novenii-r l'i. Ho names as witnesses: Ilayetle Jackson. James McMul l.-ti, C A Chapman, of Rosehnrg, ore , S W Hay less of Myrtle Creek. Ore. Any and all rx-rsons claiming adversely the alaiTed'Kcribcd lands are reiiuested lo Hie Iheir claims in mis omit on or ueinre day ol Novomiier.iwj.!. j.t. BKiin.aa al-.p Register SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of Ibe Btatc of Oregon for Douglas county. W. A. Perkins and T. E Bledsoe. partners, doing business under ine bnn name ol Ferkinl & Bledm. I'laintiffs. vs H. fr.'Miller, J. M. IVrrance, I. W. Dorrauce, Portland Savings Bank, aCortMjrHtloD, Jos. B. Ileald, Caro line A. Heald, J. T. Bridges and Kelle Biidres. Defendants. To J. M. D rrance. I). W. Dorrauce, Portland Savings Bauk. loa. B. llcalil and Caroline A. Heabl. live of the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OFTHK STATE OF OREUON, you are hereby n-ouired to apir and answer tiie complaint of the aliove named plaintiffs in tlicahovectitilled tkmrt, now on file in the of llce of the Clerk of said Court, ou or licfore the l.ilh day of October, VMl: and you are noli fled Unit, if you tail to appear and arswer said com plaint as hereby re.iiired, ibe plainlills will ap ply io Ibe Court for tlie relief demanded in their said complaint, to-wit: That an error in said plaintiffs title to the following described real pro-rlv, to-wll: Beg Inning at a point liul'j feet cst f the northwest corner ol tho southwest ijllarlcr ol the southwest iiarU'r of tectum H. township 21 south of rauge a, uil, of Willamelte Meridian, thence easlloi.jj fet:l lo the west side of 1'ie riglii of way of ilie Oregon & California rail road, I heuce south i7 degrees slid l.r minutes wtwl aloug said right-of-way fsal fit, Iheiicv north I'l di-grces and L! mliiulea west SL'I feel It) place of beginning, containing two ai res, ihe same being in Duuglaseounly, Oregon, be cor nirlerl and rclormed. and forever quieted, That pi. In lifts iMidecreid llieowneis in fee simple of said premises, free from the claim of defendants and each of llieui. This summons is served by publieation in the Roliiirg I'lalndealer by order ol the Hon. M. li. Thompson, county Jililne of Douglas county, Oregon, said onler la-nig made on Hie i'Mii day ol August, 1MI2. Tbedala ol Ihe lust publiea llou of this summons is August Jx, 1H"2, an 1 he dale of the last publication hereof. Is Oct. , Lsj2. LOUIS BiRZEE, 2t-oV Attorney lor flainllfTj. Notice for Publication. United State I.aii.1 OOicc, Rosclnirg, Oregon, Aug 14, ltfttt. Notice la hereby given that Iu compliance with the prjvisiotis of the act of Congress of Juiioa, 1S7S, entiileil "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of California, Oreann Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land Slates by act of Aug. ust 4, 1SW. ROBRRT w phim.iph of Ehrlick. countv of sksglt, simic of Washing ton has this dav filed In this orlico Ms srorn KtaU-ment No :tii', for the purchase ol Hie ol section No 12, tp No 29 Mouth of range 3 west and will offer prool tosnow inai me iana songni Is more valuable for iis timber or slime thsn for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver of tbit of lice of Roseburg, Oregon. .... K.ii,nUT the l.'iih dav of November. 1901. He names as witnesses: mania rrcuuian m Van Zandt, Wash., lames H sklTingron, Will lam Wright of Jlyitle Creek, Ore., 0 Delink, of Roseburg. Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above di-seribed lands are requested to fl'e their claims in tnis oiuee on or oeiore sam uiu day of Nov., lt!. J. T. URIUtiKU sip ..miB.. Notice for Publication t'nlh-d States IjiiiiI Ofllce. Roseburg. On-gon, July M, I'joj Notice is herei.y given thai in compUaiice with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, )S. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of Califortila.Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend ed to all the public laud slates by act of Auguat 4. UKI2. WILLIAM V. JOHNSON of M Yt lie Creek, Countr of Hotirlas. stale of Oregon, has this lv filed iu thsoMice his sworn stntemcnt No. :im. lor me pnrciiase ol iois.i aid 4, and sV; of NWVi. sv. i, uwu.29.S. R.3 W., and will of ler prool toshow that the land sought la mora valuable for its limber or stone ihsn for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claiui before the Register aud Receiver of thia office of Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, tho llili day of Octiber, 1J"2 He names as witness-.' John lls'l, sr John Jlall, Jr.. I N Hamiluin aud C White, all tif Myrtle Creek, Oregon. , Any and all persons claiming adversely Hi; above described lamia are requested to II le the! Claims iu this ofhec on or beiore said Ilia da oi octotier, 1902. J.T.BRIIXiES, J.Hp Regisle i Notice for Publication. United Slates Ijnd OfGcv, Roscbun;, Oreeon, July. 1, Ir Notice la hereby given lliat Iu eompilauce with the Provisions of I lie ael of Congress ot June ;, IsTK, etititi'l "An a:l for the saie of timber lands in the stales of California, Oregon. Nevada aud Washington Territory." aa extend ed to all the Public Land Stales by act cf August 4, l9- MATIIEW L. WILSON of Roseburg. conniv of Douglas, slate of Ore gon, has this day bled in this office his saorn stntemcnf No 'J.'i7 for tne purchase of the s', N', of section No. 4 township S., R. No 1 e and will of fer proof toshow that the land sought is more valuable for its timlier or stone than for agricultural purratsea. and to establish his claim l-lore the Register and Receiver ol this ofllce of Roseburg. Oregon. on Friday, the -'lib day of Octol-er. Iwi He names as wiincsj: Jol,n v. Cot, Oscar . kolbof Kosebunt. (He.. I, rant Taylor, ol Oag- laud.Or.. au l Fre-1 llo'comb. oi t.lide. On gon. Any and all wtwii claiming adversely the ahovo descrill lands are rcjursteil lo n.e their claims In this oibec on ot before said 24:b dayol Oct, P.V2. Jip J. 1. litULKit.'' Register. Notice for Publication. I'nlteil Slsu-s Ijtnd oSice Ross-bur. Oregon. Aii U 11. Notice is hereby firm tbat In compliance with the provisions ot the act of t'otiFtva ot June 3. l. entitled "An a -t b r the sal? of timber lands in the plates of California. Oregon Nevada .and W ashinct'-n Trrniory." asrxteud ed to ail the public land states by act ol August 4, li BLAISE FaFCMAS ofVanandl. county ol Whs'fun. state n Wa.hinetw. bas tlu dty nie-l in Uiis osicc hi swoni nslcmi-nl No .":. ;, lor the pUTba of the NK'a sec No Li. tn N4 Z soma, rabje S wc and will offer proof toshow tbat tne land rrt la more valuable for its titular or sione lean for azricrrltural porrss. and fo establish bis Claim lieiore the krcister arid Receiver of this ollice of Ruseburx.oreron. on scurlay. ibe l.lday of Norember. lidi. He namcsas witnc-s: R Pbilllo". ol Lntlu h. Mah., James H .-kiAneton. William Wngbt. il Mrtle:r.ek. Ore . ' tx linko! Kwbunr. ore. Any and all ra-rmiiit clainuna; adversely Lie above dcsuill lands are requested to ft ic lb.-ir claims in Ibis ofiit-e on or bebsre said Kth day ol Novcrjbcr Ifi. J T RRtlH.K?. alp Refib.-r. Notice for Publication t'nltcd SUtea Land Office. R.jfcbur, On-ton. July. ii. lir Notice is Ltrti t a ven that la coroplianca with the provisions ibe art of Cotigrv. ol June S. Tv entitled "An art br the sale ol tiniber lands iu tte Sian.of California oresm Nevada .and ahinrton Territory." aex:end d to ail the public land stales ly act of August 4. INT.'. A!EL II ARKt! X RTH. ol Myrtle Civ k , i oil hit .f ltoiitia mate ot Or f on, lias Ibis day tili-d in lb:s ollice hi s or a statemt-nl No lor the purchase ol the NEl4'. swiion 24. owphip soulb rsiue 4 W.. sod will offer proof toshow thai the land euof ht la more vaiuabie for IU limber or alone than lor arricnltural purt'ose. and to establish his Claim before the Register aud keceiver ot this olflos oi Ruse barf .Oregon. on Wednesday Ihe lStii day f O lober, li H naifles as witnc.scr Karl 1 1 h me. of Oak land, Orrcon, Ira Miles. Herman Vrnliki-, totb of Myrtie Crwk, orrtou, and Louis Slaudacbcr, of Oakland.Orcston. Any and ail wn-ni claiming adversely the a'wvc describe"! laud, are reUctcd b Iii" their claims in this oitice on or beiore said lith day ol October, l'Aii. J.T. BRIf GE-J, alp Rcsister. Notice for Publication. Tnilcl Slate Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon. July 1. P.a2. Notice is hereir given that In compliance with ibe provi'..t.s of the art of Congress ol June 3, le.s, en lit led "An art for the sale ol timber latids in the Melt s of California. Oiegon Nevada.and Washington Territory." asextend ed to all the public iaud states ty act of August 4, 132. osr.K F. KOI.I1 of Roseburg. cotiniv f iNtiigla.. state of trc g..n, ba fil 1 iu this nflnv his sworn slalc mcnl No. '2 for Ibe pun base ol the N1, fj of sec. No. 4 Hi onsbip No. 21 sonth. R. 2 scl and will offer prool toshow that the land sought Is more valuable for ils timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, aud to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver ol tht ofiice of Roseburg, Oreg on. on Friday the 2Uh flay of October. l'i. He names as w itncss-sr John Y. Cox. Mallu-w 1M Wilson, ol KasM-Mirg. Ore., t.rnnl Tavlor ol Oak. land. ore. and Frcl ilolcomb of lilide. Oregon Any aud all fx-rsons claiming Ibe ahovedcm-rilavd lanN ere r-!i-sicl lo file I he ft claims in Ibis otlice on or before said 241 h dav ol October, pais J T. It li 1 1 . KS. jyllp Register. Notice for Publication. I'nited stales Ijind Officer Itoseluirg. nnon, J unc 3, l!i2 N'otlee Is hereby given that In compliance with ibe provisions of the act of Congress ot June S, )!i7, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the States of t aiiforula.Oregon Nevada .and l a.hiugton Territory," asextend sd to all the public laud stales by act of August 4, lavs. AI.VIX I.. WOOD, of Rost bnrjr. coiimv of Douglas, slate of Ore gon, lias this day tiled in tins oftice his sworn siaicincnt No. 27si, for Ibe purchase of Ihe W j XWJj, NE1; NW'j. NW, nV.i of m-tion No. 10 iu toHiisbii :ti south of range 1 west and will offer proof toshow that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone tbsn for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver ol this office of Roseburg, Oregon. on Friday. Ibe ITin day of OcloU-r. Pr. Ho naiiies as witnesses: Fred Y. tjiiick. James 1, Ferguson, Thomas J. Ferguson, John liiibcll all ol Roseburg. Oregon. Any and all M-rsons claiming .adversely Ihe above dcscrilieil litiuls arc rv'iicslid lo lile I heir claims in this otlice on or licfore said 17th day of Octola-r, l'.srs. J. T. lil'.l IKiF-S, jyllp Register. Notice for Publicatiou. I'lilted Stales I -and Ollice, Roseburg, Oregon, June 'So, I'.srS. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol June , is-.H, eniitled "An act for the sale of timlier lauds in the Slates of California, Oregon Nevada.and Washington Territory," asextcud ed to all the public laud stalea by act oi August , Usw. HAMEL MCNEIL, oi Roseburg. county of iHiuglna, state of Ore gon, has tins day Hlcil 111 Ibis oftlet his sworn siaK-inent No. 27M for the purchase of the HW' I of section No :rj, township No. 'Si south R. H W. and will offer proof toshow that the land sought la more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim beiore the Register and Receiver ol thia ollice ol Rosebud, Oregon. on Thursday, the Hi day of October, VMV. He miiiicH as witnesses: ' William Porter, Hale lloren, M K irkeiidiill, Alva llrown all of Camas Vallev, Oregon. Any ami all tersons claiming adversely the above lands arc reiiiiesled lo (He tiicirclHiius in Ibis ollice on or before said Kit li lav of October 1'.'2. J. T. IIRIlK.Esi. 'Jvllp UcBlstcr. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is heiebv aivcu that the undersigned was, on Ihi! Llth iiay of August. I'Ktt, by the Comity court of IxmikUi couiuy. Oreoii, duly appoiutcl esecuior ol tliecslatu of ileurr Garilner Brou n, do.-easoif. All peisous haviiig claims airatnst Ibu said estate aie hercbr noli, tied lo prcsriit llicin, proicr y verlDisI, lo ine at P I k ton . isiiuic an ciiiniy. Orcnoti, witblu six mouths Imin the date of tills notice, and all ioas Indebted to the es'ato are hereby noti fied pi pay the same pi me. Hilled AUilim lath, IWi. 8AHUEL H ItROWN, y Esisnmor Notice for Publication I'nileil Ktali s l and Office Roseboig. Oregon, July HO, l.HrJ. Notice i hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act Oi Congresa of June 8, lB.s, entitled "An act for the rale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend ed to all the public land itates by act of Auguat ,lbJ EVVL1NK JOHNSON. nt Mvrtle Creek, countv of Douglas state of Ore gon. 'has this dsy llltsl in litis office her sworn statement No. mini, lor llio purchase of lot one, of section '2, In township 211, 1, rauge 8 west, and will of for proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Us limber or sione man for agricultural puriHiscs, and to establish his claim beiore the Register and Receiver of thia office ol Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 11th day of October, l'.K)?. She names as witnesses; John Hall. Sr., John Hall Jr , 1 N Hamilton, aud (J E While, all of Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Aus an, I all ncrsons claiming adversely the above descrllxst lauds aro ri-imnted lo lile their claims lu this office, ou or beiore said llcli day ol October, 1'jUJ, JTBiilDiiES, jlllp Register. E Notice for Publication. United KUles Ijllld Ollice, Roseburg, Oregon, Aug, C, VmI. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the w-t of Cougrts of June 8, Is.;, entitled "An Act for the salt of timber lands in the States ol California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all tho Public Land stales by act of August 4, 1S92, 8 JOHN HiKiAS of Roseburg, eounly of D ing stale ol Oregon liaslhisihty tiled in Jbis ottn-e Ins sworn state mcnt, No .lls-t for the purchase ol the lots I, 2, and S'j NE!4of section No. 4, town- hip 2U 8. ranire 9 west and will oder proof bi show thai Uio land siHigbt is more valiisblo lor Ita timtier IITZ or sione tliau for sgricull oral pmixis, au establish hiscla-m to raid land Is lorc 1 1 mlck, U SCoinmlsssoner. al OHklanJ. 'iregou, on Thursilav lte 2:rd dav of OelolK-r, l'."2. He names as witnesses: Ma C tiile. Hell Jenkins. John Hurlon, Kdwln Boobar all of Roseburg, Oregon. . Any and all person claiming adversely the above" descrllied anls are rcUe!tcd to nle their claims in this oflico on or beiore said 24d day of Oct 1W2. J. T. BRIIXi", aJ4p Regislc-r. Notice for Publication. Cnlte.1 Stales Ind Office. Roactiurg. OrTton. Ang 6. I Ml. Notice Is hen-'by given thai In compliance with the provisions ol the a t ol Congress of June 3, 1. enuile"! "An ai l lor ibe sale of timber lands in the States of Catlfonfa, Ore gon, Nasada and Waahiiig'.on Tertibiry.'' as extended to all the Public Land Slate by set of August 4, lsx. ol Itoseb'iig. ctHinty of Douglas, State ol Oregon has this day tiled in lots otlice her sworu s:-.'-menl No. .tlsl. lor the Diin-baae ol the K1-. NW V,. W ' i NE1; sec. No. J4, Tp. No Jn S. range No. ,et and w ill oiler u snow hal lue laid aougbl Is more veiuaiie lor us i.uioer or sione than lor agrtcul'tiral f'i'pTM-. and to establish berr':aim lo said land beiore . L liimmb-k. 0 S tkimnussioncr. of Oakland, i in-von, ou Thurs day, toe Srd day ol ctotr. l''J. -tie names usluust: is n Jeusms, jonn noesn. judu Burton, E twin E.ailar, ail of Ruseburc. onf on Anv aud all oerxius claiming adversely the aUtre neaeribed are n-iutfs:ivl lo ble liieir rla'ma in Ihu office on or bvfore said rd day ot Oct. 1). 1. 1. BaiO'-a", A Up Keslslcr. Notice for Publication. I'XITED STATE LAND OFFICE. Rrnrburit. Ottn, Aus . lAil Notice is hereby ri-cn mat in comraaoce w tb the provision, ol tli a t o; Conere ol Inut M IsTa ntii!.fl "1, art for t!tf aale of limber ian in ibe tl-s oi aiinrmia, on-rns, Nevada and W sshintum Tcrritorr, as eiknd- ed lo all the Public Lan I Mau-a by act of Aug ust t, 1? Ji Kbit IN noORAi: I ol Rnscbtitr. county ol loiis:as. state of Or,xn has this day mol iu in s oim-c cia sworn state ment No :IL lor t: e purcbsse oi the bus an-! t. i'j Xw '.ol S"-lion No 4. loaiislu? No 2 pi., Kanxtf No. W. and will oif'-r proof to .!,.. that the Taiid touxbi is more valuable lor ita timtstr or stone tban lir acMcultnial purposes, i and to eatatHtsb biscla'tn l sai l lati 1 l.-lore I. liiinrab k. If b I'vaunmiiivr. al ots:ani. Orecon.op Friday, tfce ilia day ol October l lie names as snuraw, iwia imku, iituc Burton, Jobo Hrockway, timer t.iln, a-i ol Ruscbnrg, Crrcon. Any an! all persons c'.aiminc a1 em-!y the above dcsrntl laid- are rtu?itl t" S tbeir claims In this other on or tarMre 1 IfJi day ol Oct. lauJ. J. T. BK1 Ik. K-i allp awa; Notice for Publication. rS.'TF.D rTALF-S LAND OFFICE K Maat-co.Oimoit. Auc , l .sli Notice Is berebv. rivcu ibat in e:;ip.iance i with the prv isiotisof Ibe act ol ttnicress ol I Jnrse i. Ls.s. enutle! "Ansfl b.r the sal ol timber lands in Ibe Ma' ot t aiioniia orv-eot. Nera!a. and Uahincton lemtorr. asei j n.i- ft tnail Ihe public laud staU by a. I ol August . 199 ' JAME-S II Bi RTOS ol Rn.-bure. enuoly 1 Dootia. iat of Ori-irvn ha. this day Died in tni oaice ins so.n state ment No SI -2 lor Ibe pun-liss ,.1 h'4 r I sec tion Nil. 4. ti township N-k 2' S a Ranre No Vt and will Cei prool lo sar.w thai i.-.c land aouicbt is rcore v-alua'U' i.-'ir ila tfu;ia"r or stone than lor asr.cultnral purpos, and to e- Uislish bis claim to said iaud i :n c l l lim m'ck 1 fmnmisniotisr. at Oakland, Oregon, on Friday the .'lib day oi a-tolwr. l-t- He ikimi eswiuivsrra: Joba lincsu, J ha Hmcsxay. Kdwia BKbr. Ehu.r ij.ic ill of Kcr:.snt, Orreon. Any and all pios ca.mlug advcraly the alve-dpcriiaM lands are rv-ni'-sU-l lo iii their claims In this ofiice on or before mu 1 .'lib day o' OcU li. J. T. BRIlH.r.s, allp IU-j!lter. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAN D OFFICE Rosxacau, Or Aug 6, paL Notice Is herehy given that in compliance with the pov-sion o! ihe at-t ol Cons re of J'inJ. Ivs, entitle I "An Act for tbe saie ( Timber IlikIs in the ftjiies t.f Callioruta, Ore. gon. Nevada, and iah!nivn Terr. lory,' as ex tended to all the Public Land states by Set ol Aug 1st 4, 1W2. LoKERAISE . 9TEVEXM of Rnaebunc, county l Lsouglas. Male of Ore gon, baa Ibis day tiled In tins or):ce ber sworn statement No. Sl.s, br the pnrehaae ol ihe sh' of section No. 2, uxtnshtp vi so'Uh, ranre y west, and will ofTer pnad U shoa ibal tie iand sought is more- valuable tor -t timber or stone lhau lor attncultural purposes, and lo ealabl'sh her calm tosaidland b-bir Z L liiinunek. U 8 CmiimisAiotier at oaklaud. oniu, on Thursday, the 2ird day ol va uilar. Li'S. f-ve Dtma as wiinesMss: l-r-uia f. elevens, rdwin Booliar, John Biockway, John lbfau ail oi Riweutirg. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lan Is are loinesud Ui file i their cUims io ihls oihce on said 23 oil tei i i t ui'iiw.h- I Vin lie.i..- I 1V'P ' j """" "" """"""""" ; Notice for Publicatiou. t'nilc I Stales Land Office. Knstdiunf, Oreuntl, All 6. 1 '2. Notice is herebr aiveu tbat In i onipliam c with the provisions ol trie act ol tVncr,-ss of Jnne 1, iT entiilvd " An ei for the sale ol timber land, in lit- tstat-.s of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington T-Trilory," as cxien I ed lo ail ihe Pubi c Laud stales by act ot Aug ust i, 1W2, URSULA KsrEVKSH of Roscbiirs. coni.ty ol 1hi.. Slate ol Oregon has this dav Bled iu Ibis thev b"-r sworn state m-nl N:T lor tho purcba-e ol 'he ,J Nt'i HE' 4 N;,, NE Wi ol section No. It township No. ."I south, ran.e S . 9 wesl and will olicr pr af b show that the land setubt is mire Taluable lor ila timlier or stone t han lor sitr. cultural rur-oea. and lo establish her claim losaid land U-forc 7. I. iMm mlck. II M commissioner, at Oakland, otvvon. on Thursilay. the J.ird d y of oe ol-t, 1'2. she tianosi as witnesses: Edwm Booar, John Bmckway. John Hoi;an, Lorcrsitic M sicrcns, sllof Robiu-K. Oremm. Any and all wrom c'siiiiii'K adversely the above diMwrilM lands sr. revues eii to lile then claims lt thia ofiice on or llore said iird day ol OcL IW'2. J. T. HKiix.r., aUp RcKUlcr. Notice for Publication, I'nited Slates 1-and Ofllc-, liow-buri!, Orcitmi, . u nc 2, l'.t'. Notice 1 hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot Juno 3, W. entitled "An act for the sale ol tltti ber lands in the Slates of Caliiortila.Oreiroa Nevada.and Washington Territorv." as emend ed to all Ihe public laud states by act of August 4, ltiVi JOHN B. SHANNON', of llurllniitoii, county of Skacit, slate of Wash Iiirioii, has this day lilcd In Ibis ollice h's saort slalemelit No. 2S.".I for llic purchaat ot tho HE'-:, section No. IX, township No. ;:i 8 , R No. 8 wc: and will offer proof toshow that the land sought Is more vaniahle lor ita timber or stone tlmn for agricultural purposes, and tn establish his claim 1-edire tl.c RcKisteratid Receiver ot thii olll-e of Roseburf.Orcitoii. on Tuesday, the 2ist dny of October. 1J. Ho names as aiiursses: Mrs. Cliarlotb' K. II nil ley , Tliomai E llatilev, Mrs Flora M. Shannon ol Hurlliuion, Wash., .Milk Kincarl, Oaklaud Oiciroti. Any aul all persona dill mini; advcrsi ly th. almve deis-ribil lands are lo ii lv Iliclr ela nislii this olliec or or before said 2stday of Octotier. 1'Ali. J T. lirtlln.KS. J2lp Ri'Kisicr. NOTICE Notice i hcrcbs Riven that we, Sydney lie lart HanillUin and Catherine Allri'd lUinlllo i IwiiiK lb" parents and liwlul Knard'aun of HeoritA Ali-xaii b r Uwnllloii. a minor, all lb s Couuty of DoiirIiis, statu of Ore. in, do, Ihl I dav by mutual eotisont, and with the full knowledge n,,spl,r,"1 "" I"""'' concern cd nve aad Kraut tinlo thn said (ieurire Alex ander Ilauiilloii. bis full IIiiki, with poweia ti . ... 1. 1.. ....!( in Ins business and other ri'lu- llotis we will not be tespousl'de for Ihe debit that may lie coiiltacted bv Hie said tiinrite A i- usaudcr liamnion, nu ...... ..v u....... ... . .u- lnes from the date beieol. Slaned lull iVtn uayoi a"kh isi., at iw. bnrK.Oregon. 8tsT Kobkm milton, Professional Cards. QEORfiE M. BUCnyN, Attorney-at-Law, Court House Down Slat's. ROBBBCR3, OHJ J V FISUEU, M. D Physician, Surgeon. Office ot er I. O. Kobkbcbo, '1'hone Main 591. Oarooti. QK.C.E0. E. I10UCK, Physcian Sl Surgeon. Office Rericw Rid. Phone. Main 31 ROsEBURli ORJkUON LMER V. HOOVER, PBYSICIAN ASU SURGEON. ROHKUUKO OEE00!. Soociai attention given to Dli of the Koa aud Throat. Office '4aln St., one door south of CI tjHa fhoue. Main 341. p W IIAYXE3, DENTIST, Review Building, leiepbine No. 4. ROriirU'R'l ORKUON E M.CHBlDlwB, DENTIST, Office i ippoaite blotuci Hail ROikBCRU ORE u. caAwroai), Attorney at Law, Roomt 1 A 1. Martlets Bldg., ROSKBDRQ, Ob aVBuaineas before lh D 8 Laad Office ana Buumi caaea a specialty. Late Receiver D. 8. Land OSes JOHN II. EIIUI'E, ATTO EXE Y-AT-LA V, llvllitOl'KG, OBIOCiS. Busires-. h-jloro C. S. Land OrBueand Piobal business a specbxity.' Office Abraham Building. J 0. FULLEIITOS Attoruey-at-Lav. Wll' practice In all the Stale and Federal Cooru O.&ce In Marks' Bldg., Roacbarg. Oregon. Q()MM0DOr.E S. JACKSON', Attorney and Counsellor at Law. X ioiog Law and Water Rights made a specialty. la.-neri Bid ROseBCRQ, ORIGON W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. su 1 sad 2 wrvlew Baiidlna;. ROsEBrRts. ORKOUB JA. BUCHANAN, Xoury FobJic, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty'. Roira 1 Ma-sltrs Ba Hint. aOf EBCEU, OK H. J. KOBINETT, Attorney at Law. Crwm 11 Tartar A Miuun Block Koeiacal, Oa a. a. aT. C a. StHJalOI gEHLLKEDE i OKAY, LAWYERS iTacsne io a'l o! t'irwi'ti of li-j la e, aiso brlorr the b . s. Lan 1 department. T ailor A tlsoo. Block, V starv Pubi;c in ofhee Fbone s!aB i RO-EBCRO. ORE. Yoncalla Real Estate . TIMBER and LOAN BROKER FIRE AND LIFE !NSl'Fs.VNCE.. Timber lands loca-'cd au I ler rale. Gool b t tainain farm praperty. A. P. APPLE li ATE, ' YOSCALLA. OKK W1 ANTED Iniaie-lUtlv, homes I'V eatera K- r who Josire to atvlj se tii- rt from owners, ram-lies farms improved and nnitnprxive-d land :nil city property. Write il you've any ' hing t.j M-il. Address JJi THOS. H. BCAN'TLIN. II waco, Waah Trespass Notice. All iers)ii are hervby warmvl not to tress9--!, hurit, fish or camp on the lan-l of the Curry F.state, rein Joins ! ill Iv pritHt-utosl U the lull extent of the law. Folate of X. Ccbrt, (Vitf.) KivereJaltj Farm. Notice for Publication. I nltcd Stalea Ijind OSiee R.sacSinra:. Oretron. Sept. 2'. Vit2. V.i . i i i iT .,, nsmi-l -ltler ha. r.lcl notu-e of In. Intention to mskc linal m.. in support o h s claim. and taatsai l prrad ai:i b..- rasilc ra-f.-re ihe Itcsi-ter and Kec lvcr, I'. S. l-aud office at Rn--bui:. On-n. on November II, WJS, via: Joseph c. ii m..iit. cn II. K. No. sr.V, ior the Mli, sEi, A-c It. Tp iJ I"., ranite A es. 1L naitii- Ibe ioil.kwiua' wituts-so prove his rontiutious rsolcncc tip-.iii and cultivation ol said land, viz : J. 11. hrnsu, T. c. Jobns. J.-s-ph Mcinnis. and Thoiim M-oiiUi.s. all of . csvWe, Ores in. i-2fip J.T.BRIIXiES. R.-smer. ' Kasal CsUlaiTll quickly yields to treat, ment by Ely's Cream xiulni, which is agree ably aromatic. It is received through tut nostrils, cleanses and heals ths whole tm face orer Tfhich it diffuses itsslt Prcgeist sell ths 60c size; Trial size by njiul id cents. Test it and yoa are sure to ooolibtu tie treatment. Announcement. To aocominodata I aoes w ho are partial to ths one of atomizers in applying Iiqottls into the saeal passages for oiUirrXal t. ts. f kS, the prppnetors prcrrs Cream Balm ia iiq.uid form, which trill b known as Dyt liquid Cream Balm, rrice including Um tprnyirgtubeis 73 cents. Dropgistsor by mail. The liqnid form embodied ths msuV irioal propertitis of th soliil preDrauia OOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO sXCCOOCOOOCOOOOCOOOOOCCOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO Oil in Douglas County. The 4 Rich Fields Uncovered Will Rival Those of California or Texas INVESTORS WILL REAP A HARVEST The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made iu a . night wil' be completely outdoue by the magnificent oil slJs to be uncovered and developed in Southern Oregon. TIIK UMl'OU Y VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of SoutlieraOiT-un oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares send your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fartro aud Co, express. - Umpq'ua Vailev CXX0OO0000O0O0OO0Ova. 0OCX0O0O0OOO0OCXCX5CXC Society Meetings. A A. M. Lanrel Lodge No. 13. llalila regular meetinifB on second au nd f nrth Wednesdaye ol eacii month, ' E. J. Ktbocd, W. M. N.T.Jewk Hrfcretary. AO. U. W.-l Meet the i I days of fear U. V. Kosebarg Lodge No. IS. reconil and fonrtn Jlon- ch month at 7 :'M p. tn., in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Mambera in rood atandiog aie tnvited to attend. H. 1 McClalms, M. W. E. li. Lk.vox Recorder. D. .8 West, FiuaDcier. B. P. 0. ELKS. RoeeburgLrjdeo, 326. Holdi regular communica tions at I. O. O. V. Hall on aecond and fourth Thursdays ot each month. All merabcra reqaeBted to attend regri UrW and all fiititinK brolhera aro cordi ally invited to attend. W. 11. jAMIESO.f , r.. r.. V. C. London, Secretary. CO. E, N. G., Thnrai FOUKTU RKGIMENT.-O. tuet9 at Armory Hall every Thursday eveninz, at 8 o'clock. F. B. Hamli, Capt. D EG REE OF FON'OR. MyHielA-k'o No. 13. iJtetat'nd and 4'.h Ttnrp- dav evenlws of each month io Na tive Bona' Hall. Viriticii rot-rtbt-ri cor dially iititwl to aitund. - - , . - . . in JlkSIT V gT, K. Ol II. E. II. Lb.hnux, Kec. OF A. Conrt Dongias No. 32, For- waters of America. Meets, everj TiieatlaT eveninjj in Jntiva rioafa' Hs.II. Visiting brotbersalwsyB welcxme. ClfAS OfLVlN, U. K. A co. J. KR.I.VIZ. li. P. E. V. Hootib, Ptaveii iao. 0. U. P. Philetarian Loriae No. 8. MeU in OJd tellowfl' TriLi'le, c .r ner Jacksoo Caes strep's, cn Sttorday eveoiDg of ea:h week. Mem bers of the order in er?l sian-iics inviled to attemJ. 11.15. (ilLLfcTTS, . u. N.T. Jbwitt, HreUry. Kof P. Alpha L Tery VV'edne Halls. 7:30 .Alpha Lodice Ko. 47. MeU ielay, io I. O. O. . ri) p. m. Members io cood si Anding ar invited to attend. . w ir . . r. c VI. V IV 1 HI)Al.b v. v. C.E. IIoBitm, K K g. O. T. M. Proti tion TVnt N . IV HoMs iu r-tru:ar Iteview the firt and third Friiay 'i each inxnth in tlie I. . O. l-.ail. Vi-;titi nieinla?r3 iu g'sl tan-lin are invited to E. K. LLOHCfrrr, Iiecord Kiwrsvr. L ILAC CIECLE. So. 4?, Women of Woxlcrall. Meetson trt ar. l thirl TbarsdaTS of each month at the Ni- tiveSona. Hail. Nkitjiz meruhr .n sood stanlicz are invited to a UiJ. Ia.vtua Eeiilrreue .Gcardian Mixxui Our, Secy. LI I DIUS of the U. A.U., Abrabiai Lin co.rj C'irt.e o. meets at at:ve Son's IU1I at 2 o'clock on tb ond and foortb FriJaTS of -ach mon"i il. T. 51. Ksebcr b:ve o. 11 Holds ils res-liar r(t epen Ite Secocd acti lonrt!i inlti eve rot each month in Ite Native Nr.' Ila .1 Sitrs of other Hivee vigitirj in iLe citT are cortliallT intite-1 to attend oar re views. JXSflt K.PP, L. O'lt II Alba E. McCLkLutx. K K. I f W. OF A. SIjrt.eCavo pNo. bSWL III Meets Hrrtand th:nl ftrdr.'iUti I S S a.l. n,.-,, ,1. .lV.t;.uC ,..'lli!' F. M. I;uro, V. c. tiso. Bvaos.Ork. 0.' h. Hoe'jor! Chapter 2-y. r HoJJs their ren'ar ff)cr'.it. t-n li first and ihirJ TharpltTs io ncl nonth. Yuittiir, ts.stci.i-r ia p. itaodir.g aro rrscUu!i iovilcl f yenrl. Mas. Ouui I'iaed, W l , Mu. LiBBIt Cor How, .v:rrUrT. ft' Lode No. 41. l.O. U. F.. tee; OJd Felicws'Templeer'-rTTu.e.U eveciDs:. iiUC2 sisters t.nd brc-hr; it'.Tited ta attend. lri.n TBoirx, N. G Cora Wihko-at. K. MIKD A K T Z A ; . L in tiu ,t As rublr No. !Cs5 r.ievt every Sj'.t; oav evenms.. al vioiw i.t ativ Sotis Hall. Yitriting Artisins cx-rdij'.; invited to at ten-1. . Mm. M.Jones, M. A. Mrs. F. B. Hamlin, Svrvury. 11OODUEN OF TIIE WOULD. Oak fc Camp No. 125. Heels al the OJJ 1 1 Fellows' 1111, in Koeehorst, ever Brst and third Mooday eveoin. Vit it- 'n neighbors at ways weloccie. J a. K. Ms-vers, C. C, J. A. UrciiASAX. Clerk. IIMON ENCAMPMENT, I. O. O. F. l t.Mi rellow s lent pU. McU trst w and tnml Tburlay eveninir e-.ic month. L-itori tnlui!v invited. J. K. Hamilton-. C. P J.l. iwiTCHEOJ., teenbe. ASK Drufrerist CATARRH V trtycTs,- ! for IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Elj'$C.E2niB . Gives Relief at stce. .Fx. t.-?.V 1 It cleanses, soothes and J ansea, soothes and E V "'Cw V "1 Uedsscdn-cs-r v-"i JlVi: J '. It cures l a' ir-h y - - Irires away. Ovid MAY inw. 1 brine. and drives iu the Head qii ll i"s S I lal bit ia anennssii. itrxs api rrrstcrT. i:ic JB' -ttra. Hfluirs U S'it of l -u aid Sncl. KaU sua SOc: Tr-.-sl -:t- st IV T.- 'rl t res.'. XT bKU lTlliKS. u tt nr.tu Must. Nr YorW If you waut jf yoii want If you want If you want If you waut If you want to buy a farm furnished rooms to buy a house to to to vr rent a house build a house . move a house I( mu don't k 1 all on orsiMrooa Go to (i't Iff H. WOODRUFF BARBER SHOP, For a From pt and FIrnt-claa gbave r,r Hair-cot. Compe tent Workmen, Clean Tow ela, Tool always in ebapo. Paths in Connection. t? hop on Jackson t. Homes from $250 to 65000 Write or 'Phone Wm. Iff, Porter, Real Estate Agent and Notary Timber and Homestead Locator Packer and Guide Camas Valley, iS miie soutli wesl Oregon of Roscbcr; I Riddie Pharmacy.! I. B. RIDDLE, Prop. ALL CIBIS 01 Fresh Drugs, rtexlicines. Toilet Articles, Paints. Oi!s, Glass Sundries; iSSJPreacriptions promptly filled by a competent druggist. RIDDLE. - OR.E0ON H. Little, DENTIST. On 'eland. Oregon. 9 Pine: H. EASTON i is -n-fiAresl tu wait cpon old an l pf-i customer? aad friends with a full and complete rtock t4 GROCERlES All fre?h and U the very ben q-3ili!v. Teas xid co2ea ars pecia'ties. Yoar patronage; solicited. s i , c r...v 205 JUS--llJ S.9XUU1( CASPAR! i KELLEY Paintres, Paper Hangers and Decorators I'lirui'ttre ar.-l I'Ui:-i I'i?!iesl. rhas jer I ar'.s Mac:-!s an-T llesit EeSectvrs Sjseiri A:y. CVraL-h and Frame AVork Ilepairv-!. p. o. r- x si. r.o?F.BLn., ore . COOOOCiOCOCCCOXX-DO ED T. NAGHEL, P.KiPLXT Best References. All Work Guaranteed leave orders at F-urrs Mcic Store O0O0O0O0O5O0O0O000 BES r MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW 111 Cor WaiLinsrton. and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Collins Is Absolutely PURE, and will OUTWEAR all other Leads. If Ti-,sr !,a! dealer does B.l earrT it write ;o us a ad we si'.! ve U-at j-u rei it W. P. fuller & Co. PortlanJ, Oregon 1 ' f ' 1 tl I ' gt-.'-'.'irta'.vfJ ntrscDr R3bar Orcioo. Oil 9 W PIT MIS !.. So. 3000000000900000COOQ 8