The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 06, 1902, Image 3

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    r W W V W W V i 1 T - .
we Want to save you i loney
So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have -the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
L,QdiS e have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, -) length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
beat for style, quality and prices. Our walking skirts are the
most complete line in town ranging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
QetltlemCtl Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoes, the noted V. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-to-date line iu town.
II. A. Brookes, leavas tonight for Port
land, where 'im will imrehaw for the
Plaindbaler Pnllinhint Company, n
new newsjaier press, a new extra job
press, to meet tho growing domain! of
the oflice.and new type and material
of all kinds.
The Peoole's Store
d One Door South of P. O.
.v v v x vrvv
Book and Stationery Store
a fine line of
Leather Goods
Just received-to
which we would
respectfully call
your attention.
It embiaces everything
thac is new and stylish in
Wrist Bags
Purses, Etc.
in either Plain, Silver
Mounted or Mexican
hand-Carved work.
They are Ve'.ier
than the o:um
ary kh:i, and
are especially
suitable for nice
y presents
Call and see them. It's a
i j
s pleasure 10 suow gooas. y
Of Local Interest.
All we ask is that you trv our
IceCream and Soda
Ice Cream Sandwiches
Latest Thing Out. Try them
WOOD & BELL, Proprietors
Pho-ae Maine 1S3.
Of every deseriytion. -Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and
Minnesota. "
School supplies at Marster's Durg Store
Old iron is valuable. Save it, we will
buy it Sj kea & Carroll.
Wasted. A boy to milk a cow. Ap
ply to Mrs. M. Joseph8on.
... . 1 a . 1 luiiica
i ANTED A girl IO u fCinriai ,
work. H. Wou-ESBtnu
A respectable lady desires a place in a
amily, can do all kinds of general house
work! Address "J" this office.
A. Sakiuan, the jeweler, h?s just re
ceived a large line of elegant Seth
Thomas mantle clocks. They are beauts
Rev. W. A. Smick and wife are visit
ing friends at Myrtle Creek.
Miss Helen Willis, of Ddlard, va
visiting relatives jnd friends in Hose
burg, Saturday.
W. J. Armitage, of the Little Chieftian
and Alzora mines, of Myrtle Creek,
was in Roseburg on business, Saturday.
Noah Rose, who has been conducting
a barter shop, at Pendleson, has re
turned to this city to spend the winter-
H. A. Smith, of Edenbower, w ho has
been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Wallace, of Ashland, has returned home.
Captain F. B. Hamlin, commander of
I o. E.. O. !f G., of this city, lias jurt
received the company allowance of 12I
from, the Secretary of State, for the
third .narter.
E. I Bashford of the Douglas County
Hour Mill, w as called to Mediord, Sat
urday evening, on hearing that his
father, G. W. Bashford, was jjte ill at
that place.
Mr. Geo. M. Staples and his wife, Dr.
Staples, of Salem, w ho visited Mr. and
Mrs. C. K. Childs, of this ciiy, on their
returu from an extended visit iu Cali
fornia, returned home Saturday.
Dr. J. W. Strange, of Myrtle Point,
arrived in town Friday evening and is
spending a few days with his family and
old friends in this city, while eii route to
Grants Pass to attend Presbytery. The
doctor reports lively times iu Ojos
county this season.
Faker games of all kinds w ill abju nd
for the next few days ani foals will be
patted from their money at a rapid rate ;
and after all, moralize as we miy, the
quicker the fool is parted from his
money the sooner will he enjoy wisd ru
bought in the school of exierience.
Frank Talkington, a prominent
Salem business man, is visiting relatives
near Iooking Glass.
Keiuirine ueatlv and ironnlv lone
at Flints Shoe Store.
We buy ol iron and iay the highest
prices for the same. Sykes & Carroll.
W. R. Dillard, of Eugene, has gone to
Riddle where he has the principalship
of the schools of that place. The school
u.ns todav.
se '
I E. Dean, of Eugene, has been ad-
milted to practice in the I'nited
States District Court, by Judge Bell
inger? J. W. Krewson, of Drain, made the
Plaixiealer a pleasant call late lst
week while transacting county seat busi
ness. It is announced on gol authority
that Mr. J. A. Black, the genial Drain
merchant, has just received the apjoint
meut of jiostmaster at that place.
'Say, they are Wautics !' Wheredid
you get them? Why at Flints shoe
store of course, its the only place to get
shoes. They are Queen Quality Shoes.
Remember that we carry the let
and largest line of shoes in Southern
Oregon, if you dont believe it coniare
our snoes with others stores. Flint
Popular Shoe Store.
J. W. Kreun,of Drain, was in town
Friday, on business and did not fail t
remember the Plain'oealeb with a
pleasant call and a suWription renewal.
Shoe Findings blacking, laces, button
hooks, shoe-horns, rubber heels in fact
all the little shoe findings aul requisites
may ba fonud in our Etork, at Flints
Shoe Stoie. .
Norman Agee's large fruit dryr, near
Winston, was totaly destroyed by fire,
together with the fruit that was in the
drier, Thursday inorning. Ixw aliwit
1500, insurance, 1700.
Mrs. Ben Russell and loby are in the
city visiting Mrs. Russell's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Perrv. -Mr. Rusaeli has
accepted a poeitioa as fireman on the
Albany-Iebanon rnn and exiects to
move his family there soon.
The Seventeenth Annual meeting of
the Orejron Baptist State Convention
will be held in the First Baptist church
in Roseburg, Oct. 14th to 17th. Further
notice of the convention will be given in
our next issue.
Wanted, board ami room in Christian
family. Apply to or address B, this
Miss Minnie Freeman, of Portland, is
iu this city visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Freeman.
W. G. Clarke, with his fast pacer
"Volo" 2.1, arrived in tlris city this
morning to attend tho Fair.
J. II. Hobbs, of P.rockway, was among
our business callers Saturday and . le
came a reader.
Joseph, familiarly known as "Dad"
Campbell left Saturday morning for
Florence to visit his daughter, Mr ;. C.
Steear, of that place.
C. F. llarpster, wife and child of Port
land, who have been visiting Mrs.
Harrier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey Jones, of this city, returned home
.For Rent. Farm and stage station
of Jas. Newlatid, at Inking Glass.
Good buildings, fruit and furmiugpaud.
Inquire at Kruse & Newland's 'Grocery,
N. LaRaut, Sr. of Wilbur, called and
renewed his subscription today. He
says the farmers are greatly in need of
rain to enable them to commence their
fall plowing.
Fresh oysters' all styles. Pan, fancy.
and epicr roasts a sjiecialty. Served
by an cxirt cook, at Railroad Eaticg
Hoiu-e, Mesdames Iohr V Gegax, pro
Misses Tellah Williams, Dra Price
and Mamiiiie and Lulu Hughes, of Mt.
Scott wore in the city Saturday. Miss
Williams and Lulu Hughes left ou Sat
urday's local for Oakland, where they
will attend school.
Rev. Edward Gittings spent a few
days iu Roseburg lato last week, the
guest of old friends. He was on his re
turn to his Eugene home from Grants
Pass where he attended the M. E. conference.
The Rev. Getting, of Eugene, was in
Roseburg on Sunday, on his war
from Conference aud Dreached an excel
lent sermon in tlie Methodist church, to
crowned house at night. Years ago he
as pastor of the church, aud his host
of friends rallied out to hear him.
These cool night!) find as prepared to
help keeiMiut the chili. Blankets, quilts
nd comforts riaht from fariorr, all
inds and prices; als fine line of mil-
tresses and pilloas. Itsnotruuble to
show them ; we'll be glad to do s.
Rice & Rice Uousv Furnisher.
L. L. Hurd, the jrenial ie-t-mater at
Glendale, is a Koseburj; visitor todav.
iid favored this office with a pleasant
rsilL He reirt that Gleihlale ha jnM
let a contract for a new f UV) m h.x.l
hiiildiug, and that many new cottages
and residences are in evMeiuv in that
To visit our Store and we
intend to make you welcome.
If you do not come to buy you
are still expected and wanted.
Courteous treatment will
convince you that we are here
to help and to please. We
make our bow to our cus
tomers with the conviction
that we shall suit them one
and all because we Have been
able to collect an assortment of
popular aad pleasing Fall and
Winter goods well adapted to
the wants and requirements
of the people of this commu
Charter Oak cook stoves, charter oak
ranges, charter oak heaters and stand
ard ranges can't lie beaten. The above
line sells on their menu . years in
stove business is the record of Charter
Oak nroier. L-jk onr line orer before
buying elsewhere. Rice & Rice.
See all the gool thing in up-to-date
furnishing for your home at Rice
Rice's. New good piling in. Late ar
rivals of Trunks, Telescois, Valices and
hand Imgs with pri-es that make them
leaders. See them at Rice A Rice's
House Furnishers.
II. T. West, of Myrtle Creek, was
caller at this office this week, and added
tii name to the 1'laindealer 8 growing
li-t. He reMrts mining business boom
liitc on the ?outii .Myrtle ami informs ns
that much Eastern capital is boine in
vested in lhat section.
You'll regret it if yon do. Don't buy
an airtight or heater until you have
seen our line. We have the largest
stock and largest selections. All kinds
from sheet iron to Ihijc cast, at prices
that save at Rice & Rice.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, flillinery g
m. a a O a O O O f.., O..O.0Q. ... f$ 0.0.0,
Among the "grafters" in Roseburg
this week is a so-called "shooting gal
lery" in which a erson stands a small
clianii' of winning a valuless prize for
which he payslOcentsa shot. Of course
he receives as a consolation '-a smile
from the lady in charge. It is redicn
Ions that a city ol this size should per
nut such games of chance to rnn open
upon the streets.
Big arrangements are lssing made for
the trap shoot which will be held in this
city Oct. 8. This will be the largest
shoot ever held in Oregon outside of
Portland and all the crack shots of tl
Northwest will be in attendance. I-et
ters from Barney Payne, ol Eugene, and
"Dick" Carlon, of Portland, insure a
snad (j) from each of the alxive places.
Leonanl, Kabat, of the Roseburg cigar
factory, reiorts business Itooniing. Mr.
Rabat's factory has - lssen oiened but
three weeks and he tells us that he
alone has in that time made &000 hand
made cigars. The grade of goods turned
out by Mr. Kabat is the bent in the mar
ket. The size and capacity of this in
dustry is soon to 1 increased.
M. McCoy and C. S. Jackson are at
the Imperial hotel, promoting their oil
wells in Douglas county. Mr. McCoy is
confident that the company has located
a fine pie-e of oil-bearing property. Af
ter going down KHX) feet, oil sand has
already been found that gives great
promise. Coring will continue until the
main vein is tapped, although they do
not expect to have to go dc.cer than
000 feot. Portland Telegram,
IKj you know that Striiig,the Furni-
nre Man, has a complete line of heat-
st'ives, and the price is as complete
as the stove for it over sliadows all onr
coinetitors, also a full line of Blankets
and comforts that our as warm bargains
as our heating stoves are hot to sit bv on
a odd inter evening.
Itoiiglas County Creamery want. rmir
cream and will jci y highest cash prices
or butter fat. Vnt for cream cans.
Will furnish you Cream Separators tliat
are second to none in Quality ami Price
on most any condition yon may desire
The Sharpies Tubuler Cream Separator
leads. Douglas county creamery refer
ances, First National Bank and Douglas
County Bank, Ro-eburg Oregon.
The jiostoffiee at Linger has been or
dered discontinued on October 15. The
main reason for this appears to be that
(oetmaster Hale does not wish to care
for this office, and no one wants it. The
poi'ulatiou and business tributary to
the office has rather increased instead
ol tailing on, ana ine general public is
very much displease! over the matter,
J. C. Olinghouse, the mail carrier, was
in town Thursday, and by etitioj
moving to have the office continued.
Glendale News.
The five new electric pull trap to be
used at the first annual shoot of the
Rom-burg Gun club, arrived Sunday and
were placet! in conouion to shoot.
At , the shoot Sunday afternoon,
Cannon led with a percentage of 8-1
ut of a possible 100 birds. Parks.
Landes, Bridges, Cannon and several
others had a score of 22 out of
a possible 25 birds aud there were many
scores of 1 1 and 18 lunls. Id a recent
letter from Maurice Abraham, the nn-
disjHited trap shooter of the north-west,
he say that there will be at least two
squads of prominent traps shooters
out (mm Portland. The prizes for the
shoot art? on exhibiton in Cannon's
It Will Opru Tomo row Morn
liilT under moat favor
able Coudltlon.
The Ninth Annual Exhibition of the
Second Southern Oregon District Agri
cultural Society will open at the fair
grounds east of Roseburg, Tu'.sJay
morning, Oct. 7, and continue live days.
The indications are that this will l the
largest and most interesting exhibition
ever held iu this district. Pretident
London and his associates have la'jored
lon and earnestly in order that this
meeting might excel all previous fairs
which have been held in Southern Ore
gon. It is positively known that all the
departments of the pavilion will be over
crowded, as most all the space is already
taken for individual exhibits, the fancy
and neeule work department will le one
of the beauties of the pavilion as all of
Douglas County's ladies are anxious
that their work mav excel.
As this has been an exceedingly good
year for fruit and farm produce aid the
fact that many new orchards have begun
to bear, and that we have many more
farmers, ranchmen and fruitgrow
ers in the past two years, the far;n and
fruit display is exjiected to far excel
that of our last fair. The stock depart
ment this year will le larger and more
interesting than ever. Our stockmen
have been adding materially to their
already tine stock, and now Douglas
County can boast of as many fine horses,
cattle, sheep, pigs, etc., as any -011111 v
in Oregon or Washington. It has been
necestary to increase the slied aad jien
deartmcut on the grounds. Manrof
the exhibits iu the department are
prizewinners at the recent Stale-fair,
There are at present about fiftei-u fast
horses in training at the race course,
Many of these horses were among the
money winners at the state fa r, and
with those and others which will arrive
from Portland, The Dalles and Southern
Oregon today aud tomorrow, we are
assured of one of the nioet interesting
exhibitions of seed that will have been
wit ncssed in Oregon this season. The
association have been at
work on the racecourseaud it is Uuought
that the track will be very fast.
Amusements? Why certaini;.-, the
ssociatiou have tried themselves.
This year you will be entertained better
than ever before. Among the attrac
tions are the three legged man, J. II.
1'ayiie, the armlet- wonder; The C. F.
Ijiiii4iii Vaudeville Co., and - many
Of coorse the usual number of "graft
ers aixl "gamblers are iu town ready
to fleece the tibwarr, bu: President jtn-
lon wu1ks toanuoume that thetssaicia-
t ion mil have wluU-ver to d-j
ith any of these men or their games
nd will not allow them ou the kiuuikIs.
In ions are, Jhai we will lave an
x eel lent week as far as the we tner is
concerned and if such proves ti e ca-.
many will pitch their tents on the beau
tiful camp grounds east of the fair
croon-ls, aud there will spring u; a city
f tents at that place.
The association has surely done its
part and now come the time for the
citizens of lion-las county to put their
h'HiMer to the wheel. Ho, for the
District Fair.
A Fine Piano Business.
Notwithstanding our great opposition
we have sold more pianos and organs in
the month of Septeinlier than ever lie-
Six pianos and eleven organs was the
extent of our business for September
Four out of the lot w ere cash sales. We
started on the first day of this montl
with a cash sale of a fine lrvinir liiauo to
Rem Fate of Days Creek. See our dis
play and it will ) a guide to help you
buy a piano. T. K. Richardson
Prominent arrivals at the McClallen
during the past 24 hours-. G. L. Moody
Bangor; Chas H. Rmice, Portland ; -T
Eliot t. Ashland: F. J. Carter. Geo,
Chaffey, Med ford ; J C Davis, Los An
gelcs; T. Williams, Hen-ford, England
W. II. Metcnlf, J. L. North, C. O. Hak
ersact, B. L. Burnett, Vancouver; P. B,, Marshfield ; 1). S. Houston,
E. Carnahan, M. Shimomura, Portland
G. W. Shaw, Drain; G. M. Chambers
Olympia; O.D. Wells, Portland; S. R
Brisbin.XMalla: E. T. Merrill, Reed
Citv. Mich.: Ed Moons Millwood;. D
H. Northrop and wife, San Francisco
O.L.Staunton, Hamilton, Ontario; N
E. Miles, Eugene; M. McDoiigal, R'
Yaught, Salem ; W. Fra.icr, E. Noland
V. P. Andrns, H. E. Burry, Portland
F.T. Sanders, Drain; F. V. Smith, Al
hanj-j I'.JG, Strnnge, Marshfleld,
A Lucky Casual.
v.vcrovcv ovovovovovovovovv 7
We are now showing a full line of the Celebrated
Kuppenhimer Guaranteed Clothing
Suits, $12.50 to 525 Overcoats, $10 to $18
In Furnishings We Mention
Neckwear in the new Coronation Silks.
English welt edge Collars and Cuffs.
Fine worsted Union Suits and Underwear for men.
Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes for. men.
McDonald's "Red Seal" Union made Overalls, Jumpers, Cordu
roy Pants, Sateen and working shirts.
Some new swell chalk line stripes in heavy suitings.
Just the thing for Eainy day skirts and Tailor suits
Ail Dress goods purchased here only, shrunk free of charge. Owing to the
rush of business we will not shrink goods purchased elsewhere.
When you see it iu our ad its so.
Everything guaranteed as represented
TI0N. Thoe having
prom ise
wood on subK-ription or ho desire to
ar their arrears with this commodity
ill please bring it iu sometime this
nionth lc-fore the rains set in. tf.
Rids for the exclusive privilege to run
a restaurant on the Fair grounds daring
Fair week will bs receive-! up to Fept.
ij, I'JU-'. .ist iir all other privileges,
stands, etc. F. A. Mc Call, Sec.
Goes Like Hot Cakes.
"The fa-test celling article I have in
my store, w rites druggist C T Smith,
of iVivi.-c, Ky., "is Dr. King's New Dis-
om-rrf'r Consumption, Coughs and'
Colds, bevane it always cures. In niv
ix ream of sales it has never failed. I
hare known it to Fave sufferers from
Throat and I.nng diseases, who could
g-.t no help from doctors or any other
remedy." Moth as rtly on it, lt phy-
Mciam rew-rilie it, and A C Marsters
viiarautee satisfaction or refund price.
Trial bottle free. Reg. ires 50c and tl
Almtit nine o'clock this mornitg, little
Johnnie I Jii'-euU-rir, a about eiirht
ears, was accidently shot by hn
irother Fred, ael IT years, a ith a 32
c-aliU-r Smith & Wesson revolver, at the
;ine of their father, (itorge Langen-H-rg,
2 miles cast of this city. Fred,
w1m has boen in the habit of using the
pistol to shoot haw ks and otier mis
chievous bin Is and animals, was out
with his brother this morning looking their farm, and Fred, seeiug a bird
attempted to shoot it, and the pistol
uarped. In attempting to , remove the
defective bullet, the pistol epl Ied and
the ball pierced the flesh of the right
arm and breast of the younger brother,
causing a bad flesh wound but doin
no other damage. Dr. Miller was sum
moned and dressed the wound, and
Johnnie is renting very eajy. It is for
tunate that the accident was nt t serious.
Registration of Laud Title.
In ihn irrail '.wl oi the Siatt ot Oreril.
!uf UM-ouatf at l HMt
In Hi m-.ut ol the applimlinB of)
l ttlKSi'k A. KSIrtS ami UKMA- j
lo roc ' Ur- til to Uk laaJ in r d (
pn lcjiino Oner b4 h.', m .11
'. '.,l s wmall. !. j. s., K .
tt. t'I m ?K. n-i wir
ol .S
of Srr
t ml
So. S
Does it Need Repairing
and Cleaning? 1
The very best watches have
their day of repairs and their
time for cleaning. Have
your time piece attended to &
before its worn out for lack T
of oil and cleanliness. A
watch's organism is fine and
delicate, and the slightest X
friction makes tronble - and
wears the parts out. We will
repair and clean your watch
and warrant the job to be all
OK. We turn out nothing T
but first class work.
R. F.WINS LOW, Jeweler MdOpticiin
-J- -t-
J. M. Weatherby
lT. A. Bary
Steam Lauudry Mevcd.
The Kosebnrg Steam Ijiurdry was
uioveI into it's commodious nid mod-
ernly equipped new quarters on North
Jackson street, yesterday, and with the
new machinery recently acuvired and
now- being installed, none but first class
work will hereafter be turned out by
this laundry. We are informed by the
proprietor, F. F. Patterson, that the
laundry w ill be ready for business in it's
new quarters by tomorrow, Tuesday
S4, of s J
W ' D4 Uii 1. 1 and ol mc Ui. 1i
1.4..K.1 at: I ui 1. 1 lf mc l)
T .lnl: llwli . of Aa-I
tu.tio KuiMejr. Ininc So-. and I
ruim o. 4- la tsre. i. y.s . a W . -
inl claim No. 41 IB I, Tp- T. R
tut ail utiuc4 la Ku(couaiv. or , I
lhn Crai, W. f. w iio aoJ MarrJine
uus u-i ,u asm ii mav rnnrin i
clerxli au.1
T-. U. WHOM IT HAY l ost tKN:
Tk nouce, U-al on UK rroad dar of Ocl.v
A. l. aa appl etaoo wm aWd r atd
Kiwrik A. Knl ol Ba.-autio Meifaiira
la th t trail Cjart of l'.uj; mintr. U lot-
I al ierlsUmiio of hr V tic to tbc la'od above j
Jcnl.-d. how aniew yoa appear tn or before t
llw 1Kb day of orvntrr, A. i. Inu; and ilmii
rtiuc why ucn app;w-aiioobail not hciraotrd i
the aamc will be utrn urouvwl and a cie j
rrca t:l oc rnirr.d arrorai-i lo taa prayer of
Itte appitoat and jr hi alU be hirer cr iaured
tram apatln me mid.
oS I. K.ilMoKiMK. Clerk.
O. r. CUaSO. Apjllram AtUimtJ.
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Fartn and Timber Land Bought and Sold -Taxes
Paid for Xon-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your proper-
: t ns.
Douglas County Oregon.
(BJlTM-rnnrre rw3iiii'n.ll t,r h- Wiliar pi.
l.trrb. Siiarh. kitnTan-l Livf r inhit-;
RAMP In Roseburg, Oct. , 1902, to
Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Ramp, a 15 pound
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the Rose-
hurg poslofhce,
, Persons calling for these k-tters w ill
Heane state tne iate on w lncli they are
advertisHl, Oct. fi, Kr2.
Malone, F.d
Novell, II
Oropeso, Vincents
Pret, (ieo
Peck, O A
Scott, C 22 I A
Adams, J II
Baker, J T
P.urrow, Dr R I)
Davis, I.ydia A
Finalny, T A v
UalMier, Mrs E
Harrington, Mrs ft
Sonniland, Mrs Maud
Lynch, Pat Sandeis, SD
Luck, James Thomas, Miss Ida
Meyer, Jno Williani.n, i W
Moimie, Jackmn
The letters will be charged for at the
rate of one cent each.
Wm. A. Fratcr, P. M
For Sale. A good heavy team, har
ness and wagon. Iminire of W. F.
Inglchart, Roseburg.
Severe Frosts.
Almoi-t any morning alouj about thic
time one may exect to find a heavy
frost on the ground. While its impossi
ble to fortell Uie exact ditto for it,' dis
crete ieople are preparing for the cold
by buying a Charter Oik airtight.
Largest line in Roseburg with guaran
to prices Rice A Rice.
Successors to
Cass St. Meat Market.
Let us call for your orders, j
iviAa'-f-irSie c-irw of Kiiecoa-.tsia
. nnmBoi n..,i ; .v,a,.To?.ii Mr ton t frr. rVve!; B,:h mb.
; Pwiuft-e. Lipnr aa-1 I'aMt - T--pa.ue .a ta? pro Kro.a ilt per weei hd, iaIiiia
j bathe Train slop la front of the bve!.
Pviiuni l'hUiri-19
htiamnn Kn--ni-le
Sodium 1 iilon-le
S.V) rr.
ST nr.
21 Lou gr.
MrnMan Cli!rvl
Cairiun t'blon-tv
Caictua Carboaates
- -M fT.
- H
ond f no frjni R'xa-hun W B wel!
reiuratuf the l j.loinj Mvrauar, (l.tix
pr:aj- tl.T. r 1 f-r a dan.
TuifU ua a;e aanl Spt 30.
Ootaj Stor 1t pu:l
CAPT. BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprietor.
Seo the Title Guarantee ii Ixnin Co
or blue prints and tiling jianers. tf.
N these days of competition much is written of an exaggerated character by
pettifogging merchants, clamoring to catch the credulous. You needn't be
lieve all you see in print, and very likely you don't. As for ourselves we would
rather you would investigate our claims, look over our stock and compare onr
qualities and prices. We are sure we can land you.
Outing flannels
Dress Goals
ieWoadl2jcta. r,D ,n pneefrocn LW to ?io0 per
Cotton Blankets Dress Trimmings and RlWans
IIVV, 75c, 1.00, f 1 So, $150, 200 Iu great varieties at way dowa
andfi.50 prio.
Shoes . " fnrnlshing Goads
Tlie'lwst to be bought for the Hs is wber we excelL Ut
money is onr boast. over onr stock.
Groceries Clothing
ChWan they . to U La.1 ., ' t
any other place m town. Get our fllK) all-wool a- lo be fouuJ any
prions. v
y wbera
Everything in the Line of GcnerT Merchandise
thing as
sented or
'Phone 721. Call uc Up.