The Twi-a-Vetk Roseburg Plaindealer Published MonJiys and ThurvJuys. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. URtWKKS & CONNER, Editors and Publishers Feed Wright, City Editor, Solicitor. T. fi. Kcth. Foreman Twic-a-Teek Plaindealer, vet year, $2.00 Entered at the Post Office in Roiebnrg, Oro., as second class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. OCTOBER 6, 102 TO OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS. With this issne of the Plaixpealeb, Mr. II. H. Brookes, a veteran news paper man and editor, of Amarillo, Texas, becomes associated with ns in the publication of the paper and the business of the office. The new part nership or firm will be ityled, The Plaindealer Publishing Co., Brookes & Conner, Editors and Proprietors. 3Ir. Brookes, under this new order of thiols, will become editor in chief of the Plaindealer, while the writer will act in the capacity of associate editor and business manager. All debts contracted by the old manage ment prior to OcL 1, 1902, are as earned by the writer and will be paid by him upon presentation of bill, while all old outstanding accounts are now dne and payable at this office in order that the old books may be closed and a complete new set opened at once. A comparison of the paper, busi ness and office equipment today with what it was when the writer as sumed its management three years ego, will show remarkable strides forward and marked improvements in every department of the office and business. Much new and valuable type and machinery Las been added to the plant, cnr subscription list has been increased SJ per cent and the lob printing and advertising patron age of the office and paper has more than doubled. Where one man was employed in our mechanical depart ment three years ago, three job printers can barely handle the busi ness today. This condition is most gratify to the writer, who, however, feels assured that by far greater im provements and progress will be Doted in the paper, plant and busi ness in a few months under the new, than during the entire three years noder the old managemenL In conclusion we wish to say that Mr. Brookes' identity with the firm and paper will be noted, at once by our many readers, and he will be glad to meet and tnuke the acquaintance of the Plaindealer s many old. as well as newly acquired friends and patrons. Thanking our host of staunch friends and patrons who have stood by ns so loyally in the past and soliciting a eontinnance of their good will and patronage as well as a liber al share of the patronage of the many energetic and wide-awake business people who are rapidly fill ing our towns and county, we re main as ever, Tours Respectfully, W. C. Conner. TO OUR NEW FRIENDS. In assuming charge of the editor ial columns of this paper, we do so with a great deal of diffidence, be cause we are a stranger in a strange land, but never was a stranger more kindly received than we have been, for which we return our heartfelt thanks. As to the future policy of the Plaindealer nnder onr adminis tration, it will be unflinching and truly a republican newspaper "with opinions of its own to eipresa re garding men and measures; and onr effort will be to build it up so that it shall by merit be regarded the leading republican paper of Southern Oregon. At the same time especial attention will be given to building op and fostering every legitimate enterprise and in eyery question of moment before the public, the Plain dealer will speak out in no uncertain sound. In dealing with every sub ject; of interest we shall endeavor lo give fact?, or what we honestly I lieve to U facts; and should we mak a mistake we will most willingly cor rect t!i same and give as great prominence to the correction as had been feivrn to l be article calling for correction. iJearding news items or ffiairs Mousing to the public, p'. as j do cot ask ns to refrain from "mentioning u" in the C3lumns of the paper, for we cannot do so, for that is what onr readers pay for, and to a great extent it is our stock in trade, and bo it about 6iint or sinner, niqlti-millionaire or beggar, if it is good news itern we will pnllih it it brought to our attention, for nine times out of ten the parx-i tint does not publish a news item K it fccnoped by the "'bed newspaper ni;n nross the street". Regarding the office equipment and so forth, it ia the iuieution of the new partnership to pnt in en tirely new presses of modern make that will do the work for a city five times as large ax ltosebnrg. In fact, we are feoing to anticipate, in the of fice eqaipmen, what lloseburg will be in a nbort limn. Then ih r b a little matter we want to explain; and that if, pleat e re member that we tsre a stranger; that every citiziu enn know and remem ber our name and face at first tight, but we have a failure of eye&ight, sol that to reaiem er the faces and pamea of uun-r nls of citiz'ni will take us some time to accomplish. Now, if we fail to remember you please remember that it ia oor afilic- tioa and do not fail to apeak to tie time and time again nntil we thoroughly "know your voices; and again thanking yoa for many favors since coming among yoa I am sincerely 1L H. Brookes. Councilman Fred Merrill's resolu tion fell flat in Portland, bat has aronsed the citizens of the Metrop' olis to action. The powerful uiRchin ery of municipal government is in action. All the departments are in hearty co-operal ion, and are of one sentiment in relation to the vexations gambling problem. The ordinances tuned be enforced and the evil wiped out. Judge Ilogne Las put himself on record as being in favor of nping the most drastic measures possible to discourage the vice The Public I'rosecntor's office is in favor of the most vigorous action. The police will exercise all possible violence in the future. The Grand Jury is in session and from information secured from persons in a position to know will make a thorough investigation of the charges of graft made by Councilman Merrill. The law abid ing citizens and prominent business men of the city are aroused. They want tne matter sifted to the bottom ana, it evidence ot corruption is brought ont, want the guilty pun ished. What they demand is vindi cation of past charges, and surety that the law will bo enforced in the future The various railroad entering and doing business in Washington, it announced have decided not to ssne any more passes to spellbinders or campaign managers. This is t step in the right direction vnd i carried a little futher and ordr ths no pass be issued to any legislator state official, jndge or any man in an office of public emolument or trusts mere wouia ue a oetter reeling in faror of railroads. The Plaindealer wonld make it an offense against the law of the state for any state offiicial legislature, senator or judge of w - -. court or record to solicit accept or ride on a pass over any railroad in Oregon. If all the dead Leads or dead beats riding over the railroads paid fare, then the railroads could pay tneir ju t proportion of taxation and have money to spare, and the tax payers burdens wonld be made lighter. Every man traveling on a railroad should pay in some way cr other a just and equitable fare. The Plaixdealeb, as announced elsewhere will pnt in new presses, type and material and will equip the ofliee to such an extent that it will be a credit to a city of 10,000 people. This is one time that The Plain dealer will lead and force others to keep np in the procession. This is done 'because we know that such an office will be needed in the near future. 'Rdh for Koseburg. s55 A Republican policy has let light of civilization in upon the benighted Philippines and already the iin-; proved condition of the Filipinos causes them to raise np and call ng blessed. Even "Agninaldo has had the scales of Drvanism brushed frbm h erM n.t nnw bam in AmBrirn dominion the salvation of his peo - pj& The stock men and farmers are ready for the rains, but the prune growers and District Fair directors are not and for their sake we will re- quest the weather clerk to hold off the gentle mist just a little, while longer. HOMESTEAD LANDS IN DOUGLAS Room for 5,000 Sturdy Farmers and Land to Locate Them On. Durin the next few months there j will be a tremendous rush to secure government lands in Dos, Ikiuglas and Klamath counties. In these counties there is the choicest agricultural and timber lauds to lx" found unoccupied and free to locate niion in the State . of Oregon ; and while Eastern, Northern and the Central western parts of the state have had their booms and millions of acres of land has l)een located and thousands of happy, peaceful, irosjr ons homes established, the great, grr.nd and glorious southwest has. Ikhii like the wine at the marriage feast at Cana, of which it was said that the 1st had lieen kept to the last ; and this statement if applied to the lands tributary to the Southern Pacific railroad is literally true. To the east and west of this en terprising road can le found thousands of ijuarter sections of land where any man with a email amount of moans could make a home for himself and fam ily. It is true that it will require work and lots of hard work in many places to transform the land from its present state into farming land, but w hen once the land is cleared the crop returns are enormous. There are many claims, yes hundreds of them, where the land alter nates Iietween heavy timbered land to an almost treeless prairie, but this land is ten to thirty 'miles away from the railroad. On such land just as soon as a mail has built a home to shelter his family he can go to work and break up the land and plant crops. This land is as fertile and productive as the valley hind of the Nile and will produce abund antly many semi-tropical ami all the crops known to grow in the temperate zone. Put we always get off the track when we have a chance to wi ite homes for the homeless aud Fet men facts which if grasped will them the backlione of American about licfore make civili- NEW R Al LRO ADD EVELG P M EFiTS The Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern Absorbed by It is now reported ujion good author ity that the transfer of the Ok Ray, Ropeburg it Eastern Railroad, now in operation from Coos Ray to Myrtle Point, has boen effected to the Groat Central Railroad Company and that orders have leen scut out to the 'sur veying party in the Held for the sett inn of jieruiauent stakes between Myrtle Point and ltoselmr. II. P. Jorritt, the assistant puneral engineer of the party, is in chaiye of operations. The work is progressing at a satisfactory pace, and it is stated that the pcltin;; of stakes will proceed without interruption through the mountains until i survey ing party from the Salt Lake end of the line is met. A gang of surveyors left Marshlield, Friday, for Myrtle Point to join those already in the lield. They will w..rk on the projected Great Central railroad survey Iietween Roselmrg anil Myrtle Point, lieginning at the latter place and making permanent surveys and staking the roadbed nntil they meet with a gang from the East end. Since dejiot grounds were secured at j Koseuurg tor tne threat Central railway from Salt Lake to Coos Bay, develop ments have boeii progressing much more rapid! v. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lindsley arrived here from Portland Saturday, Mr. Lindsley coining as a re- oil struck at Urripqua Valley Oil a Depth of (Special to Plaixkealeb.)- Mvktle Creek, Oct. i. Great excite ment has prevailed here the hut two days, irties having been engaged in gathering up the crude oil off the prairie and burning it, greasing shoes, harness, etc. The oil runs down from the pumping plant of the I'mixpia Val ley Oil Company. The flow is increas ing every day. The depth now is over 1000 feet and oil in abundance is ex pected In-fore a very mue'i greater depth is reached. In addition to the above we are in a position to state that Secretary Mars- Dave Houston, the popular con ductor, is being mentioned for the position of snperintendent of the penitentiary nndor Gov-Chamberlain It is the general opoinion though that the appointment will go to Eastern Oregon. The I'liisi EA1ER Publishing Co. i is willing at all times to send ont a sample copy of this paper free to any ! person residing outside of Oregon, i We desire to do all in onr power to j bring in new settlers and show np i the wonderful fertility of Southwest j Oregon and the tens of thousands of opportunities open to men who have grit, gumption and grace to take advantage of them, j j The Democrats, of New York, held i crucifiction jubilee and William Jennings Bryan's "crown of thorns and the "1C to 1' bnrden of despair j uaa len ,aiJ t rest in the shade of je "cross ofgold" and poor William as gone be-fore the public crying in ZOJ andterror. "O wretched pop I am who sha'l deliver me from the kick of th New York democratic mnlo ration. There will undoubtedly lie in a short time a railroad built from Coos Bay across the Cascade Pangc ami the rich timlier Lands on each side of the road will be in great demand. In fact for tunes await the men who can home stead the timlier hind or purchase it as timber claims at f 2.50 kt acre. There are many quarter sections not yet taken up w hich can be homcsteaded and on which there can lie cut fiom .1,000,000 to 0,000,000 feet of lumlicr. Within ten yeais a claim that w ill rutn.O'm.OOO feet of IuuiIkt will sell for f 15,000 This is not dreaming it can lie demonstrated by actual fact. A man, however, who has a'little money to make a start with can take up the land as a homestead and live on it for five years when the gov ernment will give him a patent to it and while he is living on it he can convert u few acres into a hop field, orchard or general farm and thus make a living while the land is gradually but surely making him a fortune. If at the end of 14 months he thinks that the struggle is too great he can then commute the homestead holding and pay the govern ment f 1.25 er acre 'for the land and a patent will Ik; issued. Then there is another way a man can obtain a South west Oregon Isinanza and that is to take up the laud as a timlier claim and pay the government 2.50 kt uere and n patent will lie granted at once. If thousands of the men in the South who have grubbed out farms on the Ioor, blackjack ami scrub oak lands, and are notf devoting 15 mouths every year in arranging for plowing, planting, cultivating, gathering and disposing of their cotton crops only knew what a grand opportunity there was for them here, there would lie a regular exodus from the kingdom of cotton to the Garden of the Gods. Great Central. resentative of Chief Engineer Kinney to secure quarters ami ojien offices here, ami he w ill remain in charge of as resi.ieni engineer. Mr. Lindsley states that Major Kinney will come to Rose- burg early this week, and as soon as the necessary details ami preliminaries can lie arranged engineers will lo put into the held locating the line of the new road, lioth east and west of Rot jburj. This is certainly very gratifying infor maiion, as it indicates mat tlio time is not far distant when the long wished for direct railway communication with coast ther more, within a reasonable time after the accomplishment of this much de sired object, the road is to le completed through to an eastern connection, thus making Koselmrg tlm junction of two transcontinental railway lines aud fix iug permanently its position as the mc- tro(olis and husine s center of South em Oregon. Our jKople gladly welcome the build iug of the new railroad as its advent will doubtless bring to our city and county a large increase of popu latum ami business as welt as tlte es tablishment of many new enterprises manufacturers, etc., and bring about a siieeily development of unr great and varied resources. Myrtle creek Co. Striks Oil at 1600 Feet. ters, of the il Cowiiany, received large lmttle of crude oil from the well at Myrtle Creek Saturday, which he ex lnbite.1 at tins office, ami which seems to le oil of a line oiialitv. It was not expected that oil would ! struck at tin well nmler :M feet, hence tins tine showing at only PiOO feet is very en coiiraging, and great developments seem practically assured when a depth of few more hundred feet is reached. It is also an assured fact that with a pay in oil well at Myrtle Creek, other localities in this coiintv in w hich a like forma tion is found will Mirely produce oil paving quantities. This is the first re- gon oil well in realitv as well as name, Ca'rie Nation at Yale. Xew Havev, Sept. :. Mrs. Carrie Nation was on the program for an ad dress to Yale -I'niversity students here today. The students laughed her down at everr aUeiiii-t to proceed tilf idw finally left the platform in desair. His Life in Peril. "I just seined to have gone all to piece?"," writes Alfred Pee, of Welfare, fex., "biliousness and a lame back had me a iHinirn. I couhln t eat or fclecp and felt almost too worn out work w hen I liegan to use Electric Pit ters, but they worked wonders. Now sle;p like a top, can eat anything, hav gamed in strength and enjoy ban work. They jive vigorous health and 1 f A 1 k new me io wens, sicitiy, ruiiilown peo ple. Try them. Only .Vte at A C Mar' ters drug store. He Learned a Great Truth. It is s lid of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley : "Why do you tell that child the some thing over ami over asam?'' " Wesley, because once telling is not enough." It is for this same reason that you are I old again and again that Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy cures colds and grip; that it counter acts any tendency of these diseases result in pneumonia, and that it pteasant aod safe to take. For sale bv A C Marvters druggist. ' For Sale. A -aO acre farm, 1 1 miles east of Pose nrg, plenty of water as creek runs through farm. 15 acres cleared and un d.'r cultivation, the rest is covered with iOod timber, aliout 3:) liearing fruit trees wo years old, a fool liox house, and j.rn, a snap at 500. Enquire at this 1ice .. 015p For Sale. An ideal home on the banks of the Pinpqua, 12S acres lying up and down the river. Farm house and stables. Good orchard now Learing; fine garden and meadow, all situated on county road. Fine place for goat ranch. Address O. L. Williams, Drain Ore. Vetch, Vetch, Vetch. The value of vetches to the Douglas county fanner cannot be over estimated. Leave your orders for seed at the JKuig las county Creamery, and they will lie promptly filled large or small. tf. Lilac Circle, Attention. AH mcmlicrs of hiluc Circle No. 4!, W. of W., arc requested to be at the regular meting, Tuesday evening, Oct. 2, at 7 :30 o'clock. Circle will be called to order at this time. Mrs. Skiimiheiik, ( Mixxie Otkv, Clerk. x. Do (iood It Pays. A Chieugo mini has observed that, "(iood deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the latter are worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helping hand. You cannot jsissibly loce by it." Most men appre ciate a kind word Mini encouragement more than substantial help. There are" ler8ons in this community who might truthfully say: "Iy good friend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamberl .in's Cough Keinedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no danger whatever from piiiiemoiiia when you use that medi cine. It always elites. 1 know it for it has helped me out limiiv a time," Rold by A C Marsters, drngaists, i A TERRIBLE TUMBLE.? At Burr's Music Store Cor. Tay lor & Wilson Block, Roseburrj, SOME VERY STARTLING PRICES. Doxeua of Mew 1'lanon and or- Kan and Home l'ed oiicm at I.tb Titan WUolcMale Price Ureal Hale lia Commencd Special I'.HHy TerniH of Paiiutiit, A great special sale of the vcrv choices'. high grade pianos has commenced at W, A. P.urr's salesrooms as jht agreement i-omiueieii w uu j.uer s 1'iaiio House re cently. 1'or the purisisu of closini; ou. the stock of fine pianos and organs re lHscssed by them from T. K. Pii .hard sou, and for thu further purpose of iu trouncing li or more of our Imest iian a 111 the lest bonu s of hiehiirg and v cinity, winch can U'usetl In- usas future reference, we inaugurate a great sacr ncesaieoi every piano ami organ in stock, including the vcrv finest ami most costly high grade instruments evr seen 111 Koschiirg, together with a num ber of slightly used and seo.nd hand upright pianos and organs, all of which are to In: disposed of at once. Pianos that were heretofore sol. I fr '50 and t7C0 by other dealers can now be obtained at Purr's closing out sale the Richardson stock for ti'iit, f f is si , tXi. There are no liner or U tter i anos here, in Portland or in San I'ra i- ci-o; nor is it necessary to ay all rah down. No additional eharae. exce l simply iuterest, is made when ea.--v monthly jayim-nts are desired. It Is Well to Remember That The faaey upright Xcedhani piano that we offer now for $2-"; ha never been sold heretofore for less than and a line little Hin piano, which is alsohiteIy as good as new although the case shows some slight wear and a few scratches, which we ari offering for could never be oht a ined for les tln f'J7 , and w ill never le sold again for less. This indicate" that here you cin save enough money ia the purchase of a piano to fairly educate the entire family in niusfe. In"t fail to pee these very lat-st style, s;rictly dejsindahle and fully wir rauted regular fWO pianos that are n w g dug for fiV.; down and fJO a month buys them. Several second hand pianos, also iu gol condition, f..r ?ll"i and 152. We want thee out of nur way at ou.-e." Organ Parlor and church organs. Uciikii. ber we are head-piarters for everything pt-rtaining to read and pij-e organs, chapel organs lare and small, large to manual pipe orjin f..r t hnn-ln-s and cathedrals, tiny folding organ for mis sionaries and camping parties. Peanti ful walnut and oak cased Kiinha!!. F. -r-dctt. Crown and other tnahes of paier organs. S?e the fin new solid walnut easel Xeedhain parlor organ that we are now selling for f-V; f d w n and f I a month. This same instrument ia never U-en sold for le th.iu t ) hereto fore. Other instrument also brind new, for to f-O up i. f .r the fanciest exhibition st le, very ma-ive and heavily rarved parlor organ t ver shown in the city. Mail order will receive prompt and careful attention. Send for large illus tratl catahnige. fr,v for the x'kiiig. PeuiemluT the city an I place. W. A. BLKS MUSIC STORE' Taylor A Wilson Pl-ck, lloseburg, lire. Ran a Tea Penny Nail Hand. Thrcuih His While ojniiing a lox, J C Mm.t, of Three Mile Pay, N. Y., ran a ten nny na l through the fleshy part of his hind. "I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would canse me," he tays, "and immediately applied Chand-r-lain's Pain Palm and occasionally after wards. To my surprise it removed all paia and soreness ami the injured farts were sxn healed." For sale by A (..' Marster, druggist. Death of a County Judje. Judge Piley, of Curry county, was stricken with paralysis Last week and died Friday at t o-ll IVach. He had Iieen judge of Curry county since 1S&4 and was re-elected to a third tern at the last June ehvlioii. For Sale. Our rortr in West PoSelurg, household goods, wood, horse feed, road cart and brand new buggy, a new- s teel range, etc. Call on P. C. Talr, near Soldiers' Home, any day but Satuiday. Outef Death's Jaws. "When death secmM very near from ! a severe stomach and liver trouble, ".hat I had suffere.Vwith for years," writ, P.J Muse, Durham, X. C, "lr. King's Sew Life Pills savd my-life ami gave ler-! feet health." Pest pills on earth and only 25c tit A C Marsters drug store. VI 1 l Si? j I MmtmmmimmtmmmmmmmmffimiK P. T. Alwayii said that if you could get the other fellow l taik alsiiit you it wai the bolt kind of advertling audi lelieve itfrora theainoimtof businesn we have Imesincu our commit itr ha-s U-en trying to fell these three measly pianos which he got a month ago. "Keep it up brother for it is d ,ing good, but I ma-t contradict some figures which are outrageous. They say that figure won't lie but the li'? is out aod we must correct it, for we never sold pianos at such prices mentioned.- We sM a atyle t. Cl.ackering to Dr. Hamilton for H"0, one to Judge Hamilton for f t 3, one to Mrs. Mary Campbell os f 475, one V, J. F. Parker for $ ISO, and a style E. to Frank Jordan, of Cottage Jrove, for l-0. and the very large-it and finest Style X. to Prof. Fred Applehoff for 000. Kimball have dd at ail kin li of pri.-s, V.'e un d.-r-jtaa 1 tliat Ir. Purrows paid ftOO at Filers for a Style 5 Kimball, and Filers representative while working U,r me sold Mr. Hevaney a Style 5 for $3.j0. We alis isjld Dr. Houck a Style ft for fW, and ML-- Plan, he Piddle a Style . for fbss than M0, a Style 8 to the Drain Normal School for fM, a Style S to John 11. Southland for Zr3, a Style 6 to Stonewall Southerland for tOJ, and one Style 5 to Mrs J. P. U-wi for f i7. These are figures that do not lie for the purchasers will substantiate the above figures. I am no selling ci makes of pianos for less than 200. The proof of the pudding m the eating, and the proof of pri.,-e oa pianos can be found at the T. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon. Real Estate Transfers. Geo. . Poork et ux. to Jas. Conner, I JO ; all of blocks 13 and 14, except lots 1, 2, 3 ami 4, of each block, in Wilbur. E C. Donaldson et ux, to John W Sweet, 5; D. L. C. of W. II. Piddleet ux, in sees 2S, 2-., 32 and 33, tp30s, r west, aud certain other lands adjoining, amounting in the aggregate of 2,054,45 acres. O. & C. R. B. Co., to W. II. Foster 120; se'4 of nw4 ami ue' of s4' J sec 25, tp 20 s, r7 west, f235.!s); lots 1 and 2. of sec 1, tp 27, ami sw'4' and w 'j of nw'V of sec 25, tp 20 s, both in range 7 west, containing 2"5.S0 acres. Grant Levens et al, to M. A. Holmes fl ; se4' of nw?4 of sec 20. tp 32 s, r 5 wett. D. S. Peasley to II. Wadsworth, -); sw'4' of fee 2i, tp 24 s, r 3 west. E. II. Wise to J. T. Pridges, J00;sw '4 of see 12, tp 22 s, r 5 west. M. A. Holmes to Geo. II. llebard. H00;se'4of nwcf sec 20,tp32s,T5! we-t. Geo. E. Moidton et ux, to Warren Lewis, f.Tj0;ne,4 of iiwl4 of see 33, tp 31 s, r 4 west. John Ijcrn to M. U- Parks, 1500; n1. of s-4, s'4 of ne4 and eat 20 rods of f w 4 of i.e"4 of sec 33, tp 22 s, r4 west containing 130 acres. Geo. K. Singleton etax, to Max Weiss f!tiV; lots 13, 14, 15 and I5, in Mock 87, Second Southern Addition to Rosediig. GORTON'S wis au wnnt MINSTRELS Joskpo tioKTOV, FcKiud-r aid TrfipriettT C.C. Pkakl, Manager C. W. Vbeelaxd, Representative PPESENTIXG Eetirely New, Costly and L'p-to-date features WELSY PEARL. CoRTOS A LEE VI. SEWIoS, B'JREI.Ul ERu3-, CELKONE PEABX TELL, ECU EXE IUJOTT, l-AWAR EARNER, SEWTOX BRS, J.VS. K. LYONS. CE STCS7.MAS, ASD TWENTY OTHERi 'Beautiful Electric First Part" The Croat Crescent City Quintette Aineriean Novelty Pancing (Juartette MATCHLESS STREET PARADE, liorton's Solo Biind Daily Concerts. WATCH! WAIT! SHE! Roseburg Theater ONE NIGHT. OCT. 7. Seats on Sale at Strong's. Homesteads Timber Lands O. L. WILLIAMS Land Agent, Timber and Homestead Locator. Pel feet satisfaetion vrnaranteed or no loeation fee. IVst of references. Your correspondence solicitel. Any information reirardiusj the cli mate, soil or productions of this sec rion, gladlr furnishel free of charge. Address O. I.. WILLIAMS, Sep. 4 Drain, Ore. THE HIGHEST IDEAL of the master tailor's art. Every style, no matter how extreme, may be found in the famous C K. & B. custom tailored clothing. Individual ideas pervade the entire line, giving each suit that made-to-order appearance desir ed by every lover of good dress. Our assortment of these goods is very large and embraces every style that may be desired by the 4 most fastidious dresser, and best of all the prices are so reasonable that every man may be well dressed for a very small outlay of money. Sold by Wol ten berg Bros. BARNUM I Notice for Publicatiou. !.ii orrin it ewwk;. oEf . a r,, ii Kotice n ht-ri-bj ctrtrn Ihkl th- !-. ntn'-l wtU h fi-l rol'" h: in'eat: to mmkr iuu n.4 in ut;..k: r.( L. !:n nl , o ,. , " '-"L ' . Onion, on tvt-r 2. ln t:- Hi-SRV . Wt-T. j ooH.K. X V. O.forttxs-VniS'V';, s. S.Tp-j li.ii. K. 4 We-i. i olwid ia.l Tlx: ( Ktrh.Uetnoa W ;r. John Broad u! k-tiu o oi;a. a.i ; M'n.r tree. Orecoa. ftg p J T. B..n 5U-c-ir Notice for Publication for Lieu Selection No. 3241. r.Mlintr, 'r"ji. s-i-i i;. how po.l.-lS'-e l.lrr It I'uri'.aii-l, v. ware i)'.ini fin w uui-r ; f.-Ti'-l lrm : LHl N. -!. !! S. !. T;,. JTs . K. 9 wr; W nhi ih cm lLiriT lii! ifoia ; .rx'f cci tii- -ncntl Lac-l oC-tc. j t kk;: t.:f.r IT HELP5 YOU to keep your Diind ceir and fn-h the daily bo-lne,- problems if yoa et bread bought at the Umprjua Bakery Our bread Ls ma.le from the lot Jar, aad is alwas FRESH AND CLEAN (iive as a call. j ' ProprU-tors New Tattie Cl-Lj., Nrth Jaeksn : tr. 000000OOCK000 A. SAL2MAN I g Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician O n P arnes a complete stock of Watches, Clocks, $ Jewelrj', Diamonds ? hailu iw.rAIKIQ A SPECIALTY. ROSEBrEG. ORE? OCsfCCK00000XXX000!CK MXTII ANNUAL EXHIBITION' Second Southern Oregon District FAIR ROSEBURG, OREGOPJ Ootober 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, 1902. Fine-Stock and Poultry Hxliit, Fruits, Grains and Vegetables, Xew aud Interesting Features. Pine Speed Program EacH Day Liberal Cash Prizes, Large Special Premium List Greatest Fair ever held iu the District. Good Time Assured Everybody Come Usual Admission Price. 5? j530rfc-.3 -r?-C I SIEVER'S BAKERY, Jkson 5tr $ - near Cass J t WK AUK STILL IX TIIK I.KAD WK AUK STILL IX TIIK I.KAD WITH Ol ll , Fine Cream and Homemad B read We came to Rebur- to May, ,. i( ils , , the trade in the lutun- as in the past, e wi.l he her,., a k.nS time vet Join in the,m ,.f we'd pleast customers who can be seen cou- iiiuiuiy passing in anl out of our J THE BEST GOODS J. M VV. W. V fh th h rU f Wl f f -o t-- -f- "What everybody says must be so." THE NEW TRILBY and the WILSON AIRTIGHT Aro the two HKST HI- ATHRS ever eo!d. 4..' TJC ft S. K. SYKES, Hardware. 4 A Wrat of Ti w Dew!ed Land- pili cf 5 pre are.! for filing oa Govern- j OlSat Laiid. I . .... ; L. il P'-iTit of TlTni-hip Mat' showing i ' '.-afit t-aa is, Uae IMnlxr i-ich. fHAHK E. ALLEY, irCXllXCCX : A ; ' JL JJLi iJ7LiC J QX Plans an: Estimates for all Build- Special deslzns for Offke Fixtures ; tCC la Pu:ld;rp. 'Phone 435 ( T.'irr-r..- trftwr I ... i l. Itifc.- j wlwit NiL nLLlir nuJ a 1N5LRANCE AT C05T. II..l OS's, JitJl;snt:::(. Orjoa .J.:i!t.of ;nnrar.ce ia f.-ree. lll.O.dWXO ; run in one year, j Savir.ii iu member 1 SO.ocl.s) 22,3 A i A. J". Buchanan, It-jse liar?. ( ireon. A rt. i. .r Douglas Co. Title Uuarantee& Loan Lo. 1. i tI:tTo. I Oder ra tS toirt IT.jc- Jlt-r- sb- nm i am. r?: T.--'-a !' i !. Js i:jp i r- . r. s. 1; i-. and Silve rware WITH Ol ll stum AT LOWEST PRICES I". SISVERS, Proprietor 5 . 13 I i 11 I