The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 29, 1902, Image 4

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    His Stepma.
I knotted 4 little cmlfror once
As onery ns could lie ;
He'd chaw and swear, run off from
And jxisU'r lieast and tree ;
Kept all 1 lie neighbors' dogs afeared -
And hall their winders broke;
There couldn't for that Tommy Tuff
One iirais-in wont !e sjioke.
But by and by bis nui was dead
llis jia met Widder Green "
And courted her: she parleyed eom
'Cause Tommy was so mean.
Bnt last she said she'd give consent
If noitrhlwrs, friends, and kin
Would promise to let nieddlin' ont
While the broke Tommy in.
These mentioned, knowin' things was
Saw some thine must b.i done,
So all agreed to keep hands off
And let bis stepma run
The yonnter; well, she used the twisj
A little, bnt not much;
Bat, gracious ! How she used the ax
And Mater hoe and such !
She keef-that boy a ehoppin' wood
And doin turn and chores,
And boein' corn and garden sass
And pcrubbin steps an' floors
Till he was glad to po to school
To get a little rest ;
Yet she was monstrous kind and good
Soon as he'd done his liest.
His busy Lands stirred up bis wits,
And soon that boy at school
VTas leadin' all bis classes; hiiu
They used to tall a fool !
He studied doctorin,' pot to be
A most uncommon man.
All 'cause his stepma worked the vim
That once to meanness ran.
The nerve that playin' hookey takes
'Mkht turn a whole school down,
. j T. i i. i i i:-t.
Ana mat wmcu irva.s iuurr ugm
Might sometimes build a town,
There's lots of onery little tykes
A loafin' 'round tlie streets
Ieed onlv work to make 'em men
Instead of triflin' beats.
Th s Column is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
or blue prints and tiling papers, tf.
Fruit drier work is a specialiy of
Sykes & Carroll, the up-to-date plumber
and repairers. tf
(Jet vour a bstracts of title from J . D
Hamilton.- He lias the only, complete
set of abstract books in the county, ft
Assatixg W. - G. Wright. Grants
Pass, Oreson, gold and silver (1, copper
?1, tin and electrolytic assays.
For harness, or anything in the har
ness line call on F. Lon? & Sons near
the depot. Repairing a specialty.
Pon't monkey with that old stove,
get a new "Wilson air tight at Sykes,'
the price is right and the stove is a hot
one, that's all
D. S. T. West, having accepted severa
old and reliable firs insurance companies
is now prepare! to do a general fire in
surance business. Insure with him.
Office at the City IlalL tf
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct copies of all reeonls
effectir.2 the title, call on Frank E. Alley
upstairs in the Marks building. His
work is guaranteed correct, and prices
are reasonable.
On account of the irregular surveys of
many of the townships in the Roseburg
land district, it is almost impossible to
locate section corners without a copy of
the Government snrvev. r rank fc.. Alley,
Abstractor of this city, has a complete
eet of tracings of all surveyed town&hipp,
and will furnish blue prints of same,
ehowing all vacant lands.
Wbv fool awav time and - money re-
vairinz vour old harneLS when you can
buv a fine new sei so cheaply of V. Long
A Sons at the new harness shop near
the depot. If, however, you are in need
of repairs Long d: Sons wul satisfy your
wants, in short order and at reasonable
pri?es. Everything in the harness and
saddlery line kert constantlv on hand
at prices in competition with the de
Dartment stores. See their fine line of
' trunks and te!escoies.
Fortune Favors Texan.
"Uaving distressing pains iu head,
back and stomach, and being without
aptretite, I bean to use Dr. King's New
Life Pills" writes W P Whitehead, of
Kennedale. Tex "and soon felt like a
new man." Infallible ia stomach and
fiver troubles. Only 25c at A C Mars
ters drug store.
Little Ranch for Sale.
A good little home for sale ; 17 acres
tid joining fair grounds, IJ4 miles east o
Eosebnrg. (lood buildings,' 150 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in culti
vation. Price 11225. For particulars
riouire at Miliken's shoe store, Rose-
al tf
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
With family around expecting him to
die, and as on riding for life, 13 miles
to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
eumption, Conghs and Colds, AV. H.
Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured
death's agonies from asthma, but this
wonderful medicine gave instant relief
and soon cured him., He writes: "I
now sleep soundly every night." Like
marvelous t-nr.f of Consumption, Pneu
monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and
Grip prove it: matchless merit for H
Throat and Lung troubles. Guaran
teed bottles OOc atnl l. Tri'l bottles
.free at A C f arsters drng store.
Smith's l)i ndruff Pomade
Cures' dandrnff, ecwma, itching s:alp
and stoj falling -f tlie hair. One ap
plication st; iu-liiiig a!p, three to
six applicatiotis removes all dandruff.
Doctors and drtiggitts regard it as the
etandard remedy for dandrnff and all
jU liing, sealey skin tlineaf-es; price 50c,
St all druggists. Hook on Catarrh
Address Smith Bros. Fresno, Cal,
sale by MareterFllrng Co.
A Parson's Noble A
''I want all the world 'o
writes J. C. IJtidiotig, of At!,;i .
"what a thoroughly good and
medicine I found iu Electric
, i:. 1.
I'.i Lters.
They cured me of jaundice and liver
troubles that had caused me great ruf
fering for many years. For a genuine,
all-arotiii'l cure they excel anything I
ever taw." Electric Bitters are the s r
p:i.-eof all for their wonderful work in
Liver. Kidney and rftoinach troubles.
JVi't fail to try them. Only 50cts.
Satisfaction is giiaranteeil by A C Mars-fi-'f,
ryrooi) wanted ox subkcijp
v XI'JX. Those having promise
wood on subscription or who det-ire to
Iay their arrears with this commodity
will please bring it in sometime this
month before tbe rains feet in. tf.
$ioo Reward $ioo.
The readers of this paier will be
pleased to learn that there in at least
one dreaded disease that sience has been
able to cure in all its stages and that is
Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh leiii) a constitu
tional disease, mini res a constitutional
treatment. Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destrovinu the foundation of
the disease; and civinir the patient
sireitptii iy untitling us uir t inni iiium i
i :,.:..... :.. .)..:....:. l.
ii nisi...B ...
The proprietors have SO much faith in j
its curative powers, that they otter line
Hundred Hollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni
als. Address F. J. Ciikxkv l o.,
Toledo, O.
old bv Hruccists, 7.V.
Halls Family I'ills are the liest.
Bids for the exclusive privilege to run
a restaurant on the Fair grounds during
Fair week will ba received np to e'ept.
25, UK)2. Also for all .other privileges,
stands, etc. F. A. 51c Cau., Sec.
In the t'trouit Court of Ihe Slate of Oregon,
for Douglas county.
W. A.'fcrkinsantlT. n Bledsoe. 1
partners, doing business under the
nrm name ol i"erkin 6i Bledsoe.
t'lainuffs. I
vs )
B. C.:Miller. J. M. ! rranoe. 1. W. j
DorTanee. l'ortland-Savings Bank.
Corporation. Jos. B. Heald, t'ajo-1
line A. Healil. J. T. Bridges and j
Belle Biidgfs. l'U-irlauts I
To J. M. Drraui-e. H. VV. IKirrance, rortlaud
Savings Bank, los. B. Heald and Caroline A.
Ueald. five of the abovo named defemlanta:
you are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint of the above named plaint) fTs in
the above entitled Court, now on tile in the of-
fioe of tht lerk of Mid Court, on or before the
l.lth dav of October, WW; and you are notified
that, if von fail to apnear and arsner said c-im
plaint as hereby retiuired, the plaintiffs will ap
ply U me wuri tor me rvue. ueinanuca in
iheirsaid complaint, to-wit: That an error in
aid plaiulitTs title to the following described
real properly, lo-wit:
Besiuninc at a point 3ni'J feet ea't of the
northwest corner of the aouihwest quarter ot
the southwest quarter of section M. Wwuship 21
hoathof range 5, west, of Willamette Meridiau,
thence cast 5TU1 1 fee', to the west side of the
right of way ot ihe Oregon & California rail
road, thence south '', degree and 1 minutes
west along said right-ol-way 6U0 feet, thence
north 14 degrees aud 1- minutes west S-'i feet to
place of beginning, rantaiuiuf two acres, the
same beiag in Douglas county, Oregon, be cor
rected and reformed, and forever quieted. That
niaintiffs bi decrocd the ownets in fee simple of
said premises, free from the claim of defendants
aim caen oi tueni.
This aummnns is served by publication in the
Roseburg flaindealer by ordt-r of the Hon. M.
I). Thompson, county judge ol liouglas county.
Oregon, said order henig made on tne day
ot August. lo. Tbeuateolthe first publica
tion 01 mis summons is anion js. ixt, ana tne
date oi the last publication hereof, is Oct. V,
i;x: louis,
aS-o9 Attorney for fliiutlfTs.
Xotice if hereb given that we, Sydney Ro
bert Hamilton and Catherine Alfred Hamilton
being the parent and lawful guardians of
George Alexander Hamilton, a minor, all of the
County of Douglas, Slate of Oregon, do. this
day, by mutual consent, and with the fnll
knowledge and approral of all parties concern
ed, give and grant nolo the said ieorge Alex
ander Hamilton, hia lull time, with power to
act for himself in his business and other rela
tions. We will not be responsible for the debts
that may be contracted by tbe said George Al
exander Hamil ton, nor shall we claim hia earn
ings from the date hereof.
feigned, thia lath day of Angiist, 1902, at Rose
burg, Oregon. 8tiist RoKKBTHaaii-Tos,
Notice for Publication
I'nited States Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon, July 24.
Notice is hereby riven that In coreplianc
with the provii-ions of the" act of t ongrets of
June S, )s.. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands iu the states of Caliioruia.uregon
Nevada .and Washington Terriiorv." asexltnd
ed to all the public land state by' act of Auguat
of Slvrtie Creek, counts-' of Douglas, state of
Oregon, has thia dy lilil bis sworn statement
No Ut3 for the purchase ol tlie fc'of section
24. in township laent y-eigbt.sontu rante 4 W.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone toan
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver ot thia.
oliice of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Wednesday, lite Va day ol octolr. 19i'2.
He names as witnesses- luis Hlaudacher. ol
Oakland. Oreson. Am-f Harklsirth, Ira Mile--,
both of Myrtle "rt"c:, Oregon, and Karl Ohme
of Oakland rcgon.
Any and all irs)ns rlaiiuinT aJver-e'.y the
above described lai.ds are rcu.t -d to hie their
claims in this of tire on or l . ore said rah day
01 ttctober, 12.
a4t P-M'T.
Notice foi !?c.bli?2.iion.
United Rtatea I And Oftire.
Rocebarg. Oregon June 2u, 1t2.
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the act of Ikingresa of
June S, li7S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber Nnd in the .States of California Oregon.
Nevada and Washington lerritorv' a extended
to all the public land elate by act of August 4,
of Seattle, county of King, state of Washington,
baa this day tiled in this oftiee his sworn slat
ment No. 272. for tbe purehasf of tbe J-1. X W1
and lots S and 4 of section Xo 2 Tp. 2, H west
and will offer proof to show hattbelaud sought
is more valuable for its timber or rums ttuin
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before tbe Kegistet and Kecciver of this
office of Roseburg. Oregon.
on Monday, the l.;th day of October, 19.T2. He
names a witnesses: Lanrencr- buiagarner. ji.
L. paniding, Heatlle. Wash.. Wm. it. Fortcr:
Allen Wilson of Camas Valley, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely tbe
abore-described lands are requested 10 file their
elaimsln this othee on or beiore said 13th day
of Oct, ljtj.
Notice for Publication.
United Slates Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, At.jr 6. 19U2.
Kotfce is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S. 178, entitled "An act for the. sale of
timber lands in the H tales of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,'' as extend
ed to all the Public Land Slates by act of Aug
Bgt4 1)592,
of Rosebnrg, connty of Donglas. State of Oregon
has this day filed in this othee ber sworn state
ment Xo. 310. for the purchase ot the r-E'i NE
FttE!4 J'WJ BBJi of section Xo.
township Xo 'j'-, & range Xo. S nest
and will offer proof to show that the laud aouehl
is more valuable for its t'mber or stone than
for agricultural purpose, and to establish tier
claim toasid land before . L Dimmick II SCnm
missioner. at Oakland Or-gon, on ThursJay.
the iird day of oei ber, 19 . fche nauea as
itnes-s: Ida :. iiles, John llogan. John
Hnrton, Kdwin Boobar, sli of Rosebnig, Oregon.
tnyand all pe s ins claiming adversely tbe
a ve de'rit:ed land an- reu'iestol to file the-r
c.aiins In tbisoflioe oa or btlore said ttnl day
of Oct. 1902. - J. T. iJKibJEs,
el4p K:-gisler.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited States Land Ofllce.
Roseburg. On-gon June 20, 1;m2.
Notice 11 hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congret of
June!), It's, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Mates of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to ail the public land states by act of August
4, UW2.
of North Rend, county of King, state of Wah.,
has this day filial in litis ofbee his sworn Mnte
mcnt No. 277.". forlbe pun hsse of the j s
A, X'j HW)i of w- No. 21 iu Tp No. :l. It. a west
and will offer proof tosbowthat tbe land sought
; is more vaiuauie tor its limner or sioue man
1 for agricultural purifies, and to establish his
vano beiore tne nexiMer ana receiver 01 tni
otlice of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Monday, the l.ilh daynf OcIoImt, Ir2. He
names as wit tieses: liartlctt f rw in.of Seattle,
Wash.. Win. M. I'orter. Hale ISoren, All'n Wil
son of Ckiiios Valley. Or.
Any and all cron aiuing adversely the
alsivc des4Tilrt'd lands are rcuiiested to file
tbierclmms in this ollii c on or Ix'fon- said l:ith
day of (K-tuls r, l'JU2 J. T. IJitl la. EM,
jyllp Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited Hutes Ijind Office.
Ttoseburg, Oregon, June '27, l'.i2.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with tbe provisions of the act of emigre- of
June .)&;. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands fn the Steles ol California. Oieyon
Nevada. and Washington Territory," asexteud
edUt all the public land states by act of August
of nllace, coiiniy of SbiH-iioiie, stale of Idaho
bus this dav tiled in this office his sworn slate
ment No. 22::. for tlie pundiase'of N' Xh1;, HIV
li NE'4. NK'i MV; of section No. :tt
iu lowiisblp No. :u soiilh, range 8 west
and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
is mora valuable for iu timber or stone thnn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver of thu
ofllce of Roseburg.Oregup.
ou Monday the l:iih ilav of OctolHT l!sr2. He
names as witnesses: Allen Wilser, Win. f.
l'o.ter. Jessie Klrkendall and Win. K. Davis all
of Camas Valley, Oregon.
Any and a!l rsou claiming adversely tlie
above described lands are rctjucsti-d ti tile
their claims in this office or or before said l;ith
day of October lSMJ. , -J.T. ERI IX.ES,
7 KeE'.ster.
Notice for Publication
Vnltod 8tates Land ofllce.
Rout-burs, Oregon, July '-'4. 1!HM.
notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Oongresa of
June X, 18. h, entitled "An art for the gala of
timber lands in the stale ot California, Oregon
Nevada .anil Washington Territory," aextenil
ed to all the public laud atalea by act of Auguat
4, law.
of Oakland, count v of IHmirlaa, mate of Oiritoii,
has thii1ay tiled fu this oftiii his sworn tUaU'
mcnl No :M:ft lor Hie mtri'liaso ot the sW'j of
Hi'nty-four, township tweiity-eiKlit S. R. 4 W.,
and will offer proof to show that the land south!
la more valuable for its tlinter or atone than
t... ....u. ......,...,. t aataKliuh ttta
claim before the Keioster'aud Receiver of this
v b, w
on ttts nesdnv i'j l.itn aav in m-ioncr. i-Ar.".
JU, ,,., , Uitiu sses: Herman Vcutskv. Amel
Harkliarlli. Ira Miles, all of Myrtle Creek, Ore
gon, and Karl ohme, of Oakland. Oregon.
Any and all persona ciaimtiig auvenwiy tne
aovedtrriliel lauds are ieUeted to tile Iheir
aims in tills oiin c ou or hvlore the 1'itJ day of
tK'tobor, 1:1. A
J. T. UKllH.f.f,
atp Itegisler.
Notice for Publication for Lieu
f election Nos. 3242, 3243
and 3244.
United States Land Otticc.
KosebtirK. Oregon. Sept. -1. 11VU.
Koticc is hereby given thst A B Hammond,
whose postitlice address ia l'orlland. Oregon,
has made applii'ailou to select under the Act oi
June 4, lsi'7, (:i0 stats.. :tt) the following deserlb
ci trai ts. Usl No 3242. SK1 j Mi sec 4. tpil S.
K K west
It No SJ4:l, all of sees 2, 12 and U, tp 27 S.. K
9 west.
I it No 3?H, all of sec , tp fT S., R ! west.
Within the uext thirty days from data hereof
protests or contests against the sclcctiuu on Ihe
vmund that the land described, or any portion
thereof. is more valuable fonts minerals man
for agricultural purpo-'". will be received and
noted for report to the Coaiin ssioner of the
lieneral Laud Otlice. J T BRIIKIKS.
Mi Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'niUtl Slates Ijind oilice,
Rweburg, Oregon. July IT, l'JUi.
Noliee !s hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congresa of
luneii. is., cnuiieo "An a t lor tne sate ot
11 mlier lands in the States of California. Oregon f
Nevada and Washington Territory." extend
ed to all the fubre Land SUles by act of aug
ust 4,
of Koavhnnt, county of Douglas, stale of Oie
gon ha this dav tiletl in this ioe his sworn
statement No. 2W. for the parchas of the NKt
of Section No 12, tp 2S snath, R 4 W.. and will
otter proof in show that the land sought ia more
variable for its liinoer or sioii" than for agri
cultural purpose. and to establish his Claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Rosehun:, Oregon, en Thursday
tbeth day of Novemb-r l'A) tie name" as
witnesses: Lalayette Ja'-ktan, Jaims McMul
len, C A Chapmau. of Rosebnrg, Ore , 8 W Ray
less of Myrtle Crfek. Oie.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ahore described lands are requested to hie their
claim in ibis othee on or beioresaid bill day of
XovembeT,l902. J.T. BktiM.ia
ap Register.
Notice for Publicttion.
Tnlted States Land Ofllce.
Roseba'g. Oregon. Ang St. 102.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congress of
Junes, )S:s, entitled "An art for tbe sale of
timber lands in ihe States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington lerritory," as-extended
to all the public laud state by act ot Auguat
a. is?.
of Snohomish, county of t-oohomt-h. state of
Wash, has this day filed In ttisottioe bis sorn
statement No o7 f"r the p'irchase ol the lot 2,
B'jXt1;. NEKV';.secC)lpi) south, rante
7 west and will offer proof to show that the land
sou glil ia more valuable for its timler or stone
than for agricultural purposes, snd to establish
hi claim to said latel beiore Waiter 6 Itrilt, V
8Ckiiimiasionr, Ridd. Ore .on 8alurtay the
l'eh dsy of Xoveuitw t i- He names as wit
neases:' Peter Durch, Hoi, -Uu-khsrt. of
borg. Or., Isaac Winninga n. a la. Or ,
Del X Ranks. Seat lie. Wa-ti-
Any and all perao ia claimina derve'y the
alsive descrilied lan-is are njueted to tile their
claim in t his office on or beiore said l'-th day
ol November, 1SJ2. J T ittillX.lkS-.
4p Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited Sta'es Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon, Aug. 30, 1-A)2.
Notice u hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of tte act of Cngrr of
June 3. 'sTs. entitled "Au act for the sale ot
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada and Vt a-hmjton Territory," aaexteud
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, lse2.
of s-attle. (in care ot Frederick Nelson), county
of sling. Mate ot Washington has this day filed
in this office his sworn statement Xo 33lt. for
Ihe purrhaseof the SK',. N'j HK of s-c
Xo U. tp No V sonlh, range 7 west ano a 111 of
fer proof loa.-iow that tbe land sought is more
valuable for it limner or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and tn establish hit claim 10
said !ad before Waller Bntt. ('. 8. Commis
sioner, Kiddle. Ott rn, en Saturday tbe ."-th
day of November, 12. lie names as witness
es: Peter Dnrch. IVtcr Riirkhart. Rosebnrg,
"r., Isaxc Winningham.Olalia,, 01 W llliam 11
ilereer, Snohomish, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming c!versly the
above d?srrioed lamis are requested to file their
claims in this otlice on or before raid 15 dav o'
Novemtr, lss."2- J TBKilKiEs'.
Mp Register.
Notice for Publication.
fnltcd Stales Land OfBee.
RoselHirg. Oregon. July 12, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ot tbe act of Congress of
June .t. . entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Mates of California. Oregon
Nevada .ami Washington Territory, "as ex tend
ed to a.l tbe public land states by act of August
4, IttfJ. a
of Camas Vallcj, county of Douglas, state ot
Oregon has this day tiled in this cftiee his sworn
sta'ement No 'ixti for the purchase ot Tot 2 and
S ! Mi!;. '!, r;E'i sec Xo 22. tp W S . R W
and will offer prod toshow that the land songtt
ia more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purpos. and 10 establish hia
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Wednesday th Lilh day of Kovtmber, 1902.
He Lames as witnesses: W II B.iren. Al Crouch.
John Met ail. of Cam Valley, Oregon, Fred
Stewart, Ki'seburar. reon.
Any and all persons claimiof al-er"'y tbe
above described lands arc reueted to file theit
claims in this office on or beiore said I2tti day
of November 19U2. JTbKitX.ES,
sip Register.
Notice for Publication.
Dniicd Sta'ea Land Office.
Rosebnrg. Oiegnn. Jnly 12. IWi.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provb-ions of the art of Congress of
June 3. isth. entitled "An art for the sale of
timber lands in the Mates of California, Oregon
Nevada arid W ashington Territory." as extend
ed to all the public land stales by act of August
4, lay.
of Melrose, county of Douglas, state of Oregon,
baa this day tiled In tin othee her sworn state
ment No 4, lor the purchase of the b'j SK1;
aenlion No 24, township Xo 20 south, range w
and will offer proof to show that the land (ought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to es'.ablish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver ol ttua
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on f riday the Hill da? of November. 1M2 Hhe
name as witnesses: Millar t Callahan. Ward
ton, Ore.. James Beasley. Roacbnnr, Ore., Kd
f'iiler. Cleveland, Ore , Mortimer Woodrafl. of
Melrose. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
aliove described lands are, requested to file their
cMms In Ibis office oa or before ssld Mih day
of November 19U2. J T BHIIXjES,
l Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited State Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, July 19. 11SI2.
Notice 1 hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe art of Congress of
June 3. is, 8. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Mates of California. Oregon
Nevada .and W asbiugton Territory," as extend
ed to all the public laud states by'act ol Auguat
4, 13V2.
of Jacksonville, county of Jackon, state ol
Oregon, has ihisday filed ill this otlice his sworn
statement Xo. .sOS. for the purchase of ihe
lots :t, 4,9 and 10 sec Id, tp :;! 8., range H west
and will offer proof loshowthalihe land sought
is more valuable lor its limber or stone than
for agricultural pur're, and to establish hla
clctiu before the Register aud Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Thursday, tlie 2nd day of Oetolier, l'Xr? He
names as i itieswi': William MctCcau, Myrtle
Creek, Ore., Nicholas Defsch, Jacksonville. Ore.,
N i (Juininlngs aud Krod 1'wiuettc, of llirscbiirg,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
alrove descrilicl lands are requested to tile their
claims fn this off ice on or before said '2nd day
of October, l'Jirj, J. T. BRItlOKS,
J2lp Register.
Notice for Publication.
i'nited KlatcsLaiid Office
Roseburg, Oregun, June 11, 1-Jtr2.
Notice I hereby given that ill compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June a, 1I7S, entitled "And Act for the sale of
timtrer landsfn the Htates of Cnlifonila, Oregon,
Ncvailaand Wasiiiiiiiton Teintory," aa extend
ed to all the Public Land blalcs by act of Aug
ust 4, 1SJ2,
of Carnal Valley, conlily of Douglas, state of
Oregon, bus this day tiled in Ibis oftiee his sworn
statement No. 2714, forthepurcbsseof lliu
ofseetion No. 20 in township No. 3U H, raugo
No. (1 wet, and will idler pnaif to show that the
land soii'jui is more valuable tor Its Umber or
stone than lor agricultural purposej, and to es
tabiisli bisclatin tosald la:id iHjforv the Ktrfs
ler and Receiver of tbfs ollie at Roselmrg, Ore
gon, on Tbunxlajr, the lh day of October. i'Jo.
He names ss Hale Roreu, William
Davis, Richard Dick aud Jess Kirkeudull, all
ol Catnsa Valley. Oregon.
Any a' d all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are reiiested to Mo
tbeir claims in this oftce on or before said 9th
day ol October, liU J.T.BiliiiRi .
A Register.
Notice for Publication
Tnited filaU a Land Oftlca
Roseburg. Oregon. July no, iyo2.
Notice is hereby given tfct in compllatic
with the provisions of the act oi Congress of
June a, )sTH. entitled "An act for the sal of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada ,and ahlugton 'i'errltory'asexlend
ed to all the public laud states by act ol Auguat
4, WW.
ot Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas state of Ore
gon, lias Hits dsy tiled In this otlice her sworn
statement No :toM, lor the purchase of lot one,
of section 2, tn township 'it, a. range a west.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
ia more valuable fur its timber or atone thnn
for agricultural pursises, and to establish tits
claim before the Register and Receiver of thia
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Saturday, 1'ie 11th day ol ncbilipr. 1!B.
Hhe names as w itnesses: John Hall, nr., John
Hall. Jr, IN Hamilton, and 0 E White, all of
Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tlle'ihelr
claims in this otlice on or bclorc said lltb daj
of October, 1W2.
J T llKllxiKS,
j:'U Register.
Notice for Publication for Lieu
Selection No. 3241.
l ulled States Land Ofllre.
Roseburg, Ore., K-pt. 4, l'.MJ.
Nolice is hereby given that Kredeiick A.
Kril.s. w hise postotllee addrcst is fotllnnd, Oi
egon, has made application to select under the
Act of June ,lt;,(; I stats., :M) the follow ing
descritKj tract List No :i2ll. Sec 10. Tp 27 ti.. R
V west.
W ithin the next thirtv dys from rtnte hereof
protests or contests aimlust ihe seli'ctiou on the
grouud that the land described, or any portion
tin-roof is more valuable lor its iiiiueraU than
for agricultural ul'l be received and
noted for report to the Comniitsloiier ol the
tietieral Laud Oilice, J T UblDUES,
Notice for Publication.
I'nited States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon. Aug 6. lyoi.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ol the act of Cougrcn of
June 3, l;s, entitled "An act for the kale of
limber lands in the sit of I'alifom'a, Ore-
- nu'uum umi i ii r- uuiii; aiki aimn
. t i ... .nab.i,..,.i:.. i
by act
of August 4, 1KC',
of Rosebnrg. county of Douglas, Slate of Oregon
nas tnis aay men iu inia oince ner sworn atatc-
nient No. XIM. for the pun-hasc of the K1. NW
W XE1, sec. No. 24, Tp. No 26 8. range No.
9.wei and w ill oiler pool to show hal Ibe la- d
sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone
than lor agricultural pu-pises. and to establish
her claim to said land be ore Z L Dimmit k. U 8
tUiminissioncr, of Oakland, Oregon, ou Thurs
day, the 23rd dav of ctobvr, l-'2. She nsmi-s
asuilnes-ea: li 11 Jenkins, John Hiarsn, John
Barton, hdwin Bmtbar, all of Riateburg, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming advens-ly Uie
above described lands are requested to hie their
cia-Dis in inn oniee on or beiore saiu jrd day
01 oec. ivl-i. 4. 1. Bainoas,
AUp Register.
Notice for Publication.
L'niled Sutes Land Office
Roseburg. Oregou, Auj. (, l-"2.
Notice Is hereby given thst In compliance
wita tne provisions 01 iLe act 01 l otum ol
June 3, IsTs, entitled "An Act for the salt of
timber lands In the Stales ol California, Oregon
Nevaoa aiMi w asnuigton ictritory." aa extend
edtoail the Public Laud Males by act of
August 4, P02,
John hociax
ol Rovbnrg, county of D.nglas, stab; ol Oregon
has ibisday filed 111 this ofli.-e his sworn state
ment, Xo .IKS for the purchase of Ihe lots 1, 2,
ana m.',oi sect u: 11 o. , iowiiiiip a, t.
range 8 west and will offer proof b show that
the land sought is more valuable lor its limber
or stone llian lor agricultural purposes, aud to
establish biscia m to raid land latere Z I, li
trick, L 8 Commiss-oner. al aktand. usv,
on Thursday tKe i:rd dav of N-u-b r. Vtfi. He
names as w itnesns: Ma C Oilea. ik-ll Jilikln,
John Burton, fcdalu Boobar a.l ot Roseburg
Any an I all persini claiming alversely the
above de-r:beU ands are rei nested 10 B.e
tlieir claims in thiaoftW-eou or before said 2 id
day of oei W2. J. T. URIDOtS,
14p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug i. 11
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the poviiotis of the art o Congrasa of
June , b. emi'.lel "An -l far the saie of
timber iantfs i n the Mates id California. Oregon
Neva-4. and V ashington lembirr, aa extend
ed to all the Publt1; Lu I States by act of Aug
ust 4,
of Roseburg. conmy of lamglas. state of Oregon
has this day t.lel in ibis nia sworn state
ment Xo :1M 'or ti e pun-base ol the lots 1 ami
4. 8' j Xw 4ol sn'Uoa No 4. lowuatiip no s 8
Range Xo. 9 W. aud will offer prof to shoi
that the and songhi is more valuable for iu
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his cia'.in 10 aald ian-l t-fore
Z L lummii k. I Bl'omimwlonrr. at Oskl.n l
on-gon, ou Friday, the 24ih day ol October 1 2.
lie name" a wun-w: l'-hn llocau. latnn
Burton, John Mrockway, timer (,u, ail of
Ruseburg. Oregon .
Any and all pervins claiming alverst ly the
above deseri oe 1 laid an- n-m-ti t file
their claims in lais oUice ou or 'a-iorn sai l ?ith
day ot Oct. I'ajJ. J. T. BKlD.rj
a Up Register.
Notice for Publication.
KosSHi-an .Oregon, Ang 6. 1J02.
Notice ia hereby given tbat in compliance
wiih ihe pririsKins of the act of Congn-aaof
June 3. lala. ent.tle-1 "An an for the sale of
timber lands In the SlaU-s oi Ca Kornia. Oregon
Nevada, and W ashtnrton lerritory," as extend
el to all the public laud slat by a. tot August
t, 1 sua
of Koscbirg. county ef Douglas, suit of Oregon
has Ibis dav CUd In this odice ul sworn state
ment Xo litl lor the purchase ol tbe et'i oi
lion Xo. 4, in township No. 8 ol Range
No W and will otTer proof 10 show thst Ihe
land sought is taore valuable for it limner or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim Iu said laud l-lore L L I'lta
m ck I' 8 Commissioner, al Oakland, Oregon, on
riday tbe .'lib day ot October. i. He namej
as w i meaner : John llogsn, John h rock way
Kdwin Boobar. l.liuer Otie all of Roseburg,
Any and all ersoos claiming adversely h
abovw-dcscriijed lands are rr-j nested to Hie Iheir
claims In this oiLce on or beiore saia zitb nay ol
Oct. uui. J, i. Bsuini&ft.
aH? Register.
Notice for Publication.
Rosibucu, Ore Aug 6.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the act of Congress of
Junes. l"a, entitlel "An Aei for tbe sale of
Timber Lauds in the Siau-s of California. Ore
gon. Nevada, and Wahingbn Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Land stales by act ol
ang nit, iwi
of Koaebnrg. county f liouglas, btale of Ore
gon, has thisday hied In this otbee ber sworn
statement Xo. xiTn, lor the purchase of theriEJ
of section Xo. 2, tow nship VG sou lb. raugo
west, aud will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for 'is timter or atone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
ner c aim losaiuiana b i"r i. L, ininunck
u commissioner at lakland. Ore? in. on
Thursday, tbe Jinl day ol octobtr, Ivl- rjhe
name as w itnesses: Lr.nLa K. elevens, Edwin
Boobar, John Btockway, John llogan ail of
itoseuurg, orejon.
Any and all rersons claiming adversely the
above deseritn-d lands are leu tics ted to file
tbeir claims io this office on or beiore said IS o(
oetlWli. J.T. BRIIXiK.8.
1V4P Reg-.ster.
Notice for Publication.
l'niled Elates Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug 6, i:J2.
Notice is hereby glveti that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Ccngrcsa of
June 8, l.s;x, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber land in thn mates of California, Oregon,
Xevada and Washington Territory," aa exu-nd-ed
to all tlie i'ubl.c Land b la tea by act of Aiil
IHI 4, Wii.
of Rosebnrg. i-ounty of Douglas, (Slate of Oregon
has tins dav tiled In this ofllce her sworn slate
meni No.:i7 for the purchase of theh'iNt'i
fK'i N'.v;;, nei; kw .f section So. 11
township No. 2i aoulh, mnue X .
9 west and will Oder pr. of to show thst the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
alone than lor fgncultiiral Mirxxu-s. and to
establish her claim to said land before 1. I, Dim
mick, V H Commissioner, at Oakland, Oregon,
on Thursday, the trd dy of oc ohcr, 1 J. she
names as ul messes: Edwin IWliar, John
Hrockway. Johu llogan, Lorvralue M htctciia.
all of Roseburg, Oregun.
Any and all i-er-ons claiming adversely the
above dosr-riraM lauds ard reiiui-s-.ed to hie their
claims in this otlice on or before snld tlrd dsvof'. J.T. bRltx;s,
HP Rcfelsler.
Notice for Publication.
I'lilted 8t:tt.-? Lend Oilice,
Rosebnrg, On-gon, rune 2, I'.ui.
Notice is hereby given that fn compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congresa of
June 3, lh7K, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Htates of California, Oregon
Nevada. arid Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all tbe public laud stales by act of August
4, lhWt
of Iliirl'lutton, county of KkaKtt, slato of Wash
ington, lias this day lil'-l in this otlice h's sworn
statement No. 'WI lor the purchase id the HE'
section No. 1h, ton imlilp Xo. :il 8 , It No, li west
and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone thnn
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
cliutn ts-lore the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, iregon.
on Tuesday, the Jlfl dav of Octol er, PKrj, Ho
nanus as wllnesi sr.. Mrs. f.'luirloilc K. Ilanluy,
TlioniHS K linnley, M rs Flora M. Khnlinou ol
linrlington, Vh'., trank Kiln-art, Oakland
Ore;; m.
Any an I all ersons claiming adversely the
abovwdescrib-d lauds are iepirsied tp Hie tlieir
cU-iiisIn this of!k pr or be'ore said 21st day of
October. Mi. J. T, liKlDCiEH,
.J-'P Regisier,
Notice for Publication
Vnlted Hlatoa Land Ofllce.
Roseburg, Oregon, July, 21, 1'.I2.
Notice IB hereby given that In comollaitra
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June .1, )k;x entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds In the Mutes of California, Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territory." asextend-
ed to all the public land itatea by act of August
of Myrtle Creek, touuty of Douglas, state ol
Orerun, baa tins nay men in una ofllce Ins
worn statement sn lor Hie purchast; of the
NKI4. sectlou 24, i)i JM, south rsn ie 4 W.,
and win ot ter nrooi to snow mat ine land sought
ia more vaiuaoie lor iim iiuiuer or atone than
for agricultural puriMiaes, and to establish hla
claim before the Register aud Receiver of thie.
flic ol Roseburg, Oregon.
nW'vdtieiay the 1Mb day of October. l'J02.
Ha names aa wilnes.s: Karl Olime. of Oak
land, Oregon, Ira Milea, Herman V. iilxko, liotli
I Myrtle reek, Oregon, and Luuts Htaudachcr.
ol Onklaud.Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lauds are requested to til" their
laims in this otlice on or bclorc said loth day
ol October, l'JU'J.
J. 1. KKll.tiKM,
alp Ri'gisu.r.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited Stale Ijind Oftlce
Roseburg, Oregon, July 1, lv"2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, ISTK.eiittlled "An act for thu sale of
timber lands In the Miateof California, Oregon
Nevada .and n aHhington lerrliory. ' asexteud-
ed to all the public laud stales by act of August
4, ISL'i.
IN Alt r. KOI. 11
if Ro-elnrg. county ol iHmgiiiK. slate of Ore
gon. has hleil in tins onice ins suorn staie
luciit No. for the piin-baK- of the V. f7
( see. No. 4 111 tow nt-hlp No. 'Ji, solitli, K. 2 vc t
and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
Is mure valuable for its. Umtsr or stone liisn
for agricultural purposes, ari.l to estat.lirh Ms
claim before the Register aud Receiver of thl
office of Roaaburg.oregon.
on Friday the 2llh day of Octola r. IK-
liames as witnesses : John . Cox, Matbew I,.
Wilson, ol Ro-burg. ore., Oram lav lor ot onk.
land. Ore. and Fred llob-tuub of lilide. tin-goii-
Anv and all i-rons claiming adversely .lie
alaive deia-rila-"! lanls are rt-iiesie-l to tile
tbeir claim" Iu tln Hue ou or In-lore said 2lih
day of Oi-toU-r, list! J T. Itlti la.l-j..
jynp iw-aiier.
Notice for Publication.
t'nlled States L:ind Oftiee.
Roseburj', on-gon. June 'Jt, JtsC
Notice U hereby given that la compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes. . entitled "An act for Ihe sale of
timber lands in tte States of Callfornia,Oregnn
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asexteud
d to all the public laud states by act ot August
4, Dt'i
f ncburg, countv id Douglas, state of Ore
gon, has thisday tiled in ibis office his sworn
statement No. 7ss)f for the purchaNe of the Yi
Ml'-;, st-lj n'i, ,' r-'i ol section -o.
10 in township M south of range 1 wi-st
and will offer proof tosbowthat the land annght
is more valuable for its limber tr stone than
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office ol Roteburg.Orexon.
on Fndav, the 17th day uf Octotar, lWi He
names as wit nesse: Fnl Y. (jim-k, James I.
Fergus.n, 1 hoinas J. Ferguson. Jihu, Dubeli all
of Roseburg. t iregon.
Any and all iiervons claiming advcrvlv the
above dest-ribe! lands are .re.iii-iel to hie
Iheir claims in this office on or liebtre r-aid 17th
dav of October, lssii. J. T. RRlla.K".
jyltp Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited states Land office
Roseburg, Orri-m. Au 14 1902.
Notlre is beret-y given that In compliance
with the provisions ot the ai t of Congress of
June S. isjft. entitled "An act for the saie of
timber land in the States of Cali'oroia. Oregon
Nevada .and a'hington Territory," as extend
ed to ail the public land states by act of August
4, Usfi.
of Van county of Wba e-vm. stale v
Washingi i, has tnis day tn til othee hi
sworn ststeweat No ?i'-t, fer the paehase of
the .i,kc No l-'.tp N) JsJi.h. ranee 3 sm
and w til offer proof toshow that the 'and ajiight
ia more valuat-ie for its timber or stone (ban
for aa.-irultural purrw-t. and to establish t.s
r'siui before tte l.eiiter aud lcriver Una
o'AUt ut RosebuiT.orcfon,
on "-alardar. tae liuav d Xoven;ber. Fe
catarsa wt'.new: K W Phitiia. o.' Eh-llcb.
M ah , James H MifSDrtoa. M iliiam W right, of
Mynic Creek. Ore . C. Delink of Kiibunr. Oie.
Any and all person claiming adversely re
a love der ri bed lauds are reitmted b 6ic their
claims In Oua orbevr oq or U-, ore af-l day
of November i J T RKi li fc.
alp R-isUt.
Notice for Publication.
t'ai'd .ati Land Office
R-awoorg. Oregon. Aa 14. 13.
Xotbx ia hereby givo that it iximplap.i e
with the p.- visions ol th-act ot t .m. in of
Jnnei t.'. entiiiel "An a-t t .r the m i-f
ttuiber IsP-ts tn the Slates rt Ca'i-omia. 0.Tn
Xera-la and Wa.bington Terrilo: .'' as exi-n.l-ed
toa'l the PnuliC Land statev or aclof Aug
ul 4- IsA!.
of E'luk k e tun.y o. -kru. sts'e of WvMn
toa. bas mis day il1 tn th a -lire I Is s.m
k.atemeni So-::.'), ihe pit-iia-eof t!i SK'4
ol M-. U04 No li. li Nj J aoulh of ranie 1 w.-
aad will offer pmol uisb tbe lauilsoegbt
Is more valuable for its turls-? or stone than
f-r ariruliuTal p-j"i--, and t- e:al.l.h t.s
rlMrn betoreibe Kiuier and Receiver of thJ
otlice of iuaeburf.oreguu.
mi satnioav. i-ie I h day of Novn-b -r, l'i.
He name at wi-.-iee-' r.lsn- Fi-.emsn o(
Van andt. Wa.H . tames II S.ilineton. Vtill
iam i,-,ht ot My lie Cm k, rc., C l Cl.nk. of
Rinebnrg. 'rc.
Adv snd all persons clairsiig a lve-lv 'be
ataire d sc. i bcl la'ids a(e requested o 'e
tiielr rtaii-ta In this oCice on or isrfore ai-l 1 th
day of Nov., lti. J. T. BRIM.K
sip Kigit-r.
Notice for Publication
I'nited Pt-.tet Lind OSce,
Rosbu-g. Oreg-n. Jaly : 1. r. .
Notice is terri-y given that In compliance
with tie provisions of tl.e set of t'ongrca of
June 3. isTH. entitled "An a. t f r the sale of
timber lands in li e State, of California. Ore r a
Nevada. and aahington Terriiorv." asextend
ed to ail the public Land state by'act ot August
4, ki.
of Jltrtlr- Ceeck, coi'l of la-ui.s. state of
Orr-pm. has th-s dav b'ed in th so-cceb-ssworo
stvtement No. , C t. for the purchase o," Irvsj a"d
4. and svt ' of X A .t. see. t. low n. Mi R, 1 V..
and will oiler proof toshow thai the land songtt
is more valuable for Its timber or stene than
for agricultural pure, an,i to establish hla
claim before tbe Register and Receiver of this
oliice ol Rose burg, Oregon.
on Saturday, the lltb dav of Oct da?. ij
He names as wi.nei - John lla't, sr., Jo-jn
Hali, Jr.. I X Hau-.l.oj aud C O rtbiu-, a'l ol
V y . tie Creek Orr.on.
Any and all persous c'aimlnt atrerety tel.
above decribel lauds atr rruuested to fl -e'lbei
claims iu this office oa or buore said 1-in da
o. October, 19UJ.
j. t. BRirw;"-:3.
ilp Re isle
Notice for Publication.
fn'.ted Stste Ijind Office,
Roacburg, Orexon. July. 1, li
Isotlcela hereby given that lucomp'ianee
with the pmtlkionsni the act of Congress of
June S, eiitit e l "Au act for the r-a o of
timber lands iu the statu, ol California. Oregon,
Neva-la and Washington Territory.'' as extend
ed to all the Public. Laud Status by act cf
August 4,
of Rn-elmrg. count v ; lai-iglas state of Ore
gon, ha this day flicd in in'sotpce bis mug
statement No ix',7 for tne rii'-chae o,' tbe s',
X', of section No. 4 townsuip li o., R. Xo 1 wis
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
ia mom valuable for its timber or stone loan
for agricultural purposes, and to eial lish his
elaiin before the Regi.ter and Receiver of thu)
ofllce of Rosebnrg, Oregon.
o.l F'llday, the J'tn day of Or.oher, 1-H.t He
namea as witnessi s; lohn V Cot, Ox-ar X.
Kolb ol Roseburg. 0te.,0 ant l aylor, o.' Oak
land, Or, and If. i ilo comb, o' Ol ip, ilT-.nti.
Any and ad p-or t e-ann,ig a-t errelv "the
abve deacriU-l lam's are iv,iiH-sled to file
their rla-ms In this oilice ou or beiore said 'Jlth
day at Oct, lri.
J. T URID0F.-t
Notice for Publicatiou.
fnltcl .a.cs I.iml Oftiee.
I'oscbifg. Ot.'.oii, June ai, l'wj.
N'r.tlce is l.erei-y alven that In compliance
with the pn isioiis of the act of emigres of
June a. in.., entitled " An act for the i-ale of
timber lands in the States of California, Orcson
Nevada .and ashiiiKtou Territory," asextvnd
ed to all the public land stales by act ol Auguat
4, IbVi.
of ftosebiirg. countv of ioii-;ias. sia'.e of Ore
gon, has this day fi'id ill litis oitiee his swoiii
statement No. 1T7M for the ptr-chase of the S
of suction No U, t -nsliip No. i-.i soiilh li. 8 W
and will offer prool tosnon thnt the land sought
Is more yaliia!-le for lt timber or st'one than
for agricultural purse, and to establh hit
claim Imfore tne Register aud Receiver of thia
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
on I'lnirailay. the hi day of Oi-IoImt. IftU. lie
iiaiiu-s as wlinc.-vrs: ' William I'orter. Halo
llorcn, M. Kirki-mlall, Alva ltrow n nil of amas
Valley. On-gon.
Any and all la-rsoiis claituiiii; adversely Ihe
alaive descriUil lauds are reiiested to tile
t liei,' I'lalius in I his oltii'e on or beiore s.iid lilth
day of October U-U. J. T. Ill: 1 1 . l-.s,
Jyllp Register. .
Administrator's Notice.
Nolii-c Is hen-by sivon 1'ial the muli-iIgniM
a, on thrt Mill ilay of Aiikuhi, 1'...i.', I,y tbe
llfiuiitjr co'H-t ol Uoimlas t-oiiii'j, On-i-on.
duly apriulntci executor of the rtile til ll,-iir
t'ariliier Hron 11, ilwi-annl. All ;iuiaoim li ivnij
t'laliiis analliKl tlie aM osilatc a?e lic-n-t iiiUi.
flu I to prwin llu'm, nipcr y reriiti'-l, to me ai
Klktnn, Dime aH r.muty, lln'iui, within !
nioiitlis from Ihi-ilntn of Hits iidIIi u. ami ait'
Ifisoun Imlrotcl Io tlio rs ato aru livrt'by iiott
tiel to pay tbe eaine tn 1.10.
JJateU Au4U3l lltb, 1X)2. ' Simusl II Rhown.
JiXtfll lOf
Professional Cards.
Attorney-a t-Law,J
Court Hob
K0HV3tfRa, OM
Q V FISUElt, M. D, .
"Physician Surgeon.
OfBeo over P. 0. Kobkbubo,
'I'hooe Main 591. ' Oregon.
QU. CiEO. E. 1I0UCK,
Pliyscian & Snrgeon.
OBce Review Bid.
fhuue. Main 81
Special hllentioa given bj Diseases of the Moa
and Throat.
Office Main Bt., one door south ot Ct tills
Phone. Main Ml.
Review Building,
leivpht-ne Xo. 4.
Office cpoiil
Sis un If all
tt- CflAWFOUD,
Attaomoy at Law,
Booms 1 at. K ars;crs Bidg.. ROeU0R3, Oft
ttar-Builness before the 0 8 Land Ofllce and
Humus casus a specially.
Late Receiver U. 8. Land OCoa
Rose ttuo, Oiuoosi.
Buxinjai before D.8. Land Offloeaad Fiobat
business a specially.
0!Bc Abraham Buildioa.
Wll pracUce in all the 6 talc and Federal Count
Office to Marks' Bidg., Roseburg. Oregon.
Attorney and Connbellor at Lmw.
M rung -Lmw and Water RigbU made
a t pecialty.
aaJUrrsBU ROoeBCBG. 0RE005
A t torn ey-at-La w.
. jmi l and t
sarslew Building. RCkSEBC Rat. 0&K(KJ)i
J A. BUCHANAN, Xottrj FablrC.
Collections a Specialty.
Room I
Mai iters Bftdiaf.
Attorney at Law.
Taylor A tsiuon Block RoagBCaa.Oat
i. t.m", c. a. Eiiitstist
rrar.i-e ii a'l ot thecatt of thj
bet are tbe C.a. Last de;-,nnl.
Tailor A -tl'aoa Block,
ta e, also
Notary Public in oiuce VI a: o i
Yoncalla Real Estate
Timber lands karab-d aud for sale tioo 1 bai-
gainsin farm praprriy.
AMI.U Iniitio-liatelv, 10,000
it:tie I'V eA-tera hoine-rek-
rs whoilesire to parch ae tli-
re-t from owners, ranches
L rinf, mil r.ivevl and unimproved Uadj
aI tily pmi-erty. Vrit il roa've anv-
taitig to sell.. Adilroi',
II waco, Waatlx
Trespass Nolice.
All jiorsons are hereby warned not to
tesian, hunt, fish or camp on the
tun of the Curry Ktate. I"ci-jin8 doinn
.t) wiii ne protvutou to the fall extent
fl the law.
Estate of X.CrRRT,
(Kt'.X IaiversJale Farm.
Notice for Publication.
t'nited States Land Off i.
Roseburg. Oregon. Senl. Va.
Xoti.-e ts hereoy given mat the following
!iaiuel settler has filed notice of his Intention
:o mase nnai proni in supart ol b's cla
nnd U-at said proof will be made before tbe
Register and Receiver, f. s. Land off -..-e at
HOM-Duig, urcT"n. on ikovenifter 11, 1921, v IX
eu II. V.. Xo. s;ii fur the tW' sKV. s-e u. Tp
U S., range 4 weM. He names tne brilowing
witness.-, to prove bis rontinn.viis residence
ipon aioi viiuivatina ol sal-t lan-l, vti; J. H
orowu. i. . jonns. jowpn Moi.iiinis, and
nomas .wi-iiiiiuu, all ol -a'evjiie, Oregon,
f-i'? J. T. BR1 lnjfcS, Ri-gister.
' Jiasal Catarrh quicklj ykJJa to tresu.
tnetit by Ely's Cream Halm, which is acre
ably arorniitio. It is received tiutragh the
BOhtrilc. cleanses and heals the whole tni
face over which it difToaca itself. IVunriatg
... ' t l.- rn : rr-- , - . .
ran uis wv. ci.o , aria Btie VJ muii iu
cents. Test it and y0U sxe sure to ffpptiurw
To faocoouoodate tsioee who an partial
to the use of atomizers ia applying Uqatdt
iuio toe wleju passages lor talarrtuu U -j
UUt, the proprietors prepare Cream LWni ia
liqnid form, whloh will be known aa Elys
I : . , v. ... . . r
ucjuia vream iaira. itim including Um
prtiying tube is 75 cents. Druggists ot bj
uaii The liquid form embodiea the oied
srt'Dti iimrssxtue cit t; asjjd plci-wrxtmo.
Oil m Douglas Count j.
The Rich Fields Uncovered lTJill
Rival Those of California or Texas
The old days of Tilusville aiid OijJcity, where fortunes xvctcna.'c iu
a night w.l! be completely outdone by the muKuiEeent oil :
uncovered and developed iu Southern Ore. Till-' n i. !,-,
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the c"eam of SoulUc"",
V"?JJ: - linndred thousand .h.'.d
i n
ct UU CAjJaCbS. '
6 j. 1
Society Meetings.
F. A A. II. Laurel Lotlue No. 13.
II alii regular oieetingB on gceutvi
and ( ortb WedneedaT of each
month. E. J. Stroud, W. M.
N. T.Jkwk fidcrmary.
0. U. W. lioMburif Lodi;e No. 1C.
Meet the secoud and fonrttj Mon
daye of each month At 7 :'.'a) d. m..
in tL I. 0. 0. F. Hall. Membra io
good atandiog aro irvited to attend.
II. T. VfCLALLB, M. w.
E. II. J.fnox Kecorder.
D. .8 West, I'inai . ler.
P. 0. ELKS. BoreburgLodeNo.
320. Holds regntar ccminanica
tions at I.'O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
Ail mem ber ti reqneeied to aiteud retfti-
larlv and all visitinz brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
JV . H. jAMiexoN, h. K.
V. C. Londou, Secretary. .
H. O., meets at Armory llaHevry
Tharsday e yen id, a! 8 o'clock.
K. B. IIamljv, Capt.
EG REE OF P0X0R. MyMicLodae
No. 13. Wiets 2d 1 and 4'h Tbnre-
day eventKsj of each month io 'a
tife tsone' tlall. Vieftine members cct-
dially ittted to attend.
MB8. Jit KIT V JCaT, 1 01 11.
E. II. Lkssuz, Kec.
OF A. Oinrt Dona-las No. 32, For
enters ot Arcenca. Meets every
Tuesday eventnit in Nat;v ,-Sune'
Rail. A'iaitine brothersalwats welc-rta
CliAB, C. K.
Aco. J. Kraxtz. li. .
E. V. Hoovaa, Fbvfciciao.
0. U. F. Phtletarian Lndje No. 8
Meets in Odd Fe.lloxs' Temple, cr
ner Jackcon and Cau etreetr, oo
batorcay eveDing of each week. Aieuri
bers of tho order in trcd e-an-Jiog are
invited to attend.
II. li. tilLLkTTS, N. G
S.T. JawsTT, Kecrttary.
Kof 1. Alpha
every Wedn
Halls'. 7 A:
Lo!ice No. 47. Mts-ii I. 0 O. F,
p. m. jiembers tn
good at indiog tr invite.1 to attend.
G. W. Kimball, C. C.
C.E. Robbsts, K- R. H.
0. T. 51. rrxdevtion Tent No. 15
IIolLi its reirclar Review the
Crt and third FriLiv of ea
month in the I. O. O. hall. Vi.-iti:
metnlat-rs in gxal standing are invited to
attend. 1-. r . r ATTEa.ox, Com.
E, E. Rloogett, Resxird Keeper.
ILAC CIRCLE. No. 4S, Women of
Woodcraft. MrrUon first and thirJ
TbnrikJays cf each monih at the Na
tive Sooa, HaiL Vieiur.e ruetuhe- in
good standiDif are invited to a-ter,.l.
J. E. Sastveiu, Uoardian Ne:Khtor
Vis sis Our, Secy.
A DIES of the G. A. R., Abraham lie
coin Circle No. 2, meets at NtiT9
boo'a liall at 2 a clack on the tte
on-1 and foarth Fridays of each mcn'ti.
O. T. M. Uuf-eborK Uiv No. 11
nous its ruiar revia orn li.e
second and loorth Frila' eve,
of each month in tbe Native rrooa' Ha l
bietera ot other Hives wiiii g in .te ciry
are coraiauy mvneo to atteca oar re
JstVis; l:j,Pp, c
Uatdb E. McCliluji, R. K.
.Oh A. Ms 1 1 Cam N j. t&i)
Meete first an J third Ycir,vdari
each montft atNtive So.-, Kali
. M. Eeard. V. C
Geo. Bybox, Clerk.
E. S. Roaebarf Chapter N x :
Holds their resro'iar rae lira! ( n (t.
Crst aiiJ tii.rj lLorivr. in ttct
nccth. Mst'ing tnemfa-r tn goil
tsndiofc arsi reeoectfuily mvltesl io a!
-rod. Mas. Ci:n Heud, W JI
.Vm. Lirb'.k Ct-n--r, trrtary.
KBEKAMS. R.etnr,i ReWka
ljl,e .No. 41. I.O. O. F'e
O-ld Fellows' Temple evc-rv Ta tfda
eventn?. igitiot suiters and hrethre
litTited to attend.
Peixa Csowy, N. G
Cora Wimberlt. II. S.
rvHiuiv ..j. iuj oi!! everv atur-
I I. v . -
day evening, at S o i !...-k in Ns v
Sun Kail. Vtciting Anieaa t-riial!
invilexl to attend.
Mas.M.Joxes, M. A.
Mas. F. B. IIakux, SevrvUrv.
campo. ira. .Meets at the Odd
tellowi'IIall, ia iUjeebor. every
first and third Monday evening,
me aetpr-non always weirome.
Joux T. Ijxo. c. c
J. A. PrcuAXAM, Cett.
J Ui.i leUow Temj.Ie. Meets firs
ana tfurtl 1 IiurMjv evening eac
month. Visitors corvlutily invited.
. J. B. IlAwaTox, C. P
j.t.. i wxtchkll, Scribe,
Gives Belief at atxa.
It risana. SVmfhM and
beals tbe diseased aartn-
aaddriTreaw.yat.o.lSIAY aVFUp-H
InUtelleadqak v. 1: SlHI I L. V Lll
la slrarld. iis and Hr-H-cta tSe SI -a:
Kfst.ia Rer-s of i sat a - t r s 1
aoe.: Trial -ir t v : 1 1 1.- v . r t r t- i
XT BMol IlKi.a. w Wsr.t-M -inxt. Too..
If you waut
f yon want
If you wad
If you want
If you want
If you want
U rou dna't k 1 1 !
all oa or ad.'-
to buy a
to buy a
na. v ,
rent a
iy7.f;sjijji.j3tUaLMiI.Jil j, ,t lWffia
jwv.4ttatj, vi iue company, or
"Da na Vallev
" . 1
iLl.IfiW I
For a Prompt and Firnt-cLafis
t have or U air-cat. Cornpe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Tools always ia chape.
Bat ha in Connection.
Shop on Jackson f,t. T
Homes from S250 to $5000
Write or Thoue
Wm. IfT, Porter,
Real Estate Azent and Notary
Fi ni ber and flomestead Locator
Packer and QuiJe
Camas Vallej', Oregon
lf iiiileaSMUlii t l E'jrebiirf
l. Ii. RIDDLE, Prop.
AIL ELS os or
Q Fresh Drugs, fledicines,
5 . Toilet Articles, Paints,
Oils. GIas Sundries i
tal by a corrpetent drngglat.
RIDDLE, - - ' 0E0X).N
H. Little,
I Oakland,
ie rrepare-! t wait njion old
and Dtwcnst'jnie.-arii frienda
with a fnll a:i-l complete
atock of
All frcih and o t!.e rrry Lesi
r,ria:itv. -XeAfl aad cfes are
epwciaitlrt. Yorj' patrocage
205 JtlaXJD 2U,
f . . r
DlC.Kll "
CASPAR! t Klim
Paintres, Paper Hangers
and Decorators
Famitur ar. I PLu.. Pt-!:-:j.i.l. Plas-.
ter Pari-- 5'icu-ls and lira; Ee:!ir
j--i jlty. Cv.ri.L-h and t'rauuj Work
414 Su-j.heif .-'.r:-tv
p. o. P. x r. c KDr;Rj , ore .
liest References. 2
All Work Guaranteed
Leave older at Burr's Mni-.'c Store V
O0O0O5O0CK5O0O0O0O0 0
aud MjJn Stxctj
Mrs. Belle Collins
is Atsclutelv PURE, and
will OUTWEAR all other
It rvtr Ua-a! iiVt J.x not earrr it
irr.te to uauJ w.:'. itat tck ei-tit
W. P. fuller SCo.
Portland. Oregon
K-.a-etftg as
Con--! ajrvr
ad c-ii'der
Jl Blip
otigU Wells, Fargo