The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 29, 1902, Image 2

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    -The Twict-a-TTeek
Roseburg Plaindealer
Published Mondays and Thursdays.
V. C.Coxxer, Editor and Publisher
Fred 'Wright, City Editor, Solicitor.
T. C. Kith. Foreman
Twici-i-Vk PLumkiler. per ytar, $1.50
Entered at the Post Office in Roeburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Without it "misfits' and "grafts"
the Albany Democrat woaKl not cut
much jc
Since the Democrats are so hope
lessly Frlit asunder, why not all
agree on Roosevelt? He is consider
able of a Democrat himself. Tele
gram. When yon cease to enjoy living
and the world looks ont of Rear, it
does not follow that yon should
start ont a reformer. A bine pill, a
long work in the field and a change
of diet is what you need.
The Salem Journal facetiously re
marks: h.ugene has a merry-go-
round running Roes by steam and
plays all the time and the editors
call it a Etreet carnival and writes big
puffs for it They must have a free
His honor, the Mayor, is deter
mined to have better sidewalks and
never loses an opportunity to keep
the crusade sroincr. He should have
the solid support of onr citizens in
his efforts.
It is announced that from 6tate
meats made by W. J. - Bryan to
close friends it is not out of the
question for his being a candidate for
the presidential nomination again.
He conlden't even carry the Sonth in
the event of his receiving the nomi
nation again.
A Jewish llabbi recently explain
ed to a number of His fellow country
men, who bad just landed at Castle
Garden, that the American flag con
tained stars and stripes to remind
the people that the government had
stars for those who behaved them
selves and strips for those who do
Mayor Williams, of Portland, is
making a good fight against gam
blin?. He has shut down the bank
games and the poker games and even
the infamous Dewey uickel-in-the
slot machines. He says be is deter
mined that gambling must not run
in Portland, and he is backed by the
best element in Portland.
In tne circuit court at Portland
Inst week the court held that where
the defendant lived out of the states
the plaintiff can bring a suit for
divorce in any county in the state
aesireu. xu iui enso iv woo bw
. that the complaint be quashed on the
ground that the suit was not brought
in a certain county.
Buyers are now canvassing the
prune-growing district, trying to do
business with the growers, and some
sales are being made. W. C. Tillson.
of Salem, reports the purchase of 15
carloads at 41 cents for the 30-40
the ponnd size, and Z cents for the
49s, This is a 2 cent basis with
cent premium for 30s.
The prune harvest is now well nn
derway in this county. Thequantity
in a number of orchards is somewhat
b low the average, but the quality in
lirst clas, bringing the output near'
lv up to the usual amount, while the
actual returns will probably equal
that of former years, tne frnit averag
ing of larger size. The drjmg will
continue for folly two more weeks.
! I -
Congressman Tongue has received
8 reqae-t from Hon. Charles . Dick,
of Oslo, asking him to come to that
st-:t9 and take part in the campaign.
Mr. Tongue is averse to going J Just,
but hss notified Dick that he w:ll
come upon receipt of advicts statin;
that extra help is needed in the dis
trict of Bjrton, the chairman of the
rivers snd harbors committee, who is
up for re-eleetion.
representative Harris, of Lane
co I's.y. has a .d i many strong and
able sopjiorters for speaker of the
nous t at the comtning session of the
legislature: Senator 11. A. Booth, is
quoted as saying recently: As tj Mr.
Harris' candidacy for the fp-aker-sirp.
I am for him, of conrs. Al
Lane county is. He is worthy of the
place, in every way cspable and will
be a credit to onr countj and the
body over which he will preside if
Preparations are now weli advanc
ed for the district fair, to be, held
here d iring the five days beginning
October 7. The exhibit of blooded
livestock will be double that shown at
any previous fair held here. The
outlook for a fine display of pavillion
exhibits is nnnsnaljy flattering, the
li!s of cash and special premiums
being roncti larger than ever before
cir-trel. For thj racing events cf
tlm week larger purses are also offer
e l, and horsemen from all parts of
the state and elsewhere wiil par
ticipate. With favoruble weather
th fcucceas of the fair is beyond
doub .
Oregon Annual Conference in Session
in Grants Pass Many Dele
fates Present.
Grants Pass, Sent. 27. The semi-
centinnal session of the Oregon animal
confeienee of the Methodist church has
been in progress in Orants Puss since
Tuesday. Thesessiou will close Monday
evening. The conference is proving to
le one of the most successful ever held
in the state.- Trcre are nianv visitors
ere from. all parts of the state and
country and they are enjoying, the hos
pitality and IkiIiiij-atmosphere cftirauts
'ass as well as attending to the routine
i business tha must le attended to.
On Tuesday and Wednesday over 140
deUgates and ministers arrived. Some
f these are from the east though the
greater numlcr are from the various
dist nets of this confei enee.
The first meeting ot the conference
was held Tuesday afternoon at the
church. This was the examination of
undergraduates. liishoo Earl Cranston
is in charge of the conference.
Among the distinguished visitors are
Dr. W. S. Gamble, of Kansas ; Ir. W. F.
Oldham, of New York ; Dr. J. II. Tallmt,
of Portland. The gteatest enthusiasm
has prevailed and each and every meet
ing has licen an entire success.
A Grateful Remembrance.
In the early part of the year a devot
ed mother and her consumptive attiicted
boy came here faun Roseburg, Oregon.
hoping that in the dry, pure climate of
this region her son, then nlxmt 22 years
old, would be saved to ber for some
time to come. The lady had means and
secured two comfortable rooms at the
Imperial Hotel, and daily, while the son
could stand the effort, she drove him in
the couutry herealiout. While retain
ing her rooms at the hotel the couple
lived in a tent on Duncan hill, and later
occupied similar accommodations in
lot on the wet side of the railroad
track. The lady has a pleasant, sunny
way about her. and nianv seeing her
sympathetic condition, extended that
comfort which a stranger is always glad
to receive from a goid heart. During
their habitation of the tent people in
the neighborhood would call and chat,
and while the lady would not show or
express anv desire for aid, a cake or
weet loaf of warm bread, or pot of ork
and beans, a dish of ice cream or some
other delicacy" would find its way to the
tent, aud it is safe to say that the kind
ness of the donors was more appreciated
than the substantial worth or pleasura
ble qualities of the sweetmeats.
The other day C. A. Lange received t
large expresse box from Mrs. N. Boyd.
the La-lv iu question, ana a letter in
which she desired through him to ex
press her thanks to the kind ieoi!e of
Red Bluff for what they did for her and
her son, Johnnie, who died early in
June of this year, and wished to he es
eciully rcmomheied to the Woodmen of
the World and the Women of Wd-
craft of this place. In the box w as
eh-.iiia; collection of China, done up care
fully m packages and directed to Mrs.
B. C. (mother) Lanvre, C. A-Lamre, Mrs
J. C. Hamilton, Mrs. Win. Douglas, Mr,
and Mrs. Rotuie Dav, Mis. Win. Dun
can, Mrs. Keeran, Mrs. V. C. Snellin
Mrs. (grandma) Miller, who lives at the
corner of Monroe and Crittenden streets.
Jndd Boyd, Mrs. JliThmvson, Mrs
Eugene Reardon, and Mrs. W. A. Ilsh
Those named a1ve can prcnre the
article from Mr. Lange at the Cold
Storage idant Red Bluff Sentinel.
Wants Timber Land Protection.
The coming session of the Legislature
of Oregon should devise some legislation
calculated to more fnllv protect timbe
of the state from serious conflagration
A suggestion has been made that a hill
be framed with a view of instituting
. .. ....
tire patrol under the direction ol the
sheriff of each county, the tax to main
Lain the patrol to be levied by a s ecial
tax on each distru-t where the jwtrol
desired. The owners of timlier land
would generally be very willing to jay a
tax of this nature. If it were practica
ble to iass a bill restricting the time for
lawfully burning a "slashing" from the
month of Octoler to the 1st of May
much danger of destroying the green
timber would lie averted. While tl
farmer comes in for a considerable share
of criticism in causing conflagrations,
is well to keen in mind that many log
gers are almost criminally careless' i
their met hols, and many serious fires
are attributable to their direct negli
gence. The farmers in the burned sec
lions of Oiegon and Washington iiav
practiably in the aggregate been the
heaviest losers Irv the recent conflagra
tions, hence their assistance in urgiu
the Legislature to pass remedial fire
legislation vhould be easily secured.
Kins Tended a Cow.
The King of Italy is one of the most
unaffvctitl of monarch, according to
Youngman's Magazine, and it is said
that he always carries .with him his
simple and unassuming manners.
A short time ago lie was enjoying a
country walk near Ruecarigo, ami, feel
ing very thirsty, he personally asked a
peasant woman, who was milking her
cow by her riadside cottage, for a glass
of .milk.
"I can't give yon this," said the
woman, not knowing who it was that
addressed her, "but if you will mind
the cow I will fetch you one from the
The King joyously agreed, and mind
ed the cow until ' she came back w ith
the promised milk. When she returned
be asked her why no farm hands were
"They've all gone to catch a glimpse
of the King," she answered.
"Well, little mother, you can see him
now," replied the King, " and that, too,
without leaving your work."
At this she laughed, thinking this
democratic, sirnple-garlied stranger was
trying to jest with her. The King
laughed, too, as he saw how she deceived
herself. Then, pressing a coin into her
hand for the milk, he sauntered off.
New York Tribune.
Wood for Sale.
Best of block oak wood for sale, write
to or enquire of Hexkv Con.n at Conn's i
.-m, or P.0. Roseburg, Or. S30p
Says there Were no More Fires Than
Usual in Reserve.
P. C. Hart rum, State Forest Super
visor for Southern Oregon, arrived in
Eugene Saturday from nn extended trip
along the Military route and the MeKen- river examining results of the recent
In conversation with a Regibter re
porter Mr. liartrum said . there have
een no more fires in the Southern Ore
gon reserve: this season llinn usual
lthough there were only 12 forest
rangers in the field this season as against
2S last vear, showing that extra good
work had been donin preventing tires.
Most all the tires in the reserve were
surface fires, doing little 'if any damage
i gxl UiuIht, so that reports of big
ires In the reserves are nn exaggeration
Outside tires, Mr. l.artruni says, were
hie, largely to burning of slashings
which, on account of dry weather spread
rapidly and got beyond control. Mr,
Bart ruin returned to Roseburg jester-
day afternoon. Eugene Register. Mr,
Bartrnm was on his return home from
Crook county, where he went to insjiect
sheep and sheep ranges in the reserve
Mr. Hartrum will go to Salem and Port
land tonight, on ollirial business.
Gun Bursted.
O. l. Jones, while out limiting in
tiosser Canvon, Last of town yesterday, l
narrowly cscaied lieing injured by the
explosion of bis 32-40 Winchester rifle.
He was in the act of throwing a shell
nto the barrel from the magazine when
the cartridge was prematurely exploded
before it reached the liarrel chamber.
The magazine under the liarrel and the
forestock was liadlv shattered, but
fortunately Mr. Jones had hold of the
gun back of where it bursteland escaped
injury. He proceeded a little farther
and succeeded in shooting a deer w ith
his wrecked gun, by loading it independ
ent of the magazine and leaver action.
Coos Bay Railroad Gossip.
Hugh McLaiii, who has charge oi he
right-of-way gang for the lielt line rail
road, was iii town Sunday. He says
they are making good progress and ex
pect to commence stringing dirt shortly.
Lyman ti. Moo ly, chief of the engin
eers (or the Coos Bay-Salt Ijke railroad
arrived here on important business last
Saturday. It is said tliat Mr. Moody is
to examine and report on the Sjreekels'
railroad I et ween this place ami Myrtle
Point. Snn.
Geo. Lyman Moody and C. E. Cook,
of the Great Central R. R. arrived Sat
urday night via Myrtle Point. They
proceeded to Empire and are loading
np a camp outfit for the gang of survey
ors who will commence at Myrtle Point
and work toward Roseburg. Mail
The railroad crew working this wav
from the slaughter house lias Dow reach-
ed the stave mill with the work of
brushing ont the right of way for the
Pelt Line railroad. The line is now
swamped out from the stave mill to
Pony slough, and grading will soon
commence. Mail.
We dding Bells.
Mr. II. II. Wardrop and Miss Eva A.
Crews, two very "jiopular young people
of Myrtle Creelc, were united in the holy
bonds of wedlock at the home of the
bride's paivnt, Mr. and Mrs.
Crews, last Thursday evening at K
o'clock, Sept. 25, lwr, the bridal' irty,
keeping time to music, passed out
across the hall into the parlor and under
the Ijeautiful arch which had been dec
orated for the occasion. Lev. J. T.
Cotton officiated, after which there were
showers of congratulations. The iarty
then passeJ down stairs and into the
dining room where the table was spread
to overflowing with the good things of
the land. After partaking of the feast
they all united in having a good time
until a late hour and then returned to
their respective homes fit-ling that they
were under many abligations to Mr.
and Mrs. Crews for their kindness.
The following is a list of the presents
received by the bride and groom.
Mrs M A Sly, frnit stand; Mr and
Mrs Baily, set of sam-e dishes ; Howard
Wardroie, set of glassware and napkin
ring; Mr and Mrs Noble "Andrews,
pitcher; Will Armitage, pickle castor;!
Mr. and Mrs Armitage, a Issik; Mr
and Mrs. Wardrop, set of silver knives
and forks ; Mr. and Mrs. Crews, tea set
of 4' pieces; Merta Harlow, set of
glasses; Bertha Wardrop, silver butter
knife; Clara Waidrop, silver sugar shell ;
Mrs Arthur Clark, Mrs B T Conaway
and George Swing, of California, sugar
shell and butter knife; Miss Ignore
Chapman, of San Bernardino, Cal.,
sugar shell with morroco case; Mrs T
M Delong, Martha Delong and Mrs E
Hailsworth, of California, table cloth
and napkins; Mr and Mrs Thnrman
Chancy, of Riddle, fruit stand ; Gar
field Buell, set of China pie plates;
Carrie Buell, cake Ftnnd ; Mr and Mrs
RJ Gray, two towels; Miss Bertha
Rice, table cloth ; J II Hoblw, set of sil
ver teaspoons; Artie Crews, raketand ;
Brin ton Gray, handkerchief ease ; Miss
Temple Gray, silver sugar shell; Mrs
E J Gray and George Gray, silver' but
ter knife; Mr and Mrs Crairck til Oak
dale, Wash., picture frame; Mr and
Mrs II Gray, of Oaksdale, Wash., nap
kins ; Mrs T R and Atha Gray, table
cloth and napkins; Mr and Mrs Charlie
Ritchey, silver teaspwiis and sugar
shell. " J. II. II.
Notice to the Public.
We, the Filer's Piano House, of Port
ami, Or., have just closed the agency
with T, K Richardsm, of Roseburg and
Cottage Grove and after dab; of Sept.
10, 1!K)2, W A Burr it Co of Roseburg I
will handle our tun line oi pianos such
as Chickcring, Kimball, Vose& Son anil
many other high grade makes. We
have arranged with Mr. Burr to close
out a stock of goods which Mr. Richard
son has Hciittered over the country from'
Grants Pass to Cottage Grove. Just as
soon as we can gather up this stock it
w ill be dis,iosed of at your or,u price.
We expect to have this sale iu about
ten days, so keep your eyes on the
Roseburg papers as this will be a rare
opportunity to secure the best instru
ment at a low figure.
Filer House,
Portland, Or.
The "Rotten" Uvn Club of this CUy
Capture Many Prizes at Eugene '
The jK'opleof this city were greatly
surprised last Friday evening to learn
that the Roseburg nnirksmeii had cap
tured the larger per cent of" the prizes
offered by the Eugene Gun Club nt.their
Carnival prize shoot held in that city
Following lire the ten local marksmen
who contested against the best shots in
the Northwest, among whom was' Win
ters probably the lest shut iu pregon
except Abraham, who was unable to
be present and Clark, the champion of
Nevada: 0. B. Cannon, R. B. Mathews
Sett J-ander, C. W. Parks, Roy McClal
len, W. L. Dysingcr, tien. Severn, Walt.
C5ray,,J. T. Bridges and S. K. Sykes,
Kosehnrg won the following prizes and
2nd J-.vent, 2. birds Scott Ijinder,
first, 24 birds, prize, $30; C. B. Cannon,
fourth, 21 birds, 150 khotgun shells,
3rd Event, 50 birds C. B. Cannon,
fourth, 3rt birds, 200 shotgun' shells.
4th Even, 23 birds R. B. Mathews,
first, 23 birds, Winchester shotgun ; C.
B. Cannon, teem id, 22 birds, $12 shot
gun cast' and 2"0 shells,
Tith Event, 15 birds Hoy McClallen,
first, 12 birds, fl.r; C. It! Cannon and 1.
B. Mathews tied for second, 11 birds, 10
Besides the above Cannon received a
bottle of whiskey for fourth highest av
erage and Scott Lander received the
same for fifth highest averrgi. Landers
had the highest single ucorc on 25 birds
breaking 24 birds. As Canuon had the
highest average of the Roseburgers he
received a case of Uht given bv Frank
Kennedy of the Monogram.
Following is what the Guard has tohooi was tI4I,3ii.S,r13.'.W.
say of the r centage of the contestants J
in the shoot :
BYoke P. C.
Ryan, Salem
Winters, Portland
Meeks, Eugene
Camion, Rostburg
I-andcrs, Bosi-burg
Bennett, Dusty
Clark, Eugene
Nickcrson, Alluuy
Templeton, Halsey
Paine, Eugene
Griffen, Eugene
Mathews, Reburg 1 15
Baltimore, A lb.i ny 1 15
McClallen, Roseburg 115
The Roseburg marksmen left here n
the night tram lor r.ugenc, arriving
there early Friday morning and went
directly to the trai without either
sleep or rest anil it is remarkable that
they were aiiw io nil anvumir as the
trap used was exceedingly fast cmparel
it lk the one they have lieenixing.
But as one of the Euirene liovg. whol4'')''
had attendel the noschurg cami-al
said "Boelmrg will sure win somel
prLzes liecaus' thev never sleep aiJ are!
fast enough to catch up with anv trap."
; Ag-ain as one of the ln.ys ha 1 not mised
a bird since "way last Fall," they had a
rhanif and of course after "the buy
who is'nt 15 til next June," killed 24
out of 25 bird. they were all faded
The Ro--burg lsiys report a grand
time anil sav they wen rovallv treated
and drank nothing stronger than "hot
water" during their visited, and the
Eugene cople ;ay that the Roselmrg
lsiys were gl fellows if they did make
h ts of noise. It is pr-ibahle that a big
shoot will lie held here during fair week
The-Bohemia Kailroa4.
The O. i S. L. contra-tor have two
large forces of graders no at work grad
ing for the new rai!radjuioii the second
ten mile extention. They are now
grading through the Mewart farm at I
Starr Postoflice but are several miles
behind the rii;ht-.if-way ganz who are
clearing the way now through the Haw-
ley ranch just this side of Wildwood.
Additional Lccal.
.vial U llknis, the A. U. Li. u . organi
zer, left this morning 1r Oakland,
where he goes f look after the interests
of Home Lodge of that city, later they
exiect to hold a big A. O. I". W. jubilee
at Oakland when several prominent
jicakers w ill be in attendance ami will
stir up what little Mr. Wilkin has left
to lie done.
Seventy-five head of horses to I used
in construction work on the Great
Central Railroad, were placed in pasture
Friday on the A. E. Moler ranch, on the
Peer Creek r4id, w hich i cinsideml
one of the ln-st graxing ranches in the
county. The horses were purchased at
isiints on the S. P. railroad lietwcen
this place nn1 Portland. Mr. Cook, who
is said to have the contract for building
the road lietwecn Mvrtle. Point and
Roseburg has the hoi se in charge and
placet! them on iiustnre here. He was
unable to fay delinilely when construct
ion work Mould liegin.
Manager Strong's next Attraction.
i.ortonsiamou" Minstrel will apiiear
at the Roseburg Theatre, Oct. 7. This
company issawl to lie tlm most elegantly
costumed minstrel organization travel
ing. The first part presents a most
rieaulitul coininiialioii ot colors,') eing
drajiel in soli I uinerolored plnsh, with
old gold trimmings, the effect, lieing
greatly heightened bv the addition 'of
numerous brilliantly colored electric
lights, winch, together with costumes
of costly silks aud satins, form ft picture
of dazzling splendor. The Comjiany pos
sesses an excellent quintette of trained
vocalists who render the latest ballads
and selections. The instrumental music
and various high class specialties fully
sustain the reputation of (iorton's Min
strels and there is no doubt of their be
ing greeted w ith a crowded house.
Ltlac Circle, Attention.
All incniln-rs of Lilac Circle Xo. 49,
W. of W., are requested to lie at the
regular me "ting, Tuesday evening, Oct.
2, at 7 :30 o'clock. Circle will be called
to order at this time.
Mrs. Skhlup.kdk, (i. X.
Mivnik Otey, Clerk. ,
Vetch, Vetch, Vetch.
The value of vetches to the Douglas
county farmer cannot Im-over estimated.
Ix-ave your order8 for seed at the Dotig
hiH county Creamery, and they will l e
promptly filled Inrjre or small. tf.
Asks for $500,000 State Aid. Tw :
Year Tax Levy of 1.75 Mills., Sept. . 27. Five hundred
thousand dollars for the Lewis and (,'larlc
Fair of 1905.
This sum the ways and means com
mittee of the ExHsition will advise tl e
directors to ask from the Oregon legis
lature next January. The committee
reached the decision last night, after a
brief discussion. The vote was unai i-
mons. --.-"
' I-KrtM TlIK Ue.NKKAL Fl'NO. '
the sentiment of the committer was
that the Legislature should appropriate
the moner 4t the fyirfrom the general
tunas ol tltw state. An appropriation
raiseu ov a special tax was ilccme.j I n-
practicable. Mr. Fentou said that tin
appropriation could not lie made direct-
y to the Exositinn," lieciiusc of consti
tutional olmtaclcs, but he snggei-tcd that
the mo.iey given by the state. could be
exjx'nded under the direction .of a com
mission created for the puri-ose. This
commission could co-operate with ! he
fair management, and although techni
cally it would lie a lsxh- vtn-t: d with in
dividual dntn's, yet praetically its w-jrk
would lie iu common with that of ll
The committee will ndvii-e that the
tax to tneet the appropriation cover a
eriod of two years, namely P.M3 and
1!K)4. The amount collected iu I'.rtM and
U)05 would lie $250,000 for each year.
The appropriation could b met by
levy, w'"W4 at most, would Ik?;1'
The assessed valuation ot the statu in
In l'.03 it will
Prolahly be considerably
more, so that
a levy of $P4' mill would meet ren.ire-
rneuts. The levy under which taxes
are now paid is ."i.'J.l tnill-. An a-lditiou
of 1.75 mihs would make it 7.71 mi!N a
evy which woul-1 lie only .7 mill alsve
the highest that has Ihtii imjHistd in
the past decade. In 12 the levy was
1 7 mills on an as-ss.l valuation of f liO,
t Va, (AH.
Benelit Entertainment.
To lie given at the Christian church
on Thurtday evening October 2ml, i'.i2.
by Evangelist J. B. Ilolm.-s, a-si?-tel by
the noted singer Trof. an-1 Mr. Webb.
New optigraph mnv ing picture machine
will U' usl exhibiting many burnt rous
anJ instructive pictures. Illustrated
ongs and other tongs w ill lie remlered
by Prof. Webb and wife. IVin't mi.- it
as the program will le lirst-chiss. Ad
mission, adults 25 cent", chil-lren 15
li - ents. All are cordially invited.. Re-
I metnU-r, at the Christian church ii this
Letter List.
Remaining uncalied'for at the
I burg pos-totfice.
J P.unch, Rev. F. S
Put'.aul, Gto,
Page, Kenyou
Recan, Neil
Steens, C. I.
I.uel, D. T.
1 Christofc-rson, A.
I Foster, Frank
Hu h, F. B.
Minor, Mrs. Nora
Miles, Mrs. Ira
Mclbourn, K.
Persons calling for tl:-e b-tt-r will
please state the date on which iher are
advertised, Sept. 2.i, p.. -
The letters will be charged tor at tl
rate of one cent ea; h.
Wm. A. Fkatck. P. M.
Ju&t Look At Her.
Whence came that sprightly step,
faultless skin, rich, ro. y complexion,
smiling face. I'ere's her secret. S'ne
ues Ir. King's New Life Pills. Result
all orguna active, digestion god, no
beailaches, no chance for "blues." Try
them vourself. Onlv 2oc at A C Mars-
tera drug ttore.
Notice for Bidders.
Bids for digging and bricking a well
or tr e Edenbower School w ill ! rr-
eiveI by the School Riard on or liefurv
pl. 20, For particulars see or address,
.Slip) DL-t. Clerk.
Bids Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of Directors of the 2nd Southern Oregon
District Agricultural Society will -i-ecive
bids for the exclusive right of saloon
privileges; also for pool sebing j: Fair
grounds! during Fair week. Each bid
must lie accompanied with a depisit of
2. per cent of the amount of bid, or it
will not lie considered, bids to U de
livered to the Secretary on or, before
Sept. 2", K02. Th :s Board reserves the
right to reject any and all bids, by order
of the Board of Director.
F. A. MiCu.l., Sec.
5. B. Catarrh Cure.
Is taken internally, actina d:rcct!v on
lm, .! ,coiis surfaces of the
system. It perjneates every tiui I of the
lxidy, eradicate the disease from the
system, cleanses and heals the ftllietod
mrts aud restore them to a ratural,
hetilthiul -cnnditioli. Tor s:s!e by all
druggists. Bsik on Catarrh free. Ad
dress jSuittJid'-ros., Frx-fiio, ("al. For
sale bv Marslers Drug C.
Another Card of
- We, the Richardson Music House, were very glad to Bet rid of a few of the old stickers w hi Ji nu oue want
' ed. One was a style four Kimball with a veay cheap action. I have never sold a ttyto fo'tr Kilall ; "t
one Ilinze with almut the same action as the style fonr Kimball, and the-e with one piano Lj the ex
' tent of what Mr! Burr got out of this great stock of pianos they taikahout. We were very careful to select
-. what stock we wanted before giving up the agency of these g d.. We weli-etcd from this stock a f'-w tine
instruments; one dickering, one Jacob Dal!, one Lcicht, one NV-dham and several organs, and I pai l ,fpot
- cash for same; so with that tork 'and alsiut half a car load remaining from oirr la-t shipment, w hich arrived
" the fifteenth of last moiith, we are j rcjiared to offer these good'at better ic. 9 than any one who has to
- pay the whole sale man 30 pefcent above factory prices, at least that is what we had to- pay and they said
they were going to raise 10 per cent on all their good Any one who di-pute th: may call at toy store
- end I w ill prove it by bjMs rendered from that house. This wiil al.o giv' yen au ir.-ifd t' thu factory cost
of these gisids. Talking of goods being rcattered from Graut I a- t- ('otta" Giiye, tl is ttt in it for
-, distance. We have sold good to parties in Dawson", Alaska, and in Washington, D. C an 1 on t:.r third
Z this month we sold a line Walworth piano to Mrs. Mary Ta lin at Si-lnow, ilonghten o, Michigan, dr
- rect from tTle-factory too. We are now getting all our good direct from the maker, thm . r3i;ig aiut W
'X cent on the good. Can we not sell 30 per cent cheaper and make -jus as much n.oie y and save foryor'
- If you will only investigate instead of believing every misleading ad vertie-iient vou sen;. You have to jay
for that. Ym have to pay the big store rent in Port km I, yen have to pay those high jricd book keeper
ami many other iU-ms that arc added to the price of tie piano that comes tl,roi;u!i th'e Mv eur.vt ru. If
you do not Is-lieve it call as nHpiesteil alsive and I can prove it. I have t!; l iil, for rear Ick
showing that we have jaid the Filer Co. alone many thousands of dollars. Wm wiii .-how up i:: i.ext tse.
what profit we have paid them. We are here to etay, and stay with our cu-toiner in eery r. -je-t. Re
memlier the
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Big Minstrel Comioj.
A strictly high grade, clean, Interest-
lug minstrel show under canvass m a
decided novelty, and that is one of the
reason why Beach & Bowers and their
big company played to the utermcst
capacity of their big tent last night. It
is l.itfi.'er and U-tur. Bobby IVach and
Otis Bowers are, of course, the center of
attraction, and they are as funnr
as ewr. Gilbert S.ironv, tne of
the Ust known eastern vaudeville
artisis, is a strong addition tothecim-
panv, a is the Elks' trio and Hazel and
Smith, the musical team. The big hand
and orchestra furnishes splendid music.
ne of the most pleasing features of a
long and varied program is the'perforni
ance of Bobby Beach's troaje rf trained
d-g. Seattle Time. At Roselnirg
Molr 1, on the lot just S.mhifthe
Ojra Hon-.
For Saie.
An ideal honieon the 1 tanks of the.
I'mtkinA. acr Irin-vtinflml down
, , ... --c -r 'A
the river. Farm honse and stibles;x
Gm"l orrhar.J now hearing; fine garden !0
a.-id 'tnailow,all situatcl on county road. I V
t"in. fi.r tits! rni1i. t.l.trpstf 1 A
O. I- Wiluam, Drain Ore.
Notice for Publication.
I.USOmn IT It'MWd;
. 0t Ot ?". IKS!.
: hcrrr rirn tht the ioriB -
tvxirt ban Skt iwt. cro hi inlmltn
' &stmt pntnf in mpixwi of bi rhilai ami
na !r--l
I ntlp fini: Itninf in "lflwl o
l!it mimI pr. i:t tr B ir "-'rc ijie H-n.virr
tirvf -n. on i.iU-r i 1-. rit-
HLMtY '. Whsr.
on H. K. So ., fc-r lb 6T,iW!i e. a, Tp.
!'.!. K.l.
He itiui-s lif ffti'.irint wiloevw trt t.mvr
hi rinotiix. r.jii-mv upn r--t mluvatiofi
John B'ntn mxA K- uba a i-atith
. all of Hrruc
lain krffi!T-
Notice for Publication for
Selection No. Ai4i.
fa tied L-l oti.v.
lliMWitr. iltf-ii. i. . rij.
Vfrti -r i her. firra tht 1 rlrM-k A. krti.
rli- .-!. ff:- -llrc. U r"rln-l, i'rta.
h tr. .! i t-;iitinii to -rrt under Ih Art
c Jnrm 1. 17. ( :j if-. the (oloir.f 4e
rr iwl trsr! :
I.ifl So. ill. S.C Tp. it S , R- mil
W rhi j th ni-it vhirtf 1t from ilti b. roof
pr"ifi4 -r e Btrt Mlnt the -leetoo
ttr- tmoiil ll.l ItK mat lrcrl.vt may pr-t-oi)
in n-if. is bm rth:J)- f.r t ntia-rt9
ihja rirrM-aiorBl M"rr.rt. wilt I re. i t-A
) 1 a-isi sr rt't-:i r i :ie wnronsinnfr Of
u ri Lan-i ifi-e.
' Abstract of Title ti Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land. "
Bine P'inta of Township Maps showing
al arant Lands, One Dollar Each.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in Marks Building. 'Phone 415
Timber Lands
. Land Agent, Timber
and Homestead
Pci feet satisfaction guaranteed or no
location fee. 15est of references.
Your corrosiondcmv solicited.
Any information regarding the cli
mate, soil or rjrrs met ions of this seo
rion, gladlv'furnishcd frc of charge.
Address 0. U WILLIAMS.
Sep. 4, "Ork.
of the master tailor's art. Every,
style, no matter how extreme
may be found in the famous
C. K. & 15. custom tailored
Individual ideas pervade the
entire line, giving each suit that
made-to-order appearance desir
ed by every lover of good dress.
Our assortment of these goods
is very large and embraces every
style that may be desired by the
most fastidious dresser, and best
of all the prices are so reasonable
that every man may be well
dressed for a very small outlay
of money. Sold by
Wollenberg Bros.
If you want to jo to C- County;
fioints, take the Roseburg, Mar-iitieM '
route. Spring hacks h-ave R-b'irg'
every day at ;, A. M. Irjiire ( C. i'.
Barnard, agent. tf.
i MuL iiLLiLi noon:
He Itm-y, M-M;nnr:
ur-1 n
ml r.f Ininrini-A in f.-...a tit fwVl i'muI fl
Net gain in one vear, ' 2';2s77 jrt
Saving its memlier 1 yr., ' n0,'t''J.i
Nomlx-r separate risks, 22i
A. J. Buchanan,
- k ' - - r rs - - - - - - - " -
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Opticiang
Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks, $
Jewelry, Diamonds anu Silverware v
i ooK'cf.oooooocx: -
" j
j - J
!f 1
f -.- j
. , 3
Second Southern
! y
j ! y
roseburg, onuGori
Ootober 7, 8, 9, 10 and n, 1902.
Fine Stock and Poultry Exir, Fruits, Grains and
Vegetables. New aud Interesting Features.
Fine Speed Program Hccli 13ay
Liberal Casb Prizes, Large Special Premium List
Greatest Fair ever Iicld in tlte D'strict.
Good Time Assured Hveryboiy Coie
Usual Admission Price.
Fine Cream and Home mad B read
We came to ItA-el-tir to st;iy, a:i I it v -t a i,
the trade iu the future as in the pa, Me iv here
1. .1. . - ... .
join in wn? iipoM-wn i'i p;c;ixM customers
tiuually pai!i' iu and out of our st--re.
Mitchell Wagons
ofthaw HfU-n- ;uu! Wc"eli Basics, Snrrm
and Road Wagons cn hand.
If you wish comfort, elegance and a
reasonable price, see us before buying
F. Barker
"What everybody says
must be so."
and the
Arc the two H3-ST 1IKATKRS cer .oM.
S. K, SYKES, Hardware. ?!
Thanks i
t k-n-Ti vi,-ir inin ! c!-jar rn-1 fresh
; th daily b:--'n.- proWem if yoa
S kre.-.d Uiusl.t t the
llmpqua Bakery
O i' ' lead Ls ii:a Je fr.m tLe
l-s: t!" :r, iu ! i alwa .
i ' ,ive "s a c"'!!-
1,' N jrt'i
fackin Sir.
Oregon District
.evnl a shire of
l.-cz time veu
can lv -seen o.n-
J. SISVERS, Proprietor $