The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 18, 1902, Image 4

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Tliis Column is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
Brown Bread Fresh every day at Sie
vers Bakery.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
or blue irints ami filing iiapors. tf.
Tiiat towel gale is still on at Josei'hson's
For further information see our window.
Fruit drier work is a siiecialiy o5
Sykes : Carroll, the up-to-date plnnilier
and repairers. tt
(Jt-t vottr attracts of title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract l)ooks in the county. It
Give us yi ur order for a new shot gun,
you will be satisfied with the gun and
price too. S. K. iykes Hardware.
Summer dressoods and shirtwaists, at
preatly reduced pi ices at .losephson's.
Investigate and you will invest.
Assaying V. G. Wright, Grants
Pass, Oregon, srold and silver l, copier
$1, tin and electrolytic assays.
For harness, or anything in the . har
ness line call on F. Long & Sons near
the depot. Repairing a specialty.
There are still a few small and med
ium sizes lft in those "Hollar Shoes at
Josephson's." An unrivalled opportu
nity for money sav ing.
Ladies Tan. Os11wk1 and dark Green
Lace Shoes $3.25, f 3.00 and t-VJO- Val
ues now going for t'l.'M, $2.00 and f 1.75
per pair at Josephson's.
Another shoe sale at Joseohson's
Men's Tan and Oxblood Shoes f 3.50, T'J-!
00 and $2.50. Values now going for f 2.
20, $2.09, and $1.50. Investigate this.1
Weoklv Ksaminer, tl.50, Weeklv Cal
$1.00, Weekly Oregonian $1.50, Weekly
Chronicle $1.50, a year; leave your
subscriptions at Cannons' Book & Sta
tionery Store.
. D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable tirs insurance companies
is now prepared to do a general fire in
surance business. Insure with him.
Oflice at the City Hall. tf
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be fail and correct copies of all records
effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley
upstairs iu the Marks building. His
work is guaranteed correct, and prices
are reasonable. " -
On account of the irregular surveys of
many of the townships in the Koseburg
land is almost impossible to
locate section corners without a copy of
the Government survey. I-rank t. Alley,
. Abstractor of this city, hai a complete
Bet of tracings of all surveyed townships,
and will furnish blue prints of same,
Ehowing all vacant lands.
Why fool away time and money re
pairing your old harness when you can
buy a tine new set so cheaply of F. Long
& Sons at the new harness shop near
the depot. If, however, yon are in need
of repairs Long & Sons will satisfy your
wants in short order and at reasonable
prices. Everything in the harness and
saddlery line kept constantly on hand
at prices in competition with the de
partment stores. See their fine line of
trniiks and telescntes.
State Normal School.
Let those eiecting to attend the Nor
mal bear in. mind the date of opening
Monday, September Sth and if possible
be on hand the fitt day.
The Normal essavs to vnt students
and teachers on a footing taat leajs to
good certificates. Review woik is a
feature of onr course. The coming year
the Normal will be more a home than
ever before. Material internal and ex
ternal improvements of the school build
ing are making for the enjoyment and
benefit of students Physical education
8 a part of the course.
Strong work in English and mathemat
ics will be given from a practical point
of view ; also in science.
Letters from students, old and new,
say. 'Til be with you next year.'
The success of our graduates has cre
ated a demand for Drain Normalites in
gooi schools. The Normal has helped
many to good jiositions and will help
you if yim will let it.
For information, address
al J. H. Orcutt, president
$ioo Reward $100.
The readers of this paier w ill be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that sience has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment- Uall'sCatarrh Cure is taken
internallv, acting tlirectlv upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building us the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have so much faith in
its jcura five powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for anv case that it
fails to cure. Fend for list of testimoni
Address F. J. Cheset Co.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Halls Family Pills are the best.
Milk, Milk, Milk.
We claim that under our new process
of aerating, purifying and bottling"
(which si ion Id be the case with all milk
consumed) t'Ou get from twenty-five to
fifty per cent more valne for less money
than any other milk delivery in the city
afforJg. The milk delivered is in quali
ty A 1 and guaranteed to give you entire
satisfaction. As published on onr for
mer rate ran Is I allow one week's trial
free of charge unless entirely satisfac
tory. If you think the aliove in over
drawn, why not give it a trial that we
may demonstrate. Why not send
your money where your dollars go the
farthest, and patronize a ermanent
business? all.
Notice of Stttlement.
W. A. Evcritt having disjrosed of his
Laundry business all parties, knowing
themselves to be indebted to him, will
please pay the eame to'Atty. C. H.
Jackson at their earliest convenience.
(a30) W. A. Evkbitt.
Fortune Favors Texan.
"Havinjr distressing pains in head,
back and stomach, and lieing without
ajiK'tiie, I bean to use Dr. King's New
Life Tills" wiile V T Whitehead, of
Kciiiiedaif, Tex., "and soon felt like a
new man." lu!al!ille in eton.ach and
liver trotibh. Only 25c tit A C Mars
ters dm? store.
I -i i He Ranch for Sale.
A 'ood little li'ii.. for sale ; 17 acres
adjoiuiir,' fair grounds, 1 miles cast o
iJoK-lnif. il buildings, 150 good
l'?r;;i fruit tice-, 10 acres in culti
vation. Trie; For particulars
iiiuin-at ili.'ikeu' shoe niorc,
a 1 tf
Notice for Publication.
United Slates Ijind Office,
BoNfburR, Oroeon, May. SI, 11U2.
KotlneU hereby Riven that In compliance
with Hie provisions of the art of (onirrem (
JuueS. 18, K, em illfrt An act tr the sa'e of
limber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory." aa extend
ed to all the Public Land Stales by act ol Aug
ust 4,
ot Rnaebnrft. UnngNsrnnnty, Oregon, has this
day tiled iu this ortiee bis sworn statement
Ko.'-M'l for the purchase of tne B'.ol SW'i
and N W ;4 of s i. a'd jW i ol'N W , of
Section No. 31, township 17 south, ranee 3 wet
and will ofler proot to show that
the land sought is more valuable for iia
timber or sloue tbau for agricultural purpose
and to establish his claim to said. land before
the Register and Receiver of thisolliee at Kose
burg, Oregon, ou Mondiiy the f Jiid 1y i f s i t.
Itali. He D nmcs as uitinws: Danit M'raig and
Krank Hats, of Kosebnig.and James T. Huehau
an and 8. V. Turocl! of 1'ecl. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above describe! lands ale requested to tile
their claims in this othce on or before saui 'nd
day of Kept. liM. J. T. BUI DUKS,
JJp Register.
Contest Notice.
fniied Stales I-and Office.
Rosetmrg. re.. August . WS.
A sufficient coiitist affidavit having been
filed iu t his off ice bv
conteHent, against liomratead entry So isS'5,
made Deceinner 6. lwl'., tor S;t section Al, tp.
SOS., raufe. S west, bv
con'estoe, in which it ts alleited that said entry
man is deceased, having diol more than a year
ago; that he was unmarried and that there is
no peroou liviug ou the aid land or claiming
title luereio; aim mai tne said iaua is mm
atiandoned. said parties are hereby notiticd to
aniear, ivmviiii 1 and oiler evidcuce touching
said alleaiinn at 10 o clock a ni. on Hcpit-mla-r
Jii. li"2, iiefor.. the KeciMer and Receiver of Hie
I'niltd States 1-and liltioe at Koseburg. Oienon.
'ihe sa d contestant having, in a proper alb
davit, tiled April "i, l:"t'J, set loitli (acta which
show Ihdt atlt'r due riiliirencff. iw.-Konl service is heret y
deivd and uirwte J that such notice be given by
due and proper publication.
J. l.DliilHif S, Kcgtfior.
A14 J. It. BOOTH . Receiver.
Notice for Publication.
Roxibcbs, Oregon. July t, IM.
Notice Is hereby givxn that in isjmpliance
with the provisions ol the act ol Congress of
Junes, entitled, "An act (or the sale of
timber lands in the States of California Oregou,
Nevada, aoa Washington Tern to rv," asexteDl
ed to all the Public Land Statea by act of Aug
ust 4. lx2.
of Oakland, couutv of IKniglas. state ol Oreg m
has this day tiled iu this oilice her sworn state
ment No. 30V), tor the punrhasc of the
K1, E' of section No. SI township outh, of
range No. 4 west, and will oficr proof to show
that the land aoughl la more valuable for iu
timber oraione than for agricultural nurpoaes,
and to establish her claim to said land before
tbe Keri&ter and Keoeiver oi this othce at Kose
burg. Orexon, on wedmsday the lath day ol
October. MU2. She names as witnesses: Carl,
Ohme. Louis Staudacher, Herman Wentske, of
Oakland. Oregou, and Ira Mi ct, oi Myrtle
Creek, Oregon.
Any and a)lnenoti rlaimine adversely the
above desc ilx-d lands are requested to file their
claims in thisolbccoa or before saio 1 Mh day
of 'CL li. ' I. T.BKIDOfcS,
Atp Register.
Notice for Publication.
Koseburg, Ore., July. 29, lau2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
wilt the provisions ol ihe act ol Congresaol
June S. IsTS, entitled "An act for the sale of
timberiands in. tbe stales ol California. Oregon,
Nevada and W ashington Territory," as extend
cd to all the Public Land Slates br act ol Aug
ust 4, ls2,
of Oakland, eonntv of Douglas, State ol Oregon.
hat this day tiled in this othce his sworn state
ment No. aVsj, lor the purchase of tbe S1,, o f
bee ao, iNTownstiD zs bonlb. Range o.
S West, and will offer proof to show that tbe
land sought is more valuable lor Its timber or
sloue tbau for agricultural parpoeea, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver ol this office at Koseburg,
Oiegon, on Wednesday, the I'm day of
Octooer, 112. He names as witnecs: Lous
Staudacher. Ernsdne Stsndacber. Herman
YesHzke oi Oakland, Oregon, and Ira Miles ol
Mvrtle Creek. Oregon.
' Any and ail persona claiming adversely tbe
above-described Units are n-iiiested to Me their
Claims ib mis ouice oa or belore taut aay
ct Oct J. T. ttii ii ,r..
A tp , K'Tister.
Notice for Publication.
I'nitcd S'jtes Land Office.
Eosebiirg. T-n. June 2o. Ir2.
Kotica ts hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act ol Cougres of
June 3. IsTS. entitled "An a-l for the sale of
timberiands in the Stales of Califomia.Oregon
Nevada And Washington Territory." asextend-
ed to ail the puUic laud states by act of August
of Featlle. county of King, slate of Wa-liinctou
has this dav Eltsil in this off b-e his sworn slate
ment No. i'7sl, for Ihe pnrt-hase of tl-i'- NE'
and lir 1 and 2scctiou 2. M JV ranse 5 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more Taluable lor its timber or stone tnnn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim before the Register aud Receiver of this
ofnee of Koseburg, Oregon.
oa Monday, the 13 day of fx-tot-r. 9r. H
names as wiincssc. John W. Benneta. . M. L.
1 Spanlding. ol S-altle. Wash.. Win N Porter, Al
len w lis, ,n ol uiu anev. oivtnn.
Any and ail persons claiming aiver-ly the
above described land are reoriented to rile their
claims in ths office on or before said l::th dav
of October, lXci J T B KI l i ES .
Jllp Register.
Notice for Publication.
t'nited iale? Land Office.
Kreeborg, Oregon, June 2K. 1'ArJ,
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
witn tbe provisions of tr.e act ot t ongre-s 01
June X ibin. entitled "An a-t lor the sale of
timberiands in tbe States of California. Oregon
Nevada And t ashington Territory." aeextend
ed to all the public land stales by act August
ft, iSSU.
of BnrMcgton. county of oksu. state of Wash
iogton has .his day film in this ofhee bis sworn
statement no lor tne purchase .it tne ht'
of seclinn Nol. township No il H., ranee b W
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim before tbe Register and Receiver ot this
oflice of Bose burg, Oregon.
00 Tuesday, the 21st dsy of Octolier, lri. He
names as witnev: it rs Charlotte F JlanW,
jonn a snannon. sn riora m snannon 01 Bur
lington, War-b , and Krauk Kincartof Oakland,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above deacriiied lands are reqmsted to file their
ciaim in this office on or belof sail 21. t day
of October, 1902. J. T. B K I IHi Kf,
ar ' RceistT.
- Notice for Publication.
United HUtes Ijind Office
Koseburg, Oiegon, June 2H, ML
N5fice is hereby giyen that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Cougresa of
June S, )S78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timberiands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and W ashlngton Territory," asexte tid
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
4, IBM.
of Burlington, couutv of skarit, siaieof Wash
ington has this day filed in this othce her sworn
statement No 2"2y for the tarchase of the lots
1. 2.5'6 of section Is. tp !l H, K. west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for iia timber or stone thnn
for agricultural purposes, aud to establish bis
claim before the Register aud Receiver of this
Office of Koseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday tbe 2ist day ol October. 1!v nie
names a witnesses: IhomasE Hauler John
B Btincnon, Mrs Kiora U shannon of Burling
ton, Wash . Frank Kincsrt, Oakland. Oregon
Any aud ail persons claiming adversely the
abive diwried lanls arc reouesied lo tile their
c alms In this oflice on or befoTe aald 21st day
of octolier 19o2.
A4n 1 T Bnrx:p. p.ei.ter.
Notice for Publication.
fnlted Stales Land Office.
Box-burg, Oregon, June yu, l!r2.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congres of
June 3. )S7S. entitled "Au act for the sale of
timberiands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada And W axhiugton Territory," aseztend
ed to ail the public land states by act of August
of Myrtle Crock, county of Ixniglas, state of
Or"gon, lias litis day tiled in Ibis office his
sworn statement No'. 2si."i, for the purchase of
the N'i NW'.. Nr. XK': of aerlion No. 11.
township 'o. a south of rsnge 3 wcm;
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
Office of Koseburg, Oregon.
on Friday, the 24ih day of Oclols-r. Ii2. He.
iinitM as witnesses: joint nun, jr., Airs.
Maud Hall, Alexander Thompson aud 1'. John
son all of Myrtle f n-ek. Oregou.
Any ami all persons claiuniur adversclv the
alsive described lands are reu nested lo file
tbeirclHiins iu tin, ortiee ou or tri-lorc ssid 211 h
day of October I'.Oi J.T. 111:1 U, J-,
Notice for Publication.
Tinted SUUs Ijind OfTice.
Hfiaeburg, oregou, Aug. 27. l'Ji'2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
w ith the t-ruvisions of the act of Congress of
June :i. i7s. entitled "An act for the suie of
tlmljcr lends iu ihe States of California,. Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territory," asextcud
ed X; all the public laud slates by act of August
frantic wiLLon;in;r,
of Engeiie, county of Lsne, Stiile of Oretron, has
tlila day filed iu inisoiiiec hersn oni strileiiieul
No :M, lor the purchase of the S of s etioii
No '20, lp ;il soiilli. raiike No s west and ill of.
for proof to show ihst the land sought is more
valuable for its limber or stone than for awri
euimrsl purp tut', and lo es abli.h her rlnim lo
ssid liiiid ls-lore C.-fe. omini'sioiier. WmIut H.
Hrlll.a' Ri.blle, iiieeou, on W i-.1u.-mIsv licl2th
day of November. Ifr2. She uoines a' .tin
es: H W Mdier. W F Minard, of Mvrlh- creek.
Ore.. T If Henanl of Rowburg, Or., F K Kiln-ait
of Oak'aii't. Oregon.
Anv and aM fi-ron claiming a lvcrs Iy the
aliTC dencnbed lauds are requeled to tile their
Claim In this office on or beloie sid 12th day
November, WQ. . THR1 IK.KH, .
Sp Register,
Birii'n. in Wheels.
We have in stoek several second hand
bicycles which wo will sell at very low
prices or will trade for wood.
tf A. C. M ARSTKR8 & Co'.
Notice for Publication.
raited States OlTlro,
Reselling, Oregou, May 27, 12.
Notice is 1 erebv given tbut iu eompl'ance
Willi the provision of the act of Congress of
Junes 1n:s. entulisl "aii Act lor the sale of
Timlier 1-ands in the Stales of California, Ore
gon. Nevada and W astiiugloii Tcrrlterv, aa ex
tended to all me t unite umu pixies oy act oi
August t, 192.
of BurliUKt'm. county of Skagit slate of Wash
ington, ha this day nieii at ouiceiur
sworn statement No. .. lor tne purcnaseoi
l.oisa, 10, l.lnnd Hot Section No.ti, towust'iplil
south, range 8 west, and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable lor lis
liiubcrnml sloue than for agricultural purposes
and to establish her claim to said laud liefore
the Registerer and Receiver of this oll'ice at
Koseburg, O.egon.on Thursday, the lSlh day ol
Seplenilier, lSKr.'. She nainea as witnesses:
J.iiin blaier. William Smilh. Sanford Slater and
IouhmI Hrooks.a 1 o llurlliiglon, vtasuingion.
Auy and all persons elaimiiK wlvenely the
above dtscrilied lands are requested to tile
their claims in thisotlico on or liefore said lMh
day of Sept. 12. J. T. BRIIKiKS
J2p Register.
Notice for Publication.
liiited Plates Ijind Oflice,
Roseburir, Oregon, Aug Iti, 152.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions, ol the act of Congress ol
June::, laTS, entitled "All- act for the salo of
timber lands in ihe states of California. Oregon,
Naada, an.l Washing! ui TerriUirj','' extend-e-l
to all the Public Land SUIea by act ol
August 4, 1S2. ..
of Ihiluth.PlT E. Sixth St .eouulyol St, I.ouls.
s ate of Minnesota, lias this da lUdl in this of
fnf his sworn siatemeiit. No :S2l7 lor tho pur
chase of Ihe N tt of section No. 20, township
No :;1 son to of range No west, aud will otl.r
proof to show mat the land sought is mure
vaimtble tor iia limber or stone than for agri
cultural p'irpoaes. and to establish his claim to
laid land before Walters. Britt, U S t'ommls
siomr. at Kiddle, lap eon, on Thurviay the uh
tlav ol October, iiiir He namin as witnesaes:
11 v Miller. Jinn Bullock. W K Mlna-d, of
MvrtleCievk, Ore., T K Howard. Rosa-burg, Ore.
Any and alt fsrsi'ns ciaiminir auverneiy mc
above deacribod lands arc requente-l to tile their
claims iu this office on or belore said th day ol
OeHiwi. J.T. BKIOOK.
jlp Kesister.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States I-and Office
Rrtsclmrg. tlreron A ug lh, 1U.
Notice is hereby given tnat In c.mpliauce
with the provisious ef the act ol tngress ot
June S. lb;n.entillo-1 "An act lor the saleol tim
ber larnts in tne Mates oi i. i-."..,
V......1. and W ashiiiElon Terriiory, as enend
ed lo ail the public Laud stales by act ol Aug-
..tlMtt. JOHN.E..ARMEll,
i rniintr of DoukIss. state ol tiregon.
has this day Dlea in inn om'i m ,
meul No.:t2s: lor the pun-hase ol the Nh't.
ol auction No. it. township j. wum,
range weal and wilt oBer pro-l to
show that the land sought is more va. liable lor
iia timber or stone man lor aaricuuurai pur
poses, and to esiablisn his claim tosaid land
belore . L Oimmiek. 13 8 Commissioner, at
oaklaml. Oregon, on Monday the Srd day ol
November, !2. Ue nan- a witneawa: "ai
int Hurzell. Jamea McMillan John o. Iniwit
aud Lafayette Jackson, all ol liosebnrg, Oregon.
Any ana aii persons r-iinnim . i . - . ; ....
above d.-soribcd lands arc rciuestcl to hie their
claims in this cilice on or belore said ard day
of Nov. j2 . . .
21p J- KKIUl1"- IMl.-.e,.
Notice for Publication.
Pnitcd Mates Land Office.
Roxt.J g.'Tegon, Aug is,
Notice Is hereby even that in c m liam-e
with the provisious ol ibe act ol Congress ol
June 3, 1ST, entitled '"An Act for tbe sale of
limber lands in the Slates ol alilorma. Oregon
Nevada and w ssmngbic Tenitury,' a exieinl
nl mail ihe Public Land Slates bj act ol Aug
ust 4. 1X?2.
of Koseburg. county ol Imuclas. state of Oie
gon, bs this dav ti!ol in this oluee his sworn
statement No. sit". J lor the purchase id the .',
NW'.i.N'iJ-W'iolscr.No. A! iu tp. No. 26 8.,
ranee No. b w.t and will offer prool to
how mat the land sought is more raiuabie for
lis timber or stone lhan for agricultural pur
poses and to eataMisii bis claim to sail land
before Z L 1'imm.ri, U S Comua-oncr, at
Oakland Oreeou, on Monday the Krd day ol
November, lta'2. lie rames as wiinew: Johu
Farmer, Chas Thm. John Veaawin, ol Kose
bnrg. Ore-. Johu Thorn, o! Cleveland, Oregon.
Auyend ail i-enwus claiming adversely the
above dtfcrit'ed lands are requested io tile
their claims in thlsofhee or or before said Srd
ol Nov. 12. J.T.BKHHiM,
Notice for Publication.
fniteJ States Land Oflce
Rnsehnrg, Oregon, Aug IW.'.
Notice is hereby given thai in compliance
with If,,, nmvi.iom of the act of C'WgrcA. of
JuneS.ls7H. entitled "An act lor the sale of
Timlier Lu4 in the stales ol California, Ore
con Nevada and ahiuun Terriiory,"' as ex
tended to ail the Tublic LandBiatesbyact ol
of Rixebnrgcouiiiy of iKiatlaa stale of Oregon,
has this dav bled in this office ber sworn succ
ineui No .2H7, for the purchase ol Ihe NF'i E
l . H St'., ami Sal. N t' i ol tn-lion N.. IU.
iiian.nln south, range 7 wel and will ofler
proot to show thai the land snnuht is more val
uable lor iu limber or stone than lor agricultu
ral purpe. and io establish her eiaiut U said
land belore the Register and Keceirc-r ol this
oineeat Roseburr. Or-eon. on turday, the
Kih .lav of Nove...U-r. 1 2. Fbe names as wit-
ii ca: (iiltrl Oiloer'arin.Olcudaje. Ore., J.
F.tivens. W. E. Marstco?, Win Schmidt, ol
Row onrg. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
alsive described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this oJioe on or before said Mh
day ol Nov. l2.
ap. J.T. BRIIX5E.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States Land Office,
Koseburg Oregon, Aug 21, ljug.
Notice is herebr given that in compliance
with the provisions ol the act o( Congress ol
June a. Ii7. entitled "An act for tbe sale ol
timber binds in the Stales of Cali'ornla.Or. gon
N'vadaand Washington Territory,"' as extend
ed to all the Public i-aul Mates by a'.i oi aug
ust 4, ls'AL,
of Rosebnrg, eonniy ol Imugla, 8ta'e ol Oregon
has this day li ed in tbls oBir-c his sworn late,
inent No x for the r.uiciic of the N1, XV
bK!;NW, N N E4 see 10. tp 3i H., K 7 W
and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
Is more valuable lor Its timber or atone than
lor agricultural purposes, aud to establish his
claim before the Register aud Receiver ol this
office of Roseburg. Oregon,
on natuniay. Hie Mil ly ol November, 1M2. He
names as wilnes Oills-rt UilberlMin. t.h n-
dale.orc. J. K. Uivcns. Ella U Marsters, W m.
Siehtnhlt. of RosehllrS. tin.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
a'jnve dmcrilao land are ie.Ucstel to fi-e their
claims in this oflice on or belore, saia run oay
of Nov.liWi i. T. BRIO tJi.
a2sp - ' Register
Notice for Publication.
fnlted Slates Land Office,
Rmebtirg. Oregou, Aug 2, l'.J2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
wiih the proiionsf the aei ol Congresa of
Junes. 1K7S. entitled "An Act lor the sala ol
timber lands In the State-ol California, Oregon
Nevada, and W ashington Terriiory," as extend
ed to all the Public Laud Stales by art ol Aug
ust 4, lt2,
of Ros(.nrg, r-nioty of Ihiugla. stale ol Oregon
has this das old in this office bis sworn state
ment No. 'S'.Kt, for the piir-hae ol the N W;4' of
feciion No. 12, township No. . S. K No, V W
and will offer proof to show that the lend
sought is more valuable for its lloilier or stone
than ! r agricultural purposes, and to establish
hise'aim tosaid land liefore 7. I. Oiininick. I)
H Commissioner, at Oakland. Oregon, on Thurs.
day the da7 of NovcmlsT, 1VSJ2. He names
aswitnessea: K Lollcs, Klln Bixibar. John
lloziui. James Burton, all of Roneburg, Oregon
auv and all persons claiming advetsely Ihe
ata-ive described lands are rcuiicsted to file
thcirclafms In this oflice on er before said tilh
dayof Noy. 1JU2 J.T. BR1 IM.F.S,
A2p Keglster.
Notice for Publication.
Vniled States Iind Oflice.
Roscburg, Oregon, June .HI, I'.srJ.
Notice is 'hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, )78, entitled "Au act lor the sale of
timber lands in the States of Califomia.Oregon
Nevada ,and Washington Territory," asexlend
d to all the public laud slates by act ol August
4, ISM.
of Mvrtle CriH-k. countv of Donulns, slate of
iregoti, has this dav libil in this office his
sworn statement No. 2W12, for the purchase ol
the h1, HW'1.4. Mj ht.'i ol section No. u
township '29 south, of range west, W. M,
and will offer proof toshow that tbe land sought
is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purjioses, and to establish hli
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office ol Koseburg, Oiegon.
on Friday, the 2tth day of October, l'.r. He
names as wilm-cs: T. O. Harlow, John Hall,
Jr., Mrs. Maud Hall, V. Johnson all ol Myrtle
creek, Oregon. '
Anvandall iiersons claiming adversely .Jho
iilsive rleserila-d lands are reiiucsted lo tip.
their elai ins in this oilice on or fa-fore said 2lt'j
lav n' October l!r2. J. T. BIlIIH.hX,
J7p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Oilin at KoM-luirg, Orevnii,
Angiihl 2h, l'Sil.
Nolfne Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Inteiitiou
to make liual irot in iupirt of hi. claim, and
that said proof will be made la-fore Register and-j Court of Douglas countv, Oregon, duly npiMiiut-Mcc-.viT
I', si. 1 a, KOiuv al Ro.-eburg, Oregon, ! ed adnilnislnitor of the'c.tsle of II. T. I'litchaid
oaOcUjlH-r Iti.l'i2. viz: 1 diH-eiocd. All persons having claims asaiust
on ILK No. Ii-2I, for the NW 1 j N Wi;, K-c 21,
1 p 'Al H., K 7 west. He names Ihe billowing
wilneweslo irov his continuous rcsidencn4
upon aicl cultivation 01 said lurid , viz: Henry
Bus hnell, 0 A 1 rotk, Kouns, Win 1-rKiid, ufi '
of Olalia, Oregon
Notice for Publication.
liniielHiaU l.and Office,
Koseburg, Oroion, June 0, l'JU2.
Nolica is hereby given that in compliance
with the provislona ol the act ol
( ougiess of Juno 3, 1KTH, entitled
"An act for the salo of llm-er landa In the
Slates ol California, Oicgon, Nevada and Wash
ington 'lei-Hlort," aa exiended In all the I'lib
liclljtiid SI V by act ol AmriiNl 4th, WU,
WK.. M A li) IIAl.l , ,
of Myrtle Cre'k, county of Douglas, elate of Ore
gon, hsa this day tiled in this oillce her sworn
statement No. for the piirthsso ol tne h
NW'i, S'NKiiOtsec. No. H tp 2M M, R. it W..
W. M. ami will oHer pnxl to show that the land
sought is mine valuable lor its limtier or atonr
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver ol this orficc t Hiwbiirg, Oregou,
on iriitay the 2tth dy of Oelobcr Iwi. She
names aa wilu"es: T. (!. Hallow, John 1111,
Jr., Alexander Thompson, f. Johnson, all of
Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested t- hie
their clsims in this oilice on or Wforo aald 'Jtth
day of October, lfi, J.T. UKlDtib.
J7p Re(istcr.
Notice for Publication.
fnlted Flates Land Office,
Kosvbu nr. Oregon. July 12, lW'J
Notice ts hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, 1K7S. entitled "Au act for the sale of
timber lands lit Ihe Stales of Califomia.Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asexteud
ed to all the public laud slates by act ot August
4, 18V2.
of KoscburR, county of Dougltts, Slate of Oregon
has this dav litcd iu thi ottim his sworn slate
uienl. No. '.'.M for the purchase (lf the sw1.
teciiou No. s, tp. No 27 south range No. 7 a est
and will offer proof loshow that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone liisn
lor agricultural jiii. Mses. and to establish hia
claim before the Register aud Receiver of this
office of Ruseburg, Oregon.
on Thursday the i:lth day or Novemher, 1902,
He names a witnesses: Da iel Fhllau, lnaae
Jolmsn ol Koseburg. Ore., Jinm W Conn of
Melrose. Ore.. M K Caiiaban, of Wsrllou, ore.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
alHive-descnbcl lanils are re.ptei.ted lo hie their
claims in this office on or la-lcre said 1 -Hi nay ol
Nov P.V2. J. 1. BKlUliCS,
tip Register
Notice for Publication.
Rossui'ru, Ore., June2u, 1AU
Notice is hereby given thl in compliance
with the provisions ol the act of Cnngrcsanf
June t. Is;, entitle"! 'An act for the sale ol
timber lands in the states of California. Oregon
Nevada and W ashiiicbm Territory," as rxiend
ed to all the pu'jl e land staUs by act of August
. 12,
of Seattle, county ginc, tat of Washlug
ton. has Ibis dav filcl in lais othce tits swuin
statement So. 2774. for th purcea.v ot tbe bi.
i of se-. No 24. township No 3) a. K. wrat
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
la more valuable for its limlier or stone than
for agricultural purtutes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
afttce of KiMeburr.oreeon.
ou omlay. the l.Jh d oOrlober, 19C2. He
name a witnesvs: Fred M. I'ayne, ol North
Bend. .Wah.. Wm M. F.irtrrol solas alley
Ore.. It K. Fisher. M. L SicUing. ol Ss-altie
Auv and all rrsons claiinlcg adversely the
anove-4learriie-i land'- are rroucated lo file their
claims in this oflice on or belore said uin ay ol
J.T. Batnoxs,
J2tp ' Register.
Notice for Publication.
t jitTsn fTiTi.s L50 Orn .
. Ri bnrg. Ongia. Aug i, I.1
Notice is herv.y giv n tb.l In cotct.liand
ith the MOVithma of the si I ol i iSirnw
Juue a. lr? . eiiiili.-d An act f.i Ibe '-e ol
Timber Ijn ls In the States of t'n'ifornt. Ore
gon. Nevatia. and tVn.lnnrnn Ten I lory." as ex
U'n-ied bi il the I'ub ic Laud i-:a:ej by acted
Angus l 4, 1-V2.
of Rrieb'irr. e.Mitiiv ol Ir e; :a. Slate of OrO'ti
has thi.Uvt lej inibir Ms sworn stalement
No. AA, lor the purchase ol the hits 3,4. and
; S1. of .-v-ction N't. 2 fown hip ifi ai
ol ranv-e 9 west and will ouir prjnl lo
show teat the tan 1 sought is cinie valusbiefof
IU timl- r or slorie than lor griruiiural pur-
possaml to -laoiiin u claim lo said tana
lefore . 1 Oimnil' k, l. ri. loramis.ioner at
Oaklsol. Oreg .n. ou tne 21th ly
Octr'T. 1K. He namw sa tn'.W'wi-
Li le. &aac V Urorkway, John Mriiuue
and Wilbur Franklin a l ol nov-burg. Oregon.
Any and all perwns i.aniitng adroM-iy the
above eesriive-l Isn-is are rvt nested to tile Iheir
ciairi-stn th.s caicc on or belore sani V4in oay
ol IVI. 1W2 J. T. BIIt.t.
A lip Register
Notice for Publication.
Koseburg. Oregon. May. SI. I'Mt
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the "rovi-ions of Ibe acl of Conn-m ol
June . Isrs, eniiii" "An act lor Ibe sale ol
timber lands in the Mates ol Caliiom la, Oregon,
Nevada and W a.hiniTton Terriiory." asrxlend
ed to all Ihe 1'ubiie lu l ,-utcs by acl ol Aug
nst 4, lt2.
of Kosebmg. e .unty of l)ogia. Male of Ore
gon. has ii.ioday lued in mis offica ber swo
stal-tr.eril N. for lb- putei'.ae me ?
ol sF'.and NW'of HK';aiid NE!olW
ee!iou N. Z2, townsblri 2 snjih. range No.
W.s and will offer pmol lo show lust lb
land stKiebt is more valuable for iu timlier or
(lone lhau for agricuiturwl .uri.i. and to es
Uullsh here l : ui to said laud hrior the Kcgi
ler and Receiver of Ibis office at Kinrburg, Ore-
con, on Monday the 22ud dsy ol :eplemher,l,.
she names aa'witness.-ii: Dauic. Cra'g and Hays, of Kosebn nr. Oregon, and Jaue
Buchanan and B W. Turneli ol reel. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tte landa are requested io f!
theircla'ms in i h.s office oa or before said 2sd
day of NL-pt. lu. J. T. BK1 Jitfea,
J2p Register
Notice for Publication.
CuiK-l Stu Land OfTice.
Roseburg. Ore;ou, slay J7, lw2.
Noti-e is hereby given that in compliance
with the pro'i!.i"n of the act J Consress ol
Inne S. liT. entitled "An act for lhe ale ol
limber laud In tbe stales of California. Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asevtend
ed loal the public land stales by act of An
Ut 4, 1V2,
of Bnrlinrton.conniy of f-tsrlt. stale of Wah
inglon. ba thi day HUM in this oflice her sworn
statement No. 2;2 lor trie purchase of Ihe ss
ol section lownsblo SI south, range
Wand will o Hi r proof to show that liie land
snnght i. more valuable tor its limber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establisb
tier claim losau iaiel belo-e tne Ifgtster an-
Receiver ol this oilice at Koscbnrg Oregon.
Thursday the lhtb day of Setitmhr. l'.tt She
names as witnesses: John Hiater. W llliamrimlth
I'auford Ust'r. aud Lcouard Bnarks, all of Bur
fington, Washington.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
above described lauOs are reiuealet to file their
claims in this oflice on or before said lMh day ol
September, lr2. . J.T. BB1IMJK.S.
J2p Keglster.
Notice for Publication.
. United Mates Land ORlce.
Boaeburg, Oregon, June 7, 1X2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with tbe provisions of Ihe ad of Congresa of
JuneS, l;s,entltled "An Act lor the sale of
Timber Land. In the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory."' as
extended to all the Public Land Males by act
ol August 4. 1WJ.
of Chicago, county ol Cook, State of III., has
tbisd y tiled in this oflice his swmn statement
No. 'X47 lor ihe purchase ol Ihe 1?F.?4 ol rgciion
No. 2. townhip No. 27 south ot tange No. t
west and will oiler proof toshow that the land
songhl is mote t iluable for lis timb r or alone
than for agricultural purHtca, ami to ea-.ab-lisn
bis claim b sai l land la-fora the IWister
and Receiver ol this otliro at Koseburg, Or.Koli,
on Ha, unlay, Ihe 2;th day of seplemlwr. 1 1 12.
Ilu uami-s as wnuesM's: ueorge Uateman,
Henry Singleton, Henry elrad-T audOutK Iman
ail of Roseliurg, Oregou,
Any and ail -imum claiming mlvcrscly Ihe
tne alrove decribMl lamia are requested In file
their claims In this oil ice ou or la-fore I1 21 lh
day or beptember, I'JOi. J. T. BKIDOK4
J12p Kegster.
Notice for Publication.
United Kta'cs Land Office,
Koseburg, Ongon, June i, vxi
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance,
with the provi.loiis of the ait ol Congress o
June!, 1S7X, entitled "An Act fo the naie of
Timber Ijmds iu the Slab's of California, Ore
gon. Nevada and Washington Tetrltory 'asex
leudcd 10 all the fubllc Ijind Htatcs by a:t of
August 4, IKT2,
of Oak Und, county of Douglaa, Btato of Oregon,
has thisday filed In thlsoflliH! uer sworn slate
ment No. will lor the purchase of Ihe UK' NW
'i. W4 NKii. WW!i eK';, NK4 Hw-v 01 sen
lion No. 21 insVownniip No. 26 south of range
No 2 wesl and will oiler proof toshow that tbe
land sought is more valuable for iu timber or
slonu than lor agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim tosaid laud lx-lorc the Regis
ter and Receiver of tlrs ulliec al Ko.--l.urg, tirc
ron mi Vioiiii.iy, Ihe lMh day ol Hcplembcr,
I9U2. She names ss wlti'essi s: tirant Taylor,
C. L. Holcomb. Roy Miller aud C. L. Chenuwelli
all f Oakland, Op-gnu.
Anv and all personi cluiinlng adversely the
aUivo dcscrila-d lands are reincslod Hie
their cltiiins in this oilice o" or la-tore said l in
day of ss-pteiuner, l'Jirj., J. T. BKI IiOkh,
: J12p RcgisU'r.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that, the linderslri.eil
was ort tbe Uiih day ol July, V'2, by the County
the said estate am lierehy iioiltleit in present
litem, I'mii-'iiT veruieu. io inn ac noseburg,
OouglHS ciuitit y. Ore., uiihinmy inouihi. from
the ilalcof tin. nolire. mid all rsoiia Itolehted
to Die estate are hi'tcby noliiied to jmy the mine
lo me.
Notice for Publication.
fnlted States Ijinil Oillce.
Itostiiurg, Oicgon, Jjiue :ai, l i2.
Notice la hereby given that-In compliance
with the provisions of th
the act of i otigrc.a of
June , ihTfi, entltletl "An act for
the sale of
mlier lands in Ihe Statesnf California. Oregon
evaila.and Washington Territory." asextend-
ed to all the public laud stales by act of August
John hai.i,. jr..
f Mvrtlc Creek, eoiinlv of Ihiuglits, stale of
rcgon. has this day tiled in Huh oflii e his
worn statement No. '2sa. for the purchase of
N'i SW;. N'i SKW ol secilon No. II
iwnslup No. south of range 'A west V. f.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
It more valuatile for Its tlml-r or stone than
lor agricultural purpose, anil to establish hia
claim before the Register and Receiver of Ihia
office of Koseburg. Oreton.
ou l-rnlav, llie2lili ila ol (K ..l,i r V.sr2. 1 fl
ames as T. llarboi , M rs. Mulct
all, Alexander ThoiiiiMiu and I". Johnson all
f Mt rtle Creek, Oregon.
Auv and all iktmiiis claiming uilverselv the
bot e described lauds are rcoucslcd to tile
iclr claims in this ollicc ou or iM-iore said 2 lib
lay of October, 1!J2. J. T. IIKI IM.KS. Register.
Notice for Publication.
f ntMl ritale Laud Oflice,
Ruseburg, Oregon, June 4, I 'J r2 .
Notice is hereby given Hist in compliance
wllh the provlsiuisof the act of Congress ol
uue .1, l:!7, enti'.led "An act lor tne saleol lim-
U r lauds ill Ihe stales of California Oregon.
Nevada, and W asninirtoii Territory" as extend
ed to all I hu public laud states bv net of Auk
ust 4 ls'.2
of Ruseburg, county of Douglas, stnte of Ore
gon, has Ibis day hied in ttns oilice bis sworn
statement No. :i''A for the pu-c ba d W SI 'i
nl r-'. otv i oi sec. jn,iwi :niouiti, ranee
and wrd oder prool to alio inst the .and
sought Is more valuable f' its t m'-r or stone
than for agricultural purrae.s. and lo e. ta'Osti
his claim U sai l land lie.oro tho Relsa-r and
ho Iti-gls'er iml !
Receiver ol thlsottice at hoM-burg, Oregon, on i
balur lay the 27tn day o! sept, l.s'2. lie riaires .
as wilies.-s: relcr call, an 1 m. skiih oi row;
l ing, N. Moore, of Walton, aud lieu r l' r r.n-l,
ol rerdne, Oiegon
Any and all i?ron elaimu g a lvercly the
aisve iltscrltaHl lauds are re.iicstc t to f.l their
a mis on or octore ni 2.111 oav 01 -cpicei-cr,
1AI2. J. T. BKIIM.F.4,
J2p ReglsUir.
Notice for Publication.
United States Laud OfTre.
RiMwbiirg. Oregon, May 27. It2.
Notice Is hereby given that in i-ouipaiaiice
ilh tne provisions of the act of Ctjge.Nof
Juui-t. l:s. entitle.!, "An Acl torlhesaie of I
timber lai-ds In lite states ol Ca-iforn-a. tfreirjn, j
Neva a. and Washington Ttrutory." as exb-nd-!
e.1 Ui ail Ihe publie laud stales by act ol August i
4, is2.
ol con o l vol ekagt slate of Wash
inglon. has this rfsy bled In this oltite bisswrn
statement No. 2-'7T lor tbe purchase ol the N hf-4 i
ol S.-cliou No s. Inwnstilp .11 viulh, rng. s
west, and will ofler pmol lo show that the Inn-!
sought is more valuable lor its linil.-r an t l me
eg'.jicr ni
KO elver Pf this odlw at K-eblirg. OlT-.-oo. ou I
IbU-Klay the lsth day ol M-plemUr, :m2. He
ii sires t witnesses: jonn Mat. r, rvani.-ri n.aier ;
I.innl Bmtiksand Mentions Brooks, aii ol ,
Burllnglon, waaliinglnn I
Any ami a. I -jr-.iis calming a-ircrss-.y me .
above oessTilo lands are fs.iu. stel to rie their
claims in this orVi.-e ou or belore said Dth day i
Ul eepiembtr, IW2. J. 1. BKIIXil S,
i jp Hi-gisier. i
Notice for Publication.
RoasHiiai;. Ore., May s 1 11
Notit-x is he'sby. given thaT in ompiiaRee
aitbthe provisions id the act of I ongrs of
Jnnci. I.T, mtltlcd "AU set for toe li t ol
Timber Lands in the Mat. s ot Ce'i'oru.s. re
gis, Nevada and W asii.ngfin Territory," a ex
teuded lo a il ih Fnblic LaLd cuui bv ac. of
August 4, i'2.
of O. onto, conity of Oconto Flaetd
has this Oay nled In this c bis sworn s-s:--meni
No. s'.a-, I r the pun-nav-of tne .'.
and w i, ett '4. of (section No. 14. in Toia-h n
No. 3Ki-un.ii. nf Range No. WVs, ard sill o:t-r
proof toshow that th lan-1 sou-!.t tsmorevam
ab'e for its li et.-rorst.ine if an for agr .cultural'
purtsnses. aud to eslal.lisb his c.aiui to sa d lax, J
bet ire the Register and ltn-ter ol m s rfuu
at R-bur. br-fin, on -ssturdsy tirf I.nh Cay
ol iv-ptrnibcr. -i2. He names a. w i ises-r.
JobnTom.of ievelsnd. Ur.-rwa. an l Charles
1 houi. Louis J. Wrolsian 1, aud Albert Foctau,
ail ol Ross-burs:, Un-tou.
Any and all wrsm- rlairuicg adverss-ly the
alsve dessciihed ian-iar- fsin-sl..l 'o ?!- Ilv-:r
clsms in tbi itT.cvon or t-i. rr a.-,;. I :..;h oay
ol tsei-icmi. r IXi. J. T. Ban .,
mJ."p Reg.-ttr.
Notice for Publication.
Tnltcd States Lsnd KSice,,-burg. Juiy 1. t-!
Sotioeia ler'l.v gives lbl l:i comp.unecj
with lbprJTiim l the .rt..f t'.iognvs ,.f j
Junei,Iss. .ntiilsd -An ait i.w i!.e ol
limber iansln the stavts M abf ni.. bur n. !
JscYade. and asbnieixii li tr tw.
d in all robtic ljiu l .-.: by art
eiii-n I -
ot A.igiisl
t. lifl.
of BlooTer. cnn"y id I hitits-st. -late of Wis
consin. hs ttnsdsy 6le-l in Ibis ift-.- his sunns
siau-nM-nl u,r .pc pur :
ur - be pnr
ni t.e
Of H in
ol Ni . r. N', . -i'.
X.., M lii.ntliln '.1 , 1 tKll -to I SMI
. - - -
and will o.t.t pn-fif . sbow Ibal
tr.e la d soceiit ia m-re raluabie i-r v. Jim-
liru stone than for sent u. torsi I 'irp- and
o esta-'uish his risim li ssid !nd rs-f..c -
1. Mm-rbk C I l.ii.,:,n.ii-i. a-. ki-nd.!.'e.!,,ur of -vvie:ib-r.
i..r k ' , . i i,.,-s,
.-Al. loal
.f R!.-a -r. Wij.. J f .;.-,.-l i. Vtrr-'
Zicbsry. St K.s. tirv of refsin... t'rs-g-.n.
Anyau-lal tx-rs,.,.s g tir te
alvJ desr.ilrt I U.t. .re iru-slol
theit claims in this office oa .r be: on- sM .'.'lb
daycf et-r.iji.
ill J. T. EKU".r.. Krgi.r.
Notice for Publication.
rniled Ptat.-s land -f!u.-Kese
u-g. "rgon. lune .s. PsU.
Notice u herel y given thai In eorni!!no
with tie provi.i. iis of tbe act of Congiws of
Jnce S. 's"s.eniitie. "An a-t tv-r ihe sais ol
timber lands in the states ot "alilorn:a. Oregon
Nevada and Uashinton terriury."asegiend
ed to all tie public land siaies by act ol August
. If-'
JOELO r.l'Ll.Kf.
isf I!os'bnrtr. county ol lioueia. slate ol Orerin.
has Ibis dav rilel In Ibis oftue ill. ss orn sttr-
mrnl Snz,i for ihe pur ba-eol Ibe ', NK.
e! SK;. Stt'4 -I:', ol lit is tp .. KM
and will otfer pnof toshow that the land .r ght
is niere Taluat lo for Its lli.iter or ti.n
for agrtcuilural purposes, and to rstai lih his
claim before the Keglster aud hrociter oi thst
oiilee ol itoswburg, UrciTun.
on Thursday, the 1Mb day ! octoU-r, I U. lie
names s wliccs: P..-n MfVnilen, A J Bn
rtienan, John fiivens an t Chatl-.-s 1 boai all of
fcssei,u4 Oregon;
Any an I all p-rson clsiinlni a lecrssdy the
above disv ri be.) lamia are len'iisK d l.i Me Iheir
ctaimain th s office on -ir beforv .aid p.ih dsy of
tletoher, I'.sfJ. J.T. HUM). Ks
Jiip Kej,Uter.
Notice for Publication.
kosESt'So,, June 7,
Notice is brreby el veil that in compliance
witn tne prorisions ol tbe act ol I'mrivu ol
Junea,ls7H, emiiiel "An acl lor the side ol
timber landa in lbs) Mate ol Califonia. Ore .-on
Iserada and Vt'ast.inebin Territory." as extend
ed b all the Public Lau 1 SUU.-S by acl oi Aug
ust 4, 1m,
I.K-V1.S I. SI-RKN'ii. K
of Mealtle, couiily if King, tiute of Washing
t n, has this day filed In mis ortiee his sworn
statement No. lor the pnn-natc of Ihe
Fast half of the wesl half (K', of section
No a township No :w s of nu h west aud will
ofl'ef pnsnf lo show mat the lau-t s.mgbt Is more
valuable for lis limrsss-or stone than lor agri
cultural purpose and to establish bisrl.linto
sai l land Isr'nre Ihe K-glstt-g au l Keciwr ol
this thee at U-MK-tiurg. tlreou, ou sstimtay,
the 2 III dav of rsvpicuiber.HsjJ. I'e nanu s as
wfincaesi Ktclisr I W Hick, William Porter.
VYiiliam Havis ao-l A. K. Uervxii all of Camas
Val.ey, Orcg-m.
Any and all persons claimiug aversely ihe
above d-s-ntrrd lan-t are nijtp.icd to tile
daVof'-M 'lw!W',,'e on"ru,",ore,niJ ;u,i
... a
j r.
Notice for-Publication.
. rUoI Hiitcs 1 -ni nl Oflir-,
Nntia U horvliy kivcii Unit m CtminliHiico
wt as. is im ""'.- u,u" in .
I. in.. IhTH taut i t ImI ' A tt mot fp t h.t siHlaa .f I
ailh Iha nine NIAtis.if t u( nr.l asf st'.sis ..i '
U'liueii io an too ruoiiv iAiiu niuius uy act ofl
August 4, IDVi,
EI.MEK I till.KS,
of Kosebii'ir, cou.ity ol iioiikUs. slate of On-Kou,
lias this day lilert in tills oniie Ins sworn stiti
mmit No, :tUM7, lor Hi--tim-liaso ol thoMU'.of
Kce. Nil. 'J. In Tp, No if. H K. ! W, ami will ol
ler proof to shon liial lliu iaml soi iiht is uioru
vnl.islile for iis timber or stone Itiau for agri
cultural urNie. ami to i-stalilish liiseUitii lo
saul laii'l i viore 6 I. D.niiiiii k , II M l ominis
sionc r si tiitklnii'l tiieirmi, on 1 ri'lay. Hie iith
liny ol (X-lnlc-r. I'M.'. Ilolinim aas;
Jiii'tt W Hm ksay, Isa.u I' llrix-kaay, John
MeMllluti ami Wilbur rank Ilu alio! Koseburir,
Any an'l all IK.-I.IIIIS claimliir ailvc-selv the
alHive ittwrilM-J au'ln are riiu-tiil to ni U li
llaluis ill Ihisollii'tf mi or iMii.ire saiil 'H h ilav
oltiet, IsHU. J.T lllUIH.hs.
Alll It-'Klslrr.
Notice for Publication.
flilli I Mutfs 1 st ililiii.
lloM-lllirK. nr. pnn.S-.. In, lKIJ.
Niitli is lioreby Ktvrii lliat llm IoIIom Iria-
lianiisii M'lllpr tins tili-il in Hire ol tits iniiitiiii
t uiakr II us I cnmiiilltsll ill m,il in siipirt of
his la I in, ami tint salti i-nsil will l nin-lt' Ik--Ion
the KetrisU-r ami KcrolM-r f I nli?l
Slates Liiul tiHu-c, Kosublirg, Urrifiill, nil IH
tuler , l'.m.'. vi:
ni 11. K. No. (or tin-t ., .Kf.i;, si; Bi;,
SI'V 'ili. t S, K U Wl"'St. II MStlH-s till ftlll:.v.
imt iliifsst-s to prove his t-onliiiuoiis nsi-
itubiiu iiikiii ami cultivation ol saiil Isiul. vl.-
lAint-s IJouri, Jamus Hr-sslfV, ol Ho.i-liur, (He.,
1 nomas voao, Armtrr srsiu. niHrsiineiii, ure,
Hl.'ii J. T. llUllHiKM, RvKistcr.
Notice for Publication.
Roneburg, Oregou, Aug ii, 1W2.
Notice" is hereby given that In compliance
't ith the provisions of the act ol Congress ol
.Mine 3. isTk entitled "An act lor tbe sale of
timber lands in the Htates of Califomia.Oregon
Nevada .and W ashlnglon Territory," asexlend.
i d to all the public laud stales by act ol August
, 1WM.
ol Rnseburg.Coiiutyof Douglas, KU'C ol Oregon,
I as this day Hied In this omce his sworn state
i lent No. aois" for Ihe p'irehsse ol the Norih
I st oiinrier (N r.!. if section No. 10 la Town
ship N). i r-'oiith. of . ange No. V West and will
ett, r proot to show I hat the land sought is more
t aiuabie tor us mntrt-r or siouc man lor agrt-
rultural puriHjat. and tosstabliali hi claim lr
raid land brio- Z L IMmmlcg, 1' rt C rnimliojlon.
r al Oakland. Oregon, on Friday, the 2ltfi 1ay
i l O toner, T.'r2. He uaun-s as wiiuessc- M II
bur Frantlin. Johu Me moIsii, J.o n W Crs-k-ivay
and Elmer I, (illcs sll ol RoM-burg, Ore
I (in.
Any and ll penums tlalining ailvtrx-ly the
i.lHivu-deS4.-riUi lands are r-itueaied to I, le ihir
claims In this ollici on or before the 21th day f
Oct, 1JU2. J.T. BaiuGgn,
A lip Register. .
Notice for Publication.
United Stales Land OfTice.
Kiweburg, Oregon, May 27, 12.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
ith te provisions ol the ai t of Cocgrwa of
June 17 eiiuticii "An Act tor the sale of
umber lauds In the stales of California. Crcgo t,
Vevada. and Washington Territory," as exiud
:d loall ihe public land slates by act ol Aug
lst4, !h52,
tf Burllnglon, county ol hkaglt, state of W s'h-
uuuin, ha. tbisday fiieil in tins oSue his swirn
statement No. 2-oa, for Ibe puchase of the eE1.'
if Hcciion No. , townrhlp 31 south, ranee No. a
Ac-t. and will oiler praif to show thai tne land
uglit is more valuatile for its limber and stone
:ban for agricultural pursc, aud to establish
Is claim to said lml belore me ano
KiMo riil ilii. ntliiv at RoseburK. Oron. on
i .IrMi . ,i,e lih l.i o( SeDten:b. r. 19r' He
aK,nt witm-ises: W iiDaui nmllb. s-anlord
sister. Leonanl Hrools and kventlous Brooks,
1,1 ol Buriiueton. W ashington.
Any and all le-rcin claiming adver-cly t!.e
ibove dex-ribel laeCs are nonnested to 1 e their
claims In thl oilicc oa or before said lath day of
sVptembrr. Mi. J. T. BKI DOI-. -
J2p Ki'glsler.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited Statea Land Office.
Vosetfuv, r.gon, Jane i. Iii
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congresa of
June a. s7S. entii'n-1 "An act for the aa of
timts-r lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada a:id Terriiory," asex'.end
ed lo all ice public laud stales by act ol August
of Burllnglon. co inty of Skagit, sfateof Wuh
m;ton. has tois day rilci in ih'sorfi-e bis iswn
sta ement No 2.;2, for the porebase of the Sr.
of section No 12 In township II south, K west
and will o'fer rroof to i how that tbe land son r LI
is more valuable lor its umber or Hone than
for axricuitural and to esraUtsh hia
claim before Ihe Register aud Receiver nf ths
otiice of KssKburg.Orsjgun.
mtir ih. iu uV of (w inlr t si' lf
r. .,,.. ,,,. l'h,imL K,- John
.., U(,n yirs Fiont M rb a neon .f Buriinf-
j, w ., yak kinrait fakland. rtvsn.
Am and ail ikiwi- claimiua- a-ivenaii this.
abnie "-ami arc re.iiieslc.1 to blc loeir
rlalms In this nflw ou or bef-.-e m-.I 2-i dav ol
iicuber 1 jo J T BRIIxiK4
Reels ler.
Registration of Land Title-
In theClreuit Court of the SU1 of Oregon,
for tbe county of Douglas.
in the Matter ol the at pcalion oft
lo register the l.t'e to tbe land la said
ayj acaiion described- j
tbe fractional w,i h!f of so!thweti .
laMer ands-ditiiaest .luark-r ol a.srth-1 1
e; nsrier ol s.-etjon 2. and If action- f
al tai bait ol tw-utt.rast luaru-r of set-, j
lion three, iu lowcsilp U amrtb. of
range I set, W. M . Charb-s W. John-1
sou. DvirreUnt j
Take notice, that on the 2'tta dayof J'.iv.A.
D l'J'2 an application was fj.fl ly said II. J.
W i"srn. in Ibe I i itu. I Court of Dougtst coanty
I'-r initial re. i.trausn ol Ibe lit.e lo the ianl
iSnv. dentd. Now unless yon apt-ray on
or before the 27111 day ol August .. f , j j
shew ra-je why such abpili-atloa srall not r
trs-i:cd. ibe same will be taken ats es.n r.sssed an-1
a d,-crts- wi'.l Is enter-! according to Ibe praver
of tne eppilra'l -n an-l yju a til be pnever fcarr-
e.1 Uxiia (ttspjlins: li:e same.
'sril! clerk,
, J'lllS H. SHCFK.
j 1 1 Ap:4icM s A'.torsey.
Notice for Publication.
I i-itcl noj.,,, j,nd OSks?
Kweburg. urrgin, Isne a, 12.
Vc-iiee ts teret y riT.n that la compliance
' the provi;. r,s . ! tbe as-t of f .'Ogrs-s
fote S. s er.t-.i An a- f-r the sal
tin, jer Un! In t.v -isie..f 'aiifornia.t.n
f y-:a a--i4 Vt a.-micHn lerrmry. a.eit.
ngress Ofl
sue ol
e xu-no-
1 w aii ice public ,;i-i spates t j tvel ot August
ol Kurinrton. c-mrits-1 S-sa.-il. Mste ! Ussh
I aloti bs Ibis. lav iiu-d in t ,t nsfcee lersriB No isfs Ibe rerrehas of ira lots
I 7. 1., 11 an-I li lection I. tp -U a.. Raj.g. wt
r I . Il t.oh. It .Hhr 1. sv-ri I
I . . - f. . . .
i l mors. Tiiut'jifl ,r it.- 1 1 m i s-r VI . luaii
(.,r ,riCU;-,ur,i rurtw .and lo -s-.a; fc:s
ri!a) ti,lTT tte i'ecaner sad Kecriver U this
i qoj, luoeburg.vrefon.
(, - - , . ., . , ... . . , .
00 TIay tbe .-i.l d.v ol V-I..V r. Iif eb
."I.,,'7Nt", har-.lie F lianVy.
I Tuonias h Hanlrr. John B rlisn-i'n ol B'l'iias-
: ? " - f.' K ncarl nl Oakland. reg-.n.
I Any and all yarrsnr'S cla ming
"irerw-iy the
i " -- --- , -
btd land, aiw t.jiird
i 'ZlVt O,xoaot M"" "
, , . '- ,....
... , . ..
li m- tbeir
2Ulday oi
Notice for Publication.
rnt.ol State Lan ) OfE.-ss.
Koseburg. Orrgon. Juiy 21. 15.
Notice is herei.r given that In compliance
wnb tLe i r ni... -r.s d tte a- t ol Cor.grrse of
June J. is-. entnlcl "An avt f. r the sale of
tin.U-r lai.-'. in tt.;iau-. M all ornia-'Tegon
Nevada .a-.d W ah melon 1 erri "as extend
ed lo a.1 the pull.c iasd states by act of August
nf Sfry'tle Cm-k. ronnty of Douglas, state of
urerun. has ihts day uh-d in this orh.-ss his
mivu statement No :sji fr Ihe purchase of the
i and 2 M'.Mi M!. rlr.e No
si in loan-l.ip o. souui, rau.'e No. t wet
ant w ill o.'.'cr proof toshow thai the land songht
is mt-re vainal le lor ita timber or stene tbsn
for .-T:ciil;-irsJ purpeses. and to establish his
t!s:;u be.' T. tte Keeisier and keceiier ci Uti
oilice ot Uoscburg, Oregon.
on Wedrn-sday. the It-th dsy of Dei -em her, mo.
He names as witnesses: L I kohlnson Joe Hear.
diff, A I. l;obinsa, el Uynle Cret-k, Ore., aud
Finis Hiiiari oi IUms, burg, tirrgon.
Any and all persons ciaiiuiL, adverw!y the
aUnc descrild lands are resiucsled lofile their
claims in this odlee on ur IsL-fore said Kti day
of lnvmtr. 1'J.
J.'M- Reguicr
Trespass Notice.
All rx-rsons are licrchy wanuvl not to
tresseasi!, hnot, fiih or camp on tlie
lainl of the Currr Kstate. Pe,s.ns Jtiing
e will lw ir.Kw"utcJ to the full extent
of the law.
KsUileof X. CritrtT,
( Vitf.) Kivcratlalti Farm.
' jSasol Catarrh quickly yielJj to treat,
cent by Ely'i Cream JJalm, which ia agrc
ably aroiaatie. It is received throngh the
nostrils, cleanses ami Leaia the vhole iut
face over vhioh it difTuaea itself. ImgiAtt
oil the 60c. site; Trial raze by mnil Ib
eeuts. Test it anj joa are lure to coelUbim
tie treatment.
To aoconuuotutte foee "who are partial
to the dm of atomizers ia applying liqtj'.ii
iutO the nasal tsusfirea for e.iLirrL.,1 t.
C, the PropnetoraprepaisCeajal!e,i
! ' ri T1 1 . 1 i-vs-s.. trllAK saws II V . Pi a-
quid form, which will be known aa ElVs
Liquid Cream Calm. Price including tbt
- spri vu,p tube ia 75 cents. Dr -pUU ot
tuaU. Tbe liquid form rmboditu the' aiwd
sc.itial nrniMirUtsS rt U. s.4itl 1 r.axatiniii
Oil in
The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made in
r night wil! be completely outdone by the magnificent oil nelJs to le
uncovered- and developed in Southern Or o son: THK UMTOU
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oxc-on
oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares send
your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Far-o
and Co, express.
Soaiety pieetlngs.
AF. 4 A. M.
Uilds rviiuli
1 and f ortli
M. Laurel I-odg No. 13.
ur xneetirik'son aecoiffi
Wedbefidgys ol each
month. K. J. Ntboi.d, W. M-
N.T'Jewk H'cretary.
0. U. W. Kosebori Lod:i) o. 10.
Meets the recond aud fonrth Mon
days of each month at 7 -JX) p. ni.,
in the I. O. 0. F Hill.
jd Undibr arw v ited to attend.
tf. T. h Vi.jLLLts, M. W.
E. II. ) t nox Recorder.
D. .8 U'eiit, I iaai irr.
P. 0. ELKS. R-jLiirii Lodge No.
?M. Holds- regular coujtiiani':a
tiona at I. O. O. V. Hall r.n second
and fourth Tbon.larB ol each month.
All rnoni'rs rfjicaied to arteod reifrj-
UrlT and all visiting- brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend,
W. if. JahuwjS, K. li.
V. C. London, f-wretary.
. N. G., meets at Armory Hail every
w XLarsday eyenink, at o o clock.
P. li. ll.tnLis, Capt.
E0REE OK FUS0K. Mj:icf.xle
No. 13. Meu 2nd and 4th Ttara-
diV evenii.H r.f ch month in '
live 8or.e' Hall. Vi-iifini iDenare cor
dially igtttml V a'ten 1.
Mbh. M skit W'ukt, C.tA H
E. li. Lkkmux, fcuc.
OF A. Conrt Doru-'a No. 32, Fur-
extera oi Anieric-t. Meas every
Toefiay evenir.z in Nattve ?-uh'
Hall. YisiUnKlirotheraiwa?t tTt-lci,m.
t ifia liiLviw, C. k.
A io. J. Kbastz. K..u.
E. V. Hooria, I'fiyeir lan.
O. O. F. Pliiletarian LoJ-e !."o. 8.
Meets in OU Fellosre' Ten:r., cor
ner Jack Kin nJ CaM Btreefe, eg
Saturday CTeoioii ot eacb wee, iltt,.
bera ol tbe order in eooil raD-lu g are
tovited to attend.
H.n.G:LLrrr, If. G
S.T. Jit itt, recretary.
Kof V. Ah ha Ilge No. 47. SIV'9.
erery WevlncsljiT, in I. O O. F.
Hall a. 7:3 p. rn. Menjtr io
good at andiog ar tnrtv to attend.
G. U. Kimball, C. C.
C. E. I.onsirr!.. K K. tj.
1 O.T. 51. Protect K-ii Tent No. 1?;.'
la iioUs! itr" regular Uetiows the
first atil tliirj Kri ijy . f cacli
month iu t!. 1. . O. Iialf. Vi.-itin?
nienilsrrs in "sl f-tan.lir. are in itcl to
attend. V. F. l'Anttsi.v, Ojoi,
K. E. Hijix;, Itcsvjpl Kesr-r..
I ILAC CIECLF. Xo. 4, Worr.en of
I WonJcrafr. Mes-tsou 3.-'t sr. 1 tfurj
- TboreJay of cacti month a' t e .'a
tite huoe. Hail. Vk-ititz ajaj"..-.-r ir
ool tsn1ing are invited to a tr j. .
3. K. Kawygg., GoarJiaa v:zAir.
Mixsia Orir, Sxy.
LADIK3 of the (i. A.R., AbraLaci
coin Ct'cle Xo. 2. Oiets hi 'ne
Son's Hall at 2 o'ctacit on t:..-
Oa J acd loortD trt.jaya ol eacfi tn-.n'i.
O. T. II. Koae nrji Hie-, N j 11.
llol'Ja it resjcUr rsjviewa j p. r. lis
Becood aod focrth KriJT ev-.
of eax h uuntb in tbe N-cive t,.' Ha 1.
ititersi of H.y-s tiMiii j in cit
are oini;iIy iovitcl to altod oor re
ew. ' Jtstu K.irr, L.Cit.
Maim E. McCLuj..t, il. K.
11 W-C
.OF A. -lititc (jt.p Ni.. tsGSi).
leeta rttacJ tli-r.f Wekin-s.j4vfc
each inotiUi t N-t:y s,l,,, i;:;.
F. M. I :.,, V. IV
Geo. Et aas, Cera.
0 '
8. rio-eur CLaptir No. S.
oidt tr.elr regular ices-titg on ihe
first and IbirJ TtttrtsUt? in each
nonth. Vii:iog o.ete-rt io gol
tandibg are reevecifny iDv!Sel to
wsnd. ilas. Cauji UtAkD, V !.,
Mas. Libbik Cosuow, vrcrftry.
aKBEKAlI. iCtHtr
Lli-e Xo. si. I.u. U.
OJ 1 Fellcmre'Tcinpi e
eTeoing. Vieitit.j; --ters
F.. ta'ets ic
.rs and trttbren
uiTiteU to attend.
Iklii Dr.o-se, X. O
Coka WinBttar. K. S.
UNITED ARTISANS. Cui-.iC3 As-f-i-iul)ly
No. KV nivvt tverv atnr-dav-
eveninir. at 8 oYIvk in Native
HKi8 llall. Yiitin; Ani-:anj ctrxLaliv
invited to attend.
Mr. M. Jonl.1, M. A.
Ma. F. B. IIaxiix, S.vrvtarv.
tVi.nNo. 125. ilee
Feiloat' 1 1 all, ia Ka
V0KLP. Oak
ee-s at the O.'d
jeebcrir.' rrsft
first and third Monday eTenic;. Va:t
tn ceighbori always weicume.
J'ciih T. Lang. G. C.
J. A. BccuASAX. Clerk.
II (.Kid Kelw.w's, Tcmjilc. Metts first
v and third Thursjy cveniuirs each
month. Visitors wrxliaily invited.
J. It. H'amiltdx, C. P.
J. C. TwnvHKtx, K-rihe. ...
t v. 7 V
I- : "''.-?. i.--5M"y
Sts Kr'sst at sece.
It e!e"es, sro!ba and
beals UeuiseaisTsi sr!-
ard d"frw awav a Cs I If JtV t jT tf JT (3
ia the UesJ oa I,t. It ii t I IUbw.ll
a J- ss ' av- ak s m asasa
is assssrl.a. Ilms and Ir-ln-ts the 11-ir.Ssrwi.
Krtiri-i, ins fset.jsM ef i-.!1 an I Smri!. l uj ..
4hc. : Trial si. ,r ; 1 1 1- c-r . s.r 1 y res '.
hLT Hit ! Ill- r-: ....... v.., . - ,w Yr,. .
I you waut
f you want
f you want
f you want
f you want
to buy a farm
rurnislicd roams
to buy a house
rent a house
buil3 a house
If. you want
a house
If vnu d a't 1 1 1 v c
all on or a.i,lr.ns) . . .
The Rich Fields Uncovered Will
Rival Those of California or Texas
pqua.Vallev.Oil Oo
uo to ..
For a Frof.Tr.t and First-claifi
hJ.'ave or Hair-cnt. Compe
tent Vorkmen, Cleaa To
els, Torls a!wa i ia thape.
Bath) in Connection.
2 jrhopon J.vJtwn fit.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Wriw or T'horife
V7zn. It Porter,
Real Cit3te Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley, Oregon
2i mil' . south w.-st of ftosebarg
fRiddie Pharmacy.
I. 0. PIDDLG, Prop.
-ALL g 151.3 OF
Fresh Drus, nedicints.
Toilet Articies, Paints,
Oils, GIas Sundries i
;sr"PreatTiptiot:9 promptly filled
9 ly a tlrnxgist,
H. Little, dt
Oaklan J,
i t
is t rt :
;rel t wa.'t
cin old
aal resTct.a'.-yUiersiandfriisndai
wit'i a fill asd triajpiete
Etock of
AK fny-h and of tLe very best
iij..itr. TeA aa-J cx i; -?-e are
tps-tna-lics loar
205 Jackioa SL,
I'D5eburjj Z
sVw. ''VW'V-s -Vsj)
Paintres, Paper Mangers
and Decorators r
Fun.itiire su-l PLu-.-ei Pi il-r.ed. Pias
ter Paris Ilea; Eefivctiirs a
Sjsfs-i'l:T. C-TTiNh anl Frame Work
411 .tt-iJ.enii Stnvt.
P. O. C x 5:2. R 0-Eni"R, ORE.
Best References.
All Work Guaranteed
Leave orders at Er.rr's Mui: Store 0
X00000X)X)000 0
Cc-r. W as-hinirUH
and XiAia Strceta
Mrs. Belle CcIIins
Absolutely PURE, and
will OUTWEAR all other
It V
ir'.a-a' i!'.ir rf.xi n--t earrj- it
.0 u an I we n .11 sec thai yon cvt
PortlanJ.. Orrgon
0)i i -;r
ai l Hi
1 '
m F . h Kiliiff
f Is lit IIUV
i Fill
Pitted August 22ml. 1'i2.
N. X. JfcWtTT, AdmiiiUlintor.
J.T.BUlDGEM.U.-fiUir. ?
a 1
nrrT-- .- I llT 1 "--aaaaasll-s-ssaf