The Twice-Veek Roscburg Plaindealer Published Mundayi ftnd Thursdays. TLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. V. CiCoxxer, Editor and Publisher F; nn Wright, City Editor, .Solicitor. T. G. Rrrn. Foreman TVlee-a-Veefc Pkindeakr. vet year, $1.50 Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg, Cio., as second class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. SEPTEMBER 18, 1902 New York has endorsed President Roosevelt, and Lis nomination in 1004 is now assured. It requires gigantic capital to haa riin tbe gigantic propositions in this iantic country. Wbile tbe democrats are straining their eyes to find an issue tbey migbt declare in favor of republican pros- reii,y' Prosperity is tbe happy eong of tbe nation, and tbe republican party c&a be trusted wiib ever maintaining it. Since tie arrival of Fitzimmons on tbe Sound tbe scramble to 6bake Lands vrilh tbe man who secured a pkee of Tracy'a trousers has subsid ed. V ould-be tariff tinkers will notice tbit tbe eicellent working of the Dirgley tariff is the only thingstand ins between tbe treasury and a de ficit for 190 Philadelphia capitalists have form ed "a broom trust for the control of tbe manufacture of that article in the Tinted States. This is a sweep ing proposition. At tbe Spokane populist connty convention, both wings of the party soared away in opposite directions. SLoi n of thesa appendages the old fowl will peck along in the middle-of ihoroai. la thy prosperity remember tbe dvs of adversity. The tramp era, tbe Cokyite epoch, tbe souphouse period end the . reign of tbe ilevfeland-Wiisori free trade. Tariff tinkers take notice,. Tbo people are responding gener oosly to tbe relief of the fire victims. Tie Portland facd has over reached ?SC& Yanccuver 1500 and other towns are sending ont relief parties wiiii ruDner, clothing and provision. It is annoaned that the O. R. & X. will withdraw its steamship line be tween Portland and San Prancisca A coofiict of Harrioian interests Lis e leamship line in competition with Lis milroad is believed to be tbe ctiuse fur this move. Tbe Ksv. Dr. Heury Harrison Washburn, ia bis OysJer Bay eulogy npea tbe life of tbe ' martyred Mc Kinley, trie 1 to shoot too far and broke Li-i g'ia. Teddy will no donbt reiiiccbor Blaine's Reverned Rum-lioiuaaistu-ad Rebellion B orchard. A book iatitlel ' Preachers in Poli tics'' would seem to be in order. From tL9 asbes of tbe burned dis trict arises tbe question when a rnaa has filed on a tiuber claim, and tbe limber burns before final proof is made, ia tha right losL Hon. J. T. Bridge?, Register of the Roseborg L id 02iee is of the opinion new rights will be grauted by the commis-t-ioDer cf the general land office VLin the claim is accompanied by af liUvits establishing facts upon which the local land office may base a recoaiaiendatioa. Twice defeated for the presidency. Brran Las brooded into a state of dieneracy, end like a mad dog, Eaps and Enarls ateveay sound and cverjtLicg Le ee8 or hears. When Le calls President Boosevelt "blood thirsty," and accuses him of "shock ing moral deformity." it is clear Brian's brain is inflamed. The lan guie used aga:Dst the chief execu tivtu is on-Atiiericao, and will be ceiidcn ced by all right-thinking men irrespective of party. Bryan's I'lUag" fans into flame the smoul- embers of anarchy, is the seed cf taarutr tnd assassination. Peary the trdc explorer, has been ' k3ard from. Meibert L. Bridgeman, ofXewYorii city, secretary of the Peary Artie Club, received .a dispatch froai Lieut. R. E. Peiry Mondav. dited Chaiiteau Buy, Labrador. Peary is on his way home aboard the r.-!i-f fcbip, Windward, end says all ere well. Mr. Bridgemau has no information as to " the explorer' a oviJiueLts bejond that contained in tLe dispatch. Peary sailed with his esr edition for the North Pole, July, i, 18GS. Bridgenjan left Perry at 0.r Sabine, August, 29. 190L The rcitif s'jip, Windward, left New xork 1 t Jaly, siid Las evidently been saccess'ul. Friends of the explorer bilieve re. ry Las made important discover -cr, n 1 bis return b awaited wiih much iRieifst. For Sale. A air .- i'arm, 11 miles east of Rose br.rg, plenty of water as creek rune iSiro'ij'i farm. 15 acre? cleared and un der cultivation, the rest is covered with good tiijib' r, about 3 bearingruit trees two yiir ol 1, a good los liouee, snd barn, a tusp at $ 303. Enquire at this A new theory with reference to the Great Central Railroad has been ad vanced. It connects the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road with the project, but does not eliminate tbe Gould interests. Some days ago the announcement was made that a traffic alliance had been agreed upon between the SL Panl and Missouri Pacific. Well street has since con firmed this announcement. The Wall Street Journal says: The trafiic contract with St. Paul is expected by Missonii Pacific peo ple to increase very materially the business of that road, and it is be lieved that it will prove decidedly profitable to both companies. It is not an exclusive contract, but that it will bring Missouri Pacific consider able business Dot heretofore enjoyed is practically certain. With reference to the activity of tbe stocks of the St. Paul and Mis sonri Pact lie this same paper says "it may be only a coincidence, but large capitalist interests identified with St. Paul are understood also to be large ly connected with the Gould proper ties in the Southwest." These large capitalist interests are probably the Rockefellers. The railroad editor of New York dailies, in response to an inquiry as to who was back of the Great Cen tral, writes: The road yon mention is ascribed here to two interests one of them St. Paul, and tbe other a syndicate rep resented legally by a nephew of H. McK. Twombley. By marriage, Mr. Twombley is connected withtbeYanderbilt family, ana is considered a Vanderbilt rep resentative on the board of various roads, bat whether the fact that the nephew of Mr. Twombley is the legal representative of a syndicate.' having in contemplation the building of a railroad from Salt Like to Coos Bay is sufficient to connect the Yander- bilts with tbe project, may be ques tioned. This would take the matter back to the Goulds, to whom it baa genet ally been attributed from the beginning, with the addition of color from a recent SL Panl traffic contract and the well-known desire of St Panl to get to the Pacific Coast on terms as advantageous as those of the Great Northern, Northern Pacific or any other transcontinental road. This would explain the recent change by which a Los Angeles connection was sacrificed for Coos Bay. The more northern port would suit SL Paul much better. That heavy capital is back of the Great Central there can be no ques lion, and that the road is going to tbe ocean is also quite certain. If a bluff is being made it is made to awaken Portland, to seen re its ter minals, bat when it is considered that the chief object is to secure oriental traffic, and at the same time enter a wide territory of varied and unlimit ed resource?, a territory not yet pene t rated by a railroad, faith in the build ingof tbe road on the route indica ted by L. D. Kenney becomes strengthened. South Douglas Mimes. TheCnines Creek oM Mining Co., J. P. Rhode, Supt , and (ieorge Little, Foreman. Three-foot Itsljje of $ ore, developel by a 400-foot tunnel. Gibson A Bennett ia Mt. ReuU-n dis trict owns a gTou of six claims of high and low grade ore. Main shaft down 175 feet. Another g-od prosjrfvt ou Reuben Creek is Kinnont l'j-os. claim, worked by arastra. The Gold Bug, also in Mt. ReuU-n District, stands hi the lead as a produc er. The pay shoot is a large one, and of high grade ore which was been explored to a acpm i 4u teet. liie mine is equipjied with a 5-stanip mill ami con centrating table and cyanide plant ; also an 85-horse-power loiler, air compres sor pumping machinery,- electric lights and Burleigh drills. It is owned bv Pnator Jones and others, with Pcluy ler Cole as Sojierintendent. Daniel Johnson owns lietween the Gold Bug and Kiunot Bros., a promis ing claim, 4-feet ledge of $10 free milling ore. Fred Novotny, a mile north of Gold Bug, has another high grade pro position. Green Mountain. A spur of the Cas cade range and at its base Starveont creek has its fountain head. This is IS miles east of Glendale. At an Altitude of 3000 feet on the top of the mountain, Messrs. Charles T. Nail, merchant at Glendale II. CuthUrt and Tom Ma honey own a claim, through whicl courses a tvventv-foot ledge lietween slate and serpentine. The ore contains both gold and. copjier. Development work will lie done after the fall rains. The Iieutoa Group, along w ith the Gold Bug group, is making ttie Mt. Reu ben district much noted. The same is one-half mile west of the Sold Bug anil comprises nine claims. 1 he ore is a bright white quartz., high grade. Di velopemertts are four tunnels. The mine is being equipped with new ma chinery. Renlen A. JoneM of (dendale and John C. Iceland are the owners. The California Group lay between the Ajar and Gold Bug group, owned by John C. Lewis and C. Kline of Port land. The led2: is tapied at a depth of 205 feet by tunnel. Ore is valued 15 per ton, crushel with a 2-stanip mill. Glendale News. Armory C-. E. 4th Regt. O. N. Q. Roskbcko, Ore. Sept. 10, UtOl. All offiers, non-commissioned ollicers, musicians and privates of Co. E, O. N. G., are hefeby notified to rejort at Armcry Hall, Thursday Sept. 18, 1!K)2, at 8 o'clock P. M. for' Company Drill. By order of F, I'.. Hamlin', P. A. Webb, Captain. 1st Sgt. Lock At this Money Maker. A ranch of 240 acres, u ith house, barn and outbuildings. Orchard, small lrui etc., well matured. No middle mail's profits, 3 miles from rail road. Town of Drain. $1500 cabh, inquire ofi owner. V V p.,.v 1. r. iAITfcBHOX t. i i MARSIIFIELD LYNCHING. Negro Waylays and Ravishes Mrs. James Dennis. IS ARRESTED, BUT GETS AWAY. Is Wounded and Recaptured and Huns by the Outraged Citizens of Coos. (3iKoil to tlio riniinU-aliT.) Alonzo Tin ker, a negro residing at Marshlield, wny-layod and ravished Mrs. Jas. Dennis, of Libby, last nilit near the cemctary just outside of Marshlield as the lady wast returning to Libby. After petting ont of the fiends clutches Mrs. Ik'iinis spread the alarm, and 4S she reef "gnized Tucker, be was immedi ately issued and caught and taken to the Marshlield jail. Later in the night a mob of two hnndered Libby residents enforced bv as manv Marshlield men ' demanded the prisoner l the jailor, but in the mean time the officer in charge of the prison er had attempted to take him to a lxat to avoid the mob and while doing so the negro got away from the ollicer anil crawled under the warf and hid. It U'ing too dark to perdue him nuder the. waif 'lie place uas surrounded until daylight this morning when after lading wounded he wa driven out and as he was running into a store, lie was shot twice more, when he fell. The mob then placed a vc around his neck and took him to a bridge near the cemetary and hung hint. New Comet Discovered, I'xivcbsitv ok California, Sept. W. Announcement was made, at the uni versity th's inorn'uig that Astronomer C. D. Perrine has discrvere) new comet at the Lick Ols-ervttory. The chief interest of the discovery lies in the fact that it is approaching the sun and crowing in brightness. The astron omers believe that the comet will 1 visible to the naked eye ou the 2:1.1 inst. It is now. in the ninth magnitude, with a weli-detiined nucleus of the 11th mag nitude, and has a -bushev tail, which can le traced to the southwest. Gompers on Strike. Wilkesbarbe, Pa., Sept. 17. Presi dent Gompers, of the American Federa tion of I-abor, in a statement issued to day, takes a hopeful view f the sU ike situation. Uoiuiers s lie is con vinced that the struggle will end by agreement. Tlie woge-farurrs and the general public are generously contrihut ing to the aid of the miners. It is es scntisd that this aid be extended and continued. If the mauhood of the miners is to be maintained they must at least have bread for their wives and little ones, as well as for themselves." Washington Democrats. Tacoma, Sept. 1. Tiie dcniocrutic state convention, after a session lasting until nearly midnight, completed its business and adjourned. The following ticket was nominated by acclamation : Representatives in Congress ieorge F Cotterrill d King; Stephen E Barron of Okanogan, and O R H-.lcomb." Judge of Supreme Court James 1J Lcavis of Yakima. ' l"niU-l Stat-s Senator tiearge Tur ner a indorsed for re-election. The J il at form adopted indorel the Kansas City platform, oposes imj-er-ialism and colonialism, government by injunction tmsts and trust-fostering tar iffs. Death in the Flames Kalvma, Wash., Sept. IS. Rejiorts from the fire-stricken districts of Ix-wis River continue to grow worse. Tlie charrcl and lifeless bodies of JS pe.ple have already le'n found and all twlieve there will Ije more to follow. Many settlers and an unknown numiier of camjiera are missing. The burned dis trict was Settled by Jn-rha 500 J-eople, nifet of whom were prosperous, while many were well-to-do. Nearly all of the farmers had good buildings, their barns filled with hay, and their pastures well stocked with cattle. What was a week ago the lieautiful and fertile valley f the Lewis is now a hot and silent valley of death, covered promiscuously with the blackened bodies of both man and lieast. Is Eugene Afraid. A short time ago (Sept. 7) J. II. Sykes as chief of the Rosebnrg fire depart ment, recieved a letter from Will II. Ho. lew, of Eugene, secretary of the race ing committee, stating that fl50.00 had ljjen offered for a hose race and invit ing the Host-burg boys to articipate. The letter slated that another letter giving more particulars would follow, and after waiting some time and re cieving no further instruction, a letter was written asking, for full par ticulars which was never answered. Now the question is, does Eugene want the Roseburg Hose racing team to con test with them, or are thev afraid that the Rosebnrg team will Ix-at them and would rather have them stay away. Card of Thanks. Wc desire to thank Alpha I-odge So. 47, K. of P., Oak Camp No. 125 W. o Wf the members of the Rosebnrg Fire Department, the band aud our friends for their kindly words, sympathy and assistance, during the illness and death of our son and brother, Charles A Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Pkrrv, and Familv. In Probate Court. Henry Yokum was apjioiuted adrnr. and J. S. Mayes, Win. Womiacott and Jas. Bates appraisers of the estate of John II. Yokum, dei-eased, said estate consisting of real property of tlie prol) able value of $200. J. C. McQuaid was appointed guardian of Chat. L. Hindinan, a minor. Notice. rid. for the excliiMve privilege to run r,r-la,lril"1 " me rair gmtiiuiP (Hiring M air week will Da reeeivtul up to fct lit. I or. ... o. i-jvi. .-Also mr nil ouier lirivi ecoa. ROBBERS BLOW OPEN SAFE. Smash Things in Eugene Flouring Hills, But Oct Nothing. KrcEXB, Or., Sept. 15. (Special ) Robbers last night broko into the Eu gene flouring mill and blew open the large office safe. A 'sledge-hammer was used to. knock off the knob, and then some powerful explosive was poured in and exploded.' The front of the safe was shattered, but there was only $10, in the safe and that was in the rushlxx and was overlooked, bv the robbers. Thwir methods show that the robbers were fa milliar with the premises, but there is no c lew to their identity. The Coos Bay Road. G. Lyman Moody, engineer in charge of the field forces of the Great Central Railroad, ami Charles Cook, who has the sub-contract of eradinir east of Myrtle Point, arrived in this city last night on horse-back, from the north They reported to Attorney Shelhrede, of whom a Plaindealer representative re ceived the information, that the 75 head of horse had arrived, and were in pa-lure a few miles north of this city. Mr. and Mr. Cook left this morning for Marshield. In regard to laud near tireens and Dillard In-ill; contracted for by the companv, Mr. Shelhrede would neither denv nor con firm the reiiort as to just what laud, or how much had been con tracted for, but stated that there had U-en ''some contracts signed for some land south of this city." Wl en asked a, to the probahlitics of the terminal of the' new road Ijeiiij! placed at Greens or Dillard, Mr. Shel hrede said he did not think that either place noul I bj sc'.ected in preference to Rosehurg, unless some unforscfn reason should pres-nt itself. Arrange ments are being ma le to at once place cor a of engineers at work ujsin the survey. Resolutions ol Condolence At a regular convention of Alpha Lodje No. 47 Knights of Pythies held Sept. 17, P)2, ia their Castfe Ha Roseburg, Oregon, the following ' pre amble nud resolutions were unani mously ad(i-d: Whereas, it has pleas-d the Soverign Maker of the Universe to remove from our midt our esteemed brother Charles A. Perry, and this lodge V.ire to ex press and record a lilting tribute to his many virtues: Therefore Wit J.'tfulrrJ, By Alpha Ixlge No. 47 Knight of Pythias of the Domain Oregon, that while we Uw with humble submission to the will of tlie Mt High we never the less iixnirn for our brother who lias N-en takcu from nn. H'flctJ. tliat in the death of Charles A. Perry, this lodge has suffered the loss of a faithful member, ami a true Knight : Thi couimuidty the k of a citizen, whose liie worthy of emulation ; his familv the los of a devoled son and affectionate brother. H-fJi-l, that the heart felt ynijthy of every Knight is extended" to his grief stricken jarents, brothers and sisters in this their hour of trial. The Shoot at Eugene. Mi Marie Ma-Merson and Helinus V. Thompson, wereelerted iueen and king of the Kugene Street Carnival, and of course a lAg time is exjecteI. Many Hofa bttrgepi are counting on ai tending the Carnival, and it is quite likely that tome of our crack ehot" will cajttire aoaie of the prize in the Shootiiiji Tournament. 1-ollowin are the prues off ere. I. ( Pirt event. Purse, fJO. 15 Targets. Kntmce l-50. Divide.! 50, 30, 20. Fourth prize, 100 Selby Shot Guns Shell., 13.00. Second event. Puree, f30. 25 Targr-ts. i:ntran.f $2.00- Di.itltI 50, 30, 20. Fourth prize," 150 Selby Shot Gun Shellc, fliO. Thinl event. Pure, f 10. 50 Targets. Entrance, $2.50. Iivide.l 50, 30, 20. Fourth prize, 200 Selby Shot Gun Shell, fo.OO. Fourth, or Winchester hhot pun event. 25 Target.. Entrance, fJ.00. First prize, Wincheater Shot tiun, f2i).00; Skcind prize, leather Gun Caee, 20!lliana Shell", $12.00; Third prise, 200 Diana Shot Gun ShellK, $.5.00; Fourth prize, 100 Diana Shot Gun Shells, $3.00. Fifth event. For those who have not got place for money in previous events. 15 Tariffs. Entrance $1.20. $10.0t added money. Divided 40, 30 20 and 10. Fifth prizr, 50 Selby Shot Gun Sheik, $1.50. General Avera-re, , Prizes, First Four Evenbi, Ilest average, -1 rase of Wein harr Peer, by J. Pironi. Svond liest average, 2 bottles Mary land, by E.'C. Hughes. " Third best avenge, ti't Cigars, by C. F. Litilefiel I. Fourth 1est average, 1 lx.ttle Old Tennessee, by C. J. liarhite. Fifth lt-!t average, 1 bottle Cyrus Noble, hy Mac Somnierville. Sixth best average, 1 Imttle Whifcky, by Alf Walker. Koy McClallon has already act his head on having the "liest average." Notice to the Public. We, the Eiler'u Piano House, of Port land, Or., have juat closed the agency withT. K Richardson, of Uosehuig and Cottage Grove and after date of Sept. 10, l!K)2, W A Burr & Co of Rosebnrg will handle our full line of pianos such as Chickering, Kimball, VoseA Son and many other high grade makes. We have arranged with Mr. Purr b close out a stock of goods which Mr. Richard son has scattered over the country from. Grants to Cottage Grove. Just ns soon as we can gather up this stock it will be disposed of at your ovn price. We expect to have this sale in about ten days, ao keep your eyes on the Itoseburg pajx-rs as this will tie a rare oportiinity to secure tho best instru ment at a low figure. Eu.i-it PlAXO Hoi'SK, Portland, Or. D. S. T. West, having accepted bc-verul ou ami reiimiie iirsiumirauoi companies; " "w piepuren to uo a Kenerat nro in-.' miruni-e hiiMineua with htm. : . .. '. .... , TVTOOl) WANTED ON srr..CKP vv TION. Those 1 laving promise woxl on subscription or w ho desire to pay their arrears with this eomiiu dity will please bring it in sometime this month lfore the rains f-et. in. tf. Guardian's Sale. Notice l hcrolir clvcn that, in mxn o nl n nnli-r the county cntirt of 1oiikI.h county, Sliilo;..! On-Boii. jnu'le on the 4Ui liny of A ii?iifl i.v, 1110 uniii-rH'Kiici Kuniiii ol tho etiM ol AluiOrarlm Ixi-.mul lmnii-1 H.-njinnlil W lllaiu Uc. minora, will, 011 the 3rl ly nt D tf.Lcr, or tlitn-itftrr, ly iriviitp or pulilic Mle, l Itow bur, Un-KOn, M-ll the lollowlm lU'WirilnNl ri l ni.crty. Ik-iiiiieimi to tin? sul'l iiniiinv. low it : he K'.SK1. ire Hi. ti:il H . 116 west. SK sk : T 111, M S. It r, vvX, SW'j SKi hec lil,'ii ;t M, K f wi-M, nil l'lnff nitimnxl 111 Jo-4 hiiie county, Orriion, cuiilaiiiini; lbj arri-a, moru or linn. Aii narlU'irlalmiliK ulnwlv lo Hipm lniirtn. will lilt wilil rUiinn with the uniliirlKn--d lx 'ore Iho iiril dy ol CcUilr, l'.m. lJatnl tl,ii 'iii't dy ol SrptcmlH'r. l'mi. KS j. i.KK,liurlln. Notice for Publication. I'llit nl Mute. Ijin-I Oft . Kii..-liiirr, 1 n -khii, S -pi. Irt fmi. Notlii- ! bcrrliv kivi-i Unit lit.- fo!l..u inir niom-l M-ltli-r l hI'Nl uoticc hl in 1 r i ci l niKki-IiuhI nnHif In mitKirl nf tin rlm n. mnl Hint nl't pro if III Ue 10 x I l i ri tlie Ki-rImit rnl hii-riiT I . H I i.n.1 niii.-- ml KoMflnirK. ir?giin. on Oi inlii r :m. ci.. .lull i Kli.UT. on H. K. Si. ivi. the lot t . :-. t rHtiKe ft went. li mnii' lht l-l hwiiik 'fitti'-t. e t pruve bi coiiilnmni. n- ilenr upon ami ruiiivaltun 01 Alt Ihu1. U : Jnnit. K v-t-iiinii . k 4 anjt-!l. t.ox. J. U. Hi ua. all ol Myrtlt- Cm-k, nr.-,..,. Suiuinons. In Hie County (Viiirt for l'.iilrl roiinU. Stale ol t)ri-,-im. In tin- mailer ol the ai.i;ei:..ii 1 of II. ii fioiifM-inann. nmlilttli a ' lmml"H roa-l and chute or llutn-- ;u f I.u((ia cuuiy, 'nn un. j To M. A.'TuHcr, E. M.Tuller. anl all i-rtnn luu-reateil : Vou an uere!y notllied Hint H. G. ?' neniann liat liletl hit ap!U atlon lorilie i-.tali'lahmeo o(a lofRinit roal anit i-hute or flume ov-r land In the Xftftofacctiou J . Tp s , as w. w. SI rommeni'ing at a iut in the mC Ji, tp ..! R 7 uel tU'l emlins at a point .n t ie r.glil ol wy ol tiie i. A. C R. i o In MV', er .1, tp JUaoutb, ranee wen, la l-omlm n.nnlv, i irrtf n. a-i tlioa o by a m-p liierv! or. fi!? iu Ihla "fli't-, and that h' on a;-p!n a- tion will be li:i-1, aui yplKlinilneiit nt -iei'r. be ma-leon Wnlaeuy .Nivtto'.r Mh. I-,'J- at lu o el.Krk a. M. at m hi. b time anl - m-anl and com:der. any coMjilainM f ,r .'a n;ir- or nlje-(i"nii ther-to, an I in a'l nidM r rx-lm-.n tlH-reiu. You arc therefore beral j n.tuivl w tik- your romplainta lr lem.iS!M. if any you have, or show raiiM- ahy -el at tWu-aiina hould tioi I aUal. on ilie -Ui a:id at Im bour herein nmiie-l. On en on.lrr tny bund an-l the m l of the coutt tbi and day ol tsvpli-ii'.bi r, W'i jaaaLj It. R. PH IMBR jnK. ' lc;k ! ICi Count) C-'Urt. Suruiuons. In the rireoit t'o.irt of Ihe rai f i):e;.in. lor liouxi.i county. Anna L. AAia 1 I'utiat.ff. " ; Geo E. J li.wa I A ul! Is K-,ui-.y for a I trcm. efenlanL j To tieo H. ab--ve named .(. f.Ti lant: In tbe name rl t:w i.Late of op j-ir, y.a are hereby required to i.pnr an I anvatr tbe eoui-p-atnl bieU again.l yuu in the a-mvc ent.tiet njil awl ra-iw a ilhin jx r U lrm the oate of 6mt pabiit at on of til DC. ir.-. ti,., cn or l fore nl ilar ol Ovfc-bcr. l-i and ll jk-i la l to appear and anwr ui-i co:np!lnt it.1l. J time, for ant lhered p-ainli? will af-p'y to aid court fr tbe nrlief di'caa.idel tn her ntc p'.ain! aa to!in. to-wit : .r a deem of di vorce lis.ilvinj the bond ol trainu onyexttt inj betwieu pia4T.lirT and de'ebdau:. lor the care and ruudy ol their mlnxt ehii inrn. Loyal AdkiwKiand llolrrt AUkl d. and lor tu t other and lur-.her reUef, at the coarl i.iy d-cra Uitable. lrn!Rita!notti punanei ny or.14 r of ii.n. j X. I). Thompson, county ju'ce of Ikiucu tonal T, Oreou. mhit b nil order i doU-d Au-u-d .51b. 1S"'J, and lbrt?iroi Ine 6r4 pubitr. tion Iherwl i Au;at . 1C.-. ar.d lln rta:e cf tbe Uu: publication theee..f o.-mb-r lrl, 1'.'. JtiHS T . t'lMi. A'.utrney f P!ajnt:fl. Summons. In UiCirru:tr.artof l!,j s:ale of Orrwn, for Dour'.a. euntr. Wtuoillt-i P. Vl--ar - 1 riaiia-.T r" Harry Warren Vlc.era. tef-Ddati. , T Harrr W icrni Vicn' . u aLo .e ci.l defeailant : In the name rM the SlU of :-. 1 v,.n are i Hereby renirt-I to a-fv-ar an.1 anaer the r tn plajnt aa;i.l y id tbe a're ent.ti:2 ut an.l -ourt on or bcion-1' c-i.i tfav tnlier. IW; aol. II loa la:l taimv-ir an I an weraai-t rowi'ltiul atlnt r-i. a a'urv ?at. aol VithiD ftal.l tln. f;a:ntif wiU ftf-vy t f tLc t'ourt for I It r-it ldMnlt in lw o...;.iai, -wil : Kur tbe erw :n - t t:irivr rtniart nor ex.tios ftctaireft aia:iil ai4 a lemiani. Tbia 'i almoin Is pul.litlifl ly on ler of lino. M. Ii. lixii.n. evMiBtr of Ihi: i cotlt,IPTa. aliirh nr!i t l l llii it, I Mi. ac-i the Uw fiwrit, .1 ben-).r. I r the fi'iblieatl'in cl lUit .-ito ui is mit-e a vot k ! for tx eonrrotiT irti r-rr.'.ll is aai4 Wit da jr of t(. lo r. I i. in.-.!,- of l h- pubiteati-m of tUU iiainon. .'Wh daj n! Aurr.t n. Ik i HiKicit aiVoC Aitorner t-u Plalufiff. Summons. In the ftmilt f.mrt of Ihv Slat for the count, ol Hoiirl In tbe mattr ef tte apoiirati of II. J. M U.-.14 1 t niti-ti-r Ibi- till- ! th.- In 1 in tai. i "ration cle'rihi.. t. ail: 1 i:r lntrtiu al rl haJf of 9u!bwi niaiter an. I uih-i quarter of t quarter N ol t-oon tao. ant ini'-tiiiai eavi tiail ( ( .mth'a.t quarter e" !in a. tp A- s, K tr.t W . M . against t liarU W. J..l.non an4 all a hMn it ma .iic.-rti,1rf -n Inn:. ) T'l luiln JobiiB'. aU'l t.i all a li-nn It way ri'invrn. t(ci:'l.n': ii tiik n tMtr me Trn if oi:e .S. yo'i are lirreie ri-'i-nrl te anl tin- apphi-Mtlon tl'-l hen-in on the i"ih da. of Jnlr A. I. 1-'J a ithm ten lat irnm lh ilate of thf rr ii-i-of tin .litiitn. n np.a vn-i, II arrve-l a it Inn ibl. '.inni :or f k r.e-l a . tii io any other t duty ol tl.l Mat , tln'n a i'.Um lacii-v ilay from the t.v it tli -ri.-e of lh. .iinmiin. up-Hi you: aul if yoii I nl so to an. wer. fr want thi'ref. ih-atiit-.'ivin aiH be taken a ron'.--!..!)'! a iletnt- a ill be uli-r-iil to tlie prityr of tie api'-ii-ntton ami yMi all! I foreier Inr -.! f oni di.itiiiK the vatne. W iiiii . mx limij a0 the el of .anl imiit t'or th 17lh ! oi S'lilfuln't, A. I. M; ' l. K tH IMIiKiMiK, It tk. w ASTKD Initiuiliatt-ly, 10,000 IKitiiex hy eastern lioiut-s(fk-en who desire tn mn-li se di-rrt-t - from oii.'r, ramlu-s fann.", improved and Hnim;rovei laiuli and city pni-rty. Write :t you've any thing to well. -Adilrt"", ja THUS. H. HCAXTLIN. Ihvnco. Wiiali i . ? v EUGENE Street Fair And Carnival SEPTEMBER 24,25,26,27,1902 fOLR DAYS Of GRAND ENTERTAINMENT Baloon Ascensions Grand Midway Team Pulling Contests ---7 For $150 Prices Shooting Tournament, Log Sawing Contest, Tug of War, Baby Show, I'rizes for Stock: Poultry, etc. IVic for Horse Race, $150.00 Music by Fourth Regiment and Other Bands REMEMBER THE DATE Atlilrc.:s all Communications to 49 ' Another Bi Trus The Pommer Eilet Music Company of San Fraucisco aud the Eiler Mu3ic House, of Portland, have consolidatsd for the purpose of monopolizing the music business of the coast. They are strongly opposed to retail dealers making purchases of any other firm than themselves, and because we have found it to the advantage of our trade to buy our pianos and organs direct from the factory, they have been mating a vain attempt to injure us. By buying direct from the factory we are enabled to cut off the percent age which the Eilers are anxious to secure by their would-be monopoly, and we will give our customers the full benefit of this saving. The reduction in our prices since making sec our new goods. gT. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE 3 j: " Roseburg, Oregon. Professional Cards. Q.EOIWE M. BROWS, " ' Attorney-at-Law," Court Houa BUblBCRi. Ok; Q V F1SUEE, M. D, Pli3sician, jiurgeon. OiEce over P. O. UoseBLao, 'Phone Main 591. Uuoox. Qtt.UEO. E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. oBit Her lew 8;l. fbona. Maiu U EObEBCE'J oaioa JgLMER V. HOOVKR, PHYSICIAN ANI SCRGEON. -Roaancsa Oesoox Special atteaiioa m'rt ta Dlae et Um Som mm l amak. Otr.ce Maia SL. on- door analkol Ci hhoua. Mala Ml. IjH p W 1IAYNE-S, DENTIST. ariew Suil lln, tciepaooe 5o. i. ausKBrad oaetioa E.M.CHE.VDLE, DENTIST. OOceoppoail wmin.;l RiHBrRG OR! A U. CRAWfO&D, Attorney at Law, Kootaa 1 t, HaxMra Hit.. 06XB0Ka, OK 7 Boaiora. before ta. V a Laa4 0Seaa4 iutc( caa a tpeaaity. Lata Reorlrer 0. S. Laa4 0Ae John h. shcfe, attornk y-at-la w, P.tBCao, Oaseow, Buataoi. before C- S. Land OSkaal Probst. kai!M apeelfetf. OtB Abraham BaiUUnc ' J U FI LLERIUN Attoruey-at-Law. rt if xnl- la all tbe bate and Fedanl CoarU Oftce In La.-ka' Ri !-, Koactent. Orecon. 10 1 JMMODORK S. JACKSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. M;mtig Law and Water Right made a aj laity. .auraB,J EOe.KBCRU.U&XGOs W. BSNSON, At torney-at-Law. onia 1 and J view BuiMlmr. ROSKBCKW.OaKWH J A. BUCHANAN, NaUry Public. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room 3 an ten Bu Mluf . BOSXBCRG.Oa H. j. noEisErr, Attorney at Law. foAM 11 TmtI ii-. Wiliwii Bluck IvfWBC HQ JUM 1 ' A. Il.tRAT. Cl.SCHUtltl gF.HLP.RKDF. & GRAY, LAWYERS rraetk-e In aU ol the eotnt. ot the late, aiao tlore the U. Laal dejortmenu Taj '.or llaoa Btork, VaI.k Piihlic til nffic l'h.ini Main JS . R0SKBCK.0. ORE. 1 A. I A v t A X ( A. i A A, A f A 1 i A A V- A A t A A 1 A A A A A y A fx our new arrangements will . v v Ify-iwant U g-) t- C t'ounty '. jxints, tate the Ilosebur , JIar-iifleld : route, spring backs h-ava PorvL-drg every day at A. M. Iu juire of C. P. liaruard.arcnt. tf. INSURANCE AT C05T. II '-ad OiBce, 51:5l.nnT:t;-, Or. f-a insurance ia frce, til,' tu.'O.CO et gain in one year, Savins its members I vr., .),' -I.iO ' Number separate risks, A. J. Buchanan, Rodeburg, Oreg-m. Agt. for Douglas Co UMIVER5ITY OF OREGOi EUGENE, OREGON. The first Semester, session 1002-5, opens Wednesday September 17th. The following' schools and Colleges are comprised in the University. Graduate Sdiord fY.lVo rf I Literature, Science aud Art?, College of Science and En Igineenng, Umversxty Academy, School cf .Music, School Tuition free, excepting ana .Music. Jneidenttal fe 2.50 per year. Cost of per3-ear. For catalogue, address REGISTRAR OF 3 l7 P V-V.-.V.V.V.W.V.V. V.SW.V.-.V.V.V.SV..V.VaV.V.V.V.V 5 5 SIFA'PR'fs RAk'PDV JsctKio i,.,t. v . WK ARE STILL IN TIIK I.EAI WITH OI K Fine Cream and Homemad B read We came to Ro-Nir2 to !.:v, and if we cot as lit il a jtre of the trade iu the future ia thv jst?t, -ie wi;i t !,crp a l.-.r t!a,e yet. Join in the procession wil cost ivrs eua W" Hra con tinually paaiug ia and tU of 1 ur -i.iv. THE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. :: J. SIEVERS, Proprietor 5 - ; ' . Vc . PARK AND WASHINGTON. PORTLAND OREGON Tlie school where thoronsrh work is doze; where the rc-sm !j always given; where confidence is developed; where hvohkecr;-.;: is taught exactly as books are kept made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hur.:-t:ti brokkecpers and stenocrraphers have been elr.c-:c ! f r m-.ct- life: where tVvusands mere will be. 0;?.i r!! t' c yc:r. C.. c "A. p. Ar,:.:sTP.ONG. ll. d.. p.-:;:; . A CAR LOAD Mitchell ALL 5IZE5, Also a car load HisniT am! 31ilfhcll Duzv. Surms of the famous . ,", . . . an.! Koail raons ctibanl If you wish comfort, elegance an a reasonable price, see us before buying J. P. Barker & ROSKBURG, OREGON H H? &&bt&fb&&k'Sb "What everybody says must be so." THE NEW TRLBY and the WILSON AIRTIGHT Are the two P.KST HKATKRS ever S. K. SYKES, Hardware. 1 T 1 r 4.' JL 9m surprise you. Call and . t g IT HELPS YOU t keep your u.i:i ! clear and fresh for, th'.- -iaiiy LiL-Ioe-- pr. ;cn.-! if yvx cjl bnra 1 U-ti.-lit at Xiif (.:.' brvad t.a le lrju; the ti -ar. aa 1 i a!ar FRESH AND CLEAN " Nc l'ifii..- c;,;., Nr:h Jockoa ?tr. in school of Law, Medicine :o.oo. Studert-Ucdv tax living from $100.00 to 520000 THE UNIVERSITY, . Eugene, Oregon . , .... r... ia business ; whs re s. IS Wagons JUST ARRIVED Th J?-.aaUaUt.UaUaU :- . a a V . I M Go. ce 015P, nnwimrg, ure. v i, v, 1 ieat the City Ila . Etand,, etc, A. .Mc Cam.; Her, ( ' tf ;U JYl. S. WALLIS, Secretary. A VLS,jz is : : w v.-n n n : - :. s' ; a ..s :t5i' v S a