Oregon Hi u tor i ca 1 Society PORTLAND TWICE-A- dvertising ob Printing la busy seasons brings you yoor 6hare of trade; Is a very importai.t fact; r u busings, k'vor liilutiDii re- J advertising in dnll sea- ! sons brings yoa yoor share, and also t tbat of the merchant who "can't af i ord" to advertise. X fle.-rfs no credit on s good 4 basmeas Loose. Let cs do yonr Job Printing we f?oarantee jt tQ , lu 0 every way satisfactory. I : Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. k m.mA.mm..A.mmvmm..m.L.mm..mmlMLm AAA F WW WW WW fWfff W www WW WW WWwW WWW Vol,. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1902. No. 72 i A I OOCOOOO00000X000XXX0XOOOCOCX0000 K. A. BOOTH, A.C.MAESTERS, II. C. G ALKY, 9 President, Douglas County Bank, , Established I883. Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. W. BEXSOS, R. A. BOOTH, J. H. BOOTH, J. T. BRIDGES . J. F. KELLY, A. C. MARSTERS, K. L. MILLER. . A general banking business transacted, and customers given every 0 accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking.. X Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The place to" STRONG FlTRNITlTRP THRR S A complete line of Blankets and Comforts that are excellent iu quality and reasonable in j rice. a 5 Just recieved a new line from small up to 'Jxi2 and in price from $1.25 to $30- g j Our store is full of good things and. we can fit jj Sup your home complete and it will be up to date if b 0 g you-buy of us S k s Brino; Us Your ... FOR CASH J. F. BARKER S CO 3 Kruse & .ace Our prices are always right 1 lltL "wlUO? . and stock complete Groceries... . g ...Also a full line of. DEVER'S HTXOtL BLEND aGrXCieZCL coffee Seea.s Highest price paid for Produce. Give us a call OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. Kruse & Newland U KANT BEET HOUR SHUSE for WARE TRY 'EM FLINT'S POPULAR SHOE STORE Opposite First National Bank Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. IB 11 -AND- TAicj.u Riii'jjrg, MlMhaiU Staj ring Hack leaves Boeebnrg Every Morning ot C o'clock, Cashier Incorporated 1901. find them is at S of rugs rangiug in size i Vice President. Remember the place B. VV. STRONG, I 3g jacmon ar. 1 CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. OR TRADE Newland good cooking, is to have good 1 1 1 IE 1 EMPIRE Liver 4 Feed find ale gfaMes C. P. Baenabd, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs at all hours Transient Stock gven very bes care Rates always reasonable bine for all paints on Coos Bay, Good LATE NEWS SUMMARIZED. State, General and Foreign News Con densed for the Perusal of the Busy Reader. A raid was made on tiie falcon at the entrance olthe Presidio, Cal., reservat ion last week and 33 soldiers and 10 civilian were arrested. t ire destroyed the hophouse belong ing to Mr. Caoady, living a few mile west of Eugene. The logs amoints to about f 10). Tlie transport Kilpntriek lias arrived at San Francisco from Manila with "CO Soldiers on board. Two deaths rented drt ing the voyage. inrongtioui me ,uiteu Mates lite auuiveisarv of the death of President McKinley was generally observed by services in churches. A reort from Mauila is to the eff ct that Colonel Rafferty, of the Fith Cavalry, died at !?an Felie fnm injuries received in a fall a week ago. An eiiot has gone forth in alt Ijike City stating that no newly married wo man will be empitived W the Boa id of Education to teach in thesehooU of that Clt". A 10-im li gun has Uen tnad in the East thit bus a rpne of 40 mile. Just a little nui.e im(ovenient and we can stay at home and go to wr at the pime time. ChiTchea in New York Lavo Wun to ad)t resolution demanding arbitration in tlie coal strike situation. The First Union Pieshyterian churxh was the first to set the example. The burning gusher at Reanmoiit, Tex., ceased flowing of its own accord yester day, and tlie fioe was easily extinguishes. A smfii'Mering fire at the big tank is al! that remains of the flames. In a fight .between a force of n.it.ve constabulary and the Rios laud of i le concilables in Tayahas, I.uxon, 18 of the band were killed and 2."i captured. The constabulary suffered no loss. The lice of Cincinnati are holding a man named Joeph Schmitz, who ig said to have made threats against the life of President Roosevelt. A thorough in vestigation is being made. Advices from Calcutta state that 25 villiages in the southern part of the Presidency of Bengal have been swept away by floods and that G003 people were reported homeless. A dispatch from Trenton, J., states that Adjetant tieneral A. C. Oliphant has suffered a stroke of jaralygis and is in a criticall condition. It i faarel that be will not recover. The grain crop in the Paluuse cxrntry will 1 full as large this year as it was last. Abort two-thirds of the c."op bps leen harveste 1 and the grain is being i api lly stored ia the warehouses. Citizens of Victoria, B. C, witnessed the flight of a brilliant meteor which shot above that city Monday night. It came aerobe the Olympic Mountains and ased directly over the city. Ihe Tread well mines, at Jnnean, Alaska, have been flooded as the result of a downpour of rain which la; ted 31 hours, canshui considerable damage and several landslides of Douglas Island. Favorable progress has been reiiorlc' in the treatment of ten cases of lepry now in the hospital at Havana. Cnl. The disease in being treated with a sa've and tonic made from mangrove e-lract which is proving very effective. In a quarrel in Gentry's bop yards near Brownsville, Tuesday, J. L. Cooper craektd the skull of ieo. McCamer bv staking him w ith a chair. McCamey is unconscious and not expected to re cover. Hon. Martin Booth, of I ainier, states that he will intriHluce a bill in the next Legislature tbat will radically chant the road statutes in a number of coun t e here the roads are so extremely baJ. HeexK.vtsto revolutionize road work. William . Stratton, the discoverer of Cripple Creek, anil one of the wealth iest men in the state of Colorado, died at his home in Colorado Springs last night. H was a man whose private charities were "boundless, and his intere t in public welfare was without lim t. A new company is being organized by James M. Moore, secretary of the Board of trade, to Iks known as the Oregon Pa cific Trading Company. The object of which will be to'develop' trade with Asia, A 'ilea, Australia, the Philippines and Hawaii and represent tlie met chants of Po. tlaml in these countnesby establish ing resident agents, and securing the services of a fust-class man who will travel in these countries. Jenks Haven't yon aad that neigh boring farmer settled your differences yet? Farmer AkersXo ; but our lawyers have settled. Jenks -Settled? How? Farmer Akers On onr farms. I A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and as on riding for life, 13 miles to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, W. II. Brown, of Lcesvillc, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now dleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneu monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds Mid Grip prove its matchless merit for a'.l Throat and Lung troubles. Guaran teed bottles 50c and fl. Trial bottles free at A C Marsters drug store. Notice for Bidders. Bids for digging and bricking a well for ti e Edenbower School will !e re ceived by the School Board on or before Bept. 20, For particulars see or address, F. A. McCall, 11P) ' Dist. Clerk, LATEST In the Wake of the Flames Bank Blown UpAn Alaska Gusher Mrs. Waggoner Elopes Reports of tlie great forest each successive bit of intelligence but adds to the tale of woe, ruin and disaster that sea of flame that warpped miles of settlements, and valu able timber in the atmosphere of destruction. Without doubt, reports of loss of life weeks to come, as exploration tinues. Vast areas of land of every semblance of human habitation and the shock to the rural districts is appalling. ' M. L. Smith, who arrived iu Vacouvcr from the burning district Tuesday night re ports that the bodies of six people have been found dead in a trail leadiug through a stretch of country about four miles wide, between Mie Canyon andSauson Creeks, eight miles noith of Bell's Mouniaiu, aud 15 settlers residiug in that district are missing, a number of whom, if not all, have Derislied in the hip fire. , . l( . . whole country iu this region practically every cue living less. The 1 ; settlers referred for, aud the supposition is that they have perished. The report that six people have been found dead on a trail while fleeing from the flames is said to be given ou good author ity. Subsequent reports serve to show that the loss of life in the Bell's Mountain fust supposed. ESTIMATES OF PARTIAL LOSSES. Clackamas Count', O Tillamook County, Or Lane County, Or Josephine County, Or Clatsop County, Or Gray's Harbor, Wash Marion County, Or Clark Count', Wash Total '. $1,459,000 Xot including timber losses. BANK BLOWN TO Seattle, Sept. it. A Skagway, Alaska, says: At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon an unknown man walked into the Canadian Bank of Com merce, a revolver in one hand and a dyuamite bomb in the other, and demanded $20,000 or threatened to blow all to eternity. Cashier Pooley and Teller Wallace were the ou ly two iu the bank. Wallace ducked to get his gun and ran quickly to the back of the room, yelling for l'ooley to do the same. "No you don't," yelled the man, and dropped the bomb. The two cler';s the rear window. The bankroom was wrecked, the un known had his head smashed and one arm torn off; a hole was torn in the right wall of the bank, the front windows were blown clear across the street, and money was scatter ed to the four winds. ALASKA'S FIRST GUSHER. Seattle, Sept. 17. A special to the Times from Val- dez, Alaska, says: The first was struck at Cotclla on September 1 at a depth of 200 feet. The gusher took everything away and rose 150 feet before being finally capped. The oil is of good qualhy, being valued at $4 a barrel at the well. MRS. WAGGONER ELOPES. Chehalis, Sept. 16. Chehalis has added another chap ter to the famous Merrill-Tracy episode. As a closing chap ter to the story of the finding of Dave Merrill's body near here a few weeks ago by Mrs. Mary Waggoner, of Napa- viue, this one comes as a stunner. Mrs. Waggoher and Ben Merrill, a brother of the dead outlaw, have eloped fom Chehails together, and it is presumed are in Seattle togeth er. Night Watchman Towusend and others saw them off. Mrs. Waggoner has a husband, David Waggoner, near Napavine, where he works in has three married daughters. to be over 40 years of age, but about 30. REFUSES TO ' Des Moines, la., Sept., fused to reconsider his. withdrawal from the Congressional race in the Third Iowa District. This morning the follow ing telegraphic reply was received in response to a re quest to reconsider his action: 'Dubuque la., Sept. 16. W. Rathbun, Des Moines, la. ly appreciated, but cannot spent in fighting for my country, state and district, I can not acquiesce in administering freee-trade poison to cure the trust evil, which I abhor. "D. B. Henderson." A THOUSAND CHINEESE BUTCHERED. London, Sept. '16. A News Agency dispatch from Pekin says Catholics here understand that from 300 to 1000 converts have been killed by Boxers in tho province of See Chueu. NEWS. fires continue to come in and reeks in the wake of the mighty and property will pour in for of the burned ; districts con in Clark County are divested Mr. Smith savs that the . - it . is wiped clean by the fire and there has be:n rendered home to have not been accounted region is greater than was at $1,000,000 r9,o)C iofooc 5,ooo 50.000 200,000 ..... 35ooo 100,000 SMITHEREENS. special to ihe Times frora had by this time gotten out of flow of petroleum in Alaska a logging camp. She also The woman does not appear Merrill is younger, probably RECONSIDER. 17. Speaker Henderson re Messrs Lafe Young and S. Your joint telegram sincere reconcider, for after an age SHOT THROUGH HEART. Cal Griffin in Jail at Grant's Pe Charged Willi the Willful Mur der of Edwin Johnson. Cbants Pass, Kept. 10. I'm ties ai rived last night from Waldo, and hroegiit in details of the tdiooiuig jfr.iy that ocruieil there the night pievioiw iu which Edwin Johnson was killed by Ci1 (iri.Iin. The two men, with several ntheis, had been drinking, and Johnson, being of a itiai relrome n:tioe, tried to find tiouble from varion n-embers of theciowd. (iriiliu was tlie otilv one who was prepared to arcoiniiKxiute him Johnson railed Ciritlina few bad names, and on lx-ui'i told to shut up struck (iriflin in the fare. (iri.Tin wa timed w i;h a levolver. On rt-reiviux tlie blow he ilu-w his we. J k 11 and commenced fir ing. Johnson was unarmed, anil at tempted to tlee. (iritii.i fired thiee shots. One of them pierced Johnson's heat t, the second entered his side, and the third i"aeJ throi'gii his neck. (irilfiin gave himself up and awaited the ariival of the sheriff. A prelimina ry tiial was held at Waldo yesterday aiteruoon, and Gridin was. b.nnd over to a.iit tiial at the coming term of Circuit Court. Johnson was 2:1 years of ap, (iriifin is alsjtit ICi years of age, and has Is.rne the repetatioa of lieing a ipiiet and or- f derly man. The evidence as produce-! t th rdiin-lllJirv. lrialWilJI TeiyU)Qch against him, as it appeared that there was no carse for bis shooting. The af fray has canned much comment here. From the Glendate Newt. Pny Ecals visited here lai-t Sunday. M. D. Zuight is Wilding a new cot tage in No'th ii!eudal. Jame Cleminens, our tentorial artist, is jut completing his new residence on on North Sid. Many carloads of bimter are being continpidlr flopped by the (ilenda'e LuniherCo. tivariora points in Cai -forma. David Kyle Las jn-t completed his labors a carpenter on the luudsotnc par-onsge of the Presbyterian church. C. E. Dougherty, who-e ranch is one and one-half miles notth of town is building a fine, larj.e two-st 'rydwell'iig. Mis Nora Miser, daughter o.' Pot-ma-ter Mer of Stirveout, is now at- ti-m'ii'.i t the duties of the ten ia'.e pwto.Tic. O.t two bote! a e - cror.de.l i itb C"e!s th.'t to sdverii-o uo'i' i jwve a detiiment rather thsn adv?nl at tl.i time. h.it the t--n nevd r -r.-t is a go d ie-icrai.t, rn 1 a p. a-t:c?I -e. nn with a little capital con 1 1 do well here in that bite. The V flume of the tilend.U Lrmber C. is s n to lie ejkti n'ed l.nni it pre ent termini!-, a quarter ofanoieiiom the depot. t- ttieir grounds near the road frojti.ig twu. At the pi.et,t termini: on the north h.nk of Cow Ctet-k, the fin me is aliout 25 feet above ground. The faclmy is tobebinltat the new tcriniiin.". Biiines U ijiMte lively alout the tiol I Hog and vi-imty. The electric li.hSs at the tt-dd livt are quite brilliant. Things are tirring at t.'ie Uent.i none. Dave Johnson has a tlatteii ig p.vpect on Kenben Cieek ; be has a Mnall for-e of men employed and hopes to develop one of the fcest mine in Southern Ore gon. Cholly May Oabole tells me you said tiusMe tiajboy a id I would never find any girls to marry ns lcanse we are too fatiiiioi. Mi as Pe,.je. v There was a slight mioundei standing theie. I said were "two fast idiots." vou Not Doomed for Life. "I was treated for three years by good diK'tors," writes W A Greer, MeCou nellsville, ()., '"for Piles, and Fistula, but, when all failed, Bucklen's Arnica salve cured me in two weeks." Cures Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Eruptions, Salt Kheuin, Piles or no pay. 25c at A C Marsters drug vtoro. tlcrvoua Prostration ccred by DR. PIERCE'S GOIDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. "I am an engineer by trade and the hard work and worry of running a large engine brought on nervous prostration," wri'.es Mf. Chas. F. Dixon, of Arbncklc, Colusa Co., Calif. "A biend recom mended Dr. Pierce's Golden Medica' Discovery to me ami I bought one bot tle; thought that it helped me so con tinued the use of it uutil I had taken six bottles. I feel better than ever in my life. Am not a particle nervous, can work hard all day and sleep sound at night. I not only think so but I know that the "Golden Medical Discovery' cured me and therefore I will recom mend it to others." Dr. Ptorct't PtttuMBt fMs rtftatu CA ftowJ o4 Msnulatt Un luaJ nm I 1 Are you particular about your IF YOU AP.R C-LL AT CURRIER'S . AND ASK Price is no higher and Currier's, I OPFNINQ OF Golf Skirting A very heavy quality, measurin 56 inches wide in all colors. t Venetian Cloth inches wide, an excellent fabric for tailormade waterproof suits. KC03' Corsets ..We are the agents for the "Kebo" Corsets and have a large assort ment, in the latest French styles, on hand. The newest of the kind is the "Kebo" Form-Reducing corset; SlyliSh fill SaltS.Stylish Youths SbS Men and Boys' shos in good qualities and moderate prices. V I Ih Wollenberg Bros. v v W.V.WWANW.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.VAV.VAVWV'.V.V D rain COOS BHY STKCE ROUTE vjiiiraravii:- .in .u?o-jay, thefare frjrn Draia t Coj j Bit. 5.1 T hve po?i:i 1 or more. Ail excess b--. 3 per 'aJ, aid no ai 'lowance wiii oe maoe for ruaj.-l trip. DAILY STAGE. For farther infornaation a Idress Malbg U!ni Look Pleasant i ea f!,v fo o vrnei !,e 0:e.i hes p3o-Ki; ; iaeai'y wo.t, n.ier be ia,! reit . bone f o j tie !:-:, g laundry, th- r.ii who loves f.Miitie- inen and u,vt-date lanndrying a'waes wreathe bis face in sn'le.. Ih'.ioj warm weather onr nietn.nis ot' laumi, ing linen and colored shirt, white vei, etc.,hhows itself in the leagth of time they keep fresh and c lea in. ill ii im KODAKS! They've gone and done it again Done away with developing. A little machine to de velope film negatives in daylight without going to a darkroom. Any child can operate it. See this won derful invention at our store. Chuf chilli & Woolley. Cause and Effect. Responsive to tha tvwh. and perfect in tore an I action, tlie Vose piano has secured a hold on popular favor accorded to none other. It is a standard instroV mont, oi the highest trade. Unexcelled in a singlo feature of merit. Na better piano made. Not high priced, either. Sold at exceedingly low figures for cash, or on easy time payments. Everyone warranto. W. A. BURR & CO. STOP! They are now hx-atel iu the new Hendricks block, one dior south of the Railroad Fating House THP RPCT bkk mmm ',m'm.- IIIUUUOI MBa Wwtn1 a -mr mm. m A fnll nnd complete lino of Ciffars, and Tobacco, Candies, Nuts, Frosts, w Coffee, Tea and Spices GROCERY FOR every can guaranteed Lea. Grocer FALLJGOODS .Black Venetian Cloth, full co 3- Fall suits and Boys.- w for Men, On Stoi Stoi. ji ju Liv! aa i airJar xce uardioer jannary 'jj. 02 . we w wUl charge tr.50 for S ridi each fn'l fare, 3j . , , , . i . . Bl-vri allowance w r J". R. Sawyers, iropuetor, L'nun, Oregon 7.! r--:i H i m the dark-room in i t --r-' i ft .?r lA - : . - - tJ. ' r, i - r NORMAN & COMPANY Etc. v